emilekm2142 0340c3426a final
2020-01-09 21:13:45 +01:00

33 lines
697 B

Pioneers of the Soviet country
Above the ground song loudly rushing,
Above the ground sounds of horn can be heard.
This song greet the sun
Pioneers of the Soviet country.
All the characters by name knowing
In each case full of enthusiasm,
Keep Eyes on the banner proudly -
Pioneers of the Soviet country!
/ Pioneers, pioneers,
Pioneers of the Soviet country! 2p. /
Pravda Lenin delivered to the saints,
Party wise hearted faithful,
Since childhood, homeland like guys
Pioneers of the Soviet country.
Will be re-ignited the dawn,
Will dream songs are born.
They believe in the peaceful skies of the planet
Pioneers of the Soviet country.
/ Orchestral loss /