2020-01-06 14:46:37 +01:00

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We want peace in the world
Again war mongers black
Feral rage people are full,
But we will not allow anyone
Take away our share of light!
Friends, we will remember forever sacred:
For happiness is born into the world man!
And we will not allow anyone
Take away our share of light!
We stand for a lasting peace!
We are for bright world!
We are for peace in all the earth!
Everywhere for the right to life and work
People just go on the deed.
Everyone has a place in the spacious world -
And white, and yellow, and black!
We have our friendship mighty strong
We want happiness, do not want war -
Everyone has a place in the spacious world -
And white, and yellow, and black!
We stand for a lasting peace!
We are for bright world!
We are for peace in all the earth!
People with hope for the youth look,
Users of our struggle followed.
So be strong and stubborn,
And the truth, and right behind us!
We have thousands of thousands, and happiness is waiting for us,
And the great Stalin is ahead!
So be strong and stubborn,
And the truth, and right behind us!
We stand for a lasting peace!
We are for bright world!
We are for peace in all the earth! 1950