emilekm2142 0340c3426a final
2020-01-09 21:13:45 +01:00

27 lines
574 B

Oh my fogs rastumany ...
Oh, my fogs, rastumany!
Oh, native forests and meadows!
We went to the guerrillas march
They went to war against the enemy.
In parting, the heroes said:
"Expect good news!"
And the old Smolensk road
Met intruders.
Met, fire treated,
Permanently laid in the woods
For our great sorrow,
For combustible our tears.
Since then, so the whole of the county
Villains lost peace.
Day and night the guerrilla blizzard
Over predatory buzzing head.
Do not leave uninvited stranger,
Its not see property!
He, my fogs, rastumany!
Oh, my dear storonka! 1943