2020-01-06 14:46:37 +01:00

23 lines
711 B

morse code
Sings Morse code behind a wall gay treble
Around snow, though hundreds vert traveled.
The fourth day of the blizzard of rocks Dixon.
But once you about this song better questions.
Tents dotted with shaggy stars,
Their main beam in your heart you do not extinguish.
I, too, could tell you about the North,
But once you about this song better questions.
Leaf green to take me from poplar,
In the summer a good envelopes mail Bring.
In cold weather so we need your letters warm!
But once you about this song better questions.
I domchat to you when wintering over,
Deer in the sledge, airplanes and taxis.
Believe me, I so want to see your eyes!
But once you about this song better rasprosy ...