2020-01-06 14:46:37 +01:00

27 lines
694 B

Red flag
Forward people to the rescue!
Red flag, red flag!
Forward people to the rescue!
Red flag will triumph
Red flag will triumph
Red flag will triumph
Red flag will triumph
Long live communism and freedom!
Forward people, and Guinta time!
Who does not work, who does not work.
Forward people, and guinte time!
Who does not work does not eat you!
Who does not work does not eat you!
Who does not work does not eat you!
Who does not work does not eat you!
Long live communism and freedom!
O proletarian, glorious array,
Unfurl the red flag sun!
Workers, to the rescue!
Red flag will triumph!
Red flag will triumph
Red flag will triumph
Red flag will triumph
Long live communism and freedom!