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2020-01-09 21:13:45 +01:00

42 lines
759 B

Song about Shchors
It was a detachment of the bank,
It was far away,
It was under the red flag
The commander of the regiment.
tied around the head,
Blood on the sleeve,
Trail of blood spreads
On wet grass.
"Boys, whose will you,
Who leads you in the fight?
Who under the red flag
The wounded man is? "
"We are the children of farm laborers,
We stand for a new world,
Schors goes under the banner -
Red Army commander.
The hunger and cold
His life is gone,
But not for nothing is spilled
His blood was.
Behind the cordon rejected
Ferocious enemy,
Tempered in his youth,
road "honor us.
The silence on the shore,
Silent voice,
Sun down slopes,
The dew falls.
Dashing cavalry rushes,
Heard the sound of hooves,
Red banner of Schorsa
The wind noise. 1936