emilekm2142 0340c3426a final
2020-01-09 21:13:45 +01:00

43 lines
876 B

Night over Belgrade
Night over Belgrade quiet
It came in the stead of the day.
Remember how brightly flashed
Raging Thunder fire.
Remember the hour of horror,
Black cars flying ...
Squeeze the heart, listen:
Night singing a song!
The flame of anger burning in his chest!
Flames of anger, a campaign we lead the way!
Paycheck ready!
Death for death! Blood for blood!
In the battle, the Slavs! Dawn to come!
Whispering reeds on the meandering ...
Softly sings the Danube ...
The corpses of people tortured
His brothers find out!
Sky Croatia sweet,
Stones Carpathian Mountains ...
Formidable swear by the power of
Give rebuff to the enemy!
People will fall awakened!
A bold call sounds!
Ashes land destroyed
In our hearts pounding!
In the sky, war - conflagration.
Motherland is calling us!
Together forward, comrades!
On the forward enemy!
Chorus. 1942