2020-01-06 14:46:37 +01:00

32 lines
888 B

He first went through the smoke of the fires,
His death in battle waylaid,
But that way, where comrade fell,
My country has led to the victory.
Above brimstone dalyu wounded cropland
Dawn was engaged, sad and misty ...
He was the best friend of our,
And his name was - Communist.
He was the first in the land of harsh,
Face to face, he met with the taiga.
Where he passed, the city grew a new,
Then rose up the dam over the river.
Life goes it dear fearless,
And this path is difficult and sometimes flinty.
He was the best friend of our,
And his name - Communist.
His dream, as the world is enormous,
His stubbornness cosmos conquered,
And next to it, millions today
Ordinary people, brave as he was.
All the forces of I will give to the happiness of the Motherland,
And I'll be brave heart and clean,
To become at the forefront of our lives,
To call me - Kommunist.1959