2020-01-06 14:46:37 +01:00

23 lines
796 B

Distant, good
Oh, you zimushka cold The cold winter ...
Oh, you, the birthplace Distant, Siberian land ...
I remember the mound and deep snow,
And Distant favorite taiga ...
I remember the fog and taiga glade
I remember a favorite Distant taiga ...
Oh, you, the birthplace Distant, Siberian land ...
Oh, you sweet Distant podruzhenka my ...
Evenings by the fire after a gloomy day
Do you remember, good, me?
Do you remember the evening on the day of our last meeting?
Do good Distant remember me? ...
Oh, you sweet Distant podruzhenka my ...
Oh, you zimushka cold The cold winter ...
You methylation, blizzard, methylation, noticing all the way -
All the same, you do not sweep my way!
It is better for you and the cute flight Naushki her whisper you
That home distant ways not to sweep! 1947