2020-01-06 14:46:37 +01:00

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1003 B

Respeto al Che Guevara
Since this song performed by peasant musicians who fought alongside Che Guevara and Fidel, the song is performed not on a pure literary Spanish. The Cuban version of Spanish farmers usually do not pronounce the letter "S", especially if it is at the end of the word. Also some of the words in the finished part, "the ADA," when they are cutting shear last two letters and only pronounce the first letter "A" on this, rather than "emboscada" (ambush) have "embo'cá".
'Written when there should be a letter "S"
So it perform:
Procura re'petar al Che Guevara.
Evítate un problema con Fidel.
Las cosa 'de Raúl hay que pensarla',
lo 'rebelde' son difícil de coger.
Procura no encontrarte con Almeida,
con Camilo, y con Guillermo y otros más.
Hay que verle 'la' cara 'a lo' soldado '
cuando lo 'rebelde' le hacen una embo'cá '.
Ahora Batista e 'presidente
y má 'tarde Ca'devilla e' general.
El que vote en l'eleccione 'de Batista
lo 'frijole' má 'tarde ha de guisar.