emilekm2142 0340c3426a final
2020-01-09 21:13:45 +01:00

27 lines
641 B

Track Pioneer
Lit happy five-pointed star,
Its our country spread the train.
There throughout our youth by the stars learn
About her my comrades at the stations are singing.
On each platform are singing,
And they sang in every car,
Good songs, funny songs
Our comrades sing!
From white to black to all other seas,
From the far east sight batteries
Carry, carry courier and adults and children,
And sings the song pioneer in group path.
Green and red lights are lit paths.
Under our cars wheels say:
- Where, where are you going? - We are going to rest.
- Why, why are you going? - We're going to sunbathe.
Chorus. 1937