2020-01-06 14:46:37 +01:00

24 lines
784 B

Tschapajews death (Гибель Чапаева) - Немецкий
The steppe wind howled, ran the freezing rain.
It sneaks up on the enemy in the dark.
"Chapayev, so stop that! It sleeps your flock.
Seize your weapons! It threatens you with danger! "
Ural - Ural - you mightier FluЯ.
No sound and no WarnungsschuЯ.
They shot, the last cartridges.
What was life, jumped into the waters Gebraus,
Pursued by the balls. They swam to the country.
Since the Chapayev arrives SchuЯ in hand.
Ural - Ural - you mächt`ger FluЯ.
No sound and no AbschiedsgruЯ.
Now flieЯ 'to the brothers, you bleeding FluЯ.
Tell 'as Chapayev has gemuЯt die,
And muЯ 'he die, he goes before us,
It speaks his voice from each gun.
Ural - Ural - you mightier FluЯ.
Bring him our FreiheitsgruЯ.