emilekm2142 0340c3426a final
2020-01-09 21:13:45 +01:00

37 lines
822 B

In Moscow, in a remote area,
The twelfth house from the corner,
Wonderful girl Tonya,
According to residency, he lived.
This house on the trail
I wandered without feeling legs.
And the guy was not generally timid,
But - I could not explain.
And as I guessed, my friends,
And he still does not understand,
The love in front of her to confess
Entrust his pal.
In the evening singing harmony,
And there was a blue sky,
Then I went to Tone
My friend with my behalf.
But how long was I offended,
Cursing himself secretly,
When I saw them together
At a dance in the garden factory.
And my heart beat irregularly,
And I bitterly uttered:
- Goodbye, Antonina Petrovna -
Unsung song of mine!
In love, we must act boldly
Tasks to decide for himself.
And it is serious business
Can not be entrusted to anyone! 1954