2020-01-06 14:46:37 +01:00

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Tormented by severe nilly
Tormented by severe nilly,
You slept a glorious death ...
In the struggle for the workers' cause
You head fairly laid ... 2 times
I served you long, but honestly
For the good of their native land ...
And we, your brothers in the case,
You in the cemetery was demolished. 2 times
Our enemy is not sneered at you ...
All around you are your ...
We ourselves, my dear, shut down
Eagle thine eyes. 2 times
Not the mountain, we weighed the soul,
Not tears shining in the eyes,
When we were saying goodbye to you,
Earth filled your ashes. 2 times
No, we only have stifled anger!
We have to battle with the enemies torn
And avenge you mercilessly
Over your ashes vowed! 2 times
With you, one way to us;
How are you, we are in prisons rot.
How do you, for your business
We will carry our heads. 2 times
How are you, we are, perhaps, serve as
Only ground for new people,
Only a terrible prophecy of new,
Future and the brave days. 2 times
But we know, as you know, my dear,
Soon from our bones
Will rise harsh avenger
And he will have more feasible! 2 times 1876