2020-01-06 14:46:37 +01:00

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Marsh July 26 - Spanish and Russian
Marchamos, vamos hacia un ideal,
Sabiendo que hemos de triunfar.
En aras de Paz y prosperidad
lucharemos todos por la Libertad!
Adelante, cubanos!
Que Cuba premiara nuestro heroismo!
Pues somos soldados
Que vamos a la Patria liberar,
Limpiando con fuego
Que arrase con esa plaga infernal
De gobernantes indeseables,
Y de tiranos insaciables,
Que a Cuba han hundido en el mal!
For the truth
We are fighting our people!
We know -
In combat, we have a victory awaits!
for happiness
Flowering native country,
For Peace and Freedom
Come on, we fight!
Chagall, Cubans!
We will reward good fortune country!
People's favorites,
We are the sons of the solar republic.
We do not have to slavery,
We are anger and determination are full!
We are against the ruthless power
And the alien pack of greedy
They raised the banner
Holy war!
Chagall, Cubans!
We will reward good fortune country!
People's favorites,
We are the sons of the solar republic.
We do not have to slavery,
We are anger and determination are full!
We are against the ruthless power
And the alien pack of greedy
They raised the banner
Holy War! 1960