2020-01-06 14:46:37 +01:00

32 lines
766 B

The boy (boy was taken near Irkutsk)
The boy was taken into Irkutsk.
He is sixteen years in all.
Like pearls on a clean saucer
Shone his teeth.
Above him a week mocked
Japanese officer in prison
And he was smiling all the time,
Like, nothing, "niponime".
For him drove his mother out of the house,
Led time led five -
And he said: "we do not know"!
And he smiles again.
He Japanese "Mikado"
Threatens, yells: "Admit it myself!"
And they struck the boy's butt
According to the famous pearls.
But the members of the Komsomol in the interrogation
Not cowards and do not tell.
Not for nothing are the Order of the Red
They are too many years in a row.
And he died, the fate of accepting,
As befits a young,
Face forward, hugging the ground,
we will not give that!