2020-01-06 14:46:37 +01:00

30 lines
549 B

Интернационал - Тагальский
Establishing, in pagkakabusabos
Founding, slaves of hunger!
Katarungáy volcano erupt
The final judgment.
Bands of kahapóy cut off.
We are oppressed tumble!
We ngayoy bondage,
But ours tomorrow.
ITOY final clash
Magkaisát generalize!
the International
No other reliable
Deity or savior,
So our kaligtasáy
In our actions.
Workers, withdraw resources
Kaisipáy free.
The mallet is our handle,
Kinabukasáy forge.
ITOY final clash
Magkaisát generalize!
the International
Mankind. 1980