2020-01-06 14:46:37 +01:00

29 lines
834 B

long-haul flights
Wide, wide, my native land!
Clouds, Bolshakov, copses yes, yes field ...
Just look over the threshold - in the lives of thousands of roads,
Well, I managed to find a ...
After me the sun is shining,
And in the cabin a fresh breeze,
And leading the way forward ...
Well, if you go on a long voyage for many days!
Well, if you get along with your machines!
And in the winter and spring, and in a blizzard, and in the dead heat
I habitually carry her away ...
There are ups, downs, fords,
There are sharp turns,
But ahead leading the way ...
And I love to look as prettier native land!
I love, I love the space and the wind naughty.
And you will understand the wheel, there is always any rise
It remains somewhere behind.
But life, she, too,
On the steep climb looks like!
And leading the way forward in 1958 ...