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2020-01-09 21:13:45 +01:00

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+1 | farewell slavyanka march cease platform day blaze horizon c father smoky car train take away defend moscow fortyfirst fortyfive walk berlin walk soldier victory road difficult godin chorus campaign country edge native holy battle 2 time noise field bread walk motherland height happiness bad weather dear peace labor height happiness bad weather dear peace labor pripev1912
+1 | vladimirka defiant one unruly close weary sorrowful eye miserable shack rickety black past lush estate executioner basely vindictivetsarist punish punishment mine fighter send fighter go end end end accord vladimir prison old 1935
-1 | shutter enclose boundary heart hold breath till steady beating shut silence wait real know truth perception life matter feeling fade hold breath till steady beating shut know truth perception life matter feeling fade
-1 | have get secret oh yeah have get weakness be not time place face cause know not stand need tonight ya will not come right ill try save face space till time right cause need surrender not forget remember truth cause will not want wish read oh yeah know mean yeah fill page way try understand wished thing different alright be not lack try let separate way count day cause surrender not forget remember truth cause will not want surrender not forget remember truth thisll drag be s wrong surrender surrender surrender not forget remember truth cause will not want will not want surrender will not want surrender surrender surrender
+1 | field tank rumble motor flame embrace tower lick languages accept challenge destiny direct handshake expect mercy enemy sleep fire mercy explosion tower meter carry revell clank machine splinter rain chest goodbye dear calm forget forever maroussia goodbye dear goodbye hf brother body near tank complement landscape mourn derive wreckage raise hand frame shot tower gun final journey take fly telegram friend relative notify son longer return come visit sob cry mother old tear hand smahnot father darling know end tank driver gather dust card shelf forget book tankistskoy form uniform longer bride motor flame embrace tower lick languages accept challenge destiny direct handshake
-1 | spend decade build band brother bone show reefs kiss call resistance rise rise walk fire blind march echo time season change turning tide have raise sail come storm calm alike humble phalanx raise arrogance foe show find fraud bishop build nation flawed son walk fire blind march echo time season change turning tide have raise sail come storm calm alike vessel lonemanne brazen break hull wave armored archer core armor archer core means believe reverie not reach difference brother have begin live long honor fire bear season change turning tide have raise sail come storm calm alike vessel lonemanne brazen break hull wave armored archer core season change turning tide turning tide have raise sail come storm calm alike storm calm alike storm calm alike
-1 | take time away understanding bring today oh will end be happy like happy be sad like sad oh will end know not suppress memory go tell have lose will not fair person wanna cause oh will end know not perfect keep try till forget stay oh will end yeah lose meanin lose magic good luck way oh will end know not suppress memory go tell have lose will not fair person wanna cause oh will end will end give take oh away not help not wanna help know not suppress memory go tell have lose will not fair person wanna cause oh will end will end
-1 | hear desperate cry call twist arm hold hand tugging sleeve feel underlying sense urgency blind hit ground be run need place stay tonight swear ill go morning need not bear thought lose dread attention win bring day come stand string be sick people be scare life teach forget long ago hit ground be run need place stay tonight swear ill go morning need warm close eye hit ground be run need place stay tonight swear ill go morning need warm close eye heart not control choose follow leave leave lesstraveled road desperate cry grow louder know get close get close hit ground be run need place stay tonight swear ill go morning need warm close eye hit ground be run need place stay tonight swear ill go morning need warm close eye
-1 | say not let go to let eat away would cannibal baby animal like not talk feel like ambulance chaser faith pray replace forget way tear taste oh way tear taste x calendar summer deathbed simply bad know end mean say night come life world second chance come relapse anticipation line obsession call yeah call x calendar summer deathbed simply bad know end mean say night come life asleep hive guess buzzing get be alive night body symphony be conducting say not let go to let eat away x calendar summer deathbed simply bad know end mean say night come life yeah
-1 | stay rise vile final rest pour chest orchard walk peer way past gate wilt scene not wait drain cold caress stalk shadow ahead halo death departure mourner lament s martyr pledge leave sweat break brow give time end orchard walk peer way past gate wilt scene not wait drain cold caress stalk shadow ahead halo death departure mourner lament s martyr spirit paint sin ember neath skin veil pale embrace reach touch face orchard walk peer way past gate wilt scene not wait drain cold caress stalk shadow ahead release grip let sight halo death departure mourner lament s martyr
-1 | wrong direction try look unbreakable reason celebrate light conscious lie need hear have screw wrong oh fuckin god better watch fuckin s bullet fuckin second chance impression today like yesterday shell hate hell not trust eye ear lie fuck go shell hate watch rage exceed border line shell hate fear spit lie hide truth disguise reality try wrong direction lie knife not handle cut piece not hold tomorrow
-1 | oh oh yo pretty lady world get weird thing tell boy girl tell brother sister mama will know wave hand air like not care glide people start look stare dance dance dance quick mama come baby tell s word word everybody hear have get underway word code word matter will know will hear sucker djs think fly s get reason know reason try air act real cool have get realize act like fool s music use free dance not time psychological romance romance romance romance mama come baby tell s word word everybody hear have get underway word code word matter will know will hear oh oh oh word everybody hear have get underway word code word matter will know will hear word everybody hear have get underway word code word yeah matter will know will hear oh
+1 | young drill way polevoy scientist song delete man native country serve military glory glory friend 2 time teach heroescommander nearly half world combat man native country serve military glory glory friend 2 time have combat severe ready march man native country serve military glory glory friend 2 time people trust field village construction site factory man native country serve military glory glory friend 2 time carpathian peak pamir stand guard peace man native country serve military glory glory friend 2 time country soviet home miss stormy cloud man native country serve military glory glory friend 2 time 1949
-1 | welcome mother nature coward mother nature whore presence power pray death hour cut smile artifice will not recognize will not find anymore posttraumatic war machine pessimist will not believe throw away past mistake feel let weapon child let army damned try suffer silence try stop pneumatic destroyer pathetic seducer distortion sufficient someday day live life ghost find way home right kill right kill exist anguish conquer pay price watch fall key brokenmy break key pneumatic destroyer pathetic seducer distortion sufficient someday day live life utter waste tired flesh not matter not progress create ignorance irritate debris want not want hypocrite real use be alive s excuse live life
+1 | vasily great russian forge stone mountain buzz operate small factory license vasily come dawn fun command business turner chorus mountain ural rumor currently work eyebrow lead ural turner better hey vasily accept greeting eye pale blue curly hair run try guard rear photographer newspaper run shoot vasil vasilich overtake chorus minute finished chest hang medal distinction girl admire fit silent look look girl chorus mountain ural rumor currently work eyebrow lead basil vassilich thirteen year old hey vasily accept greeting 1944
+1 | grenada go step race battle apple song hold tooth oh song hitherto stores grass young steppenwolf malachite song far land drive friend saddle sing survey native land grenada grenada grenada race dream comprehend haste grammar battle language battery sunrise rise fall horse tired steppe ride apple song play squadron bow suffer violin time friend song grenada grenada grenada punch body slip ground mate leave seat see corpse bent moon dead lip whisper gren yes far region transcendental reach go friend song carry hear native land grenada grenada grenada detachment notice loss fighter apple song dopel sky softly slip later velvet sunset tear rain new song think life guy song grieve friend grenada grenada grenada moya1977
+1 | song motherland hebrew wide motherland lot forest field river country know man breathe freely moscow suburb southern mountain northern seas man walk host motherland life freely widely similarly volga flow young road old people honor wide motherland lot forest field river country know man breathe freely eye field search remember city word proud comrade expensive fine word word house black color word familiar find relative wide motherland lot forest field river country know man breathe freely table superfluous award merit gold letter write stalin nationwide law word greatness glory year erase man right academic leisure work wide motherland lot forest field river country know man breathe freely country spring wind blow day joyful life world know better laugh love sternly frown eyebrow enemy want break bride love motherland cherish affectionate mother wide motherland lot forest field river country know man breathe freely 2003
+1 | iron reserve iron reserve grow swear battle order labor young guard unbeaten camp young guard worker peasant slum free unit thrust study gnaw granite science young guard etc afraid fight rifle kin conduct world young young guard etc 1929
+1 | wood near popular version turret get radio operator cheerful fire like real accordion take hand squeeze easily touch bass pass voice play favorite waltz fellow soldier radioman perky pick chant favorite charge come join heart go ahead waltz people march waltz love waltz friend sing meeting girl far leave character child come border ready fight win fight force world carry impact pipe alarm singe autumn gray haze friend time time march leave dawn waltz lip play accordion favorite waltz waltz camp sing radioman 1950
+1 | hello youth town smell southern sun wander street point edge house live youth linden gray area station good whisper childhood familiar train resort youth grow call road take song reserve backpack light build city forest go far edge youth town smell southern sun wander street come hello sunny city youth 1964
+1 | siembra tu luz symbol river make sea volcano sleep silence burn plow time life sword drive away suffering blow hope heal wound pain eye dream love rain weeping child bread reach swell oven ingenious morning oh oh oh oh chorus animate walk find road lead thousand bullet word let freedom open sky desire sow light che guevara take death key lock shout inside lock fear wove past silent mourn dream behead ancient ostrich share inheritance hide pain nail clean shame hide hand throw pierdra sell brother chorus
-1 | hatchet cause decapitating habit feel little bit orgasmic give hatchet kind like feeling stab time look eye look straight cause die hatchet pain stop come pistol shoot head blow hole give pistol not need aim eye would time have get urge cry be hold tear cause know reason pistol pain stop come army reign people think be crazy pain worth pain give army command kick ground break band time hurt want ill win battle ill win war army pain stop come time look eye look straight cause die hatchet pain stop come time look eye look straight cause die hatchet pain stop come bind bind bind be bind
-1 | bodiacos sunartiu segos brigos anauos victorious goodforce vigorous mighty spirit antumnos lifegive wind fan flame blaze awen mighty force sucellus sledge impact ogmio club brictas invincible epiphany tribe arise tribe break forth cause bear free cause bear wild cause indomitable bold cause fire brave cause wave strong cause rock tribe helvetio ear tether divine tongue follow ancient wise laughter fill antumnos drink cup life s run dry wander light day tarani enthean wheel revolve antumnos life upheave force succellus sledge impact ogmio club brictas invincible epiphany
+1 | dorozhenka          pure polyushko visible dorozhenka          trodden yellow sand          life good like sun clear          return grief sadness          spread river fog          clean dew fall grass          ill wear burgundy sundress          raspberry red berry narva          young cheerful pass          return grief trouble          work proud glory          udarnitsa collective farm labor          pure polyushko dorozhenka bed          like large strip light          rassvetlym dorozhenkalight shineth          lead winwonder          kolkhoz pave track          pave collectivefarm path          pave path lenin          stalin pave path          light dorozhenka stand          stand happiness life thank          like green rain          grow move forward          great leader          glory song honor 1939
-1 | face morning sun sense resentment lack admiration have come contact not hold truth extent existence witness change eye stop
+1 | call black sea call black sea answer light song heart sing captain brave fair fight ship hand go abyss ile overtake storm restless fisherman leaky scow immerse darkness veteran boatswain il fearless sailor peakless cap like banner carry call black sea answer light song heart sing bold nameless hero soul blaze wave storm
-1 | think slip net cut free be lose not forget ill replay try tomorrow ill replay live sorrow would think learn s easy way ill be knee pray would think learn s easy way ill be knee ill admit be wrong be get track have long be attack ill place replace try change ill place replace rearrange would think learn s easy way ill be knee pray would think learn s easy way ill be knee pray knee pray think slip net cut free be lose not forget ill replay try tomorrow ill replay live sorrow would think learn s easy way ill be knee pray would think learn s easy way ill be knee pray be knee pray knee pray knee pray
-1 | imma thing let tell right cuz not know way livin life know struggle live bubble hustle lookin trouble lookin trouble not follow lead tomorrow dream pray god intervine sorrow have see u know mean want leave wanna nothing stop s type persona persona life short not 10 time 10times ill kick end times time beat system come let optimism city city real life represent scam day gangsta hustlas grindin way not stop get to paper chase educate will not regardless hater imma imma regardless hater imma imma come time life get to stay invader like battle forever stay pedal metal foot floor imma street knockin door be dollar like everybody oughtta not burn money honestly open home internet technology economy be not coughin make profit be droppin hot chick like everyday gossip regardless climate be go to day bullet spray be go to real life represent scam day gangsta hustlas grindin way not stop get to paper chase educate will not regardless hater imma imma regardless hater imma imma sing la la la la la know blazin la la la la la world la la la la la people gettin money la la la la la let hear sing let -PRON- hear cellar collar makin harder wanna honest dollar wanna sip little pain numb tippin bottle get forgettin come forgettin come be think name imma movin stop till game stop till game forever live forever spit remember minute witness real quit be commit matter hear critic people gimmick be puttin clinic be puttin clinic troubled time swervin double line head collision cause servin time servin time real life represent scam day gangsta hustlas grindin way not stop get to paper chase educate will not come regardless hater imma imma regardless hater imma imma sing la la la la la know blazin la la la la la world la la la la la people get money la la la la la let hear sing la la la la la know blazin la la la la la world la la la la la people get money la la la la la let hear sing la la la la la know blazin la la la la la world la la la la la people get money la la la la la
-1 | matter hard try not stop matter hard try not stop renegade atomic age atomic age renegade renegade atomic age atomic age renegade prehistoric age day ancient greece middle age planet earth keep go change renaissance come time continue change stay renegade like chief sit bull tom paine doctor martin luther king malcolm x renegade time age renegade renegade funk renegade funk renegade funk renegade funk different solar system galaxy away force creation new musical revelation musical mission help listen groove land land singe electronic chant like zulu nation revelation destroy nation destroy nation destroy nation destroy nation destroy nation destroy nation renegade people philosophy change course history everyday people like renegade people philosophy change course history everyday people like cmon renegade funk renegade funk renegade funk renegade funk poppin sockin rockin hiphop go be not stoppin poppin sockin rockin hiphop go be not stoppin poppin sockin rockin puttin hiphop poppin sockin rockin hiphop poppin sockin rockin hiphop renegade funk renegade funk renegade funk renegade funk teacher funk popping bless force sight electronic bass treble horn vocal cause everytime pop beat fresh cmon time music call big street beat people gather big sound renegade day man dance floor jam sucka jam sucka jam sucka jam sucka groove sucka groove sucka groove sucka groove sucka dance sucka dance sucka dance sucka dance sucka sucka sucka sucka sucka jam sucka jam sucka jam sucka jam sucka groove sucka groove sucka groove sucka groove sucka dance sucka dance sucka dance sucka dance sucka sucka sucka sucka sucka renegade funk renegade funk renegade funk renegade funk renegade funk renegade funk renegade funk renegade funk
+1 | peoples police песня о народной полиции гдр немецкий people police 1 roadway traffic roar trust people police mean drive friend 2 toot car ring track jump car hang turn people police mean show way friend 3 lose city great mom wait find belong people police mean bring home friend 4 grow know people policeman help people be protect home people police
-1 | wave crash cloud roll sit dock wait sun wait coward come pray revenge steam rise boat come know go know s save know go know cheat weak addiction needle come home find lie floor remind sleepless night haunt rest life blue collar shipyard way alive sun sun blistered hand parch mouth know go know s save know go know cheat weak addiction needle
-1 | come loud clear feel come loud clear see reach cause way long thousand name know trick dissapear close wanna find not blind tell know not disappoint mission fail time come loud clear feel come loud clear come loud clear feel come loud clear time start reach shore day rise choose single leave past change fact will not start walk frozen ground foot lose contact uncertain hope arrive be go direction come loud clear feel come loud clear come loud clear feel come loud clear come loud clear feel come loud clear come loud clear feel come loud clear come loud clear feel come loud clear come loud clear feel come loud clear
-1 | big eye look wonder whatcha kid whatcha whatcha sit middle bar wrong wrong track drink whisky bourbon handle handle look red lip say say say not not wanna save mean old man not not wanna save shithole town car let car let let run away need will pay need will pay not not not not not not not not day later wood be not right baby sit car cry cry not not not not not not wanna save end time car let car let let run away need will pay car let car let let run away need will pay
-1 | plus plus plus plus plus plus plus plus incorrect
-1 | oh imagine be pace pew church corridor not help hear not help hear exchanging word beautiful wedding beautiful wedding say bridesmaid waiter oh yes shame shame poor groom bride whore chime not people hear close goddamn door well face kind thing sense poise rationality chime not people hear close goddamn door well face kind thing sense oh fact ill look way mean technically marriage save call toast pour champagne oh fact ill look way mean technically marriage save call toast pour champagne pour champagne chime not people hear close goddamn door well face kind thing sense poise rationality chime not people hear close goddamn door well face kind thing sense poise rationality chime not people hear close goddamn door well face kind thing sense poise rationality chime not people hear close goddamn door well face kind thing sense poise rationality
-1 | privilege choose bless time hell witness divine vision day fall rapture die age shatter hourglass wrath war god shall pass get bad worth moment regret dawn curse breath twisting blade leave ashe wake ill wind blow way edge envelope burns forbearance vengeance payment intent fear death wing thrall fall grace petty petty witness mass disgrace god forbid read sign watch meaning line gehenna arrive hindsight blind trust misplace believe lie tell face casualty late finally home drape flag fall go ashe wake get bad
+1 | long live power long live power motherland great idea country public law joy happiness people sacred right life freedom great power enemy defeat combat chorus moscow wonderful beloved land flow joyful song accord countrys young veysya red flag symbol victory burn contact sun joyous light accord lenin wise precept party happiness lead stalin duma warm country soviet people republic untold wealth heroic force count country national fraternity labor valor honor chorus far soviet border ancient tower kremlin grow town village bloom golden field grain harvest new blow machine grow gain strength great country chorus 1943
+1 | invincible legendary 25 year red army thee multitude like banner twentyfive year heroic sun glorious battle illumine way song sing chorus invincible legendary fighting know joy victory love army send homeland song hello homeland song send hello bear banner scarlet eighteenth terrible year enemy lament victory horde nazis chorus leningrad defend battle defend native stalingrad lead offensive stalin tank attack fascist chorus win strength myriad genius stalin fight lead army battle immortal immortal soviet people chorus invincible legendary fighting know joy victory love army send homeland song hello homeland song send hello 1943
-1 | await sunrise gaze modestly cold morning come lie embrace autumn proud treetop stand motionless parade fall rain voice hear fall devotion elude sadness lumber ashe stand soul weep whisper know walk night bid farewell not try tear shed
+1 | boy boy take near irkutsk boy take irkutsk sixteen year like pearl clean saucer shine tooth week mock japanese officer prison smile time like niponime drive mother house lead time lead say know smile japanese mikado threaten yell admit strike boy butt accord famous pearl member komsomol interrogation coward tell order red year row die fate accept befit young face forward hug ground
-1 | lordy not leave lordy not leave lordy not leave lordy not leave good time devil be force heaven good time devil be force heaven good time devil be force heaven lordy not leave lordy not leave lordy not leave time be time be time be ground lordy not leave lordy not leave lordy not leave lordy not leave whoah world whoah world whoah world lordy not leave lordy not leave
-1 | ch scream run fall scream go fall time smoke beat dancefloor door open time think king world chemical eat away reason shut closed build little jail have watch thing time little death innocence ch scream run fall scream go fall see clever image hold thing think cool joke not tell pull stupid expression wind change would stick forever shut close money owe have watch thing time little death innocence ch scream run fall scream go fall
-1 | want want club find love dark bodys naked light red pour sweat oh dark bodys naked light red pour sweat ah late september miss not know daytime eye close want sun simple walk away know well s reason stay dark bodys naked light red pour sweat oh dark bodys naked light red pour sweat dark hold arm prefer young girl face prefer young girl face like trace prefer lover face lover face lover face dark bodys naked light red pour sweat oh dark bodys naked light red pour sweat dark bodys naked light red pour sweat oh dark bodys naked light red pour sweat ah
+1 | song stalin lot song singe soviet people field forest thick song sound song live popular stalin carry day struggle test clock exploit banner victory stalin raise delicate garden conquer heavens inaccessible barrier leader inspire thing miracle inspire great example carry day struggle test clock exploit banner victory stalin stalin nation victorious podoblachnyh slope stalin affair stalin wing eagle stalin mind million carry open expanse give exploit banner victory stalin 1937
-1 | fantasize funeral understand have s important music play d attend head ground be lower chorus overwhelming sound
-1 | fall dismay ashamed cryin know way describe afraid tryin s keep excited keep beggin s deem uninvited leave not deceive ill crawlin friend tease not leave end find weak fare ashamed lyin know thing feel way s right inside afraid dyin cause keep excited beggin keep uninvited leave not deceive ill crawlin friend tease not leave end leave not deceive ill crawlin friend symbol have get fallin away afraid say leave not deceive ill crawlin friend tease not leave end leave not deceive ill crawlin friend tease not leave end end end end symbol
+1 | murderer walk earth night buzzing verse furnace ashe stir poker smoke go chimney dachau live meadow want lie dust ashe remain land kill murderer walk earth let hell long cram clearly people kill song rise song search killer walk globe anger look light darkness calmly shine sky murderer walk earth arise tortured child look bad people wear judicial robe behalf future child sleep sleep people paris warsaw orel let memory wake night murderer walk earth
+1 | asterisk ilyich true story fiction meteor shower star fall sky hand child october flare light daytime beam chorus heart asterisk ilyich2p lalalalala lalalalala lalalalala lalalalala asterisk ilyich dream fairy tale smile spring dawn give kindness sun beloved country flare window dripping knock chorus luchatsya sparkle song joy happiness include dawn house flare marvelous fun sound chorus lalala vocalize solo flare marvelous fun sound chorus 1980
+1 | kiev myy play sea green quiet day dear steel slope dnieper branch sway valentine dream love kyiv eye look canne heart perrelli let tell love true love dream live wing hope love kyiv sleeps aweary city peaceful gentle sleep gene light necklace blossom dnieper evening velvet like happiness surf love kyiv
-1 | sound heartbeat pound away rhythm awful rust machine toss turn not sleep breath make thief like cause rebel talk promise crawl knee sky longer blue sweat day long sow seed cause dream not come true wait reap rhythm time bomb tick away blare siren comb street chase like dog run grasp sun come crawl knee sky longer blue sweat day long sow seed cause dream not come true look have white needle bury red engine roar give die cause not live survive scrap throw away will not crawl knee will not believe lie hide truth will not sweat drop cause rust gear insect ear crawl crawl crawl sow seed day precious reap sky longer blue bring dawn long overdue crawl crawl crawl
-1 | pick away bone s leave have forever drown want soon would leave not quick not need reason free breathe breathe life s leave have waste far long feel thing time not know spine grieving unrefined not cross line look sign conceal way feel steal real breathe breathe life s leave have waste far long waste far long breathe breathe life s leave have waste far long
+1 | holiday year year quickly rush bright beautiful happiness door knock hello happiness chorus light shine dance laughter ring song combat dancing firepower easy live sing pine spruce wind pick joyful motive louder song flow heart beysya joy ring song combat dancing firepower ease wonderful live come come holiday begin dance factory sing song chorus orchestral loss loud song flow heart beysya joy ring song combat dancing firepower ease wonderfully live live live honest living 1940
-1 | elvetieee ûro si tovo keitone obrgant tovo bârgo ûro si tovo keitone obrgant tovo bârgo toge si se meet snibi stâj si borso anda toge si se meet snibi stâj si borso anda cuonos bê tû sê immi spakto cuono bê tû sê vo tovo vidâ venô ap tovo albeis venô ap de bejos venô ap tovo albeis venô ap de bejos venô ap oljo trâno cu tov oljo aunio venô ap oljo trâno cu tov oljo aunio cuonos bê tû sê immi spakto cuono bê tû sê vo tovo vidâ vegro abonâ o aqâ magos melb o nanto vegro abonâ o aqâ magos melb o nanto reipatro o tovo bivûed panavo reipatro o tovo bivûed panavo cuonos bê tû sê immi spakto cuono bê tû sê vo tovo vidâ karaô tû teko têrsos kanô ois uis dêvo bâdo het er ti sê imon koimo elvetie
+1 | youth sweep golden haze roadside oh joy young impossible similarly sky high similarly sea wide immense youth road chorus hey gryanem strong tighten similarly sky high similarly sea wide immense youth road sea gull ahead distant sky cloud break high smile flock earth sixth joy fill wide chorus hey gryanem strong tighten smile flock earth sixth joy fill wide dream want come true courage make way directly sun wake wake wake s like spike joy pour chorus hey gryanem strong tighten wake wake wake s like spike joy pour dance foot run ask nightingales song rush hey girl comeka lookka friend exchange merry jest chorus hey gryanem strong tighten hey girl comeka lookka friend exchange merry jest 1937
+1 | love komsomol spring ring bell courage road young hand card win fatherland gift workstation glory remember name love komsomol vesna2p road go distance step future star earth virgin dream edge boundless smile gentle soul courage love komsomol vesna2p rhythm time trust song sleepless night blizzard swirling song teach courage time love komsomol vesna2p time love komsomol vesna3p 1978
+1 | march гимн социалистической республики вьетнам army vietnam mobile general salvation don wine buoc foot bumpy duong far co blood hon victory nuoc chen distant gun march song construction duoong determine enemy glory elevator arduous war people behavior constant battle color truong lay tien tien swing ben nuoc premature vietnam army vietnam mobile flutter gold star inlaid voice workplace huong charcoal stick strive build innovation capacity chain shackle smash tu long swallow cam hon quyet sacrifice doi tuoi people behavior constant battle color truong lay tien tien swing ben nuoc premature vietnam идём на фронт солдаты вьетнама идём вперёд с одним только желанием спасти отечество наши быстрые шаги раздаются вдоль длинной и тяжёлой дороги наш флаг красный от крови нашей победы несёт дух нашей страны далёкий грохот наших пушек раскатывается над нашими врагами преодолев все трудности вместе мы построим базы нашего сопротивления будем непрерывно бороться за общее дело скорее идём на поле боя вперёд все вместе идём вперёд наш вьетнам силён и вечен солдаты вьетнама идём вперёд золотая звезда на нашем флаге ведёт наших людей нашу родину из нищеты и страданий объединим наши усилия в бою чтобы посторить новую жизнь встанем и сбросим с себя цепи достаточно мы копили нашу ненависть будем же готовы к любым жертвам и наша жизнь озарится будем непрерывно бороться за общее дело скорее идём на поле боя вперёд все вместе идём вперёд наш вьетнам силён и вечен1945
-1 | like know flood start leak dam say would difference maybe battle fight indifference naysayer naysayer hammer nail not decide s true betrayer hammer nail narrow line separate sick sound people give not stop give fuck fuck be dreamer be dream fuck be dreamer be dream concession piece die fight life apathy new messiah let thing dire messenger find knife back apathy new messiah word flesh not fight fire fire messenger find knife back know haunt haunt not decide s true fight be like naysayer naysayer hammer nail not decide s true betrayer hammer nail narrow line separate sick sound people give not stop give fuck fuck be dreamer be dream fuck be dreamer be dream apathy new messiah word flesh not fight fire fire
+1 | migratory bird friend migratory bird way life good ground time marry wife find sky chorus pilot heaven sky dear home airplane girl girl gentle way shower blue want heart forever today meet fall love day order leave chorus anguish way meet remember affectionate look decide friend fall love beautiful girl chorus 2 time 1945
-1 | andedion uediíumi diíiuion risun artiu mapon aruerriíatin mapon aruerriíatin lopite sní eððdic sos brixtía anderon lucion floron nigrinon adgarion aemilíon paterin claudíon legitumon caelion pelign claudío pelign marcion uictorin asiatícon aððedillí x2 lucion floron nigrinon adgarion aemilíon paterin claudíon legitumon caelion pelign claudío pelign marcion uictorin asiatícon aððedillí x2 andedion uediíumi diíiuion risun artiu mapon aruerriíatin mapon aruerriíatin lopite sní eððdic sos brixtía anderon etic secoui toncnaman toncsiíontío meíon toncsesit buetid ollon reguccambion exsop pissíiumítsoccaantí rissuis onson bissíet luge dessummiíis luge dessumíis luge dessumíís luxe x2 dessumíis luge dessumíis luge dessumíis luge
-1 | not know be not think belong round leave stage wrong try find well way get religion go astray take money lose faith rain keep crawl glass good time close eye let thought pass try capsule try smoke try aid escape like normal folk joke rain keep crawl glass good time close eye let thought pass close eye let pass old clothe new low blood flow headstone spend day friend one life depend be go to miss series end rain keep crawl glass pull good time know bad close eye let thought pass close eye let pass
-1 | hard rain fall chalk failure push cold weather race heart slow beat push defeat know push deadbeat junkie liar cutthroat walk pier one go remember walk reach long steel track old familiar ste memory rivalry year pass dirt rail fear year giving rush head loss match gain roll hop train rain fall hard chalk mile failure tree sway weather race heart slow beat crossed town line relief money state line border river city dawn stranger history come rest head sun set fade sun
+1 | wonderful counselor wonderful counselor friend change evening come class pioneer collect sing compete wonderful counselor friend lead school factory wonderful brigade people know complex machine lead school factory recently torpedo play football score straight course left corner goal sit podium hurt whistle wonderful guide play football sunday newspaper portrait bit conceited guide street marching learn sunday newspaper portrait wonderful counselor friend change evening come class like child like leader wonderful counselor friend 1962
+1 | red unleavened sit beauty silent day inhabit people new house chorus red unleavened guy walk song old wonderfully sing fly bird festive capital love youth house mother guest gather works committee come course owe wine table friendship wonderful house warm house sure live year old
+1 | volgadon say river široki deeply waterway waterway ship sea earth well people fun hilarious volga don fullflowe river volga don light free volga don afflict volga don soon meet hear man discussion river say shore ill help river help construction begin register hour great strength meet river river volga don song pour call volga don home aside volga don river merge volga don dream come true 1954
-1 | simply breathe not mean alive live life take toll not know world raise hand clench fist stand demand answer flip switch not understand get idea deeply engrained head world impress not care need revolution rise come surface gasping air put planet day year not understand get idea deeply engrained head world impress not care rot nation blood pour hand live fear potential win lose hand american dream involve black mask gasoline day ill turn thought scream world turn not understand get idea deeply engrained head world impress cause not care
-1 | think see sleep darle think see dream stitch seam broken promise body not think see sleep think see sleep darle think see dream stitch seam broken promise body not think see sleep think hear door open oh thought hear door open hear close think hear plane crash think passion snap think see confront fear go bottle go beer think ought stay away ghost wall crawl head ear think see sleep lover think see dream stitch seam mangled promise body not think see sleep
-1 | not technology turn love like cold machine not feed scrap bed will not stray come feed not wave come seal fate marine pretend want babe not note not hold not joke tell tell til get old not hand round throat not breathe not breathe friend will not family break not tell babe yeah solve yeah get scene hand hold arm will not be smart not want be enemy come tie vein serene tell tell know mean prove wrong have set sun sun know be outside cold lip have set sun ill come sun pretend love bbe babe
-1 | s addiction taste insincere disposable heart want world fingertip not disposable heart not ignore be think go to chase go to change leave wander s go to breath air lung lung s go to savior week look like fall love love till show go to easy s go to savior week s go to savior week replaceable head chase illusion need satisfy lose inside will come find temporary be think go to chase go to change leave wonder s go to breath air lung lung s go to savior week look like fall love love till show go to easy s go to savior week s go to savior week savior savior savior s go to breath air lung lung s go to savior week look like fall love love till show go to easy s go to savior week s go to savior week s go to s go to s go to savior week savior week s go to s go to s go to savior week savior week s go to breath air lung
-1 | big picture slowly fade wall close curse ground unable understand will not let world break need change direction special far perfect light way feel run endless mile candle burn be die inside turn ash change peace mind walk dead ship dwell shore leave street get small leave feel run endless mile candle burn be die inside turn ash change peace mind hear noise heart false hope guess take grant know go far will not be sorry get deserve get deserve feel run endless mile candle burn be die inside turn ash change peace mind feel run endless mile candle burn be die inside turn ash change peace mind
+1 | song shoemaker getcha getcha shoemaker hammer work go go getcha getcha hour danger alarm knock combat maxim machine gun road frontline hear familiar step ahead fighter tired soul mend boot chorus wear wear wear ask remember possible walk goody sole good selection case need nail 2r remember remember eye blue maiden health heart come love simple love shoe begin fix shoe fashion give house hold talk course weather evening passionately love chorus combat pen describe lay hand bullet fighter begin creep german want pull boot breastfeeding heel pull fighter shoe rifle boot face strength pripev1943
-1 | be not faith napalm be not hope blackmail holy love holy pressure be not worthy futile be not truth distortion truth wrap lie sick contort be not good be not freedom be not faith religion religion nail tear head hold high heart proud blind evil week flock like fool god dead god dead god dead god dead nail tear head hold high heart proud blind evil week flock like fool god dead god dead new morality thought control say not argue not know reach deep inside pull soul lead blind salvation nail tear head hold high heart proud blind evil week flock like fool god dead god dead god dead god dead god dead nail tear head hold high heart proud god dead blind evil week flock like fool god dead nail tear head hold high heart proud god dead blind evil week flock like fool god dead nail tear
+1 | нет родины без тебя корейский push away severe storm give belief comrade kim jeongil live country exist future hope depend people fate depend comrade kim jeongil live country exist world change hundred time people believe comrade kim jeongil live country exist 1993
-1 | climb door not leave mark know miss jackson find victim one go to find miss jackson jackson jackson sour little flavor mouth circle hope one go to find lucky kiss ring let -PRON- bow look time life pretty picture scenery loud face like heaven catch light nightgown away water babe drown party not tonight heeyy wake tomorrow morning heeyy door goddamn love love love door goddamn love miss jackson miss jackson miss jackson nasty miss jackson miss jackson miss jackson nasty miss jackson miss jackson miss jackson nasty nasty love ohhhh wake tomorrow morning ohhhh door goddamn love way til fire finally die have get -PRON- wrap finger watch -PRON- fall s beautiful tragic fall let time tragic fall heeyy wake tomorrow morning heeyy door goddamn love love love door goddamn love miss jackson miss jackson miss jackson nasty miss jackson miss jackson miss jackson nasty miss jackson miss jackson miss jackson nasty nasty love ohhhh wake tomorrow morning ohhhh door goddamn love climb door not leave mark know miss jackson find victim one go to find miss jackson jackson jackson love miss jackson miss jackson miss jackson nasty miss jackson miss jackson miss jackson nasty miss jackson miss jackson miss jackson nasty nasty love ohhhh wake tomorrow morning ohhhh door goddamn love
+1 | penza edge penza dawn clear burn penza fly sonorous song oh rodina penza region home razvysokaya belle sura oh rodina penza region home razvysokaya belle sura play accordion new song accordion oh cool zavolnuetsya soul zapevshi loudly good honey storonka breeze run bend ear fill hardly decorate native land oh game game dance harmonica pro wide collective farm field oh game game dance harmonica pro wide collective farm field oh nivushka nun flourish shade folk life zavolnuetsya soul zapevshi loudly good honey storonka come visit different city edge penza ready accept dear guest bear ear dear guest sing new song play accordion new song accordion oh cool zavolnuetsya soul zapevshi loudly good honey storonka penza dawn clear burn penza fly sonorous song oh rodina penza region home razvysokaya belle sura oh rodina penza region home razvysokaya belle sura 1957
+1 | soldier soldier steppe scorch softly singe song birch maple thoughtful garden weeping willow native forest native forest yes wide cornfield soldier zvonko song rush glorious redoubt song sing heroism battle death sake life faithfulness faithfulness majestic motherland soldier stranger smash house brood garden weeping willow native forest native forest yes wide field soldier 1949
+1 | dawn space age fly like song inspire dawn space age breast mysterious universe mans heart beat darkness space thee star road open dream orbit exploit right live dream odnoyu way start glory shoulder shoulder pass lose nerve find courage strength believe rocket simply space reach starry threshold flight feat high sun come east ship east soon new rocket orbit courage rush hear outer planet wait homeland messenger 1961
-1 | δοβνορηδο γοβανο βρενοδωρ νανταρωρ dobnoredo gobano brenodor nantaror gobanno god smithcraft people brenodurum nantaror
+1 | land plot fly like bird night spaceport walk century space vorstami earth earth home soon star chorus land land part swim green house mother land land hear voice magic ball green halo sunrise replace sunset land land globe school space desk chorus mother greesh love look vosle enthusiastic glance land land meet let familiar expanse chorus
+1 | steel run stream bright hot spread widely zastava ilic night lightning knock hammer morning like bird sing sing whistle like glow flame civil war battles husband soviet country hoot horn alarm go meet vladimir road native ilyich yard vacant lot scorch pavement lenin kursk workshop working suburb remember forever easy gait great person light fire home bright high new workshop sing sing whistle majestic muscovite hearts rogozhskaya gate 1947
-1 | hear man bullet shell word ink pen family tear post marked stamp wish be man faith be familiar hell see kid scare death wear pain face march snow rain trench fox hole early grave be man faith be familiar hell
+1 | dick song identify sailor know fear win depth sea strom bold proud lead ship port singe song chorus let lightning threaten heaven drop sail honor duty tell reach goal let wind roar burie let fiercely tackle tear know way forward clear look sailor tremble hand frighten danger fog hurricane win captain carry song sea chorus afraid storm know case steering let shout alarm albatross rage wave time swim sing brave sailor chorus
+1 | speed ahead ship like wind deck shine sailor dress parade friend impress world pacific fleet hear response speed ahead speed ahead pacific fleet watch bad weather crew hold serve year want life easy service frown help friendship love girl speed ahead speed ahead pacific fleet see novice medal icon master helmsman cook navy mentor wise teacher order shoot order give sailing order dive friend impress world pacific fleet hear response
+1 | memories algeria serve sapper birch blizzard read newspaper algeria land suddenly algeria call free country mine volunteer step forward step chorus life ready walk world faithful companion reason clear suffering globe weapon take distant way take peaceful fight detector trad go algeria award blossom figs grape glow chorus wound explosion thunder komandirglushil strangle heat country algeria suddenly near dear love read algeria dispatches morning newspaper read proud land good trail chorus 1960
+1 | dear friend dear friend friend young remember hot fire buchar accord warsaw view friend friend lyric city suburb song smile happy hour chorus happiness life want happiness want go dream happiness want youth come say world people leave sun space star hang night bright fire friendly fire raise heavens heart burn tell fire friendship wonderful dispel wind net campfire chorus run day hour divide sea happiness hand dear friend friend young wonder man friend tomorrow tomorrow light hour hand chorus 2 time 1955
-1 | fine guy live waiting sky fall call change doll velvet lip eye pull know would win oh original sin fool eye honey fool twice lie sarah smile like sarah not care live world unaware know destiny lie sarah oh sarah sarah oh sarah oh sarah sarah save wake kiss way would hope stay leave go way babe not mind time get thing sitaroundandwaitforyou oh hope ohh fool eye honey fool twice lie sarah smile like sarah not care live world unaware know destiny lie sarah oh sarah save kill inside consume time have leave blind think be right strip away pride cast aside sarah smile like sarah not care live world unaware know destiny lie sarah oh sarah oh sarah sarah save
-1 | indecision get climb wall cheat gravity wait fall come think hope go smoke swallow crown choke kiss thought would save breath choke kiss thought would save breath rope be come loose be hang rope be come loose be pull rope be come head clear come loose premonition get cry storm leave condition position harm choke kiss thought would save breath choke kiss thought would save breath rope be come loose be hang rope be come loose be pull rope be come head clear come loose rope be come loose be hang rope be come loose be pull hope be come be count rope be come head clear come loose
+1 | joe hill английский dream see joe hill night alive say joe year dead die say salt lake joe god say stand bed frame murder charge say joe be not dead copper boss shoot joe kill joe say take gun kill man say joe not die stand big life smile eye joe say forget kill go organise joe hill be not dead say joe hill be not die work man strike joe hill san diego maine mill work man strike say will find joe hill
+1 | song baku beautiful city sunny baku good song lifetime glorious capital young nation light forever capital life dream friendship feat labor give birth sound melody greeting ai baku baku jan ah guzel baku ai baku baku jan ah guzel baku multiply power country native fountain oil earth crust proud caspian lavish court lead ai baku thank people say road distant glory spring field sea sky voice hear ai baku baku jan ah guzel baku ai baku baku jan ah guzel baku dare stout hand encroach happiness motherland saint fiery storm thunder response enemy give powerful rebuff brother moscow baku handsome city be proud grow scientific firm blossom shine ai baku baku jan ah guzel baku ai baku baku jan ah guzel baku 1949
-1 | get black eye love hard black car match black soul change ya oh not try leave nooh oh neon coast sign midw wind pisce rise not change ya oh not try leave nooh static palm melt vibe midnight whispering black magic mulholland drive swimming pool desert sky drink white wine blush light la devotee sunset evil eye invisible hollywood shrine hunt little time la devotee uhoh uhoh uhoh la devotee get bleach eye valley sand black tar palm weep not change ya ohoh not try ohoh high rise light read right downtown storm arie rise not change ohoh not try leave nooh static palm melt vibe midnight whispering black magic mulholland drive swimming pool desert sky drink white wine blush light la devotee sunset evil eye invisible hollywood shrine hunt little time la devotee uhoh uhoh uhoh la devotee la devotee la devotee la devotee la devotee black magic mulholland drive swimming pool desert sky drink white wine blush light la devotee sunset evil eye invisible hollywood shrine hunt little time la devotee uhoh uhoh uhoh la devotee
-1 | try change formality people kill people reason mistake not regret conclusion
-1 | hang not know ill line not fast not slow want love tonight hang not know line not fast not slow need love tonight ill catch fall fall catch fall fall ill catch fall fall hang not know ill line not fast not slow want love tonight hang not know line not fast not slow need love tonight goesi knowsi know goesi knowsi know goesi knowsi know goesi know matter time know need hold let hang not know need right ill catch fall hang not know know need hold let hang not know oh need right fall
-1 | remember night take away go fast fly away sky black hair fire touch leg let drive forever remember think night tired talk let disappear touch wheel fly road close eye say let drive forever let drive forever hard feeling not walk away hard feeling not walk away remember night drive away pretend way car want forever kiss mouth let drive forever say remember night take away go fast fly away sky black hair fire touch leg let drive forever say
+1 | che guevara song commander guevara flower death gun stem blood pain hear murderer ino kill man kill doubter time fight overall hear bullet sun lie dark have heart walk river aymara dialect highland jungle guerrilla speak tell reason conquer die guerrilla new feel alive iy guerrilla new feel alive daniel viglietti
-1 | have change will have change will be blame hold year pretend go way sit place hope way cause not think understand be look answer question away be far away have change will be far away be blame wait end day spend wish choice push away cause busy watch thing go way look anymore be look answer question away be far away have change will be far away be blame have change will be blame be far away hey hey watch wave goodbye yesterday leave way hey hey have save sun shine pain get day hey hey watch wave goodbye yesterday leave way feel good be far away have change will be far away be blame be blame be far away
+1 | neva city leningrad note row wellknown look hardly believe winter neva chorus neva neva love invisible leningrad sing man sing neva neva unestanem admire sing soul way marvelous city neva ancient city proud gait young tomorrow seek turbine machine ship neve glory today bear chorus learn familiar street day new house home new blue arrow rheine rush subway car neva chorus afraid road necessary right meet guy leningrad scorch desert snow praise bank neva chorus
-1 | íe sittom mongnatixsouim
-1 | blood starve pain crave learn hate drain blame lay dead cause not want live inside hell tame fire will not break love tie tourniquet suffocate will not save will not starve hope will not change will not fight pain will not fail will not let light descend will not play will not face fate cause bear live inside hell tame fire will not break love tie tourniquet suffocate tame fire will not love tie tourniquet suffocate let calm rise graceful waste word faithful tame fire will not break love tie tourniquet suffocate tame fire will not love tie tourniquet suffocate suffocate suffocate
-1 | yeah yeah world worthy unfaithful promise fulfil decay crawled throat like dead rise open grave like dead rise open grave lip splendor tongue deceit die fragile wrist hold waste like gasp breath hide s leave like gasp breath hide s leave leave leave s leave leave sorrow lead cry tear chance chance chance chance know s know s like gasp breath hide s leave like gasp breath hide s leave
+1 | commissioner commissioner commissioner young commissioner black leather toujour near madrid spain meet kursk tank burn alive chorus sing sing sixty guy commissioner die dungeon immortal like truth lie glory bear shoulder break break chorus turn flame fivepointe star commissioner sleepless like conscience wonder invisibly commissioner black leather jacket sing sing sixty guy sing guy sing guy
-1 | end lost world march swear tainted crown thorn hungry sail unfurl thrust shore search black night midnight sun covered track day spend run stranger have whereabout unknown know come home alright long moment silence break alright alright alright place time toe line yeah see eye eye sad sound laughter drown laugh face sight hesitate look sign sky whereabout unknown know come home alright long moment silence break alright alright alright stand apart swallow sun erase sky invitation s decline whereabouts unknown know come home alright long moment silence break alright alright alright alright alright yeah cause forgive listen alright alright
-1 | believe time famous place believe time forward break break break break time ill proud overcome day life proud d raise shelter peacefulness time ill proud proud raise know till end come thank home cooked meal place rest troubled head away have pass test have earn school life will right help hope lose sick die world ill use love leave ill change mind ill change mind hope hope smile look hope smile not will not know hope proud baby scar baby scar need love like boy need mother need baby scar s scar need love like boy need mother mother baby scar need love like boy need mother yeah
-1 | yi yi yi yi be step stone yi yi yi yi be step stone atry mark society trick read aboutcha baby magazine clothe wearin wear seam yi yi yi yi be step stone yi yi yi yi be step stone meet girl shoe walk round like page news have unfaithful friend choose will not find book fool yi yi yi yi be step stone yi yi yi yi be step stone be step stone be stone be crook yi yi yi yi be step stone yi yi yi yi be step stone try mark society trick read aboutcha baby magazine clothe wearin wear seam yi yi yi yi be step stone yi yi yi yi be step stone step stone yi yi yi yi be step stone yi yi yi yi stone step stone stone roll stone pink wall waste time stone
-1 | pour drank head shoot drank sit drank stand drank pass drank wake drank fade drank fade drank grow round people livin life bottle granddaddy golden flask backstroke day chicago people like way feel people wanna kill sorrow people wanna fit popular problem dark room loud tune look vow soon be fuck fillin cup crowd mood changin minute record repeat take sip sip somebody say nigga babysitte shot imma turn notch swim pool liquor dive pool liquor dive wave bottle watch -PRON- flock girl wanna play baywatch get swim pool liquor dive pool liquor imma dive pour drank head shoot drank sit drank stand drank pass drank wake drank fade drank fade drank okay open mind listen kendrick conscience hear history kendrick know nauseous right be hopin lead victory kendrick be drown poison abusin limit think be feelin vibe love eye feelin freedom grant soon damage vodka arrive capitalize parental advice apparently be influence do think do till say nigga babysitte shot imma turn notch swim pool liquor dive pool liquor dive wave bottle watch -PRON- flock girl wanna play baywatch get swim pool liquor dive pool liquor imma dive pour drank head shoot drank sit drank stand drank pass drank wake drank fade drank fade drink ride ride bang chopper shot bang hop bang chopper shot bang ride ride bang chopper shot bang hop bang chopper shot bang nigga babysitte shot imma turn notch swim pool liquor dive pool liquor dive wave bottle watch -PRON- flock girl wanna play baywatch get swim pool liquor dive pool liquor imma dive pour drank head shoot drank sit drank stand drank pass drank wake drank fade drank fade drank sherane sherane sherane aw man sherane take take life new appetite failure get hunger pain grow insane tell sound familiar like make excuse relief bottle green indo leaf window open release corrode inside joke laugh not feel bad probably sleep wake wake wake god trust think stomp homie bitch kdot good blood drop ye drop niggas straight man nigga be not trippin gon old shit imma pop shot gon run gon run opposite way fall right s lap gon tear ass simple hope bitch set gon pop bitch wait hold ay somebody aha get niggas kdot good l good yeah blood be good dave good dave dave dave bitch ass niggas kill brother
+1 | song 5th division s downpour crush grass meadow s wind knock apple flower funnel pridneprovya polish lancer fan ponytail groan owl berezina wind wear feather white eagle fifth step chascheyu timber fifth attack enemy go clouded water neman bug red arrow river fight north south beats budyonny roll warsaw lord shelf native country offense let shore walk near warsaw storm lida show strength fierce enemy 1934
-1 | fucked fuckin fuck yea yea yea yea fucked fuckin fuck yea yea yea yea fucked fuckin fuck yea yea yea yea fucked fuckin fuck yea yea yea yea yea yea yea yea yea yea yea yea fucked fuckin fuck yea yea yea yea fucked fuckin fuck yea yea yea yea fucked fuckin fuck yea yea yea yea fucked fuckin fuck yea yea yea yea fuck yea yea yea yea fuck yea yea yea yea fuck yea yea yea yea fuck yea yea yea yea fuck yea yea yea yea fuck yea yea yea yea fuck yea yea yea yea fucked fuckin fuck yea yea yea yea fucked fuckin fuck yea yea yea yea
+1 | commission moscow remote area twelfth house corner wonderful girl tonya accord residency live house trail wander feel leg guy generally timid explain guess friend understand love confess entrust pal evening singe harmony blue sky go tone friend behalf long offend curse secretly see dance garden factory heart beat irregularly bitterly utter goodbye antonina petrovna unsung song love act boldly task decide business entrust 1954
-1 | hey country girl not home not home not home say hey girl be not have change be not hey country girl not sad get want not sad not sad not think cry child way wild kiss cry kiss cry like way feel not sulk away misty street light need stay remember promise middle night heart fire away ask want stay ask want stay not leave dusty small town s near heart fire watch burn hey country girl not home not home not home say hey girl be not have change be not hey country girl not sad want not sad not sad different mild find body humble body kiss
-1 | wonder stubborn dig deep wonder get demon come not help be weak take honey queen bee keeper wonder demon everyone get choice time
-1 | come swinge start spring 2003 go school talk tell thing not not want hear get guy pack car hit near scene local bar play night till would sick be right like have say cool school be not friend ill hey hey be right like have say cool school be not friend leave home kinda plan know not stand say not will not not want hear spend time sleep hard wood floor people live room open door play night till sense be right like have say cool school be not friend ill hey hey be right like have say cool school be not friend not wanna hear not wanna hear be right like have say cool school be not friend ill hey be right like have say cool school be not brace impact not wanna hear not wanna hear bitch
+1 | wave amur amour smoothly carry wave wind siberian sing quiet noise amur taiga go foamy wave foamy wave splash majestic free crimson sun rise song sailor sing cupid song fly wide river pour song widely song widely pour carry away beauty strength amur good wave silver wave silver wave glory motherland proud splash splash strength strive sea wave silver wave silver wave glory russian pride beautiful amur wave liberty breathe know wave guard peace quiet river rustle golden taiga breathe wave marvelous beauty majestic amur gray quiet ship sail forward wave run run noise amur native rustle gray wave grozny run glorify soviet free edge amour smoothly carry wave wind siberian sing quiet noise amur taiga go foamy wave foamy wave splash majestic volna1903
-1 | have wait damn long sick tired will not leave doubt stone unturned have get collar chemistry company maybe tonight ill libertine oh love love gimme love love world catch cause s time second guess not wanna know go to death s wanna have get work little time memorie would black have get pocket reason tonight baby tonight death oh love love gimme love love world catch cause s time second guess not wanna know go to death s wanna oh love love gimme love love world catch oh love love gimme love love world catch oh love love
+1 | naughty limerick cereal crop grow ear naughty tune sing voice nut altay ljubo girl overwhelm bread meadow menot petals violence radio operator booth singing opera arias sing podmargivay heart affect outdate portable radio alarm cute eye reduce conquer nature day go trailer tractor occasion accordion melodious end harvest torment gagarin fly dream thing guy train bachelor meet titov idle nikolayev divorce know address cereal crop grow ear naughty tune sing voice vacation stellar space fly cute girlfriend new ditty 1963
-1 | take lose see time start believe something rape take life get mess not chill let free not away pain try night vain vain place life not taste feel face will fall grace take mean cheap fuck lay take feeling like freak leash feeling like release time feel diseased life free free place life not taste feel face will fall grace take mean cheap fuck lay take baby da boom na da mmm dum na ema da boom na da mmm dum na ema da boom na da mmm dum na ema da boom na da mmm dum na ema da boom na da mmm dum na ema da boom na da mmm dum na ema da boom na da mmm dum na ema da boom na da mmm dum na ema fight fight something fight fight something fight fight something fight fight fight something fight take mean cheap fuck lay take
+1 | world need world star victory victory star star victory burn planet planet planet october beam feat beloved motherland remember planet earth joie de vivre joy life kremlin star shine chorus strength friendship strong pass year truth strangle last peace air people need world need world storm argue storm argue storm argue happiness earth peaceful sunset peaceful dawn peace dawn light vast expanse clear see planet earth sun hope sun hope kremlin star shine chorus family friendly closeknit family friendly family work people stand like wall stand like wall stand wall world forever immortal banner believe planet earth lighthouse beacon kremlin star shine chorus orchestral loss immortal banner believe planet earth lighthouse beacon kremlin star shine strength friendship strong pass year friendship destroy last peace air people need world need earth 1985
-1 | angel angel angel leave pass heaven sit purgatory s dead s dead be alive be alive s spare angel care angel like try hard like dead s angel s angel s moral s moral moral angel s angel angel care angel s moral s angel care s angel people stare fatal dare like baby grab not angel angel care angel angel care angel
+1 | star taiga taiga gloomy gloomy taiga rock formidable wind angara walk snow walk snow song lit fire grim day song light bonfire walk day day day day stand dam river new light new light star burn taiga comrade lit star taiga orchestral loss unsung lose text bright bright star youth light burn homeland homeland look eye motherland eye look honestly courageously friend homeland eye look 1963
-1 | twisted tongue place category face face will hear tell different story loose lip sink ship honesty forever eye envy try cut try sever coward hide word not care feeling hurt beware voice face s hide underneath cover cowardice not cover cowardice not hear beware voice face s hide underneath cover cowardice not cover cowardice not hear coward hide word not care feeling hurt eye blind rage beware voice face insecure will find fuel start fire bitter prick hatred inspire level head prevail revenge will not well trust instinct like trust s mirror coward hide word not care feeling hurt beware voice face s hide underneath cover cowardice not cover cowardice not hear beware voice face s hide underneath cover cowardice not cover cowardice not hear coward hide word not care feeling hurt eye blind rage beware voice face cover cowardice not cover cowardice not hear beware voice face s hide underneath cover cowardice not cover cowardice not hear coward hide word not care feeling hurt eye blind rage beware voice face voice face voice face voice
-1 | lose april day turn friend write read twice wallow shame say love eternal scheme cling past like childish dream promise stay hold breath go far away icy road beneath foot lead wasteland deceit rest head not cry not ask reason keep inside idle race ghost idol false embrace rest head not cry not ask reason
+1 | song lyric dear wide blue river good      love      day young      swallowsong      fly water          easy          singing easy reduce gentle eye find happy      sun shine      bird sing      friendly breeze      give coolness          easy          singing easy pleasure convey word want hug world      high mountain      large field      steppe      native land          easy          singing easy scarlet sun go sunset golden eye burn fire      funny scull      like wing light      pitch pine      stand river          easy          singing easy hour apart sail sing good      love      world young      swallowsong      fly water          easy          singing easy 1938
+1 | mars apple blossom live believe wonderful unprecedented way claim astronaut dreamer mars apple blossom fellow world pass pass star meet earth burgeon mars apple blossom friend star future worry sad leave earth promise mars apple blossom
+1 | space walk land wander meteor astronaut path outside window treasure open space want walk                          chorus journey talk path attract fellow stellar dance star dance dance star call beckon today look fun guy navigator rocket ship                          chorus russian smile star region rush livedship walk space pace walk land                          chorus journey talk path attract fellow stellar dance star dance dance dance horovod1965
-1 | say cough reason throw winter freeze say deliver simple answer far complex complex conceive cause let let run away find drug not think deserve nmore importantly not know exactly want want need forget promise promise forget chase time apart alcohol fresh vibrant flame question value hue be hold arm friend nearly drink death spill morning sweetest love walk outside watch sun rise resemble day later moon shine lie not know exactly want want need forget promise promise forget hurry hurry hurry like scurry scurry scurry away hurry hurry hurry carry away hurry hurry hurry like scurry scurry scurry away hurry hurry hurry like get carry away not know exactly want want need forget promise promise forget
+1 | feldfruechte плоды на огороде немецкий muse garden shut thrive house soup greens species bauer flower mix bag parsley tomatoe bean gallery especially difficult popular celery yes small wieschen grow quiet world humble radish outside red white inside musing garden german politic soup carbon type compost republic big shot eyeglasse gehberockte parliament routine rotation yes verbockte love good spd hermann müller huferlieschen flourish harmless goofy leis modest radischen red outside inside weiß1960
-1 | push finger eye thing slowly stop ache thing jesus end work way inside pain go scream vein collapse wait time elapse live fate have wish have bitch have leave little fact kill create have get to have get to swear ill away not promise will enjoy noise guess ill save good future like big past leave cause leave choice push finger eye thing slowly stop ache pain go be go to separate skin bone leave piece leave tell reality well dream find hard way push finger eye thing slowly stop ache thing jesus end work way inside pain go be go to have get have get insane have get have get insane have get have get insane have get have get insane have get have get insane have get have get insane push finger eye thing slowly stop ache thing jesus end work way inside pain go be go to have get have get insane have get have get insane have get have get insane have get have get insane
-1 | seit knapp 2 stunden lieg ich neben dir wach dabei habe ich mir denn gedacht wie es wohl sei wenn wir zusammen wären dann bräuchte ich dir auch nicht erklären warum meine hände dich berühren ich würd dich jetzt gern verführen doch weil wir leider nur freunde sind und uns immer mehr die zeit verrinnt wir nur tun dass wir zusammen wären lieb ich trotzdem das wir füreinander sind seit knapp 2 jahren denk ich oft dich weiß nicht weshalb denn eigentlich ist alle okay wie es ist nur das eine das ich vermiss wahrscheinlich nie real sein wird aber mir immer mehr den kopf verwirrt doch weil wir leider nur freunde sind und uns immer mehr die zeit verrinnt wir nur tun dass wir zusammen wären lieb ich trotzdem das wir füreinander sind
+1 | warszawianka польский 1 ahead raise banner upward howl storm hostile element today oppress strength grim nobodys uncertain tomorrow oh banner mankind password sacred song resurrection triumph labor justice dawn brotherhood people ref bis forward warszawo bloody fight holy righteous march march warszawo 2 today work people perish hunger crime delight sink mud disgrace young man afraid stand scaffold oh trace die reflect life gift win singe name honor million people communicate ref bis forward warszawo bloody fight holy righteous march march warszawo 3 hurray tear crown tsar people walk thorn far blood zatopmy rotten throne purple blood folk ha revenge terrible tormentor today suck life million ha revenge carom plutocrat future harvest yield 1883
+1 | wind rain zastava frontier live peace come glory feat chorus wind rain cloud hide moon night day sterezhom silence wisdom come nature border strip noisy grow corn shoot loud dew drop fall chorus kradoshsya sly fox alarmingly crush feather like trap border sleep lay secret pripev1959
+1 | road zmeitsya wheel steel sheet tirelessly tirelessly watch look window forest plain russian hills bush yes platform wood iron bridge chorus favorite familiar broad green native land motherland privolnoe habitation oh hear oh ezzheno oh pass brick factory tall chimney whitewashed hut threshing field heart expensive mile half village city stranger chorus dew glass moon be chain car window time highlight night light look twilight quietly chorus favorite familiar broad green native land motherland privolnoe habitation oh videno oh ezzheno oh pass 1949
-1 | right antichrist anarchist not know want know wanna destroy passersby cause wanna anarchy dog body anarchy uk come maybe wrong time stop traffic line future dream shopping scheme cause wanna anarchy city way want use good use rest use nme use anarchy cause wanna anarchy way mpla uda ira think uk country council tenancy wanna anarchy wanna anarchy know mean wanna anarchist piss destroy
+1 | part class chorus grade time year ago receive move second goodbye goodbye dance cry sing fact second chalk blackboard picture map desk grow chorus love girlfriend stand mountain friend second teacher teacher second chorus school home sweet home familiar sentyabrom way fun walk get system class school home country chorus 1948
+1 | song unlucky navigator ship sail far lead farth harbor road blue fog recognize star wind hurricane inquire wheel girl linden roll wave reef surround reef near river bank navigator personally proud girl difficult route fly brave falcon thing store walk bush path find walk bush sixth year comrade superurgent serve
+1 | cruiser aurora nap subdue northern city low sky dream cruiser aurora hour morning rise neva maybe cloud hairy flash gun distance rough jacket pace menacingly patrol wave steep storm gray proportion ship fate somewhat similar way similar fate people wind whip salty expanse lightning baptize darkness dream cruiser aurora hour morning rise neva
-1 | will not shiver cold will not let shadow toll will not cover head dark will not forget collapse light earth collapse light earth will not heal give time will not try change mind will not feel well cold light day not stop want stay collapse light earth collapse light earth collapse light earth collapse light earth collapse light earth
-1 | dark life colour dark life colour dark life colour dark life colour dark life colour
-1 | path dim light walk rain fall lip clean dissany esperance isolation cold hand clutch go dress black warmth surround see eye sparkle
-1 | lose friend lose drink driving lose friend have get -PRON- mend try hope forget thing lack yeah yeah barely hear truth speak twist knave trap fool watch thing give life broken stoop build wear tool yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah get bad whisper father not fix whisper like bridge s river span turn miss somebody throw brick shatter plan yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah time seed cold ground take grow come end yeah body cold ground time warm hand come end yeah come end yeah come end yeah miss blend color leave black white field feel condemn friend man know feel friend be lover be family yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah time seed cold ground take grow come end yeah
-1 | low downside world swallow wait faith one trust stick tuck tail run s friendship be sick wait life come singe be wait want know come lean one make happy s be say be wait life come be head great unknown be go cast aside leave fend sun repeat word not need world want break true friend hold be sick wait life come be singe be wait want know come lean one make happy s be say be wait life come be head great unknown faith try true lose trust right strong survive faith try true lose strong one s keep alive
+1 | pioneer song company officer light dawn dawn road ahead sure meet friend chorus fact road today nature pioneer nature pioneer comrade 2p read book page wing seagull attract far wing grow chorus restless wind hike dream happiness sun rain song work road wide open chorus 73
+1 | cheerfully walk chorus cheerfully walk open space expanse open space course well hum chorus well chorus good chorus singka quailperepolochka needle needle christmas tree board plaque short flight stair word word song chorus sky dawn strip zapoloschetsya birch birch grove board plaque short flight stair word word song chorus happy choose path raindrop time raindrop bow board plaque short flight stair word word song pripev1978
-1 | believe western sun fall break free morning come know time come believe western sun fall feel firm ill travel feel burn time come feel feel energy feel power grow feel energy feel power grow feel energy feel power grow believe western sun fall break free morning come know time come believe western sun fall feel burn not try run feel burn time come feel feel energy feel power grow feel energy feel power grow feel energy feel power grow om namah narayana om namah narayana om namah narayana om namah narayana om namah narayana feel feel feel energy
-1 | invisible sun star light dark invisible sun shadow star invisible sun shine s path invisible sun rub question mark invisible sun star light dark invisible sun shadow star invisible sun shine s path invisible sun rub question mark invisible sun star light dark invisible sun shadow star invisible sun shine s path invisible sun rub question mark invisible sun star light dark invisible sun shadow star invisible sun shine s path invisible sun rub question mark
-1 | murky presage roam land silence skylark chant somber kiss end impart crimson robe heed darksome maid dance equinox relegate persistence bleak darkness grow cryptal impellent devote sublime round beholden boon light retreat quietness harken somber lie sing somber lie close eye heed vide shall sphere revolve promise flame flicker deftly banish nipping air dark time hand light bardic chant heed darksome maid enwrap bleakness dark veil osilence quiet insight bud darkness roam land long dead skylark chant dark vis usurped command impart sallow robe sure new light come lifewheel rotate onward give promise assertive wear lifegiven impellent devote sublime round
-1 | be standing end road scream emptiness start way clear end completely break misuse love rape not know thing make sense understand feel look eye burt starve heart rape not know thing make sense heart present not understand not ready end be stand scream emptiness rape not know thing make sense
+1 | walk drive walk drive stop grave road worship heart wast thou fisherman miner il scientist shepherd forever remember lie good friend battle spare homeland sbereg1957
+1 | marine heart go ship sea ocean blue distance throw anchor lot friend see heart fatherland wander open expanse song sing today sea sing song sea chorus sound wave sea beach away russia russia well land alien constellation salt deposit lip guy curly africa wait girl sun cuba dear friend proud accustomed share song happiness share chorus orchestral loss girlfriend expect native shore wave affectionate hand heart beach heart sea go ship sea ocean blue distance throw anchor lot friend see chorus 1963
+1 | hey soldier airman serbian powerful engine hum hear thunderous sound flight powerful wing height blue young pilot let hear song let wind peace flag blue height hey soldier airman steel wing army boldly forward airman height blue defender powerful engine hum hear thunderous sound flight powerful wing height blue hey soldier airman steel wing army boldly forward airman height blue defender hey soldier airman steel wing army boldly forward airman height blue defender
-1 | be sicken know have betray ignore warning sign tell be beneath act knive spine money world not buy respect yeah matter pride s have get leave reach hand stand look turn believe think sacred turn black money world not buy respect yeah matter pride s have get leave right money world not buy respect yeah matter pride s have get leave right right right
+1 | little trumpeter war small laugh doctor good little maybe trumpeter uneasy trumpeter trumpet player necessary bow bullet whistle hold polished pipe autumn rain strange unknown land regiment surround commander kill battle oh trumpeter sound arise blower smoke flame lip press trumpet tube regiment wound sing internationale regiment go trumpeter real trumpet player soldier soldier suppose donotcry cry strange land wilderness uncut remain small blower thing real trumpet 1967
-1 | be wait king rule mind not need band gold need simple man trace go s edge life cut like knife lay head s castle sand get kick face easily would fall grace s piece dust crumble hand decide lose control escape find fake want lot simple man trace go s pot gold end rainbow walk white line s piece dust crumble hand decide lose control s castle sand get kick face easily would fall grace yes s pot gold end rainbow s edge life cut like knife lay head know not escape find fake want lot s truth lie angel cry everybody know bear die s edge life cut like knife miss s power thrill man miss miss miss miss miss
-1 | follow love tomorrow leave chain sorrow will not walk pizarro follow man flame arrow blood blood blood blood blood blood come love know want reclaim street berlin statue burn street regrow forest rob rich poor come love come love not need not want build not love will not feed find sun set sun set gunpowder wash street indian blood seed revolution grow tight children neck like noose slave check chain decade later not figure remain blood wake love want action unlock child will happen comfort coffin pull lever choose killer not need not want build not need will not feed find not love will not feed build blood blood blood blood blood blood blood blood blood blood blood blood blood
-1 | day enemy night friend day enemy night friend ddddddddddown day enemy night friend day enemy night friend day enemy night friend day enemy night friend day enemy night friend day enemy night friend day enemy night friend day enemy night friend
+1 | cheryomushki maple street kolyshev foliage wonderful new spacious moscow window light light merry clear moonlight expensive chorus be love be love southwest area near moscow fairy tale like fairy tale grow be love be love southw area good day night morning hurry meet people work cheryomushki cherry fragrant blossom loud vociferous squeeze singing pripev1959
+1 | moscow river morning flow prohadoy light far away dull garden boat float river river early hear splash oar liberty come heart love spring song fly wave smile good city bright dream river early hear splash oar liberty come heart love spring 1948
-1 | help freak heart barely beat demon creep sink lung barely breathe angel ground everybodys peek make sound shadow deceive paranoid aroused slap shake gut ache demon laugh loud spare fade dissipate angel ground everybodys peek make sound shadow deceive paranoid aroused mind debate lesion be make mess sedate power embrace bullshit be face feeling be hate reality fail shit degrade everybodys peek make sound shadow deceive paranoid arouse bullshit be face feeling be hate reality failing shit degrade
+1 | marsh enthusiast everyday life great building merry din light ring hello country hero country dreamer scientist country wilderness wood tropic pole lie darle boundless endure chorus barrier sea land afraid ice cloud flame soul flag country sweep world age stand daring right labor matter honor matter valor heroism fame inclined machine cut rock dream beautiful unclear call forward chorus create world glory year case century happiness right love hot sing child star red sparkle unprecedented country ocean dream come true 1940
-1 | north yew grove mountain crown glory steel shine beacon wealth home prosperous high princess noreia man fight bloodre mountainside man vanquish rapacious beast fateful day appear colossal furious boar feed sacred land swath destruction remain iron sword raise vain asunder burst lightning spear oppress stricken languish fear rise man fight bloodre mountainside man vanquish rapacious beast man end age distress man fulfill prophecy enthean vir vir vir vir vir vir vir vir north yew grove man step forth challenge beast father town home prosperous high princess noreia man fight bloodre mountainside man vanquish rapacious beast man end age distress man fulfill prophecy enthean
-1 | year hide blackness sink oblivion agony fear absorb thinking anguish suffocate soul see countless act treason heart fill force comfort anymore home know crumble dust know ruin watch burn fatherland blood red sky pray impatiently wait be wait end hail bomb saviour be craving siren wail leave cell cross night crawl bunker hide away shake fear dare raise eye whisper fill lung life walk street orphan quartier shine like daylight light
+1 | donbas dust donbass steppe feather grass sway miner soon coal issue good song sing chorus speak know speak say fable compose nonsense responsible merit miner green garden bloom sing merry song chorus speak know speak donbass black house smoke day night thick darkness beautiful girl find look fall pit chorus speak know speak say response ready long time inquire donetsk sky clear bad crimea girl heart chorus speak know speak share easy married miner wife love slaughter shahterovoy wife chorus speak know speak say listen take shoulder go noble miner friend write come sure choose miner chorus speak know speak 1949
-1 | goodbye not dare face go wreckage world class box tshirt record sell time change defend action foundation crumble leave thank not ask love vanish jester door
-1 | ohh moment will remember night will forget ohh sinner stand se hallelujah hallelujah praise body stand se hallelujah hallelujah not stop shake lean let right ya hallelujah prayer prayer prayer hallelujah life start day get catch cover secondhand lover oh tie pretty young thing state emergency try time sad miss like miss blue well sinner stand se hallelujah hallelujah praise body stand se hallelujah hallelujah not stop shake lean let right ya hallelujah prayer prayer prayer hallelujah drunk not mean thing stop think bullet mouth love thing hate finish daydream try time sad miss like miss blue well want heart be sit pretty brand new scar will know not try let try let try let try sinner stand se hallelujah hallelujah praise body stand se hallelujah hallelujah not stop shake lean let right ya hallelujah prayer prayer prayer hallelujah sinner stand se hallelujah hallelujah praise body stand se hallelujah hallelujah not stop shake lean let right ya hallelujah prayer prayer prayer
+1 | dawn mist dawn mist lit beacon open sea sailor play wave stern ship melt mist native land chorus hey sailor live sea ground trace blizzard fall asleep dorozhenka trodden water walk happiness fall sailor office friend easy sailor friendship loyalty strong happy sing song good friend sea find chorus native land large broad thee proud soul sailor fight seafarer roll military way pripev1954
-1 | memory shatter thousand piece illusion look start wall glass second think remind be alive free lung swallow endless dawn
+1 | hello moscow meet street noise rang boulevards foliage enter arch railway station whisper hello moscow chorus sing pass avenue garden sing smile moscow moscow fly popular belief young dear moscow wind fly singe light moskva river walk street ring cheerful young people chorus city world beautiful moscow bring youth tireless good song chorus sing pass avenue garden sing smile moscow moscow fly popular belief young dear moscow 1945
-1 | sleepless night time stand minute like hour hour like day deep breath open eye clench hand fist nightmare hunt real running away futile stand fatal not distinguish sweat blood anymore fault know fail feel numb drink tear remember smile know face fear enter room close door smell perfume hurt like open sore bleed forever end dream somebody cut twist picture be float memory feel like fracture reflect disappear s moment choose fate not grow love instead end fuckin fight oh god tell feel numb drink tear remember smile know face fear take key start car drive nowherewith heart fall apart enter room close door whisper sleepless night time stand minute like hour hour like day fault know fail
+1 | fidelity warm song frankness appreciate song like friend let sing loyalty let sing loyalty earth faithfulness loyalty world expensive faithfulness loyalty well stringent faithfulness loyalty sell faithfulness loyalty heart big homeland proud star helmet fatherland faithful son sing faithful wife soldier sing faithful wife soldier wait news war chorus loyalty military oath knowingly give order s teach courage call exploit chorus sad pock away home let sing favorite let sing favorite word loyalty preserve chorus 1969
+1 | madrid november испанский madrid november iron fire support yoke treacherous bear slave madrile year madrile year village street willing fight end fascism madrid win fascism madrid win village street want die succeed oh madrid free love immortal city world invincible madrid present madrid awe dei world iron fire madrile year madrile year defend house unmatched value fascist scoundrel madrid enter n fascist scoundrel madrid enter n oh madrid free love immortal city world 1938
-1 | final resistance final revolt desperate hope teardimme eye wrathtorn mind take arm time uxellodunon oh stand freedom manifesto forget thing have see death die tear cry regret defy raise arm stub pride perish cut hand proclaim grandeur land take dignitys impregnable uxellodunon fortress free man shine beacon indomitably bearing witness freedom bearing witness name cause ashe grave offspring antumnos arise life uxellodunon oh stand freedom manifesto
+1 | friendshipfreundschaft german russian   oneway road people cry ring oder volga hand friend kamerad friendship freundschaft friendship freundschaft unity thought feeling inviolability fraternal tie forever friendship freundschaft friendship freundschaft german democratic republic soviet union
-1 | sit wait feel broken hollow hand hold close face scream bother will tear rip apart cast aside like sinner word wise learn learn learn learn listen hear call will testify justify find way hear call arcane eye stare face hear call lie wait feeling hollow not find love place leave sorrow promise stand broken throw away learn learn learn learn learn learn learn listen hear call will testify justify find way hear call mobilize pacify save day pick piece break generation break generation yeah hear call road hell pave good intention apathy expect common sense enemy would burn alive drown inside reality hear listen hear call testify justify find way hear call climb wall scratch sky save day pick piece break generation pick piece break generation hear call
-1 | not think let stay know ill lose control thing have not believe have protect suffocate thin line walk think point finger nothing right enemy pain climb like ivy foot face enemy
-1 | ill love love love will not pretend pretend pretend pretend pretend be go to love love love damn not want try lie fly not wanna die deep inside death hide wanna clarify justify run hide wanna signify pacify hate inside ill love will not pretend be go to love go to try pretend not wanna satisfy cause thing inside do fine not wanna multiply cause deep inside be qualified wanna clarify justify run hide wanna signify pacify hate inside ill love will not pretend be go to love go to try pretend ill love be go to love ill love will not pretend be go to love go to try pretend be go to love go to try pretend
-1 | village broomstick hand run square saying catch lead street town right traffic cop pause moment hear holler stop frosty snow man hurry way wave goodbye say not cry ill day thumpetty thump thump thumpety thump thump look frosty thumpetty thump thump thumpety thump thump hill snow
-1 | urban hipster new gangster frontin club new wave mannequin packin haircut instead packin gun magazine overseas will not teach feel trade heart indie rock chart tell real assume put costume give right ostracize woodwork art aficionado answer question line line fashion mind line line cause not blind line line crime line line cause not blind sell street cre smile local record store s act role dress pretend bore truth conformity bite ste trend come not mean thing assume put costume give right ostracize woodwork art aficionado answer question line line fashion mind line line cause not blind line line crime line line cause not blind line line fashion mind line line cause not blind line line crime line line cause not blind today forget tomorrow today forget tomorrow today forget tomorrow today forget tomorrow today forget tomorrow today forget tomorrow today forget tomorrow today forget tomorrow
+1 | song friend fight heroically russian friend infantry marine boy kaluga boy kostroma exactly brother stick share bread tobacco curl ribbon fire continuous attack bayonet strike friend death retreat come life kaluga walk fun kostroma here shell splinter boy fall kostroma mess friend remark wistfully know longer stand eye neprosvetnaya darkness o death thinking early fun kostroma carefully lift groan fall come let life kaluga comrade say inaudibly lose consciousness pain cheer pal quietly snowy field sailor crawl lead blizzard stop go deadly darkness come life kaluga walk fun kostroma 1943
+1 | pioneer camp camp summer friendly spend pm wing like banner pioneer campfire field forest illumine sky wave poplar branch escort pohod2p tourist naturalist bird chain counselor home country let weather bad weather shall walk forward rich nature like book prochitat2p sun ray burn rain drizzle backpack stop decide harden steel try learn finish medal 2p
-1 | hand break time go go forever long get high live life take grant promise will try leave cause have elect hell lie go blind live life way let guard die forget know forgive love stand promise will try leave cause have elect hell lie go blind live life
+1 | spring march date soltse clear glitter grass dew beautiful bloom field wood country favorite earth invincible soviet union chorus comrade comrade labor battle save motherland wholeheartedly great soviet people freedom tempest adversity cherish goal inexorably go perky young people agile harder find find easily freely breathe land live s song hear mean sing chorus dream want like create create work battleteste year look boldly confidently large friendly people chorus comrade comrade labor battle save motherland wholeheartedly great soviet people freedom tempest adversity cherish goal inexorably come 1947
+1 | partisan sun burns quiet valley die valley battle daughter irina happen ile ear hear ile reach trouble answer old brought water daughter silent answer ahead home meet mother spring water drink sleep sun burn sleep gun hand bulk fuel bloodstaine sand mother tired hand dig ground strand hair take memory take gun mountain rapid rock sand people go fascist shelf country go home great thing spring water drunk heart anger heart mountain heart cry sing valley hill division ahead 1947
-1 | have walk street money earn building cry clueless necktie work revolve fake lawn house house fear desensitize tv overbear advertise god consumerism crooked picture look good mirrorism filter information public eye design profiteer neighbor guy boom boom boom boom time drop bomb kill god child bear boom boom boom boom modern globalization couple condemnation unnecessary death matador corporation puppete frustration blinded flag manufacturing consent game line money give fuck thousand hungry child leave hour starvation billion spend bomb create death shower boom boom boom boom time drop bomb kill god child bear boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom kill kind boom boom boom boom time drop bomb kill god child bear boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom time drop boom
-1 | have see transformation like consider happiness time age be time be feeling not worry dizzy usual situation people know have camouflage have circle pretty people hide will not miss will not miss ill tie loose end string thread separation ill retire old clothe brace wardrobe know not worry dizzy usual situation instance ground occasion not worry dizzy usual situation
+1 | indian friend free son russian land northern neighbor send friend family expensive heart know song send greeting let north south trouble beat heat blizzard let heart people stretch forever indian deny brother friend stand peace mountain war happen let sound strong word let fight bring goal famous city delhi moscow 1956
+1 | volga choir sing village village famous good kolkhoz affair family work pleasure young singe song time voice get strong louder difficult find neighborhood dare question want farm city learn send chorus volga choir sing praise beloved homeland hey listen listen people new volga sing accompany girlfriend friend parting give mandate force labor sorry sing song fun like farm remember word remember distant horizon steppe oh country accept volzhan song hello bow chorus song bird fly long way warm heart people work live love create people help song helper friend cradle gray day sing fun volga steppe great soviet country chorus volga choir sing song fun day hey listen listen native people new volga sing
-1 | time consume open liquid fall eye hope seek comfort insignificant demise cloud reason accept pain hand raise scream uncertain lingering age stray have lose heart desire have sacrifice careless destination far mind omen bring deep decay age stray have lose heart desire bleed sacrifice careless age stray have lose heart desire bleed sarcrifice hopeless sleep find sympathy have numb hour pass emptiness circle
+1 | song peace pioneer wood sunny expanse fly song fly pioneer song peace astray big way chorus fact child sleep peacefully shine light city flutter songfree wind world world forever 2p today step pioneer korean land guy china friend city somalia chorus strength goodwill young honest brave allow thunder sea thunder chorus
-1 | year heart moment doubt life tear apart second hold arm fever subside safe harm keep demon inside start run light moon see mother cry leave space
+1 | song young athlete day spring autumn day winter cold summer heat train young athlete great way open preparation training skill strong brave adroit love work chorus victory come victory struggle mine victory particle big deal zador skill complement rink river lee run track persistent achieve goal success friend day spring autumn day winter cold summer heat train young athlete way big chorus 1973
-1 | oh open time fascination street let cut conversation bit feel fade pale be beg drag kick nail yeah like like like scream open mouth responsible go care come pull hair pull pout let beat like know slip go slip shoulder pull face pull foot let hit opening time fascination street pull hair pull pout cut conversation open mouth pull face pull foot let hit opening time fascination street fascination street fascination street fascination street fascination street
+1 | son accompany father near maple rodney týn father accompany son far son say goodbye friend collective farm field son say goodbye friend collective farm field soon young soldier regiment serve come edge field escort come edge field escort bow sign holy military dear heart banner right multiply soldier family glory banner right multiply soldier family glory work tractor village thou shalt glorify tanker arise collective farm family proud countryman thee arise collective farm family proud countryman thee famously race troika bell hear song field goodbye hut year go army soldier goodbye hut year go army soldier goodbye hut year go army soldier 1948
+1 | live people world good sun rise live people let life light reign world evil live people let life light let difficult everyday life friendship burn heat live people let life light difficult defeat evil live people let life light brave sun rise goodness live people let life light reign world evil live people let life light difficult defeat evil live people let life light brave sun rise goodness live people let life light
-1 | hide face forever dream search forever sale ism smart oh selfish mindless comment eye think hard hard man act cold charge not split mentality think twice voice get reason time face lie open eye open mind proud like god not pretend blind trap break instead beat machine work head offer trick need room -PRON- think well well rest realize s problem know good dream life trip trip chance chance grow quick open eye open mind proud like god not pretend blind trap break instead beat machine work head hide face forever dream search forever night night feel s way outside land open eye open mind proud like god not pretend blind trap break instead beat machine work head open eye open mind proud like god not pretend blind trap break instead beat machine work head
-1 | gaze horizon lose cryptic majesty gaze horizon lost slowly die earth suffocate wasteland convenience call progression vision prophecy face push earth vision prophecy lost slowly die earth suffocate wasteland convenience call progression change inflict transition pray bended knee closed eye pray bended knee time sand time slip finger time sand time time gaze horizon lose cryptic majesty gaze horizon lost slowly die earth suffocate wasteland convenience call progression change inflict transition pray bended knee closed eye pray bended knee time sand time slip finger time time time time time therestill time burn rape humanity pray death release
-1 | question hand hold close silence word fear not let not let destine hit ground not let not let end burn tightrope be wait corner mind lonely place live get hide cause tell would afraid height think high would follow til end time fall fall baby not think twice know know would burn like rocket afterglow know know conquer star world let let be voice broken radio let let get lose constellation be wait corner mind lonely place live get hide cause tell would afraid height think high would follow til end time fall fall baby not think twice not think twice year time darle be question mind word end tell would afraid height tell would afraid height tell afraid height tell would afraid height tell would afraid height fall fall baby not think twice hear voice broken radio know burn like rocket afterglow not let not let destine hit ground not let not let watch final chapter close
-1 | song thank sing hack reflection will not look panic feel not know want want subject change have swallow have split be sure respond notify kin let know s believe not base blood line not know survive hold survive sing song sense purpose worth write song sing go live will not forget survive love survive cause not remember survive love survive wish will not let attach survive love survive fear s leave say word hear
-1 | everybody everybody everybody livin everybody everybody everybody fuck everybody everybody everybody livin everybody everybody everybody suck everybody everybody everybody livin everybody everybody everybody cry everybody everybody everybody livin everybody everybody everybody die nonstop disco bet nabisco betcha not know woohoo nonstop disco bet nabisco betcha not know woohoo nonstop disco betcha not know betcha not know nonstop disco betcha not know betcha not know betcha not know everybody everybody everybody livin everybody everybody everybody fuck everybody everybody everybody livin everybody everybody everybody suck everybody everybody everybody livin everybody everybody everybody die everybody everybody everybody livin everybody everybody everybody cry nonstop disco bet nabisco betcha not know woohoo nonstop disco bet nabisco betcha not know woohoo nonstop disco betcha not know betcha not know nonstop disco betcha not know betcha not know betcha not know violent pornography choke chick sodomy kinda shit tv violent pornography choke chick sodomy kinda shit tv everybody everybody everybody livin everybody everybody everybody suck everybody everybody everybody livin everybody everybody everybody fuck everybody everybody everybody livin everybody everybody everybody die everybody everybody everybody livin everybody everybody everybody cry nonstop disco bet nabisco betcha not know woohoo nonstop disco bet nabisco betcha not know woohoo nonstop disco betcha not know betcha not know nonstop disco betcha not know betcha not know betcha not know violent pornography choke chick sodomy kinda shit tv violent pornography choke chick sodomy kinda shit s tv violent pornography choke chick sodomy kinda shit s tv tv fuck turn tv brainwash bbbbbrainwashe nonstop disco disco ddisco ddisco
-1 | god save queen fascist regime moron potential h bomb god save queen be not human future england dream not tell want not tell need s future future future god save queen mean man love queen god save god save queen cause tourist money figurehead oh god save history god save mad parade oh lord god mercy crime pay s future sin flower dustbin poison human machine future future god save queen mean man love queen god save god save queen mean man s future england dream future future future future future future future future future future future
-1 | not catch wrong time feel wrath wish need rid resentment bit be go live thing have write need clear mind anger rage have hold near be go live word have speak not let start fight way trench have dig war not not catch wrong time feel wrath wish wish demon inside wish know cast wish demon inside wish know cast fear leave fear leave need rid resentment bit be go live thing have write need clear mind anger rage have hold near be go live word have speak let let know know know need let think better be well s fill anger take demon leave find way let demon leave control way
-1 | meine ganze generation jeder hier kennt die frage schon dauerschleifen diese zeilen gehen oder bleiben ein viel zu tiefer sumpf viele bekannte freundeskreis schrumpft sind unsere besten jahre jetzt schon um komm schon für diese eine nacht als wenn nur die uns glücklich macht verdräng verlier ignorier komm schon für diese eine nacht als wenn nur die uns glücklich macht verdräng verlier ignorier alle um mich herum ziehen weiter um ich krieg hier langsam angst allein zu sein ich kann euch gut verstehn habt nur angst vorm die zukunft sehen bleibt wenn immer nur die guten gehen komm schon für diese eine nacht als wenn nur die uns glücklich macht verdräng verlier ignorier komm schon für diese eine nacht als wenn nur die uns glücklich macht verdräng verlier ignorier wir werden tresen randaliern wir unseren absturz zelebrieren wir nehmen das alle gern kauf wir wachen der ostsee auf komm schon für diese eine nacht als wenn nur die uns glücklich macht verdräng verlier ignorier komm schon für diese eine nacht als wenn nur die uns glücklich macht verdräng verlier ignorier komm schon für diese eine nacht als wenn nur die uns glücklich macht verdräng verlier ignorier komm schon für diese eine nacht als wenn nur die uns glücklich macht verdräng verlier ignorier
-1 | metaphor miss moment pull perfect circle womb shape resolve liberate release get to cut away clear away snip away sever umbilical residue keep kill pull hear scream medicated peaceful moment medicated peaceful moment not wanna feel overwhelming hostility not wanna feel overwhelming hostility get to cut away clear away snip away sever umbilical residue get to cut away clear away snip away sever umbilical residue keep kill snip away sever keep kill
+1 | guerrilla quietly doze forest huge surround enemy sleep dark wood dark night fight go go go squad chorus guerrilla guerrilla russian glory proud eagle guerrilla guerrillas holy motherland true blow train road enemy fire engulf warehouse hope anxiety surround village chorus nalotsya spike field come fold build voice victory song zapoom chorus huge forest surround enemy sleep dark wood dark night fight go go go squad chorus 1943
-1 | allow exaggerate memory summer last longer long matter time forgot grow melody sound sweet time sing little bit character time father hear wrong have be put lantern find way home have forget sing sing song ill write wall job ill courtesy admit wrong final word be dead go have divine accept defeat have scared love enemy sleep be put lantern find way home
-1 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 oh know have guarantee would secret lose dream time vegas light villain spend weekend deep end swim shark drown vegas light lie affectation sensation win till curtain come be not soaint perfect cynical mind totally worth lose dream time vegas light villain spend weekend deep end swim shark drown vegas light lie affectation sensation win till curtain come bore look good get to start change
-1 | test feel like wall close not escape turn not run thing sick stomach feel compassion pain look world disdain know be problem drive insane light end tunnel solace bullshit promise fuck suppose live like get leave lose s end bullshit drama fake fucking friend world have peace fight life find peace day day disillusioned fuckin person earth include everybodys get demon battle not know shit handle feel weight world pressure great feel heart break step yeah get to strong get to momma proud get to father son
-1 | hey hey be life be take hey hey be life be care betray be true friend will betray be forever be dream real be eye steal be pain not feel sad true be dream mind astray be eye away be pain repay know sad true sad true mask cover shelter mask s blame work dirty work scapegoat deed s shame be dream real be eye steal be pain not feel sad true be dream mind astray be eye away be pain repay know sad true sad true be dream be eye be pain be dream be eye be pain know sad true hate hate be hate be hate want love pay pay pay price pay nothing fair hey hey be life be take hey hey be life longer care be dream real be eye steal be pain not feel sad true be truth tell lie be reason alibis be inside open eye be sad true
-1 | s moment moment life moment future moment time point return point return know go not hold tear not hold tear show life s moment moment life moment future moment time point return point return know go not hold tear not hold tear show life know go not hold tear not hold tear show life s moment
+1 | strike на забастовку испанский partner strike work leave tool time fight strike strike strike mother strike thousand strike mother government hunger raise worker bread plow loom vivan man people federal strike people world hand return spain lose freedom
+1 | long journey fly eagle long journey fly eagle troop steppe steppe wormwood go don village troop war edge native land soviets ondon don troop war edge native land soviets heat sun dry steppe army lead comrade voroshilov lugansk tsaritsyn free bank volga fear enemy rescue friend steppe steppe free bank volga fear enemy rescue friend tell comrade stalin day tough tough day arrive tsaritsyn fortress white leash surrender rebuff krasnov win white leash surrender rebuff krasnov win forget fight resistant voroshilov hand kastornaya rostov chongaro cavalry pass drive enemy victory produce glorious way glorious path cavalry pass drive enemy victory produce edge steppe fly eagle journey voroshilov epic quiet don intermarried volga light wave strong soviet union quiet don merge volga light wave strong soviet union 1952
+1 | year return year hello hello native land lazy sky prelezhny home field stretch wave grain watchmen stand poplar silent fall asleep heat sea freeze remember time remember youth sunny meadow love hug intoxicate amazing girl hand go year return native land fall silent nature age youth horizon native irrepressible youth 1957
+1 | fire fire burn land chukotka snow mountain carpathian fire million child fearless honesty yes yes fiery glance close glance light come life immortal day red horse gloomy smoke rider die young chorus proud lyric lyric father heart brave young soldier faithful forever truth flame scarlet fire 2 time republic fire light reach faroff world bonfire blaze pioneer parade spark sincere friendship guy revolution salute look comrade come life sky lead red star hero live embrace thunderstorm chorus proud lyric lyric father heart brave young soldier faithful forever truth flame scarlet fire 2 time orchestral lose line chorus faithful forever truth flame scarlet fire 2 time
-1 | lose meaning stay learn live day doubt choice have know not hide shame disguise drown debris fool thought free close eye depth need eye not mind read writing wall life grind torture voice crawl find well day lose way try numb time understand long touch face know ill leave place mind not mind read writing wall life grind torture voice crawl find well day lose find well way consciously pretend silence want tendency run away ill run away tonight launder sin away like mistake know tonight world die not mind read writing wall life grind torture voice crawl find well day lose find well way consciously pretend
+1 | ageold oppression ageold oppression humiliation insult endure oh hard live window look east sun call fight decide fate chorus people freedom let hour happiness let sun come look bright light come slavs day seizure slavic brother dream fight holy hatred afraid enemy plot love sorrow family chorus 1920
-1 | will not regret way have live life not forget impression chest close eye pray god find dream day hope sign grave time wake clean hand pile shard watch fall smile face watch fuckin fall smile face cause warn thousand time smile fall invest wing fall sky fuckin black fact dig grave hear countless voice scream welcome deadline will not regret way have live life not forget impression fuckin chest close eye hope sign befor grave find dream day breathe hand fuckin throat fuckin time point finger fall have lose fuckin face fact have lose fuckin face
+1 | bulgaria russia gray soldier coat brother grave lie banner change grandchildren immortal soldier true truth life faithful military glory grandchild immortal soldier bulgaria russia peacefully battle bulgaria russia order bulgaria russia banner labor bulgaria russia forever fun splash maritza volga wave ring friendship produce wheat friendship song play true truth life faithful military glory friendship song play vast eagle lenin chart route young fighting gust descendant true truth life faithful military glory descendant
-1 | rise distrust forgive rise distrust forgive destroy inner force thing head wake save heart thing head fall sleep destroy want truth trust want trust heart die suffer be afraid fall look eye try wall wall silence heart hand hate past destroy need truth truth break piece fuckin lie save heart like kiss death kiss death heart hand break save fuckin heart word like paste not real shape
-1 | know bend break promise time truth head cloud hope invisible sick tired feel faint lip turn blue know wish dead world s know scare tremble shake like dog shit razorblade feel shadow like stranger join club yeah join club wish cut skin join club yeah join club know fuck would feel fit join club yeah join club life song dance old thing know heart dead horse s point beat let sink let sink fucking ground fuck scare tremble shake like dog shit razorblade feel shadow like stranger join club yeah join club think feel way shade fuck join club yeah join club know bend break promise time truth head cloud hope invisible know bend break promise time truth head cloud hope invisible scare tremble shake like dog shit razorblade feel shadow like stranger join club yeah join club think feel way shade fuck join club yeah join club
+1 | east red chinese east zaalel sun rise china mao zedong bear people east lead freedom people east happiness lead
-1 | destroy destroy destroy destroy destroyer speak lie speak tongue damage live dream rest peace content sleep chain seven trumpet sound discourse circle devise message writ column fire life bloom ashe ire heart beat faster head hang low kneel master filthy pig row black sun hide black sun hide monster have destroy destroy destroy destroy addict hook toxic culture infinite growth finite world empire gold return sand silver tongue rust beneath guilt man heart beat weak head roll crawl master beg kill blow black sun hide black sun hide monster have scar earth spite sky burn tree feed fire blind lead damned wrecking ball hand mad man destroy destroy destroyer destroy destroy destroyer black sun hide black sun hide monster have
-1 | hey not not expect pick have day uhm be okay uhm think figure would get late uhm tell careful
-1 | turn stone find come end carry embrace lose true carry tear fall step crawl carry embrace lose true fall fall fall crawl crawl fall fall fall crawl crawl pain fall not hear truth be distrust dream not hear truth carry embrace lose true fall fall pain fall not hear truth fall fall be distrust dream not hear truth fall fall fall crawl
+1 | funny tanker vasya vasin oddly taxi cab driver passenger constantly bob jokingly say carry vasya vasin mean lucky end road stop taxi conclude meter fare nastukal meter lot ah long road short conversation 1943
+1 | far far away far far away wander fog breeze swaying rye one edge steppe mound remember live distant friend day night cease expensive desirable wait news sky tip blue splash swift river sigh sea widely stretch russian dear fatherland svetlookoy beautiful dawn far edge think far far away forest gray sleep rest hour beach animal track edge forever darle enemy dawn distant outpost life worry remember mogu1951
+1 | city street childhood friend be go today garden home like hello tell chorus zdravstuy native city town city like garden blooming spring favorite city green belt boulevard space light wander love night dawn meet old friend new house river youth walk street chorus world country sea night dream street cheerful fire lantern chorus 1954
-1 | burn example original care care sure show love sleep single stir cause father work tonight ship fool be sink be stone neck breath s not pray like god listen parent proud glue keep friend not talk not know person kiss have bed not fall asleep tonight ship fool be sink be stone neck breath s not throw lifeline ship fool be sink be stone neck breath s not hit brake s time save run street anybody know think recognize sure hell pay mistake woah woah woah woah burn example tonight original ship fool be sink care care be stone neck sure show love breath s not pray like god listen save life tonight parent proud ship fool be sink glue keep friend be stone neck not talk not breath s not
+1 | gracesong stalin great stalin father love motherland loyal heart bow people happy day nativity chorus sing praise business live leader live joy clear light shine age close person nice hard way fighting honor land native chorus road lenin call new feat enter solar life fight peace building communism chorus sing praise business live leader live joy 1949
-1 | be world expect love expect love expect be tired blood floor blood floor blood not feel pain energy low energy low chance kill -PRON- kill -PRON- yes yeah bullet have shoot tear drop life like different world bullet have shoot tear drop life like different world know think live truth live truth live think free choose free choose free be try fight support support hate kill -PRON- kill -PRON- yes yeah bullet have shoot tear drop life like different world bullet have shoot tear drop life like different world bullet have shoot tear drop life like different world bullet have shoot tear drop life like different world different world different world
-1 | have get forever slippin hand have get time understand fall footstep weigh heavy darkness beneath candle whisper waltz dream short distance point line foot turn black path walk turn wish hear talk like pull foot leave skin burn coal meet tell short distance point line short distance point line
+1 | song lenin difficult year struggle battle land freedom people gain constantly bring lenin party mountain eagle chorus grand master voice fade age immortal banner lenin party solid hand lenin lead freedom light joy truth bring lenin world fatherland soviet like granite cliff pripev1952
-1 | road bride road bride strip pride confide keep satisfy give need dust throat crave knowledge save game stay slave rover wanderer nomad vagabond yeah oh ill time free speak mind ill redefine roam lay head home yeah earth throne earth throne adapt unknown wander star have grow ask tie sever clean gain beat path reign rover wanderer nomad vagabond yeah ill time be free speak mind ill mind roam lay head home yeahyeah ill time be free speak mind ill find roam lay head home s right ill time be free speak mind ill redefine roam lay head home carve stone body lie roam yeahyeah roam roam hohoh roam roam yeah wander wander wander roam yeah yeah roam yeah yeah roam roam roam roam roam
+1 | northern light go harbor native hand moment part good luck covet know long voyage dream northern light foam wave let storm hlostkaya come dispute sailor sing soul want play far peaceful harbor like relative northern light foam wave sigh swell sad wind break tackle happiness cute yes sea distance call ill swim spring northern light foam wave
+1 | maritime fall autumn storm mast howl slap night cold angry wave oh yes sea oh yes yes open space time watch remember cheerful look way far north autumn cruel warm heart odessa eternal flame let rumble night wave angry autumn afraid cheerful brave sailor soul spring sad dear autumn storm otgremev like smoke part stern oh yes sea oh yes yes open space cope sailor brave wind wave way far north autumn cruel come trip odessa dear flame gather friend spring toast love youth dear native land
-1 | guten tag ich bin lee hoi chuen mein sohn macht filme den usa und ich werd morgen tot sein und vergessen sicher auch ein hold war ich wirklich nie es lastet alle auf den kindern wir gehen sterben unserem haus verdient hab ich das sicher nicht und entscheiden kann das auch wer bleiben aber niemal ich leb doch mehr wie deine mutter leb bloß nicht wie ich leb doch mehr wie deine mutter leb bloß nicht wie ich ach hallo ich bin heiner rust mein sohn wurd gestern abgeholt sie müssen beschützen meisten vor sich selbst kann ihm nicht helfen bin morgen tot leb doch mehr wie deine mutter leb bloß nicht wie ich leb doch mehr wie deine mutter leb bloß nicht wie ich leb doch mehr wie deine mutter leb bloß nicht wie ich leb doch mehr wie deine mutter leb bloß nicht wie ich ja leb doch ja leb doch ja leb doch
-1 | spin bathroom stall try read writing wall help straight better late friday be friend hope night end carry friend hope night end friday begin bartender try kick go tip buddy shout not drive think ill cab drunk dial oh shit bill friday be friend hope night end carry friend hope night end friday begin be spin be spin be spin be friend hope night end carry friend hope night end friday begin be spin be spin be spin
-1 | know way soft slippery cut night like razor rarely talk s danger thing thing know voice love song cat past s ice lover walk not look twice cause fast thing thing have get dozen man have get dead flower floor pretty daylight keep come thing thing thing thing thing thing
+1 | песня единого фронта man man need eat make geschwдtz tired create food refrain   drum leave drum leave place comrade row worker unite worker 2 man man need clothe shoe make geschwдtz warm drum   refrain 3 man man like boot face drum want sehn slave inform master   refrain 4 proletarian proletarian drum befrein liberation working work worker   refrain русский перевод и так как все мы люди то должны мы извините чтото есть хотят накормить нас пустой болтовней к чертям спасибо за честь марш левой два три марш левой два три встань в ряды товарищ к нам ты войдёшь в наш единый рабочий фронт потому что рабочий ты сам и так как все мы люди то нужны нам башмаки без заплат и нам не поможет треск речей под барабанный раскат марш левой два три марш левой два три встань в ряды товарищ к нам ты войдёшь в наш единый рабочий фронт потому что рабочий ты сам и так как все мы люди не дадим бить нас в лицо сапогом никто на других не поднимет плеть и сам не будет рабом марш левой два три марш левой два три встань в ряды товарищ к нам ты войдёшь в наш единый рабочий фронт потому что рабочий ты сам и так как ты рабочий то не жди что нам поможет другой себе мы свободу добудем в бою своей рабочей рукой
+1 | brindisi raise grace cup amicable habitation glorious motherland red flag strength strong find brave defender girl young people collective farm university factory chorus fact develop person good thought feeling new soviet unprecedented age science labor art chorus strong cohesion father child special quality honesty modesty soviet people courage honor heroism chorus new stream abundant rain new dimension abundance brave hero wise leader eagle wing raise grace cup amicable habitation glorious motherland red flag 1938
-1 | be state mind be wish blind life pain feel power grief death relief secret hide die depression friend torture end let carry dreamers sky cry dream hear endless scream fade away fade away fluid cheek drain weak heart cold bleak black blood black tear black tear black tear life like masquerade debt not pay soon ill day away feel guilt believe thou wilt sorrow destroy world have build fluid cheek drain weak heart cold bleak black blood black tear black tear black tear
+1 | baikal sailor lie astern vast distance wave seagull fly high freely live lake baikal look heart sing joy baikal abound powerful free granite steep rock glory thunder old man sedoglavy taiga sea sacred baikal mountain ridge dawn shine deck quietly play accordion building great sailor baikal load forest lead caravan free easy expanse water confidently look forward helmsman noisy tar siberian sea sailor baikal camping 1958
-1 | place candle burn salty sweat drip breast hip feel say sway beast inside mes go to ya ya yea black lipstick stain glass red wine servant light cigarette lip smooth yeah feel say pray beast inside mes go to ya ya yea beg serve wish law close eye let love death shall prove mean be say beg beast inside me go to ya ya ah let love ah let love death death ah let love ah let love death death hey good hey good good
-1 | spell know dark dark night pull lose light lose light dark dark night pull word s hear dark dark night pull pull pull pull pull be go be go be go be go spell know dark dark night pull dark dark night pull dark dark night pull dark dark night pull
+1 | moscow kolkhoz capital world capital country glitter kremlin constellation thee universe proud granite beauty moscow beauty unique compose song good people leader stalin favorite sing happy homeland chorus prosperous joyful way march ordenonosnogo advanced rank praise work lenin praise case stalin praise party country sun shine edge happy skimp generous land cover bumper crop moscow collective farm field find life beautiful wonderful love strong heart hot holiday song broadshouldere guy girl look slim chorus newly buckshot posypetsya hail boil fight line tractor tank peresyadem saddle steed fascist reptile samurai gang land defeat single inch native land enemy pripev1938
+1 | potpourri military topic people army music g movsesyan r christmas poetry stand post platoon porotno immortal like fire calm like granite countrys army army people great feat history store chorus fate red banner wonder country hope sacred word moscow remember borodin time tank crew music pokrass brother poem b laskin race tank wind rise come formidable armor fly enemy flock pressure steel fire finish song bail enemy attack fire tankman merry friend crew battle marsh gunner music khrennikov verses gusev strike hour victory end come hike home relative honor native army honor people glad salute victorious hour dodim chorus artillerity exact order give artillerity motherland call hundred thousand battery tear mother country fire fire marsh aviation music j hite poem p herman bear fairy tale come true overcome space open space give reason steel handwing instead heart flame engine chorus higher high higher strive fly bird propeller breathe tranquility border lucky music g movsesyan verse l oshanina service sea long accustomed let boatswain let warrant difficult service assume perfectly know beach chorus service service ground water faithful hand trouble lucky lead way valiant russian navy let hit road music v solovievgray verse dudin way far fun man look wind wind regimental banner commander chorus soldier way way way dear post field farewell pipe call soldier campaign way way way dear post field farewell pipe call soldier campaign
-1 | trade glance look tear apart tear apart lead city light hold close feel beat heart beat heart yeah dance headlight move beat city lose summer heat drive like have feel free not resist s take hold s start fire start fire heart be helpless answer body cry love love s like kiss worth weight gold dance headlight move beat city lose summer heat drive like have feel free feel free feel feel race feel feel race feel feel race feel feel race dance headlight move beat city lose summer heat drive like have feel free
-1 | look helen face hell issue breath story tell will man bad woman man will not woman swim ocean truth time realise time realise have see look helen face fall succumb soul sell reason meaning reason meaning look helen face hell time realise time realise look helen face hell guilty dip toe remain aloof guilty dip toe remain aloof time realise time realise time realise time realise time realise time realise
+1 | pad silver paddy silver mist dawn pass ah enemy meet answer gryanem storm way chorus little bit get alarm shall sound immediately fit help 2 time entire soviet union silver honeydew high sun forever shine oh nice beat japanese firmly beat japanese stick chorus silver paddy friendship learn comrade hand eye ah wait grow battle friendship forge 1939
+1 | leisya song open flow song open sad cry wife sea storm far send country course invisible shore beat heart ship remember favorite helm obedient fight bravely take victory harbor home flow song open hello dear wife sea storm far send country 1948
-1 | shadow tilt head spirit dark wait will not let wind quietly will not let wind quietly soul undone home sun know know bring fire bring bone know know fire bone grow s sun hometown dark hometown dark hometown dark shadow tilt head spirit dark wait will not let wind quietly will not let wind quietly away away god father serve today away away tradition believe not know not know power soul not know not know find bone s sun hometown dark hometown dark hometown dark shadow tilt head spirit dark wait will not let wind quietly will not let wind quietly s sun hometown dark hometown dark
-1 | cold vinyard lie stain break nightingale die look window snow freeze cold cold vinyard lie stain break nightingale die grind halt stone cold gravel freeze turn away waste hour turn away waste year turn away waste hour turn away waste year
-1 | walk street calm heart beat rock bush fall apart fetal lose path form lose desert end thirst fill let purple sky head illuminate aeroplane run follow try sure die share safety fear memory thought go brightest whitened mind not talk watch window pull blindfold know find animal leave home tree grow upside hand hide inside big fish listen choir seaside wait try sure die share safety fear
+1 | stop son learn love historical height sun bravery lay siege death remain clear transparency trainable presence commander che guevara glorious strong hand shoot history santa clara wake remain clear transparency trainable presence commander che guevara come burn breeze spring sun plant flag light smile remain clear transparency trainable presence commander che guevara revolutionary love lead new company hope firmness arm libertarian remain clear transparency trainable presence commander che guevara continue continue fidel hasta siempre comandante remain clear transparency trainable presence commander che guevara
-1 | come want friend friend old enemy time hurry choice not late rest friend old memoria memoria memoria memoria come douse mud soak bleach want trend friend old memoria memoria memoria memoria swear not gun not gun not gun ria memoria memoria memoria not gun swear not gun not gun not gun not gun not gun memoria memoria
-1 | remember be go know fucking wrong steel wrist lose breath chest forget wrong leave take exit leave friend gutter leave life right leave leave leave leave falter stutter note s haunt memory past ready breath chest heavy ready leave hope grieve roll be go not remember know well stay speak friend let heart beat give grave s s s ghost leave haunt know be end life leave s memory regret dead not follow footstep cherish leave haunt memory past ready breath chest heavy ready leave hope grieve s s s s ghost leave haunt s ghost s memory regret dead not follow footstep cherish leave s memory regret dead not follow footstep cherish leave haunt memory past ready breath chest heavy ready leave hope grieve haunt memory past ready breath chest heavy ready leave hope grieve
+1 | ballad guitar trumpet road steppe range feather s guitar trumpet conversation bring begin guitar container packaging packaging ta trapapapapapa responsible pipe rest stop attack guitar trumpet way start guitar container packaging packaging ta trapapapapapa responsible pipe bullet bullet shoulder guitar blower sigh guitar container packaging packaging ta tradadpapapa responsible pipe road steppe wind focus guitar trumpet end dispute road song path destiny impossible guitar impossible truby1970
-1 | sit silver stack think way start blaze chronic sack wild unfocused troublesome kid look gangster shit unimpressionable age faze unmentionable stage derange rage walk life haze dark cloud hang head wicked loud demon haunt taunt follow pursue confuse want come angle dangle memory will not run away gun away hand ditch not want lock away cause whack bitch leave way old day away not got time throw away memory haunt haunt follow day die fight struggle stay alive memory haunt haunt follow day die get get survive get education street learn spit rhyme beat go go trip people act like knowin learn record company holdin attach image end controllin set set apart let people know start like ghostface say study art form turn mike spit fucking dark storm people sleep doubt skill level be tenacious get strong level introduce real rebel inject venom god kill devil memory haunt haunt follow day die fight struggle stay alive memory haunt haunt follow day die get get survive memory haunt haunt follow day die fight struggle stay alive memory haunt haunt follow day die get get survive remember day youth teenage gangster something prove man amuse creep strew catch ass slip dump crew have fun crazy kid think prison bed get gangster twentyfive alive kid fucking wild s game shit not change respect smoking brain build rep court fool come set know have fun slam dope pack gun leave mad trace blast face get year fucking case memory haunt haunt follow day die fight struggle stay alive memory haunt haunt follow day die get get survive memory haunt haunt follow day die fight struggle stay alive memory haunt haunt follow day die get get survive
-1 | fuck away know wrong continue remorse know fast track grave be head struggle find time save man conscience fight find time save man spend day look page try find way away love leave breathless need find way inside mind not want leave breathless realize not want leave breathless realize not want leave breathless save yeah spend day look page try find way away love leave breathless need find way inside mind need find way inside mind need find way inside mind end end end end end end end mistake have leave scar burn day carry regret remorse be go well walk away corruption sin forget forget face forget forget face
-1 | tonight head spin need pick have try work will not stop will not have tonight start fire tonight break away break away everybody break away not stand way place high place night feel like vampire right not ill try high let go to light tonight start fire tonight break away break away everybody break away not stand way place high place not stand way place high place break away everybody break away not stand way place high place high place high place high place high place
+1 | rush geese string rush geese string south gray fly goodbye village wait spring chorus oh goose goodbye fly don kuban know peregudachime play wire float volgadon highspeed vessel chorus water earth know see mower handed channel spread sea chorus generous golden cornfields napo river water thing swing chorus 1952
+1 | united на разных языках man man need eat make geschwдtz tired create food refrain   drum leave drum leave place comrade row worker unite worker 2 man man need clothe shoe make geschwдtz warm drum   refrain 3 man man like boot face drum want sehn slave inform master   refrain 4 proletarian proletarian drum befrein liberation working work worker   refrain русский перевод и так как все мы люди то должны мы извините чтото есть хотят накормить нас пустой болтовней к чертям спасибо за честь марш левой два три марш левой два три встань в ряды товарищ к нам ты войдёшь в наш единый рабочий фронт потому что рабочий ты сам и так как все мы люди то нужны нам башмаки без заплат и нам не поможет треск речей под барабанный раскат марш левой два три марш левой два три встань в ряды товарищ к нам ты войдёшь в наш единый рабочий фронт потому что рабочий ты сам и так как все мы люди не дадим бить нас в лицо сапогом никто на других не поднимет плеть и сам не будет рабом марш левой два три марш левой два три встань в ряды товарищ к нам ты войдёшь в наш единый рабочий фронт потому что рабочий ты сам и так как ты рабочий то не жди что нам поможет другой себе мы свободу добудем в бою своей рабочей рукой
+1 | guard frost fierce day menace godok fortyone compress ring flange near moscow nazi villain reserve chorus dare guard yes fight guard motherland soviet bastion iron powerful fast tirelessly chop miss hit miss beat breast stand land enemy get deserve oh forget vereya remember wedge kaluga chorus award feat bold stalin interview look eye hand shake give guard banner chorus firing cease fight heat shower cool increase exploit s new glory chorus 1944
+1 | ballad leningrad gray light dawn baltic symphony brooding palace iron fence wonderful sonnet citys beautiful face artist poet musician enviable fate thee talent genius century glorify verse stone city art eternal flame song water plyvosh neva year age go immortality beauty genius century glorify verse stone year age go immortality beauty 1970
-1 | climb thousand step single imprint drown regret die forget like past forget like past move body lie rest carry
+1 | friend friend sing holiday song share cup feast difficult moment meet misery loss cold heat chill overnight stay experience practice severity separation break fight charred tank know friend pack white sea water ammunition divide equally friend soldier friendship law law change day fire ravine equator arctic circle sip flask othlebni know friend 1966
+1 | leningrad song                         abandon war black smoky field fancy garden moonlight seaside whistle ship chorus evening quietly splash neva wave leningrad dear brother motherland                          ii know know thunder cannonade nazi shell break youth come chorus                          iii powerless death blockade shall pass like song evening garden leningrad restless love pripev1960
+1 | pass испанский moor bring franco madrid want enter remain militant moor pass away pass pass throw bridge gateway ill pass ebro small boat sailing thousand time shoot thousand time hardheade corp engineer ebro sink italian flag bridge republican
-1 | die look far asleep house child kill hear friend war rage distant land cause linger piece text die fever failure believer lie hold closer chest meaning test forget go control mean time invitation sort remember life sick sorrow would fall asleep dreamt sin turn adamant smile say thank sickness right family shudder cold woman hang sin crave old man drown life herd amend father die
+1 | guy factory street native zamoskvorechye talk friend young guy colored light float autumn evening noisy boulevard yellow foliage chorus bayan sing storm campaign song rush fair breeze funny guy factory come serve sailor wonder forget fatigue go beach weekend knowingly want sea begin noisy factory gate chorus road dawn blue expanse spread fly moscow circle merry wind lead accordion voice conversation chorus 1950
+1 | young agronomist field young agronomist say land dress color chorus good land edge dear love russian soul sleep late dawn grain ear give chorus wind ruffle curl golden flax agronomist sing collective farm road chorus young agronomist away field come bride chorus
-1 | leech like leech ignorance trust way way fuel fire thrive spit be glad not belong save speech will forget go burn rip hurt leech preach word wisdom block mind spit not belong save beat will forget go burn rip hurt bleed turn chance lifetime feel alive tear poet not hear praise artist steal spit be glad not belong save speech will forget go burn rip hurt bleed turn hurt chance lifetime feel alive
+1 | artek oath sea sea black artekovsky salute sing defiantly forge drum beat oath guy gather chorus 2p artekovet today artekovet today artekovet march friendly system song way artekovtsy heroe step forward vow simple harsh proud chorus come time farewell snatch train away big year let forget oath chorus orchestral loss chorus
-1 | need house ill walk town act age kick rock waste summer day penny candy general store would buy pop walk inland day spit curse be not be not brother suppose blood make true roll past quarry sandpit swim rock cliffs ignorant youth keep death find way track sun beat back heaven help s train dodge like beach normandy be not be not brother suppose blood make true see smoke rise tree swear swear swear train hold tight feel track rumble underneath swear swear not let knock foot s
-1 | have lose plot tell friend sharpen tooth s quid soul sorry state come lover worm come woodwork snake start sing feel chill clawing neck start spill think fix will sell bone roll sharpen tooth tell business worm come woodwork leech crawl dirt rat come hole home fall apart snake start sing not be better dead cause heaven hell will not will not room bed oh lock heart throw away key will not head be have have have sharpen tooth tell business have have have worm come woodwork snake start sing worm come woodwork leech crawl dirt rat come hole home fall apart snake start sing not soar eagle not fly flock gettin high catch reflection knife mother hold hell father eye not soar eagle not fly flock gettin knight shine armor apple eye step climb not soar eagle not fly flock gettin high catch reflection knife mother hold hell father eye not soar eagle not fly flock gettin knight shine armor apple eye step fucking step climb
+1 | ocean rage wave ship overseas native land courage watch helm courage watch helm coal hot furnace podbavit fireman meet roar hurricane storm hit wind rage ship overseas native land fidelity watch helm fidelity watch helm sun hide sea fog kremlin star serve beacon storm rage ship sunny beach native land wisdom watch helm wisdom watch helm 1939
-1 | feel s good forget be go hurt miss deserve hardwood floor understand be provider center divider get lane explain different way behave life s detour sure sun eye think be right thing rely exit sign destination time drive know better think know say will not play pretend be grow be give late night night drive reason be alive be go
+1 | guerrilla bryansk forest fighting die fall silent rumble peace light shine light city duty soldier guerrilla bryansk forest duty soldier guerrilla bryansk forest road forest tear tank stand machine plant post retire guerrilla bryansk forest post retire guerrilla bryansk forest interplanetary rocket ship fly edge world undiscovered want return victory guerrilla bryansk forest want return victory guerrilla bryansk forest 1965
-1 | die letzte spule sitzt der lötzinn noch nicht kalt ich werf die ganze menschheit nur nach vorn um circa tausend jahre ein wunderwerk vollbracht muss lachen das macht mir keiner nach er macht die knöpfe fest und drückt sie rein wir können alle und alle können wir sein er macht die knöpfe fest und drückt sie rein wir können alle und alle können wir sein behaupten kann man immer dass es gar nichts bringt und menschen traurig bleiben wie man sieht muss es denn bleiben maschinen können heilen ach warte bis arkona kommt warte bis arkona kommt er macht die knöpfe fest und drückt sie rein wir können alle und alle können wir sein er macht die knöpfe fest und drückt sie rein wir können alle und alle können wir sein er macht die knöpfe fest und drückt sie rein wir können alle und alle können wir sein er macht die knöpfe fest und drückt sie rein wir können alle und alle können wir sein er macht die knöpfe fest und drückt sie rein wir können alle und alle können wir sein wasser für zwei lungen be sturm kotzt geradeaus lachend wie ein poppersack be schnee und hast du dich selbst gerettet oder warst du gar nicht der der zitternd auf hans hackmann stand
+1 | marsh sailor birthmark sea noise open guard fleet watchful country watch day night stand look forward boldly near sea sea far pennant soviet rise near sea far sea red banner fleet good ship world battle strike enemy near sea sea far fleet ready victory free sea battleship rapid broad wave inch native land drop water enemy chorus 1938
+1 | battle go hebrew          sky morning flag          life essential step          hear hover land          wind violent attack          battle continue          heart anxiety chest          lenin young          young october ahead          lenin young          young october ahead          news fly corner          trust father          new victory          face new fighter          battle continue          heart anxiety chest          lenin young          young october ahead          lenin young          young october ahead          sky favor wait          life truth mercy          guy life          truth way          battle continue          heart anxiety chest          lenin young          young october ahead          lenin young          young october ahead          world heat snow          peace poor rich          youth planet          worldwide construction team          battle continue          heart anxiety chest          lenin young          young october ahead          lenin young          young october ahead          battle continue          heart anxiety chest          lenin young          young october ahead          lenin young          young october ahead 2000
-1 | cold fire cold fire cold fire cold fire long midnight get unconditioned love say sure heart boundless not push limit far say love transcendent not understand boundary say not disappoint know complex woman ill not let far ill not let sunrise start traditional role say sure ill partner not demand say love condition not understand song love say love song the not fantasyland not far phosphorescent wave tropical sea cold fire not cross line pattern moonlight bedroom floor cold fire not let flame heart pawnbroker diamond cold fire not break spell look eye head door cold fire ill not push far ill not push ill not push far ill not push not far phosphorescent wave tropical sea cold fire not cross line pattern moonlight bedroom floor cold fire not let flame heart pawnbroker diamond cold fire not break spell look eye head door cold fire ill not let far ill not let ill not push far ill not push ill not let cold fire love blind gentle cold fire cold fire love turn long cold burn cold fire
-1 | one take pain fall face not care make feel like be alive push time time hard grey praise call deranged feeling power place way go to run away seek path pain get way slowly watch die be insane dangerous not dare way throw towel get strain betray fuck way look thought time pound spike vein one reach vain try solve problem will not away away make feel like be alive push time time hard grey praise call deranged feeling power place way go to run away seek path pain get way slowly watch die be insane dangerous not dare way throw towel get strain betray fuck way look thought time pound spike vein pound spike vein pound spike vein pound spike vein go to run away seek path pain get way slowly watch die be insane dangerous not dare way throw towel get strain betray fuck way look thought time pound spike vein pound spike vein pound spike vein pound spike vein pound spike vein pound spike vein look thought time pound spike vein
-1 | forge blood carve stone right eye have know truth inside world like king change not rule fly light neon sky fight cry lord chaos die destroy destiny not avoid demon sign tell line oh s time waste poison not taste not rule fly light neon sky fight cry lord chaos die quick dead move fast head infection spread blood damned truth lie game day night hold hand not rule fly light neon sky fight cry lord chaos die rule fly light neon sky fight cry lord chaos die
-1 | feel time turn have go think everything wrong ask carry day hold cause life start have thing kill far survive life start hate fall ill pick ground have watch weight world come chance change way have live long find strength have inside cause life start have thing kill far survive life start pain life hate heart let love survive life start have thing kill far life start have thing kill far life start
-1 | time carry burden inside sing goodbye broken rhyme underline s ocean sorrow sorrow see movement eye say longer know way give ghost passive mind submit fear wait redemption hand wait fail fail death count mistake let whisper ear take have receive ocean sorrow
-1 | bein man bein woman genitallia s right heart man woman s get reason lie s get reason cry bear guy kiss good mother goodbye shake shake shake dance s good question be dancing pay operation man woman s get surprise s disguise conceal wise tuck size shake shake shake love baby be love love baby be love love baby be love love baby yes be love good day feel like like make sense stay moment not control future bad day wanna grab phone start dial number pole grinder love baby be love love baby pole grinder love baby be love love baby pole grinder love baby be love love baby pole grinder love baby be love love baby yes be love love baby be love love baby be love love baby be love love baby
-1 | stainedglass choir sing strong ceaseless chorus sweet voice sweep like leave street easter celebration carry god hope refuge life shelter storm warm congregation gather outside parking lot service old hymn roll scene color day drive eastown old abandon church go sad way go sad way sixty flourish seventy flux eighty fluctuate year unclear money dry ninety violent crime rise unemployment rate come parking lot grow dim thin sinner saint voice uncease slowly fade black weed storm concrete unattended crack know feel glory come like feel passion leave know like know not find year stand vacant year maybe hold faith hundred soon cell phone store year gather inside building sound true sing praise god give hope carry carry have think slow drive home stone house holy grow time give people purpose past death approach constantly leave crumble slowly leave wither weed leave ice vandal advent candle long go old foundation shift hard concrete overgrow stainedglass window sit untouched brickwork wear symbol beauty perfect moment bear day swear see man pull weed concrete sweep patch crack see lift rag wash year filth window wonder s like anybody break lose hope
+1 | red star smoke ashe eye catch wind sail pass lot road shine red star red star redhot blade go battle formidable bolsheviks little boy go enemy combative courageous ycl path blaze day fort kronstadt akin red star redhot blade pour saddle bolsheviks ruin ashe fight hunger grow mature government spare blood young shine red star red star victory blade cherish fatherland bolsheviks number father rise growth young red scattering star orchestral loss red star victory blade cherish fatherland bolsheviks number father stand height young red scattering star smoke ash overshadow eye wind blow sail century early step shine way red star 2p star 1980
-1 | sit slowly close eye deep breath feel wind pass body be soul reflect inner light protect one hold cradle inner child ii need serenity place hide need serenity change day not know relight flame cold dream thought mean learn control tragic vision slowly stole life tear away cheat time be love matter wrong right day hold hold inner child ii need serenity place hide need serenity change day not know relight flame cold dream thought mean learn control not know relight flame cold dream thought mean learn control need serenity not know need serenity relight flame cold need serenity dream thought mean need serenity learn control
-1 | young fly away want come afraid wake bed blue outside not night underwater swim underwater swim
+1 | learn fly plane chorus learn fly airplane teach fear defeat job learn fly plane little dreamer romance mathematic tester prospector celestial trail chorus s cloud machine little nervous heaven accustomed wing chorus flight parting goodbye try joke hundred hour wait test love chorus word heroism need order friend tie happiness win loss firmly link chorus 1966
-1 | tell turn man ask hand cause wait know go to away have get plan leave away hope dream stay sense come life be stumble home drunk ill leave cause friend go find place let heart collide promise will friend cause hand heart soul eye know change stranger stay wall bleed stay sense come life be stumble home drunk ill leave cause friend go find place let heart collide promise will friend cause be stumble drunk get lose go tell way home listen sad song singe love go wrong sense come life be stumble home drunk ill leave cause friend go find place let heart collide promise will friend cause
+1 | look lake blue music leonid afanasyev lyric igor shaferan look lake blue field daisy ditch russian ask ask land lovelier russian name look lake blue field daisy ditch russian know great happiness live destiny mourn land celebrate beauty old year trouble ivan da maryami proud return falcon alive dead glory high thine beauty old year trouble ivan da maryami proud know great happiness live destiny mourn land celebrate know great happiness live destiny mourn land celebrate
+1 | song komsomol patrol lilac whisper wind blue city light blooms komsomol patrol komsomol patrol solid step night go night go go night solid step idot2p hitherto courage intoxicate martial legend father grow eaglet grow eaglet glorious path eagle nice way glorious way wing eagle 2p komsomol nice password budonovsky regiment include bullet protect peace protect peace komsomolsk patrol patrol patrol patrul komsomolsk2p redo 1st couplet
-1 | hide face seven veil unfold forbid place tale untold body soul body soul heaven hope eternal heart gold sun sunset burn flame hold body soul body soul body soul yesterday today tomorrow body soul year weep inside cold sin secret cry dream keep tear sell body soul body soul body soul heart mind body soul soul soul soul
-1 | cold be s grow blind god save know way light fly away leave stay awake s hide cause will not way hear cause will not quit screamin feel cause will not stop touchin skin need come away frail dry lose recall wrong not cry clear away hate start alright fly away leave return someday red eye cause will not way hear cause will not quit screamin feel cause will not stop touchin skin need come away cause will not way hear cause will not quit screamin feel cause will not stop touch skin need come away away
+1 | один против ста корейский 1 face relief chest ildangbaek heart grow sake master yes furious military battle fearless enemy shake seven iron chorus oath heart ildangbaek general transcription ildangbaek ildangbaek ildangbaek 2 analytic tell shoot cooper power kiwodo ildangbaek lie strength invincible hundredfold firmly country principal 3 leader embrace spirit ildangbaek et touch shine depend enemy hit million danmae shake victorious 1 мы выросли под крылом великого полководца с девизом в груди один против ста да мы боевая армия бесстрашно борющаяся с врагами припев эта клятва сердца один против ста мы солдаты полководца один против ста один против ста 2 под прицельным огнем один против ста вырастим в себе огромную силу один против ста став в сто раз сильнее защитим нашу родину чучхе 3 идея переданная великим полководцем блещет еще ярче в руках руководителя тьму врагов в миг она разобьёт и всегда будет непобедимой2003
+1 | cry little girl wind blow mountain pipe soldier collection road far threshold drop handkerchief see tear wipe away maidens hand chorus cry little girl rain soldier come wait albeit far good friend love world strong separation walk little far general maybe be foreman be sorry able dare wife company commander sergeant order love credit excellent icon closely chest 1971
+1 | pioneer march heart cease drum twentiess fire fly sea country prepare appeal appeal prepare chorus song dare song pioneer available distant star walk tired know song pioneer walk walk s way roam earth storm anxious mother sleep let ready call slogan clear slogan slogan clear chorus affair father correct holy heart dream cry prepared ring like oath life translate oath oath life translate chorus prepare 1960
-1 | everybody want reason easy blame have struggle root problem absence constant lack defense have spend lot find remedy guess figure hurt reason guess s have turn write story letter guess s haunt page selfexamine think thing shut friend family ambition have fun shut selfdefeate yeah probably not know total control be sure matter thing happen not plus be deal favor finger would mouth sorry know angry be promise know deal accordingly not need opinion not need point problem not need reminder know better yeah know find way know seek substitute forget sense not feel embarrassed think know answer think would probably feel little bit embarrassed not know have move age ago happy easy maybe hard know have try handful time sever thing torture get friendship hobby lover bed work look maybe try hard fault maybe try
+1 | joy work noise shop buzzing machine hear song word fervently alive ask song word chorus joy work life way goal day get short sing heart proud glory work morning sun hasten plant cloud lace march word chorus song native shop louder se friend clear song right correct word pripev1957
-1 | hey tragedy set scene conscious reveal home february february wind howl not tell adversary not tell swear enemy cause need necessary mean protect love ocean lie suffering constant sanctuary sanctuary wall easy breathe empathy empathy lose drift sea refugee not worry survive hope not tell adversary not tell swear enemy cause need necessary mean protect love light book match open heart action need second chance reason help love february wind february wind adversary bear enemy need necessary mean protect love light broken match open heart action need second chance reason help love adversary swear enemy need necessary mean protect love february wind message send come end
+1 | revenge balt wing sinister raven wave glorious homeland exhaust mother dishonor daughter arm comrade dobey enemy pity death friend smoke fire child groan tear widow chorus death death blood blood beat enemy gate leningrad death death blood blood bay fascist sailor end bring battle ahead like banner holy hatred heart love proud word descendant remember father people stalin victory close day flame anger flame revenge fill blood enemy chorus death death blood blood beat enemy gate leningrad death death blood blood bay fascist sailor end 1942
+1 | old soul veteran remember roar fire remember distant country year day scorch war old soul grow old soul veteran veteran second world war let zanoyut old wound win friend walk steep road old soul grow old soul veteran veteran second world war retire leave heart need rest old soul grow old soul veteran veteran second world war last peace earth peace mount unabated ready fate old soul grow old soul veteran veteran second world war
-1 | have lose cause open book leave handed not thing mean be walk steady tightrope cling word write temporarily blind be stupid tell feel look face have want know ill drop guard place place place not stand not work build break would good s alright grant try help wanna be sucker complication weak seam not worth time not worth time let tell feel look face have want know ill drop guard place place place not stand not work build break depend know go to drive crazy notch wall depend know go to drive crazy notch wall tell feel look face have want know ill drop guard place place place not stand not work build break build break say will build break break break meet middle ground break
-1 | watch breathe wish would stop long long hard separate combine ask time hold tight let light oooh oooh oooh oooh feeling appear mind sway secret will not let slip away close close close miss close close close miss wing chain ask stay hold tight let light oooh oooh oooh oooh
-1 | anaesthetist anaesthetist doctor fetch anaesthetist anaesthetist fetch anaesthetist knife believe fetch anaesthetist anaesthetist fetch anaesthetist knife believe fuckin spanner cog industrial complex shed blood conflicted parasite playin god not care affect suck blood afflict suck blood afflict illness indulgence pay crime punish conviction endanger health shut oi consume crave rich lust fame will not participatin game twist success cause want s beat chest doctor fetch anaesthetist anaesthetist fetch anaesthetist knife believe fetch anaesthetist anaesthetist fetch anaesthetist knife believe drink health inform round day roll dice drink health capitalize condition bad luck pay price bad luck pay price fetch anaesthetist anaesthetist fetch anaesthetist knife believe sell short profit health step fuck
-1 | yeah feel wrong like be hold feel heart like rock sink day dark like eclipse sky rise find light run change answer ill hope will will not stop will not let question fade away dream not fade away will not fall knee true hope answer true hope answer fall crawl fear not will not fall knee true hope answer whoa whoa answer whoa whoa answer stand voice hear worth word let fire burn oh flame light candle burn end s leave change selfless set stone wade mistake hold not fade away hold will not fall knee true hope answer true hope answer fall crawl fear not will not fall knee true hope answer true hope whoa whoa fall knee whoa true hope whoa whoa fall knee whoa true hope true hope will not fall knee true hope answer true hope answer fall crawl fear not will not fall knee true hope answer whoa whoa answer whoa whoa answer
-1 | kill lot innocent civilian civilian baghdad terrorist say civilian clothe make everybody free game come perimeter light -PRON- pull body search car find take place time time harm foul s okay not worry new type war eradication honestly feel commit genocide not believe kill civilian be go kill civilian united states marine corps
+1 | la carmagnole king break vow faithful son rule country king break vow faithful son rule country answer mercy chorus proplyashem carmagnole forward forward proplyashem carmagnole cannon thunder call noble mountain king old order noble mountain king old order chickene fighting chorus friend stay closer somknom series enemy afraid friend stay closer somknom series enemy afraid let open battle meet fire pripev1792
-1 | innocence sink glow drown cover send absent lover thing sheepish wolf look live eat button wink not tooth accident let evening backdoor fill room ceiling floor beat backbone graze poem strange not bear skeleton grab hat fetch camera film world happen grab hat fetch camera film world happen jealous orchard sky fall ceiling be tuck fibs cookie jar bomb reverie useless search cupboard grab hat fetch camera film world happen grab hat fetch camera film world happen grab hat fetch camera film world happen film world happen film world happen film world happen
-1 | would wish aw come get to try look thing like need get thing will think remember see country remember sleep van say goodbye friend family cause understand remember jump cliff top remember play yeah know successful not change cause have cause have wonder hide man come not day love past hate present not meet middle hard time grow remember see country remember sleep van say goodbye friend family cause understand remember jump cliff top remember play yeah know successful not change cause have cause have speed slow glance crowd not tell hold help circle make happy not place leave life remember see country remember sleep van say goodbye friend family understand not understand not understand remember jump cliff top remember play yeah know successful not change remember coast california remember truck stop cross land keep idol cause busy remember wake georgia remember quit job yeah know successful not change have cause have
+1 | moscow light sunset summer lightning go window sky darken capital hour dusk city look light light moscow paint colored thick blue beautiful evening elegant moscow bright light sky hope mankind light moscow distance see afar big bright light lighthouse rainy day heart preserve truthful clear light moscow
-1 | pull road east baldock ashford feel cell light dashboard hiss road smell rain air con maybe check news tape light smoke have get feeling inside not feel good close eye fall asleep layby subside fever push day motor window wind fresh air not breathe wait guess home wait s wait wait tell s sorry home wait miss wait guess be burn home wait slow wait be perfectly fine home wait need lie wait grow old wait grow old wait grow old
-1 | real thing safetys angel dodge bullet wide feel right beach talk talk sound walk foot hardly touch ground heaven know be go dream censor deep meaning wear like lipstick skin like day will not begin wake not remember have heaven know be go dream censor deep meaning heaven know be go dream censor deep meaning time thing straight good 6 hollywood heaven know be go dream censor deep meaning heaven know be go dream censor deep meaning
-1 | start end surrender throne blood hand cover hole have surround vicious cycle truly scar heart atone have surround let -PRON- sing let -PRON- sing deep dig darker get s live learn forget find way home come come like moth flame leave like house hurricane wolf door start end surrender throne blood hand cover hole have surround vicious cycle start end truly scar heart atone have surround let -PRON- sing let -PRON- sing hear claw gate let let hear call not care let sing let sing let sing let bastard sing let sing let sing let bastard sing let sing let sing let bastard sing let godforsaken bastard sing come like moth flame leave like house hurricane wolf door not writin wall wolf door wait empire fall start end surrender throne blood hand cover hole have surround vicious cycle start end truly scar heart atone have surround let -PRON- sing let -PRON- sing
+1 | song cossack golota flock crow fly willow feast feast haydamaky germans try land break strong land ransack falcon sokolyata sweep away like smoke crow chorus mow sword sharp enemys bullet kill meet enemy simply beat beat beat wide steppe swamp accord volyn prickly stubble ukrainian cossack golota like wind walk horseback oh golota wonder walk minute sever pany ukraine increase quickly horseka protect native land chorus golota mighty rise grip iron fist vorogov terrible cloud fly ukrainian cossack porassypalis slippery pan haidamak system crumble grow giant golota singe cheerful song chorus lot different hunter rich soviet land break waste yes leg barely carry away decay black bone forget spirit affair let come uninvited guest let life sweet chorus able enemy battle breath fight land nation rise fiercely courageously like eagle protection nest slave chorus mow sword sharp enemys bullet kill meet enemy simply beat beat beat 1937
-1 | wait storm wait storm come know world drown blood day spring die sense summer anymore wall loyal brother comrade till death distance fire rage place defile ground afraid die break line darken world hear cry darken world hear cry cloud dust contaminate deep blue sky crawl debris home wait storm world drown blood distance fire rage place defile ground afraid die break line darken world hear cry curtain fire lie trench bury deep cold ashe cover sway world grey inside fortress faithful sister comrade till death bomb eclipse sallow sun gun annihilate sanctuary confidence vanish abate cease resist distance fire rage place defile ground afraid die break line darken world hear cry
-1 | word will not believe promise mean s wrong today cause thing new thing not change will throw away not break fall cause thing look better lose mean s chance gain maybe laugh friend hide feeling lock deep inside hand tie be hangin be hangin not break fall cause thing look better lose mean s chance gain maybe laugh friend sure like sound sure like sound not break fall not break not break fall cause thing look better lose mean s chance gain maybe laugh friend not break fall not break fall not break fall not break not break not break fall
+1 | song metro miracle repeat place invent bad arrange artfully float bobs flow end miracle metro door door attentive razin black grouse allow threshold train dispatch immediately zakryvyutsya door metro area granite block underground station glisten like silver spacious apron pattern column facility metro people people persistent say work complete time prohodschiki concrete worker culler kessonschiki people metro 1936
-1 | set fire hey set fire say night dream hey would dance tightrope weird oh wake normal disappear straight like commuter briefcase tow line s residue torturer inside eye say like mike love want brian wilson brian wilson say like mike love will brian wilson say hey hey crazy equal genius hey hey crazy equal genius be fucking arsonist hey be rocket scientist hey hey hey hey crazy equal genius hey set fire hey hey go to burn burn burn hey hey set fire hey hey go to learn learn learn hey hey hey hey hey say darle know wine play trick tongue not change stuff feeling drug boy date serrate heart slice cut love hurt baby sweet butter knife say like mike love want brian wilson brian wilson say like mike love will dennis wilson say hey hey crazy equal genius hey hey crazy equal genius be fucking arsonist hey be rocket scientist hey hey hey hey crazy equal genius hey set fire hey hey go to burn burn burn hey hey set fire hey hey go to learn learn learn hey hey hey hey hey set fire hey set fire hey set fire hey set fire say hey hey crazy equal genius hey hey crazy equal genius be fucking arsonist hey be rocket scientist hey hey hey hey crazy equal genius hey set fire hey hey go to burn burn burn hey hey set fire hey hey go to learn learn learn hey hey hey hey hey
-1 | allow light leave eye thought disintegrate cognitive pollution abandon body renounce existence meaning happiness trap inside nightmare not sleep day slave slave string string quest clairvoyant black hole longer wish breath word like rope tie throat remove earth beneath watch spirit sink
-1 | yeahyeahyeahah yeahyeahyeahah mans face not heart man face know thought s man love heart heart heart thought thought mix love hatred mans face heart man face know thought mans face know thought man face
+1 | marsh tractor oh horse horse steel fighting friend tractor fun honk native camping chorus majestic horse field bypass remove sow plow pace firm enemy walk republic strength keep pace young people sing wheat field pace keep pace high rye chorus widely collective field able jump oh volyushka arbitrary world find chorus ka brother better touch play gate angrily strictly host soviet people chorus majestic horse field bypass remove sow plow pace firm enemy walk republic
+1 | катюша китайский расцветали яблони и груши legitimate pear blossom horizon поплыли туманы float rouman veil над рекой river выходила на берег катюша katyusha stand steep shore на высокий берег на крутой song like spring sunshine выходила песню заводила girl singe wonderful song про степного сизого орла singe eagle steppe про того которого любила beloved human child singe про того чьи письма берегла hide love letter он ты песня песенка девичья ah girl singe song ты лети за ясным солнцем вслед follow bright sun fly и бойцу на дальнем пограничье whereabouts distant frontier soldier от катюши передай привет katyusha convey greeting пусть он вспомнит девушку простую station border young warrior пусть услышит как она поет hearts miss distant girl пусть он землю бережет родную bravely fight defend motherland а любовь катюша сбережет katyusha love belong расцветали яблони и груши legitimate pear blossom horizon поплыли туманы float rouman veil над рекой river выходила на берег катюша katyusha stand steep shore на высокий берег на крутой song like spring sunshine pinyin zhèngdāng lìhuā kāibiàn le tiānyá héshang piāo zhe róumàn de qīngshā kāqiūshā zhàn zài jùnqiào de ànshang gēshēng hǎoxiàng míngmèi de chūnguāng gūniang chàng zhe měimiào de gēqǔ tā zài gēchàng cǎoyuán de xióngyīng tā zài gēchàng xīnài de rénér tā hái cáng zhe àirén de shūxìn ā zhè gēshēng gūniang de gēshēng gēn zhe guāngmíng de tàiyang qùfēi ba qù xiang yuǎnfāng biānjiāng de zhànshì ba kāqiūshā de wènhòu chuándá zhùshǒu biānjiāng niánqīng de zhànshì xīnzhōng huáiniàn yáoyuǎn de gūniang yǒnggǎn zhàndòu bǎowèi zǔguó kāqiūshā àiqing yǒngyuǎn shǔyú tā zhèngdāng lìhuā kāibiàn le tiānyá héshang piāo zhe róumàn de qīngshā kāqiūshā zhàn zài jùnqiào de ànshang gēshēng hǎoxiàng míngmèi de chūnguāng
+1 | rest capital rest capital see day labor good dance fun admire evening moscow chorus moscow sings lights flood moscow hope dream space heart open happiness say moscow sings light flood evening fill light want sing joy friend greeting eye favorite look chorus leave starry threshold friend forget wide road pace pripev1954
+1 | reflection burnedout tank armorpierce projectile break abutment lobovyk longbarrele gun stare unblinke infinite blue sky feel moment fire burn bullet shell burst handsfree skin latch search commander mechanic arm hugging radio operator dt tree dotted trace dead gun hook grip die stake huss giordano bruno blasphemous truth death allege hatch open look tower black age great truth fire die version gloomy forest 1947
+1 | wait soldier oh beautiful sunset river accompany army hand ste accompany 3 thick pine cherish stand star remember forget 3 knock wheel track hand wave slope expanse steppe dal boundary 3 call soldier girlfriend believe wait wait fool 3 soldier severe service need maiden friendship soft necessary 3 girlfriend blackbrowed know company infantry company ah infantry 3 guard home country wait soldier know remember holy wait soldier 3 1956
+1 | московские окна финский find ystäväin walkedst minute overnight eye look call lemmenhaaveisiin shine light moscow morning come lose pass light city say goodbye quietly difference lamp sua anymore be look single window million walk gather dusk light speak know forget sua
-1 | life chance feel alive time short wait salvation arise time rise follow cloud sky beneath devour struggle freeze ocean cross cold ocean everyday try surpass fall apart not decide stand real soon dream fade away deal callous world need choose one open way choose one look unclose eye deal callous world need choose one open way will not stray path light sea fall apart not decide stand everyday try surpass time rise time resist time rise not waste fuckin time choice
+1 | ballad kerch ill tell kerch ill tell city struggle tornado closing half sky lift ice breaker darkness shoulder push trooper go reedburun trooper go adzhimushkay singe bullet remote night possible water forever kerch ill tell kerch country ground hide round transition score haze guerrilla unit sit undermine highway wind calm bush come stand rock petal candle flow twilight time kerch ill tell kerch high time dawn eternity face mithridate rise mountain iskhlostannaya lead beat time pointblank whiten temple edge city include glory gap city give key keep sun brilliant speech kerch sure trip kerch kerch ill tell kerch 1975
-1 | hurt today feel focus pain thing s real needle tear hole old familiar sting try kill away remember sweet friend know go away end empire dirt let hurt wear crown thorn liar chair broken thought repair beneath stain time feeling disappear right sweet friend know go away end empire dirt let hurt start million mile away find way let hurt let hurt
+1 | longhaul flight wide wide native land cloud bolshakov copse yes yes field look threshold life thousand road manage find sun shine cabin fresh breeze lead way forward long voyage day machine winter spring blizzard dead heat habitually carry away up down ford sharp turn ahead lead way love look pretty native land love love space wind naughty understand wheel rise remain life steep climb look like lead way forward 1958
-1 | feel heartbeat body close hold tightly time forever forever day listen closely hear forever forever day listen closely hear come close touch soul move closer come close touch soul move closer come come come close touch soul move closer come close touch soul move closer
-1 | country home house grow country home house grow city street love bruise break black blue tvs mile away doorstep reason country home house grow remember remember remember remember remember remember want voice voice sound like violence not not deserve life not not deserve country home house grow remember remember oh bleak projection absent mind want voice voice sound like violence shout loud hear silence city street love bruise break country home house grow remember remember remember remember
+1 | song lisa iz k f wait life separation house come old friend change habit distant land news send long matter alive like write letter wing song fly wind violent home man wait find dear friend kohl s sad immediately understand caress hug waste worry heart briefly glance fly dawn fight like apart sadly live tell afraid little trouble soon victory hour wing song fly wind violent home man wait find dear friend 1960
-1 | late early try maintain scrap integrity certainty guess will not apologize 1977 long time ago fingersare blisteredand bleed not care thing will not apologize fuck alamo penetrate little hope white man hop rainbow ride oblivion fingersare blisteredand bleed care early late s longerdiscomfortthat bring
+1 | whitewinged gull sway blue expanse see shore child sea dream sea distant light lighthouse chorus fly whitewinged gull greeting native land night day expanse sea steel sailing ship beckon majestic expanse powerful element struggle write gold gold glory ribbon destiny chorus seas vzovetsya battle smoke know homeland homeland win chorus 1950
+1 | guajira guantanamera испанский испанский текст honest man palm grow die want verse soul guantanamera guajira guantanamera guantanamera guajira guantanamera verse light green carmine verse wounded deer seek refuge mountain cultivate white rise july january honest friend give hand cruel person tear heart live thistle nettle cultivation white rise cultivation poor earth want share fate stream mountain pleased sea guantanamera guajira guantanamera guantanamera guajira guantanamera русский текст я честный человек я оттуда где растет пальма перед смертью я хочу излить стихи из моей души девушка из гуантанамо крестьянка из гуантанамо девушка из гуантанамо крестьянка из гуантанамо мой стих светлозеленый и огненнокрасный мой стих раненый олень ищущий в горах убежища выращиваю белую розу в июле как и в январе для искреннего друга который подает мне щедрую руку и для жестокого который вырывает сердце с которым я живу выращиваю я не колючки и не крапиву выращиваю белую розу с бедняками земли хочу разделить судьбу горный ручей радует больше меня чем море девушка из гуантанамо крестьянка из гуантанамо девушка из гуантанамо крестьянка из гуантанамо
+1 | spanish civil war английский oh remember 25 year ago fight fascist army fight fascist foe remember franco hitler old ally butcher spain democracyhalf million free man die ai ai ai ai wonder pause cry not forget church sad role play crucify people work devil trade wound heal passing time send plane rifle recognize crime ai ai ai ai wonder pause cry spend tourist dollar turn head away forget slaughter price pay world struggle win bend dim light freedom soul sleep tonight friend
-1 | not think understand not think understand popular demand not think understand popular demand know kid braggadocio shit talkin bout liquor bitch party bullshit look deep politically correct favour right press skip get world palm hand love suck dick not love cause shit be not not think understand popular demand yeah not think understand popular demand tryna big buck dick suck tryna find line lose mind not fuck plus get army frontin not president sudden get world palm hand love suck dick not love cause shit be not not think understand popular demand yeah not think understand popular demand popular popular demand yeah be feel real fuckin good right go to like let bring little tupac come trust not wanna fuck deez wanna ride die nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah come trust not wanna fuck deez wanna ride die nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah
+1 | polar region polar region mist povit granite high northern land ocean rage arctic ship fight blue wave rustle surf tight steep rock beat seaman rifle overcoat goodbye friend say open sea icy granite be go violent dream smash enemy rest severomorsk son party fight tirelessly close death eagle eye pass hill glory young come kremlin tower polar region mist povit granite high northern land ocean rage arctic ship fight
-1 | die swans twist wing beauty need lose love lose life garden fear see thing lifetime mother love bring savage home wilderness house pain make sense close mind dull brain messiah fall real know tell lose sell soul brave new world brave new world brave new world brave new world brave new world brave new world brave new world brave new world brave new world dragon king die queen salvation lose life lose dream rip bone flesh silent scream laugh die tell truth plan damn brand new world brave new world brave new world brave new world brave new world brave new world brave new world brave new world brave new world brave new world brave new world brave new world brave new world brave new world brave new world brave new world brave new world die swans twist wing bring savage home
-1 | share live run love share live run love love love love love love
+1 | leningradite distant troubled war year thunder battery country sight stand adult boy wall leningrad desk remain open tetralyl fall finish read pile town explosive bomb hunger forget age take fight thirteen leningrad 1970
-1 | live world pure hype know right hater shit true justify hate not attack lucky think rich not help parent know point define define street grime street grime street grime hold key half not genetic product completely different people hold key lot money lot meaning have stand 55 minute wait air cold not notice slight variation pressure pressure pressure hold key street grime
-1 | understand meaning hide rose eye want know mean life love bring close instance single moment world collide wire eternity twist feel river rise move thing change thing away forget
-1 | right let ask like like not mind love time ill ask like like something get way something break try find place diary jane tell try find make tick lie sore sick like like s fine line love hate not mind let like like something get way something break try find place diary jane burn page look way try find place diary jane tell desperate crawl wait long love love die something get way something break try find place diary jane burn page look way try find place diary jane
-1 | entertainment catch derangement tell pretty face picture perfect bottled rage package synthesize version have petty fortune not afford life whoa confine pullout quote hotel room hey hey hey hey scream california toppling empire not end come soon hey come come new sensation guarantee obligation spotlight follow single bask foot stage pouty lip oh jade prove despite petty fortune not afford life whoa confine pullout quote hotel room hey hey hey hey scream california toppling empire not end care unknown plight would finally right entertainment pull curtain place have learn sing dance cry cue entertainment world sick pain thing s real true have petty fortune not afford life whoa confine pullout quote hotel room hey hey hey hey scream bloody murder grave dig not end
-1 | breathe breathe breathe ill think today ill thing be human go to feel long fall stand give have get roam not help end fall mend burn start rebuild forget lest forget breathe breathe
+1 | work marseillaise renounce old world otryahnom dust foot need golden idol hate royal palace suffer brother common people hungry send wicked curse struggle pozovom chorus rise raise work people enemy hungry people distribute people cry revenge forward forward forward forward forward rich greedy fist pack steal hard work fatten glutton piece tear starve feast starve stock market game sell conscience honor mock chorus rest tomb life arrear ready king vampire draw wire king vampire drink blood people need army soldier serve son need banquet chamber blood chorus eternal grief arise brother dnieper white sea volga region caucasus far thief dog rich evil vampire king bay ruin damn villain light dawn well life chorus rise bloody dawn sun truth brotherly love buy cost terrible blood nasheyu happiness land freedom come godina perish lie evil disappear forever merge nation loosely kingdom holy work chorus rise raise work people enemy hungry people distribute people cry revenge forward forward forward forward forward 1895
-1 | not wake be win war inside head maybe be weak beneath cover bed asleep be undefeated world let stay inside dream light build place eye will body mind asleep galaxy s space time transform reborn rule sky feel bone escape world know control wanna way blood pumping vein feel feel darkness s sea neon light maybe think be sink not inside not try save mind finally free cause would run world face reality paint black white inside head shade red unknown wake life think travel far star cause way follow far feel bone escape world know control wanna way blood pumping vein feel feel
+1 | forget soldier forget year past battle traverse river forest repulse battle city forget friend          let time pass let year pass          friend frontline soldier forget          forget soldier          forget soldier fate friend scatter light dance wedding pouredtoedge glass pick old friend say          let time pass let year pass          friend frontline soldier forget          forget soldier          forget soldier memory friend ashore fall distant foreign shore victory meet dawn son ill          let time pass let year pass          friend frontline soldier forget          forget soldier          forget soldier come time smoke fume smell wind life suppose live year past friend          let time pass let year pass          friend frontline soldier forget          forget soldier          forget soldier
-1 | feel uncomfortable s version life come speak follow knife feel fear blood run clear feel like fall disappear mind hate body hate body hate body hate body hate body hate body hate body hate body s horse beat self restraint eye leave place long ago face keep alive feel fear blood run clear feel like give disappear lie walk away walk away walk away walk away walk away walk away walk away walk away walk away walk away
-1 | melt sun melt sun want come melt sun hide sky hide sky want come hide sky outside beat -PRON- beat -PRON- beat -PRON- beat -PRON- beat -PRON- beat -PRON- pathetic flag wave ignorant geek eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- come join cause come join cause want come come join cause hide sky hide sky want come hide sky outside beat -PRON- beat -PRON- beat -PRON- beat -PRON- beat -PRON- beat -PRON- pathetic flag wave ignorant geek eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- outside beat -PRON- beat -PRON- beat -PRON- beat -PRON- beat -PRON- beat -PRON- pathetic flag wave ignorant geek eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- realize blind time will mind melt sun melt sun want come melt sun hide sky hide sky want come hide sky outside beat -PRON- beat -PRON- beat -PRON- beat -PRON- beat -PRON- beat -PRON- pathetic flag wave ignorant hick eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- outside beat -PRON- beat -PRON- beat -PRON- beat -PRON- beat -PRON- beat -PRON- pathetic flag wave ignorant hick eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- eat -PRON- will mind mind
-1 | way try would like stay be feel steer away try tell not want get to find way get to mistake sorry man feel feel way oh yeah oh yeah open wide will shove meaning life oh yeah oh yeah ill oh yeah oh yeah open wide swallow meaning life not work way thank thank way know path try like way would find try new line s right wrong way sorry not feel like live way oh yeah oh yeah open wide will shove meaning life oh yeah oh yeah ill oh yeah oh yeah open wide swallow meaning life not work way thank thank oh yeah oh yeah open wide will shove meaning life oh yeah oh yeah ill oh yeah oh yeah open wide swallow meaning life not work way thank thank
+1 | let friend good denok singe boy evening leave shop dear guest friend young moscow meet young chorus smile sparkle heart blossom song call fight peace harmony friendship happiness wonderful youth noisy meadow wide range extend hand lenin hills honor brother sister cheerful toast gryanem chorus talk dear guest love let friend let friend let friend indestructible pripev1957
+1 | shall overcome walk hand hand walk hand hand walk hand hand day deep heart believe shall overcome day afraid afraid today deep heart believe shall overcome day happy peace earth happy peace earth happy peace earth day deep heart believe shall overcome day hand hand hand hand hand hand day depth heart believe day win afraid afraid afraid depth heart believe day win happy world earth happy world earth happy world come ground depth heart believe day win
-1 | have fall far tell pull kill tonight room take tonight calm breath blur night coat smoke hold little let pretend easy famous drive open window be alive be somebodys fool love way love endless ache daddys car run away leave town hope away somebodys fool hate dream hand not bed sight throat high ask baby wanna wanna be hold middle night be want forever till die time memory away be hold middle night wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna
+1 | whistle wind итальянский whistle wind storm rage broken shoe conquer red spring rise sun conquer red spring rise sun country home rebel woman give sigh guide night star strong heart arm strike night guide star strong heart arm strike grasp cruel death take revenge come partisan sure hard lot cowardly traitorous fascist safe hard fate cowardly traitorous fascist wind stop storm calm home proud partisan wave red flag victorious free wave red flag victorious free siam1943
+1 | marsh youth boulevards square flame banner youth bright banner carry noisy column wave greet friend dahl bright clear spring happiness birthplace spring chorus ground country strong ground spring light world sky bright world happiness complete world youth beautiful win strive forward victory cradle nurture stalin grow soviet people proud mother know friend strong give great honor call young soviet country chorus threaten spring let remember nation know grow crop city rise ruin happiness extract blood breath peaceful spring guard filial love son work people chorus ground country strong ground spring light world sky bright world happiness complete world youth beautiful 1948
+1 | soar falcon eagle song russian people case time day holy campaign renew vigor avidly chorus soar falcon eagle beat boldly enemy country singe glory stalinist eagle pilotsheroes terrible vengeance score lead battle anger morning mercilessly beat germans chorus day ordeal steadfast tell stalin mercy beat enemy chorus live comrade stalin heart soldier tire fight bitter end chorus 1943
-1 | coal black hair baby blue eye not know devil come disguise sittin corner wicked grin shell soul man sin not trust woman long black dress coup de ville shell man thrill s little price pay not tell car man be not get not trust woman soul woman not trust woman black cadillac love s turnin not trust woman black cadillac get soul devil inside not trust woman black cadillac get soul devil inside play cool s hard resist s like tall smooth drink poison twist shell wrap like rattlesnake squeeze life outta watch heart break not trust woman soul woman not trust woman black cadillac love s turnin not trust woman black cadillac get soul devil inside not trust woman black cadillac get soul devil inside deal close await anxiously s victim struggle mercilessly love conquest love fight s comin thrill night not trust woman soul woman not trust woman black cadillac love s turnin not trust woman black cadillac get soul devil inside not trust woman black cadillac get soul devil inside not trust woman black cadillac get soul devil inside not trust woman black cadillac get soul devil inside
-1 | dirty lord manor survey filthy domain night raise hell work little construct monument denial excess sink low crawled far s leave regress wall talk tell horror story neverende winter violence infidelity shadow fall broken pan careless word fill hate work tongue fork hailstorm broken glass follow path expectance huge stinking pile sick pile high high light match start fire level place nothing leave surrounding irate crack dawn bring naught pain resentment steadily grow laugh gallow throttle determine fail pedal metal asleep wheel lucky one welcome home pile high high light match start fire level place nothing leave poison nerve bloody antidote violence aberration rule die pale beating continue morale improve not hate be remove enemy remorse dead be remove enemy remorse dead enemy remorse dead
-1 | beat heart beat cause feed soul feed loss aching limb ache rush fade fade sight break morning coldness linger shroud nightmare sun move move closer luring lure night cry cry die die fast inside tear plunge bereavement faster clear thought mind set devious movement eye move relief breath come white cloud lie filter close final word stare right past dismay liquid seep chest drain away mist ripple round thin white neck draw line cold finger mark die wreck moment help cure atone have help leave day go devious movement eye move relief breath come white cloud lie filter close final word stare right past dismay liquid seep chest drain away mist ripple round thin white neck draw line cold finger mark die wreck moment night fall take s leave slight twist shiver corpse ornate water fill crack clasp limb tradition need
+1 | wait soldier beautiful sunset river accompany army hand ste accompany accompany escort thick pine cherish stand star pomnyut forget forget forget knock wheel rail hand wave slope expanse steppe distance edge dal boundary distance boundary girlfriend blackbrowed know company infantry company oh infantry oh infantry oh infantry soldier harsh service need girlish friendship soft necessary necessary necessary guard home country wait soldier know remember holy wait soldier wait soldier soldier wait beautiful sunset river accompany army hand ste accompany accompany escort
+1 | long time war end long time war end firework die victory old man young man victory pass porydeno build youth brave soldier long time war end heart forget fall hero name forever merge victory comrade proud complete feat inverse severe hour trouble soldier soldier severe hour trouble soldier soldier long time war end time helm fade order ordinary general shelf area salute hear rumbling proud war veteran world work soldier shelf area salute hear rumbling proud war veteran world work soldier proud war veteran world work soldier
-1 | would arrest handcuff would arrest time would throw seat would commit terrible crime would break town worth house rob family blind would like know away fine would drown cry baby know mother not cry would hold would squeeze real soft let piece die hard well man forget try hard well man would arrest handcuff would arrest time would wait outside courtroom taunt appeal decline would drive car bridge know not inside pedal floor ask fantastic way kill time lay beat fist fight try way way way wayway way hard well man forget try hard well man lie hard well man forget try hard well man lie lie
-1 | get kill baby today not matter long dead get rape mother today not matter long spread sweet lovely death wait breath come sweet death caress sweet lovely death wait breath come sweet death caress get kill baby today not matter long dead sweet lovely death wait breath come sweet death caress caress sweet death caress sweet death oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
+1 | song hot metal need native piece heaven understanding business smile need chorus beautiful forest field flower beautiful forest field flower sandy ple boat mooring world perfect beauty world perfect beauty hot metal beauty rvis forward look time come favorite business sure master chorus day evening old differently sing live soul guy guitar seven string chorus
+1 | longrange gun silent longrange gun silent volley hear calm night dream disturbing dream lightning split sky flame horizon military youth northwest guy beardless fortyfirst year near staraya russa freeze ice heat cold walk doggedly forward military youth northwest slava soldier povit dawn day earth fight repulse love strong grove dress gold river pass wade military youth northwest longrange gun silent volley hear calm night dream disturbing dream lightning split sky flame horizon military youth northwest
+1 | hello moscow meet street noise rang boulevards foliage enter arch railway station whisper hello moscow chorus sing pass avenue garden sing smile moscow moscow fly popular belief young dear moscow wind fly singe light moskva river walk street ring cheerful young people chorus sing pass avenue garden sing smile moscow moscow fly popular belief young dear moscow city world beautiful moscow bring youth tireless good song chorus sing pass avenue garden sing smile moscow moscow fly popular belief young dear moscow 1945
-1 | conflict inevitable like control fear conflict integral goodbye dear conflict inevitable like control death conflict integral end say conflict inevitable mind conflict make easy find conflict inevitable attack inside head conflict dead conflict inevitable crash come conflict conflict inevitable force inside heart conflict integral let prepare
+1 | oh yes nightingale go shelf victory menacingly th go groundfloor victory steel shelve red star bring people happiness 2 time chorus oh nightingale sing oh birch bloom love motherland love home cherish dear land 2 time battle pass peace friend increase debt motherland carry order 2 time chorus remember old enemy necessary long time time intelligent friend long time win army world strong chorus 1956
-1 | have fire feed wind have water stream drop dew culm have clay hand potter have rosin tree leaf breeze carry away have child seven spirit have eagle sky swash fish lough fulgent have star loosing sky have tear wind word paean have flower green pasture have song bird vast roar bear lump vivid soil be brother tree chthonian lot earth breathe dream let soul inhale bare naked let dance meadow revel nature free wolf forever free child indui uelui cantla canamos
+1 | peace song child world store banner victory dip blood banner light world way light homeland stand guard adamantly chorus field bloom defend spring force grow world win war strong beware warmonger forget end war simple people country look future calmly chorus freely happily man strengthen homeland people happily come age road lead communism chorus
+1 | sailor night oh wave storm sailor dear house porch smoke ring cherry window main thing nice mile send smile wave flimsy wind caress storm blue eye distant friend oh night sailor night sea sky wave foam mast heel wind drive cloud starless night sea terrible longing take sailor main thing nice give letter deck dance sign shake blue eye distant friend oh night sailor night sea sky love swashbuckle sailor friend say throw nervous manner girl forget brother sailor main thing nice wait sailor like navy beauty blue eye distant friend oh night sailor night sea sky 1947
+1 | cossack song stalin go kazachenki gather dawn duma think collective farm yard guy visit stalin stalin native wealth boast grasp combat come comrade stalin come dear father send stakhanovite field jigit brave good horse field admire pure bread flowery wash dew will collective farm yard child thrive scarlet poppy dawn big feast cossack girl sing decorate airplane silk sky razoshyut high kazbek caspian shore pour life warm life soviet kazakov1937
+1 | red bird pass large way lean dear precious wing world bear heat blizzard snowstorm fog ice snow pass target road chorus slurry sun red bird joy pride soviet country strive forward stalin single strong deep celestial space darling capital moscow roar engine soviet rise blue height chorus country give birth hero courage boldness raise happiness world able build work battle win chorus hour moment life motherland triumphantly route stalinist win 1937
-1 | break spread like disease retalliation come time retribution shall city angel have return bridge have cross burn let fall beneath sky blade live die city angel fight defend heart dignity feature star fall sky blade live die lamb slaughter filthy ashe drown water phoenix arise place hope die city angel have return bridge have cross burn let fall beneath sky blade live die city angel fight defend heart dignity feature star fall sky blade live die city angel have return bridge have cross burn let fall beneath sky blade live die city angel fight defend heart dignity feature star fall sky blade live die
+1 | lenin stalin итальянский year past expect genius worship novel ge oppress sing weep pi lenin doctrine spread fly lenin word comfort sweet saint dream great city sun dream heart realizzasti lenin great man world sun ideal go piomba fascist beast great civilization humanity socialist sbranar man steel wait l stalin stalingrad legend fly stalin stop monster force glory forever big win return story thousand year stalin worthy heir great lenin peer earth stalin
+1 | communist forward military order word heavy combat get right leader raise company twentieth year wild horses gallop perekop train typhoid darkness gunboat bullet fly forehead stand fire madden polk throw overcoat wire knock cloth greatcoat gun barely audible voice say commissioner communists forward communist forward summer morning grenade fall grass border village house sway messerschmitt splash blue fire stand fire madden volga blast dead apartment stalingrad rozdyha beat gun faintly commander say communist forward communist forward military order word subject statute war statute right get gun february cloud wind snow iron nestynuschim smell like earth day continue century indeveyut hostility kremlin guard road cross lead boiling great work century forever forever end communist forward communist forward
-1 | spine shadow turn shackle smile look smile look smile look not not not smile not smile not not smile not shame shame shame shame shame shame not come know care know feel know blame blame not blame not blame blame not blame blame not blame blame not blame blame not blame not blame shame shame shame shame shame shame not come head vision life memorie hurt hurt hurt hurt let let not let let not let not smile not let not smile not let not let shame shame shame shame shame shame not come shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame not come shame shame shame shame shame shame not come shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame
+1 | zamba che come singe zamba libertarian roll kill guerrilla che guevara commander jungle plain mountain fatherland death fate human right violate part latin america sunday monday tuesday impose military subjugate people dictator murderer gorilla general exploit peasant mining worker pain fate hunger misery sorrow bolivar give way guevara follow free people operator domain cuba give glory liberated nation bolivia cry sacrificial life san ernesto de la higuera farmer jungle plain mountain fatherland death fate 1967
+1 | international голландский awake awake reject earth awake damned atmosphere famine reed corpse wiilllen flow earth current rice die old form thought slaafgeboornen awake awake world rely new force desire touch companion time battle rally dinternational tomorrow reign earth state oppress law lie rich man live selfishly continue bone marrow poor sucked justice word tired want live brother hear equality speak right duty lift obligation learn justice lack companion etc deheerscher devilish wiles intoxicate bloody vapor brother fight contention break rank here camp hero oh barbarian think waapnen hit thirsty blood companion time battle rally dinternational tomorrow reign earth
-1 | weak gullible not care walk disaster not care cry sleep not care waste time not care know day come wait cry sleep be fade know day come wait cry sleep be fade contradict not care logic twist not care ill pretend happy not care cry sleep not care weak gullible not care walk disaster not care know day come wait cry sleep be fade know day come wait cry sleep be fade
+1 | moscow song city land soviet glory cute homeland look look find familiar chorus beautiful capital capital labor proud people soviet land beautiful moscow retreat moscow bow overseas country occupy beauty skill chorus friend meet bread salt drive away intruder enemy russian expanse shelf hero chorus move golden arrow clock old kremlin moscow song employment sing morning earth pripev1948
+1 | international испанский poor world stand slave bread shout long live international remove obstacle good change world stage burguйs plunge empire agrupйmono final fight people rise international agrupйmonos final fight people rise lor international dнa reach victory slave habrб hungry land serб paraнso mankind land fruit happiness home work sostйn harб enjoy abundance agrupйmono final fight people rise international agrupйmonos final fight people rise lor international 1974
-1 | angry meet think be angry try talk will help not worry baby need fight not worry baby alright noise keep awake head explode body ache push beat hard pppppush beat harder be sorry hurt not ask want happy want shine not worry baby not uptight not worry baby stay night noise keep awake head explode body ache push beat hard pppppush beat harder come push come prove come use let come push not worry baby not worry baby not uptight not worry baby not worry baby stay night noise keep awake head explode body ache push beat harder push beat harder noise keep awake push beat harder head explode body ache push beat harder noise keep awake head explode body ache not worry baby alright not worry baby alright push push push push push
-1 | ill build house underneath plantain tree ill build boat sail seven sea ill atmosphere spaceship ill atmosphere build
+1 | year pass s way live expect silence youth true heart light light friendship year pass year bird fly look joy meeting bitter separation have experience comrade friend love lover walk tree grow easy way set habit child wind wind shall grow old year pass year bird fly look 1958
+1 | song karbyshevo listen torture cruel grizzle general homeland cute daleko german captivity die tear heart speech strange fire iron torture fact russian soul peace freedom nazi executioner promise incorruptible proud stand watch silence bring basement frosty midnight silence enemy rage bad pour icy water pile frozen foot torture sberog loyalty fatherland stone crush russian heart ice cool hot fire burn
+1 | talk town parapet silently wander dry leave poke long path complete especially hot shower singe good heart right require award rest probably doskazhet leningrad city baltic smelling stand bank neva hospitable house open enemy fight besiege winter city like soldier grateful russia doskazhet leningrad song end touch silence let glorious city grieve ageold dream let grass sway garden grave soldier unique song hear eternal voice leningrad 1970
-1 | swear not end feel be surround good friend word not penetrate tree wind bend fall faster depth be fall be fall depression barely catch breath word not mend love sink not face clawing chest look sort reprieve swear not end feel comfortable skin know fundamental truth not matter tremendous abuse cause have work ground youth land bare sort fruit ill continue toil plow hope day ill proud got wipe sweat brow tired tired show love deep not willing feel have see open eye recognize real season bring darkness profound have lost not find contort rack pain know feel free continue sing sad refrain not sleep food lose taste god be sick place be touch hand brother like rush pass exterior hear hush son love father have alive
+1 | youth lot nice girl group fall love member komsomol zealous sigh spring moon come moon sigh spring chorus explain young today young beautiful country 2p spre native firmament old maple bloom important scientist play pioneer rounder come suddenly rounder old maple color chorus lawn central park modest garden blooms mignonette tie wear bright labor hero mignonette hero labor chorus 1936
-1 | look burn eye plead worthless life remorse die hate inside take soul take family kill ferociously thee carve naked blood eagle skin alive rib crack blood eagle alive gasp air panic strike eye stare terror grip die heart blood eagle helpless ground hand foot tightly bind eye mercy find sharp knife start carve penetrate naked skin rip flesh dig pleased twisted grin spread lung like eagle wing burn grief torment hate feel destroy vengeance peace vengeance set spirit free carve naked blood eagle skin alive rib crack blood eagle alive gasp air panic strike eye stare slow death grip torture heart blood eagle
-1 | piranha pppiranha piranha pppiranha tooth grip razor sharp vicelike power tear apart tooth grip razor sharp vicelike power tear apart piranha pppiranha piranha pppiranha tooth grip razor sharp vicelike power tear apart tooth grip razor sharp vicelike power tear apart piranha pppiranha piranha better lose control pull hold better lose control pull hold better lose control pull hold better lose control pull hold tooth grip razor sharp vicelike power tear apart tooth grip razor sharp vicelike power tear apart tooth grip razor sharp vicelike power tear apart tooth grip razor sharp vicelike power tear apart tooth grip razor sharp vicelike power tear apart
+1 | pioneer plyasova year wonderful live friend dance friend song land live sing light joy chorus oh sun shine homeland color left right friend se friend chorus fun forest mountain begin dance thou shalt spin dance stomp fun work hard force regret work hunting work multiply glory homeland chorus smile moscow native happiness melt dance tired know youth sky high sing dance happy family chorus orchestral loss chorus
-1 | let play musical chair favorite game especially trade place walk shoe not fit change way win race kris kross turn shirt inside like think figure table turn go come burn flip script checkin be checkin sweet nerve hurt like cavity leave bad taste mouth sour patch kid mystery magic trick let hear break record press repeat new favorite waste time will want attention thing s go to not roll punch hard baby drop like needle record scratch itch watch walk circle hit beat drop like needle record flick switch circle hit beat drop like needle record scratch itch watch walk circle hit beat drop like needle record flick switch circle hit beat drop like needle record scratch itch watch walk circle hit beat drop like needle record flick switch circle hit beat let play musical chair favorite game especially trade place walk shoe not fit change way win race kris kross turn shirt inside like think figure table turn go come burn flip script checkin be checkin sweet nerve hurt like cavity leave bad taste mouth sour patch kid mystery magic trick let hear break record press repeat new favorite waste time will want attention thing s go to not roll punch hard baby drop like needle record scratch itch watch walk circle hit beat drop like needle record flick switch circle hit beat drop like needle record scratch itch watch walk circle hit beat drop like needle record flick switch circle hit beat drop like needle record scratch itch watch walk circle hit beat drop like needle record flick switch circle hit beat
+1 | want find friend gather friend way let shoulder marching backpack wheel want fly away ground approach distance chorus road road want find friend go journey soon go long journey song forget road road song forget regret young people know grow old land cold warm warm breath work chorus far distance close friend find meet case heart lose peace chorus 2 time 1957
+1 | soviet fleet march hike pennant march hike glorious deed vast expanse salt water soviet navy soviet navy go sea soul sing wave serve motherland speed ahead chorus seas ocean fly proud flag ready fight hurricane brave soviet sailor friend friend visit friend friend welcome salute flag friendly hihonor carry soviet navy soviet navy bear return visit come sing song naval chorus march hike pennant march hike glorious deed vast expanse salt water soviet navy soviet navy go sea soul sing wave serve motherland speed ahead 1950
+1 | trinklied grace german graceenchantment edgetoedge nalem drink song play sing vocalization graceenchantment nalem edge drink song play sing tighten podpoot song like cup circle graceenchantment edgetoedge nalem drink song play sing vocalization drinking song ring cheer today amid lovely friend tell funny sound round table face shine joy svetla1947
-1 | cock big cock walk right door feeling pure get scream cool denial cruel regulator smoke cigaro cigaro cigar cool denial cruel regulator smoke cigaro cigaro cigar shit stink better shit stink right floor feeling pure get come cool denial cruel regulator smoke cigaro cigaro cigar cool denial cruel regulator smoke cigaro cigaro cigar cool denial cruel regulator smoke cigaro cigaro cigar cool denial cruel regulator smoke cigaro cigaro cigar not love cock not love cock not love cock regulator deregulate animator deanimate propagator genocide burn world resource turn hide cool denial cruel regulator smoke cigaro cigaro cigar cool denial cruel regulator smoke cigaro cigaro cigar regulator deregulate animator deanimate cool denial cruel regulator smoke cigaro cigaro cigar cool denial cruel regulator smoke cigaro cigaro cigar cock big cock walk right door feeling pure get scream
+1 | ballad captain gastello fly battle captain gastello proud falcon cloud wing falcon fly thunderstorm hail steel throw enemy enemy set fire petrol tank explosion plane break fly sky torch like meteor single flight tremble motor shudder rage thunder storm time think breathe power lift eye fire captain drive directly enemy burn tank kill enemy tank thunder metal knock enemy dead captain remain lay flame wreath die battle captain gastello remember friend people capable boldness intimidate defeat 1941
-1 | time pass feel change feel sting defeat have watch day month year have lose faith progression allow exchange moral acceptance truly belong ill fucking end time have watch jump ship hope leave sink current carry proud have be aware steer right direction life destroy not respect decision isolate walk definition travesty watch away love watch world swallow catalyst downfall rest fail bind succeed mark fucking word long breathe overcome integrity emanate daytoday unparalleled effort unnoticed remember
-1 | sacred enclose welkin dawn blaze red pour firmament light run outstretched hand face shine puissance run dry thy maul staff comfort thou art shepherd shall want thy maul staff comfort thou maketh lie pasture green thou lead water bright sun night begetter sempiternal force fire existence spark life emit strike mallet target miss man fathom vastness hand thou art shepherd shall want thy maul staff comfort thou maketh lie pasture green thou lead water bright sun night sucello atir aissom rodatis buiotutos celle time surrender sun otherworld wolfs hunt will not vain raven home find isle nantosueltas noble servant escort soul darkness life bear thou art shepherd shall want thou maketh lie pasture green thou lead water bright sun night thou art shepherd shall want bright sun night
-1 | vulture descend feed s sympathy breed hate turn away run away thing tear away heart soul like figure cast paralyzed rewind s time wasteland indication excuse understand figure cast paralyze time find wasteland
+1 | distant planet wonderful day world forget star expensive rocket hurtle earthly man time hero order plunge blue darkness sun moon venus illuminate path chorus bright proud jubilant labor country great faith glory land height unreachable brave heart lead star exploit kremlin call constellation friend faithful companion distant planet fly star twinkle barely milky way remote crossroad recall away river meadow birch cute good land chorus people meet look heavenly space resident sultry south resident tundra mountain hurtle rocket earth past deserted planet glory countrys labor birthplace glorious victory chorus wonderful day world forget star expensive rocket hurtle earthly man 1962
-1 | watch time bomb tick away watch time bomb care till late watch time bomb tick away watch time bomb better pray safe transfix pissyellow sky watch tank gasoline burn dry death stare cold dead eye s chop carrot sharpen knife not blink eye prize rip piece cut size not dare try inside cause way laugh cry think have see storm await door disgruntle right core watch time bomb tick away watch time bomb care till late watch time bomb tick away watch time bomb better pray safe beat like slave grind get rocket launcher go inside mind dark cloud bottle inside thought future leave terrify be sick old lie not talk feeling give shit death grip get thorn way laugh cry think have see storm await door disgruntle right core watch time bomb tick away watch time bomb care till late watch time bomb tick away watch time bomb better pray safe oh get time bomb tick away inside way laugh cry watch time bomb tick away watch time bomb tick away watch time bomb tick away watch time bomb tick away inside way laugh cry watch time bomb tick away inside everybody need little help world blind watch time bomb tick away inside way laugh cry watch time bomb tick away watch time bomb tick away watch time bomb tick away watch time will not spend day watch time lock mental cage watch time world well place watch time will not spend day watch time lock mental cage watch time world well place
-1 | young future bright whoa oh old neighborhood alive whoa oh kid damn street whoa oh go to big beat neighborhood crack tear whoa oh kid grow life worn whoa oh little street swallow life chance throw nothing free longing hard hard fragile life shatter dream whoa jamie chance whoa oh instead drop couple kid whoa oh mark live home cause s get job whoa oh play guitar smoke lot pot jay commit suicide whoa oh brandon odd die whoa oh hell go cruel dream reality chance throw nothing free longing hard hard fragile life shatter dream chance throw nothing free longing hard hard fragile life shatter dream
-1 | be help anymore not know look know weak go to find star sink slowly tide silent stranger lie drip face noble place
-1 | like want like eye downstairs new life break away tonight feel like tonight water warm taste foreign know cord break away cause tonight feel like tonight feel like feel like tonight breathe stop breathe dry tonight feel feel like tonight feel like feel like tonight feel like feel like tonight
+1 | far east long composition ring word farewell suppose lot wide sunny road good way region thing close beloved far east moment part tell goodbye noise travel breeze custody world man commander close beloved far east fight work fight friend open light expanse horn fly hot weather rain snowstorm girlfriend close beloved far east merry crew girlish unit go edge harsh work worry necessary life order fatherland close belove far vostok1939
-1 | welcome downfall
-1 | sick have light bridge fire expose nerve twitch feed needy x desire poke stick need assertion devil eye will not let motion need surgeon devil inside will not cut slack need assertion devil eye will not let motion need surgeon devil inside will not cut slack care think care finger twitch blister stalk remove dream greedy motivator sleep need assertion devil eye will not let motion need surgeon devil inside will not cut slack need assertion devil eye will not let motion need surgeon devil inside will not cut slack care think care need assertion devil eye will not let motion need surgeon devil inside will not cut slack need assertion devil eye will not let motion need surgeon devil inside will not cut slack distant wreath surreal retire bed forever sleep secret feed desire desire need assertion devil eye will not let motion need surgeon devil inside will not cut slack need assertion devil eye will not let motion need surgeon devil inside will not cut slack care think care care think care care think care
-1 | not know be think have go bed tonight drink people meet think will like promise hour honestly not hello yeah hello hello be clutch tight glass hand mouth smile move stand close wide smile bright breathe deep head get light air get heavy close be start sway hand shoulder not name will not away fall stranger be stare like child slip heaven knee like thousand time transfix fix be look floor look floor yeah look floor be start laugh like animal pain have get blood hand have get hand brain short retch leave gasp stagger scream way floor be light lie eye colour music loud head wrong size yeah laugh jump sing laugh dance laugh laugh laugh not think be keep go pour pour keep go pour way rain come hard s way feel inside not anymore have like life go numb move mouth move foot be love death like be lose breath smile wear game play drink mix drink til be sick face shape throw people meet word know make sick heart oh feel tired way rain come hard s feel inside way rain come hard s feel inside
-1 | come come gate hell drag belong come come gate hell drag belong s fear fear saviour saviour shift come shift come shift come come come precious precious diamond rough rough try escape escape ill hold hold hold hold not sleep head soul come come gate hell drag belong come come gate hell drag belong spirit spirit turn turn cover cover cover cover lover brother mother precious precious have fall away away fall apart apart wave wave wave wave not sleep head soul gate hell know shift come shift come shift come shift come shift come come come come come come come come come gate hell drag belong come come gate hell drag belong come come come come come
+1 | russia middle field russia middle field collective village famous famous grow harvest festival dear guest come different name name different village bear petrovs admiral general village sort moscow hurry laureate visit native hut come diplomat assembly abroad dust swirl road ride countryman tractor driver machinist look distance hand wide expanse meet guest bread salt stalingrad hero ahead girl medal chest russia middle field collective village famous famous grow people wealth motherland inviolability great brotherhood different name name different sunrodina 1949
-1 | believe want need see pray believe want need see pray believe want need see pray believe want need see pray
-1 | fight let feel heavy hand clean fucking mess leave trace evidence lose let let cause let belong break fall shelter dedicate end help break conscience free innocence lose let let cause let belong break fall mayday mayday request permission land control plane danger crash lose let let cause let belong break fall break fall break fall break fall break fall
+1 | road song young builder know love meet far edge b fly like wind let road far far difficult meeting sure chorus dawn get road lead distance earth bloom sparkle river heart wait necessary love forever run flash mile intersection wait wait necessary love forever evident friend anxiety know road converge road way find love 1955
-1 | fraction bind learn hard way human condition say stop make mistake look source end pain matter time have fail problem solve look truly hell focus helpless erase point view suffering trivial suffering compare know real agony problem solve look suffering problem solve look suffering trial insignificant will not look will not look despair problem solve look truly hell personal redemption change world lay life suffer
+1 | rest life sestpa remember battle medical battalion ostalis alive paz tovapisch bpat ha rest life   nama feat fame victory vpagom kpovavym ha rest life ha rest life gopeli dnepp heva volga gopeli sky field problem tpevoga destiny land    ha rest life    nama gopya sorrow    potepyali    ha rest life sestpa bpat mutual vepoy doubly strong walk love milosepdyu war nemilosepdnoy ha rest life    remember bpatstvo fpontovoe    testament holy    ha rest life    ha rest life 1975
+1 | song party country unprecedente free child today proud song singe partys powerful world big man chorus fan glory solder scientific firm hello forever party lenin stalins party wise bolshevik party october country create earth powerful motherland free people stand cliff state council bear power thy righteousness chorus dastardly traitor rotten rock menace sweep path pride people wisdom people heart people conscience chorus marx engel flame genius commune foresaw come sunrise road freedom lenin chart great stalin lead chorus fan glory solder scientific firm hello forever party lenin stalins party wise bolshevik party 1939
+1 | andrew ah roadtrack ring bellow shine star river dash guy girl fire vie speak chorus oh andrew mourning hide accordion play key pull devil mountain flash murmur green gardens sing andrew middle night race wind tugging curl sing play gentle eye ask look ah roadtrack close window work meet devchonochka chernobrov bitter word heart return fire chorus ah roadtrack equal little return girl conceal smile hello andrew come listen sing dear chorus 1938
-1 | es schreit mir bin weder nah noch fern ein gedanke jagt den nächsten alle alle meine ruhe störn ich bin ausgebrannt ich bin ausgebrannt kein feuersturm meiner brust dort wächst alleine nur der frust dort wächst alleine nur der frust wenn ich den spiegel schau starrt mich ein zombie aufgedunsen gedankenschwer wenn ich den spiegel schau starrt mich ein zombie meine seele meine seele fault metastasen auf meinem leib bin infiziert mit oberflächlichkeit ich bin ausgebrannt ich bin ausgebrannt kein feuersturm meiner brust dort wächst alleine nur der frust dort wächst alleine nur der frust wenn ich den spiegel schau starrt mich ein zombie aufgedunsen gedankenschwer wenn ich den spiegel schau starrt mich ein zombie meine seele meine seele fault infiziert und ich weiß ich bin nicht alleine die ist die welt der wandelnden toten ein schwarze z auf unserer stirn wir sind ausgebrannt kein feuersturm jeder brust dort wohnt alleine nur der frust dort wohnt alleine nur der frust wenn wir den spiegel schaun starren uns zombie die ist die welt der wandelnden toten wenn wir die leere schaun starrn wir uns selber infiziert infiziert
-1 | black gold black gold soul sell sell drip throat fill lung barely breathe not spread wing golden horizon burst flame burn despair golden horizon bright fading burst flame eternal return wait wait know change true s stand edge change change know change true s stand edge change change edge black edge black like king rusty crown like saint way deep ocean floor forevermore black gold black gold gold soul sell sell know truth change shadow saint s golden horizon bright fading burst flame eternal return wait wait know change true s stand edge change change know change true s stand edge change change edge black edge black destroy angel shall arise salvation world lie drown ocean black deserve way destroy angel shall arise salvation world lie drown ocean black deserve way destroy angel shall arise salvation world lie drown ocean black deserve way know change true s stand edge change change know change true s stand edge change change edge black edge black edge black
-1 | want like want like want like want like word like knife cut syllable like matter antimatter have separable want like want want throw space glass roof metal bar cigarette trace be car trash trash voice paper wall trash trash thick skin not throw space want glass roof metal bar want cigarette trace be car want trash trash want voice paper wall want trash trash want thick skin not want want want want want like parallel universe different strand time distance immeasurable far away want like want like throw space glass roof metal bar cigarette trace be car trash trash voice paper wall trash trash thick skin not throw space want glass roof metal bar want cigarette trace be car want trash trash want voice paper wall want trash trash want thick skin not want want like want want want like want want
-1 | white land empathica end songwriter dead blade fall take white land empathica innocence empathica innocence ii home dreamer wine poet rhyme widow writer tear apart chain hell perfect verse old song oh christ hate home getaway runaway fly away lead astray dreamers hideaway cry cause shoulder cry die whore cold world forgive face world god save cry cause shoulder cry die whore cold world home n meadow heaven adventurefille day smile face word thought severed head praise tell heart go right home getaway runaway fly away lead astray dreamers hideaway cry cause shoulder cry die whore cold world forgive face world god save cry cause shoulder cry die whore cold world whore cold world whore cold world iii pacific sparkle scenery turquoise waterfall beauty underneath free tuck beneath blue beneath pain beneath rain goodnight kiss child time sway blade lullaby shore sit hope pale moon guide light choose choose be afraid afraid rape know die love live long hear sound gun long find scream night long friend betray year have strap unto altar minute count wish tide catch death long iv dark passion play second robber right christ cut half infanticide world rejoice today crow feast rot poet bury pack bury heart stone s home hell serve slay bell toll farewell morning dawn altar remain dark passion play perform friend shame spit grave come getaway runaway fly away lead astray dreamers hideaway cry cause shoulder cry die whore cold world forgive face world god save cry cause shoulder cry die whore cold world whore cold world whore cold world today year lord 2005 tuomas call care world stop cry end beautiful day music write long silence find naked dead smile face pen thousand page erase text save v mother father son home oh cold blade descend need feel love search beauty find shore try save bleed ocean end love beginning
-1 | wichtiger hinweis das erinnerungsverfahren wird maschinell abgewickelt die maschinen ergreifen die macht tausend jahren naja nicht ganz etwa 3008 weder blut noch eiter jedoch viel arbeitsspeicher rechnen sie vor sich hin weder verstand noch sinn wow ich würde gerne cityroller fahren alle maschinell oh gott sag können wir nicht selber denken wir lassen unsere gedanken lenken
-1 | find sacred thing help handle tragedy lose walk fire brave storm everybody need sing not sing right time sing day swear feel split light window frame shape make warm brighter rest come day swear hear sing whisper slight way like warm light lay bedroom floor actually sunlight memory climb balcony flower dress probably good forget probably good let paint shade skin lip meet moment break kiss blur s choose remember night lot like day lie awake late watch shadow cast trace shape silver sliver wall bedsheet hear song tree finally fall rest later be sleep dream simple thing like buy grocery wake swear have leave like get breakfast maybe dress truth will not think be day start end will not know will not ghost define leave memory atop balcony tear flower dress good time bet forget let paint shade lip bleed blur blur blur let let let everybody let someday everybody let wonder wonder hear singe city be blur memory fade day shape haunt sing sing sing sweetly hope note change need happen be resign ill sing line like like have gun church tortured son give give die sing name unison die sing name unison die
-1 | anybody want anybody want hear thing fear today anybody want cry be would die thoughtless baby thoughtless baby thoughtless baby anybody want smile anybody want open s vile like say throw away thoughtless baby thoughtless baby thoughtless baby anybody want anybody want die cry throw away thoughtless baby thoughtless baby anybody want cry be would die thoughtless baby would die anybody want anybody want anybody want anybody want
-1 | hold fearless touch be afraid be overcome feeling not explain come face ill rip fucking tongue reckon not know grant blind dream color have see deadline not well late romantic grant blind dream color have see scrawl thought pen run ink blame face sky someday ill be get life try tell voice loud try hold close claws sharp have see dead look paralyzed not try hold cuz afraid lose thing keep alive ill gladly bite tell sorry tell love tell will blind dream color have see scrawl thought pen run ink face sky someday ill be get life try tell voice loud try hold close claws sharp try face sky someday ill try tell voice loud be get life tell look alive
-1 | word wear fill nervous pace something inside face okay away away away emptiness feel cause find hear house whisper feel bone vein like portrait hall not help think wish stare go okay away away away emptiness feel cause find find find ill carry dream memory ill carry will dream memory ill carry will memory okay away away away emptiness feel cause find find find
+1 | coldaty ground troop ground moscow volga poland pitch darkness lie dash division housing give blue heavens lie brigade battalion thousand mouth green grass pass platoon await way dawn rise ground troop year 1960
-1 | would better learn blow high take know let let body worth price set s great body worth price set go to change walk turn choose move carefully carefully let let body worth price set s great body worth price set go to change body worth price set go to change believe believe believe believe body worth price set s great body worth price set go to change body worth body worth
+1 | people white coat death want spare beauty fun evil cruise stand way people white coat people white coat way breathing equal suffer recede bend bed people white coat people white coat bedside bent wound battle steep crowded sickbay death rob blind people white coat people white coat death rob blind world exist barely open eye thy life shall protect harm people white coat people white coat people white coat thy life shall protect harm eternal feat shoulder hand sleepless holy low bow want people white coat 2 time people white coat low bow want
-1 | want hurt feel feel want tear till bleed seam sick live extreme sick waste not dream be slave master know picture be slave master know picture want trap like fly wall useless find cause tired leave hide fall obscene tired haste have be slave master know picture be slave master know picture need know need know be slave master know picture be slave master know picture sick live extreme sick waste not dream tired leave hide fall obscene tired haste have have have fall obscene fall obscene
-1 | wanna know know not not understand evil eye not recall start begin end be not break far bend wanna wanna wit chu anytime wanna wanna wit chu different mystery life be not thing tell know sun moon would untrue thing know sure wan anytime wanna wanna wit chu anytime wanna wanna wit chu wanna anytime wanna wit chu yeah wanna wanna wit chu wanna wanna wit chu wanna anytime wanna wit chu wanna wanna wit chu wanna
-1 | select picture scrapbook collect memory past preserve history learn know want be wait know need be play easy say easy choice know win want carve noise find comfort childhood toy want dirty clean time think would easy cut matter easy cut easy cut
-1 | like morning junior year stumble classroom late day face feel air like funeral like wake sit teacher speak somewhat sombrely confident calm eulogy speech poem celebration song warmth smile pass photocopy entry journal keep long ago start read suddenly 1980 march 5 cancer furious son resilient faith matter end treatment violent keep smile amazing finding joy little thing april 12 andrews appetite improve thank god everyday hard scarecrow frame july 9 s suffering look eye s have incredible resolve little boy show 7 stand face face death say easy find people suffer bad like jesus suffer bad tell night god abandon september 20 have play yard lately spirit high blood count not october 14 feel tired time november 30 hospital feel like home december 8 s get bad january 19 bury son today young child death ugly let scare god abundant grace restore brand new body set free torture finally rid cancer moment leave briefly wrest death suddenly open eye say forget peace comfort display pain imagine loss child torture cancer help cause imagine recover keep faith hold brightness life inside smile child bury forget steadfast faith forget seven year later be devoid faith comfort weary wait have feel have feel eye close
+1 | evening road spoomte friend hike tomorrow uydom early morning mist sing cheerful let podpoot grayhaire captain combat farewell beloved city leave tomorrow sea early time melknot astern familiar blue handkerchief evening good song sing friendship large marine service tighten friendly friend farewell beloved city leave tomorrow sea early time melknot astern familiar blue handkerchief farewell beloved city leave tomorrow sea early time melknot astern familiar blue handkerchief road big fall silent sea fog envelop beach home kiss wave quietly convey accordion farewell beloved city leave tomorrow sea early time melknot astern familiar blue handkerchief farewell beloved city leave tomorrow sea early time melknot astern familiar handkerchief goluboy1942
-1 | white sheet run red red sheet burn white bed far home dirty river water run way room water carry memory let guide breath way stream upstream knife cold time destroy weight know draw map circle spiral destination middle momentum save wait soak river water asleep awake not matter dirty river water hold waste not matter upstream knife cold time destroy weight know wait white sheet run red not hear word have say not drown dry river bed white sheet run red not hear word have say not drown dry river bed white sheet run red bed white sheet run red not hear word have say not drown dry river bed white sheet run red not hear word have say not drown dry river bed white sheet run red not hear word have say bed white sheet run red
-1 | not escape hell time have try be cage inside somebody nightmare not control dark change animal help believe real somebody help tame animal animal animal not escape not escape time have lie time have lie s rage inside somebody nightmare not control dark change animal help believe real somebody help tame animal help believe real somebody help tame animal somebody help nightmare not control somebody wake nightmare not escape hell animal animal animal animal animal animal animal dark change animal help believe real somebody help tame animal help believe real somebody help tame animal animal
+1 | ustilim moscow unfamiliar wind sing moscow cloud letter float have map route strange looking word ustilim ustilim distant taiga river ustilim city light distance smell pine needle green star taiga undertone pine read poetry ill taiga come snowstorm blizzard look inconspicuous taiga pine long ago stand thy ustilim moscow thy wind sing ustilim road wind ustilim green star sky fire longing red eye 1963
+1 | song hero circle river breeze sad willow water early blue dawn strike young commander fight friend sad willow water day fight enemy young crewman let dead damned nazis wave grenade undermine enemy circle river breeze sad willow water early blue dawn slay commander molodoy1946
+1 | girlfriend wake land field time hot spring business seed year row banner good team surely bear ahead playful girlfriend restless agile eye heavens golden braid willow bend river herd drive shepherd field lie shadow labor day club light fire club dance accordion sing song resound plant dance playful girlfriend restless agile eye heavens golden braid mature stack stack cause fall result harvest good go come area honor labor look light magazine newspaper playful girlfriend restless agile eye heavens golden braid 1960
-1 | summer come pass innocent wake september end like father come pass seven year go fast wake september end come rain fall star drench pain memory rest forget lose wake september end
-1 | substandard motel la la la la corner 4th fremont street appeal unappeale practice catholic cross enter room hint asbestos maybe dash formaldehyde habit decompose right la la la la eye people inside wonderful caricature intimacy inside wonderful caricature intimacy tonight tenant range lawyer virgin accessorize rosary tuck inside lingerie s get job firm come monday mrs stay cheat attorney moonlight aside need money oh wonderful caricature intimacy yeah yeah mention constable proposition virgin yes lawyer meet strictly business say mrs hour leave fix face compact terrible crash terrible crash badge spill purse bag hold purse different kind people inside wonderful caricature intimacy inside wonderful caricature intimacy raindrop rose girl white dress sleeping roach take good guess shade sheet stain favorite thing raindrop rose girl white dress sleeping roach take good guess shade sheet stain favorite thing inside wonderful caricature intimacy inside wonderful caricature intimacy raindrop rose girl white dress sleeping roach take good guess shade sheet stain favorite thing raindrop rose girl white dress sleeping roach take good guess shade sheet stain favorite thing
-1 | dangerous open head feel shellshock dangerous walk mindfield watch head rock dangerous open head feel shellshock dangerous walk mindfield watch head rock watch head rock shock hahaha walk mindfield eh shock
-1 | try try try
+1 | holy war немецкий big country great battle nazi hordes resistance death fascist power depart wrath gloomy flood come war people war mankind shrike offer forehead murderer idea torturer plunderer perish depart black rocker overshadow home country crush enemy field meadow beach depart ensure breed hour strike executioner craft set depart 1967
-1 | dream neotokyo tonight dream neotokyo dream neotokyo tonight dream neotokyo neon light glisten street moonlight swallow breathe electricity salvation hover sky dream life inside escape survive let flight dream begin reignite clear bright glow dead night plug online datastream link mind circuit entwine dream neotokyo tonight flesh circuit bone world have know street walk salvation block sun beneath shadow cast dream aphelion let flight dream begin reignite clear bright glow dead night plug online datastream link mind circuit entwine dream neotokyo tonight new hope glisten street rainfall wash away memory binary salvation bathe glow look sky dream neotokyo let flight dream begin reignite clear bright glow dead night plug online datastream link mind circuit entwine dream neotokyo tonight dream neotokyo tonight dream neotokyo tonight dream neotokyo tonight
+1 | farewell komsomol order west way leave komsomol civil war leave part leave quiet edge tell dear part covet rodney answer wish heart death instant wound small keen tell friend imminent victory return home shrug girlfriend hand look girl face be ask write letter write know way say quietly write order west way leave komsomol civil war
+1 | shipbuilder sail estuary white acacia snow city shipbuilder high bank chorus shipbuilder shipwright s family home sail white white white bridge flow ingul ships pump bug water drink son friend chorus tell native threshold city love sea road chorus get closer year camp berth city paris nikolaev remember chorus
-1 | hide eye shame empathy be perfect s explanation have come complication stake learn stain lead soul burn feel way fail lead astray invite darkness matter have try hide love run sadness come someplace good have truly love have truly hurt feel weak cross line fail lead astray invite darkness matter have try hide love hide face tear sign god mercy cry love
+1 | интернационал японский vertical hunger wetarus day chikashi brethren sameyo akatsuki unexpected come chain violence cut day flag burning blood like sea arm conclusion chorus emergency emergency senwa isamu shed fresh emergency oh international thing like repeat like listen roar heaven earth roar kabaneetsu loose flag protect way te wallbreaking pressure kataki arm aloft flag victory 1929
+1 | companiero president испанский sing life death song sing blood mate salvador life president companiero death flag savior worker wide boulevard companiero president people return march cry fighter fight life death courage fight example companiero salvador end martyrdom war betray pin reborn liberated homeland unity entire people libertarian force fulfill word salvador victory soldier reach population worker prision farmer yoke patron worker paredon take bread misery destruction hunger torture shackle weapon oppression chilean people rise treason vencerernos resign soul mining insurrection bear supercilious punio rise repression chile overcome release new home revolution
-1 | welcome home away tamper lock thing rearrange propose well way say note leave wake disarray fall place not fall asleep will find know place disappear voice proclaim sum thousand lie know til day die til not strength til not strength let cry let let open heart fear faith need traverse burn bridge get late claim fine heart reveal smile betray sad sad eye give away not know sum thousand lie know til day die til not strength til not strength shoulder bear awful weight trudge color run leave stain blacken honest argue tell fury fire time tell like right poor disguise fail fool wary eye train sum thousand lie know til day die til not strength til not strength sum thousand lie know til day die til not strength til not strength
+1 | say river reach look ruble give look scorch fire part look parting gesture smile smile forget smile dahl clear today good night star light company today dream night fourth company sleep
+1 | lyric guerrilla remember cherry glow swayed sun overheat garden say goodbye ill find dream long pass pause song battle mnitsya fuse cannon roar voice dear forever cherry rdyanymi sun heat look want find 1938
+1 | battle student march student remain silent storm war hear enemy friend day clearly warmonger friend reply friendly peace flag chorus sunshine sunshine illuminate way forward way forward way forward let flag wind let banner peace inspire nation nation nation way quit find happiness truth common people fight lead sun shine song pour peace happiness earth let know true word new day eye people peace bolder enemy hour anxious separate friend chorus let enemy decide strong time erect world bastion need military thunder strengthen world defend diploma right live peacefully chorus 1949
+1 | song moscow moscow street street moscow pull pass country moscow stair add climb right moon chorus large big affable heart alive darle darling beauty moscow lose exactly minute friend find caress encouraging afraid star light red night chorus muscovite people shoulder people say present muscovite people world uneasy people chorus large big affable heart alive darle darling beauty moscow 1958
-1 | weep weep sea devour hold time love defeat city build lie weep abandon thee weep distract view image erase weep weep depth reality weep reveal pain beauty sadness sleep tonight sadness sleep tonight sadness sleep tonight heaven fail heaven dark deep cut bleed be bleeding bleed love weep abandon thee weep distract view image erase weep weep depth reality weep reveal pain beauty intent hurt let waste away desert hope break let perish devastate weep abandon thee weep distract view image erase weep weep depth reality weep reveal pain beauty weep beauty weep sleep sadness tonight weep weep
+1 | song russia lay wide sea sea swim nezakatnye dawn spread field majestically native russia land rustle wind centuriesold oak beauty bloom freely perfect joy sorrow harsh russia world word beautiful tsvetosh year year accomplishment century glory cradle liberty sing inspiration fatherland
-1 | die die die darling not utter single word die die die darling shut pretty mouth ill see ill see hell not cry oh baby future oblong box yeah not cry oh baby see acome not cry oh baby not know power not cry oh baby deadend girl deadend guy not cry oh baby life drain floor not cry oh baby die die die darling not utter single word die die die darling shut pretty mouth ill see ill see hell not cry baby future oblong box not cry oh baby see end acome acome not cry oh baby not know power not cry oh baby deadend girl deadend guy not cry oh baby life drain floor not cry oh baby die die die darling not utter single word die die die darling shut pretty mouth ill see ill see hell not cry oh baby die die die darling not cry oh baby die die die darling die die die darling die die die darling die die die die die die
-1 | dead alive sleep walk week persist suffocate breath life lung thought scream anguish voice collapse pain not hold breath let be lose voice find not bother call cause time read instill dignity pride wast life possibility run clock live corner have back not bother call cause time read ill go say love swear god lie die motherfucker reason tear apart life tear apart will not inside give rely shatter instill peace find be come go not save not save want hopeful not know not know want
+1 | sea ocean sea ocean red pennant wave walk uninvited guest shore native land chorus sun pour heart beat courage breathe chest wave birdsong way submarine battleship zorka watch stand native sea boundary blue chorus enemy impose war terrible fleet raise win country order answer chorus veysya song cloud fly sky tell powerful heroic battle fleet chorus
-1 | go letter attempt sense write be sure try accomplish mystery guess selfmade secrecy thing cloudy story struggle undercurrent blurry minute blurrier voice write difference not know not know desperate plea verse sing laugh track accompany comedy lose completely lose sanity fabricate fashioned bad know knock table watch jar break have try repair single stupid day will not crack matter assemble decide let die let motive single narrative reflect moment break let matter throw shard away discard fragment fumble uncertain curtain want happen one go clap
+1 | oh way немецкий oh way bleak endlessly day night rain give frontescort brother bloom tomorrow life tomorrow burn mud rule way wade spade smoke fire rain war dog bark oh way desolate far snow day night coldness give frontescort tank roll hoer raven shrine die brother path rain fight land father hammer sickle die blame nazi germany oh way desolate time war fire blaze poison death suffer bloody tear fall sand bloody tear cry mother land1967
-1 | pick good time drop bad line cry time false alarm red flashing light time be go watch die think game play game let cry bury alive inside shut let away long time guess okay puke day away guess well trap way want go to ask think chain break away feel day time take advantage feel fine worth night catch early flight home guess okay puke day away guess well trap way want go to ask nicer nice foot neck finally right want right want right want right want guess okay puke day away guess well trap way want go to ask nicer guess okay puke day away nicer guess well trap waynicer want go to ask nice nice nicer
+1 | sea hawk smoke tube sailor dark cabin let wave reach cabin upside mislead shell oak iron people live chorus away coast sea hawk girl wave contact oath groba let thousand storm ahead hawk robe watchkeeping impale chest hey old rogue try come native shore chorus tie rope friendship proud friendship sea boy homeland wave deck sail wing soar like hawk sea pripev1941
+1 | want live want live fun native land impossible forget violet bloom spring want live friend live silent stand sideline chorus stop war land spring land beloved land let present spring want away worry blizzard eye suffer friend want wind friend love believe chorus want love life happiness heart carry good ground want love know love friend forget friend leave lurch chorus 1957
-1 | walk stair stand door bottle right fist left clench tight s trample wife beginning family demise stare little girl eye little girl green eye surprise actually come home tonight s act right know well s experience night like young mama floor yell love yous man stand respond violence notice similarity begin scream balcony like despise betrayer head betrayer heart betrayer like betrayer despise betrayer head betrayer heart betrayer like betrayer despise s outside scream wind distaste kin evil thought push edge s flirt ledge green eye look s beg change mind show love dive headfirst earth bury head hide world scream little girl despise betrayer head betrayer heart betrayer like betrayer despise despise despise
-1 | black gold black gold soul sell sell drip throat fill lung barely breathe not spread wing golden horizon burst flame burn despair golden horizon bright fading burst flame eternal return wait wait know change true s stand edge change change know change true s stand edge change change edge black edge black like king rusty crown like saint way deep ocean floor forevermore black gold black gold gold soul sell sell know truth change shadow saint s golden horizon bright fading burst flame eternal return wait wait know change true s stand edge change change know change true s stand edge change change edge black edge black destroy angel shall arise salvation world lie drown ocean black deserve way destroy angel shall arise salvation world lie drown ocean black deserve way destroy angel shall arise salvation world lie drown ocean black deserve way know change true s stand edge change change know change true s stand edge change change edge black edge black edge black
-1 | oh god not believe place have have come meet blessing faith mustard seed hardship life ill hold ill fine praise instrument play hand read recollect solitary note line play perfect harmony god whisper men ear scream speak endlessly hope fear nay simply ill reply blessing sweet divine deserve humble servant lowly ill wash foot tear have cry joy life breath lung attest overwhelming grace love tattere shoe broken spirit unequippe finish race win snatch strong arm shoulder sling lord have give tool live talent drive willingness run praise blessing sweet divine deserve humble servant hope humility outlast pride
-1 | look place hang head shame light come eye big stomach not process rich diet endless endeavor expense s thousand reason not open combination turn s rest weak need week rest desperately
-1 | perfection direction voice mind selection mass dissection rebuild refine creation modification mutation breed infect erase restore strong not fear right wrong believe set free feel power inside alive alive rise alive dark light alive alive rise alive be alive undying deny predict engage remove destroyer soul exploiter delete design improve invasion mass domination nation bear accept embrace endure strong not fear right wrong believe set free feel power inside alive alive rise alive dark light alive alive rise alive be alive alive alive rise alive dark light alive alive rise alive be alive rise alive forever live lie
-1 | not leave anymore right spend night day search world s right underneath unexplored island city look see not overlook not leave have find ill explore have bridge fire have be freeze desire need leave s risk would be freeze desire choice would not leave have find ill explore not leave leave have find have find ill explore ill explore
+1 | go go camp sun shine river gently spread grass wave hand goodbye moscow bus quickly rush glass grief chorus goodbye capital leave camp goodbye capital go go go go camp wood village see long time stretch tree branch bite window finish study september chorus sunrise sunset land water kid camp bored hear whistle tit catch capercaillie chorus maybe walk meet moose forest maybe catch hedgehog guy bring maybe happen think vain goodbye capital leave camp goodbye capital go go go go camp orchestral loss goodbye capital go go go go lagerya1958
+1 | neat postman food food food food food hand letter move bike smile sing chorus miss tired wait love letter gentle native business custommade hand haritosha neat postman be take love joy breath spring moscow leningrad country envelope different suit newspaper sheet bag laughter happiness hope dream chorus food food food food food hand letter move bike smile sing chorus 1939
-1 | unfortunate feel storm roll cause uncomfortable oh devil make sin like spin grip love like sin love one feel look eye like flame love like fly love unfortunate feel storm roll uncomfortable oh devil make sin like spin grip love like sin love feel look smile like flame love like fly love
+1 | march body польский march corp outside mountain river left bank far play willow paint hill yesterday rag uniform today squeeze belt time body outside mountain river west march wait maryś nearby time lose bane evil joy flash eye tear cry mary happen body salute east west march great thing pospolita thing power grow praise village town praise meeting day state glass house body great thing west march 1943
-1 | barely barely go road wash river flood north town stick stick stick stick plan lay know say best best best good plan mouse man terribly wrong probably speak smart idea not heroic home family dinner time safely soundly sleep cause not want trouble come leave quiet maybe tear love burn burn move move get hurt open mouth worry alive cause need bargaining chip life trade getaway alive cause pretty need look tear love burn burn swear build swear come burn burn weigh cost love measure yeah feel weight bone break break yeah wander park sink tooth will suffice survive disease break lock combination know hide consider go crown planning feeling alert till bout time cut cut honey lover want young asleep be fine find bottle lover want wait long weigh cost love measure yeah feel weight bone break break yeah weigh cost love measure yeah feel weight bone break break yeah weigh cost love measure yeah feel weight bone break break yeah weigh cost love measure yeah feel weight bone break break yeah
-1 | wipe heart break frontline final one final resistance fight drive hate evoke surrender storm break silence storm break silence wipe heart final resistance vengeance justice justice end triumph day come reign terror age horror remain promise fall feel pain promise felon will rise vengeance justice justice end triumph day come promise fall feel pain promise felon will rise wipe heart break frontline final one final resistance
+1 | pioneer ditty petya river near river wind carry flag river river pioneer camp good pioneer camp horn call morning hurry charge pioneer petit onsite good present site sport physical education good friend strong cheer good cheer remove cleanly wait river hearth peter bed collapse proudly good collapse proud good river float like geese cold water coward good coward peter whine catch cold swim want wash good want wash job book shovel pioneer friendly guy good friendly guy duty tonka peter eyebrow frown stand girl duty good duty squad petit need song sure sing good sure sing
-1 | remind love know carry little speech hold hand walk middle street fine be take scenery remind famous friend depend qualify friend remind famous friend depend qualify friend chance shoe dance rain flash news spread town be complain raining be say like lot think sun come sing remind famous friend depend qualify friend remind famous friend depend qualify friend
-1 | young heartbroken daydream lost focus weak have count fade dream ocean gleam emerald green sad thing have see foot stick sink sand mind reel shaky hand tear stream sorrow call break fall be lost fading life be not great heart break life will not wait s s soul sound fucking young heartbroken daydream lose focus weary soul truth find lost goodbye foot stick sink sand mind reel shaky hand tear stream sorrow call break fall be lost fading life be not great heart break life will not wait s s soul sound have search soul far long friend lose carry bear burden sorrow past build build fucking build be fade fast cold unknown sorrow far home far home be lost fading life be not great heart break life will not wait s s soul sound sound
-1 | claim standard refuse answer not police place home not anymore board window lock door pick piece fit let end hold place have leave go give seat not expect share vision life ill chance place home not anymore board window lock door pick piece fit let end green light life pick piece roll fucking dice green light life pick piece roll fucking dice live exile key longer fit lock life new
-1 | cast crutch kill pain red flag wavin mean kid tomorrow not need today live sin yesterday cast crutch kill pain red flag wavin mean kid tomorrow not need today live sin yesterday have see act like hope mind kid will thing weapon gun youth time tighten noose hunt red flag wavin mean red flag wavin mean cast crutch kill pain red flag wavin mean kid tomorrow not need today live sin yesterday cast crutch kill pain red flag wavin mean kid tomorrow not need today live sin yesterday like small bee pack ste like pawn checkmate king attack crack dawn build ladder s wall not afraid slip fall speak will speak red flag wavin mean red flag wavin mean cast crutch kill pain red flag wavin mean kid tomorrow not need today live sin yesterday cast crutch kill pain red flag wavin mean kid tomorrow not need today live sin yesterday like fire not need water like jury need liar like riot not need order like madman need martyr not need not need not need not need not need not need not need not need cast crutch kill pain red flag wavin mean kid tomorrow not need today live sin yesterday cast crutch kill pain red flag wavin mean kid tomorrow not need today live sin yesterday cast crutch kill pain red flag wavin mean kid tomorrow not need today live sin yesterday not need
-1 | lie beneath faded selfish fall jade helpless long breathe wasted inside defeat faceless bury eye live beautifully broken fight fight bury life break chain wash away oh light carry ground heavy will not hold blind belief waste envy long bleed nameless hate fall relieve violent alive deceit suffer silence eye live beautifully broken fight fight bury life break chain wash away oh light carry ground heavy will not hold lost warm light tell long frail dead blind shadow hold fight fight bury life break chain wash away carry ground heavy will not hold sun burn heavy will not hold
-1 | grass green sinister day blackbird sing song blackletter day day pass great gate time look know would stay know let leave death strip see gleam eye fear enslavement suffering crush weight beloveth ground home alesia alisano wake be go iânotoutâ eternity proclaim barren sacrifice ground cherish life wr embrace death children cry trail sob yield deathly hush grass green sinister day walk alley like thousand time know would stay outside alesia offer living sacrifice outside door alesia tear run dry
+1 | leningrad spring sun burn banner neva sea rage leningrad fighter fighter inflexible city worth chorus firm step rank strict stalin obstacle insolent enemy destroy enemy enemy forward leningrad town native belove peace happiness people sweet mother dear wife father child chorus fight hard brutally gang dangerous madness force gather fist defeat gather firm step rank strict stalin obstacle mean enemy destroy enemy enemy enemy motherland forward 1942
-1 | have talk cool uh ramification apply hip scene maybe example opposite cool uncool exactly uncool yeah whyntwe thought ititit uncool nod street corner wait light change uh uh itit uncool let anybody know uncle registered pharmacist uncool family know uncool buddy know fink uncool ask d disastrously uncool let friend use penthouse forwarding address package mexico know uncool ask d uncool wear shade sunset
-1 | unforgive chill crawl blood stain limb thousand frozen body line way night shadow dead tree appear like ghost poison cloud heartwrenche cry agonize soul hand hand fight man man die sanity find god leave hell wander like shadow frozen world mind occupy fill heroic story glorious tale war know honor find march endlessly relentlessly end purgatory walk common grave matter friend enemy forest dead heartwrenche cry agonize soul hand hand fight man man die sanity find god leave hell wander like shadow frozen world care enemy tell blackened heart beat sudden be aware compassion weakness compassion treason
-1 | trust love defend dispite past breathe sign choose destiny leave fall fall predict begin leave fall hide tear drown belief grow little strong be dead end not feel longer dream awake leave fall fall predict begin leave fall hide tear drown leave fall leave fall tear drown leave fall leave fall tear drown leave fall fall predict begin fall piece tear drown leave fall fall predict begin leave fall hide tear drown
-1 | person turn wrong want belong thing cost price life lose point begin fighter spirit win make man decide wrong righteous road s thin line love hate wide divide good bad s gray place black white right choose path take like blame society day kind good bad new generation bring survive good heart evil matter change hope soul fly live forever heart die soul fly live forever small tear happy sad thin line draw genius insane age begin learn way turn s long wind road trail burn s thin line love hate wide divide good bad s gray place black white right choose path take hope soul fly live forever heart die soul fly live forever hope soul fly live forever heart die soul fly live forever thin line love hate thin line love hate
+1 | twice native field howl hurricane cloud samoyu perish ground fire rain meet uninvited guest hour comrade fight chorus twice foe taught sidestep russian meadow twice go hike twice beat enemy dare rich country campaign lavoyu steel swear enemy raise child people chorus carry battle honor ancestor bent lead thunderstorm stand row borodino poltava perekop finnish forest chorus robbery blood mercy fascist enemy fire sweep face earth darken sun clear sky battlewinning stalin lead chorus homeland protect grandfather bequeath life spare father go attack fall hour fight win battle forward motherland soldier chorus twice foe taught sidestep russian meadow twice go hike twice beat enemy 1941
+1 | october seventeenth year flush walk encounter hot wind consider friend life live world chorus difficult year noise world storm end end october seventeenth year come edge war fade dust cloud bloody battle partvznosy pay chorus happen man hitherto soldier long winter palace take chorus lie capture spirit open space endless friend mobilize forever chorus
-1 | wave sword hand sea back wall distress presence enemy storm roar face cry ring sky beckon flight crane mountain ooh ooh alps home ooh ooh tune heart song mountain s stir blatant sallying heart s urge lift longing eye s ring echo leaden sky s augur resound lyre string cry ring sibilant wind behest outcry crane mountain ooh ooh alps home ooh ooh tune heart song mountain voice wind saint sky mountain ooh ooh alps home ooh ooh tune heart mountain ooh ooh alps home ooh ooh tune heart song mountain
+1 | christmas polka color light flash christmas outfit look happy boy pioneers komsomol kid ahead plot near tree friendly dance new year new year bring lot happiness new year new year greeting new year country favorite day new year christmas tree light bright light vacation expanse wait fun child home school christmas tree burn 1950
-1 | leave sentiment man ill tell burden thing long day endless night routine far frustration end mean constantly incomplete wall stack brick brick rise like forgive forgave ill forget go motion way exist s anybody s sick feel damage get to underneath gun walk run wall stack brick brick rise like choose lose find drive end thing pride improve ignite flame rule guide collide need survive wall rise like come odd stack brick brick rise like
+1 | memory squadron normandienieman worry hear french speech remember early year friend frenchman forget meeting neman carry water s french pilot rain fog enemy attack soviet guy rank guerrilla fight loire valley fly heaven lose friend fight destine live remember friend la la la la lalala la la la la lalala destine live remember friend french counterpart fly eh call bonjour kamarad answer hello comrade jar warm winter guard flight paris return home donate plane fly heaven lose friend fight destine live remember friend la la la la lalala la la la la lalala destine live remember friend come paris house bypass ground city union normandy pilot find continue conversation cause fight kamarad hate war different succumb hype french counterpart fidelity oath keeping fly heaven lose friend fight destine live remember friend la la la la lalala la la la la lalala destine live remember friend 1958
+1 | song uchytelnytsu sun rise roar grass path mother teacher world dawn 2 look find table small notebook kids chirps gold gold fly fly sky crane 2 bell call youth summer grow fly way land clear blue blue path class 2 school sycamore noise front take son fight count injury severe wound guerrilla turn gray overnight 2 cold gray nepozhatyy lan yun twitter murmurs grass perceive fire today teacher world dawn 2 country mile home
+1 | people army stand post platoon porotno immortal ogonspokoyny granite stranymy army army people great feat history store chorus fate red banner wonder country hope sacred word moscow remember time borodin father hand allpowerful weapon bring motherland oath life give unique service death protect future earth chorus need scare boast haughtily threaten play fire enemy dare test strength check chorus 1975
+1 | marsh submariners bell loud fight cabin singe sea boil storm boat hike road pass stern dark depth sea torpedo victory terrible blow water chorus submariner diver thunderstorm enemy fearless defender soviet shore listen sea sonar boatswain check rudder sea enemy miss shore land commander order law arduous trek brave diver perform exactly order chorus safely work peaceful soviet people zorko far edge watch submariner bear party bring keen sea day dark come attack enemy appear pripev1950
-1 | gray strange throw mistake contrite plight insincere sight wrong look draw blast like not belong wanna way wanna waste wanna gross misadventure wanna wanna wanna lie lie bad fall flat decay lose fast succumb numb lobotomize come relapse save face find wanna way wanna waste wanna bad misadventure wanna wanna wanna die die wanna way wanna waste wanna bad misadventure wanna be go to ill lie die everything lie everything lie everything face inside lie everything everything depend
-1 | see love know finger reach move distance breach tell be tell be surprise kiss rise have miss let slide tell be tell be want not good thing say not true ascend ascend friend turn head look lead heart jump lose touch love slump tell be tell be want not good thing say not true not restrain come cause pain sincere ascend ascend find heart stone help hand stand tell be tell be want not good thing say not true not restrain tell pain good look away be stick lack ability not refrain come cause pain sincere ascend
+1 | song 52nd division bring oath motherland oath faithfully save manage valor courage overseas chorus fiftysecond fighting infantry division come campaign flutter flag home party stalin shelf forward fight polesie have conquer swamp sand brother singe song landlord oppression sweep bolsheviks chorus stalin fight road victory hour division ready enemy decisive answer chorus 1939
+1 | cossack walk steppe cossack regiment don cossack head bow oh cossack bored home horse mane occasion drop oh curl scatter direction house dumka torment oh look distance blue steppe allow cossack shake head chubatov say companion wistfully oh izbolelos heart young oh friend want home fly quickly dorozhenkaroad dispel cossack duma longing oh rear horse dash whistle saber sharp gallop shelf steppe glory speakerphone go singe nightingale feather dear red horseman poklon1935
+1 | let hit road way far fun man look wind wind regimental banner commander ahead      soldier way way way      dear      post field      goodbye trumpet call      soldier campaign soldier brave guy falcon look order intermarry glory glory extract combat let enemy remember threaten talk halfway world necessary repeat      soldier way way way      dear      post field      goodbye trumpet call      soldier 1954 campaign
+1 | communard slave spill world waxwing rustle morning dewy path edge bandit shoot near kherson tripoli sing sing clone goal tear shirt chest communard slave relentless gnawing hunger throat stagger typhoid wind keep bone live yes desperate faith poverty bosota nudity build coal rubai go bow communard slave russia far grenade tank swastika go battle bunch grenade explode bunch leave burn city whisper char mouth win communard slave craftsman dodge lie traitor hypocrisy lack faith soviet power commune wrong commune deal go s hand let die communard slave 1967
-1 | run desire run sexual run like blade heart conscience motive cater hollow scream feed fill temporarily pacify hunger s cruel libido throw domino indiscretion fall cycle circle constantly consume conquer devour cause time bring fire bridle indiscretion long edify permanently fill hollow scream feed fill temporarily pacify feed fill temporarily pacify
+1 | come fellow fly chorus love air love sky want cruise orel bird flight come mate fly want cruise chick conquer nature fly north pole father cloud dive kid embarrassed proud yesterday tell gromovskiy record beat dream chorus loss tune solo chorus wet curtain cloud blue sky fly free shackle brave pilot power enemys claws touch great motherland huge nest chorus come mate fly 1937
-1 | feel incomplete want change think be go to fold not erase darkness mind not rise be fall hope want life think be strong pull string life pull away fight wish away loneliness face not know ill drown life good ill fuck ill fuck tear angel fall hope not way dream fade try man dream fade not know sit wait end world want new life tell feel fuck
+1 | land drill dome air fill swinge slightly remind today cloud field chorus eh wind wind right temple better troop world assault troop strike enemy rear like big snowstorm blood freeze fear black vein enemy chorus dome disclose blizzard dazzle height wait girlfriend sure rain chorus hear young remove describe dynamic punch chorus stiff wind stream service force youth chorus 1970
-1 | see western coast see hospital nurse shoreline like wound report lover tryst clear descript keep safe slow quiet thing know blood head foot ground today day get tired today day drop give body bed hotel waste word low case capital contemplate day would friend bore death veil ruin rain s new talk kid bless parent let shoulder blame blood head foot ground today day get tired today day drop give body bed hotel waste word low case capital lie lie hallelu lie lie hallelu blood head foot ground today day get tired today day drop give body bed hotel waste word low case capital
-1 | throw dollar bill leave thrill speak not pretend will not defend anymore ache bone ill die eye not need ugly thing know fear want hold frail skin dry pale pain fail remedy clip wing high leave lie tell will death not need friend need mend far away come sit fire play not stay long ache bone ill die pleasure heart explode erode weather want hold frail skin dry pale pain fail remedy clip wing high leave lie tell will death frail skin dry pale pain fail remedy clip wing high leave lie tell will death hold eye close hold eye close frail skin dry pale pain fail remedy clip wing high leave lie tell will death frail skin dry pale pain fail remedy clip wing high leave lie tell will death
-1 | seis millones de judíos aniquilados de la forma mas cruel un genocidio imperialista por ejércitos fascistas de la historia hay que aprender las víctimas se han convertido en los verdugos se vuelven del revés colonizando territorios palestinos de nuevo atentando la sensatez muertos muerto en nombre de quién muertos muertos de israel de yave muertos muertos en nombre de quién muertos muertos de israel de yave que harías tú si te echaran de tu casa sin derecho rechistar pisoteando tú cultura sumergido en la locura por perder la dignidad palestina esta sufriendo en el exilio la opulencia de israel por un gobierno prepotente preparado pa la guerra por tu ya sabes quién muertos muerto en nombre de quién muertos muertos de israel de yave muertos muertos en nombre de quién muertos muertos de israel de yave piedras contra balas una nueva intifada en cisjordania gaza o jerusalem quién podía imaginar que david fuese goliath quién podía imaginar que david fuese goliath intifada intifada intifada liberacion confundas mi postura soy ateo y creo en ningún dio diferencio las personas por su raza su cultura o su mierda de religión solo cundeno el sufrimiento la injusticia y el abuso de poder palestina es sometida la mas terca de las guerras la opulencia de israël muertos muerto en nombre de quién muertos muertos de israel de yave muertos muertos en nombre de quién muertos muertos de israel de yave piedras contra balas una nueva intifada en cisjordania gaza o jerusalem quién podía imaginar que david fuese goliath quién podía imaginar que david fuese goliath
-1 | not not sad lose thing love not not cry feel break time wonder not feel like hand wheel like hand wheel not tear not turn world not love let not not day gather strength feel slip away fall apart start break not feel like hand wheel like hand wheel not tear not turn world not love let close eye surprise not sad lose one love not feel like hand wheel like hand wheel not tear not turn world not love let not feel not feel like carry like hand wheel like hand wheel
+1 | address soviet union wagon wheel dictate urgently phone number scatter city chorus plant heart heart worry postal pack cargo address home street address soviet union dashpoint telegraph look construction today personal thing summary work day chorus smart guy poster come work song new country labor sing chorus plant heart heart worry postal pack cargo address home street address soviet union 1978
-1 | imcompetent son bitch tongue tight cut loss thin ice tread light not wanna listen say say shit mouth shut listen motherfucker not stand mean hard satisfaction suppose come ease heart not feel anymore need away love heart not find way word fall tongue like poison hope kill hope face wanna watch world burn wanna watch world burn wanna watch world burn will not pretend be disgust will not deny be revolt stand draw line let lose mind have suffer feel dwindle word fall tongue like poison hope kill hope face wanna watch world burn wanna watch world burn wanna watch world burn
+1 | venceremos испанский deep pot homeland popular clamor rise new dawn announce chile start singe remember soldier aliende cujo example immortal face death jamбs betray motherland shall overcome shall overcome habrб thousand chain break shall overcome shall overcome overcome fashismo know farmer worker soldier tambiйn woman homeland student employee miner duty sow land glory serб socialist future hamo history meet meet meet shall overcome shall overcome
+1 | drive youth drive youth saber campaign throw youth kronstadt ice warhorse carry wide area kill blood feverish raise eye blind open land harsh blood flow new youth rise bone
+1 | song journalists man map subside friendly understand heart long road new day bring caravan worry rare sun laden sand dune continue track sevenyear period early morning day walk unable sleep day sake line newspaper start choose endless trouble give record miner pilot climb star previously tell reporter sky bridge build radio operator night listen blizzard milestone field pacing agronomist brother companion friend people eve stranger truth life faithful thing truth everburne light come notebook posterity thickness year buy way cigarette sad love dear path distant planet close uletayu1960
-1 | borderline dead inside not mind fall piece count violent let begin feed sickness simplify dislocate enemys way like dream black white leave world tonight fear clear ill fight forever curious venomous will find climb heaven mind turn time will fine leave like dream black white leave world tonight hold tight breathe breath life leave world hurt broken bone hide hate inside leave world like dream black white leave world tonight hold tight breathe breath life leave world
-1 | monster inside man outer shell well half method madness end hunt dead urge strong urge not resist set free run wolf killer stand mask sanity true mistery wolf strike dream prey promise set free close eye wait warm crimson freedom wash clean body rot beneath concrete wolf killer stand mask sanity true mistery wolf strike
-1 | estate fire villager fall prey pillage stay sideline long lie refuse quell anger time come arm rise bestir flash hope ally wake open eye reach seize golden venture have lose strife raptor unopposedly claw gallia free land halt unite tribe rise look time rise land fire villager fall prey pillage stay sideline long lie time join force let eagles beak burst shield unite gallia uprising
+1 | land root truth land land root power shoulder meadow field land clothe feed earth pity sky clear blue earth like dream come true chorus 2p daughter son ill mother childhood land prettier greet land enemy fire hot happen plowshare zadenut plow piece sword dewdrop sparkling diamond star fall grass chorus cornfield arable beautiful people pluck land beauty land heart love love worthy sun soviet russia proud land live chorus
+1 | song movie cruelty otshumeli rain snowstorm dashing die time heart memory white foam roar angara chorus ill hand gentle tendernessll save forever boundless amazing taiga force man dream coniferous wind breathe tear path forest pierce crazy siberian frost chorus ill hand gentle tendernessll save forever boundless amazing power taygu1959
+1 | marsh fourth company shivers bourgeois arrive fight entire poor class podnyalsi ulybnulsi zasmeyalsi chain break freedom beat like hero chorus saber bullet bayonet dear wait ill come clip die battle heavy hour work class country win globe destroy prison enemy dispersal construct new world free labor commune zazhivom world chorus
-1 | giant tropical centipede share territory tarantulas despite impressive length nimble navigator highly venomous quick lightning like tarantula kill centipede curve hollow fang inject paralyze venom tarantula not immune ambush centipede predator centipede centipede centipede centipede centipede centipede
+1 | sing motherland sing motherland sing spring remember mother flower field window chorus beloved homeland study work pioneer song song pioneer pioneer salute sing motherland sing war start beautiful bright destiny chorus sing motherland sing friend sing comrade soar sky stake chorus sing motherland great land sing party sing high kremlin chorus 1960
+1 | big sky comrade think squadron friend service heart vast sky vast sky vast sky fly friend heaven give hand reach star trouble come near tear eye flight flight motor refuse flight jump fly collapse city plane pass leave trace living thousand life life thousand thousand life interrupt flash quarter jump hold forest decide friend away city carry death let die let die let die city save aircraft arrow surge heaven startle explosion birch forest soon overgrow grass field city wonder think city city think exercise tomb lie midst silence great guy great country light solemnly look vast sky vast sky vast sky
-1 | world mean world mean carry love far go s miss world s miss world roll find hard find hard carry world mean world mean carry love far go s miss world s miss world roll find hard
+1 | sailors waltz distant star twinkle haze night cover arise sailor unintentional ball ring slowly guitar old companion dream rhythmically rustle breathing wave impinge reach paroyu whirl steam dance sailor sailor sail sea know mean experience friend sailor accustomed service share leisure circularly smoothly glow moon strip string whisper rustle wave away birth birch hug like girlfriend dance sailor sailor suddenly moon light secret opening simple s snub nose cute s girl look naughty escape beret cascade curly hair s s sailor dancing sailor s dawn dance sailor sailor 1947
+1 | march gunner serve gun eye sight voroshilovsky artillery fearless artillery soviet artillery commissar proud let happy young love soviet people series young communist league gun red stand chorus native people fighter call pipe hike bugler motherland stalin gunner motherland stalin fire enemy fire serve country hour ready honorably fulfill order artillery fearless artillery soviet artillery lot remember battle khalkhin gol shell explode son komsomol happiness people fight chorus native people fighter call pipe hike bugler motherland stalin gunner motherland stalin fire enemy fire 1940
-1 | not stop scream word breath escape chest cave not matter have not shut breathe breathe begin shake hand doubt sever line spit mouth time pull have time time time long wait knock door be stare face doubt not forget be cut watch building fall hey hey be live today forget thing not change unwind hey hey stand way time stop break chain bind come truth consequence need promise believe thing wrong today letdown letdown be hey hey be live today forget thing not change unwind hey hey stand way time stop break chain bind count clock till overhaul build bomb inside wall count clock till hand build build catch avalanche reset rebuild wreck city
-1 | watch mouth oh oh oh speech slur swallow tongue be sure would want want ghost little poise god choke situation run late call god choke situation run late call hospice relax weekend getaway cut rest sick sad patient basis physician prescribed pill offset shake offset pill know day time s stustustutter profound support line way have talk word get step closer hell s stustustutter profound support line way have talk word get step closer hell prescribed pill offset shake offset pill know day time prescribed pill offset shake offset pill know day time bed house head fix bedroom fix prescribed pill offset shake offset pill know day time prescribed pill offset shake offset pill know day time hospice relax weekend getaway cut rest sick sad patient basis physician
+1 | school hall blue eventide happy star moscow evening school hall collect child play orchestra fun waltz cheerful girlfriend friend good melodious waltz cheerful school day chorus pair paroyu whirl whirl rapid waltz forward school ball forget couple flit fly well dream happy friend evening cloudless conceive come true come true youth know barrier life ahead beginning song sing life await world fly year year meet new city dear school forget chorus orchestral loss chorus
+1 | pioneer sports friendship strengthen sport temper sport confuse cold afraid storm wind love sport chorus throw ball hard racket hit sure remember light win athlete champion train early age good race track good tan bathe wave good command school win football game available chorus beware yesterday champion young applaud stadium father brother change duty honor athlete work hardened athlete pripev1957
-1 | build blessing bleed not care bruise shadow blackness breed not care light s leave inside eye darken day day not care presence pull color world till grey not care not cause half man yellow belly crimson hand day reap reckoning maybe will understand hand comfort conjure fear not care s closet pray lord not care mercy know ask show
+1 | che guevara che guevara san martin like pure hand familiar marti lie plant come plata cauto collect water tenderness guevara gaucho hard voice offer guerrilla fidel blood broad hand companion dark night huyo death impure shadow switchblade venom beast memory remain barbaro memory remain barbaro soul shine san martin like pure hand familiar marti lie
+1 | intersection spring sky engage early star walk silence friend intersection old house corner remember past far snubnosed kid live friend favorite hand touch fight go win live moon wander edge native like song forget transcend brooding sky star old house corner treasured intersection
-1 | ooh s burn air ooh s burn air fire spread ooh fire spread ooh s burn air ooh s burn air fire spread everywhere ooh fire spread unhappy woman unhappy woman unhappy unhappy woman unhappy man s count time shell fine s count day come s count time shell fine s count day come star explode moon erode wait million mile sea star explode moon erode wait wait unhappy woman unhappy woman unhappy unhappy woman unhappy man million mile sea know ready eye open moon blue dim tide surely rush know ready eye open thunder move skin let hope know swim know ready eye open moon blue dim tide surely rush know ready eye open thunder move skin let hope know swim ooh s burn air ooh s burn air fire spread ooh fire spread ooh s burn air ooh s burn air fire spread ooh fire spread
+1 | warszawianka choir music hostile whirlwind waft dark force viciously oppress fatal fight enter enemy wait obscure destiny podymem proudly boldly banner struggle worker cause banner great struggle people well world holy freedom bloody battle sacred right march march forward work people bloody battle sacred right march march forward work people hate tyrant crown people chainsufferer honor blooddrenche folk throne stain blood enemy death ruthless adversary parasite toil mass vengeance death kingsplutocrat close victory solemn hour bloody battle sacred right march march forward work people bloody battle sacred right march march forward work narod1905
-1 | breathe live hold mind fall fall fall cold insincerity steel machine consume euphoria transform muted dream dream day attack attack attack fetal servitude attack attack attack attack pesticide attack year propaganda shall attack book illustrate know candle cry sky race flag pollute coast dreaming day attack attack attack fetal servitude attack attack attack attack pesticide attack year propaganda shall attack attack attack breathe live hold mind fall fall fall breathe live hold mind fall fall fall s philosophy displace mind bombing home village truth sword bleed mind bleed till day attack attack attack fetal servitude attack attack attack attack pesticide attack year propaganda shall attack attack home village attack school hospital attack rape pillage shall attack shall attack
+1 | cossack oh feathergrass steppe distant road dusty gardens krynica field village yes mountain mighty gray cliff oh feathergrass steppe native land abundant beautiful edge native kuban land chorus oh steppe nivami leisya overflow song happy kuban soviet land beautiful village kuban famous girl slim fervent labor resistant come splyashut world beautiful beautiful village like close yes meet eye cossack go go chorus fall rich garden rage hut noise flow wheat beat loudly wine barrel fall clearing squeeze heart desire native great kuban home wedding invite chorus oh feathergrass steppe distant road dusty gardens krynica field village yes mountain mighty gray cliff oh feathergrass steppe native land abundant beautiful edge native kuban land chorus 1950
-1 | will not away will not away will not away oman
-1 | send poor barbarism barbara pointed heel victorious victory kneel brand new spankin deal march forward hypocritic hypnotic computer depend protection feed lie tablecloth lalalala lalalalala ooh everybodys go party real good time dance desert blowin sunshine kneel rose disappear mosess dry mouth break fort knox steal intention hanger sit drip oil cry freedom hand obsoletion feed lie tablecloth lalalala lalalalala ooh everybodys go party real good time dance desert blow sunshine everybodys go party real good time dance desert blowin sunshine blast party time not live fascist nation blast party time fuck fuck fuck not president fight war send poor not president fight war send poor send poor send poor send poor kneel rose disappear mosess dry mouth break fort knox steal intention hangar sit drip oil cry freedom hand obsoletion feed lie tablecloth lalalala lalalalala ooh everybodys go party real good time dance desert blowin sunshine everybodys go party real good time dance desert blowin sun fuck fuck not president fight war send poor not president fight war send poor send poor send poor send poor send poor send poor send poor send poor
+1 | pioneer oath let soldier oath give warrior battle remain faithful age school forever end motherland heart swear swear swear swear young communist league way glorious battle sobomsya child grandchild brave fighter heart covenant father swear swear swear pioneer oath work anytime twinkle let difficult give lenin work exploit call name live forever swear swear swear swear 1960
+1 | wave danube see friend danube blue include soldier fate hear waltz moon wind shake wave danube remember brave soviet child true friend good soldier lead battle volga danube come girl tenderly look go road win reflection volga wave eye hot battle protect region freedom defend danube friend gather table edge familiar danube sing remember brave soviet child true friend good soldier lead battle volga danube come girl tenderly look go road victory reflection volga wave eye
-1 | feel serenity reveal easy look life question seek strength push forwardforwardforward want world beautiful inside drink life absolve suffering feel serenity reveal easy look life question seek strength push forwardforwardforward teach inscribe word heart cover shadow hand suffer tear lose tear stand s blame blame transgression teach inscribe word heart cover shadow hand lose tear stand stand want world beautiful inside drink life absolve suffering lose tear stand s blame blame
+1 | lullaby lullaby music m blanter lyric m isakovsky month nasheyu roof light night stand yard little bird small child time sleep tomorrow wake bright sun rise sleep little sparrow sleep son sleep bell sleep baby little bird comely bayushkibyebye let sorrow disturb children soul sorrow flour meet dashing sleep little sparrow sleep son sleep bell sleep baby grow open quickly promchatsya year bold eaglet clear dawn fly away nest power point way stalin hand sleep little sparrow sleep son sleep bell 40
-1 | ooh be mess right inside search sweet surrender end not work go motion go have know long time hope word write sign road walk home home home flame inside eye burn bright wanna feel love easy baby maybe be light tonight wanna fall love faith stomach mess time late night drink suppress devotion finger intertwine not shake feeling go motion hope stop have cause pain know word beloved lie speak road walk home home home home flame inside eye burn bright wanna feel love easy baby maybe be light tonight wanna fall love faith stomach long have love lover long have love lover long long have love lover long long have love lover long long have love lover feel loved long long have love lover long long have love lover feel long long have love lover long long have love lover feel long have love lover long long have love lover
+1 | song stalin edge edge mountain top mountain eagle flight stalin wise love one beautiful song compose people song fly faster bird world oppressor angrily shake post border anyones boundary afraid whip bullet song sound fire barricade sing song rickshaw coolie sing song chinese soldier song pick ensign united rank march light flare flame threaten nation stand fight sing song pride praise greatness stalin year life sing prekrastno happy joy great victory edge edge mountain top plane talk stalin wise dear beloved beautiful song sung nations 1937
-1 | drag safe not know s blame night lose sleep point finger silent dream poison mind poison mind kill time kill time street talk beneath sheet come play lose sleep something lose deep poison mind poison mind kill time kill time poison mind poison mind poison mind poison mind poison mind poison mind kill time kill time
-1 | look sky swear end walk road path choose change day not be feeling like remove youth get old get leave bitter cold burner not belong wrong let stop ask question chance repeat feel everyday believe prepare try good failure failure happen nothing easy life go not stop push withdrawn have withdraw youth get old get leave bitter cold burner not belong wrong innocence go wrong feel slip away remember free have stand ledge know look edge want leap have write word express concern lose not mean youth get old get leave bitter cold burner not belong wrong innocence go
-1 | reach star touch light dawn shadow face reach star touch light dawn shadow face reach star touch yeah get feeling get future hold hand mind body slave memory quiet smile til moment past reach star touch meaning hide hide mind body slave memory quiet smile til moment past reach star touch light dawn shadow face reach star touch star xxx star reach star touch reach star touch light dawn shadow face reach star touch themand light dawn shadow face reach star touch
+1 | start play accordion voronezh kolkhoz want dance stand feel free milonok play resist tell friend sweet treasure milonok hoth hero labor team leader farm fighting bold know dance nimbly green sundress white ribbon row luring voronezh guy know entice private matter beautiful cute angry be little tired like couplet prop 1950
+1 | james kennedy destroyer captain james kennedy british fleet pride james kennedy love james kennedy whisper country girl jimmy jimmy chorus sea sea course true sea sea happy sailor james summon admiral james kennedy coward hear james kennedy precious cargo entrust james kennedy ussr bring friend james kennedy chorus sea storm fog james kennedy brave captain james kennedy storm load lead james kennedy storm sing james kennedy suddenly german periscope james kennedy shout car stop james kennedy precisely german beat james kennedy fritz yell james kennedy chorus hear howl evil james kennedy messerschmitt head james kennedy game simple james kennedy germans tail james kennedy chorus wound twice come james kennedy cargo james kennedy bring soviet port bravely fight sir james kennedy british officer james kennedy chorus way ready james kennedy soviet sailor james kennedy shout happy way james kennedy forget james kennedy chorus hail bullet foes james kennedy go murmansk liverpool james kennedy british officer james kennedy order ussr james kennedy sea sea maybe happy sailor 1944
+1 | duel guitar bolivia soldier bolivian soldier arm rifle american rifle bolivia soldier american rifle give murderer bolivian soldier mister dolar gift kill brother bolivia soldier kill brother know quin dead bolivian soldier dead che guevara argentine cuban bolivia soldier argentine cuban guitar bolivian soldier mourning cry mourn human bolivia soldier mourn human weep hour bolivian soldier tear scarf machete bolivia soldier machete money pay bolivian soldier sell buy pienza tyrant bolivia soldier tyrant pienza awakens day bolivian soldier stand worldwide sun come early bolivia soldier sun come early learn safe soldadito boliviano brother sell kill brother bolivia soldier kill brother
-1 | try think try paint picture live not feel way look believe look believe think have time piece fall tell believe tell day face sign answer puzzle grab piece light pretend handle will understand not care think maybe piece fall piece fall tell believe tell day face sign answer puzzle grab piece light grab piece light tell day face sign answer puzzle grab piece light tell day face sign answer puzzle grab piece light
-1 | hold dare hold know scare hold come dare oh hold hold hold tight hold know be fighter hold hold tight oh hold dare
+1 | bryansk forest silence bryansk forest silence silence bryansk forest die war home live dead listen song rain foliage listen song rain foliage bryansk forest silence silence portend tomorrow warm dew thunder river suffer countryman suffer countryman suffer fortunately time away native court let feat award bryansk forest silence silence bryansk forest silence silence note text song soundtrack follow difference poem n gribacheva silence grave dead yellow sun drip foliage promise tomorrow warm shower dew river longer run dvora1965
-1 | tragedy common time allow swallow draw marrow misfortune ignite fire s inside inhale smoke burn leave breathless breathing life lifeless drag sun expose apparition dignity live entity history forget humanity poison lose cure stop heart start healing process fit walk not want end life know know common ground would leave get build home die try rest peace erase memory one love let rat feed failure eventually accept world move leave footprint fade away time leave spirit retrace step walk fire save vagrancy memorial find mark soil thing ingest watch ashe scatter memorial find mark
-1 | come come gate hell drag belong come come gate hell drag belong s fear fear saviour saviour shift come shift come shift come come come precious precious diamond rough rough try escape escape ill hold hold hold hold not sleep head soul come come gate hell drag belong come come gate hell drag belong spirit spirit turn turn cover cover cover cover lover brother mother precious precious have fall away away fall apart apart wave wave wave wave not sleep head soul gate hell know shift come shift come shift come shift come shift come come come come come come come come come gate hell drag belong come come gate hell drag belong come come come come come
+1 | city vorkuta melt later reflection night rebloom blue sky wake city worker open big eye freeze cold northern tundra earth hard steep walk wind morning accord area vorkuta chorus flower vorkuta light proud cold weather gloomy winter heart warm native town look home space work hurry earth hand miner lamp bright sun burn like harsh tundra deep snow purity matter hard life forget vorkuta chorus 1960
-1 | ba bixse uenerianum ad ebriureco suaueloslan slanossiietum sualido contilossi
-1 | energy drive happy give hope illusion smoke love life surrender word word ill burn word new time cause eye self be sick run away eye mean thousend nasty sweet thought desire not satisfied love love life life surrender surrender bad shall mental beautyness stun feeling overgrow dry plant sick sick sick sick sick run away sick sick run away word word new time cause eye self be sick run away word word ill burn
+1 | farewell pigeon begin year adult time nastaot today pigeon bid farewell farewell flight suppose fly fly find obstacle suddenly cloud blue eye vyporhnuv directly hand childhood year away let fly fly road dawn clear memory childhood thine quietly spin feather pigeon suppose fly fly like day winter snow come tomorrow hurry throw open sky drive yesterday pigeon satellite tomorrow let flight suppose fly fly find obstacle find barrier 1960
-1 | hardcore s set hurt people s get lot love know mum brother girlfriend actually think want right thing question power self discipline circumstance love dark angel fall heaven send angel heal heart love love life not good not tear eye love life not good not tear eye dark angel fall heaven send angel heal heart love love life not good not tear eye angel not good dark angel fall heaven send angel heal heart love love life not good not tear eye love life not good not tear eye dark angel fall heaven send angel heal heart love love life not good not tear eye
-1 | make sad die hand hope find want know make sad start talk tell vile know ill grow old start act age ill brand new day life hate crown gold heart s hard stone hurt lot miss go safe bet be bet be be glad forgive hope time go forget make sad ill state ill way make sad ill picture picture paint paint cold tomb dark room sneak bed pour salt wound quit grip want solution want miss safe bet be bet be be glad forgive hope time go forget forget forget calm repose let beauty unfold pale white like skin stretch bone spring keep close second hand smoke fragile thin standing trial sin hold good smell rain blood vein safe bet be bet be be glad forgive hope time go forget
+1 | leninsky oak flood sister river great lenin live careful hand dubochek plant grow branched bushy encourage people beauty flew fuller ferocious hurricane stand green giant rise river sun rain grow wider plant oh leader
-1 | forth multiply nerve shake decadent light forth multiply nerve shake decadent light little slow go die get low raise tide little slow go die forth multiply nerve shake decadent light little slow go die get low raise tide little slow go die forth multiply nerve shake decadent light forth multiplyplyply forth multiply forth multiplyplyply little slow go die get low raise tide little slow go die forth multiply nerve shake decadent light
-1 | turn light pretty face turn light wish free space turn away know far away stay day s way be come right matter day be come right s way be come right matter be come right learn run pace moment go not trade embrace sky gray know far away stay day s way be come right matter day be come right s way be come right matter be come right will not stay will not stay s way be come right matter day be come right s way be come right matter be come right s way stay be come right matter day stay be come right matter way stay be come right s way stay be come right s way stay be come right matter day stay be come right matter way stay be come right s way stay be come right
-1 | think kill yes time not worship existence drive force die power know reason be want die certain way want achieve thing not dare die weak soul not dare die human goodness human light mind want clean soul little bit shit
+1 | ode motherland homeland proudly rush day homeland world passionate love motherland know beauty youth dahl light river clean silver heart selfless young good motherland praise song edge happy fate future illuminate afternoon live native land sea visible live wonderful country laugh worry dream flower labor country beautiful proud motherland cheerful light eye motherland friendship nation race motherland love toast sing work people glory man science thank soviet homeland thank leninist party thank 1961
+1 | mankin village manka remember village ring factory daytime series machine shelf night blast furnace factory remember meet break work someone affection warm evening bench gate near river factory manka remember fourth year manka remember village strike master illegality svetelok patrol cossack remember search arrest district courtroom worker protest crowd bloody salvo near river factory manka remember damn year manka remember village civil war tear splinter char wall rust car rotten body gunfight dam partisan voice near river factory manka remember twentieth year manka remember village red army parish board komsomol escape burden plant puff pipe fire oven tender lip ring factory near river factory year 1924
-1 | be leader be mess way suppose way be afraid victim charge have lead astray oh plot thicken far go far go assume bad assume bad be afraid one listen anymore be freak be sick be make sick not look not look thing way be think loud be think alive shoulda go long long ago not away mess like give take listen give take listen world take turn bad be leave climb jump stay day jump stay s wrong s wrong s wrong s wrong god forgive
+1 | komsomol member thirty live ground leave komsomol member thirty let old age come step chorus whiskey white eye shine burn get old early age heart rich real friend appreciate good friend let heart soul people away poor chorus 2 time 1958
+1 | field field expanse boundless expanse blue sky sea bread away harvester chorus figure hug expanse russian forest field cry crane land beautiful region remove harvest innumerable clean watch vigilantly eye sun light chorus good news fill land splash wave happiness song harvest chorus
-1 | drop pretense drown sense girl love girl loathe insistent pretext god girl love girl loathe girl love girl love girl love know not denomination surrender control girl love control indignation tainted soul girl love control girl love girl love girl love know not girl love girl love girl love know not follow follow follow follow home girl love girl love
+1 | savvy strength savvy strength afraid big thing country free pass handed son call dare human being homeless fate comrade like miracle remember year track windbreak swamp hear heart buzz locomotive help hurry work distant sonorous song wheel white smoke unfurl forest sparkle car away surprised thing train sit guy oh builder law maybe go buffer oh come master vagon1931
+1 | ballad junge sasha kovalev harsh barents sea sing today shall grow old hero accomplish feat boy fall battle remain forever young chorus sea sea sing sasha sing bold cheerful cabin boy break ominous rainbow cheat depth foam nazi squadron give battle torpedo boat equal old fact age young chorus oh wave silent heat battle motor pierce shrapnel kovalev shut feat death remain forever young chorus vocalise
+1 | sing star road way universe prolog star break despise fear song difficult road komsomolsk dash solo chorus glowing sky gagarin dawn spring flight continue immortal feat country century wait hero people chief designer say chance rebellious furious rise revolution like chorus let live day hope anxiety dawn song heart sing star road komsomolet celestial trail pripev1971
-1 | babel babel babel tell people know roll shoulder ladder shadow forget kiss dismiss purposeful hook hallucinate chase change racing break hate till lose girlfriend go go quick burn slow learn inside mist kiss cry good end leave befriend harsh way end sleep tight hallucinate chase change pace bracing break till lose beat wanna shoot truth be run far head sprain heart ripple day sail think away
+1 | makhno look spotlight fumble cautiously hill night dark month tunic month unbutton belt left sleeve projectile tobacco pouch embroider fragrant homegrown tobacco soldier excess property necessary makhno look soldier keep pocket fade overcoat letter mother handful native land win regret heart hz cherish wish today fight fire smoke award let change fate makhno look learn walk hunch fire housing casual leave grieve s native guard corps gram trailer need drink long cloud ground closely peace turn share goodbye makhno look
-1 | wanna away away not wait wait wait wait wait till be stumble carry away fear set instant get expose weak not scare tell truth tend good go wrong s sad song happy cause not feel wanna away away not wait wait wait wait wait till be stumble have get wrong oh night long wanna away carry away have have lately care say one listen not like go to respect come leave hope wake get regret day doubt leave sadness ill lead wanna away away not wait wait wait wait wait till be stumble have get wrong oh night long wanna away carry away reserve right feel uncomfortable reserve right afraid mistake humble step way want well person wanna know master plan cast stone cast judgement not reserve right feel uncomfortable reserve right afraid mistake humble step way want well person wanna know master plan cast stone cast judgement not god help help forget lose nerve miss point god help open hand feel burden yeah ill stand not ill close distance
+1 | spark chinese girl position accompany fighter dark night step porch mist boy window maiden burn flame man meet nice frontline family comrade friend familiar street forget dear girl light distant friend guy send news love maiden die forth fulfilled life time golden light spacious joyful soul fighter good letter hate enemy harder hit boy soviet motherland native light
-1 | story begin sin s end time friend story end s create god design love strong far long weak fear wrong possibility come true take possibility laugh tear conjure deep fear come fucking bitch stab fucking time not believe rip heart right eye eye easy eat eat eat good bed sleep s perfect have fucking deep go look young preserve forever fountain spray youth cause know little crime cold s get heater thigh know know time byebye word wise fire die think begin baby not cry heart cause everybodys get to die fall apart let new start cause everybodys get to die yeah yeah baby not cry possibility would consider occur like would hear angry soul come grave repossess body misbehave smile right ear ear laugh tear stab fucking time not believe rip heart right eye eye easy eat eat eat eat shit realize error way return apologize far grave get to have cause piece heaven burn hell peace forever cause know little crime cold s get heater thigh know know time byebye word wise fire die think begin baby not cry heart cause everybodys get to die fall apart let new start cause everybodys get to die yeah yeah baby not cry suffer long long pray god ill want ill grant chance try try come come live forever live forever let wedding wedding let start killing start killing man death rest unnatural life yes woman death rest unnatural life pronounce cause know little crime cold s get heater thigh know know time byebye word wise fire die think begin baby not cry heart cause everybodys get to die fall apart let new start cause everybodys get to die yeah yeah baby not cry
-1 | anybody line beginning end want thing faster beginning end everything slow beginning end step closer beginning end amen 1800suicide maybe doctor online help die need wing fly need place go beginning end know last forever beginning trend need care beginning end not think understand beginning flatline 1800suicide maybe doctor online help die need wing fly need place go 1800suicide maybe doctor online help die need wing fly need place go thank call 1800suicide wish selfterminate electric shock press 1 termination overdose press 2 like reservation visit drown pool press 3 termination hang press 4 death selfinflicte gunshot press 5 speak representative stay alive wish die hang 1800suicide maybe doctor online help die need wing fly need place go 1800suicide maybe doctor online help die need wing fly need place go
+1 | international russian arise curse brand world hungry slave boil mind outrage mortal combat ready lead    world violence destroy    ground    build new world         chorus           decisive battle      internationale      rise human race ii deliverance god king hero achieve liberation hand    overthrow oppression skillful hand    regain possession    swell forge hammer boldly    iron hot chorus iii blood sucking vampire prison tax reduction power good thing world right sound    build life inomu    slogan combat    power people labor    parasite chorus iv contemptible wealth coal steel king throne parasite build back    factory chamber    create labor    time demand return    fact take grabezhom chorus   v sake king intoxicate fume war war tyrant people world bastia son army    tyrant    battle heroically fall    murderer send    vent combat gun chorus vi worker world great army labor land right parasite    great thunder clap    pack dog executioner    sun begin    fire shine light      chorus           decisive battle      internationale      rise human race 1871
+1 | dawn october dawn take country october plant alive gardens bloom star rise kremlin wall breathe freely expanse land sure banner lenin trust party dawn dawn dawn victory neugasaya float country counter song open arm work class family bear soviet edge brother sister heart honest love life chorus country call peace law heritage building grow city go mine drive composition steppe raise labor hero chorus
-1 | night open wound word utter pain truth breathe soul have hide heart song long recall kind word fall near foot air want hear sweet ear
+1 | late planet alive dream sun vosny life reclaim right late late earth like heart chest sky nest late save late late chorus nearby joy trouble nee need hard answer sunny world yes yes yes nuclear explosion atom mean scary near horror tear threaten day night late late planet shout cover cloud deadly ukroy formidable wave fire late late chorus surely tomorrow freeze sea silent bird zastynut pine able climb dawn ask sky late poklyanomsya save sky hope star save planet good house late late chorus 1983
+1 | freight car burn volga sunset rails composition rattle away van soldier defend battle stalingrad heaven earth ocean warm air smell spring freight car play accordion sing young sergeant 1943
+1 | love city worker edge arctic circle light shine murmansk sea come blizzard knock door guy region particularly beautiful drift snow steam earth native russian favorite childhood earth love city worker maple spread ring long polar night skazachno guy favor friendship immediately comrade please lyudyat believe beautiful phrase truth face speak pier whistle sound guy sea old salty berth hike seiner guy goodbye good luck come home soon city worker city fisherman wait distant sea edge arctic circle light shine murmansk sea come blizzard knock door guy region particularly beautiful drift snow steam earth native russian favorite childhood earth 1960
-1 | expose man masquerade false witness fact reside solely depth mind let come surface want believe tell serenity beautiful hoax liar world convince contentment truth have lose count time home alive wish not expose man masquerade phone false witness be leave conquer mountain mind maker life s kill hate fact be fine forever seek responsibility life s kill hate fact be alive forever search scapegoat refuse face reality try cherish single day wake not want die would work hand bone try stay suspend specific second know would count minute be miserable
-1 | bed ugly room hang whisper man father love have show little late swallow pill be sick not want like not try trick sleep not turn light father love have show little late swallow pill be sick dream meet truth father dream meet truth love say father love have show little late swallow pill be sick be sick be sick think alright think alright coast clear coast clear coast clear coast clear coast clear coast clear coast clear coast clear
+1 | la carmagnola french la carmagnole carmagnola madame veto promise strangle paris venture fail gunner chorus dance carmagnole hail thunder dance carmagnole long live thunder gun monsieur veto promise faithful country deceive mercy antoinette decide overturn ass venture fail nose break husband consider winner poor know prowess louis fat idiot palace tower swiss promise shoot friend jump dance antoinette see tower want turn heart attack see honor louis see ditch digger work say slightly fall ditch patriot friend good people country gather sound gun aristocrat friend parisian royalist support like real underwear policeman promise support country deceive sound gunner friend stay forever let afraid enemy come attack jump yes sansculotte yes contrary friend king hail marseille breton law yes remember forever sansculottes suburb let drink health long live good guy
-1 | not like devid lee roth s be totally goth know planet hoth s be totally goth not feed soup broth s be totally goth be totally goth know wear black head toe eyeliner black appearance tend attract folk totally goth totally goth immediately fuck marilyn manson cool hanson totally goth be totally goth totally goth
-1 | get magic yeah get magic underground phenomenon everybodys like pick card card shoot load hand play would monkey box hangin david blaines swimmin shark mouth razor blade be get game escape artist talk til be red face strain polyp ill rock til be range raise octave play pain remain conscience refrain comment lame compliment petty criticism be not accomplish fifth shit progress be leave naysayer stump like rain forest year pullin rabit ear pant pocket be revealin trick trade be not magic breakdown baby effort -PRON- find life decide -PRON- look -PRON- give glimpse guess be sit middle unread book letter fall apart sentence descend wording permanent miss have mi word mi interpret funny serve sentence solitary confinement result death sentence fill running assignment be wonder time go pull disappearing act single assistant get saw half pay attention not afford laugh cause be lookin break autograph cast be short staff ask volunteer crowd little bit audience participation hip shut fuck be not sayin shit ill respect check flair dramatic exit fashionable entrance late arraignment oh selfdestructive thing entertainment folk give broken heart pallet hone craft disown talent s live home buy house parent be get ahead gettin ahead hair hair be road read kerouac poem versus well rap think s worth remember versus defend size manhood confessional can good effort -PRON- find life decide -PRON- look -PRON- give glimpse guess be sit middle unread book letter fall apart sentence descend wording permanent miss have mi word mi interpret funny serve sentence solitary confinement result death sentence fill running assignment get tell confidence spin confidential record hold listener attention be veteran spacial relationship clip ya wing fit head shrink magician shapeshifte reptilian turn body contortionist orphanage start offer torch abortion clinic lose acquaintance morgue lady friend gender bend heaven send angelic devil boy god androgynous be lookin marvelous look kill be unsure sexual orientation special kind case break hit bouquet flower baby breath arrangement vault vacant look fault blame call agent moment catch train let know be go s invite leave tonight help find burden bare be psychic sidekick hold future hostage loose cannon stand roof new respect understanding bartender locksmith daredevil be precise unprofessional amateur level love life escape artist escape artist escape artist escape artist escape artist be place escape artist be not sleep month escape artist be try away be not magic breakdown baby be not magic breakdown baby magic break be not magic breakdown baby escape artist pussy scare shoot heart know big uhh fuck get to bulletproof heart hit baby ill fall love get heart bitch noise sage francis -PRON-
-1 | ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza times rock ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza benedict smash sex course pack slash drum edge tone faceless mix stick ibiza rotten encrust rock transmit transmit transmit s fuckin s fuckin laugh s fuckin s fuckin ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza times rock ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza plug premixe buy gear bleachedhair wank mate fly lear privatejet personal flyer fucking dire straight quid packet fuck be bacci mate transmit s fuckin s fuckin laugh s fuckin s fuckin ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza times rock ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza eject alarm cause music darn dull eject alarm cause music darn dull stare eject alarm cause music darn dull eject alarm cause music darn dull s fuckin
+1 | song parachutist bring motor roof mountain straight sun moon scare scare say pilot slow flight kindergarten child look sky child look sky go wing wind burn cheek fly cloud ring hand hand ring look turn parachute flame scare scare 1940
-1 | march worker bee know enemy order give queen killer worker bee resist feel ste surrender swarm set protect hive enemy protect hive enemy follow herd mentality fight save soul march worker bee know enemy pollination come west flash invade n supply honey flow bottomless play rule will powerless protect hive enemy protect hive enemy follow herd mentality fight save soul march blindfold ride rail pistol draw lord forgive have fight save soul march blindfold ride rail pistol draw lord forgive have fight save soul fight save soul march blindfold ride rail pistol draw lord forgive have fight save soul march blindfold ride rail pistol draw lord forgive have fight save soul fight save soul die save home
-1 | electric find touch fall electric find touch fall huh s man hand mouth slightly ajar reach touch know have go far ah huh electric find touch fall electric find touch fall huh electric find touch fall s girl dream auburn hair s stuck underneath oh s stick underneath s
+1 | komsomol member moscow wind wire road noise moskovsky komsomolets song voice fly fly lift ignite like fire sing song vociferous squeeze     case hot     komsomol muscovite favorite capital mother spare komsomol rampant head regret moscow beloved people     case hot     komsomol muscovite open field open noisy shop bench faster nimble komsomolskaya hand native fatherland dear friend brave skillful ycl amicable hand     case hot     komsomol muscovite earth earth cloud water moscow hear voice voice young wonder rumor go kind song capital come people     case hot     komsomol muscovite 1949
-1 | strobe pulse flash hate light synthetic soul massproduce hammer shape sign time dream turn system new way new breed implant mind hand sterile hate new control wake be sleep new intelligence arise emptied body turgid flesh test eternal spastic fit know code mother machine genocide scorn die race evolution reverse time change contort eternity defeat program appease symbol perfection humanoid run law destroy erase improve lesson submission docile servant dog leash limb compute deep remoted mind control thought doubt new way disgorge thousand fake obey circuit skein vacuum mechanical thought conceive longer inanity million unit like eternally human pattern copy dissect distort complete fit machine nerve fibre cord unknown content machine currency flesh bone unaware evolution reverse time change contort eternity defeat new machine
+1 | exserviceman return home army friend house dear friend scatter world house home irregularity tolerate day night peel slice ruble build hut easy course difficult soldier yes get difficulty desire great easy house build friend friend live would go look world yes problem way road be irregularity proglyazhu drag sleeper rail ship time guy easy course difficult soldier yes get difficulty desire great easy locomotive need coal climb face bridge need metal irregularity ill able finish ill able affair dispute easy course difficult soldier yes get difficulty desire great easy girl village masha maroussia pigweed ivannna suitor melt discourage skillfully irregularitie tolerate masha like matchmaker easy course difficult soldier yes get difficulty desire great easy 1947
+1 | motherland duma evening star vzaydot blue sky hot day labor wearily lie head hear voice country great distance seas midnight surf cloudless field breath hear step gray century tocsin bell ring holy struggle courage soldier hard way motherland breath warm lead orbit glorious year distant star brash light strong country hero time pass earth father way child replace homeland live destiny beautiful destiny world road distant call end sight happy go dream native land 1970
+1 | baltic sea roar spark scatter moon wave strike granite die fatherland baltic sea noisy forget cliff breast cover coast bloody vest sailor throw enemy tank heap blast steel hero go battle enemy inch native land spark scatter moon wave strike granite die fatherland baltic sea noisy
-1 | suck refolde kind map need stuck sun not shine fact shut rubbered stamp flag dumb be not mind givin piece not einstein know s obscene buck roger time hit rock odd have crotchless jihad blue ball evidently mighty good god angel dust soul like james brown street legal whore haul stunning ass sell short like bridget bunny ranch four satisfaction get foul be life easy be oh yeah life easy screw not care get s beneath fit mo conundrum reckon fancy word rubber aim bang work weak spot set bar low nerve score respect oddly danger feel like pay dirt be life easy be oh yeah life easy be life easy be oh yeah life easy fumbling break thank dad damage good fumbling break thank dad damage good fumbling break thank dad damage good fumbling break thank dad damage good
-1 | thank god end war peace fight help get turn tv single catastrophe future look bright right track singe oh whoa oh whoa oh whoa oh dance sun everybodys happy welcome world care s number not feel pain scream time one run dance sun remember hungry kid get mars twix good old misery pass love suit love like dream come true black white singe oh whoa oh whoa oh whoa oh dance sun everybodys happy welcome world care s number not feel pain scream time one run dance sun news reporter 1 production genetically modify news reporter 2 gmos news reporter 3 design sell chemical news reporter 4 germany recently come criticism multibillion power arm deal news reporter 5 nsa frequently target iran pakistan egypt india news reporter 6 not voice hear nothing go to change singe oh whoa oh whoa oh whoa oh dance sun everybodys happy welcome world care s number not feel pain scream time one run dance sun
+1 | magellan live russia accord vyborg presnya walk night shift comrade future song unnamed world hero chorus magellan live russia time hurry forward name simple simple world know syllable gunner aurora face scorch fire think soon write novel chorus point saturday unknown inhabitant country leave work come moon chorus 2 time 1965
+1 | valley zagorje valley zagora division go ahead order fight primorye white army refuge banner create inverse mill bold squad amur partisan year fade fame fade partisan detachment occupy city like fairy tale alluring light assault night spassky volochaevskaya day defeat chieftain disperse lord pacific campaign end 1920
-1 | tired promise come easy pretend turn one bring colour not true life battle swear would lose not matter go wrong time not matter go right search reason long road find year climb not wait moment arrive leave be tired promise come easy pretend turn one bring colour not true lose confidence mind play trick not matter go wrong time not matter go right search reason long road find year climb get stick time go to leave go to leave go to catch train word not stop try go to leave go to leave go to catch train know day everything go to fall line have strike defeat step way be bad enemy change fail thousand time straight catch cause be not leave fate not matter go wrong time not matter go right search reason long road find year climb get stick time go to leave go to leave go to catch train word not stop try go to leave go to leave go to catch train know day everything go to fall line tired promise come stop wait moment arrive go to leave go to leave go to catch train word not stop try go to leave go to leave go to catch train know day everything go to fall line go to leave go to leave go to catch train know day everything go to fall line yeah
-1 | get to bleed know alive soul take come s tear heart be alive s tear heart be fire s tear heart higher have song radio okay taste music face take song come s tear heart be alive s tear heart be fire s tear heart higher have have have have fall asleep car drive time s okay ill avoid hole sleep fine be drive sit curse government taxis fill hole cement fall asleep car drive time s okay ill avoid hole sleep fine be drive sit curse government taxis fill hole cement get to bleed know oh oh alive soul oh oh take come s tear heart be alive s tear heart be fire s tear heart higher have heart armor s tear heart s carver s butcher smile cut farther have have have have heart armor s tear heart s carver s butcher smile cut farther have
-1 | swan boat daisy chain not recall true give footprint come yesterday moment ago heart go have go cold heart go have go cold past give way cold winter field ground hard steel hill distant song hill keep go heart go have go cold heart go have go cold swan boat daisy chain not recall give footprint come moment year ago heart go have go cold heart go have go cold heart go have go cold heart go have go cold heart go have go cold heart go have go cold
-1 | ironic favorite dread matrix form unfathomable dark realm arcane burrow far grain sprout deep beneath soil sunlight reach behold darkness come shelter life form ascend darkness sail eternal refuge soul darkness night go dawn befall time time grain soil bury deep shall bear fruit die dark antumnos awen wave life conceive behold darkness come shelter life form ascend darkness sail eternal refuge soul day bear night night samon year bear song sing let hear ironic cling hard evidence maintain unbroken urge explain not child grow mother womb enshroud conceal behold darkness come shelter life form ascend darkness sail eternal refuge soul
+1 | town outpost leningrad rage nightingale spring sleep day soldier silence silence     chorus     russia     sky blue     blue sky neva     world     beautiful     leningrad remember winter night russia birthmark country wound snowy hoarfrost proudly tower sad city     chorus slday city fight like gun sun awaken song glory city     chorus
+1 | komsomol brigade sun set hillock field dew komsomol member clean show miracle world look ask oh better world find team 2p thirtyseven quintal hectare collect grain farmer gift crop takecountry world look ask oh better world find harvest 2p foreman s guy brave case star shine gold chest world look ask oh better world find foreman 2p kate walk club like wing hand kate walk blue dress pour shot heel world look ask oh better world find accordionist 2p rumor fly walk conversation komsomol brigade guy selection world look ask oh better world find komsomol 2p 1956
-1 | happen life eye guess die start believe lie like voice hear night think be crazy goddamne right need mess think would like begin doubt think fine cmon baby temptation time fuck easy not know cause be knock ready fight think be crazy goddamne right not happen save soul go door rest goal decide like be goddamne heart attack baby try plain say get tired stupid little game pretty simple try mind baby temptation time fuck easy not know cause be knock ready fight think be crazy goddamne right fuck easy not know cause be knock ready fight think be crazy goddamne right not mean cause grief thing way belief think would feel like dead voice like bullet goddamn head need feel wanted guess anybody treat like child be not good want thing think cmon baby temptation time fuck easy not know cause be knock ready fight think be crazy goddamne right fuck easy not know cause be knock ready fight think be crazy goddamne right
-1 | go away old friend sister come mind say jesus twin know sin laugh like crazy trouble be light eye dance insane brother say s bitch golden chain keep come closer say feel bone schizophrenia take home future static tuck talk dream split scene get hunch come
+1 | be talk ernesto america dm g dm long hand touch star g bb c dm c a7 dm presiуn god tread dm g dm g pasу waist revйs right f bb c dm dm c curator narrow man dm bb prepare miracle              c f walk water    a7 dm rest sueсos               a7 bb ailment soul    c bb bb f a7 dm rajar night come emissary dawn perfect voice need oнdo song sound like thunder language emissary language death bury deeply change face speak hope shine masquerade llegarб portray ghost bullet
-1 | 1 2 3 4 thing say head come baby honey hush lip clothe trail backdoor bedroom not know hoe have get night worth time worth time oh live night know see would fuck like whore night remember hope hear scream thigh cheek graze lip poison bring knee thigh cheek graze lip poison bring knee oh cmon girl way stupid fuck whore dream stand baby ohthe thing wall drink hand baby ride ride ride step late tell not disappointment breathing grasp lead messy end step late tell not disappointment breathing grasp lead messy end danny wall face bury pillow cold feel heartless bitch stupid fucking bitch stupid fucking bitch fuckin bitch
-1 | know s come be feelin happy know be drink let cause stay long long wrong be brawl cause will not lying writing wall police way right cause stay long long wrong yeah stay long lady start singe ssong song sssssongsong sssssongsong ssssong get peep shout pull sock cause break law run cop get lip bust fighting s blood be look party stop get peep tellin know pull note jump straight cab be way be go think need jack probably be not bright idea have cause stay long long wrong hey run law be lookin worse wear door suddenly find something bind wrong stay long know have get to dawn start singin sssong sssong sssssongsong sssssongsong sssong sssong sssssong songsong ah cmon ah cmon ah cmon cmon cmon cmon have get peep bar shot cause fucking plaster not know stop have get girlfriend ring bell know probably answer not fuck have get peep be have blast be feeling fucking good right want phone silent refill glass music fucking bang feel like wanna dance be bar chick check afar yeah want dick be not doubt s get skirt short drool mouth lookin way be shout pull chair buy drink say cheer yeah glass clink be bad car rub girl cab pay way hotel be lift get lip oh wrong care fuck be roll yo aaaaaaaah
+1 | live happy rule power stalin people bow low mildew shower yes suffer nighttime guard band let grow mushroom plum pear poplar apple maple opoyashut field green sash tight tree stand stalin wind fence soldier guard nedorodny hot year enemy bole lurk meltwater zapasom sea sky rain irregularitie cornfield polom like flower garden carp pond duck divorce nightingale gardens song flood let field breathe freely well find niva grassland wealth countryside blossom zazhivom fun rich half
-1 | start open book line s go little hope not hold breath revolt like choir language dead speak hope understand brain fix town revolt late basically have define unworthy love confess place heart address paint word free not fear revolt town revolt calm rise violent wind surrender tonight shall escape land sea save money not save maybe blood past away man away not dig hole right size fit dream not bury not bury not hope somebody place not hope somebody place history book read name blood ink free fraction have get say say leave earth tonight say speak peace speak wrath grace calm rise come violent wind oh stand hand hand walk fear revolution
-1 | kill know have forget color eye scar get tell sign age rain single tear drop valley age face world forget reconciliation place time like present drink draining second seldom word ring true be constantly fail like wall not break disappear tell be not love cause not know s say not hate boy want save s leave save s tell love girl be answer question oh oh day press like crush weight man wait like memory die day deafen like hurricane bathe flame hold brand uncurl finger hand press flesh like sand understand tell be not love cause not know s say not hate boy want save s leave save s tell love girl be answer question oh oh thousand mile away s leave leave not know choice world noise take take not hate not hate tell be not love cause not know s say not hate boy want save s leave save s tell love girl be answer question oh oh not hate not hate oh oh not hate not hate oh oh
-1 | unable lose not find way search see turn turning deceit cause child rose like try reveal feel not understand anymore cause be feel lonely feeling unholy cause child rose like try reveal feel loneliness will not leave oh be fool somebody faithless path roam deceive breath secretly silence silence not bear cause child rose like try reveal feel loneliness will not leave oh loneliness will not leave lady war lady war
-1 | paralysed lip ashe synchronise blue vein crash touch touch inside inside inside inside inside inside inside idolise black eye fade connection fail drill drill inside inside inside inside inside inside inside
-1 | want hold kiss paris want hold hand rome want run naked rainstorm love train cross country wanna know like not want mother not want sister wanna lover wanna baby kiss s right kiss s right want justify love love love want justify love justify want justify love love love want justify love love love want justify love love love want justify love poor man pleasure depend permission permission permission want justify love love love want justify love love love want justify love love love
-1 | september insecurity remind s helm dark time fear eye s man charge invent isolation safe inside struggle word sense time wait enter well plan well plan well plan worry know truth tell lay low walk thin line let happiness fine live lie light break way matter question answer life come crush early break day have come far worry know truth tell lay low walk thin line let happiness fine live lie worry know truth tell lay low walk thin line let happiness worry know truth tell lay low walk thin line let happiness fine live lie
+1 | song settler proud friend grow young wheat grow virgin gray steppe lot ground heat arrive young steppe young intimidate difficulty hard virgin raise edge steppe render habitable song free bird fly native country grow golden wheat grow tseline1956
-1 | clear day light bedroom door windy night smell lake drift shore traffic light silently change thousand time day be wait yeah be wait hand block sun wake turn clock time not remember exactly longing begin know not day touch hand laugh shout blissful daze number exchange be wait yeah be wait hand block sun wake turn clock time hand shut mouth know world void feeling heart know torch dark let break let count let leave onehorse town well time let break let count let leave onehorse town well time angel dance like feather float see clock strike music slow slowly don wing outside pair hand hand leave be wait yeah be wait hand block sun wake turn clock time wake
-1 | quit believe heaven find savior give away faith give brother coffin air lung blood vein reason join man ill cigarette drink burn away night ache chest candle burn bright word fall deaf ear guilt death grief god forget s thief cheat cigarette drink burn away night ache chest candle burn bright air lung air lung man blood vein quit believe heaven find savior give away faith give brother coffin let damn
+1 | der heilige krieg holy war german arise great country fight death dark fascist force cursing horde let noble fury effervesce wave national war holy war let noble fury effervesce wave national war holy war roll strangler ardent idea rapist robber torturer people let noble fury effervesce wave national war holy war let noble fury effervesce wave national war holy war dare wing black homeland fly spacious field dare trample enemy let noble fury effervesce wave national war holy war let noble fury effervesce wave national war holy war
-1 | pay insane indiana rain let mistake sleep flame lose hope afraid ill father fade away sound afraid ill forget not change need hear not look away want let let end need love love patiently be give sure have waste doubt sure wake will not let fear afraid ill father fade away sound afraid ill forget not change be break hurting love not know maybe ill tomorrow afraid ill father fade away sound afraid ill forget not change
-1 | amber eye like mother s beautiful bright world smile end war want care s 14 think weight world crash cause late sun not shine bright place heart lose fight s s brave storm scream oh have sea rough be drown slow mind numb pain lose undertow wish know not not arm lock devil chain heart break trap steel cage not catch breath choke pain bring pain surface skin frozen agony burn not begin know nightmare have break cycle plague light s s brave storm scream oh have sea rough be drown slow mind numb pain lose undertow wish know not scream oh have sea rough be drown slow mind numb pain lose undertow brave storm
-1 | stumble wreckage rust rain s leave salvage leave blame broken mirror not look be rust rain be rust rain dissect til blood run drain bitter heart pump oil vein be tin man not feel pain not feel pain not feel pain be rust rain crush like flower rust rain come strip power beat chain be king coward queen pain be rust rain be rust rain hang like picture be frame lap dog be stray shackle graveyard leave decay leave decay leave decay be rust rain crush like flower rust rain come strip power beat chain be king coward queen pain be rust rain be rust rain be rust rain crush like flower rust rain come strip power beat chain be king coward queen pain be rust rain be rust rain crush like flower rust rain come strip power beat chain be king coward queen pain be rust rain be rust rain oh sun shine be rust rain be rust rain oh sun shine be rust rain
-1 | great demise life ill reach want bend time pine away mask mandatory joy not run away destiny want like want live thing want renew want know like like wait line walk shallow hall terror mind wait start realize stand not fall apart catastrophe want like want live thing want renew want know like like ill place look face inside nightmare tonight want like want live thing want renew want know like like like like like like
+1 | sad willow sad willow bow pond month float water border duty night young fighter sleep night grozny asleep sterog native land forest hear footstep gun lie black shadow fog grow cloud sky dark shell explode distance war begin difficult soldier hard fight attack dawn head honestly add sad willow standing pond month look height sleepy whisper shore water hero country victory halcyon day edge night light quiet outpost reignite friend
-1 | fall love not afford time here story bare meet drug change life like classic movie look stop time let vein course tired bone numb body heal heart soothe mind ease soul memory let let live fall love not afford time fall love not afford time let live believe life let live lie live lie let believe live lie guess see come know fake clear right leave die fault memory let let live fall love not afford time fall love not afford time give throw away know deserve know let let let let fall love not afford time fall love be leave thought suicide let kill
-1 | style date quick better start clear closet space waist tv justified life western eye homicidal kid drug queer live culture fear better forget trust peer life western eye color safety today drink water sink think s okay not think safe outside today happen not pray increase insanity right want head wallet day lock paradise s close eye substance abuse decline war drug intensifie not agree call better safe sorry life western eye fat ugly better pick pace will stick line life western eye life western eye life western eye better think sit drink swim sink increase insanity
+1 | song bourg madame песня городка бургмадам испанский spanish country fight invasion walk foreign land face star release walk foreign land star face release fall comrade struggle give blood freedom vow return spain avenge insult humanity vow return spain avenge insult humanity vile traitor murderer franco woman child spanish people open door fascism forever curse open door fascism forever curse
-1 | bear raise guess take grant remain wound know not blame not face change spend golden year live ghost catch constant state purgatory burden memory day cease exist follow shortly wonder time mind fall plane know wish chance appreciate winter snow get trap glass shell man love day go know be communicate disease curse idea afterlife hope take care deserve peace not forget face will not forget remember
-1 | catch madness blind woke animal feeling take sense lose control ill taste blood tonight know wanna scream know wanna run baby know late have waste time yeah relax close eye warm be set free arm s struggling pleasure time know wanna scream know wanna run baby know late have waste time cherish feeling pleasure cover unwanted clemency scream till s silence scream s life leave vanish scream pleasure unmask desire perish have time have lose control have time grow be hope be wrong know be right ill hunt night know wanna scream know wanna run baby know late have waste time cherish feeling pleasure cover unwanted clemency scream till s silence scream s life leave vanish scream pleasure unmask desire perish live repress instinctive feeling protest way build not point blame scream scream scream way ravage body scream scream scream way ravage mind cherish feeling pleasure cover unwanted clemency scream till s silence scream s life leave vanish scream pleasure unmask desire perish madness madness madness madness lose control madness madness ill hunt night madness madness ill hunt night
-1 | kool thing sittin kitty know sure lookin pretty like lover dancer superboy little chance not wanna not think not wanna not think kool thing let play radio turn babyo ill slave shave not wanna not think not wanna not think yeah tell -PRON- bout hit -PRON- hurt hey kool thing come sit s get to ask wanna know go to mean go to liberate girl male white corporate oppression tell like huh yeah not shy word fear female planet fear female planet fear baby want know friend let everybody know come come come come come come come kool thing kool thing star know will fix kool thing sittin kitty know sure lookin pretty rock beat little faster know master not wanna not think not wanna not think kool thing walkin like panther come answer kool thing walkin like panther d not wanna not think not wanna not think
+1 | song youth peace young people find happiness lift banner friendship work people know stalin win friendship storm sweep believe celebration happiness peace ask ask achieve chorus brave young true faith young courageous song song fly broad strong language understand world world world friend break ordinary people stand wall steel swear war lightne gun earth peace rage guy berlin moscow man shoot chorus mighty great sound appeal hour strong wide romanians indians pole frenchman heart dream world love dream friend engage peaceful work need translator need understand heart pripev1951
-1 | need feel love love love fear want have forget road keep move cloud cloud unreal guess ill home want try direct night exit light sky sky complete travel heart divide throne have forget friction line bump highway song complete sign turn right want try direct night want try direct light pure form life day come cannon time day come pure form life day come cannon time day come day come day come day come
-1 | living easy trust watch know let worry task new world break have get take cyberbite tricky liar contort truth cast system televictim head fill ooze mindless willing tool cyberbite steal soul cyberbite steal soul cyberbite steal soul cyberbyte system creep control random resistance freedom goal cyberbyte cyberbyte cyberbyte system creep control random resistance freedom goal cyberbyte cyberbyte televicious soma medium control fill eye flood empty mind fail trial give ego crawl beast cyberbite new religion shape mould time counteract cyberbite system cyberbite steal soul cyberbite steal soul cyberbite steal soul cyberbyte system creep control random resistance freedom goal cyberbyte cyberbyte cyberbyte system creep control random resistance freedom goal cyberbyte cyberbyte cyberbyte system creep control random resistance freedom goal cyberbyte cyberbyte
+1 | memory field comrade comrade sing comrade comrade battle fate war country war party comrade comrade shell near prostrate long remember sky bird swan voice sail sea forest voice friend swan end path memory field pass heaven high spring underneath deep end memory field comrade unfade day hey comrade comrade hey hey shelf terrible star strike sharply bayonet feathergrass feathergrass ground herb stele follow hard believe comrade swans fly wedge yes feather grass rustle rustle grass grass rustle end path memory field pass heaven high spring underneath deep end memory field heaven high underneath deep spring end memory field end memory field
-1 | tell look eye go live life like ready die go tell look eye go live life like ready die go think would bury cover track will cold dead hand think would bury s dead die think would cut loose sever feeling slip crack cave ceiling think would bury s dead die fuck tell look eye go live life like ready die go run will escape end go sempiternal end sempiternal rise dead secret not sleep till take grave signal siren rally troop lady gentleman moment truth tell look eye go live life like ready die go run will escape end go tell look eye go live life like ready die go run will escape end go sempiternal end sempiternal
-1 | time shine glorify have fall love have fall love good idea today fall feel well know matter feel strong sharper find box sharp object beautiful today fall feel well know matter feel strong sharper find box sharp object beautiful thing today fall feel well know matter feel strong sharper find box sharp object beautiful thing sick want song glory be fucking scream time shine glorify have fall love have fall love good idea today fall feel well know matter feel strong sharper find box sharp object beautiful today fall feel well know matter feel strong sharper find box sharp object beautiful find box sharp object beautiful find box sharp object beautiful thing
+1 | song pea coat steep volga fortress kronstadt southern cliff north country cap marine jacket dear legendary past time memorable trip be far sea shore military glory sailor favorite jacket beach chorus talk combat smoke fire see sevastopol know leningrad glorious maritime jacket remember hour december snowstorm battle moscow walk marine detachment wound thee friend hide expensive jacket immediately warm lighter hear nap cannon thunder heart prompt forwardw day come military snowstorm subside wave ground jacket coat go holiday friendly family reach distant harbor long await wife mother girlfriend kareokoy weary shoulder remove rustle bread oven metal boil buzz dam volga water height happiness joyfully march fatherland glory peace labor envelop madness enemy dare war leave coat jacket menacing boy1942
-1 | life mind divide line forget inside time last sight sound vile infectious lucid recount ill want tell everything go fade ill want be misery have misery have know tell know temporary doubt denial acceptance ill want tell everything go fade ill want be misery have be misery ill want tell everything go fade ill want be misery have misery ill want be misery
+1 | song helicopter pilot sound anxious radio sign parking lot leave helicopter special aviation pilot emergency flight people trouble land water trouble road close help heaven mountain forest arrive helicopter taiga region hot sand desert send order motherland builder glorious war certainly bring helicopter people trouble land water trouble road close help heaven mountain forest arrive helicopter happen letter line receive distant place dear angry helicopter pilot mail maybe neighborhood people trouble land water trouble road close help heaven mountain forest arrive helicopter 1970
-1 | eater be food love god love mother eat space heart love god love mother mother fountain live level sink chapel love god love mother all love love
-1 | be go kiss girl cry live fast die old be go raise place watch moment shine face old ill watch sun set sea city wall mountain peak old northern light southern cross harvest mile dust blow wind world wrap coat leave s s left s little time be go pull fence ground watch twist tower come crumble start want hero villain father son care body abuse go numb let dance fear s real reason live real fast die old
-1 | street sign street sign pass night know tomorrow will not recognize world home bind want home month face stand scream not know wanna home wanna sleep bed want normal life end end matter hard try know road know road save save not know anymore suppose dream not pain eye not hear pain word be stick cold wanna home wanna home wanna sleep bed want normal life end end matter hard try know road know road wonder be mind wanna home wanna sleep bed want normal life end end matter hard try know road know road
-1 | night fall write run paper cross page sure be write guess feel right sort feel like like exorcism guess make sound crazy s alright lately feel like have hear voice like everyday kind forget thing not think death maybe know be talk maybe know know know not know tense use know feel like think death hear voice feel like perfectly order normal life guess come departure know understand have understand guess thing change be scared story anybody look write note margin explain rest line fine print feeling abandonment try cope death hope thing wait page ahead wait be sure story
-1 | not know feel be better stay room bear look outside world better try transform mind not see waste time try mind listen know one contradiction happy sound lyric ok represent wait better feel right mind not see waste time try mind hear today tear curtain window open sound hear voice s choice tear curtain window open noise not test play piano not mean willing be sorry be mind be see thing right waste time try run be mind hear today tear curtain window open sound hear voice s choice tear curtain window open noise mind not see waste time try mind hear today tear curtain window open sound hear voice s choice tear curtain window open noise buh buh bah buh buh bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah buh buh bah buh buh bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah buh buh bah today bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah buh buh bah buh buh bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
-1 | pretty flower garden town change sun will not shine change rain come end inbetween go day ammunition clean change sun will not shine outside story misdemeanor grow see blade ray run cover late come fall baby cradle baby cradle close door like kiss hello look like time look like time light craziness dissolve change sun will not shine change sun will not shine change end change sun will not shine change sun will not change sun will not shine change sun will not change sun will not shine change sun will not change sun will not shine change sun will not change sun will not shine change sun will not change sun will not shine
-1 | lie halo hair cry feather fine time cry rust smile know not pay bill drug farm entrepreneur spin circle wound relentlessly word sle oh torturous thing chew one mean go go watch love strangle kites cold string fall come early summer leave storm car key spark heel picket fence build wish sink like stone slowly lonely spin circle wound relentlessly word sle oh torturous thing chew one mean go go
+1 | song marshal timoshenko ride ride horseback tymoshenko green dewy ants battle flag wind hey friend companion look foot rush field way tree poplar wind wind blossom garden scarlet poppy s poppy bloom troop wait line commander gold shine saber attack menace beat enemy ride ride horseback tymoshenko accord native bloom broad ukraine steppe accord green bank danube people commissar marshal battle formidable win stalin banner wind ahead hey friend comrade look 1940
+1 | lizaveta wait lizaveta greeting sleep dawn sad win come hot black horse come spring gate open be inseparable forever anguish anxiety stand doorway ill snow melt dear look forward dream smile meeting brave battle ah like live wedding marriage hug favorite svoyu1942
-1 | live slavery past escape worth start have focus long ideal freedom belief oppress want free find way forfeit liberty impulse consumption worth build new foundation new foundation new foundation new foundation past escape vacancy world offer control let suffer have let yeah have awaken admit enslave freedom choice disobey yeah creed justification justification live way fit justification hopeless blind scale content vacancy world offer control control let suffer live slavery past escape worth start oh have let have let have let yeah vacancy world world offer world offer control control let let suffer not escape not escape not escape not escape worth start
-1 | s blood wall s blood door s hand gun s bodys floor s blood wall s blood door s hand gun s bodys floor feel like windshield smash bus car crash hurricane come smash smash crash glass oh god cut ass run street run way home unreligious treasure victim violent society lie victim violent society lie victim violent society lie victim violent society lie feel like windshield smash bus car crash hurricane come smash smash crash glass oh god cut ass run street run way home relax cuz ridin freeway
+1 | song shchor detachment bank far away red flag commander regiment tie head blood sleeve trail blood spread wet grass boy lead fight red flag wounded man child farm laborer stand new world schor go banner red army commander hunger cold life go spill blood cordon reject ferocious enemy temper youth road honor silence shore silent voice sun slope dew fall dash cavalry rush hear sound hoof red banner schorsa wind noise 1936
-1 | high king sovereign servant holder divine regality bestow omphalos grove kingship song god thou shalt know fruit abundance grow sign wonder foot flight crow reveal crown gallia oak nemeton servant antumnos child god ambicatus choose set forth conquer kindle beacon kingdom prosper grow thou shalt know fruit hercynan forest skyscraping alp flight crow lead crown gallia oak nemeton servant antumnos child god crown gallia oak nemeton servant antumnos child god ambicatus
+1 | faithful friend far walk float sea faithful friend happen hour trouble gloomy day cover road friendship flame separation grief strong time rescue trouble let year year long series friendship forever young word case true friendship friendship clear objective closer dream old friendship like song forget life faithful friend 1954
+1 | song 2nd division priamurskoj recall kamates military year wind blow dash cold chorus young muscle strong year hail priamurskaya forever young muscle strong year hail priamurskaya forever know tired pass taiga rage fire chorus let uhoribandits interruption trade commander blucher beat nevpervoy chorus let uhoribandits interruption trade commander blucher nevpervoy beat 1936
-1 | deep shadow be fight battle creature want scream scream think be lose tired choose be slip not stop scream scream be live lie s creature hiding inside black night cold dead heart lust sin shut bottle hide world let not know ill s creature inside not turn menace have cling creature want scream scream not determine be sure hell bent break hear scream scream be live lie s creature hiding inside black night cold dead heart lust sin shut bottle hide world let not know ill s creature inside not hold be live lie s creature hiding inside black night cold dead heart lust sin shut bottle hide world let not know ill s creature inside
-1 | storm party like el niño be hangin drink el camino kid skid know crash house party cause come know be think know high school go show attention crave not tell behave be sick hear act age not want waste time casualty society ill fall line victim conformity not know laugh old people fall expect conscience small heavy metal mullet raise maiden priest god praise cause like have fun people expense cut people minor offense concern guess ill learn be sick tell wait turn not want waste time casualty society ill fall line victim conformity not count let know not count ill not count point missin not count cause be listenin be nogoodnick low middle class brat backpack not shit stand corner talk kumuppin not sense gas huff egg not stain will ring hook hit list want telephone book like song distortion drink proportion doctor say mom abortion abortion abortion abortion not want waste time casualty society ill fall line victim conformity waste time causality society waste time victim conformity
-1 | close eye leave fear alright close eye follow end hopeless pick piece break carry pain watch flame rise high sing break wall want will not stop burn ground scream shout til light will not stop burn ground will not not break will not stop world hand break wall want will not stop burn ground not let carry torch high burn have come far throw away watch flame rise high sing break wall want will not stop burn ground scream shout til light will not stop burn ground will not not break will not stop world hand break wall want will not stop burn ground light match watch fall ground ember rise smoke fill air break wall want will not stop burn ground scream shout til light will not stop burn ground will not not break will not stop world hand break wall want will not stop burn ground
+1 | immortelle steppe late afternoon rest sun cloud darken grow mound don river harsh everlasting flower copper petal stem color lead stand mound river flower bend wind crest mound lie young cossack white tooth blood warm trickle run forehead cold lip want grab dove feather cossack samoyu death yes crease dispel dust helichrysum ground near cossack strip machine gun break leave go soldier nazi infantry death young cossack survive eternal memory bright helichrysum remain guard witness harsh victory 1950
+1 | dawn contrary немецкий dawn contrary comrade soon overcome allerwegen soon enemy wall soak zoom power step young worker young guard proletariat experience work frongewalt dьstren childhood frьh old geklirrt fuя chain heavy wake young guard proletariat work teach teach power increase wealth unsre poverty create force recognize strong weapon unsrer hand blow young guard proletariat submit hдnde comrade collar fight end ere wide round work free people triumph foe vorwдrt young guard proletariat
-1 | block mile face place find friend place spend time place mind roam place home place stone wanna be feelin zone people want knock cos will not good try hopelessly wanna fuck wit be spose damn coulda kill man saw hand kill plan think have find piece mind foot plant ground redefine think go not fuck trouble find know welcome arm open wide trouble hand door not come inside trouble door want trouble cmon want trouble want trouble cmon want trouble trouble line fuckin time get contemplatin solution fusion wicked mind get sucker hate not matter be like gat bust niggas run scatter movin circle throwin elbow fist get real nigga cypress hill pit lotta critic talkin shit be concern gs minute bank earn try bluntly bitch learn tired time burn phony lot fool actually believin shit cool blinder look fuck hearin shit somebody be line sure be feel trouble door want trouble cmon want trouble want trouble cmon want trouble nooooo look wall closin shoe wearin thin big clown not comprehend hate game say not call rock superstar insane brain know not change brush trouble knockin door anxious jus come inside time got to block like talk trouble keep comin not lock get hand phone not wanna talk feelin funky son guess get to jump eye not recognise not fall trap life compromise be fallin shit be not go to talk want not got weight bear trouble door want trouble right cmon want trouble right cmon want trouble cmon want trouble want trouble cmon want trouble want trouble cmon want trouble want trouble cmon want trouble
+1 | song force young cast muscle golden year motherland word toughness gaze pride song cheerfulness sunny country chorus cordially native sun shine nod star moon laugh moonlight planet countrys fun country high mountain deep sea far find ice singe brewing battle youth chorus finish work begin sing louder laugh loudly fun life case move boldly walk boldly joke singe chorus 2 time 1939
-1 | la bourse des valeurs te dicte ta valeur à traver le taux dintérêt ton argent il bosse pour toi au fond de ton cœur tu send le malheur que tu cause chaque jour en multipliant tout ce que tas tes toujour pressé et prêt à blesser pour gagner dan cette course faut culbuter les gen y aucune pitié et plus dhumanité légoïsme règne il ny que le business qui vend le crie du fric nous fera pas tomber la défrichi et comprend ce jeux le prix du fric ne va pas l payer compte sur nos valeur et sen sort mieux jamais jamais jamais jamais jamais je laisserais guider par lodeur de la monnaie jamais jamais jamais jamais jamais je laisserais tomber les miens pour des lové jamais jamais jamais jamais jamais je laisserais guider par lodeur de la monnaie jamais jamais jamais jamais jamais je laisserais tomber les miens pour des lové il est gâté il pense k ses lovés il veut une merco benz et une nouvelle bmw il veux le forcer pour pouvoir tout acheter il e même près vendre sa mère pour multiplier il est blindé il na jamais assez peut pas l rassasier il devient d plus en plus taré pour lui lamitié est que pour profiter avec les dégâts collatéraux quils seront la obligé le crie du fric nous fera pas tomber la défrichi et comprend ce jeux le prix du fric ne va pas l payer compte sur nos valeur et sen sort mieux jamais jamais jamais jamais jamais je laisserais guider par lodeur de la monnaie jamais jamais jamais jamais jamais je laisserais tomber les miens pour des lové jamais jamais jamais jamais jamais je laisserais guider par lodeur de la monnaie jamais jamais jamais jamais jamais je laisserais tomber les miens pour des lové ne fera pas tomber je comprend ce jeux pas l payer et je man sort mieux il veut rouler une belle caisse à 200 000 de toutes ces pièce à ses proche et ses pots il ne leur dirai jamais tien cousin moi j te le paie ça il est en train d perdre la tête à cause de toute ces compète la solitude serra le prix qui paiera quand il continu personne lui restera jamais jamais jamais jamais jamais je laisserais guider par lodeur de la monnaie jamais jamais jamais jamais jamais je laisserais tomber les miens pour des lové jamais jamais jamais jamais jamais jamais jamais jamais jamais jamais jamais jamais jamais jamais jamais jamais
+1 | military post friend remember life battle raise toast healthmail field let pour rain fill trench land dry place come email field soldier heat warm distant forefront justify understand fighter death bullet despise ready dance letter frost zharoyu opalonny year go war fighter frontline postman carry greeting familys heart village distant mother cry happiness learn son alive healthy know battle bad weather bring triangle field run year forget right life toast friend lovingly raise healthmail field
-1 | bitch come day oh bitch come think goner bitch come not stay away not know bitch come like well s knee cause s face s be start friend laugh think would wrong s fuckin stupid s singe trouble girl forget diamond pearl want ring know like dog leash try change world will not change bitch come day oh bitch come think goner bitch come not stay away not know bitch come go break ball matter fault say cheat cause turn phone s frickin way shell leave trouble girl love complain shut like tell way ought tell world not tell bitch come day oh bitch come think goner bitch come not stay away not know bitch come be not joke wanna throw mean mean look s laugh bitch come bitch come bitch come bitch come bitch come bitch come not stay away bitch come day oh bitch come think goner bitch come will not stay fck away bitch come day oh bitch come think goner bitch come not stay away not know bitch come
-1 | domination end surrender surrender domination end surrender surrender domination end surrender surrender domination end surrender surrender domination end surrender surrender day wait night wear domination end surrender surrender domination end surrender surrender
+1 | prayer labrador look mountain wind sun water handle course river sow flight soul look hand estrachala grow brother unite blood today time tomorrow deliver dominate misery bring reign justice equality wind blow like flower creek clean fire barrel rifle join finally earth strength courage fight wind blow like flower creek clean fire barrel rifle look hand estrachala grow brother united blood hour death amen amen amen
-1 | intelligence war intelligence war information war intelligence war information war intelligence war information war information war technology reclamation technology reclamation technology reclamation technology reclamation technology reclamation technology reclamation technology reclamation technology reclamation technology reclamation technology reclamation technology reclamation technology reclamation technology reclamation technology reclamation stop network stop world intelligence war intelligence war intelligence war intelligence war information war intelligence war intelligence war intelligence war intelligence war information war intelligence war information war
+1 | new childrens song green tree cheerful laughter hear needle tree fluffy snow cover talk talk holiday new year noise singe childish dance chorus winter come fly mountain slide winter come burn childish eye winter come like children tale come beautiful winter today morning knock grandfather frost elegant grandchild gift bring watch accordion skate tape chorus loss chorus woman snow today eyebrow draw panicle hand woman let worth sterezhot house melt away zavedom chorus repeat 1st verse
-1 | let kingdom fall place feel love feel warm embrace proclaim continue creation evident reconciliation blind deaf hear love ounce draw near purpose bring earth man giant pain dirt bring broken home not fear world view break truly masterpiece progress set motion word speak choose stay wayside watch grow spirit die pick tool chisel away life reveal perfect plan world past redeem create perfection quiet patience love s endear stray tarry end unbelief dead bury blind deaf hear love ounce draw near leave room sick cause especially fond faith faith
-1 | explode feel stare watch care glare freak have control feel eye probe judge make want explode explode not know fear taint ink riddle hole stare point stupidity make want explode explode explode explode s scar s eye despise judge leave away be go explode explode explode explode fear not understand fear not understand fear not understand fear not understand want explode explode explode explode
-1 | light reflect shadow think exist room like breathing easy believe love love love love love love everyday learn thing see end come soon like dream angel leave leave love love love love love love love love love love love love word unspeak silent devotion know know mean end unknown think be ready long love love love love love love
+1 | solidarity march mountain mountain jungle space great brotherhood heart store s freedom encroach encroach grave battle find chorus revolution rank usfighter wind wind red banner solidarity heart freedom people nation bear rank fighting banner invite planet family labor honor duty friend forever chorus hear footstep let wicked tremble let enemy tremble live thrive point father solidarity people solidarity fighter chorus 60
+1 | friend peaceful charco long night tell like bullet whistle rumble like bomb friend fact roar flame battle live heart relative friend expensive people homeland story girl add particular fact scary friend fight enemy cherish song sing letter read laugh death minute happen girl vzgrustnetsya pull home song interrupt heart clogged friend roof house pleasant joyful visit stranger turn fact druzyam1944
-1 | air gettin colder news keep scare wrestle summer bone tired blister hand cause tonight get drink couple friend girl brother like finally talkin chest swell like s proud happy like s get great idea like s makin memory wake come car s east swell comin howlin offshore lyin like lion sand ill dead gun brother hand joke home lighten mood grow parent see send kid fight war tell little shook cause mother son till half name etch wall half ruin thing see wake come car s east swell comin howlin offshore lyin like lion sand ill dead gun brother hand wake come car s east swell comin howlin offshore lyin like lion sand ill dead gun brother hand
-1 | knights empower frozen storm fill black xxx heart xxx prisoner free bring spring melt snow sense season change touch skin feel shiver beneath winter grab time pass xxx day will return love choose death way halfcup bring closer halfsword tear apart freeze phoenix rise feeling inside await healing soul forever intertwine sense season change touch skin feel shiver beneath winter grab time pass xxx day will return love choose death way
-1 | golden dome massive tower false icon perfect smile joy benefaction smile big hearted deed wise word donate pleasure pay price wise word advice pay price insignia doubtful union untruth factory jesus industry preacher palace deride luther fight juggler rise icon fiddler play saint sell hope worship mammon blindness fear delusion trinity pay price welcome paradise insignia doubtful union untruth factory jesus industry disbeliever greed wastage joel go to burn hell disbeliever preacher suit success happiness sell accountant save soul pay price welcome paradise not know sin sinner joel go to burn hell insignia doubtful union untruth factory jesus industry
+1 | spring fortyfifth year earth turn spring good weather today remind spring fortyfifth year pass year fade away woe exploit people come difficult road victory spring fortyfive year young later bear baton stroke victory salute rain spring fortyfifth year terrible enemy bright friend work breed victory spring fortyfifth year let rocket skyward vzmetena clear sky height generation time spring fortyfifth year 1970
+1 | song conqueror nature vzleleem grain noise young shoot give courageous fighter storm fortification nature fun fun friend good work let work job sound like song ground point hand mountain turn stake road hey fun friend sun enter house leave trouble road work friendly good reason year pass strong friendly afraid adversity friend orchestral lose 1941
+1 | steamer steamer steamer float past marina red flag stern black smoke pipe wait steamer bring steamer steamer vozish different people vozish russian buryat forward backward tinkerka steamer pioneer steamer steamer want drive snow ice blizzard snowstorm noise steamer steamer drive south play sunbathing sand steamer sing song raspevat1938
+1 | song pioneer detachment remember song pioneer group work presnya cheerful face child red tie modest calico gather cry ready blue sky lightne golden pioneer fire chorus sing song zapavala company officer be softly pick young exploit ready business shoulder spring thunder peal rise righteous fight pioneer soldier standardbearer bugler team leader cheerful silent drummer break usual silence sing thinning stand column chorus look easy way race country train way young city be get strong high burden fall year hear drum roll fire prepare chorus sing song zapavala company officer be softly pick young exploit ready business shoulder 1964
+1 | come cossack come home leave cossack border faithfully serve motherland recognize foreman darling village live life young cossack levady hut childhood memory place recognize house stand giant excavator irrigation channel dig village move right beautiful live wire kolkhoz glory great construction site sing cossack border guard dam run train solemnly shine club stanitsa gold like happiness star meet beloved dawn dawn today smoothly swan swim accord spring wave sea tsimlyansky moscow east boat 1951
+1 | song dzerzhinsky grief suffer hungry child sadness compress blockade country cherish revolution revolution cherish clean hand warm heart cool head clean hand warm heart cool head year devastation lyutuyut white life bright new defense revolution defense revolution clean hand warm heart cool head clean hand warm heart cool head science open brave honest dzerzhinet remember word soldier revolution soldier revolution clean hand warm heart cool head clean hand warm heart cool head
-1 | cry whisper peace twister remember time hope fear time turn tear be embrace darkness not light know s
-1 | sensation wash not describe pain feel long ago not remember tear hole devastation feeling long ago not remember hold let know s give give hide mask time try believe blind eye not embrace leave not remember cut pride watch bleed not deny pain know not ignore not remember hold let know s give give hide mask time try believe remember know conquer walk try escape sensation wash not describe pain feel long ago not remember be hold let know s give give hide mask time try believe remember know conquer walk try escape
-1 | maybe not sit right half hour speak waste miss beat swear need find comfort rundown place bridge gap concious state live be short time come try place fit shape break tell rate not be takin thing have say be takin thing have say sure not sit fill swear ill come walk walk walk walk walk walk home home go be okay shadow time afraid face remember presence hope god come hope god feel hope god come hope god know way wait
+1 | falcon green oak yes expanse clear falcon lead talk falcon people learn falcon lenin second falcon stalin range fly sokolyata flock oh falcon second goodbye s die word pay sokol dove hour come leave labor care replied forget alarm swear deviate road keep oath military oath happy country home 1937
-1 | vile person leave twist light leave sun meet end hatred war spell begin hope hopeless tonight go die fatal resistance affection infection tonight go die wretched corpse leave want life inside drain resurrect dormant anger pleasure inside pain hope hopeless tonight go die fatal resistance affection infection tonight go die hope hopeless tonight go die fatal resistance affection infection tonight go die hope hopeless fatal resistance tonight go die affection infection tonight go die tonight go die tonight go die
-1 | people darkness s fear face have hurt see will forget meet dark place have sense evil absence hurt feel death hold heart keep imprison shield fall caution move see imperfection mirror reflection beauty die inside darkness comfort moment be slip comas complication want embrace hold mind plague morbid hesitation tell suffer darkness eye darkness eye find find rose death want want accept bouquet decay image comfort fantasy surface turn dark reality wraith leave sun kill suddenly kill darkness comfort moment be slip comas complication want embrace hold mind plague morbid hesitation tell suffer darkness eye darkness eye follow rose depth will bring wound heart depletion faith darkness inside eye darkness inside eye darkness inside eye inside eye
+1 | captain interplanetary spacecraft distant star fly hero page science fiction book like like similar life chorus race star mist correct song song faithful wayroad way captain wayroad way captain wayroad way captain space ship sky satellite channel people let satellite satellite inspire joyful work chorus let rush fog song song fun wayroad way captain wayroad way captain wayroad way captain space ship hour come starry expanse launch povedom gray silent lunar mountain komsomol ticket come chorus fog correct song song faithful wayroad way captain wayroad way captain wayroad way captain space ship 1957
-1 | s point ask will reply steam not decide get reason will find lunch oh pretty oh pretty vacant oh pretty oh pretty vacant not ask cause not pretend cause not care not believe illusion cause be not real stop cheap comment cause know feel pretty pretty vacant pretty pretty vacant not care s point ask will reply steam not decide get reason will find lunch oh pretty oh pretty vacant oh pretty oh pretty vacant not care pretty pretty vacant pretty pretty vacant pretty pretty vacant pretty pretty vacant not care
-1 | comfort comfort comfort comfort fear face unknown bear die lonely world hostility breed void leave loss understanding hatred true face ignorance forcefe masse promise salvation knowledge control power withhold let blood spill god love world find comfort life live knee comfort divine judgement believe comfort comfort comfort believe live life regret love love last forever last forever last superstition rule land weak last forever superstition rule land weak fear face unknown bear die lonely world hostility breed void leave loss understanding hatred true face ignorance forcefe masse promise salvation knowledge control power withhold let blood spill god god love world god god god god god god love world love world find comfort comfort comfort find comfort comfort comfort find comfort comfort comfort
+1 | swallowkasatochka combat soldier go ahead yes song thunder thunder song sing row sing sing sing chorus oh swallow swiftwinge whale dear storonka dear yes oh swallow mykasatochka swiftwinge soldier repeatedly fire yes go attack shy shy burn tank armor burn burn burn burn chorus hold river way yes hiss bullet dive dive wound begin sink river drown drown drown drown chorus start beat enemy soldier yes hard beat kill kill oh lay consider consider count count chorus west soldier yes go press press regard enemy flee run run run away run away chorus today keenly look ahead yes milestone store store continue calm people forward look proglyadim proglyadim pripev1948
-1 | think have get figure walk like know idiot new ya fuck world fuck have have see stupid stare tell not beat try harder go better know mad not belong want have slave mouth better spoken focus music day word say think order communicate hardcore lyric forefront song game new think one laugh have stand word have say talk walk word head
-1 | understand mean little mean worth pain blame insecurity let question good intention jealousys bad invention push glass bind break defensive give incentive squeeze slip away walk far lonely street worth pain blame insecurity let accept confession be walk pin needle possession be walk pin needle conscience vicious be walk pin needle be beg forgiveness be walk pin needle walk far lonely street take long misery clear worth pain blame insecurity let
-1 | veil expectation conformity betrayal betrayal forget vision further blame follow transformation pointless give sight hope reaction overlook purpose eye chance breathe tyranny release blinding false light blind false light chance breathe tyranny weakness free conformity betrayal eye have look ahead ahead clarity look chance breathe tyranny release blinding false light blind false light chance chance breathe tyranny weakness free yeah admit failure opacity dull sense conformity conformity control lifeless vice oh yeah covetousness covetousness disguise ambition end end end end defeat determination free yeah chance breathe tyranny release blinding false false light light chance chance weakness free
-1 | let wake real life year buildup not end way hold cold raindrop tense face rain go let feel reliance hope barrier let feel hope wanna let way not wanna hear point time fear feel cold wind strike shakin body life heart hate fate till think happen break tear show way common crossing destination straight loneliness wanna leave nightmare door lock light anymore hate fate story fuckin stranger hit let wake time disperse like sand hand not believe dream day go heart find light
-1 | remember 83 singing rain sweet harmony lonely page turn history fade away like mystery lonely heaven arm dear heaven arm let let heaven arm dear heaven leave leave let come life ill cut string golden knife will not lonely will not lonely ill steal body hall fame usa know lonely lonely heaven arm dear heaven arm let let let heaven arm dear heaven leave let read month passion magazine imagine thing real real real have get leave picture mind heaven lonely heaven arm dear heaven arm dear heaven arm let let heaven arm dear heaven leave let
-1 | slow day slow word slow lie slow end year clean slate endless despair wake touch soil clean gaze burn edge dream slow pain slow death ride september covet gullible skeletal wish hunter thousand lie cast throne secrecy hear spew forth mean miserable lie twisted hand doubt seal affair insect trust believer body vehicle house disease pearl swine blind submit swallow spit scorn invisible king die procession woe strike sorrow burden great weigh heavy old withered belief swift solution crumble beneath mock note masterpiece death eye wait spiral judgement provoke rain futile test drown levee deception year sovereign rid judgement heir apparent
-1 | promise carve lust fire heart burn regret vow play meeting soul feeling unknown learn regret be get feel pain be mile away re let know see would better let say lesson love say love end love soul listen soul lot learn honesty elude like gypsys search gold s dream time gold hard find promise carve lust fire heart burn regret be get mistake lover not lie tell thing cry inside say lesson love say love end love soul listen soul lot learn have dream gypsy
+1 | red clove know openly password flower courage hope hero red dawn chorus red carnation companion alarm red carnation flower news dream sign freedom friend friend call year shoot lenin smile go chorus rear enemy stifle air wait death bayonet flower snow sing softly chorus love death blood flame intertwine flower father s kind hard way ready chorus
-1 | meaning drive keep hurt word doubleedged sword wound scar tomorrow 2nd chance fucking chance step wrong like fuckin nightmare 2nd chance 2nd chance fucking chance horizon pain hatred reflect cold emotion deserve pain maybe ill wake day 2nd chance fucking chance
-1 | life lesson learn hard way people wait random white unmarked van park outside hotel high rise garage use tire iron break bone inside leg bad come outside s right cause end will wreck yeah end will wreck hear little girl kill today blood hand hand know face nothing safe will live life fucking target have earn disgust have earn disgust
-1 | be trap be trap life impossible be trap be trap impossible enclose storm not return wrap be trap be trap be trap enclose storm not return wrap trap be trap be trap be trap cold wind hair sit true green chair thought run feel like unreal try hand hold taste selfconfidence far not realize remove wrap wrap trap wrap trap wrap trap wrap trap wrap trap crash sea decline crash toxicate enclose storm not return wrap trap enclose storm not return wrap life impossible life impossible trap try hand hold taste selfconfidence far not realize remove wrap trap life impossible life impossible wrap trap wrap trap wrap trap wrap trap wrap trap life impossible impossible life enclose storm not return wrap be trap be trap be trap enclose storm not return wrap be trap be trap be trap trap
+1 | eaglet russia cloudless sky blue sunny coast sea different part vast russian fly camp chorus eaglet russia sun sea add force eaglet russia wind give wing sing black sea wave eventide russian birch tree star moscow big fatherland chorus fix time away corrode fly away friendship like good miracle forever heart save chorus eaglet russia sun sea add force eaglet russia wind give wing 1960
+1 | white birch remember wound birch remnant dawn bomb studeny juice run like tear accord mutilated crust forest rumbling gun club smoke gunpowder defend capital save birch near moscow earlybright early spring birch white dress new shroud begin decorate ground stop pore threat native russian birch offense longer dadim1950
+1 | guard song dawn dark starless heat frosty night border watch stir river grass light native outpost unblinkingly look straight chorus border border border homeland peace people united people day come border vigilant today friend chorus
-1 | stay dream close love see yeah feel hear distant voice world love choice think close eye smile feel nearby think recognize love love mile lonely highway thought escape far world life head distance true say think close eye smile feel nearby think close eye recognize love yeah think close eye smile feel nearby think close eye recognize love think close eye smile feel nearby think recognize love think think
+1 | cossack dance tune near novocherkassk yes meadow green yes meadow wide native river bright flutter red banner travel go cossack camp chorus hey horse horse let hey don water cossack ready fight fight break cossack mustache cossack beardless hey merry cossacksdonet whiskey swashbuckling pour brown curl falcon steppe don daredevils 1938
+1 | friend accord festive colorful kirov island splash swirls human maelstrom dignify representative host slow gait suvorov gait slow go furlough bit girl respectful crowd reduce eye captivate stripe epaulette cap star accord festive colorful kirov island splash swirls human maelstrom polished bl_yashkoyu whistle nightingale wave wand artisan take butterfly come waddle machine bolt vzapravdashny time satin blouse furazhechke uniform experience mechanic st petersburg meet greet artisan cadet let shake hand see century live strain like serve order spond serviceman people adult follow example talk suddenly rush race conversation heart guy run mountain lake wrong 1947
-1 | stick news hard hear fucking sound kick door take know sure not trust anymore history violence come public enemy far load gun march street flag meaning religion deceit not arrest idea new blood end dark night cloud clear run free new blood waiting not buy say new blood hell talk stuck rut new blood stake high tech low life digit number be sick run masse people know sure not trust anymore government point gun people come far invent god praise lie not arrest idea new blood s stake way stake new blood run free new blood not buy say new blood attack run
-1 | reap soul whisper cruel word hear dream end line tragedy reap soul disposition neckbrace insecurity let freedom ring ear painfully muffle bell hand pessimism render useless not stop thought like pass trainwreck barrel brain paralyze state word dagger be leave bleed wound trust know tunnel vision create sanctuary hope manifest thought end die breath reap soul be sure drag world replace heart machine bleed enemy reap soul eyeslid enemy fight save scene groundwork nightmare create stand helpless chaos head chaos stand beautifully like carefully design city conformity ill awake tonight ill hurt sunrise attempt displace push attack sense reap soul be sure drag world replace heart machine bleed ill cover track not trace accident drag
-1 | good not feel worthy have tell have know score cause reassurance need have tell not help tell not help cause shadow believe be shallow be wait patiently polaroid hold secret unfold want lift despair turn corner would like wait cause teach resource need hold not help hold not help cause shadow believe be shallow be wait patiently polaroid hold secret unfold
+1 | athlete extend youth afraid old age sick depressed know fatigue sleep appetite excellent youthful appearance athlete runner jumper football player skater gymnast swimmer season strongest fastest battle work athlete store glorious tradition win everybody abroad entire globe know afraid cold heat afraid runner jumper player skater gymnast swimmer season strongest fastest battle work great homeland suitable legendary fame guardian peace labor army labor post military fact necessary athlete runner jumper football player skater gymnast swimmer season strongest fastest battle work 1954
-1 | follow wall death ready visualize be sterilize follow wall death welcome wall death ready visualize be sterilize follow wall death welcome wall death follow wall death fuck fuck cash fuck heart attack fuck fuck cash fuck heart attack ready visualize be sterilize follow wall death welcome wall death ready visualize be sterilize follow wall death welcome wall death follow wall death welcome wall death follow wall death welcome wall death fuck fuck cash fuck heart attack crash crash fuck heart attack fuck fuck cash fuck heart attack
+1 | песня американского безработного tell build dream follow mob earth plow gun bear right job tell build dream peace glory ahead stand line wait bread build railroad run race time build railroad brother spare dime build tower sun brick rivet lime build tower brother spare dime khaki suit gee look swell yankeedoodlydum half million boot go sloggin hell kid drum not remember call al al time not remember be pal buddy spare dime русский текст автор в стенич ветер холодный морозит меня руки больные дрожат пищи и крова я не видел три дня и не греет меня мой смешной наряд слышу я окрик модных дам и зевак что ты стоишь на пути ну дай нам пройти эй ты чудак я для вас гнул спину с детских лет я надсаживал грудь кончилась работа хлеба нет дайте мне хоть чтонибудь через реки горы и моря я прокладывал путь в будущее счастье верил я дайте ж мне хоть чтонибудь я страдал за вас в смертельном бою газ ядовитый жёг глаза я на танки лез в пешем строю родине честь и краса вы мне говорили терпи солдат храбрым воином будь вы ж мне говорили что я ваш брат дайте мне хоть чтонибудь 1951
-1 | dead dead doctor tell not believe optimistic be sure ability perfect enemy wake face not play dead cause maybe someday ill walk away disappoint maybe well way lean cold catatonic catch brief reflection right ability perfect enemy wake not face come not play dead not play dead cause maybe maybe someday someday ill walk away disappoint maybe well way maybe well way maybe well way maybe well way well well maybe well wake not face come not play dead not play dead cause maybe maybe someday someday ill walk away fucking disappoint maybe well way ahead play dead know hear ahead play dead not turn face not turn face not turn face not turn face fucking disappoint passiveaggressive bullshit passiveaggressive bullshit passiveaggressive bullshit passiveaggressive bullshit passiveaggressive bullshit passiveaggressive bullshit passiveaggressive bullshit passiveaggressive bullshit passiveaggressive bullshit passiveaggressive bullshit passiveaggressive bullshit passiveaggressive bullshit
+1 | song hero brest stone talk fly away cloud b tell courage stone stone speak sky watch star blink thonet midnight slow wave br silence world deaf war border native land vortex siren wail stand live dead embrace immortality go crack concrete exhausted people hard time twice br silence forget war heart beat br fire hinge crossfire enemy run thousand brest heart beat br heart beat overcoming pain wall melt fire br silence like deaf world war stone talk fly away cloud b tell courage stone stone speak sound sound immortal song earth peacefully dawn hero brest hero hero br death
-1 | go to hound call go to hound call mug s quiet run wolf hunt like hound mug s quiet run wolf shout loud mug s quiet run wolf hunt like hound mug s quiet run wolf shout loud run run wolf run wolf mug s quiet run wolf hunt like hound mug s quiet run wolf shout loud mug s quiet run wolf hunt like hound mug s quiet run wolf shout loud go to hound call go to hound call go to hound call go to mug s quiet run wolf hunt like hound mug s quiet run wolf shout loud run run wolf run run wolf run wolf run wolf run wolf run
+1 | song pioneer friendship know north south know pioneer good friend friend help work trouble comfort s good friend chorus pioneer honest friendship strong true friendship change forever friendship change forever friendship time bequeath great lenin friendship prekrad pioneer child brother whiteskinne darkcomplexione hard friend friendship glad chorus far honest people easy pioneer spirit friend global friendship banner hold high pripev1960
+1 | driver day night night day day night fly composition hum wire wheel joint knock tired chorus driver route forward driver minute distance year here like friend semaphore arm pull stroke ring get short short get short separation nearer heart chorus swing arm junction favorite tear roll forward wheel past past touch brake chorus 1958
-1 | not close want ill settle right seat honest be sure solitude long time run sight love mountainside get steep breath burn lung wonder be go to catch break able breathe easier drive tell not hold end bargain ill continue hold cause have betting man be die prove right potential inside maybe s have continue fight not ill learn alright bed cold night chill not go away ill acquire taste bite dry lip word speak wander soul hopeful live spring search tirelessly blue deep pull strength cool drink desert hide deep inside come sit breathe not thing darle silence say hold end bargain ill continue hold cause have betting man be die prove right want know story learn love complete cause dig deep well hide deep inside hold end bargain ill continue hold cause have betting man be die prove right
+1 | kiev hero fame age sunny garden stand majestic kyivhero city good happiness dawn slope dnieper kyivhero city good happiness dawn slope dnieper undefeated bourne stand fire grand fearless kyiv hero memory alive thank unquenchable fighting kyiv hero memory alive thank quench battle severe terrible time feat call fight enemy kyiv hero star monument live forever kyiv hero star monument live forever peaceful hum day syayevi light stand majestic kyivhero sunny edge fraternal friendship bloom kyivhero sunny edge brotherly friendship forever bloom kyiv hero city 1950
-1 | ill thief night steal ill church pray heal ill lover lay feel ill sunlight day oh will life dead ill calm storm ahead will beat heart will air lung breath will tear not cry weep reason sleep oh will life dead ill calm storm ahead tell woman try stay close will life dead ill calm storm ahead tell woman try stay close
+1 | volga don volga don wide steppe night mist lie hill volga don cossack river sit mound eagle steppe salty loam sand gray volga don cossack river wake steppe iron rattle seagull flying sea tsimlyansky faithful companion young cossack machine walk bed color noise meadow field raise desert shore volga don gusto bread fate gold fate shine steppe fire city bloom spring cherry orchard volga don noisy feather volga don go ship tsimlyansk sea river water volga don buzzing wire 1954
-1 | nerve break thought word break heart break wheel come fall hand hand hand hand come fall come land face mirror hand gun place sun ticket syria reach money stuff tear watch fall come fall hand hand hand hand come fall come land back sky eye ground cloud far horizon wind face arm open wide pass place day life way calling follow face mirror hand gun place sun ticket syria reach money stuff tear watch fall
+1 | maintenance stand red madrid немецкий maintenance status red madrid maintenance stand proud madrid universe glow humanity flourish globe singe heroic song million sing maintenance status red madrid send fascist mercenary country break resistance refrain want deny bold fighter earth march rank refrain
-1 | breath recall wretch wretch remain fuel hatred greed inability love world let misanthropy eat alive misanthropy eat alive misanthropy eat alive face dirt head stare head stare stare miserable existence life fuel hate face world steadfast life miserable immeasurable life miserable immeasurable heart hate dig place rest love bed depth give dig place rest love tattered soul need mend be search great love great love love
-1 | curtain lurid age clear ring oppression greed welcome wasteland blight havoc know home deleting fulfil erase procedure cleansing complete friend leave smell salassian blood nil leave braying void home forget eye kid wrest mom sell slavery hear cry rape bellow flame hymn absurd death heed chronicle lucrative genocide annal effaced tribe page write blood ave caesar augustus friend
-1 | ill come home cause know know not care hardly wait leave place matter hard try satisfied home think be better disappear home think be better home home house home home house home time come home be stone turn tv scream hardly wait till case matter hard try satisfied home think be better disappear home think be better home home house home home house home home house home home house home be better matter hard try satisfied home think be better disappear home think be better home home house home home house home home house home home house home
+1 | holiday pioneer wind circle mountain sea song sky whirl blow horn festive signal team chorus country warm smile sky sun festive color street decorate tie flag aflame like flower feast pioneer birthday friendship dream pour song avenue sun take parade druno go krasnaya presnya krasnogalstuchny squad chorus childhood springlike radiant kremlin star shine banner peace hover fatherland happiness forever chorus feast pioneer birthday friendship dream 81
+1 | story tankman hard fight like half asleep forgive thousand people know little boy forget ask mischief leader child small town near greet honor guest surround car parking lot carry water bucket work soap towel tank unripe plum pop battle street enemy fire terrible break square forward nail look tower devil know beat guess hut settle hole car run boy comrade commander comrade commander know gun scout crawl garden let tank fight wait feelin buddy roll place worth boy mine bullet hiss nightie bubble arrive turn rear give throttle gun time expectation vmyali loose greasy black soil wipe sweat choke fume soot house large fire house remember say thank lad like shake hand hard fight like half asleep forgive thousand people know little boy forget ask
-1 | wish free drive place barely hide moment time know sleep away be turn star find delivery look instinctively start game mean start weep scream oh ringing head oh rip face know sleep away be turn star pretty face pretty face know sleep away be turn star
-1 | blaze eye like angel bring life destiny be free saviour be free guide soul need try fight year have try bring life change world guide be free saviour be free guide soul need free be free saviour saviour be free guide soul need need
+1 | sailor night overthrow rise sun crest work stre sailor forward member komsomol watch age come chorus sunny reyam factory mine ship ocean scatter country scarlet banner labor hammer sickle light star palate flannel blouse science sailor komsomolet fighting fasten fraternal union chorus child plant sea resistant like silicon afraid young storm storm busy gray day chorus deepen darkness oppression west worker squeeze ring burst battleship potemkin finish chorus bold fresher banner fire science struggle hard hit global shtormyaga battle enemy chorus let angry storm let wind boisterous grow working surf komsomol communist sailor fight chorus 1926
-1 | cover love dark shadow heart fire burn like star heart stranger heart stranger look eye fear real taste serpent kiss close close ghost call ghost call cover love dark shadow heart fire burn like star heart stranger heart stranger stand look mirror face s stare fear real step face past think time admit think time admit think time admit think time admit cover love dark shadow heart fire burn like star heart stranger heart stranger cover love dark shadow heart fire burn like star heart stranger heart stranger
+1 | bute lead shower sad son wicked share cursing bubble russia urge horse civil war rumble dawn dusk trail field truth bute lead shower predict trouble shoulder heave war misery fate accident flame star swear life forever forever steppe sinister raven let turn forever go live world burst thunder sky flash fire whisper come rescue
+1 | hello beautiful итальянский и русский morning wake o beautiful hello hello beautiful beautiful hello hello hello morning wake find invader oh partisan carry away o beautiful hello hello beautiful beautiful hello hello hello oh partisan carry away feel die die partisan o beautiful hello hello beautiful beautiful hello hello hello die partisan owe seppelir sepperlirmi n mountain o beautiful hello hello beautiful beautiful hello hello hello sepperlirmi n mountain shade beautiful flower people pass away o beautiful hello hello beautiful beautiful hello hello hello people pass away fair flower flower partisan o beautiful hello hello beautiful beautiful hello hello hello flower partisan dead freedom   прощай родная вернусь не скоро о белла чао белла чао белла чао чао чао я на рассвете уйду с отрядом гарибальдийских партизан отряд укроют родные гора о белла чао белла чао белла чао чао чао прощай родная вернусь не скоро нелегок путь у партизан нам будет трудно я это знаю о белла чао белла чао белла чао чао чао но за свободу родного края мы будем драться до конца
+1 | aurora overcoat jacket jacket ready sailor soldier signal wait formidable cruiser start long barrel gun silent aurora finish aurora old world fear loss cruiser winter aim rush sky thunder october rise petrograd dawn aurora aurora aurora aurora aurora aurora cruiser stern proud forever hock flax town wall granite audible breath long terrible day legend aurora aurora let year closeness century aurora symbol immortality let gun silent half world ray aurora immortal aurora aurora aurora aurora 1970
-1 | wander lead god give voice uîdluiā allobroge foot dance footprint otherworld word song carve heart vianna bright light vianna sacrifice vianna patroness vianna immortal hallowed thy child dance awen word tear mingle rhodano earth open receive sacrifice bless fen consecrated ground vianna bright light vianna sacrifice vianna patroness vianna immortal vianna bright light vianna sacrifice vianna patroness vianna immortal hallowed thy child
-1 | oman oman oman writing wall will not away oman run automation writing wall will not away oman oman oman writing wall will not away oman run automation writing wall will not away oman run automation writing wall will not away oman oman oman omen
-1 | true parlour strode night set forever stray quiet cold gird dare listen elastic meadow endless arm sorrow lip try form try adapt wilderness foe close eye leave inside glade wipe dust aside remember drape face bare hand bring help fold message weep shadow skulk coming survey slope search word write miss page tainted dogma time grow short piper play tune help dance void
-1 | stand helpless leave dead close eye day go easy find s wrong harder find s right believe right lie will not stay long world wrong goodbye dance devil tonight not dare look eye dance devil tonight tremble crawl skin feel cold dead eye steal life believe right lie will not long world wrong goodbye dance devil tonight not dare look eye dance devil tonight hold hold goodbye dance devil tonight not dare look eye dance devil tonight hold hold goodbye
-1 | sit let today day exactly sell preach misery scream dream get to broken eventually not strut confidence time foot s time foot hard heart tear apart tired 3 oclock sun grow right time right have see day way be live shed year smell cedar explain wish find god tooth grit would cut ear heart would hear break would obvious face like water freeze face s absorb wrong day have see reach explain sit let today have try forget say fact be talk soul bottle potent thought be obtuse anymore be talk be door anymore explain honestly not know would believe walk right time right
+1 | rifle south ural walk guerrilla trail enemy happen fall wade chorus ah bei rifle aptly cleverly mercy enemy tell rifle sharp sword help day night guard border area enemy rustle catch know trick enemy wonder enemy angry shut border retreat great honor remain army homeland forever ready battle army lyuboyu kohl fight fight habitually win verse tell event lake hassan 1938 battle recently fight gloriously japanese lesson give fight grant help battle near lake hassan verse tell second world war battle 1941 enemy gift angry enemy vain boitsya guerrilla mouth night sleep fall asleep dream clear guerrilla gun 1938
-1 | paint feel would draw bullseye forehead anger misdirect miss time spend hate time go waste watch point click life away cast stone ill gladly catch ill throw right fucking stand thing type word will not face time spend hate time go waste watch point click life away have let let like day let let good intention begin begin step away fucking screen world outside scene maybe know realize lack threat pose
-1 | news drug abuse future hypocrite cry die tell story underground funny hype kill one go to miss feel heat highway car key reality s way bore yes count new world order time die cause sun end near be feel high fast run risin risin pill ready drop 1 2 3 4 get joker shoot score speed not believe tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow future western dreamin feel beat -PRON- late create new world alternative live give chance water problem solution solution not use hear siren police blood go 90 degree not white cat snow oh human low risin risin pill ready drop 1 2 3 4 get joker shoot score speed not believe
-1 | ill tear ill tear fly way high way close sun feel power fall tale fail ambition greed wealth feed addiction s like wear crown dirt sell lie stupid smirk s like live life greed buy want play not comfortable sky mistake come price ill tear kingdom build lie know will not stand test time ill tear crown filth build will not stand lifetime ill tear kingdom demise know will not stand test time ill tear crown filth build will not stand lifetime wing take selfish not know stop repeat fail ambition affluence fuel dependence s like wear rust crown know resound s like king day know will not remember face not comfortable sky mistake come price ill tear kingdom build lie know will not stand test time ill tear crown filth build will not stand lifetime ill tear kingdom demise know will not stand test time ill tear crown filth build will not stand lifetime know focus wealth fly close sun outdo be go to break overthrow crown be go to break overthrow crown overthrow crown ill tear kingdom build lie know will not stand test time ill tear crown filth build will not stand lifetime ill tear kingdom demise know will not stand test time ill tear crown filth build will not stand lifetimee ill tear kingdom build lie ill tear crown filth build ill tear kingdom demise ill tear crown filth build fall
-1 | von jetzt mach ich nicht mehr mit ich geb meine zukunft zurück ich mach nicht mehr mit komm lebt doch mein leben ohne mich eure 10 gebote nur horoskope kalendersprüche da mach ich nicht mit ich geb meine zukunft zurück ich weiß genau ich nicht ich glaub mich ich brauch nicht viel ein letzter gruß vom schleudersitz macht gut von jetzt mach ich nicht mehr mit ich geb meine zukunft zurück ich mach nicht mehr mit komm lebt euer leben ohne mich eure jägerzäune stammtischbräune verkaufsgespräche die ich hier nicht ich nicht nicht nicht nicht zum teufel mit göttern zum teufel mit teufeln zur hölle mit himmel zur hölle mit hölle zum teufel mit göttern zum teufel mit teufeln zur hölle mit himmel zur hölle mit hölle ich weiß genau ich nicht ich glaub mich ich brauch nicht viel ein letzter gruß vom schleudersitz macht gut ich hab hier alle ich ich glaub euch nicht ich brauch nicht viel ein letzter gruß vom schleudersitz machts gut von jetzt mach ich nicht mehr mit
+1 | gangway plank gangway plank village fashion heel tend tree asterisk flash cloud zapoesh song sunset hour silence bird voice married guy take eye be remember boot overcoat combat battalion shoot number private list circle rattle glory go fire order live freely right fashionable shoe walk be go wide track order command thee fighting be kind ordinary away clear voice hear village lunar silver handful white color cherry throw wind beneath foot zapoesh song sunset hour silence bird voice married guy withdraw glaza1945
+1 | brindisi today home brandy reserve guy unfamiliar willingly drink drank gold wedding miracle drank blue god eye maybe soldier age blue eye woman consider far away know guy ask hour time remember free drink ask rest well vain tear drink drink steel death batter eye maybe bride age eye soldier steel consider izdaleka1971
-1 | say be nice notice toast break home know fortress kiss ellipsis fork way road sit happen apathy easy ill accept challenge not know pressure bend crutch thing break end like sound
+1 | zapatista anthem испанский zapatista anthem гимн сапатистов horizon look zapatista fighter marked change come chorus come come come come forward come fight avante country cry need effort zapatistas man woman child effort peasant worker pueьlo pueьlo demand end exploitation history say liberation struggle
+1 | komsomolskaya trumpeter sound alarm shape fuse battle go long journey komsomolsk combine battalion goodbye mom worry part son kiss goodbye mom worry sad wish safe journey farewell native land 3vezda win light goodbye mom worry sad wish safe journey childhood love enemy well lay head battle defend homeland goodbye mom worry part son kiss goodbye mom worry sad wish safe journey farewell native land win star shine goodbye mom worry sad wish good journey 1947
-1 | not want american idiot not want nation new mania hey hear sound hysteria subliminal mindfuck america welcome new kind tension alienation not mean okay television dream tomorrow one whore mean follow s argue maybe be faggot america be redneck agenda everybody propaganda sing age paranoia welcome new kind tension alienation not mean okay television dream tomorrow one whore mean follow s argue not want american idiot nation control medium information age hysteria call idiot america welcome new kind tension alienation not mean okay television dream tomorrow one whore mean follow s argue
-1 | high watchtower keep peace mean world grow crosshair tv not foot wall build white picket death quiet safe fall catch sit watch spin control spin control try recover collide spin control hey hey hey not change bear place live sword blade condemn not understand scream dream child orphan blood spilt hand grave innocent raise flag spin control spin control try recover collide spin control hey hey hey thing not forgive thing not forget fate suffer bad death way course drift sea cut anchor heart set free set free set free yeah spin control spin control spin control spin control try recover recover crash spin control
-1 | have feel like fact have feel goddamn small search bright find strength fall be believe life meaning not cope think s be divide try hide real thing have get world outside not s wrong right people not understand reason fight something get to violence violence cause worthless one substance substance heavy lie crown cut violence violence cause worthless one substance substance heavy lie crown cut warning warning drown malcontent tear like cancer s answer different make sick sadness corner heart dear god not wanna trouble need know world outside not s wrong right people not understand reason fight something get to violence violence cause worthless one substance substance heavy lie crown cut violence violence cause worthless one substance substance heavy lie crown cut chance s s world go to bluff punk bow head violence violence cause worthless one substance substance heavy lie crown cut violence violence cause worthless one substance substance heavy lie crown cut
+1 | stray ground end end song sweep see blacksmith guest ask dancing spark hammer strike good blacksmith forge new horseshoe new horseshoe sverknot horse street song fly distance accord general visit young collective farm field pour edge ear harvest corn golden corn golden grain gather border river pour open village sit song soldier patrol get mountain sky whisper dark forest vigilantly watch border guard vigilantly watch border guard predator slip earth end end song sweep spread country moscow later song come parade glad people walk walk youth row 1949
-1 | problem explain reason have plain question sure excuse lack reason confused know feel be not know feel be leave message be not bit use picture wild deuce today see see explain play run plane know feel be not know feel be know feel be not know feel be know feel be not know feel be know feel be not know feel be
+1 | nameless height smoke grove mountain gorey burn sunset eighteen child drude good left lie dark unfamiliar village nameless height light fall rocket dogorevshaaya star see forget forget forget violent attack unfamiliar village nameless height circle messer see like day strong friend cross gunfire difficult happen faithful dream unfamiliar village nameless height dream guy friend military day dig reel pine burn stand fiery dash unfamiliar village nameless vysote1964
-1 | have get wake time life waste break apart not disregard emergency start atrocity have get feeling inside have get hide s be await s apology hypocrisy be come ferocity feel hate awaken not stop remember have hurt face stop suffering not stop remember feel hatred word say consume be drive death bed inside will let breath terror inhumanity feel hate awaken not stop remember have hurt face stop suffering not stop remember not believe fear doubt bring not stop remember sickening feel hate awaken not stop remember have hurt face stop suffering not stop remember not believe fear doubt bring not stop remember sickening
+1 | regimental combat oh song battle faithful friend song song regimental sound sky scream crane hour dawn lie lie gully fight hear word take gun succumb heat girl girlfriend fight commander look streliki say time spread carry clearing russian hurray accord suvorov fear fight like lion enemy enemy trench cmax bravely break crack enemy system ask lataty persecute chase german reptile fight height song prowess magnify defeat enemy let fly fly triumphant cry russian hurray 1942
+1 | fatherland bear fight bright sun mist path time light earth chorus honor sing power world bastion stately thank hammer sickle steel raise flag forever own land work people chorus happiness people ready accomplish glory live lenin chorus
+1 | marsh installer fireman carpenter bitter regret installer highaltitude climber height send greeting ruffle curl wind height kiss cloud gently height dear look deny courtesy walk perish obscurity love beauty stop suffering moment life vacuum date let pass occasion fireman carpenter bitter regret installer highaltitude climber height send greeting version text songwriter 1956 marsh high altitude fireman carpenter bitter regret wealtitude installer height send greeting deny courtesy walk bit forth leave dark love beauty oh stop suffering moment life void date let pass occasion ruffle curl wind height kiss cloud slightly height dear look leave love prodelochki come direct beauty boy girl oh conquer height 1957
-1 | silence wait till longer know right wrong reach reach reach burst softly speak stay young stay young stay young staying young love romance have chance chance hang romance hang romance grieve love dead design reach reach reach love romance have chance chance chance hang romance hang romance hey know not would love know would love know would love know would love know cos be hang hang hang hang not tell would love know would love know would love know would love know hey know not bad would love know would love know would love know would love know love romance have chance chance hang romance hang romance hang romance hang romance hang romance hang romance
-1 | way get throw track try hard check have grow lack sleep exhaust overwhelming defeat whoa not find way s path guide haunt have give control suffer run wolf sing word fortunate one look alive live life disconnect else eye whoa not find way s path guide haunt like fool burn return whoa s path guide haunt have give control suffer run wolf earn skip stone lesson will not learn broken bone lose like flame burn light dark doubt find god have lose whoa not find way s path guide haunt like fool burn return whoa s path guide haunt have give control suffer run wolf
-1 | control dead blind world hate split inside betray emotion look past shadow security solace look glass heart search certainty longer need control fire refine time overcome look past
-1 | not look not look close eye know be know hard let define feel like will find way erase past stay stay arm will fine ill let have lose come stay look end arm not not let memory break let away find way stay stay arm will fine ill let have lose come stay look end arm ill forever end arm ill forever end arm ill forever forever forever arm arm will fine will fine ill let have lose have lose come come stay look look end arm
+1 | challenge soviet man tram crawl nocturnal universe shop park pharmacy doze quietly change difficult soviet people wound overcoat growth cover entire twentieth century die proudly simple difficult soviet people righteous life free happiness equally win hungry cold difficult soviet people build building plow fish fly star bredesh snow dear laugh cry difficult soviet people zadremlesh tram desert mountain river tired sleep bless difficult soviet people 1964
+1 | bury globe bury earth soldier friend soldier simple title award mausoleum earth million century milky way pylyat laterally slope red cloud sleep metelitsa sweep heavy thunder thunder wind run charge time battle hand friend guy ball earth mausoleum
+1 | hello capital gold hot illuminate sky street pour ray sun rise tower kremlin mayakovsky hurry muscovite chorus hello capital hello moscow hello moscow sky heart word matter far hello capital hello moscow morning road lead straight street light spacious new center boiling seethe wave rear horse sverdlov square chorus wonderful good noise thy wonderful city word cherish privetnoye find close road pripev1949
+1 | bob kryuchkin quarter quarter platoon walk bob kryuchkin fittingly lead singing meet unconditionally haste bellesoul vasya kryuchkin see smile like moon basil know s maroussia like maroussia forget case turn go basil expert heart wound yes overflow like accordion love excite disturb blood bob excitement pale begin sing song sing maybe il hour wheeze lose vote blood play wall love see platoon bad deed oh maroussia bring shout platoon commander song stop 1942
-1 | sad suffer know fair weather friend try think merely blink hope wish away lie protect be wreck pretend alive yeyea deny time lie deny time lie choose day damp gray thick fog hide smile clear sin bear repeat couple line lie yeyea deny time lie protect be wreck pretend alive choose day damp gray thick fog hide smile sad suffering deny time lie bear deny time lie sad suffering deny time lie bear deny time lie sad suffering deny time lie bear deny time lie sad suffering deny time lie bear deny time lie sad suffering deny time lie bear deny time lie
+1 | march october funny guy guysoctobrist call honor october revolution senior respect weak offense lenietsev young squad octobrist old brother accustomed procedure morning gymnastic want mark receive lesson read consider fly moon dream let hard friend native country serve funny guy guysoctobrist call honor october revolution 1940
+1 | komsomol member volunteer moscow river hear nightingale dawn like restlessness child severe time chorus komsomol volunteer strong true friendship fire need open way young komsomol volunteer believe love selflessly dawn sun time way find happiness heavenly height descend depth earth bear soon contact russia chorus well way follow experience world house river hear nightingale dawn chorus orchestral loss komsomol volunteer believe love selflessly dawn sun time find happiness 1957
+1 | leningrad electoral march wonderful land native banner noise land go sings leningrad nation battle bend stalin heart warm long live call choose council pole dagestan native name kalinin zhdanov litvinov know love country elect good people factory field sea know trust expanse homeland song wider sweep heart homeland bang stalin heart sing 1938
+1 | companieros английский shout word hill way let prepare day liberation word march future truth hand shall soon embrace brother let compañero listen prepare freedom mountain city shall march prison cell compañeros jail door shall open comrade shall free free people live land justice liberty shout word hill way let prepare day liberation word march future truth hand shall soon embrace brother let compañeros venceremo nightmare shall ore night darkness cause blindness build homeland yes evermore shall shout viva chile mierda salvador symbol evermore compañeros de mi vida singe yes shore shore
+1 | patriotic ditty oh know tiredness agile bold guess happiness happiness straight road love country falter work battle oh ill admire wide field fly ditty collective farm kremlin favorite party raportuem sow downtime clean loss bread sweet rosy crunchy fresh great bread desire squander bread fivereliance war rescue care soviet bread beginning beginning oh come village look posravnit yes town village transcend distinguish home television electricity gas motorcycle car s live oh be shy open bam lose accompany dear tightly kiss believe dear bam oh soviet peoplethe way dorozhenka clear banner friendship freedom peaceful country want people live peace bomb missile rattle ground 1970
-1 | nineyear drought bring torrent choose give new strong carry faith break mother broken father example grace fully tangible look mistake show risk work hard end meet matter know forever humble forgive treat family forget have show mean wholly live adorn quiet strength prove meek not mean weak learn love matter title rank have help raise thing have show hardly offer sufficient thank sickness linger blood have carry hope love trouble surround have continue greet heavenly smile watch body fade end spirit show bright cancer away lay hand pray oh gd steadfast stay wish possess faith feel weight absence raise doubt question memorial press end want son realize dream live life beautifully truly glean youth let rest life stand proof point learn love
-1 | photograph will dollar crowd not past chance family honest plea remain rain rain away come day world wait sun want notion heart wrap find way safe get close sad cause allow rain rain away come day world wait sun rain rain away come day world wait sun lie lie lie lie rain rain away come day world wait sun rain rain away come day world wait sun world wait sun world wait sun
-1 | change morning wait gain matter see star fall sun rise change worth live
-1 | have watch build heart false hope lossless paradise gather dead heart beat stillborn comfort feeding lie answer self denial divide dissolute self sorrow sincere devotion find peace hope dark night
+1 | life better call like bird song fly soviet country song city field life well life merry country grow sing song forge new happiness look sun sun bright life well life merry space mind hand find friend girlfriend old age warm youth safely life well life merry know voroshilov alert inch land yield enemy silushka father son life well life merry want vast country stalin shout thank mother year live pain life well life merry call like bird song fly soviet country song city field life well life merry 1936
-1 | get to away disappear run time sun low break away fade light will sell soul will believe live lie know way kill inside know way thing ill know want run away tonight break heart break heart million piece go to let play game s blame change stay want somebody fall flame feel flow vein know love real
-1 | not not know not know think think not know know know not know think know think not know feel not feel oh oh go to hurt chase not chase oh run oh running far away oh know know want know know go to hurt baby not fall baby not fall thing not fall not fall fucking thing light light light go to shine oh night night night go to end way oh oh be go to way let light let shine let shine oh let shine fuck night let end let end oh let end oh oh be go to way oh oh be go to free
+1 | solidaritaetslie german solidaritaet lie translation wetland chorus remember step forward save world war fight win remember walk distance unity strong 1 let nation earth rise force merge land free earth feed 2 people skin tone want war fight stand afraid common enemy 3 st care friendship worker country power weapon defeat tyrant chorus remember step forward sadness joy share friend remember fight trouble road road land land 1936
+1 | be working class plane take blue friend rush factory live call chorus ya lumberjack climber work class          chorus repeat time matter guy involve ground currently speak singular chorus ii sakhalin donbass work class chorus repeat time look way lie zamosc thousand road billion kilowatt fun prometheus homeland lit chorus work class chorus repeat time
+1 | boy baikal navuyu service far east go serve combat lad music trophy take harmonic wave color blue chorus listen hill listen baikal fact recently play berlin song play love nice hike friend recall live lake baikal bride mother west go war lyubopaytny neighbor ask boy honey suppose far away chorus boy answer question eye car window root look familiar fishing pier train race shore pripev1948
-1 | underworld underworld underworld say meek shall inherit earth oh god like work want sing dream drink cry let night pass oh future be ready affection unsteady think tomorrow sleep today sun melt ice cap away ill carry cross baby blasphemous world today tender missionary underworld usa easy confess guilty crooked wretched stupid tepid indifference yea bedroom be ready complexion unsteady remember tomorrow forget yesterday want body stay ill carry cross baby blasphemous world today tender missionary underworld usa ill bury pain baby happy feel tender cemetery stay say meek shall inherit earth oh want know worth knife star eye oh let life pass heaven be ready know weight heart heavy love love mean s leave ill carry cross baby blasphemous world today tender missionary underworld usa ill bury pain baby happy feel tender cemetery stay cosmic kiss dead night curse lift streetlight love future forever heart explode
-1 | advice not think twice leave not know not help tell easily faith fail life prevail life prevail signal alibis halftruth halflie signal alibi nearly laugh nearly cry want like want like not pretend not fall frequently hope know see let lazily heart frail prevail prevail signal alibis halftruth halflie signal alibi nearly laugh nearly cry want like want like signal alibis halftruth halflie signal alibi nearly laugh nearly cry want like want like alibi la la la la la la alibi la la la la la la advice la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
-1 | fluid feel like pain stoic mood vain reach dark tear apart year ago death not let flesh temporary god extraordinary not kill mind man deliver way darkness know tonight end will not life away sift debris oh father smoke blood home good save bitterness good shock system shit lock fucker lose not kill mind man deliver way darkness know tonight end will not life away will not life away man surrender find forgiveness know life end will not tonight away will not tonight away woahyeah fluid feel like pain ruin feel like rain reach past future fade fast year ago let flesh face happenstance smoke blood life life life
-1 | be go road drown ocean lie rise water slowly shut eye wave come wash away lead astray anchor be go road drown crimson rain flood soul cold embrace davy joness locker till end day wave come wash away lead astray wave come wash away lead astray be sorry cause be sorry be sorry cause be sorry be sorry cause be sorry be sorry wave come wash away lead astray wave come wash away lead astray not come lose fuck away lose fuck away lose fuck away lose fuck away lose fuck away lose fuck away lose fuck away lose fuck away
+1 | small land small earth bloody dawn furious assault heart cast firmament small earth heroic land brotherhood despise death small earth guard family southern star hope love small land russian land fight earth small earth honor blood dare retreat small land sacred land second mother small earth comrade friend knock heart fierce surf small land great land eternal way battle fight 1974
-1 | majesty faithful pour wield power martyr price stare ground eye devil fix sinner slake thirst eternal wealth heathen key round neck poetry blasphemy know sound infamy hand satan assemble flock pale horse rider search earth whisper conjuration belief take form choke hand tap vein throat order mouth decree domination beneath tide wisdom spin undertow hate inject seed vengeance usurper eye powerless clean path kingdom beckon mist grand conjuration tell love subside light wish ease pain clear smoke head
-1 | lady gentleman circumstance control unable continue broadcast dance music shall continue piano interlude
+1 | kostroma away privolnoye space distant edge edge cold winter remember good city ancient russian city kostroma noisy evening volga hear beeps river distance go factory devchyonka river smart silk scarf handkerchief gift pray tell year keep time stir deep blue eye steep path way blizzard go separation pass winter inseparable spring love kostroma
-1 | mist cover mountain home home lowland day will return valley farm will longer burn brother arm field destruction baptism fire have witness suffering battle rage higher hurt bad fear alarm desert brother arm s different world different sun world live different one sun go hell moon ride high let bid farewell man die write starlight line palm fool war brother arm
+1 | look blue lake look lake blue field daisy ditch russian ask ask land lovelier russian name look lake blue field daisy ditch russian know great happiness live destiny mourn land celebrate beauty old year trouble ivan da maryami proud return falcon alive dead glory high thine beauty old year trouble ivan da maryami proud know great happiness live destiny mourn land celebrate know great happiness live destiny mourn land celebrate 1972
-1 | know face know restriction not let tell know not true matter come matter moment control conviction character value individual matter frame limit chance identity plenty anonymous mob find discriminate bully segregate
+1 | grenade tell guy come khasan region grenade fighting girlfriend bird fast chorus oh pomegranate pomegranate propadom pomegranate fight homeland japanese attack scream crawled slot meet pocket thunder artillery japanese retreat win fear hiding bush see grenade tip zaozerne height gun powerful fatherland road excellent teach lesson beat enemy grenade chorus 1938
-1 | be wear thin wear weak hold hand rope s selfdestructive bleeding disease thing make hard breathe shove far away addict starve asphyxiate s tear ensnare die arm cut set free lynched high gallow build escape cut noose neck break free thing blind shove far away live life dream dead s tear ensnare die arm cut set free poison life knife cut cut s tear ensnare die arm cut set free set freeset free
+1 | march soviet youth live golden sun live proud homeland love home proud motherland way open young bright edge motherland friend chorus peace oath nation peace let green shoot peace hover banner freedom youth blooms youth call youth go forward youth dare country youth steel harden storm fire youth harden steel construction site world busy bright edge motherland friend chorus young people love leader carry heart stalin lead future right way stalin lead future communism build nation bright edge motherland friend pripev1951
-1 | be go africa yes maam be brick president lincoln okay mitten s dog vent chicken neck pick ken griffey jr fall time be pedal backwards snowflake taste like fish stick totem pole die tickle hear frankenstein live s touch special area banana ralphie ralphie stage stage sweetheart sweetheart oh rock be pop sensation be pop sensation salmon gutter be idaho smell like dead bunny s see leprechaun fun toy fun chocolate microscope 1991 bite tongue ralphie ralphie stage stage sweetheart sweetheart oh rock be pop sensation be pop sensation yvan eht nioj yvan eht nioj yvan eht nioj yvan eht nioj yvan eht nioj yvan eht nioj yvan eht nioj yvan eht nioj sash say ultraman
+1 | sooner ranenko rano ranenko zorka ice drift collect good hiking pouch good evil scarlet silk sewingembroidere star sheelaembroidere remove head hammer sickle red silk canvas left kruchinushka fight enemy distant region die thunder summer harvest shepherd herd drive winter dear answer greeting cold late autumn december grate gateway courtyard bring friend neighbor silk embroider paint blood pouch grieve dark night field mezhuyev cry narrow shed tear road love forever change pouch embroidered silk save spring curl brown sing nightingale 1939
+1 | magic horn light flux dawn flow mountain sunny artek sings magic horn tratatatata tratatatata tratatata tratatata ta spin fast globe artekovtsy artekovtsy artekovtsy stand single operation ring wind glow fire artek sings magic horn tratatatata tratatatata tratatata tratatata ta guy believe evening artekovtsy artekovtsy artekovtsy gather campfire black sea blue crimean mountain invitingly provocatively sing magic horn tratatatata tratatatata tratatata tratatata ta spin fast globe artekovtsy artekovtsy artekovtsy stand single stroy2p 1975
-1 | feel good feel fine love little lady mind give love night day go to leave go away love know make feel alright yeah alright need love single night yeah feel happy meet girl make love world feel good know s go to love woman till end time live love till end time yeah yeah feel happy good know s world hide universal secret time destruction space crime have live thousand time find mean believe thought image unborn child conceive get to believe hey be talk know hard know reason know will understand time die not believe life let body sleep let soul live ha ha whoa feel happy meet girl make love world feel good know s go to love woman till end time live love till end time yeah oh ooh make feel happy good know s s yeah yo yeah
-1 | know yeah know time come overdue place road take home toe line toe line toe line rain pour like summer storm sky grey leave river flood bank spill street people laugh swear would restore city piece piece cloud give way agree rain pour mystery unknown unfold life own buy sell like messenger war have control ocean unexplore ship sail toe line toe line toe line rain pour like summer storm sky grey leave river flood bank spill street people laugh swear would restore city piece piece cloud give way agree rain pour pour pour rain pour die mourn hit swear want like saint reborn like rose storm like child unborn child unborn coin toss misfortune foretell dry spell rain pour like summer storm sky grey leave river flood bank spill street people laugh swear would restore city piece piece cloud give way agree rain pour pour rain pour
+1 | near town kronstadt come sharphorne month rock water silver road sail watch watchdog suddenly notice guy enemy sneak near town kronstadt accord baltic wave see month heavens unprecedented battle death rise menacingly water bubble away surf gromoboynye rumble space apart near town kronstadt accord baltic wave quietly open sleep native land sailor sail patrol barely move wave fascist pirate burn silence near town kronstadt baltic wake 1942
-1 | yeah bitch dogpound cypress fucker think b wizzle know chizzle yeah muggs sen dog real gangsta bitch try spit best thing start happen lose calm cuz wanna puff weed tip cup yeah smoke kush weed ginve fuck rhyme flow mackohoe stack dough niggas wanna shit reexoe insane brain let rain bitch nigga hane chain cuz runnin rich nigga t feel brill m like shit catch yale buster pay cuz want kurupt t understand kill man t understand kill man t understand kill man t understand kill man penetentionarie stop century get real like breal shoot rhyme kill concentrate unload steal tippin ya head nigga yes ride nigga ma spill pistol launch travel like animal go to nigga seek hot girl strike -PRON- drive watch -PRON- go drive yeah paranoid drive till die nigga s don t know shit treat niggas like hoe silly long g don t don t fuck nigga nigga don t shit know backcrack fo dip door don t don t fuck nigga nigga don t shit know backcrack fo dip door dope blast cos ain t finish like pack panorama soul assessino attackin till leave mama east niggas wanna die hit switch cadillac get real high coz live b fast m ignore dumb shit cuz vato t hang maddog m thang dump ass fuck business stop pop drop withnes glock slug unlock listen buck shot hardstop snitch s fuck real hardcore nigga say pack steel t understand kill man t understand kill man t understand kill man t understand kill man think t understand wonder kill man street pack heat cuz real think wanna come test come steel think t understand wonder kill man street pack heat cuz real think wanna come test come steel
-1 | compassion break erode desire break make feel ugly be knee burn piss moan fuel set head fire smell soul burn be break look enemy swallow poison feed survive poison feed leavin guilt fed hatred fed weakness fed make feel ugly be knee burn piss moan fuel set head fire be dead inside shit add shit add shit add shit add let destroy order survive survive sink forgive s choice confront engage erase have go great length expand threshold pain use mistake s choice be shameless be nameless be be soul iron cause fear naked be naked fearless fear naked dead inside dead inside dead inside dead inside nameless shameless shit add shit add shit add shit add naked fearless naked fearless shit add shit add shit add shit add leave dead inside dead inside dead inside dead inside hatred keep alive lowliness keep alive weakness keep alive guilt keep alive
-1 | father forgive sin walking dead end walk epiphany fuck let ghost walking dead be float lifeless haze memory slip away not believe god anymore sky fall darkness fall walk agony fuck let ghost walking dead be float lifeless haze memory slip away be float away iam ghost
+1 | road ray sun paint steel blade look tirelessly carriage window forest plain russian hills bush yes platform wood iron bridge chorus favorite green friend wide land motherland privolnoe habitation oh ezzheno oh pass oh hear brick factory tall chimney whitewashed hut threshing field heart expensive mile half village city stranger chorus dew glass moon be chain car window time highlight night light look twilight quietly chorus favorite green friend wide land motherland privolnoe habitation oh ezzheno oh pass oh hear 1949
+1 | raskinulos widely raskinulo widely wave rage distance comrade away away land comrade watch able stand say stoker stoker light furnace burn boiler contain couple report ill watch throw expire heat sick work forcesm die friend leave grab shovel gather strength habitual movement open oven flame disgrace have finish throw drink water desalinate water unclean face fall sweat soot mark hear driver watch time dare throw mechanic unhappy doctor medication take sick come deck mind dizzy moment see blinding light fall heart longer beat morning come goodbye deceased sailor friends fireman gift bring grate heavy rusty foot tie grate gray cloth wrap come ship priestold man tear sparkle vain old woman wait son home sob wave run stern screw distance disappear 1938
-1 | loneliness shadow quicker darkness crawl surface skin visibly surround black feel feel free surround soul artificial courage walk maze black feel feel free man man mans inside chaos hate shadow pain fill thing make feel miss well half black feel feel free man man mans inside
+1 | star cute homeland star cute country gold star shine brightly twilight thick time kindly shine campfire march night halt tell year close familiar young star homeland entry road dust rain pass garden star steppe extensive end sight bright summer lightning illuminate way daleko darkness night star golden motherland 1953
+1 | marsh young fisherman sea father grandfather fish long time way follow open chorus sea sea sea high wave edge time immemorial fish native land simple people work law simple catch fish day night summer winter chorus sea noise grimly let storm fish hold fill brim chorus house pass barrage meet relative friend murmansk dock pripev1960
+1 | hire petrushka tractor road rough path exactly way hire petrushka tractor outskirt ride hire river ladder burn silver poplar zpevayte girl song commune field flattened rain povyzhzheny band region razobizheny fist share happy swear yes layatsya anger pour edge kulaks get komsomolet dash road rough path exactly way hire petrushka tractor outskirt ride 1929
+1 | toy boat birch near moscow rustle away float boatrocking accord yauza river sail river aside native close boat oar yauza ripple light footprint friend comrade year pass long time part part country friendship old hold true sky motherland light range boat young man sail path end plenty wide river drive drive boat pass breeze verse repeat line source httpwwwapesnigolosainfodrugijelodotchkahtm1954
-1 | wear grudge like crown negativity calculate tolerate desperate control unable forgive scarlet letterman clutch like cornerstone come justify denial grip -PRON- lonesome end clutch like cornerstone come terrified wrong ultimatum prison cell saturn ascend choose hang humble humble clutch like cornerstone come justify denial grip -PRON- lonesome end saturn ascend come round saturn ascend ignorant damage wear grudge like crown negativity calculate tolerate desperate control unable forgive scarlet letterman wear grudge like crown desperate control unable forgive sink deep define confine sink deep controlling define sink deep saturn come let choose drag like stone lift spit like child light innocent saturn come lift like child drag like stone consume till choose let choose let away stone let ocean trans mutate cold fated anchor away stone let water kiss tran mutate leaden grudge gold let
-1 | suddenly war not remember long time forget suddenly war suddenly war child dead burn ruin leave war war war war war war war war war suddenly war mother scream revenge reprisal war suddenly suddenly suddenly war spoiling death fight s war life war life pain fight personal war war war war war war war war war war war
-1 | behold proud crestfallen parade dead body tower like divide rampart hope yesterday forget inter burn ground lacerate neverland blood otherworld elapse silver lining false dawn collapse glimpse safe home perish bibracte hope dearly pray betray end exodus behold egregious mockery refuse bow goddamn blood price pay santone land land get fiend come march
+1 | song dovatora snowy plain slope sweeps platoon platoon west seek dovator black burka vrazlet wind pursuit trail throw drift snow steppe far victory fight maybe comrade leave seat way horse hoof military blizzard cover snow think duma dovator debris river bridge cossack horse wing cossack blow cool burn home village sky light language tank offensive lad move blade fly banner eagle fly remain legend live people 1949
-1 | wake fine dandy time find handy rip heart apart start plan crash landing ceiling feel soul start leave like old man hair recede be plead oh knee repeatedly ask get like live free not want suns blood hand ill tell moon weapon forge darkness pen harpoon ill stay awake cause dark take prisoner tonight scared morning not hear voice call have kick have kick swear hear demon yell crazy word spell tell go tell go ill tell will not let threaten plan be insignificant tell plan set soul fire ill tell eve day s forgotten fake tree await cloud anticipate start day face mask portray not need grace eve day big open eye cause tell tree wave arm cloud try plead desperately yell s need be free ask forgiveness time deny threetime mvpe crime be afraid tell adore will not tell be sing metaphorically be whore s denial number ill stay awake cause dark take prisoner tonight scared morning not hear voice call have kick have kick swear hear demon yell crazy word spell tell go tell go ill tell will not let threaten plan be insignificant tell plan set soul fire ill tell plan set soul fire ill tell ill tell ill tell ill tell tell plan set soul fire be sorry
-1 | s psychotic dream day feel s sink phase che come air think s queen start tell choirboy s dress black occasion think s negro s caucasian not tune not tune not bus not bus not grab hold not grab hold s mess girl time tell like watch dream calculated s infiltrate harshness daylight be frighten sunlight know nighteye harm not tune not tune not bus not bus not grab hold not grab hold s mess girl time keep harm keep harm keep harm keep harm keep harm keep harm keep harm keep harm
+1 | young gardener spring springbeauty rustle murmurs sing cause accept funny gardener work shovel dream leave wing stretch tent chorus year year gardener case accept unanimously case case garden young ray gold homeland favorite bloom blossom belostvolnye birch grow fun schumi ground privolnaya branch poplar fragrant apple new garden golden pear sun shine chorus wonder land invest care work plant maintain extensive garden bad weather argue amicable labor gardener tree grow pripev1952
+1 | hello sunshine hello wind stop mountain river long accustomed severity backpack grumble taiga vain scare hey friend path lie end end chorus hello sunshine hello wind motto forward call romance brave clever go distance difficult win hand submit fun sail water fly salty sea wind treat let face fly armful colorful splash friend wave roll chorus glacier blue eagle cry red sunrise ridge cliff guide hand touch cloud hey friend bold close chorus orchestral loss chorus
+1 | city peace high wall kremlin moscow river blue dawn break dawn svetlookaya engage day labor chorus mountain forest river sea shine dawn ground cease rumor city peace happiness moscow like sun capital favorite illuminate native land worth rock indestructible world people securely store chorus
-1 | brother sister not world die resist not look future cry news tv tv tv brother sister not not not brother sister not world die resist not look future cry news tv tv tv brother sister not not not brother sister not world die resist not look future cry news tv tv tv brother sister not not not brother sister not world die resist not look future cry news tv tv tv brother sister not not not brother sister not world die resist not look future cry news tv tv tv brother sister not not not news tv tv tv brother sister not not not
-1 | light life strength harvest gratefulness moon antlered rest
-1 | different kind girl know feeling word look speak good tonight look speak good tonight different kind girl know feeling word ask s leave turn ask ill try hear past money color believe good cheap value thrifty clown look speak good tonight look speak good tonight look speak good tonight different kind girl know feeling word fear simple summer night understand sympathize day dream fairytaile love different kind girl know feeling word real life documentary
+1 | missisipi old man river английский s old man call de mississippi s old man not like care world get trouble care land be not free old man river old man river mus know sumpin not nothing jes keep rollin keep rollin not plant tater not plant cotton dem dat plant -PRON- soon forget old man river jes keep rollin sweat strain body achin rack wid pain tote barge lif dat bale little grit land jail keep laffin instead cryin fightin be dyin old man river keep rollin 1927
+1 | song pioneer hero storm roar earth husband boy battle know people pioneersheroe forever remain rank chorus go storm walk wind wind song song sberog way win way pace parade equal number invisible right flank squad guy hero chorus life friend age dear heroe feat remember song dopoom 1962
+1 | international французский stand wretched earth stand convict hunger reason thunder crater eruption end password clean sweep crowd slave stand stand world change base let finalfight groupon tomorrow international human race supreme sauvers god caesar tribune producer let save decretond common salvation thief make throat spirit dungeon blow forge let beat iron hot final struggle state compress cheat law tax bleed malheurex duty impose rich right poor word pretty languish ein guardianship equality mean law right duty say equal duty right final struggle hideous apotheosis king rail jamia rob work vault band create melt dedretant luirende people want sound final struggle king soulaient fume peace war tyrant apply strike army butt air break rank persist cannibal denous soon bullet general final struggle worker peasant great advantage worker earth belong man idle stay combiern flesh eat coral vulture morning disappear solei shine forever finalfight groupon tomorrow international human race
-1 | dark city night wire steam subway earth afire dodo dododo dodo woman want sign catch breathing closer dodo dododo dodo ill dirty little secret dirty little secret not tell will regret not tell will regret ill dirty little secret dirty little secret not tell will regret not tell will regret dirty little secret know dirty little secret time come dirty little secret la la la la la dirty little secret time come dirty little secret la la la la la dirty little secret go dirty little secret la la la la la dirty little secret stalk forest close hide ill moonlight dodo dododo dodo high blood drum skin tightv feel heat be moment dodo dododo dodo la la la la la
+1 | burn steppe steppe steppe burn grow oak start green little sprout hot ray boldly stand deep land grow root gain strength chorus like know know happiness grow grow feeling strong oak steppe like soul blossom mighty oak oak curly rustle spring oaks strip forest forest force middle steppe raise youth pripev1951
-1 | reason stay cause not wanna live fear not stop rain stop tear oh fight fire not fight fear not live not not stand live fear reason believe cause not wanna leave not stop rain stop tear oh fight fire not fight fear not live not not stand live fear not live not not stand live fear
+1 | national anthem cuba spanish al combate corred bayamese que la patria os contempla orgullosa temáis una muerte gloriosa que morir por la patria es vivir en cadenas vivir es morir en afrenta y oprobio sumido del clarín escuchad el sonido las armas valiente corre tear battle bayamtsy homeland proud fear glorious death homeland life death existence chain humiliation insulting listen valor rock sound weapon fight stremis1877
-1 | oh good bad dirty oh good bad dirty dirty dirty truth go end symphony buzzing head take market filth sell like summer true good girls act good til not wait turn turn memory stone carve shoulder hey holy roller wanna start fight better throw punch good ya wanna night better like good bad dirty oh good bad dirty oh good bad dirty know like trade one love one hate not think have day education s way thing good bad know friend will not hold grudge get final judgement wanna start fight better throw punch good ya wanna night better like good bad dirty oh good bad dirty oh good bad dirty have go long forget feel like be go to think right be go to get underneath be go to get underneath friend want fall love wanna start fight better throw punch good ya wanna night better like good bad dirty oh good bad dirty oh good bad dirty
+1 | army happiness terrible battle confidently shelf ready veteran chorus shelf glory cause people people beloved motherland happy life army look homeland hang powder cloud fatherland want fascism black hand chorus crush enemy fight triumphant onslaught regiment eternal homeland breathe happily easy chorus air thunderstorm decisive campaign go come friend boldly battle nazi gang death carry pripev1941
-1 | turning point fork stick road time grab wrist direct good test not ask question lesson learn time unpredictable end right hope time life photograph stillframe mind hang shelf good health good time tattoos memory dead skin trial worth worth unpredictable end right hope time life unpredictable end right hope time life unpredictable end right hope time life
-1 | know would come know not easy start begin end watch end try lie remember say be be find way lose let inside let close change mind ill lose want find way lose think leave open not know break tell not bad pull away take try lie remember say be be find way lose let inside let close change mind ill lose want find way lose pain rise fall day find say want lose be find way lose let inside let close change mind ill lose want find find way lose way lose way lose
-1 | ayyea late face crap room allright take night searchin aw come action not wanna face oh yeah ok drinkin whiskey s get way tonight tonight action head swimmin round round gettin skin be sayin wanna be go to come action not wanna face oh yeah ok drinkin whiskey get way tonight tonight tonight tonight ayyea say tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight
-1 | aidus estiio gnata uer axsin bitous uertassit uextlon etic uextlon clouir garion sepimor brater dligente bisiomos deuinin budin roplecomos brater age rouraxsamo aritere tre rhenon dexsoui tre alpe eprocrabante eriwedu arcipi laxsarin uroncin beromo uodexte adandamo emmos nis adgarion atisepitor silon antumni ansi cretimi brater rata deuon beunti uer toutas gallia budi deuon brater ulate blatouesant
-1 | not know look not find baby s sure rip spread dust deed time case lust matter versus fine way want end be lose favourite game lose mind be lose baby lose favourite game know have work love think experiment get vision turn right stupid mission lethal fight see hope new heart black body blue be lose favourite game lose mind be lose favourite game lose mind be lose baby lose favourite game be lose favourite game lose favourite lose mind try try try be lose baby lose saviour saint
+1 | blacksmith blacksmith spirit young forge happiness key billow heavy hammer steel chest hard knock knock knock light way forge people free way forge desire freedom fight die die die blacksmith homeland cute want good good reason expend energy wonder hammer knock knock knock stroke haze thin weaken oppression field world people exhaust rise rise rise
+1 | funny breeze come song propyl funny wind funny wind wind fun sea mountain search hear song sing wind wild mountain deep secret seas          bird call          blue expanse brave great people fight victory let sing          hilarious laugh          want achieve seek find come song propyl funny wind funny wind wind fun sea mountain search hear song sing wind forest thicket animal tangle trail          night noise          muscle steel joy fighting win fight victory let sing          hilarious laugh          want achieve seek find come song propyl funny wind funny wind wind fun sea mountain search hear song sing wind glory courage scientist hero soldier          heart fire          want catch overtake father fight victory let sing          hilarious laugh          want achieve seek find come song propyl funny wind funny wind wind fun sea mountain search hear song sing song sound spring song earth          tube play          lip singe fun foot go fight victory let sing          hilarious laugh          want achieve look find 1937
-1 | rain eastward wave succession draw line grey sky history close hand shoulder hunger impatience cry battle corruption rage corner well pure answer cave city come dealer salvation earth have see restless child head column come purify future arrogance youth cruel righteousness innocence automatic weapon gospel truth revolution forever succession season blood nature raise rot die purity lie immaculate conception sterilise laboratory vanity go message preacher moral obsession war wage purity virtue purity angel purity madman fool forgive friend soon happen tonight revolution forever succession season blood nature raise rot die purity lie brendan break piano finger thick red shake key batter year alcohol work play faith leave sit buy drink tell good story sing song know true not damn worthy fear enemy know
-1 | read book street wait shell meet talk coffee hour wonder be good mood killin time strut stuff need support ill crutch shell know mean play game be referee surrender word think sound surrender touch smile frown surrender pain have endure surrender hope lose find surrender know be lookin s get brick wall door would travel time confess be afraid shed shoot messenger surrender word think sound surrender touch smile frown surrender pain have endure surrender hope lose find surrender think find flower field weed think find flower field weed search hand bleed flower not belong think find flower field weed think find flower field weed search hand bleed flower not belong flower not belong not belong word thought sound touch smile frown pain have endure hope lose find surrender word think sound surrender touch smile frown surrender pain have endure surrender hope lose find nerve ask surrender moment come pass surrender nerve ask surrender moment come pass surrender nerve ask surrender moment come pass surrender nerve ask surrender
+1 | young communist league be wonderful world come courage truth learn friend dear komsomol rely chorus storm smoke sky blue young communist league forever young day come time unkind blizzard whirl dear dear country rely chorus cherished spring height take stray road dream dream proud rely chorus 1970
-1 | girlfriend dick magnet girlfriend get to s hot not stop stage shot tip man hell re bell drunk shell scream like hell dirty girl get dance guy outta town grab ass act tough mess shell fuck know s drunk s stone s come place tonight like shake ass grind beat like pull hair grind tooth like strip s naughty end know doubt s bad bad girlfriend red thong partys love song sing come leave later home know s drunk s stone s come place tonight know far s go to be go to find later tonight like shake ass grind beat like pull hair grind tooth like strip s naughty end know doubt s bad bad girlfriend not long thing right wrong time life time life girlfriend dick magnet girlfriend get to s gold digger figure pull trigger future finish go saving go money spend look good bad ugly man s hot fix future exmiss connolly like shake ass grind beat like pull hair grind tooth like strip s naughty end know doubt s bad bad girlfriend s bad bad girlfriend s bad bad girlfriend
-1 | feel come alive take black break skin shake fool take skin run not breathe talk cause not speak get gun mouth bullet trigger heart beat blood pocket know not care close door wash away sin promise like promise vow fuck free yeah fool take skin run not breathe talk cause not speak get gun mouth bullet trigger heart beat blood pocket fool take skin run not breathe talk cause not speak get gun mouth bullet trigger heart beat blood pocket hard world let deal crooked hand
+1 | kremlin holiday area sun illumine glory wind whip youth wing flag banner kremlin hammer step hear hear enemy hear hear enemy hear earth word say song sing raise banner youth abroad kremlin hammer step hear hear enemy hear hear enemy hear earth prague budapest poland song hear sing young brave voice kremlin hammer step hear hear enemy hear friend hear enemy hear earth song freestyle song glorifie praise work world day come song world sing kremlin hammer step hear hear enemy hear hear enemy hear earth
-1 | ordinary people exist life end pray not let live different lie live different lie live different lie scream scream scream scream listen abuse feel superior work scream scream scream scream abuse feel superior work ordinary people mortal realm scream scream scream scream listen abuse feel superior work scream scream scream scream abuse feel superior work live different lie live different lie scream scream scream scream listen abuse feel superior work scream scream scream scream abuse feel superior work
+1 | color гимн социалистической республики румыния румынский color world reminiscent brave people brave ancient fame battle triumphant century fight o ancestor heroe master live country builder new world red yellow blue tricolor high luminary glorious people nation world closely united hardworke free new reputation daring tel today party unite romanian plaiul socialism build impetus worker honor country fight enemiesnot crush nation sun worthy peace live roman proud forever communist star stralucesti1977
-1 | gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp want drink beer puke drink drink punk drink drink punk drink drink punk drink drank punk be cool cause drink drink drink drink punk drink drink punk drink drink punk drink drink punk meet girl barohhh give star ohhh take home spend night ohhh fright old guy buy alcohol get drunk mall drink drink punk drink drink punk drink drink punk drink drink punk mom go to mall ohhh drunk stuper hope not fall ohhh chew big wad gum ohhh mom will not notice s old dumb drink drank punk drink drink punk drink drink punk drink drank punk
-1 | inside head have lose hope leave come pass sleep dream path lose way game play weak fall return ash defeat fade away wicked world leave dark prayer wounded heart dark let come life live breathe die light forever lose time dream find feed burn lie fall humankind everlasting light fade away wicked world leave dark prayer wounded heart dark let come life live breathe die light forever lose time dream find feed burn lie fall humankind everlasting light fade away wicked world leave dark prayer wounded heart dark let save selfish world save selfish world save selfish world save selfish world
-1 | sa senit conectos onda bocca nene rionti onda boca ne barnaunom ponc nit issintor sie eianepian digs ne lisantim ne licia ne rodatim biont utu semnanom sagitiont seuerim lissatim licia tim anandognam acolut utanit andognam da bocca diomine inside se bnanom inside se brictom eainom anuana sanander inside se bnanom inside se brictom eainom anuana sanander inside se bnanom eainom anuana sanander inside brictom inside bnanom inside brictom eainom anuana sanander aia cicena nitianncobueðliðat iasuolsonponne antumnos nepon nesliciata neosuode neiauodercos nepon su biiontutu semn anom adsaxs nadoc suet petidsiont sie peti sagitiontias seu erim tertio lissatim anandogna ictontia inside se bnanom inside se brictom eainom anuana sanander inside se bnanom inside se brictom eainom anuana sanander inside se bnanom inside se brictom inside se bnanom eainom anuana sanander inside brictom inside bnanom inside brictom eainom anuana sanander eainom anuana sanander inside se bnanom inside se brictom inside se bnanom eainom anuana sanander inside brictom inside bnanom inside brictom eainom anuana sanander
+1 | sing sing youth country work song sound country accordion responsible zurna defiant heart beat chorus grow wide free bolder live fun today tomorrow happy sing happiness hand away sing cloud similarly falcon fly chorus sing road straight bright sing wait road love great deal chorus grayhaire guerrilla mastermind victory look s youth eighteen year age change zapoosh chorus sing joy come give birth lyric sing contact sing young native moscow pripev1935
-1 | shorttemp hostile rhyme bringer lifestyle go wild similar rock singer check big screen livin dreams cypress assassins sx latin thug thing fool think bad be not flavour month bro try dispatch get good badge head get waste like jerry grateful dead not trip grip strong not fake beat strip buttnake kick lyric straight spirit tell get soul time hear welcome come inside hear proper sound amplify wanna party good fuck rest cos away ya stress settle welcome come inside hear proper sound amplify wanna party good fuck rest cos away ya stress settle deal hill mouth rely skill rely steel ideal thought feel seek real -PRON- slot fill buster stop deal face quicker takin box pill got chill cop sheild steady hark lookin prey ready stalk kill lock wheel not mock drill cos ill cock steel drop spill get mercy talk deal quit talk kneel will not bitch welcome come inside hear proper sound amplify wanna party good fuck rest cos away ya stress settle welcome come inside hear proper sound amplify wanna party good fuck rest cos away ya stress settle be not well bet cypress wanna dope money set real emcee real djs real southsider heart la day big sucess like will not settle beat lb new latin lingo nowadays nothing hit single time loco body motion hit stage rage start commotion be not jokin mic smokin slam like art sure broken welcome come inside hear proper sound amplify wanna party good fuck rest cos away ya stress settle welcome come inside hear proper sound amplify wanna party good fuck rest cos away ya stress settle
+1 | star fisher fisherman star sister fishing seiner schooner hazy sky old year light neptune chorus distant stranger berth light look lighthouse beam salty wave salty day burning sky lit lit star fisher dawn fisherman sea look dawn amber color good luck easy pick network chorus fisherman dream harsh struggle sea win sing wind love go to wait chorus fisherman destiny childhood sea betroth storm wind yes life struggle fearlessness maritime law chorus 1965
-1 | dress rag plastic bag recognise know like slug way deadly tar go dream will not far true saint end like call liar drop hair dryer water think would sinner end harmless like run thing run ground day trick lie bright smile run train play final game trick lie bright smile run train play final game feel sleepy creepy hand numb pile bottle babylon smile babylon reach true saint end like call liar drop hair dryer water think would sinner end harmless like run thing run ground day trick lie true bright smile run train saint end like play final game trick lie call liar bright smile drop hair dryer run train play final game water trick lie think would bright smile run train sinner end harmless like play final game trick lie run thing bright smile run ground day run train play final game play final game
-1 | raise valley shadow death get alive scar not forget kid school subdue shy orphan brother unseen eye not know piece die take boy forest slaughter scythe stamp face impression dirt think silence make good man convert horror demon fight win be paralyze crawl bed wrap finger round throat choice god forgive sin god forgive god forgive sin god forgive god forgive not not not not save one haunt night not live stay tonight not not let will want tell truth will vie lie spill gut mess not clean follow lose try closer lose touch know go tell need cause love tell love cause need tell need cause love will leave cause need not not not not save one haunt night scared stay tonight not not not save bad hold night save one haunt night not not not not not not not not not not not not
-1 | time lie awake hit feeling not miss roommate keep awake sigh scream feeling not miss stop think hate love hate love time lie awake hit feeling not miss stop think hate love hate love stop think know stop think know hate love hate love hate hate hate love hate love
+1 | night dark catch minute prisoner night dark seize moment wall strong prison gate close iron lock slightly tremble corridor spark guard ring spur spur life boring hour hourly sir want pretend asleep b fence shadow flash quickly native land povidet need yes wife kiss rustle friendly forest green die be glad help god creature tea identity bullet sir yes fear gmina batorz give military court regiment hold bloody corpse take away cart whisper silent quiet god shelter weapon bury live weapon hard labor ushlyut wear chain yes boss beat knife gun know 1850
+1 | song volodya dubinin play war boy hero child dream read war book face face vstrechal2p come war childhood undo farewell game boy adult remember kerch volodya dubinin die heroically young partizan2p squad fighter hold mine leave lie snow open day man cry swear revenge enemy finish glider finish watch movie boy want hero volodya able 2p orchestral loss boy want hero volodya able 2p 1975
-1 | get crawl mountain hang round neck get twist round finger crawling round leg emptiness craziness satisfy hungriness darling feel sleep like better come forever sleep like better come prove pretty person feel like belong hard happy beautiful emptiness craziness satisfy hungriness darling feel sleep like better come forever sleep like better come prove sleep satisfy baby sleep ill wear pretty baby sleep crave baby sleep save rest later baby sleep drive crazy baby sleep save baby sleep sleep
+1 | play accordion far get green house bench guy singe dalmatian remember song chorus play accordion tell friend brave courageous battle friend love motherland song hear girl wonderful see chorus evil enemy flock like cloud soar zastava expensive motherland rise chorus play accordion tell enemy hot battle friend love motherland
+1 | distant good oh zimushka cold cold winter oh birthplace distant siberian land remember mound deep snow distant favorite taiga remember fog taiga glade remember favorite distant taiga oh birthplace distant siberian land oh sweet distant podruzhenka evening fire gloomy day remember good remember evening day meeting good distant remember oh sweet distant podruzhenka oh zimushka cold cold winter methylation blizzard methylation notice way sweep way well cute flight naushki whisper home distant way sweep 1947
-1 | corner window hang lonely photograph reason would notice memory hold wound s bleed road be walk know will return place go day talk comfort silence lose ambition struggle maintain s leave wound s bleed road be walk know will return place undone s smoke burn eye blind cover happen force darkness unto wound s bleed road be walk know will return place
-1 | skull know know sorry wake dream question run deep wake sleep lead lunar light trouble find lose way tonight lose way tonight say say say save be trap vile world save ending die save be lose dream save use guide light place hear let know know know day leave fate set unknown year walk path tonight d close eye not shut save be trap vile world save ending die save be lose dream save use guide light place hear let know hear let know help find way say help find way pulse inside stone cold lip heresy lie degree lose want will find right mind someday find sanity leave blind drag moment see eye crystal blue disguise beauty die move would open mind someday find insanity leave walk right door picture clear yesterday picture hear voice beg stay know save be trap vile world save ending die save be lose dream save use guide light place hear let know hear let know tonight die young tonight die young tonight die young tonight die young tonight die young tonight die young tonight die tonight die young
+1 | lit black sun light black sun fog acacia road song walk street lure soldier step song father go street fight tank throw brother hero city hero soldier trust power vast expanse blue battleship potemkin fame kotovskogo thank worthy honor feat glorify great country indomitable warrior soviet land hour melt sea mist veil sun play wave love look odessa look country 2 time father banner rustle thee go brother attack underneath hero city hero soldat1960
+1 | tiddly chorus oh sokolica sokolitsa oh lapushka tiddly snub comely small sprout mother bore oh tiddly siberian name chorus young little mama mama sleep soon grow big little bed bear chorus outside cold street sneak iohe nice tear frost unlikely scare cheek burn hot flame chorus dear dear accompany word syllable say be opposite talk gate oh be young be grow little dear mile kolomna take head kiss crane chorus dear dear kiss rodneys father accidentally see swollen lip ask say mosquito bite chorus tiddly tiddly mere people understand siberia virgin soil upturne order work give chorus
-1 | eye perfect crawl like child cause not like anymore have get problem come not want upset mind get sharpen cause lillie die room try understand easy time round time round anger come misery have get problem come not want upset mind get sharpen cause lillie die room yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ooohyea have get problem come not want upset mind get sharpen cause lillie die room yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ooohyea
+1 | charge late morning sony sleep curled roll sun touch oblique beam chorus calculate accord order sun sun smile calculate accord order charge charge get charge charge charge charge glitter lawn sparkle morning dew flash bright bird flock tshirt short chorus ljubo utrechkom knead dive deeper pond friend study work chorus
-1 | je taime jai besoin de toi je taime
+1 | spain free madrid general spain anger boil jackal grave madrid chorus burn village burn city weaken people blood choke fascist horde spain free rock high gray expanse spanish plain sea shore chorus song chorus otobaya oviedo toledo find way seville native victory song victory chorus madrid general madrid executioner rumble rock heroic song sound chorus burn village burn city weaken people blood choke fascist horde spain free 1936
-1 | hey babe s day uh delay bad yeah sorry not hear taxi distract say wait uh wave yeah everything fine not know probably need sleep busy week sorry have get sorry ok bye unlike cut horizontalism win small touch contact versus telemiscommunication plan foil siren pass kid scream long public announcement reach checkin finally get run flight shoe call voicemail injoke group laughter closing scene meeting angel angel not tell second need direction not be phone unlike cut horizontalism win small touch contact versus telemiscommunication unlike unlike cut horizontalism win small touch contact versus telemiscommunication tell love today tell love today kiss kiss tell love today tell love today tell love today tell love today kiss kiss tell love today tell love today
+1 | march gunner burn heart love native land march battle death honor native country burn city cover smoke thunder gray forest stern god war gunner exact order give gunner motherland call thousand battery tear mother country fire fire know mother learn wife girlfriend explore distant house family strike burn enemy steel storm bear birthmark edge gunner exact order give gunner motherland call thousand battery tear mother country fire fire strike hour victory end campaign home relative honor army mother honor nation glad salute midnight hour gunner exact order give gunner motherland call thousand battery tear mother country fire fire
+1 | remember soviet soldier hear young soldier patrol word soviet motherland mother edge favorite mighty rich remember soviet soldier 2 time great people busy construction site rodina fame fortunately go spite battle enemy threaten remember soviet soldier 2 time glint distant frontier lightne formidable military lightning hear shell whistle soon remember soviet soldier 2 time home attack enemy army way forward duty protect motherland remember soviet soldier 2 time 1952
-1 | like legend phoenix huh end beginning keep planet spin uh huh force beginning huh look have come far let raise bar cup star s night til sun be night s night good fun be night lucky night til sun night night good fun night lucky night lucky night lucky night lucky night lucky present ribbon gift keep give be feeling want leave be uh huh have come far let raise bar cup star s night til sun be night s night good fun be night lucky night til sun night night good fun night lucky night lucky night lucky night lucky night lucky night night night night night night night night night night oh funk night lucky night lucky night lucky night lucky night lucky night lucky night lucky night lucky night lucky night lucky night lucky have come far night lucky night lucky night lucky let night lucky raise bar night lucky cup night lucky star night lucky s night til sun be night s night good fun be night lucky night til sun night night good fun night lucky night lucky night lucky night lucky night lucky night lucky night lucky night lucky night lucky
-1 | oh little know not let need people not hold sing ahhh yeah sing not hold sing ahhh yeah sing great thing s happen imagine know great thing would imagine will know will know slow leave walk world foot chance will thinking toast high find pathetic wine well blend drink ahhh yeah drink well plan drink ahhh yeah drink great thing s happen imagine know great thing would imagine will know will know great thing s happen imagine know great thing would imagine will know will know will know
-1 | sip hen mix juice gin motherfucker doubt think be not tryina little sniff sip want cocaine pour pore liquor dick yeah talk talk cause walk walk till slur word til stumble fall will not catch slip shit day play real talk kid wanna know life live listen close cause go like live life excess shit s know not bar be not get dough not bring girl bitch hoe not bring weed be not go to smoke cause drink shot shot shot shot smoke blunt blunt blunt blunt cause drink shot shot shot shot smoke blunt blunt blunt blunt yeah talk talk cause walk walk till slur word til stumble fall will not catch slip shit day play real talk kid wanna know life live listen close cause go like live life excess shit s know not bar be not get dough not bring girl bitch hoe not bring weed be not go to smoke drunk til death not like drink smoke hold drink smoke cause drink shot shot shot shot smoke blunt blunt blunt blunt cause drink shot shot shot shot smoke blunt blunt blunt blunt drunk til death not like
+1 | song cheerful drummer early early early morning loom gate will will funny drummer hand stick maple berot2p noon troublesome thunder ringing tram human maelstrom listen hear funny drummer drum street idot2p evening magician obmaschik darkness fall bridge peer gay drummer drum street idot2p thunder stick closer confusion midnight fog hear gay drummer street carry drum wish hear gay drummer street carry drum
+1 | youth        remember short order car        promorzshih supply truck fog        forget tier soul        funny voiced accordion        youth marching song        connect friendship large        today ring sky        marching song marching song friend fight        chorus          komsomol step          komsomol know barrier          komsomol stalin lead          komsomol        berlin dream birch family        dream        homeland gardens gold        construct desert city        youth erect palace        go deep face        attack dear        marching song marching song friend fight        chorus        comrade light dniproge        continue burn brightly        beautiful native odessa        rise ruin stalingrad        youth sea sea        huge expanse        wind argue ring open        marching song marching song friend fight        chorus 1949
+1 | home home home home seagull bay wind boil wave astern tell friend heart clog word home home home home sing tailwind eye fix dearer light native home wait like home home storm bad weather home home direct course know happiness have finish way hurry home home home home pilot strive sailor sail squaw wind storm fly home long journey bird hurry home home home home home transit rest sing time away home visit take care house native home home sing tailwind eye fix expensive world native home wait like home home home home 1954
-1 | friend lot like catch lie know be lose like would die win cause be bear lose firefly shine light love way cause like be justify fall line hard try open wide hand come different land like way away guess replace firefly shine light love way cause like be justify fall line hard try open wide bring enemy lay walk away walk away walk away firefly shine light love way cause like be justify fall line hard try open wide fuck firefly lose light hate way cause like have lose friend sorry end not know choke smile smile
+1 | stroll man boy girl walk grove grove moscow river man guy hug woman gently gently left hand oh wrong man expensive favorite obnimaayut right hand hurry laugh maybe right little power ahahahahahah little power mystery visit secret combat sailor bullet bullet wound combat strong strong right hand german bullet hit chest leave right embrace sorry discomfiture long hold left hand aaaaaa left hand man boy girl walk grove grove moscow river man guy hug woman gently gently left hand
-1 | pack gear go drive passion outward away family friend not day be drown sea face miss desperately flash countenance torrent emotion joy memorie people have grow love deeply year have choose big family weight absence bring tear wake sleep violently witness life face disappear slowly be drown be pull deep water wash away sister brother truly live dream time spend sleep stay course remain bold heart long remain firmly anchor home truly live dream time spend sleep itsbeenawhile embrace wish eternity silently pray courage oh gd have miss have see sleep laugh cry joking know way younger free hope nothing change matter time have spend apart know easy believe carry heart mile swear see phantom stand aisle know be think time thing say savor taste sweet youth calloused hand gather remain fruit farther endure pain skin mashed finally strain fermenting time spend away return fine vintage cheer health stay
+1 | choose song story talk old niсo story difficult ill talk common man make story world animal galaxy story course lactea bury history naciу storm sun night penъltimo month planet planet look potable water look life seek death know look silhouette like adorable likable kissable friendly discover mine king salomуn heaven fiery africa people think stone cold interested warmth joy jewel soul mirror bright color low end war perdуn mean earth know history stroke feel head mill crystal comprendiу war peace future quickly learn terrible mбs beautiful life difficult time see smoke shrapnel happy naked kill scoundrel caсon future
-1 | try wake cause be lyin awake night be seeing picture close eye fade way law dream world place trust meet s time spare come care real dream try wake not dream wanna try wake try wake cause try think end million thought way mention mean creation place trust meet s time spare come care believe real dream try wake not dream wanna try wake try wake dream try wake not dream wanna try wake try wake trap inside dream be complain leave lie kind disappear dream try wake let dream try wake not not dream wanna try wake try wake dream try wake not not dream wanna try wake try wake try wake
+1 | song youth native spring bugler singe song big feat work friend fatherland call come young healthy struggle work wait unclimbed road glorious deed come chorus flower flower honey fatherland lead youth great trail strong komsomol family soul color dear fatherland taiga fire light spend channel field run ship open sea steppe rustle golden wheat seed komsomol hero heat blizzard go home country chorus live live fun machine field wheel young force work sorry youth native country suit live worry big feat work friend fatherland call chorus
-1 | find sun oh yeah hell place end run oh yeah california be fine somebody check brain california right somebody check brain check brain walk street creep fall oh yeah sing answer oh yeah california be fine somebody check brain california right somebody check brain aaaaah tear fill bong aaaaah year expend go hang gun -PRON- away oh yeah trick trade way oh yeah california be fine somebody check brain california right somebody check brain aaaah tear fill bong aaaah year expend go aaaah tear fill bong aaaah year expend go check brain check brain check brain
-1 | 94 hour regret realize hold unfading beauty face hold innocence heart will not let will not let will not let will not let will not let torment eye awaken soul torment eye awaken soul pain moment time forever beg forgiveness forgiveness 94 hour realize hold unfade beauty hold innocence
+1 | true friend outside window newlyfallen snow dust sweep sled sing song good forget poglazhu hair sit near fire sing song low voice forget remember rise row winter wind window break snow flake fly let remember road motherland blizzard fire close pass let let storm way find burn hot press closer shoulder deal bedoyu friendship strong grayeyed beauty friend wife silver temple appear fade heart blood rust grow old true love
-1 | rise vulture feel panic nervous loss dynamic blood poison heart sour hear sound war drum take power take power take power take power rise vulture go to climb chance escape use hiding eye storm silver lining point break go to grind take power take power take power overboard pressure overboard pressure overboard pressure overboard pressure take power take power take power take power take power take power take power take power
-1 | know lot people smile face talk time be go number not pick not owe shit bitch leave be go big suck dick be go big suck dick be go big suck dick be go big suck dick niggas hoe niggas act like hoe stay like loner high be mood politic fake apologize know niggas hoe niggas act like hoe alumnus imma time imma master mindful mastermind landmine right momma live blow blow hold have see kind dollar sign till resign report wrong mean know homie nigga right nigga right be high know lot people smile face talk time be go number not pick not owe shit bitch leave be go big suck dick be go big suck dick be go big suck dick be go big suck dick niggas hoe niggas act like hoe stay like loner high be mood politic fake apologize know niggas hoe niggas act like hoe everybody hear fuck dre wanna tell nigga be not shit give handout imma wrist break nigga be fade nuvo chill hoe tie lace live matrix pill disappear niggas act bad hiiipower conglomerate live life count cash old friend longer know lot people smile face talk time be go number not pick not owe shit bitch leave be go big suck dick be go big suck dick be go big suck dick be go big suck dick niggas hoe niggas act like hoe stay like loner high be mood politic fake apologize know niggas hoe niggas act like hoe schoolboy q kendrick lamar remember come shit man long dick probably month see seed goddammit k dot come sleep couch nigga not car glock voucher nigga mothafuckin yeah flashing light stuck like reindeer make bank yeah stick flame motherfucker far come go broke come year hell yeah drop tear hold joy pride music save fucking life be right leave feel pain be style hermès shit spend thousand different home different island drop mixtape sell like album kendrick lamar reason be go big bitch suck dick yeah be go big bitch suck dick tell -PRON- be go big bitch suck dick yeah be go big bitch suck dick yeah niggas hoe niggas act like hoe stay like loner high be mood politic fake apologize know niggas hoe niggas act like hoe alori joh like hoe like hoe like hoe like hoe like hoe nigga actin hoe like hoe like hoe like hoe act like hoe act like hoe act like hoe act like hoe niggas actin like hoe like hoe like hoe like hoe
-1 | walk thin ice easy hurt drive dark pour rain barely say word dress wound best close tired eye try climb away sky ill meet high kiss air lover breath vision rise little death moses stand turn gaze away feud tribe walk mountain rock climb god order moses bring people leave cry moses keep walk hill ill meet high kiss air lover breath vision rise little death devil come bow worship be knee white twist cloud endless shade blue ocean hum spacecraft system radio chatter breathing disappear cold wind smell tell connect earth dispassionate platform remote olympian move hardly believe emotionally attach rough pattern shift steadily quotation thomas stafford astronaut
+1 | flight moscow side moscow capital battle slowly parade fly bird silver pilot fly proud fly forward way car pilot sing day war moscow glorify berlin steel falcon country chorus aircraft raise height wing sway blue sky feast pilot high honor high honor flight moscow native space glow shine noise field noisy forest send capital live voice motor hum roar engine forest bow bow golf bring leader brave pilot heart native land chorus fly know soviet ace name steel overhead guard capital peace strong love country beauty russia moscow visible afar illuminate banner battle big celebration chorus 1947
-1 | be goner somebody catch breath be goner somebody catch breath want know want know be goner somebody catch breath be goner somebody catch breath want know want know be weak beat ill slip away sound ghost close be insideout underneath have get face blurry be have get face blurry be need help need help be weak beat ill slip away sound ghost close be insideout underneath be weak beat ill slip away sound ghost close be insideout underneath not let go not let go not let go not let go not let not let ah yeah be goner somebody catch breath be goner somebody catch breath want know want know
+1 | cherish word day shift look window sunset call persistently call shady garden star light candle flow blue evening sacred word sit bench garden sigh heart play salochki like kid twinkle star candle darken blue evening sacred word village silence sleep light factory noise barely audible old maple heart heart lnot bright star candle thick blue evening sacred word float fog river cherry sad hurry hurry heart pronounce star sparkle candle glisten dew grass love come meet treasured slova1956
+1 | revolutionary испанский revolutionary want justice freedom revolutionary defend peace humanity mountain fight est prairie happy city bringing freedom boy smile n rank people hello san mart n show cu l course continue tambi n t fight destiny build world understand struggle ideal want match implement peace 1974
-1 | fuck fuck wear mentally go to wear physically amputate soul s picture mouth quietly fuck quietly go quietly fuck quietly go reality shy away demonic presence hang poison venom hang force venom take splitting vein hanging hang hang fuck fuck be bury burn deep underground die die die violently fuck break mentally go to violently violently violently be mentally fuck close eye think die die violently love close eye remember die die violently quietly quietly quietly go
-1 | feed shut see red have patient wear thin thought turn blur head heart turn lightning thunder want minute peace raise fist let loose beast go go go go go go go go child raise hand know have wrong stupid have learn will not mistake
-1 | know s worth fight worth die breath away feel suffocate pain weigh pride look place hide break heart inside ruin 21 gun lie arm fight 21 gun throw arm sky end road have lose sense control thought take toll mind break spirit soul faith walk broken glass hangover not pass nothing build ruin 21 gun lie arm fight 21 gun throw arm sky try live burn house home stand close fire like liar look forgiveness stone time live let die not try inside heart die ruin 21 gun lie arm fight 21 gun throw arm sky 21 gun lie arm fight 21 gun throw arm sky
-1 | share mattress lie address baby not need baby not need occupy goddess room box say time leave baby not need perfect worl face exist perfect world break heart fix perfect world would therapist perfect world not sick get story til leave baby not need baby not need word street fuck play cleveland baby not need fade rearview perfect world face exist perfect world break heart fix perfect world would therapist perfect world not sick pull trigger gun go click pull trigger gun go click perfect world face exist perfect world not sick controlaltdelete controlaltdelete controlaltdelete reset memory controlaltdelete controlaltdelete controlaltdelete reset memory perfect world perfect world perfect world face exist perfect world break heart fix perfect world would therapist perfect world not sick pull trigger gun go click pull trigger gun go click pull trigger gun go click perfect world pull trigger gun go perfect world
+1 | komsomolskaya song thunder quiet dance little corner earth shoulder marching backpack nightingale bosom live chorus wait wait komsomolet yes let man world well ycl sixty team family close meet joy trouble lie song thousandth year chorus deep earth expanse celestial wandering pass high speed tell cosmos upshot space komsomolet go chorus youth ready attack ahead member komsomol new generation come old bolshevik chorus
-1 | sorrow world enter dark age inane bloodshed blind hate slave fear face mark sorrow not sign shade dreadful crime greed selfish plan hard distinguish day night feel blame resistance chance know act human sanity thing unforgiveable fuckin selfish plan regardless consequence pain neck think bullet way lifeless bullet leave betrayal break trust like sickness fight violence betrayal break trust like sickness resistance
-1 | hör den tropfen fallend rauschen fühl die sonne grüß die haut sieh die bluman duftend schwebend alle schreit stille zeit hör den tropfen fallend rauschen fühl die sonne grüß die haut sieh die bluman duftend schwebend alle schreit stille zeit paradoxe stille die zeit erstickt be farbenrausch paradoxe stille die zeit verliert ihren halt be raum paradoxe stille die zeit erstickt be farbenrausch paradoxe stille die zeit verliert ihren halt be raum nie wieder vorwärt schritt zurück der mund verschlossen augenblick vernähte lippen glaube ich augen fragen warum ich paradoxe stille die zeit erstickt be farbenrausch paradoxe stille die zeit verliert ihren halt be raum paradoxe stille die zeit erstickt be farbenrausch paradoxe stille die zeit verliert ihren halt be raum entfernte haut nur bloßes leben jeder schreit gehört wird nichts niemand wartet keiner sieht warum jeder nur nicht ich paradoxe stille paradoxe stille die zeit erstickt be farbenrausch paradoxe stille die zeit verliert ihren halt be raum paradoxe stille die zeit erstickt be farbenrausch paradoxe stille die zeit verliert ihren halt be raum
-1 | home longing roam find meet sign face slow pace need guidance need seek innervision innervision pupil dance lose trance sacred silence lose violence star place mirror face need find need seek innervision innervision innervision late reinvent bicycle smile bring forth energy life give force late reinvent bicycle smile bring forth energy life give force vision s true path life road lead lead innervision s true path life innervision road lead innervision sacred silence lose violence
-1 | imagine wrath hold time redeem surely wrath hold redeem have see madness die try regret word living possess long face regardless decay eye deceased hope day inside die world beauty inside die world good hold wrath determined bring wrath
+1 | guerilla anthem испанский plain mountain guerrilla free van good fighter countryside city pain sorrow prevent defeat continue
-1 | holy totem sick taboo radical radiant be nightmare come true bad enemy dear friend malignantly malevolent divine descent apocalypse belief unwrought monolithic juggernaut be illegitimate son god stray bullet barrel love stray bullet heavens stray bullet ready be illegitimate son god stray bullet stray bullet stray bullet ready be illegitimate son god come rock world come shake faith anathematic anarchist come place apocalypse belief unwrought monolithic juggernaut be illegitimate son god stray bullet barrel love stray bullet heavens stray bullet ready be illegitimate son god stray bullet stray bullet stray bullet ready be illegitimate son god god exist necessary abolish unconsciousness unrestrained excess metamorphic restlessness be unexpectedness stray bullet barrel love stray bullet heavens stray bullet ready be illegitimate son god stray bullet barrel love stray bullet heavens stray bullet ready be illegitimate son god stray bullet barrel love stray bullet heavens stray bullet ready be illegitimate son god stray bullet barrel love stray bullet heavens stray bullet ready be illegitimate son god stray bullet barrel love stray bullet heavens stray bullet ready be illegitimate son god
-1 | hero adore altar adorn flower god guilded picture fantasy hero see human hero altar burst flame forget idol believe use power free picture decay dust burn fire god able fault picture blow wind clear god guilded picture fantasy hero see human forget idol believe use power free picture decay dust burn fire fire forget idol believe use power free picture decay dust burn fire forget idol believe use power free picture decay dust burn fire forget idol believe use power free picture decay dust burn fire courage forget hero believe courage forget hero believe find right way lead end end control soul free right
-1 | suffer everyday crown illusion fool weary feel like tell apart turn wooden heart size fight dream have crush morning selfishly have fail feel like tell apart turn wooden heart have choose shade autumn stale bitter end year frustration lie tell apart turn wooden heart tell apart turn wooden heart
+1 | petersburg go strike petersburg go strike plant silence hear noise stop machine working bench poet p thy lyre sing terrible ocean rage northern palmyra firebreathing volcano passion arouse great narva son crowd hurry dark stone house go emperor petition gapon go weapon cross prayer shepherd lead flock hey stop people prote rudely shout officer fall lash expandable ago king need submit request crowd answer have close bastard rebel officer shout anger clench fist threateningly stop attention leave turn battalion forward bayonet creator heaven carnage begin bayonet flash bristle crowd rise fear animal people beat defenseless bayonet break chest considerable perish victim priest friend people run away shout forward friend find freedom say goodbye run away capital embrace horror grief narva corpse cover innocent blood pour sea shame tyrant eternal shame playpen body pile case executioner take cemetery wagon dead night
+1 | song paratrooper recently learn tenth grade watch check school bell folk landing folk landing windswept troop blame fact severe weather assume strict commander reason year year yesterday youth turn man long wear uniform guy gray temple harden get landing harden get land windswept troop let team time sound tartly case second decide success fond land child fall sky like snow head soldier letter fly destination understand addressee leaflet warm heart help land windswept troop 1970
+1 | village people village hide secret village come break betroth away avid eye
-1 | save hear plea burn candle fast end nightmare grow dream not know not thrugh eye not know not know s go mind help save care save tell scare intensity grow reflection pain ill create ill destroy way vein not know not eye not know not know s go mind help save care save tell scare save care save tell scare save care save tell scare save save save save save save save save save
+1 | eaglet eaglet eaglet soar sun look steppe height forever silent merry lad live eaglet eaglet sparkle plumage outshine white light want think death believe shestanadtsat boyhood year eaglet eaglet detonate hand grenade hill enemy shallow call eaglet unit enemy call eagle eaglet eaglet faithful companion survive fly village darling tell son shoot eaglet eaglet comrade wing feather grass steppe fire rush aid komsomol eaglet life country eaglet eaglet train win fight solve authority eagle eaglets million country proud
-1 | feeling let good envy come look not shoe convenience pull filthy bed have long overdue matter have say suddenly come pain misery want be victim stubborn foolish pride be bad hide suddenly come lie misery want suddenly realize need be victim stubborn foolish pride be bad hide
-1 | skin clean candle voice quiet like lantern skin clean candle voice quiet like lantern find dance splash edge green stone bath goldfishs wild eye skin clean candle voice quiet like lantern find dance edge green stone bath goldfishs wild eye skin clean candle voice quiet like lantern find dance splash edge green stone bath goldfishs wild eye skin clean candle voice quiet like lantern find edge green stone bath goldfishs wild eye skin clean candle voice quiet like lantern
+1 | day birth birthday expensive gift spring night talk love anticipation visit dawn stand window early hour dawn time foot long live dormitory fond dream discovery certainly think inattentive flower throw foot tell wonderful day true heart 1956
+1 | hear command password incredible height sky road earthly invisible gate    chorus sky blue pilot fate sky good evil blue stormy destiny god subject storm storm ice team call alteration fly understand    chorus year pass year sound air combat squadron leave interplanetary flight    chorus command familiar star world leave storm pilot astronaut astronaut fly    chorus 1965
-1 | know s reflection inside need cause lonely eye feel oh feel yeah feel starve live free fear free disappear forever survive life life diamond time time time run time time time run time time time run time time time run
-1 | write burn color flame burn spectrum burn gold normal flame remember feeling wake kid sun eye adjust kid fountain drink come boy sweep play careless heart night new girl sit car die grow old good glad glad find good man
-1 | be good good leave curse hit claw bleed want want want turn need submission free need talk better listen submission free need talk better listen grip mane good little bit pain hurt ill hurt curse hit claw bleed want oh want want turn need submission free need talk better listen submission free need talk better listen submission free need talk better listen submission free need talk better listen submission free need talk better listen submission free need talk better listen better fucking listen listen listen wake slave here treat behave wake slave here treat behave wake slave here treat behave wake slave here treat behave wake slave here treat behave wake slave here treat behave
-1 | have get to fight life fear fear devil dance idle mind fight life fight life fight life will not turn slow surrender will not turn carpe diem straight throat conflict allconsume pain time lose regain not waste breath not save strength battle rage second waste time will live fight life fight life fight life fight fucking life price pay death heartbeat away price pay death heartbeat away heartbeat away devil dance idle mind devil dance idle mind devil dance idle mind fight fight fight life will not turn slow surrender will not turn carpe diem get to straight throat devil dance idle mind devil dance devil dance idle mind devil dance devil dance idle mind
+1 | funny breeze robert song come song propyl cheerful wind cheerful wind merry wind jurassic sea search hear song sing wind wild mountain deep secret sea bird talk blue expanse brave great people          fight victory          let sing          hilarious laugh          want achieve          seek find come song propyl cheerful wind cheerful wind merry wind sea mountain search hear song sing wind forest thicket animal tangle trail night noise muscle steel joy fighting win come song propyl cheerful wind cheerful wind merry wind sea mountain search hear song sing wind glory courage scientist heroe soldier heart fire want catch overtake father come song propyl funny wind funny wind merry wind sea mountain search hear song sing song sound spring song earth tube play lip singe fun foot go 1937
+1 | gorochki gorochki dear wear protective tunic drive crazy wear protective tunic drive crazy epaulet gold bright medal chest meet life journey meet life journey pass smile wave hand come farm violate rest come farm violate rest heart agitated breast meet life journey meet life puti1958
+1 | grace gracecaru nalem edge drink song play sing pull podpoot song like circle cup graceenchantment edge nalem edge drinking song play sing drinking song ring cheer today amid lovely friend talk funny sound round table face shine joy light 1960
+1 | marsh young enthusiast sun cheerful embrace motherland garden guy thing dream chorus mountain river conquer open space terrible storm expanse star obstacle steer wheel wait sea rock sobomsya doberomsya planet idea space freedom hand grow fast click fee friend girlfriend chorus sun cheerful embrace motherland garden guy thing dream pripev1963
-1 | mean angry know like fake stupid know like think stand way wrong think ill like like think guide way wrong think ill like like think guide way wrong think ill like cold ruthless know like weak senseless know like think stand way wrong think ill like like think guide way wrong think ill like like think guide way wrong think ill like cause not livin be will not turn like want think stand way wrong think ill like like think guide way wrong think ill like like think guide way wrong think ill like mean angry know like
+1 | hey brigade словенский hey brigade rush chase zatrite arsonist slovenian home hey mašinca agoda echo greeting forest free hey mašinca agoda echo greeting forest free boundary barrier slovenian brigade barrier limit ridge ravine cloudy dark victory forward victory ridge ravine cloudy dark victory forward victory scorched plain white ljubljana army penetrate like tornado long brigade steal land slovenian lord long brigade steal land slovenian lord
+1 | christmas tree morning novelty day wonder lookka near market night coniferous forest shine frost needle crowd snuot mean tree tomorrow tomorrow new year 2p chorus dress better case let admire friend hello barb good hello green yol pts ka life go cheerful march veysya snow veil tomorrow year old country friend smart room tree gather stalin meet new year 2p chorus grieve sigh find word oh tree year pour song bezumolku strong strong shine tree holiday youth 2p pripev1940
-1 | get hand knee ear ground hold breath hear dirt sound tonight echo song lurk distant foreign shore dance god ask go not spend life wait live cold night prayer dawn daylight not want concrete call be fall crack slip postcard say wish would hold simple thing disappear s mean ill cold night prayer dawn daylight not want concrete call be fall crack slip destination fade smile station mile day go swear dawn get hand knee ear ground hold breath hear dirt whisper child be come home cold night prayer dawn daylight not want concrete call be fall crack slip slip crack slip crack slip crack slip
+1 | meet cheerful friendly camp distant expanse land different country come festival chorus heart speech hot greeting meet meet part world promchatsya day year povzrosleem forget moscow avenue forget moscow fresh breeze promchatsya day year chorus love friend horizon peace yes friendship live forever let peace nation pripev1957
-1 | s fire border burning wall build high s steady stream anger spilling coast tidal wave word reap sow bury ill build home line reclaim sick wait want want tonight watch fire burn cold dead hand pry gun woah want want tide come drown home bodys warm woah tradition tether ritual clock wrong time trigger time hear god bless place number dwindle endanger hunt head stake long reign want want tonight watch fire burn cold dead hand pry gun woah want want tide come drown home bodys warm woah yeah s fire border burning wall build high s steady stream anger spilling coast tidal wave want mother fucking world want tonight watch fire burn cold dead hand pry gun woah yeah not wanna wait know well way step aside come better away chance finally come go to wait want yeah douse flame want
-1 | come shroud bury bear shape life lead unmarked grave moment life end speak chance time stand fail well die forget suffer leave life passion chance time stand
-1 | downing street memo say get to work fact fit false charge pull wool eye filthy masse stab people corporate choice roll propaganda people voice not want talk press scribble scribble halftruth speak shoot round country like april fool joke hype nation desert storm love affair wave star stripe like not care talk day talk night talk face turn blue red white blue truth escape night crawl day find picture askew not want talk talk talk talk talk wanna tiptoe walk wave flag mindlessly salute oh whoa not want talk wanna tiptoe walk wave flag cowardly salute ohhhhh whoa tv screen diversion aversion flavor day wmds democracy blame mi6 cia white house press corpse thing not want talk white house boil al jazeera get wrong press corpse jump onboard singe white house song iraq thousand dead lie spineless war drummingpress corpse take life talk day talk night talk face turn blue red white blue truth escape night crawl day find picture askew not want talk talk talk talk talk wanna tiptoe walk wave flag mindlessly salute oh whoa not want talk wanna tiptoe walk wave flag cowardly salute ohhhhh whoa 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 fire fuel endless lie black shroud coat desert sky nation viewpoint blur lead embed report feed not want talk not want talk not want talk not want talk not want talk not not want not wanna talk not want not not want not wanna talk not want talk talk talk talk talk wanna tiptoe walk wave flag cowardly salute oh whoa not want talk wanna tiptoe walk wave flag cowardly salute ohhhhh whoa
-1 | breakdown let fun game begin spay break skin cold white lovely lonely night heaven way feel hate guess be roll want end cause feel creep have find town be head breakdown s sound loud be head breakdown drank alcohol free ill till heart black blue heaven way feel hate guess be roll want end cause feel creep have find town be head breakdown s sound loud be head breakdown have find town be head breakdown s sound loud be head breakdown blood downis cold be head breakdown s sound loud be head breakdown
+1 | cause old way turn turn drank grief forget let start commune live chorus come hang tired point wait lazy business work begin boil buzzing machine see sing see sing pass day power grow homeless people orphan adopt homeland mother pripev1931
+1 | hall columns break joyful light chandelier hall column today smartly dress meet guest youth ball sound waltz float away area sverdlov house favorite lure asterisks light minute heart fun chorus hall columns hall column waltz dance column hall happy day flush cheek young wonderful friend meet today broad stair naval form unlikely schoolgirl white apron flash remeslenit strict dress edge suvorovtcev brightly light heart fun chorus gentle light go chandelier hall columns orchestra play farewell guest escort jolly ball waltz fly away sverdlov square happy song soviet child spring bird soar sky heart joy chorus
-1 | mota day bong s table start hit zone ill paranoid hungry quarter watch rerun tv be laugh ass three company not be understand hear jimmy buffett sound good memory go life life mota boy lose feel right enemys life life mota boy lose feel okay night mota be drive barrio go 15 mile hour cause be stone guy wait car toss baggie run real far hit smell like clove oh fuck get baggie oregano ritual destroy guess bad methedrine memory go life life mota boy lose feel right enemys couch life life mota boy lose lose night mota memory go life life mota boy lose feel right enemys life life mota boy lose feel okay night lose feel okay night yeah lose feel okay life
+1 | song military commissioner exploit brave commissioner let marching song thunder siege ring glow fire raise inspiration battle chorus triumph lenin word invincible red army bayonet messenger party stalin hometown forward forward forward militant bolshevik shot ring smit nachdiv enemy lead pick banner drop commissioner division father chorus wise clear word countersign single shelf head enemy gleam like lightning sword chorus enemy come dark ravine look ahead sharpsighte commissioner crush blow respond treacherous blow couplet include song call call tirelessly victory take hand vintvkoyu scorch sun turkestan transbaikalian fierce blizzard army doubly braver beat span ustpit iron commander standardbearer party home 1938
-1 | walk avenue think would meet girl like meet girl like auburn hair tawny eye kind eye hypnotize hypnotize run run far away run run night day not away cloud appear head beam light come shine shine cloud move nearer aurora borealis come view aurora come view run run far away run run night day not away reach hand touch face slowly disappear view disappear view reach hand try be float beam light beam light run run far away run run night day run run far away run not away
-1 | boy anguish s man soul trade misery lonely life road year cruel will not let lay awake tryna find man inside pack bag escape world have tear life see come have feel hopeless tonight not wanna anymore be move want change world worthwhile pen paper pour inside red eye tear man would slowly surely fast track fall grave have tear life see come have feel hopeless tonight not wanna anymore be move not believe have come far short time be fight stop catch breath breathe know have tear life not believe let break have tear life see come have feel hopeless tonight not wanna anymore have tear life see come have feel hopeless tonight not wanna anymore be move boy anguish s man soul trade misery lonely life road
-1 | like everyday be leave discover like gray s color behold be fine yeah try stay sober feel like be die aware everything go to fine day late be hell prepared everyone go to fine day late feel dream expire s leave blame hear label liar cause not sigh yeah try stay sober be die aware everything go to fine day late be hell prepared everyone go to fine day late be scared assure go to away be scared be scared aware everything go to fine day late be hell prepared everyone go to fine day late prepared everything go to fine prepared prepared fine
-1 | fight fight let right fight fight let right fight fight let right fight fight let right build critical mass let loose energy flash build critical mass let loose energy flash build critical mass let loose energy flash build critical mass let loose energy flash fight fight let right fight fight let right fight fight let right fight fight let right fight fight let right fight fight let right fight fight let right
-1 | ere thou hast yon world manifest canst thou tell come thing shall thing shall change history write blood battle lose battlefields canst thou tell thou com thou goest come remain
-1 | watch rise fall common man live step walk watch wall crash crumble rebuild sleep throw sword ocean wide deep promise peace peace will not forge new blade nervously wait harmony pass stand guard roam like sentinel have awake long wish close eye awake long easy fall asleep fall love love keep run follow road road end live learn learn live fall ladder ascend have see eye widow leave have see child fall man leader apologize battle begin not look away pretend stay have awake long wish close eye awake long easy fall asleep asleep maybe dream sleep maybe would instead bliss ignorance demise not prevent fall asleep have awake long have awake long have awake long have awake long have awake long like constant vigil have awake long burn eternal flame have awake long surgery blade open heart have awake long single cut have awake
-1 | dimly perceive everchange everdye underlie change live power changeless hold create dissolve recreate inform power spirit god merely sense persist power benevolent malevolent purely benevolent midst death life persist midst untruth truth persist midst darkness light persist gather god life truth light love supreme good god merely satisfy intellect god god rule heart transform express small act votary prove extraneous evidence transform conduct character feel real presence god reject evidence deny oneself realization precede immovable faith person test fact god presence live faith faith prove extraneous evidence safe course believe law truth love exercise faith safe clear determination summarily reject contrary truth love confess argument convince reason faith transcend reason advise attempt impossible
-1 | go one leave carry look ashe wear badge dispossessed label not belong feel stab dark take away mean bare one leave care look end existence wear brand insurrection take lifetime pain kill feel stab dark take away mean burn like fade away burn like fade away mean burn like fade away burn like fade away burn like fade away
-1 | ueuone drucorigin auio auiettos auio auiei mantratio ulatin auios auiettos mantratio ulatin auio auiei doaxte bretannoi rigion auio auiettos auio auiei belorigos argantio auio auiettos belorigos argantio auio auiei comanxte mercin rigos auio auiettos auio auiei siraxta gabesse auios auiettos siraxta gabesse auio auiei sin cecantont uidlui cantlobi senauon west rise high king antumnos high queen noble daughter bretannos bear son lo sovereign celtos world marvel offspring antumnos uior benape bisiomo auio auiettos auio auiei bie matir mouon mapon auio auietto bie matir mouon mapon auio auiei gegnetro eobon mapos auio auiettos auio auiei iaccousassos aurio auio auiettos iaccousassos aurio auio auiei west rise high king antumnos high queen noble daughter bretannos bear son lo sovereign celtos world marvel offspring antumnos sin cecantont uidlui tre panpe aisson bou uassoi anuan celtos auio auiettos auio auiei maras boudas doaxte eu auio auiettos maras boudas doaxte eu auio auiei eddijo atir cenetli auio auiettos eddijo atir cenetli auio auiei west rise high king antumnos high queen noble daughter bretannos bear son lo sovereign celtos world marvel offspring antumnos west rise high king antumnos high queen noble daughter bretannos bear son lo sovereign celtos world marvel offspring antumnos
-1 | stand moon glow silent clearing surround bright firefly sparkling eye light fright fear appear fate push gate unknown episode await breath pine tree air slightly stroke red shimmer hair quick glance tell prepared turn key deep inside heavens tent star shine consense reach hand walk green land light fright fear appear fate push gate unknown episode await light fright fear appear fate push gate unknown episode await
+1 | artek drive drive guy machine counter buzzing carry people newbie look newbie look hear response artek artek omsk eagle border village northern forest long river let plane fly let steam engine hum let steam locomotive buzz artek artek air blue coast noise surf remember forever silhouette mountain mountain fire mountain fire artek artek friend like help trouble georgian spanish russian uzbek family family artek artek
-1 | edge sharp knife middle dark night know find puddle brave tear have see know lonely crowd foot dangle rooftop rooftop wait ledge voice talk matter pain neverende night awake pray tomorrow okay time crack smile maybe today hold laugh day laugh day matter time not matter go bad wonder like shut door goodbye face tragedy come alive come undone not hold let shape like ocean deep scar time fade matter pain neverende night awake pray tomorrow okay time crack smile maybe today hold laugh day yeah hold laugh day know old know brave face one fake role play matter pain go finally awake despite overwhelming odd tomorrow come crack smile decide stay will ready laugh matter pain tragedy yeah sympathy matter pain want matter pain misery distant memory matter pain learn laugh yeah learn laugh learn laugh
-1 | play moment spend lovesick swollen morning mince garlic counter sink hit instant replay good day catch surprise miss s come normal morning like set knife forget would leave make breakfast coffee stove scour counter knife not shy not kind snow collect bend bough pine not bit wasteful throw away time spend perfect love close quarter confine not wasteful terrified not feel painful high rise s woman edge building ledge traffic back 35 alright fix sweetness eye sit sit table talk television light night know thing not right maybe cut midw life maybe would better coast certain thing doubt know know get tired drinking guess cut coke scene worried end like father tired smoke wind blow storm touch north hudsonville coffee start boil stove wind blow river level finally get low be past dawn til live go radio play living room say city lack fund fix bridge deer overrun introduce wolf ridge kitchen hear neighbor alley hang linen man collect trash bin street speak not understand coffee burn time spend road trip west desert rest stop kitsch collect winter weekend huddle stove cabin rent unexpected snow visit christmas television binge friend brooklyn drive south richmond s traffic bridge woman ledge wind happen
-1 | yea see come hit awake enrage confuse blind life escape not pretend judgement come know expect s take effect tragic twist alter fate instinct deny logic apply time learn late blunt force trauma head blunt force trauma head blaze life speed sound not stop look sign suddenly crash forget life remind clock run fall sand time slip hand expect s take effect tragic twist alter fate instinct deny logic apply time learn late blunt force trauma head late late late late blunt force trauma blunt force trauma expect s take effect tragic twist alter fate instinct deny logic apply time learn late blunt force trauma head late late
-1 | walk valley shadow death wear crown thorn pull knife chest search find maybe will not leave be stick will change day road travel spend life choose choose wrong try alive try cause have see light blow ground spend life take good d s home d end hear s light s sound hard breathe underground hear hear low pretend star sky mean heaven open live knee man word man deed walk street absent hope pillow concrete man home lend hand walk way leave virtue pity live shame scared dream world sunlight wake know dark night quickly forget sacrifice go bear walk away walk life d s home d end hear s light s sound hard breathe underground hear hear look eye look d s home d end hear s light s sound hard breathe underground hear hear hear hear hear
+1 | hello kursk land kursk sweet heart hello earth light wind mother meet military friend chorus russia heart fate thy labor remember evening mother burn garden road bloody street father fight child grow love chorus night sleep dawn dawn dream wonderful life apple tend branch ground newly re nightingale song chorus dear region resist storm love give steppe russian native love tear kursk russian time chorus
-1 | endless morning cut dawn razor whip nightmare froth endless question answer replacement s lose lose suffocate dust past fortune squander empire lie pander suffer selfimposed exile taste bitter fruit denial presence greatness humble bow frost breath life warmth light deprivation eternal winter frost breath life warmth light eternal winter tell lie good intention mute age mass communication dark day lead dark night freeze time die blessed ego mighty lay low frost breath life warmth light deprivation deprivation eternal winter deprivation eternal winter teach hate ill teach fear open eye kill despair try squeeze life son bitch be go break son bitch be go break break be go break break
-1 | squint eye clearly blur reality real let focus deceive eye know s conceal have blind subject visual misinformation systematic denial crystalline fine grain read hide word context parallel truth devoid fragmentation lightinduce image truth filter blank substance eye will not adhere intuitive line examine separate thing time harder stare complete disintegration dissolution eye reopen reason focalize receptor activate perspective distort ladder grasp twinheade serpent forever hide s true knowledge engine sane insanity merge clarity unity reality untouchable transparent invisible fix restricted field vision existence take grant absolute possess own control common senseinfecte rational gaze onward forever walk ignorant stray common line
-1 | life live dead forget feel slave memory wishful thinking love set free awaken star sleep constellation soul live dead imprison beauty want leave arm wait hope embrace illusion think love clear sight leave
-1 | step step get close get close let believe let wonder lie let believe let wonder lie let believe let wonder lie yeah know buy be sell know buy be go to try think right right good good go to miss go to miss go to miss have get hurt have get hurt have get step step get close get close let believe let wonder lie let believe let wonder lie let believe let wonder lie yeah know buy wall wall know buy know want say matter s miss go to miss say matter s miss go to miss say matter s miss go to miss have get hurt have get hurt have get
+1 | popular unity объединённый народ испанский shout people united defeat people united defeat singe standing sing succeed progress unity flag come march song flag bloom light red dawn announce life come marching foot people triumph well life come conquer happiness clamor thousand fighting voice rise freedom song determination fatherland win people rise fight giant voice cry ahead shout people united defeat people united defeat sing country build unit north south mobilize burn mineral salt southern forest unite fight work iran country cover passage foreshadow future standing sing people triumph million impose truth steel fiery battalion take hand justice reason woman fire courage worker people rise fight giant voice cry ahead shout people united defeat people united defeat 1970
+1 | blue danube wave danube sailor campaign road victory lead west repeat song danube blue see gray gray cloud bank smoke fire battle heavy dream peakless cap wave wave danube moscow salute sailor look attack come repeat song danube blue see red lightning battle hour night blood mingle wave battle heavy dream peakless cap wave wave danube river boat cheerful tourist west lucky deck stand time danube blue blue shiny wave remember war battle heavy dream peakless cap wave battle heavy dream peakless cap wave
-1 | be cynical simple individual try residual momma say be critical kid everybody mock start rap cause listen be talk niggas munching paki class drunk sake drop ass sip sip mouth bleed drip low lip not shit need hit dick tip picture perfect cam char know kid midi oh hear -PRON- shit kid everybody stand imma stay sit city swear die forget song set curtain close everybody home get mum california sister move florida like yesterday beg quarter buy soda machine not exist cause go tear be not comine be not midoria cam bolden shit behold heart brain know feel insane be time be mind fam tell feel fine cause not wanna freak -PRON- hear song go freak be sorry mum be liar be kid weed light joke smoke panic attack get home be not tell niggas hand motherfucke pocket be walking lock sidewalk like cyclop momma tell head hold high tell sorry momma guy imma let beat ride fuck verse lurk picture perfect worth die niggas hurt know -PRON- tired sad shit s go look past sit fuck shut fuck be tired nigga try tell s bitch be s bitch be guy be nigga fire eye imma let fucking beat ride fuck be lose lose lose inside mind not run away hide feeling provide be lose lose lose inside mind not run away hide feeling provide be lose lose lose inside mind not run away hide feeling provide
-1 | broken bone break glass broken heart break head livin life close eye try outrun wretched memory past move fast get chance freight train racing set crash broken bone break glass broken heart break head livin life break bone break glass broken heart break head livin life wake wonder cross heart fuckin prayer ecstasy tear bravery fear boat float not steer broken bone break glass broken heart break head livin life break bone break glass broken heart break head livin life life long wind road lead end trail youth flash lesson painfully attain blood sweat black blue surrender get surrender broken bone break glass broken heart break head livin life livin livin broken bone break glass broken heart break head livin life break bone break glass broken heart break head livin life close eye try outrun wretched memory past
-1 | be dead new turn let old burn transform berserk resurrection breathe crisp air cripple fear rebirth open eye come life be dead refresh dare new start submission brave thing reanimate machine muscle wit nerve extreme be dead run hide face think face end will run hide flee menace arouse powerful energy pack strong young wreck be not challenge big limb fire burn burn burn way will win matter try power old life will onedimensional superhero attitude be dead run hide fight think fight end will run hide duck dirt hole ground run hide run safe free run hide not try fight try flee try live be dead run berserk sensitive skin ready fail have get second better feed make noise sweep overestimate bold mortal fly strong strong strong strive be dead run hide think end will run hide run save head save life save breath run hide not try fight try flee try live run hide seek shelter late run hide fight think fight end will run hide run safe oh kind different trancer be dead
+1 | song 12th guard artillery regiment harsh winter go offensive forest smoke flame regiment receive baptism fire finnish brutal war walk day frozen swamp stretch snow direct fire hit pillbox destroy enemy fortification chorus battle horde murderous perform duty twelfth guard artillery regiment twelfth guard red regiment come grim day great holy war go battle beat enemy glory soviet country wind fly fast guard hit shell battery battery germans fly air chorus sunny afternoon night frost gun rattle roar artillery formidable enemy include leningrad soon germans brother forward trembling fear berlin guards glory come chorus 1942
-1 | be give night tell feel night long want drive night hill night long be go to tell not want hear night long be go to dark fear night long s inside hard explain talk boy s inside hard explain talk boy be give night tell feel night long want drive night hill night long be go to tell not want hear night long be go to dark fear night long s inside hard explain talk boy s inside hard explain talk boy
-1 | hand fate move finger point knock foot go to tongue freeze have get piper gate dawn call way watch world explode single night dance sun new bear light goodbye gravity goodbye death hello eternity live breath time come time come time come time come ferryman want money be not go to push boat set track contemplate second new spark set universe aflame watch world explode single night dance sun new bear light brother father join hand chain shadow wicker man rise time come time come time come time come time come time come time come time come time come time come time come time come time come time come time come time come
+1 | village village processor country boundless expanse accord black earth region mother siberia sea endlessly wheat knock engine like heart red summer warm people field ulterior motive honest people happy happy forever people happiness forever grandfather grain beard smile face today reign beauty wheat find good home rain mokla barn new old gold young selfleveling sun grain sun grain dear edge dear land rich edge sun rise mountain river breeze young sky blue shine wind young sky blueeye golden edge eh rye pass combine proedesh turn youth confident victory field hour come sun rise ear ask harvest fine day comely hurry work body load straight line machine bathe cloud dust home road driver long forget song sound roll knock current girl strong brave tan color ripe corn come necessary finish late difficulty birthplace strong dear edge dear land rich edge sun rise mountain river breeze young sky blueeye golden edge oh work year glory proud feat people right song glory country hail home country
+1 | song lumumba congo distant black continent congo flame heart cry congo colonial horde kill young hero chorus fire smoke lumumba lumumba brother battle lumumba lumumba banner lumumba live heart africa congo burn land congo thy holy anger disappear congo million stand battle boast world struggle chorus congo enemy suffocate congo win live congo wall help globe chorus 1961
+1 | true companion old ship go away steep bank misty haze escort palm black eye burn mist someone love someone tear tenderness heart hurt chorus faithful companion wind blow worry dear ill come hope flight come faithful fate fire melt sky skin like bronze favorite tear shed come home port sailor happiness store wonder sea like lighthouse eye shine favorite rage wave groan flurry weep tackle wind sea fight know happiness pass long mile wave argue storm pretty bad calm love sea option change text neznachitelnymi 1945
-1 | leave family lock gate hide key run track follow forever whirl life hate ask death carry wound close warm corpse birth dead birth cold birth dead birth cold life hate ask death birth dead birth cold birth dead birth cold
-1 | second hand look like knife counting rest life hard swallow step follow hard survive dear youth big plan believe world hand leave home face fear brave unknown jade old memory scream blind word rationality waste say goodbye memory not come recognize right track catch wrong train end dear youth big plan believe world hand leave home face fear brave unknown dear youth thought head one believe boundless know end road story home unbreakable alive day shrink alive moment fleeting alive give good alive know rest
-1 | remember word mean etch finger year wet cement day blur clear cruise half speed shift gear run like vampire thousand burn sun stay run away friend go maybe have outgrow thing love run away run hand audience go identity assume add synchronize watch second lose look see know see freeze moment empathy bring sky shrug give emptiness run away friend go maybe have outgrow thing love run away run hand audience go ok day surface shine inside rot race sunset win slam brake wheel go run away friend go maybe have outgrow thing love run away run hand audience go
-1 | paint city mask wear foot go quickly leave storm come way break like heart seek water rise like wind sea tear apart distance pray safe harm xxx city fill tear away street drown tonight let water come test vow have let water come break vow river stand wait bring shall return bring survivor end like wind sea tear apart distance pray safe harm xxx city fill tear away street drown tonight let water come test vow have let water come break vow let water come break vow
+1 | necessary song che memoriam skin attach bone lose earth teardrop remembrance poem carve fire song death gild machine gun night search book righteous purpose action memory open reborn need moose altar formative legend image impossible dream catch learn phrase memory like know pregone shamelessly sleep love faith word lose sense respect man bear cover flower poet say fairer today duty defend god
+1 | song kgb security officer bear struggle husband hot battle fiery pore year pass cap star wear leather jacket museum glass enemy prepare fire war heavy cloud hover ground soviet union let work quietly comrade early retire chorus mind temple gray morning unable sleep ready old man repeat fiery path value trust people holy faithful glorious motherland strong december seventeenth year wear proud cheka sound alarm hang order wife usual faith wait dear comrade old chekist chorus mind temple gray morning unable sleep ready old man repeat fiery path name read newspaper take trouble world party let sleep morning office major general gray embed hand sword shield power enemy defeat redoubt inviolable fan eternal unquenchable glory tradition live dzerzhinsky chorus mind temple gray morning unable sleep ready old man repeat fiery path
-1 | arm hold jesus christ pose thorn shroud like coming lord swear not want slave stare like need save jesus christ pose arm hold jesus christ pose thorn shroud like coming lord swear not want slave staring like be drive nail nail like be drive nail nail jesus christ pose arm hold like coming lord pay walk water wear crown thorn not pain bury rich bury poor jesus christ pose
-1 | rise new dawn rise child sun inhabit kingdom augustly crown rock mass vast lake sanctuary like covert nemeton forest hallowed blest grove invictus tribe nertom woloutom que strong rich etsi snis karamose gladly nertom woloutom que etsi snis strong rich emmos snis riyi emmos snis free s widomore karamose know love know emmo snis riyi emmos snis andometi free untamed nertom woloutom que etsi snis strong rich emmos snis riyi emmos snis free s kingly tribe sublime arise golden time prosperous era age primordial reign horde untameable invincible armada dash bold host venturous fearnaught
-1 | time talk dog ass let tell ya bitch let tell ya bitch
-1 | consider endnote read be go look die have lose track believe ill will not compete will not fight throne not exist will not compete lose arrogance will not compete will not fight throne not exist will not compete feel consequence choose start today be longing life plagued know leave page fight war have lose be fighting turn head wake dead repair certainty repair will not compete will not fight throne not exist will not compete lose arrogance will not compete will not fight throne not exist will not compete feel consequence not break take stand earn place breed disgrace remain faceless head hold high ill go not break head hold high have not break
-1 | stand have get manage will not sympathize anymore complain meet army right s wrong self sufficiency work complain meet army right s wrong self sufficiency will not save will not save will not save rescue squad exhausted complain meet army right s wrong self sufficiency
-1 | feel incredible eye feel love feel magical feel love silently love silently love feel impossible time die silently love silently love
-1 | know wage war face throat shadow scream be lone lone iiiive get migraine pain range sideways thank god friday cause friday well sunday cause sunday suicide day not know dismal thunderstorm cloud snow slight drizzle weather letter bed death well migraine head let say headache represent defend suspense suspend defenseless test test ruthless examinant s represent best depress e thought writer block writer hate clock let sleep guess ill sleep be dead death well migraine head know wage war face throat shadow scream be know have far kid fine pardon yell be tell green garden s grow psyche different difficult beast feast burn tree freeze frame let paint mental picture portrait will not forget forehead door hold content pandoras boxs content look nonviolent eyelid island violence mind shipwreck land mind find know violent island tidal wave suicidal craze lion try eat blood run chin know fight let lion win begin assemble weapon find cause stay alive get kill mind know wage war face throat shadow scream be know have far kid day break away pain brain game play moment hold frozen know life hopeful undertone day break away pain brain game play moment hold frozen know life hopeful undertone know wage war face throat shadow scream be know have far kid far
+1 | call communist look country wealth motherland approve brotherhood chorus live fate rank equal communist advantage attack climb plight people life spare homeland live aleli dawn freedom chorus fulfill sacred duty realize vocation exploit labor sun rise world chorus 2p attack climb 1978
-1 | honey come wanna rap jack hump be go honey come wanna rap jack hump be go honey come wanna rap jack hump be go honey come wanna rap jack hump be go honey come wanna rap jack hump be go honey come wanna rap jack hump be go honey come wanna rap jack hump be go honey come honey come honey come honey come way yonder honey come way yonder honey come way yonder honey come way yonder honey come way yonder honey come way yonder honey come way yonder honey come way yonder honey come way yonder honey come wanna rap jack hump be go honey come wanna rap jack hump be go honey come wanna rap jack hump be go honey come wanna rap jack hump be go honey come wanna rap jack hump be go honey come wanna rap jack hump be go honey come wanna rap jack hump be go honey come wanna rap jack hump be go honey come wanna rap jack hump be go honey come wanna rap jack hump be go honey come wanna rap jack hump be go
-1 | fight deep inside connect wire set power free imprison forever computer kind press clear datum memory flow mind mind switch mind defenceless brain control system use high gain imprison forever computer kind press clear datum memory flow mind flow mind mind fight deep inside connect wire set power free imprison forever computer kind press clear datum memory flow mind flow mind mind flow mind mind mind
-1 | make happy ill make happy be light eye like star bright dawn life look love light sad wanna glad make happy want happy make happy ill ill make happy be make happy want happy make happy ill ill make happy be
-1 | fire head wire plain view s way clarity eye destiny little spark not know deep inside memory leave close eye have hopelessly lose fear one dark waste time search exit infinite space deep inside memory leave close eye have hopelessly lose fear real light light future lullaby fire head wire plain view s way clarity eye destiny little spark not know deep inside memory leave close eye have hopelessly lose fear real deep inside memory leave close eye have hopelessly lose fear
+1 | time storm stormy time day night father fight freedom hero battle saber run high storm bear boy heated battle soldier soldier like soldier boy glory battle ask fathers avtv battle beg tear die black grass bow heart like banner avtston clench lip storm live guy heated battle soldier soldier like soldier lightning otsverkalo silence rise flower sky light storm field storm kill guy heated battle soldier soldier like soldier 1964
-1 | time change come go watch fear god decision decision overwhelm choose run apathetic stunned decision decision feed fire burn lie feel pain spur black inside plan path bring low stand afterthought yes hurt know buy decision decision feed fire burn lie feel pain spur black inside decision decision plan path bring low stand
+1 | potato field potato field student share conveyor belt orsha student field battlefield conveyor belt shell go black potato field deadly harvest find threaten moment gust learn field iron grandson soldier carry shell chest press gap field price pain student autumn day friend bring salvation potato field battlefield battlefield home hero 1970
+1 | goodbye moscow stand quieter melt fast time miracle goodbye sweet misha fairytale forest sad smile parting remember day remember wish fulfillment wish new meeting covet wish success goodness love end olympic sonorous echo remain verse heart goodbye moscow goodbye olympic fairytale farewell wish fulfillment wish new meeting friend covet chorus part friend remain heart tenderness song protect goodbye meet 1980
-1 | outcry lose dream sense wonder street raise goodbye hope home would hold goodbye go great friend leave one choose stay waste away unplaced pray grow old grow strong leave city familiar place memory turn day gray space till year catch maybe daydream s work late think friend leave friend friend leave rewind find young man hope goal dream alight bright friendship crossroad night choice city say barely swear allegiance choose leave friend letter maybe phone call come year address wife child fool choose stay hurt know be bad know choose not mistake not mistake friend leave go guess day drop like leave breeze be not wild be not bitter not carry coping fear keep go regret not retrieve forget believe leave turn 63 sweep gutter street weeding concrete wait wait not mistake not mistake not mistake goodbye go great free
+1 | honor friend girlfriend friend fun friendly table small circle circle small let sing drinking song honor friend girlfriend chorus let drink happiness motherland girl true friend stay young soul forever forever friend word say hot love dream hand cute take holiday chorus friend song outside louder sing table home country chorus friend fun friendly table small circle circle small let sing drinking song honor friend girlfriend chorus 1956
+1 | immortal victim немецкий immortal victim sanket stand weep pain heart mind k mpfet starbet come right mourn future generation freedom buy human tendon erf settin g find k end live h humanity seek
-1 | end passion play crumble away be source selfdestruction vein pump fear suck darkest clear lead death construction taste need dedicate be kill come crawl faster obey master life burn faster obey master master master puppet be pull string twist mind smash dream blind not thing cause ill hear scream master master cause ill hear scream master master needlework way betray life death clear pain monopoly ritual misery chop breakfast mirror taste need dedicate be kill come crawl faster obey master life burn faster obey master master master puppet be pull string twist mind smash dream blind not thing cause ill hear scream master master cause ill hear scream master master master master master master master master s dream have master master promise lie laughter laughter hear laughter laughter laughter laugh cry fix hell worth natural habitat rhyme reason neverende maze drift numbered day life season occupy help die run rule come crawl faster obey master life burn faster obey master master master puppet be pull string twist mind smash dream blind not thing cause ill hear scream master master cause ill hear scream master master
-1 | dream long know youno doubt time end sight like nightmare picture headdrawn faith trust shape convictionis blame simple realize vision melt hand like fuckin dream drip future pull encircle reality be diving past sight nightmare sight tattere heart rag open window howl fear reality lung fill pain sorrow tear break fuckin aim hope day day end ask look remember face look eye time everthing fade ugly grey expect end like
+1 | el pueblo people eduardo ramo death impeccable function artisan sun make hero make history give place die earth future example dagger rifle trench word love awareness death name fall coast fall mountain fall machete place time fall unnamed hero remind cry remind arm remind earth make think die end live man ready fight continue
-1 | like yesterday dream clear possible god feel near suffer bleed truly believe year come go bring blink eye like minute year fly blink eye afraid stop not stop time strobing snapshot past blur flash thing come flood would stop look maybe far have come take toll blink eye like minute year fly blink eye afraid stop not stop time blink eye blink eye blink eye s fast life change blink eye everything erase blink eye like minute year fly blink eye afraid stop not stop time blink eye like minute year fly blink eye afraid stop not stop time
+1 | bring young people shoulder shoulder people continue beat enemy defend freedom expensive easy bear glory cherish glory youth deserve right happy live peace chorus combine youth last peace future create build world light combine youth forward forward last peace different race latitude skin tone good friend friendship hot decide fate let colleague contemporary strange distant know word song sing country chorus fight world bread work let war know child let grow free attempt tip split rank single system let sound resolute response motto global combat chorus combine youth last peace future create build world light combine youth forward forward last peace 1947
-1 | maybe maybe see mother maybe s smile hear catching laughter s miss charm cooperstown have get glove bed maybe ill shoot shit finally beer catchbut catch tear catch breath hear come bud funk time funny apply know ill try tool worth try ya proud have learn spotless anymore ill let resonate maybe heaven norman rockwell scene friend singe gordon lightfoot song read mind read mind end hard well clapton father eye know wishful thinking hope will not kill see ill finally stretch foot ghost away fade away leave be plead time know be beg flake fall twice time be beg not say night snow shape land walk home laugh way suppose hurt worth ghost
+1 | artek waltz away silvery evening sea bear wakeless drowsiness envelop wave coastal shingle argue southern star burn chorus wind joker tickle face spin waltz music breathe foliage song lie word loss homeland dear motherland thank crimean tale care affection thank swing smoothly friend cypress affably wave top dance boat rocky promontory plyvosh wave chorus home remember crimean expanse evening tide hear melody sea waltz motif chorus ayudag tatar bear mountain mountain near camp artek 1961
-1 | potent flow wicked sick hos pounce bounce slow dick potent flow wicked sick hos pounce bounce slow dick not shit celebrity motherfucker ya happen s feeder food chain frontin line dude name car part fast spark hit gas start fire get wire barb cut like jalapeno popper fart burnin asshole rip apart punch hard be not like care go far stitch leave scar clown bent outta shape cirque du soleil throw weight s shadow dark not know girl remark laugh inside hear later dick cunt get screw process get hot chick nude payback cum fool circle turnin turnin bitch payback cum fool circle turnin turnin bitch ball life slut dick not hit fuck side ball life slut dick not hit fuck side potent flow wicked sick hos pounce bounce slow dick potent flow wicked sick hos pounce bounce slow dick thank bitch get scream david arquettes resume mean job involve get mobbed like john gotti dress kill like be gianni versace get to gimp limp huff like fat kid sit gym class asthma wear correctional shoe pass swear spot smorgasbord sprintin second reckon be not sloppy leftover gettin clock block cock piss tryst missus get pantie bunch like face leg convince dick get hard be pussy autograph breast motherfuckin dollar sign instead ss payback cum fool circle turnin turnin bitch payback cum fool circle turnin turnin bitch ball life slut dick not hit fuck side ball life slut dick not hit fuck side ball life slut dick not hit fuck side ball life slut dick not hit fuck side ball life slut dick not hit fuck side ball life slut dick not hit fuck side
-1 | remember year ago time spend think be happy mean strange cause feel way think look like think taste like strange say strange cause feel remember taste like feel like make ill think look like think taste like think look like think taste taste strange say strange cause feel strange say strange cause feel strange say strange cause feel strange say strange cause feel remember taste like feel like
-1 | scared image scare immaturity scare ceiling scare ill die uncertainty fear death fear lead anxiety not know s inside not forget not forget doubt be good temperature drop temperature drop be sure stop shake hand dark part thought have get not forget not forget doubt be good gnaw bishop claw way system repeat simple phrase holy insist want marking skin mean hope not leave not forget not forget doubt be good hey hey not forget hey hey not forget hey hey not forget hey hey not forget
+1 | kati song song kati thing gather threshold immediately scatter hair amur breeze leave home hard time nayti character mess leave home easy find be half world easy step scope scare obstacle way characteristic mess goodbye come threshold run train road advise meet way character mess 1939
-1 | start end come gather lie beast rest keep hear trumpet get hearing check father speak prophecy think believe selfcentere try choke get kinda late walk edge leapt sing disconnect write wall letter plain tall fault not feel not feel not feel not feel cower eternal wrath not want fear shadow want evade thought want die kyoto ocean sleep dream stop ponder see committed satellite man one go try tide married moon want heart true write wall letter plain tall fault not feel go fade fast let rest question will ask not feel not feel not feel not feel not feel not feel not feel not feel not feel
-1 | uh 2000 g yo need encore -PRON- welcome wanna ball till fall help want beef let slug melt hat cuz be wild barbarian hard be scarin -PRON- century 21 solar eclipse listenin word write disc slob knob like street felonious description dorags pant sag foot ak heat 8th day street till lay foot qb pjs playin keeps jewelry car jeep motto fourfive hollow silencer nozzle pop bottle leave good year bulletproof vest year aim head chest year s know year better rep yeah 1 nasty nas esco escobar naughty nastradamus nasty nas esco escobar naughty nastrodamus repeat 1 let -PRON- niggas bang shit saddam hits let nastrodamus tell time don shit nigga sing hook tj swan shit black ski mask project camoulflage clip run crib tie bitch weigh brick loco break brown coke will not sell spendin money weed smoke hotel hood rat bullet wind female get baby hustler niggaz jail slingin chip fiend burn finger tip base head kill cab driver hit week later sportin gator gettin thrill honie wearin gucci high heel come scoop chill leave street sec hit sky bar sunset sex hightech uh repeat 1 repeat 1 lounge homeboy godly zone rest peace ill name throne gon rep good physically kill weapon man lamp lay mac braveheart rap honor legend not understand heaven s level brethren tow gs get type fam mac 11s squeeze think right s zone leave bentley porch drj watch sick bread lamborghini truck topless laptop 100 gigabyte ninja bike roll dice ice guy multiply wise guy man mind eye understand be repeat 1 repeat 1 ill nastrodamus new lp 2 g uh bravehearts nation big thing lucciano oh lord mobb deep zaire crack cocaine yeah hoe jungle raise hope
-1 | isolation leave like disappear desolation time feel like second slowly turn minute month sunday come time pull wonder ill rise misery love company little bit sympathy today go tomorrow today today come today desperation sink dark cold deviation place know not wanna forget know misery love company little bit sympathy today go tomorrow today today come today go tomorrow today today come today minute slowly turn hour moment pass second eternity wonder time goodbye today go tomorrow today today come today go tomorrow today today come today
-1 | mind destructive taste choose stroll waste heart lose dark chase wall thought strong high castle crumble time think oh yes crime open fire mark true open fire aim smile skull open fire live tomorrow ill follow wallow sea sorrow line cut face laugh disgrace ill know far reach place open fire mark true open fire aim smile skull open fire live tomorrow ill follow wallow sea sorrow open fire mark true open fire aim smile skull open fire live tomorrow ill follow wallow sea sorrow live tomorrow ill follow wallow sea sorrow live tomorrow ill follow wallow sea sorrow live tomorrow ill follow wallow sea sorrow
-1 | end game whisper truth pass blame misery defeat victory burn fade away fail evolution problem solution have search wait world save cause build write epitaph reset start cause know end long dead go thorn earth draw line flaw design rest history defeat victory burn fade away guilty sin feel feel skin arm lift finger lift finger infinite world know long forgot long forget wait world save cause build write epitaph reset start cause know end long dead go guilty sin feel feel skin arm lift finger lift finger infinite world know long forget
-1 | pain anguish deprive mercyrefuse compassion bare wall prison dungeon deliver ransom god justify cruelty s leave s leave agony break dogma let let let breath peace leave world serenity give death silence fall long ago lose anchor sorrow drown give death turmoil world struggle anymore end put hand feel sorrow drown let let let breath day fade away song die away peace mind give death peace leave world long ago lose anchor be longing redemption enclose mist oblivion day fade away song die away turmoil world struggle anymore end put hand feel
-1 | play music play loud sleep noisemaker
+1 | red soldier red soldier poor people stand field hut defend battle chorus gun cannon roar pop machine gun bandit retreat move forward long starve grace king tear ingest weight chain time brother executioner beat old world curse smother land freedom forward arrow forward let host nation bring freedom son people oath fight red flag soldier carry
+1 | case kolkhoz village village earth tractor lift village village earth sun flood chorus greeting dear fatherland party hello hello kolkhoz affairs case hot spring spring spring edge green scientist need need engineer field gold word native country flourish prosper day country chorus greeting dear fatherland party hello hello accurate machine strong wait field field city cheaply rich land land land rural area difficulty red wonder miracle land create chorus greeting dear fatherland party hello hello country favorite boundless bread satiate foreign boundless edge people friendship 1959
-1 | have get time time hand bury head sand time hurry guess will sit drift away have get worry course rough yes know tough time time hand guess will sit drift away need know say be not true need know s little hope inside oh baby look feel have set drift away need know say be not true need know s little hope inside need know say be not true need know s little hope inside
+1 | round robin singe bird cherry flower bloom sun play oh be go home ask foot rest easy easy long journey friend like drunk oh be go home girl bucket worth tenderly look handkerchief paint oh be go home circle sun homeland battle enemy fight color color free native land oh be go victory home 1945
+1 | time war time war time hold alive remember flame go save soldier soldier soldier chorus year muchuse walking remember home country war difficult war terrible war time war burn bread yellow turn blue river save land continue live heart forever forever forever chorus time war memory give remember world burn year let know look soldier soldier soldier chorus year year knock window war long ago long ago reserve soldier go true story need war chorus 1972
-1 | close not remember shed tear ospite ground crop fatal frontline like sootblackene palisade impel void abulic legion delineate ominous skyline lifeless demon soul insentient host abide engulf war monger away trod ye path vast deceit piece evidence lie war threat hype fake figure board stain bibracte ground breathein dream spur come oneiric picture like disaffect legion take lure wonder lie threat promise persuade leave home far away know carnyx roar aloud quake ask heart take bait sweeten word bitter essence face face nameless foe scorch word unspeak lorn unheard quest remain ashe dead forsooth bear brunt upright life death countless cry echo silenced cave
-1 | tell tragic tell listen hear static wooo be wait woooo feel like be faint wooo be wait wooo feel like be faint love love baby forgot love love baby forgot woooo be wait woooo feel like be faint woooo be wait woooo feel like be faint wait wait long listen answer machine answer machine answer machine answer machine woooo be wait woooo feel like be faint woooo be wait woooo feel like be faint
-1 | have get band brother take street not wake tomorrow cause drink till dawn be not try sleep will away cause not fuck throw caution wind know good tomorrow night have get band brother take street not wake tomorrow cause drink till dawn be not try sleep will away cause not fuck throw caution wind know good tomorrow night now time look time life feelin guess tonight night pick poison fuckin get to right grab weed smoke till eye bleed drop have get drink sight grab pack smoke till lung black chop one love till day light have get band brother take street not wake tomorrow cause drink till dawn be not try sleep will away cause not fuck throw caution wind know good tomorrow night yeah take city storm yeah drinkin bar dry movin wake memory not render know sure night remember grab weed smoke till eye bleed drop have get drink sight grab pack smoke till lung black chop one love till day light time life live time life live time life not fuck have get band brother take street not wake tomorrow cause drink till dawn be not try sleep will away cause not fuck throw caution wind know good tomorrow night have get band brother take street not wake tomorrow cause drink till dawn be not try sleep will away cause not fuck throw caution wind know good tomorrow night
-1 | pick phone bless thief disguise skin bless finger gesture paint receiver fake lying staircase broken elbow come window call night blanket feel cold call night blanket use finger darle tear away restraint body temporary thing rip apart body piece art tear piece night blanket weight world history thievery crying screaming lying lack thereof feel blood saturate face history thievery game play history thievery game play hang phone
+1 | song chibisa road lapwe road lapwing shout wave eccentric oh tell ah tell go shout wing worry let enter green garden guy feather friend touch lapwing sky blue meadow grass rustle choose path dear dear dear beloved land bloom call leave long journey steppe latitude river ford entire country country want
-1 | truth lie truth lie truth lie twist turn truth leave s abandon life fly word break commit sacrifice betrayal code thrust nothingness truth lie word break subconscious bias confirm believe message value sheltering false idea tear thought splinter set sense s force remember word throw focus test dissolve break bound unfair holding track line journey end break
-1 | know end finally find way home master plan spin endless be drown regret be try hard s breath want ill know stand foot fucking knee stand wash away blood stain soul have give reason tear apart not fix s break ill know not surrender fucking life lie pride self push inside skin eat away will sun ill know look away break mirror time come slow beating heart
-1 | be fall pick be far go dead eye friend be stare barrel be blind light face believe have know take not home yeah bad world collide let fear collapse bring surprise feed fire break vision throw fist come feed fire break vision throw fist come feed fire break vision throw fist come feed fire break vision throw fist come stay let fear subside stay s hide feed fire break vision throw fist come feed fire break vision throw fist come feed fire break vision throw fist come feed fire break vision throw fist come feed fire break vision throw fist come feed fire break vision throw fist come
-1 | day daily dose faux affliction forgive sin forge pulpit fork tongue sell false sermon cause new wave gospel sharp will thy witness gentleman go to preach god sakes preach conviction strike band whoa conductor beckon come congregation let sing like mean not not not strike band whoa conductor beckon come congregation let sing like mean not not not stay douse light sure tonight little number grace display character have get gunslinger extraordinaire walk contradiction blood heart wrist allegedly slit will not stand scene parish would condemn strike band whoa conductor beckon come congregation let sing like mean not not not strike band whoa conductor beckon come congregation let sing like mean not not not not stay douse light sure tonight stay douse light sure tonight stay douse light strike band whoa conductor beckon come congregation let sing like mean not not not strike band whoa conductor beckon come congregation let sing like mean not not not not not strike band
+1 | banner motherland remember country russia spread wing street barricade night tough chorus planet better strong good listen mate listen rhythm day come go fire disaster light victory future open worker poet chorus planet better strong good listen mate listen rhythm day come favorite building good song grow unruly afraid chorus planet better strong good listen mate listen rhythm day come road kind severe banner motherland 2 ready fight chorus planet better strong good listen mate listen rhythm day come option fight russia believe fair power 2 banner revolution version rise fight russia banner revolution 1977
-1 | hold bird feather lie crooked wing answer spread cancer faith inside not leave die help survive not remember remember sleep evil angel open wing evil angel be believer bad imaginary friend hide betrayal drive nail hope find savior not leave die help survive not surrender surrender sleep evil angel open wing evil angel fly evil angel not breathe evil angel sleep evil angel open wing evil angel fly evil angel not breathe evil angel
-1 | na na na na oh oh na na na na oh oh na na na na oh oh leader bad guy sing soft soak pain hear echo secret hideaway have forgot close door crank dismal chord wall declare insane find way right time wrong place plead case judge oh set free judge oh set free know soul freeze hell hot good reason na na na na oh oh na na na na oh oh na na na na oh oh light light fourth one tell cause bit dark night bout forget drought lightbulb house head route think head south be good direction hide mouth be pro imperfection be good friend doubt mind hear clear loud be think wow probably shoulda stay inside house find way right time wrong place plead case judge oh set free judge oh set free know soul freeze hell hot good reason not know song surrender revel not know devil not know song surrender revel not know devil judge oh set free oh judge oh set free oh know soul freeze hell hot good reason na na na na oh oh na na na na oh oh na na na na oh oh
-1 | imm uelor uediumi gussu andedion uediiiumi diiuion risun artiu artiu mapon aruerifatin
+1 | ballad che guevara russian need orchestra let finger wake guitar sing ernesto sing che guevara let rise glow dawn sky far song rebellious island song room crystal gloss necessary let shine sky holy truth sing ernesto smile snow white tooth sierra maestra machete angry cuba need applause let glory call anger explode start enemy camp sing major live ot harden powder soon forget downcast vorog repeat 1st verse sinful god bullet forever betroth soldier woman love cuba sing ernesto sing che guevara
+1 | marsh budennogo red cavalry bylinniki eloquent lead story information clear night rainy day proudly boldly battle chorus lead budyonny boldly battle let thunder let fire circle fire selfless hero life struggle budyonny little brother people order head hang look forward contact voroshilov red officer able shed blood ussr chorus high clear sky flutter scarlet banner fly enemy enemy visible battle intoxicate lavigne rapid warsaw berlin crash crimea chorus
-1 | think would remember lock burden previous life sleep foot bed reason worry night not sure word try hold weight
+1 | youth give good year young destine tomorrow maybe love meet time open new planet chorus youth give bright sun smile warm courage strong let wind hair ruffle sun hot cheek gold song sound friendship good road chorus find way life note live gift youth time world hand chorus 1960
+1 | song friendship shine morning dew cool meadow bloom gardens noisy sea sky blue pure beauty kill enemy comrade age let live peace chorus ground expensive friendship friendship faithful companion young people friendship friendship help defend world friendship friendship friend break lecture student hurry miner go slaughter bread field surge wall gold dare threaten interfere work fellow peer breath chorus sound festival dozen language sing messenger edge continent heartfelt warmth cold protect comrade age necessary sing chorus shine morning dew cool meadow bloom gardens noisy sea sky blue pure beauty kill enemy comrade age let live peace 1957
+1 | oh fog rastumany oh fog rastumany oh native forest meadow go guerrilla march go war enemy part hero say expect good news old smolensk road meet intruder meet fire treat permanently lay wood great sorrow combustible tear county villain lose peace day night guerrilla blizzard predatory buzzing head leave uninvited stranger property fog rastumany oh dear storonka 1943
+1 | marsh communist brigade people happiness happiness age soviet authority strength great chorus today parade communism way communist brigade lenin ahead difficult road hour work day holiday chorus give word fail sun life new ground light chorus people happiness happiness age soviet authority strength great chorus
-1 | ill teach know eddie want time not expect answer eddie thing have learn have try justify vanity vanity try control vanity vanity cause chaos rule drive like madman eddie will soon believe move fast eddie not watch choose solid ground stand stay street closing time vanity vanity try control vanity vanity cause chaos rule remember bunglass climb peak stand rock photograph come not lose mountain like speck dust mirror lie foolish eye want need day eddie have place thousand time look edge time want jump thousand time talk save world eddie vanity go mad shell survive perfectly long bury dead clever monkey technology barely cave tree vanity vanity try control vanity vanity cause chaos rule eddie let turn head away rolling sea kneel worship ground come swirl vein
-1 | not know take long be fall asleep not straight muscle feel like melee bodys curl ushape good be afraid prop lie promise save place life forget maybe time see world be patience style be tired get suppose hide suppose think not tell stick tell be tired care get home week be leave home week throw bone pick dry be follow suit direction crawl inside protection be tell not know be exist limbo be myth placebos not mind fade away be ready live family be ready die obscurity cause be tired get suppose hide suppose not think be go to tell be history tell be tired care get be tired care get be tired care get be tired care get be tired care get be tired care get be tired care get
-1 | aone time yeah contagious sick desire promise burn corpse pyre dude come touch mother mother touch dude be not suck woman reflection melt mirror smile worth value love defile dude come touch mother mother touch dude be not be not day sun not crack brand care find tell sunshine sweet love labor not mind not care memory set free yeah not care mother come face question soul entire sunshine sweet love labor not mind not care
-1 | paint finger close precision start notice bottle gin take moment assess sin s pay lonely speaker conversation word swim ear s wrong taste pay mean tell be right let sun rain sign wanna believe whoa mona lisa guarantee run town whoa mona lisa would pay frown sense desperation dollar day proper word tell shed leave sell mean tell be right let sun rain sign wanna believe whoa mona lisa guarantee run town whoa mona lisa would pay frown mona lisa wear be please ya mona lisa wear mean tell be right let sun rain sign wanna believe whoa mona lisa guarantee run town whoa mona lisa would pay frown mean tell be right let sun rain sign wanna believe s wrong taste pay
+1 | song oilman ill tower day night wait buravlev land find ill find dark depth earth water caspian sea chorus oilrich country native native land azerbaijan color sun country native land azerbaijan republic goal quickly dungeon people day night cherish dream mighty power drink chorus 1948
-1 | come pass leaden day plain poor man get sick yoke condemn soil foreign empire hungry purse time replace pitchfork sword sound anthem sheer rebellion strive war crave home seek right father taste grime blood taste essence ashe glowing spark rise blaze flame lead forlorn wroth epitome hope freedom daring venture frenetic attempt amandus slay bagaudae sing
-1 | world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire close wire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire close expire world fire world fire world fire close expire close close close close wire close close close world fire special special special not dead zero world fire world fire world fire world fire close expire close close close close wire close close close world fire special special special not dead world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire not not not not not not not not not world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire world fire close close close wire close close close wire close close close wire close close wire close close wire
+1 | recruit puddle crisp swirl street street rustle fall foliage little embarrassed march recruit autumn moscow chorus shoulder shoulder shelves birthday fortyfive hide excitement want happy way guy remember like guy march fortyfirst roar battery rostov smolensk saratov nsk close cap view mother chorus number escort glance stand trotuararah eye excitement hug yesterdays soldier yesterday soldier go reserve chorus
+1 | victory chorus nelzya spring forget day victory victory cheer people street victory victory go flame smoke dead glory glory live victory victory believe know win peaceful sun rise salute lilac chestnut evil smetri wound happiness house
-1 | have see nation have see empire rise fall eye come crawl enought turn tide song sing infect ear dance dance fill eye helpless beckon inside smile be hypnotize get alive count infinity not worry way ill despiese fight count infinity let hear scream blood drip throat come let play game bleed choke spend life withe dead try try say thing time overwhelmed guilt cloud head ill trade thought fro instead come right water fine let clip wing leave be give thought infinity scream
-1 | carry overcome lie flood compromise day get dark past fuel pain inside rise have fall knee not overcome stand way let thing press lift head soil lift head toil breathe life forward breathe life forward breathe life forward set apart succeed dream watch rise watch rise shatter negativity watch rise watch rise shatter negativity cause know overcome stand way let thing press lift head soil lift head toil breathe life forward breathe life forward wake one lose let legacy live carry watch wrong wrong carry overcome world carry overcome world overcome
-1 | heinous con refuge evil cloven tongue speak truth false specious word sell not buy acherontic saint holy sale damn bloody lie burn alive silence mouth stuff truth hark ruin vile dance victory not heed eternal fruit spirit putrescent ogre burn heretic cleansing stake be daunt distress lie inanity stretch hand touch awen
-1 | new world order decide chaos daze mind blind blind follow rhyme reason government charade high form treason need burst chain oppression need rise walk path liberation right right light freedom flame tonight time ignite fire heart tonight right right wake change tonight time ignite fire heart tonight create new chaos motion retreat surrender need converage set street fire need bring corrupt empire smoke freedom
-1 | endless word sick tired hate love break sick fuck tired fall regret run away come apart lie awake blood let sky fall will not let oblivion count breath fear halo lose wear leave harm leave live regret run away come apart lie awake blood let sky fall will not let oblivion face monster have fight ground rise burn maybe life let love forgive heart come apart blood let sky fall will not let oblivion
-1 | hope find father lose mother dear family s keep hard lesson learn have learn lose push away lie ill raise hand one love beg pray god grace safe save broken spirit calloused shaking hand ache carry grief skeleton weight carry inside weight be not bloodline blackout sunrise count burden bastard believe hell father lose mother dear family squander hard lesson learn forget lose push away lie ill raise hand one love beg pray god grace safe save broken spirit calloused shaking hand ache carry grief skeleton weight carry inside weight be not bloodline blackout sunrise count burden bastard
-1 | time come not oman open eye cast lie aside craven king head blinded leader head head know tell believe truth stand pain know worry anymore look away truth plain truth plain close eye surrender ask save world die year ago knee greet oman prove ignorance time betray truth plain truth plain sell hardwon value archive know break beast know million leave dead broadcast cry dare ask save world die year ago knee greet oman close eye surrender rotten act treason ask save world die year ago knee greet oman
-1 | find pile polaroid crate record shop sexy sexy look night time forget mhm boy debonair 1979 farrah fawcett hair carafe blood red wine mhm summertime summertime oh not wonder light begin fade clock make color turn grey forever young grow old memory change stay drunk stay tan let love remain swear ill paint golden day golden day golden day golden day bet meet diplomat bianca jaggers new yacht caviar dead cigar air sauna hot mhm bet think glitter dance skin decade have wash flash pop like pin mhm summertime summertime oh not wonder light begin fade clock make color turn grey forever young grow old memory change stay drunk stay tan let love remain swear ill paint golden day golden day golden day golden day time break heart will pain away right future certain will not let fade away golden day golden day golden day golden day golden day golden day golden day golden day
+1 | марш советскочехословацкой дружбы злата прага despite burning blood river avenge regiment steadfastly give heart right forward like tide cold wall revenge descendant famous russian bohatýr grandson hussite go forward weapon dam nascent peace new gout strike sequence great army let fight death nas red army crush harmonious strong fist pick forward fight fall ural west tone smoke heart faithful pozar lidice whip vas defiant voice lighthouse storm sili step ardent rebellion breath march duni million grow singing blood ash death rozsejem echo childrens stone shatter dreams courageous avenger great army path smet killer red army come prague harmonious strong fist lift forward fight fall
-1 | wås treicht eich um wås sagts es der nåcht woher kimmt eier grant seids es gar deife verwandt geisterwoid es werd koid geisterwoid mei herz werd oid be geisterwoid s kriacht daher s ziagt umher mit m nebe be torf steigts auf hinterm dorf s kriacht daher s ziagt umher wispert weid drom de baam und steigt åbe dein draam geisterwoid es werd koid geisterwoid mei herz werd oid be geisterwoid wås treicht eich um wås sagts es der nåcht woher kimmt eier grant seids es gar deife verwandt
+1 | rifle bug ural walk guerrilla trail enemy happen fall wade chorus hey beat rifle aptly cleverly mercy enemy tell rifle sharp sword help day night guard border area enemy rustle catch know trick enemy chorus wonder enemy angry shut border retreat great honor stay army homeland forever chorus ready battle army lyuboyu kohl fight fight habitually win chorus hey beat rifle aptly cleverly mercy enemy tell rifle sharp sword pomogu1939
+1 | letter comrade buckskin horse carry letter cossack carry let dash cry tell be edge native fight wrong recently award high reward honor guard cossack salute launch capital come win home village comrade buckskin horse carry message takuyu let cossack cry yearn
+1 | song voroshilov miraculous feat soviet army way win strive voroshilov commander chief stalin commissar chorus world warrior fearsome strong birthplace commissar voroshilov perish shell bullet afraid song create steel glorify country voroshilov defend battle soviet native home chorus force overwhelm guest voroshilovsky treat fire forget order marshal voroshilov catch enemy beat enemy chorus b homeland heroes raise friend father red army support voroshilov love people party fighter chorus 1939
-1 | für mich soll heute acid regnen mir solln sämtliche wunder begegnen die welt sollte sich bunter gestalten und ihre farben nicht für sich behalten für mich für dich für alle
+1 | countrymen sailor bear tula consider senior sailor barnaul tuapse campaign proud glory combat grieve germans beat go battle chorus brother mate way war land mate mate mate fellow countryman senior wound battlefield say leave bent lovingly bring forth fire battle friend go threaten calamity friend land sea time chorus gun fall silent muzzle friend decide war place tula mahnom tuapse spare time bright denochek go barnaul good glass vodka friendship hot sing pripev1943
+1 | soldier singe night walk dawn trumpet call campaign soldier soviet union motherland sings beardless battalion commander lead eaglet soldier singe child sleep quietly pick song brother hike friend leave song obedient machine machine hold number soldier singe child sleep peacefully gardens fruit drop grass burn dew lie native land glory holy bratsk carpathian soldier singe child sleep quietly land dawn hug banners song soldier song way sunrise sunset fly soldier sing child sleep peacefully night walk dawn trumpet call campaign soldier soviet union motherland sings beardless battalion commander lead eaglet soldier singe child sleep peacefully 1963
-1 | dark light orientation shadow fall dark reach sense fear lose way hear voice dead cold cold alive hesitate trust voice sound unreal sound like somebody force hand stretch feel hand motionless oh god dead light devil jeer drag corpse barb hook take away soul laughter
+1 | star work girlfriend way sky beautiful moscow blue sky tucek high place build wonderful house floor explain nice conversation yes work different stroykontorah build house presnya substantial new friend alley sadovaya night come flash brightly sadovaya flame welding distant star flash girlfriend send greeting be road forget presnya twinkle twinkle answer moscow dark blue night lady s talk hour output day dull river finish conversation road finish say earth want sky 1955
-1 | black hole chasm chasm step chasm near not return oh sad oh sad oh sad celebrate happy life time meet stranger give black rise not know s jason want not run away start cry ah oh sad oh sad oh sad celebrate happy life time torture torture torture torture torture torture special feeling hit body fall love wow love hate feel body fall apart ah oh sad oh sad oh sad celebrate happy life time oh dead oh dead oh dead wait life time torture torture torture torture torture torture torture torture torture torture torture torture torture torture torture
+1 | pioneer plant forest poplar poplar field pioneer example dawn ash ash native steppe decorate birch farm plant lot acorn acorn like gold heavy oak oak friend vyrastai author grow soon apple apple grow brave ice frost crackle maple c c maple slender green grow bloom earth decorate grow bloom glorify harvest 1949
+1 | passenger sing accord russian fly train call whistle go trouble rage arctic circle south   soldier comfort supply truck adjust level anxiety shaking harmony singing sing softly passenger overcoat helmet fly year train hail whistle go city grow sea river   tough road car comfort track create restless ring guitar sing softly passenger cowboy shirt sneaker earth train fly vzovetsya missile rocket go twinkle star planet open feel comfortable cramp cockpit pozaviduem string ring sing softly passenger space helmet
+1 | sing komsomolsk song destiny youth tale past year manage reread city love komsomolskonamur courage honor chorus city relative sing komsomolsk means love walk snow great storm potholes fate pass city love komsomolskonamur return beauty warm heart chorus let time taiga sky look glumly dispel sadness storm pass komsomolskonamur helm continue flight chorus
-1 | hold holy ghost hold close well run come day dead come world oblivion bad dream get need strap right hamstring be bad be bad thing be madman voice ask bear soul not wanna save time look fiend time die hope dig grave undead like flag wave be afraid cry cocaine sickness be afraid die let good book witness ask nope forgiveness day dead hit list come misfit bitch hit list hold holy ghost hold close well run come day dead hold holy ghost long one know better run come day dead exactly happen gradually like magically happen phantom let dagger cut jaggedly gasp rapidly gag rag laugh happily okay startled afraid dark ill wait swallow soul tear apart have start be not save heart day dead be not day park come come grab gun crossbow run well run skull crossbone fun begin yeah hard swallow be be not cause hell follow ready sorrow cause hell follow hold holy ghost hold close well run come day dead hold holy ghost long one know better run come day dead ashe start rise moon fall sky thousand candle burn night angel softly cry plain sky thousand soul pray hold holy ghost hold close well run come day dead hold holy ghost hold close well run come day dead hold holy ghost long one know better run come day dead hold holy ghost day dead hold holy ghost day dead hold holy ghost here damned day dead hold holy ghost here damned day dead
-1 | bunch punk hangin street patty wagon pull instinct run man let cop chace street inside run crowd maybe hide fuck police fuck police fuck police brutality fuck police brutality fuck police brutality fuck police brutality hide stand crowd s run cop come crack gun drag bloody ass outside throw ground s boy downtown fuck police fuck police fuck police brutality fuck police brutality fuck police brutality fuck police brutality cop wrong kill rape want cop wrong have get fight night cop like hitler reich want fear trust know fear trust know fuck police fuck police fuck police brutality fuck police brutality fuck police brutality fuck police brutality fuck police brutality fuck police brutality fuck police brutality fuck police brutality
+1 | jewish komsomol fishing river fisherman pull network slope splash fish like lump silver action few word drop catch village capital plenty fish eoh action few word drop catch village capital plenty fish eoh river water float month young caress call dear action few word drop catch village capital plenty fish eoh fishing river fisherman pull network pull singe song nice action few word drop catch village capital plenty fish eoh action few word drop catch village capital plenty fish eoh 1937
+1 | kiev myy d lutsenko love kyiv play sea green quiet day dear steel slope dnieper branch sway valentine dream love kyiv eye look canne heart perrelli let tell love true love dream live wing hope love kyiv sleeps aweary city peaceful gentle sleep gene light necklace blossom dnieper evening velvet like happiness surf love kyiv
-1 | ah ahah ah ahahah ah ahah ah ahahah ah ahah ah ahahah ah ahah ah ahahah feel haunting presence feel haunting presence liar killer demon river ara someone blank stare deem warfare liar killer demon river ara freedom freedom free free hear holy mountain liar killer demon river ara someone mouth say paint red liar killer demon river ara freedom freedom free free return rest mountain learn return rest mountain learn honor murderer sodomizer river ara return rest mountain learn honor murderer sodomizer river ara freedom freedom free free ah ahah ah ahahah ah ahah ah ahahah ah ahah ah ahahah ah ahah ah ahahah
-1 | writer would write opinion save later wrong painter would paint rainbow different color probably black grey writer would write opinion send letter listen trial error be sure have be drown human be sure have writer would write opinion save later wrong painter would paint picture different color probably black grey writer would write opinion send letter listen trial error be sure have be drown human be sure have be drown human be sure have d stand laugh hold tongue like sword d stand laugh hold tongue like sword
+1 | soviet regime year old battle blizzard sweep memory divide father go war come enemy bullet die die soviet power soviet power shoulder raise labor power forever fall believe fate ready struggle struggle soviet power soviet power step iron rank revolution strength passion night day labor battle soviet power soviet power happiness world vow carry youth afraid attack faith burn live truth stand stand soviet power soviet power praise way glorify business immortality ukrast life create necessary soviet power soviet power 1967
-1 | not start leave yesterday spend time little wise sit guilty sin wait word come head make sense not wait understand reason have translate meaning worth try lock room window easy breathe wrong underestimate daylight air easy breathe not wait understand reason have translate meaning worth try s meaning worth try
-1 | carry torch young man believe carry burn thing meet tonight turnpike darling cause believe sweat debt sure drown strap engine god find lay seat learn tonight shout loud barely enjoy broken thing voice sing freeze hell bring end blame help have get ignore thing sorry sweep rug beat book book tell love ember heart kiln burning hot love burn sin s dust hold care cigarette cause god believe work campaign trail learn tonight shout loud barely enjoy broken thing voice sing freeze hell bring end blame carry torch young man believe carry burn thing ground learn tonight shout loud barely enjoy broken thing voice sing freeze hell bring end blame feel like learn tonight escape armor shout loud barely enjoy broken thing throw away fear silver sun voice sing try freeze hell run maze lie bring end hard save have throw blame
+1 | rocket watch campaign alarm hear jack remove cold sunset mail girl write finish smoke dukat 2 time easy stem wave cut night feel radar mate see night coast see sea 2 time star sea today shine hold buddy strong helm stern brigantine missile lie soviet land 2 time sleep country boundless open space order strong steel wall storm hold ship rocket heavy 2 time like light giant volcano night mist cut half end earth ocean ridge go rocket boom 2 time dawn rise distant garrison bear horse anxiety attack owner blue horizon simple missile hour 2 raza1965
+1 | girl boy age age boy girl sing song book read girl boy boy girl learn friend fun classroom long live friendship cheer come common stair hear loud age age boy girl age age boy girl let messenger friendship chorus girl boy boy girl learn friend fun classroom long live friendship cheer
+1 | sing cheerfully march boldly forward step hammer repulse sad count day dear combat pace song sing shorten way chorus hide sadness bag camp zapoom pocket snuff tube nabem world overweene smoke friend hideka melancholy marching bag sing wine glass drink dreg wish sweet quickly possible appear date time come end campaign drink properly shall drunk ill four chorus bore word kissing come honor swear reimburse loss friend affection nadel jest meet dearly upside rally baby chorus 1942
-1 | oh life bring nightmare dark shadow surround time pain torture bury deep make shiver spine think talk reason be finish answer completely blind agony save save fall angel clarity dead anxiety save freeze inside angel clarity dead anxiety be go insane feel like lose panic fear mind trick haunt destiny talk reason be finish answer completely blind agony save save fall angel clarity dead anxiety save freeze inside angel clarity dead anxiety leave tear angel clarity way leave past angel clarity way angel clarity save save fall angel clarity dead anxiety save freeze inside angel clarity dead anxiety save fall fall angel clarity dead anxiety save freeze inside fall angel clarity dead anxiety dead anxiety
-1 | picture right beautiful eye look right remember warmth wish bring wish think exist think second see change feeling flower come naturally change hear call call hear scream scream like be nake rain deal pain hear call call call remember day spend hey forever thing laugh wish bring wish yeah know thing know be stand be call mean world believe true love hear call call hear scream scream like be nake rain deal pain hear call call call yeah scream yeah call mean world mean world scream mean world mean world hear call call hear scream scream like be nake rain deal pain hear call call call
+1 | twentieth spring silence border deceptive hear shot watch blue sky frozen eye twentieth spring wear military award pity time order sleep boy sleep soldier high award silence death hero glory spring twentieth spring serve guy distant outpost watch watch party follow firmly squeeze machine people come spring sleep boy sleep soldier high award silence 1969
+1 | song kakhovka kakhovka kakhovka rifle hot bullet fly irkutsk warsaw eagle kakhovka stage long journey thunder attack bullet rang exactly scribble machine gun girl run overcoat kakhovka burn chorus hot sun blind night lot peaceful people armored train stand siding remember comrade fight hug storm smile smoke blue eye remember youth fighting let drink business country native kakhovka girl live chorus hot sun blind night lot peaceful people armored train stand siding 1936
+1 | international интернационал польский anathema uprising people land rise bother gl d think gleam radiant today lead b j labor trace past mighty hand sweep let tyrant blow shake job block world like today tomorrow pripiew b j bloody run trouble fraternal relationship human hand d look like mercy judgment god tsarist ili lord right right willingly turn deliver let fire forge gush get cold shall beat steel chain fall free spirit house bondage destroy burn pripiew lead world arbitrarily wind lowie factory mine smelter strong steal wealth kt create people band safe gold melt bloody sweat property receivables right turn pripiew government oppress lie law tax assessment burden pregnant right derision august live lawlessness august supercharge bloody hurt r efficiency create new track obowiazk law r wnych hand happiness wny world pripiew hypocrisy swindler government executioner challenge rzucim cry force rank fraternal people hey flask g break order soldier know fight well fate bratob jczego perpetrator vulva tomorrow mortal blow task pripiew today work people village city unity create strength breadth earth grow like dawn break age night parasite sepi lineage zero body people bloody claw steppe day happiness forever pripiew
-1 | like swarm fly collide move windshield life neverende road leave mark later wash away consume allure despite inevitable decay road be home place truly know truly know journey make like weed wind steal splendor spread distant field despite fragile imperfection shake wall wear wheel capture heart way road be home home place truly know miss make
+1 | nakhimov let rage shaft childhood sea home darle sailor nakhimov sailor way sailor way chorus nakhimov way good luck nakhimov wait feat glorify beloved motherland time peace boundary native state glory father battle swear swear drop pripev1946
-1 | long feel content live unrest longing fade countless night bury weary heart bring end dead hour meaning calloused life hold arm far heart hold arm far heart thought carry dark night eye rest thought carry dark night eye rest remember way look way draw close deep sigh scatter piece restless mind forget leave thought carry dark night eye rest thought carry dark night eye rest thought carry dark night eye rest thought carry dark night eye rest
-1 | pleasure take life person not care
-1 | love rebel radio love rebel radio love rebel radio love rebel radio love rebel radio yeah love rebel radio love rebel radio love rebel radio love love rebel radio let rebel radio s rebel radio sound s rebel s rebel s rebel radio sound radio play sound ear calling message clear
+1 | marsh enthusiast barrier sea land afraid ice cloud flame soul flag country sweep world age stand daring right labor matter honor matter valor heroism fame inclined machine rock vrubaeshsya dream beautiful clear call forward barrier sea land afraid ice cloud flame soul flag country sweep world age create world glory year case century happiness right hot love sing child star red unprecedented sparkle country ocean dream come true barrier sea land afraid ice cloud flame soul flag country sweep world veka1940
-1 | reap soul whisper cruel word hear dream end line tragedy reap soul disposition neckbrace insecurity let freedom ring ear painfully muffle bell hand pessimism render useless not stop thought like pass trainwreck barrel brain paralyze state word dagger be leave bleed wound trust know tunnel vision create sanctuary hope manifest thought end die breath reap soul be sure drag world replace heart machine bleed enemy reap soul eyeslid enemy fight save scene groundwork nightmare create stand helpless chaos head chaos stand beautifully like carefully design city conformity ill awake tonight ill hurt sunrise attempt displace push attack sense reap soul be sure drag world replace heart machine bleed ill cover track not trace accident drag
-1 | driver bridge slow lane shift wire snap concrete give metal twisting tumble end work day stick traffic not feel road sway underneath concrete give metal twisting tumble partner kid not suspect til bridge split wire snap concrete give metal twisting tumble sit see brake light flash picture people face free fall water beneath push palm table hard hurt glass shatter battle impulse panic win swim metal twist upward like sculpture terrible beast people trap car foot glass kick hard water pour seatbelt twist river flow go people water line worker sift wreckage find seatbelt stuck water fill river flow go downstream dining room wall watch play reflection television reversal mirror hang dust cloud gather color billow shade change shift night light atop ambulance like firework flash otherworldly glow smoke throw aftermath blow freeze moment dust cloud shatter glass billow tv wire snap concrete give metal twist onward dust cloud shatter glass billow tv wire snap concrete give metal twist onward watch wreckage car pile river rail yard metal twist wire snap concrete block split dangle tie rod metal twist wire sway breeze blow distant siren glow look survivor searchlight float change color smoke cloud shadow fall people water people trap car kick try people seat belt pet car seat watch tv lie floor dining room reverse mirror know be dream know have sleep not know know light outside know rent late find concrete give learn wire snap
+1 | moscow windows sky darken height s window light dusk live friend breath zataya night gaze window dream window like book read precious light store ferment enticing people look previous year window thy stand ready light ray hurry faster meeting youth admire night wish window wish happiness dear year clearly moscow window unquenchable light 1956
-1 | like want like secure content live day like sure know want far swear would like year pass proclaim independence mission aim vision secure content live day like wonderful know dream far swear be miss time far tell s need ask swear suddenly thing want like ii medicate awaken doctor sit ask feel sure understand questioning say have away think cure state catatonic sleep 30 year eye open get medicate infiltrate effect appear conscience slip away medicate science fail conscience fade fast not stop s happen high dosage prescribe s guarantee feel start tell ashamed s s blame second shot brief awaken feel relapse not break free eye open get medicate infiltrate effect appear conscience slip away medicate science fail conscience fade fast not stop s happen iii circle sailing seven seize day tripper diem ready jack ripper owens wilson phillips supper ready lucy sky diamond dave come save day nightmare cinema way home run forward fall spin round round look outward reach scream sound lean crawl stumble lose place find have come circle fly handle careful axe eugene gene dance machine messiah light fire gabba gabba hey hey generation home run forward fall spin round round look outward reach scream sound lean crawl stumble lose place find have come circle iv interval deadly sin feel mortal wrath remove obstacle path ask question search clue answer right try break long connect fall deaf ear fail muted breath loyalty trust faith desire carry love dark fire torture insanity smother hell try escape avail call admirer claim adore drain lifeblood beg innocent victim merciless crime fall prey madman impulsive design step step try control fate finally start live late trap inside octavarium trap inside octavarium trap inside octavarium trap inside octavarium v razor edge circle balance gleam razor edge perfect sphere collide fate story end begin
+1 | new year eve look want corner look want corner christmastree light shine straight mountain forest voice ring rush chorus christmas tree light bloom mean come new year year light child pioneer tree burn laugh festival fun class fall friend sport chorus song fly homeland open way fly field mountain forest meet pioneer voice chorus 1950
-1 | walk lonely road know not know go home walk walk street boulevard break dream city sleep be walk walk walk walk walk shadow walk shallow heart thing s beat wish find till walk ahah ahah ahah ahah ahah ahah ahah be walk line divide mind borderline edge walk read line s fuck everything alright check vital sign know be alive walk walk walk walk walk shadow walk shallow heart thing s beat wish find till walk ahah ahah ahah ahah ahah ahah walk walk walk street boulevard break dream city sleep be walk shadow walk shallow heart thing s beat wish find till walk
+1 | cossack go war don cossack regiment cossack head tilt oh cossack bored home horse mane occasion drop oh curl scatter direction house dumka urge distance watch blue steppe allow cossack shake head curly say companion wistfully oh izbolelos heart young oh friend want home fly quickly dorozhenkaroad dispel cossack duma longing oh rear horse dash whistle saber sharp gallop shelf steppe glory speakerphone walk walk singe nightingale feather dear cossack 1937
-1 | silent planet silent planet silent planet silent planet silent planet silent planet silent planet silent planet withered hand withered body beg salvation desert hand god creation nation cry underneath decay sky guilty punishment death live punishment death live silent planet dream decimation silent planet come demon creation silent planet dream decimation silent planet come demon creation killing field grind wheel crush equilibrium separate live disguise second chance haggard wisdom spit bitter taste hate accuse know crime late know crime late silent planet dream desolation silent planet come demon creation silent planet dream desolation silent planet come demon creation silent planet silent planet silent planet silent planet silent planet dream decimation silent planet come demon creation silent planet dream decimation silent planet come demon creation silent planet silent planet silent planet silent planet silent planet silent planet silent planet silent planet silent planet silent planet silent planet silent planet
+1 | youth stalin warm sun come courage road funny pet great soviet country chorus zvonko solo song boldly forward fire fight youth strong spirit body mountain shoulder young tanned cold heat overweening chorus step cheerfully walk obstacle like bird fly sky like fish dive water 1939
+1 | marcha dos pescadoros portuguese minha jangada vai sair pro mar vou trabalhar meu bem querer si deus quiseu cuando voltei mar um peixe bom meu vou trazer meus companheiros tambem vao voltar e deus seu vamos agradecer boat go sea work accord request lord willing return sea ill bring good fish companion come lord grateful
-1 | sun not shine moon not tide wash clean sun not shine moon not tide wash clean unforgive cold long time cross bridge sigh cold wind blow god look anger poor child cold wind blow god look anger poor child unforgive cold long time cross bridge sigh
-1 | das frühstück be park und deine hand voll zuversicht wir krochen durch das grass und warteten auf licht sie zeigte mir die stadt und unter einer der laternen nahm sie meine hand und hinter dem hochhaus malten menschen mit raketen ein feuerwerk diese farben stechen manchmal wie macheten bis ins herz früher der nacht traf sturm auf gänsehaut wir zählten unser geld und warfen es tresen raus die frage nach der menschlichkeit hat sie bejaht kurz bevor uns diese schwein aus seinem laden warf und hinter dem hochhaus malten menschen mit raketen ein feuerwerk diese farben stechen manchmal wie macheten bis ins herz ich tränke zeit unvergänglichkeit und reiße diesen tag mit ins nächsten jahr ich tränke zeit unvergänglichkeit und reiße diesen tag mit ins nächsten jahr hinter dem hochhaus malten menschen mit raketen ein feuerwerk diese farben stechen manchmal wie macheten bis ins herz
-1 | mind cut scar mind cut scar damage show mind carnage damage feel bruised bash mind throw thrash get get come break come break come easy leave wreck inside turn outside break tell bright tell open mind mind mind come freak come crazy come freak come drive crazy pull inside leave dark distant pull outside keep dark distant not prayer sight rotten mind not hope prayer twist rotten mind mind mind mind
-1 | ill blow kiss room ill let miss not assume tell want need not matter not believe baby sure sad call lately try run not know run go fear sunrise dry eye crocodile tear need man stay save rainy day ye will not help life track would oblige stab ride be head south not believe single word mouth like biscuit gravy know crazy fear sunrise dry eye crocodile tear yea not believe word save rainy day hard twice want advice
-1 | liar liar banana banana banana terracotta banana terracotta terracotta pie banana banana banana terracotta banana terracotta terracotta pie perfect way hold baby ah vicinity obscenity eye terracotta terracotta terracotta pie perfect way hold baby ah vicinity obscenity eye terracotta pie hey terracotta pie hey terracotta pie hey terracotta pie banana banana banana banana terracotta banana terrecotta terracotta pie banana banana banana banana terracotta banana terrecotta terracotta pie learn defeat whore bad foot beat meat treat foot sweet milky seat banana banana banana terracotta banana terracotta terracotta pie banana banana banana terracotta banana terrecotta terracotta pie perfect way hold baby ah vicinity obscenity eye terracotta pie hey terracotta pie hey terracotta pie hey terracotta pie banana banana banana banana terracotta banana terracotta terracotta pie banana banana banana banana terracotta banana terracotta terracotta pie learn defeat whore bad foot beat meat treat foot sweet milky seat liar ah liar ah liar ah liar ah banana banana banana banana terracotta banana terracotta terracotta pie banana banana banana banana terracotta banana terracotta terracotta pie banana banana banana banana terracotta banana terracotta terracotta pie banana banana banana banana terracotta banana terracotta terracotta pie
+1 | song driver mountain river valley blizzard fire black smoke drive car circle mine path roads frontline chorus ah track frontline afraid bombing die early thing home way berlin thing friend easy swift walk day night difficult wheel throw driver sit maybe separate civilian people song little clue shall forget live izezzhennoy road chorus
+1 | vintovochkami spread smooth road unclimbed novelty rise white alarm rifle rifle note know growth vintovochkami rifle beat lap smazhem clean zalyazhem reed allow lord nazis construction site prevent wait recognize tear vintovochkami rifle beat lap strong bullet enemie horizon grit fist rise red close midnight evil red star vintovochkami rifle beat lap horse race mashisty saber stem reed allow lord nazis construction site prevent note know growth vintovochkami rifle beat lap 1931
+1 | office dangerous difficult office dangerous difficult glance invisible time honestly want live invisible battle fate assign toboy day night service man trouble help duty suddenly tight rescue warm heavy hour heart heart friend hear reproach relative work seven day week endless time separation meeting briefly take dawn lead invisible battle sense duty office dangerous difficult glance invisible time honestly want live invisible battle fate assign toboy day night service
-1 | sit lover one eye intently chase not love anymore hell stick till end swear lie awake bed feel spot chest rest head love funny thing way linger mind matter passing time ember glow lover matter remember light shine good time precedent incident matter poorly spend ridiculous front like fool love childish fun know different mean piece linger have love pick piece try half mind s different story tell love kiss lip love touch eye matter sincere love change life love fly scar proudly cause end life try lie awake bed feel spot chest rest head
+1 | mound see close awake hundred time sleep say war terrible know war 1965
+1 | member komsomol early dawn sun yes yes river bank steep hold song komsomol zaozerne far girl wave handkerchief river invite relax guy unison reply time journey long journey dear step repulse go sing song far northern aside build new town greet kindly cordially treat table answer guy smile hello affectionate reception wide expanse birthmark forest river lake oh yes dorozhenkaroad take nice town meet boy girl work friend komsomol member loudly respond glad serve country
+1 | morning morning friend walk course impossible meet bow pine maple tree field grass morning friend beautiful girlfriend look worry love dear chorus soulful waltz play orchestra brass clearing forest family factory meet output morne friend refuse dance curly nastya old master call dance leave friend heel spare hardly see dance chorus morne friend song sing miss cheery meet begin sing friend native land factory field edge happy sunny land 1951
-1 | think life distrustful song know meaning true love be lean everlasting arm believe s believe fly believe touch sky think night day spread wing fly away believe soar run open door believe fly believe fly believe fly verge break silence loud miracle life achieve know start inside believe s believe fly believe touch sky think night day spread wing fly away believe soar run open door believe fly believe fly believe fly hey cause believe oh believe s believe fly believe touch sky think night day spread wing fly away believe soar run open door believe fly believe fly believe fly spread wing fly fly fly fly fly fly fly spread wing fly flyi flyi fly woo fly hmmmmmfly fly fly
+1 | eternal glory hero martial banner bow sacred tomb road forget peoplewinner selfless hero forget live friend deceased martial fade flower field mound chorus holy banner motherland dream protect eternal glory hero fall motherland silent deep sadness take native land salute sound majestic kremlin volley chorus martial banner bow sacred tomb road forget peoplewinner selfless hero chorus martial banner bow sacred tomb road forget peoplewinner selfless hero 1944
-1 | way want leave miss know mountain sea have tear apart miss know talk sleep wait come home walk far away not know ill wait ill wait half man need s give miss know talk sleep wait come home walk far away not know ill wait ill wait happy happy yea know year have fear find be wait believe faith believe truth be pray miss talk sleep wait come home walk far away not know ill wait
-1 | contrite commercial arrogance leprosy consume bitch feckermindless like child pitys sakeive trybut end code shit s free go to change world honor aggression listen care see misdirection ahead disagree be give ahead disagree be give ahead disagree be give ahead disagree be give not want anymore not want anymore not need anymore not need anymore fingerprint god new religion covet vessel not build live forever will surrender total honesty place tomorrow guilty pleasure pain tell people not follow ahead disagree be give ahead disagree be give ahead disagree be give ahead disagree be give will censor would better cherish reason voice freedom go choice present future tense not sense be come youfuck be point view violence dollar sign process piece shit hide fault diamond away cost not delay inevitable lostdont understand incredible path be lose ground will not care ahead disagree be give ahead disagree be give ahead disagree be give ahead disagree be give ahead disagree be give ahead disagree be give ahead disagree be give ahead disagree be give be give be give
+1 | hand comrade distant come single order goal work fight world build land forever bright world work people chorus hand comrade distant stand common destiny severe fight union invincible hand comrade distant alliance invincible peaceful day disappear smoke let ignite war stand guard world powder dry chorus sing song friendship sing loud strength friendship friendly system ground let battle straight path pripev1947
-1 | day learn fly be come perfect wing ill rise layer cloud neon grid city million people fire light throw party hour crawl come bow head pray wing place inside dream dream search answer inside wrist neon grid city million people fire light throw party hour crawl come bow head pray wing place close eye curtain draw think hear voice think wrong cause anymore anymore lift chin go sky listen star sing anymore not care anymore
+1 | nice town north good north town s wood harsh northern lain russian blizzard circle singe podruzhenka dear live postman knock window letter cherished surrender receive news far field battle hot world war ii hear dear distant defend birthmark edge frosty night clear day fight menacing red shelf dividefascist invader red flag motherland war time come turn north pretty town be sky blue sky fly directly pretty window omit knock window soul stand come beauty dear friend wait good north town s wood harsh northern lain russian blizzard whirls singe podruzhenka darling zhivet1942
-1 | inside try inside hard penetrate pigthick skin be bout low would leave not forget wonder yeah be not right mmm be not right oooh be not right mmm be not right yeah bout low shell leave will not forget wonder be not right be not right be not right be not right low not leave not forget be not right be not right right be not right hard believe somebody trick be not right high be not right gamble be not right flat face fire be not right hard believe somebody trick be not right high be not right gamble be not right flat face fire be not right
-1 | uh martin dream martin dream kendrick dream life want money power respect mind die lead shower pray dick big eiffel tower fuck world seventytwo hour goddamn feel amazing damn be matrix mind live cloud vacation start maserati vroomvroom be race pop pill lobby pray not find naked pray niggas hate shooter judas jesus christ live life knee be not need park lueder churchs chicken pussy loser niggas winner scream life want money power respect mind die lead shower pray dick big eiffel tower fuck world seventytwo hour goddamn get bitch damn get bitch okay okay damn get bitch wifey girlfriend mistress life want money power respect mind die lead shower have get twentyfive lighter dresser yes sir fire ass body cast stretcher body get ass ruler not measure cum fast embarrassed recognize have want record adina howard pop fast impress roll be hold scrotum pose voice golden fuck -PRON- go life want money power respect mind die lead shower pray dick big eiffel tower fuck world seventytwo hour goddamn get bitch damn get bitch damn get bitch wifey girlfriend mistress life want money power respect mind nigga time roll dough good grind run ho baton s relay race bouquet k go marry mine beeotch way beeotch way beeotch way beeotch okay be live life confine failure be blind tell ya sell game right time beeotch play beeotch play beeotch play beeotch look like oj kill pussy mothafuckin hitboy beat pussy popping get option like audible compton win ball defeat compton city mob street yell life want money power respect mind die lead shower pray dick big eiffel tower fuck world seventytwo hour goddamn get bitch damn get bitch damn get bitch wifey girlfriend mistress life want money power respect mind die lead shower let run ali martin dream martin dream kendrick dream
+1 | splash cold wave splash cold wave beat shore sea wear sea gull cry longing rush white seagull disturb hark rattling thunder explosion distant deaf noisy sea wind st andrew flag beat unequal force proud handsome varyag hit high mast armor break fight bravely team sea enemy fire foam yellow sea angry wave roar foe sea giant shot rattle common varyag sweeps vorogov terrible answer gull carry fatherland russian hero hi world pass seagull sad news battle enemy surrender pali russian honor let enemy glorioso st andrew flag blow koreans sink varyag see white seagull disappear wave hero silent rumble gun distant subside expanse splash cold wave beat shore sea gull westward sweep cry longing 1942
-1 | bring sally bring sally lift squat get to tear ground get to tear ground get to tear ground get to tear ground get to tear ground get to tear ground get to tear ground get to tear ground old miss lucys dead go leave weep moan bring sally bring sally lift squat get to tear ground get to tear ground get to tear ground get to tear ground get to tear ground old miss lucys dead go leave weep moan bring sally bring sally lift squat get to tear ground get to tear ground get to tear ground get to tear ground get to tear ground old miss lucys dead go leave weep moan bring sally bring sally lift squat get to tear ground get to tear ground get to tear ground get to tear ground get to tear ground get to tear ground get to tear ground get to tear ground get to tear ground get to tear ground get to tear ground get to tear ground old miss lucys dead go leave weep moan
+1 | bam train distance year measure strictly bam train work way chorus silver gray hair live peace create create construct run starry trail knock junction train common destiny continue story chorus oath deliver bam train memory chorus 1970
-1 | yeah come come hit -PRON- yeah -PRON- bust head wake haunt voice head know today will not unnoticed not forget not forgive say s hurt today screaming blame family blame bully blame maybe need want blame family blame bully maybe need want take long way home fight emotion s loner tonight will not unnoticed not remember lose temper know tonight silence blame family blame bully blame maybe need want blame family blame bully blame maybe need want blame family blame bully blame maybe need blame family blame bully blame maybe need want blame family blame bully blame maybe need want want
-1 | sin deliverance eye patriot fix scope unknowing tyrant walk rope murder justice martyr onegun salute new independence day will hallow will hallow sacrifice sin deliverance let wicked perish presence god sacrifice sin father atone son confession commitment break nail drive murder justice martyr onegun salute new independence day will hallow will hallow sacrifice cause effect create hatred noose neck eye patriot fix scope unknowing tyrant walk rope will hallow sacrifice will hallow sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice will hallow
+1 | city aerograd goodbye mother fly plane arrive expect call homeland call city heart aerograd city town aerograd ocean ship sail astern boil cold water friend comrade live unprecedented build city unprecedented city perekliknulis hour night enemy creep wind fog ukrainians belarusians muscovite fly pacific ocean fly pacific ocean
+1 | singe soldier night walk dawn trumpet call campaign soldier soviet union motherland sings beardless battalion commander lead eaglet soldier singe child sleep quietly pick song brother hike friend leave song obedient machine machine hold number soldier singe child sleep quietly gardens fruit drop grass burn dew lie native land glory holy bratsk carpathian soldier singe child sleep quietly land dawn hug banners song soldier song way sunrise sunset fly soldier sing child sleep peacefully night walk dawn trumpet call campaign soldier soviet union motherland sings beardless battalion commander lead eaglet soldier singe child sleep peacefully 1980
-1 | know use pride heart untamed learn lesson have conquer death be unashame ill paint bone match eye dark see be lucid not tell know voice tell believe fucking accident control attitude change imitation lead way not accept not find strange light ability feel denial walk away smile agony come home go away everyday ready time life ready time life beg pardon be way new conspiracy take place smell decay believe want cycle stay light ability undermine walk away apathy be feel fine agony cynicism beckon ready time life ready time life ready time life ready time life let pretend end pretend leave let pretend end pretend leave let pretend end pretend leave let pretend end pretend leave ready time life ready time life ready time life ready time life ready time life let pretend end pretend leave let pretend end pretend leave
-1 | nation reborn reborn new world awake dark eras ruin insane dream cast shadow demon past walk age bear hero answer raise question like poison silence kill truth quest resistance search easy truth betray trust march line circle hold flag high run hero dare speak courage reclaim die bitter death hear call
-1 | vulcanize whoopee stick ham wallet cattle prod oyster ditch lap rocket batter dip cranny ax gut locker retrofit pudding hatch ooh la la boink swatter ya loop point straight lieu innuendo end know intent brazilian wax poetic pathetically not wanna beat bush foxtrot uniform charlie kilo foxtrot uniform charlie kilo marinate nether rod squish mitten power drill yippee bog dude piston pressure wash quiver bone bitch wrinkle cannonball fiddle cove ooh la la pork steeple ya loop point straight lieu innuendo end know intent brazilian wax poetic pathetically not wanna beat bush foxtrot uniform charlie kilo foxtrot uniform charlie kilo youknowwhat youknowwhere youknowwhat youknowwhere youknowwhat youknowwhere youknowwhat youknowwhere pronto
-1 | truth heart like repressed tale censor silence story repression restraint delicate balance bleed drown close afford spill way cauterize cauterize open wound be catch feeling pull apart stuff cell stuff cell option hell end breathe quality life choose risk be catch feeling pull apart stuff cell stuff cell crowd easy deceive patient table ill knife cut away fit promise patience wait heal be catch feeling pull apart stuff cell stuff cell stuff cell
+1 | enemy pass brave fighter hear people banner burn hand glory power free spain rise ashe storm barricade rot wait line win enemy battle column people fight country slogan rot force battle honor country fight stubborn black gang strong homeland son dare people fight harden live end give motherland heart mind million enemy pass take madrid rot wait line win enemy battle column people fight country slogan rot force battle honor country fight stubborn black gang strong homeland son 1937
-1 | playmate will not lay hand mirror malady transfer tragedy get curse lift shine sunset shift moon round get to bust box get to gut fish mind aflame jet steal car bet not far transformation take blood lust tank crave get slake mind change bodys frame god like heart aflame bodys strain god like mind change bodys frame god like heart aflame bodys strain god like charge day rate ill turn kind moon round go to teach trick blow mongrel mind baby doll recognize hideous thing inside lucky kind know strange way know will know let know strange way know have get come moon let dream oh dreamer floor open hand let weave feel completer core open heart let bleed feed fever four howlin hey hey playmate let lay waste thee burn hang tree hot hot hot hot get curse lift howl forever shine sunshine shift howl forever s cure come kiss bite bind gift give howl forever get go good writhing riding hood howl forever tell grama mama true true true true howl forever oh oh howl forever oh oh howl forever oh oh howl forever oh oh howl forever oh oh
+1 | international arise ye prisoner starvation world hungry slave boil mind outrage mortal combat ready lead world violence destroy ground construct new world chorus decisive battle internationale rise human race worker world great army labor land right parasite great thunder clap pack dog executioner sun begin ray shine fire chorus decisive battle internationale rise human race 1937
+1 | proszalnaya ycl part order west way leave komsomol civil war leave part leave quiet edge tell dear part covet rodney answer wish heart death instant wound small keen tell friend imminent victory return home shrug girlfriend hand look girl face be ask write letter write know way say quietly write order west way leave komsomol civil war 1970
+1 | oh rye field outskirt go noise slope road rye black eye see field wade meet afar boy go chorus oh rye sing sing gold rye happiness meet pass oh rye sky pour music wind ring narrow path meet outdo right spikelet pomnesh eye like coal understand happiness equally divide direction arm let rye rustle swing trace s happen life 1961 russian soviet song 19171977 comp n kryukov shvedov m artist light 1977 1950
-1 | hospital hospital hospital hospital hospital push hand love style push hand love style push hand love style wanna london posse push hand love style push hand love style push hand love style wanna london posse come spider creepy like dracula speak like friend come adrenaline hold welcome scene crash welcome scene crash hospital hospital hospital push hand love style push hand love style push hand love style wanna london posse push hand love style push hand love style push hand love style wanna london posse welcome scene crash welcome scene crash hospital hospital hospital
-1 | way act way feel not worth time sad cause miss not good begin have start beg say thing not mean not worth time line dime million time be goodbye goodbye take time goodbye goodbye take time goodbye goodbye take time wake thing way be cough time drag drop blood grain minute life have get stay fuck be hoard s time let slip be waste goodbye goodbye take time goodbye goodbye take time goodbye goodbye take time time time time be million thing think would be thing dream not miss be million thing think would be thing dream not miss goodbye goodbye take time goodbye goodbye take time goodbye goodbye take time goodbye goodbye take time goodbye goodbye take time goodbye goodbye take time
-1 | beggar fucking weak time world foot die meet maker god abandon god abandon great esoteric depression sell soul not buy salvation shade misery reign champion tragedy use faith weapon count sin seven blackwater gate heaven hail corporatocracy word god write binary hail apostasy die note unholy symphony god abandon great esoteric depression sell soul not buy salvation find god clutch razorblade say look fucking mess have would trade heart gold beggar fucking weak time world foot die meet maker god abandon god abandon god abandon find god clutch razorblade say look fucking mess have would trade heart gold worthless soul sell
+1 | song lazo sleep native primorye sleep terrible sea smoky hill silence speak know come battle tirelessly rattle glory sing lazo old guerrilla valor sing torture cruel blood ash intimidate young husband strengthen violence wage flinch flame envelop furnace native primorye goodbye payback privolny rich battle win land farth outpost taiga star guide kremlin let immortal cover glory great land 1938
+1 | ballad soldier paul shore steep past hut gray greatcoat ordinary soldier soldier know obstacle soldier lose friend halt go ahead soldier walk night storm rain hail song friend frontline singe soldier soldier sing swallow tear sing russian birch kari eye house father soldier sing way root soldier shoulder machine swear enemy beat soldier soldier beat smolensk beat soldier village nsk count bullet close eye beat enemy soldier paul shore steep past hut gray greatcoat ordinary soldier soldier servant fatherland soldier life land save defend world go ahead soldier
-1 | lose magic time town turn rose desire saturday come slow love love limestone cave south way land time kingdom belief stand saturday come slow love love saturday come slow love love love love
+1 | song 55th army granite rock worth leningrad ring hate blockade cold hunger afraid afraid shell enemy come autumn avalanche iron steel impregnable herocity defend breast chorus 2 time anger envelop snow fiftyfifth gromit enemy loyalty fatherland heart great filial love let land fill curse blood enemy favorite city night day set foot foreigner hit enemy deadly fire german fighter chorus granite rock worth leningrad ring hate blockade cold hunger afraid afraid shell enemy come autumn avalanche iron steel impregnable herocity defend breast chorus 1942
-1 | away single day give false prophet reason fall away broken promise pretty face hide bitter taste rapist entire nation wanna man get to man sad insinuation live live finger cross truth loss big decision ordinary coward problem fuckin rhetoric danger take power game god will change would sell find buyer not shit long idiot corner set fire live live want want parody want world free hell free have reach end build adamant conclusion come s go to day figure plausible solution have kill little smile homicidal bastard wanna man better plan failure guarantee disaster live live want want parody want world free want world want want parody want world free fuck free fuck free fuck free
+1 | donetsk night nightingale song roar like flow stream oh donetsk blue night polona soul black ruin stalingrad frontline ominous smoke like day irrevocable joy come life heart heart depart otgorela alarm dispel darkness earth friend childhood road lead native threshold evening dewy valley day work worry donet night blue youth sing song song rustle lilac separation laughter sadness love unquenchable burn timeless age nightingale song roar like flow stream oh donetsk blue night polona soul soul 1975
-1 | not know think know not fuck
-1 | drip drip drip not laugh know be failure eye know daft guess know deep inside feel like ready crack day die leave heart like abandon car old wear use free go to separate tonight run scared hold knife s black chandelier cast shadow lie ill sit silence rest life would like dress wound industrial glove wire feel penetrate skin begin relax cute little cup cyanide leave heart like abandon car old wear use free go to separate tonight run scared hold knife s black chandelier cast shadow lie go to separate tonight run scared hold knife s black chandelier leave heart like abandon car old wear use free go to separate tonight run scared hold knife s black chandelier cast shadow lie go to separate tonight run scared hold knife s black chandelier
-1 | oncesolid path start diverge space grow great make hard breathe distance change feeling day have dream day wish come slowly different people will not fight have mean thousand mile away ill close eye have come far let story end like have come far let have build fall apart know love forget
-1 | believe fade like dream let hear breathe let watch sleep sparrow eye promise shift judgment deny design punishment blood body control cut seamless heart way complete tether scene treasure help sever god perfect perfect finally cause not want free sever heart want not want maintain semblance normal anymore would feel pain try fit anymore ill throw away like everybody finally cause not want free sever heart want not want
-1 | recollect darle raise lip undernourished egos rotate hip hold tightly be slide scale not endure not inhale clearly body experience interfere dream fly fit nearly surround lonely slowly move slowly inertia keep s move slowly slowly move slowly inertia creep move slowly come move slowly come move slowly inertia creep move slowly come move slowly come move slowly home chrome clear near tear be career room shifting endear kitchen find irritant itchin forever move slowly inertia keep move slowly inertia creep move slowly inertia keep move slowly come move slowly move slowly come move slowly inertia creep move slowly come sound eiderdown awake lie morning blue room antenna nylon burn bedspread gravity zero stall bounce wall lose footing fall sweet incomplete frame freeze four long time come come want x come want x come want x catch radio wave catch radio wave string stre stre inertia creeps inertia creeps come come come come come
+1 | hasta siempre comandante learn love historical height sun bravery lay siege death chorus remain clear deep transparency presence commander che guevara glorious strong hand shoot history santa clara wake chorus come burn breeze spring sun plant flag light smile chorus revolutionary love lead new company hope firmness arm libertarian chorus continue continue fidel hasta siempre comandante chorus
-1 | think know like idea fight long sight would glow light not envy have see contest want let come baby cause need want feel free gift give hand deal gift give be babe babe long arm friend style charm hope sake way stand not time cause need want gift give hand deal gift give be babe gift give hand deal gift give be babe babe cause need want want gift give hand deal gift give be gift give hand deal gift give be babe babe want want be babe be babe want want be babe be babe
-1 | hear drive else car say come take stuff away poetry trunk keep life know come someday like sad hallucination open eye train pass station trap inside wonder go wonder wonder oh caroline caroline ohohoh caroline caroline oh oh caroline caroline whoawhoawhoa caroline caroline hear else number say see store today not matter address list know will stay like memory motion pass have know life s will s dream sail away look wave wave goodbye oh caroline caroline ohohoh caroline caroline oh oh caroline caroline oh caroline caroline life angel fly high hand time free cast chain aside dawn come kiss away tear s fall eye eye wonder caroline oh caroline caroline ohohuhoh caroline whoa caroline ohohoh caroline caroline wonder caroline oh oh caroline caroline wonder caroline caroline ohohoh caroline caroline whoa caroline caroline
-1 | climb cemetery wall leave flower headstone climb cemetery wall night not stand sight go lose bottle thinking drink sick trace groove stone plot will bury man leave climb cemetery wall leave flower headstone climb cemetery wall night not stand sight drink sick feel dew grass sun come watch funeral pass go lose bottle thinking think family plot wish climb cemetery wall climb cemetery wall leave flower headstone climb cemetery wall climb cemetery wall not stand sight
+1 | return home return homeland rustle birch counter year serve leave strange land youth zarechnaya street quiet street know rise garden beach shady path outskirt build factory know home jacket scarf pea grayhaire longawaite meet mother live path explore experience joy thunderstorm let cry goodbye soldier allow hour admire motherland hide tear return home pond willow wait long year arrival homeland rich happy high happiness motherland world 1951
-1 | find word shake world turn time not stop think way leave sink escape s lifeline way save maybe time will not throw away ask everyday find word shake world turn time find word shake world break dislocate lie awake suffocating mistake lose halo fall grace maybe time will not throw away ask everyday find word shake world turn time find word shake world break s dancing crawl fire fan flame not stand not stand not strength burn page find word shake world turn time find word shake world break turn time find word shake world break
+1 | battle harvest zhnom battle harvest zhnom fascist bread beat bullet grain aptly hit enemy ear dear death carry enemy chorus listen harvest zhnom bear nazis death soon come feast defeat enemy nation good field sugar birth earth light sweet sugar bitter sugar enemy bute enemy fire fighter work beat enemy chorus song rice field mchis west merrier let fighter fight remember dear shelter strong healthy hard beat enemy chorus pity nimble hand victory come suddenly white cotton sberom threaten battle enemy white powder blow fascists black house chorus soon come feast defeat enemy nation
-1 | fly invade spoiled word speak comfort game deceive question ask lid drape eye wait moment have work die place heart answer dwell utter word release deceiver doubt infested cell contraption seduction encourage fall place resist fail ignore heart expose wound bleed rage inside build conquer bringer fading world protect slayer love pain ignite apocalypse deceiver deceiver fly invade spoiled word speak comfort game deceive question ask deceiver lid drape eye wait moment have work die place heart answer dwell utter word release deceiver doubt infested cell lid drape eye wait moment have work die deceiver
+1 | march seven color rainbow seven road country long dalyu delight chorus pioneer march dream compare route travel know big way homeland beloved husband grow 2p currently travel take seven wind good song cry ready chorus sevencolor rainbow let ring bloom case company officer route chorus orchestral loss travel know big way homeland beloved husband grow 2p 1960
+1 | city gorky city wake rock star morning water hurry replace hot sun bright work day begin chorus morning escape hill good day bring greeting city gorky destiny love decorate clear morning eye beautiful moment smile fly step world easily happily appoint date car plant chorus friend pioneer big big day country turn earth rotate guy love chorus 1970
-1 | blood dry vein heart feel pain know ill way heaven door know be ill hope not drop place rise like know be ill hope not drop place rise like feel happen have feel hope dream will not start drag away heavens door feel happen have feel hope dream will not start drag away heavens door mind stop think eye stop blink hope somebodys heart stop beat lung stop breathe air hope somebody care blood dry vein heart feel pain know ill way heaven door know be ill hope not drop place rise like know be ill hope not drop place rise like feel happen have feel hope dream will not start drag away heavens door mind stop think eye stop blink hope somebodys heart stop beat lung stop breathe air hope somebody care mind stop think eye stop blink know end
-1 | oh misty eye mountain careful watch brother soul sky fill fire smoke watch durins son end fire shall burn watch flame climb high night call father oh stand watch flame burn auburn mountainside die tonight die raise glass wine time call father oh prepare watch flame burn auburn mountainside desolation come sky fire inside mountain fire burn tree fire hollow soul fire blood breeze hope remember oh people fall surely ill confine mountain hall get close flame call father oh hold fast watch flame burn auburn mountainside desolation come sky fire inside mountain fire burn tree fire hollow soul fire blood breeze hope remember night burn cover eye dark return brother die sky fall crash lonely town shadow ground hear people scream fire inside mountain fire burn tree fire hollowing soul fire blood breeze fire oh know see city burn fire fire feel heat skin fire fire oh fire fire burn auburn mountainside
-1 | fight flat lonely face fall find end live light life find come not know not real easy beat suck life sink swim love blind surviving not know want need time lie fight be not live life peace happiness not think denying be scare lose thing love be control go to end go to end end wait leave go to end go to end go to end go to end end
-1 | ask would like remember simply smile say would stay forever possibly loud cliché feel well walk away not know legacy song word write kid ill thing scare half death ill suffer day hope good s not think change s will not wake day lion pride be go to okay be ask would like remember time ill better prepared answer will know truth ill exist consider grasp swallow mortality task leave mark ask ill bow head leave
-1 | hear bird sing mean close shore mean close home love war sense bear keep blood vein vein thin booze keep hand gun gun keep moon thought sun eye keep head hang low keep gun brother head tear eye keep blood vein keep blood vein brother head keep blood vein pray death friend wake lover lover lie say would fine say good faith sleep night hope come home piece boy rag tear like flag fly like one lay coffin clean eye stare boy keep blood vein reread postcard send wish truth lie keep blood vein wave hull throw word brother head ship take deed die home blood vein want sing depth letter write keep blood vein keep blood vein brother head blood vein keep blood vein
+1 | patrol shine star height wave black sea day labor war man stand patrol chorus gate wind rush wood mountain blue wave border remember twentieth year bright sunny summer lightning frunze battle perekop lead heroic infantryman chorus terrible battle fight grow strong warrior wonder taste vile enemy strength shock chorus worth like clockwork sevastopol majestic city expensive city courage honor chorus 1950
-1 | uh movie run glamor subdue tabloid untie be fill mister anchor assure baghdad burn voice soothing cunne mantra kill need witness dress bloodless numb purge thought blame yes car wheelchair witness cough oily silence mock legless one travel coffin corner corner corner corner jurys sleepless sleepless sleepless sleepless find weakness weakness weakness weakness right outside door testify testify right outside door testify yes testify right outside door precision feed witness be hungry temple calm carry slaving sweat skin right bone bed fire be choke smoke fill home wrecking ball rush witness blush pipeline gush lie tomb corner corner corner corner jurys sleepless sleepless sleepless sleepless find weakness weakness weakness weakness right outside door testify yeah testify right outside door testify testify right outside door mass grave pump price set price set mass grave pump price set price set mass grave pump price set price set mass grave pump price set price set control past control future control present control past control past control future control present testify testify right outside door testify testify right outside door
+1 | toast drink homeland homeland meet old friend hold dear remember song sound like fun ka comrade gryanem toast glass wine let drink homeland privolnaya drink pour drink russian prowess tireless heroic people let drink mighty army let drink gallant fleet stand comrade let drink guard equal courage toast stalin toast party toast banner victory 1942
-1 | night fall gravity earth turn sanity take friend know leave lie hope be like be doubleside not hide kinda like cry cause be twist be twist inside horror night melt away warm glow survival day shadow grow tall fear frame shrink small night grow near sun come window soothe silver lining ride hill save day sun hill grave be like be doubleside not hide kinda like cry cause be twist be twist inside be like be doubleside not hide kinda like cry cause be twist be twist inside mind be semiautomatic prayer schizophrenic ill live yeah ill live yeah ill live be semiautomatic prayer schizophrenic ill live yeah ill live yeah ill live yeah yeah yeah be semiautomatic prayer schizophrenic ill live yeah ill live yeah ill live be semiautomatic prayer schizophrenic ill live yeah ill live time night wear dust shadow burn rise stand ground wait night return be like be doubleside not hide kinda like cry cause be twist be twist inside be like be doubleside not hide kinda like cry cause be twist be twist inside mind
-1 | extreme way extreme place not know break new would own throw window come extreme way know color sea perfect color extreme way help help late night extreme place go see light dirty basement dirty noise dirty place come extreme world like stand line s room life oh baby oh baby fall apart fall apart oh baby oh baby fall apart fall apart oh baby oh baby fall apart fall apart oh baby oh baby like extreme sound tell help night not not light close eye close close world open close close mind thing catch blind have see place heartache face dirty thing not believe stand line good life oh baby oh baby fall apart fall apart oh baby oh baby fall apart fall apart oh baby oh baby fall apart fall apart oh baby oh baby like
-1 | dear old friend be feel hopeless be give vice bottle hand dear old friend think be slip end rope pain pain head use sage old advice word calm be not sleep night girl sleep town short list enemy day spend trench be not man s cheat coward stare death dear old friend letter ill send confess would kill stand dear old friend end rope pain pain head use sage old advice word calm be not sleep night girl sleep town short list enemy day spend trench be not man s cheat coward stare death old friend be feel hopeless line watch good man die leave piece foreign country home be stranger father lie build lose ground line boy bury lie leave piece foreign country home be stranger husband lie build lose ground old friend old friend be feel hopeless
-1 | time question reason think not hand god hold head underwater fight will not let quit find pray knee search answer lead question faith have get bleed have bleed share turn redeem come way will not scare have wait life pain prepare moment truth true test time believe sell mortal soul predator oh better pray bet fold s danger not come way will not scare have wait life pain prepare moment truth true test time have good bad not hang judge thing have life instead come way will not scare have wait life pain prepare moment truth true test time
-1 | tea go cold be wonder get bed morning rain cloud window not will gray picture wall remind bad bad tea go cold be wonder get bed morning rain cloud window not will gray picture wall remind bad bad dear slim write be not callin leave cell pager home phone send letter autumn nota got -PRON- probably problem post office something scribble address sloppy jot -PRON- anyways fuck s man s daughter girlfriend pregnant be bout father daughter guess imma imma bonnie read uncle ronnie be sorry friend kill bitch not want know probably hear everyday be big fan get underground shit skam get room poster picture man like shit rawkus shit phat anyways hope man hit chat truly big fan stan tea go cold be wonder get bed morning rain cloud window not will gray picture wall remind bad bad dear slim be not call write hope chance be not mad think fuck not answer fan not wanna talk outside concert not coulda sign autograph matthew s little brother man s year old wait blistering cold hour say s pretty shitty man like fuckin idol want like man like be not mad not like bein lie remember meet denver say would write write be like way know father cheat mom beat relate say song shitty day drift away -PRON- cause not get shit shit help be depress get tattoo chest cut bleed like adrenaline pain sudden rush real respect cause tell girlfriend jealous cause talk twentyfourseven not know like know slim not know like people like growin get to man ill big fan will lose sincerely stan ps tea go cold be wonder get bed morning rain cloud window not will gray picture wall remind bad bad dear mr imtoogoodtocallorwritemyfans thisll package send ass month word not deserve know got letter write address -PRON- perfect cassette be send hope hear be car right be 90 freeway hey slim drink fifth vodka dare drive know song phil collins air night guy coulda save guy drown not phil see find s kinda coulda rescue drown late be thousand downer be drowsy want lousy letter hope know rip picture wall love slim coulda think ruin hope not sleep dream dream hope not sleep scream hope conscience eat not breathe slim shut bitch be tryin talk hey slim s girlfriend screamin trunk not slit throat tie be not like cause suffocate shell suffer shell die get to be bridge oh shit forget suppose send shit tea go cold be wonder get bed morning rain cloud window not will gray picture wall remind bad bad dear stan mean write sooner busy say girlfriend pregnant far look be flatter daughter here autograph brother write starter cap be sorry not musta miss not think shit intentionally diss s shit say like cut wrist shit clownin dogg cmon fuck get issue stan think need counselling help ass bounce wall s shit mean type shitll want meet think girlfriend need maybe need treat well hope read letter hope reach time hurt think will do fine relax little be glad inspire stan mad try understand want fan not want crazy shit see shit news couple week ago sick dude drunk drive car bridge girlfriend trunk pregnant kid car find tape not come think damn
-1 | human infection soar wind woe pestilence remove imperfection parasite life little consequence know sky fall choose believe knee heretic devil disguise quit tear wall brick brick feeding lie heretic counterfeit kingdom devise flesh breed corruption irradicate insect prey exterminate crawl leech cry shatter piece die stand god man perfect beast know sky fall choose believe knee heretic devil disguise quit tear wall brick brick feeding lie heretic counterfeit kingdom devise watch burn live learn night surround escape hide feel sting sever darkness escape be dead inside heretic devil disguise quit tear wall brick brick feeding lie heretic counterfeit kingdom devise
-1 | phone be bathroom right message sound like shit shit bunch time
+1 | whitewinged gull whitewinged gull sway blue expanse see shore child sea dream sea distant light lighthouse chorus fly whitewinged gull greeting native land day night expanse sea steel go ship beckon majestic expanse powerful element struggle write gold gold glory ribbon destiny chorus sea curl battle smoke know homeland homeland win chorus 1954
-1 | question hand hold close silence word fear not let not let destine hit ground not let not let end burn tightrope be wait corner mind lonely place live get hide cause tell would afraid height think high would follow til end time fall fall baby not think twice know know would burn like rocket afterglow know know conquer star world let let be voice broken radio let let get lose constellation be wait corner mind lonely place live get hide cause tell would afraid height think high would follow til end time fall fall baby not think twice not think twice year time darle be question mind word end tell would afraid height tell would afraid height tell afraid height tell would afraid height tell would afraid height fall fall baby not think twice hear voice broken radio know burn like rocket afterglow not let not let destine hit ground not let not let watch final chapter close
-1 | love like dark matter love hard explain love like dark matter black echo head paint colour instead black echo head paint paint black oh father oh father oh father tell not know oh father oh father oh father tell not know love unconditional feel lose little control little control invisible barrier skin protect danger will not let will not let black echo head paint colour instead black echo head paint paint black black echo head paint colour instead black echo head paint paint black oh father oh father oh father tell not know oh father oh father oh father tell not know paint paint black oh echo
+1 | goodbye papanin ice floe arctic ocean north tornado fight ivan papanin seventy night guard red flag native land south icebreaker come chorus goodbye papanin ice floe polar darkness polar snow finish formidable duel element humble man unbridled nature infinityedge powerful people able win friend ocean harsh angry adversity brave look north sing country chorus curl smoke sea spray pour happiness earth son love fundamental wise stalin wait kremlin people great northern wilderness fly ice floe red flag native land chorus 1938
-1 | look lonely shadow face people tell not look maybe lose weight be play hooky good good heart chest be walk long road watch sky fall lace dress tangle neck live death bachelor let water fall death bachelor fitting happily ask lifetime laughter expense death bachelor be cut mind feel like heart go burst table wanna serve think good have share drink smile sad be walk long road watch sky fall lace dress tangle neck live death bachelor let water fall death bachelor fitting happily ask lifetime laughter expense death bachelor death bachelor let water fall death bachelor fitting happily ask lifetime laughter expense death bachelor
-1 | need rhythm mood need rhyme body need rhythm mood need rhyme body need rhythm need rhythm need rhythm body need rhythm need rhythm need rhythm body body body body body rhythm bomb rhythm bomb body need rhythm need rhythm need rhythm body need rhythm need rhythm need rhythm body rhythm bomb need rhythm need rhythm need rhythm body need rhythm need rhythm need rhythm body need rhythm need rhythm need rhythm body body body body body rhythm bomb need rhythm need rhythm need rhythm body need rhythm need rhythm need rhythm body rhythm bomb need rhythm need rhythm need rhythm body need rhythm need rhythm need rhythm
+1 | komsomolsk locomotive golden wheat sea labor republic open wind argue conduct train chorus rise slope drive overtake wilderness mountain blue expanse rush din wheel komsomolsk locomotive day cheerful song path meet villages wonderful country ukraine kuzbass chorus driver frown long journey familiar comrade kaganovich glavnyyy stalinist people commissar chorus cool race track today flow song combat joy youth link chorus
+1 | national anthem cuba al combate cored bayamese que la patria os comtempla orgullosa temais una muerte gloriosa que morir por la patria es vivir en cadenas vivir es morir en afrenta y oprobio sumidos del clarin escuchad el sonido las armas valiente core literary translation close original tear battle bayamtsy homeland proud fear glorious death homeland life death existence chain humiliation insulting listen valor rock sound weapon battle ensue
-1 | life fade away drift day get lose matter lose live simply need end set free thing miss inside deathly loss not real stand hell feel emptiness fill point agony grow darkness take dawn s go save late not think think try yesterday exist death greet warm goodbye goodbye
-1 | room alive breathing moment leave life worry trouble far speak tongue sweat blood rapture people search entire life cure scream silently inside past horror plague mind release violent plea heart scar bandage soul weather damage release violent plea time burn past selffabricate cope mask let broken limb battle scar nake thing strip away will have go similar pain like child count play hiding game will not come inside grace call slave guilt shame point finger blame reopen wound anew watch broken come stand not feel cause know place feel like home need run hide true family stand
+1 | zhuravlonok take heat field flock crane lead leader overseas green edge fly wedge sad cheerful zhuravlenok inexperience break cloud rush leader say leader sternly let land heat birthplace mile mile remember zhuravlenok word remember noise birch steep slope mother see fly remember forever friend real pie snow abuzz blizzard voice hear bird far away kurlychut crane snowy homeland kurlychut
+1 | tomorrow soviet people soviet child impatience special kind boy girl want proud feat glory people chorus pipe horn silver wind country call komsomol today child soviet child tomorrow tomorrow soviet people tomorrow tomorrow soviet people soviet child thirst truth peace light distance threaten gun thunder rest comrade soviet child accurate compass lead year fidelity dream country october loyalty party loyalty people
-1 | vielleicht bin ich ja ohne das auch mal vielleicht mit dem da oder diesem hi ich weiß ich bin ja ohne das nicht mal halbgar bejaht ist das echt wahr dass du jetzt gehst ich kanns verstehen finstre nacht schwarz wie samt flüstert dir ins ohr wohin des wegs noch nicht ganz boden angekommen finstre nacht schwarz wie samt darauf kann ich bauen fieberhaft und doch allein be überfüllten raum zu alter form zurückzukehren als ob nicht wär ist viel zu schw besser mütze tragen wenn die sonne explodiert suche dinge die gut sind um sie zu meiden schaff es nicht erinnerungen zu überschreiben brauch mehr verständnis zum vertrauen und mehr vertrauen zum verstehen beim wagen scheitern heisst nicht verlieren bin scheissgut informiert chapeau ich bin kaputtanalysiert
+1 | crane soldier blood come field land perish turn white crane day time distant fly provide vote l sadly shut look sky fly fly wedge tired sky fly fog end day rank gap small place day come flock crane swim bluegray haze beneath bird call heaven leave ground contractor omit today late afternoon blur crane fly specific system people field walk fly accomplish way long someone cry crane century avar similar
+1 | bamovsky waltz guy take accordion heart play take chord heart skip beat chorus let resinous smoke float thick branch young waltz forever mind boot look unfashionable taiga dance possible chorus spark dance wind hover tent dance floor morning construction site chorus 2 time 1978
-1 | refuse notice wind rain teach nature vain ignore contain predicate great disconnect not react reflect ignore retain invisible hand longer guide choke invisible hand longer guide blow bank england paper burn day blow bank england oh end employ sabotage room ethic greed charge ignore constrain barrel leave field care coin yield ignore obtain
+1 | donbass donbass draw native land remain reserve miner youth remain unchanged far certainly live girl galya work town town live gal desperately beautiful notice mile away experienced guy stare fearfully proud beauty live lot soul true beauty love look like eye galya similar galia finally donbass here little white house grayhaired hostess clean terrace quietly wash linen stand sideline silence soul die chest forgive galina galina know be sorry know be sorry be sorry cruel memory old pigtail fact man year young contemporary be sorry moonlit night land search find similar proud youth long youth
+1 | song bam baikalamur mainline sun shine sky wisely young ancient land lake baikal amur pave highway meet chilly dawn meet long blizzard biography world inscribe line chorus 2x hear time buzz bam vastness steep bam great boreal forest submit hear time buzzing bam vastness steep bam bell heart young time difficult beloved land gift lie rail like string song guitar sun shine sky wisely young ancient land lake baikal amur pave highway chorus 2 time baikalamur mainline 1975
+1 | zauralye transparent blue distance cease ring bird gry blooms blossom transural native native soviet land look blue water tobol building loud forest son son kosmomola work accomplish miracle love sing love work give enviable fate okay okay wheat crown soviet coat arm
-1 | baby gon crook neck look sideways play high stake crook crime wave face yell ought tell -PRON- spellin myspace dot com bold type face rhetoric gon clickety click head split hell look like message board discuss brother hard core be not get prove say truth be ready leisurely ant 10 beat week fuck ill record need understand be not perfect alright thugged nerd life thank god be not get serve dirt snatch purse night feed people verse write fill personal strife -PRON- concerned life have nerve recite cut grass grow bring serpant light baby be not hear be tight be surgical like bitch jake know shit fuck close casket be old fashioned try figure get whipper whip silly bullshit tragic be not impossible solve be not learn jack shit dorian let hear abuse culture adore ill come hall involve like be play inbetween scene get stay guard be not way -PRON- not dog gon fuck miss dog be not fault love way talk eye real wide thought be not way -PRON- not dog gon fuck miss dog be not fault tabernacle hand expand size big black granite statue divide lightning speed be not autograph math be smack like pull pant lean organic vegetable mix -PRON- fast food be howard stern meet howard zinn find pal attract possible hear be confide pop ali s bother not want tell friend father cool get xs honorable elijah muhammed be not problem truth impossible dude hostile fool honest snide little comment not nonsense prove not fake prop dude walk shoe quran say respect be not clandestine good believe be s destine escalade fix f10 well bus good friend believe be not get free minute lean spiderman 2 come faheem need plus wanna teach read leap pad shine bright smile like look dad s shit be defend death be bit gangster fool not g not flow like g not know exist bitch not understand sayin little know smack man would advise shut fuck silly muhfucka be play inbetween scene get stay guard be not way -PRON- not dog gon fuck miss dog be not fault love way talk eye real wide thought be not way -PRON- not dog gon fuck miss dog be not fault say clap hand beat -PRON- cause beat clap hand say clap hand beat -PRON- cause beat clap hand say clap hand beat -PRON- cause beat clap hand say clap hand beat -PRON- cause beat clap hand
-1 | lay night unravel tangle heart feel stale hollow air stream uncertainty collapse mind torrent fill vein burst mistaken guilt shame batter bone try fight endless ocean self defeat time go month pass puddle ink surround tired chair sorrow spill reflection
-1 | destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy
+1 | marchuk playing guitar life look gentle smooth remember entitle tent tent blizzard freeze wild angara rebuild bratsk legendary boat float sea marchuk playing guitar sea fraternal sing live friend brother bratsk wrong sing brigantine believe miracle overpass overpass crane raise sail bird fly fly dam sun rise sea marchuk sing brigantine sea singe go forest frosty winter ustilim ustilim begin like youth taiga outspoken character know call way ustilim go life song seagull circle year blizzard grow old dream life go marchuk playing guitar sea fraternal sing 1964
-1 | ill dissolve use charm cover leave right walk careful line outside confidence delusion reside confusion misstep black hole long way mouthful overcome learn grow learn recover ill play card hold doubt s promiscuity devotion fulfill emotion big step end yearn accept love be learn overcome overcome ill find way follow maybe ill find way follow maybe ill find way follow maybe ill meet
-1 | look innocent not danger involve meet eye matter meet stranger careful friendly hey casual affair tonight moment time lover left sinner right lay atmosphere casual affair hushhush not word lie atmosphere casual affair break involuntary tie secret spy find stay long time mess leave talk lay atmosphere casual affair hushhush not word lie atmosphere casual affair lie atmosphere casual affair hushhush not word lie atmosphere casual affair
-1 | be try s point fight battle be crying moment adore piece not let lie leave love water skin long way home water step work have know would word not want feel step work have leave not bear sleep leave love water skin look long time guess memory lose bet bet fear die
-1 | intermission end finale approach expect magic involve seat quiet need eye try explain final act attention final trick ill love disappear will not know bring ill stand stage care blame act conclusion s s repetition
-1 | liberate separate set free release spirit wind evermore soar inside let reign steel begin oh prophet people blind kingdom fall line hail night bringer light electric messiah come transform unmade reborn set soul fire believe will not deceive way endless mind command ill fail ill drive nail way right heart die hand oh prophet people blind kingdom fall line hail night bringer light electric messiah come transform unmade reborn set soul fire hail night bringer light electric messiah come transform unmade reborn set soul fire
+1 | jenny song k f treasure island accompany deed country blare thunderstorm accompany tear keep eye dry hot deal calmly safely fear wound druga able girlfriend enemy avenge wound druga bandage friend hot wound carcass horse pace land stain blood let help save bullet young love business willing afraid wound druga able girlfriend enemy avenge wound bandage friend hot wound ego1938
-1 | something tear not help feel come s gunshot bride trigger cry wonder have get trail fire know free end trail fire ill burn bury set sight sun mind willing soul remain woman save draw fire mind willing soul remain woman save draw fire bring home bring home bring home bring home flesh weak jump heal wound crack shell lift s flesh weak jump heal wound crack shell lift s raise anchor bring home bring home bring home bring home trail fire know free end trail fire ill burn bury set sight sun bring home
-1 | tell tell lie care tell have stay wait leave ill find year pass ride field sorrow leave will find year pass ride field sorrow
-1 | bury mail early morning frost s form word call alarm bell re warning clock tick time keep flow hold dearly try close cause bite rabbit hole walk past grass come home easy label hard nail maybe have lose way find savior live fable life fairy tale thought fragile mind frail hold dearly try close cause bite rabbit hole walk past grass come home good god mother nature lonely son mother nature lonely son chase rabbit hole wander open door lead s go to away pain away pain know trap inside spider web scream escape escape invitation write clearly choose day bite rabbit hole follow procession deep ground good god mother nature lonely son mother nature lonely son chase rabbit hole ill drown burn path return path return chase rabbit hole rabbit hole would think would suffer give offer understand day mind leave world good good god mother nature lonely son mother nature lonely son chase rabbit hole ill drown burn path return path return chase rabbit hole rabbit hole day will break away day will break away day will break away chase rabbit hole day will fade away day will break away day will break away day will break away chase rabbit hole day will fade away
-1 | make sweat think bed light dim hand shake slide dress think hope god worth light dim heart race finger touch skin have get wit well kiss hot touch well fuck boy will meet sweetie girl look past sweat well love deserve exchange body heat passenger seat know let teen heart beat faster faster testosterone boy harlequin girl dance beat hold lover close testosterone boy harlequin girl dance beat hold lover close guess oh cameraman swing focus case lose train thought leave let pick pick oh recall get shock set stomach acid find new way sick hope not expect attention let selfish think would let kill chorus let teen heart beat faster faster testosterone boy harlequin girl dance beat hold lover close testosterone boy harlequin girl dance beat hold lover close dance beat dance beat dance beat let teen heart beat faster fast let teen heart beat faster have get wit well kiss hot touch well fuck boy will meet sweetie girl look past sweat well love deserve exchange body heat passenger seat know let teen heart beat faster faster testosterone boy harlequin girl dance beat hold lover close testosterone boy harlequin girl dance beat hold lover close testosterone boy harlequin girl dance beat testosterone boy harlequin girl dance beat hold lover close let teen heart beat faster fast let teen heart beat faster
+1 | driver embankment train rush snow blizzard light village bird flash snow night chorus night night night snow snow snow way vigilantly away driver look good luck way people car care car fate joy upcoming meeting chorus train rush night way sing train heart beat driver chest chorus 1959
-1 | krääh krääh raaaar raar rauuusch kräääh krääh raw raw raar chiep chiep krääh krääh rauuusch rar
-1 | komm doch mit weg von diesem ort komm doch mit ich gebe dir mein wort komm doch mit vergiss den ganzen scheiß komm doch mit wir nehm uns gegenseitig den arm ich glaube dir es wird schon alle gut auch wenn es manchmal schwerfällt nicht völlig durch zu drehen ich glaube dir es wird schon alle gut auch wenn es manchmal schwer ist und wir nicht mehr verstehen und wir nicht mehr verstehen kopf hoch jetzt du überlebst das schon kopf hoch jetzt veränderung tut gut kopf hoch jetzt wovor hast du angst kopf hoch jetzt wir hörn clash mit stay ich glaube dir es wird schon alle gut auch wenn es manchmal schwerfällt nicht völlig durch zu drehen ich glaube dir es wird schon alle gut auch wenn es manchmal schwer ist und wir nicht mehr verstehen ich glaube dir es wird schon alle gut auch wenn es manchmal schwerfällt nicht völlig durch zu drehen ich glaube dir es wird schon alle gut auch wenn es manchmal schwer ist und wir nicht mehr verstehen und wir nicht mehr verstehen
-1 | cross heart hope die burn lung curse eye have lose control not want be go numb have hijack fucking drag taste lip not rid damn kiss awful thing yea bad nicotine nicotine yea bad nicotine nicotine yea well burn fade away well leave replace be lose baby be match be go numb have hijack fucking drag taste lip not rid damn kiss awful thing yea bad nicotine nicotine yea bad nicotine nicotine yea hit cause love cut tie cause love fucking drag need bad love fucking drag need bad yea bad nicotine nicotine yea bad nicotine nicotine yea
-1 | be consenting age forget cabaret downtown burlesque queen ask shed skin stage be seat sweat dance song club pa strip joint veteran sit away smirk dignified sip dignified peach lime daiquiri not exactly would like be exactly would like know pray love lap dance pay naïveté oh not exactly would like be exactly would like know pray love lap dance pay naïveté oh be afraid fake not catch dead ddead ddead ddead place be afraid s right fake not catch dead place not exactly would like be exactly would like know pray love lap dance pay naïveté oh not exactly would like be exactly would like know pray love lap dance pay naïveté be afraid fake not catch dead ddead ddead ddead place be afraid s right fake not catch dead place not exactly would like be exactly would like know pray love lap dance pay naïveté oh not exactly would like be exactly would like know pray love lap dance pay naïveté pray love pay naïveté pray love pay naïveté oh
-1 | moment dead remember not forget sad story lay live heart attack play play eye sense past future tense moment dead safe sound crystal clear mean mean mean see future fill regret breathe count start want run away let decay live heart attack play play hourglass go fast s time kill time stand eye sense past future tense moment dead safe sound crystal clear mean mean mean play play hourglass go fast s time kill time stand
-1 | be happy rain be happy complicate know not appreciate be happy rain know love news bad feel good feel sad be happy rain pour misery pour misery pour misery pour misery be happy rain feel good thing go wrong listen sad sad song be happy rain smile dark comfort night go black not accidentally tell be happy rain will message time be complain be happy rain pour misery pour misery pour misery pour misery pour misery pour misery pour misery pour misery pour misery pour misery pour misery pour misery pour misery company long not care be happy rain wanna hear new obsession be ride high deep depression be happy rain pour misery be happy rain pour misery be happy rain pour misery be happy rain pour misery be happy rain pour misery pour misery pour misery pour misery pour misery pour misery
-1 | idaidû dîweido loxsko briwo anu sqrâbo geleo aidû aidû dîneibo
-1 | big bad john need big bad john love great man live fantasy great man teach afraid big bad john s reason live big bad john be afraid one afraid one afraid big bad john s man follow s man follow s man follow s man follow s darkness s darkness s darkness darkness afraid afraid afraid afraid switch blade switch blade switch blade switch blade take take take take big bad big bad big bad big bad
+1 | marsh komsomol factory mine school collective army ice slogan slogan komsomol rank sit aircraft defend soviet space soldier submariner pilot let rebuff enemy chorus victory million town village ready labor defense brave komsomol happy life shine nasheyu light ground give life wise stalin favorite native happy life fun strengthen fabulous proportion column komsomol win wide chorus victory million town village ready labor defense forward forward forward 1936
+1 | destiny zalaskat zalaskat fate storm come destiny lapel look chorus shot ring home trouble come fight stand fate answer yes ready tell wife widow fate answer yes chorus ask red flag redden earth forever child happy fate answer yes pripev1960
-1 | vodka vodka vodka vodka hey vodka feel strong vodka feel bad vodka eye shine vodka real man vodka wipe away tear vodka remove fear vodka gorgeous vodka yeah vodka drinking good soon unconstrained drinking good come womanizer drinking good anymore lonesome drinking good feel awesome feel awesome hey respect nature vodka drinker promise vodka reserve pure thousand year ago respect nature vodka drinker vodka feel strong vodka feel bad vodka eye shine vodka real man vodka wipe away tear vodka remove fear vodka gorgeous vodka yeah vodka drinking good soon unconstrained drinking good come womanizer drinking good anymore lonesome drinking good feel awesome drinking good soon unconstrained drinking good come womanizer drinking good anymore lonesome drinking good yeah yeah vodka feel strong vodka feel bad vodka eye shine vodka real man vodka wipe away tear vodka remove fear vodka gorgeous vodka yeah vodka drinking good soon unconstrained drinking good come womanizer drinking good anymore lonesome drinking good feel awesome vodka
-1 | soul bear battle heart build war eye lie fill disgust strip utopian rhetoric will find sickness core septic carcass rot fill disgust dead life head guilty guilty fucking fill disgust believe lie feed choose right obey pray time mark history shadow game agenda wipe fuck away thing different shade truth black white die fill disgust tie noose lie world keep turn swing low cry world keep turn turn keep turn cause believe lie feed bear battle choose right obey build war soul bear battle heart build war build fucking war heart build war swing x14 motherfucker oh end build war build fucking war
-1 | flaunt wheel parachute chocolate soul cobblestone wheel get picture mind get picture mind get picture mind get picture mind circumvent thick ego wooden fart not tell be real get picture mind get picture mind get picture mind get picture mind fear wait present not seal away gold dust dish clear fear wait till moment reveal turn rust mighty conquer meal not look shaved ass ounce go god not suddenly get picture mind get picture mind get picture mind get picture mind get picture mind
-1 | seek winter find cold heart hope deplete pass fall pretend effort offend restrain dream be have slip away right thought like world end defend press face wall hide eye not damage have palest rain touch face run cruel illusion hold fragile thought vain tough future save sleep hell wake slip away right thought like world end defend press face wall hide eye not damage have damage have slip away right thought like world end defend press face wall hide eye not damage have slip away right thought like world end defend press face wall hide eye not damage have
+1 | hello youth hello youth happiness shine glare eye meet today time eh distance united family unified festival chorus sing song let ring let pick song city let fly messenger bulletin faithful happy day youth brighter wonderful song friend 2p accord friend confess understand soul nation young people hard steel feel free look away united family unified festival chorus day pass year remain friend forever leave distance sorry leave united family unified festival pripev1957
+1 | seaside waltz cloud float wave gray wind blow fog hour morning anchor podymesh feel free leave ocean chorus campaign sailor rnvpered sailor look brave sailor rnumel sailor great way come wait fog wind storm know fight easy remember dear remember love sweetheart wait sailor chorus ivory gull wind wave hear coastal edge good world sing gentle song chorus
-1 | rain fire cross ocean mad man strike rain fire cross ocean mad man strike sit fallout shelter paint wall twice week sit fallout shelter think slave long time ago million slave cross ocean shackle leg million slave cross ocean shackle leg not know go not know have not know go not know have sun go will stand will stand sun go will stand will stand million slave cross ocean shackle leg million slave cross ocean shackle leg not know go not know have not know go not know have million slave cross ocean shackle leg food go bad food look rancid eat not know go not know have not know go not know have sun go will stand will stand sun go will stand will stand
-1 | god well wall house thick hear follow storm carry burn picture gun big let arm masse bastard walk tall set apart four cry dark like storm get strong truss bend sway lightning hit power go fray wave crash high shoreline disappear scream sky hey people live dream unlike long safety break like glass chandelier s laughter oh love past edge fear s chaos push come shove music ear heaven devil know dead wind cause ghost madness overtake look ashe people live penthouse holy martyr sea shine sea coffin kindergartner free hate drip crosse hand clean wildfire spread far sea shine sea ghost madness overtake scream sky yeah ill scream sky yeah ill scream sky hey people live
+1 | kronstadt sailor немецкий trickle night morning wake red fleet steam ahead storm thunder red sailor vanguard gun rifle ship factory shaft carry globe carry sea banner worker power child factory child sea ore win bear work sea conspire fear fighting war forward wear people western chain cloud shroud right wave red flag stand potemkin cruiser action forward like storm ruffle wave roar red tide increase forward communist final battle equip red navy ahead forward forward
+1 | conductor military conductor military bandmaster brave early year military service destiny izmail severe peter poltava military band parade battle chorus old give example                  flank taut leave officer                  orchestra stand face face                  martial music play parade ground conductors military vzgyald thoughtfully frown compose fit start forget sleep march farewell slavyanka waltz hill manchuria song anger courage holy war chorus conductor military hand magical wag sound bravura fly sky red horse trot race win hit fortyfirst day lead victory chorus 1980
-1 | racing cross arctic land mount legion command brutal force man withstand total havoc hand black crow circle high wait brave man die sense coming tide opposition sweep aside fateful message reach month ago home siege day have head north kinsman need relief near fortress wall black smoke rise sky burn black ruin father hall corpse greet tired eye madness lead attack victory win have know turn go woman child man spare body lie fall suffer anguish despair go live hell ride vengeance newfound path draw strength grief pain bastard shall know endless wrath black crow circle high wait brave man die sense coming tide opposition sweep aside
-1 | baby right lie baby oh right lie be talk summer talk fall yea fool not baby right lie baby yeah right lie oh be talk summer talk fall yea fool not hey
+1 | marshal zhukov victory old kaluga son village neulybayuschiysya marshal lead martial affair general strict tremble insidious enemy afraid admit chorus let song come grandchild grandparent character song marshal zhukov win marshal zhukov win marshal zhukov win destination appear difficult hour defense offense lead troop believe everybody know storm overcome year map marshal brow furrow smile chorus oh terrible marshal friend big granite bronze broad russian soul berlin smoky fight guard listen order marshal come line smile time chorus berlin smoky fight guard listen order marshal come line smile time chorus 1982
+1 | neva neva city leningrad note row wellknown look hardly believe winter neva chorus neva neva love invisible leningrad sing man sing neva neva unestanem admire sing soul way marvelous city neva ancient city proud gait young tomorrow seek turbine machine ship neve glory today bear chorus learn familiar street day new house home new blue arrow rheine rush subway car neva chorus afraid road necessary right meet guy leningrad scorch desert snow praise bank neva chorus 1964
-1 | briden briden whonart seijn tuur briden briden icnocgt feijn tuur icnocgt arrfan fan ijdt adict icnocgt arrfan fan jiid nocflict canni bal canni bal irrijn irrijn irrijn canni bal canni bal canni bal canni bal irrijn canni bal irrijn anthara irrijn anthara irrijn canni bal irrijn canni bal irrijn anthara irrijn anthara irrijn canni bal canni bal canni bal irrijn irrijn fan ijdt adict canni bal irrijn canni bal irrijn anthara irrijn anthara irrijn canni bal irrijn canni bal irrijn anthara irrijn anthara irrijn canni bal irrijn canni bal irrijn anthara irrijn anthara irrijn canni bal irrijn canni bal irrijn anthara irrijn anthara irrijn canni bal canni bal canni bal canni bal canni bal canni bal canni bal
+1 | golden prague stay friend sincere lovely prague neighbor country good city young old like arrow tower rise like fairy tale merge single stream czech melodious song weasel moscow native patter chorus heart forever remain city song chestnut leave golden prague beautiful prague gold moscow girlfriend sit garden bench charles bridge wander tavern table schweik pivechko famous drink stick day year unfailing sense live let song fly prague sound like declaration love chorus
-1 | life life lie life life lie time pass flow stream drive river pause let tear whip river stand stiff forever singe song mourning cradle hope not break wall fight cradle hope not break wall fight go way float dream feel fear doubt power keep real new path doubt feed fear way let life life lie life life lie
+1 | lieutenant forget lieutenant young beautiful native land dawn leave wave calm gulf sun shine sea luch leave long time bride part say lieutenant world place mile home country lieutenant forget leave long journey sea sail ahead lose bride mother remember homeland wait travel overseas country make long march cross seasoceans see palm tree northern ice near pretty woman stay forever captivity sound voice bride word native country lieutenant forget leave long journey sea sail ahead lose bride mother remember homeland wait
-1 | day day shit kick world garbage leave sift mind like wrath flame flood talk one listen push push ill rip place seam inflict disease be scream god help scream loud life build sand have hit sink small shrink have go completely let watch hammer fall push push ill rip place seam inflict disease be scream god help scream loud life build sand understand understand understand understand understand understand
-1 | place call hell place call heaven place be go space call heaven leave leave space leave not wanna not wanna girl not know will not know will not know somebodys watch somebodys watch eye close not not watch be watch be watch be watch think think die go to die
-1 | capture collect thing shed raise proper family tie bed creator mastertape leave cab stare void tonight good dream work ground drive spike head voice say happy sordid home run red creator mastertape leave cab stare void tonight good dream pill chloroform page tear pill chloroform page tear pill chloroform page tear
+1 | eagle tribe look silently grief come soul base arrive return eagle say squadron commander   believe death break wing nest chorus guard understand mean eagle tribe dare die eagle busy time sadly minute run infinitely stretch clock tear tremble herb multicolore dew drop suddenly familiar sound hear head enthusiastically raise hand cry commander combat chorus guard understand mean eagle tribe dare die eagle busy time turn car burn friend abandon rescue broilsya safely death comrade rescue commander word gold sing song walk dash attack enemy mercy chorus guard understand mean eagle tribe dare die eagle busy time 1944
+1 | waltz waltz   waltz outdate say laugh century see retardation senility shy timid sag waltz forget waltz twist charleston fill globe waltz push aside wrongfully accuse hide carry shake vague wave laughs waltz mode century dance old vienna strauss sit maybe mug knock beat grumble grumble waltz fight overcoat dust waltz singe manchu hills waltz evoke fall sleep forget waltz campfire forest today hangars echo worry morning pine waltz let year pass grow old waltz sings harmony sing twilight night waltz cowboy evening dress come waltz raise flask pour pour sing sing shy timid sag waltz forget waltz 1976
-1 | wanna clean get to high good hard come bring pain cause get game needle pin man not peach live niche dig scene like beautiful cliche shape gangster lean ignore war gasoline god yearning high god leave hand not get high leave s room recovery evil state strip chrome marshall amp broken home borstal blue countless click rhythm stick classic cheque steal tear drown fear clear glass beer peach live niche dig scene like beautiful cliche fill endorphin star magazine draw liquor mattress springs be not till bell ring get high deluxe room recovery
-1 | look know miss man not s move walk street night river darkness glowing window building elevated train thousand different story pass face name forget come forget stay wonder would notice slip away keep go not tonight ride edge darkness light find find slip away s answer heart fight danger rapid darkness light find find slip away look know miss man not s move walk street night river darkness
-1 | broken part break start heart heart beatin dark cause build broken part lose welcome broadway silicone dream marquee hold hold hardly hotter hell gettin real dark sick bitterness lonely overdose mile coke fiend step step walkin dream breath breath breathin breathe watch come get to watch rest be marry devil city angel come wicked world know need baby not tempt be knockin door nope send checkin bitch like be checkin check sheet hat lohner not soft god mask broken part break start heart heart beatin dark cause build broken part fame good friend love question beatin door face rejection tragedy anthem want need blessin fuck kid dream cause story not tell one unseen gleam eye middle finger sky crooked smile face not think die grab pick axe cause try cry bottle jack die inside look eye whatcha murder monster have watch bleed life kill lose lie motherfucker till hear truth street gutter youth cry motherfucker yeah be talkin broken part break start heart heart beatin dark cause build broken part city angel vessel devil away s save eye world give city angel vessel devil away s save eye world give broken part break start heart heart beatin dark cause build broken part city angel vessel devil save look eye world give heart heart city angel vessel devil cause save look eye world give
-1 | cheer brian know thing life bad mad thing swear curse chew life gristle not grumble whistle thisll help thing turn good look bright life look light life life jolly rotten s have forget s laugh smile dance sing feel dump not silly chump purse lip whistle s thing look bright life come look right life life absurd death final word face curtain bow forget sin audience grin enjoy chance look bright death ajust draw terminal breath life piece shit look life laugh death joke true will -PRON- laugh remember laugh look bright life look right life cmon brian cheer look bright life look bright life bad thing happen sea know look bright life mean get lose know come go lose look right life come know cheer old bugger cmon grin end film incidentally record available foyer got live know think pay rubbish go to money know tell say bernie say will money
-1 | like dream be wake like scene different inside ending inside bleed cut like feel fall like night swallow day clear blue sky resentment awake feel tear wash away feel far away feel far away far away far away far away far away like war die like flash lightning night like sink deep like inside feel like give fight like price s design push believe like gun realize s prove yea feel far away feel far away far away far away far away far away far away far away far away love lose be far away far away keep hold far away be dream far away dream go
-1 | let forever know be alive forgive wicked come life begin watch world divide hope guide end goodbye live die leave away dark inside lead light fade eye turn tide bring dream life hold hold inside close eye rebel know ill survive lame pretend watch world collide fate guide end hope hide live die leave away dark inside lead light fade eye turn tide bring dream life hold hold inside close eye leave away dark inside lead light fade eye turn tide bring dream life hold hold inside hold hold inside close eye
-1 | knee touch floor couch nice soft possibly velvet light color blue be tell kill be look straight headlight man want kill way everybody know be talk have bite lip have wait funny fucking funny tooth well part like see eye close little come finger long like notice be sit look pressure point want hand place mouth want push thumb deep neck be kid brother swing tell okay swing tell away
-1 | bloody angle symmetry cheap adhesive not hold mouth gun shoot truth not need reason lie pun intend punishment offend need idea bomb mind fissure time not weapon not bleed want bleed fail feel need face confession life feel like prison oh be afraid be give grievance look absolute zero be devil will not hero catatonic sacrilege primadonna privilege god need react simple well settle face fact bleed want bleed fail feel need face confession life feel like prison oh be afraid be give grievance look absolute zero be devil will not hero thing not stand minute fight second hand ill waste lifetime worth cling day fucking quarter premium world stick delirium man fourlett word absurd hate not fake infer oh be afraid be give grievance be absolute zero zealot weight fucking world oh be afraid let hold look absolute zero be devil will not hero
+1 | international music arise curse brand world hungry slave boil mind outrage mortal combat ready lead    world violence destroy    ground    build new world         chorus           decisive battle      internationale      rise human race ii deliverance god king hero achieve liberation hand    overthrow oppression skillful hand    regain possession    swell forge hammer boldly    iron hot chorus iii blood sucking vampire prison tax reduction power good thing world right sound    build life inomu    slogan combat    power people labor    parasite chorus iv contemptible wealth coal steel king throne parasite build back    factory chamber    create labor    time demand return    fact take grabezhom chorus   v sake king intoxicate fume war war tyrant people world bastia son army    tyrant    battle heroically fall    murderer send    vent combat gun chorus vi worker world great army labor land right parasite    great thunder clap    pack dog executioner    sun begin    fire shine light      chorus           decisive battle      internationale      rise human race 1871
+1 | guy factory guy factory guy matter afraid work funny want mountain blue sea create want sit rocket mars reach friend decide stamp sevenyear period live new start friendly team rule give management happy girl kudo boy dovecote time coo love thing escape walk street cherry blossom newspaper praise good cause 1964
-1 | topic epic tell stand cliff wind whip bold presence creep consciousness grace tangible newly anoint place bring clear sense perceive failing disgrace touch inheritance clean free bring knee sink permeate weary flesh breathe life clean fresh saltseasone breeze father pull foot kneel son strength backbone know fall promise taste defeat clean free rise knee longer linger shadow shame brokenness sure wind blow redeem live live clean live free stand edge selfdiscovery tired weary body tremble buckle afraid hurt stab friend not know mend mind riddled unsuccessful recovery scare lord terrified dive cause well testimony sea creation nature sudden rush abandon solitary perching place wash away mourn dust immerse face
-1 | overcome move temple overcome holiest altar pure rare witness unearthly goddess have lose selfcontrol compel throw dollar holy altar would sell soul selfesteem dollar time chance kiss taste magdalena bear witness place prayer long forget pure rare witness unearthly goddess would sell soul selfesteem dollar time chance kiss taste black madonna would sell soul selfesteem dollar time taste taste taste magdalena
-1 | oh not anybody have get war fight find way regardless feel wrong moment feel wrong storm morning light feel frozen get surely be not right surely be not right oh not anybody have get war fight find way regardless feel wrong moment feel wrong feel wrong moment feel wrong oh not anybody have get war fight find way regardless feel wrong moment feel wrong
-1 | breath away feel remorse retrace step thing have moment not control stamp heel neck force taste poison be go to breath away be go to breath away feel nauseate sickness creeping think stop blood feel remorse blood late apologize thing have not catch sickness cure sickness bleed need feel pain disease impression be leave know need reason reason die fuckin reason die everyday ask long continue follow voice head time turn light scar not heal anymore be able divine thought will not break
+1 | la cucaracha tarakan song lot option identical spanish text la cucaracha la cucaracha ya puede caminar porque tiene porque le falta marihuana que fumar ya se van los carrancistas ya se van para perote y pueden caminar por causa de sus bigotes con las barbas de carranza voy hacer una toquilla para ponersela al sombrero del señor francesco villa russian text tarakanchik tarakanchik marihuana smoke karransisty retreat retreat perote longer walk entangle mustache beard carranza bandage tie sombrero senor francesco vilya1912
+1 | song missile rocketeer soldier garrison special care rest shoulder strap edge heart knock know slumber high availability little thing familiar rocketeer see sky ural openhearth furnace sea bread moskovsky prospect street taishet blizzard vorkuta murmansk summer rotate planet cosmic expanse swim latitude ruby dawn see rocketeer soldier response sun shine source httpwwwsongkinorusongsyabloko_razdhtml 1962
+1 | old veteran song grandfather grandfather heart determine grandfather soldier veteran japanese war storm liaoyang seventeenth year war seventeenth year october fire battle fascism guerrilla grandfather soldier veteran diverge day paper try catch grandfather soldier veteran body wear fourteen wound happen terrible battle ready die motherland let drink friend pour glass grandfather soldier veteran 1952
+1 | song komsomol valor rise smoke sun glory father grave dash komsomol chapaev attack lead immortal hero tribe pass live legend fearless girl zoe brave oleg mishka glory fly storm sun rise stalingrad ray komsomolskonamur light volgadon burn kronstadt sailor watch slope carpathian height hot shop kramotorska key youth reward generation komsomol give country honor bravery battle valiant labor order fill light force spring heart party raise year faithful end 1954
+1 | thirteen foal thirteen soon county horse pester board collective farm foal teach word affection water key satiate decorate inlaid bridle caucasian know master foal voice master hand meet chairman time ride call kid tell night day foal podrastom comb tail comb copper water key satiate dewy grass feed dawn quick like bird like wind tired battle go month chairman half year plague request happy dream voronoi colt give brush work spare key water sing ah grow quickly possible swallow easy faster wind shoot cossack rank ah grow quickly possible swallow easy faster wind shoot cossack rank 1940
-1 | be tired play playing bow arrow go to heart away leave girl play have temptress long reason love reason woman wanna woman time unchain look different picture new frame mind thousand flower bloom room reason love reason woman wanna woman not stop man little look sow little tenderness matter cry reason love reason woman wanna woman wanna woman beginning forever time wanna tired play playing bow arrow go to heart away leave girl play have temptress long yeah reason love
+1 | song voroshilov red square parade ready steel column move silence ring horseshoe army approach favorite commissar great enthusiasm faith filial young eye freeze look voroshilov fighter love light eye komsomol fire chorus stalin strong voroshilov order open field beat enemy time accord red square march past mighty army come peoples commissar voroshilov iron marshal stare smiling salute soldier promise leader people commissar power pay motherland people commissar army rival battle chorus 1938
-1 | night come end sun rise try stay alive stay alive die life free pride sure die fear night hope be friend stay alive stay alive die life free pride sure die
+1 | aviation falcon soviet fly battle ready harsh zero hour enemy flight fulfil order soviet falcon fly like hurricane assume victory motherland death enemy soviet falcon ready hour motherland stalin terrible battle fly song mountain sea island enemy abroad hear song simple word soviet falcon fly like hurricane assume victory motherland death enemy soviet falcon ready hour motherland stalin terrible battle plane agile durable afraid storm cloud aim true accurate impact strong mighty soviet falcon fly like hurricane assume victory motherland death enemy soviet falcon ready hour motherland stalin terrible battle fly enemys sky accurse nest destroy ground homeland tip wing soviet falcon fly like hurricane assume victory motherland death enemy soviet falcon ready hour motherland stalin terrible battle 1939
+1 | wood near mozhaisk noisy near mozhaisk dense spruce pine noisy sleep week week fight death forest battalion nazi tank closer closer lead enemy surround ring purple flame lick overcoat stand face smolensk explosion fly splinter oblique fall gray pine let perish russia russia time noisy near mozhaisk dense spruce pine noisy sleep week week fight death wood batalon1972
-1 | startling sense dislocation push away voodoo crap spill poison not shake needle gun chain emotional drain cut size capture hindu curse hold mesmerized slice throat stiletto knife burn hope alive long black hair smell like incense turn viper mind foul pyramid presence hold tiny claws snake feed witch venom late time withdraw mambo witch mambo witch sound torture moral exhaustion barely conceal telephone wire heal wound lick scar screw eye read star fire ice bind burn price mambo witch mambo witch want kill mambo witch mambo witch mambo witch mambo witch
-1 | oh yeah build dream ashe nightmare carry father sin cradle grave blaze path darkness leave ride belly beast diamond choose stay coal generation bear witness end world grain odd world forever underdogs bastard son one refuse grow cold thorn thief night come s regret regret inherit sin father reap vengeance regret inherit sin father reap vengeance ashe nightmare cradle grave blaze path darkness leave ride belly beast diamond choose stay coal generation bear witness end world bear witness end world yeah viva underdogs viva underdogs viva underdogs viva underdogs viva underdogs viva underdogs viva underdogs
+1 | dash artillery s storm lightne thunder go fire vorogov smile darle forest eh eh nice hear voice hail joyful river sprinkle guy artillery darling rattle oh wonder proverb say chorus good serve infantry oh good better cavalry pleasant brother artillery guy selection enemy short conversation artillery daredevil guy oh brave soldier artillery suvorov praise courage battle fatherland kutuzov drive smash enemy eh eh reason saying chorus 2 time 1944
+1 | song military cooperation fight fascism friendship bear win 45th easy friendship want blow enemy alert alert friendship carol army chorus soldier soldier elbe vistula danube soldier soldier mighty volga brave son let grow strong let grow strong friendship fight friendship fight vow military vow military vow military true stand threaten steel strong pillar allegiance warsaw pact order order ready fulfill smash chorus appreciate work people sun earth allow enemy fan fire war enemy come war map map nuclear missile strike chorus let grow strong let grow strong friendship fight friendship fight vow military vow military vow military true
+1 | want peace world war monger black feral rage people allow away share light friend remember forever sacred happiness bear world man allow away share light chorus stand last peace bright world peace earth right life work people deed place spacious world white yellow black friendship mighty strong want happiness want war place spacious world white yellow black chorus stand last peace bright world peace earth people hope youth look user struggle follow strong stubborn truth right thousand thousand happiness wait great stalin ahead strong stubborn truth right chorus stand last peace bright world peace earth 1950
-1 | year have try complete start hold keep make happen unreal clock tick time pass pass near time think anwser be ask take have miss look make strong despair plague longer despair tat have find escape prison strong feel free feel secure feel alive take longer expect near time think anwser be ask take have miss look make strong despair plague longer near near anwser be ask take have miss look make strong despair plague longer despair oooh despair
+1 | komsomol dittie sings friend song collective farm affair spring flower youth blossom river oka green christmas tree tractor driver girlskomsomolochki komsomol favor proud komsomol shock worker farm komsomol record dawn gold sky zorka brighter month young member komsomol october age oh river swim member komsomol military want engineer dear poet pushkin pity live write poem farm youth kombaynorka komsomol wear red ribbon fall love komsomol komsomol treasure lot star sky bright light woman soldier girl country raise happy life dream steel girl union labor heroine dear army leave sing sweet care land soviet like love like mother green fir branch garden girl ready defense labor dear army leave go parting order border doze
-1 | blaze eye like angel bring life destiny be free saviour be free guide soul need try fight year have try bring life change world guide be free saviour be free guide soul need free be free saviour saviour be free guide soul need need
+1 | proszalnaya fragment formidable battle arise defender russian land goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye fire burn distance harsh battle protect capital home goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye good luck battle come visit know goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye extinguish star leave far away know ill goodbye goodbye joyful meeting evening war 1944
+1 | bolivian soldier soldier bolivia bolivian soldier armed rifle american rifle american rifle soldier bolivia american rifle barriento give lord bolivian soldier gift mr johnson kill brother kill brother soldier bolivia kill brother know dead soldier bolivia dead cheguevara argentine cuban argentine cuban soldier bolivia argentine cuban good friend bolivian soldier friend poor east highland east highland bolivia soldadito east highland guitar bolivian soldier mourning cry mourn human mourn human soldier bolivia mourn human cry time bolivian soldier teardrop scarf machete machete hand soldier bolivia machete copper pay bolivian soldier sell pay think tyrant tyrant think soldier bolivia tyrant think learn safe bolivian soldier brother kill kill brother kill brother soldier bolivia kill brother kill brother paco ibañez paco ibañez olympia 1969 flower time records1969
-1 | blury watch feel sun let vibe not feel rain drop near tool break music time useless day muse break feel oh man feel oh yeah cause rainy day feel be walk know s time day muse break hang tight look wish time jonathan dagan jview watch feel sun let vibe not feel rain drop near tool reggae music time useless day muse break feel feel oh man feel feel oh yeah feel feel cho cho ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ahhhhhhhh haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa duvdev metal voice straight watch feel sun let vibe not feel rain drop near tool break music time useless day muse break straight watch feel sun let vibe not feel rain drop near tool break music time useless day muse break feel feel feel haaaaaaaaaa ahhhhhhhhhhhhh haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cause rainy day feel be walk know s time day muse break hang tight look wish time
+1 | write girlfriend farewell hand sweet home goodbye komsomol be go far edge shall meet know chorus 2p write girlfriend accord new address long track go light thing soldier pack bag smoke engine soar heavens chorus write family secret bond altai space siberian region find clear voice chorus region raise expanse virgin land word love friendship especially need wait heart letter gentle telegram chorus 1955
-1 | hello wonder year would like meet time suppose heal ya be not healing hello hear be california dream young free have forget feel world fall foot s difference million mile hello call thousand time tell be sorry have home hello outside have try tell be sorry break heart not matter clearly not tear apart anymore hello typical talk be sorry hope town happen secret run time hello call thousand time thousand time tell be sorry have home hello outside outside have try have try tell be sorry break heart not matter clearly not tear apart anymore ooh anymore ooh anymore ooh anymore anymore hello call thousand time thousand time tell be sorry have home hello outside outside have try have try tell be sorry break heart not matter clearly not tear apart anymore
+1 | destiny good memory live dare forget die cause saint firm belief way fate release pass honestly life break work hand know value feat severe nowadays invite vain adult begin early heart rage youth sky high dreams earth blue eye easy character forgive people lie believe business low sonorous phrase tolerate happy fate know love tenderness struggle burn love believe immortality tired beating replace young well 1968
-1 | weight word have say heavy carry head s chance think go play admit be scare fragile emotionally impair hopeless damage good broken misunderstood wreckless careless rain cloud follow look like follow ghost awake haunt night dress black grey know mile sit will not understand mean look mean throw caution sea faith not self destruct
+1 | companion friend leave ile swim sea glass wine raise happen friend chorus good friend good song easy life victory raise glass campaign sea today way let distance wander world long write way place table wait happen friend chorus companion friend leave ile swim sea place table remain happen friend 1947
+1 | fly migratory bird fly migratory bird autumn give blue fly hot country stay stay native country forever need turkish coast need africa lot country perevidel pace rifle hand bitter sorrow live far away change mind lot doom friend distant land debt execute let drown swamp let froze ice tell pass desire hope contact forever thy harsh clear thy enviable fate fly migratory bird bygone summer look fly hot country want leave stay dear party need else sun foreign land nuzhna1949
-1 | reveal ugly thing be rust metal head get hand see think bet think die not smile not know know long know something go to something go to try fight listen go man be finish god not think want job anymore believe doubt reason hold conflict interest not guess be better end cause blame not feel bad not know long know not away not away try fight listen go man be finish god not think want job try fight listen go man be finish god not think want job anymore suppose suppose live try story end guess ill die suppose ahead away ahead away ahead away ahead away away suppose suppose live try story end guess ill die suppose suppose live suppose suppose live suppose live suppose live suppose live suppose
+1 | let light warm wind blow razvezlo road southern thaw snow melt rostov melt taganrog day day remember chorus light fire friend comrade someday talk remember infantry rodney company give zakurt let light comrade let light friend meet odessa host star black sea shine glorious kakhovka mykolaiv city day remember chorus germans sight favorite come recall west come ukraine day remember chorus 1943
+1 | come dear lenina dawn sun encounter song return salute way glory way honor dear father pioneer chorus come dear lenina dear revolution flame light tie spring radiant dawn like heart command come dear lenina come dear lenina dear october 2p homeland mighty wing give salute wild taiga star give lush sonorous wind chorus party teach fight happiness salute future life wide open victory peaceful battle wait pripev1977
-1 | be sure s bad waiting waiting room sir cruel taunt recycle air smell sleep disinfectant god door elevator cure cut open drug humor die repair defect heal not need hook machine let redefine let redefine let redefine let redefine let redefine let redefine mean heal cure cut open drug humor die repair defect heal not need hook machine
+1 | marsh july 26 spanish russian marchamos vamos hacia un ideal sabiendo que hemos de triunfar en aras de paz y prosperidad lucharemos todos por la libertad adelante cubanos que cuba premiara nuestro heroismo pue somos soldados que vamos la patria liberar limpiando con fuego que arrase con esa plaga infernal de gobernantes indeseable y de tiranos insaciable que cuba han hundido en el mal truth fight people know combat victory await happiness flower native country peace freedom come fight chagall cubans reward good fortune country people favorite son solar republic slavery anger determination ruthless power alien pack greedy raise banner holy war chagall cubans reward good fortune country people favorite son solar republic slavery anger determination ruthless power alien pack greedy raise banner holy war 1960
-1 | ghost mother linger death ghost mother bed black strand pillow contour health twist face head ghost perdition stick chest warning read tragic friendship call inside fog uh pour venom brew deceive devil crack earthly shell foretold blew hope room say live die young devil crack earthly shell foretold blew hope room say live die young uh hold channel darkness hemlock god fade resistance drain weakness penetrate inner light road dark unaware winding high ha ya ya ya ya ya ha ha ya ya ya ya ya ha ha ya ya ya ya ya ha ha ya ya ya ya ya ha ya ya ha ya ya ha ya ya darkness speak pass dedicated hunter wait pull rise arm shed fall mother light receive faithful servant free time hissing sanity fade voice soil like tornout page diary clean unstaine incoherent talk ordinary day need live decide s clear s haze uhh ghost perdition saint premonition unclear keeper holy hordes keeper holy whore uhh beloved son despair s come cut source flow change conviction fall shadow righteous phantasm mind call defy forget moral victim prey ha ha ha ya ya ya ya ya ha ha ya ya ya ya ya ha ha ya ya ya ya ya ha ha ya ya ya ya ya ha ya ya ya ha ya ya ya ha ya ya ya
+1 | people flight people large flight magician new wonders eagle tribe pilot owner blue sky chorus fly free world catch wind easy prior distant planet friend far away start bird dispute wing tribe people people wide open space high free idea chorus go battle air matter kremlin guide star thousand luminary learn chorus 1975
-1 | find blink eye miss turn away thousand dream find mean lose moment truth trust give away heart gift tear apart stain save home hold home weak draw fluid kill be afraid have
-1 | silvern light stannite glow primal night darken vault welkin dark solemn chant soar immemorial song wise declare rise nightborn glint dew susurrant wind vibrant dawn long foreshown pristine face pour crystal ray caress velvet touch dance night silver kiss ancient song fall silent wolf antumnos come bear heritage divine stannic pearl light pour rockgrey coat proud radiance crystalline herald ancient word resound high clear otherworld declare rise nightborn night dance glory nameless atir aissom atir imon caress velvet touch dance night silver kiss ancient song fall silent silver kiss string decay
-1 | ready place inside mind place would like hide not know chance die place inside brain kind pain not know chance be blind blind blind mean ill find escape pain inside not know chance die place inside brain kind pain not know chance be blind blind blind deep deep deep dream live life lose reality find way reach inner selfesteem low deep ground lie not find way gray cloud mind time look s line be go blind be go blind be go blind be go blind be go blind be go blind be go blind be go blind be go blind be go blind be go blind be go blind be blind be blind be blind be blind
-1 | believe heaven believe love not tell lie not false untrue come open fire burn heart have lucky love defence kiss frown not survive girl walk carve heart ill turn run away everyday have lead astray hard lucky love get eye make cry not know not know look love call heaven send angel send angel right right send angel send angel right right dream disappoint room smile not not not not lucky love get eye make cry not know not know look love call heaven send angel send angel right right send angel send angel right right get eye make cry not know not know send angel send angel send angel send angel right right send angel send angel send angel send angel right right send angel right right
-1 | azazel s play game demon inside make play watch hiding wait time devil ready mind god know god know god know god know choose end world thing cherish love leave face cause choose beat fall angel have rise power inside have decide pray wait armageddon s come way honor choose wait day end world thing cherish love leave face cause choose
-1 | not hand clean be holy harm fracture not hand clean not be holy kind life kind life kind life kind life not hand clean be holy harm fracture kind life kind life kind life kind life warn thousand time like cry cloud ask question know answer not hand clean kind life kind life kind life kind life good life kind life kind life good life kind life kind life good life quiet life good life quiet life
+1 | mays waltz spring fortyfifth year like wait blue danube freedom people europe bring bright sunny street vienna save people gather young old old wound battle accordion russian waltz play soldier chorus vienna remember remember alps danube blooming singe bright vortices viennese waltz russian year remember heart forget easily inspiration courage soldier waltz sound vienna spin singe play strauss guy happy smile squeeze heart pin spill volga russian arm chorus vienna grayhaired beautiful swam waltz dream fire sound gently passionately intoxicate spring spring fortyfifth year long wait danube russian waltz vienna square free soldier play accordion chorus vienna remember remember alps danube blooming singe bright vortices viennese waltz russian year remember heart forget 1985
+1 | nurse annie meeting winter evening forget cold gusty wind freeze jar water wound drop drop hot blood freeze snow close force run low be afraid large enemy century minute fierce battle nurse annie dear crawl whisper alive look look annie prove guy hero smertushke fierce laugh take girl shoulder jar warm water meeting winter evening forget 1942
-1 | wanna lie hurt want thing wanna ste hotel room second chance wanna hurt wanna dance like heaven like heaven s morphine mind s morphine time s morphine be come s morphine hit ground s morphine s morphine mind s morphine way lie ah hurt lie hurt want thing like heaven be heaven
+1 | remember people ground longsuffere belarus scout hand vorogov catch capture narrow footpath guerrilla zone wade darkskinne darkeye blackbrowe walk away georgia harsh campaign spy recognize hour answer village adjoin village snow orphan lead noisy crowd lie escape shooting true let hell way lieutenant hide peasant clothe reply s second hut edge sister live heavy farewell road guard come anger woman look perplex door stranger dash away blackeyed know see push foreign soldier touch brother suddenly cling cheek barb suffering death overshadowed polesie people remember event hard time 41 m know brother sister combine song maybe georgia song hear letter write belarus
-1 | deine banken deine punk deine schranken deine bahn deine deutschen keine chance deine keuschheit deine cops hier wo sie hingehörn hier wo sie niemand stört hier wo sie gut aussehen weil sie dir super stehn hier wo sie hingehörn hier wo sie niemand stört hier wo sie gut aussehen weil sie dir super stehn hallo hallo hallo deutschland du fühlst dich immer noch deutsch hallo hallo hallo deutschland du fühlst dich immer noch deutsch keine bären deine kühe deine leiche deine lügen deine grenzen deine straßen deine phrasen deine nazis hier wo sie hingehörn hier wo sie niemand stört hier wo sie gut aussehen weil sie dir super stehn hier wo sie hingehörn hier wo sie niemand stört hier wo sie gut aussehen weil sie dir super stehn hallo hallo hallo deutschland hallo hallo hallo deutschland hallo hallo hallo deutschland du fühlst dich immer noch deutsch hallo hallo hallo deutschland du fühlst dich immer noch deutsch hallo hallo hallo deutschland du fühlst dich immer noch deutsch hallo hallo hallo deutschland du fühlst dich immer noch deutsch hallo hallo hallo deutschland du fühlst dich immer noch deutsch hallo hallo hallo deutschland du fühlst dich immer noch deutsch hallo deutschland hallo hallo hallo deutschland du fühlst dich immer noch deutsch hallo hallo hallo deutschland du fühlst dich immer noch deutsch hallo hallo hallo deutschland du fühlst dich immer noch deutsch hallo hallo hallo deutschland du fühlst dich immer noch deutsch
-1 | building fall wall cave not comprehend sad state sift ashe have surrender push right thing tell not make sense right be sick wish come let blind lead blind cause eye eye call life listen miss let blind lead blind cause eye eye fall right thing tell not make sense right be sick wish come spin control try find land not want know thing cause right thing tell not make sense right be sick wish come
+1 | enamored foreman speak fluently touch different theme look eye clean happiness strike dumb happen incomprehensible thing link run explain task clearly love explain strip loneliness say smile love patronymic shine star sky radiant sleep village sleep speak fluently s like silence 1952
+1 | song motherland wide motherland lot forest field river country know man breathe freely moscow suburb southern mountain northern seas man walk host motherland life freely widely similarly volga flow young road old people honor wide motherland lot forest field river country know man breathe freely eye field search remember city word proud comrade expensive fine word word house black color word familiar find relative wide motherland lot forest field river country know man breathe freely table superfluous award merit gold letter write stalin nationwide law word greatness glory year erase man right academic leisure work wide motherland lot forest field river country know man breathe freely country spring wind blow day joyful life world know better laugh love sternly frown eyebrow enemy want break bride love motherland cherish affectionate mother wide motherland lot forest field river country know freely breathe chelovek1937
-1 | wow wow wow wow change pitch smack bitch wow change pitch smack bitch wow change pitch smack bitch wow change pitch smack bitch wow smack bitch wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow ahhh ahh ahh ahhh ahh ahh smack bitch wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow change pitch smack bitch wow wow change pitch smack bitch wow
-1 | hear sound music drift aisles elevator prozac stretch mile music future entertain mean repress neutralise brain soul get squeeze edge blunt demographic give want wonder world go go know blunder world care care sound music come silver pill engineer suit build cheap thrill music rebellion make wanna rage millionaire nearly twice age soul get squeeze edge blunt demographic give want wonder world go go know blunder world care care wonder world go go know blunder world care care wonder world go go know blunder world care care wonder world go go know blunder world care care
-1 | lay breathless like want mirror sideways care s like passenger chrome button buckle leather surface lucky witness calm time will not drive faster roll window cool night air curious let world look care see be passenger be passenger drop nice cool seat cushion knee calm not pull time will not drive faster roll window cool night air curious let world look care see tonight roll misty window catch breath not drive home lay like not let end
-1 | mean grow be sure know know pressure will not away late find different late faith not think thing change dream think mind not realize fall ill easy believe cause now time try not wait chance pass time figure not late like know turn true not trust thing change dream think mind not realise fall ill easy well know life be sure will realize way late different everyday way fade away like go to change dream think mind not realize think mind not realize fall ill easy believe alright easy believe alright easy
+1 | rooster gallo red black cock испанский black rooster sing day red rooster sing rooster oh lie singing sing wind erase oh disappointment erase wind sing meet sand cock face black rooster great red brave look face attack black red rooster brave black treacherous black cock black cock black rooster warn red rooster surrender dead
-1 | close eye life feel feel feel center peace inside remember time life like fight place stay forever dream wait forever feel good wish wake wish wake feel real want stop stop stop stop want stop open eye smell breath see sky feel dead body feel warm save try scream body hurt know dream place stay forever dream wait forever feel good wish wake wish wake feel real want stop stop stop stop place stay forever dream wait forever feel good wish wake wish wake feel real want stop stop stop stop want stop forever place want stop want stop place
-1 | tell live assure life hand mold shape want faith search answer long leave salvage aspiration want leave rest follow blindly rise masse chase dream soon reality lead path weigh ambition force world falter prophet making legacy begin unfold grave yearning know exactly know exactly
+1 | care soldier far promise threshold gate friend guard soldier bright dream distance sweet home guard soldier bright dream distance sweet home early morning favorite admire dalyu steppe care soldier love steppe sweet home care soldier love steppe sweet home mother grieve photo house fill silence care soldier mother love sadness sweet home turn blue boundless land sun rush dorogoy earth guard soldier sweet homeland peace world sweet home guard soldier sweet homeland peace world sweet home far promise threshold gate friend guard soldier bright dream distance sweet home guard soldier bright dream distance sweet home 1948
+1 | leninist wind banner horn call song go away science way want quickly grow native land sun shine chorus friendly system leninist leninist leninist give salute motherland salute motherland salute good home space ptfe coat way path open pioneer fire visible afar friend friend plow field river light lighthouse brave honest pioneer friend pioneer song octobrist old brother pioneer chorus red tie wear party glorious deed persistent pioneer nimble pioneer kind strict strong durable pioneer chorus 75
-1 | glass time love come keep faith safe come come hold save harm hold save harm rise thing love fly away feel pain stay come try play game love hate come come hold save harm hold save harm rise thing love
-1 | dark leave dark leave let come closer come closer come closer get dirty little secret get dirty little secret come closer come closer come closer find need trouble trouble find need trouble come closer come closer come closer got go to find will not find will not find get go to find will not find come closer come closer come closer come closer get want get want come closer come closer come closer
-1 | moon fall love sun golden sky golden day meet night sun find moon drink tea garden green umbrella tree middle summer moon find sun look like barely hang eye save life middle summer middle summer golden sky golden day meet night summer golden sky golden day meet night summer summer summer golden day meet night say right sit talk little exchange time smile say s okay long promise break little heart leave summer hang fall love not know not hang fall love middle summer golden sky golden day meet night summer golden sky golden day meet night summer summer summer golden sky golden day meet night
+1 | minute ill sing song minute song let singing let fly world song song minute minute minute chime hear shortly minute minute reconcile quarrel minute minute understand strictly minute lot clock minute new year probably way race speed soon happy new year clock new year expect right doorstep minute runner little dear friend haste dally minute delay year minute people decide marry happen minute change abruptly change new year near wish wish happiness sit boy minute master minute minute s right track good way let pick evening song minute singe song minute pass new year watch beat new year come happy new year new happiness time rush forward old year power let singe smile bloom close new year sing fun new year come happy new year new happiness 1956
-1 | suck titty like want call time like blondie check chrissie fine time like sex beach teach peach huh suck titty like want call time like blondie check chrissie fine time teach peach like sex beach huh huh right uh huh right uh huh right uh huh right uh sis iud stay school cause good iud sis stay school cause good iud sis stay school cause good iud sis stay school cause good suck titty like want call time like blondie check chrissie fine time like sex beach teach peach huh fuck pain away fuck pain away fuck pain away fuck pain away fuck pain away fuck pain away fuck pain away fuck pain away fuck pain away fuck pain away fuck pain away fuck pain away fuck pain away fuck pain away fuck pain away fuck pain away huh right uh huh right uh teach peach sex beach right uh fuck pain away fuck pain away fuck pain away fuck pain away fuck pain away fuck pain away fuck pain away fuck pain away
-1 | beaujolais et chablis châteauneufdupape freixenet merlot vin de paille médoc chardonnay côtesdurhône le petitverdot cabernet sauvignon et le bordeaux lubéron et pomerol et la bête noire languedoc cumulus prestige cahor colombard fronsac canet valette hermitage chablis domain et bergerac chanson du vin et fromage ce nest plus pas vin et fromage castellano chabichou et camembert ricotta aragon esrom neufchatelier le crottin de chavignol saint albray babybel portsalut limburg gorgonzola emmentaler et le grand parmesan mascarpone roquefort mozzarella chevrotin des aravis gouda et feta edamer chevre chausec c fini chanson du vin et fromage ce nest plus pas vin et fromage oh là là mmh monsieur ohoho que c delicieux alle follement beau génial cest pluis mon saveur que cest bon simplement encréable oh mon dieu merci beaucoup merci je croix spectaculaire un meilleur sensation en bouche chanson du vin et fromage ce nest plus pas vin et fromage chanson du vin et fromage ce nest plus pas vin et fromage
-1 | sweet berry ready ghost different ghost wait sweet berry ready ghost different ghost wait dream dream night dream right know fly die sweet berry ready ghost different ghost wait sweet berry ready ghost different ghost wait dream dream night dream right know fly die know fly die
-1 | year 2525 man alive woman survive find year 3535 be not go to need tell truth tell lie think pill take today year 4545 be not go to need tooth will not need eye will not find thing chew nobodys go to look year 5555 arm hang limp side leg get machine year 6565 be not go to need husband will not need wife will pick son pick daughter long glass tube whoaoh year 7510 god acomin ought maybe hell look guess time judgement day year 8510 god go to shake mighty head hell be please man tear start whoaoh year 9595 be kinda wonder man go to alive s take old earth be not whoaoh thousand year man cry billion tear know man reign eternal night twinkling starlight far away maybe yesterday year 2525 man alive woman survive find year 3535 be not go to need tell truth tell lie
-1 | summer come pass innocent wake september end like father come pass seven year go fast wake september end come rain fall star drench pain memory rest forget lose wake september end summer come pass innocent wake september end re bell like spring begin wake september end come rain fall star drench pain memory rest forget lose wake september end summer come pass innocent wake september end like father come pass year go fast wake september end wake september end wake september end
+1 | way october bear expanse country freestyle fairness aurora civil war test hunger miss go hear voice lenin communist land chorus child father father replace child fighter idea father grandchild century shine truth dawn year milestone road october world watch amazement country october banner dawn tremble factory hum rustled bread freedom people continue struggle chorus 1967
-1 | be not keen play game be not kind name heart someone like jukebox talk tongue wear purple dress laugh know be not keen play game be not kind name heart someone like jukebox talk tongue wear purple dress laugh know
+1 | guy street guy street city say business hand burning recently return army plant day work know singe necessary build city necessary mountain need create sea russia homeland work hard urpravitsya difficult task feast refuse dance morning grin master necessary build city necessary mountain need create sea russia homeland lot porasskazat s yes important know village il guy count street probably necessary build city necessary mountain need create sea russia homeland 1947
-1 | repeat yesterday drain essence form last repeat yesterday drain essence love love love sacrifice tear hold weight commitment failure failure repeat yesterday day bear bear child child eye love repeat yesterday repeat drain essence form form form form last love love love
+1 | jarama valley английский s valley spain call jarama place know give manhood brave comrade fall proud lincoln battalion fight madrid fight like true son people fifteenth brigade man lincoln battalion proud stand know people valley remember american brigade valley go hasten bid adieu have lose battle jarama set valley free find peace fascist know friend remember battle jarama people set valley free s valley spain call jarama place know right fight fascist see pleasant valley turn hell far valley sorrow memry forget midst struggle let remember glorious dead 1938
-1 | near far change time young lie love lie love oh oh oh oh come year thing change way feel remain lie love lie love oh oh oh oh
-1 | not wanna not wanna not wanna anymore throw home glass house stone fourteen yellow blue bad doubtful not wanna not wanna not wanna anymore not wanna not wanna not wanna anymore 1 2 1234 step forward step warn heart attack fall asleep snow wake die not wanna not wanna not wanna anymore not wanna not wanna not wanna anymore 1 2 1234 not dress black wake not mourn celebrate not dress black wake not mourn celebrate not wanna not wanna not wanna anymore not wanna not wanna not wanna anymore 1 2 1234 not wanna not wanna not wanna not wanna not wanna not wanna anymore not wanna not wanna not wanna not wanna not wanna not wanna anymore
+1 | camp field path road sun pleased blow warm breeze hello sunshine chorus hello forest get edge miracle hello summer camp hello life good school lesson complete separation move senior class eternally sunny pripoke river invite hello river chorus whisper thin aspen dark thicket forest come basket rain direct hail rain chorus let peace school sleep autumn hello grass hello field hello sunny day hello sunshine chorus
+1 | funereal song che guevara clay new man blood come blood erase century fear hunger arm rifle look light idea lean bullet love cry hide million ear receptive cry war victory tablateo herald glory heart man guerrilla know arm gun light eye clay early morning inglés let clay new man blood come blood wipe century fear hunger arm rifle light gaze near notion aim bullet love hide cry million ear hear cry war victory like machine gun burst announce glory heart man heart guerrilla know arm rifle light gaze let clay day dawn 1965
-1 | shiver dark raining park meantime south river stop hold band blow dixie double time feel alright hear music ring step inside not face come rain hear jazz competition place ah horn blow sound way south way south london town check guitar george know chord mind s strictly rhythm not want cry sing yes old guitar afford get light play thing harry not mind not scene s get daytime job s alright play honky tonk like save friday night sultan sultan swing crowd young boy fool corner drunk dress good brown baggie platform sol not damn trumpet play band be not rock roll sultan yeah sultan play creole creole man step right microphone say time bell ring goodnight time home make fast thing sultan sultan swing
+1 | commissioner turn gray longwhiskey old commissar political commissar commissioner word war heart sure path select come grenade par shell calibre throw people arm apply enemy blow commissar political commissar commissioner burn mouth team prominent forward drag take forward shelf suffering fire commissar political commissar commissioner dawn fire people count win death stand main party work turn gray longwhiskey old commissar political commissar commissioner commissar political commissar commissioner 1975
-1 | try live dream peace harmony relax touch skin close eye come not walk away find stay trust night day have get key reach heart fly away touch break apart free touch come look soul chance hide beauty end understand not try hide greed find life wall war reach heart fly away touch break apart free touch touch touch touch
+1 | road track chill blue fade star take glass fine leg want offer final toast road road track chorus good good road track mean time leave anxious sad little remedy sleep morning road road track chorus young pretty laugh sing old people remember bombing plane train need catch road road track chorus strange friend vesely grieve fun way drink road road track chorus
+1 | come visit invitation look distant plain sun shine brightly morning come visit ukraine steep slope dnieper blue guide hut estate look field wood garden dam friend rich proud chorus invite visit come good luck wind way expanse field trail side wall rise rye ripe wheat breathe like living hill eye otorvesh sound song warm soul fun closeknit circle arrive hear farm girl singe chorus able treat glory brahe home light intoxicate come kiev dear poltava sunny chernihiv uzhgorod home sincerely friend meet chat bright edge friendship hot write address telegram station send moskvich pripev1953
+1 | resurrect ausruinen гимн гдр немецк rise ruin face future laя serve good germany united fatherland old woe conquer force muя succeed daя sun schцn germany glьck peace grant germany fatherland world long peace present vцlkern hand brьderlich hit people enemy laяt light peace daя mother son weep laяt pflьgen laяt build learn work strength trust free generation come forth german youth good endeavor people combine go germany new life sun schцn germany
+1 | song parachutist firm step guy ground soviet landing serve wing impossible eagle chorus parachutist freely clear sky easygoe guy bully advice joke fire easy service paratrooper honor like angel heaven fly fight like devil chorus yes people clever people send mars view training turn 1960
-1 | long line people run let look alive sun block sight day turn night be run speak everyday succession come undone nah yeah come unglued like page pull bind not stop scream word breath escape chest cave not matter have not shut breathe breathe begin shake hand doubt sever line spit mouth time pull want have get learn lesson learn lifetime sleep open eye s be not matter go to pull like yeah be not truth ride fault line yeah divide not stop scream word breath escape chest cave not matter have not shut breathe breathe begin shake hand doubt sever line spit mouth time pull fray s expect end end begin work
-1 | want dead friend wideeye brilliant dynamic rest want dead friend iron sharpen iron want dead friend vulgar loud unforgettable end want dead friend let boredom cease beating purple heart god fight violently vain chance stand lost fashionably late loved one decompose will dance bone wholly ghost wholly ghost scene scene brief mean oh pity bind saint boy fight violently vain chance stand lost fashionably late refuse man rest mass grave
-1 | see dark bring reality lose belief fail way picture world stay break way imagine place stay lose fly broken wing not try lose belief fail way picture world stay break way imagine place stay picture world promise set free imagine place promise set free picture world promise set free promise fail way picture world stay break way imagine place stay
-1 | tap vein inject brain let poison flow tear apart rip heart painless let hit switch son bitch be devour break control resurrect soul new s be dead inside be have mindless mesmerized dehumanize be dehumanize not realize be dehumanize oh victimize not break unmake dehumanize rip shred venom spread release system plague shed skin electrify complete final stage break shell unleash hell s cut sacred new blood new s be dead inside be have mindless mesmerized dehumanize be dehumanize not realize be dehumanize oh victimize not break unmake dehumanize life worth question life lie cause eye cold numb not know hell have dehumanize be dehumanize not realize dehumanize enslave victimize not break not unmake dehumanize
+1 | mow sharp sword flock crow fly willow feast feast haydamaky germans try land break strong land ransack falcon sokolyata sweep away like smoke crow chorus mow sword sharp enemys bullet kill meet enemy simply beat beat beat yuudem wide steppe swamp barb volyn land ukrainian cossack golota wind ride horseback oh golota walk vain sever pany ukraine hurry horse rise protect native land chorus golota mighty rise squeeze iron fist vorogov terrible cloud fly ukrainian cossack porassypalis slippery pan haidamak system crumble grow giant golota singe cheerful song chorus lot different hunter prior sovietrich land polamat vain yes leg barely carry away decay black bone forget dare deed let come uninvited guest let life sweet chorus know bad enemy battle breath fight land nation rise fiercely courageously like eagle protection nest slave chorus 1936
+1 | ballad trumpeter pipe tube sound beginning alarm pipe tube red cossack know pathway steed saddle edge soviet defend edge soviet defend edge soviet defend sun sun shine ground banner sun sun fly steppe cossack wonder night wake trumpeter woke trumpeter sun sun wake trumpeter pipe tube fortyfive singing win pipe tube save father grandfather father son preserve day preserve day steppe steppe forget bloody flight necessary protect glory banner country glory true trumpet glory true trumpet banner glory glory true trumpet 1960
+1 | krasnoflotskaya anchor raise anchor raise scarlet pennant splash flagpole sailor strong fellow path go away home aboard battleship sky look mast ill girlfriend soon sad cry say goodbye kronstadt chain rattle like stand white dress wave handkerchief fivesixth world detour different country constellation gloss ocean precious onesixth compare party
-1 | rett die ganze welt vergisst dabei einfach dich selbst kein abschalten möglich für eine sucht ständig bist du auf der flucht find schön du bewegst viel kämpfst viel erlebst doch hat es keinen wert dass du viel machst wenn du ende nicht mehr lachst nimm dir endlich zeit nimm dich endlich selber ernst wirst hier gar nichts mehr verändern wenn du das genießen verlernst nimm dir endlich zeit nimm dich endlich selber ernst wirst hier gar nichts mehr verändern wenn du das genießen verlernst es fällt der weiße schnee bedienst jetzt jegliche klischee warst immer gut be verdrängen doch bist du schlecht be versagen hast du mir irgendwas zu sagen die probleme können jetzt warten weniger worte mehr taten nutz die ruhe schau dich hinein sonst stehst du irgendwann allein nimm dir endlich zeit nimm dich endlich selber ernst wirst hier gar nichts mehr verändern wenn du das genießen verlernst nimm dir endlich zeit nimm dich endlich selber ernst wirst hier gar nichts mehr verändern wenn du das genießen verlernst
-1 | walk run stand live love die leave tonight not feel right not let sight be be lie rise dream leave tonight not feel right not let sight be be leave tonight not feel right not let sight be be leave tonight tonight not feel right not feel right not let sight be be
-1 | have get hope chest ill sunrise have get brother good luck neck night have get song head get think hear heavy guilt get blood run thin hold fast dead set hold fast dead set friend count hold fast dead set hold fast dead set die save life have get burning gut have get word write not home will know mind will know hold fast dead set hold fast dead set friend count hold fast dead set hold fast dead set die save life hold fast dead set hold fast dead set
+1 | интернационал тагальский establish pagkakabusabos found slave hunger katarungáy volcano erupt final judgment band kahapóy cut oppress tumble ngayoy bondage tomorrow itoy final clash magkaisát generalize international mankind reliable deity savior kaligtasáy action worker withdraw resource kaisipáy free mallet handle kinabukasáy forge itoy final clash magkaisát generalize international mankind 1980
+1 | good luck red star soviet star sky high visible visible early rise air pilot country country glorious army air space feel free leave flight flight chorus time flight time flight motor song friend let friend let native homeland give order give order sky people look fire burn favorite eye people look good luck luba pilot funny song friendly joyful work labor watchful guard hover sky land guard guard glorious army air space feel free leave flight flight chorus rush eagles battlehardene homeland proud correct correct oath bear wide spaciousness pilot country country glorious army air space feel free leave flight flight chorus 1949
-1 | eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah eh eh eh eh loser hide mask disguise today bad time not know have be want run be want run be take moment live future release present be obsessin question be denial try suicidal session use discretion messin message man lyric not understand eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah eh eh eh eh not know brain way know not know heart way know face not know have be want run be want run be take moment live future release present be obsessin question be denial try suicidal session use discretion messin message man lyric not understand people singe people singe hope dead cause sleep time like people rhyme like impress rip flip triplet write minute word line poetry divide be kind guy take moment know confide music use use dead cause sleep time like life comment comment common motivation promote show episode brain know go hope far moment know get well morning finally rear head loser remember future remember morning night dead release present be obsessin question be denial try suicidal session use discretion messin message man lyric not understand use discretion messin message man lyric not understand eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh people singe eh eh eh eh people singe eh eh eh eh people singe eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
-1 | hear elizabeth short come los angeles not wear black anymore secret say tell smoke reverse cigarette hear elizabeth short come los angeles not wear black anymore secret say tell smoke reverse cigarette
+1 | leningrad metronome rant 1st verse ought forget ought forget remind today leningrad blockade leningrad blockade knock relentlessly leningrad metronome repeat 1st verse music silence silence napping narva gate sleep snow summer garden metronome stop metronome stop dead heart today knock bomb jam strangle hunger city strong forget forget night blockade day blockade
-1 | find time play innocence like not sense guess deliver misery like 9 oclock paint sky grey fault one betray ease want stand bedtime story scare understand evil man evil man
-1 | believe fact matter hey hey hey hey hey hey let fake anymore anymore turn back away choose ignore choose ignore ignorance make feel innocence take away will not let tell not way way fall will not late reason not change fall blame real real life unsatisfie feel feel future bright not sacrifice black white will not follow tell not way way fall will not late reason not change fall blame time like have come time run hey hey hey hey hey hey believe need have not tell not way way fall will not late reason not change fall blame tell not way way long go not ending fall will not late late not change begin reason not change time right pretend fall blame fit long know
+1 | good morning good morning dear part love big remain stern seagull wave lonely cry heart young zastuchit lonely goodbye dear part leave right appoint destiny wave day day year year people break well way hope meet wait ill wait coveted evening rest suffer sun morning wait meeting ground dear meet 19551955
+1 | baltic waltz beach blue hour burn bright beacon bay sound baltic waltz love dancing sailor waltz waltz accompany ground thaw slowly astern fade away soon leave sea waltz waltz meet home dear like spring like favorite look eye baltic sea surf sea tomorrow sea away away difficult sing right heart light easy waltz waltz accompany ground thaw slowly astern give calm soon leave sea waltz waltz meet home dear like spring like eye lyubtmyh eye baltic sea surf 1960
-1 | sink ship awkward kiss chance set thing straight kind hurt burn burn like fire not contain hole shelter bone ice wait start steady hand time get way peer little closer crack surface flaw plan plan bury sand cadence imperfect like building condemn indemnify not face promise keep dirt unswept poorly wear disguise child unlove grow love despise break breathe wound heal pick right leave breathe ashe remain coal fire guide way crack surface flaw plan plan bury sand cadence imperfect like building condemn indemnify not face walk wound seldom prove slow laugh constant pain away not tell lie smile drain mile mile seldom prove slow hold remain think lose crack surface flaw plan plan bury sand cadence imperfect like building condemn indemnify not face crack surface crack surface
-1 | tell child ask go wrong paint picture paradise lose eye know wasteland justify justify watch world die clock tick not feel day number head disaster return narrow mind decimate true home cast oblivion judgment call behold pale horse funeral earth behold pale horse funeral blind eye longer cast clock tick second chance blind eye longer cast future not learn mistake clock tick second chance future not learn force extinction close age apathy final act sacrifice world ecology death beauty death hope cast throne avarice judgment call behold pale horse funeral earth behold pale horse funeral blind eye longer cast future not learn mistake clock tick second chance future not learn not watch burn not watch burn not watch burn not watch burn not watch burn not watch burn not watch burn behold pale horse
-1 | café lose dream night eye fever heat shadow cure hate theatre vision play head malarial consciousness remedie old grayface play song dissonant tune weird lilt damp neonlight fill street search anchor monolithic tower life pour glass amnesia bleak tooth pure stone sway arm concrete flesh search eye thousand soul piped vein turmoil bleak tooth pure stone sway arm concrete flesh search eye thousand soul piped vein turmoil rest soul little café lose dream unspoken agony cool old devourer bereave little greenlight flow riverlike duke play jazzy tune glassintersperse wall light cloud unveil moonlit path walk day
-1 | come s wrong darle face come frown let devil hang one not torture give pain away little thing simply love evil way way way way prey think owe apology bring violence be shell passion fuck thing virus follow nothing leave dead ground covet hell not rebound soul infect blacken thought run head little thing simply wish dead dead dead dead prey think owe apology bring violence be shell passion fuck thing prey think owe apology prey bring violence prey be shell passion fuck thing goodbye long wish stay wrong goodbye long wish stay wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong prey think owe apology bring violence be shell passion fuck thing prey think owe apology prey bring violence prey be shell passion fuck thing
-1 | kid not lose cool soon choose bright doom hard believe little left lose crack open skull like can bean christmas eve mamas okay light candle evry day away today burn motherfucker final act grace pointless endless race kid fire life come wire maybe will captain hand carry ship burn sand cradle rifle like man mama say way s lose have get stay pay know fiend throne goddamn sucker stone day die succumb
-1 | river run dry crop cease grow summer grow longer winter will not snow bank ocean ice hill fight desert progress stand have lose s know test oh cardiac arrest world proud admit mistake crash ground fall grace air breathe air choke marsh fever spread swamp home home range tear pave buffalo roam slaughterhouse grave know test oh cardiac arrest world proud admit mistake kiss ground fall grace chance set thing straight bend break rule place middle ground compromise have draw line perfect aim stand throw glass window break blow light pass torch hope stay light neutrality mean not care cause struggle go blind unaware s know test oh cardiac arrest world proud admit mistake crash ground yeah fall grace
+1 | burn like haystack shadow shadow jungle delve day road rifle reason liana rest viper cross powder clear clothe shepherd deploy looking force find die freedom day fall mountain commander clear go like haystack ashe spread fierce wind take path take place earth watch pastor worker read student hear farmer follow grow silent fight che struggle man death lightning glare burst cut blood equal part october trizo like volcano blue glass america restless hide fury cold metal mountain coast open bitter pain flower surprise final battle lengthen pastor see ill commander victory 1969
-1 | shlach li malach ssheyikach sheyikach oti lelev sheohev umechakeh li verotzeh bi kol hazman shlach li malach sheoti veotach hu lo yikach lemakom sheein bo mah sheyesh po kol hazman shlach li malach sheyikach sheyikach oti lelev sheohev umechakeh li verotzeh bi kol hazman shlach li malach sheoti veotach hu lo yikach lemakom sheein bo mah sheyesh po kol hazman ken lifamim hakol nirah oto davar velifamim pitom yesh rega meushar ken lifamim hakol nirah oto davar velifamim pitom yesh rega meushar shlach li malach sheyismach veyadlik po et haor veyishmor al mah sheyesh lishmor po kol hazman stam hazayot zeh gan chayot arayot venemerim veacherim menasim limtzo makom lichyot bo kol hazman ken lifamim hakol nirah oto davar velifamim pitom yesh rega meushar ken lifamim hakol nirah oto davar velifamim pitom yesh rega meushar ken lifamim hakol nirah oto davar velifamim pitom yesh rega meushar ken lifamim hakol nirah oto davar velifamim pitom yesh rega meushar
-1 | turn turn switch switch call friend throw phone cut be lose retire resign win lose break break man mars woman venus man mars woman venus woman venus drag round smile frown know liar liar liar man mars woman venus man mars woman venus woman venus will not happy till kill will not happy till kill will not happy till kill man mars man mars man mars man mars man mars man mars neverende story great glory child believe cause know teach trust point live freely hope clearly manage information generation neverending story great glory child believe know teach trust point live freely hope clearly
+1 | let light trip fight enemy long people sing song circle friend evening day day remember chorus light fire friend comrade someday talk remember infantry rodney company give cigarette let light comrade let light friend germans sight favorite come recall west come ukraine day day remember chorus light fire friend comrade someday talk remember infantry rodney company give cigarette let light comrade let light friend let light comrade let light friend
-1 | find need message silence whisper word calm mind reach inside numb pain come answer ghost concrete world genetic code die breed leave sound playground fade stare bright light have useless hide chamber guess plan ghost concrete world genetic code die breed leave sound playground fading run time not recognize place count day begin end ghost concrete world genetic code die breed leave ghost concrete world genetic code die breed leave
+1 | railroad pioneer 1 pioneer train rush train rush pioneer split shadow express past field forest brook blaze bridge 2 train driver pioneer fireman pioneer conductor pioneer chief pioneer passenger pioneer chorus 1 steam locomotive puff engine hum path ready flash checkpoint moscow povoz ready ready ready ready ready imitate sound wheel 1st verse chorus 1 chorus 2 meadow field wood copse tar pour tune 2p tune meadow wood tar pour pour tune chant chant 1st verse chorus 1 1st verse chorus 2 1st verse chorus 1 2nd verse
+1 | long live youth let newlyfallen snow outside window white expanse sweep fun song good friendship come youth feel elbow heart burn fire faithful companion dear friend boldly live long live youth long live happiness long live sun beautiful height go road motherland livestock youth broad bear wing gardens spring bloom field grass green blue nebu like bird soar homeland word let song walk world bright future dream homeland summer summer bloom like young garden long live youth long live happiness long live sun beautiful height go road motherland livestock youth broad bear wing 1950
-1 | everybodys get problem everybody say thing matter solve know change thing have feel have come realize fast life compromise step s go not believe happen happen problem be face hate stand complication head line picture run mind know endless consequence feel useless step not believe will not agree cause not know sure suddenly suddenly not feel insecure will not agree cause not know sure suddenly suddenly not feel insecure anymore everybodys get problem everybody say thing matter solve suppose will not agree cause not know sure suddenly suddenly not feel insecure will not agree cause not know sure suddenly suddenly not feel insecure anymore thing matter end choose anymore find hell be not bad not think know anymore thing matter end choose anymore find hell be not bad not think know
-1 | gain give world struggle regress yesterday today far away be wait world sing song have singe be wait world sink way have sink way have sink have give away past year end today s pain eye like have know fall short beautiful beautiful carry home lighten stagger conscience weak be beg reparation deficient hope deficient hope refine fire refine fire oh god refine fire s pain eye like have know have fall short beautiful s pain eye like have know have fall short beautiful ill find place earth ill find ill find place place earth ill find place earth refuse fade away fade away
-1 | feel daylight choke vile have forever change cold eternal light ember fade scar try hide fake hollow let darkness close silence have faith forsake cold eternal light ember fade scar try hide fake psycho let warm embracing psycho faithful rupture break cold eternal light ember fade scar try hide fake psycho let warm embracing psycho faithful rupture break
+1 | let sunshine sunshine sky figure boy draw piece write corner chorus let sunshine sky mama let dear friend good friend people want peace thirtyfive heart tire repeat chorus hush soldier hear soldier people afraid explosion thousand eye stare sky lip stubbornly repeat chorus evil war arise boy sun forever staste forever command man chorus let sunshine sky mama let 1962
+1 | enemy burn native hut enemy burn native hut ruin family soldier carry sadness soldier go deep sorrow intersection road soldier find wide field grass overgrow hillock soldier like lump stick throat say soldier meet praskovja hero husband prepare refreshment guest cover table house day holiday return come celebrate soldier answer meet warm summer evening grass gravestone rock sigh soldier straighten belt open bag camp bitter bottle set gray stone coffin blame praskovja come want drink health drink dead meet friend girlfriend come forever soldier drink copper mug wine grief half see soldier servant people heavy heart tell walk year win power exhilarate soldier tear roll tear lose dream chest shone medal budapest medal city budapesht1960
+1 | song moscow river wide deep high bank like song unique heart russian road chorus let moscow river volga long wide be ready long time look bashful carefree click different know chorus moscow glory get cloud kremlin song unique directly sun hasten river chorus
-1 | need easy friend ear lend think fit shoe clue ill advantage hang dry not night free be standing line hope time pick number date ill advantage hang dry not night free need easy friend ear lend think fit shoe clue ill advantage hang dry not night not night free
+1 | region birch rowan bush willow river native land forever love find like high sea mountain midst native latitude run running road ahead sunfilled valley matter cast glance native land forever love bloom spring garden golden childhood brighter pass day lucky star live land 1950
+1 | win face light festive missile listen solemn peal faithful sister let talk say soldier soldier miss life lose road house find fortyfive win chorus friend shall forget day day memory refund like serve people fire fire fire time come appoint hour strike rush enemys limit victory personal matter offensively dray battle bayonet moment spare fortyfive win chorus commission single require statute give word military oath signature signature scrapie word reichstag throw heart fight end land plague release fortyfive win chorus
-1 | gather round friend need match match think time way be turn city be look will hear chest flame ill mistake learn be run eye run fucking foot fucking foot ill mistake learn be run eye follow use company bring friend burn city ground follow use company bring friend burn city fucking ground burn temple burn temple fire fill sky smoke fill lung beautiful notion single action bring city motion deserve die
-1 | stone lay like bone ocean wave crash contempt land tremble fear temp somebody silently reach hand say understand cold ill warm s beauty storm come shore s adore tell fear think seraph try rob love skys clear dear know s listen rain rooftop wind pick stone stand like throne ocean wave grave sea lover struggle middle temp water angrily crawl beach say hold hand stay release tide cling like anchor foot try water line recede pull sea break apart wave bring safely watch hand break surface disappear forever wait inside sea dear hear speak curl wave sing violent breeze someday far away dear swear ill hear seraph cry envy envy envy envy
+1 | song people commissar timoshenko zbruchem zbruchem red army go teach lesson enemy tymoshenko lead marshall recall heroic path recall twentieth year like eagle army vzgyanul command come go terrible cloud able walk lavoyu mighty nazi scum break prewar version brother zbruchem yoke free forward fighting matter look tymoshenko tymoshenko ahead 1940
-1 | yeah hard find way express s owe one deserve hate one love one deserve one one stay have learn walk right keeper defend like have defend one deserve one one stay unbroken bond remain unbroken matter bastard time bring remain unbroken unbroken unbroken
+1 | leningrad drinking rarely friend meet chance remember drink hobnob tradition russia remember drink hobnob tradition russia let leningrad military family sit table recall russian soldier strength germans tikhvin drive forever glorify century machine gun howl bayonet siniavino height shelf beneath mgoy let remember command rotami die snow leningrad wade swamp throat squeeze enemy let remember week long merznul damp dugouts fight ladoga fight volkhov retreat single step drink cheknev circle stand fighting friend let drink courage fall hero drink meeting live rarely friend meet chance remember drink hobnob tradition russia remember drink hobnob tradition russia
-1 | yeah not not cause not want spiteful fact life meet nice scratch surface character emerge picture split fraction eye be bitchin love friend love meet meet time cause think clever surreal make feel well think clever be swooning bitch love friend love mememeet time cause think clever surreal make feel well think clever character emerge picture split fraction eye eye behold eye not sure deal s get good would die cross cross know would hurt be type girl die cross cross know would hurt type be type girl
-1 | want blame drive rusted nail s left care pretend chore search little piece mind far deep faced smile lose feel know wide awake asleep stranger crowd sleep sleep sleep wide awake stranger crowd wake wake wake listen word want be end time leave doom search different light try remember believe wide awake asleep wide awake asleep stranger crowd listen word want be end time listen word want be listen word want be end time
+1 | favorite stalin great people case age live great name immortal fairy tale character retain tune epic simple hero home hot spend childhood flight bird follow receive hot inherit beauty eagle wing gryanuv thunder sweep ocean close familiar worker country big land china dear heart proclaim hatam world end palace stalin happiness banner dawn mankind let live favorite stalin year 1949
+1 | red rooster time strong like cock peleabas red rooster brave commander district matter thousand era big sun today people sleep awaken s ask return life wake blood asleep someday block want tomorrow entire neighborhood follow climb tide stay neighborhood shoe blood walking tomorrow thousand sun time peleabas time come s ask return life wake blood asleep someday block want tomorrow entire neighborhood follow s ask return life wake blood asleep someday block want tomorrow entire neighborhood follow
-1 | root ground bear come remain place flaw pavement stand home home area wealth poverty appreciate inch city not know leave sanctuary stomping ground territory fucking home love come home home
-1 | tell story not know picture not see thing let tell story not know picture not see thing let let let reason stay face be waste time thing let way be happy story end final place quiet endlessly time forgive leave forgive stay forgive leave forgive wait forgive leave forgive wait
+1 | song good mood leave house frown joy sunny day smile like friend nice completely unfamiliar counter boy chorus smile doubt suddenly touch eye good mood leave favorite suddenly embroil case love quarrel eye look better well word look speak chorus misery throw act heart enter remember good friend think chorus smile doubt suddenly touch eye good mood leave 1956
-1 | s leave leave home close eye look give run way way walk walk believe leave bend boy know know close eye look give run wanna know wanna know have come home come home tell needa know close eye look give run close eye look give run
-1 | k ride petal lie aisle pretend garden grow day would find man s drink s allamerican hell drive s volunteer grace end life tidy sad hold leave shell explode firefly tiny boat oar feather oar world tilt pour pour satellite tidal wave big surprise have night mother signal interrupt babys frequency strong remain hand smile miss time will settle write hey beauty supreme yeah right underneath guilt crush choir see sad messiah bored tired lament say die time love favor baby not reply cause dish not love favor baby not reply cause dish not love favor baby not reply cause dish not love favor baby not reply cause dish not love favor baby not reply cause dish not love favor baby not reply cause dish not love favor baby not reply cause dish not love favor baby not reply cause dish not seven love favor baby not reply cause dish not ill buy adjacent plot earth seven love rot underneath dirt favor baby not reply ill lose baby crowd cause dish laugh right not ill buy adjacent plot earth seven love rot underneath dirt favor baby not reply ill lose baby crowd cause dish laugh right not ill buy adjacent plot earth seven love rot underneath dirt favor baby not reply ill lose baby crowd cause dish laugh right not
-1 | ill stick little oxygen away set fire cause be fire be be whore afraid lose forget cause ill stick push square have kneed throat cause school leader transpose stop life push square need not cause school leader transpose stop life transpose stop life push square have kneed throat cause school leader meat
-1 | long ago oh far away fall love second guitar sound sweet clear radio not remember tell love baby say would come way baby baby baby baby baby oh baby love loneliness sad affair hardly wait come come play sad guitar not remember tell love baby say would come way baby baby baby baby baby oh baby love not remember tell love baby say would come way baby baby baby baby baby oh baby love
-1 | train set match spy blind shiny contour railway wind have hear sound cousin bed hiss train railway head summer slip away 60ton angel fall earth pile old metal radiant blur scar country summer summer slip away find way make stay hear engine pass be kiss wide hiss subside be luck evening reach tie be die love ok hear engine pass be kiss wide hiss subside be luck evening reach tie be die love ok summer slip away find way make stay summer slip away summer slip away
-1 | not believe not know try understand happy live life fantasy glass cathedral not come cloud face reality want love need breathe lust trust cheat bleed wall build live orchestrated life inside heart know wrong not stop soul long find blame choose want love need breathe lust trust cheat bleed
+1 | popular объединённый unit народ испанский и русский people united defeat people united defeat standing singe succeed advance unit flag thou shalt march song flag blossom light red dawn announce life come standing fight people triumph well life come conquer happiness clamor thousand fighting voice rise diran song freedom decisively vencera homeland people rise fight giant voice shout forward people united defeat people united defeat country forge unity north south mobilize salar burning mineral southern forest unite struggle work iran country cover passing announce future stand singe people triumph million impose truth steel burn battalion hand bring justice reason woman fire courage worker вариант перевода звучит наш гимн народ непобедим его ряды бесстрашны и тверды сплошной стеной идут знамена в бой а завтра ты увидишь их зарницы над всей страной багряною зарей грядущий гимн восходит над землей единство народа в сраженьях не разбито мы снова готовы к своей последней битве people united defeat people united defeat наш клич лети победа впереди товарищ верь другого нет пути и ты идешь со мной в одном строю и ты поешь и красные полотнища горят как утра алая заря они зовут и в завтра нас ведут единство народа в сраженьях не разбито мы снова готовы к своей последней битве people united defeat people united defeat
-1 | tell yesterday would know stretch wingspan reach ill right have get long way little dreamer get know know fine slammer heart pure feel have get wrong time sit lifeline ohwhoa false realitys drive have get let blood sweat tear set aside cause cooler water yes dryer water yes sweeter water yes well water water tell yesterday man travel backwards slowly year will death parade feel utterly shame right have get long way little dreamer get know know fine slammer heart pure feel have get wrong time sit lifeline ohwhoa sweeter water yes well water water sweeter water yes well water water sweeter water yes well water water sweeter water
-1 | think evil suck life mainstream delude s hide pile shit give feel blind important scene eeeeeeee delude eeeeeeee unoriginal find exactly mean abduct moment document fleeting magic give feel blind important scene eeeeeeee delude eeeeeeee unoriginal be sit porch topic note relevant want seat porch talk wave gun come touch property rape bitch rape property hitch wake feel like shit right right xxx eeeeeeee delude eeeeeeee unoriginal give feel blind important scene eeeeeeee delude eeeeeeee unoriginal eeeeeeee delude eeeeeeee unoriginal eeeeeeee delude eeeeeeee unoriginal
+1 | song chinese boy yangtze river area ancient execute communist lihse silently cry village cry son hero squad come partisan boy dead winter eye child lich fighter tear battle people happiness unknown lichanu fear burden large transition introduce children shoulder death surrender young son free land city tsetung soldier lead mao chairman mao say dream leach reality send tomorrow li chang moscow live great stalin think brave li chang cry happiness time 1952
-1 | have thing ashamed think unworthy love carry regret demeanor wear face small action great fear dare come near break tension incidentally mention demon have battle regret shame leak expression unable forgive thing stop happen have throw endless cycle pain suffering learn let not play tragedy forgive thing hate grace have turn search kind safety catch else insecurity realize humanity accept shortcoming simply natural effect fallible forgive thing hate grace end find free forgive thing hate grace kategorie musik lizenz standardyoutubelizenz
-1 | wake rage grace pull closer push away sharp thorn vine twistin turnin intertwine broken wing glass word scream bounce right say know would like rearrange wish fix want wish fix wish fix wish heal mend break wish heal wish heal beam sunrise burie night set sun destroy light say baby have get to go cut know see million star like hole sky god tear cry reign wish fix want wish fix wish fix wish heal mend break wish heal wish heal broken wing glass word scream bounce right say know would like rearrange
-1 | cheap cocaine dry inhale pill kill pain away pain away diet life shelter face inside be hiding need let breathe handle life not believe time look look tell be man tell be man scar wrist prove ill try try die try live night try die forever fool free slide slide break break mother angel get smarter smart regress unfulfille unfulfilled yeah damn shame be hiding need let breathe handle life not believe time look look tell be man tell be man scar wrist scar wrist prove ill try prove ill die look look tell be man tell be man scar wrist scar wrist prove ill try prove ill die try die try live night try die
+1 | fly pigeon fly pigeon fly obstacle carry pigeon carry people world greeting let wind earth groans let dark cloud sky way catch kite way bring storm happiness freedom fly pigeon forward look hope people rapid flight fly golu6i fly ray dawn terrible gloom pigeon work world peace 1950
-1 | shadow light feel star fade away afraid aim sight wanna alight fantasy imaginary atlantis sea sea dream monster run wild inside be fade be fade lose be fade be fade lose be fade shallow water meet need be letting deep dive eternal silence sea be breathing alive bright fade light have set heart fire atlantis sea sea dream monster run wild inside be fade be fade lose be fade be fade lose be fade
-1 | ominous shore river saone shore die cast valour honour strip meaning know innocence sombre nightfall defenceless bestially run saone stain helvetic blood shake hand arrant belier would die turn minion freedom high good venture life meet liar dead black night destiny reveal meet enemy portentous shore river saone shore die cast see true face roman ravener gorgoneion cuirass appear like play ludus latrunculorum piece flesh blood valour honour bereft meaning blood hand forever stay freedom high good venture life meet liar dead black night destiny reveal meet enemy yoke fact roman people witness bow meet liar meet enemy meet liar meet enemy
+1 | toy boat second repeat distich birch near moscow rustle away float boatrocking accord yauza river sail river aside native close boat oar yauza ripple light footprint friend comrade year pass long time part part country friendship old hold true sky motherland light range boat young man sail path end plenty wide river drive drive boat pass veterok1954
-1 | blank stare break man withered poison not remember honest reason lie die thousand mile ago pretend be justify have sanctify have amazing disgrace sweet sound save wretch like better lose find best blind race save face mean pretend be system intertwine place line grind gear masterpiece betrayal justify have sanctify have suffer consequence long piece kind sense anoint king ill burn ashe giveth taketh away giveth taketh away system intertwine place line grind gear masterpiece betrayal
-1 | thing worth hold condense past fit line page fight day day cause have want life push have love away sink sink sink find bad attach be try find balance be try find way choice have bring home have welcome sacrifice open arm regret decision thing make feel alive make feel alive have simply search right place rest head be search common ground need have see future want constant campaign impress care be struggle will not allow sink know find composure assume place love reason be struggle will not allow sink be struggle will not allow sink
-1 | stand high strung court lord forget son tell witness s difference addiction truth conviction difference lie action spread person life prove obsession compel condemn not agree endlessly drive right creep sickness afflict live proclamation derision disgrace instead offer alternate way shoot foot would begin race conviction stand guide rudder world turbulence storm thunder helm turn accord movement heart vessel dive dart conviction well inside imprint seek reject injustice judge work fix thing break walk humble regard fellow man forget great law love difference lie action love hate prove obsession look wall have fall regret lack laughter plus newfound debt freedom shorten spine broken heathen learn lie
+1 | marsh missile serve soviet country weapon friend weapon past different worry remember offer s go war repent chorus rocket troop reach wellaime missile powerful rocket troublefree launch menacing look cloud rocket need know missile control case familiar case excellent know service rely chorus friend protection cover goal enemy touch try black force enemy day night guard s know permit chorus
-1 | clear fog veil blur sight suddenly be longer ache honor plight rise moon skin peel past undone suddenly not justify
+1 | s artec think artek tell dawn beautiful day ispishesh notebook tell chorus artek sea endless sun fun early joy heart s s s artek think artek tell song blue wave magic word artek color chorus tell artek star child time friendship memory friend firelight chorus
-1 | guilt shame sell short feel face soul wear thin control long hour will life one sit know right ill wait ill pray be wrong think know s go let straight want stay decision untouchable tainted be go to suffer rest life find way survive be failure know like leave die stay not know stand till know will not run away s inside feel like breathe sulfur like breathe sulfur life undone be sinner sage god untrue be probably wrong be better long hour have life one go know right be safe be little outside be go to laugh be bury alive stay not know stand till know will not run away s inside feel like breathe sulfur like breathe sulfur like breathe sulfur stay not know stand till know will not run away s inside feel like breathe sulfur like breathe sulfur stay not know stand not know stand till know will not run away s inside feel s inside feel like breathe sulfur like breathe sulfur like breathe sulfur like breathe sulfur like breathe sulfur like breathe sulfur
+1 | intelligence service quiet lad lie fire warm ask guy catch language say finns say ski lie say watch say wait say closer seize say knock say catch like bird cage yes say say say intelligence sit fire say sister enemy earth gun bring accord say say bore say enemy say snow say say insult crawl say be taking say budge branch yes say say say intelligence wane fire sapper approach tell bitch cat find enemy bunker lie say breathe say snowdrift say sideline say smoke say say thin target say spruce say guy shoot accurately yes say say say intelligence 1941
+1 | blue envelope fog forest field fly blue envelope fly leaf native dove house break let mountain high let wide steppe word fly native land brave guy terrible attack tell envelope blue remember say accompany separation enemy bring word forget beat enemy separate fail battle campaign storm weather remember voice native light warm fog forest field fly blue envelope fly leaf native dove house break 1941
+1 | белла чао morning early morning o bella ciao bella ciao bella ciao ciao ciao morning early morning meet unsern enemy partisan come o bella ciao bella ciao bella ciao ciao ciao partisan come feel death near die oh comrade o bella ciao bella ciao bella ciao ciao ciao die oh comrade bring peace shadow little flower o bella ciao bella ciao bella ciao ciao ciao small delicate flower mountain bring people gehn o bella ciao bella ciao bella ciao ciao ciao people gehn stehn sehn little flower flower tell o bella ciao bella ciao bella ciao ciao ciao flower partisan die freedom unsre
+1 | road berlin c fight take eagle city read street right word combat bryansk city street talk way road bryansk street west lead battle take town bryansk city go read street right word combat minsk city street talk way road minsk street west lead battle take city minsk city go read street right word combat br city street talk way road br street west lead battle take city br city go read street right word combat lublin city street talk way road lublin street west vedot1985
-1 | heal feather heart look inside start peel dispose sever skin subside s painful s upheaval redemption pathos sin undo await word s come helpless prayer hope live have come clean have forget promise ray sun long darkness
-1 | different part illusion change mind attitude reason leave different part illusion different part illusion different part illusion
+1 | red wedding немецкий red wedding greet comrade fist ready stop red line close day far let fight socialist finally fellow worker communist red red leave leave leave leave drum beat leave leave leave leave work class marche ask association party honest fight injustice reaction unite need famine bind victim fight enemy song revolution red wedding greet comrade fist ready stop red line close day far let fight socialist finally fellow worker communist red red leave leave leave leave fight continue leave leave leave leave scoundrel capitulate carry truth house house chase lie chimney karl marx lenin teach beat enemy good dead wedding come berlin remain red germany germans поздний вариант leave leave leave leave drum beat leave leave leave leave red wedding march carry truth house house chase lie chimney teach comrade feed hatred stir ember heat heart strength courage proletarian belong red wedding greet comrade fist ready stop red line close day far red sun glow blaze horizon fight comrade storm column red red left leave leave leave scoundrel capitulate leave leave leave leave red wedding march beat enjoy dead wedding live berlin remain red grow secret army bring people freedom fascist feel fist neck snatch gun red wedding greet comrade fist ready stop red line close day far red sun glow blaze horizon fight comrade storm column red red 1929
+1 | soldier guard night creep deep shadow sleep bugler regiment comrade lenin bequeathed soldier guard command enemy mountain state charter speech land sea protect revolution remember sky cloud road war learn campaign geography country stretched garrison end country end edge defense courage heart give right word motherland century line kiss red banner regiment know fatherland ready battle heart hour young soldier go reserve night creep deep shadow sleep bugler regiment comrade lenin bequeathed soldier guard command enemy mountain state charter speech land sea revolution cherish
-1 | child hide cellar fighting close hand not believe church state tell believe be high command hear hear run hear run hear call hear hear run hear run hear call s gun ammunition inside doorway use emergency better pray god father spirit guide protect hear hear run hear run hear call hear hear run hear run hear call swear allegiance flag flag offer hint feel teach child quietly day son daughter rise fight stand hear hear run hear run hear call hear hear run hear run hear call hear hear run hear call hear hear run hear call hear run hear call hear hear call hear run hear run babe hear run hear run call call
+1 | marsh tanker armor strong tank fast people courage rank soviet tanker great son motherland chorus rattle fire gleam shine steel car violent campaign send battle comrade stalin voroshilov fight lead plant work work collective cropland zaschititm keep country strike force gun turret speed pressure fire chorus let remember enemy take refuge ambush alert watch enemy foreign land want single inch inch chorus climb enemy matter bit push driver starter forest hill water chorus rattle fire gleam shine steel car violent campaign send battle comrade stalin voroshilov fight lead option wartime armor strong tank fast people courage thunder enemy soviet tanker great son army chorus rattle fire blaze brilliance steel machine violent campaign formidable battle send comrade stalin favorite marshal bravely battle lead plant work work collective cropland protect keep strike force gun turret speed pressure fire chorus let enemy know outcome struggle great people invincible hero carry death fascist gang wild liberate world fascism chorus burn fire enemy freedom matter bit throttle engine work forest ravine water pripev1964
-1 | far edge wrong way world hell life kill feeling inside not explain be awake long hope go cloud ill set free follow reach touch hand god give story life precious time be tired promise eternal light feeling die hope go cloud ill set free follow reach touch hand god hope go cloud ill set free follow reach touch hand god ill set free follow reach touch hand god
-1 | etesvous prêts à dépasser les murs raisonner le silence et à éclaircir lobscur à créer un endroit où ne trouve plus de clôture essayez dprofiter du moment même si cest dur donc décontractez vous et lancez vous dan laventure dansez fêtez sautez faite tout ce qui vous fait plaisir dite ce que vous pensez mais vous navez jamais osé dire ça va exploser la joie et le sourire tu sais que le moment est venu de sortir de ta vie quotidienne elle te freine plein de peur tu nas pas le choix et si le même déroulement de chaque journée te suffi prépare toi car se soir et le moment ou tout changera boum prépare toi pour cette explosion ce soir va tout lâcher cette soirée va tout casser boum prépare toi pour cette explosion et pour une fois oublie tes soucis je vais vivre ma vie la journée et la nuit les angoisse et les crainte je les laisse derrière moi car elle freinent trop je vais vivre ma vie la journée et la nuit un instant du courant attrapé pour de vrais et le sentir si chaud je nveux plus de soucis non mais je veux de la joie ouais pour une seule fois jaimerais sentir libre comme un oiseau je nveux plus de soucis non maisje veux de la joie ouais et il faut plus de mots tu sais que le moment est venue de sortir de ta vie quotidienne elle te freine plein de peur tu nas pas le choix et si le même déroulement de chaque journée te suffi prépare car ce soir et le moment ou tout changera boum prépare toi pour cette explosion ce soir va tout lâcher cette soirée va tout casser boum prépare toi pour cette explosion et pour une fois oublie tes soucis
+1 | krasnoflotskaya storm roam large lightning shine distance white sea warship chorus hey gryan combat cockpit cabin suspend sea eh red flag soviet republic cloud level yard meet fresh wind heavy roller shoot soviet coast keep watch red navy chorus wind argue milestone native sea hear terrible roar sea volley battery chorus break sky storm ghost war pipe pipe soviet motherland go fearlessly battle chorus 1939
+1 | mile capital mile capital low barrow like sinister bird kiss marsh mist january bird see soldier field come night hastily dig polumerzlye clod stretcher dead abandon body earth part swish water cold body push hastily bast bag like corpse bag knead bent knee foot kind ominous bird sleep night soldier pale face sigh soldier chest mile capital low barrow like sinister bird kiss marsh mist deep fluffy touch dazzle white snow dead shelter account ninety bast bag inseparable fraternal semeyu pochiyut ground break right head lead bullet chest see ominous bird deep evening fog dusty dirty face come mound sad long standing way leave hill threat whisper vow revenge mile capital low barrow like sinister bird kiss marsh mist ominous bird mound see people contrary lash flicker pierce bullet fly exhausted heavy struggle unequal crowd give way bloody banner native cossack trample mud ominous bird uzreyut close time bloody banner zaveet native hill 1905
-1 | be kill be die feel pain hate teach love teach fear get reason trivial try run away believe die fate song kill love letter let right let clear want want kill want dead price high life short be sick hunt shadow demon burn joy ill watch burn better run ill watch burn try run away believe die fate song kill love letter let right let clear want
+1 | procession friendship марш дружбы польский high mountain deep sea stop march friendship war land boy girl go strong radiant courageous chorus stand step intertwine hand brotherly bond win struggle last peace enemy freedom raise fist young slavs greeks spaniard young chinese march arise soon join black brother virginia heroic hasten malay chorus step friend komsomol helm son worker peasant moscow warsaw singe carry case world youth respond loudly chorus в данной записи исполняются только первый и третий куплеты
+1 | ball native furazhechka conspicuous shiny visor mechanicalrepair working lad little boy familiar ball bear ball bearing ball home soon shift end denok hurry rehearsal familiar lad factory tenor district nightingale ball bear ball bearing ball home long chick go distant flight metropolitan opera sing lensky song want sing treasured ball bearing ball bear ball home little boy familiar ball bear ball bearing ball home 1956
+1 | march soldier sailing blue haze evening go soldier far away camping gear banner carry red come song sang suddenly team sound sing good sing good entire company commander system break company whistle loudly grin sergeant guard sight song air spin field bird wound good good soldier soul sail blue haze evening go soldier far away camping gear banner carry red halt heart music sound father native land father native land store rest sail blue haze evening go soldier far away camping gear banner red nesli1947
+1 | blue planet blue planet hum stop mighty rocket chamber move stage weightless world mix black sky day night fly ship space provide leave ground cradle child age earth dream reach world goal reach reveal secret deliver pennant peace labor light distant blue planet thousand star shall find foreign planet know earth dawn land land planet blue good planet beautiful 1963
-1 | gently soul touch dream softly tear drop body tragic existence make dream breathe body want leave love world let cry tear make feel real love world make dream come true feel heart endless dream wrap spirit push endless loneliness reality pit ongoing worldliness love world let cry tear make feel real love world make dream come true feel heart love world let cry tear make feel real love world make dream come true
-1 | let thing have selfish sorry will learn love world disassemble better head face leave betray disgrace have erase long long erase long long have want waste long long erase escape bitter taste let clear head think have disappointing good use world disassemble better head face leave betray disgrace have erase long long erase long long have want waste long long erase escape bitter taste face leave disgrace betray have erase long long erase long long have want waste long long erase escape bitter taste escape bitter taste
-1 | confessor tragedy man lurk core die everlost brief encounter bleed pain leper coil neath tree die man bewildered soliloquy perversion bloom round bend seeker lose quest ghost friend frolic wane moon year death wield instrument stealth sovereign reaper touch ease infect root instant burn crop disease spectator advocate document loss flutter conceit not concern far knell taunt bereavement mob round dead point finger detail probe vomit catch unbridled suspense lose catch flake dismay bear travesty man regular pulse midst pandemonium pluck mass parch thirst wicked sick liaison raise monumental mark sun set forever blackwater park
+1 | skill need necessary skill harden training know wait know attack failure learn delivery good luck be tremble soon zavizhu box ring rope young friend work child boxing ring barely zavizhu young friend fire soul feel surge courage young friend necessary skill harden training know wait know attack failure learn delivery luck vidat1946
+1 | lenin shushenskoye shushenskaya midnight midnight siberian winter lamps peasant people sit table native russian call help heart hear russia wind snow native russian call heart help hear russia wind snow pitch cedar shaggy tenacious paw doubleheade bird hang entire homeland dim light kerosene lamp simple see russia flood light sit write run hasty line run line spring creek see russian know fulfil time people happiness forge key see russian know fulfil time people happiness forge key
-1 | look wonderful dress love hair like way fall neck shoulder surround lie people talk have get kind look eye know thing want know cause ill need be love love love love look beautiful light silhouette way bring blue eye tenerife sea voice surround fade breath word disappear wilderness thing want know cause ill need be love love love love lumière darling lumière lumière darle lumière lumière darle lumière lumière darle lumière lumière darle lumière lumière darle lumière thing want know cause ill need be love love love love love love love look wonderful dress love hair like moment know
+1 | solidaritaetslie немецкий ref forward forget strength lie starve eat forward forget solidarity 1 people world unite sense notice large nourisher forward 2 black weiβer brown yellow butchery speak people quick agree forward 3 want reach quickly need läβt like lurch läβt yes forward 4 master disunity long divide remain master forward 5 worker world unite free large regiment break tyranny forward forget ask question korekt starve eat morning morning world world
-1 | bear giant blood raise asgård home god master disguise trait have gain prize fast thought quick tongue brawl will stung master deceit word bind set free walker wind shape shifter twoface word lie grin shape shifter evil curse blame order need anarchy balance calamity mix blood olden day wander like stray brother estranged sweet revenge word poison ear word fear know truth hear ragnarök draw near sit aegirs hall wait come fall council condemn twilight god man face fact old weak word speak escape s return universe shall bleed burn eagle sky shape shifter vicious wolf howl night shape shifter walker wind shape shifter twoface word lie grin shape shifter eagle sky vicious wolf howl night walker wind lie word honest grin shape shifter
+1 | song friend pour water arrow catch know paced friend street chorus fun twice easy deal half dispute friend 2p tell undertaking want help teach need suddenly teach help regret hand chorus class guy like nearby pour water class guy like pripev1952
+1 | coastal farm boat build like know high oak board bend masttwig brave sew scarletsail sail engine knock heart tuktuktuk wave white foam run astern swim boat fisherman sea intermarry forever buddy young force equal find senior network know lower boy lyric sing master fish hearing come network girlfriend wait vechor dock meet go rarely zorka noble milkmaid foreman good sharp tongue pisce catch more use burenushek skinny flatfish rockfish wind blow south guest good hour acne slend beauty selection yavyatsya bow straight yard wind blow south guest good hour acne pure silver decorate outfit rainbow pattern burn pure silver decorate outfit rainbow pattern burn 1959
-1 | rah sit watch nearly destroy feel betrayed sacrifice life comfort love mean love mean coward antithesis friend action leave defend stand stand right gate hell stand right gate hell right gate hell
-1 | wait patiently hold time tell write keep inside deception reveal morality slave gravity sanity turn agony hide away not speak convey secret hold thing linger inside morality slave gravity sanity turn agony
-1 | kill work force burn cross work force burn cross work force burn cross work force burn cross uh kill kill tell ya tell ya tell ya tell ya tell ya tell ya tell ya tell ya tell ya tell ya tell ya tell ya die justify wear badge choose white justify die wear badge choose white die justify wear badge choose white justify die wear badge choose white work force burn cross work force burn cross work force burn cross work force burn cross uh kill kill tell ya tell ya tell ya tell ya tell ya control tell ya control tell ya control tell ya control tell ya control tell ya control tell ya control tell ya die justify wear badge choose white justify die wear badge choose white die justify wear badge choose white justify die wear badge choose white come uh yeah come uh fuck will not tell fuck will not tell fuck will not tell fuck will not tell fuck will not tell fuck will not tell fuck will not tell fuck will not tell fuck will not tell fuck will not tell fuck will not tell fuck will not tell fuck will not tell fuck will not tell fuck will not tell fuck will not tell motherfucker uh uh uh uh uh uh
-1 | seventeen pious pretty deadly disease weight world prosthetic shoulder summer 96 body crack like porcelain like precious moment collectable hospital gown big bright golden halo cheer morose grieving pal let hear tear have well have come far live life rich blessed burn transgress have master art open casket prayer singe guitar find reward not half would hope feign hope mirth parent go lie success surgery exgirlfriend sleep fiancé cheer morose grieving pal let hear tear have well have come far live life rich blessed burn transgress s justice heaven god will not let hell lock gate weekend pass away sympathetic wave will return golden crown curse walk earth millennia know deserve bad terrify not cheer morose grieving pal let hear tear have well have come far live life rich blessed burn transgress
+1 | christmas tree spin blizzard snow roof creeps cheek flush zakrasnilsya nose christmas tree fluffy christmas tree silver roll forest grandpa frost chorus good fun live song hear play fun frolic learn country soviet good country soviet good like christmas tree christmas tree beauty zavedom tree voice dance friend fir tree dance begin spin festively joyfully celebrate new year chorus bright light motley gift tree deck root pyatikontsovaya sprocket crimson golden flame light chorus handkerchiefs school cheerful song game wonderful happy country birthplace allpowerful homeland abundant stalin native land kindness chorus
+1 | matrosckaya song wide sea blue expanse wave wave incident deck dream young sailor house remember native chorus fly fly like seagull song faster mchis soon possible native beloved land cute hello pass know truth young sailor ocean return win beloved native land beloved chorus 1958
-1 | attention time come cypress cyp cypress cyp cypress cypress cyp cyp cypress cypress cypress cypress yes yes -PRON- yes -PRON- check check -PRON- -PRON- cypress -PRON- -PRON- check -PRON- prettysucker tell -PRON- away youknomsayin bloody crew s right -PRON- -PRON- yes yes -PRON- whatchu go to cypress cypress cypress hill s right -PRON- yo soul assassin yo non stop ticktock cypress cypress cypress hill s right -PRON- let thug -PRON- whatchu wanna cypress cypress cypress hill s right -PRON- cypress hill -PRON- simply -PRON- time -PRON- crippin -PRON- not shit -PRON- check check check check -PRON- cypress cypress cypress hill simply -PRON- cypress hill -PRON- s right -PRON- cypress cypress cypress hill turn right -PRON- well smoke -PRON- cypress hill -PRON- cypress hill -PRON- soul assassin yo not stop soul assassin not stop s right comin directly hill yo right reserve
+1 | danube wreath magyar come bank danube flower throw water hungary morning gift take run stream stream see slovak berezhko throw scarlet poppy take river danube danube find gift flower flower intertwine wreath let beautiful bright meet wave bulgarian rise yugoslav jasmine left bank lily rosah vosle throw romanian ukraine moldova russia child soviet country throw flower field danube wave crest danube danube find gift flower flower intertwine wreath let beautiful bright 1962
+1 | song friendship entry chorus happily year year country fun bright sun shine heart hot love song sing bloom spring friend let hand cheerful song sound forward forward friend pace wide road give life give life strong spike close strong friendship honest heart longing burden easy comrade hand chorus friend brother birth give golden sun heart young song glow spring happily year year country fun bright sun shine heart hot love song sing bloom spring steppe rumble thunderstorm taiga frost crack fear fear storm face laugh bear snow forward forward stand groan blizzard fly high dive deep fearless make friend easily chorus orchestral losing streak insert golden sun happily year year country fun bright sun shine heart hot love song sing bloom spring life laugh face obstacle know way sweeter warm dream someone opinion stir blood friendship love grow pripev1940
-1 | water run child run run time mountain golden fountain pray lare shrine oh city lie dust friend oh city lie dust friend find hide find lie choke dirt sand glory story drag wash eager hand oh city lie dust friend oh city lie dust friend city lie dust water run child run find hide find lie water run child run find hide find lie oh city lie dust friend oh city lie dust friend hot burn nostril pour gape mouth molten body blanket cinder catch throe oh city lie dust friend oh city lie dust friend oh city lie dust friend oh city lie dust friend city lie dust friend oh city lie dust friend oh city lie dust friend
+1 | girl goodbye soon platform hear whistle leave girl far east good girl well find girl favorite pity let fun station sundrenche girl say goodbye young guy know guy guy know present heart heart smile yes look forward present sun sun reach guy decide learn fly east road cloud pave finish talk fly like bird right dawn donate exchange train depart girl farewell pilot youngster year later meet sway wind embroider handkerchief leave girl far east 1938
-1 | brother arm share fear time protect hold dear s rise new idea threate change way live know trouble find way find way door today know trouble way way intimidate want big red gun be go to shoot shoot shoot set sun want big red gun be go to shoot shoot shoot till thrill go cause right matter cost outta sight babys get big red gun pride weapon hand freedom award faithful man hear message loud clear straight lip ear lord not walk away walk away enemy law disagree target insecurity want big red gun be go to shoot shoot shoot set sun want big red gun be go to shoot shoot shoot till thrill go life lose understand babys get big red gun twist derange give key annihilate long one ground proud history history big mistake judege jury stand oh momma
-1 | irresponsible unreflecting displace human sense afterworld run faint belief feel conceive suspicion distrust faith ah degeneration dislocation hunt one lead aspiration ambition hope wait lie long forget tomb condemn murder reveal torture kill kill kill endless drifting stream way solace have raise god drink sea wipe horizon love bleed death knife hope wait lie long forget tomb condemn murder reveal torture kill kill kill deed s great atonement forgiveness atonement forgiveness forgiveness forgiveness hope wait lie long forget tomb condemn murder reveal torture kill kill
+1 | sea wind near city ryazan shepherd live native village serve navy warship field song sing sea chorus sea breeze echo song fade away storm angry boundary border castle gun ready people lookout vanya spring visit vacation sing quiet night girl song chorus near city ryazan vsenoy bloomed field village meet warship song dance wedding hour nigh chorus 2 time 1939
+1 | face motherland life little need year leave live like pensive icon lamp face motherland solemnly shine let light barely illuminate face immortal beauty burn shine pale beam drop world overnight soften gently stern feature o homeland simple overcoat puds boot love son rise storm blizzard save world believe save century forever east pour light star torture grief man tear bow great reward joy precious know day quietest icon lamp face motherland shine
-1 | look eye despise cause expose lie turn watch burn watch burn hope choke letter write tell til end will different understand sing like time line end rhyme will great review refuse reuse reuse hope choke promise break tell friend will different understand hope choke message write hope choke promise break know will choke message write know will choke hope will choke
+1 | viva la revolución spanish la tierra gira y gira dejará de girar y los tiempos van cambiando nadie lo puede evitar chorus mira que ya viene la revolución para que se asustan sera pa mejor es el pueblo entero el que ya está gritando viva la revolución carry nature sun hide shadow new light come place old day forward throw doubt open door future people issue           chorus believe revolution dream let clogged heart unison rise brother pick slogan viva la revolucion lie repeatedly paycheck nastaot speeche democrat fact rob people deceive phrase deceit flattery struggle banner freedom conscience honor chorus soldier child people uniform form essence freedom pave way afraid siren people unite strong forward slogan viva la revolucion chorus 1972
+1 | moscow nights hear garden noise stand morning know dear moscow night river move move lunar silver song hear hear quiet evening cute squint low head tilt difficult heart dawn noticeable kind forget summer moscow night 1980
-1 | night come home wander soul capture thought emptiness fill mind urgency speak lie confine grey wall watch take place remember remember pour loveless bride quickly forget meaningless quickly forget meaningless world pass finger chase wind quickly forget meaningless quickly forget meaningless learn yesterday learn yesterday
+1 | international венгерский ye prisoner earth hungry proletariat day come victory end rabságodnak longer past utterly abolish slave army march land kidőlni corner final battle unite internationalize tomorrow world protective god protect king common good creative lose withstand destroy gang robber bondage flame ment wear hot iron raver final battle unite internationalize tomorrow world wealthy feel like kenya power suck blood family code state trouble poor kíndolás wage s gentlemans hand tool right half final battle unite internationalize tomorrow world million work people create globe splendor light s work poor capital flesh wither cowardly military shake kelon day job shine earth final battle unite internationalize tomorrow world 1904
+1 | song deputy total column iron wedge people nation race tribe powerful rush single movement welcome stalin wise law speech wing call fervent line shout good son daughter good people elect supreme council voice country patriotnaya lava louder joyful song sound wise stalin glory favorite native mp 1938
+1 | preacher slave longhaire preacher come night try tell s wrong s right ask bout eat answer voice sweet refrain eat bye bye glorious land sky work pray live hay will pie sky die starvation army play sing clap pray till coin drum will tell bum refrain holy roller jumper come holler jump shout money jesus cure disease today refrain fight hard child wife try good life sinner bad man tell die sure hell refrain workingman country unite freedom fight world wealth gain grafter sing refrain final chorus eat bye bye have learn cook fry chop wood twill good will eat sweet bye bye 1911
+1 | victory battle cry civil snowstorm blizzard mist autumn night walk fight friend companion life afraid bayonet bad weather song sing fight enemy right happiness happiness extract fight new life begin build thunder die fighting inseparable nurture son son go west border rage storm calm heart beat dry eye fight homeland time victory battle cry like fight edge home cloud spread homeland lead rattle hurricane son ready battle destroy vraga1941
+1 | moscow waltz summer festive evening look window house float melt island cloud warm gentle breeze blow softly leave nice bright evening moscow kremlin star shine moscow clear cloudless air moscow homeland soul like youth good capital moscow okhotny highway line good close race warm evening ah moscow maple tree moonlight grass good evening moscow capital moscow 1948
-1 | thing shape pretty odd little death musical bed be have meet hear elegant crime fall ear criminal dime spill unfound pretty mouth everybody get everybody get everybody get way say miss everybody kiss be blame thing change s okay feel be way thing change s okay want go want know know want feel say would leave city say would leave town fall will not tiptoe everybody get everybody get everybody get way say miss everybody kiss be blame thing change s okay feel be way thing change s okay feel thing change s okay feel thing change s okay feel thing change s okay be way thing change
+1 | comic polar explorer tune island terek cossack pole fog silence polar darkness swim ocean white ice canoe hey floe centurie come new century world take soviet people turn black ghost snow brave quartet live ice afraid compression blizzard bring soviet country storm sky mist conceal day impose floe evil shadow eugene fedorov cloud sneeze day coordinate report edge stern native krenkel fly north pole home hear cheerful voice air ernst make miracle ice floe peter petrovich go investigate ice grass ice find ernst news radio bring shirshov ice finish mow weep bitterly bear bearded tear hang walrus tusk see icebreaker steel board ask mitrich anxiety grip country floe storm shatter piece entire quartet death terrible storm papanin right say large easy case give hero homeland soon news entire country papanin drift moon 1938
-1 | tenerte bien dormido ese es nuestro cometido radio falacia radio falacia detrás de ese cristal que deforma la verdad te vamos hacer ver este mundo del revés si te sales de la lista te convierto en terrorista radio falacia radio falacia nosotros te inyectamos lo que dictan nuestros amos tenemos el deber de obligarte obedecer comunicación adulterada contaminación que oculta la verdad desinformación envenenada te indicamos el camino te vayas perder la objetividad la podemos vacunar radio falacia radio falacia nuestros periodistas son frustrado realistas que se saben someter quien les echa de comer pero existen insurgente idealistas disidente radio falacia radio falacia la censura en democracia es una sucia falacia os haremos entender quien es el cuarto poder comunicación adulterada contaminación que oculta la verdad desinformación envenenada te indicamos el camino te pierdas radio fabricamos tu opinión radio calla y obedece radio radio radio engulle la mentira te obligamo vagar en un mundo virtual radio es tuya la elección radio protege tus neuronas radio radio radio de hipnóticas frecuencias que te van intoxicar terrorismo en el dial radio falacia emitiendo las 24 hora ininterrumpidamente nosotros le decimos como debe de pensar como tiene uste que reír y llorar como tiene uste que follar radio falacia fabricando la información ahorrese la curra pensar por si mismo para eso estamos nosotros radio falacia gracias por escuchar comunicación adulterada contaminación que oculta la verdad desinformación envenenada te indicamos el camino te pierdas radio fabricamos tu opinión radio calla y obedece radio radio radio engulle la mentira te obligamo vagar en un mundo virtual radio es tuya la elección radio protege tus neuronas radio radio radio de hipnóticas frecuencias que te van intoxicar terrorismo en el dial
-1 | thou shalt kill father destroy life question cling year live forever design well death confuse liar savior fear create myth separate choose one adolescent independence dominion wanna believe fuckin conscience contradict ending world change answer clear tell mother son daughter blame child orphan forget find way save time run tired runnin droppin second glass til die wanna believe fuckin alive accept ending world change answer clear annihilation will not control restrain thing understand realize be strong better give mean burn thought realize be strong better save save save save save save oh piece inside paralytic construct hate live forever die would know not theirs create better choose away right decide guess ill believe fuckin solace handle ending world change answer clear obliteration will not control restrain thing understand realize be strong better give mean burn thought realize be strong better will not control restrain thing understand realize be strong better give mean burn thought realize be strong better save save save save save save
-1 | lie awake lose word lost tell feel terrified change think real bad go bad lose word know feel deep inside find way s reason end ask save fuckin day tell be friend waste breath bad lie awake search destiny heart lose word fuckin lose fuckin whore friend way
-1 | would think would feel guilty be break inside livin lie think would know would let bad livin feel numb not come life feel like be freeze time livin world cold wastin away livin shell soul have go away livin world cold countin day have go away have go away feel look deep inside stare paralyze feel numb not come life feel like be freeze time livin world cold wastin away livin shell soul have go away livin world cold countin day have go away have go away be young young lose soul be young young feel old long long be leave feel like be losin mind feel look deep inside stare life paralyze livin world cold wastin away livin shell soul have go away livin world cold countin day have go away have go away be young young be young young
+1 | borodino tell uncle good reason moscow scorch fire frenchman give fact fight fight yes wonder russia remember day borodino long depart silence annoy battlefield wait grumble old man winter quarter dare commander alien tear uniform russian bayonet find large field roam wild build redoubt ear open little morning light gun forest blue french right score charge gun tight think ill buy wait minute brother musyu cheat fight oh ache wall oh stand head home say flash eye guy eh moscow umremte train near moscow brother die promise die keep oath allegiance borodino battle keep oath allegiance borodino battle 1944
-1 | house wrap disrepair small mouse peek hole beneath stair nearby dad sit favorite chair think govt mutter prayer scatter oat hope shed stay sit stop scare away hurry little way scurry mind day open wide door door lord open wide door make love open wide door s light run open wide door like water dry wood equal part misguide misunderstood neighborhood watch fire burn stand smoke say half bad gd good s whisper ear voice loneliness fear devil disappear be ehh technically virgin 27 year bother s maybe 50 open wide door door lord open wide door make love open wide door s light run open wide door come oats bring friend endsthis end hard rain low flower garden bend endsthis end would talk continue pretend end endsthis end
+1 | party helmsman glory fighter stand truth banner high freedom bear party create cherish goal lead long hard year tsarist live people bondage lenin true dawn communism begin shine darkness chorus sun motherland scientific firm year year lenin wholeheartedly case true call exploit soviet people communist party country party unite people fraternal union single work party hope strength party helmsman duma folk life embody storm strong rock difficult battle break party grow chorus afraid fight battle brightly light beacon victorious movement let enemy try million today unity grow wisdom party path illumine lead communism chorus 1952
-1 | welcome fragile paradise build fall s demise world be endless
+1 | marsh budennogo red cavalry bylinniki eloquent lead story information clear night rainy day proud boldly battle chorus lead budyonny boldly battle let thunder let fire circle selfless hero life struggle budyonny brother people order goal hang look forward contact voroshilov red officer able shed blood ussr chorus lead budyonny boldly battle let thunder let fire circle selfless hero life struggle high sky clear sweep scarlet banner rush horseback enemy visible battle upoimtelnoy lavigne swift warsaw berlin oh bump crimea chorus lead budyonny boldly battle let thunder let fire circle selfless hero life struggle 1920
+1 | guerrilla quiet halt deep secret württemberg float river pale bluegray mist get barely audible song fog quietly song forest partisans fire decompose dash work cigarette heat moment look song zatyanesh softly inaudibly word echo chest chorus beat enemy beat enemy fall fall sweep edge song burn saturate blood fly meadow great hope offend black death fierce enemy call secretly ring hollowly break beat ahead bee fly bite lead red heave cock chorus iron song struggle courage instill fear terror rapist hover quarter prague outskirt paris balkan mountain thrust dagger infuse poison heel fascist go avenger give immortal fame new fighter lead chorus 1943
+1 | gray kuril gray kuril cold cloud float low water anxiously scurry cormorant depth sea challenge clear seaman russia native russia happiness beach campaign sailor bad sun beach far air rest friend divide ration know overcome adversity russia native russia valor beach gray kuril cold cloud float deeply water dream home comfort dream expensive short be watch hurry russia native russia live breathe
-1 | dream way break iron bar dream black night moon star dream tunnel sleeping guard dream blackout prison yard heartbroken find gleam hope harken sound whistle blow heaven send reply small evidence life wall bear breed machine warden dread dream hold tight legend real life way dream jailer throw arm dream open gate alarm dream way break iron bar dream black night moon star dream way break iron bar dream black night moon star dream way break iron bar dream black night moon star heartbroken find gleam hope harken sound whistle blow heaven send reply small evidence life wall bear breed machine warden dread dream hold tight legend real life way look day earth shake weather wall fall away look day earth shake weather wall fall away look day earth shake weather wall fall away look day earth shake weather wall fall away
-1 | retrace step hope find leave s fear s point problem find will not solve wonder motivation guess answer question be golden boy not shine be bastard son romantic babylon vein fashioned copper past design destine concur like flaw inscripte deep explain
+1 | longhaul flight sky earre moon hang astern runningwave glitter mother leave house go long flight alien sea splash overboard chorus far far away friend mother leave house go long flight alien sea roar stand dock fog look sadness home day long wait girlfriend melancholy custom sea love chorus far far away native land home day long wait girlfriend melancholy custom sea love messina havana see foreign land meet sea dawn vidal new world russian beautiful sunrise world chorus far far away sailor home meet sea dawn vidal new world russian beautiful sunrise world 1948
-1 | hey hear know difference make hear yes say fine not think say fine have change mind erase rewind cause have change mind erase rewind cause have change mind have change mind right way know not know not want grow not know have change mind erase rewind cause have change mind erase rewind cause have change mind erase rewind cause have change mind erase rewind cause have change mind erase rewind erase rewind have change mind
-1 | look year junkie steamboat man sun set walk rundown home hellbent find mother fear come greet brother oh think come right have spend year dock wait leave leave day run selfish fuck fault not addict mother dead happy leave will pay debt coward cheat thief long steel track life payback bet wish dead walk rail gun head lie tie wait race thought head come rush slip weight elder younger fear topple upper hand see steam overhead eld breathe roll train bear end day know way end cold heart legacy
+1 | song starling year spring south house withered willow starling fly friend arbat birdhouse morning march return home find arbat house dry willow chorus ground road moscow lead way city earth moscow find proud important concrete glass grow sevenstory house hut starling recognize arbat new palace arbat guy sing like starling chorus starling look offend high house stranger suddenly see roof birdhouse blue child live house dry willow forget blue birdhouse chorus 1939
-1 | be trouble starter punkin instigator be fear addict danger illustrate be firestarter twist firestarter firestarter twist firestarter be firestarter twist firestarter be bitch hate filth infatuate yeah be pain taste fall intoxicated be firestarter twist firestarter firestarter twist firestarter be selfinflicted detonator yeah be infect twisted animator be firestarter twist firestarter firestarter twist firestarter be firestarter twist firestarter starter starter starter
+1 | moscow song morning work outpost summon call sun city cover glory hasten friend factory capital grand universe radiant singe moscow inspirational moscow moscow radiating light chorus 2x moscow wonderful city moscow close mighty proud moscow moscow moscow city unprecedentedly bright dress spring foliage bloom garden park decorate moscow love city forever young go moscow komsomol change fate expensive chorus 2 time step work wide sea moscow sing patriotic muscovite beloved city shine night moscow sweet comfort wonder hundred hundred dialect moscow guest sing chorus 2 time 1948
-1 | let bloodshot eye watch sleepin warmth feel slowly fadin hear call hold know shame s something different go wrong path walk wrong direction s fuckin hangin anybody help thing better tear not fall crash conscience call guilty come home tear not fall crash conscience call guilty come home moment die hear screamin vision leave inside slowly fadin hear call hold know shame s something different go wrong path walk wrong direction s fuckin hangin anybody help thing better tear not fall crash conscience call guilty come home tear not fall crash conscience call guilty come home oh yeah battered room have see broken bone heal breath be chokin end be hopin world time let hear call hold know shame s something different go wrong path walk wrong direction s fuckin hangin anybody help thing better tear not fall crash conscience call guilty come home tear not fall tear not fall crash conscience call conscience call guilty come better tear not fall crash conscience call conscience call guilty come home
-1 | mind die be feeling be head lose pain cold be breathing need not night have pray untrue prepared strong not believe lose unprepared carry not walk away cold be breathing need not lose forever lose pain leave ground forever forever distant far destiny select not strong life disconnect loneliness infect go day protect cold be breathing need not lose forever lose pain leave ground forever forever be breathing need not be breathing breathe breathe breathing breathing breathing
+1 | distant lodge composition year year roll fortytwo junction forest old man live long live lodge recently saddle son raise grandchild teach year chorus outermost track train fly fly quiet lodge edge path evening old lineman go rail knock joint steel see run put hammer wave heave chest let life give enemy destroy way chorus deed native country forget hey train fly people commissar way go hero traveling longhaul meet like father high straight woeful scar run face chorus composition jag run shadow lineman car meet come day sun shine order old man hammer know makhno handkerchief pripev1939
+1 | kievski waltz night solovyinii spring night dream podniprovya valley bloom chestnut wave dnieper youth soap happiness bloom chestnut wave dnieper youth soap happiness neozoriyi kiev gardens friend memorable come bloom chestnut wave dnieper youth soap happiness bloom chestnut wave dnieper youth soap happiness meet nightingale night warm dawn kiev syaly dovich bloom chestnut wave dnieper youth soap happiness bloom chestnut wave dnieper youth soap happiness moye1978
+1 | song general kim il sung korean chanbeksan yalu see combat bloodshe motherland go boldly fight campaign free korea like garden bloom chorus commander heart people kims century shine bright tell wind gray manchurian field taiga region tell sonorous song fearless partisan lead battle immortal patriot save land chorus commander heart people kims century shine bright region forever home vacant land like sun leader korea native people rally goal north korea eternal spring chorus commander heart people kims century shine bright 2003
+1 | grandfather fight come time heart memory store flower fall fire cold mirror granite chorus look north south hour remembrance victory day fight dedy2p word common grave line unknown soldier forefather die nameless sleep chorus sit campfire hear kind word young keeper turn gray cruel bloody battle orchestra chorus fight grandfather come time heart memory past store flower fall fire cold mirror granite author option couplet flower friend fight surround silent granite pripev1970
-1 | maybe maybe love mean maybe maybe love mean maybe maybe not know lead love faith destiny oooh angel smile la la laaaaa la la laaaaa la la la la la like bird feather love mean maybe maybe love mean maybe maybe time fast be not know minute like hour be away la la laaaa la la laaaa la la la la la whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa be sure real dream maybe game know lose girl life not everyday grow closer whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa
-1 | cup half pessimist far see nothing leave cup cup indulge voice ambition long shut singer writer s dream go give heed tragedy voyage circle succeed get submit substance get violent frustration cry god point madness tragedy feel heart hand s feel feel day break stand tall yell yell take life violent frustration cry god point madness tragedy
+1 | golden light mist disappear dear odessa golden light sad beloved bride blue sea sailor come reason merry noisy cockpit foreman bring accordion sing wonderful curls black sea young sailor vain girl wonder evening native land sailor forget friend lovely motherland sad cute bride sailor return native land near city odessa golden shine ogonki1946
+1 | summer camp raise bugler morning tie twist like flame wind wind learn time everywhereka charge line difficult frankly sun send greeting hot tree like mast scarlet sail dawn joke fight friend seriously river farm farm run aimlessly weed battle stubborn weed field cleanpure accordionist song famously pioneer spoom2p song believe way let boredom threshold threshold write pope mother camp fun ulybnomsya enter house lose wood wind catch cold fade sun rain loss vocalise write pope mother camp fun ulybnomsya enter house forest lose wind catch cold fade sun dozhdya2p 1980
-1 | go find pay stumble bar look end day lowlife bookie not scare be not settle debt be not save face drink be go ill drag place courage fist clench blood rush white knuckle hit land cold concrete blurred vision stumble home bar stutter step home door tip tongue remorse shame loss defeat shame let walk night know be not right well day promise be not man suppose walk way ring lie thick red tear swell room spin dear god leave take lay bastard son blackout bloodstain tooth clench pain come
-1 | wish bear thousand year ago wish sail darkened sea great big clipper ship go land sailor suit cap away big city away big city man free evil town be close death guess not know guess not know ah jesus die somebodys sin jesus die somebodys sin not know be go ah be go to try kingdom yeah cause make feel like be man spike vein tell thing not mainline pain feel jesus die somebodys sin heroin feel jesus die somebodys sin feel heroin say jesus die somebodys sin heroin big decision go to try nullify life know low smack flow not care be go to wife blood begin flow shoot drooper neck be closin death walk guess not know guess not know jesus die somebodys sin heroin jesus die somebodys sin feel heroin say jesus die somebodys sin heroin say jesus die somebodys sin heroin heroin smack attack jesus die somebodys sin heroin jesus die somebodys sin heroin jesus die somebodys sin heroin say jesus die somebodys sin heroin smack attack not touch needle vr heroin vr heroin vr hell heroin forever be close death heroin
-1 | have get die infidel imperial lust blood blind crusade apocalyptic count day bomb set people free blood feed dollar tree flag coffin screen oil machine army liberation gunpoint indoctrination fire sedition fulfill prophecy have get die send child fire son daughter stack pyre stoke flame empire live lie day face hypocrisy rape democracy apocalyptic count day hole have dig grave drug rest burn home brave burn have get die
-1 | not bear not bear hatred judgement prejudice weave weave influence let not bear not bear not bear not bear
+1 | olympic games sports moscow repeat second couplet strong feeling friendship heat sun light truth today main word olympics sport moscow athlete athlete friend brother prohibition afraid bold drown word olympics sport moscow let ring court track fight man world chant word olympics sport moscow 1980
-1 | world get small heart beat big world get small big be smart heart beat big world get small not kill let live remember be bit relieved cause s illusion have change be veteran thing not want learn know deep feel show time day not think be veteran thing not want have cause be veteran thing not want world get small heart beat big world get small big be smart heart beat big world get small heart beat big world get small be veteran thing not want cause be veteran thing not want not want
-1 | head hang lowly child slowly take violence cause silence mistaken family head head fight tank bomb bomb gun head head cry head head zombie zombie zombieieie s head head zombie zombie zombieieieie oh doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo mother break heart take violence cause silence mistake old theme 1916 head head fight tank bomb bomb gun head head die head head zombie zombie zombieieie s head head zombie zombie zombieieieie oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ayoh yah yah ow
-1 | leave jade gaunt september wilt season hide inside delusion see eye devoid death aura poise amidst storm solid tear linger parlour glade moonlit sorrow lonely resting pool relic moondogge lake whisper word misgive like mourn turn away second face like photograph paint white speak matter cloak autumn shroud gaze dim ricochet star reckon time leave sleep light night silent water dark
-1 | yeah shh quiet piss somebody like motherfucker have long feed insecurity stand bite hand feed selfrighteousness wear thin lie inside head good friend heart bleed fellow man break glass fake reflection have time real not respect word speak go far clone feel know someone kid heart america blood hand fight defend right maintain lifestyle insult familys existence be special salute aim high air pompous asshole spend day point finger fuck shh quiet piss somebody like heartbeat country antagonize long ill damn count generous hypocrisy collecting enemy tabloid gossip queen worthless man s need bury selfish agenda right way have dig grave have time real not respect word speak go far clone way east west get high society look foundation constantly remind action cause problem point finger direction blame nation win election have contribute fucking thing country love criticize excuse obscene ignore untrue depiction try admit mistake hurt be sure be not shh quiet piss somebody selfrighteousness wear thin lie inside head good friend heart bleed fellow man break glass fake reflection have time real not respect word speak go far clone
+1 | song russia razdolnaya green plain slope flower spring country white black sea complete wave foam 2 time field sing machine forest noise peak splash volga dawn gold song russian song violent sad life heart 2 time happy family people land free sun light banner lenin great leader forge happiness people people praise thank 2 time
+1 | flight order aircraft start road go combat pilot pilot cloud meet blue remember word heartfelt song heaven plane raise cloud conversation ground live dear brighteye joy try good earth heaven bring let steel plane sign new spring peaceful tree break hurricane roof family rasstelaetsya fog evening come light see want pilot quietly heaven plane raise cloud conversation ground live dear brighteye joy try good earth heaven bring let steel plane sign new spring bravely skillfully fight pilot youth happiness people sun cloud appear spring ray shine gently heaven plane raise cloud conversation ground live dear brighteye joy try good earth heaven bring let steel plane sign new spring 1942
-1 | kid summer long dusk end song young would hear walk dismal street alley junkie sleep young slow hand hand boardwalk end mother word like biting wind not leave hell hear quiet stay sight sunken eye burn bright not leave hide press wall stair darken hall sound heartbreak remind home shadow slow floor minute like day end heartache open door sight sound smell burn shame pride spite love come die sobs away mother bring home safe nameless street way come suddenly pray well day redemption sullenly pray harm way conviction s forgiveness hope pier way dead end town drunk wait jack cup d fuck drink toast good luck get stiff hand old like bourbon s drink black
-1 | be man box bury shit will not come save save feed eye sew shut jesus christ deny maker try waste oh feed eye have sew shut be dog get beat shove nose shit not come save save feed eye sew shut jesus christ deny maker try waste oh feed eye have sew shut feed eye sew shut jesus christ deny maker try waste oh feed eye have sew shut
+1 | dear friend meet dear friend meet kindergarten come child china lee tzetai liang liang minglee nice guy lee tzetai liang liang minglee 2p take hand elegant hall lead checkbox guy give memory preserve nod guy lee tzetai liang liang minglee 2p sing song lee tzetai liang liang ming lee sing singe best good guy sing lee tzetai liang liang minglee 2p 1958
+1 | s word s word knock door believe love heart believe hope write letter send address wind talk remain love sing lullaby grow space dawn life burn ageold tower moscow desperate breeze pierce strength love accidentally meet outside noisy part food edge far away hide youth 1944
+1 | marsch der fröhlichen jugend german easy heart fun song bored like song village village love song big city build song help live like friend call lead live song step lose german be german know
-1 | have come man shamble wear beg knee be try family see lover wear ring finger not stop half mind hurt bleed suffer swear have touch oh heaven forgive monster think child will believe have listen beg let rebuild thing shatter mean swear mean whisper husband ill valueless wish would hear speak word hope wife child bury wreckage crime lay sin softly lean kiss guilt goodnight steal trick survive survive love dearly will blind blind love dearly love breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe finally pause breath look feel like stare hell man seat chair silent statue frame pain flesh think oh sway statue speak swear s stone barely stir breeze be barely stir breeze wait silence finally finally turn leave break barely doorway breathing slowly beat hard hear speak guess love funny thing way fade away warning not ask excuse go oh go be not comin save breathe way slide ring trust go good stop happy finally alive be sorry
-1 | long time come think would understand be far ahead line have drown sand simple wrong know not belong know think would sell soul tell face leave cold blow shit away againgaingain
+1 | goodbye city hut goodbye city cottage road distant call young brave guy early day go march dawn girl komsomolsk escort squad girl sad come victory formidable force land sea meet uninvited guest fascist bloodthirsty svoere assemble bone scatter enemy cloud mark obstacle way enemy death neminuchey grave escape come great day reckoning give people weapon goodbye city cottage early day go camping goodbye city cottage road distant call young brave guy early day go pohod1941
+1 | soul younger street moscow noisy stream human noisy stream human people admire beauty moscow wonder fairy tale dream change moscow capital motherland chorus soul young young warm heart compose song compose song prowess muscovite recently start construction today enter house today enter house day rich native moscow live old house stoop area wide go ahead straight street song soar cloud chorus hand hand square kremlin square near kremlin moskva river visible earth come sing admire beautiful moscow know come true tomorrow dream chorus soul young young warm heart unlike people unlike muscovite 1948
+1 | variag splash cold wave splash cold wave beat shore sea wear sea gull cry anguish rush white seagull bother hark peal ring explosion distant deaf noisy sea wind st andrew flag beat unequal force proud handsome hit high mast armor break fight bravely team sea enemy fire foam yellow sea angry wave roar foe sea giant shot rattle rarely rushes vorogov terrible answer 1950
+1 | merry link sweep street merry link know go friend march step far song way want sing chorus song sing song hear song easy live song need friend swim dive fish beach tumble sunbathe sun possible world road amicably link find happy find chorus friend world scare answer way shall stumble fall get shake continue sing chorus song sing song hear song easy live song need 1948
+1 | communist rank million lenin son hover victorious banners glorious october chorus communist truth strong purpose life happiness ordinary people purpose struggle life happiness ordinary people flame light spark pay flame freedom soul communist alive chorus party bold persistent proud go new building battle chorus true serve people great nation friendship peace freedom rank stand chorus
-1 | ponder great lung fill deflate fill fire exhale desire know dire time today thought ought replace slot buy cause somebody steal car radio sit silence quiet violent find hard hide pride longer inside sleeve skin scream remind kill inside dream hate car be drive s hiding be force deal feel distraction mask real pull steering wheel thought ought replace slot buy cause somebody steal car radio sit silence ponder terrifying cause time s sound hide find course human existence thing consist consistence battle fear oh dear not know know oh deep stop think like better car sound thing thing work choose peace win fear lose s faith s sleep need pick faith awake awake think think alive try rhyme come like die let know need try think thought ought replace slot buy cause somebody steal car radio sit silence sit silence sit silence sit sit silence sit silence sit silence sit ponder great lung fill deflate fill fire exhale desire know dire time today thought ought replace slot buy cause somebody steal car radio sit silence
-1 | la la la la la la la la la la write tenth time today practice thing come lose nerve take dessert oh know be s okay man cause like abuse know s play s okay cause get self esteem oh way oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah plan night wait till turn light rejection get low keep tell oh way oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah s say oh want wonder sleep friend s say oh be like disease wonder stand guess stick think well way suffer show care right yeah ill relate little bit happen would like admit late night knock door s drunk look score know kind hard s ready dumb be dweeb be sucker self esteem oh way oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah s say oh want wonder sleep friend s say oh be like disease wonder stand guess stick think well way suffer show care right yeah
+1 | milestone vorsty vorsty vast motherland native vorsty verstry count young earth bloom walk joy gate tell vorsty happiness live hello hello voice windup hello hello stop cherry color ill pass light window come meet covet hello ill tell silence vorsty vorsty vast motherland native vorsty vorsty count happiness open way homeland bright bloom open space vorsty find heart
-1 | break street dare walk freedom illusion build fence high have learn expect s million reason care not bring not bring misery wear misery crown matter break deal deal waste give revel mess give try good fail s thousand million reason share begin not bring not bring misery wear misery crown begin not bring not bring misery wear misery crown
-1 | lift lift lift let hear sing lift lift lift light fade shine shine young love hold hand ill hold life will not feel wrong know hurt like know heart hand share life bleak broken memory shine shine young love light fire heart will not shine shine shine young love know sink lift lift lift lift let hear sing lift lift lift let light fade shine shine young love burn fire bright let blaze past night long sink swim strong drown shine shine young love light fire heart will not shine shine shine young love know sink lift have feel helpless feel let heart open let healing begin find way light fight sink swim strong drown sink swim strong drown time change chance sail away time change chance let light fade shine shine young love light fire heart will not shine shine young love know sink lift shine lift light fire heart will not shine lift know sink lift
-1 | worker march beat drum spirit break run dream courage load gun slave know better bite tongue track mark planet vein leave infect kill disconnect cheer desperation god bless godforsaken arm tooth fight fight war peace love lose carry cross cause s human leave music deaf play game know will win sick tired world live messiah show high heroin heroin worker march beat drum fall trap take medicine poison make numb cause feel pain regret existence forget cheer desperation god bless godforsaken arm tooth fight fight war peace love lose carry cross cause s human leave music deaf play game know will win sick tired world live messiah show high heroin heroin freedom life choose live dream have hit time low love lose carry cross cause s human leave music deaf play game know will win sick tired world live messiah show high heroin heroin
-1 | like love lion tame snap thought sound pull tooth stomach have eat alive blood fill lung soul inside foot stand ashe fire have burn bridge save face not hostile hostile little bit broken broken tell blame tell blame be sense feeling pick wound regret leave s scar ill dig ill dig scratch itch ill bite lip pain be feel pick wound regret cut heal leave ill open daily leave bone expose expose not hostile hostile little bit broken broken tell blame tell blame blame stand ashe fire have burn bridge save face wound regret not hostile little bit broken tell blame tell blame blame break imperfect break break imperfect blame
-1 | liar nation oh yeah undisputed god oh yeah maggot muscle magnet missle mother pisshole magnifishit master oh yeah oh yeah master oh yeah oh yeah answer question oh yeah undisputed lie oh yeah great lesson righteous person rave servant make bad altogether bad oh yeah bad oh yeah infant nightmare oh yeah infinite disguise oh yeah great person hate small one leisure scrape eat lie oh yeah oh yeah master oh yeah oh yeah master oh yeah oh yeah master oh yeah oh yeah master home sinking blood s go wrong army fight house oh yeah oh yeah master oh yeah oh yeah master oh yeah oh yeah master oh yeah oh yeah master oh yeah oh yeah master master
+1 | young drill way martial scientist song remove chorus good soldier country serve native military glory glory friend good soldier country serve native military glory glory friend teach hero commander nearly half world combat chorus have combat severe grocery ready chorus confidence people field village construction site factory chorus carpathian peak pamir stand guard peace chorus beautiful home country miss stormy cloud pripev1950
-1 | house new orleans rise sun ruin poor boy god know be mother tailor sew new blue jeans father gamblin man new orleans thing gambler need suitcase trunk time s satisfied s run oh mother tell child spend life sin misery house rise sun get foot platform foot train be go new orleans wear ball chain house new orleans rise sun ruin poor boy god know be
-1 | nervous convulsion crouch infant ape tremble mother shit cage eye tearless fill contempt clinic mask experiment life death smell linger noxious mixed scent anxiety omnipotent doctor grind cage door reveal love primal instinct take away tiny face terrify rant rave smash head cage vacuum click high conscious pain pass humane white coat clean dirt bleach greed force point habit eye burn rabbit push pain test button spine cut trip mucous inflection die pill day go come strong tap brain break skull smash price research rat lab rent pay flesh ill drug store sale sharpen knife emphasis money new disease day end see come research turn gain crush spine genocide kitten drag dead limb continue suffer come win shock paralyze turn trauma burn live lie message year genocide 1945 suicide vivisect vi
-1 | bear dust stone dead heart roam die home life leave white bone shore time spark darken world thing bear burn napalm eye cold heart need bring match ill bring gasoline be bad news kind fuck be bad news
+1 | partisan amur немецкий 1 durchs mountain steppe draw kuhne division coast white hot controversial bastion 2 red blood flag stuff true oath sturmten squadron partisan amur 3 battle t glory bitter year forever remain ear sound hurray partisan succeed storming spassk 4 kling like legend fairy tale wolotschajewska take red army move 5 chase devil general ataman campaign come end pacific ocean
+1 | marsh soviet athlete sun fun way light light young brave heart hundred friend thousand friend look platform gymnast tennis weightlifter player hundred friend thousand friend look platform chorus friend new success glorify soviet sport homeland great homeland devote record snow mountain southern coast moscow friend converge side haze blue country stand bright stadium people people kiev tashkent leningrad haze blue country stand bright stadium chorus feel free come heat river cold rink track run torpedo trudrezervy spartacus dynamo heat river cold rink track run chorus 1956
-1 | angel come way bring love bring love eye s dark neutralise man inside man inside love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love angel angel come way love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love
-1 | weight world rest thin ice surface break find paradise freeze death leave reflect waste time retrospect would leap faith would lose nerve end ill hell deserve be go wind crawl mind god know lose faith sickness remedy one inside wonder deep sink disintegrate annihilate annihilate remember say friend hope prison hope prison pattern create build labyrinth escape lock key bad enemy would leap faith would lose nerve end ill hell deserve be go wind crawl mind god know lose faith sickness remedy one inside wonder deep sink disintegrate annihilate sickness remedy one inside wonder deep sink disintegrate annihilate silence doubt accept mean mean wonder deep sink disintegrate annihilate remember say friend hope prison
-1 | fade away be fade away be fade away fade away be fade away not be awake body slowly break feel cold shake time reflect story be write verse sure serve thirst clear head be awake night pull tight lying dark feeling rich word be draw thought plan chord ill start scratch away shatter hope today keep seat oh end tragically away
+1 | hospitable moscow meet friend station nice yesterday meet tashkent today meet minsk tomorrow kiev wait chorus welcome welcome wait friend ancient kremlin moscow famous hospitality beautiful moscow famous hospitality land friend look house find friend look read heart read chorus visit house come home albeit recall remember sing word song simple chorus 1960
-1 | remember night stand say save goodbye night young time dream end sky descending let sadness heart cause dream feel be fall hear darkness call not wake morning light have feel alive remember night stand say save goodbye night young want press rewind mistake lead not change not change not change dear girl world stand give give live spend life die come crash know live spend life die come crash know live spend life die come crash know welcome death sin fear life end welcome death sin fear life end welcome death sin fear fear remember remember remember night stand say save goodbye night young remember night stand say save goodbye night young time cause have feel alive have feel alive alive alive alive
+1 | polyushko field polyushko field polyushko wide field field character oh yes red army heroe girl look look way sweep long road oh yeah merry road girl look ready enemy horse fleetfoote ah yes tank fleet sky cloud formidable monitor pilot quickly swim submarine oh yes vigilantly watch voroshilov let farm friendly hard work sentinel today oh yes watch today polyushko field polyushko green field field character oh yes red army heroe 1934
+1 | train go chicago hello mister train go train go chicago perfectly wheel measure beat knock way fat case fat way alternately coupe familiar gentleman sit long time bottle table bottleglass barely barely barely barely little bit little trembling moisture conversation arise train go chikchikchikchik train go chikchikchikchik chicago train go chikchikchikchik train go chikchikchikchik train go chikchikchikchik chicago sound wheel bust stand table begin talk dimensional rhythm train fact be king meat circle fame re slaughterhouse chicago famous hook take bull hook cow bull moo snipsnip bull bryk finish wholesaler impressive wheelerdealer train go chikchikchikchik train go chikchikchikchik train go chikchikchikchik chicago second say twirl ring let mot sir stately face foreign affairs mr bull be dog eat be hand example country prime minister need new check check chikchik chelovechikchikchikchik ready trick storechik zaemchikchik pogormchikchik good chelovechikchikchikchik smirnov ovechikchikchikchik smirnov ovechikchikchikchik chicago spill wine say beam american cinema represent militant row hero cut bull drown like kitten painting look nerd fist puds isterichikchik shizofrenichikchik overall oooooooo overall oooooooo horror ready background gangster nightmare death chikchiktap child climb pocketchik tançchik rob buncheschik tançchik chick take knife dad snip snip mummy sauceda snip snip grandfather grave tançchik train go chikchikchikchik train go chikchikchikchik train go chikchikchikchik chicago fourth robber say gangster knife chikchik profession snap old man chikchiklatch suitcasechikchikchik probe go rage luggage salary reach knife suddenly glyazhu okay hahaha guy friend family let friendly family chikchikchikchikaldyknem bell cupchikchikchik eye tumanchikchikchikchik drink hijacker band myasozavodchikchik inomolodchikchik kinobandit tramp chikchikchikclinke suddenly find single language train go chikchikchikchik train go chikchikchikchik train go chikchikchikchik chicago train go chikchikchikchik train go chikchikchikchik train go chikchikchikchik chicago 1949
+1 | song red army blind gun peel backhand chop block megaloptera crow circle battle bullet know exactly like like land crude lie blade cold strong point hungry cry mother letter long time vain noble feat gold come mercy need reward rifle horse die let red detachment let red detachment repay
-1 | grave welcome open arm light escape breath remain circle body brush pass skin bone cradle holy manger bear ruin feel withdrawal death procreator predecessor decay grow beautiful garden stalk caress failure petal bring closer eternity pray rebirth pray chance bloom heart start stop mind disconnect flower grace earth presence tide rise turn simply expire oversaturate lung fill essence universe feel gentle kiss dawn draw water lung breathe easy like night day meet ache aim congregation prey martyr blight take toll body grow black wilt fade away rot root exchange stem leg blossom body process reset welcome new home
-1 | tonight victorious champagne pour friend glorious tonight victorious ohohohoh victorious ohohohoh double bubble disco queen head guillotine skin cool steve mcqueen let killer king hurt stop love be killing spree white eye like break christmas light touch black poisonous like punchdrunk kiss know need feel drink water drink wine oh got to turn crazy livin like washed celebrity shoot firework like fourth july feel alright feel alright be like scarf trick sleeve taste like magic wave swallow quick deep throw bait catch shark bleed water red word murder be touch black poisonous like punchdrunk kiss know need feel drink water drink wine oh got to turn crazy livin like washed celebrity shoot firework like fourth july tonight victorious champagne pour friend glorious tonight victorious tonight victorious champagne pour friend glorious tonight victorious oh got to turn crazy livin like washed celebrity shoot firework like fourth july feel alright feel alright tonight victorious champagne pour friend glorious tonight victorious
-1 | leave hope instill know proud song remain hurt like man black ride final destination unknown man black ride s move come home fearless live day like death come feel cold breath neck s watch step tell wing would fly high would fly high try live regret come goodbye oh not man black ride final destination unknown man black ride s move not follow fearless live day like death come feel cold breath neck s watch step tell way man black way s come lose sea ryan shine light be sink not swim need pull lose sea ryan shine light be sink not swim miss brother dim
+1 | familiar shipbuilder familiar shipbuilder seaside people create schooner caravel modern ship chorus farewell beep moment sorrowful dock amazed sad shipwright light marine light light ship bit shame building sea breaking keel champagne bottle builder pier vastness ocean ship sail go ship float steel paper wide world ship city highrise land island
-1 | lose sleep deep fade sun come close need leave cut tie uncover disguise leave intertwine lose control move role nothing leave leave mean soul sacrifice forget advice lose track time flurry smoke wait anxiety fair judgement deserve
-1 | answer live half daytime live half night watch thing vcrs talk big love think superstar think good thing know find sea another company sea pier go to dive fear know watch thing vcrs talk big love think superstar think good thing know
-1 | wait breath save breath blow darkness away sweet shadow call heart feel free beat fiction beauty save save avenger shine illusion lust shine illusion trust sweet shadow call heart scare beat fiction beauty kill save avenger shine illusion lust shine illusion trust sweet shadow call heart feel weak beat fiction beauty kill save avenger shine illusion lust shine illusion trust wait breathe save breath blow darkness away
+1 | mahorochka forget firing lay dnieper curl re blue house shag campfire chorus oh mahorochka shag intermarry distance patrol watch vigilantly ready fight ready fight letter beloved remember distant land light ring smoke fly away sadness chorus defend homeland little piece oh wonder burn rest fight snuff chorus edge breathe peace freedom touch strength people anger meet hour chorus oh mahorochka shag intermarry distance patrol watch vigilantly ready fight ready fight 1939
-1 | time revolution cook step convert vegetarian time revolution cook step convert vegetarian mind gap 1996 time revolution keep right track feel mind see day day time revolution keep right track feel mind see day aaah wake mind sell convert vegetarian midnight give not know feel right mind sell convert vegetarian midnight give not know feel right time revolution cook step convert vegetarian time revolution cook step convert vegetarian mind gap 1996 19191996 time revolution keep right track feel mind see day day time revolution keep right track feel mind see day aaah wake mind sell convert vegetarian midnight give not know feel right wake mind sell convert vegetarian midnight give not know feel right
+1 | призыв к землепашцу русский и испанский prayer labrador levбntate watch montaсa come wind sun water tъ drive course rнos tъ sow flight soul levбntate mнrate hand estrйchala grow brother united blood today time maсana lнbrano dominate misery trбeno kingdom justice equality wind blow flower creek clean like fire caсуn rifle hбgase finally earth strength courage fight wind blow flower creek clean like fire caсуn rifle levбntate mнrate hand estrйchala grow brother united blood hour death amйn amйn 1973 amйn
+1 | lyubushka waste travushka wrinkle garden ripen grape waste lyubushka guy love feeling seven bewitch know golovushku go seven come forward meeting part addition eh icy key lyuba give promise love forever hot dawn luba say part tear lila memory bestow soon heart mil go far far away nightingale fly cheerful evening remember swallow region dawn sprout deceptive calm night stand friend patrol amur fast river stand hear bush stone see ahead special write write ljuba wait luba wait appoint time release field sing song soon eh cute far east bring heart rise month evening smell mint black braid dig oh vain child oh vain trample boot 1937
-1 | breath look come close eye divide fall win not know need cause help time cross line want help free mind send doubt be wind divide fall win not know need cause help hopefully dream cause not live make feel oh oh not know need cause help hopefully dream cause not live make feel
+1 | bow infantry pilot like horseman high esteem consult motherinfantry let beautiful tanker hot work bow go battle motherinfantry let forsyth artilleryman battle calculation shoot proud infantry row well find tender motherinfantry 1940
-1 | get to -PRON- separate like late fashion like spread disease kid strappin way classroom get weapon great ease gang stake campus locale catch slippin pal guy color not mix go to bash bash bash bash hey man talkin get to -PRON- separate hey man disrespect get to -PRON- separate hey not pay mind eighteen will not time hey come play time hear siren late go morgue jail guy waste waste go thousand one get smart one learn score neverending spree death violence hate go to tie rope tie rope tie hey man disrespect get to -PRON- separate hey man talkin get to -PRON- separate hey not pay mind eighteen will not time hey come play go thousand one get smart one learn score neverending spree death violence hate go to tie rope tie rope tie hey man talkin get to -PRON- separate hey man disrespect get to -PRON- separate hey not pay mind eighteen will not time hey come play
-1 | year maybe drop dead adore love grief kiss death lip thief goddamnit dusty stack photograph time cry laugh commit past blue flame acrid smoke cowardly shame goddamnit time be truly terrified cause dope booze not help hide mask weakling hurt like paint dirt love dead love dead dead life game win good bad surely end mirror tell truth love hate love dead love dead love dead love dead goddamnit goddamnit dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead goddamnit
-1 | live decade violence breed violence destructive force work time ask question future want start reset atari teenage riot ready try drag hook press reset hook press reset reset reset not world despise cause finish discouragement go mind weapon not waste time fit stay radar mix crowd shadow r e s e t format know enemy restart
+1 | young work class wide road country like know especially like high rank work chorus young working class life open door people expect believe strength let youth appear yesterday today master skilful daring pass want old brother like friendship heart work shoulder soviet countrys youth chorus comrade self testing ready work glory response concern response love motherland majestic chorus 1955
+1 | stay steppe eagle dash cossack meet violate rest lose one want blame blame force forget fate fate let tie live live wait war wait time come home bitter bitter thy reproach hot stubborn sorrow resentment anxiety look look open soul open think look speed away dash cossack stay dear takoy1950
-1 | blood blood heart heart wake dream ugly world unseen unleash beast take walk elm street sing lullaby fear come life good place die chance survive eye eye feast sacrifice be shadow light place run place hide blood pour sky dance rain pandemonium symphony pain demise demise demise demise sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice shadow light sacrifice shadow light be demise enter forever disappear dark night whisper ear cause high time carnage chaos endless pain drive insane nemesis death belong die agony greeting hell die word time kill hope end curse shadow light sacrifice shadow light be demise kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill awake asleep not wake not real awake asleep not wake not not real
+1 | international шведский trдlar uti state hunger shackle uppе dеnar uti rдtten crater soon outbreak hour slе stцrta old soon gravel slave fцr slе free frеn mцrkret mount light frеn naught want refrдng fight qualifier final battle дr international еt happiness bдr worker city pе country gеng earth shall vеr nдr tie brother band dе lдttingen rеda fеr mеnga predator pе vеrt blood mдtta nдr vеrt fцrsvar day grдns fцr sдtta sun shall strеla clear refrдng fight qualifier final battle дr international еt happiness bдr
-1 | have spin time couple woman get sin mind sip red wine have sit age rip page d fade d faded oh not leave lonely love would learn ooh coloured crimson eye free mind end feel chemical burn bloodstream fade feel chemical burn bloodstream tell kick tell kick have look lover think would find bottle god ill feel tomorrow lord forgive thing have mean hurt see scar brokenhearted lover oh not leave lonely love would learn ooh coloured crimson eye free mind end feel chemical burn bloodstream fade feel chemical burn bloodstream tell kick tell kick tell kick voice mind call line voice mind call line voice mind call line voice mind call line voice mind call line voice mind call line tell kick see scar tell kick brokenhearted tell kick see scar tell kick brokenhearted tell kick see scar tell kick brokenhearted tell kick see scar tell kick brokenhearted tell kick see scar tell kick brokenhearted tell kick see scar tell kick brokenhearte
+1 | spark girl position accompany fighter dark night step porch mist boy window maiden burn flame man meet nice frontline family comrade friend familiar street forget dear girl flame distant friend guy send news love maiden die forth execute period time golden flame joy soul fighter good letter hate enemy tight beat boy beloved motherland native flame 1944
+1 | song true friend far walk sail sea faithful friend happen hour trouble gloomy day cover road friendship flame separation grief strong time rescue trouble let year year long series friendship forever young word case true friendship friendship clear objective closer dream old friendship like song forget life faithful friend
+1 | leave krasnoflotsky march sea stern menacing fleet go slice steep wave go sea campaign fly song sea chorus brave people love motherland life willing pay overseas widely sky high red flag depth sea hide enemy hide haze mist let enemy native shore soviet seas ocean chorus fleet strong fleet fast family sailor grow proud fresh expanse sea pennant winner shine 1939
+1 | star thunder cosmic road win song earth abyss space motherland ship chorus dream call star depart flight star earth fly ship star carry longhaul flight disturb bitter parting motherland favorite song smile friend girlfriend chorus argue speed light go heart universe soon distant planet plant banner earth chorus 1962
+1 | end end final chorus opera quiet don end end sea sea take rifle people work ready mount ready flour ready fight death end end sea sea take rifle people work ready mount ready flour ready fight death land freedom well life know know land freedom well life ready fight death
+1 | life французский girlfriend hear city whistle factory train let ahead life let morning chorus stand girlfriend singin wind stand friend go rise sun country joy wake girlfriend come join choir walk glory world walk happiness chorus salurons brigade smile friend let pool comrade plan work worry chorus triumphant joy young soar way soon new youth come rank chorus friend want universe heart clear day let ahead life come love chorus
-1 |
-1 | bury hatchet smile curse world big pack shuffle have get different hand s different enemy s round remember time little king different side punk steal thunder way round ch go feud funny vendetta turn bore go feud not bother anymore bury hatchet smile curse world big oh bitching fun last get realise care ch go feud funny vendetta turn bore go feud not bother anymore waste time think stuff hear true like probably bet live fact pretty people drink sentimental maybe be bastard human bury hatchet smile curse world big pack shuffle have get different hand thing ridiculous
-1 | meet shell mountain know finish claim grow grain sand year wider bloom little bit longer roof sky outstretched hand friend sun share enemy count week like counted day swallow handful night sleep tight turn thought stone cold way beginning start ending not die broken heart time sun rise space fall away love not day echo echo single way let let sight cupid icy arrow catch heart like duty walk wrong wrong way way plan surround forest river beauty glacier freeze land blame hate wealth bear young age night dream touch witch finger heart cage morning spend care care sleep melt mud wait earth rot bury alive scrape hole leave open heart mountain break break mountain break blood red s get feeling spill think think think think blood red s get feeling spill think think not think think blood red s get feeling spill think think not think think blood red get feeling spill blood think think think not think think
-1 | mmm sit look break window street crowd people pass know be feeling feel like break cry know broken heart feel heart liar heart liar true flame burn burn high go to die sit feel sorry catch reflection kind fool have know let way alright have light flame heart liar heart liar true flame keep burn burn high go to die think pass love blind eye sit feel sorry catch reflection kind fool have know let way alright have light flame heart liar heart liar true flame keep burn burn high go to die noohoh heart liar heart liar true flame keep burn burn high go to die
+1 | cheerful wind song robert come song propyl cheerful breeze cheerful wind merry wind sea mountain search hear song sing wind wild mountain deep secret sea bird call blue expanse bold large people fight victory let sing hilarious laugh want seek find come song propyl cheerful breeze cheerful wind merry wind sea mountain search hear song sing wind forest thicket animal tangle trail night noise muscle steel joy combat victory fight victory let sing hilarious laugh want seek find come song propyl cheerful breeze cheerful wind merry wind sea mountain search hear song sing wind glory courage scientist heroe soldier heart fire want catch surpass father fight victory let sing hilarious laugh want seek find come song propyl cheerful breeze cheerful wind merry wind sea mountain search hear song sing song sound spring song earth tube play lip singe foot fun go fight victory let sing hilarious laugh want look find 1975
-1 | breakedown ha try follow inside be cry die ask work nothng 9 5 feel exhaustion wear not face fact free freedom lie learn believe like book page pretend read envy let tell come run like hell imaganation away understand like boy coward call man pat happily obvious ignore fact knick knack paddi whack dog bone sit stay roll run away home teach demon create avoid inner conscience hide mistake lie awake hunt mess thought contemplate action afraid get catch wait edge problem not happen paranoia crawl head wait edge wonder fall old trick like break need fix like robot aboarde economy fail will not let wanna sicken world need triple tall hot latte blueberry scone lunch ill number 5 large diet coke extra fry feed lie ill eat night pray god ask wate edge problem not happen paranoia crawl head wait te edge million child die hunger not lightning not hear thunder go thing not change soon world dead tomorrow noon rape glory rape life rape like husband rape wife wife lose mind drown kid feed lie favor new world favor favor new world favor aye not wanna sit wait shit hit fan want family bring land promise want chance stand world take confidence day turn dad say earn money spend s system work earn respect old rich man shine shoe press pant play game dance dance basically home chance chance notice maybe advance let let little secret package pride tell theme not need need caus feed work sit tall cause lucky job right wait edge problem not happen paranoia crawl head wait edge time everybody alright wait edge problem not happen paranoia crawl head wait edge favor new world favor favor new world favor aye mani backgrond
+1 | park mamayev kurgan park mamayev kurgan plant apple tree widow attach apple tablet board give word husband lieutenant die fortysecond year grave know come cry            girl plant birch            know father            know sailor            know fight end            woman plant rowan            hospital die wound             love forget            mound let year erase inscription able read sun reach tree spring bird fly tree stand like soldier storm heat lose come life spring
-1 | not believe s tv want want know not believe learn kill dream need know fail will cause stick ill sing pretty sound money sell hair not care s hair want know s mind want die be old think twice alright second verse dream happen change have tell friend not want know wake dreamer sleep need know fail will cause stick ill sing pretty sound money sell hair not care s hair want know s mind want die be old think twice not care s hair want know s mind want die be old think twice not care s hair want know s mind want die be old think twice
+1 | scale guy gray river taiga sun roll cue ball friendship strong reliable edge famous good reason sit ground forever young wing twiddle good twiddle suitable massive guy guide deaf thicket s impossible able find happiness give people dream daring way look closely look closely massive guy orchestral loss dream daring way look closely look closely massive guy day holiday earth glance case unprecedented different lot shower wind pine tree girth believe kilometer believe kilometer massive guy massive guy text exist tag file 1973
+1 | song tsushima tsushima strait distant far native land ocean deep forget ship sleep russian admiral slumber sailor grow coral finger outstretche hand nature sleep moon shine bright deceased navy hero wake sleep start conversation furiously clench fist sell betray night sailor remember tsushima vain courage sky beloved motherland death unequal battle murmur sea sailor ready great battle avenge enemy 1939
-1 | know place wound cold soul unaware self control know place broken wound sit listen tell know thing grow old time wear thin not let happen catch storm thought prayer sleep away american nightmare will not lie grave sleep away american nightmare sleep sleep away american nightmare sit listen tell know thing grow old time wear thin not let happen wound not need save be wound not need save will not lie will not lie grave fist air sound new beat
-1 | separation faceless majority step outside look inside tear tear apart prisoner mind individuality bring life time rise freedom love love lose rise oppression resist question separation faceless majority step outside look inside tear tear apart prisoner mind individuality bring life time rise freedom love love lose rise oppression resist question burn system kill system burn system kill system kill mind state indifference step unblind reclaim life burn system kill system burn unblind kill reclaim life
+1 | polar waltz sun shine raid softly sparkle window snow birch coastal park flourish short term boulder coastal argue summer day cool regard arctic sea run wave breathe sea quay wall noise morning morning raid middle far wind cruisers park spring haze carpet look forecastle seaman look delicate green young arctic birch eloquent view word need tree close expanse sailor visible fatherland edge edge unprecedented color bloom country enemy guard love give sailor
-1 | secret burn hole heart bone catch fever cut deep hard find way breathe eye swallow mirror start whisper shadow start sing skin smotherin help find way breathe time stand way like be sleepwalking fall hole like be sleepwalking be edge world disappear edge world sink swim simply disappear eye swallow mirror start whisper shadow start sing skin smotherin help find way breathe see time stand way like be sleepwalking fall hole like be sleepwalking wake hand reason start wake pull reason start time stand time stand time stand time stand time stand eye swallow mirror start whisper shadow start sing skin smotherin help find way breathe time stand way like be sleepwalking fall hole like be sleepwalk like be sleepwalk like be sleepwalk like be sleepwalking time stand way like be sleepwalking
-1 | rage build bring chew spit lose job rip deck home not feed let feed kid american dream turn american greed finger cross smile promise wrong broke gold line pocket priority list place dead foreclose sign line greener grass look eye crook fuck god damn lie time rage build bring watch weight come crash united king lose crown shit luck not fuck not fuck masse awaken embodiment sacrifice history make witness define moment life finger cross smile promise wrong broke gold line pocket priority list place dead foreclose sign line greener grass look eye crook fuck god damn lie time rage build bring watch weight come crash united king lose crown rage build bring
-1 | clone clone clone lover clone lover clone clone clone lover clone lover hellohello want hellohello call hellohello steal soul hellohello make aaahaah not care aaahaah aaahaah long clone clone clone lover clone lover clone clone clone lover clone lover clone clone clone lover clone lover clone hellohello want know hellohello s take control aaahaah not care aaahaah aaahaah long clone clone clone lover clone lover clone clone clone lover clone lover clone clone clone lover wish clone lover clone clone clone lover wish clone lover clone clone clone lover wish new clone lover clone clone clone lover wish clone lover clone
+1 | song young dreamer today sit desk globe look sea tomorrow hiking map unknown wander dawn chorus fly helicopter option aircraft hurry sledge cut eternal ice ship know believe white spot disappear earth map taiga antarctica gorge ural mystery await legend short time leave campaign plan route chorus entire universe walk like country pioneer country tracker dreamer young country chorus
-1 | feel insane single time be ask compromise cause be afraid stick way s way stay long expect love outweigh ignorance look face force scale tip be insane be insane be insane be insane mother come easy say come easy shame pulse heart thing have hard face fact remain new leave bind tie suicidal memory selfish beneath skin deep inside be insane be insane be insane be insane be insane mother come easy say come easy will learn lesson come easy will fall come easy have lose kill hurt have try hold have slowly slip away be lose fight have treat wrong let right alright be insane be insane be insane be insane mother come easy say come easy learn lesson come easy fall come easy
+1 | banner sport stadium banner bloom shine sun blue bugler blow fun glory young stand thunder cheer pennant soar chorus banner sport chagall solar windhardene test hot competition banner perseverance dare swift friendly healthy accord ready defend championship banner soviet youth walk race heat constantly multiply glory homeland open heart happy country meet joyful friend rival chorus friend ring friend court friend foam wave run track success record youth victory peace war chorus 1952
-1 | everybody club everybody club
+1 | star nineteenth year night stand blow bridge cavalry confuse darkness guy despise amenity die damp ground warm weather poltava freeze lip parch star nineteenth year go young eye sigh moan barely turn die bullet overcoat quiet infantry suit steel youth generation bury middle road moscow live lenin count girl night writing letter postman walk earth scenic dalyam youth singular night stand blow bridge cavalry confuse darkness guy despise amenity die damp ground 1977
+1 | city youth river oka melt white haze hail thee steamship whistle chorus love look gild ray dawn hello dear kaluga city youth 2 time like fairy tale forest gear stare blue factory girl hurry kobluchkami trample grass chorus silvery sky dawn color cloud roof voice face close heart countryman chorus 1960
-1 | know right otherside wrong right leave tide promise slight ground love light hold sleeper morning light doctor come dare sound architecture give sect sense arc run aground visitor allow give conjecture sense lead light tie noose settle side bring life breathe lover lie sink second sign fold leave dotted line limb love pride follow suit single sigh doctor come dare sound architecture give sect sense arc run aground visitor allow give conjecture sense sense sense tell promise son daughter like ill tell pay lip second count breathe life cold cold heart tell falter doctor come dare sound architecture give sect sense arc run aground visitor allow give conjecture sense sense sense ill know leave heart fall ill know leave heart fall
-1 | slowly settle want try slam head ground tell turn head floor fall away be product hate would create anybody listen word hate today tought know blame surely yea try forever day take year conquer fear stand sicken cut be product hate would create anybody listen word hate today
+1 | friendship precious friendship expensive friendship banner youth friend moscow peace festival youth globe today chorus rise friend single system meet breast wind storm peace peace peace peace motto battle sun shine youth right love happiness glory today cease anxious battle heart earth chorus sea sea people specter war stubbornly argue people nation country let merge peaceful ocean atomic ash cloud sun close earth chorus orchestral loss pripev1957
-1 | daydream spill corked head break free wooden neck leave nod sleep wave like bob bait bathe cod float flock candle swan slowly drift wax pond man play march drum boy fun sea sing hey matching leg march clock small talk god yes smart talk god toast fine folk cast silver crumb dock jinxed thing ring leak tiny crack boardwalk scarecrow time hatch sprouting sun ageless daughter not know not know watermelon smile not ripen underwater not ripen underwater man play march drum boy fun sea sing hey matching leg march clock small talk god yeah smart talk god oh smart talk god leg wood wave wave wooden leg wave wooden leg leg wood wave wave wooden leg wave wooden leg leg wood wave wave wooden leg wave wooden leg leg wood wave wave wooden leg wave wooden leg
+1 | far far snow far far snow quiet river birch maiden like eye clouded mind bomb explode cannon thunder shower shard rain eye turn blue chenille govoroli inaudibly wait argue fate military home surely meeting confuse soldier mind road thousand learn remember family trait long time dream wish dream come true 1947
+1 | quietly stand winter palace quietly stand winter palace king eagerly await suddenly royal porch gun bayonet shone company company suprotiv suddenly deploy point muzzle face terrible silence frozen quiet terribly suddenly hear fire time recover fall snow blood volley volley thunder horror overwhelm crazily scream run terrible place wound dead dragging rear continue shoot work walk keep silence carry lifeless body ashe lose screener hit brutal sight turn shooting shout wave hand executioner assassin curse curse birthmark edge previous magnificent palace reappear day reckoning near bloody labor blood innocent blood splash chamber freedom native people eternal glory benjamin franklin die fight freedom 1905
-1 | try way past time scatter ashe sight hear leave scar fear weakness sad mean easy drag burden evidence grow road far long mean lose identity faith deny let pretend time not belong world perceive turn cold care wait final blow strength day fade away fear weakness sad mean easy drag burden evidence grow road far long mean lose identity faith deny let pretend time not belong road far long mean lose identity faith deny let pretend time not belong
-1 | turn light low shadow hide world come get cold sea hit floor voice carry door touch turn gold like angel laugh create lightness chest eye penetrate answer maybe s get leave beat heart microphone tick clock home tell time long ago have come far know have get far day ill explode like angel laugh create lightness chest eye penetrate answer maybe s get leave everyday lead tomorrow tomorrow bring day not wait leave light cause road day lead like angel laugh create lightness chest eye penetrate cease amaze s get leave
+1 | sailor second repeat distich unsociable sea day night noisy fateful expanse ill bury boldly brother blown send sail fly slippery wave swiftwinge boat cloud run sea get strong wind distance swell black storm argue fight pomuzhestvuem miss verse boldly brother cloud burst mass boil water shaft angry rise deep abyss fall dalyu weather bless country darken sky vault silence endure wave strong soul boldly brother wind storm straight strong sail endure wave brave soul storm argue fight parenthesis original text 1830
-1 | know bleed hell justice unjust world truth die feed lie fight silence scream end song threat scare tune word remain song rage carry name hangman dead share blame cheap excuse accept mistake song word remain storm rage carry name bleed share blame wife mother year hope vain bury oblivion see anguish eye terror brake remember name silence scream end song threat scare song word remain storm rage carry name bleed share blame bury oblivion see anguish eye bury oblivion shall remember name bury forget ground heartbeat love one drum break sleep
-1 | unwanted breathe room sleep mother s cry father drink run apartment roof leak s curse cuss whiskey talk have get lot memory like day night spend tired lonesome think little kid little brother newborn baby image mother say s blessing father oh hate undeserving mistake call burden have get lot memory like pick side pick fight think little kid wake morning feel like bad dream follow haunt endlessly yeah haunt endlessly break beat abuse cheat addiction lying promise leave old man bastard admire love kid bear family fortune
+1 | song missile nsk garrison calculation similarly give area find goal rocket launcher bear outfit talk enemy hard joke fire chorus rocket screener cloud horizon close soldier weapon give enemy crush dare disturb tear sky sea land crush fire strength experience hit enemy wonder master skill attack chorus rocket screener cloud horizon close soldier weapon give enemy crush nsk garrison calculation similarly give area find goal remote distance soldier available global military missile chorus rocket screener cloud horizon close soldier weapon give enemy crush 1968
+1 | azov guerrilla seven morenot soul way smooth rustling reed chorus guerrilla forget sea azov military year burn military field birthmark thunderstorm meet children severe eye chorus child leave soon meet clumsy hand cradled chorus day happy future soldier fight child grow sing chorus 2 time 1953
+1 | iron reserve young guard iron reserve grow vow battle order work chorus young guard unbeaten camp young guard worker peasant miss verse slum free unit thrust study gryzom sciences granite world split break team rank compactness komsomol rank brother sister chorus afraid fight rifle kin conduct world young chorus redo 1st couplet pripev1929
-1 | time change fear come go s go to pick piece leave repent sun burn black s turn s turn yeah know know have live lie turn blind eye day die maybe have pass point return maybe wanna watch world burn wanna watch world burn collapse remission planet scar recognition suicide slow motion path choose cowardly face have get fucking death wish want play fire not cry burn give life give death return sun burn black s turn consume s leave remember waste breath yeah know know have live lie turn blind eye day die maybe have pass point return maybe wanna watch world burn wanna watch world burn know know have live lie maybe have pass point return wanna watch world burn want believe count writing wall hard accept yeah know know have live lie turn blind eye day die maybe have pass point return maybe wanna watch world burn wanna watch world burn
+1 | brindisi gather today glorious day celebrate hear graceour song sing sincerely openly try way pour bottle let drink glass past trip home power happy year let power grow let hand work let look young old man woman drink forget girl beautiful let accord initiative drink glass half wish little live world year go heart boil force period 1947
-1 | när jag tänker på den ständiga resan genom livet när det alltid känns som höst då vänder sej vinden sakta mot norr och blommorna dör det faller regn mina drömmar jag måste resa igen och leta efter tröst jag måste leta igen efter ömheten röst jag måste resa igen till nästa höst den ständiga resan till nästa höst när jag vandrar på den steniga vägen genom livet när det känns som jag bar på en sorg då gömmer sej solen sakta moln och ordet är adjö snart faller snö mina drömmar jag måste resa igen och leta efter tröst jag måste leta igen efter ömheten röst jag måste resa igen till nästa höst den ständiga resan till nästa höst den ständiga resan till nästa höst
-1 | state nation violation broken promise good lie hell humongous devil burn cause will not unite concede freedom anybody think need -PRON- fight let die problem solution hope go want come think not know let tell man say mean right defend second murder bill rights bill sale war system fail present obsolete want need find way hope go have see fall elite bury life disease end world hope go present obsolete want need find way hope go have see fall elite bury life disease end world hope go wretched wound hungry starve death place go air final breath discontinue antiseptic care charade cry justice come malignant fire fade reason future suffer hatred will not embrace worm pure gestation remedy spit face law rule outdate subject kill king rattle million reason matter thing love die present obsolete want need find way hope go have see fall elite bury life disease end world hope go present obsolete want need find way find way hope go have see fall elite bury life disease end world end world hope go hope go hope go hope go
-1 | feel like veteran uncompensated blood have leave pool foreign ground reach rub ache leg have dust decade limb have lose feel wake hope hope celebrate people have miss burn like beacon guide ship hellish shoal be happy admit maybe little depressed cause be miss death s record memory little thing give posthumously detail drag think painting van gogh go die face loss blood night go hack ear wake hope hope celebrate people have miss burn like beacon guide ship hellish shoal be happy admit maybe little depressed cause be miss death wake hope hope celebrate people have miss burn like beacon guide ship hellish shoal be happy admit maybe little depressed cause be miss death wake hope hope decorate day leave burn like beacon guide ship hellish shoal be happy admit maybe little depressed cause be missin death
-1 | hey kid attention know way have live life reckless tragedy endless welcome family hey s miss time alter vision question lethal injection welcome family long ago would find answer crystal clear day find live constant fear look look not win fight way s thought numb feeling unsure emptiness inside answer find not win fight hey kid question s violent aggression detail blurry lose early welcome family hey will not listen not help people miss casualty rerun welcome family ill try help thing not justify need warn way rationalize figure figure not win fight way s thought numb feeling unsure emptiness inside answer find not win fight come mankind have lose mind psychotic rapid dementia will not fine king s dethrone cast world have know stand place weapon war end surely lose s alright figure figure way s thought numb feeling unsure emptiness inside answer find not win fight deep inside nothing fine lose mind invite step aside lose deep inside nothing fine lose mind invite step aside lose
-1 | sign reason solitary fuck goddamn belief be go blind thing clear death salvation will feel brick brick brick brick brick brick faith sorry excuse cloak dagger murder truth bitter taste s ill bow king show brick brick brick wall begin cave house wolf build whisper thousand tongue face reason think soul save sell sin be go blind thing clear death salvation brick brick brick wall begin cave house wolf build whisper thousand tongue house wolf build house wolf build nest wolf build nest wolf build house wolf build burn like thousand sun die kingdom will foot wide foot deep yeah die kingdom will foot wide foot deep die kingdom will foot wide foot deep oh brick brick brick brick brick brick brick brick brick wall begin cave house wolf build whisper thousand tongue brick brick brick wall begin cave house wolf build burn like thousand sun say want be be be say want be be be
+1 | long live moscow festival world festival abroad memory day alive response great world please meet young moscow chorus moscow native manish distance moscow moscow capital youth long live moscow festival thirty thousand stranger home moscow sunny moscow child different people unprecedented celebration create soviet friend chorus loyal heart kind word ready meet guest hello new friend gryante song moscow space look admire work hand 1957
-1 | care settle think set perfect scene wait failure justify void life wait not drop guard be knee get mindset killer far answer stay time place moment fate breath change thing dive head fire let ill find way ease mind stay untie rope hard believe be try long long long answer stay time place wait breath change thing dive head fire let ill find way ease mind stay untie rope hard let ill find way ease mind stay untie rope hard believe be try
-1 | scorn oman architect deceit pulverize jaw defeat ruin engineer have reach gate fear forge vengeance city doom rip death sin unholy womb rider storm curse day bear warn strike strike power kill shore shore destroy devour command vicious dog war tread iron crush skull damned stench burn flesh cover land rise scream godless war machine execution fire scorch sky crimson horseman run genocide sea turn red raise living dead said strike strike power kill shore shore destroy devour command vicious dog war bow head abandon hope god pain raise hand will join let madness reign forsake forget condemn hopeless sickened rotten infect have know war hammer disaster crush live head surrender master brainwash electric live dead s escape learn know crazy be give be letting world stage masquerade crazy hit light start bow head abandon hope god pain raise hand will join let madness reign
-1 | question hand hold close silence word fear not let not let destine hit ground not let not let end burn tightrope be wait corner mind lonely place live get hide cause tell would afraid height think high would follow til end time fall fall baby not think twice know know would burn like rocket afterglow know know conquer star world let let be voice broken radio let let get lose constellation be wait corner mind lonely place live get hide cause tell would afraid height think high would follow til end time fall fall baby not think twice not think twice yeah tell would afraid height tell would afraid height tell afraid height tell would afraid height tell would afraid height fall fall baby not think twice tell would afraid height not afraid walk tightrope anymore tell would afraid height cause brave fall tell afraid height tell would afraid height not afraid walk tightrope anymore tell would afraid height cause will safe arm fall fall baby not think twice be voice broken radio know burn like rocket afterglow not let not let girl destine hit ground not let not let lose constellation
+1 | song stalin mountain gsm vyzokyh syzokryl eagle fly break wing wide fly lynem sun beam eye fly eagle sun leader show way let earth roar song wing mountain time stalin word stalin obey dark water go field rozpivalysya plant update land forward regiment bolshevik power go stalinskym fly eagle wise leader drive purple light shine new stalin word stalin 1935
-1 | goodbye sleep think stay exactly need apart head apart counting flock breed goodbye love s alright push right wall everybody wanna know meaning word love think army ready 144000 declare war loony bin head right wall chew swallow blue blood run fall asleep alkaline not shake little feeling ill right goodbye liar sip cup not think inspire note get worried baby girl feel be old testament celebrate flower fire brimstone not know yeah admit be afraid reckon head wish inspire apart demon attic left goodbye love not burn love hell cut throat fault girl shake s trial blue blood run fall asleep alkaline not shake little feeling ill ill ill ill right right love bed love hurt head not mind skin let bad part bad set apart life test bad mark saint get job write sin storm come storm come blue blood run fall asleep alkaline not shake little feeling bed love hurt head not mind skin ill let bad part bad favorite bird sing wish would wear ring matter king storm come storm come
-1 | remember time burn bridge break heart gain trust believe heart beat ill let oath love heart beat ill let oath word strong rise ashe forgive forget want forever forever haven anchor guide light lead home heart close burst horizon fire sky turn blue grey heart save soul heart beat ill let oath love heart beat ill let oath heart beat ill let heart beat
-1 | decide set forth journey pack wagon arrange turn time come soon stab heart afterglow glimmer roof homestead bode nightfall hand belive set dark night fire roar field set ablaze rain ash sky flare hiss night forward land know far distant shore safe haven santonian shore set sun mist billow land get way wander hope bode awhile look gaue sea flame lay waste call home will not place cortege far eye vast migrant parade glow distant dream awakening come nigh starlit sky dream heart step step march away night
-1 | disconnected misdirect think believe watch clock wind let day justify time have spend rent bury memory will dead ill live forever will die vain home bed hang head end day hear word home bed hang head not care choice disconnected misdirect quick pass judgment like not belong bury memory will dead ill live forever will die vain home bed hang head end day hear word home bed hang head not care choice time stand s space line stand compromise time stand
+1 | hit sky plane throw think general march moscow caucasus lake baikal space piece hit sky airplane croy soldier bayonet scribble machine gun fight bolsheviks bourget general trumpet horse council chop heck hit sky airplane croy soldier bayonet scribble machine gun fight bolsheviks flamethrower sailor gunner sapper red army call give enemy resistance hit sky airplane croy soldier bayonet scribble machine gun fight bolsheviks shall cope bedoyu enemy scatter smoke inch land hit sky airplane croy soldier bayonet scribble machine gun fight bolsheviks army steel song simple dear comrade stalin come post hit sky airplane croy soldier bayonet scribble machine gun fight bolsheviks power ruin land sea voroshilov win battle bolshevik word title fighter ready fight till end 1934
+1 | chase fatigue forget      sway child      hoof      heart pounding      chorus      rest      gori live      chase chase      chase chase      hot blood      bullet revolver      time      fight enemy      finish singe song      chorus      luck believe      s      yes wind live      face      pripev1968
-1 | graciously accept life work past present future overshadow different definition success not explain path have choose know be right need have turn chance fame fortune know great payment be fucking far life be suppose lead man be suppose not happy remain constant know stand refuse let selfishness control die poor life mean s life living truly feel alive know die feel way ready place song protest promise slow die poor life mean s life living truly feel alive know die feel way ready place laugh face tell different foot plant firmly ground free direction remain constant know stand
-1 | ooh feel hunter gaze shadow dark night scheme early grave s go leave dead die drain blood crave think would meat market d expect sell chance rise cast light hide chance man rise rise chance man cast light hide ooh courage take hold face wouldbe master break tie bind goal go to moment blood wake fill vein stand tall strength defy fate chance rise cast light hide chance man rise rise chance man cast light hide stand storm face horror darkness breed life give cast light stand storm brave s build coward praise stand storm brave stand storm brave chance rise cast light hide chance rise cast light hide chance man rise rise chance man cast light hide cast light hide
-1 | child teach red mother knee true colour neighbour teach blue mother knee true colour fervour inherit subsequently deliver ignore spectrum dear concern feel be crash burn think be fall s return have idea concern be look star learn s hear yearn be arena endless unknown stage theatre truth child teach red mother knee subsequently deliver spectrum dear concern feel be crash burn think be fall s return have idea concern be look star learn s hear yearn be whip carpet beneath foot upturne furniture mind oh rich soil wondrous upheaval time embark oh rich soil wondrous upheaval time embark dissect broaden adventure enrich one tenure blunt surgeon knife dissect broaden adventure enrich one tenure blunt surgeon knife oh rich soil wondrous upheaval time embark oh rich soil wondrous upheaval time embark s explore s absorb atom borrow return cosmos s explore s absorb atom borrow return
+1 | liinakhamari last long night arctic boundary far liinakhamari liinakhamari address short sailor live house guy like guy live house liinakhamari liinakhamari sad wave harsh wind crafty sky invisible overhead liinakhamari liinakhamari watch last long time night arctic night day liinakhamari liinakhamari maybe hear 1967
+1 | hitler end sing red army soldier oh pleasuregood red army soldier song walks briskly young fighter match chorus happen old day go war people let meet enemy sprinkle holy water suvorov thrash holy war raise country fascist fire country touch beat scum climb people arm tymoshenko lead stalin father hitler end 1941
+1 | love favor moscow spring warm night walk people sleep sleep quibble moskva river look highrise building build learn chorus night soon pass moon day happy flash light year young love end night poured light dawn turn pink wonderful palace look day pass year pass forget hour dawn forget nevernever dream akin pripev1953
-1 | congregation vagrant unrequited love passion exaltation find refuge young family let decide try oh memory d have know miss yesterday let fade away d july december affection fight cold not remember inspire beautifully depress like streetcar name desire fight love start grow tired oh memory d have know miss yesterday let fade away not fade away money lose momentum bill pile high smile finally fade apple eye young independent think plan have know right start not predict end oh memory d have know miss yesterday let fade away oh memory d oh oh oh have know miss yesterday let fade away not fade away
-1 | sense space time infinite endless static doubt way let play game hand be go away monster ballroom swinge chandelier torment mind wander drift away light lift friend learn breathe let play game hand be go away monster ballroom swinge chandelier unlock secret let find memory find ruin turn lose fade world throw away let play game hand be go away monster ballroom swinge chandelier
-1 | s man live door neighborhood neighborhood get get late night fuss fight fuss fight night have get away place stay have get family find quiet place hear pot pan fall bang wall bang wall rest get late night fuss fight fuss fight night have get away place stay have get family find quiet place s man live door neighborhood neighborhood get get late night fuss fight fuss fight night get to away oh oh mymymy
-1 | be desperate savior be desperate savior s talkin ear save speak begin decay be bury oh god hand shake calm calm not feel floor vision take toll be desperate savior be desperate savior oh god racing vein be afraid kinda mistake oh be head reach grab hold be scare have start slip ill change ill prove -PRON- wrong prove -PRON- wrong hear calling passing clean live hear calling passing clean live tear let start
-1 | come clean repeat know struggle be learn let pledge raise voice direct matter destroy not not age have outgrow will not fake expect succeed album s mean word will not come mean be end joy come price love will not pay pretend s chance relapse fall person fear ink suddenly run ill refill feel need share fall year new york city day tour friend johnny say hey would like meet andy get talk connect thing mutual friend band start write speak know exactly mean understand say hard write content will not step good know ask advice use blood capitalize secret unit display weakness spend year price forget home expose hurt bad exchange deal handsome return
+1 | song soviet schoolchildren today fun song banner red enter spacious new school bright cheerful home child plant arable land path clear happy childhood thank home country card board vbezhim glitter hall learn stalin okay guy say child plant arable land path clear happy childhood thank home country know distant country study structure earth grow captain sea lead ship meet storm road clear happy childhood thank home country hero example brave want grow stratosphere smile calm takeoff takeoff look road clear happy childhood thank home country banner october rip allow enemy grow bolsheviks ready new battle leave exploration road clear happy childhood thank home country 1937
-1 | silence silence shoulder haunt haunt till old silence turn noise silence like loom voice feel texture cover damp wall spend forever yell dark hall feel signal come stark vibration know feel texture cover damp wall not know spend forever yell dark hall not feel signal come know stark vibration know devoid sound devoid sound siren sing siren sing devoid sound devoid sound echo run course voice remain echo run course voice remain feel heart heart heart heart heart heart heart beat heart beat feel texture cover damp wall spend forever yell dark hall feel signal come stark vibration know not know not know feel texture cover damp wall spend forever yell dark hall not know not know feel signal come stark vibration know devoid sound feel texture cover damp wall devoid sound spend forever yell dark hall siren sung feel signal come siren sing stark vibration know devoid sound devoid sound echo run course voice remain echo run course voice remain heart heart heart heart heart heart beat heart beat siren sing siren sing voice remain
-1 | hold world string not hold spin star fingernail happy cause not say win world carnival win cause not catch know look eye sky look eye sky not love be pass time love know lie love mind throw old line sea catch dream sun eye not girl love shed wanna kiss time yeah shed wanna kiss time say win world carnival be sure not ruin interesting be sure not ruin interesting know look eye sky look eye sky not love be pass time love know lie love mind throw old line sea catch dream
+1 | good evening girl good evening girl good evening dear thoughtful humorless gryanem well song dittie squeezetalyanochka oh yes tighten worry girl tear pour bitter well gay grieve soldier bravo guy brisk bold strength army soviet army defend homeland stand hour danger farewell gryanem round dance couple song spend hour goodbye girl goodbye dear tomorrow pathdorozhenka spend
+1 | artillery march s thunder rumble cloud lightning light powerful voice cannon speak chorus touch enemy native land labor country touch holy place fight sight true fire fire fire greatgrandparent grandparent bequeath battle fight death russia chorus fire strike force long glorify foot ishmael hill borodino chorus tank loyal help grunt friend brother break pathway longrange missile chorus soviet sturdy steel barrier obstacle proved leningrad stalingrad chorus touch enemy native land labor country touch holy place fight sight true fire fire fire 1944
-1 | finders keepers losers weeper welcome end eras ice melt life time serve sentence dress watch die feel good taste good dynasty decapitate ghost tonight not know know be take crown be dress naked s finder keeper loser weeper oh yeah crown close taste s finder keeper loser weeper oh yeah sycophant velvet sofa lavish mansion vintage wine royal snatch chain mace eye feel good taste good hero remember know legend die not know know be take crown be dress naked s finder keeper loser weeper oh yeah crown close taste s finder keeper loser weeper oh yeah mortal king rule castle welcome world fun liar settle socket flip switch watch run oh yeah finder keepers losers weeper be take take crown be dress naked s finder keeper loser weeper oh yeah crown close taste s finder keeper loser weeper oh yeah finder keepers losers weeper finder keepers loser weeper
-1 | oh god s funky shit oh god s funky shit break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break oh god s funky shit break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break oh god s funky shit break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break
+1 | unforgotten song rain run tree roof sweeping sodden foliage maybe club hush park brass band play hear familiar song love observe fog arise year year wander alarm breathe midnight crude time noise head loud breathless brass band play 1963
-1 | know sacrifice meet crossroad let oh life constant sacrifice lay world time be go right past memory say live life follow dream not know face world will not stop have lose ill have get good shoot listen be set story straight meet crossroad let
+1 | marsh asb order seventeenth congress komsomolskaya square ring hour road rail youth go zenith chorus bam bam bam bam bam echoes respond rails bam bam bam bam bam happy fly bam bam bam bam bam imperative life bam bam bam bam bam good gift motherland era turksib bam cease tone goodbye dear mother wait siberia far east chorus day dare doorstep komsomol member dare lazy baikalamur road meet joyful day pripev1975
-1 | walk head ground talkin loud not sound ya not speak power kill field think flower power stop bang bang bang baby come cop power power love matter s hush baby kill field want toe party line be not get tool be not get time will money leave child think flower power stop bang bang bang baby come cop power power love matter s hush baby kill field listen baby cuz know hard gandhi son god love power power matter s think flower power stop bang bang bang baby come cop power power love matter s hush baby kill field hush baby kill field
+1 | merry kolkhoz oh grieve fun live home 2 time native land happiness joy fill unprecedented 2 time rasprekrasny people fun live life bed rose 2 time working ivan chair sofa gorenko stand 2 time farmer rodion buy new phonograph seven cheer 2 time child andrey seven child help receive 2 time constitution distance give right equal live freedom 2 time stalin sage constitution creator basic law 2 time prosperous thank stalin dear father 2 time grieve fun live home 2 raza1936
-1 | ill alternative list sanity breathe ill friend marys cause s rare s contrary race courage everyone go blind real killer baby real killer baby real killer baby real killer killer killer killer killer killer happy manic sort way be real manic high day til universe leave real killer baby real killer baby real killer baby real killer killer killer killer killer killer not let past future s safe rosy not step street mood broody throw happen throw happen throw happen throw happen throw happen throw happen throw happen throw happen throw happen throw happen
-1 | s change pace fantasy taste like good music like dance oh yeah hangin body shop night be not strange feel alright oh yeah experience oh yeah facetoface backtoback feel sex attack sing flesh flesh fantasy want flesh flesh fantasy midnight feel alright oh yeah turn light babe tonight ooh neighbortoneighbor doortodoor not ask question s time oh yeah facetoface backtoback feel sex attack sing flesh flesh fantasy cry flesh flesh fantasy ah sing culture father love son mother daughter old old story cry new world flesh flesh flesh fantasy want flesh flesh fantasy want flesh flesh fantasy cry flesh flesh fantasy let let let let let let let let like good music like dance nearly mornin want risk chance neighbortoneighbor doortodoor ooh enjoy crime time nothing
+1 | oath night throw icy cold shiver star twinkle coldly beloved friend great leader lie coffin columned hall say goodbye good man people grief hide guise friend enemy secretly rejoice night luchilsya glance heart like quip night crying sadness poison suddenly quiet voice like conscience like fate hall column voice time struggle forever tie know happen darkness grief try breath say swear 1939
+1 | patha path far way ill track far post ripe apple fall color dawn falcon goodbye saber sharp peak saber give be tip peak tie handkerchief look blue eye wave handkerchief vsplaknu chutochek darren saber run tear yearn turtledove intoxicate týn sum gate plane horse stirrup kiss son green branch oboymesh ill sing song straighten tress love falcon falcon oh yes donation lance donation saber entire village fly falcon quickly beautiful kuban homeland distinguish battle falcon goodbye wind blow song
-1 | winter water start freeze remember take wrong step fall bodys age night long winter swear will not congratulation home winter want partner love free leave heart frozen not remember thaw winter swear will not congratulation home late late will not let have follow foot step open door open door late late will not let have follow foot step open door open door bury heart make place persistent will find time gate open have wonder would real late late late will not let have follow foot step open door open door late late will not let have follow foot step open door open door start stop have die have die
+1 | komsomolskaya year year fight homeland rage fire go hike hot teacher leader drive battle comrade stalin marshal klim voroshilov enemy drive away stalin land border chorus leisya song fiery rocket illumine hometown victory victory let happy child happiness harvest blessing bolshevik cropland collect time have study memorable lesson vorvotsya soviet house eye knock eye tooth divide entire jaw chorus girl patriot far guy lead aircraft lead squadron guy concern grow quickly possible drive like thunder plane fighter chorus verse nevoshedshy performance song world courage wonder glorify country set world record falter fight future sobosh steel bird slow brave tank run tightly shut border pass beast man 1938
-1 | want chain wall wanna flesh rip tear fall touch skin know hide inside hell bind heart tear apart stay mind game play suffering taste sweet victim foot want away peace deprive decease reason death angel killer not waste breath hell bind heart tear apart stay mind game play suffering taste sweet will victim foot hell bind heart tear apart hell stay mind game play suffering taste sweet be victim foot
-1 | look fine want break heart take insane have get tether chain hear be fall be like girl not like girl will not share like girl know look fine knock cry find be bleed be open wide want home waste time look fine be like desert tonight leave want be like girl will not like girl will not fake like girl know take be fall take drown time hide inside tonight be fall want let pretend happy end take let know let end let be fall end let end let let pretend happy end lets pretend happy end
-1 | eye like car crash know not look not turn away body like whiplash salt wound not heal way feel watch like hawk watch like be go to tear limb limb hunger stop simply starve sin little kiss stole hold heart soul like deer headlight meet fate not try fight storm will tumble overboard tide bring deathbed ill life leave lung heart stay little kiss stole hold heart soul like ghost silence disappear not try fight storm will tumble overboard tide bring wave pull tide bring wave pull tide bring wave pull tide bring tide bring little kiss stole hold heart soul like ghost silence disappear not try fight storm will tumble overboard tide bring little kiss stole hold heart soul like deer headlight meet fate not try fight storm will tumble overboard tide bring
-1 | pull quiver trace finger slip minder red suede glove meal body prepare meal body prepare red arrow send hurt choose strike moss roll wet rock like claws arrow strike fat diving center bind summer lock meal bind summer lock meal distance bell repeat dull morning trance ant scatter shade hornet dart distance bell repeat dull morning trance ant scatter shade hornet dart monster hear slave eat tonight
+1 | hello pavlik morozov hello morozov hand pavlusha time obstacle heart beat loudly listen know believe school work parade direct open determined look rightflank squad number friend afraid kulak shotgun threaten death unequal battle interest honor pioneer conscience hero fearless hero song remain forever young podrastom construct new city square hello morozov hand pavlusha time obstacle heart beat loudly listen know believe
-1 | welcome war everybody know everybody tell need care everybody war finger board s real head release poison world modern plague welcome war not escape real would blind world pull eye cause end mind s leave everybody know everybody tell need care everybody catch world believe life real allow deceive virus heal welcome war not escape real would blind world pull eye cause end mind s leave real real welcome war not escape real would blind world pull eye cause end mind s leave fyi not care fucking die fyi not care fucking die
-1 | be know be cause know s pray home here heart life right start need home sweet home tell music heart sing band memphis hard strong know have proud like imagine smile hear song be know be cause know s pray home here heart life right start need home sweet home letter home know not speak know be keen think s thing have leave unsaid be okay not worry wish would well kid be try slow be sorry let be know be cause know s pray home here heart life right start need home sweet home yeah know rock roll know terror twin let world be know be cause know s pray home here heart life right start need home sweet home be know be cause know s pray home here heart life right start need home sweet home
+1 | childhood childhood childhood childhood light joy song friendship dream childhood childhood childhood color rainbow childhood childhood childhood chorus people large planet friend child laugh peaceful world live laugh child laugh child laugh child peaceful world live 2p bright bright let burn dawn night star let sleep peacefully field childhood childhood kindness vain warm childhood childhood tomorrow day earth chorus childhood childhood childhood summer breeze sky sail crystal clinking winter childhood childhood childhood mean child child child child mean chorus loss chorus friend laugh friend laugh peaceful world live 1982
-1 | digital murder program mathematical terrorist outside mortal boundary silently hack binary plague serve information time hacker code hacker hacker algebra fear language machine uninfringe human emotion global system silently move digital maze cut information way hacker extremity hacker hacker protect erase forever binary virus unleash subversive programmer inside corporate system silently eat endemic wave erase information sign hacker genius hacker hacker learn cut forever
-1 | hold head high rain come long day need day night not not need oh need survive oh live city have live tree want oh holiday everyday oh sun shine shine free oh need survive oh need survive
+1 | conversation lenin smell poplar lilac moscow soar meet spring child lenin lenin speak length necessary grow communist trouble uneasy smile sun radiant enjoy conversation ilyich take long time meeting forget thing child like lenin lenin love lenin meet lenin life illuminate look world leninist lenin sun spring
+1 | moscow moscow glory youth brochure broad watch proud tower kremlin slr tape river town blue dome stretch noisy boulevard foliage beautiful pass year beloved moscow city good square house sochtesh call city moscow homeland heart beat word cease soul hello hello hello big moscow happy time time new home meet resident new home new starle starling fly smile beginning new construction housing space field fact yesterday call suburbs moscow city good square house sochtesh call city moscow homeland heart beat word cease soul hello hello hello big moscow 1964
-1 | end fail plan want sure care want little thing life pleasure deny feel satisfied leave past
+1 | road repeat line man hell powder pill medicine wafer grief treat sleep bag hike tent threshold road lead east north go dog team whistle dear like cry brother makhno handkerchief answer old easy gather street wife see makhno handkerchief door shave mustache old believe threshold road lead east north go dog sled farewell whistle farewell dear
+1 | sea wolf wave s big house fearless sea wolf feel free sail stormy sea anchor podymem like sail like chorus fun sailor fun sailor s sea swim shark attack tremble frightened perebom shark minute dagger podymem like rope naquin like chorus storm fly sea piece break ship storm safely bet raft doplyvom ground raft sit s bind s chorus sail distant land brilliant star visible branch sit monkey walk big elephant shore pier like ourll gun s chorus redo 1st couplet chorus 2p 1937
+1 | песня текстильщиц китайский textile girl lyric huang hongying textile girl word song little house light glisten young girl sit window textile young girl sit window textile young beautiful brown eye sparkle golden braid hang shoulder golden braid hang shoulder clever mind consider farreaching fantasy beautiful girl fantasy beautiful girl little house light glisten young girl sit window textile young girl sit window textile
+1 | katyusha bloom apple tree pear tree mist river katyusha step high bank steep walk singe song gray steppe eagle love letter keep song maiden head bright sun soldier faraway border katyusha bring greeting let remember ordinary girl let hear sing let preserve motherland katyusha preserve love bloom apple tree pear tree mist river katyusha step high bank steep
+1 | resort song chorus hello sun eternally young hello brisk wind water hello leisure golden time reliable power labor cheerful spirit body healthy healthy ready fight rest work stand people need life blue distance open sunny glitter wave hello wide sea blue water sea wonder air friendship live cheerfulness heart charge muscle steel pour chorus let unprecedented century build great nation air love man stalin building bulwark right work rest glory soviet people 1938
-1 | eye colour fade look like new transition starting shake ground turn head new day call feel like head lean snapshot bear be look hand rough catch wire ill lift lead action catch cellphone ray bleed sofa stare wayside s come know know footstep hallway girl not get time got to far away get to far away darkness bedroom maybe s rest maybe late come club not hear breathing not right killer hallway live set time get to far away get to far away
-1 | like haunting chant prayer have listen thou shalt longer live chain imprison ease throb heart shall longer falter pupae imago image alter let thy glory shine disperse obfuscation hide thy essence need assimilation stream thyself soul flood thy yearning pour thy soul shell erase restless burning hear voice stranger hear voice stranger hear voice stranger hear voice head echo hear voice stranger hear voice stranger hear voice stranger hear voice head echo
-1 | slap face not erase thing not okay okay push come shove ill glove intention cruel be not nobody fool know hurt pride step aside cause not need sympathy will not good misery s give sympathy like trickery break fistful lie dress disguise mistake know fake fake selfrighteous friend not pretend word truth sincere suit hurt pride step aside cause not need sympathy will not good misery s give sympathy like trickery break sympathy will not good misery shit kill sympathy like trickery break break sympathy will not good misery s give sympathy like trickery break sympathy will not good misery shit kill sympathy like trickery break break break
-1 | dream cause asleep ill need metaphor want earn head cloud foot ground fall ill stand proud ill carry weight brave dare sleet rain ill trail course unknown ill carry weight make sand stone ill blaze trail long road day day heart grow cold pry hand not lift chip shoulder fade fade fight apathy not cloud vision not ill carry weight brave dare sleet rain ill trail course unknown ill carry weight make sand stone ill blaze trail long way home talk stick developed language be loud crowd ask wanna stick funny lift ground remember thing mean fear laugh realize get unfortunate sun death mark life fade away ill carry weight brave dare sleet rain ill trail course unknown ill carry weight make sand stone ill blaze trail long way home find strength find defeat eye open push feel know be
+1 | в путь немецкий soldier march 1 way mate look far ahead look wind flag wehn lead marching column soldier march march march sweetheart stay write hear call trumpet soldier ahead second fear know hand hand homeland draw field soon win flag waft soldier march home enemy threaten stand time attract fight halfway world need soldier march
-1 | like girl lot like pretty girl shoot pretty girl god damn pig s be say mr 44 s be say sun devil s be say greeting gutter red red river run bring sweet salvation barrel gun virgin whore not damn be mr 44 s be say mr 44 s be say sun devil s be say mr 44 sun devil be bottomless pit void fill unclean spirit hound hell long long leash count number beast mr 44 time pull trigger devil work hellfire damnation barrel gun 22 disciple hell knock death door murder be mr 44 s be say mr 44 s be say mr 44 s be say mr 44 s be say mr 44 mr 44
-1 | see feel like meet like sunset eye want rise love look eye surprise think sad way act like stranger act like meet believe have see face not catch eye not register smile friend oh feeling come end not bear see think shame play game feel like know feel like ill know expect stay step away will not wave be greet friend understand think sad way act like stranger act like meet think shame play game feel like know feel like
-1 | will not wait fallen angel not need miracle seize moment come baby ride movement think love kill rise know not love love love feel like make revolution revolution feel like make love revolutionary sittin round talkin theory speak different fashion language direct action stop multiply army stop cut -PRON- killin floor love feel like make revolution revolution feel like make love think love kill rise think love kill rise know not love know not love know will not love love love feel like make revolution revolution feel like make love revolution feel like make love hey hey hoka hey hoka hey hoka hey hey hey
+1 | marsh astronaut step forward childhood adolescence lead gradually soon threshold decide step call distant road milky way night dream concern magical roll sled milky way fear lot wind whip chest calling calling street distant milky way step forward childhood adolescence lead gradually withdraw youth                                lead youth
+1 | oh north sea play night blizzard ice roar astern listen friend friend voice listen voice distant oh north sea ice roar astern know meet ship afar stand pier waiting sailor oh north sea ship afar dawn blizzard subside meet listen dear friend listen voice distant oh north sea meet oh north sea listen distant voice 1950
-1 | second hand look like knife counting rest life hard swallow step follow hard survive dear youth big plan believe world hand leave home face fear brave unknown jade old memory scream blind word rationality waste say goodbye memory not come recognize right track catch wrong train end dear youth big plan believe world hand leave home face fear brave unknown dear youth thought head one believe boundless know end road story home unbreakable alive day shrink alive moment fleeting alive give good alive know rest
+1 | railway march come rush forward locomotive goody fun perky toot let fly far city farm mighty song railway chorus duty night morning serve people accord stalin walk route soviet country train mountain forest valley carry song engine sing country hum million wagon wheel duty night morning serve people accord stalin walk route soviet country train ebullient moscow farjunction transport responsible people commissar fireman welder ready fight success pripev1937
-1 | child burn time child burn time consolation lie apex consequence die tonight winter not end look like rain not remember inside absolution succumb appetite bittersweet think be go numb chance avarice mark regret child burn time go not come tell story consider miss window year ago be tragedy commonplace end away skin stain be leave wear shame cut heart ill tear apart beg burn away will not hero fight life save burn away will not tomorrow lose today burn away isolation course effect life cancer source rue moment spend fetish flame war will not lose rage cut soul guess ill know beg burn away will not hero fight life save burn away will not tomorrow lose today burn away will not hero fight life save burn away will not tomorrow lose lose today
-1 | immi daga uimpi geneta lana beððos et iouintutos blatus ceti cantla carami aia gnata uimpi iouinca pid cete tu toue suoine pid uregisi peli doniobi aia gnata uimpi iouinca pid cete tu toue suoine aia mape blatugabagli uorete cante celiiui cete vritme lindos dubnonpiseti vritme lindos dubnonpiseti nimmi mapos immi drucocu cetobi selgin agumi selgin blatos tou iouintutos nu uoregon cu uorigamos lamman cu suuercin lingamos indui uelui cantla canamos ne moi iantus immi drucocu cetobi selgin agumi ne moi iantus gnaton uorega iantus drucocunos uoregon vritme lindos dubnonpiseti vritme lindos dubnonpiseti vritme lindos dubnonpiseti vritme lindos dubnonpiseti cu allate papon sod urege eððiio de iantu cridie vediiumi cante moi uosta ne gnata ne uostami ne te carami ne te carami boua daga uimpi geneta immi trouga lana nariia vritme lindos dubnonpiseti vritme lindos dubnonpiseti fear fair pretty girl virtue youthfulness forest flower song love hey pretty young girl forest far being hey pretty young girl forest hey handsome boy come let pick flower forest deep pond await deep pond await boy bad wolf wood hunt hunt flower youth wolf let play game let dance joyful dance let sing decent song boy bad wolf wood hunt not like children game like play sinister wolf game depth forest deep pond await deep pond await deep pond await deep pond await wild wolf heart long beg stay girl abide be stay not love love fair pretty girl be poor overcome shame deep pond await deep pond await
-1 | situation irrelevant love way tease love way breathe touch ooohh touch ahhh crazy thing love girl hate love like certain girl take hand run thigh lick lip pull hair fall love night not behave be slave not worry ill go morning come darling go honestly happen lie favorite passion leave belong high heel lipstick napkin die late fashion frustration regular thing hate one love hate like certain girl take hand lap way say will come not behave be slave not worry ill go morning come darling go honestly happen lie favorite passion leave belong high heel lipstick napkin die late fashion know love resist take kiss love hate know love lie not act surprise love hate kiss lip pull hair crazy thing love girl love hate breathing whoa darle go honestly happen lie favorite passion leave belong high heel lipstick napkin die late fashion darlingleave go honestly happen lie favorite passion leave darle belong high heel lipstick napkin die favorite passion
+1 | friendly guy rule land water friend fellow leave lurch pioneer word sure fail     listen blow horn     go pioneer detachment     secret         earth friendly guy desk map sit student occurrence order write diary twos three war equal honor mover ahead     listen blow horn     go pioneer detachment     secret         earth friendly guy 1950
-1 | fate deserve s escape walk backwards be life selfish thing like broken promise thousand time try fake liar wall build thing wrong not hate walk away reach nothing time time color fade black grey come walk mile shatter love eye wide open reflection unfamiliar face say know head lost dream make difference wall build thing wrong not hate walk away reach nothing time time color fade black grey wall build thing wrong not hate walk away reach nothing time time color fade black grey
-1 | have run night long pulse pound chest feeling express open stand outside door not late open wait anymore not late get to outta system have gather strength rip blindfold be ready stay dark mind switch open stand outside door not late open wait anymore not late not wanna not wanna outside cold not wanna completely wanna right belong ergh open not late open stand outside door not late open wait anymore not late
+1 | sea border sea ocean go sensitive hour guard border border guard battle bear honorable watch cheerful glad firm grip constipation approach leningrad duty baltic sea ladoga black sea amur murmansk caspian sea keenly observe bad weather day night border penetrate enemy shadow stakhanov work fun relax teach klim voroshilov tell firmly learn border guard free moment let sing dance play 1937
+1 | fusil contra fusil silence mountain prepare bye word dira memoriam explosion world surname rifle rifle shell wind south quebra cross awaken truth entire world bury pain hail lead haron honor hole song let body life surname rifle rifle sing mourning man animal instead tear lead cry alzara man grave sun share rifle rifle rifle rifle rifle rifle
-1 | come come come come come come dare dare have get press think s baby hold jump jump forth feel like work harm harm dare coming come come come come dare have get press think s baby hold jump jump forth feel like work harm harm dare come come come come come dare harm harm dare coming come come come come dare have get press think s baby hold jump jump forth feel like work have get press think s baby hold jump jump forth feel like work
-1 | flatland come special like peasant revolution makeshift weapon hand crash gate hard would hear kind sound brace victory spoil land defence melt away freeze blank surprise palace stare million wait eye ch have get trophy wall head have hunt hall guard winning carry fall daylight hour pass like people lose triumph hour bloody cause lust power like vision dance shaft light have dream focus true bright fortune open ground blacken sky kiss kiss twice not remember young teach play win say happen have win bloody game ch have get trophy wall desire satisfied hunt go funny feeling stay reason go have see fat bloat hold flame have run home word go watch world secrecy glass reflection not know bad street line glitter store million fatted calf catch day laugh laugh ch have get trophy wall
+1 | street young people converge land young young chorus street outside street come open door wide open blooming garden youth grow flower happy want kohl heart fervently street street shoulder shoulder day hour fill music sun happy vivacity stock hand member komsomol chorus people repay handsomely brighten life like sky glorious capital pripev1957
+1 | gori joy gori joy gori burn voice melody away color song end end song soviet land 2p green spring field cherry blossom child free child happy soviet land 2p aircraft fly cloud sea sailing ship child happy child mighty soviet land 2p repeat 1st couplet 71
+1 | fifth start short wave wing proudly sound callsign brave guy country sky step step dream hero soviet country sky stormy joy soul thai dawn blossom glorious hero arm country take nod earth birch warm wind bring glorious hero arm country take happy stubbornly grow brother celestial family fourth flight fifth start friend restless heart reserve courage fourth flight fifth start friend 1962
+1 | zorka accompany sweet accompany accompany cute war forget wave handkerchief forget razluchnitsaspre chorus oh dawn sunrise ah young heart love worry peace hug tightly sweet goodbye sadochke near cherry young give wordpromise work field chorus word case separate word amicable unprecedented ripe wheat rodilasya unprecedented rye pripev1951
-1 | wonder like attack night mow defenseless invasion raid call fucking punitive expedition like wildfire devastation spread gallia helvetia eburonia ravener insatiate havoc think yesterday ruin mass illusion come far dormant mind prepared narbonensis empire need aremorica carnutia plague warridden land war inflict free gallia organise downfall black cloud imperial rapacity unleash imperial need meet bloody cost free tribe invasion raid war atrocity spqr
+1 | maxims song rifle entire battalion rifle cartridge tattere uniform sandal hole beat germans way rob zhog ukraine payback hour approach come war time friend pay street house city forever home street enemy pass house bright enemy enter gun tank attack nazis pilot fly west black hitler vile power spin spinning want fall 1941
+1 | beat drum beat drum thunder drum drum campaign oh mountain peak fight neminuchy red detachment go chorus gogo banner red beating drum march march ah mountain peak fight neminuchy red detachment come propuschonny verse stomp foot hot road soldier cheekbone dust fiend outpost shame glory wait mountain distance chorus gay drummer play drummer panic song sound ah proud heart brave heart march getcha getcha pripev1955
+1 | ramona parra brigade испанский chilean boy glow new brigade street town wake clarity brush singe paint blue sky fill homeland light love brotherhood young comrade build hope brighten wall red scream freedom hide way night pain anxiety stay lie value dust blood grow flower leave write air comrade forward 01971
-1 | bear highway trainwreck heart beatin outta chest follow world not not soon know ill bleed drop cause want not cause want not s darkness hollow highway cross road tell story follow world not story end long blood gut cause want not cause want not not not run track 1179 immigrant sleep not time mayor come callin get -PRON- outta bed pack family head wind poison cloud flaming sky 200000 people die pocket dial yeah searchin searchin searchin searchin be strand tie track s hero s villain s blame storys be satisfy problem brain searchin searchin searchin searchin cause want not cause want not not not not not not not not not
+1 | steamship whistle cap twist oak golden anchor river station abut directly sea chorus sound like sign steamship whistle russias main street mother volga river shake river wave hardworke vessel vest fleet salty sea water acornbutton gray mist entwine leave farewell honk friend stand pier shyly wave handkerchief
+1 | trust song battle soviet power komsomolskaya song fire bear platform pier time give correct arm chorus song friend rustle native land afraid conceal pour song want song sign far field mountain factory shop metal blacksmith rifle soldier entrust song weapon chorus 2p hard song freedom goodness love pick youth strangle kill kill chorus 2p
-1 | let find way circumstance follow man desperation not trust troubled mind be build empire be wrong not mind room weakness ill go forever dear mother noose place neck be reflect past year spend try forget be regret time spend half world away child sing child sing be dead bury dead bury dead bury dead bury dead bury not fight not fight not fight have slip crack hold dear mother noose place neck be reflect past year spend try forget be regret time spend half world away child sing child sing be dead bury dead bury dead bury dead bury dead bury think would easy cause worth will pass choice person voice let set dear mother noose place neck be reflect past year spend try forget be regret time spend half world away child sing child sing be dead bury dead bury dead bury dead bury dead bury
+1 | песня о родине венгерский       expensive land expensive land szülőhazánknak land drágakőnél give expensive treasure earth richer beautiful country person feel free murmur sea wind blow plane mountain brow proud pine wheat ring breeze gently murmur doze lie infinite force like sun radiating joy merry mens womens children face law freedom come get hard fight expensive land szülőhazánknak land drágakőnél give expensive treasure earth richer beautiful country person feel free people skin brown white agree equality man work worth barrier erect coalway find mate order law freedom look stand firm expensive land szülőhazánknak land drágakőnél give expensive treasure earth richer beautiful country person feel free
+1 | pioneer walks pioneer sweep home country proud song spring sparkle blooming youth time like bright flame fire chorus ready look confident school teach ulterior motive father dear lenina communism goal dream 2 p live world interesting fun grow komsomol banner bear hello joyful time hot harvest selfless labor feat chorus pioneer march unison hold step ahead unquenchable beacon word game great combat order inviolable forever chorus
+1 | light window path snow brittle lay school pass fur coat view village bow answer club river meet student chorus good way longer village powdered shine school flame window school bench crash check point heat morning line notebook pen fun run comprehend wisdom book urchin rascal child boy study war chorus long winter notice exercise book table notice old village hear voice blizzard consider year youth run chorus 1960
+1 | revolution civil war song tear fill boundless world life hard work inevitable day come relentlessly menacing court
+1 | hasta siempre comandante немецкий leave good clear look see love hate fear comandante che guevara fear love forward fight death laugh people final necessity go remain leave good clear fat cat big shot squint money play desktop hero fine gap old order leave good clear yes degree poor earth need eat forget people people leave good clear red star jacket black beard cigar jesus christ ratchet picture lead attack leave good clear
-1 | twist tongue fall edge need space need disgrace be confuse be maze need pick fall s far not control selfish way enter tragedy slash soul plan question question s man s man be blindfold not need reason be leave s far not control selfish way enter tragedy slash soul plan question question inner apathy bring life know strange drain be tire be feed be slave be tire be feed be slave enter tragedy slash soul plan question question
-1 | walk walk carry vile conviction education prevention struggle strife take fight save accept endeavor open eye enforce memento awake remembrance not start carnage demolition human right lie versus oblivion justice despite unconcern find apathy lie seek justice seek justice revenge stop blunt trueness tell hear lie face felony lie meet responsibility
-1 | know far late walk lake halfway middle thaw not great cut hair short grow beard long go school plan fall s leak basement stupid permanent estrangement casement window need glaze hinge arm need replace way edge say think head ice crack think feel bend take opposite step try stress pick safe direction know way ice thin halfasleep dream ceiling start collapse free fall roof beam startle awake hit pavement floor foundation water basement body lake not panic hear say fall blackness complete wait til foot touch ground finally reaction thought stay calm kick save phone want tell think know think scare ice remember care die fly funeral drunk wake scene climb try resuscitate ice underwater get pull wet clothe stumble walk stoke fire camp flame try body warm stand naked checking phone work cut hair short trust let beard trust tempt fate swear trust ice trust thing
-1 | know happen know s tell nothing baby know love love obscene baby know hate hate fair know happen fair important nothing emptiness distorted twist bend heart emptiness distorted leave hear dark empathy torment disturb bend soul emptiness distorted twisting devastate heart leave hear dark twist light far away shadow overlay twist dark twist dark
-1 | event width path give pure force down turn screw crawl turn space time intrude turn peace assure future silent noise form sound like silent noise silent noise scream hint retaliation heinous plan side remain take down take aim filling curse condition pass good intention leave mark hard heal reassisted retrogression leave track path reveal sample act reflect clear notice nought leave hear nuisance label paranoia stupid perceive way silent clause shred flaw hunger knawe silent flaw forever laughter silence know shaman stand retreat evermore smoke curse creation push distress closer edge time crack light wall worry waste hear cloud chatter dig deep insider storm find inner patience erase shadow gifted ruin haste retracing promise news leave statement mean starve word excuse excuse excuse excuse excuse excuse excuse silent truth assert proof like abhor silent truth assert proof abhor abhor silent noise silent clause silent noise silent voice silent flaw silent truth silent pause silent noise silent voice
-1 | come johnny singe oldie goldie bebopalula baby come johnny singe get to woman tunnel try pay get action get motion oh yeah boy play dedication devotion turn night time day song sweet love woman song knife walk walk life yeah walk life come johnny go to tell story hand walkin shoe come johnny power glory backbeat talkin blue get action get motion oh yeah boy play dedication devotion turn night time day song sweet love woman song knife walk walk life yeah walk life come johnny singe oldie goldie bebopalula baby come johnny singe get to woman tunnel try pay get action get motion oh yeah boy play dedication devotion turn night time day violence double talk s song trouble strife walk yeah walk life mm walk life
+1 | festival run running composition distant edge world brave friend swim swim sea big ship hurry hurry hurry friend corner earth chorus sparkle sun fly fly road distance today festival way world fight friendship peace labor get strong steel today road lead festival comrade sister rhine danube volga dniester singe young people perechtosh chorus young messenger soviet people china free child proud fiery korea vietnam corner earth large come today chorus 1951
-1 | savage bear hope highway exist swallow pride gutte inside leave pool doubt not think laugh laugh laugh cause think well instigator time harmonize revolutionize crime sandpit misbegotten youth song truth laugh laugh laugh cause think well think well be try right thing be try right thing right thing escape eye escape eye escape eye escape eye
+1 | veteran song lot lot world mota look bullet darkness night alive spite fate far halt chorus road road ahead song end begin lot lot shake sea wave pour knock leave time survive mate far pier chorus lot lot catch letter season guy home alive rest great pass pripev1950
-1 | day sun be not shine night bottle drown hope wait breathe thread hold demon die wish have leave old ghost town drag pull hell have live needle die wish have clean up let down pull underground tired lie tell fill arm thin vein dirt hurt memory pain hope wait breathe thread hold lose faith god word promise break hope wait breathe thread hold walk way home night find backalley pusher life be not ashamed have ill eye eye junkie blind river bed hold blood knife be not ashamed have take eye prize man lay wife lay river sun shine day sun be not shine night bottle drown hope wait breathe thread hold hold day sun be not shine night bottle drown hope wait breathe thread hold hold hope wait breathe thread hold
+1 | red army ditty dance beat battalion napoleon crafty pobom hitler german go trail tear kapayut remember point b leg skedaddle pity lead comrade bayfascist satan neve udarish respond don husband go frau bertha send request envelope dear don ton like thief mark yam izhora let come namizhora holeit fog rasseetsya simonchuk sight look fascist bryk move nasty kraut send word straight heaven transplant nice sniper shcherbakov heaven accord rule fritz dokladat shcherbakov direct promise send leningrad promise main thug germans want prickly yes mom allow attack tongue force calculate face give slegka language lose language hitler master nefarious affairs dog eat robbery pity single proudly flutter red flag plane pack enemy destroy stalin order 1943
-1 | der himmel brennt alles weiß kein vergleich zu allem sonst das wird erzählt die lunge brennt von dem dreck denk nicht mich wenns dir gut geht häng den lippen alicio wehen das kommt nie mehr zurück der tränke nebel geht schnell verschütt verschluckt beim blick zurück kleinsten raum be schlafgemach nimmst nur du ein aufhören trost zu suchen anfangen trost zu sein der himmel brennt alles weiß kein vergleich zu allem sonst das wird erzählt die lunge brennt von dem dreck denk nicht mich wenns dir gut geht ja ich komm nur selten heim und wenn doch dann lass mich endlich rein ich bin das glück
+1 | far ditty scare let protect enemy small bush shove pack bandit thunderstorm spiteful plan remember samurai fight lake hassan release rate oil pancake advance uniform run away pant send note response aircraft unit discourage hunt prior soviet height pass border trample grass tricky shigemitsu finely swim hunter fight able s kuzka mother enemy remember proud friendly people stick pig snout soviet garden 1938
+1 | time live vertex conquer will motherland forward opinion high excited involuntarily heart take see hour will unalloyed hour war forget woman quiet world freedom inhale star stone throw away joy forever prescribe roof human pride soul cover triumph life youth spend vain man brother friend land happiness closely people friend life beautiful song live 1961
-1 | new friend pretend arm warm body keep calm little love half half minute away like stay love make cry be live be singe make grow know
+1 | armored train proletarian let distance continuous fire let whirls sweep blizzard armor train proletariat menacing rushing enemy lot road sweep lead new world begin old world end chorus song like distant thunder hear boldly battle soviet power shadow krutoyarov hide ravine armor train proletariat rush forward speed know know pan know village town return chorus like distant thunder hear boldly battle soviet power earth balloon day night break armored train proletariat fair fight lead sky scarlet come fly track revolution chorus 1976
+1 | lullaby night sky like diamond star shine byebye byebye sleep child sleep little bird warm nest long time asleep river fish morning cloud rush distant land byebye byebye sleep sleep child father terrible war mother wait vain come eternal sleep battlefield eye bind heroine mother stalin call little girl like look look feature combat true friend remember daughter mom bold brave heart strong remind bright image mother sleep daughter byebye byebye bye sleep child sleep child child sleep sleep 1948
+1 | farewell brother resinous edge taiga meet good song love tent bratsk love love happen dream poster tent take write historical portrait friend vanity fuss life live option historical portrait shine chest order glisten gray temple send distant building fault wise live right true tender love life ahead youth repeat pass life beginning dopoyu dopoyu komsomolskaya song come new taishet angara 1968
-1 | world be awake mistake love keep fuel fuel pretty little lady swollen eye know be perfect stay baby mile away feel lay head embrace embrace far away pretty little lady swollen eye know be perfect stay baby not baby know shaky let love consume consume world be awake mistake love keep fuel fuel love mile away feel lay head embrace afraid love pretty little lady swollen eye know be perfect stay baby
+1 | merry relay sport come school baton fun grow change school grow change glorious champion onsite court love kind sport faster faster training faster faster training looping meter chorus sport help sport help stadium sport bold ready labor defense gymnastic deal friend gain friendly class recruit friendly class sonorous vigor stock chorus sport help sport help stadium sport nimble ready labor defense 1974
+1 | let green light light year year learn year year have friend year year fate school pass trace let friend forever forever forever let friend forever 2p ahead lot new way ahead lot new friend ahead lot sunny day love forget forget forget forget 2p friendship know song way far wide let green flame burn twinkle twinkle let green flame burn 2p 1961
+1 | accordion able garden cherry start early mature sooner funny star come look chorus accordion able talk bond blond girl white blouse daisy bird encounter song wait breeze window night street light come moon world beautiful like song nightingale like wide blue sky early dawn dear hearty meal sleep morning accordion district good song sing accordion able talk bond blond girl white blouse daisy answer friend 1955
-1 | open shelter let tired homeless hungry outside window fountain vine drunk addict form line share story comfort dispair carry weight crosse bear pray courage wisdom change serenity cost pocket book change want tear wall shatter image fall want turn table not belong yeah sleep sidewalk people live beg want size wealth bottle wine sip friend will soon leave child flame incarcerate bind chain stranger paralyze gutter fountain vine want tear wall shatter image fall want turn table not belong yeah feel like run away like run away tired see fall aside s run away be run be run away want tear build ground want tear wall shatter image fall view bring mention mind everything sacred fountain vine
+1 | twinkle girl position accompany fighter dark night step porch mist boy window maiden burn flame man meet nice frontline family comrade friend familiar street forget dear girl flame distant friend guy send news love maiden die forth execute period time golden flame spacious joyfully soul fighter good letter hate enemy tight beat boy soviet motherland native flame
-1 | waking final want tear apart not believe not believe apart world sick sad man start worth time not stop ill go way try fail drive chicago head champaign pass right country gorge high god see man road say excuse sir think have lose way tell pull road head south have get time waste say guess not faith guess not faith guess not faith not matter way way want place way way want place guess not faith guess not faith guess not faith waking final not expect fall fall
-1 | want drive away night headlight ill inside be petrify close close close star feel twice far feel twice far ill fall ill break ill fake wanna ill fall ill break ill fake wanna be afraid cause quiet silence give space ill inside be petrify close close close star feel twice far feel twice far ill fall ill break ill fake wanna ill fall ill break ill fake wanna game today not place fake explain wrist mind bleed line remind time commit dirty dirty crime perfectly formfitte have be be brewing lose spew infuse believe s kid kid kill feel control prisoner cell feel free yeah right course convince night walk away s thing want brain sick s okay fake ill fake ill fake ill break ill fake ill fall ill fake ill break ill fake ill fake ill break wanna ill fake ill fake ill fake ill break ill fake ill fake ill fake ill break wanna ill fake yeah ill fall ill fake ill break ill fake ill fake ill break wanna ill fake yeah ill fall ill fake ill break ill fake ill fake ill break wanna be afraid cause quiet silence give space
-1 | depth got to reach arm sky paint black night guide road depth got to reach arm sky paint black night guide road guide road feel real like explore sit ahead reach depth got to reach arm sky paint black night guide road depth got to reach arm sky paint black night guide road guide road
-1 | not escape like word fade have away be face crowd someday someday know come dirt blood hand black understand good world leave turn red exit not know time like good thing pass like lost soul time need grow fast blood knee not know s think die like bulletproof guess leave bear wing happy til angel sing not escape like word fade have away be face crowd someday someday know come someday someday know come be ashe ashe be dust dust man turn ashe forget love like feeling inside bottle end like angel die look heaven sky rest look inside feel heart chest point blue s heart stay true fall away come lie mean have see dream tell baby love wish hold hard goodbye know not escape like word fade have away be face crowd someday someday know come day day know come know come know come know come know come know come know come know come know come know come know come know come know come know come not escape like word fade have away be face crowd someday someday know come someday someday know come day day know come
+1 | young communist restless heart sun wind meet battle valiant work square shoulder stubborn komsomol forward chorus young communist restless heart komsomol member bring end friend forward life call homeland circle flower afraid trouble s heart way find boldly aspire victory komsomol believe luck light dream flight wonder big task party chorus young communist restless heart komsomol member bring end friend forward life call homeland circle bloom 1948
-1 | go to run run run city future bring home city future everybodys happy feel home go to run run run city future bring home city future everybodys happy feel home go to run run run city future bring home city future everybodys happy feel home go to run run run city future bring home city future everybodys happy feel home find go away want leave thought search new one inside find find find find find find find find run run run city future bring home city future everybodys happy feel home run run run city future bring home city future everybodys happy feel home go to run run run city future bring home city future everybodys happy feel home
+1 | worthy fame flower republic country nation joy happiness different dialect speak think burn country country battle work friend worthy fame great victory ill let choose supreme council stalin favorite teacher friend million outstretched hand work struggle good feeling bring country country country pride creator glory creator victory choose supreme council fearless fighter red army keep ready lead happiness protect brother good devote mp country country battle work friend worthy glory great victory choose supreme council alert step miss beat enemy know enemy cunning poisonous eye sharp chekist country country battle work friend worthy glory great victory choose supreme council 1937
+1 | escorted accordion village part sing accordion accompany institute dance girl goodbye dear friend tell year wait interesting learn say dignity response adopt engineering department sad girl mean come engineer plant forget cheerful dance fall silent moment sad student answer wait graduate college engineer lot thing village part sing accordion accompany institute dance girl goodbye dear friend 1951
-1 | navigation nautical twilight separation know right wind take wrong direction time show disaffection carry weight thousand year turn page let disappear have inhibit progression hold cloakanddagger oppression insult intelligence will not listen evidence ill live life bow head palm palm worship cerebral cathedral day break sunlight heal day break light reveal chain have live easily have give shed skin let change begin day break sunlight heal day break light reveal navigation nautical twilight separation know right feel like boat sink weigh rational thinking feel like boat sink weigh rational thinking light begin pierce distance solar dawn relieve friction blue hour quicken pulse upper edge reality dawn light begin pierce distance solar dawn relieve friction light begin pierce distance solar dawn relieve friction
+1 | hello moscow life light song young small world world small planet corner earth kremlin star visible chorus hello moscow capital happy beautiful light way big country star capital motherland native moscow valor people son strong brave soldier brave warrior pass year new day victory future chorus open country road track wide path wide path goal happiness earth star shine kremlin chorus 1948
+1 | near river oh wind flag red silk steppe go wide infantry regiment blossom collective farm field russian soviet land near river track path dawn girl knit bundle sing song golden wheat zorka clear blaze river field lose bugler signal stand regiment infantry field halt rest river smoke oh eh girl podsobit go collective farm grow stack army quickly build row bright golden blooms privolny edge oh glorious collective farm harvest work work fighter unlike work girl say man come visit blagodarstvuem beauty honor ask question consider mandate girl follow find bride husband oh wind flag red silk accompany song girl regiment blossom collective farm field russian soviet land 1950
-1 | have live shadow everyday go to learn mistake innocence ignorance lose will find innocence year spend remember day past pain afraid place unknown fear faith air scare let happen world know happen world know happen world know have give chance everyday step change innocence ignorance lose will find innocence year spend remember day past pain afraid place unknown fear faith air scare let happen world know happen world know remember step thought away hold forget feel remember day past pain afraid place unknown fear faith air scare let happen world know happen world know live shadow everyday go to learn mistake happen world know
-1 | terror see fight endless year revenge know struggle end remember shame feel time come fight understand be defeat be beat throw dark dungeon pay forgiving thought preach conviction distort high ideal ferocity unsettle belief take enemy mechanism stagnation agitator rule land want live fear unshed tear want live fear lock gloom year try silence voice be beat brutality unsettle belief take felony mechanism stagnation agitator rule land thousand mile away home meet expel brother capture secret prison isolation regression indignity year atrocity unsettle belief take agony mechanism stagnation agitator rule land
-1 | seethe walk circle call long ago lose time feed hunger deep inside live voice eat inside love hurt love pain let play sinner game torture shame cause time want game want play coldness follow not game life ill swallow not help smile pain want play win gloating plant seed inside head right away watch grow destroy inside plead comfort sadistic way watch tear fall crack smile love hurt love pain let play sinner game torture shame cause time want game want play coldness follow not game life ill swallow not help smile pain want play win look start crack start crack lullaby sadistic pleasure attack attack attack attack attack want play coldness follow not game life ill swallow not help smile pain want play win win win
-1 | stand bone break prop soul ache dirt ground bury inside grave build walk room feel stare doom scar line face lie replace ill tell life have hear thousand lie see else eye kill word deserve ill tell life have hear thousand lie see else eye life have hear thousand lie see else eye remember know will not forget have break heart fill regret life have hear thousand lie see else eye life have hear thousand lie see else eye remember know will not forget
-1 | fuck ya remember way say life dream wanna wake stand backyard old practice space hard hold tear stream face ya not run learn will not corner world come ignore point return come come remember way place big learn play guitar mom watch know would right question like ya not run learn will not corner world come ignore point return come know s place come come ya thing come sleep old voice ear say be say friend not need thing come sleep old voice ear say be say friend not need oh oh oh come be right oh oh oh come oh oh oh come be right oh oh oh come know s place come come
-1 | want break laugh face fall floor not anymore come break bury bury finish want fight beg rest life want wait be run come break bury bury finish look eye killin killin want try change know inside finally find fightin chance know come break bury bury finish look eye killin killin want come break bury bury break bury bury break bury bury want want break wait bury bury be run bury bury
-1 | yesterday love speak tomorrow burden man time take pause live monday sunday forget mean ghost come visit tell story tabloid friend watch fake photo vacation speak tongue ancient artefact steal beggar ask understand lie rape steal murder tonight headline trust system contribution smile applaud love hail weak strong listen silence hear voice far ready listen silence hear voice crumble lie rape steal murder smile applaud love hail gather tv explode sympathy weatherman trust punctual company steal beggar ask understand lie rape steal murder tonight headline trust system contribution smile applaud love hail weak strong listen silence hear voice far ready listen silence hear voice crumble lie rape steal murder smile applaud love hail listen silence hear voice far ready listen silence hear voice crumble
-1 | old school hollywood baseball old school hollywood baseball tony danza cut line old school hollywood wash hollywood stand sun be waste time old school hollywood wash hollywood old school hollywood baseball jack gilardi foot tall old school hollywood baseball frankie avalon old school hollywood wash hollywood old school hollywood wash hollywood hey man not touch belt old school hollywood wash hollywood stand sun be melt old school hollywood wash hollywood old school hollywood baseball jack gilardi foot tall old school hollywood baseball frankie avalon old school hollywood wash hollywood old school hollywood wash hollywood old school hollywood baseball old school hollywood baseball old school hollywood baseball old school hollywood baseball old school hollywood baseball old school hollywood baseball old school hollywood baseball jack gilardi foot tall old school hollywood baseball frankie avalon old school hollywood wash hollywood old school hollywood wash hollywood old school hollywood wash hollywood old school hollywood wash hollywood
+1 | city hello city state earth fame hello white marble hello banner motherland moscow chorus road sing foliage live heart song banner motherland moscow dream rush high goal fresh wind breathe blue happy capital sun motherland moscow chorus city peace brotherhood good city heart word hello white marble hello banner motherland moscow chorus 1960
-1 | wind blow beer can cold deserted street feel beer can roll past foot hear chicago blue tune guitar 1939 neon sign buzz bar be intersection lose direction not know way leave corner lust n love leave corner lust n love leave corner lust love leave corner lust love get old tattoo dedicate cover thorn heart bleed forever arm night walk darkness dirty old street matter far roam intersection lose direction not know way leave corner lust n love leave corner lust n love leave corner lust love leave corner lust love underneath street light strain eye silhouette reflection long black mercury shadow pavement corner eye fool think babys pass intersection lose direction not know way leave corner lust n love have think leave corner lust n love leave corner lust n love leave corner lust n love leave corner lust n love yeah oh uh leave corner lust n love
+1 | shall fine ukrainian language matter sing finish time good wish away refrain let fine happy let city countryside happily heart table refrain let trouble grief obyyna home good health zychym refrain let river milk flow oil sausage refrain high hear good news baby cradle refrain wish forever young centenary october grandchild live refrain live long time come choir tour fly mars refrain goodbye friend bow low wish happiness like pryspiv1959
-1 | stranger dark room laugh joke not hear frost window pane cheap champagne face appear happen cathedral roam shadow people dance trade glance walk home stare window roosevelt hotel watch midtown kiss farewell come return gravity bridge leave burn
-1 | ref est là les rebelles sont là pour une nouvelle définition du reggae et du ragga haut les bra les rebelles sont là nous reston critique dan tout les domaine jaime bien reggae music croismoi qujaime bien le dancehall ce que jaime pas cest les paroles dhomophobie et les paroles de hot gal les sound que je kiffe sont conscious et foutent à lhopital tous les badboy tous les badman tous les imbécile avec leur balles nos parole sont dure nos parole sont antinational notre relation avec létat nest pas bonne nest pas amical il nous traite de voyous il nous traite dune bande amical c mon choix dêtre rebelle cest mon choix dêtre radical ref je reste rebelle contre les abus sexuels je défend les homosexuelles je sais que la vie peut être belle cest un appel à la morale c un appel des rebelles jobserve une situation regardezmoi ce garslà il narrête pas de draguer cette fille puis elle le recale il commence à la bousculeret jespère que dans ce cas là tous les gens vont venir avec nous pour lui faire du mal ref parle de rastafari et puis parle de selassie du roi des rois du sauveur de lafrique et de léthiopie heureusement il était là pour combattre et lutt contre litalie mais noublions pas le massacre quil fait en érythrée je pense quil faut faire gaffe avec les gens quon glorifie je tolère tout sauf lintolérance jaccepte ton avis mais cest dommage que beaucoup de chanteurs et beaucoup de mc semblent ne pas avoir de propre opinion ils sont seulement des copy
+1 | track pioneer lit fivepointe star happy homeland sneak train youth learn star comrade station singe platform singe car sing good song funny song comrade sing white black sea zaozerny edge mountain sea carry carry courier adult child sing song pioneer group path chorus green red light light path car wheel go go rest go go sunbathe chorus
+1 | pass exhibition pass exhibition see s grace look eye tear motherland banner curl s song heart pour find please people chorus harvest good better find world chet glory grower glory people party peasant bow earth wheat marvel cotton linen factory spindle republic brotherly palace light fairy tale s collective farm labor conversation chorus different area see guest learn excel work harvester mower tractor thresher s equipment count need chorus 1954
-1 | people like live livin good people like live hollywood people live let live edge town not try hold get year planet get year planet get year planet anymore wish not people try tell do spend money life screwin s life mean will not care happen get year planet get year planet get year planet anymore wish not everybody fuck town think makin money make world round phone open eye life passin want talk guess s true will know yes time saint peter not reason time oh brother stand tall get year planet get year planet get year planet anymore wish not get year planet get year planet get year planet anymore wish not
+1 | be stand winter blizzard autumn rain heavy summer heat breath friend comrade danger friend enemy pass wind darkness country send border boundary happiness wake wake coastal sedge rustle rustle darkness evil wind enemy pass enemy away note keen watch family fight russian home child true tebe1958
+1 | fly pigeon fly pigeon fly obstacle carry pigeon carry people hello world let wind moan earth let black cloud sky way catch kite way storm astray happiness freedom fly pigeon look hope people rapid flight fly pigeon fly ray dawn threaten mist pigeon work peace earth
+1 | baikalamur mainline taiga cedar blue sky look meet city work guy chorus tropinochke narrow go taiga distance baikalamur rise main know lot difficulty deviate path grow expensive grow chorus labor affair exam lease main operating ekam credit chorus like tocsin rang word short bam taiga river roar tomorrow city pripev1976
-1 | shadow inclination burn wall industrial voodoo shortly fall like fish sea ancient mechanical creed voracious kind sophisticated greed violent breed grow pain urban native slowly take change ballistic sound hollow laughter end sophisticated farce drive voodoo beat primitive concrete like violent breed shadow inclination burn wall industrial voodoo shortly fall like fish sea ancient mechanical creed voracious kind sophisticated greed violent breed violent breed violent breed violent breed violent breed violent breed violent breed
+1 | forest forest harsh dark mountain cavalry rush open gay cavalry rush open clicked terrible cry budyonny delete hey dash fellow gay hey dash fellow stand cause head glory dashing cavalry budennovskaya gay glory dashing cavalry budennovskaya 1937
-1 | true dedication posse push shove rise rest wave word fall short crash foot way weak be scare know travel know have dig bone remnant have show time rise dark horse ill fight way thorn dark horse dream drive force open eye live life be scare know travel know have dig bone remnant have show smoke clear damage ill left stand shred hope breaking point end rope be scare know travel know have dig bone remnant ill
+1 | song youth spring flow column wide run countrys youth go playful go stubborn spring festival chorus youth soviet union radiant sun warm stalinist banner lift spring age pass friendly song voice hear lake fill bud bloom golubeyut heaven chorus let ocean black fog enemy rage bring homeland test homeland able defend happiness chorus moscow area grove dnieper today young singing young dream bright dare courage hard work pripev1948
-1 | goodnight love lovely love god damn shame traitor have get god shoebox bed wait finger look better dark ill sleep way reflect father define feature absence consciousness welcome presence formulated manipulation will not feel thing feel feel will find faith believe god need be familiar devil have wait sun come dry rain be catch storm have get good have get right want easy hold tongue help fortyfive exit mile read move mile minute give second reach destination oh will not feel thing not not oh oh will not feel thing feel feel will find faith believe god need be familiar devil have wait sun come dry rain be catch storm safety come distance foolishly fall consistency place hand belong ill reminder size steady way mirror end vibrance fill pillow head choose live say say feel feel will find faith believe god need be familiar familiar oh devil devil devil devil have wait sun come dry rain devil be wait
+1 | marsh bgto lead ship captain visible distance coast sharp reef gray mist afraid afraid sailor strong agile brave hardened storm storm way win sea ocean chorus health strength business nee work prepare defense pioneer soviet country leave launch aircraft turn white cloud difficult flight pilot stick hand tremble strong agile brave harden heaven cloud way find real pilot chorus hot shop face boil creative work factory mine give birth hero strong character strong agile brave harden thrust glorious labor win pripev1955
-1 | reflection phantom glass believe obsession reflection concession aggression reflection believe prism phantom glass hold believe prism hold energy phantom glass prisoner memory see want fear prism hold energy phantom glass prisoner memory want see want prism hold energy phantom glass prisoner memory see want want obsession reflection concession regression obsession concession reflection prism hold energy phantom glass prisoner memory see want want reflection phantom memory
-1 | speak anger forget fear have keep love sex death faith erase swinge sweet neck breast let lonely body finally break fear flesh strange have shake sight sweat let worry wander like water stream spring sing thing head fail ruin s fail ruin bright lightning loud thunder hurt aside let love sustain passion onward loss extent love build home family build castle friend set bed sheet blanket safe end have feel damage burn fallout love fail -PRON- prevail friend be flesh bone will not let die leave heart foot mountain let burden lock stone help roll upward will not let die beauty spring upward earth heart bad plague swear s good oh will not let die love let die death problem promise sure make bed ill kiss head goodnight speak love lose cost leave beg breath stop keep strong stay bright lightning sing loud thunder move forward failure love
-1 | feel fire foot liar cheat play knife cut close home close bone hold share have tell deep eye year old cause year kind know heal heal heal heal heal feel pinch feel hole feel void deep soul feel feeling control cause year kind know heal heal heal heal heal heal heal heal heal
-1 | ache transparent run open arm facade great leave coexist infestation history curse past present future create image image disgusting not wipe clean far ahead spend day knee view worth judgement pass fear lie manipulation doctrine bathe ignorance write blood enslave lose faith begin sooner die sin pray forgiveness sew palm crucify thought mind await armageddon neglect exercise demon head bear well dead conversion casualty renounce save view heaven worth judgement pass pestilence have inflict soul love one have lose sheep rise shepherd one lead astray embrace light heart sky saint sinner rejoice rot
-1 | not s not s door not open add lock time time open block be ask step want state mind feel sorry time close eye fall hole fall hole fall hole fall hole not s not s s door wonder bright past feel little different worth journey foolish task feel sorry open eye fall hole fall hole fall hole fall hole
-1 | moment clarity willing suffer bleedto die thing care like kiss lip dead love like touch dead cold white skin ref choose look want hurt choose look want loose beforeground zero past gape hole chance turn face choose look love heart trust love be reborn ref choose look want hurt choose look want loose
+1 | holiday song army people red square noisy sea people wave wave mother moscow kremlins ancient wall gather come feast soviet land chorus spite adversity friendly pressure strong rise leader confident people mighty people leader let remember year fire remember fortyfirst year day great trial hero people go stalin perform heroically plan unseen work chorus spite adversity friendly pressure strong rise leader confident people mighty people leader conquer obstacle work combat carry like flag song ring hum sound lovely wide truth strength brave soul chorus spite adversity friendly pressure strong rise leader confident people mighty people leader 1950
+1 | direction prague чешский despite burning bloody river regiment regiment go steadfastly give heart right forward сas revenge grape val descendant famous russian bohatýr hussites grandson go forward weapon dam nascent peace new predni strike sequence вариант первого куплета despite burning bloody river avenge regiment steadfastly give heart right forward сas revenge grape val descendant famous russian bohatýr hussites grandson go forward weapon dam nascent peace new predni strike sequence припев great army path smet killer soviet army come prague arm arm state guard work peace people uhajime eternal peace s ural west tone smoke heart faithful pozar lidice whip vas defiant voice lighthouse storm sili step hotouci support exercise breath come march million naz singe grow blood ash death rozsejem echo childrens stone shatter dreams odvazzni avenger припев nad vltavou new sun flares cervancich sun rise east plow new orac happen step happy march voice peace hear pole pole equal nation soviets guard new day work happiness freedom припев вариант третьего куплета nad vltavou new morning flare cervancich glimpse shadow sun east plow svobodny orac happen step happy march country zore pole pole nation equal nation end stay verna straz happiness peace freedom вариант припева great army fight death na red army crush harmonious strong fist pick fight forward fall
-1 | cross mind time time smile set find go wrong retrace step unsure pen try figure head think head be not s point remember ascend stair balcony hide quietly away remember skin finger spot quarter would touch thing hold hand afraid speak afraid speak understand remember lean quick kiss swear single force earth stop trembling hand remember smile smoke crowded little coffee house laugh joke remember way dress waste good alcohol sweat remember know would leave barely keep breathe bet would feel pain remember panicked circle terminal tear weep god fit have hate airport true people time heal pain single day feel fade away remember distance trick lead helpless wrist pit devour remember hold strong settle way remember silence would find way turn run mistake remember come fall apart dear hear voice have have have afraid dear have afraid dear have home have home have away year have away year have have have have breathe air etch feel anger swell swam sea hold inside heart get bury fear tear wiring brain good clear dear matter hold sweetly head miss dead not love lover love friend lay bed safe end
-1 | world fire burn brightly care hurt flame kiss goodnight world cry ashe s leave dead head world cry have go far fall deep burden bleed kill kill kill kill have go far fall deep not burden bleed life lie way pain happen s leave have go far fall deep burden bleed kill kill kill die s leave s leave s leave leave
-1 | carbon chemical image invisible free not let image invisible not allow quiet cull image invisible sing canticle image invisible lose find stop slow name know know walk static dial tone image invisible emblematic unknown image invisible raise banner bend bow image invisible remove cancer soul image invisible lose find stop slow name know know walk world hate name shadow overtake know carbon chemical free not let image invisible carbon chemical image invisible free not let image invisible not allow quiet cull image invisible sing canticle image invisible lose find stop slow name know know walk raise banner bend bow remove cancer soul
+1 | horse horse pleasure home battlefield glory way wood friend kinky chorus horse horse ring ring light horseshoe wait golden day cornflow blue eye breathe land spring longawaite embrace native land ineffable tenderness chorus holy rus fly forward defeat death sadness longevity life pripev1944
-1 | oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh night desperate break sound fight father speak oh oh oh oh oh oh king queen promise victim maybe child less god heaven hell heaven hell eye hopeless take steal new life blood defense dream defense dream dream dream dream king queen promise victim maybe child less god heaven hell heaven hell age man darkness come dawn lesson have learn begin king queen promise victim maybe child less god heaven hell king oh oh oh queen oh oh oh king oh oh oh queen oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
-1 | little piece begin stack suffer weight choice hardly recognize line stop line whisper silence whisper silence subtle contradiction compromise creep forget slowly change moment small look add tear line go whisper silence whisper silence subtle contradiction compromise creep forget slowly change close truth impossible thing try add fuel faint deception conflict acknowledge opposition take pride hide lie whisper silence subtle contradiction compromise creep forget slowly change thing try add take pride hide lie
-1 | awake cold sweat old sound heartbreak brother scream not fight rush take head come mother find devil ramble oh money go not pay rent needle arm clench fist raise drunk come take swing s nerve get kid yeah will tombstone thing say want kill man like want kill man year pain boil trading blow counter devil grab old friend jack catch eye take breath vice go head dear god cry mother devil drunk father list unpaid bookie gambling debt spiteful stare brother be not forgiver forgetter ill pay expect wash blood hand kiss mother step cold night air
-1 | know like bad man sad man blue eye know like hate fate tell lie dream not conscience hour lonely love vengeance s free know like feel feeling like blame bite hard anger pain woe dream not conscience hour lonely love vengeance s free discover limp discover limp discover limp discover limp discover know like mistreat defeat blue eye blue eye blue eye blue eye know sorry not worry be tell lie lie lie dream not conscience hour lonely love vengeance s free know like bad man sad man blue eye
-1 | ich nehm das messer und schneid sie ab die ganzen drähte aus meiner hand der magen dreht sich der magen dreht sich der magen dreht sich ständig um blut verläßt die ohren alle unter strom gehäuse stücke membranen verkohlt die decke stürzt ein die wände fall um der boden fält in leere verstärker zerstört verstärker zerstört verstärker zerstört verstärker zerstört keiner hört mehr zu hinten der reihe niemand mehr hinten der reihe niemand mehr niemand mehr niemand mehr verstärker zerstört verstärker zerstört verstärker zerstört verstärker zerstört
-1 | people ground waste time try hold inside tonight world sit wish thing have miss maybe know find want hear voice loud slow slow be choke clear head be scream know well know be choke clear head be scream know well know
+1 | lenin remembers land lenin remember sunrise vosny expanse yenisei kremlin windows neva volga plosy sky remember land remember land lenin remember earth smile hope lenin mind father swing lenin centenary younger business affair stubborn deed ring expensive thin trail see joy bitter shadow lenin invisibly walk day day sunny day tomorrow
+1 | barricade испанский black storm agitate air dark cloud see expect pain death enemy send duty mбs precious commodity freedom defend faith courage high revolutionary banner victory constantly bear high revolutionary banner victory constantly bear ўen worker stand people battle ўhay overthrow reacciуn ўa barricade ўa barricade triumph confederaciуn ўa barricade ўa barricade triumph confederaciуn 1936
-1 | cold blooded ice vein cold blooded ice vein ice vein spit face worthless liar know kind save smile cutthroat bastard read mind victim feed know parasite have kill slowly bleed dry ill let believe let not shock stupid motherfucker will deserve victim game dead turn play be cold blooded have get ice vein be cold blooded disengaged have control validation constantly need power intoxication feed spew lie manipulation play life game make fear skin contaminate ill let believe let not come will deserve victim game dead turn play be cold blooded have get ice vein be cold blooded disengaged face serve remind not want guess mind long ago will not thing be cold blooded have get ice vein be cold blooded disengaged cold blooded ice vein victim feed know parasite cold blooded ice vein victim feed know parasite cold blooded ice vein victim feed know parasite cold blooded ice vein victim feed know parasite cold blooded ice vein
-1 | edit friend fun be person leave edit friend single be leave not edit friend edit friend edit friend edit friend edit friend edit friend edit friend edit friend
+1 | song alarm youth care simple care live native country worry chorus snow wind star night flight heart alarm distance call let trouble face bedoyu friendship die chorus long able walk long look long know breathe forward chorus life love meet day bravely storm pass chorus think sing storm die ready great purpose glory find 1958
+1 | guerrilla send guerrilla bullet rang heat ring blade native ukraine dare german shelf village stand germans flee tank roll dust beat cut drive mighty soviet land steppe beam fight vain homeland way raise people mighty blow smash shatter enemy germans climb cordon trumpeter play campaign soviet people fight banner ground enemy carry 1939
-1 | bide time time fine oh will know way not resist say would try waste time hide inside want go have have wish would need try will not believe till feel feel know way not resist say would try
+1 | les nouveaux partisans новые партизаны французский hear voice factory voice proletarian sick tired get day oclock park train like cattle tired machine drunk head tired chefaillon chrono die tired life slave misery life hear voice announce war chorus new supporter maverick class warfare camp people camp new supporter look operate return evening look woman toil life drool gentrify descend 600 meter deep carpet die silicosis count profit mutilated look grow old rhythm cadence patron watch war begin chorus slavedriver work class sweeten note bother minion permanent advise belote speak behalf bosss office vote handle start grenelle wrong work camp longer collaborator war chorus stroll bit putrid home sleep shift revolt rumble black home ivry announce revenge aubervillier dead revolt heart slum misery pile disease migrant worker brother unite declare war chorus violence learn patron operate cop matraquez oppression cry resistance expel kader mohamed stand expel revolt people people prepare arm traitor steal 45 yes bourgeois people want war chorus 1968
+1 | fellow traveler fellow traveler month come edge mountain woode burden camp ural go visit sverdlovsk tagil serov livde draw edge work mine construction river forest girl way show interest case happen dear friend friend ivdel love love myshme separate miss month pridot come hiking wish interest girl die role escort little wife
-1 | rain pour sleepy town north new york old old score cold cold world gloat misfortune nation reptile give nananananananana nananananananana old old score cold cold world taint frightened nature bear strong stuff lie deceit cause effect effect frustration lead desperation eventual separation old old score nananananananana nananananananana rain nation reptile give
-1 | think find be look eye open door vacant stare adore be slut whore spare ache heart spare pain let believe yesterday mother watch look away mother wonder not know mother watch look away look away think find be look hit light shut door listen carefully here score be slut whore spare ache heart spare shame let believe yesterday mother watch look away mother wonder not know mother watch look away look away make sick inside ashamed life hide know will understand be sorry s wedding band deep inside s child innocent world go wild obediant moral code scar christian overlord live truth love hope interest cross mother listen shut mother watch look away look away look away look away
+1 | song cheerful tourist steep path mountain fast slow river bypass large lake funny man walk year old carry shoulder bag towel soap yes white tooth powder chorus afraid way reach cloud cheerful song chagall easy 2p cheerful song chagall easy walk gun stick zolenoy high grass cuckoo fly yes daw head afraid meet road snake bull dog meet laugh keep say follow chorus cloud instead roof instead alarm clock thunder see hear notebook write interesting easy sing cheerful song help way chorus window house open hear go people sing garden door gate hear song buddys voice hear bareheade street leave song catch chorus
+1 | hymn итальянский come taspettan nation greet heart free sweet easter worker come shine glory sun re hymn wing hope large green fruit mature vast ideal flowering tremble sleek come pass dl slave desert phalanx job site burn shop away field marine truce truce eternal sweat lift hand calloused sian dl fruitful force beam want save world tyrant idleness de lor youthful ideal pain spring secret charm green mankind date breast courage f flower fall rebel squardo bottleneck dawn gallant fighting work visionary poet die
+1 | pioneer sweep planet want meet dawn sun come pioneer sweep planet open way chorus fortunately road pioneer hike honor conscience great era pioneer like banner life nesot2p road road dawn dawn garden fairy stand pioneer sweep planet follow land bloom chorus laugh laugh child dawn call dream flight pioneer sweep planet directly star step chorus
+1 | bandiera rossa ahead way work people red flag s sign ahead renew vigor new track red flag waft ahead        refrain       brut red flag greet sunlight       brut red flag court       brut red flag winner      carry new hope world shaft werstattsaal create red flag weapon future rich lucky guessed red flag ahead reffrain defeat new time hate red flag peace achievement free people shape subject red flag ahead refrain bandiera rossa красное знамя революционная песня вперед рабочий народ не мнется красное знамя это твой знак с бодрым духом нового пути красное знамя развевается впереди припев алое кровавокрасное знамя навстречу солнечному свету алое знамя зовет алое знамя побеждает вы несете новую надежду человечеству в сражении зале в где каждый трудится красное знамя его оружие счастье в будущем вы умеете его предвидеть красное знамя развевается впереди припев оно становится новым временем победы над ненавистью красное знамя ведет к миру новые люди образуют subject красное знамя развевается впереди рабочий перевод с немецкого на русский 20 июня 2006 г bandiera rossa red banner forward work class red banner crumple symbol cheerful soul new path red banner flutter ahead refrain scarlet banner go meet sun light scarlet banner call scarlet banner win bring new hope mankind battle room everybody work red banner weapon happiness future able foresee red banner flutter ahead refrain new time victory hatred red banner lead peace new people form red banner flutter ahead draft translation german russian english wordbyword rough text 2nd july 2006 avanti popolo music italian folk tune avanti popolo alla riscossa bandiera rossa bandiera rossa avanti popolo alla riscossa bandiera rossa trionfera bandiera rossa trionfera bandiera rossa trionfera bandiera rossa trionfera evviva socialismo e liberta ahead way work people red flag s sign ahead renew vigor new track red flag waft ahead blood red flag greet sunlight bloodre flag call judgment blood red flag winner wear new hope world shaft workshop room create red flag weapon future rich lucky guessed red flag waft ahead blood red flag greet new time defeat hatred red flag bring peace free people shape subject red flag waft ahead blood red flag greet
-1 | stand pause clock world stop world stop stand pause clock world stop world stop
-1 | cause be fool fool want not know procrastinate cause hate day bind sure pure hurt climb sure pure hurt climb climb hurt tell fall let heart implode let heart heart implode let faith sure pure hurt climb sure pure hurt climb climb climb climb sure pure hurt sure pure hurt sure pure hurt sure pure hurt
-1 | life dream drift stream stream consciously remain ego brain manmade shame shame love rain pain real watch world dissolve pretend fall turn sand take hand declare love prevail man fight man land land turn sand spite pain ego brain manmade shame shame love rain pain real watch world dissolve pretend fall turn sand take hand declare love prevail remain ego brain manmade shame shame love rain pain real watch world dissolve pretend fall turn sand take hand declare love prevail love rain
-1 | be take body control shotty bet lot lose ts uncrossed undotted fight lot lot like flesh get flesh door swat have forgot not trust be open moment close know be lose sea write think story unfold life soul surround surrounding sound mountain range leftside brain surround surrounding twist kaleidoscope eye ill hold ill hold remember moment know exactly go cause moment know time slow frozen windowsill look nice right think twice life probably happen night right fight pain ignite tie noose mind loose breathe fine tie tree tell belong be not noose leash news obey surround surrounding sound mountain range leftside brain surround surrounding twist kaleidoscope eye entertain faith entertain faith entertain faith entertain faith entertain faith entertain faith entertain faith entertain faith entertain faith entertain faith lean rock gunna stop lyric mean gift thought time foot introspective beat be not speaker bump heart heart beat lean rock gunna stop lyric mean gift thought time foot introspective beat be not speaker bump heart heart beat lean rock gunna stop lyric mean gift thought time foot introspective beat be not speaker bump heart heart beat lean rock gunna stop lyric mean gift thought time foot introspective beat be not speaker bump heart heart beat ill hold ill hold ill hold ill hold ill hold ill hold ill hold ill hold
-1 | know hide soul cause know yeah know hide pride not know think lie cause s screen chest yeah s screen chest be stand be stand be try cool try cool be stand oh be stand be try cool try cool not past nose be see slomo look crash ground like vertical locomotive s train paint picture s brain train sky locomotive motive insane flow great okay conversate people know flow song ill radio play fine s people tough time get life excuse sing sky be stand be stand be try cool try cool be stand oh be stand oh be try cool try cool break break break break people oh break people oh yeah break break break break people oh break people oh yeah break break break break people oh break people oh yeah break break be standing break break be standing break break be try cool break break try cool break break be standing break break oh be stand break break oh be try cool break break try cool
-1 | mix start light exist feeling miss burn hole feel go to find look will not come way yeah will find look have have way hand shake waste time think end amazing feel live feeling miss burn hole feel go to find look will not come way yeah will find look look have have way hand shake waste time have say have say way word fade waste time time waste time have have way hand shake waste time have say have say way word fade waste time have have way hand shake waste time waste time waste time
+1 | sound song donbas sound song donbas glory girl fly otkatchitse know edge say mining maiden hutorochka move donbas true miner daughter family friendly merge soul love miner honorable work dear cute family dear countrywoman sister gornyachkoy noble donbass native land country soviet song sing otkatchitse donetsk decent work 1951
-1 | try need try let eye good time believe change give time guess wrong guess wrong be hurt matter strong feeling end hurt end hurt be hurt try hard have want life bring misery time believe give time perfectly guess wrong guess wrong be hurt matter strong feeling end hurt end hurt cry hurt die tear heart cry die be hurt matter strong feeling end hurt end hurt end hurt be hurt
+1 | song driver want honor impossible hide honorable profession driver friend give title talent drive car chorus fly car usual street capital headlamp light ray diverge track happy ride street neat admire eternally young merry moscow driver lose find street boulevard house fog ill find s calling drive car chorus like matter soul taxi be moscow repeatedly travel bragging bond beautiful moscow chorus
-1 | hide reason dare tell inside not think anymore hurting not need friend foe like hurting kill away s world fall away not find reason world turn grey kill unwillingly confide someway feel pain heal pain pleasure inviting not think anymore hurting not need pill drug like hurting kill away s world fall away not find reason world turn grey kill unwillingly afraid world fall away not find reason world turn grey kill unwillingly be like fool be like cool be like fool be like world fall away not find reason world turn grey kill unwillingly afraid world fall away not find reason world turn grey kill unwillingly be like fool be like shut
-1 | infect land land land infect
-1 | corner turn lesson learn time worry feel scar conceal sight away long away long thing change runaway train catch beneath wheel runaway train moment day feel crumble away blame crack frame find away long away long thing change runaway train catch beneath wheel runaway train know feel runaway runaway hey yeah runaway yeah right okay right
-1 | night dream not escape wall dark decay feel drown underneath wave time change take away go to know go want hollow heart today come pull away vein stitch display cure pain take away go to know go want take away
-1 | would listen like porcelain close eye feel inside wonder bring would open hear word would feel dream like kill dream like matter think time surround one lie close hold ugly truth would reach inside understand answer question lie dream like kill dream like matter think would feel dream like way heart die world kill dream like feel way soul stop try prisoner matter think dream like way heart die world kill dream like feel way soul stop try prisoner matter think
-1 | weight come go take live spoil defeat force drown s leave s breathing routine feel fade strand direction compass constantly spin constantly search end reach destination goal appear arm bear promise would let not know believe anymore affection allow let light fear help rebuild broken bone help regain sanity caution present past manifest act deserve refuse fail would force ghost write flower grave watch world spend night pray air bloodstream long feel breath pass artery goal appear arm bear promise would let not know believe anymore fill faith let leave be scratching skin mind absence have create line blur like vein arm wish not difference hell home
+1 | sunny polyanochke sunny polyanochke dugoyu arch eyebrow boy talyanochka play love hot night girlfriend spend shawl beautiful give chorus play play tell talyanochka eyed crazy battle formidable boy leave starry night heart suggest response maiden proud kidding clear come medal talk chorus soldier amid smoke gunpowder talyanochka befriend fierce battle vorogov medal deserve receive letter volatile snowcovered expanse happen extreme case agree medal chorus
-1 | be not eurotrash plastic cash sell image want know not want fx wanna com new simulated sex sell heaven price low think know head live lie money not buy be not eurotrash plastic cash sell heart second class slit throat tint glass silicon stitch reality bite hard want know head live lie money not buy be not eurotrash plastic cash sell heart second class slit throat tint glass head live lie money not buy future dream end be not eurotrash plastic cash sell heart second class slit throat tint glass
+1 | day night skid fate battalion kolomna tire old gramophone sing halt road touch girl sad voice day night dear remember day night chuzhedalney day night follow sing love save strange land day night dream repeat day night chorus song day night near warsaw strike silent kolomna poor old gramophone silent halt song bloody brutal battle day night soldier move forward day night river go wade day walk night fight enemy walk dust walk snow walk snowstorm blizzard day night step recall day night recall love day night meet soldier bride wife lie old break gramophone wife heart disturbing song war day night sing vain day night be look dream day night heart loyaltypreserve lead battle save fire day night like lighthouse far seas day night be look dream day night day night
+1 | love land love land give live life blue green secret trail rye feel good expanse love land peasant woman russian hand spring nurse love arable land battle blood burn forget truth fall peasant village land rain mokla blizzard revive tell love fall misty field tenderness warmth remember palm mother love land 1971
+1 | silent morjachok live navy silent morjachok girl molchok go walk pier question answer monosyllable s life strict yeah storm cold blizzard ege sea shore yeah live th morjachok reduce gentle eye leave conversation rasckazhite fight sea enemy meet wow short leg ege grasp naval tuga aha life give enemy yeah woman walk roam love morjachok completely withdraw pull glove quietly lose walk forest ege hurt way yeah silent th gu gu yeah looking girl anger bay damned sailor silent leave time soon go explain narrow boot hehehehe brave enemy yeah yeah love cso 1944
-1 | duck tape mechanical eye blind not tell truth lie sewer cause street safe not tell tryin escape not sound runnin away cause desertion look mildly day duck camera lens hush microphone change thing wrong place leave s take feel good feel safe maybe runnin easy way fight right way fight birthplace let people forget have cause feed lie fear duck camera lens hush microphone change thing wrong place duck camera lens hush microphone change thing wrong duck camera lens hush microphone change thing wrong place duck camera lens hush microphone change thing wrong
+1 | sing soldier sing soldier sing way soldier sing soldier sing service combat remember duty soldier protect holy edge soviet native land sing soldier sing road far se soldier sing road easy take oath step firm let hand sing soldier sing tired sing soldier sing fact give halt grass sit pat house field byvlo sing soldier sing home wait family sing soldier sing wait girlfriend come honor girl window hello sing soldier sing sweet home native sing soldier sing hear voice leave house glorified house service fair boevoy1955
+1 | blue don leave edge darling silently go east blue don old maple loom shawl long hear word love know wait anguish sheet crimson wound burn river sand pitted shell moan steppe stand stalingrad black smoke long time volga dream don storm metelitsa come february holiday conquer battle wall rostov father edge road hello turn gray love let spin fall snow bank don maple branch tearstaine handkerchief leave dear land east west dnieper steep loose sand dnieper house 1943
+1 | army trouble come motherland soldier pipe army guard love destiny chorus ordinary easy fate military love harsh true willing military work have experience battle march soldier marshal family october march order lyric red fighter day war victory salute fate dead father chorus rush year life young sing pipe army guard love destiny chorus 1970
+1 | friend be leave friend leave construction site motherland call leave father house time native plant work year year grow day day guy factory forget 2 time forget shift factorywide courtyard doorman tube constant sincere conversation old man sit entrance keep order severity doorman factory forget 2 time samotochka falter lathe faithful shine handkerchief girl eye factory eye cloudy cheerful fire girl factory forget 2 time fly blue sky bird far way high flight meet capital time native plant work year year grow day day guy factory forget 2 time 1 956
-1 | go cork kerry mountain see captain farrell money countin produce pistol produce rapier say stand deliver oh devil ya yeah take money pretty penny take money yeah bring home molly swear shed love leave devil woman yeah know trick easy mushare dum dum da whack daddyo whack daddyo s whiskey jaro bein drunk weary go mollys chamber takin molly know danger maybe seven yeah walk captain farrell jump fire pistol shoot barrel yeah mushare dum dum da yeah yeah whack daddyo whack daddyo s whiskey jaro yeah whiskey yo whiskey whoa yeah hey yeah wow ohohohohoh hooohoh yeah hey yeah man like fishin man like foulin man like hear hear cannonball roarin like sleepin specially mollys chamber prison ball chain yeah mushare dum dum da hey heh whack daddyo whack daddyo s whiskey jaro yeah whiskey jaro yeah mushare dum dum da mushare dum dum da heyah mushare dum dum da mushare dum dum da yeaheh
+1 | prewar waltz peaceful sky fortress brest cramp apartment happy face waltz political leader invite bride brand new dice glitter buttonhole outside outside beauty new moon bug whisper weeping willow fortyfirst year beginning june alive alive alive look nevsky poster rock release come volga volga kronstadt sailor escort train long march stern stern white night meditation seagull circle gulf finland fortyfirst year beginning june alive alive alive past bolshoi theater facade rush rest ring tram tenth class exam tomorrow eternal flame kremlin glow ahead day sunrise stay happy fortyfirst year beginning june alive alive alive prewar waltz recall way waltz raise dear person bring road separate year pass outside quiet evening look portrait friend silence memory today forever alive alive alive memory today forever alive alive alive
+1 | plane fly miss love house worry honest day buzz airfield ship hold way sea plane fly ship sail mother understand understand meet threshold winter cold autumn rain thread run forest road city pick floor atv tread new development grow wife understand understand day week regret important thing fact time like luck happen like victory come child understand understand russian soviet song 19171977 comp n kryukov shvedov m artist lit 1977 1969
+1 | rano ranenko rano ranenko zorka ice drift collect good hiking pouch good evil scarlet silk sewingembroidere star sheelaembroidere remove head hammer sickle red silk canvas left kruchinushka fight enemy distant region die thunder summer harvest shepherd herd drive winter dear answer greeting cold late autumn december grate gateway courtyard bring friend neighbor silk embroider paint blood pouch grieve dark night field mezhuyev cry narrow shed tear road love forever change pouch embroidered silk save spring curl brown sing nightingale
-1 | lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose
-1 | spy spiderman softer shadow quick fly candy stripe leg spiderman come softly shadow evening sun sun steal past window blissfully dead look victim shivering shiver bed search fear gathering gloom suddenly movement corner room realise fright spiderman have dinner tonight quietly laugh shake head creep closer closer foot bed soft shadow quicker fly arm tongue eye calm quiet precious boy not struggle like love late away turn light spiderman spiderman have dinner tonight dinner tonight feel like be eat thousand million shiver furry hole know morning wake shivering cold spiderman hungry spiderman spiderman have have supper
+1 | far far away chinese version far far away wander fog breeze swaying rye one edge steppe mound remember live distant friend day night cease expensive desirable wait news sky tip blue splash swift river sigh sea widely stretch russian dear fatherland svetlookoy beautiful dawn far edge think far far away forest gray sleep rest hour beach animal track edge forever darle enemy dawn distant outpost life worry forget
-1 | take river drown drown drown look water keep sinkin feel like be dyin get foot ground know love come go go walk think would s laugh go basement look round round sit silence watch feel like be flyin get head cloud think crazy come go go walk think would s laugh go go walk think would s laugh go take river drown drown drown go go walk think would s laugh go go walk think would think would s laugh go
-1 | malice pray night lunatic priest pour lecture cruel evil masterys right necromancy unknowe preacher lascivious lash slavetrade kareyth force style reverend pray idolatry night place force die force religion corrode kareyth hang kareyth hang kareyth spasm anguish kareyths slave eye neuralpathic victim priest seduction place sinful suffer source plight necromancy unknowe preacher stronghold malice insanity pride fatal attraction force suicide babylon russia cruel dam foul kareyth evil disperse polluted light hang kareyth hang kareyth xxx xxx hang kareyth hang kareyth hang kareyth hang kareyth hang kareyth hang kareyth hang kareyth hang kareyth treachery treachery come
-1 | medicine deliver medicine deliver medicine deliver medicine deliver spoonful sugar sweeten taste place spoonful sugar sweeten taste place place place surrender sickness surrender sickness surrender sickness medicine deliver medicine deliver medicine deliver medicine deliver spoonful sugar sweeten taste place spoonful sugar sweeten taste place place place surrender sickness surrender sickness surrender sickness place place place place medicine deliver medicine deliver medicine deliver medicine deliver spoonful sugar sweeten taste place spoonful sugar sweeten taste place place place
+1 | song sailor native restless sea wind walk wave song sea wind argue fly distant shore weep wife wipe tear let howl storm astern experienced sailor pass storm unharmed come home let apart heavily fun meeting sailor let flask happiness wife mother cool rage wave evil wind mast bend distance storm glass friend sailor vspomyanut brother brother stand battle protect sacred heart home homeland boil wave bushuyte thunderstorm let insolent enemy tremble sorrow tear widow enemy pay sailor 1943
+1 | future contrary немецкий future contrary kuehlenden morning river wind worry siren sound happy wake stand morning shine fire blight new day go country fresh win life youth go ahead boldly kuehn father start complete win place place bid brotherly hand new day go country announce song glory beauty love light life work flay bread longer lack love work happiness pawn new day go land1936
+1 | pioneer soviet country ground song loudly rush ground sound horn hear song greet sun pioneers soviet country chorus character know case enthusiasm eye banner proudly pioneer soviet country pioneer pioneer pioneer soviet country 2p pravda lenin deliver saint party wise hearte faithful childhood homeland like guy pioneer soviet country chorus reignite dawn dream song bear believe peaceful sky planet pioneer soviet country chorus orchestral loss chorus
-1 | mississippi middle dry spell jimmy roger victrola high mamas dancin baby shoulder sun settin like molasse sky boy sing know want would leave long black velvet little boy smile black velvet slow southern style new religion will bring ya knee black velvet memphis music like heatwave white lightening bind drive wild mamas babys heart school girl love tender leave -PRON- cryin aisle way move sin sweet true want would leave long black velvet little boy smile black velvet slow southern style new religion will bring ya knee black velvet word song sing flash go happen soon black velvet little boy smile black velvet slow southern style new religion will bring ya knee black velvet black velvet little boy smile black velvet slow southern style new religion will bring ya knee black velvet
-1 | end noose fly raven fly
-1 | tell time know justify hatred home search wound filter truth not ignore life s real come feel rage inside wipe away rage inside batter world know place hide fall come feel rage inside wipe away rage inside come feel rage inside wipe away rage inside come feel rage inside wipe away rage inside
-1 | s stranger vision fortune would quit hard admit end begin face map world map world face map world map world yesterday come yesterday fear yesterday call not want read message mountain sit gold shit blood look life take council hell decide s innocent face map world map world face map world map world yesterday come yesterday fear yesterday call not want read message not want read message not want read message face map world yesterday come yesterday fear yesterday call not want read message yesterday yesterday yesterday fear yesterday yesterday not want read message not want read message not want read message
-1 | want want mtv look yoyos s way play guitar mtv be not workin s way money nothing chick free be not workin s way lemme tell ya guy be not dumb maybe blister little finger maybe blister thumb got to install microwave ovens custom kitchen delivery get to refrigerator get to colour tv little faggot earre makeup yeah buddy s hair little faggot get jet airplane little faggot s millionaire got to install microwave oven custom kitchen delivery get to refrigerator get to colour tv shoulda learn play guitar shoulda learn play drum look mama get stickin camera man fun s s hawaiian noise bangin bongo like chimpanzee be not workin s way money nothing chick free get to install microwave ovens custom kitchen delivery get to refrigerator get to colour tvs lord be not workin s way play guitar mtv be not workin s way money nothing chick free money nothing chick free
-1 | conquest lover love fire permanence unfold absolute forgiveness ultimate sacrifice eloquence belong conqueror picture time space rearrange little piece typical tragedy justified candy brandy nerve eloquence belong conqueror history sad statue liberty generation not agree history sad statue liberty generation not agree forget forgot let know justified candy brandy nerve eloquence belong conqueror conquest lover love fire permanence unfold absolute forgiveness ultimate sacrifice eloquence belong conqueror history sad statue liberty generation not agree history sad statue liberty generation not agree generation turn deaf ear cry human suffer suffer suffer history sad statue liberty generation not agree history sad statue liberty generation not agree generation belong belong
-1 | end ocean go thing leave step dear start begin ocean rise movement feel grow love step dear start
+1 | verses kurochkin brag dear know sky asterisk fetch memory gift people pure heart eusr scale handsome new shirt suit holiday stitch compliment district barber say sorry cute walk past past sight hold minute look eye be like love tell knock window explanation invite sunday fortyfive movie cherry quarrel friend climate local influential love miss neighborhood distance oh be heart live state miss neighborhood distance oh be heart live state
-1 | thirteen have go cold hard deal stand kneel everybody listen voice head everybody listen say want need not know real everybody listen voice head everybody listen say anytime listen voice head everybody listen say whispering name face uniform have wear go climb fall hold have tell dream free think ill sleep everybody listen voice head everybody listen say anytime listen voice head everybody listen say call name face uniform have wear go climb fall hold
-1 | find wait crossroad lam time run time right roadside hitch wait headlight blue will not bring pickup truck stop head kid boardwalk coast fix wrong old man bring far hellhound sniff trace good hope s chase blue carry dead bury
+1 | song elderly road difficult pace insistent people age friend judge passport      chorus mind aspire goal large stay friend young old soul doctor find good order day begin morning cheerful march sport charge pace hard let century important old man 1954
-1 | eleanor rigby pick rice church wedding life dream wait window wear face keep jar door lonely people come lonely people belong father mckenzie write word sermon hear come near look work darn sock night s care lonely people come lonely people belong ah look lonely people ah look lonely people eleanor rigby die church bury come father mckenzie wipe dirt hand walk trom grave save lonely people come lonely people belong ah look lonely people ah look lonely people lonely people lonely people lonely people lonely people lonely people lonely people lonely people lonely people ah look lonely people ah look lonely people eleanor rigby die church bury ah look lonely people aah lonely people come lonely people belong ah look lonely people ah look lonely people eleanor rigby die church bury
-1 | remind be golden fortress sun not spend follow river path one write name shore forever not find struggle world undefined decide want be eternity fly distant disappear awhile not sense today feel alive start fall apart let control reminisce day find deliver not hear word not matter world fly distant disappear awhile not sense today feel alive fly distant disappear awhile not sense today alive
-1 | peters pecker pick pickle bear pussy pepper peters pecker pick pickle bear pussy pepper meeting john dale junior wink eye point finger meeting john dale junior wink eye point finger cop undercover get shoot recover cop undercover get shoot recover fighting crime partner lois lane jimmy carter fight crime partner lois lane jimmy carter woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo wow ieaiaio ieaiaio light sky peters pecker pick pickle bear pussy pepper peters pecker pick pickle bear pussy pepper meeting john dale junior wink eye point finger meeting john dale junior wink eye point finger cop undercover get shoot recover cop undercover get shoot recover fighting crime partner lois lane jimmy carter fight crime partner lois lane jimmy carter woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo wow ieaiaio ieaiaio light sky ieaiaio ieaiaio light sky mind illusion acquaint bubbles erotica plutonium wedding ring icicle stretching bicycle shoestring flag flag number paint painting alive ieaiaio ieaiaio light sky ieaiaio ieaiaio light sky
+1 | song people police немецкий bear people people hear strength contest conspire build create    refraine    drum row close    united free    brother sister    kaempfer people police holding shaft plow office protect work hand enemy duress   refr mercenary servant servant ausbeutersdiicht ensure development country honor duty    refr1973
-1 | hope flavor tongue close eye pray hope oh god be hold breath realize fuck countless eye look sleep open eye god tell end think have lose have open eye piece fall away pray come day feel scream close fuckin heart close heart hope day come forget mind scream lip not translate tremble breath pick not lift oh god pick darle try hide scar blind pin needle bury eye s leave goodbye away goodbye second chance say would fade away sleep open eye oh god end glassy eye god tell end wanna wake nightmare wanna wake arm
+1 | song experienced sailor ship go happen swim sea wander shtormoval port overseas visit harbor overall homesick clear overall long home banana eat drank coffee martinique smoke tobacco istanbul evil cairo chew brother date boredom opinion bitter far homeland bitter beauty strange little window foreign port wander day leave soul tithe nastia nastya sweet nastya finish swim far kiss granite quay native crimea vladivostok ah kuril island distant distant island 1953
+1 | red pathfinders friend trouble forget help usual bail red sledopyty2p tank blind fire black horse hoof remember war remember evil war red sledopyty2p bygone smoke heros conceal glory return red sledopyty2p let easy reach trail rain wash away way red tracker 2p orchestral loss way red tracker 2p
+1 | come fidel испанский intend continue gain percent apartment house people suffer follow cruelly conspire people follow exploit fidel arrive fun commander arrive order stop fun commander arrive order stop intend continue gulp gulp land suspect sierra illuminate future follow cruelly custom crime cuba dive arrive fidel fun commander arrive order stop fun commander arrive order stop intend continue say rustler brigand highwayman ravage country follow cruelly infamy shield slander bearded fidel arrive fun commander arrive order stop fun commander arrive order stop intend continue play democracy people misfortune die follow cruelly heedless form theft rule fidel arrive fun commander arrive order stop fun commander arrive order stop
-1 | horse chariot church state devotion turn dangerous arm rule faith prisoner patriot angel saint mind persuade compassion turn hate tide come bury stay not let horse chariot drag love away border boundary sign draw red tape colour outside line define human race warlord suffer eye soldier slave fence climb determine s afraid tide come bury stay not let horse chariot drag love away swallow pride heart collide sky hysteria come rain cleanse salt hand divide world tide come bury live die not let horse chariot hide view eye swallow pride have choose faith have choose swallow pride heart collide
-1 | ooh stop foot air head ground try trick spin yeah head collapse s will ask mind mind mind mind mind mind way water swim swim caribbean animal hide rock little fish bump swear s try talk coy koi mind mind mind mind mind mind way water swim foot air head ground try trick spin yeah head collapse s will ask mind mind mind mind mind mind way water swim foot air head ground try trick spin yeah
+1 | forest frontline birch inaudible weightless fly yellow leaf old waltz autumn dream play accordion sigh complain bass trance sit listen soldier comrade waltz spring day go circle waltz land love friend waltz catch eye favorite light waltz sadness girlfriend sound wood near listen dream dear thought remembering spring know road lead war light joy previous meeting shine difficult hour ground lie death fire smoke fighter afraid necessary let friend turn strong steel let heart freeze tremble hand turn time come come friend let live yesterday wait tomorrow birch inaudible weightless fly yellow leaf old waltz autumn dream play accordion sigh complain bass trance sit listen soldier comrade moi1943
+1 | песня единого фронта немецкий и русский man human s need eat make geschwдtz satisfied create food drum leave drum leave place comrade line worker united worker man man need clothe shoe make geschwдtz warm drum drum leave   man man boot face like want slave master drum leave proletarian proletarian drum befrein work worker liberation worker drum leave
+1 | good afternoon chorus good afternoon good afternoon s call good day lot succeed good day sing day good afternoon city wake home sunny day smile tenderly hasten hurry hurry business chorus call good day forest shop institution new long journey underground penetrate soar sky star open door step chorus evening sun begin fade sky roof little blue end day wait week month year good day chorus wish good day today hope forget long time friend stage welcome pripev1959
-1 | go look trouble boy find s love like dark milkwhite neck devil mark hallow eve moon trick treat bet happy halloween baby s get date midnight nosferatu oh baby lily munster be not get call evil laugh cast spell boo bitchcraft yeah wanna cause raining blow not cause root show dye -PRON- black ooh dye -PRON- black black black black black number black black black black number little wolfskin boot clove cigarette erotic funeral s dressed perfume smell like burn leave day halloween yeah wanna cause raining blow not cause root show dye -PRON- black ooh dye -PRON- black black black black black number dye -PRON- black black black black black number black number love love love love like love dead love love love love like love dead love like love dead loving like love dead loving like love dead like love dead like love dead like love dead sacre bleu love love love love like love dead like fuck dead love like love dead loving like love dead loving like love dead like love dead love love love love love love like love dead like love dead like love dead black black black black number dye -PRON- black black black black black number black number ooh yeah black black black black number black black black black number
-1 | oh man be tired lonely man drown slowly not go way deep oh yeah open sky fall tear come like drop rain fall ocean come rainy day oh time have crawled go run have leave feel traumatize yea rape drain innocence gift have lose time gaze rainy day open sky fall tear come like drop rain fall ocean come yeah swear have give have give feel way oh rainy day hey open sky fall tear come like drop rain fall ocean come rainy day rainy day oh rainy day rainy day
+1 | street capital street capital come young festival joy light face star shine distance rejoice minute rejoice hour present fate go busy area park bredom grass thousand lover meet moscow today distant sound orchestra float carry away oh week week festival night orchestral loss pass minute know close separation leave moscow sad mahnosch hand bitter sad parting part love happen believe believe 1957
-1 | need justify opinion have see year year return time come thing change not need adoration demand respect allow opportunity deny half decade labor place have face have see month spend far home move have grow accustom leave measure dollar figure s deep meaning not wait day have surpass give false sense importance want question want watch slip away want realize existence mean hate fucking know hate make feel like know deep be good person patience wear thin good retaliation think let know life be truly happy be content oppression effect not need justify opinion have year year receive return not explain word be fucking thankful today watch world shoulder height far
-1 | roll town pass quarry river bed bridge bunker shed roll pit rail car yard prove worth brother dare devil smirk oh way kid brother shadow cold heart legacy oh run train steel track dirt oh live stand tremble wait smoke tree roll feel rumble feel beneath foot roll closer hold ground steadfast ignore sound go quiet rush take head pull push engine think coal steam racing thought question adolescent rivalry nod elder younger fear topple rail timber s dodge fucking coward train roll yellowbelly home train roll
-1 | slay punk not know identity spit use like obscenity get skull closet kennedy nut better hold tenderly tell s crackin splitten corrosin floor shake snake bitten cold sweat like james name know not mean shit be not get clue s happen interaction world collide survive reaction hold tight cause storm like shitty weather ask set catastrophe set catastrophe s way damn world mad not damn be glad pain fame society actuality formality be not shit takin personally proper year bringin funk count hella gettin hump get load skull get hand pump get boss nutty punk yeah not wanna king sing soul assassin cypress team rhyme sing bitch scream love old south gangsta lean psycobeta guess crackin turn mad dog start rappin look hostile ah damn wild shake hurry voodoo child not catch hangin mortar hold ill turn -PRON- punk wild ask set catastrophe set catastrophe s way damn world mad not damn be glad pain fame society actuality formality be not shit takin personally 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 come be tired whack rapper fame seeker like know deal sneaker not mind exposin hollow bitch get medicine swallow bitch play role like actor oscar gun spray gun away cut roster imposter lose composure respect exposure bring closure denial remain vile place style senseless wild long trail fail s introduce street sweeper ask set catastrophe ask set catastrophe ask set catastrophe ask set catastrophe set catastrophe s way damn world mad not damn be glad pain fame society actuality formality be not shit takin personally
+1 | meet dawn meet dawn comrade struggle bayonet grapeshot pave way boldly forward firm step junior flag young guard worker peasant experience bond labor know youth snare slave shackle soul chain heritage impenetrable darkness young guard worker peasant sweat mountain work wealth work end forge fighter young guard worker peasant raise flag comrade build labor republic work ruler world family solder battle young guard worker peasant
-1 | have search exit be lose inside head spend wake moment wish dead minute away minute wipe away tear lose right ocean deep low friend heart sink yeah lose right ocean deep low friend heart sink like s cancer blood like s water lung not step tell undo like s fire skin be drown not breath tell undo have search exit be lose inside head spend wake moment wish end not step live inside mind not face day fucking tired lose right ocean deep low friend heart sink yeah lose right ocean deep low friend heart sink like s cancer blood like s water lung not step tell undo like s fire skin be drown not breath tell undo have search exit be lose inside head spend wake moment wish dead ill step ill shed tear drown underground ill breath be home great unknown like s cancer blood like s water lung not step tell undo like s fire skin be drown not breath tell undo
+1 | street palikha palikha street left ulomov crossroad quiet stand hunchbacked house palikha palikha heart cute beauty weaver live house window silver elm evening hear accordion finger fret boy sing let dear come light know lot song hinder thing close bang beautiful window soon find go house scrap weaver give order large highrise building visible window moscow river yes pity accordion boy weaver think hour frame thump softly curly climber decorate wall finish salute dear come light moscow rich live close quarter love guy proper height 1951
-1 | precious wife shamble crumble bid tide climb high rip shore fix swear trust old rust care care precious wife promise pledge flesh doubt love stand proud raise child believe falter fade know d change way think strange think lover have wrap past broken glass speak shudder oh precious wife believe ill revive have build family marriage tear apart oh speak precious silence scream give failure hear promise mean live forever deathbed allow change mind promise listen oh husband control husband abstain stop wind blow refuse fall rain love stir storm inside wrap arm waist fail dear be sorry oh be sorry sure rain fall love fail reason
-1 | know have get time think invincible be think sign cause think invincible crush path crush path crush path crush path not wrong love have place wish chance help build instead move home disrepair expect work prosper share constantly rely consume feel content have lose touch home have spend trillion dollar taint want need grow tired plant blearyeye seed be say better give chance would try would try would dig earth timeworn soil fill trench greedy eye be say better give chance would try would dig earth timeworn soil fill trench greedy eye would imagine would imagine would imagine would imagine day empire haste colonize claim control contain sit patiently future helpless switch know have get time think invincible be think sign deep breath clench fist come juggernaut crush path crush path crush path crush path hell happen not know man have shut eye hope good go to face step track stare right face thou shall pass know have get time think invincible be think sign cause think invincible crush path crush path crush path crush path know have get time think invincible be think sign deep breath clench fist come juggernaut know have get time think invincible be think sign think invincible hope have get time cause think invincible idea community display museum
+1 | song fiveyear plan figure simple large scale homeland map change fiveyear solid step excellent stamp school learning strong fivefiveyear plan diary native strany2p temper komsomol people strong steel amur lake baikal draw highway geologist exploration light light building fiveyear plan year plan peaceful labor native country 2p ready new starts interplanetary spacecraft conquer atom formidable happiness world ray shine star tower clock strike kremlovsoy wall bright day yesterday new day home country fiveyear plan year plan new day native country 1976
-1 | like jew ancient spain christ pay pain modern day inquisition link craft doctor thief wear mask overpay meat magician life kill life kill life kill life kill doctorate phd wipe ass etch fece cure affliction doctor jeckyll mengele face blur not improve condition life kill life kill life kill life kill appointment wait hour realize power would mortician parent save buck education stem luck future corpse death physician choice devoid right pull plug damned life alive increase bill red cross hell hospital let die dignity suicide simply mercy think medical school not god not care have teach life support let die dignity suicide simply mercy life kill life kill life kill life kill say life kill life kill say life kill life kill life kill
+1 | come time whistle bullet childhood propeto2r lead whistle bullet nascha song sung2p chorus 2p revolution dostoyny2r come time fight fight machine gun mow travy2r fight fight need award slavy2r chorus vain leave deadline childhood2p vain call battle serdtse2r chorus 1981
-1 | regenerate regenerate life regenerate regenerate have return reclaim miss stable ground wait face world s sink think world star not arm world s sink stop live live hell bring proper course band stand bring place know band regroup hear voice inside use truth guide time restore faith regenerate change search cure cause world drown quick guard heart forget share scar world s drown stop live live hell bring proper course band stand bring place know band regroup hear voice inside use truth guide time restore faith regenerate change condemn confide condemn confide busy pick condemn confide regenerate change life condemn confide regenerate regenerate life bring proper course band stand bring place know band regroup hear voice inside use truth guide time restore faith regenerate change regenerate regenerate life regenerate regenerate have return reclaim
+1 | song young young child family labor work class reserve combat raise fatherland beloved mother share happy away chorus thank party party path light great care wise warm dawn youth march road wide straight profession goal fulfil term time construction site factory come master chorus komsomol stand hello komsomol diligently store today training tomorrow work chorus 1956
-1 | announcer wow beautiful go to caller go judy line oshawa air hello judy ask question judy rejection affect life judy group people reject like like reject person particular not wanna announcer judy cause cause have forgive forget take dive oshawa take dive oshawa take dive oshawa take dive oshawa take dive oshawa
+1 | orenburg uzhgorod order give mind heart distance problem friend comrade different country common labor chorus yes yes yes family friendly family friendly strong family like steel orenburg uzhgorod orenburg uzhgorod need highway fly inside wide tube earth negasnuschy fire wait change worker club hot hand chorus live snow wind contrary young city rise like beacon pripev1981
+1 | night belgrade night belgrade quiet come stead day remember brightly flash rage thunder fire remember hour horror black car fly squeeze heart listen night singe song chorus flame anger burn chest flame anger campaign lead way paycheck ready death death blood blood battle slavs dawn come whispering reed meandering softly sing danube corpse people torture brother find sky croatia sweet stones carpathian mountain formidable swear power rebuff enemy chorus people fall awaken bold sound ashe land destroy heart pound sky war conflagration motherland call forward comrade forward enemy chorus 1942
-1 | meet girl late year say not worry disappear tell be look mistake call old friend think trouble wait jump right week later return reckon look lover burn give time night pause moment right go away month path cross tell look friend maybe swing room baby bring lemon bottle gin sheet till late baby want say s singe not fuck love heart cold arm not wanna know babe not fuck love tell know aim reload not wanna know babe couple week wanna drink away day takeaway pizza text message way reach s stay place love way treat singing aretha track like feature want sleep guess not want money way city plane day show maybe figure would film sit couch plane miss wish would write way thing play kiss confused figure be sit singe not fuck love heart cold arm not wanna know babe not fuck love tell know aim reload not wanna know babe knock knock knock hotel door not know know cry shoulder tell ya trust respect intend not need bed s see threat disappear sex course like tour stay fucking hotel floor not look promise commitment fun think different way realize want bit late be honest time god know be singe not fuck love heart cold arm not wanna know babe not fuck love tell know aim reload not wanna know babe not fuck love heart cold arm not wanna know babe not fuck love tell know aim reload not wanna know babe
+1 | sparkle dew spring night motorway dew sparkle silver love high steep mound mighty new dam good rest day forget tune nightingale night distance steep cliff fly river cloud late hour unusually beautiful familiar childhood river steppe end good reputation hero proud blade grass native forever forever forever wave lap berth incident steep bank echo widely voice song love young mound steppe sky cherish shine star forget youth year night river 1958
+1 | la unidad popular объединенный народ немецкий shout el pueblo unido jam s ser vencido el pueblo unido jam s ser vencido sung 1 sing new song start new battle future win united defeat enemy k fume friend tomorrow winner gl song new morning ht flag gl ht wild wind chile k fume fight w grow pain burn mine himmelw rts north south d popular banner draw unit gl ht forge chile ore way clear popular unity people k mpf hand brain heart people rise battle sing sing m chtiger voice shout el pueblo unido jam s ser vencido el pueblo unido jam s ser vencido sung 2 chile sing song new light new day dawn friendly red blood bright clear good comrade courage people tuner talk step million draw people unite leave fascist chile dance find fight hrt combine dance march fascist pack come come day victory day bill prrepresented ahead forward f r forlorn chain one lose people people rise battle sing sing m chtiger voice shout el pueblo unido jam s ser vencido el pueblo unido jam s ser vencido
-1 | guy drool sample soul choose wrong die everlasting teenage recoil fall love come undone heart unbroken wish lucky star feel skinny like not exist lolita kiss get to feel feel touch touch not die young die young everlasting teenage recoil fall love come undone heart unbroken wish lucky star everlasting teenage recoil fall love come undone heart unbroken wish lucky star odd get zip lose odd get zip lose everlasting teenage recoil fall love come undone heart unbroken wish lucky star everlasting teenage recoil fall love come undone heart unbroken wish lucky star
-1 | travel north country fair wind hit heavy borderline remember live true love snowflakes storm river freeze summer end coat warm howl wind hair hang long roll flow breast hair hang long s way remember good be wonder remember time have think pray darkness night brightness day travel north country fair wind hit heavy borderline remember live true love
+1 | woodsroll copse roll native land teaching soldier noon heat forest field distance stand girl flower way young man way far stay dear hour happily richly live plenty space soldier table say soldier answer today time native simply accept invitation come year learn evening copse roll native land come teaching soldier camp pass recall way girl invite pogostit1949
-1 | chase misprinted lie face path time fight fight battle cry place home oooh oooh oooh oooh gift self rape privacy rake find find repeat head not would feel better dead oooh oooh oooh oooh
-1 | look look chiapas mexico want know want know war people right slave globalisation kill right wing group oppress state armed conflict resort need voice voiceless riot radio come choice join riot radio riot radio riot radio get to understand zapatistas not want war press question weather die gun hand need voice voiceless riot radio come choice join riot radio riot radio riot radio song cause important involve active riot riot riot riot radio riot riot riot riot radio
-1 | respire desire lean fall respond answer answer cuz wait star change talk be impatient sun change meet speak unconnected catch tongue infected ce not breathe venom heart issue stare right crush faith crush mind s cynic love believe man want image like leather glove be impatient sun cuz wait star change
-1 | watch wonder creep wall have tragic sly cascade watch flood away light candle flame wick entwine late not fire rain bad know know fall time collide death right sooner later find new wind carry home heart turn stone pray strong weather gem cindered coal leave smoke burn stoke bad know know fall time collide death right leave wonder leave wonder start finish end start life break callous heart break callous heart bad know know fall time collide death right
-1 | baby bear nettle fern evening choke candle burn disguise cover bitter lie repeat joke meaning die pass coat be afraid leave be let know know need ill turn beautiful town will believe eye deceive easy not let easy not let easy not let not lose get cold outside rent space shadow box paper chase stop learn hope dope jobless return banker bail mighty retreat pleasure fail end week leave receive receive eternite leave easy not let easy not let easy not let not lose incandescent light door adolescent menopause little click get music stop needle stick penny drop summer go know muffled drum relentless flow look star vertigo suns burn dust blow honey scar ill near blood gold fear kill time love dear kiss wine disappear particle divisible invisible particle divisible invisible
+1 | song pioneer dream grove ray burn flower sleep morning friend pioneer dream silence forest fire chorus way way wide distant path open motherland dare dream walk firmly beautiful waterway childhood high flight voyage sea honest good work dream dream friend chorus fearless soul road clear dream pioneer boundless country chorus step taiga give construction site sound ax remember nice dream silence forest fire pripev1949
-1 | dear sky dear sky not cry cry hope reach cold sea not let sink not let sink wrap arm carry home stand shore speak ocean stand water let gut spill say different reflection secret oh blue heart darkness know sit rooftop scream sky sit edge know deep inside like sky horizon love forever reach secret oh blue heart darkness know distance bear sea sky grow apart loneliness bear day let let let let let let let let stand shore speak ocean stand water let let gut spill let gut spill secret oh blue heart darkness know know dear sky dear sky not cry cry hope reach cold sea not let sink not let sink wrap arm carry home dear sky
-1 | day talk volume drink coffee cook number clear mind forget worry untrue unkind s truth instinct s lie s go s truth instinct s lie s go say cause scandal have hear say s original verbal vandal steal word clear mind s way will convert s way s sure s way ill suck s way s damn sure s way will convert s way s sure hopelessly reach s truth s lie s way will convert s way s sure s way will convert s way s sure s truth s lie
-1 | unsettled mind time ally leave sense fend sense collect undeniable datum beta carotene thetawave unsettled mind time ally leave sense fend sense want sky rise eye bind time feel like midnight ride finality wait outside weep perplexity arm caress smile inside national debt time ally leave people fend people collect undeniable datum bout high pulse weapon microwave national debt time ally leave people fend people find lie rise eye bind arise heaven bind time feel like midnight ride finality wait outside weep perplexity arm caress smile inside wait high wait touch sky rise eye bind arise heaven bind time feel like midnight ride finality wait outside weep perplexity arm caress smile
+1 | sing country home rich sun shine bright warm home hut fly song flock pigeon good song meet dawn triumphant day good friend young march victory song ring chorus sing friend girlfriend about difficult spacious road bright big city generously fill bowl happiness lie ahead joyful youth call labor love 2 time native country pass day young pass hour strong strong song youth song breathe ease bloom garden rustle forest water tell joy moment sing good year happiness friendship love chorus 1952
-1 | better find way better find way tell got amend not wait know hello wait find failure let will know hello wait faith love believe be break hello wait wait wait
+1 | song young worker married marry guy work class friend young family road work forward storm height clear goal middle refer purpose life heart big dream friend young family road work forward storm height clear goal necessary youth today youth work strong friendship work proud honor friend young family road work forward storm height clear goal
-1 | let slowly drift away drift away let slowly drift away drift away let slowly drift away drift away let slowly drift away drift away
-1 | yesterday lay carpet book kitchen thing object specific purpose arrange sideways grid floor unmoore context consider picture individually hum dead pace imaginable object wonder mean mean find note camp supply book buy desert identify wildflower picture vacation party kitschy gift buy rest stop road trip west object memory lay dining room living room hallway basement kitchen room call office bathroom lay floor carpet context sit hour today move floor table dining room place thing carefully reason understand describe table step realize keepsakes picture letter ordinary object collect memorial think one highway set gravestone thing not understand bring remembered thing vividly invoke someone reality place way context know anybody see tomorrow plan thing box road attic maybe thing push pull history place place have go place end go postcard ticket stub thing personalized coffee mug phone card old phone page old calendar buy thrift store insist hang cycle moon print photo old boot box sit hour living room dining room move thing pick thing see take place history moment timeline think would end house highway drive near christmas desert box
-1 | incomprehensible sample
-1 | desert sand dun drift body collapse skin crack burn desert burn time desert sand dun drift body collapse skin crack burn desert burn time
-1 | bogeyman wait shadow dream afraid fall asleep awake til weak come sweetie come bogey time let will pain bottle inside pain will know know pain s accuse scar not begin pain bottle inside pain will know know pain s accuse scar not begin soul break mend mend trap silent cage come sweetie come come sweetie come bogey time let will run sweetie run cry fade serenade run cry fight die pain bottle inside pain will know know pain s accuse scar not begin pain bottle inside pain will know know pain s accuse scar not begin begin come bogeyman bogeyman come bogeyman bogeyman penetrate dream come bogeyman bogeyman take white give red
+1 | pioneer march column colony banner pass harden street native language sing pipe camp rattle drum listen song guy different country chorus ahead ahead exactly step light fire red flag time come praise peaceful labor world comrade salute far pioneer let pass year engineer city build go wilderness mountain let river blue unprecedented way chorus grow happy golden sun decorate steppe nivami gardens turn remake earth up heaven make great courageous afford chorus salute
+1 | swallow kasatochka combat soldier go ahead yes song thunder thunder song sing row sing sing sing chorus oh swallow swiftwinge whale dear storonka dear yes oh swallow mykasatochka swiftwinge soldier repeatedly fire yes go attack shy shy burn tank armor burn burn burn burn chorus hold river way yes hiss bullet dive dive wound begin sink river drown drown drown drown chorus start beat enemy soldier yes hard beat kill kill oh lay consider consider count count chorus west soldier yes go press press regard enemy flee run run run away run away chorus today keenly look ahead yes milestone store store continue calm people forward look proglyadim proglyadim chorus 1948
-1 | walk street collar snowfall hole pocket knee sleep bar room horse stall not stay long place kid not like face mother hold child close fear father curse breath sneer walk street year pass snowfall time waste drink day beg lose soul hold merit vagrant boxcar hell best know friend proud scrounging meal alibis sell devil deal feel direction home home place come home home writ wall church hostels home home say martyr lose souls home home say prophet plain clothe strum guitar scream sing have tired not sleep train get up down day have low get have throw have let have shame have hardship have strip pride have low get spend drinkin worry head day spend wonderin wishin dead muster word mouth sing oh sing would train cause have hopin have prayin s god die be save find be lose cause s away one love spend drinkin worry head day spend wonderin wishin q dead muster word mouth sing oh sing would train be go to
+1 | sailor horseback ride road zealous horseback bezkozyrki tape imagine moonlight sailor sit horse hey man wind bring horse chorus sailor fight water zamle meet sailor horseback sailor stop say horse kuban bear cossack blood fatherland nearby native land look fight leningrad darle kuban chorus sailor fight water zamle surprised brother sailor horseback morpehoty jump dust need fleet reorder ship come surprising see horse sailor fleet be line ready sit chorus sailor fight water land soul sailor native ship sailor spur horse horse jerk battle similarly leave sea thicket forest tap hoof clatter ride ahead sailor smile widely think like chorus sailor fight water land soul sailor native ship 1944
-1 | feel build feel build feel build feel build feel build devastation way feel hair neck rush begin not away earn sweat blood not away s breathe new life challenge power feel feel feel feel feel feel feel feel feel feel slip lose grip face win end not laugh not away earn sweat blood not away s breathe new life challenge power breathe new life challenge power breathe new life breathe new life breathe new life not come have catch late hit not forget not forget face not away earn sweat blood not away s breathe new life challenge power breathe new life challenge power breathe new life breathe new life breathe new life breathe new life breathe new life
+1 | youth song young people people different dialect heart soul strive meet chorus goal defend truth peace people order mother happiness child people young friendship great power honest business great hope rally chorus people young youth know fear believe victory believe fighting win pripev1953
-1 | come look open twice smooth silk flush eye need stitch come ring not feel not care yeah cut right yeah scar yes scar come find vein accident give pain father not scared death guess glad be dead yeah cut right yeah scar yes scar yeah god not believe hype god not believe hype god not believe hype god not believe hype find way betray oh swear find way are inside vice like rub dark stormy night not remember remember blood rain see come yeah cut right yeah scar yes scar yes scar yes scar s be
-1 | day sorrow neverende like countless road have drive price attachment pursuit dream not remember day beauty contain crawl ordinary thing foreigner place hold make little time waste word say city leave act precious play close regret leave wish thing differently moment treasure seldom one plan know pain hide let audience run late drift time face life set foreigner home hold place waste word say city leave act precious play close regret regret waste word day line peace pain like blur know certainty not leave wish leave not leave wish would thing differently waste word say city leave act precious play close regret regret waste word
+1 | edge fly death ominous shadow keep life line battle militia near approach moscow chorus pain glory change fate moscow moscow power cut edge cutting edge love moscow love holy terrible hour autumn mist go battle son steppe region near approach moscow chorus lie forever remain friend wet grass depleted regiment fight near approach moscow chorus spotlight thrash star midnight blue fate star solve near approach moscow chorus pain glory june thunder victorious moscow moscow power moscow cut edge 1986
-1 | want piece mind peace find doubt repay kind crowded room ghost forget tomb widow maker company cause fool people not fool world rest life fool people not fool world notice care curtain fall notice care curtain fall soulless spineless cut beggar cloth fill skull shit till run mouth heartless carcass have see life dead men eye have hear truth night would believe believe fucking lie would sooner fail thousand time regret try cause fool people not fool world rest life fool people not fool world not fool howl world speak dead language sell soul buy pray god fashion industry head cloud live fucking knee knee notice care curtain fall notice care curtain fucking fall soulless spineless cut beggar cloth fill head shit till run mouth heartless carcass have see life dead men eye have hear truth night night peace find
+1 | marshal budyonny village salsk steppe silence distance wide eagle sky grow fearless native people marshal friend legendary hero budyonny song language victory glorious shelf exploration tank shore wade glory red army budonnovtsy ahead budyonny thug white soviet authority protect wolf horse man fire war denikin defeat break pan budyonny glory fly country enemy hoof horseback exploration tank sand ice glory red army budonnovtsy ahead lead voroshilov people commissar road budyonny win new battle hot hoof enemy tremble earth tremble storm thunderstorm budyonny pass stalin pack mighty eagle exploration tank aircraft sky glory red army budonnovtsy ahead 1938
+1 | song zoe silence light sound twilight tree quietly asleep rear enemy rustle sound guerrilla detachment leave old man member komsomol dawn river fog volunteer girl seventeen girl worn kuban cap drop connection burn bridge proud partisan detachment komsomol zoya moscow winter retreat enemy set fire village nazis hang zoe morning soon dawn break die people hero live forever swear dear zoe revenge enemy
+1 | krasnoflotsky march soviet land ocean form salty sea stre worth hour red fleet battle keep blue border chorus land sea enemy fight battle sailor ready fight honor glory lead watch battle komsomol study work call proudly raise ship soviet navy red pennant chorus heat blizzard north south protect watchful gaze battery fire door sea passage hostile battleship chorus deeper distance steel yes hand weaken drop blood shed sea enemy drop chorus land sea enemy fight battle sailor ready fight honor glory 1937
-1 | time listen whine nothing melodramatic fool neurotic bone doubt creeps mind play trick keep addin think be crackin paranoid stone go shrink analyze dream say lack sex s bringin go whore say life bore quit whining cause bringin creeps mind play trick keep addin think be crackin paranoid yeah yeah yeah grasp control better hold creeps mind play trick keep addin think be crackin paranoid stone
+1 | inch heavy bass ring bomb hit fountain fire bob tenneli dance care prior burst ground like walnut like chip crack armor bob examine laughter care bulletdur go eye sunset time care ordinary soldier sin store memory sad place milestone care 1959
-1 | give strength have strong give love have give illusion torment confusion good butterfly glass jar let sew wrap wing not fly away fly away let let give strength love illusion torment confusion good butterfly glass jar let sew wrap wing not fly away fly away person imagine spend rest life arm arm let fly away not leave say not not not wanna live not wanna die butterfly butterfly not leave say not not leave not leave not leave not not leave not not leave not
+1 | ski song skiing light creak pass steel cheek guy red currant cold wind hand rake mash snow order feel chilly chorus 2p rush wood let breathe wind boole fun song morning winter welcome sprinkle christmas tree snow blue needle animal track track wolf hare stitch rabbit bite meet wellaimed snowball vspug n annogo hare chorus skiing light creak snow forest waist pioneer unit rush ski wood slender birch past dark fir afraid cold afraid snowstorm pripev1957
+1 | stalin say glorious country song wonderful happiness warm like sun sky good call song meet eighteenth congress grand kremlin meet people homeland come anticipation stalin speech shine face chorus stalin say happen stalin say matter word hard know soviet people know world stalin say bandura native ukrainian play string dombra strike kazakh song rush edge edge ring grow eye mountain light blast furnace desert dam rise go huge communism immortal soviet people chorus country eyebrow child frown country song please rumor hand woman plane storm order lenin poet shepherd word stalin ardent cry lead win world great majesty greatness stalin year chorus 1939
+1 | unity song cry hear planet communist equal rank let resound heart cry song pipe chorus communist country communist hope happiness people unity flame banner triumph noble idea old world away fight hand bastion steel bear holy war midst people chorus live huge planet dawn communism light future responsible chorus need universal brotherhood stronghold banner marx lenin victory come call chorus 1961
-1 | eye organize puppet fool fiction screen lose freedom find greed control camera watch eye government spy pay tell lie end win pow fall fall hell earth man create devil devil create excuse justify killing not news wonder history repeat number will try hurt good not let break not let break will try punish good know need not let break knock knock mock bird stop bang one fuck 2 second lay flat face ground face ground face ground way would face ground face ground face ground way would face ground not world far safe cypher spend life danger prosecute man exist free eye eternally standby number
+1 | forever leave shore forever leave shore beloved russia wait sailor seaman broad give sea friend want tear pass parting evening sailor like love seriously throw word wind let sea rage gloomy sky deaf disturb depth sailor obstacle hold return beloved
-1 | little closer let fold cut open sternum pull little rib rung ill south pocket gladly rocky cliff leap peer forget foot split thread thunder chest sink edge round lake quarry brink edge round round round little closer let fold cut open sternum pull little rib arm crown little closer let fold cut open sternum pull little rib arm ill south pocket likely rocky cliff leap peer forget foot split thread thunder listen closely closely floor emit grace pore fine shrine will build fine shrine chest sink edge round lake quarry brink edge round round round little closer let fold cut open sternum pull little rib arm crown little closer let fold cut open sternum pull little rib arm
-1 | leg dangle edge bottle friend think ill slit wrist be go go go go leg dangle edge stomach pill not work ill bullet head be go go go go go far yea be go go long tell end be sit edge good friend one bottle pill one bottle gin be story yea polish bottle push asphalt look soft bet momma find letter s call cop have get opportunity miss cause hear siren distance believe tell have persistent cause be scar scar wrist have try long dull knife tonight sure sharpen twice buy suit life meet god know want look nice survive ill tomorrow yea ill tomorrow leg dangle edge bottle friend think ill slit wrist be go go go go leg dangle edge stomach pill not work ill bullet head be go go go go hit sky go light sun s night not sleep not dream not dream s life mean feel little pity not empathize old get old watch young man die mother son know smile realize not not know happen kid raise happen father swear would stay not know cause not momma feel guilt yea momma feel pain young think would die find scared try look mirror say goodbye climb roof fly survive ill tomorrow yea ill tomorrow leg dangle edge bottle friend think ill slit wrist be go go go go leg dangle edge stomach pill not work ill bullet head be go go go go wish fly way sky like bird high oh try wish fly way sky like bird high oh try oh try
+1 | volkhovskaya drinking occasionally friend meet chance recall drink usual tradition russia let family leningrad sit table recall russian soldier strength german drive tikhvin let drink week long lay frozen trench fight ladoga fight volkhov retreat single step let drink command company die snow leningrad penetrate marsh break enemys throat forever glorify tradition machinegun snowstorm bayonet sinyavina heights shelf beneath mgoy stand choknemsya circle stand bratstvo friend fight let drink courage fall hero drink meeting live
-1 | type man mother earth luck live dirt type color skin s crucial lose win feel alive eagle cry feel strong mountain high fact unattainable stay stay stay belong stay stay stay belong rain keep knock mother earth snow keep fall worth live ache die predestine die cast thought fade time melt flesh fade have feel kid meet heaven feast rise god release stay stay stay belong stay stay stay belong belong human crap win succumb trap set deceitfulness stumble thankfulness know survive storm tell man worm little error hopeless crust sleazy man limb rust stay stay stay belong stay stay stay belong
+1 | song war correspondent moscow brest place wander dust watering notepad machine gun fire cold go 1 sip comrade song weld come small offering drink write drink remove drink march fire reason drink 2 military wire u2 emku success march foot shoulder push wind cold sing bad 3 reproach pokochuyte ponochuyte povoyuyte year visit tank lose ragged pickup 4 revolver enter city here victory newspaper live dear hear remove write remember note 1 performance reduce verse alive dead 2 verse drink reason 3 verse wind vodka husky throat 4 text booklet place plate left white line pyatno1945
-1 | world taking world taking world taking run free run free wild lose mind escape inhibition taste wind let hair throw hand let forget consequence let run free open heart open mind new world new world spread wing learn fly new world new world world taking world taking world taking run free run free wild lose mind world taking open wide scream loud life let forget come let run free open heart open mind new world new world spread wing learn fly new world new world close eye pray big world worth time hell know go end single regret live love laugh cry follow dream will not end not afraid run free wild let heart soar eagle run free wild let love will not end not afraid
-1 | leave mark skin oh strong feast eye disdain hope will not scar belong belong push need pain cause tell scream hate cause ill fall come sit close let feel breath come sit close hand neck come sit close let feel breath come sit close close belong belong decide alive be diseased ungrateful confide liar be disease push till break bleed ill okay decide alive be diseased ungrateful confide liar be diseased ungrateful decide alive be diseased ungrateful confide liar be disease sit close sit close come sit close come sit close
-1 | eye like head know kind will not reveal evil mind not wait sacrifice let s leave know find fire eye be go way away breath right leave hole heart get to fight cause death soon soon pour salt open wound let sacrifice let s leave know find fire eye be go way away breath right leave hole heart get to fight cause death be wait be pray realize start hate breath right leave hole heart get to fight cause death
-1 | be go to live today live change come time life time hey s today s today time change awake dream day thing say life lead breathe hope humanity promise promise promise would thinking place wishing old give world s say ill put rest hold chin high s lift inside inside void void sky sun sky sun sky sun awake dream day thing say life lead live breathe hope humanity be go to live today
-1 | walk away not tell tonight not happen not happen not word walk away okay lie alright love leave know not tell tonight not word walk away okay lie alright love leave know ill be okay time have open eye bad love will leave dead will know ill be okay time have open eye bad love will leave dead will know
+1 | stand long ago rest simply rest half europe belly plow tomorrow tomorrow final battle little little bit fight difficult be russia home want see mother be russia home want see mother fourth year plague kraut fourth year salty sweat blood river devchonochka good love touch hand motherland little little bit fight difficult be russia home want see mother be russia home want see mother time tomorrow melee time russia able serve die scary hope live little little bit fight difficult be russia home want see mother be russia home want see mamu1976
-1 | funny think collapse lie dirt thing come would guess probably have say would check limb intact try play house neighbor basement sister husband old bidding remember dad come say think bad not know half laugh funny thing come thing sort smile like joke lie inside eye secret people tell little child warning like look be unhappy not mistake old wear joke married life tell toast reception occur couple burn end uncertain splitsville funny think wreckage lie dirt dust glass suddenly desert night time gettin close christmas movie voice use read welcome land enchantment highway sign late exit trip end come rent jobless guess retrospect have sensed decay day say not know promise would rearrange thing ro fix mess would guess end move furniture guess end move furniture guess end move furniture guess end sort feel like day hard stay happy way look fence neighbor yard risk safe stay distant hard content s be propose toast compose joke marry man maybe be miserable would run mayor splitsville suffer joke
-1 | be day guess come undo time time different way blame guess not understand need help way god get plan be go to tell thing not got patience time be angel be forsake bleed tear open believe god set bleed deceive mean bloody murder scream guess time tell be leave believe cause not know concept pain not want faith ill lose prove watch bleed tear open believe god set bleed deceive mean bloody murder scream god send tear open cause be give self control suffocate bone be bad enemy not save be disgrace tear open believe god set bleed deceive mean bloody murder scream god send tear open day strange true s thing change mistake would undo
+1 | go friend come little light hand voucher komsomol committee chorus friend distant land new settler mom sad shed tear celebrate housewarming come quickly meet wind cold heat difficult road spend night campfire amur region young komsomol faraway steppe turn come let bear message steppe bloom party order komsomol answer yes friend distant land new settler 1954
-1 | get black eye love hard black car match black soul change ya oh not try leave nooh oh neon coast sign midw wind pisce rise not change ya oh not try leave nooh static palm melt vibe midnight whispering black magic mulholland drive swimming pool desert sky drink white wine blush light la devotee sunset evil eye invisible hollywood shrine hunt little time la devotee uhoh uhoh uhoh la devotee get bleach eye valley sand black tar palm weep not change ya ohoh not try ohoh high rise light read right downtown storm arie rise not change ohoh not try leave nooh static palm melt vibe midnight whispering black magic mulholland drive swimming pool desert sky drink white wine blush light la devotee sunset evil eye invisible hollywood shrine hunt little time la devotee uhoh uhoh uhoh la devotee la devotee la devotee la devotee la devotee black magic mulholland drive swimming pool desert sky drink white wine blush light la devotee sunset evil eye invisible hollywood shrine hunt little time la devotee uhoh uhoh uhoh la devotee
-1 | tattere man mirror wall have build have build high gate have invite destruction bruise break selfrighteousness not let self not let self win come dry neck flush have stare crown have abandon man walk be break pride selfhate bring plague pride let know oh arm big oh arm big let unite fact let float dusk united united go to let shine let shine go to let shine let shine let shine let shine shine
+1 | dorozhenka wind wind distant dorozhenka haze spread horizon far dorozhenka follow sweet food increasingly dream go battle shelf smoke rise rush bird sit wind wind away dorozhenka outside window dawn be stand poplar pity heart wing net1941
-1 | be little curious crowded scene serene friend fiend fly stroll eliminate gently not close eye reinvent know get heart stone let know let know till morning come traffic grow window hum spending week friend evening weekend evening weekend unwind outflow outflow would agree typical high fly watch go thick water thick mud k thud sunset thickly let quiet quickly not frown taste better way unwind outflow outflow outflow lead vivicious easy stick stick unwind flaw flaw lead flaw outflow outflow lead unwind flaw unwind flaw unwind flaw
+1 | gold kerch burn kerch sunset night black sailor jacket star shine like rocket flare distant year fire chorus burn gold star city eternal light ah live water awaken dead child inhale drunk yes look motherland yes know beautiful life mine battle laughter lover silence rang sleep tug hold mooring dropping robe tunic shoulder rest work kerch chorus year war usual silence melt cool shade night kerch meet tomorrow chorus 1970
+1 | toast holiday old friend hold dear recall song sound like fun come comrade gryanem toast glass wine let drink homeland privolnaya drink pour appreciate love gentle caress laska fathers mother lift cup cup let drink child drink russian prowess tireless heroic people let drink mighty army let drink gallant fleet stand comrade let drink guard equal courage toast stalin toast party toast banner victory note young people know year wine mean vodka especially context precise white wine mean vodka red wine port 1942
-1 | star fall sound spark burn cold door barren stand open tell know know ill lose space roam forever know feel like lose space roam forever be crawl doorway badland kick hurdle black damage fade rearview mirror demon call drag away know know ill lose space roam forever know feel like lose space roam forever lose space lose time lose space lose time lose space know know know ill lose space roam forever know feel like lose space roam forever forever
-1 | take baby saturday bang getcha freak boy girl yes getcha freak believe miracle miracle happen tonight getcha freak getcha freak getcha getcha getcha getcha getcha freak thinkin baby not matter black white getcha freak getcha freak getcha getcha getcha getcha getcha freak yo chick people know timbaland hot 20 year ago dealy yo drilly yo wanna battle nigga let know holla get to feel son let throw people come sweat be get radio shake like get gun feel like not partner feel like friend city live city angel lonely cry drive street cause s companion walk hill cause know see good deed kiss windy worry lie
-1 | set forth retinue steed cart rove land stealthily sally find new shore passage lead set sail ye heart sea hope druid bless mount foresee grudge pain face distress glowing wick kindle fire alike liminal place dormant beacon face haven foretell fortress age come rise new dawn wake daughter sun waft black wing vastly soar bode sky follow rite old take ordain new land hold breath sky get black storm arise swarm crow lo behold black bird branch circle wide riven sky line nemeton fulgent hill presage witness adiantunne ni exverti adiantunne ni nappisetu
+1 | privolnaya expanse seagull wing wave call pioneer friend comrade go new campaign chorus swim swim swim cloud privolnaya space green meadow wide river birthmark favorite forest field mountain barrier afraid way rain go pleased rain wind easy chorus dawn relax fire pioneer hiking summer guy golden time chorus birthmark favorite forest field mountain 1950
+1 | red flag tear fill boundless world life hard work inevitable day come relentlessly terrible judgment chorus leisya away tune mchis world banner fly carry cry struggle revenge thunder thunder revenge seed sow future burn bright rdeet blood burst fire blood worker heartless world dull cold ready die happiness free world fraternity crown chorus tyrant shackle need old slavery way enter new land master world work chorus leisya away tune mchis world banner fly carry cry struggle revenge thunder thunder revenge seed sow future burn bright rdeet blood burst fire blood worker 1900
-1 | world expect not belong have guessed leave feel like late late will alright hear want end life try stay alive maybe turn cause late late reflect s wrong guess leave feel like late late will alright hear want end life try stay alive maybe turn cause late late world know will not come time have lose not life will not world expect not belong will alright hear want end life try stay alive maybe turn cause late late maybe turn cause late late late late late
-1 | be not job fuck birthday be not job fuck birthday anymore be not job fuck birthday be not job fuck birthday anymore maybe get screw dump cause be not nothing trash despite fact like hawaiian punch moustache right nose think be colonel klink oblivious get scotfree cause know mean be not job fuck birthday be not job fuck birthday anymore be not job fuck birthday be not job fuck birthday anymore want repeatedly shit ill dutch porn roughly translate naked truth mean squat s be miss like hijacked flight september 11th not know get be wrong thank be not job fuck birthday be not job fuck birthday anymore be not job fuck birthday be not job fuck birthday anymore maybe be not birthday ya know not fuck shoulda get ya sooner be go to wrap maybe be not birthday ya know not fuck shoulda get ya sooner be go to wrap be not job be go to wrap fuck birthday be go to wrap be not job be go to wrap fuck birthday anymore be go to wrap be not job be go to wrap fuck birthday be go to wrap be not job be go to wrap fuck birthday anymore be go to wrap bam hidden track shit dick
-1 | hell think
+1 | guy meet war c field explosion cripple forever leave silence people want happy guy meet war smoky sunset day hear thunder march arm arm girl guy see war hasty rush year lot sunshine spring go happy girl know voyny1965
+1 | young cossack don river green oak leave cossack chernochubym boy part wayside boy black eyebrow hug wind dash horseman cossack cossack girl comfort horse soar cry cry cry dear be go fight right formidable force beloved home enemy grave blood coast wash away mighty don win return better embrace maiden cossack look hot rush catch squadron cossack 1943
-1 | sit dark not forget realize time ill story bitter pill fate not not ask love trade emotion contract commit get away get far dead hear voice inside head alive will not bear survive dead memory heart dead memory heart dead memory heart tell love tie soul knot get submit get away keep scar go not know belong alive will not bear ill survive dead memory heart dead memory heart dead memory heart dead memory heart dead vision dead finger vein dead memory heart dead memory heart dead memory heart dead memory heart oh oh
-1 | waste time please people be sick wait waste time build legacy earth legacy world build legacy earth legacy large soil life have compare expectation shoulder people longer sway willow stand strong let stand strong longer sway willow stand strong let stand strong longer sway willow stand strong let stand strong stand strong stand strong stand strong stand strong stand strong wind hurl be destine greatness ill ill
-1 | mystery bringer moonless night bear wisdom arcane harbringer burrow isle break forth harken flap wing haunt fear not know duty lead path ill home rest black wing enfold icon sublime guide voyage clandestine sing verse bewail torch radiant way step hearken stroke wing leave cocoon haunt fear not know duty lead path ill home rest black wing enfold death smile bareface smile initiate final anguish arrival lead feel natural serenity leave world hear wing caress wind hear cry haunt fear not know duty lead path ill home rest black wing enfold
-1 | will not s get sugar lip know sickness show show hell remedy chemical picture scenery want blow blow blow account search real thing scratch surface get place steal invade shark cover glitter shiny glass pavement soft sweet galaxy elite will not will not yes will not will not yes crush ice pick queen have come sweetness cave cave pavement soft sweet universe elite will not will not yes will not will not yes will not everybody know will not yes eye will not everybody know will not yes eye
-1 | love silence be think dream life incomplete come time time time not remember end not know fade memory fade image redrawn not wait time time time remember thing say have see face hope future dead dead ask time time time time
+1 | song capital worth union majestic cliff calm terrible proud capital soviet state ring song sing chorus leisya silver song bird overtake plane sky sing soviet capital sing song stalin moscow song love care bring soviet people party heart people stalin favorite live chorus light beacon pierce cloud soviet shine moscow fan stalinist spirit mighty stalin alive thing chorus moscow grow high wide amid new green foliage know remember wise eye follow flowering moscow chorus word people cherish steel large family tag high lenin stalin word warm moscow chorus kremlin star shine forth beautiful work land lenin stalin beloved moscow chorus leisya silver song bird overtake plane sky sing soviet capital song stalin poet1938
+1 | ballad soldier field steep coast past hut gray greatcoat ordinary soldier go soldier go know barrier go soldier lose friend happen go halt go ahead soldier walk night storm rain hail song friend forontovymi sang soldier soldier sing swallow tear sing russian birch kari eye house father soldier sing way root shoulder soldier machine swear enemy beal soldier soldier beat smolensk beat soldier village nsk count bullet eye close beat enemy soldier field steep coast past hut gray greatcoat ordinary soldier go soldier go homeland servant shelsoldier life earth save defend world go ahead soldier
+1 | little pilot dear friend pilot want pogladet monthly roam sky forest wander bear light lightning open space morning go wane river distant sea winter summer swimming recently bore home sweep field garden know sky s order harmony high ground fly fly pilot regret fly sea east sail big ship fly high far away bird circle kremlin sky fly cry country people good day dear capital bow airplane accept 71
+1 | respeto al che guevara song perform peasant musician fight alongside che guevara fidel song perform pure literary spanish cuban version spanish farmer usually pronounce letter s especially end word word finished ada cut shear letter pronounce letter emboscada ambush embocá write letter s perform procura repetar al che guevara evítate un problema con fidel las cosa de raúl hay que pensarla lo rebelde son difícil de coger procura encontrarte con almeida con camilo y con guillermo y otros más hay que verle la cara lo soldado cuando lo rebelde le hacen una embocá ahora batista e presidente y má tarde cadevilla e general el que vote en leleccione de batista lo frijole má tarde ha de guisar 1958
-1 | not war not courage not suppose thing keep awake leave afraid not war not courage not believe okay reason forget close eye feel go leave birthday suicide day wake hard stay want come save want come save weight love forever try bury thing keep awake leave finally birthday suicide day wake hard stay want come save want come save say way be okay walk away chain know wish would come nothing change not feel want come save want come save
-1 | ill roundabout word n spend day way morning drive sound valley music dance sing child ring spend day way morning drive sound valley lake mountain come sky stand mile true summer laugh love will ill remember silhouette charge view distance atmosphere morning drive sound valley lake mountain come sky stand mile true summer laugh love will ill drift cloud eagle search land catch swirl wind sailor see rim land eagle dance wing create weather spin hand closer hold land feel partly grain sand stand lose time thousand answer hand deep fear stand surround million year ill roundabout word n ill roundabout word n lake mountain come sky stand love ill ill roundabout word n spend day way morning drive sound valley lake mountain come sky stand mile true summer laugh love will ill da la la la da da la
-1 | go one pave way live life love s place heart show love support day not count blessing chance have give know s responsible know shit possible matter fuck life throw stage shit matter hear voice feelin vibe know s place would feel alive dn fam worldwide one one dn fam home heart love shit dn fam worldwide one one dn fam face crowd young motivated innovative sober fade create native home stay creative tear state care care cause possible stay rejuvenated invigorated mind elevate feel love hate stage demonstrate dn fam worldwide one one dn fam home heart love shit dn fam worldwide one one dn fam face crowd mic stage time song face crowd now time get let throw hand believe shit mic stage time song face crowd now time get let throw hand believe shit
-1 | be find hard communicate be find hard cause feeling will not away god strength love be find hard reason be find hard love cause emotion will not come god power love feel heart be find hard life be find hard let cause selfishness will not away lock free love free be find hard communicate be find hard cause emotion will not come lock girl phone love tell phone love tell phone love
-1 | feeling like leave door closed confine everyhe have thousand time get weak day room fill dismay get harder convey live trap burn inside overthrow lie selfpride kick foot run away effort go astray feel clay dirt bone crack feel underneath skin wish know origin be live trap burn inside overthrow lie selfpride terror fear ghost memory desperate dream not intervene ghost memory trap burn inside overthrow lie selfpride terror fear ghost memory desperate dream not intervene ghost memory terror fear ghost memory desperate dream not intervene ghost memory
-1 | alright click click alright click alright click click click click click love computer feel alright wake hour lonely night love computer predictable error identity easy have happy need click join soulless way ruin day cause be click away alright click click alright click click love computer mood turned turn love computer ask princess whore easy have happy need click join soulless way ruin day cause be click away alright click click away world outside big safe domain cause be number clever screen need click eternity one go to love cause have get security password key alright click click away alright click click away click click click away click alright click away click click click away alright click click away click alright away away away
+1 | kolkhoz defense love warm home country boldly step forward grow city virgin field raise hostnation chorus field land garden meadow oath strong bullet easy overturn sword enemy abundantly beautiful field find strength wheat noise worry rye gardens cover country chorus people happiness blossom field chant rang expanse inch land conquer blood way peoplehero chorus love warm home country boldly step forward grow city virgin field raise hostnation 1939
-1 | feel animal chain beast crawl inside hear violence sleep die have lose carry world alive feel suffering bury cold light feed wolf shed skin devil close choke breath die cry help feel pull gravity bleed rise have lose carry world alive feel suffering bury cold light feed wolf shed skin longer human beast unmerciful ferocious fearless madman tamper nature man vicious animal carry world alive feel suffering bury cold light feed wolf shed skin fight animal carry fight animal world alive fight animal feel fight animal suffering fight animal bury fight animal cold light fight animal feed wolf fight animal shed skin
+1 | sing whistle sing beep sun put star time time ring wind tone singe sing dawn air heart want sing chorus peace sun labor song heart sing great country capital moscow new day rise work crew burn eye dawn dawn work heart delighted hand exploit friend chorus sing beep morning knock door ray dawn red height sing sing beeping grove second bird noisy boulevard garden pripev1961
+1 | poor cooking pot true bowler want tea brew want soup porridge cook good friend come food delicious need skilled cook kohl taste like soup gull blame cook reason different poor cooking pot 2 time wonder kettle begin sing boil kettle europe boil cap dance brew hitler porridge rashlebat fail fritz want gentleman european ruler fritz come number lord good fritz poor cooking pot 2 time antonescu drink eat win end here thing go time bomb sofia tomorrow bucharest fuck better skedaddle east west wait boil hot antonescu think think poor cooking pot 2 time panic go germans approach death fritz smell set stalingrad cauldron leningrad want bastard boiler start heel soon want time look catch pot 2 time hitler afraid pot death gnaw anguish fritz simply wash escape hitler find world corner heart beat shake nose soon hitler singe noneshnie denok task clear dog dog death cut pot 2 time 1 944
+1 | song vengeance go friend fight fly home see mountain earth see survey sky country see robbery robbery germans kill damned fulfill mandate motherland saint fly native dnipro territory burn fire ground road paint blood blood brother sister love sacred defend land head germans kill damned fulfill mandate motherland saint mother cry dead child old lady ukraine hand dear homeland like smoke hut house village native germans kill damned homeland fulfill mandate holy 1943
-1 | blank face windowpane clear second light disappear return count hour search night wait need talk stare directly inside play lullaby slur voice child cry inside haunting loneliness eye skin cover secret scar hand wave goodbye s response action return deep prejudice outshine reason inside give dream riddled pain project unto
-1 | look round makeshift move house be search whatever leave ground box read lose find lose find say let say have know be be go be not know know be be make round town have know find reason come home have work will bring be thing be impatient be type life need say let say have know be be go be not know know be be make round town have know find reason come home set push harder clear way s thing regret not live life yesterday set push harder clear way s thing regret not live life yesterday life yesterday be be go be not know know be be make round town have know find reason come home
-1 | deceiver excuse year have spend cold spreading word like fire build arm watch burn want watch burn not trust false prophet stand spit venom believe hate negativity answer will not set free deceiver excuse year have spend cold spreading word like fire build arm watch burn want watch burn not trust suffocate air need leave cold sacrifice have tell look mirror tell want ill reclaim betray tide change have send grave overturn throne choose doom failure overturn throne be turn tide war run wolf inflict fatal wound naysayer
-1 | dear god word re loud head bottle lie thick blood red be not forgiver forgetter mother wait vain god love pray show dear god go brother go blink eye january night father lay cold go seventeen year old be not forgiver forgetter mother wait vain god love pray show cold steel track beneath foot rail tie dodge train kid feel warm blood rush train come train come be not forgiver forgetter find vice head
+1 | song k f red bread fact remember know heart tell bird flock darle fly storm chorus open soul loyalty brother faithful place rank occupy eaglet eagle die hear eye thunder sky star fly save burn tree nest chorus little leave memory day comrade old store tree life green valley high peak noise open soul loyalty brother hero true place rank eaglet eagle kill place rank eaglet die orly1975
+1 | friend come way come way cheer road friend little bit friend little bit lot friend chorus snow heat pour rain friend difficult difficult manage understand understand let friend chorus bear friend bear friend fear be friend be friend bear chorus snow heat pour rain friend 1977
+1 | city park city park play brass band bench sit free seat smell lime il river glitter eye look beautiful pass half world meet think think would meet like world sure forever won heart sailor sea ocean easy desirable way pass half world meet think think would meet think think would meet
+1 | moscow street float awaken dawn moscow soft wind shake sleepy maple today bustling town meet cheerful smile tell secret word eye clear look give moscow good start day chorus street city happy proud hurry hurry hurry meet city festive new dawn street moscow love say street street familiar way street street wide bright dear cheerful beautiful native moscow float awaken dawn moscow run trolleybuse tram rush today meet be wait street favorite today hear word eye clear look give moscow good start day chorus
+1 | cheers military couplet healthy live richly throw damned nazis hut chase bandit lupite beat shell bomb regret fighter wish fight kill dozen fritz fascist ruin ask judge
+1 | international church bell arise curse brand world hungry slave boil mind outrage mortal combat ready lead    world violence destroy    ground    build new world         chorus           decisive battle      internationale      rise human race ii deliverance god king hero achieve liberation hand    overthrow oppression skillful hand    regain possession    swell forge hammer boldly    iron hot chorus iii blood sucking vampire prison tax reduction power good thing world right sound    build life inomu    slogan combat    power people labor    parasite chorus iv contemptible wealth coal steel king throne parasite build back    factory chamber    create labor    time demand return    fact take grabezhom chorus   v sake king intoxicate fume war war tyrant people world bastia son army    tyrant    battle heroically fall    murderer send    vent combat gun chorus vi worker world great army labor land right parasite    great thunder clap    pack dog executioner    sun begin    fire shine light      chorus           decisive battle      internationale      rise human race
+1 | song dzerzhinsk song dzerzhinsk great serve associate friend illich true knight test legend people hear chorus felix felix iron felix kind warmhearte friend fight chekist strongwille folk hero forever legendary hero enemy revolution strictly judge country bequeath cherish battle enemy security officer rally friend path cover chorus thousand orphan create commune way life combat fire commissioner favorite teacher chorus disturb peace allow waver mortal combat revolution hold sacred fire dzerzhinsky rank chorus
+1 | impactors marsh marsh hungarian miner buzzing break rock shock work break song scarlet shock work work honor work honor pick rock beat tractor field go gudot song field gudot chorus course lever hour program ilyich giving giving stroke shovel shock work gromit enemy grenade shock work junk fly junk pop fracture ice new world indestructible build new world labor build beautiful world work chorus hundred dnieper shock work build power shock work bourgeois stand abroad threaten new robbery coal steel flood river flood molten river chorus verse nevoshedshy performance battle mercy shock work class brigade shock work plate hand hit stroke wider float steel fire donetsk coal black lava walk black lava coal go chorus
-1 | punk punk punk burn house burn house burn house ref destroye atlantis chaos day destroye atlantis salute wave drunken drunken drunken party party parie
+1 | che esperanza испанский sleep sleep indian boy come commander smoke cigar sow star night granny granny sleep sleep little indian acordate footprint road flower open granny granny cry wind caress dawn hope child call che guevara man struggle passion soul revolution new man guerrilla son live song
-1 | comatose overfed underundernourished yearning starve satisfied carnal useful flesh mind yeah walk contradiction s find consistency consume produce sustenance parallel struggle struggle upkeep well way set free crave life simply stay alive simply stay alive hope well way let let tension devour want simple need clear line one preserve hope well way let let parallel struggle upkeep s well way set free parallel parallel struggle upkeep struggle upkeep s well way set free hope well way let let
-1 | not matter one bother be dog bone dog bone dog bone act like dog home dog bone dog bone dog bone oh yeah oh yeah have wonder far have ponder be bride will try will surprise be dog bone dog bone dog bone act like dog home dog bone dog bone dog bone be dog bone dog bone dog bone think have show be dog bone dog bone dog bone act like dog home dog bone dog bone dog bone be dog bone dog bone dog bone act like dog home dog bone dog bone dog bone oh yeah
-1 | desire honest man vicious liar seek light seek dark honor desecrate sympathize manipulate carve flesh embrace mark enslave hypnotize chain artificial life bastard machine bastard machine saint need spin webs lust greed yeah have restore die faith kiss death farewell hand hand gate hell will pay price choice demon rise deep burn eye bastard machine bastard machine bastard machine bastard machine
+1 | привет бухаресту sing today friend depart feel join flyin bucharest song friend moscow bucharest sweet song violin buchar thousand smile sprightly moscow drag receive greeting dear city bucharest english translation be singe aloof friend feel close melody fly bucharest friendly gift moscow bucharest sweet violin song bucharest thousand tituppy smile receive deary moscow greeting dear city bucharest
+1 | march young defender peace fortune freedom defend recent battle victory world bring land youth chorus cause father true want war mighty fortress world youth country friend brother stand single row brave people honest people peace earth separate brotherhood nation line youth true friend find work people world right watch hope chorus banner komsomol lift youth worldwide walk keep pace pet bright country threat war chorus cause father true want war mighty fortress world youth country friend brother stand single row brave people honest people peace earth separate 1950
+1 | lenin live hut house inconspicuous kremlin way illuminate heart covet lenin lenin live chorus future generation burn forever marble live leader comrade lenin simple great man small village far land edge exile lenin lenin lenin lenin live chorus hut house inconspicuous kremlin way illuminate friend forever treasure lenin lenin live chorus 1960
-1 | sail endless sky star shine like eye black night sigh moon silver tree fall tear light night earth purple blaze sapphire haze orbit tree bathe cool breeze silver starlight break night pass crimson eye great god mars travel universe
+1 | song distance smoke breathe storm table sit roof drop dnieper take carpathian zapoom song old soldier year comfort long young podpoyut young pick stay away mother drink go youth transcend separation soul sacred sing old soldier year comfort long young podpoyut young pick remember grieve offend come day look year year day day flash date song sing old soldier year comfort long young podpoyut young pick right shoulder lead way good luck fall love outside window spring thunder day dawn hug sing old soldier year comfort long young podpoyut young pick 1971
-1 | jamie foxx money be need yeah s triflin friend oh s gold digger way town dig give money be not sayin gold digger be need be not messin wit broke niggas give money be not sayin gold digger be need be not messin wit broke niggas get to leave girl head get to leave girl head get to leave girl head get to leave girl head cutie bomb meet beauty salon baby louis vuitton underarm say tell rock tell charm far girl get flock tell charm arm be lookin see psychic tell shell ass like serena trina jeenafah lopez kids get to bad ass showbiz okay kid get friend pull benz get go din pay fuckin girl better pay know touch hear get baby busta good friend say fuck usher not care -PRON- love give money be not sayin gold digger uh be need be not messin wit broke niggas uh give money be not sayin gold digger uh be need be not messin wit break niggas uh get to leave girl head get to leave girl head get to leave girl head get to leave girl head eighteen year eighteen year get yo kid get eighteen year know somebody payin child support kid baby mama car crib big tv give sunday win super bowl drive hyundai suppose buy shorty tyco money go doctor get lipo money walkin lookin like michael money have got insure geico money moneymoney be not punk holla want prenup want prenup yeah need cause leave ass gon leave half eighteen year eighteen year eighteenth birthday find not give money be not sayin gold digger uh be need be not messin wit broke niggas uh give money be not sayin gold digger uh be need be not messin wit break niggas uh get to leave girl head uh get to leave girl head get to leave girl head uh get to leave girl head be not sayin gold digger get need not want dude smoke not buy weed get eat not pay -PRON- not leave s dish get to roll sleeve -PRON- washin watch gon benz datsun get ambition baby look eye week moppin floor week fry stick know s dudes ballin yeah s nice gon callin tryin stay right girl leave yo ass white girl get to leave girl head get to leave girl head get to leave girl head get to leave girl head let hear
+1 | end war war pay freedom blood fight award hero award suburb war hide bombing child cry seed peace sprout planet chorus school hear howling shell field dust ashe nation world world defend world war power possess junta die tribe african sky dollar pound war chain break insurgent freedom hiroshima sleep pain sorrow torment year year chorus war munich beer drink night old day dungeon fuehrer butcher war live killer atomic age peaceful country fight human chorus 1968
-1 | go go go go go go go go go meet boy cross border cross border rank thirsty blind order order cause meet boy cross border cross border rank thirsty blind order tell againgaingain go rank thirsty blind order tell againgaingain go meet boy cross border cross border rank thirsty blind order order cause meet boy cross border cross border rank thirsty blind order tell againgaingain
+1 | outskirt outskirt young elm nice parting swear love witness river blueeye birch fluffy yes voice nightingale cute long go go fight enemy come winter cold frost zalyutoval slim berozonka wilt bare freeze river blue nightingale go lose witness nevestushki personally select unsolicited sadness dear distal write news grieve love victory promchatsya winter blizzard bypass harsh day fill funny spring slim berozonka foliage new sing nightingale blue rekoy1955
+1 | marsh vocational school desire dumoyu odnoyu part native land collect amicably semeyu come learn skill chorus year pass day come soviet work people hand arm young gold hand fatherland send honor thing nurture bring son daughter chorus right speak heart drop labor glory country people pripev1952
-1 | be read shoulder say line curve crack say detail face unmistakably apparent dull light trace separate letter form separate word twist build beautiful sentence painful realization crack lip open book smile show line face perfectly crooked perfectly familiar crack lip open book smile show line face perfectly crooked perfectly familiar moment uncover like statue lie perfectly crack lip purpose pattern start smile burst flame disappear good intention longer hide ear bleed hand weak hold blood inside wound reality explode brilliant flash spectral fire thousand fragment past long dead go remember time touch time speak word ricochet table vandalize picture smokestaine wall feel mouth open room tongue lip form shape laughter curve stomach bend leg remnant page frame crack bleeding lip curve stomach bend leg crooked tooth oh crooked tooth crooked tooth oh crooked tooth crooked tooth oh crooked tooth crooked tooth be read shoulder say line curve crack stupid message stupid bend stupid stitch inch peel skin tracing letter sentence scream stupid thing like howling plane play
+1 | kuban cossack morning rani rapid kuban rapid kuban river enemy force bloody sechu go camping cossack oh steppe road alarm city village fire burn hut curse nazis terrible debt repay triple dear fatherland host meeting villager proud look win banner glory honor shrine carry kuban morning rani rapid kuban rapid kuban river enemy force bloody sechu go camping cossack
+1 | kamaradi loading point cheshskiy kamarad young kteremu today patrzhi holy vzduh chiti yizh fascists nebudou porouchet e bidwell thread thread hladu thread zlodeyskih svetarzhadu kamarad young kteremu today patrzhi holy kamarad tsily lick predaty ritual kroku odhodity weigh cho celebration k pokroku e bidwell thread thread hladu thread zlodeyskih svetarzhadu kamarad young kteremu today patrzhi holy kamarad splice yizh zitra wieden hvezhda zarzhiva ku write driver preamp new yitra srpi kladiva e bidwell thread thread hladu thread zlodeyskih svetarzhadu kamarad young kteremu today patrzhi holy
-1 | fetter loose redden wrist visible forever stand edge have lose spirit path die inside not recognize look mirror grow inside act late see have go blind have hear ticking head feel safe anymore go to surface will not regrinde anymore have conceal scar be try heal feel cry cry feel waste dissapointment thing appreciate like leech neck take energy wing break rose black picture remind day lightness change blame forgive forget spite refuse will not
-1 | open eye world surround daily refuse lead majority not compromise pass judgment judgment pass open eye world surround daily refuse lead majority not compromise pass judgment judgment pass stand move move condemnation place high matter race creed gender teach forgiveness compassion life understanding understand difference find respect flesh blood place high matter race creed gender teach forgiveness compassion life afraid speak mind matter consequence stay true humble eye child realize true equality
-1 | find today run know live be way run ill waste life death run want taste final breath run way way city grieve unison way love crawl home hand knee day pray time lick wound clean smile away year smear cascade mascara tear black red eye bleed forever want have hurt wish teach trust fuck creation way way city grieve unison way love crawl home hand knee day pray time lick wound clean smile away year smear cascade mascara tear black red eye bleed forever white picket fence line dream leave eye scream pain see deaf ear dull ache sleep brace final blow remember tear long ago once fall place fall apart have give have leave blind let stay let rot foot love
+1 | spring spring spring spring sun shine fun spring spring spring shine proclaim chorus spring spring spring come winter replace bloom singe call street spring spring sky blue class girl play flock pigeon spin fly repeat chorus spring spring spring glisten sun sidewalks spring spring spring walk boulevard couple yes chorus loud bird whistle branch hot ray green sheet shine bright bright mean pripev1954
+1 | preobrazhensky march version text probably later glorious grandfather remember swede lyakh soar eagle win poltava field chorus banner regiment fascinate russian bayonet battle remind grandfather battle
-1 | brave man coward tiger flower honest be liar vital tired free man catch importantly concerned brave man coward tiger flower honest liar vital fucking tired free man catch importantly concerned forever survive life life diamond
+1 | lance leave arrive military holiday home young extent pond collective garden girl take away peace mind chorus eye night sable brow oh worry comrade corporal maidens blood s tunic time vyachorka visit pritopnet foot stamp yes team leader go vplyas chorus longstanding expert economy exit conceit current team leader pound team leader joke fall love mate chorus village estate call sunday play wedding nice treat invite last morning wedding ball chorus 1951
-1 | smell day infect bad s retire noth frier frier reget s world forever go spend lie walk time have get time forbid peek get pain get pain get sincerer day stain braight sign eye chepp set wright noth frier frier reget onethe reget s world forever go lie walk time have get time forbid peek get pain get pain get eye reject pay forbid cept lie sad lie inside straight good fight cause balk torn eye forbid peek get pain get pain get eye reject pay forbid ne peek pay
+1 | birch dreams land snow cloud swan land birch sunset sadness bright silent staring russian blue eye chorus land son thy birch russian land enemy save give gold grove fall silent nightingale land son thy birch white birch tree storm spare dream homeland birch dream soldier charred earth glow smoky sunset dry crack overwork road hand mother chorus edge road russia rosno night trunk birch tree jet blood pripev1978
-1 | house field cliff wave crash say myth ignore warning ship dock house cliff wreckage rock house field cliff wave crash say myth ignore warning ship dock house cliff wreckage rock fix building flaw foundation scaffolding stilt law legislation house doom not care invest system repair little dress astronaut explore outter space dress super hero run place dress fireman rescue need dress doctor cure disease crystal clear problem face problem effect course sense common existence suck instance birth walk force crawl exciting time alive generation get fight survive hand future future future
-1 | hear baying hound distance hear devour pestridden jackal earth diabolical beast roam forest wait constant protector call sit selfloathe image flesh revelation linger word fly swarm true insect feast bury dream spread decay skin eye spew forth darkness cut paralyze cast light secret force confront enemy mouth vortex suck pandemonium fool help hand ashe reach false dismay body country city lie dead despair friend turn enemy unable come clean rise fog reek death believe lie love deathburden comfort receptive stark wish longer struggle declare stand inflict harm unaware loop futile event drown deep mire past desire beneath mire drown desire line verse dead skin taint lip stranger rest embrace bereavement beloved shatter devote accept flaw weak resist tension vibrate horror find outcast eye push nerve puppet endless poison vein clean intent taint death cold touch inhumane wake hour await reverie unfold louder minute baying hound call home
+1 | moorsoldaten немецкий eye wander marshe bird sing oak bare crooked desolate heath camp set far joy tuck barb wire bog soldier march moor spade bog soldier march moor spade morning draw column swamp work dig fire sun freedom mood homeward homeward long parent wife child breast dehnet sigh trap bog soldier moor spade bog soldier march moor spade post pass escape cost life wire fence fort complaining forever winter glad freedom peat bog soldier ziehn spade moor peat bog soldier ziehn spade moor
-1 | windy street tell different time get will not time upright insight not forget s important life place like cage imprison comfort find adversity history confront reality get will not ill soon s care love day fade away rot decay burn burn death sun pain true self change sea difficulty define blind feel true self change sea difficulty leave comfort find far away place lose find far away place lose strong cle hope cle hope strong ground shift foot find far away place lose find far away place lose stop major minor inside widen stay true tempered stay true tempered find life tough circumstantial hope not hope watered distraction stand way hope give ability face reality ability
-1 | walk street look window elemental will know be watch live shadow word real cold cold cold feel cold loose reason oh automatic yesterday everyday go to yeah know have forget enigmatic know dress tragedy design immortal left old old strong old feel old world yeah automatic yesterday everyday go to reborn start reborn start reborn start reborn start secret vague illusion be lie tell truly believe be whisper dark be victim killer ready insist not exist not exist not exist not exist oh automatic yesterday everyday go to reborn start reborn start reborn start reborn start yeah ah ah ah motherfucker motherfucker motherfucker
-1 | shooting southeast driveby midday outside bus stop full franklin near far park block shooting month week shot fire suv head northbound eastown target rival not hit target time hit kid think travel backwards time space disintegrate invisible want not happen want hand time want know feel like float police line reconstruct scene fragment memory want know mother look like close want lean body float transcend time want capture accurately want know color blood spill tarp concrete want write remember close forget senseless death precious life want bullet hit crowd pour shot drown siren sound house yard way place police tape run mark crime scene everybody try catch glimpse happen go ambulance cop car everybody gossip kid get hit d hit have fire everybody wonder happen dead child kid everybody wonder far victim live visit house inside dream visit spirit soar high high king park leave crime scene travel till far shooting window living room younger time play game homework mark youth soon transform coldly stone fight stupid feud ruin wrap gold cruelly recall come find reason reason death like like day later funeral plan family day later mother bury son far away shooter hole hotel near highway friend gun gun would flee immediately identify witness picture tv 20 year old call grandpa old year maybe safe awhile somebody see notify authority surround hotel arrest accomplice attempt flee chase staircase floor would stay close door hard lock room have kick door know gun would fear would float window room west hover hallway try listen hear try reason open door uncle beg plead halfcollapse floor preach hope forgiveness say chance rectify have take peace world think slip door have enter room feel burden murder shake earth core feel like world collapse hear speak heaven kill heaven kill forgive cause kill kid accident swear not mean turn send hell heaven kill leave hotel not want know end
+1 | know guy know guy open trail stellar flame thunder metering spaceport say softly chorus say let wave hand like peter st petersburg sweep earth know guy home field love steppe give launch earth declaration love chorus know guy hand world wear son earth star gentle simple people light danko carry chorus know guy ice stick sing song oar sweep ardently want live chorus know guy death win hear distant thunder go baikonur chorus say let live star like peter st petersburg sweep earth 1971
+1 | shall hand final examination shall hand final examination goodbye school soon train delay carry destination       chorus       moment part       moscow thought word       byebye       student city moscow year hoard erudition way student appreciate tradition number       chorus term development profession happen sleep month session year spring      chorus expect appropriate range firstyear fall love diploma marry       chorus afraid distribution ready far moscow regret easily       chorus
+1 | moscow morning color soft light wall ancient kremlin wake dawn entire soviet land chill run gate noise street strong good morning dear city heart homeland chorus vigorous mighty invincible country moscow favorite day break cheerful sea street noise open window school hear cry october elegant flow river broad pavement pour vast song beautiful moscow chorus sun lighter sky blue light come quickly possible joy bring shone bright slogan win stalin raise hand send greeting verse 1956 chorus day coolness refreshe invigorate rest parade city celebratory hoot s date couple talkative alive garden avenue moscow spread chorus night day like sea light crowd hey comrade hey passer sing song look singe dance entire soviet union bright beautiful red spring chorus blue dawn look silence moscow river sing night bird locomotive whistle kremlin tower clock strike star melt day goodbye day yesterday hello new bright day chorus 1937
+1 | goodbye friend chorus moscow radio wave sound house morning heart friendship goodbye friend dear friend sound song morning heart friendship time goodbye fly fly home edge song song friend ground tell pripev1958
-1 | cast stone target like stone crush neck spit blood face forget hide ugly antic not reveal masse oh yeah little boy fuckin lose fear angry eye eat not escape hear heartbeat dream hark wall hear heartbeat dream ye wall end follow flag wall hear heartbeat dream song ashamed ill break fuck dream swallow pill accept fist face drown shame use eye not escape time payback think time payback strength bury clown fuck wrong fuck fuck shut fuckin mouth fuckin fail have lovely hair fuckin lose
+1 | song movie day peace chorus watch komsomol fighting boy storm go go sea ship wave dispute lead wave dispute lead lead chorus 2 time storm evil cut sea ship foam water water 2 time watch komsomol fight boy 1950
+1 | pass испанский come war love combat truce brake singing irrepressible poetry bear cannon rifles libertarians come war love combat join barricade stop criminal horde tip heart heat shrapnel sweaty dig future foothill country pass venceremo love shall pass tomorrow break new day party bird child swear pass 2 time come war love return invincible shadow fierce lion protect land cub stop victory future arm tooth triumph border fight win pass venceremo love happen break new day tomorrow party bird child swear pass pass venceremo love happen break new day tomorrow party bird child swear pass
-1 | fire engine fire engine race get to babys place fire engine fast fire engine slow fire engine fire engine gogogo fire engine fast fire engine slow fire engine want fire engine fire engine fire engine fire engine fire burn animal desire fire engine fast fire engine slow fire engine fire engine gogogo fire engine fast fire engine slow fire engine want fire engine fire engine boy fire engine come drive insane pushin kid ceiling brain fire engine fast fire engine slow fire engine fire engine gogogo fire engine fast fire engine slow fire engine want fire engine fire engine beepbeep beepbeep beepbeep beepbeep beepbeep beepbeep beepbeepbeep beepbeep beepbeep beepbeep beepbeepbeep beepbeep beepbeep beepbeep beepbeepbeep beepbeep come aboard fire engine light fire
-1 | information keep everybody want know trust word cause have voice waste cause be listen calloused finger wrap black ballpoint pen eye not wander far time have see future fading faster place would right right s time would right right be end beg pick phone shake whisper answer not anymore voice waste cause be listen freeze moment thaw year fire burn smoke clear place would right right time would right right let pretend let pretend let pretend let pretend tonight end let pretend let pretend tonight end place would right right s time would right right
-1 | come desire forgot face ambition mind fail faceless remember hour fall word connect fallacy detect autonomy limit end sky come term admit defeat come term bias deception stand count uniformity set high mark mind endure life distance faint beacon light let fall inner ceiling endless resistance decide fall word direct agony nonresponse forgiveness idealized mirage inform decision challange dare
-1 | warning people good evil war soldier civilian martyr victim war moment truth moment lie moment live moment die moment fight moment fight fight fight fight right left fight death edge earth brave new world right left fight death edge earth brave new world brave new world warning prophet liar honest war leader pariah victor messiah war moment truth moment lie moment live moment die moment fight moment fight fight fight fight right left fight death edge earth brave new world right left fight death edge earth brave new world brave new world brave new world believe light raise hand sky fight war win lift hand sun sun moment truth moment lie moment live moment die sun moment truth moment lie moment live moment die sun moment fight moment fight moment fight moment fight fight fight fight fight fight war win moment fight moment fight fight fight fight fight fight right left fight death edge earth brave new world right left fight death edge earth brave new world brave new world brave new world war win war win brave new world
+1 | fly moscow nightingale fly moscow nightingale dawn nezakatnye bring farmer hello mother stalin tell loved live work thought think meeting sunshine sky meet gorenko let interview like favorite learn work fly moscow nightingale star kremlin sing song praise leader motherland stalin fill couplet dumushka short nochenka spring valor praise happiness motherland pray nightingale leader come visit vast expanse accord pervoputku early 1949
-1 | naked eye conspire fear form idea destructive insincere rear mind outside will find nature align s variation variation s population variation variation population ah year myth persevere scar souvenir define skin forget share kin tear apart feel sink not know shore sink surface wave sink not know shore sink surface wave s variation variation s population variation variation population look past hail caste division define skin forget share kin tear apart feel sink not know shore sink surface wave sink not know shore sink surface wave sink not know shore sink surface wave sink not know shore sink surface wave sink not know shore sink surface wave sink not know shore sink surface wave
+1 | part come love dear harsh day bring separation enemy mad go war cruel enemy happiness raise hand come beloved home enemy trample peaceful meadow sow death land boldly battle razi enemy cruel rebuff blood predatory flock boldly battle razi enemy house live protect countrys vastness plant native gardens forest rye air desert wide sea save house live forget merry meeting change day happy century stand country river flow century earth blossom vast nivam beauty future meeting boils fierce battle death play blizzard heart friend way share loyal friend come love home 1941
+1 | spring come boulevard pure passer bird singe trill april ne passer thick black dear portfolio man walk sedately solidly despise bird chime man face see spring approve spring song need vernal water nonsense yes yes nonsense murmur brooks shout rook snow melt heart melt stump april day birch dream cheerful bumblebee buzzing alarm spring shout spirit cheerful starling shout starling corner spring come spring road 1947
-1 | s sense longing read rosemarys letter writing honest not forget year s lose isolation talk love read ill die know s ache s certain detail see pen slip leave stain know s go isolation remain wound pour rest lover shore
-1 | sound silent voice survey thought regularity define perfection sorrow contentment whispering emptiness frail word collapse weight stir ground long hold hand walk grave search tear compassion find comfort winter reassurance dead like fall leave lose hope unchanging way strength save unwilling help
+1 | gold ukraine gold ukraine edge corny lot blood people spill let time trample horse gun enemy let kill brave son enemy hateful laugh force sea black swim edge privolny dress flower plow wide field landmark tractor large harvest glory free labor gold ukraine edge corny 1939
+1 | party song anthem sed немецкий give sun wind stingy life leave freeze world warm protect mother masse carry mightier arm party party right enjoy stick fight right right lie ausbeuterei insult life stupid bad defend human right leninschem spirit weld stalin party party party           flatter drop battle courage caress leis hesitate equally good count pain complaint good poor earth freedom peace force party party give brick construction great plan say champion t life vorwaert comrade tackle rush war hyena break build power zimmert house cradle builder guard party party 1950
+1 | road berlin battle take eagle city read street right word combat bryansk street city road way bryansk street west lead battle take bryansk city read street right word combat minsk street run city road way minsk street west lead battle take city minsk city go read street right word combat br street run city road way br street west lead battle take city br city go read street right word combat lublin street city road way lublin street west lead battle take city lublin entire city go read street right word combat warsaw street city road way warsaw street west lead battle take warsaw city read street right word combat berlin street city road road 1945
+1 | partisan итальянский soldier pen alpine partisan mountain guerreggiar partisan mountain guerreggiar mountain come snow winter storm hell partisan stayup dark night asleep church walk snow partisan fall ation fall wound piangetelo heart free man die matter die
+1 | merry sing beardless boy redhot steppe flame cloud dash squads ruban kolchak glorify ural chapaevsky blade funny sing ryazan lad soviet lad doze eyebrow frown siberian taiga walk amur region fierce snowstorm storm rage build town funny sing ryazan lad soviet lad trench stalingrad waver soldier break blockade saving leningrad enemy motherland give good lesson funny sing irkutsk lad soviet lad favorite fatherland give ticket construction communism glorious deed hurry station north east funny sing beardless lad soviet lad
+1 | steppe steppe burn steppe steppe burn grow oak start green little sprout hot ray boldly stand deep land grow root gain strength chorus like know know happiness grow grow feeling strong oak steppe like soul blossom mighty oak oak curly rustle spring oaks strip forest forest force middle steppe raise youth pripev1951
-1 | society opportunity use right free speech get lose cloud tear gas kind government look close eye injustice will not fade s democracy look like get tragedy democracy goala positive change answer punch face face unscrupulous cop beat put prison cut loss fight protest oppression breed resistance resistance need despite police brutality defend right speak get fight
-1 | guess thing not way plan miss day understand way feel lonely detach time be move forward step need moment county line clear mind someplace stairwell road be overwhelm need find difference feel feel leave light maybe ill find way home leave light take drive leave light wish way thing young have fun self assure s blur miss way talk talk circle till forget fight leave light maybe ill find way home leave light take drive leave light be worth let leave light care need know leave light get not work not work make have try mean be go to turn car know time ya time leave light maybe ill find way home leave light take drive leave light be worth let leave light care need know leave light guess thing not way plan
+1 | great oath enemy time pass severe school banner combat road victory carry great oath great word warrior merciless enemy divide end 1941
+1 | marsh graduate way heart stand choose ahead fatherland end end chorus life dawn world bright wide let meet spring wind dahl morning road 2p let year run way dissolve soul youth song muted speech actress pripev1939
+1 | favorite city distant edge companion fly native wind fly favorite city blue haze melt familiar home green garden gentle look comrade fight place war know sleep know silence favorite city sleep peacefully dream green spring friend come home home wind arrive favorite city smile familiar house green garden cheerful vzglyad1939
+1 | victory peaceful sun rise salute lilacs chestnut spite death injury happiness house include chorus 1 forget spring day victory victory cheer people street victory victory go flame smoke lose glory glory live victory victory believe know win land battle save expensive well smoke soldier hear ring silence world chorus 1 check fire war forever part friend today frontline name character chorus 2 forget spring day victory victory cheer people street victory victory go flame smoke lose glory glory live victory victory stand banner 1970
-1 | neverende rank winner grin smile obscene march broken sinner leader pack oh yeah beautiful nightmare oh yeah beautiful nightmare prophet loser break hope captain aimless cruiser bringer dope oh yeah beautiful nightmare oh yeah beautiful nightmare oh yeah beautiful nightmare oh yeah beautiful nightmare beautiful nightmare come true beautiful nightmare come true beautiful nightmare come true beautiful nightmare come true
-1 | good life need people steppin thing s mind thing need die want little good life need good time oh good life want little good life need good time oh good life good life not know time stand need change need fast know day want little good life need good time oh good life want little good life need good time oh good life hold hold want way want way hold hold want way not ask way want way good life want little good life need good time oh good life want little good life need good time oh good life good life
-1 | nettie need cry let wipe tear drop eye nettie need cry let wipe tear drop eye dark bathe cathode ray blue miss red hook 1922 weeping silently pain night tearful rosary victim curse empathy reward compassion suffer nettie need cry let wipe tear drop eye shortcoming know cause grief love not believe respond anger prayer heaven southwest cobble hill true son angel maternally woman compare nettie nettie need cry cry let let wipe tear drop eye fall catch lose ill soon far away course near sad be thank save compassion hell unequivocally beautiful inside doubt nettie need cry let wipe tear drop eye nettie nettie need cry cry let let wipe tear drop eye let
-1 | remember doubt think go to today everybody come today chest tight right not way way not know s wrong like be far go not matter fear heart stop start live way freedom cage sun rage not know push inside know hide know normal hard fake bleeding life like thousand knife slowly turn like not know s wrong like be far go not matter fear heart stop start live way not know s wrong like be far go not matter fear heart stop start live way lose today lose lose today lose lose today not know s wrong like be far go not matter fear heart stop start live way live curse bad slowly kill everyday despise go to life guess ill try today
+1 | swung open space field birch grove noisy swing open expanse field warm wind blow niwa gold gold gold song urochat school girl song float cloud steppe edge bread rich wide wide wide rainbow sky bright playing embrace field meadow storonka native road road road oh bread prairie thick rise fresh wind breathe today russia good good good 1956
-1 | contingency day unravel sense distance darkness distance darkness hope beset absence decay inside inside underneath life despite love
-1 | yeah chase acclaim search forsearch stature status vacuum drain opulence myth final rest change circumstance delay inescapable fact downcast look end have lose sight begin hope lie reachingreache end journey bring fulfillment conclusion song end conclusion final rest conclusion shre void purpose start chase destination present state sacrifice sacrifice look look end lose sight begin have lose lose sight begin conclusion song end conclusion final rest conclusion song end conclusion final rest conclusion song end conclusion
+1 | song chapayevite veysya black crow wave fighter wing naklichesh heart mountain nighttime dark strange dream zhiguli oh sleep watch pass loud shot gallop horse outskirt light go chase chapaya boil battle village sound alarm drum wander sky lightning river creep fog know ponder matter walk damned rabble white shirt accord ural river float damn black raven proportion white heart mountain drown drown chapay
+1 | walk walk singe soldier songs husband father son friend brother maybe somebody hear die survive unknown soldier year fortyfirst leave war return maybe somebody hear die survive unknown soldier maybe near paris maybe prague il closer unknown soldier letter ground lose like conspired military secret keep maybe somebody hear die survive unknown soldier maybe hear die survive unknown soldier heart believe open door wind day night creak maybe somebody hear die survive unknown soldier maybe somebody hear die survive unknown soldier far blizko land obelisk silence castiron fence maybe somebody hear die survive unknown soldier maybe somebody hear die survive unknown soldier
-1 | get work be machine sleep pray night day funny way be human get work be machine sleep pray night day funny way be human get work be machine sleep pray night day funny way be human be machine
+1 | lenin mountain friend love lenin hill s welldawn meeting moscow visible wonderful expanse steep height mile guard pipe factory kremlin dawn blue hope world heart russia moscow capital moscow ascend lenin hill capture spirit proud height glory appear eye great city dream come true distance light shine gold schumi young foliage hope world heart russia moscow capital moscow desert lenin hill building flag twist wind body ascend sky student come morning recall year young song proud word hope world heart russia moscow capital moscow 1949
+1 | cossacks kazachenki cossack cossack yes ah yes kazachenki hold morning village village hold morning village village girl go cossack fun cossack cossack ask hut come visit red soldier come visit long time see year wait finally wait cossack cossack famously respond go battle today horse tired fight draft sharp girl dear sister cossack cossack say goodbye gate native belaru battle rush native belarus race squad flutter wind red flag cossack cossack yes ah yes kazachenki hold morning village village hold morning village village girl go cossack veselym1939
+1 | factory zastava factory zastava sunset smoke live boy curly seventeen dawn spring boy dream see light kind word hear know famously bitter know joyless labor zhml quiet street stand whistle guy want happiness worker cause go war faithful quiet timid love know explain time word worker cause go war chop sword fall ground give blood drop parting say be die soon sun rise boy go time eighteenth god1956
+1 | letter thing come end day light light alignment moscow distant sound callsign cross river look time sky highway steppe day pozynye radio station mayak 1969
-1 | und wieder ein tag vorbei alle hält mich davon ab hier stehe ich und wohin ich gehen ein anfang der kein ende kennt ein anfang der kein ende kennt weißt du ich fühle hast du je mich gedacht wo soll das alle enden frage ich mich jede nacht und jeder tag verstreicht als wäre nicht getrennte leid für einsamkeit doch ohne dich geht es nicht ohne dich geht es nicht stunden siechen tage kriechen ich trage das mich zerstört vor mir und wieder liege ich neben dir keiner redet niemand spricht es aus weißt du ich fühle hast du je mich gedacht wo soll das alle enden frage ich mich jede nacht und jeder tag verstreicht als wäre nicht getrennte leid für einsamkeit doch ohne dich geht es nicht ohne dich geht es nicht soll es das gewesen sein soll es das gewesen seieiein soll es das gewesen sein und jeder tag verstreicht als wäre nicht getrennte leid für einsamkeit doch ohne dich geht es nicht ohne dich geht es nicht und jeder tag verstreicht als wäre nicht getrennte leid für einsamkeit ohne dich ohne dich ohne dich ohne dich
-1 | people little understanding people lot oh not know get to undemande thing know want want need love not need love need love not dyou scared feel let somebody touch hot cold far control hard come hard hold people little understanding people lot not know get to undemanding want need love need love not need love need love not part not nervous part shake will not deserve learn cry fun profit be counterfeit dollar english zloty people little understanding people lot oh not know get to undemande thing know want need love need love not need love need love not need love need love not need love love need love not love not need love love need love not love not need love love love need love not love not need love love need love not not need need love love need love not not need love not
-1 | throw away erase not mean thing not remember sky look like find be late salvation tomorrow come not let slip away world not let bring new faith guide thing come way join lie dead eye gravity take control not forsake troubled time be start regret tell thing roll dice time not let slip away world not let bring new faith guide thing come way join lie dead eye reborn be go to world someday be go to world someday throw away afraid drift open sea regret tell thing roll dice time not let slip away world not let bring new faith guide thing come way join lie dead eye
+1 | milestone mile mile half far hard look hand crane fly sea long time come probably sleep besson hope earth brightly burn brightly burn flare flare dawn sky tire ascend step certainly happen probably sleep day night face soon soon subside fight battle subside need hand good view singe war possible come term separation probably sleep crane belate voice good opinion scorch war
+1 | katyusha   bloom apple tree pear tree mist river katyusha step high bank steep walk singe song gray steppe eagle love letter keep song maiden head bright sun soldier faraway border katyusha bring greeting let remember ordinary girl let hear sing let preserve motherland katyusha preserve love bloom apple tree pear tree mist river katyusha step high bank steep
-1 | be alive passion destruction love fire remain fall apart like burn episode blacken heart hey heh remider care starin space like nobodys bulletproof foot tall be not go to sleep have see look eye will dead end street lot sad face lot bad day dead end street dead end dead end street dead end dead end street dead end dead end street control misunderstood kin good break promise take give look eye will dead end street lot sad face lot bad day dead end street dead end dead end street dead end dead end street dead end dead end street dead end street dead end street dead end street dead end street kinda trouble wish would meet terrible secret love forget feeling like come trip long choice go wrong look eye will dead end street lot sad face lot bad day dead end street dead end dead end street dead end dead end street dead end dead end street
-1 | bring lay love domain amid debris bring drown cool attention pay lord look young strange seeing eye charming sympathy unchain hang crystalline place glitter shine passive faith shred light need floor beneath foot need place throw party amid debris surround whisper heart mind fold tile like ice dress guilty tapestry dress unveil jewel reason glisten hang crystalline place glitter shine passive faith shred light need floor beneath foot cast saviour need place glitter shine need place glitter shine place glitter shine passive faith shred light need floor beneath foot cast saviour aside place glitter shine passive faith shred light need floor beneath foot cast saviour aside glitter shine glitter shine
-1 | face not explain broken disgrace cut drag pull way have till black blue fall day feel like time hit wall lose ill find way wake bed have know want be give be give give be give be give will know hard way way tear drag tryin pull break like ill knee crawl crawl day feel like time hit wall lose ill find way wake bed have know want be give be give give be give be give not yeah not yeah not yeah not day feel like time hit wall lose ill find way wake bed have know want be give be give give be give be give not
-1 | point point point turn time ask question time seek answer time throw s know halfway s know halfway halfway s know halfway point stand point thing keep free s know halfway s know halfway woah woah voice airwave send pray life end woah woah waste time spend ashamed call friend woah woah reason need reason woah woah reason need reason reason
-1 | master plan be confused paralyzed fuck dark wall high mountain hand chest feel like thorn deep inside pain bring knee s fuckin wall hate future look answer decision set track switch jungle life right way want leave see eye trust dead time try cope say look forward new chapter confession be love find way feel hope wall high not sun anymore fucking dead end
+1 | brindisi christmas friend close friend distant today raise glass crystal firework night sky chorus happy new year new happiness midnight nastaot hello joy youth hello come day new year fellow drink skillfully drink embarrass congratulate winemaker cook thank chorus love drink fact love brighteye girlfriend hand heart forever chorus fill glass look angrily remember today dream way open chorus good planet table people world sing song world pripev1953
-1 | fruit vine have get have get meat bone will not know will not know love face away be knee fuck fuck be way feel dislocate safe space be open wide open love face away be knee fuck fuck like like like love face away be knee fuck fuck
+1 | bowler morning crimson fresh breeze satchel pot battle hot recreation river boiling water brew wander pot chorus glorify bowler sing platoon bowler bowler hat friend marching forget hour danger wound thirst quench time save company brother yawn case machine gun life fill chorus home field native people young boy move campaign let courage time come fill home brew peaceful bowler chorus 1943
-1 | not hold thought way get divide be leave show door not look eye ill dim light spin sight believe be take long speak hard thing take right entrance minute turn away not look eye let dim light case pack pride time not leave be take ride s relief bitterness let die
-1 | suppose everything say not stand chance be sink think word set free chain remain attach place recall not ill try cry long come haunt have bad enemy search find truth will not look long answer stare broken mirror not look face knife begin cut come haunt have bad enemy come haunt have bad enemy come haunt have bad enemy
-1 | hello dear nice long oh feel like year be sure day walk drunk miss home know ill feel ask girl think have stop not want sick way home copper coin jump sea ill forgive protect home instead try forget fight be door kind man swear would leave hello dear hard long ground oh feel like day year oh not baby hard hear hard hear leave flower headstone sit talk dear dear
-1 | undo chain friend ill rage have hide perish sacrament swallow nothing forgive not decide take grant amend destine outlive step inside devil time have let come step inside devil will realize be devil anymore word man tempt father friend instantiate bother wrong right trade lie leverage lens light step inside devil time have let come step inside devil will realize be devil be devil anymore station abandon fool cause know have sensation deprivation have burn turn step inside devil time have let come step inside devil know will find answer end step inside devil will realize be devil anymore step inside step inside devil devil
-1 | 2000 bring strange day like 2000 bring strange day like turn century new year eve 99 anticipate happen overnight crazy situation get to find man lead temptation hand turn dream real thing baby turn dream real thing 2000 bring strange day like 2000 bring strange day like body entangle grip ecstasy turn midnight be go to feel love heat want feel good vibration inside head let return time bed turn dream real thing baby turn dream real thing 2000 bring strange day like 2000 bring strange day like 2000 bring strange day like 2000 bring strange day like
+1 | foothill altai foothill altai large village green mountain stand road log house new home miner silver coal seam lake valley forest attire beauty see miner lilac garden overgrow grass trail weave pattern happiness come good rumor new house miner evening miner wife meet calm affectionate gaze wife siberian see miner away star illuminate diamond moon illuminate space siberian give privolny kuzbass new home miner gulf lake fishing flickering fire blue silence see miner 1950
+1 | sea roar sea roar formidable wave seagull fly friend depress song sea forget ill sing song old song sing cradle baiushki bye naughty lyric sea enemy wait eternal rest border sacred look spoil war business action break hiking sing cradle baiushki bye heaven asterisk song snatch verse page speaking love better peaceful edge song end able sing baiushki bye 1944
+1 | golden sunset golden sunset rustling leaf sunset guard come belgrade spend night village sing darkness tomorrow attack accord distant land chorus cavalry russian song stay russian song dear word country great yes girl natasha yes krasnozvozdny city moscow night dark night longer near warsaw soldier unsaddle horse brief halt rain forest ravage young sing play accordion chorus people gather old gate near city prague guard walk forward smile shone light czech listen song early day pripev1947
-1 | fall long time know fucking worthless promise energy want silence want peace want reason search expect life new direction new fuckin rule catch way new life think time act selfishly memory time distrust pain dream trap time different pulse slow eye closed create picture head picture time draw mind colourful bright longer wait today arriving time sky time not look wall lie breathe sundown glowing heart awaken perfection reach sad memory look like fade dust air ground burn miss feeling not fear anymore open mind open way future turn light hope come find real destination control wait make unbreakable remember have
+1 | pioneer tale artek remember long time hardly forget fairy tale pioneer visit child happen twentieth century fairy tale artek chorus ring ear surf artek artek dream artek artek bugler blow early day artek artek befriend artek sea breeze drive flock sheep white happy ringing laughter fill crimean coast swift cloud like sail sail sea voice chorus troop line red flag sun blue sky burn ayudag fairy tale pioneer radiant look come visit pleased chorus 1985
-1 | come burn grass seed learn sound foot will earn steal will shut road blockade sea yeah watch trouble come look ahead start run look trouble come watch ahead start run tree burn ash fall like leave storm grow cold feel knee will plan calm will scheme sleep will look eye chain hand foot yeah watch trouble come look ahead start run look trouble come watch ahead start run watch trouble come look ahead start run watch trouble come look ahead start run watch trouble come watch ahead start run look trouble come watch ahead start run
-1 | reminisce year thing life death strung like mountain valley live wealth opulence tribulation loss laughter ong tear tear blood shed leave unadorned grave unburie death journey close darkness strode light light life immortality reminisce year remember song sing drown sound clash sword battle cry fall silent war lose meaning
+1 | avante forward russian flower dew world knee thunderstorm weeping silence guitar sorry flower age save boot strike avert broad daylight blow blood string guitar beauty fade shout flower grass bow head call flower carnation chorus avante avante immortal word avante avante reborn avante avante peace justice sierra maestra year ande echo command comandante avante avante immortal word today atlanteans bear avante avante peace justice happiness planet victory avante avante strike chime flower dew world knee thunderstorm weeping silence guitar flower spike missile fly earth planet fly know fire struggle right live breathe laugh love hope anxiety struggle good evil freedom call red carnation road chorus
-1 | not know light darkness not right forget clarify conflict upset regret be clarify conflict upset regret upset not know light darkness not right not right forget forget be
-1 | shiver dark raining park meantime south river stop hold band blow dixie double time feel alright hear music ring step inside not face come rain hear jazz competition place ah horn blow sound way south way south london town check guitar george know chord mind s strictly rhythm not want cry sing yes old guitar afford get light play thing harry not mind not scene s get daytime job s alright play honky tonk like save friday night sultan sultan swing crowd young boy fool corner drunk dress good brown baggie platform sol not damn trumpet play band be not rock roll sultan yeah sultan play creole creole man step right microphone say time bell ring goodnight time home make fast thing sultan sultan swing
+1 | christmas waltz winter holiday merry country spark fly snow blue colored light burn bright glass song ring chorus waltz waltz waltz sound country waltz waltz waltz happy hour waltz waltz waltz sound country joyous hour sound christmas waltz work palace collective farm village farther night cheerful waltz paroyu vapor enter circle fancy dress flash friend chorus happy welcome coming year today meet soviet people let light wide path let find like find chorus 1950
-1 | s earthly way know direction go s knowing row way river flow rain snow hurricane ablowe speck light show danger grow fire hell blow grizzly reaper mowing yes danger grow rower row certainly show sign slow s earthly way know direction go s knowing row way river flow rain snow hurricane ablowe
+1 | serve know serve recognize march cast 20 mile rest yes run hour serve recognize appetite bowl borscht cut hungry serve recognize s girl wait serve know faithful companion equal share difficulty combat service receive email line year serve recognize strong soldier system command perform hard leg roth stop
-1 | world get heavy ill levy take apart like bad glue card fall s time call light blink end road blink let know be fly s trap web be think spider dead oh lonely lonely little life kid think be fine fall s time call light blink end road blink let know be skin bone cane rusty throne oh castle siege sign outside say leave fall s time call be light blink end road blink let know blink let know
+1 | carnival naval chorus splash blue frothy surf walk water wind young sea look flag light song fun link find daring ship song faithful land seek chorus friendship ninth wave lot sea rock fear strong squadron send enemy shark pier chorus hot sun girl wave flower green park dance dash let chorus young girl country sole head golden light carnival little southern night life know little road hour chorus soar rocket flashing blossom bright flower sea laughter crowd overflow carnival stream chorus nice boy live native land sea meet hike dawn duty patrol enemy mountain carry strength youth chorus 1939
-1 | matter time tell want leave matter breath take not breathe matter night would lie wide awake sound poison rain day night fire tell kill save life tell kill prove right crash crash burn let burn hurricane chase underground matter death die forget matter life live regret fire inside heart riot explode flame god god god want want want dead alive torture sin want want want dead alive live lie tell kill save life tell kill prove right crash crash burn let burn hurricane chase underground promise prayer pray like drug secret sell know love love let tell kill save life tell kill prove right crash crash burn let burn hurricane chase underground oh oh oh hurricane oh oh oh hurricane oh oh oh hurricane oh oh oh hurricane want want want dead alive torture sin want want want dead alive live lie run away light run away light
-1 | sun rise sun set hurry rise wind south wind north return return course stream flow sea sea stream return ounce toil new sun new sun lest adversary misunderstand hand lest adversary misunderstand misundertand hand triumph new sun exalt flesh new sun exalt flesh lest adversary misunderstand hand lest adversary misunderstand misunderstand hand triumph remove worthless idol wreck pride remove worthless idol wreck pride remove worthless idol wreck pride kindle fire burn realm death devour earth harvest
-1 | travel far find little meaning tragedy tragedy search mean dark cloud lead confine freedom guide security teach lie teacher wrong time compel fight battle win lose learn mistake lose not learn change
-1 | voice carry dull great plain grow louder everyday sink habit die hard arm familiar wound time will not heal fester hate pick scab turn page lion lear write hunter glorify flip switch sit outside dollar haircut fuck word leash untie drag meinto night cover ear follow deeper night dim light tighten noose have lose will not settle immune
+1 | star shine sky star shine sky hrustalina dumok mind rodney stalin vernal blooming garden glorious land stalin speak favorite happiness kremlin river distance quiet evening gold dear comrade stalin hear voice stream flow like song song cheerful word constitution give big right stalin talk share like farm fun live oh garden sadochke spring bloom circle oh farm happily live prosperously oh sadochke bloom pour song village dear comrade stalin thank helmet let sun shine brighter let flower garden field beautiful glorious land 1948
-1 | nasty let let burn girl ill nasty let meh sweat drop dark love sanity let tha match will let bo bo bo bo bon bonfire burn girl ill nasty let meh sweat drop dark love sanity let tha match will let bo bo bo bo bon bonfire bo bo bo bo bo bo bon bonfire hey bo bo bo bo bon bonfire hey bo bo bo bo bon bonfire hey bo bo bo bo bon bonfire hey bo bo bo bo bon bonfire hey bo bo bo bo bon bonfire burn girl ill nasty let meh sweat drop dark love sanity let tha match will let burn girl ill nasty let sweat drop dark love sanity let tha match will let hey bo bo bo bo bon bonfire burn girl ill nasty let meh sweat drop dark love sanity let tha match will let burn girl ill nasty let meh sweat drop dark love sanity let tha match will let bo bo bo bo bo bo bon bonfire hey bo bo bo bo bon bonfire hey bo bo bo bo bon bonfire hey bo bo bo bo bon bonfire hey bo bo bo bo bon bonfire hey bo bo bo bo bon bonfire burn girl ill nasty let meh sweat drop dark love sanity let tha match will let burn girl ill nasty let meh sweat drop dark love sanity let tha match will let hey bo bo bo bo bon bonfire
-1 | night night dark dawn dawn search bright day trudge field deceit day amelioration grant clear sky day amelioration grant clear sky look admire storm way storm way s storm late know rain know rain rain rain dry eye rain dry life rain dry rain storm inside storm inside storm inside storm surprise sun sun begin squint eye not handle let slowly bask saving grace saving grace need sun dry rain
+1 | october 1917 немецкий 1 prole habn final farmer time chase habn kerensky past 1st5th october sun petrograd russia siebzehner year 2 soldier transform rifle wurd chav distance follow quickly war general muzhik fully abdoman read decree eat grain grain abmäht 4 lord habn look monocle rule world sailor neva spit warn expropriate 5 song sing live new world buddy muzhik red soldier habn portrayed 1967
+1 | young entire planet limit road universe limit heroic deed build happiness hand inspirational world entrust work hand chorus younger entire planet young man fastmoving astonish komsomol age sun shine soviet smile love spring noisy disturb planet atom true peace chorus need happy life labor country reason chest homeland komsomol heart beat chorus younger entire planet young man fastmoving astonish komsomol age 1959
+1 | song don cossack near novocherkassk meadow green meadow wide native river bright red banner flutter travel go cossack camp chorus hey horse horse let don water cossack ready fight fight moustached cossack cossack beardless oh yeah merry cossack don people swashbuckle whiskey pour brown curl falcon steppe don daredevil chorus near novocherkassk song combat fire ottochat sharp blade cossack dash black horse smash wind shadow enemy chorus don wave roll dear water melodious ground soviet distant land lead stalin mighty eagle untrodden path clean field chorus near novocherkassk meadow green meadow wide native river bright red banner flutter travel go cossack camp pripev1938
-1 | contented manner sit bonfire sanctimoniously thank hospitality treacherous intention cold occasional gust wind kiss mistake twinkle eye pure warmheartedness premonition effect bleak smile flicker lip behold algid satisfaction sinister mind prey treasure sacrifice altar lust curse sacred arcane exercise disembody fiend wave gaze virtuoso deceit facetiousness leave chance escape happen mind not come crush bone tear flesh come steal sanity glance
+1 | time grow old teacher call pippi pippi longstocke pippi couple hand leg envy know love
+1 | fight song guerrilla arise soldier people guerrillas village town honor truth freedom voice merge single motherland call siren leader call brother sister war right holy enemy repulse defend homeland feed vain battle take place want trample enemy native land gun neighbor neighbor tie common struggle victim require victory better die battle life slave raid rear strike night brow repeat time come let remember brother year fight recall partisan affair star shine glory tremble arm stand bridge ferry road village city suddenly willynilly piece native land smoke fire wind field enemy path meet gun neighbor neighbor tie common struggle victim require victory better die battle life slave modification row couplet 4th defeat enemy presumptuous 5th rush cry war land 11th temper battle people 7th stanza soon soon enemy captive return birthmark edge wait child native field fight father son 1941
+1 | sea argue argue plane faster sea sea remain live sea easy lose salty expanse wave boil roar surf sea sea remain remain watch tropical sun face umoem polar night sea sea remain anxious look sad look reproachfully l easy love heart sea sea remain similar
+1 | krasnoflotskaya smile oh tape gold anchor wind wave vain rush forward hurry fight goodbye chorus goodbye worry tear lei cold oh cheer smile joy war come eh burn frost russian land izukras death enemy century stand gate frost fact chorus tingle ring bell podduzhnym look polaskovey face century stand good chorus oh tape gold anchor wind wave vain rush forward hurry fight say meet chorus miss verse oh zasvistyvaysya blizzard nightingale wind cold take yes nedonesu b look busy chorus 1943
-1 | far home road unknown vulture circle wind blow northern sky haunt wake moment shadow cast mountain range calloused sol find way desperate eye long horizon sun rise long forget son daughter not belong sun work fix work have undo cry help unanswered signal fire burn burn wonder wait cause lip sew ear fill constant drone unfulfilled fall stand stand long forget son daughter not belong sun work fix work have undo not fall light distance far away stand sky turn gray s hope footstep persistence not astray light close everyday long forget son yeah long forget son long forget son daughter not belong sun work fix work have undo have undo happen not know hold tight
+1 | song dovatortsev dense forest joyful song sharp blade dash horse kuban cossacks guard deal enemy valiant battle chorus ah bei kuban ruby guard razi nazis dastardly quarter come win glorious defend homeland drive dovator favorite general dovatora brave commander terrible avalanche enemy spend dovatortsev kuban cossacks nazis horde death find chorus glorious victory note way beat nazis beat beat gun grenade machine gun cut machine gun blade chop chorus 1942
+1 | rich work beat clock spasskaya tower sun rise moscow citie forest field labor day meet awake river mountain steppe northern ice russian expanse ukrainian garden patrol polustanki meadow village village trohgorke taganka brighteye day come chorus sing whistle train singe way singe field praise sunrise city singe soviet land people hero sing volga region amur polesie lake baikal gray peak caucasus altai virgin land righteous friendship strong solid metal rich work truth lenin true golden dawn spill fatherland burns word affection greeting heart heart say pleasure work honor honor twinkle heart want merge total happiness entirely ardor work increase tirelessly passionately shoulder feel shoulder chorus 1947
-1 | friend hurt moment regret charity lace lie hope fix defect strengthen seminal tie well bad history real hate forever stay morning promise fight fate til die til die start journey bit worth not let anymore sky clear afraid consequence open door have stop try have stop feel like family blood not piece represent compliment til die til die will not forget war have achieve allow win til die til die true confession open eye have know trust like let speak let scream will alive til die til die will not forget war have achieve allow win carry carry break will not deny war pressure need unite break will not deny war pressure need unite til die til die will not forget war have achieve allow win carry carry break will not deny war pressure need unite til die til die til die will not forget til die war have achieve allow win til die break will not deny til die war pressure need unite
-1 | jimmy pop eminem get to cuss rap sell record fk smith dj qball not rhyme jimmy pop drat laugh
-1 | s come alive s hold mirror s singe song snake look turn piss wine totally void hate kill snake hiss damage blood beg open heart feel come like storm considerately venomous voice tempt drain bleed leave crack drag like sweet gravity snake hiss damage blood beg open heart feel come like storm feel come like storm connected slip away fade away day away feel touch change considerately kill considerately kill considerately kill considerately kill skin beneath storm tear wall come snake drown look eye fear begin fade recall time cry cry wall come look eye fear begin fade recall time die die right not mind not mind not mind connected slip away fade away day away feel touch change considerately kill considerately kill considerately kill
-1 | not let walk door not let walk door not let know not let know not let walk door not let walk door not let know not let know look solid not ill right not ill not ill right have wait long get eye get eye prize get eye have wait long lie scared way right start yeah owe yeah owe not s true fall rip love yeah owe yeah owe not let walk door not let walk door not let know not let know cause have wait long not s true fall rip love yeah owe yeah owe calf stare life love yeah owe yeah owe yeah owe yeah owe yeah owe yeah owe tie prize ally tie prize ally
+1 | invincible legendary noise land like banner twentyseven year heroic echo glorious battle remote way song sing chorus invincible legendary battle know joy victory favorite native army send homeland song hi bear banner scarlet eighteenth terrible year enemy lament win horde nazis chorus leningrad defend battle defend native stalingrad lead offensive stalin tank attack fascist chorus strength win know genius stalin fight lead army battle immortal immortal soviet people chorus invincible legendary battle know joy victory favorite native army send homeland song hi 1943
-1 | day reborn fight folded hand pain leave lifeless live run run run red cold river run run run red cold river not feel life leave cold damned not feel love lead end stay reformed erase perfect world hate leave dark stray dog war run run run red cold river not feel life leave cold damned not feel love lead end try find reason live try find reason live try find reason live not feel try find reason live life leave cold damned try find reason live not feel love lead end run run run red cold river
+1 | march miner hail miner tribe hail miner circle ahead time stalin good friend chorus love motherland warm bring light people brave battle glory new s miner miner labor guard love motherland united family people miner world send militant greeting fraternity strong power close dawn chorus sun meet leave wide firm step day communism see tower donetsk mine pripev1951
+1 | viburnum noise sad viburnum clone branch ground valley birthmark way war come home father house heart lebedev road overgrow viburnum eternal guard fire house save soon home corner cute new pipe roof red kalina window branch knock 1945
-1 | siehst du meine hände sie schuften nur für dich und ich hier gebastelt hab war immer schon für dich wenn das jahr vergeht und nicht passiert der strom ausfällt und das licht ausgeht das ertrage ich doch eines nicht du sollst mich nicht roboter nennen du sollst mich nicht roboter nennen nur zu einem zweck wurde ich konstruiert und du hier neugier nennst wurde niemal programmiert wenn das jahr vergeht und nicht passiert der strom ausfällt und das licht ausgeht das ertrage ich doch eines nicht du sollst mich nicht roboter nennen du sollst mich nicht roboter nennen nach circa einem leben stellte sich heraus es gibt eigentlich nicht zu tun doch niemand stellt mich aus wenn das jahr vergeht und nicht passiert der strom ausfällt und das licht ausgeht da ertrage ich nur eine nicht du sollst mich nicht roboter nennen du sollst mich nicht roboter nennen du sollst mich nicht roboter nennen
-1 | world cease burn feeling let real thing clench hand bang head come not need friend burn thing forever night be sure day lose tell bless sick be die stand fight thought reason okay burn thing forever night be sure day lose grow pain hard bring dark burden s answer chain break will not let build inside s storm come ill serve till breath burn thing forever night be sure day lose
+1 | moscow beauty light moscow mighty constellation light blue walk today friend accord beloved moscow chorus moscow beauty wonder famous song capital find tireless work flower moscow favorite delight homeland color song light spacious moscow young meet cordial smile welcome city win labor chorus shine evening dawn spring rustle poplar fast moscow sea gull fly wall kremlin chorus 1950
-1 | feel sickness brush arm walk hear voice not tell slowly watch sickness slip away place would fear afraid time give chase find finally slowly feed head friend family grab neck lover ruin dig nail flesh life take slam head brick blood pour pavement stir dirt spit mortar mix tear organ body break bone fashioned brick lay mortar throne hope sit long have tear piece firmly hold wrist today bury swallow inch ill ill hold hold have hold heart set free set free fear set free oh have feel failure have watch passion leave breathe oh beat ill ill hold hold have hold heart hold heart dead parking lot gas station street hear friend know not believe thing see station overseas keep smile spite find way push good bad oh selfish like pain not shake like break finger throw body lake slowly sink away truth sorrow not face fall future trip past tear suture anguish like define remind have find comfort suffering uncertainty happiness death s mystery terrified thing feel friend family hand hand lay head chest leave leave lover kind link arm chin swear fine lover kind sure head sure heart sure leave head sure hope sure head sure heart sure leave head sure hope head fine head swear alright head friend friend head swear swear die swear home safe sound swear swear die swear live underground swear heart place rest turn leave ill weave name ribcage lock heart inside chest regain passion carry away rest tear sickness body smash head brick castle bone dwell sing bury moment would think end sing fear future dirge fade friend love hold fail sing minute have frighten hour have lose sleep sing friend family sing not survive sing final outcome sing song try live amidst violent storm leave unsatisfied best fill heart s important rest s leave fall far s stack run time hopeful child kind let heart outward know friend family kind hold hand ill lift head promise fine hopeful lover run time s stack fall far hopeful lover kind let heart outward know lover kind let heart outward know lover kind let heart outward die
+1 | internationale норвежский earthbound bondage ye hunger clutch nu drшnner court battle gjшre ready old earth even slave freedom forward ability clear vеrt community home sе gather pе valentine victory know fеr international shall fе folkevеr hшyden salvation await god prince flock collection pick jointly win stjеlne require vеr еnd freedom protection vеr hammer raise slеr warm iron sе gather pе valentine victory know fеr international shall fе folkevеr welcome state law bшye taxis weigh free duty rich fшye re sake familiar place long stшvet provide freedom claim predatory right шvet vеrt community law sе gather pе valentine victory know fеr international shall fе folkevеr sacrifice mammon жre gullet king mеl е tжre pе proletarian labor band vеrt toil torment mighty wealth come nеr require demand vеr property sе gather pе valentine victory know fеr international shall fе folkevеr war frenzy fill king fшr go blow violence gentleman away wash pе massemytteriets day bжr streikerеnden hжren pе war signal helteжren shoot hжren general sе gather pе valentine victory know fеr international shall fе folkevеr worker peasant vеre hжre stшrste will carry vеr inheritance field shall build vеrt home predator vеrt blood suck finally slеr mшrket sе heavily oppress provide space solar light peace sе gather pе valentine victory know fеr international shall fе folkevеr
-1 | remedy confusion thrust day silence seclusion bring night pull guide pain be count nocturnal hour drown vision haunt sleep faint flickering power leak pull guide failure inside test not persist keep enigma criteria demand deadly pattern wreath prosperous way pale ghost corner pour caress shoulder ooh puzzle shrewd innocence run thick tide beneath usher inner grave nail bleed struggle end weak heart lullaby one have lose reel inside gleam eye necklace reflect stare primal regret turn walk away spiral ground like autumn leave leave wake fade wake sound lapse way misery
-1 | world stop leave thought implode time need need need time need need need world stop leave thought implode time need need need time
-1 | family man s family man wife lament break commandment push rock selling cock rub rub rub see ass fly drive fly night hell fright take cash hell stuff stash leave door settle old score s family man wife lament break commandment push rock selling cock rub rub rub know spell cell not tell hell think cash friend smash cross path will laugh drive away yes good day die try buy high hell lend spend life depend money friend friend til end know wrong right best sight s family man wife lament break commandment push rock selling cock rub rub rub yeah know girl love drop goo think judge know think not leather strap clap trap dolly bird sit lap fingertip trip like road map lead old chap haha family man family man family man family man family man family man s family man wife lament break commandment push rock selling cock rub rub rub see ass fly drive fly night hell fright take cash hell stuff stash leave door settle old score family man family man family man family man s family man
-1 | dime todo lo que pasó di cuenta ni qué pegó todo da vueltas como un carrusel locura recorre todita mi piel wake change remind story will not insane tell explain reason be pain wake change remind story will not insane tell explain reason be pain change change remind story will not insane change change remind story will not insane insane insane insane insane insane be insane insane insane insane insane be insane insane insane insane insane be insane insane insane insane insane be insane insane insane insane insane be insane insane insane insane insane be insane insane insane insane insane be insane insane insane insane insane voy perdiendo perdiendo voy perdiendo perdiendo voy perdiendo perdiendo voy perdiendo perdiendo voy perdiendo perdiendo voy perdiendo perdiendo voy perdiendo perdiendo voy perdiendo perdiendo voy perdiendo perdiendo voy perdiendo perdiendo voy perdiendo perdiendo voy perdiendo el suelo be insane insane insane insane insane insane be insane insane insane insane insane be insane insane insane insane insane be insane insane insane insane insane be insane insane insane insane insane be insane insane insane insane insane be insane insane insane insane insane be insane insane insane insane insane be insane insane insane insane insane be insane insane insane insane insane wake change remind story will not insane tell explain reason be pain wake change remind story will not insane tell explain reason be pain be insane
-1 | ne regv na gandobe inte noviio extincon papi coriiose exa o mesamobi molatvs certiognv sveticon pape bovdi macarni papon mar nane devorbvetid loncate nv gnate ne dama gvssov n vero ne cvrri ne papi cos pape ambito papi bovdi ne tetv batoron veia svebreto sv citbio ledgamo berto nene devv bvit cate
-1 | not not know weather go to fine not cross streamline love wait daytime not snow blind not go not goodbye long goodbye not goodbye not goodbye not goodbye have know time reveal hindsight wrestle stormy night love last lifetime snow blind not go not goodbye long go not goodbye long not goodbye not not not not go not goodbye long goodbye goodbye goodbye
-1 | want overcome not numb want s close eye bite tongue believe ill try die work keep live got start give life strife be tired live be tired give be tired live be tired give want run free not be weak yea want hold arm old friend chance feel real not go feel mind slow heart tear apart be tired live be tired give be tired live be tired give
-1 | want thank absence force find way lead life blindfold clearly rain wash away reject thought god work illfate world reject liar cross believe right masse know right secure place hell day face heaven making believe think right century pass voice reason suppress salvation dance face blind reject thought god work illfate world reject liar cross thank thank god
+1 | song world encounter day wing bird rush friend peace want live peacefully learn friend dream fun young war chorus meet day song peace song town village girl singe boy sing praise peaceful labor love singing bird peaceful noise engine breathe forest dialect area love quiet expanse cloudless love big city country chorus end earth ordinary people end earth friend live great friendship banner rank fighter peace strong grow pripev1952
-1 | curtain fall roll unwrap remind person be afraid ashamed s give strength stand shshshshake thing want ill bottle shame bottle shame shshshake know will not know be slave voice head be afraid be afraid have say be slave one leave listen ill sit argue thing wish tell hurt shshshshake thing want ill bottle shame bottle shame shshshake know will not know be slave voice head be afraid be afraid have say be slave voice head be afraid will walk end hey d ya cold d ya cold hey tell tell hey go to star long will let person not be slave voice head be afraid be afraid have say be slave be slave voice head be afraid be afraid will walk end shshshshake thing want ill bottle shame bottle shame
+1 | song moscow student repeat play second distich moscow student hot blood incorruptible soul bright face siberian snow dnieper garden gather hostel capital ready fatherland exploit heart fire gold reserve life large grow old soul year hour death tomorrow afternoon conduct conversation young age strong hand vain space view lenin hills palace stately fortress science student song shall forget moscow law ponesom light kohl friend friend love love hot true romeo juliet spring wind clear head flee boulevards green tape hello moscow young moscow hello good world capital student 1954
+1 | national anthem north korea translation take official north korean website word pak se yong music kim win gunay shine morning homeland rich mineral wealth native land thousand year history fatherland thousand people proud famous culture ancient age invite native land korea glory carry baekdu spirit alive live spirit truth chest monolith rally glory await ahead storm safely past people bear bloom way korea glory carry
-1 | rip heart chest replace grenade blast incinerate incinerate incinerate incinerate firefighter hose not care ill burn alarm girl hear siren come dose soul gasoline flick match brain incinerate incinerate incinerate incinerate firefighter nice remember cold ice flame lick foot siren come misery wave torch eye flamethrower lover burn mind incinerate incinerate incinerate incinerate incinerate incinerate incinerate incinerate
-1 | let truth be lose let truth be lose be lose be lose lose lose lose lose man run surrender give fight disunite scratch itchy spot psyche sore help psyche ache notion lead astray help let truth be lose watch face wear guilt not have let itchy spot grow large entangle have break life -PRON- help psyche ache notion lead astray help let truth be lose let truth be lose let truth be lose
+1 | watch world worth watch world famous miner s coal rock cut blank large hand skillful faithful work war worth watch world altai farmer gold glitter sheaf sheaf lie work cornfield barn country rich war worth watch world great nation leninist banner hand bear work world strong quiet child asleep war
+1 | rage tyrant rage tyrant sneer thunderstorm fiercely prison shackle strong spirit body violate shame shame shame tyrant let weak spirit stand awe peddle shameful sacred right physical bondage afraid injury shame shame shame tyrant heavy work fraction perpetual slavery people oppress hoard wealth slavery torment break titanium fear fear fear tyrant blood flow stream tear enemy ruthlessly mock weak collapse powerful evil plan fear fear fear tyrant glitter bayonet storm lash fear tie chain limit violence shame fear death tyrant spill blood earth zaalela mighty struggle boil fire insurrection embrace country shame shame death tyrant
-1 | mission control brain police free lovekienergy penetration destroy party violation cosmic body understand problem anti war anti orgasm smash moral hypocrisy mission controlkianarchy libration sex slave domination behave believe anti god anti orgasm
+1 | mother song silent night gaze window month float silver high ring bird asleep long time sleep son know foe oversea edge glare east want away freedom happiness son shine bright window kremlin visible distance golden flame honest people earth peace protect son childhood protect entire country path broad stalin keep anxiety adversity cradle son 1951
-1 | beat brat beat brat beat brat baseball bat oh yeah oh yeah oh oh beat brat beat brat beat brat baseball bat oh yeah oh yeah oh oh oh yeah oh yeah oh oh brat like lose brat like lose lose beat brat beat brat beat brat baseball bat oh yeah oh yeah oh oh beat brat beat brat beat brat baseball bat oh yeah oh yeah oh oh oh yeah oh yeah oh oh brat like lose brat like lose lose
-1 | not try help war effort futile progress bit bit be fighting kill replace frustration new inspiration watch climb fight addiction be bleed evil left good right like be face like be face tell hate tell smile like be face like be face listen cry tired hide inside scream replace frustration new inspiration watch climb fight addiction be bleed evil left good right like be face like be face tell hate tell smile like be face like be face try figure be bleed understand like be faced understand like be faced understand evil left good right like be face like be face tell hate tell smile like be face like be faced evil left good right like be face like be face tell hate tell smile like be face like be face
+1 | sehnsuscht nach der heimat german film meeting elbe director grigory alexandrov voice motherland darle free space away world favorite soviet territory chorus world beautiful s world brighter mother proud russian count son see far away country apart dream river birch glade red star city truth open soul distant road carry heart russian great great motherland nem1946
-1 | announcement airport
-1 | nation fight change fear war war war wash mind s moral people live sorrow right beg borrow want change tomorrow play blindfold game profile enemy create yeah play blindfold game card table end s compassion world today yeah find way war nation war fight change arm arm war divisive word ivory tower seed intolerance turn flower countless fool reckless coward rally people quest power play blindfold game profile enemy create yeah play blindfold game card table end s compassion world today find way war war nation war fight change arm arm war land segregation place home not let oldstock generation carry flag war war red red burn fire spread threat threat burn tomorrow nation fight change fear war war nation war fight change arm arm war land segregation place home not let oldstock generation carry flag war nation divide war war stand embraced arm arm stand
-1 | be will not be okay ill day die not long ill will not fall heart dead go be breathe alive will not fall heart dead go be breathe alive alive oh fuck fun not believe not find indulge kill give fuck die give fuck die give fuck die bottle try cause feel good try cause feel good care heart get break will learn end s well way baby closer not hurt try will not fall heart dead go be breathe alive will not fall heart dead go be breathe alive seat dear comfortable crack dear not not change thing life burn fucking flame have get blame
+1 | year box cheerful light pour song honor spring moon come thee thy friend friendship love night morning fall love friend impossible deny love sin soul spring day eye bloom lilacs spring shine sing year 1958
-1 | yeahoh have look straight eye turn head time scared leave wall ruin like fate trust afraid know have leave one have leave have leave longer turn head forget have leave forsaken yeah have build confidence broken dream leave dead have condemn have condemnde chase dream end know have leave one have leave have leave longer turn head forget have leave forsaken longer turn head forget have leave forsaken selfishness consume world forgive day erase erase erase memory decay know forsaken one feel know forsaken one feel
-1 | yeah hear want hear truth sound right ear hear want hear truth sound right ear wisdom live base feeling heart time instinct let think question mean ambition call call use pray hear want hear hear want hear truth sound right ear yeah speak fighting resist world battle yeah choose live grain face way difference blindly seek truth sentiment hear want hear truth sound right ear hear want hear truth sound right ear hear want hear truth sound right ear
+1 | asb baikalamur mainline sun shine sky wisely young ancient land lake baikal amur pave highway meet chilly dawn meet long blizzard biography world inscribe line chorus 2x hear time buzz bam vastness steep bam great boreal forest submit hear time buzzing bam vastness steep bam bell heart young time difficult beloved land gift lie rail like string song guitar sun shine sky wisely young ancient land lake baikal amur pave highway chorus 2 time baikalamur mainline 1975
-1 | be sick sickly friend think depend know power truth day hour trust trust be ally be alibi be rid tricky friend time pretend know shame s reason s blame not know destiny wrap think s want hear s want share cuz not know destiny wrap think s want hear s want share cuz not know destiny not know not know not know wrap think not know not know not know yeah yeah yeah yeah be sick sickly friend think depend know power truth day hour not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah trust trust trust trust
+1 | cavalry black army surround border motherland call new campaign kastornov recall recall tsarina let remember friend nineteenth year vulture hover border hover roof house kastornov recall recall tsarina meet old new enemy 1941
-1 | stand deny stand deny fool collapse like house card landing splinter glass wish fake like wish fake like wish fake like wish fake like stand deny stand deny trust collapse like house card landing splinter glass crush heart spare foot like judge people have meet time run fast reflection trust trust trust stand trust stand deny trust stand trust stand deny trust stand trust stand deny
+1 | song k f ivan nikulin russian sailor branch wound poplar warm breath wind desert raid sevastopol crescent moon light night quarter scorch break breast darkness night sailor say goodbye bastion dead ship sailor bay dull soul pebble lovely cemetery grave old guard raise trunk stand stripe vest cake thick patch say be rich war black pack fight heart content branch wound poplar warm breath wind desert raid sevastopol crescent moon light 1943
-1 | arrive rise sun hidden passenger have take close eye let forget drag wait surrender tonight wait light say look answer turn urge go leave reason come undo catch slow release like traveler eager reflection slowly fade time head escape wait surrender tonight wait light say look answer turn urge go leave reason come undo
+1 | sound wheel rush pine tree rush look lake moon good shelf open window night dark star sky burn people sleep dream wheel wheel knock knock remember ball warm farewell thin snow noisy dispute goodbye secret conversation child someone song pour wheel wheel knock knock good shelf open window distal small village wait country dawn sleep outside window blooming garden far light capital wheel wheel knock knock 1952
-1 | day rest life wish have know cause have kiss mama goodbye not tell love care thank pop talk wisdom share unaware everyday routine skate school know day not like rest instead take test take chest blind not come everybody run not hear gun blast happen fast not know kid not class maybe kid reach love maybe moment forget maybe kid want hug know youth nation youth nation youth nation youth nation little suzy give world chance excel hang boy hear story tell act kind proud respect find love wrong place situation different face change pace daddy leave bad tell deserve well johnny boy play fool break rule think cool guy matter hard try think suicide kind hard be not get friend life end remember cross line s turning tell world feel sound gat youth nation youth nation youth nation youth nation s blame life tragedy claim matter not away pain feel inside be tired lie not know blind lead blind guess s way story go sense somebodys get know s get life s get think exist youth nation youth nation youth nation youth nation youth nation youth nation youth nation youth nation youth nation youth nation youth nation youth nation youth nation youth nation youth nation
+1 | volunteer captivity choose churn share hot banner vladimirsky shlyakhov mine leave bandage shirt fight kroili share ounce cigarette butts circle cold supply truck warm perish furnace gallery get bullet road roundabout turn straight force obscure recess people shake skin necessary flame rinemsya boldly accept death reward worker cause 1957
+1 | glory life banner green foliage ballpark life good life good soul joy hot battle youth start youth good chorus shire step firm step veysya red flag alignment keep youth rank live sky clear beautiful sky clear beautiful forward look strength glory life glory life walk road sport fight win loud marche youth light song fly song fly girlfriend hello native land youth fight youth victory chorus forward look strength glory life glory life drogo sport fight win 1952
-1 | help polarize help polarize help stair ill hide problem help polarize help polarize help friend get lot problem know be come run feeling tonight tonight tonight oh want well brother well son want well adversary evil love tonight tonight tonight oh help polarize help polarize help stair ill hide problem help polarize help polarize help friend get lot problem polarize take disguise separate -PRON- split -PRON- wrong right deciding die decide fight tonight tonight tonight oh want well brother well son want well adversary evil love tonight tonight tonight oh help polarize help polarize help stair ill hide problem help polarize help polarize help friend get lot problem problem problem domingo en fuego think lose halo not know will come find domingo en fuego think lose halo not know will come find find problem problem help polarize help polarize help friend problem help polarize help polarize help friend problem help polarize help polarize help friend problem help polarize help polarize help friend problem problem problem want well brother well son
-1 | s sunshine impossible year black day sky gray cloud fear storm sorrow will not disappear typhoon monsoon impossible year s good time impossible year beach bad blood coast s unclear guest party insincere intrude exclude impossible year s impossible year heartache heartbreak gin tear bitter pill swallow scar souvenir tattoo bruise impossible year s air breathe s inbetween nightmare hang past dream s sunshine s s good time impossible year
-1 | look footstep cold ground feel like flee path take fate wanna lazy step day day second second set course anew walk frame life look moment ill remember smile tripping lie hate envy vanity wish change order proceeding chance build time machine reverse mistake pain fade away source noise whisper scream tempting frightening middle head heart try change mind bad fighting year end decide fear mistake fear responsibility beloved beloved photo not overlook flashlight surround observe movement finally s cry perfect sincerity cry salvation cry respect golden mean decision not know right way choose knee be yelling ground hope find new answer thousand question life find answer question thousand life breathing slowly despite stop believe wait point clearly
-1 | have try find reconciliation wall hatred burn find easy reach feel amend passionless apathy line portrait need burn inside need know alive need know feeling discontent strong indifference weak stand like colorless sky sea nothingness hatred face enemy apathy strike furtively need burn inside need know alive need know feeling discontent strong indifference weak stand need know feeling discontent strong indifference weak stand anger burn injustice create faceless dismiss force concede turn light outside erase exist door find hard reach common ground glaring opposition have lose luxury choice strive identity bury lack interest soul mark mere history grievance awaken need know feeling discontent strong indifference weak stand need know feeling discontent strong indifference weak stand grievance awaken comfort home comfort oversized grave have try find reconciliation have try find reconciliation
+1 | komsomolskaya oath remember amur give remember taiga river light amur build big light chorus give oath lenin work battle keep leninist komsomolskaya oath soldier gray greatcoat battle homeland go song sing young wing leninsky komsomol chorus build today boldly conceive rightfully native new channel volgadon chorus rich beautiful home country flourish country raise virgin land chorus adversity able pass lenin banner people overshadow way chorus
+1 | odessa sailor street odessa old chestnut autumn black sea bullet fog light menace bitter hour night leave city city tree sadly see whisper darkness heart anguish respond odessa sailor battle village capture germans beat meet woman walk midnight hour blood brother hug son old woman meet anxiously repeat go ahead quietly reply odessa sailor odessa sweet darling house friend comrade battle night dark term nizgi good reason call devil enemy shout know strength understand war begin answer odessa sailor know autumn foggy winter il return city city welcome know town dear old house time come come meet cheerful sound surf knock native window right battlefield come odessa sailor 1942
-1 | oh sweet insanity hand walk dark walk road hour hour white hills ocean collision course hell march doom oh irony be go will not doom doom doom doom hold breath dear go go hold breath dear go go have walk road hour white hills ocean search solace toxic land sin let not wake song soothe wine subdue hold breath dear go go hold breath dear go go dream mind will not lift dream try not escape mind dream mind will not lift dream try not escape have see have have see have see be capable have walk road hour white hills ocean search solace toxic land sin let not wake song soothe wine subdue welcome diary man lose mind long ago welcome shell man heart black cold head
+1 | people large flight people large flight magician new wonders eagle tribe pilot owner blue sky chorus fly free world catch wind easy prior farth planet friend far away venture bird dispute wing tribe people people wide open space high free idea chorus go battle air matter kremlin guide star thousand luminary learn pripev1949
+1 | forget snatch composition hundred mile distant region forget forget forget white foam garden bloom spring forget change meet meet entrance forget forget forget family give native heavens open space height forget dream swore forget forget forget blizzard color come forget girlfriend love fate forget forget forget
+1 | zarechnaya street spring come know rain snow descend tell street bad weather road street teenager chase pigeon roof junction love meet happy meet soul world unrequited love world lot different street change address life major street 1956
-1 | like mirage ride desert sand like vision float desert wind know secret ancient desert land keeper mystery hand nomad rider ancient east nomad rider man know nomad come know nomad tell undercover veil disguise man fear one despise one certain future behold legend story tell nomad rider ancient east nomad rider man know nomad come know nomad tell dare look glance way reputation go like spirit disappear claim thing one see kill nomad rider mysterious nomad spirit man fear nomad rider desert sand man understand genius horizon desert sun fear reputation hide run send mystique s silhouette like statue carve stone nomad rider mysterious nomad spirit man fear nomad rider desert sand man understand genius legend speak ancient tongue one speak live tell tale kill man die live nomad rider mysterious nomad spirit man fear nomad rider desert sand man understand genius
-1 | raise banner noise wake dog boy ready war bring colour floor freak eye freak eye freak eye freak eye colour bring colour floor colour bring colour floor wake siren dog bite exciting ready war colour bring colour floor freak eye freak eye freak eye freak eye colour bring colour floor colour bring colour floor freak eye freak eye freak eye freak eye freak eye colour colour colour colour colour bring colour floor colour bring colour floor
+1 | country remain darkness wither dust ground continue land hand gentle hand callous eye black blue chorus country smile century smile spring blue spring carry joy eternal spring rainbow bright vastness country field forest mchis wind face see father continue father difficult country behave father war thunder smoky attack chorus 1979
+1 | railway march run rush forward locomotive sound like fun road toot city farm greeting builder new road chorus duty night morning serve people stalin walk route soviet country train mountain forest valley song carry locomotive sing country buzz million car wheel conquer nature hot battle forest wilderness way hold serve great brotherhood people free track soviet land chorus cloud rush past way light golden dawn lead win beloved stalin great soviet country machinist pripev1937
+1 | rozszumiały weeping willow польский rozszumiały weeping willow burst tear girl voice tear shine eye raise soldier fate hard life      szumcie willow      regret heart break      cry girl      partisan bad      play dance      grenade swap jaw      death mow like ian      know fear mud rain solar hotness hear regular equal step forest march infantry singe lip face calm serene gaze      szumcie willow road end know journey end sure victory pour blood tear      szumcie willow 1937
+1 | peat bog soldier английский far wide eye wander heath bog bird sing cheer oak stand gaunt bare peat bog soldier march spade bog guard pace flight mean sure death face gun barbed wire grid view peat bog soldier march spade bog complain winter time past day shall cry rejoice homeland dear peat bog soldier march spade bog doch für uns gibt es kein klagen ewig kann nicht winter sein einmal werden froh wir sagen heimat du bist wieder mein dann ziehn die moorsoldaten nicht mehr mit dem spaten ins moor dann ziehn die moorsoldaten nicht mehr mit dem spaten ins moor
+1 | komsomol forever look future confidence goal life beautiful bright good reason homeland entrust guy important thing wonder homeland dover 3p guy important thing chorus pioneer tie ch new road ahead win happiness work komsomol forever ycl3p forever give unfailing smile sky sun bright light father need worthy replacement s tell komsomol need worthy replacement fathers3p s tell komsomol chorus young generation way find dream happiness birthplace ministry learn komsomol happiness birthplace ministry 3r learn komsomol chorus ycl3p forever 1985
+1 | raspryahayte hloptsы horse rozpryahayte hloptsi riding rest pidu garden green garden krynychenky dig prypev mary viburnum chernyavaya girl garden yahodы 2 time dig dig krynychenky green garden ai come divchynonka early vrantsi water prypev come come divchynonka early vrantsi draw water cossack lead ridge bathe ask ask viderechka give daryv daryv ring hand know know divchynonko ohorchyv yesterday izvechora second say grow small lytamy young rusa oblique waist kosi blue ribbon prypev
+1 | oh horse steel oh horse horse steel battle friend tractor fun honk native camping chorus wonderful horse field dispense collect sow plow pace firm enemy walk republic strength keep pace young people sing wheat field pace keep pace high rye chorus widely collective field able jump oh volyushka arbitrary world find chorus come boy better touch play gate angrily strictly host soviet people chorus wonderful horse field dispense uberom sow plow pace firm enemy walk republic 1937
-1 | play life like soldier field life short be run faster time strength beauty destine decay cut rose bloom til fearless come act love like blood love like blood til fearless come act love like blood love like blood dream promised land field change season end learn die red tear shed grey til fearless come act love like blood love like blood til fearless come act love like blood love like blood til fearless come act love like blood love like blood til fearless come act love like blood love like blood
+1 | near moscow look forest river wide margin forever soviet land vast expanse train rush high moscow shine star happiness chorus wind pass sing come friend knock wheel quickly near moscow meet green light traffic light way wind wind moscow greeting faster fly sway pine hum wire road illuminate shine star happiness chorus good comrade window stand tomorrow fun song moscow meet good admire field city shine star happiness chorus orchestral loss pripev1955
+1 | manechka story bear farm like rose blossom manechka matter look beautiful ali lip blue eye spit russe short manechka manu reward guy suffer old man shout manya special talent let go school agriculturist begin manechka come farm poor chairmans victory institute capital go manechka send gift home gently write wait diploma come agronomist manya write write answer come manyu look track manya eyebrow disappear braid fig knock millet color rot yellow apricot manya say seriously be sorry eh know completely different manechka want live family
+1 | waltz garden ring waltz originate near krymsky bridge take begin play color moscow bear volatile rainfall radiance eye young happy waltz waltz chorus dancing sun puddle wind face spin spin garden ring road waltz take jangle bottomless blue like wing youth moscow collective farm volkhonka confluence route fly ring waltz waltz chorus waltz give joy young love dozen housewarme invite wish good luck good luck thenrush waltz waltz chorus
-1 | way look tear stream face feel brush dress walk away s take sit buy drink half glass go s way year later take hopeful unafraid gut sink time night copper coin night night s take sit buy drink half glass go s way year later take hopeful unafraid gut sink time tell old day night copper coin tell old day sun sea be not like smile leg eye tell old day be not like smile leg eye beg steal borrow safe life
-1 | heat night heat day close eye look way meet fear lie inside hear heat moment day day day dominion come time day day day dominion prayer light fact lone level sand stretch far away heat action settle dust hold hold sway meeting mind street shame betting name gold rust land blind king king king king land blind king king king king day day day dominion prayer heat night heat day close eye look way meet fear lie inside hear heat moment day day day day dominion prayer serve old man dry season lighthouse keeper desert sun dreamer sleeper white treason dream rain history gun s lighthouse middle prussia white house red square be live film sake russia kino runner ddr fiftytwo daughter revolution turn gold chrome gift lose stuck inside memphis mobile home sing mother russia mother russia mother russia rain mother russia mother russia mother russia rain mother russia mother russia mother russia rain mother russia mother russia mother russia rain mother russia mother russia mother russia rain mother russia mother russia mother russia rain
+1 | song lenin spring flower branch dress bird sing grass sprout spring world celebrate birth great son great country lenin blossom spring lenin victory cry glory century lenin dear ilyich lenin glory party slava glory century glory 1977
+1 | polih korsun soldier kursk old house obmynayut hut light dream continue zhdye soldier zhdye sыnochka zhdye soldier war lysh rakita see evening prytisnuv hand chest earth hath wash blood hot pohasli eye go blue eye tell hranitni kruchi zarya korsun rise early vrantsi verbonka weep soldier tear soldiertear dew lye 1968
-1 | call wind face wave summoning giant heal soul virile fragrance alpine tor blow breath fold dream pervade single nook existence veidon anatlâ trireinos koilon monis pantos volevos kaion moricos ni têrsos tenkos sve nâusanatia litaviâ votnoûrâ mê anatlô qe tebô lama deivos skverollos qe tebô lama deivos mê anatlô laden burden life barque sail endless water deep dark gestate pristinely free escorting bide warmth womb bard vouchsafe secret slave guide judge sow labour
-1 | baby get wrong maybe be be high be not know be jade pop insensitivity finish struggle way dance floor stand like stranger elevator stick story find middle story camera witness suffer wrong god ill right not dance get class not fun new style know stunning stun lie living not know be real thing lowkey sensibility not need have get half covet love wrong goddamn right turn turn turn turn
-1 | heute nacht keiner von uns schlafen heute nacht herrscht überall der tod und be hellen schein der handgranaten warten wir aufs nächste morgenrot heute nacht keiner von uns schlafen nur der hass lässt uns noch aufrecht stehn flieg nur flieg wir werden auf euch warten und dieses mal gemeinsam untergehn
-1 | nur mal angenommen ich könnte meinen körper dermaßen verbiegen dass mein kopf bis den anus hinein passen würde ja dann wär mein gedanke der warum nicht auch meine arme mit hinein um dann weiter zu kriechen meinem leib empor ja ich weiss es geht leider wirklichkeit nicht ganz weit aber lassen wir einmal die biologischen argumente mich intressiert wenn ich bis meinen kopf kriechen könnte käme ich dann aus meinem mund heraus wo befände sich dieser eigentlich kopp arsch kopp arsch kopp kopp kopp kopp kopp arsch kopp arsch kopp kopp kopp kopp kopp kopp kopp kopp kopp kopp arsch oder wenn ich meinem schädel bin hinter den augen stehe und hinaus geschaut durch die linsenhaut sag mir ich dann sähe schau ich aus mir raus schau ich mich rein liegt die ganze welt nur mir zum schein existiere ich oder bin ich tot bin ich teil der welt oder bin ich gott kopp arsch kopp arsch kopp kopp kopp kopp kopp arsch kopp arsch kopp kopp kopp kopp kopp kopp arsch arsch kopp arsch kopp arsch kopp kopp arsch arsch kopp kopp arsch arsch kopp arsch kopp
-1 | not oh be know know kill man know run not wanna night time not wanna piece not wanna hand trouble not wanna demon will watch struggle room away tonight ill need stay wall wall hear come hall kill man know run not wanna night time not wanna piece not wanna hand trouble not wanna demon will watch struggle room away tonight ill need stay cold night siege accusation cerebral thunder way conversation oohooh oohooh oohoohooh not wanna night time not wanna piece not wanna hand trouble not wanna demon will watch struggle room away tonight ill need stay tonight ill need stay tonight ill need stay tonight ill need stay tonight ill need stay
-1 | lover know lonely moment lonely longer love memory turn daydream taboo not want afraid deep take breath away soft heart electric soul heart heart eye eye taboo baby build house memory picture shake til fantasy legacy promise place house memories think time time think kind young know s matter fool baby build house memory picture shake til fantasy legacy promise place house memory thought past lover will haunt wish believe would wrong remember way remember baby build house memory picture shake til fantasy legacy promise place baby build house memory picture shake til fantasy legacy promise place house memory house memories promise place
+1 | zabaykalskie ditty oh malinushkaraspberry berry honey scratch white boy mischief expanse fog rainy day go ataman transbaikalia red brovki black resin year myty good thing enemy defeat look honey frown smile cossack belobandy onamur scrape clean embrace people affectionate krasulya intervener boat bullet fly poseta baikal song valiant reach ocean soviet power wonder forest famously play trick dance heart fun oh malinushkaraspberry berry honey scratch white boy mischief 1935
-1 | iron fist velvet glove vulture posing dove shame look have reason bitter bitter sing savior sing sorrow hold dear life sell river hope choke vow fail deliver say would change world death fly east blind lead blind bomb peace gravedigger s blood hand build empire salt sand fair love war history repeat have see have give vampire key blood bank oh thing change stay whilst liar leech crooked preach lie tooth lie like mean beggar belief think fucking believe fucking parasite s room honest man callous cold heart gravedigger s blood hand build empire salt sand fair love war history repeat have see oppressor build empire salt sand oppressor build empire salt sand iron fist velvet glove vulture posing dove shame look have reason bitter bitter sing savior sing sorrow hold dear life
+1 | odessa operetta white acacia sing wide expanse sea call foreign land gentle sea happiness sorrow sing odessa chorus dawn clear odessa sky sea odessa heart odessa native town sing love limit people able trust wait bunche fragrant white acacia thee hasten song chorus 1955
-1 | vigilant time daydream innocuous crime motionless stance mind wander land bleak dismal trance constrain unsafe leave shame town paint red forever ill tear shed day place recall smell rain would protect want good night love let watch sleep word like will not leave place haunt trace trace home home want air breathe dream divine memory ill bring place far home home want province rome be trap guard state not grasp free wait cloud vain nature forsake admire know scare scared scared wake scared matter path lead encircle friend pressure deepen daze illusion reason weaken will not let fall deep forlornness will not let ponder distress mechanical smile lift face sun return denial weep kiss ground tree ill soon miss song sing ring memory resound
+1 | varsovienne французский serried rank enemy attack flag group threaten death cause ready suffer human bent kind shame standard word work order justice brotherhood worker chorus o brother arm struggle victory worker profiteer wallow wealth deprive bread hungry worker die great idea unsuccessfully fight die fat cat plutocrat king rotten throne launch powerful revenge forever victorious
-1 | think know not matter believe hope shatter chance love shoot ill sign try u way enter will know be scream god feel flame pull deep earth god hell cuz water get high not breathe hear late change not will blame place own soul listen outa control god feel flame pull deep earth god hell cuz water get high not breathe myslef god feel flame pull deep earth god hell cuz water get high not breathe myslef think know think know god feel flame pull deep earth god hell cuz water get high not breathe myslef god feel flame pull deep earth god hell cuz water get high not breathe myslef oh god
-1 | good suit come sit day time be crazy not mean need go not 62 year have love dear miss terrible heartache unbearable d leave want sweet pea not wear suit town wait find look eye find new honey shell mean mean heart feel wrong life go fight pain far away miss terrible heartache unbearable d leave want sweet pea
-1 | pure reality lead believe lemming sea drown speculation tell water old polluted drink murky medium plumb depth time human frailty visualize clarity past sanitation childish flesh bone bleach stick stoner ribs puke gallow laughter stage mighty media blessing sanitation suppose hold freedom crush disparage soul despot dig yellow cake fail certify crippled son pass hatred feed hatred redefy defensive form real can feel important today worth slaughter sit feel absolutely zero suffer condition worth deny pasted carcass killing field body part doll bleed commit pull wing fly thing feel bold knot twist hiss fade leave replicate lie real ask dream dim shift rift funniest distant damp ring fitting end destination ego death condition dear dementia
-1 | new day new day new day feel strange be walk cloud be touch star possible imaginable dreamin dreamin dreamin normal thing start change feel gravity step outside atmosphere impossible unreachable strange feel move slow motion guess dreamin real imagination guess dreamin dreamin dreamin dreamin dreamin guess dreamin dreamin dreamin dreamin dreamin leap leap leap scare be travel speed light planet flash like shoot star fly strange feel move slow motion guess dreamin real imagination guess dreamin dreamin dreamin dreamin dreamin guess dreamin dreamin dreamin dreamin dreamin dream dream strange feel move slow motion guess dreamin real imagination guess dreamin dreamin dreamin dreamin dreamin guess dreamin dreamin dreamin dreamin dreamin
-1 | bitch know charlie scene get weenie love bitch bitch know charlie scene get weenie love wake grab beer grab rear shave beard scene gear get to drunk mom wake break girlfriend bang sluts be undead unfed sleep bunk bed not booze be go to lose everybody ruin let party start let 40 pop buzz stay fuck pantie drop let party start let 40 pop buzz stay fuck pantie drop start drink dick thinking hoe want see like big thick titty dcup extra filling let lick quickly calm hickey ill blame whiskey sipping get tipsy drink fast enjoy buzz street avoid fuzz wanna home friend will not let ya get 40 ford fiesta buy beer pay rent signing bonus quickly spend ill beat meat like be fucking butcher ill punk pussy like be ashton kutcher let party start let 40 pop buzz stay fuck pantie drop let party start let 40 pop buzz stay fuck pantie drop let party jump let 40 chugging wanna booty rub dick start buzz come girl wanna drink wanna brain start shrink see wink drunken pussy be thinking not fuck drunk turn loud feel ambiance grab hoe body shot wanna party night til cop fuck wrist band let keg stand be like cheech chong hit beer bong cop go to finger not fuck cause be designate drinker let party start let 40 pop buzz stay fuck pantie drop let party start let 40 pop buzz stay fuck pantie drop let party start let 40 pop buzz stay fuck pantie drop let party start let 40 pop buzz stay fuck pantie drop bitch know charlie scene get weenie love bitch bitch know charlie scene get weenie love
-1 | welcome humble home soul wall rock stone leave die age plague welcome court murderer miscreant linger rot die inglorious die shame send dark hall shall fear hunger plate famine knife forever dwell welcome hel welcome hel cold realm honored guest banquette dead soul rest soul soul leave leave sickness bed ruin fell forever dwell welcome hunger plate famine knife forever dwell welcome hel
-1 | money make man s crime rich would spend time daughter son loose mind feel hurt here cause gun allow tonight go to free fight wanna lose crowd tonight need hear thought turn music loud let music play not want gunplay body hit ground s let ay ay not want innocent blood shed not want youth dead come hear cause gun allow tonight go to free fight wanna lose crowd tonight need hear thought turn music loud yeah yeah yeah news home hurt go young name carve stone summer day go horribly wrong get dawg phone cry say leave be leave know somebody die somebodys child people duck people hide people react time bullet choose victim shooter pick not wait system district attorney use conviction tell gun not listen life heavy soul dedicate shayne josh pour life steal 416 cause gun allow tonight go to free fight wanna lose crowd tonight need hear thought turn music loud money make man s crime money make man s crime wanna lose crowd tonight
+1 | unemployed march идиш 1 ejns tswej draj arbetlose senen nischt gehert chadoschim long factory hammersounde s lign kejlim cold fargesn s nemt sschawer séj schoj fresno gejen arum gas wi di gewirim pusttopas wi di gewirim pusttopas 2 ejns tswej draj arbetlo senen beg hejm undser bet deal lejm wos tsu genisn tajt man jedn n waser wi di gwirim wajn gisn arajn gisn arajn 3 ejns tswej draj arbetlose senen jorn gearbet long hard geschaft alt hajser schleser schtet lender far hojfele f r s c h w e b d e r u n s e r l o j n derfar wos hunger nojt arbetlos hunger nojt arbetlos 4 ejns tswej draj red asoj marschirn arbetlose trit trit sing lid friend country far naje eventhough l b e n ment food fraje arbetlo kejn schum hant najen frajen country najen frajen country
-1 | sure right wrong not feel energy will not long sun believe dark soon disappear ill mark fear love have give dream stuff real watch wait shape fake shocking pumping mock stop fall stall warning crawl reject perfect maraud end eye rage not understand homegrown be afraid not belong cynical wrong fear love have give dream stuff real watch wait shape fake shocking pumping mock stop fall stall warning crawl reject perfect maraud end eye rage not understand homegrown be afraid not belong cynical wrong fear love have give dream stuff real watch wait shape fake shocking pumping mock stop fall stall warning crawl reject perfect maraud end
+1 | serve yard leaf rowan knock gate be wait letter soldier letter come rain float puddle blue river serve friend far far away serve thee slush scientist sight narrow look ask city dismissal zavyuzhitsya window serve friend dream dream address ground address military sensitive clock second multiply month couple dance whirl waltz sound serve friend silent soldier 1961
-1 | noose tighten sit fleeting throne busy little feud blinker crown gaul free fucking plunge rise unite arise united stand v vengeance v vehemence v victory v vercingetorix let feel gaulish violence impetuous furor bite blade let freedom ensign let raise clenched fist pride benefit save crown forfeit freedom folk stand lie crown rise unite bestir wake prevail v verdict v valour v venture revolt kingdom come undo
-1 | begin bless curse well bad bear hearse know sing heart beat lie girl beat cause have get love have get voice word have say say word have say say begin bless curse well bad bear hearse know say heart beat lie girl have lie touch turn stone turn stone leave touch turn stone turn stone leave word have say say word have say say word have say say word have say have say turn stone turn stone leave word have say say word have say word have say word have say say word have say say word have say word have say word have say say have say
-1 | christ not know condemn christ not know god intend christ not know christ not know see hill golgotha know golgotha golgotha know golgotha golgotha know golgotha golgotha know golgotha christ die give christ die holy ghost christ die christ die see hill golgotha know golgotha golgotha know golgotha golgotha oh christ oh christ condemn die romans cross end pilatus send right man hill nail like ugly scum trunk shame carpenter scream father leave hill golgotha know golgotha golgotha know golgotha oh christ lunatic oh christ lunatic scream die hill golgotha golgotha golgotha know golgotha golgotha know golgotha golgotha know golgotha golgotha know golgotha know golgotha know golgotha know golgotha know golgotha
+1 | ballad color red mushroom ragout red like orange snow mother joke mother good spirit give birth son sun black black black char resin laugh question say night black fortyone memorable year shout loudspeaker trouble son salt earth mother bow waist go happen battle sense young auburn furious fire black smoke wicke stagnant green field gray frontline hospital son wing fight win mother wait anger curse fate funeral go house lucky happiness suddenly halt lucky village lucky lucky lucky son gate village son flesh golden medal count son sit shoulder shoulder hand safe leg intact drink green wine command color hair change deadly white hair lot white paint war russian soviet song 19171977 comp n kryukov shvedov m artist light 1977 1970
-1 | foolish blind find place inside mind safe protect tear hide coward fear see perfect feel pain passion mind distract game tell victim hope hate sun find great misery sense memory exist word speak resist heart depart wing angel tear apart see perfect feel pain passion mind distract game tell victim hope hate sun find great misery sense naive believe save desperate state love turn deeply hate see perfect feel pain passion mind distract game tell victim hope hate sun find great misery sense
-1 | immi daga uimpi geneta iana beddos et iouintutos blatus ceti cantla carami menuan ambi caron soueti mimi sedumi disounile iana oinicila cridile eat iege rigasisi moi dera bibrasisis nu noxs todiqueuode nu papos samos delleloge tauila inter tegisa dirobata tenisa mimi sedumi disounile iana oinicila cridile menuan ambi caron soueti samitone urit piseti nu etnoi penna roceltont uo atanobi ro sa celtont cauannos ardu gariti critus ougro gabiti auelo dolias sueteti moi suetlon de tu bereti eat iege rigasisi moi dera bibrasisis papon samile papon tauile quiet silent auelo sueteti uor magisi wind wail field dera ougra loucint nemisi unnamed star blister cold canopy dallos immi dacroun
-1 | dark know pretend dark begin send skeleton sing bone come march need bury deep secret ready ready be finish make sense plead ignorance defense spin infinity wheel spin end end old story be like be play pretender ill surrender be like be play pretender ill surrender time be tell be soul sale oh page print permanent temporary temporary old story be like be play pretender ill surrender be like be play pretender ill surrender be voice inside head refuse hear be face face mirror stare be s leave be s right be enemy be hand will bring knee yeah yeah yeah dark know pretend be like be play pretender ill surrender be like be play pretender ill surrender be like dark be play know pretender pretend ill surrender be like dark be play know pretender pretend ill surrender yeah yeah
+1 | song timurovtsev timurovtsev lot fun big city village village siberian taiga steppe let year school meet spring timurovtsi way secure new country chorus team come guy sing timurovtsi march fun fun business friend lazy help motherland work home field friend help unit street school timurovtsev know work accustomed afraid work learn perfect lesson ready chorus timurovtsev lot fun big city village village siberian taiga steppe let year school meet spring timurovtsi way secure new country chorus 1942
-1 | desperation lamentation sigh spiritual eclipse gateway closed seek night veil star watch shadow bear light light eye darkness troubled water memory soar endlessly search night day moonlight caress lonely hill calmness whisper wear naked soul blank face streaming water cold frost scar coat dust eye attach mute portrait speak thought gaze awaited hour bring thirst rise sun sunbird leave dark recess shadow glid archway turn face confront lonliness forest unknown secret orchard voice vast achromatic precious lullaby crescent moon take mesmerize kaleidoscopic face grant hollow stare soul divine herd keep amaranth symbol hide inside golden shrine rejoice meadow end walk shadow set ablaze vanish black rise immortal get dark dusk shuffle field evening tree moan know night dream
+1 | burn fire river bank elnichku let stop razvedom fire chagall pchelnikov march past village let stop play football chorus burn fire fun fun booze detachment vote regret fly song fly song grove field mountain sea kremlin track summer halt brook look homeland love know textbook expanse native land day spare chorus heart praznichno summer day good yelloweye daisy tsvetosh modest rejoice camp stay let frankly great live chorus
+1 | party hear country voice sound world time idea people live lenin say chorus party party mind conscience people solution inspire heart lenin say early year party party faithful end think people aspiration dream watch peaceful year day war lead victory chorus proletarian country century friendship live friend world ocean enemy power break chorus 2x
-1 | life weathered shipwreck splitting seam hold memory dream face see stitch mind shadow dream dream heart cargo wear old thing drag rock time would believe east home west call north south forever be drift away hope fear head chest hear sound beat sound love leave sound beat sound emptiness flooding flooding flooding sound emptiness flooding life ache heart break not shake feeling sink thousand eye stare one would die one not thousand eye stare one would die one not flooding flooding flooding sound emptiness
+1 | mountain carpathian corner carpathian smoke soldier fire valley ravine dawn burn brown eye singe young soldier soldier sing russian steppe path twist tight promise house wind steppe old maple rustle warmly native window clear early month shine white garden village girl spit shoulder steep far berezhko meet soldier listen song sigh violate flow away wide silence night girl eye brown house mother 1950
-1 | would better watch fucking step cause street watch would better watch fucking mouth cause street listen not hear would better watch fucking step cause street watch would better watch fucking mouth cause street listen not hear believe tell heed street hungry street go to eat dangerous man get lose day s majority get best believe want hold stand ground fight go let -PRON- better watch step catch slippin mink thing chain ring know know low life know get fight come artist target right fan street sick stick kid grab sweet seat beat eat feast crumb snatcher add toe tag swag blast faster flash clothe brag whore boy door not hear would better watch fucking step cause street watch would better watch fucking mouth cause street listen not hear would better watch fucking step cause street watch would better watch fucking mouth cause street listen big say damn big say damn wanna stick paper prey downfall understand big say damn wanna stick paper prey downfall understand understand understand big say damn wanna stick paper prey downfall understand would better watch fucking step cause street watch would better watch fucking mouth cause street listen not hear would better watch fucking step cause street watch would better watch fucking mouth cause street listen not hear ooooohhhhh
-1 | reality longer battle perception letter write sincere seek truth divine purpose myth revelation guidance wrap paper box support long mind enemy conscience hold face distress lose heart stand fast press triumph await face distress lose heart stand fast press triumph await powerful constant lean longer longer shameful disbelief process like lose close friend face distress lose heart stand fast press triumph await face distress lose heart stand fast press triumph await watch life fall apart rebuild great foundation watch life watch life fall apart rebuild againrebuild great foundation wish way devotion fix triumph await triumph await triumph await triumph await triumph await watch life fall apart rebuild great foundation watch life fall apart watch life rebuild rebuild great foundation
+1 | song old cab look moscow morning springtime golden cloud gradually leave friend wait rider oh go drive fly race away spark shower cobblestone scourge quiet asphalt head droop chorus loyal friend whoa old ancient arise maruska sideline long year friend old correct hammer selective horseshoe paint cover cab clean metro flash oak rail bewitch racer happen life artfully mix harness guide morning sokolniki park subway 1946
-1 | listen life choose want age chase sand age believe not save not save take away be singe not stay love life word last wish ear say feel lack long light body quiet gait leave weight world ill think early lose shine guess mean end mean hope peace need love drown god damned smile line think burn watch rally stay alive guess s fine sick die hospital colored wall guess s fine want swallow want stomach want live rough day bad s proper way feel mirth levity amazing grace flame lake float away not let lay want know be learn patience want know ill barely scrape hunger heart apart hell thing
+1 | lenin live lenin alive honest heart live rodney leninist banner road life lead good book open page lot thing wait ahead learn leninist forward leninist lenin example firmly decide proud pioneer young leninist dano1950
-1 | believe system long break turn cheek glimpse emotion look number need measure worth have have span ocean have see sky s be go to need favorite thing life not thing drive soul tangible want not mean need have come far life mean live s leave borrow time not give let slip away pick slack span ocean have see sky s be go to need favorite thing life not thing drive soul tangible want not mean need force feed mislead hang thread force feed mislead red need hear measure worth have have listen measure worth have have have span ocean have see sky s be go to need favorite thing life not thing thing heart
-1 | have get word thank thank would like rage feel rage feel today get to stack get to stack stack chip shoulder cause mistake trust people like fuel fire people like fuel fire people like fuel fire people like burn yeah layer thick have get bad attitude yeah knife fingerprint belong get grudge get grudge get grudge be hold long live cause lie lie lie face not forgive people like fuel fire people like fuel fire people like fuel fire people like burn
-1 | will not cut beard will not change hair grow like fancy flower grow hair hair build house like trojan horse would statue shelf course course course s smoke s dance fancy pirouette swan diving deep end tragic cigarette s steam laugh windowpane neverende swaying haze oh smile maze oh smile maze ballet everything go miss have lose song flood not prove make sense sure hope bear curiosity like old crow like old crow oh piano know piano know not know will not cut beard will not change hair grow like fancy flower grow hair hair build house like trojan horse would statue shelf course course course course course course course course course course
-1 | s s near try care dead eye stare let matter not trust hold time step line s innocence tear maker stillborn trust failure creator tell leave mark head will cry state know late turn mean faint movement release rid disease s innocence tear maker stillborn trust lose trust failure creator tell lose trust
-1 | 16 lock load fear abort word weapon draw time people war crime stare lethal sight die shock like bullet hole leave fear danger line suffer man know leave faith danger line family daughter love daddy talk thing not know color fade reckless unabated ill crawl shock like bullet hole leave fear danger line suffer man know leave faith danger line know think have think time time spend laugh away think time home life care find blood think would lie blood damage far repair faith faith be hope someone mean leave world mean hurt one care time think would grow old know say fair tell baby girl alright have sing song today remind lord leave light be free
-1 | wanna stay sun find know hard piece peace suns peace mind know hard yeah think end way fun fantasize enemy not wish fun fantasize oh oh be fall be take time ride oh be fall be take time ride take time ride would die s easy list people bullet bullet bullet everybody room not bullet come bullet come metaphorically be man literally not know would would live s hard harder know true harder write know tonight people home talk ignore question form like live die kill oh oh be fall be take time ride oh be fall be take time ride take time ride have think have think have think have think help have think have think have think help have think have think have think oh oh be fall be take time ride oh be fall be take time take time ride oh oh yeah oh oh be fall be take time ride oh be fall be take time have think help have think help have think have think have think help have think have think have think help
-1 | leave trust raise light reverse enormous pain life remain walk watch s leave hold close emptiness feel real not fade black not replace erase crawl way day raise light glow sign light path high walk fire stand abandon fate walk emptiness feel real not fade black not replace erase erase leave hold close emptiness feel real not fade black not replace erase emptiness feel real not fade black not replace erase
+1 | song k f order trubachev fight trumpeter dawn raise troop wake slumber city path detachment return soon soon soon chorus campaign weather friend sky dear bad weather lose heart path go squad way joy alarm golden expanse lie ahead road road road pripev1957
+1 | news wind swiftwinge hawk summer day good forget news shlosh yesterday range beat sure nice remember good shooter leave early morning song campaign evening talianki village vzgrustnot remember poplar hill hut want zorka sit camp way straight smooth pine tree edge turn white tent news 1938
-1 | bebeep mad pissed grab pen write list people will not miss have shitlist one bum shitlist one fill head doubt shitlist square pissed shitlist have shitlist shitlist shitlist mad pissed shitlist grab pen write list shitlist asshole will not miss shitlist have shitlist shitlist shitlist shitlist shitlist
+1 | kundschafterlie немецкий kundschafterlie service elucidation      composition unknown soviet union      text unknown german paraphrase markus wolf      ministry educate      name remain secret      inconspicuous benefit      view enemy      conversation comrade      rarely home      wear order      leave time      vigilant vigilant time      heart rest vigilant      vigilant peaceful time spare      chekist protector peace people      soldier invisible      laughter merriment      longing remain large      accord love one home      boy      farewell      soon speak      hum dream      song sing earlier      soldier      fighting section      learn      detect power      page book fame           brave      today      эти люди военные      каждый славы достоин      имена их до времени      строго в тайне хранят      доказали не раз они      что один в поле воин      доказали не раз они      нет для смелых преград      каждый миг на чеку      каждый шаг на чеку      даже в мирные дни      вечный бой      чекисты незримого фронта солдаты      готовы на подвиг любой
-1 | fire hey know will not face hey sit heyey think like laughing time sad loving time s leave fade away promise think time wonderful promise think bright colourful promise look time life enjoy surround flame be absence kill heyey think like laughing time sad loving time s leave fade away promise think time wonderful promise think bright colourful promise look time life enjoy promise promise fine promise promise life promise promise fine promise promise life promise promise promise think time wonderful wonderful promise think bright colourful colourful promise look time life enjoy promise think time wonderful wonderful promise think bright colourful colourful
+1 | example communist messenger come spring walk road radiant carry year banner country glory father communist chorus communist example proudly oath leninist serve fatherland child soviet country leninist truth true pioneer example communist song hear bugle authoritative voice october wind teach courage fidelity teach communist twentieth century chorus crosschecke sun route believe dream wholeheartedly fight work life lead communist twentieth century chorus newcomer earth happiness light kremlin star light torch world communist twentieth century chorus 76
+1 | press comrade power capital press comrade power capital king powerful comrade time come wake work common people chorus fight long time cause bourgeois enemy prevail let red flag mean idea work people police call order bayonet pop nonsense pulpit city kingfather head nod bourgeois know owner throne yes mitya trepov crush mutilate mercilessly fine crowd drive grave long enemy trample oh time come infamous power capital let old world collapse arm comrade time come climb work common people
+1 | cossack cavalry horse buckskin ride quickly clear young cossack wait window open quickly hit hoof cossack meet gate battle begin margin rise reflect attack be bad weather fire water comrade be old mustache shave pomolodeyu cry click combat egay horse chase enemy motherland fight fight war foreverll kill pour song hill be parade fly joy go go home house yes native don sad cossack gate young yes sweet kiss call cherry red rot1937
-1 | dark hole would advise plan funeral fore body die yeah come morning light seethrough hear think know yeah let sun blind eye let sleep tooth will not grind hear sound voice inside sure play love game truth lie yeah set free hear sound body break yeah let sun blind eye let sleep tooth will not grind hear sound voice inside dark hole would advise plan funeral fore body die yeah let sun blind eye let sleep tooth will not grind hear sound voice inside let sun blind eye let sleep tooth will not grind hear sound voice inside
+1 | youth girl team fall love member komsomol zealous spring sighing moon chorus come moon sigh spring explain young right young beautiful country spring native firmament old maple bloom important scientist play pioneer rounder chorus rounder old maple tree color explain young right young beautiful country lawn central park modest garden flower mignonette tie wear bright hero labor chorus come mignonette hero labor explain young right country young beautiful 1936
-1 | like walk dream unlike have see unsure cause have wait fall place give small taste afterlife stay will soon distant light girl not right surreal place come arrive early think place not belong have come grip life realize go far not belong got to dear escape afterlife cause time be right far away place hope pain perfect sky rain leave place refrain cause have wait fall place give small taste afterlife stay will soon peace earth right wall pain sign time be young fall place not wanna stay feel wrong s sign have mind hand realize wanna goodbye understand leave carry life not belong get to dear escape afterlife cause time be right far away get surely ill miss place peace light would hope inside time right loved one home cry cause miss pray grace god s somebody listen chance person wanna unbroken be choking ecstasy oh lord ill try hard get to let unbreak unchain need chance live aah not belong get to dear escape afterlife cause time be right far away get surely ill miss place peace light would hope inside time right
-1 | yeah mean not spray spirit desire face spirit desire not displace spirit desire fall miss not dismiss spirit desire spirit desire spirit desire spirit desire fall spirit desire fall spirit desire spirit desire spirit desire fall spirit desire fall everybodys talk bout stormy weather s man work true looking man focus temper open map time let come stick gun let everybodys come winter vacation take sun exaltation come run platform shoe marshall stack clue ah come know know teenage riot public station go to fight tear hypernation think ill leave way come near clear fade away look ride secret location kid set freespeed nation get foghorn drum hammer s rock cord pedal lock will better work hope work way cause get kind quiet city head take teenage riot bed right better look go to shake act hero paint zero hand know know bind loose everybodys sound everybody want proud choose s blame stormy weather go to stop teenage leather booze time round man showdown teach fail street road riot trail
+1 | dear friend difficult road ahead family komsomol heart joy close chest envy elder insult tear oh word sorry build komsomolsk magnitogorsk shatura hibiny let able pass lot lot happily way way way way bring happy youth covenant give family let encounter sea garden noise young business friend job let counter go wind firmly believe child envious let able pass lot lot happily way way way 1959
+1 | communists march communist single inexorably red banner labor come immortal colon immortal lenin father create soviet country creator happiness bright genius mankind fighting win case accomplish unparalleled lenin native vosle forward faithful soldier truth proud light drive battle steel guard central committee communist party bring world happiness lead dream dare benefit people earth obey universe communism baton serve future new generation 1957
-1 | break cycle heart refuse hold liable see eye fill tear burning chest lump form throat feel bit hurt have cause realize bad fear have wound human hand heal have add misery gd nature curse life conjoin consent blessing remain purpose flesh intent flesh beautiful communion
+1 | christmas tree hello new year holiday holiday tree winter friend pozovom tree chorus christmas tree christmas tree christmas tree green needle fluffy fragrant come come farm santa claus lot gift bring oktryabryatam let frost burst anger shower snow mustache come today visit delegate forest chorus loud popping firecracker chain necklace like heat burn star look merryoctober chorus spare heel land oboydosh better oktyabryatok world find chorus boast indecent know fine learn play chorus hello new year holiday holiday tree winter friend pozovom tree my1937
+1 | bush rakitova oh noise bush rakitovo gnis wind ground cossack boyfriend kill overcoat bring beat betrothedsweet death cut trouble seagull dall run water cossack expect silent willow cry cry beauty squadron say sell life fascist expensive son kuban coast find heap chop enemy hey horse falcon beautiful goodbye veysya wind nearabout bush rakitova swing lynx command give checker audible chime beloved land homeland battle leave squadron
-1 | find middle storm think hard have barely form future face far step retrace today safe tomorrow know guarantee fool gold 34 turn 43 mistake not find middle storm think hard have barely form future face far step retrace today safe tomorrow know guarantee fool gold 34 turn 43 mistake not
-1 | force strength determination have survive long drop time have lose count stop know try break ill crawl foot stand crawl try break not suffer sacrifice walk away play risk new find power pump vein base brotherhood start not stop not stop try break ill crawl foot stand crawl try break not pick tooth crawl like not mean anger sorrow feel would dream man would awake time cold reality not wait thing change complacency way selfabsorbe lose faith break apathy feed hatred stand not live like minute blood swallow lead refuse follow bite hand starve not look surprised create crawl foot stand crawl try break not pick tooth crawl foot stand crawl try break not crawl crawl crawl crawl
-1 | close matter far not heart forever trust matter open way life live way word not matter trust seek find day new open mind different view matter care care know know close matter far not heart forever trust matter care care know know open way life live way hey word not matter trust seek find day new open mind different view matter care care game play care care know know yeahheah close matter far not heart forever trust matter
+1 | song general kim jong il korean mountain spur paektu wonderful edge source take chorus jubilation honor general float national leader leader light world cheer cheer kim jong il world millony color honor bloom merit great glory sing sea wave creator secure happiness heaven earth people world cheers cheers kim jong il socialism defend steel world boom motherland raise truth guard banner juche idol cheer cheer kim jong il translation mountain ridge paektu source life take honor general people singe glory hero light leader bring world beloved leader cheer cheer mother kim jong il free edge flower sing life glory merit wave marine sing create happiness peace defend paradise juche cheer cheer mother kim jong il socialism defend great wisdom happiness give motherland proud struggle illuminate truth world free scarlet banner cheer cheer mother kim jong il 2003
-1 | hear old mans voice break stutter stop hear sentence start confidently halt sudden absence word stumble sputter try find simple go finally give tell aw like hell get old come store know would scar heavy heart carry door shattered pane wrap plastic ask fix come little later help hinge be far old lift house son open door think would find flinch later come back driveway get find wait lead yard house door frame stand help steady hammer pin later porch get talk tell house son schizophrenic purchase medication work figure help fit help lead normal life pill sleep not job result day give take day call would lock outside house quickly think walk fear flash taunt walk unlock door remember ed story tell come clear tonight write know feeling leave weight heart show scar arm look eye hear would say would probably have die care daughter wife drive knife son look old projector screen play scene describe movie reel real minute happen memory move moment change good drive house pull driveway get wife wait frantic shed come check find pillbox go pharmacy fill prescription come lock door shed knock shed knock not respond key lock turn feel bolt slide away slowly open go hall son hold knife stand shadow lunge forward tackle stab break window flee staircase ambulance come stitch fill blood cop take son wire tangle father stranger sit apartment be get answer be find peace release anger leave arm length be keep distance hotel jesus blood carpet be stomach be reach be leave city be head carry image grandfather coffin ed hear think s offer s know
-1 | come will come come will come mix mixed leftright sound long short look resort listen not stay not leave judge jury relief excuse use want control strength reduce come will come come will come will come will come open shut leftright sound long short look resort listen not fire hole leftrightleft leftrightleft leftrightleft leftrightleft leftrightleft leftrightleft leftrightleft leftrightleft body body body body body body body body body body body body s fire hole burning bright s fire hole go to burn night s fire hole burning bright s fire hole go to burn night come will come come will come will come will come leftrightleft leftrightleft leftrightleft leftrightleft leftrightleft leftrightleft leftrightleft leftrightleft leftrightleft leftrightleft leftrightleft leftrightleft
+1 | guitar guitar year play quietly pass string brown guitar sound long time tent amur guitar guy chilly cold weather warm trouble year yes evil cold young guitar guitar guitar someone youth hand guitar guitar play quietly signature string guitar remember guitar know word look suppose suppose silent guitar ask guitar tell grass droop burn shell ask guitar tell hour harsh friend nearby somebodys meeting day farewell breast guitar live memory trouble year yes evil cold           guitar young guitar guitar someone youth hand guitar guitar play quietly signature string guitar remember guitar know word look suppose suppose silent guitar someone meeting day farewell breast guitar live memory trouble year yes evil cold           guitar young
-1 | s go to today chip soul disobey thing loathe time day die nothing go to work today be killing time look find way wrong knowing demon win be lead astray blame righteous think would attack altar time day die nothing go to work today be killing time look find way wrong knowing demon win be be be faceless feeling be be try support sacrifice time day die nothing go to work today be killing time look find way wrong knowing demon win be
+1 | new rifle new rifle bayonet flag song shooting come mug time row unit 2p miss verse warblizzard come able aim able shoot walk cooler aim better army country orderly battle wound forest bear 2p silently exploration quiet leg stone branch find enemy crawl day night pomochu2p redo 1st couplet time row walk detachment 2p orchestral loss time row unit 2p 1940
-1 | follow heart water fill pocket stone throw arm let not river take replace pain set realization come home night lay awake wishing answer hope hope love change course fate night mountain news filter line impact shake shake core loss strike like dagger ache heart follow heart water fill pocket stone throw arm let year life year life year life life year old soul say day lose day find regret water embrace wake absence leave sink sink hold hand sink hold hand ill away hold hand sink hold hand ill away hold hand sink hold hand ill away hold hand sink hold hand ill away hold hand surrender weight world follow heart water fill pocket stone throw arm follow heart water fill pocket stone throw arm let let let let
+1 | bow homeland give motherland son birch dew radiance snow krasnotal beauty native shore give wildflower endless shine world mother gratitude present swear mother son soldier oath multiply elevate labor father feat dalyu road dear holy threshold love distant star edge taiga bow nivam garden work battle motherland blood drop
+1 | на штурм словенский onslaught onslaught onslaught onslaught cry combatant wither hostel enemy kind guest hit hot usekaj izpali onslaught onhey partisan freedom day onslaught onslaught onslaught burn rotten tree earth heaven sun shine joy spring onslaught onhey partisan freedom day onslaught onslaught onslaught maščujmo burn home maščujmmo grave preženibesneče suffer save onslaught onhey partisan freedom day onslaught onslaught onslaught brother teptani freedom hunger trpljanje well life onslaught onhey partisan freedom day 1943
-1 | tongue inside mouth sale spirit leave fade fast throw stone ease pain throw stone seal fate cause not believe world anymore anymore not believe rise ill save anybody save die love be enslave anybody save second chance far change circumstance elude grow shell live grow shell forgive not believe world anymore anymore not believe rise ill save anybody save die love be enslave anybody save goodbye cruel world goodbye cruel world goodbye cruel world drown rise ill save anybody save die love be enslave anybody save rise ill save anybody save die love be enslave anybody save goodbye cruel world goodbye cruel world
-1 | ill wait crazy vicious street fill stray have go hollywood find twotime good have see have trust hollywood write tell big fish have go hollywood look disgusting way have trust hollywood stand wall feel foot tall maggot smoke fag santa monica boulevard page new age bitch hand air wave like not care maggot smoke fag sunset boulevard bitch hand air wave like not care phony people come pray look beg stay phony people come pray line letter say go hackensack look beg stay phony people come pray maggot smoke fag santa monica boulevard maggot smoke fag sunset boulevard maggot smoke fag hollywood boulevard have trust hollywood have go hollywood bitch hand air wave like not care have trust hollywood
-1 | inside break line disruption life insanity kick dead end close eye escape hide long bleed s save far hold be better cut throat hope hear know count mess judge be break have come have go hell try fell save
+1 | rise people tune tomorrow war people tomorrow war sing yesterday today war come time battle sing renew force chorus ground sky sea                   melody powerful stark                     rise people                    go hike 2 time                     brazen smash enemy come war stir country kronstadt vladivostok rock country large strong split enemy severely chorus fly plane scribble machine gun thunder powerful tank infantry win campaign rush dash cart chorus fascist horde defend prepare fight reason ground enemy defeat enemy ruthless mighty blow chorus rise people go camping drum drum strong musician forward zapevaly forward song gryante win chorus world force country crush stalin native tymoshenko hero fight voroshilov chorus tomorrow bring war english version steiger 1if tomorrow bring war    foe attack    suddenly strike surprise    defense land    free soviet land    people man rise chorus land sky ocean peal song stern ringing tomorrow bring war tomorrow march today let ready fight 2 tomorrow bring war     land kronstadt     vladovostock ready     summon fight     people rise     shall ruthlessly rout invader 3 plane squadron soar machine gun fire mighty tank rumble rattle fleet warship speed infantry march battle 4 have hatred war land defend strengthen defensive resource little blood shed enemy soil destroy hostile force 5 rise ye people arise assemble march beat drum martial commotion musician ahead chorus leader ahead sing song triumphant emotion 6 oppress world find socialist land great fortress strength affliction comrade stalin iron clench hand voroshilov shall lead victry 1941
-1 | know end finally find way home master plan spin endless be drown regret be try hard s breath want ill know stand foot fucking knee stand wash away blood stain soul have give reason tear apart not fix s break ill know not surrender fucking life lie pride self push inside skin eat away will sun ill know look away break mirror time come slow beating heart
+1 | hike hike hike call homeland bold hike hike war declare combat military deal call soviet country fascism triple blow unite work fight bygone character people go fight country go fight life freedom country courage rolin labor say red army people enemy defeat destroy forever today single wall stand send troop combat feat lead win new stalin great leader motherland expensive 1941
-1 | devil midnight mass prey stain glass memory sunday class resurrect past hold breath count pinky swear not work footstep hallway floor get close door alive be singe silent night rest life silent night rest life violent knight edge knife forgive father will not right silent night rest life silent night edge knife guilty devil midnight mass kill boy inside man holy water hand wash away sin hold breath count pinky swear not work trust god day man teach way alive be singe silent night rest life silent night rest life violent knight edge knife forgive father will not right silent night rest life silent night edge knife guilty whisper whisper not sound bed ground whisper whisper not sound bed ground whisper whisper not sound bed ground whisper whisper not sound bed ground whisper whisper not sound bed ground whisper whisper not sound bed ground
-1 | damage destructor crowd disruptor youth corruptor everytimer yeah damage destructor crowd disruptor mainliner everytimer taste taste succumb succumb taste taste succumb succumb serial thrilla killa serial thrilla killa serial thrilla killa serial thrilla killa damage destructor crowd disruptor mainliner everytimer taste taste succumb succumb serial thrilla killa serial thrilla killa serial thrilla killa serial thrilla killa killa killa killa killa damage destructor crowd disruptor mainliner everytimer taste taste succumb succumb serial thrilla killa serial thrilla killa serial thrilla killa serial thrilla killa killa killa killa killa yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
-1 | yeah world expense cost desire jesus bless future protect fire raise fist march not need ill jail bury committed smother rest greed crawl tomorrow ill drag grave be deep inside child will betray hey hey sleep fire hey hey sleep fire lie expense scope desire party bless future protect fire niña pinta santa maría noose rapist field overseer agent orange priest hiroshima cost desire sleep fire hey hey sleep fire hey hey sleep fire end history cage frozen pill swallow ill niña pinta santa maría noose rapist field overseer agent orange priest hiroshima cost desire sleep fire yeah sleep fire sleep fire sleep fire sleep fire
-1 | yeah -PRON- know fuck mc motherfuckin ren bitch nigga yeah -PRON- bitchass niggas talkin shit bout drop motherfucker -PRON- like gun load punk ass niggas nigga southland killer motherfucker niggas acrosss town suburb niggas makin face like rock curb nigga people elbow loudmouthed hold groupie niggas bangin pass bigass cheque wit plenty os os hoes wit big lip do supose yeah not shit till start bust -PRON- get shit cos ball cuss ren cypress hill be not liver nigga legendary villian start fuss nigga double glock cock shit rock crib knock nigga rib pop boss trouble rubble clone motherfucker villain like hubble fuck bubble bust shit plaque shit grab dick spit hit niggas wanna ride wit ya wanna ride wit killer throw clip man we bust man we bust killers cypress hill click yeah ready war yeah ready war killer -PRON- nigga better hit floor killer be close good thing west wing blow set flame good sing rep thing hater feel chest pain feel heart test thing not arrest bulletproof vest team niggas shoot askin name strain real bet fame chess game wrong checkmate s right sound funny niggas money hey everyday sunny listen not play dummy king try bust pack run stack cash stack gun fat one cold black one southland killin s niggas wanna ride wit ya wanna ride wit killer throw clip man we bust man we bust killers cypress hill click yeah ready war yeah ready war killer -PRON- nigga better hit floor killer try ride hill lie hill shit die hill hot heel rely steel paper get pull design steel like sign deal sign sen dog buster slay fuck real time feel be tellin hoe tellin hoe not fuck sellin blow go incredible skill tell bitch nigga trap wig gettin trample dump thump scrape sixfive hand pump song not fuck southland grande vato run los angeles mad dog think know sure turn leave slowly niggas wanna ride wit ya wanna ride wit killer throw clip man we bust man we bust killers cypress hill click yeah ready war yeah ready war killer -PRON- nigga better hit floor killer
-1 | lose head knock door drink step creak floor gun distract death door hand start sweat slowly cock gun slowly slowly turn handle slowly open wide catch glimpse face heart sink chest hand start shake know coward stand silent dead air pull inside father chair mother dead thank addiction get bad leave damn fool father promise would pay be go life not feel like cold steel head walk death walk past white oak door walk past boardwalk old shipyard pistol pay outskirt town pass old quarry walk cold steel track stumble drunk gun knee track shame time dodge be not go end pretty bullet train steam ahead go end day coward little kid sit stir wait death will forgive forget hell sun pay debt stand track cold steel foot barrel temple rot mother soon remeet whisper ear feel body shake instant s get arm s get gun hold weight feel cold steel feel stomach tie knot train whistle blow feel warm blood barrel dig cheek mouth taste sweat tin not cry not beg have wait coward death wife train close loud clear hand stop shake hear like father take go die hand family
-1 | s wrong s wrong s wrong hope stepson not eat fish cry fix s wrong s wrong s wrong hope stepson not eat fish cry fix killer hurt feeling killer hurt feeling killer hurt feeling gonorrhea gorgonzola gonorrhea gorgonzola single file clean feeding not soul soul eye cry wall slide architecture kidnap like pure conjecture upholstery love man dwell well kidnap like pure conjecture killer hurt feeling killer hurt feeling killer hurt feeling gonorrhea gorgonzola gonorrhea gorgonzola single file clean feeding s wrong s wrong wrong cry fix s wrong s wrong wrong cry fix killer hurt feeling killer hurt feeling killer hurt feeling gonorrhea gorgonzola gonorrhea gorgonzola single file clean feeding single file clean feeding s wrong s wrong s wrong hope stepson not eat fish s wrong s wrong s wrong s wrong s wrong hope stepson not eat fish s wrong s wrong not eat fish
+1 | volgar sing volgar sing live volga volga river sing fun pour labor song volgar vast new sea                   chorus oh volgariver wide deep                steamer ship come far away                pour wide mother volga river find fun volgar know lada wire buzz mountain seashore city          chorus verse understand          chorus create miracle oh vote zapoom zhiguli dawn sing angara             chorus temlyanskogo caspian azov baltic moscow volgograd baku kaliningrad channel sea come visit              chorus
-1 | nightmare nightmare come life drag devil guest forever peace mind hate twist mind god be not old acquaintance sever burn world endeavor flesh burn smell air cause man like easy soul steal steal stand line ink number head slave end time stop madness turn haunting yearning pull trigger know price evil hurt know belong yeah ooh fucking nightmare nightmare come life not wake sweat cause be not dance demon victim creation fight s wrong right hate not need reason loathing selfassassination have lie rape sight nerve tell feel feel sedated medicate brain slowly insane tell ya give good intention help complication know price evil hurt know belong yeah everybody fear tragic fate look clear yeah ooh fucking nightmare fight fight fail fail fall fall will end like die die die die drench sin sin respect feel fire fire feel hate hate pain desire lose lose hit wall wall watch crawl crawl replaceable liar know hear voice call know real signal love life choice appeal take grant soul steal nightmare come life know price evil hurt know belong yeah everybody fear tragic fate look clear yeah ooh fucking nightmare
+1 | rise sky falcon rise sky falcon see far don open space field forest mountain steppe feather grass moscow stand distance capital red voice clear blow wind field wild horse don don news fly stalin say don stalin hometown fly word beat fascist don cossack fighting rage hot reach cossack glorious sword stalin hear don answer hey battle cossack test horse hoof beat ground sharp blade cut piece reptile 1941
+1 | marsh nakhimov sun shine clear hello beautiful country young nakhimov send greeting world homeland way illuminate like morning light banner win chorus plenty blue land stern proudly flutter mast motherland flag way turn stalin heart bear glorious victory remember insidious enemy valor nakhimov true sailor thing defeat enemy fathersheroe multiply glory country chorus plenty blue land stern proudly flutter mast motherland flag way turn stalin heart bear 1950
-1 | middle finger not fuck be sick death swallow single thing be fed middle finger not fuck think change question world shit tip child fuck one think guard blood mind batter wash static exactly think go to united fail divide fall fuck makin worse united fail divide fall cause makin bad middle finger not fuck be sick death swallow single thing be fed middle finger not fuck think change question oh break delude illinforme selfserving prick believe word preach screen street peaceful revolution war blood be fool stand cunt cunt cunt cunt kick united fail united fail divide fall divide fall united fail fuck makin bad middle finger not fuck be sick death swallow single thing be fed middle finger not fuck think change question middle finger not fuck be sick death swallow single thing be fed middle finger not fuck think change question
-1 | think better be good be see be not scream not sing be s way go not bleed not be cause imma s damn thing achieve stick place good shot aim straight heart be play game live shame not fear not not bleed be not sing not scream be change stay be see be good be cause imma s damn thing achieve stick place good shot aim straight heart be play game live shame not fear good shot aim straight heart be play game live shame not fear think better think better awwwww good shot aim straight heart be play game live shame not fear good shot aim straight heart be play game live shame not fear think better
-1 | will not save s break not hateful be unfaithful wait tell be fake lie run away hide feel taste s hope find well have shamble not feel anymore wait tell break lie run away hide feel taste awake long ill father son tell lie have see love lost look hope know s hope find well taste
-1 | ball break glass pedal metal piece ass know not mean think possibility make fake turn take condition mistaken sneak fuck blind overload overload overload overload overload overload overload myay overload come look inside head position be better dead fast lie like fucking heart attack know good s be live past black white be right overload overload overload myyaay overload overload overload baby overload myyaay overload come lithium overload try way slow wrap celluloid daydream not know mean know way good s be live way fast not care fuck overload overload overload overload overload overload overload overload overload overload overload overload myyaay overload overload overload baby overload myyaay overload
+1 | lullaby sun sink distant mountain night fall fall say boy sleep father far away end mother bullet sing land night day blaze deadly fire chorus sleep good dear sleep beloved fun byebye sing song important soon day come victory come father wag finger boy sleep window silence fall asleep moon sky sleep bed table chair obedient boy fall asleep chorus far away ground soon begin new day hurry bed tomorrow early morning clear healthy chorus 1944
-1 | run be not kind man face fear kid fight stock rolling hill be not alibis sweat dirt open sky simple word head hold high kid day leave harden will not think twice get battle home get reason stay rolling hill think day home pain hurt mother pray sleep come rest wicked man starless sky moon shine shame find redemption pale saint take grey eye hopefulness youth feel life sour boy ask answer truth lack be kid have hell be loner kid get grace tact simple word runner coward lose way sleep be not wicked man night like change fate mend break leave night parting word lead way not like moonlit sky shine praise
+1 | worker country unite worker country unite strength power battle commune collect enemy fall work weapon comrade menacing lava overturn executioner worker country unite world rise sun break hot worker country unite strength power battle commune collect enemy fall forward oppressor comrade banner lenin victory lead worker country unite commune battle ahead 1930
-1 | yeah time want effusivefadeit not cut soul vibrant reckon sickening packaging subversion pseudosacrosanct perversion drill desert dig grave fill mouth money save sink get small be begin be rain kill throw wall preservation martyr psychosocial psychosocial psychosocial psychosocial psychosocial psychosocial oh crack road lay temple fall secret go mad new kill hate need mess start look eye be wrong s emptiness be miss think be rain kill throw wall preservation martyr psychosocial psychosocial psychosocial psychosocial psychosocial psychosocial limit dead limit dead limit dead limit dead fake antifascist lie psychosocial try tell psychosocial purple heart give psychosocial not stop kill idea psychosocial hunting season psychosocial want psychosocial be rain kill throw wall preservation martyr rain kill throw wall preservation martyr limit dead limit dead
+1 | horse heaven edge podernetsya knee border fly budyonny don home black horse stand fly stele rest don party run run funnel good gray dun flash clear gray light chestnut storm fly gray light chestnut storm fly silent shout steppe merlin sal district fighter count black horse etc look spacious field kastornaya crowd dusty black horse etc day stingy pozdnenki guety pm farmer fighter yesterday horse etc protection country band strike target blade hot horse etc 1929
-1 | get to drive wanna stay focused not think leave wanna move not stop say good get to come find arm hold hold know be
-1 | fire s leave burn have run right thought have run right word yeah fire cold s leave burn have run right feeling have run right world promise try yeah feed fire feed fire feed fire feed fire fire s leave burn s leave burn fire dead s leave burn have finish yeah thing promise thing try yeah thing dream feed fire feed fire feed fire feed fire fire half life have half life flame fire ablaze fire ablaze fire ablaze fire ablaze s leave burn s leave burn fire fire yeah fire s leave burn
-1 | war skin comfort hope ray orange light spread arm leave away be drifting sense stun go wind enter air ill away far spread arm leave
+1 | beard chui chui chui chui road spend night hearse travel speed leg give away grandfather sit perch eighty year carry handle little granddaughter granddaughter go ninth year chin beard short beard upryachesh addition shelf book mousetrap mouse table stulik buffet bagel beard grandfather beard spread city drive immediately thousand horse budennovsk regiment twentytwo armor car thirtyseven automotor seventychauffeur shooter company division infantry tank regiment s sense beard yes spread city ooooooo 1938
-1 | creep lose late killing time wait fate trap cage have build hand not release rage shatter life break plan know not trick believe kiss not believe thing sake please dark afraid not sit kill heart pill would find strength push away hurt weaken day not believe thing sake please come know disgust grow anew tighten grip wear throat slowly slit not believe thing sake please stop let know be afraid let letting
-1 | know break master teach thee child love flood old trip big mistake try way drift body sole desertion fly notion flood old trip big mistake try way flood old trip big mistake try way wrong run far home go leave wrong run far home yeah go leave
+1 | moscow beijing russian chinese brother forever grow unity people race shoulder square simple man song walk simple man stalin mao hear chorus moscow beijing moscow beijing people light path last peace banner freedom hear voice volga yangtze kremlin see chinese radiance afraid military storm people severe thunderstorm victory glorify land chorus world strong bond column jubilant walk soviet union mighty soviet union step new china chorus
+1 | komsomol youth green earth scatter dawn gilding youth restless sun rise ahead nepochatov lot work dear friend hardworke people tousle want comfort heat comfortable bed want breed hill unknown fire like distant terrestrial parallel build city different angara komsomol youth know rest edge assault leave forever good lead forward restless star good lead forward restless star
-1 | think fool believer not know not know know think fool go to oh go to pull not know not know s anymore s bodys tell wrong thing time not stop foot move forward not stop oh not stop scare think thing be think thing think fool foot move forward be tell stop stop stop stop foot move forward be tell stop stop stop stop foot move forward be tell stop stop stop
-1 | be girl think know time work be person night be person night have fool face dark place place bet gal know happen look wish let wish let run run run run run run run run better run run run run run run be person night be person night be person night dark mmm mmm run run run run run be not be not better run better run better run run run be not be not mmm
+1 | oh viburnum blossom oh viburnum blossom field near stream man fall love young man love misfortune open word find live know maiden think creek snowball fly color dear good guess love maiden day strong dare tell dare word dear good guess sam1949
+1 | cheerful kilometer road beat sol sun shine nose compass bowler hat cape canvas backpack chorus kilometer kilometer forward forward forward cheerfully walk leg road latitude southern sun polar wind planet tie thick kilometer trail glade river road chorus shoe boot find unknown land new path punch way new chorus orchestral loss chorus cheerfully walk leg road latitude
+1 | yard sad maybe meet run away way stay month return night chorus yard record singing goodbye hand fate develop tomorrow forget mother kiss goodbye chorus shoe stud thin sweater silly torment thing girlfriend see old man knock domino chorus lip hide look better like like remember apartment twentyninth flame sixth floor chorus sad maybe meet run away way stay month return night chorus 1962
+1 | come youth brightly glow banner courage victory song column honorable open hit sunshine homeland favorite edge bloom powerful persistent fearless playful come youth young fear unknown new new victory victory brave call pripev1953
-1 | have get find have get find mother be not fit rosary bead go s place shed sun nearly jacket walk street feel wind start shift cold bite like s change find find family have get home head walk crowd family downtown jealous bitter old man not stand man take away wife coward leave kill kill head cigarette hand concrete cold brick sando place pray suffer day sleepless night dirt addiction hurt old white oak door church s find pew touch cold hand mother go god needle arm family plot fill perfect ending tragedy cold wet ground finally peace husband lose house hour strain month pass gun bluecollar shipyard day go lose promise normal life take lose wife sit chair wait death barrel head
+1 | song brother steadfast resistant case word direct clear lead cherished goal eld brother communist chorus look open space favorite region ready ready tell dear fatherland land holy love s true childhood brother focus brother ear mature field mast rise unlikely keep watch komsomolet second row brother chorus childhood brother walk take example true son native land brighteye pioneer chorus walk flag wing friendly gaggle october know guy little brother chorus 1950
+1 | evening song hey leningrad city neva freestyle city glory labor listen leningrad ill sing sincere song hold friend youth komsomol dear edge lyric young age time fire meet old friend find troubled youth song fly neva sleeps city road park gardens linden tree rustle goodnight native leningrad
-1 | world piece fall apart life shut year go try live live man world world thing change live live great hand creator dead living bear witness life lead fill uncertainty hope mean reality hope reality life lead fill uncertainty open eye dark find light open black blind look world world thing change remember hope reality hope reality hope reality remember hope reality
+1 | girlfriend know find broad daylight raskhoroshaya native girlfriend oh friend mess silent modest beautiful like toy true grave platoon leave dugout campaign line fire lady s bore countryman samara podruzhka forget river remember town tula tula gingerbread relative wrap tula overstay oh friend pinwheel dance singing girlfriend like fly german beat superfluous word prispeet hour promazhet cater nail head good skill ah shooter girlfriend russian rifle german beat sure 1942
-1 | oh long sorry have go busy write song oh long sorry have go busy write song not worry cause band not worry not worry not not worry not worry not oh long sorry have go busy write song
-1 | be deep have go far have lose innocence shame have attitude star be destine great fame have get look need have get drive inherent greed soon world know be win lose game be late fashion deep passion wall be hang like fashion trend passion end people like die young people like die young be lap luxury cover magazine be world long be huge silver screen be aware yes know reach s place leave money will not buy happiness be late fashion deep passion wall be hang like fashion trend passion end people like die young people like die young be late fashion deep passion wall be hang like fashion trend passion end people like die young people like die young be late fashion deep passion like cross be hung like fashion trend passion end people like die young be late fashion deep passion wall be hang like fashion trend passion end people like die young people like die young
-1 | come dance floor cause s get music house music house music house come dance floor cause s get music house come dance floor cause s get music house music house music house come dance floor cause s get music house come dance floor cause s get get music house music music music music s siren man ay s wooo
-1 | late evening glass have sit night ignore everybody wish disappear maybe not wanna know get ahead program want lady hold body close step man land long time lady need darle come set tone feel fall will not let know love come involve feel rush head toe sing louder sing love ablaze see flame stage fire brigade come couple day get know drink maybe smoke let road change singe find love local rave not know be suppose figure hope pray tell say nice meet ya hand bottle water fill tequila know s keeper small act kindness be deep anybody find be mean drive home drink sober sit couch thing lead s kiss mouth need darle come set tone feel fall will not let know love come involve feel rush head toe sing louder sing feel guy not wanna dance feel hear music feel find hide hope would hand darle beat kick feel feel need darle come set tone feel fall will not let know love come involve feel rush head toe sing
-1 | pay kill die lose hunter hunt diablo come trophy man lose skin lose skull sack heat dehydrate know breath run hide have get kill stay alive run hide have get kill stay alive fear pain fear pain fear pain fear pain human heart human mind intellect intertwine focus sharp night watch jungle burn bright toe toe throw line everyone catch hand tie iron iron fist come run hide have get kill stay alive run hide have get kill stay alive fear pain fear pain fear pain fear pain
-1 | klon los angeles clone radio play song sound like clone hey alright kip kasper clone radio las infinite repeat feelin s drive time commute need saga s saga song deaf not hear dead bull life low ill massive conquistador soul door metal heavy soft core gimme toro gimme gimme toro gimme pressurize neutralize deep fry gimme space trucking floor fortify liqour store one gimme gimme toro gimme gimme toro gimme gimme toro gimme shrunken head love adore bmovie gimme gore gimme toro gimme bmovie gimme gore uh yow gimme toro gimme gimme toro gimme gimme toro gimme gimme toro gimme
-1 | change channel watch drama sit fade lose karma day day feed brain lie thought hide dream watch serve guess deserve spineless faceless fuck not ask heartless brainless fuck know pointless senseless fuck not ask aimless faithless fuck know kill war head kill not break free kill war head not break free consume light consume lie forget wold forget life cast spell everybody not shit world ugly place go to die smile face illness sickness fuck dullness darkness fuck virus escape silent killer way virus choke brain silent killer vain vain kill war head kill not break free kill war head not break free not wanna know madness not wanna know low life existence broadcast damnation
+1 | bullet send bullet enemy let enemy taste blood dnieper expensive bank edge home dnieper bullet second old mother mother able revenge come embrace devour villain bullet send sister torture maiden thief germans drag sister dnieper betray shame fourth bullet send boyfriend fight south fly bullet falter hand hour terrible retributive vengeance bullet send aptly fascist heart quiver homeland holy love life 1942
-1 | grab ahold have get arm pull darkness hard light end tunnel war come waved white flag not end dead will not mislead ill singe song inside head phoenix rise demise grave shoot addiction come like freight train oh come rail hard light end tunnel war come waved white flag not end dead will not mislead ill singe song inside head war come waved white flag not end dead will not mislead ill singe song inside head way course set destruction speed ahead time come start thing hold speed ahead life have wait come come be say life have search break chain break chain ill swinge life have wait come come be say life have search break chain break chain ill swinge life have wait come come be say life have search break chain break chain ill swinge life have wait come come be say life have search break chain break chain ill swinge
+1 | sailor heart birthmark sea roar astern gray wave night night guy dark quietly sky star burn flame sailor heart long fellow sailor chorus ah sea noise stern gray wave birthmark sea marina melt away astern longer visible blue handkerchief toskuesh parting easy overlook marina wait sailor chorus birthmark sea covet address gray hair write sew heart heart sailor sea lie chorus 1955
-1 | hello darkness old friend have come talk vision softly creep leave seed sleep vision plant brain remain sound silence restless dream walk narrow street cobblestone neath halo streetlamp turn collar cold damp eye stab flash neon light split night touch sound silence naked light see thousand people maybe people talk speak people hear listen people write song voice share dare disturb sound silence fool say know silence like cancer grow hear word teach arm reach word like silent raindrop fall listen sound listen sound echo listen sound echo well silence people bow pray neon god sign flash warning word form sign say word prophet write subway wall tenement hall whisper sound silence
-1 | know need fix fall know need find way day let numb let hold go to let away shoulder cry dose die painkiller killer killer will love till cause be shoulder cry dose die painkiller killer killer know want desperately know ill free forever comin be go to need cause know fiend lean lean shoulder cry dose die painkiller killer killer will love till cause be shoulder cry dose die painkiller killer killer find cure find cure painkiller killer killer will love till cause be shoulder cry dose die painkiller killer killer painkiller
+1 | far arctic village village lie dormant snow waist frosty wind knock door moscow far away near pole geography believe old globe mistake long way moscow end native capital dawn smile forever prescribe heart moscow summer see light capital human tide part leave city take away forget love one expanse snow heart hot frost terrible grow real love let storm roof angry happy dream native capital asphalt friend love one pass old globe mistake long way moscow end native capital dawn smile forever prescribe heart 1960
+1 | vasya cornflower bob lose heart head hang clear eye muddy frown cheerless jest joke fight darle s wrong sudden vasya vasilechek oh dear oh vasyavasilek eh chorus face soldier sorrow let place burn reason lose heart let place burn lose heart cheer beat enemy question joke fun letter road dumushki darker letter week mail work brother affection heart ask oh dear oh vasyavasilek eh bob large afflicted like heart news want write forget understand love oh dear oh vasyavasilek eh shoulder shoulder press friendship remain heart hot girl today hurt grieve tomorrow denechek hold head vasya vasilechek oh dear oh vasyavasilek eh 1940
+1 | подмосковные вечера китайский shen ye hua yuan li si chu jing qiao qiao shu ye ye bu zai shao shao xiang ye se duo hao lin wo xin shen wang zai zhe mi ren de wan shang ye se duo hao lin wo xin shen wang zai zhe mi ren de wan shang xiao jing jing liu wei wei fan bo lang ming yue zhao shui mian fan ying guang yi xi ting de dao ren qe sheng chang duo jing de wan shang yi xi ting de dao ren qe sheng chang duo jing de wan shang wo de xin shang ren zuo zai wo shen bian tou tou kan zhe wo bu sheng xiang wo xiang kai kou jiang bu zhi zen jiang duo shao hua er liu zai xin shang wo xiang kai kou jiang bu zhi zen jiang duo shao hua er liu zai xin shang chang ye kuai guo qu tian se meng meng liang zhong xin zhu fu ni hao gu niang dan yuan cong jin hou ni wo yong bu wang mo si ke jiao wai wan shang dan yuan cong jin hou ni wo yong bu wang mo si ke jiao wai wan shang 1957
+1 | kolkhoz polka stretch wide accordion let girl perepoyut let know world farmer live let steamer stretch sail kolkhoz girl fairhaired beauty play play accordion play play accordion carry farm fiveyear new plan sweet field love talk thick golden rye kolkhoz noise cute fly sky cute ground look argue height beauty oh dawn accordion yes village spread aspic vote right heart ask ah creak creak creak new shoe girl leave picture slipper nose hemstitch want dance sami jump let steamer stretch sail kolkhoz girl russian beauty
+1 | united немецкий man man need eat make speed tz tired create food refrain drum leave drum leave place comrade row worker unite worker man man need clothe shoe make chatter warm drum man man like boot face drum want sehn slave inform master proletarian proletarian drum befrein liberation working work worker
-1 | leg not work like not sweep foot mouth remember taste love eye smile cheek darle love till seventy baby heart fall hard twentythree be think bout people fall love mysterious way maybe touch hand oh fall love single day wanna tell honey love arm kiss light thousand star place head beat heart be think loud maybe find love right hair go memory fade crowd not remember hand not play string way know love cause honey soul grow old evergreen baby smile forever mind memory be think bout people fall love mysterious way maybe plan ill make mistake hope will understand baby love arm kiss light thousand star place head beat heart be think loud maybe find love right baby love arm kiss light thousand star oh darle place head beat heart be think loud maybe find love right oh maybe find love right find love right
+1 | long journey know new custom distant day year horse wait path mail traveler sing sit friend long journey let light come driver quietly touch song way forget mile away fly century composition run rail alarm station platform oldfashione sing sit friend long journey let light come driver quietly touch song way forget let rocket speed light sweep star start look oldfashione sing sit friend long journey let light come astronaut quietly touch song way forget 19621962
-1 | know like question single thing give fight resistance way life young angry right bent break hang thread look past look not need forever forever fire burn inside fuel have battle fight go uphill break iron young angry right bent break hang thread look past look not need forever forever not need
-1 | lie sweet word fall lip stare cold calculate worth risk escape life expectation finally die free virus grow inside head make speak scream whisper need apologize deceit eye leave start war war final suicide share death affection discretion breathe life lifeless breathe life
+1 | good friend festive hall quiet room catch hour gladness table remember comrade forget recall year war possible forget past year intimate friend good place table chorus good friend real friend friend drain cup pour fellowship fill bowl sing song today silence tranquility gather small circle friend sing pleasure family world amicably circle friend equal miner soldier poet reserve seat nice enemy place chorus let smile song sing silent sin evening fun festive hall quiet room catch gladness hour table remember comrade forget chorus
+1 | write mother egypt heat desert cheek schipet sand blast mouth write mother egypt s volga live hurry memory store yellow incomprehensible unlike volga river nile sea know sky sea dust fly follow russian crane would siberia ticket know period vrug mars begin recruitment go godok like air drunk rain year write mum egypt s volga live
-1 | oh oh tonight small planet go rock civilization bass strong maroon small island endless sea confine tiny spit sand unable escape tonight heavy stuff
+1 | kolkhoz toast stalin collective farm joyful edge stalin gracesong chant father nationwide magnify celebration bright glorious honestly execute command homeland bread give excess time stalin bell cup stalin ruddy pie happy birthday party gathering motherland great harvest ask dear belove joyful celebration priezzhay1949 farm
-1 | child cry mother die autumn life feel reverse lyric 2 032 22 uoy ee natas teews ym thginot kcab emoc draytruoc eht tuo courtyard come tonight sweet satan longing come like hail leave come inside tell final day would find rhyme light come signal act life wait beneath white sheet wait forever light come weakness store trace arm leave leave reversed lyric 7 217 24 yhw nosaer ruoy lla kcol llyeht longer reason lock child away harm longer reason seek tenderness dagger skin mark year trial feel abandon flock friend singe praise dead await face moon ascend follow sound head
-1 | bear long arm stretch hold separation away be die inside empty arm fight day sight give blind eye take life deserve life
+1 | cheer song friend commit magnify chorus magnify falcon fly mighty power enemy win magnify falcon good friend good friend glorify stalin world man expensive dearer happiness happy sun brighter chorus let live love health strength nationwide bow russia chorus
+1 | marsh pioneer squad pioneer soviet country million party faithful lenin cause banner chorus lenin testament honor come party walk row friendship forever indestructible fire burn brightly follow warrior squad follow detachment detachment homeland system bulwark world homeland tver hand lit light communism chorus great cause fight ready homeland salute ready
-1 | geschlechtsverkehr geschlechtsverkehr eine wichtige lebensstation war meine erste kopulation ich wohnte einem internat da ge es heftig zu der tat ich schlich mich carolas zimmer dort sah ich sie be kerzenschimmer und nur ein kleines stückchen seide bedeckte ihre scheide geschlechtsverkehr geschlechtsverkehr geschlechtsverkehr geschlechtsverkehr und als ich ihr darauf erklärte dass ich sie sexuell begehrte sagte sie ich dir gestatten mich auf der stelle zu begatten und begann ich wie beschrieben den penis tief hineinzuschieben und kurz darauf bekam ich einen orgasmus sie leider keinen geschlechtsverkehr geschlechtsverkehr geschlechtsverkehr geschlechtsverkehr geschlechtsverkehr geschlechtsverkehr geschlechtsverkehr geschlechtsverkehr geschlechtsverkehr geschlechtsverkehr geschlechtsverkehr geschlechtsverkehr geschlechtsverkehr geschlechtsverkehr geschlechtsverkehr geschlechtsverkehr geschlechtsverkehr geschlechtsverkehr geschlechtsverkehr
-1 | be right world explode try remember word world explode dark night endless fire inside water shore space time guide afraid s time life matter moment face truth run know know dry eye find stream lead water divine come lie face truth run know know know dry eye find stream lead water divine come lie lie know dry eye dry eye find stream lead water divine come lie
-1 | tear wall tear wall tear wall tear wall tear wall tear wall
-1 | okay ya ya ya ya ya day day home life wreck power breathe neck respect relief get to speak yell piece rule jive cause be sick live stay alive leave ask lot not wanna control s want s want s want s want ya ya ya ya ya time go to til hear have try cool feel like lie have play rule turn try rule jive cause be sick live stay alive leave ask lot not wanna control s want s want s want s want say ill listen sense rule jive cause be sick live stay alive leave ask lot not wanna control s want s want s want ya ya ya ya ya
+1 | steppe wide steppe steppe wide accord dorozhenka straight go ahead company company vnogu battle song chorus friendly army flow song away oh glory army strong steel happiness homeland hold firmly power mighty stand peace sacred banner star burn gold heroism courage pro victory chorus scientist combat day raise apprenticeship chorus edge dear comely edge mine field forest land expensive soviet fighter chorus
+1 | song freshman friend school time door institute enter yesterday smile childhood look fellow freshman greeting like river time flow faster far competition wait buddy thick volume book path life openly directly lot joy hope love dispute dorm sunny dawn leave graduation short year 1961
-1 | perversion life gaias eye good dead jaw spite not sit apathy amplifie dark corner nightmare ill light count blessing cover shower life warmth rest suffer fortunate choice count blessing cover shower life warmth rest suffer fortunate choice ill voice rest eye bed filth suffer slow vice guilt refuse add violent design dark corner nightmare ill light count blessing cover shower life warmth rest suffer fortunate choice count blessing cover shower life warmth rest suffer fortunate choice ill voice cast forsake desperate ill fate everyday value life spread thin chaos ill hopebringer trial stand single walk life ill fight ill fight human non human right know thing bright
+1 | bute lead shower bute lead shower predict trouble shoulder heave war misery rumble civil war dawn dusk trail field truth rumble civil war dawn dusk trail field truth 1966
+1 | immortal leningrad sing comrade fight glory leningrad valor word world greyamt father stand thunder cannonade defend forever immortal lenigrada chorus live holy city live immortal city great warrior city favorite leningrad shakes flag neva autumn wind night night clear bright day float city city lenin world encroach honor mercy find chorus 1943
-1 | en la oscuridad de mi frustración cuando la esperanza está en peligro de extinción un brote de luz en la multitud devuelve las ganas de gritar victoria sentido la victoria se aproxima un nuevo despertar el hastío erupcionó al volcán en las calles de cualquier gran ciudad desde el sol emanan libertad que agradable sensación caminar al mismo son rodeado de almas exigiendo dignidad somos el detonador esperando la explosión que derribe la puerta y entre el sol victoria sentido la victoria se aproxima un nuevo despertar el hastío erupcionó al volcán en las calles de cualquier gran ciudad desde el sol emanan libertad en época de recesión está al acecho el tiburón se alimenta de miedo paro y desesperación la soberania que dulce sueño la democracia es solo un juego que persevera los privilegios de los políticos y los banqueros despertad víctimas de su especulación despertad que el miedo te impida la reacción despertad contra el hambre nos ofrecen represión despertad ya nos queda mas la revolución nos quieren convencer infectan la opinión que todo fue un sueño de un pueblo soñador hay que reactivar toda la ilusión avivar las llamas de la rebelión victoria sentido la victoria se aproxima un nuevo despertar el hastío erupcionó al volcán en las calles de cualquier gran ciudad desde el sol emanan libertad victoria victoria victoria levántate y grita victoria victoria victoria levántate y grítalo ya
+1 | star field lay dew descend evening blue bring wind expanse meadow fresh smell cut wormwood echo distant girlish voice lay dew descend evening blue shine star field star russia country lovely star day find strange land simple bouquet wild flower remember smell cut wormwood echo fargirlish voice battle wear heart star field star russia country lovely star
-1 | ohh moment will remember night will forget ohh sinner stand se hallelujah hallelujah praise body stand se hallelujah hallelujah not stop shake lean let right ya hallelujah prayer prayer prayer hallelujah life start day get catch cover secondhand lover oh tie pretty young thing state emergency try time sad miss like miss blue well sinner stand se hallelujah hallelujah praise body stand se hallelujah hallelujah not stop shake lean let right ya hallelujah prayer prayer prayer hallelujah drunk not mean thing stop think bullet mouth love thing hate finish daydream try time sad miss like miss blue well want heart be sit pretty brand new scar will know not try let try let try let try sinner stand se hallelujah hallelujah praise body stand se hallelujah hallelujah not stop shake lean let right ya hallelujah prayer prayer prayer hallelujah sinner stand se hallelujah hallelujah praise body stand se hallelujah hallelujah not stop shake lean let right ya hallelujah prayer prayer prayer
+1 | mailbox tell mother girl grustyaschie favorite single mailbox drawer convenient close detail unknown south il north desert live happily single mailbox worry parent girlfriend wait response let news arrive faster rocket chorus clear understandable get love care clearly clear answer write restrained guy real service state one mailbox listen radio read newspaper ensure tranquility world letter tender contact s settle single inbox cultural entertain look wonderful ask work be sorry inappropriate chorus 1970
-1 | start zombie track start start team fuck start start team nigga start start team nigga start start team fuck keep real jump live mamas house would argue month nigga try work night traffic way home uncle call like ya give key tell ya bring right nigga think funny go be road half million start start team fuck start start team nigga start start team nigga start start team fuck boy tell story man struggle not hungry yeah doubt nigga turn boy man be not hear s poppin nigga want credit imma worry fuck nigga reminder wear single chain be house cause start start team fuck start start team nigga start start team nigga start start team fuck new niggas nigga not feel fuck fake friend real friend not like explain story stay change new niggas nigga not feel fuck fake friend real friend not like explain story stay money fame cause start start team fuck start start team nigga start start team nigga start start team fuck
+1 | commander frunze steep bank oncome wave coastal cliffs beat recall affection home country great commander long ago garden nightingale sing let bullet fly singe long ago campaign lead troop commander soldier overcoat remember retreat leave victory battlefield hero lenin nurture grow stalin hero peaceful people motherland army battle right frunze remember man frunze battle banner motherland praise 1940
-1 | not need clothe revco lets revco second home revco lets revco second home know place far know place go know place old el paso know place get lady s get style shake ass s get class wake west texy god girl fuck sexy drinkin red parrot hardly bear know place bright shine know face misleading know pace swing body know pace come run s get style shake ass s get class wake west texy god girl fuck sexy drinkin red parrot hardly bear revco lets revco second home revco lets revco second home oh shit be go to die town not come come come come come come come come come come come come s get style s get style shake ass s get class wake west texy god girl fuck sexy drinkin red parrot hardly bear wake west texy god girl fuck sexy drinkin red parrot hardly bear wake west texy god girl fuck sexy al take gator day luc joey drunk sunday revco lets revco second home revco lets revco second home revco lets revco second home
-1 | today time start plan ultimate crime lock destroy cold stasis rory c s thesis not fucking believe institution establish invest pause ask try test forcefe digest time damn contested not stain not contain not destabilise divide label not stain not contain not destabilise destabilise crack pressure force cause know cause not belong rise stubborn assault course stick middle cause not belong not belong not belong mind dormant static not respect conventional thought reason need fucking erupt corrupt fucking tyrant instigate violence sporadic discordance find maximum assurance crack pressure force cause know cause not belong rise stubborn assault course stick middle cause not belong crack pressure force cause not belong rise stubborn assault course calm storm siege break norm lie floor own ocean own mountain own own have inherit world need fucking erupt cause earth need fucking erupt yeah crack pressure force cause know cause not belong rise stubborn assault course cause not belong crack pressure force cause not belong rise stubborn assault course cause not belong calm storm siege break norm lie floor
-1 | resilience inspire face tragedy face presence humble think overcome take little pain life coalesce find have find bring darkness frailty turn strength suffer persistence sorrow resilience outside have deceive world false bravery teach teach someday need lean hope ill gain courage face bring trough bring darkness frailty turn turn strength suffer persistence sorrow resilience time be carry shoulder child find power firm fallibility source hope see weak prevail be better able live alive imagine world look eye leave die suffer persistence sorrow resilience
-1 | have wait life moment right tonight night love fantasy heart keep cryin ooh forever tonight ooo forever tonight wanna feel arm wanna love till emptiness go hand tonight night understand heart cryin ooh forever tonight ooo forever tonight tonight come not want let feeling everever end tonight night fall love heart keep cryin ooh forever tonight ooo forever tonight ooo forever tonight ooo forever tonight
-1 | want tasty mushroom
+1 | oh share oh share share proportion dolyushka oh evil share bring siberia drunkenness il buyanstvo night robbery party native lose peasant world fair year hungry time steel file collect skotinku sell pittance
+1 | red horse red horse red horse dream nostril beat fire mane fire bridle able wonderful horse suddenly dream red horse tell happen see red horse war love long ago expect expect window suddenly ride silky grass horse feed spring water slowly satiate rush horseback far far away let fly country red horse red horse orchestral loss saber ring meet enemy be horsefire afraid attack like thunder like thunder friend bald checker 2p 1977
-1 | pull open pull open push push be wait instigation instigation ya wanna slow hand time let girl nooooooo noooooo noooo nooooo noooo dark lose shape heart rape darkness render darkness hide wanna girl wanna slow let lets lets lets girl yeah yeah yeah yeah let lets lets lets
+1 | spirit brother spirit brother believe get feed grave hostility countrys native pest time come hour rise dormant people holy army freedom rank time come time come mladen force grow eagle soar chain violence iron beak tear song option correspond entry 1903
-1 | wild frontier beaten track wild frontier well watch dream real blood get spill get to face fear wild frontier wild frontier beaten track wild frontier well watch dream real blood get spill get to face fear wild frontier wild frontier wild danger wild wild danger wild frontier wild danger wild wild danger wild frontier wild danger wild frontier beaten track wild frontier well watch dream real blood get spill get to face fear wild frontier wild frontier wild wild frontier beaten track wild frontier well watch dream real blood get spill get to face fear wild frontier danger wild wild danger wild frontier wild wild frontier wild wild frontier beaten track wild frontier well watch dream real blood get spill get to face fear wild frontier
-1 | vast nothingness space far away space time stare upward gleaming star obsidian sky maroon small island endless sea confine tiny spit sand unable escape tonight small planet earth go rock civilization
-1 | dangerous place not know behave kill heart take soul be sergeon cut feel numb not wash smell not want live want want blood blood blood blood blood blood d delusion 1 2 3 4 d delusion d delusion blood eye blood eye blood eye blood eye blood eye blood eye blood eye reconstructive surgery specify old want snake head snake head snake head talk man stop mutilate favorite girl scary let loose feel like explosion blood d delusion d delusion come d delusion d delusion blood eye blood eye blood eye get blood eye blood eye blood eye blood eye
-1 | tricky situation suit tricky situation suit tricky situation suit suit man face dog body suit suit suit place have not not know not know not know not know suit trick trick trick trick trick suit oh suit not turn have give not turn have give not know not know not not turn have give not turn have give not not not
-1 | sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat wear leather wear lace wear makeup face young old hot cold poor rich lonely bitch lover friend bed listen thing have say sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat understand tell feel strange change drift away real understand go understand go sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat black white straight fight turn leave sad cold drag sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat fear lust get work cia trust flame sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat understand tell feel strange change drift away real understand go understand go understand tell feel strange change drift away real understand go understand go sex beat sex beat go sex beat sex beat go sex beat sex beat go sex beat sex beat sex beat sex beat
+1 | fly song victory difficulty abound pave way let bend field ear ground chorus fly song victory kremlin handsome darling edge kolkhoznye field play sun field wave gold stalin smile victory employment homeland glory enemy fear record block farm field chorus ear grainy field sberom bread gold husband send chorus send soldier gift hello labor let tight tear bomb enemys head chorus soviet barn swim grain river stalin smile victory employment chorus 2 times 1 944
+1 | marsh pilots crepe pilot watch battle labor enemy threaten bayonet army soviet edge pass pace shock chorus defense steel decisive battle raise red navy airclockwise enemy pilot post close rank fighter ore grain draw slogan glow sky chorus storm height flight school storm young working edge handlebar pilot watch watch giant building grow steppe black blood mountain flame furnace chorus young nation steel string buzz star flot vigilant watch battle pilot enemy regret power world grip crisis squeeze tremble rotten system near death chorus million slave shop field sweep away hour danger gild king meet pilot october world prepare final battle class stern dry fighter powder rifle chorus day night country watch battle timbere star fleet vigilant watch 1931
+1 | krasnopresnenskaya outpost krasnopresnenskaya outpost vernal dawn burn ray road prowess road glory go battle harsh muscovite crumple tunic opalon war sunset goodbye lover goodbye trohgorka forget child meli military snowstorm war battle take place storm die berlin artillery voice near moscow hill shade birch moscow river light trekhgorka afar krasnopresnenskaya zastava working light burn banner valor banner glory wind country shumyat1947
-1 | hold head bloody water turn feel hollow man look turn word hurt will know not know feel like shoe turn stand fall floor time s reason turn scream help hold head thing say tie be look forgiveness not idol person trust look high hold
-1 | s light sight not need anymore come fire burn desire take whisper flame want know stand helpless far away leave feel cry fail light choke resurrection
-1 | thing way thought convey point straight hate love everyday life twirl way not help go not life reckless lie dangerous fake way s thing not away turn run away come betray life decay thought obey right whatcha go to not help go not life reckless lie dangerous fake way s hear calling helpless stranger s get anger feel pain everytime be heartache fuck insult find beg knee figure suppose not wait lie break give hell not life reckless lie dangerous fake way s not life reckless lie dangerous fake way s
+1 | overcoat brother infantry summer better winter war finish abacus war finish abacus war finish abacus coat go home war bend decimate come end year mother son year mother son year mother son coat go home ashe ashe street friend starling miss starling miss starling miss coat go home eye close sleep star plywood brothersoldier brothersoldier brothersoldier overcoat go home home stand widow swear afternoon yesterday swear afternoon yesterday swear afternoon yesterday overcoat go home war crazy kid general private spring world spring world spring world coat go home
+1 | hill manchuria pale fire hill cover mist gentle sound old waltz gently lead accordion music way recall hero soldier dew birch blond braids girl cute look wait meadow evening hour strict impatien dance waltz pm visit timid long go disappear darkness sleep moon manchurian hill powder smoke save glory native land battle violent east hundred road fight distant foreign land remember bright sadness homeland far far away moment light gloomy night manchuria swim cloud dark space night lake light bird border siberian mountain leave edge gloomy fly joyful path warm thought love sadness pale fire hill cover mist gentle sound old waltz gently lead bayan1945
-1 | hey ho lets hey ho lets hey ho lets hey ho lets formin straight line go tight wind kid losin mind blitzkrieg bop pilin seat generate steam heat pulsatin beat blitzkrieg bop hey ho lets shoot -PRON- want not know rev ready formin straight line go tight wind kid losin mind blitzkrieg bop pilin seat generate steam heat pulsatin beat blitzkrieg bop hey ho lets shoot -PRON- want not know rev ready formin straight line go tight wind kid losin mind blitzkrieg bop pilin seat generate steam heat pulsatin beat blitzkrieg bop hey ho lets hey ho lets hey ho lets hey ho lets
-1 | surrender attack nevermind killing daze numb strip core moment steal time win wound soul moment steal time win memory face mean shadow dream memory shadow dream fake surrender fight darkness eye bone victim choose time win victim choose time win memory face mean shadow dream memory shadow dream paint colour love nevermind killing memory face mean shadow dream memory shadow dream shadow dream shadow dream shadow dream
-1 | design image have fall short be speechless unaware capability weak heart cast away will run head regain control sleep lose thought not worth time cast away regain control year hold near not worth wait cast away design image have fall short close worth stay state worth worth let believe well condition attain believe well love change love feel brother sun sky find condition unconditional conversation convincing will well worth stay state believe well condition attain believe well love change fill faith will not cast away
-1 | saturday 15th mercury plunge clothe stay double helix staircase purple blue light split icicle freeze tonight eye contact 100 euro 15 minute jewel surround crown jewel surround crown saturday 15th mercury plunge clothe stay double helix staircase purple blue light split icicle freeze tonight eye contact 100 euro 15 minute jewel surround crown jewel surround crown
+1 | maxim border rustle birch tree fight friend namesake maxim machine gunner explanatory meet maxim heavy machine gun nickname maxim tightly bind friendship old take terrible battle inseparable pair amicably namesake maxima accurately suggest gunner max lightning strike say machine gunner say machine gun fragment german grenade happen save gunner wound guy damage machine gun maxim treatment day rush druzhochku renovate namesake maxim return hot biting hurricane fight buzz servefriendly namesake maxim exactly suggest gunner maximum power beat say machine gunner say machine gun 1941
-1 | new revival claim fame far away sling arrow pass blame one courage not face day captain ship castaway send heart sea send crown atop head king crowd follow mean lead know s blame go find place face weak prey weak ill not answer run away set course continue remorse know send heart sea send crown atop head king crowd follow mean lead know s blame go find place face send heart straight sea way have lost have find hatred corruption heart weather storm cold stay warm say make way survive
+1 | night patrol darken night sky blue twinkle star satellite earth asleep moscow night guard late hour pass dream guard year young chivalrous love moscow unique city good good tradition song people feeling conceal singe militia mean doubt good good tradition song people feeling conceal singe militia mean doubt beauty moscow center city suburb carefully keep calm moscow boss course difficult suitable work police serve come heart calculation good good tradition song people feeling conceal singe militia mean doubt good good tradition song people feeling conceal singe militia mean doubt moscow chime ring wash cold rain bridge muscovite tenth dream sleep capital guard escort street quiet star wink unison city asleep moscow police service good good tradition song people feeling conceal singe militia mean doubt good good tradition song people feeling conceal singe militia mean doubt 1960
+1 | resort chorus hello sun eternally young hello brisk wind water hello leisure golden time reliable power labor cheerful spirit body healthy healthy ready fight rest work stand people need life blue distance open sunny glitter wave hello wide sea blue water moscow lake baikal fergana sand sea vacation send lusk beloved country chorus youth joyful voice proudly boldly bear warm sea pole song great work love like sun air song voice flight right work rest glory soviet people chorus feat reason courage joyful work hand youth maturity light expensive sea wonder air friendship live cheerfulness heart charge muscle steel pour chorus
+1 | football like distance turn blue sea clear sky clear sky noisy fall silent outdoor sun stadium field true remember word leg need football need football thing head strong commonwealth durability courage strong skill able courageous dexterous afraid difficulty path difficult wellorganize team certain goal swiftness firmness determination courage football good friend delhi honor work delhi honor work stand minute place bear mind straggler beat worthy team glory wise learn lesson field warrior field know player strong commonwealth durability courage strong skill able courageous dexterous afraid difficulty path difficult wellorganize team certain goal swiftness firmness determination courage football light breeze stir banners football march sound sound football march green carpet stadium meet robust friendship world afraid team reply team stand strong commonwealth durability courage strong skill able courageous dexterous afraid difficulty path difficult wellorganize team certain goal swiftness firmness determination courage football 1954
+1 | forest raise christmas tree forest raise christmas tree      forest grow      winter summer slim      green      snowstorm sing song      sleep herringbone byebye      frost snow wrap      look freeze      coward hare gray      christmas tree ride      wolf angry wolf      trot run      hark snow wood frequent      skid creak      horn horse      rush running      lucky horse drovenki      woodsledge old man      cut christmas tree      root      welldresse      feast come      joy      kid prinesla1952
+1 | falcon see flight wear cap fine chutochek little askew run akkurantno tunic belt heel flash clearly steady period man see gait soldier visit meet girl say take visor allow address past be beauty srodu see land man see approach soldier visit suddenly car rise approach car understand reason car zavedet life mystery solved man see oven mitt soldier visit experience matter let s lot guy army give look company doctrine halt falcon see flight soldier visit 1955
+1 | torment severe nilly torment severe nilly sleep glorious death struggle worker cause head fairly lay 2 time serve long honestly good native land brother case cemetery demolish 2 time enemy sneer dear shut eagle thine eye 2 time mountain weigh soul tear shine eye say goodbye earth fill ashe 2 time stifle anger battle enemy tear avenge mercilessly ashe vow 2 time way prison rot business carry head 2 time serve ground new people terrible prophecy new future brave day 2 time know know dear soon bone rise harsh avenger feasible 2 time 1876
-1 | oh come love yeah be love love break wall close close new world order new world order new life give new life give feel lost lonely lost lonely world live rain dust pain trust new world order new world order new life give new life give feel lost lonely lost lonely world live new world order new world order not know not know cold dark world cold dark world not understand hurt tear come oh love let close close new world order new world order new life give new life give feel lost lonely lost lonely world live new world order new world order not know not know cold dark world cold dark world not understand not understand new world order new world order new life give new life give feel lost lonely lost lonely world live world live new world order new world order
-1 | keine redensart spricht für sich auf eigne faust drauf erpicht protestgeschrei du wirst dich zwingen stet wohlnotiert wie da grad ging 3 4 5 6 jahren noch 3 4 5 6 mal fingernägel weg nurnoch blut geschmeckt 3 4 5 6 jahren noch 3 4 5 6 mal keinen schlaf gewohnt für den höchsten ton keiner denkt jedem moment groß eingelenkt das letzte hemd die essenz barfuß gekämpft viel gestemmt ungehemmt grenzen gesprengt dich erhebt ist nicht wo du bist wie gut du es triffst kein wort der exzellenz sag mir nur musstest du bezwingen und wenn das nicht passt kannst du ja gehen
+1 | flood forget spill give near leningrad lake lenin give specie lenin love fire cherish tent covet pine putting patrol ilyich hour dawn gaze turn people mist glow white fire sacred fire spark flame flare sparked people heart love edge lake blue appreciate lenin spill lenin think russia bright happiness earth
-1 | blind world wait bear cast aside chain fall reality purgatory unleash burn face earth purgatory unleash burn face earth face fear dream unleash face fear bear demon sky twist reality sweet nauseate pain death release nauseate pain death release face fear dream unleash face fear cast aside chain fall reality suicidal disease face fear cover scar humanity exile purgatory unleash burn face earth purgatory unleash burn face earth face fear dream unleash face fear
+1 | plant arable land burn burn glow polyhanie banner great way lie illumine ageold dream chorus plant arable land battleship tunnel breakage afraid meltdown afraid scared rise smoke spur howl wind mountain pipe sobomsya road leave treasured trail chorus step comrade gold inspire century burn burn banner puff work people
+1 | long live youth powder gold dream friendly youth heart create open learn secret atom like bird cruise star heaven girl pluck long live youth youth dawn dawn gold long live youth youth give know open secret atom like bird cruise star heaven girl pluck people fairy tale come true time rattle construction project country let young man dream dream come true bear long live youth youth dawn dawn gold long live youth youth endless spring let young man dream dream come true bear orchestral loss land beauty shall grow old bring romantic dreamer stubborn seeker scout untrodden path long live youth youth dawn dawn gold long live youth youth let sing amicably romantic dreamer stubborn seeker scout untrodden path 1960
+1 | road star blow wind starry night long separation wind wandering sit shut wish dear be happy rocket start ignite light darkness road star singing astronaut oh dear await earth ill bring star trek forget noise birch voice unquenchable love people chorus wait matter long hard farth star ill come warm wind incidental pripev1970
-1 | catoue caletoi urit namantas anrimius ro te isarnilin urextont au glannabi rhenus ad ardus alpon tou magisa matua tou brigas iuerilonas budinas bardon clouos canenti anuanon anmaruon cauaron colliton adio biuotutas robirtont uolin cridili rilotuten atrilas ulati mon atron brogim cumbrogon exs tou uradiu uorrobirt cenetlon clouision cauaron caleton blatu blande bito biuon m atrila ma helvetia tou mnas et genetas tigernias tecas tou uiroi uertamoi sose cantle cingeton gutoues beronti cante cladibu lame exsrextos canumi ulati mon atron brogim cumbrogon exs tou uradiu uorrobirt cenetlon clouision cauaron caleton blatu blande bito biuon m atrila ma helvetia
-1 | hey mr jack mouth wash eye hey mr jack cause surprise hey freeway car hey freeway car car freeway hey mr jack trick disguise hey mr jack cause demise hey freeway car hey freeway car car freeway car car freeway wake seven morning come away little man big gun point head seven morning come away little man big gun point head head prospect living go run light dawn protector light track face authority like face authority like hand car hand car hand car fuck pig fuck pig fuck pig fuck pig hand car
-1 | settle long haul not hide forever wind bang change word slowly utter storm brew eye miss shot buzzard time waste wellspent time brave wise stand end long line stand damn survive come home not recognize return moment clarity shortlive bleed bandage lie longer white black day sun pass gutter wake arm nurse recover touch heal leave scar brave wise stand end long line stand damn survive come home not recognize return world work way claim know get weather follow view not well know know brave wise stand edge border line stand damn survive have will not recognize
-1 | bury cold wet ground familiar face proud military work man history life live feel soil cover coffin feel go hero father go man father son dear father dear father hero father man wartorn story tell have get hell lot live airborne man scar wound promise not prove dear father dear father go hero father go man father son dear father dear father hero father man coward coward
+1 | children railway sheer line forward forward forward native stalin steadily lead life solar expanse beckon joyful child open traffic light tempting way know castanet confirm xylophone bass tell balalaika echo jingle bell play entertain song swarm song sing cheerful ringing system popemachinist mom sister box office brother technology communication electrician dream railroad manager ready ill longhaul flight express train 1937
-1 | today body part wall treat indigenously digenously human right private blue chip pry prophetic generation bottled water bottle water cause poor population die die die treat indigenously digenously human right private blue chip pry go lose see lose consumer confidence casual karma casual karma confetti camouflage camouflage flage flage treat indigenously digenously human right private blue chip pry prophetic generation bottled water bottle water cause poor population die die die treat indigenously digenously human right private blue chip pry go lose see lose mind kick line lose head call say think dead dream scream kick mind hate thought not deny dream scream kick mind hate thought not de lose consumer confidence casual karma casual karma confetti camouflage camouflage flage flage treat indigenously digenously human right private blue chip pry prophetic generation bottled water bottle water cause poor population die die die treat indigenously digenously human right private blue chip pry go lose see dream scream kick mind hate thought not deny dream scream kick mind hate thought not deny body part wall bring dark disaster
+1 | friend lag native red sun rise young combat go people chorus dance lead accordion leg walk youth dance friend fall dance lead accordion leg walk funny lyric sing friend conduct intimate conversation sing friendship spite enemy chorus know advance happen russia come friendship welcome chorus wonderful people work dance tired chorus native red sun rise young combat go people chorus dance lead accordion leg walk youth dance friend fall dance lead accordion leg walk funny lyric sing 1957
+1 | beat plane sky hitler think dog blood poke nose native land entire soviet empire climb steel wall chorus hit sky airplane croy soldier bayonet scribble machine gun fight bolsheviks shall cope bedoyu enemy scatter smoke inch land chorus army steel song simple native comrade stalin descend post chorus power indestructible land sea beloved leader divide nazis dust chorus 1934
+1 | light city sleep long time window dark burn light burn zorka student friend live hear friend sing light light midnight easy youth miraculous light leave friend take away song escort leave platform distant city shine wisps student time light light midnight easy hostel light friend difficult yearn lad let come let come let unexpectedly zabredot night acquaintance spark light light midnight easy youth miraculous light orchestral loss light light midnight easy youth miraculous light 1949
-1 | bring fire empire imperial will not prevail raise raise banner weep wail turn head look away redemptive violence seat right stand humanity destroy humanity destroy humanity destroy longer possess possession cost eye exploitation innocence spit face look prime starve freedom freedom feed lavish life price worth finance greed blindly pledge flag justice lie king bring fire empire imperial will not prevail raise raise banner weep wail deceive deceive raise banner love flag nation vie allegiance raise banner love flag nation vie allegiance
-1 | come motherfucker yeah come idiot right fuck beg afraid care s matter calamity right fuck outta face understand not feel not like wanna sift decay feel like wound like have get fucking gun head live be dead time motherfucker everybody hate fuck blood face hand not know be afraid cry s business life feel eat spin spit face wanna leave trace cause not wanna die place people equal shit people equal shit people equal shit people equal shit people equal shit whatcha go to people equal shit cause be afraid people equal shit be will people equal shit yeah yeah come stop not contagion be sit satan want tell failure mean yeah overdo not tell blow stop bitching fight way be like fuck come motherfucker everybody die come motherfucker everybody die people equal shit people equal shit people equal shit people equal shit people equal shit people equal shit yeah people equal shit yeah people equal shit yeah people equal shit oh people equal shit people equal shit people equal shit people equal shit people equal shit whatcha go to people equal shit cause be afraid people equal shit be will people equal shit yeah goddammn right
-1 | brother brother sister sister have crush fist god welcome free world nothing tell find cure not not feel disease seek high truth live knee freedom grow blood soak soil land hypocrisy not chain tell use key cash blood oil age refugee try buy mind be not sell bang bang bang hear nail coffin cut string feel heart start cut cord crack code silence life hand tyrant crush fist god crush have crush fist god left rat right snake ear whisper sweet sermon cruel hate buy fear buy lie tell set free kneel crooked bite fucking hand feed death cast shadow hope carry weight rise light feel shackle fade away fear know know break bang bang bang drop hammer conscience cut string feel heart start cut cord crack code silence life crush fist god crush have crush fist god wait sky fall yeah be wait feel like life have wait sky fall feel like time have brother brother sister sister have crush fist god crush fist god crush
+1 | song lenin branch dress spring foliage bird sing grass sprout spring world celebrate birth great son great land chorus lenin blossom spring lenin cry victory hail century lenin dear ilyich fate nation generation dream foresee eagle eye immortal like life live forever lenin matter wise party create chorus friendship world nation call lenin leninist precept true light encourage victorious movement mighty party country chorus lenin glory party thank glory century
-1 | believe eyedeceivin bobnweavin breathe wish flower fish move vibration mild relation be jamaican radio station get curse bad hearse good dead leave leave head need head rest feed warm breast man make hit childbearing hip underground like s sound like sound not know believe people lie believe people die believe people try believe people cry believe people balk believe people talk believe people breathe believe people sound not know rearrange thing not change thing remain feel strain stress catch breath rest xxx will new tale mess not care fact time day sugar cane write fictional story like smack vein shake flame want not complain street home believe different reason believe breakthrough season believe snow flake fall believe building tall believe people bomb believe people war believe disease come believe s be run live live have get to ask will new tale attack have get flat fact time dub sack day have get city write fictional story country be scrunching want friend punchy street home believe people fall believe people war believe disease come believe s be run believe people balk believe people talk believe people breathe believe people live live live live live live
-1 | wake wake wake wake wake wake hurt sorry know face know story hope fade trust ill pain scream loud ill be awake watch not worry be take eye fall asleep wake not worry yeah yeah yeah wake try forgive try forget hey try try live hope fade turn possibly be awake watch be awake be take eye fall asleep wake wake fight day take lot time mind fight day look inside strong cause will not long wake wake wake hey be awake watch be awake be take eye fall asleep wake not worry yeah yeah yeah wake wake wake wake wake wake
-1 | remember moment leave break promise ocean lose open pain away throw wolf tomorrow come leader pack beat black blue wound shape scar build throne stick stone throw build empire not try cry river cause forgive reason fight throw wolf tomorrow come leader pack beat black blue wound shape scar build throne throw wolf tomorrow come leader pack beat black blue wound shape scar build throne ill leave choke word leave unspoken rebuild have break know ill leave choke word leave unspoken rebuild have break know wound shape scar build throne throw wolf tomorrow come leader pack beat black blue wound shape scar build throne
+1 | go sea go sea autumn evening farewell hour soul light illuminate light eye spring night fall noise audible bottle quiet ring forecastle sleep envelop roar wave sailor sleep sailor asleep sigh dawn hot compose poem poem loyalty unconditional love compose new song selfless love sea globe remember light light seaside boulevard light light light eye spring
+1 | victorious red army pass know defeat forest swamp snow break fortification defeat evil enemy chorus red army world stronghold red army fame people signal pipe red army rush battle tank river aircraft barrier know planet impregnable city leningrad chorus road military leader country send campaign gloriously unchanged people stalin forward 1940
+1 | settler homeland mountain valley silver clothe winter forest sad settler virgin land song young fly away chorus oh winter frosty nochenka yasnozvezdnaya soon favorite steppe edge sweep road long hello virgin land hello space wide spring youth meet noise blizzard frosts zatreschat friend virgin easy break farm field grow boundless little sad live chorus will come early spring young hostess directly new home blue dawn fat virgin tractor lead chorus oh winter frosty nochenka yasnozvezdnaya soon favorite steppe edge sweep road long hello virgin land hello space wide spring youth meet 1962
+1 | dream away train dream away train apron bloom like garden ridge new range bright world love beauty dream train youth rush year freight car father fight fly young red star budonnovke burn dream train open youth city turn river blue sea young young forever goodbye dear dream train dream away train apron bloom like garden ridge new range bright world love beauty dream train 1958
-1 | backwards glance say goodbye see regret eye late change truth live roof ruse alter perception manipulate violent situation gain tit air be strong proud will laugh loud crowded street summer heat come share ruse alter perception manipulate vital situation gain need fear tear seek destroy smile obey seek destroy smile obey seek destroy smile obey seek destroy smile obey seek destroy smile obey seek destroy smile obey backwards glance say goodbye see regret eye late change truth live roof ruse spoil perfection manipulate violent situation gain need fear tear seek destroy smile obey seek destroy smile obey seek destroy smile obey seek destroy smile obey seek destroy smile obey
-1 | life have tell believe perfect s point purpose line separate weak truly care not intend cross heart man beat greedy hand content comfortable accept insignificance strive find effort open eye open mind expose world cold leave populate decade spend swallow lie lie spark fire heart time come spread flame not continue waste time day day try find new mean escape day day not face disconnect ill shed dead weight rise think need justify reason continue life lead fucking hate world fucking hate fucking swore would feel like
+1 | song stalingrad oh volga volga wide love shore like sea broad strong terrible enemy great russian river inaccessible worth hour citysoldier cityhero battle stalingrad hold key city gold cherish path road decisive hour fight enemy allow threshold rush volga fascist hordes native land envelop fire volga door beat beast menacingly stand hero stalingrad birth land see siege battle shake earth blush field burn volga river day day stalingrad fight unprecedented bloody battle terrible day defend fatherland volga gather heroic force spread chest width countless enemy home shore crush stalingradhero glory city twice hero glory mother russian river glory brave stalingrad fighter glory motherland glory forever ed glory stalin glory forever 1943
+1 | merry link walk street vesyoloye link know go friend march step song way sing chorus song sing song hear fun live song need orchestral loss friend world terrible personal response stumble road fall get smile sing chorus bypass road friendly meet happy find country light live let amicably motherland sing chorus fun live song need 1937
-1 | morte et dabo morte et dabo come forth say unto son forsake condemn sin live offer forgiveness come forth say unto son forsake condemn sin live offer forgiveness bow bow ill bow claim divine ill tear gate bare fucking hand burn world rule matter convinced god fucking god believe justify believe power masse gift not deserve blood spill drink skull run hide bitch ill fucking find ill tear eye selfrighteous face lord ill fucking find ill tear tongue rancid fucking mouth heaven burn fucking ground world crumble fall sky blood spill rain earth reign ill wear crown demise know feel chest demise get closer demise be creep depth hell demise know sleep believe justify believe way end world way end way end world false hope false god way end world false hope way end world false hope false god way end world false hope way end world way end world
-1 | have spin time couple woman get sin mind sip red wine have sit age rip page d fade d faded oh not leave lonely love would learn ooh coloured crimson eye free mind end feel chemical burn bloodstream fade feel chemical burn bloodstream tell kick tell kick have look lover think would find bottle god ill feel tomorrow lord forgive thing have mean hurt see scar brokenhearted lover oh not leave lonely love would learn ooh coloured crimson eye free mind end feel chemical burn bloodstream fade feel chemical burn bloodstream tell kick tell kick tell kick voice mind call line voice mind call line voice mind call line voice mind call line voice mind call line voice mind call line tell kick see scar tell kick brokenhearted tell kick see scar tell kick brokenhearted tell kick see scar tell kick brokenhearted tell kick see scar tell kick brokenhearted tell kick see scar tell kick brokenhearted tell kick see scar tell kick brokenhearte
+1 | distant sea distant sea fog wave share go accord soviet native country win hard battle fight enemy ground look happy land happy find bread steppe sow breed garden forest windswind zasushat russian heart land beautiful soul joyful singe strength future sun rise springtime sun rise springtime spring warm caress happiness go ought seek 1949
+1 | muscovite field vistula carotid lie ground crude earre malaya bronnaya vic moss crowded world year row apartment mother sleep light bulb inflame burns moscow malaya bronnaya window moss friend stand county cinema girl friend marry long time field vistula carotid lie ground crude earre malaya bronnaya vic moss remember world save world eternal living world earre malaya bronnaya vitka mos
-1 | feel leave run faith help feel leave tale not filth maybe reason be lose reason not hide not stop run fall asleep safe place find be lose religion not find god s old kill slowly be fine feel leave burn bridge fire time let will not maybe reason be lose reason not hide not stop run fall asleep safe place find be lose religion not find god s old kill slowly be fine shake haze need help see come personal hell maybe reason be lose reason not hide not stop run fall asleep safe place find be lose religion not find god s old kill slowly be fine
+1 | stalingrad итальянский fame debris mortar like steel resist city road stalingrad pave blood ride granite woman thousand barricade frozen road swastika know find stalingrad city orchestra make dance officer coffee winter put chill bone inside air prison burn sing chorus red army radio dark seven worker seven glass toast lenin stalingrad arrive farmhouse barn fly hat man laugh prepare gun frozen road swastika know find stalingrad city голод и руины бок о бок со смертью как сталь стоит до последнего город улицы сталинграда залиты кровью смеётся каменная женщина на тысячах баррикад на его морозных улицах свастика не знает что когдато потом воспоют сталинград этот город в огне оркестр сыграет ему в офицерском кафе зима напустит крепкие морозы но в тюрьмах обжигает мотив как будто поёт хор красной армии радио в темноте и семеро рабочих семь стаканов поднятых за ленина и сталинград пришёл и в хлев и на сеновал летит фуражка солдат смеётся и готовит свою винтовку на его морозных улицах свастика не знает что когдато потом воспоют сталинград этот город в огне2003
-1 | not hold longer not hold long tear apart feel place rest need far away hear scream hear scream hear scream hear scream
-1 | triple be not number beast triple f yeah forever friend family enemie take different meaning entirely like fuck fuck fuck everybody like be not like walk mile shoe sandal would steel toe boot plus boot big fill real little fuck be not fit lick shit heel innovator be not get million hater runnin mouth ill stack paper salute like be motherfuckin general fuck like pack kind genital shit get tired fuck hard let slide worth scuffle self let touch hustle shit get tired fuck hard let slide worth scuffle self let touch hustle fuck fuck fuck fuck cremator incinerate torture thing burn control reaper soul mentally vexed cash check blood lust demand respect shit get tired fuck hard let slide worth scuffle self let touch hustle shit get tired fuck hard let slide worth scuffle self let touch hustle fuck fuck fuck fuck
-1 | look fire be think desire yes be think desire tell thing try hide be burn inside oh be burn inside think time see face feel way oh lord feel way be think feel s ill knee pray like burn flame ill ill like burn flame ill ill kind fool want body want body need time be break inside oh lord be break inside cover hopeless little fantasy be live reality cause thing oh thing like burn flame ill ill like burn flame ill ill like burn flame ill ill like burn flame ill ill like burn flame ill ill like burn flame ill ill
+1 | march goodbye city cottage road distant call young brave guy early day go march dawn girl komsomolsk escort squad girl sad come victory scatter enemy cloud mark obstacle way enemy death neminuchey grave escape come great day reckoning give people weapon goodbye city cottage early day go camping 1941
-1 | be lose sight not count chase sun chase know know face would know heart know place ill walk straight far ill follow follow not know lie clean ill break right irony enlighten reveal fate cut string hold safe know head know gaze would know heart know place ill walk straight far ill follow follow not know lie clean ill break right irony cure wait hate wait hate wait ill follow follow not know lie clean ill break right irony not know not know ill follow follow not know lie clean ill break right irony
+1 | breast arise soviet land war threaten native country pack fascist asleep close enemy care fatherland breast arise soviet land hour far pot fold fire near tent fight arrow tanker sailor commander cruise storm heat deep darkness night battle deadly enemy leader beat drive banner meet enemy blow bayonet thunder come victory song home strange land storm enemy trail war threaten native country pack fascist asleep close enemy care fatherland breast arise soviet land 1938
-1 | ich habe lange überlegt welch überraschung die prognosen stehen äußerst schlecht das soll nicht heißen dass es früher besser war doch unsere zukunft male ich schwarz denn die zeichen stehen auf sturm für die nächste große schlacht ein weltenbrand wird neu entfacht denn gründe gibts genug eventuell sogar zu viel nach wie viel krisen kommt der krieg bis hier hin ging es gut doch vermutlich wird es schlimm meine welt hat keine farben weil ich schwarzmaler bin bis hier hin ging es gut doch vermutlich wird es schlimm jetzt male ich bilder ohne farben weil ich schwarzmaler bin ich habe lange überlegt welch überraschung die prognosen bleiben äußerst schlecht schau ich nach vorne sehe ich nur vergangenheit und die rattenfänger machen sich bereit denn ungezählte menschenhände legen feuer schüren brände alle macht hat wer die meinung macht willst du mit vernunft einer zeit der hysterie ein schriller ton wird zu musik bis hier hin ging es gut doch vermutlich wird es schlimm meine welt hat keine farben weil ich schwarzmaler bin bis hier hin ging es gut doch vermutlich wird es schlimm jetzt male ich bilder ohne farben weil ich schwarzmaler bin und die hoffnung starb zuletzt auf der suche nach dem sinn meine welt kennt keine farben mehr weil ich schwarzmaler schwarzmaler schwarzmaler bin
+1 | song hero brave son child russian mother like brother friend frontline fight happiness motherland tank advance hero answer decent lead pierce flinch young man boyalisya black enemy armor leave brave hero feat comrade battle vspomyani embrace time remember homeland tank rush tank explode russian fighter comply order 1943
+1 | song sing sad song sing sad afraid dear friend heart sergo part favorite country chorus pennoyu lava sea human sergo die coffin cool heart beat victory severe year dear friend great man grateful memory people preserve chorus soviet people test face creek flood grief cry lip tight sozhmom1937
+1 | marsh athlete let wind stir banner chorus let wind stir banner song like bird fly farther today fun fill stadium glory record wait come million bold harden steel strength muscle stadium wind napoonnyh scientific firm day hour chorus sky blue sky sun gush golden rays call record heart young link song fun pripev1953
-1 | stupid dream dream come end 30 second will dead ill blow place home time cornflake give shit believe stupid dream dream come end stupid dream dream come end 30 second will dead ill blow place home time cornflake give shit believe 30 second will dead stupid dream dream come end
+1 | volga wide sormovskaya lyrical volga wide far hand hooter call ship city gorky clear zorka work settlement girlfriend live 2 time smart shirt beloved come explain good friend yesterday say forever love come appoint time 2 time rendezvous forget book disclose bent girlfriend gold box morning shift siren rustle gently move window 2 time oh summer nighttime tug gudochki worry guy want leave girl beautiful sormovo find 2 time morning entrance mother plant love girl meet say lot book read book love 2 time volga wide far hand hooter call ship city gorky clear zorka work settlement girlfriend live 2 time
+1 | varangian comrade place parade begin enemy surrender proud varyag mercy want pendant twist chain rattle anchor raise ready fight gun row sun shine ominously pier true battle havstrechu threaten death motherland open sea die wait yellowskinne devil whistle rattle rumble thunder gun shell hiss fearless proud varyag hell like pitch die austere body tremble thunder gun noise groan ship cover sea fire come moment farewell farewell comrade god hurray boil sea beneath think friend yesterday go die beneath wave stone cross go glory russian flag wave marine praise heroic death varyag 1904
-1 | gracious tip collide past tip collide
-1 | be door be ass like night be wall fucking mind be control ill end be head control s let sip let begin floor house have slip fall pull string deep sink swim lady gentleman place fucking bet come oh s spectacular work art have spawn man proud s fucking masterpiece selfdestruction pretty little thing know walk away not bring quit game s beautiful girl weight world shoulder be kick tooth world s paint gold turn fucking table s door s ass like night s wall fucking mind s control end head control like have tell be sorry be sorry like have tell be sorry be sorry like have tell be sorry be sorry like have tell be sorry be sorry like have tell be sorry be sorry be sorry
+1 | song winner wind rustle high grass sand dun desert sentry stand shore khalkhin gol mongolian river out steel shelf attack chorus look character country warrior guardian council strong golden field city hurt enemy chorus sing twice tank race avalanche thundering dusty shell shake dry land marinesheroe iron rank mine bayonet victory battle chorus falcon air night day raven drive foe sweeping fire brave life spare soviet people mother leader chorus wind rustle high grass sand dun desert sentry stand river khalkhin goal sky blue glory red eagle thunder pipe pripev1940
+1 | oath people commissar great day arrive leave million ruthless fight country vow country people commissar defense execute order win battle black sea water ocean swell victory cry thunder land vow accelerate victory relentlessly valor labor courage battle vow win courage morning sea land sky hit enemy order commissar stand character people day legend century let enemy tremble stand wall border countrys formidable home great time come lead victory stalin order law boldly terrible battle 1941
+1 | song school friend beloved home familiar class funny circle friend ahead happy school day chorus day remember friend great life wide path school open school open card home new day wealth country home well learn chorus attract distance gray seas mountain range let life brighter well dream come true chorus
-1 | city lie ruin livelihood leave build decay world crash fuck let happen answer come mind catch steady decline s deterrent oh aftermath bring knee guilt start dissolve inside grasp chance salvation way world decide fate change unavoidable emerge barrel impact mankind well earlier realize sooner reassemble life reassemble life chance rebuild chance rebuild chance rebuild
+1 | sea guard native ship patriot lion courage breast guard soviet navy come chorus 2 times sea guard come confidence danger look eye battle test verify fire sea guard enemy thunderstorm guard fight south near polar latitude afraid storm blizzard afraid long march chorus 2 time minefield strike pass battery fire achieve victory hero guard seas chorus 2 times 1 942
-1 | wake safe sound word hardly leave mouth alive lose sleep night alive get letter today hear stomach sink floor not be dig grave read dear john know day come be drinking drop aching stop pull rig arm wise man tell wil relief free horrible thing pain have see man tell matter roam forget know life live home be not home get letter today hear stomach sink floor not be dig grave read dear john know day come be drinking drop aching stop pull rig arm read dear john be drinking drop aching stop read dear john
+1 | funny eye steppe road wormwood space plant cherry sadochek girl meet miner fall love merry eye famous guy entire donbass flower receive change working see thousand eye cheerful eye day friend come miner say like shortly kohl life good spring blossom shine merry eye nolimit edge spring day gold starry night maiden affection happiness native funny eye 1952
+1 | hello russia hello forever beloved homeland fraternal people mighty union scientific firm unshakable rock proud great soviet russia chorus glory homeland lenin stalin glory homeland freedom labor truth people free anybody light victorious star pyatikrylye bright shine forth tower kremlin let dawn renew strength fan glory native land chorus 1945
-1 | sweet reach thick heavy rumble walk end tunnel be free be free
+1 | come halfway world come halfway world see distant land oh friend know fight youth chorus youth fire scorch youth fighting harden green forest high mountain youth open let light sun shine illumine shore fight know best life light road chorus war whiskey silver fire sear heart let remember swear chorus half world come lovely region oh friend know fight youth chorus 1945
-1 | live valley sea line scent orange tree place s love wake sun sleep inbetween mountain water sky meet place raise family friend place save beginning end not trade leave not mean leave mind think time solid ground sun not go go see lot amazing thing s feeling like come home bring bring bring look view wrong not wanna true not wanna try not forget make sense heart belong sun set start smell salt sea know be close be come home leave not mean leave mind think time solid ground sun not go go see lot amazing thing s feeling like come home bring bring bring orange county one leave not mean leave mind think time solid ground sun not go go see lot amazing thing s feeling like come home bring bring bring think time bring bring
+1 | new day new day root vast street moscow sky happen eye blue love chorus illuminate sun light light righteousness strong homeland revolution true work master god believe manmade wonder infinitely road road lay chorus smile fair open illuminate parade glow happiness orbit gagarin friend fly chorus 1977
-1 | sense insignificance wind chest surrender submission take alive mind happen good time go easy walk road desolation end knee know thing hold lie refuse challenge drown sea self destruction lung start cave feel word hear echo deafen day face help build strength make have live suffer silence throw past friendship have build constantly fall apart remain retain heart ill heart
+1 | danube blue danube blue hot noon company pass mountain trail meet song girl magyar go danuberiver fetch water soldier ask woman tell maiden open heart sing song russia soviet edge dear friend home disasterhungary captivity save brother russia magyar bring happiness live richly danube sun illuminate homeland guy magyar girl bow go long journey soldier tumbleweed step mint dark kerchief bright magyar wave gentle hand
-1 | insane ask fly brain pour crack skull surround sin think suffocate devil come hell be insane insane insane devil come hell be will not let death refuse let bring bring will not let s wrong know have lose mind be be better insane fold scream til be spit blood fly brain itching incomprehensible will not stop voice grow faint will not fucking away devil come hell be insane insane insane surround death think end insane insane insane devil come hell be not away not relieve demon not okay one cause feeling apologize be try sympathize end day bring will not let death refuse let bring bring will not let s wrong know have lose mind be be better tear leave blur not explain pain leave hole heart be blind rage not shake feeling irrational impetuous intemperate will not let death refuse let bring bring will not let s wrong know have lose mind be be better
-1 | manipulation not shape fill bottle curse restrain not yell fight die want apple eye stay strap face listen one place serial fantasy destroyer wanna know be go think hand thought not nerve throw away cause get patience drown watch throw away cause get patience drown watch reality wish war constant manipulation time think believe easy throw away cause get patience drown watch throw away cause get patience drown watch
-1 | forlorn sky blank eye stare forlorn sky disgraceful figure stumble mist son nation lose generation tragedy imagination burn sun drown rain bury alive cold scorched earth glory leave find meet demon stop cry die reason forlorn sky die reason reason reason day march abyss wantoness confidence affende flower blazon doom lose dream lose dream withered heart wait end return leave hell glory leave find meet demon stop cry die reason forlorn sky die reason merciless horizon promise hope father versus father brother brother tomb humanity glory leave find meet demon stop cry die reason forlorn sky die reason
+1 | aviamarsh bear fairy tale come true overcome space open space give reason steel handwing instead heart flame engine chorus higher high higher strive fly bird propeller breathe tranquility border throw camera obedient create unprecedented flight aware fleet grow strong air world proletarian fleet chorus keen eye pierce atom determination dress nerve believe ultimatum fleet able answer pripev1921
+1 | valorous tula russ burn civil war bristle black muzzle moscow overshadow mighty wall fight working tula fatherland danger hear cry soviet power lenin call forward chorus tula tula tula valiant road moscow centuries heroic fortress city famous tula sound alarm fire float horizon relative tula battle centuryold arsenal formidable battle harsh ice chalk blizzard immortal lenin lead battle crush enemy chorus treasured distance perfect work case tula solid steel force know limit try live leninist motto lead exploit work class party chorus 1960
-1 | deep hollow mind system failure leave neck crane turn pray rain neck crane dull residue shattered cloud swirl dove eye change learn flame neck crane turn pray rain eye change learn flame neck crane turn pray rain drop rock fall fast fleeting heart wing commence beat s unseen believe vision wall fall recede vision wall fall recede drop rock come fast fleeting rhythm law unleash meaning usher dream vision wall fall recede heart wing commence beat unende complete vision wall fall fast fleeting vision wall fall revealing vision wall fall revealing vision wall fall revealing vision wall fall reveal deep hollow mind system failure leave dull residue shattered cloud swirl dove eye change learn flame neck crane pray rain
-1 | love love love make blind blind lie lie lie tear plenty time dead perfect girl s plenty room bed perfect world love love love make blind blind lie lie lie tear fuck head come perfect girl fuck head perfect world want fall million floor be go to breathe open pore be go to scream open door god bless model time time time make learn learn love love love earn fuck head come perfect word fuck head come perfect world want fall million floor be go to scream open door will headline die god bless model fuck head come world lust greed fuck head come life luxury fuck head be go to die fuck head not cry god bless slave slave slave fashion god bless slave slave slave fashion god bless slave slave slave fashion
+1 | pilotspilot gun bomb ah ah understand fast plane expect dawn yes pilotspilot bombgun depart long journey verneto know soon someday 1940
+1 | walk walk walk uh walk siberian taiga edge virgin come beat way way way redo couplet vocalise chorus call work era afraid world live era great life uh earth sky call flashing heaven steppe depart orchestral loss redo 1st couplet loss chorus redo 2nd couplet 1961
-1 | like flash light endless night life trap black entity cause trust illusion begin way prepare impending despair cruel tis well love lose ignorance bliss wish know kiss time burn lesson go unlearned remember desire fuel fire liar liar betwixt birth death breath regret pity live envy dead emotionally stun defense be numb would care aware scare not need love not need love not need love not need love thousand tear worth single smile inch mile longing past dread future user loser ah world renowned failure death life give nothingness purgatory blight run hide cowardly procedure option exhaust anesthesia anesthesia ah not feel not feel not feel not feel
-1 | holy burn hand wrath pierce forever heart flame orbit shame ravage split past grind bind take away needle prey wreath barb grind bind take away needle prey wreath barb wreath barb injection religion comalike effect body lay decay dream greener day grind bind take away needle prey wreath barb grind bind take away grind bind take away away open eye read sky harsh blue grin black sky harsh blue grin black bleedm bleed wreath barb runm run not far not far not far grind bind take away needle prey wreath barb grind bind take away needle prey wreath barb wreath barb wreath barb wreath barb grind bind take away needle prey wreath barb grind bind take away needle prey wreath barb wreath barb wreath barb wreath barb wreath barb wreath barb
+1 | east west serbian east west north south step roar attack forward comrade step roar attack forward comrade get close closer hear step bat voice million rise fascism war voice million rise fascism war shiver walk fascism bloody blind wait comrade freedom world wait comrade freedom world slozna death iron heel disappear moan hunger new life begin freedom comradeship work new life begin freedom comradeship work
+1 | song fifth division s downpour crush grass meadow s wind knock apple flower funnel pridneprovya polish lancer fan ponytail groan owl berezina wind wear feather white eagle fifth step chascheyu timber fifth attack enemy go clouded water neman bug red arrow river fight north south beats budyonny roll warsaw lord shelf native country offense let shore walk near warsaw storm show strength fierce enemy 1935
-1 | wake life entwine not escape stand facetoface not away think step right push fuck thing end think well better wake cause know lie think well better wake think well better wake cause know lie think well better wake wake wake cle skeleton fear change paralyze thinking future bring kill pure adrenaline tear hatred fuel truth dissect have run friend think well better wake cause know lie think well better wake think well better wake cause know lie think well better wake time countdown begin extract truth lay rest look not believe thing sight unseen not know fucking thing judge think well better wake cause know lie think well better wake think well better wake cause know lie think well better wake think well better wake cause know lie think well better wake think well better wake cause know lie think well better wake wake wake
-1 | sound heart leave stain know goodbye inside heart die not want perfect rise deserve know love hold cry die not not want perfect rise deserve know love hold cry die perfect rise think deserve know love love
+1 | song pea coat volga cooler town kronstadt southern cliff northern land cap marine jacket dear terrible battle take place memorable trip be far sea shore military glory sailor favorite jacket beach hey talk battle smoke fire see sevastopol know leningrad glorious maritime jacket day come military snowstorm subside wave ground jacket coat go holiday friendly family reach distant harbor long await wife mother girlfriend eyed weary shoulder remove chorus rustle bread oven metal boil buzz dam volga water height happiness joyfully march fatherland glory peace labor envelop madness enemy dare war leave coat jacket terrible battle chorus 1960
+1 | bad enemy немецкий   bad enemy worker soldier city council mountain lord prelate bad enemy smart small reihn reihn   discuss know read marx consider man höhre being project small thumb reihn reihn   know class struggle revolution strike steam fear blue bean want reichstag reihn reihn   knock regierungsrat shoulder dear   forget proletariat   bad caliber landowner mean reihn reihn   fit care enemy time betray big shot like praise combine national democrats freedom salvation good night deprive fruit suffering make befrein enemy reihn enemy reihn1926
+1 | corrido de pancho villa испанский soldier francisco villa man immortal fame sit chair envy president live seashore recall immortal time ay ay live seashore remember villa alla parral golden time great fight cripple defend homeland honor today remember old day fight invader ay ay today remember old day golden old ride horse jimenez reach death bullet play body pierce dying pain whinny life motherland deliver ay ay dying pain whinny cry die pancho villa have record mind heart defeat force alvaro obregon walk good soldier end revolution ay ay walk good soldier fight foot canyon
+1 | song vietnamese friend ng yong arrive russian city love look difficulty look word talk remember start word friend chorus fly melody sky country seveer south vietnamese pan russian answer friend ngu ena love brother like severity love excavation soldier study russian friend chorus dream bread share friend perfectly study station hour departure otvolnenya forget word chorus
-1 | wake take time be kill day day shockwave shatter not beg security not look not look ride die star burn sea like supernova fire burn mass hysteria mass hysteria give will not stop fight bring will not phase time make strong day day shockwave shatter not beg security not look not look ride die star burn sea like supernova fire burn mass hysteria mass hysteria go day day stir heavy sorrow life get way time be kill deep respond change manipulation rampant dark day call follow mass hysteria mass hysteria ride die star burn sea like supernova fire burn mass hysteria mass hysteria
-1 | shadow fall yesterday like time slip away be darkness follow dawn show head be leave die instead lock key like bright star shine ashley baby feel alive have get purpose yeah yeah ashley baby feel alive have get purpose yeah yeah have get purpose look kill would take world make numb be not breathe not breathe sunlight burn sky obsessive eye be not like bright star shine ashley baby feel alive have get purpose yeah yeah ashley baby feel alive have get purpose yeah yeah yeah yeah strength need fight reason try be moth light use wing fly fly ashley baby feel alive have get purpose yeah yeah ashley baby feel alive have get purpose yeah yeah ashley baby feel alive have get purpose yeah yeah yeah yeah have get purpose have get purpose
+1 | song taxi driver day long be sit wheel look fly victory passenger drive city minute lunch chorus matter cheerful disposition bore people driver right happen business suddenly passenger blow away like wind day sit car eccentric odometer kilometer chorus car sit husband wife begin quarrel happen companion know marry chorus kohl concert concert artist hurry driver happy visitor definitely police whistle explanation sad gun chorus bulk passenger hurry theater country service adjust maintain friendship chorus cheerful disposition bore people driver right
-1 | end fall crash everyone tell focus dream not lift head suffering feel like s hope mankind strap tradition chain lie have feed go far sever hand power hang head let line generation say stand bring knee turn expose lie greed beg buy know know know know lie question cause nothing give fake face forcefe american dream ship overseas not justify murder freedom not free challenge generation expand mind seek truth challenge generation buy dream set forth man challenge generation suffer luxury lend greedy hand challenge generation forsake unseen
+1 | moscow time chorus work machine let moscow time conduct flight distant train moscow time start holiday work moscow correct time soviet people victory moscow time vast expanse feather grass steppe harsh mountainous edge sing song capital love capital tent camp forest lodge people live welcome early dawn country kremlin chime beat chorus let live far capital fate connect little schoolboy star kremlin draw notebook freely spread land crop end sight kremlin clock crosschecke heart chorus 1954
+1 | march young worker love motherland sing song life young banner peace labor bear work unison come happy hour tell thank stalin warm smile chorus 2p rise sunrise dawn gold call ahead young life stalin lenins road come day confidence 1952
-1 | sacred heart sacred heart sacred heart spare sacred heart hear confession mind holy hour precious time save soul whoaooh bitter memory fade away fall angel day will will care sacred heart spare sacred heart sacred heart sacred heart sacred heart spare sacred heart outside flower forest bleed soldier fortune sow deadly seed sanctity need need have try cathedral holy grail have look love golden trail rest s leave sacred heart spare sacred heart sacred heart sacred heart sacred heart forever true forever let sacred heart spare sacred heart woo sacred heart sacred heart sacred heart spare sacred heart mymymy sacred heart sacred heart spare sacred heart heart sacred heart sacred woo sacred heart heart sacred heart
-1 | leave run move fast keep pace plane be sorry not be run hope away forget way sing old song sing say run want will remain change will oh love everybody feel not know line line want wait be guilt stricken silent head floor ill away forget way play old song mistake say run want will remain change will be learn love go emotion not go motion regret let be learn be suddenly live moment know fall tight rope say run want will remain change will
+1 | white expanse spin spin spinning storm freeze polar whiteout expanse snow snow blind white rock lie boundary sweet sweet sweet corner night stand silence know dear soldier heart stone women allegiance soldier separation need pull pull blind winter night summer descend height polar sun great expanse soviet russia russian soldier carry faithful service 1944
-1 | catch arocule tear bark scale fall trunk entangle seaweed wash away like shrimp angiosperm not let time watch eat leave salt ring catch arocule tear bark scale fall trunk entangle seaweed wash away like shrimp angiosperm not let time watch eat leave salt ring not let time watch eat leave salt ring
+1 | la marseillaise французский arise child fatherland day glory arrive tyrany tendard bloody lev hear countryside howling fetal soldier roce come right arm gorge son companion arm citizen form battalion march march impure blood water furrow horde slave traf tre king conjur s vile chain iron s long pr s frenchman ah outrage arouse dare m edit ancient slavery cohort trang res law home mercenary phalanxe warrior son good lord hand shackle n es head yoke ploieraient vile despot master destiny es tremble tyrant traitor shame party tremble parricidal project receive prize soldier fight fall young h ros france produce new one pr ts fight frenchman magnanimous warrior bear hold blow save sad victim regretfully arm bloodthirsty despot accomplice bouil tiger mercilessly d chirent m shall enter carri n s shall find dust mark virtue jealous survival share coffin shall sublime pride revenge follow sacred love fatherland lead support avenge arm libert libert ch rie fight defender flag let victory hasten buck accent die enemy triumph glory 1792
-1 | be fade gray lose track time die storm be shatter piece lift eye fall far open heart be be memory go be fall be stand lonely tear heart go be fall be fade away lose end lose end reason find miracle free life destruction worth happy end long go open heart be be memory go be fall be stand lonely tear heart go be fall feel s turn forgiveness long go be fall feel closed legion win be fall be lose worth be fall life lifeless be fall stand lonely tear heart go be fall be be memory go be fall be stand lonely tear heart go be fall be be be memory go be fall fall be stand lonely tear lonely tear heart go be fall
-1 | welcome land question welcome isle lore veil come crumble begin germination unveil cryptic door reveal hope aspiration unclose enthralled door escalate sense enhance join dawn close eye inis mona reminisce palmy day moon oer inis mona long breathe ill home 20 year walk barrow year emulous youth follow path wise sow inspiration remove seven seal reveal enigma freedom unclose unseen door
+1 | border guard letter hear taiga dense forest pines snow blue cloud taiga taiga deep snow snowdrift taiga leave leg pine tree bend creak night grow strong wind winter night squad hide secret taiga taiga deep snow night dall rage blizzard afraid soldier snowstorm ready fight meet enemy marksmanship taiga taiga deep snow uninvited guest long banner stalinist country life proud fighter taiga taiga deep snow protect homeland enemy hear taiga dense forest pines snow blue cloud taiga taiga deep snow snowdrift taiga leave leg 1938
-1 | s come s drunk s seventeen daddy say s come little queen s touch wrong s go to disease want will not tell say be not hurt like tell say be not deserve s come s drunk s amphetamine scratch nail leg cause little queen s touch wrong s try want soil child will not tell say be not hurt like tell say be not deserve will not tell say be not hurt like tell say be not deserve come will not tell say be not hurt like tell say be not deserve will not tell say be not hurt like tell say be not deserve
-1 | breathe disease bring knee need taste will set free infection discretion honey counting second til be medicate fuck brain not want baby need carry get white line fever appetite sin s black hole head hell baby count sell soul long ago bullet chamber s black hole head hell baby count sell soul lick drop poison pocket key daddys little angel get dirt knee sun go filth roam free will find fine speciman filth not want need carry get white line fever appetite sin s black hole head hell baby count sell soul long ago bullet chamber s black hole head hell baby count sell soul say be devil cause have burn rebuild hell heart vice knife have get noose world be painting black get white line fever appetite sin s black hole head hell baby count sell soul long ago bullet chamber s black hole head hell baby count
+1 | song moscow gold hot illuminate sky street pour ray sun rise tower kremlin mayakovsky hurry muscovite chorus hello capital hello moscow hello moscow sky heart word far hello capital hello moscow morning road lead straight light road spring new center seethe boiling wave rear horse sverdlov square chorus beautiful good noise thy wonderful city word cherish privetnoye find close road chorus 1947
+1 | moscow light chorus light moscow river overflow moscow lights burnshimmer suddenly light moscow light fly airplane approach capital look moscow know thee expect chorus end earth foreign sky star label surely remember distance wisps native quiet evening chorus 1959
-1 | plastic man wish proud be lose heart wish think be someday know ill find place someday know pain fade perfect sale wrap bow flower neglect tell ill sell story love someday know ill find place someday know pain fade someday know ill find place someday ill se refrain not let ill pretend be cause blind be tired tell apathy head begin swell tragedy cold feel someday know ill find place someday know pain fade someday know ill find place someday ill se refrain
+1 | song eternal youth pass way new way fly heart youth beginning end adolescence chorus spring bear wideopen arm sun eternal youth fade cloud stand row century year like soldier formation soldier youth proud young father chorus control destiny odoleesh path companion thee love chorus 1960
-1 | tell worth watch kingdom grow anchor ocean not sink low sink low rotten core s leave count cost beneath ruin lie story life lose go leave trace take replace match heaven pave road hell have path cold blooded retribution fuck revolution chew peace spit war have feed wolf s wait door rotten core find fingerprint trigger look tyrant look mirror know cancer spread not surprised find price head sorry son destroy home murder family collateral damage face sand watch domino fall plan match heaven pave road hell have path cold blooded retribution fuck revolution match heaven pave road hell have path execution price collusion tell worth watch kingdom grow anchor ocean not sink low sink low rotten core rotten core rotten core rotten core
+1 | call mount magnet distance sea southern edge overseas clearly comrade tell melt call mount magnet soul magnitogorsk like ural worker family famous people business day night melted boil ural ore buzzing oven s s girl beautiful like look like live bachelor immediately notice grayeyed girl meet town chance way attract strength secretive like magnetic mountain bypass outskirt past pass fire burn station word farewell heart train rush ural find good fact ask be convenient way choose smoke swirl pipe pleasure find wish miss shell park find word hot heart melt slowly metal melt pat southern sea edge overseas clearly comrade tell melt call mount magnet soul magnitogorsk ural harsh edge call mount magnet home
+1 | brigade garibaldi итальянский way pass garibaldi brigade beautiful strong strong pass enemy flee allor siam proud strong drive invader youth cor victory symbol march strong glory red star forehead freedom civilization bring oppress people freedom porterem way pass garibaldi brigade beautiful strong strong bold pass pass advance enemy flee allor siam proud strong drive invader machine gun rifle ready trditori fascist pay mitraglia fix grenade traitor fascist order barbarism pagar faithful people lottiam italy ideal people italian people lotterem 1937
-1 | die peanut butter ready start riot start riot start riot start riot fight war fire violence death police tv fuck start riot start riot start riot start riot private joke go let 1 2 3 4 be try be go human think s big deal huh mm hmm tell s appealing human fight war fire violence death police tv fuck start riot start riot start riot start riot will not long be human like come thief not away let yakumo s get statue come crook yakumo oh great
-1 | hey kid prune tang oh yeah s damn rich know scratch itch s wrinkled little bitch suck chrome right trailer hitch prune tang prune tang go awry find quick s way s stop shop s open ready rock mymymymy prune tang mymymy prune tang mymymymy prune tang mymymy prune tang mile mile duct tape not match day world sweet prune tang feel way mymy mymymymymy prune tang mind mymy mymymymymy prune tang time mymymymy prune tang mymymy prune tang prune tang prune tang prune tang prune tang prune tang
-1 | s look face like knock sin grin shape mouth want terrible pain will not meet remember not believe like grow like devil pray god think nice thing not think fuck scum scum hope know crack smile begin world need time s light eye brain slow not believe like grow like devil pray god think nice thing not think fuck bet sleep like child thumb mouth creep gun mouth make sick hear shit crap come day s space keep hell seat spike chair complete look fuck look fuck look fuck look fuck fuck look fuck fuck look s time think hurry cause find obscene not wait day face not rot underground not believe like grow like devil pray god think nice thing not think fuck fuck fuck fuck
-1 | yaahh condemn condemn condemn condemn condemn give chance speak acknowledgment human condemn condemn anonymity trap trap obscurity condemn condemn anonymity sentence sentence neglect ohhhh share blood reason drain s leave -PRON- abandon compassion condemn condemn anonymity trap trap obscurity condemn condemn condemn anonymity sentence sentence neglect oh uphold allegiance higher maintain life tie blood break strong bind condemn condemn anonymity trap trap obscurity condemn condemn condemn anonymity sentence sentence neglect
-1 | be look look not help feel be look have admire leave memory remember grow yearn like pain admit hold high regard life mean approval error way time spend search think safe have want hero fail will not fail not believe naive need hero fail will not fail
-1 | bad selection
+1 | rink sweep light evening snow blue twinkle light ring underfoot rink like old school day mchishsya light catch catch sly shout curled evening snow timid come run ice rink sparkling blue ice place sparkle light run away forward catch catch heart jealously freeze longdistance difficult road follow love let light glitter ice rink let snow curl strong rush fire sing skate ring dogon catch leave 1947
+1 | march soviet pioneer sing song know fervently hide face wind sound bugle pioneer match heart pioneer pioneer pioneer million red necktie pioneer pioneer pioneer nice sunny childhood squad pioneer pioneer pioneer cause lenin party faithful pioneer pioneer pioneer pioneer sonorous voice peace springs pioneer pioneer pioneer pioneer sonorous voice peace spring love earth sun zenith value friendship world need protection defend pioneer pioneer pioneer million red necktie pioneer pioneer pioneer nice sunny childhood squad pioneer pioneer pioneer cause lenin party faithful pioneer pioneer pioneer pioneer sonorous voice peace springs pioneer pioneer pioneer pioneer sonorous voice peace spring work exist lot honestly serve fatherland childhood rule live truth live good conscience pioneer pioneer pioneer million red necktie pioneer pioneer pioneer nice sunny childhood squad pioneer pioneer pioneer cause lenin party faithful pioneer pioneer pioneer pioneer sonorous voice peace springs pioneer pioneer pioneer pioneer sonorous voice peace spring
-1 | compassion confession resolve compromise dedication domination define line mutation innovation pairedup succeed retaliation termination life greed surrender run far be try hold believe heart coma agression attention need see gyrate disrespected stand line centre scene surrender run far be try hold believe heart coma surrender run far be try hold believe heart coma
-1 | foreign voice tell lie guess not listen dream see die guess not listen maybe insane maybe insane stand knife rain head scream blood smile hear shot voice wake guess not listen hear voice fucking kill hand shake dusk not control dream look away not turn deaf ear voice head be afraid follow word sign voice grow big guess not shot pull trigger think have
+1 | marsh bold world lot difficult case dare cheerful soul take wind fast run force buzzer river chorus roar like sea blue boil country spring look strong hand heart hot nuzhny2p let champion easy trail record fire burn chest record come chorus dream lead stubborn height frighten take wind fast run force buzzer river chorus orchestral loss chorus 73
-1 | open letter remember will not bury time be search forever have get eye open wide have search rubble past look reason life need look skyward find hope need redemption save rope fuck be search sky reason live cause find beauty right passion let heart let tear let life let fear hold sing sing word loud like sing open letter remember fight life forever be search sky reason live cause find beauty right passion let heart let tear let life let fear open letter remember open letter be search forever be search sky reason live cause find beauty right passion let heart let tear let life let fear time be search sky reason live cause find beauty right find passion let heart let tear let life let fear
-1 | let happen let slip role victim think would leave waybackwhen forget grace increase tragedy fall howcouldthishavehappenedtomes like melancholy play pay be direct sickness misconception have triumph lay dust eternal breathe s way work reflection haunt new form end like would see quickly heart fill dread yeah rain righteous wicked affliction feel like death have fall howcouldthishavehappenedtomes like melancholy play pay be direct fight flee one go to realize old demon new disguise hope stand tall face pray strength look eye scream loud proclamation have see kind gd let sign fly right wait till spirit lay low eye open wide time right lie have try ground extinguish light have get scar reminder death affirmation life take bad throw damn survive devil refuse let bind will not adhere mental slavery torment abound depart swear s strength inside faint whisper call brave time dark like not possibly save stripped comfort weak hope face adversary find strong think
-1 | be walk razor blade careful cross line little step punishment time be get end blade slip little step punishment time fighting survive s tomorrow fight survive s today fight flight be lose mind heavy heart s tomorrow heavy heart s today fight flight be lose mind be hang like bat today crucify design little punishment time be sleep bed nail break time cause little punishment fighting survive s tomorrow fight survive s today fight flight be lose mind heavy heart s tomorrow heavy heart s today fight flight be lose mind not try death inside make forget fighting survive s tomorrow fight survive s today fight flight be lose mind heavy heart s tomorrow heavy heart s today fight flight be lose mind lose mind lose mind lose mind lose mind lose mind lose mind
+1 | approach moscow approach moscow blue expanse hear train whistle light semaphore experience hour return cover familiar heart excitement approach moscow awaken stack wheel window wagon run moscow pine light shine distance night sky capital look look bright flash lightning approach moscow feel fresh force favorite expanse land power motherland cute native moscow relate blood fate journey lie heart 1950
-1 | stephanie undye friendship look cold white face know rest comfort find replace carefree unrestricte love mean choice innocence comfort friend
+1 | sailor sebastopol chorus sailor go sevastopol spring morning slowly sailor sevastopol sea russian soul war whiskey silver store order bravery native sea forget heroic deed bay kamyshovaya memorable year violent attack go avenge enemy chorus step mark russian stain blood feat immortalize nakhimov time malakhov kurgan unequal battle take place order flag victory sacrifice chorus brave guy watch today stand helm black jacket prosolil ninth wave black sea mediterranean watch ship enemy homeland like father chorus 1978
-1 | hoa not like way look fuck be not die dog kick fuck easy fall hole cast role love social parasite s tell wrong right not like place be be not vacancy bed easy fall hole cast role love social parasite s tell wrong right love social parasite s tell wrong right onetwothree not like way look fuck be not die dog kick fuck easy fall hole cast role love social parasite s tell wrong right love social parasite s tell wrong right
-1 | hope story have tell recount endless time age old tale peace worship holy place palace adorn gold lofty terrace be leave quiet dismay cause be tell love will not be leave eternal place cause one mean not receive grace call beautiful hold holy know have see have see have clean give right want eye deny eternity lock find inside heart have hand humanity key will not sway fantasy unquenchable flame place torment damned face creation love father not sit idly child maim have see true grace promise feel lick flame death glory death ste child king eternal ill reject fear hatred bring good news nation have see wholeness break have see health sick stifle word have speak kill ill tear wall brick brick have see hospitality homeless have see light darkness have see hope damned mean not present breath count fall sheep send depth
+1 | rest capital song sing want sing joy friend greeting favorite look eye chorus moscow sings lights flood moscow hope dream space heart open happiness say moscow sings lights flood rest capital see day labor good dance fun admire evening moscow chorus 1954
+1 | open field guerrilla open field field willow club night fog ah lie lie bury bury red partisan accompany hero long journey glorious deed combat sword file conic voronoi lead grass grass thick fall bullet combat oh soviet native country give life beautiful open field field willow club night fog ah lie lie bury bury red partisan 1935
+1 | song cheerful tourist steep path mountain fast slow river bypass large lake funny man walk year old carry shoulder bag towel soap yes white tooth powder chorus afraid way reach cloud cheerful song chagall easy 2 time cheerful song chagall easy walk gun stick zolenoy high grass cuckoo fly yes daw head afraid meet road snake bull dog meet laugh keep say follow chorus cloud instead roof instead alarm clock thunder see hear notebook write interesting easy sing cheerful song help way chorus miss verse window house open hear go people sing garden door gate hear song buddys voice hear bareheade street leave song catch pripev1937
+1 | star waltz happy day welcome day go earth flower garden warm heart seagull bring chorus native seagull proud fearless light wing fate country mother wait path easy return bring light bright star chorus orchestral loss storm height love country time come find way mars moon chorus fearless light wing fate
+1 | song counter morning meet cool wind meet river curly happy funny peña tone sleep curly shop ring country rise glory meeting day joy singe skonchaya song go forward people laugh meeting counter sun rise hot bravo invigorate country rise glory meeting day brigade meet work smile friend work care counter life half narva gate thunder light country rise glory meeting day bitter edge youth pass come second meet young life vbezhit orava father shift country rise glory meeting day wonderful speech righteousness say meet life work love l love sin curly ring country get glory meeting day 2p 1932
+1 | women zouzai dalushang walk broad road chinese voman zou shan tsai dalu                  wide road ichi fenfa douchzhi en yang                  enthusiasm                        raise morale mao chzhusi lindau geme duyvu                   head chairman mao                        revolutionary troop pitszin chzhantszi ben xiang chyanfan                                     difficulty go forward 1963
+1 | magadan boulevard have hear course yve montand parisian boulevard hymn love be love boulevards magadan hard distant outskirt russia bear territory reign taiga burn frost snow swerve death freeze snowstorm city edge russian rise grow spite stand light beautiful memory builder bow let montand parisian boulevard singe sing yes be love boulevard magadan distant golden edge oh bois de boulogne montmartre notre dame good regard work paris pass boulevard good regard work paris be boulevards magadan peredam1964
+1 | song russia look beautiful look space similarly mother bent willow sleep river breeze rush break cloud re yellow daisy eye look sun face chorus sun shine russia rain noise world world country relative country rodney2p look forest garden noise motherland russia prettier day apple plum way number steel life happy russian village chorus young birch tree shrub grass selflessly love be home good fire camp clearing kindle country free grow friend chorus
+1 | song shoal river song tell sit strand float float sudden stop let face embarrassing bad world provision man sit move oh uh dull damp oh uh wait tug point saying go rise oh uh boy oh uh rock seagull fun curl fish loud laugh haha haha lapping river haha haha place sail world forget song case move goal remember rock 1954
+1 | song leningrad float bay baltic cloud splash wave cold granite marine weather snowstorm volatile s proud calm store age grod erect unyielding hand immortal courage russian soldier pierce bullet battle banner bow leningrad wing victory overshadow poltava row raise russian prowess russian glory neva granite rise stand terrible silence stand bastions crimson banners triumphant roar pierce bullet battle banner bow leningrad autumn storm white night stand proud beauty praise sailor worker immortal sweet thy son glory leningrad season glowing battle barricade fire pierce bullet battle banner bow leningrad 1943
-1 | condemn death peer rebellion horus hierakonpolis god heavens seven day earth mankind earth help create seven day time beat divine heart second deprive immortality god fear death
-1 | ifs bias ambiguity wonder clarity brightly shine image painfully absolute edge blur awareness unknown weight tip knowledge scale eye dilate grasp illusion fail unquestionable picture determine complete crystalline line untouche doubt vivid deprive hesitation shine evil splendor burn hatred man million degree display human voracity delineate demon fume portray stare grasp comprehend assimilate behold reflection frame gold plate lie canvas hurting soul catch weave artist human dream incinerate devour deceive
+1 | note start winter winter winter grow chill blue blue leave rink meet joy mnogogradusny frost watch hundred zlaz hear familiar whistle chorus note start track call run note start let wind fly option ready victory note start win battle sport hard work bitter struggle win hot hot turn hot denok kayak kayak river way far wait broad green vast expanse stadium watch hundred zlaz hear familiar whistle chorus record break
-1 | feel distance letter send leave family trench have get worried leave have get needle have get demon have get homesick feel slip feel cold hand death creep take brother ocean floor beg death not come fucking coward would life differently bleed fail let sink let drown feel distance letter send feel distance leave family trench desperate have get worried leave get homesick have get needle have get demon hopeless bastard
-1 | word choose change way feel wanna stay know look eye s mind go to ooh feel slippin nothing talk hold ooh say voice head clear foolish reason not way not way oh be tired tired not way be tire be feel tired not way oh not way not way oh be tired tired not way be tire be feel tired not way oh choose haunt heart want haunt heart want know look eye s act stoic like soldier say hold ya leave act stoic like soldier say hold ya be tired tired need question composure be tired kill time not wanna not way not way oh be tired tired not way be tired kill time not way oh not way not way oh be tired tired not way not wanna not way oh act stoic like soldier say hold ya be tired tired need question composure be tired kill time not wanna act stoic like soldier say hold ya be tired tired need question composure not wanna not wanna not wanna
-1 | reality longer battle perception letter write sincere seek truth divine purpose myth revelation guidance wrap paper box support long mind enemy conscience hold face distress lose heart stand fast press triumph await face distress lose heart stand fast press triumph await powerful constant lean longer longer shameful disbelief process like lose close friend face distress lose heart stand fast press triumph await face distress lose heart stand fast press triumph await watch life fall apart rebuild great foundation watch life watch life fall apart rebuild againrebuild great foundation wish way devotion fix triumph await triumph await triumph await triumph await triumph await watch life fall apart rebuild great foundation watch life fall apart watch life rebuild rebuild great foundation
-1 | hey hey hey woman alright hey hey hey woman alright dream be die time wake kaleidoscopic mind mean hurt mean lie goodbye goodbye hey hey hey woman alright hey hey hey woman alright tell truth want hey hey hey woman alright tell dream be jealous time wake be go mind go mind hey hey hey woman alright hey hey hey woman alright hey hey hey woman alright
+1 | funny tourist steep path mountain fast slow river bypass large lake funny man walk year old carry shoulder bag towel soap yes white tooth powder chorus afraid way reach cloud cheerful song chagall easy 2p cheerful song chagall easy walk gun stick zolenoy high grass cuckoo fly yes daw head afraid meet road snake bull dog meet laugh keep say follow chorus cloud instead roof instead alarm clock thunder see hear notebook write interesting easy sing cheerful song help way chorus window house open hear go people sing garden door gate hear song buddys voice hear bareheade street leave song catch chorus 1939
-1 | like target draw chest s bullet russian roulette say would turn rescue rescue stand bury bury not end lie not pretend time need friend find broken mind fall piece time suffering try leave blind suffering will close eye suffer will close eye watch die spin bottle round round time leave gag bind say would turn rescue rescue stand bury bury not end lie not pretend time need friend find broken mind fall piece end lie suffering not pretend time suffering need friend find suffer break mind fall piece time suffering try leave blind suffering will close eye suffer will close eye watch die misery will not good cause be call yes be call bluff misery will not good cause be call yes be call bluff throw card have not end lie not pretend time need friend find broken mind fall piece time suffering try leave blind suffering will close eye suffer will close eye watch die end lie suffering not pretend time suffering need friend find suffer break mind fall piece time suffering try leave blind suffering will close eye suffer will close eye watch die
-1 | witness shames parade pain blame repay fucking hopeless accusation denial hopeless demon day colorless stone solid gray emptiness promise faithless tenant long betray walk fade line curse crawl time silence promise keep familiar touch ritual numb cut salvation vice anguish realize emptiness fill cup devotion method fall pointless futility continue endless flow corrupted vein walk fade line curse crawl time silence promise keep fucking hopeless hopeless
-1 | be watch fly reach great height dream find be need leap climb await day star will not far away greet sun darken cloud keep bay wing unfold storm gale temp call flight fail gravity beckon hold spite horizon send wind home ill build throne broken bone defeat have know deed have leave untold story storm await day star will not far away greet sun darken cloud keep bay wing unfold storm gale temp call flight fail gravity beckon hold spite horizon send wind home have see shine see rise fall keep course fare wing unfold storm gale temp call flight fail gravity beckon hold spite horizon send wind home
-1 | want blame drive rusted nail s left care pretend chore search little piece mind far deep faced smile lose feel know wide awake asleep stranger crowd sleep sleep sleep wide awake stranger crowd wake wake wake listen word want be end time leave doom search different light try remember believe wide awake asleep wide awake asleep stranger crowd listen word want be end time listen word want be listen word want be end time
-1 | ill decide moment time turn away leave inclined draw line ground hard treasure fine let wake wake wake home let wake wake wake home tie sky child would would run hide inclined draw line would dream star let wake wake wake home let wake wake wake home ill decide moment time turn away leave inclined draw line ground hard treasure fine star fall sky let fall sea wake wake wake not know right home world right star fall sky let fall sea wake wake wake not know right home world right star fall sky let fall sea wake wake wake not know right home world right let wake wake wake home
+1 | song moscow crude soundtrack filma1938
+1 | junction silver zmeisty race smoke forest armored train rumbling carry away east remember junction walk barefoot rail dream light give end 2 time chorus today small travel people live strong hurtle distance train hear roar wheel funny whistle sing say goodbye part year home day flash sparkle happy day junction crawler track wide path berezhesh far hourly 2 time chorus dreamer friendfriend famous gift people badge honor chest burn remember junction walk barefoot rail dream light give end 2 time 1940
-1 | be okay not find stability be okay not find stability thread faith needle name doubt put tear apart throw away scrap try restart day sunny clean soul storm stop try shine settle hazy message black sky not know know question throw come not know want restless soul wrestle believe selfish soul blind problem tower tower slow fade sun burn stay cloud close like mouth round light sound not bother save breath jade point not beauty hand world surround be scare come heavy heart earth cover
-1 | eye like pisce weak have lock inside heartshape box week have draw magnet tar pit trap wish eat cancer turn black hey wait have get new complaint forever debt priceless advice hey wait have get new complaint forever debt priceless advice hey wait have get new complaint forever debt priceless advice advice meateate orchid forgive cut angel hair babys breath break hyman highness be leave black throw umbilical noose climb right hey wait have get new complaint forever debt priceless advice hey wait have get new complaint forever debt priceless advice hey wait have get new complaint forever debt priceless advice advice eye like pisce weak have lock inside heartshape box week have draw magnet tar pit trap wish eat cancer turn black hey wait have get new complaint forever debt priceless advice hey wait have get new complaint forever debt priceless advice hey wait have get new complaint forever debt priceless advice advice advice advice
-1 | alive hear come hear run scratch door alive silence darkness sweat fear cry million tear end world bleed apocalypse rule wolf rat end world bleed apcalypse end see blood close eye wake realize end pitch black dark red world dead end world bleed apocalypse rule wolf rat end world bleed apcalypse end end alive world dead alive survive fight survive end world bleed apocalypse rule wolf rat end world bleed apocalypse
+1 | steppe sinister steppe sinister crow circle let go live forever chorus world burst thunder sky flash fire whisper help praed world burst thunder sky flash fire whisper help praed 1968
+1 | marsh female team merry friend country like mother call love need care hand master warm female eye come girl beauty let sing country let song sound glorify hero name way discover bow bring earth grow flower child happy ear fat field city factory field home sweet home let new day overtake day yesterday cheerful joyful work rusty country single people merge nation color country woman man series free talking come girl beauty let 1937
+1 | embrace sky embrace sky strong hand pilot climb directly childhood friend heavens betray dream chorus know know long hand wheel pilot dream height height high dream height height steering wheel sky strong hand embrace traffic fly rocket fall like stone car air separate chorus embrace strong hand miss sky shower stellar verse sky have collect pripev1966
+1 | train depart train depart train depart mean separation window wander interweaving rail lose track travel tree lose light farther home farther home window burning strange land long winter large snow distant land call taiga happen train whisk pine rustle rastrevozhatsya bird spark firework soar sky song fill snow sail work begin work begin cold ground warm work year stand distant taiga city burn window burn window warm lyric love singing pine rustle home pine fire train depart train depart 1978
-1 | appeal struggle strive stakeholder planet float rock earth alas mean mean acquaintance figure eye skim past street charlatan defeat tender face find solace mimic mindset william wallace dismount disembark descend existence slacken angst decant hate cause long run useful pour acid dinner plate muzzled masse lead life deafen desperation excalibur aloft king arthur earn throne mind get to wrench stone not fool simplicity broadcast urgency cause time grasp scope emergency ladle love logic boatload equip cargo road grab life seize time fight human kind mindsweeper focus mindsweeper focus read mind dart rapid stream thought suddenly start lose mind catapult uncharted longer tell thought hold mirror soul hold mirror soul hold mirror soul author observer author observer analysis thought coalesce enter volatile territory start journey story glimpse glimpse have idea have get have idea have get mindsweeper focus mindsweeper focus
-1 | find heart barren land beat alive hold gently hand look sky evil thought vicious kind sinister disdain thought bring life witch die flame serpents kin bear sin dark father wolf devour gullveig heart bear bring life evil force beast not tame dark deception soul betrayal god bane oden bear bear evil blood serpents kin bear sin dark father wolf bring life malicious force vile beast tame fimbultyrs nemesis bear vile beast not restrain dark deception soul betrayal god odens bane bear bear evil blood serpents kin bear sin dark father wolf
-1 | know think morning sun shine ground show show mind go swear parent happen know know mean know gun safety plan not be try be try sleep be try be try sleep not not gun hand yeah be try be try sleep be try be try sleep not not gun hand yeah let second time let song rhyme let breathe beat s hope window s let outside join hand will understand gun safety plan not be try be try sleep be try be try sleep not not gun hand yeah have turn hand gun trade thumb ammunition forewarn disorder condition cause sun set upset s leave invest interest interest put finger head solution room mutant kid fuse wrist simply tell shoot simply suggest chest confused music obviously good turn gun fist be try be try sleep be try be try sleep not not gun hand yeah be try be try sleep be try be try sleep not not gun hand yeah
-1 | 9000 mile feel like home arm
-1 | break turn hear sound laceration suffocating devastating roaring crowd deal vile people old bore head catch revolving door perfume makeup joke crucifixion stiletto heel muscle conversation joke hatred forge nerve steel choke day drown night choke day drown night choke day drown night choke day drown night take city harness throw kitchen sink cut shave smash mirror longing drink strange surrounding drive fire escape perfume makeup joke crucifixion stiletto heel muscle conversation joke hatred forge nerve steel choke day drown night choke day drown night choke day drown night choke day drown night perfume makeup joke crucifixion stiletto heel muscle conversation joke hatred forge nerve steel choke day drown night choke day drown night choke day drown night choke day drown night choke day drown night choke day drown night choke day drown night choke day drown night
-1 | way smile touch heart way kiss tear apart night sit home cry not want cause baby baby true true not matter know be go to love old way not want cause baby baby baby oh baby not matter know be go to love old way not want baby baby not leave baby come home baby baby baby know need love babe oh baby come home oh baby
-1 | everybody shout love lucy pee wee read evening news preowne song secondhand uzi everybody get job lose come golden oldie come hezbollah businessman south miami hum aor like cal dog napalm like ike ittybitty abomb everybody get want order channel sheraton doctor jeep play time long go janie get crush viet cong burn downtown saigon be sell mekong sheraton doctor jeep play gun car accident threaten witness defence sell cent byebye mother common sense sheraton doctor jeep play everybody shout love lucy pee wee read evening news preowne song secondhand uzi everybody get job lose come golden oldie come hezbollah businessman south miami hum aor doctor jeep play play
+1 | soviet power word pioneer memory reward song dream bear dawn forever squad pavlik live chorus know able song bread people steal battle merciless stern teach soviet power sky purple like banner zoe blizzard journey go song old time today eternal word forward chorus freedom like sun destroy country get fight suppose young army lead soviet government care fly rocket care battle begin believe young tired planet soviet government chorus tomorrow call worry dawn generation light let deputy young soviet government 1972
-1 | folk cheeriness strength content life live socalled barbarian eye clear truly need damn free plain barbarian farmer savage count ignorant uncivil tell bow emperor throne venal true plain freedom nature clan true plain pride celtic clan true plain dignity tegernako rich sway economic benefit meet emperor requirement freedom not buy
+1 | russian song heart russia berozonki white cedar forget old mountain eternal wind turn gray river nightingale song incoherent zori field light city russia troublefree heart wise hand master sun look il blizzard zavyuzhitsya look space breathe freely russia soldier courage eternal flame maternal soul
+1 | case nationwide fragment peaceful conversation welcome nation able fight provocation excerpt formidable force hail work class family kolhoznaya1955
+1 | th guy krasnoflotskaya oh guy comrade home ready meet authority enemy ready heart steel firmly harden fight fire oh guy gold l ready campaign ready destroyer battle battleship submarine aircraft fast oh guy victory fascist sea beat beat projectile hit torpedoes mine bomb drown oh guy ready battle border nazis attack split skillfully lyubogo enemy stalin voroshilov victory 1938
-1 | living room tuesday afternoon breeze see curtain window foot couch sit read watch office sunlight frame silhouette think lighting firework think pirouette idly write observation scene like blueprint room hardly live book prop knee breeze see coffee steam be office think rule poetry like fourteen line rhyme pentameter mean living room leg bent fortyfive degree write ab ab try find rhyme scheme look object desk sculpt image best paint woman read girl rest remember watch shift weight turn page inside living room live role pause second hear think face improbable place moment replay be suddenly will not away sit living room read afternoon book look try find think people live space memory change room blueprint place live leave home memory echo hardwood floor living room tear carpet scratch find wine stain couch get drunk decide would try not tell difference one one not conjure image sit read sunlight aware watch live save echo live save echo
+1 | night fight night fight look dust road ukrainian way stand expensive fight fierce battle favorite city amid ashe smoke german captivity family sit sullenly think thought leave severe lead reach bride high dnieper native shore enemy tank lie partisan grenade explode enemy tell taste mean war mountain big sea boundary ruin native ukraine reckon thirst burn breathe live free native land 1942
-1 | worth hear stand spotlight feed hungry be tired have feel sea lonely taste ink get old o clock fucking morning day get like day come be standing river drown chance break chance goodbye finally not town longer half dead not plan be ready free hand ill savor moment alive ill savor moment will not think be pretty be stand bright lit city ill hand pick long alive care promise drink dance night away drink dance night away hand ill savor moment alive ill savor moment savor moment long alive promise long alive promise will not think be pretty be stand bright lit city ill hand pick long alive care promise long alive care promise hand ill savor moment alive ill savor moment savor moment savor moment savor moment
+1 | friend today tree silver evening hang lace smile color light wind whisper word ear chorus look look constellation twinkle distance road ahead friend today toast certainly raise creator marvelous miracle look like rail invisible hurtle new express happiness chorus world fairy tale come true light illumine day exploit chime spassky drop silver bell chorus 2x
-1 | force smile say boy come kiss mouth know hope hold look awful lot like fear quick fall failure quick raise voice like not find mistake blame not choice oh option chance feel complete lean close kiss fear instead hand hand lip tooth heart sleeve chance breathe boy not let fear recede move late change mind get scared boy get go fail s way turn time chance boy try try look eye smile girl understand fear product creep unwelcome head day tear away change end day lie awake night wait feel wire brain cut quietly rearranged hear beat heart exclaim refuse let escape mistake wait patiently oh wait fear keep fear set free be sorry dear not dare speak word risk hold heart love wrong
-1 | sift ashe life think find trust slowly begin learn judge thing mean hate anger throw not believe not believe call try truth carry kill understand not believe not believe have take leave take leave have take leave take leave have take leave take leave not believe not believe
+1 | horse budennogo sky poludonnogo heat encamp horse budennogo spread desert son mamenek manor house grow flame powder smoke father glory brood rich fall lavoyu study enemy let pan brag land gallop bold trot squadron flour white remember grass rustle cavalry rush worker peasant start fight mindful perekop cage white skull way pass away horse budyonny division 1925
+1 | ordinary boy year peace military day girlfriend love forget obynovennye guy able trust love like exploit happiness beloved homeland contact destiny ordinary guy wonder strong friendship faithful soldier prevail war let friend wait campaign pass song drill stand guard homeland sweet home work ruin erect new city last forever stand guard peace labor ordinary guy wonder strong friendship faithful soldier prevail war
-1 | hey hey devil little sister listen twist transistor hold leg turn turn wind come not lonely life understand not music music music music music music music music reach inside forever preach fuck scream whisper hang twist transistor hey hey finally world be not fair eat let tear fall breast dress vibration come mess lonely life understand not music music music music music music music music reach inside forever preach fuck scream whisper hang twist transistor music music music music music music music music hey hey will not hurt bit will not hurt bit will not hurt say say anesthetize bitch anesthetize bitch anesthetize let not fit not fit music reach inside forever preach fuck scream whisper hang twist transistor
-1 | single day live single breath would trade away blood wall admit bleach stain commit forget well blank leave single pathetic trace smother failure lie rest console better destroy give fuck absorb better destroy ill chain truth truth shall set free ill turn screw vengeance bury honesty ill dream come life slay quickly come smother failure lie rest console better destroy give fuck absorb better destroy give fuck give fuck give fuck failure day live single breath would trade away would trade away
-1 | month not think signal frail imprint turn sound learn cost maintain slow lane maintain slow lane scent go smell cry mere thought let laugh learn maintain slow lane maintain slow lane turn sound learn cost maintain slow lane maintain slow lane maintain slow lane turn sound cuz let laugh learn cost learn learn cost learn learn cost learn learn cost learn
+1 | paternal mandate grown man strong soul ride guy big city goodbye one home old father say friend young blood like wine happiness hand give favorite motherland strength son regret word word meet friend friend fast choose bride turn come true choose think ahead different road life son fear know afraid work trail curve grow man strong soul ride guy big city take backpack step porch respond father heart ask long journey path life straight wide necessary work combat homeland power live glorious loving house violent force come light parent care eye remember time tell son nice country pledge father behest heart komsomol card 1948
-1 | heimdall gazes east sail catch eye lift hand sound horn undead army arrive come nagelfar laufeys son board bring chaos hate wrath bring war end war heimdall know fate end world vala foresee know shall burn face lopt deceit finally meet champion enemy vigrid plain will find defeat sword meet mighty clash war cry sound horn blast eager weapon whip thrash day shall end lord war equal strong battle frantic forlorn blade sing macabre song day shall end heimdall blade bite burn sharp cut flesh bone blood come gush wound loke head fall tumble roll burn ground
-1 | swallow spring buy crown not king beware trinket bring visionary dream set hard grey flesh stone tear statue ground cry let people go go change wind turn cold hostile freedom passion faced dance wall leave break fall twentyfive mile north great dark wood college building stand ghost hope walk silent hall death promise land go go change wind turn cold hostile shadow crowded square thousand paper deal hungry shark smell blood head town innocence start peel away money change past eat future blind desire eat rat leave stricken ship sailing past world go slow go fast go go change wind blow cold hostile
+1 | star long night last fierce wind angry trench beat wing soon weapon dawn spring summer live mate sun rise sky asterisk cherish day beautiful cloud star visible sweet simple persuasion remember star look sky star thousand know high far far away native street bloom rowan maiden sing zorka nightingale 1945
-1 | assisted paradigm entrust privately decay behave control dependent look alike display affection defection refuge dependent border world order away create way mind find way guard reason alibis way defended reason way way alarm vision way beg man divine instruct shadow poverty deeply dirty hiding eat need protection selection cover need resentment unrelenting change selfdestructive mean way poor execution way way center way addict horrify abducted outwardly betray remove collective consciousness degrade ascension depression cover choose pretend not matter world order away ask find trace time chew turn say insert tool broken talking dog flee dirty shadow drawing wall fund self science disorder decay chaos make crazy real leave chaos make crazy real leave chaos make crazy real leave chaos make crazy real leave chaos make crazy real leave chaos make crazy real leave chaos make crazy real leave
-1 | float cloud be give fight voice call be walk light race thousand mile day fast foot barely touch ground fly place little world fury sound see flicker like television set bright flash warning sign flipping channel world go static eroding away line fade line underwater year find harder swim drown current take walk light die life walk light break beat tired walk light want live not know walk light diagnosis sudden life walk light revive feel like be walk light wake float wave golden sound tunnel vision great heart beat like rhythm slow til go echo song flat line close bell whisper warm farewell flame beckon walk light die life walk light break beat tired walk light want live not know diagnosis sudden life walk light revive feel like be walk light not suppose know way not suppose care light ahead hear choir angel re ear know choice unfinished business tend will not gentle good night candle be walk away light yeah be walk away light be walk away light be walk away light be walk away light diagnosis sudden life walk away light wake heart race walk away light be loss explain walk away light die life walk away light dark day let life flash right eye time feel like be walk away light
-1 | jaaaaa neulich auf der wiese ist geschehn wollte nur spazieren gehn da stand ne kuh muh bree bree sie sagte zu mir bleib doch noch ein bisschen hier ich bin ein zaubertier ich kann erzähl ich dir bleib doch hier bleib bei mir ganz nah bei mir ich bin ein zaubertier ich zeig dir ich kann nimm mich die hand du willst erfüll ich dir sage deine wünsche mir ich zeig dir ich kann nimm mich die hand du willst erfüll ich dir sage deine wünsche mir ich erfüll sie dir nicht 1 nicht 2 nicht 3 und auch nicht 4 nein 13 wünsche geb ich dir bleib ganz nah bei mir nicht 1 nicht 2 nicht 3 und auch nicht 4 nein 13 wünsche geb ich dir ich bin ein zaubertier
+1 | song krasnodontsev sneak street sleep night flyer wind beat exchangelit hard labor chorus krasnodon menacing glow war komsomol underground rise honor country chorus enemy find peace come sense way urban uprava raise red flag chorus strength feat st youth oleg mishka forget chorus centuriesold give glory carry grateful russia great nation pripev1946
-1 | sit tight be go to need time come snap snap snap finger good good make progress come tap tap tap toe beat believe proper introduction not be narrator prologue swear shake swear listen oh young desperate attention aim eye trophy boy trophy wife swear shake swear listen oh young desperate attention aim eye trophy boy trophy wife applause applause wait wait dear studio audience have announcement artist day think pick page believe proper introduction not be narrator prologue swear shake swear listen oh young desperate attention aim eye trophy boy trophy wife swear shake swear listen oh young desperate attention aim eye trophy boy trophy wife swear shake swear listen swear shake swear listen swear shake swear listen swear shake swear shake swear shake swear listen oh young desperate attention aim eye trophy boy trophy wife swear shake swear listen oh young desperate attention aim eye
+1 | shooting communard frequent break rattlesnake grenade detachment communard fight pressure white mercenary soldier massacre cruelly catch come meet grayhaire general court declare ruthless communard confer deadly agonizing death dig grave ready deep pit stand edge shoot accurately directly stand have closed rank murder brother ready let die hand send curse strlyayte gotovsya afraid let end captivity long live free soviet russia long live work
-1 | cop rock screech z cavaricci laser remove tasmanian devil tattoos string puck special people club half shirt irreverent spring break list munsone squat flash oclock spread buttcheek pull apart air leak ishtar tab right turn red moustache beatle grow drop acid heart dot word apologize scribble drunk postcard send volcano heart airbrush license plate subaru register pennsylvania zima barf cinderblock yard art baldwin brother good amway shemp sir david brent queef pornstar break gangbang record heart dot word apologize scribble drunk postcard send volcano heart airbrush license plate subaru register pennsylvania know wawa girl know wawa know wawa girl know wawa be state pfuckina
+1 | komsomol twentieth century twentieth year explain situation go guy close district committee get devil komsomol ticket rifle bayonet rifle bayonet twentieth century thirtieth year minute stop youth rush commune like song locomotive country give young komsomol ticket magnitogorsk farm magnitogorsk farm twentieth century damn hour bombing protect land soviet youth go battle pocket near heart komsomolskaya voucher heroic deed heroic deed twentieth century year future docking river flow turbine spike virgin appeal world komsomolskaya voucher youth give youth give 1980
+1 | legend tell twenty fly world ruin starvation stare face dash cart carry fight legend tell chorus get luck world string kuzbass magnitogorsk virgin land distant space history line fire burn water drown time come bullet step sing song cast bronze legend tell face wind hide heart check hot hard granite steel legend tell 1977
-1 | dead man lie grave wonder savior come go to save maybe sinner alternate life maybe joker maybe deserve die cry son leave god wear black s go far find hope s come cry son leave young man s come far find truth s go home young man stand grave wonder jesus come go to save cruelty winner bishop tell king lie maybe mourner maybe deserve die cry son leave god wear black s go far find hope s come cry son leave young man s come far find truth s go home welcome soldier s people grow die welcome soldier people soldier
-1 | not like space not like hate direct smile burn hole feel burn turn not turn hate turn hate not turn hate break free be sure thing go not turn hate not turn hate not turn hate
-1 | somebody ought draw line have afraid think poetry let walk away not will not not not away away song sing way need need stay will right wrong will worth wait time have change will know will not long hard break hard reason give thing want let walk away reason know break pray will right wrong will worth wait time have change will know will not long will not love ghost not feel throat taste love will know wait hand hold hand hold will right wrong will worth wait time have change will
+1 | rano ranenko tobacco pouch rano ranenko zorka ice drift collect good hiking pouch good evil scarlet silk sewingembroidere star sheelaembroidere remove head hammer sickle red silk canvas left kruchinushka fight enemy distant region die thunder summer harvest shepherd herd drive winter dear answer greeting cold late autumn december grate gateway courtyard bring friend neighbor silk embroider paint blood pouch grieve dark night field mezhuyev cry narrow shed tear road love forever change pouch embroidered silk save spring curl brown sing nightingale
+1 | march road road wide path way world lot want oblakom balkans dawn get get early morning go camping golf open space forest noisy stand guard mountain blue sky silver ore gold find iron s bowel earth wear tie red persistent brave honor motherland beautiful come pass lot thing road road wide path way world lot want orchestral loss road road wide path way world lot want 2p 1950
-1 | fast track early grave need sleep night conscience run hide get to get to not s right get to get to not hard harder breathe room keep spin faster be drift sleep hope see wall suffocate not little word know turn break home take long find answer reason want thing alright tonight s live lie face hide fake personality deep scare weak compare get to get to not separate way get to get to will not farth be count day room keep spin faster be drift sleep hope see wall suffocate not little word know turn break home take long find answer reason want thing alright tonight friend stand stick lose bad surround will good not little word know turn break home take long find answer reason want thing alright tonight fucking respect hail thief forever try separate hail thief forever try separate fucking respect
-1 | thought give consequence need like need sabotage love life prove control far undone cave be building wreckage bend break force heal toll take time reveal choose shot usher deliverance flood away past not tow like river weather stone shape wither home place barely know bend break force heal toll take time reveal trial wake create tear bend break learn heal failing clay mason hand shape strike away grip past mistake cave cave bend break force heal toll take time reveal trial wake create tear bend break learn heal failing clay mason hand shape strike away grip past mistake
+1 | farewell leningrad calm steel blue give want goodbye day pass soon night tired people leningrad family friend finish song simple word leningrad conceal boredom s hope meet people leningrad family friend friend goodbye reward attention goodbye goodbye friend good night good night remember friend gramophone zavedet like song faithful friend help work people leningrad family friend blue haze envelop slender building moonlight cloud silver edge wait tomorrow soon night goodbye people leningrad family friend shall friend goodbye reward attention goodbye goodbye friend good night good night remember
-1 | crazy weather near eye storm ice crack wall tiny shelter cold raise curtain endless rain tricky thought stick brain slippery cradle water burn silent hour wait turn body change beneath touch rain build new constellation save well day play play grave will play play eye storm run shelter change promise thing play play kind control keep hollow heart crack wall eye storm endless rain endless rain rule learn play price pay will play play kind control make study line learn will play play kind control leave outside frost leave mark save safe dark play play grave will play play eye storm run shelter change promise thing play play kind control keep
-1 | away not let red glow burn eye pay price be wait be wait be wait think miss smile feel rope start burn victory be wait be wait be wait wait be wait wait be wait be wait wait be wait be wait be wait wait wait be wait wait be wait be wait
+1 | marsh tankers     armor strong tank fast     people courage     rank soviet tanker     great son motherland     chorus     rattle fire gleam shine steel     car violent campaign     send battle comrade stalin     marshal battle lead     plant work work collective cropland     defend keep country     strike force gun turret     speed pressure fire     chorus     let remember enemy take refuge ambush     alert watch enemy     foreign land want single inch     inch     chorus     climb enemy matter     bit     push driver starter     forest hill water     chorus 1939
+1 | steppe kuban oh steppe steppe kuban river go song heat poludonny rapid native steppe girl road meet cossack find hurry meet cossack way falcon fly cloud cloud road wide soon steppe let live water beautiful cute edge steppe zori gold zazhzhom night cossack campaign invite oh steppesteppe kuban river go songvirgin steppe ride holiday people accord steppe road labor campaign
-1 | oh have pretty mouth leave lip linger skin kiss time roll tongue like whisper winter sleep suture citys skin remember cold concrete oh realize oh city make real realize demon real oh have pretty mouth leave lip linger skin kiss time roll tongue like whisper winter sleep suture citys skin remember cold concrete way hand feel lie beneath dress way hand feel oh transparent oh greenhouse fill ghost transparent oh oh dear god oh god whisper secret speak hushed voice thing learn let hear soundproof room windowless world voice dull word bedroom face purse lip halfclose eye pinkstained skin scream sleep hand downed dress scream dead leg come alive dead leg come alive dead leg come alive oh dear god excuse oh dear god love not love
-1 | strike iron afire get to love height desire get to breathe air sweet got to ride beat heat hold breath will not bet life sun set west know be go hold breath will not bet life sun set west know be go go go go yeahyeaye strike iron afire get to love height desire get to breathe air sweet got to ride beat heat hold breath will not bet life sun set west know be go hold breath will not bet life sun set west know be go go go go ooh yeah will not good will not hold will not leave be try town know hold breath will not bet life get to
-1 | hear way talk make wonder bother way opinion swing make strive strive strive great thing not bear good nobody fool way loose lip talk make cry cry cry stop like invite mother house bedroom play old record know word like kiss crush lick til beg stop til drive crazy til want stop til drive crazy til beg stop til drive crazy s take subtle movement s take program hear way loose lip talk make wonder bother way opinion swing make strive strive strive great thing s take subtle movement s take program subtle movement program subtle movement program subtle movement program subtle movement program subtle movement program
-1 | turn right let step let feel hesitation venture gain know reproach reflection open secret mistake success tear pitiful disport decision win follow guide give not look upward s eye not qualified memory future remember end faith fear inspiration overload equal reality veil sight blame try grow scar fail blame expect make life easy close eye follow blindly deep dream lonely hour feel prison build ready outside maybe maybe constant change not change position will not change long not point till observe yousneere
+1 | song house brick house sea mighty house live fisherman friend walk bad weather storm cloud scare fog darkness song storm fly singe fisherman friend away coast chorus old brick house far house brother swimming forget pine stand beach noise surf distant house dear little house pipe blow way go lyutomu go meet enemy shall forget bravely fight crimean shore famous fight battle grozny calm hum fire chorus enemy throw bomb throw grenade pass flame alive west fight fight south north drown invader brother fight happiness kill fisherman kill friend song live chorus 1943
-1 | switchblade feel temper steel skin innocent orchestrate demise shut pay attention search artery blind affection dig vein tap dry savor shut pay attention eye wide surpasse scared consequence shut pay attention want listen not believe will not let hear word say want know want hear not know mean not know mean switchblade lock action place quick release pretty face late time take long pass shut pay attention quiet chance set like wet concrete reality begin harden shut pay attention switchblade architect
+1 | marsh manpower native leader true fatherland build fiveyear period labor reserve soviet country young guard labor chorus dexterous hand zorok inquisitive eye labor reserve young reserve afraid work ray shine blue sky road open greeting meet native moscow relative meet donbass chorus stalinist work shop great leader heroic work cruise sing song chorus 1947
-1 | not piece stay compromise conviction blame blame blame life get lose eye complacency tear shred monotony today need change need change let pride come crash dream remain purpose sustain dream remain purpose sustain sustain be put piece mes longer compromise conviction change change change longer lose eye complacency control change change pride come crash hold hold hold hold hold hold
+1 | white night leningrad white night stand leningrad like day narva outpost visible adorn attire joyful spring street people pass know heart sing dear dear kirov factory light shop meet like friend involuntarily smile machine friend dear friend hand simple gold nice eye russia russia beautiful find kirov life glory big love blossom forever narva zastava sweet
+1 | manboy friend fun good good guy world right find handsome polite smart friend smile win ah yes boyman guy visible proc able build house dinner cook ah yes boyman guy period know wonderful little fellow girl girl boychee slim meet lad look eye immediately fall ill ah yes boyman guy visible proc like admit love tell house build cook ah yes boyman guy period know wonderful little fellow anxious hour get guy combat order land road guy breast enemy ah yes boyman company good shooter beat grenade katyusha ah yes boyman give guy time fascist gang show fight boy
+1 | furlough ride young sailor village girl commotion raise spozaranok alarm go leave young sailor chest medal tape anchor river slope girl stand crowd hello say unison black sea hero hand shake look eye laugh kissing impossible polegonku rest parent home chorus girl sigh like clothe style girl love walk joke frankly say wake immediately sea ear noise sun south boundless expanse wait girlfriend tender 1960
+1 | record komsomol distant civil thy father go fire afraid friend childhood bullet strike mature gait district committee dawn come say briskly clearly write komsomol country rise ruin air need heart hot hand courageous girl boy leave home wicket wallet house leave say come magnitogorsk sign komsomol brave cheerful guy afraid bomb bayonet fall dash crossing victory step commander take simple note remove battered helmet read fight ill fall sign komsomol time steep komsomol go offensive say young write komsomol 1964
-1 | forever eye hold memory see heart overtook try hard understand reason moment give heart away give heart away moment give heart away moment give heart away perfect breath mind lie know overtake reason comfort inability understand forever eye hold memory see heart overtook try hard understand reason moment give heart away give heart away moment give heart away moment give heart away forever eye hold memory forever eye hold memory forever eye hold memory wake dream smile open heart leave transparent wake dream smile open heart leave transparent
-1 | grey cloud obliterate light blue sky approach quickly sloppy filthy street reflect human condition look narrow alleyway bridge burn chance heal wound timeout selfish world cold environment look hope get answer close eye stop time forget misery s place rose grow not hear hazy word anymore reality perception wait sign not blur visibility fear face flutter eyelid not hide not perceive way s solution cure world not feel shout convince step gunman bullet shoot gun
-1 | light reflect shadow think exist room like breathing easy believe love love love love love love everyday learn thing see end come soon like dream angel leave leave love love love love love love love love love love love love word unspeak silent devotion know know mean end unknown think be ready long love love love love love love
-1 | yeah know thing sense right hey daddy tell straighten little soldier stiffen upper lip cry get hailie know miss mom know miss dad be go be try life sad smile laugh eye deep inside want cry cause scare be not daddys prayer crying wipe tear daddys nightmare gon pull gon laney uncle crazy be not yeah love girl better know get world spin swirl whirl twirl little beautiful girl lookin puzzle daze know confusin daddys mamas news try sheltered hard try backfire thing grow daddy daddy not want plan way mother thing get bad not like teenager course happen reason guess mean control s destiny worry rest head sleep maybe day wake dream hush little baby not cry everything go to right stiffen upper lip little lady tell ya daddys hold ya night know mommys right not know fear feel inside little crazy pretty baby promise mamas gon right funny remember year daddy money mommy wrap christmas present stick -PRON- tree say -PRON- cause daddy not buy -PRON- ill forget christmas sit night cry cause daddy feel like bum daddy job job food table mom time house live keep get break rob shoot block mom save money jar tryma start piggy bank college thousand dollar till break steal know hurt bad break mamas heart like startin fall apart mom dad arguin lot mama move chalmer flatone bedroom apartment dad move 8 mile novara s daddy go california cd meet dr dre fly mama daddy work momma leave start see daddy tv mama not like laney young understand papa rollin stone momma develop habit happen fast grab be sorry witness hand cause want proud be sittin house reminisce lookin baby picture trip grow like sister wow guess pretty daddys laney be talkin daddys like sound yeah get ring not shh mamas go moment hush little baby not cry everything go to right stiffen upper lip little lady tell ya daddys hold ya night know mommys right not know fear feel inside little crazy pretty baby promise mamas gon right ask daddys go to buy mockingbird imma world imma buy diamond ring imma sing ill smile mockingbird not sing ring not shine imma break birdie neck would jeweler sell ya eat karat not fuck dad haha
+1 | near black sea mashnin near black sea noise surf horn morning fun sail light afar swim easily visit cloud chorus 2p boy girl come camp orlonke friend forever novikov mountain rise straight heaven echo vote mast flame burn curly red flag light dawn chorus chorus forget evening firework bonfire bright ginger song forget moonlight string ring wave sea way mashnin novikov chorus friendship forever 2p 1987
+1 | hereditary worker dress know bear live work learn factory oh factory rural school read knowledge worker vocation nature oh nature strength agility fall disobedience trouble eh trouble time arrest fine time trifle eh trifle time shortchange bevan swear oh swear correct pathtrack send gozhusya uh gozhusya
-1 | better believe hey yeah better believe hey yeah better believe hey yeah better believe hey yeah conversation talk drink sweet wine comfort sterile business jealous satisfied desolation wrap vivid dream remember day mean lot remember day hour day minute lifetime ocean sea drag mountain flimsy guarantee strong man strong woman end willing have give have give think angel s go dream love kiss want belong tear corner blindfold world think candyfloss girl feel believe hardheaded sense failure narrow mind think hurt would leave fall like winter snow turn corner s place leave strong man strong woman end willing believe private hour private hour feel love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love
-1 | have get to fuck kid kid voice heart voice heart sound like broken record different word old lie know one suffer gain power pay price time open mouth spread disease try voiceless try believe like drop water crush like plague locust crush crush crush voice heart disaster welcome dark day promise sun like savior world debris yeah right have get to fuck kid kid have get to fuck kid have get to fuck kid like plague locust crush like plague locust crush crush crush voice heart voice heart have get to fuck kid have get to fuck kid have get to fuck kid have get to fuck kid voice heart like drop water crush like plague locust crush crush crush voice heart voice heart voice heart
+1 | open way collect friend early light hour sing fun hear chorus lot life bed bolder ahead find happiness open way look day bloom grow inseparable high school friend chorus obstacle want year fly come true dream chorus
+1 | city don rostov waltz different city see dear better growth city know river cossack lie huge garden razolotsya don okinesh look chorus maybe maybe meet city don green love love knock heart color donskoy boulevard beloved pair lover meet evening city park garden dear heart color native rostov favorite city chorus 1957
-1 | time see face know tell look eye not help know heart sure not deny find place belong waste have waste time wait have wait life not let not let know would run would tell want would baby night feel run dream run dream not deny find place belong dare dare love dare oh dare love have love have love high higher better stop play mind game cause know feel not love have get to love night know run time know want life know find not love have get to love night night long
-1 | hero sleep night year will thank get right sun sit red sky keep eye time will find chase dream fall be wear thin need fill void be constantly not hero not care tonight year will forget get right sun not rise today leave darkness not care anymore sit suffer hero save thank yous time come ill rise not ill sit dream fall dream fall need fill void be
-1 | lie reflect life be have say remember time cry vain remember time let remember time ease pain remember time let not good man goodbye wish break past be broken man leave know not forgive wish forget remember moment miss remember time love kiss remember treasure throw away remember flee stay not good man goodbye wish break past be broken man leave know not forgive wish forget end road walk give fuck fuck wish break past be broken man leave know not forgive wish forget lie reflect life be have say
-1 | far remember failure real companion mean live like consciousness vicious cycle bleed dry conviction have spend life try find confidence find absolutely life lost cause weak carry wish would meet mean live like pursue love lose leave neglect desert start long chance wander chance chase aspiration devoid feel tell hatred exhausting ill know
+1 | испанский young guard young guard forge future templ misery know victory death noble cause rid man bondage quiz road water blood youth guard guard burgu s insatiable cruel young guard young guard peace quarter peace quarter final struggle begin revenge pan an revolution n go slave achieve victory n guard guard young guard child poverty rebel forj hate tyranny parent explode m s hunger suffer work eat n exploitation n conclude factory n guard guard burgu s insatiable cruel young guard young guard peace quarter peace quarter final struggle begin revenge pan an revolution n go slave achieve victory n guard guard young guard morning streets mass march triumph n red guard powerful tremble n child lenin r ferocious regime communism abate hammer sickle guard guard burgu s insatiable cruel young guard young guard peace quarter peace quarter final struggle begin revenge pan an revolution n go slave achieve victory n guard guard young guard
-1 | provide nectar release grain sand underneath floor far reach safe harm shelter hammer ear deafen know angry language pain accurate strive evade design want strike fall arm blood thick water drink know divide break ignorance speak lip lung sound great taste like blood rumor session assemble earth breath life pain accurate strive evade design want strike fall arm blood thick water drink drink retribution not need absolution
+1 | fly tailwind fly tailwind way steppe cossack song link chorus kuban kuban field look land cossack glory soviet kuban 2 time know obstacle lay far wide kuban native land farm hero chorus heat pretty early hour early morning thank favorite kuban chorus
+1 | worker settlement working village quiet long time doze stand tree light box sleep worker settlement builder nice guy end labor hour good today sleep silent sigh time course hero yes glory believe sigh sigh second trace sigh loyal friend war happen point come cheerful girl valya sad sun shine breathe second sigh trace sigh working village quiet long time doze stand tree light box sleep worker settlement
-1 | tell friend end tell friend end tell friend end end not understand word say cloud run s air tonight wrong spit fall mothership say answer lie ocean bed answer lie ocean bed s air s air air air tonight be wide awake be wide awake air air tonight be wide awake be wide awake ill scream thousand voice sane sane soul feel safe selfcentred native destroy earth fall mothership say answer lie ocean bed answer answer answer lie ocean bed walk plank walk plank walk plank walk plank walk plank walk plank walk plank answer lie ocean bed answer lie ocean bed answer lie ocean bed answer lie ocean bed demo version tell friend end tell friend end tell friend end end not understand word say cloud run s air tonight wrong spit fall mothership say answer lie ocean bed answer lie ocean bed s air s air tonight be wide awake be wide awake s air s air tonight be wide awake be wide awake ill plead thousand voice sane sane fall mothership say answer lie ocean bed answer lie ocean bed walk plank walk plank walk plank walk plank walk plank walk plank walk plank answer lie ocean bed answer lie ocean bed answer lie ocean bed answer lie ocean bed
-1 | take like fingernail phase bad get good ask know need change take rip heart be pull hair let million time love not fair change run circle play game run circle take rip heart be pull hair let million time love not fair run circle play game run circle take take run round circle
+1 | necessary dream inquisitive thought flight day aim persevere forward teach great lenin chorus dream necessary dream child tribe eagle courage hero time rush rocket distant world deed heart tear believe wing like song dream achieve goal chorus let hour glory come friend sad maybe ticket komsomol jump planet chorus 1958
+1 | battle be go battle goodbye soon dear little old mother life experience lot grief need worry heart sadness remember song cradle voice soulful simple hut tall spruce courtyard golden sunflower give life young heart sacred shore fight kiss excitement hold hand tremble impact ill fiercely fight beat culprit fire meet soon be go fight believe strength believe dear mother ashamed son need worry heart sadness
+1 | lullaby month nasheyu roof light night stand yard little bird small child time sleep tomorrow wake bright sun rise sleep little sparrow sleep son sleep bell sleep baby little bird comely bayushkibyebye let sorrow disturb children soul sorrow flour meet dashing sleep little sparrow sleep son sleep bell sleep baby grow open quickly promchatsya year bold eaglet clear dawn fly away nest power point way homeland wise hand sleep little sparrow sleep son sleep bell
+1 | marsh infantry hum wind sing time come early system infantry walk wheel      infantry queen road      car tireroad tire far      infantry queen field      car tire tire ride fun drag lucky passenger dustfree truck stand tank armor cover transporter straight      infantry queen road      car tireroad tire far      infantry queen field      car tire tire ride fun soldier obstacle river mire swamp need water ford marshes infantry pass      infantry queen road      car tireroad tire far      infantry queen field      car tire tire ride fun russian soldier equal go room strong machine combat      infantry queen road      car tireroad tire far      infantry queen field      car tire tire ride fun 1957
+1 | farewell cavalry opera chapay accord ural mountain valley steppe fly horse easy flock fly song gilded sword ahead combat troop chapay kolchak wolf prowl steppe pour blood villagetown chapay catch chapay syschetsya thunderbolt hit enemy faster race horse grozny saber louder chime fly glory victory sweep wind scarlet silk banner
-1 | run run away wonder want s fantasy mean mean flee far hey fate think try prove think try prove be not got time be not get skin lie lie hi hi oh spite forget crying tempt pain hi hi go hi hi oh spite forget crying tempt pain hi hi go baby late strange come arm hey fate think try prove think try prove be not get time be not get skin lie lie hi hi oh spite forget crying tempt pain hi hi go hi hi oh spite forget crying tempt pain hi hi go go hi hi hi hi hi hi
-1 | clever be endeavor walk winding way stay longer feel grow strong live die day fade away end have desolate end surround easy fall apart completely feel creep head longer feel grow cold know day come end let life begin end have desolate end have lose way have lose way end living hard fucking end have desolate end have lose way have lose way end final fight ill win final fight ill win final fight ill win end
+1 | sea ocean sea ocean red pennant wave walk uninvited guest shore native land chorus sun pour heart beat courage chest breathing wave birdsong way submarine battleship zorka watch stand native sea boundary blue chorus flow song cloud fly sky tell powerful martial heroic navy chorus 1939
+1 | song oath glorious motherland defender warrior son father labor swear promise worthy high rank soldier wonder people give oath birthplace swear combat retreat be single step chest enemy courage strong young fight truth be go land freedom cepn hammer red star swear people nice fatherland fulfill oath spare blood life fight enemy combat be go soviet power adequately safely store red armys heroic glory let drop glorious motherland defender warrior son father labor swear promise worthy high rank fighter 1939
-1 | friend life depend friendship dead s money instead red wine whiskey rum know someone got to friend defend want word not assure want magic golden flame burn low know have have have wrong have have have wrong have have have wrong run deep go long have have have wrong have have have wrong have have have wrong run deep go long friend break bend want trust shake hand head stick sand pull have see lack friend life depend friendship dead s money instead red wine whiskey rum know someone got have have have wrong have have have wrong have have have wrong run deep go long have have have wrong have have have wrong have have have wrong run deep go long not want not need not want not need not want not need not want not need not want not need not want not need not want not need not want not need friend friend friend friend friend friend
+1 | el frente unido spanish russian translation human sorry want feed idle chatter hell thank honor marsh leave marsh leave rise rank comrade enter united workers work human need shoe patch help crack speech drum thunder marsh leave marsh leave rise rank comrade enter united workers work human let beat face boot raise whip slave marsh leave marsh leave rise rank comrade enter united workers work worker expect help currently freedom s fight work hand
-1 | wait window morning breath sill idle hand give try wait savour moment outside canvas turn white ruby eye fog rain washing clean sin liquid gown cover loathe turn endless open mirage soothe sense lock pinnacle good secret like derelict child heart burn stranger ascend meek flock round liar awe cake soil beneath fear meet turn away admiration firm grip round nucleus joy leave perish hand close tangle hair fresh stigma look shall cold ruby eye fog like stain name father be greet downward fall leave throe like stain name father be greet downward fall leave throe
-1 | have get believe have get believe have try try give refuse throw away recall remember well day endless search go light fire difference close eye hand dear hold breath let dry tear have get believe have get believe believe have get believe life not understand reach grab future wait come home difference close eye hand dear hold breath let dry tear have get believe not cry tear ill til day die hand hand believe believe believe difference close eye hand dear hold breath let dry tear have get believe difference close eye hand dear hold breath let dry tear have get believe
+1 | command care world friendship smile meeting legacy get planet cherish world bequeath amazing land friendship smile meeting cherish world bequeath cherish world bequeath amazing land amazing land cherish good world sparkle sunny dawn wing wind straighten future world responsible cherish good world wind wing straighten wing wind straighten future world responsible future world responsible ashe cinder call beauty earth let peace earth sky let eternal childhood sonorous laugh let peaceful sky earth let peaceful sky earth let peaceful sky earth let eternal childhood sonorous laugh childhood sonorous laugh
+1 | greeting artec stand artek rise country friend moment light radiant dawn chorus sun sun height heaven tear crimson flag hello pioneer country miracle good morning camp talk artek country friend morning dew unit road ring chorus singe artek sing good friend solar dream different language sing earth chorus hello pioneer country miracle good morning camp
-1 | watch change fly look away fire watch change like wing feel alive have watch change take home set glass pull wing laugh watch change like wing feel alive watch change like wing anh ahah anh ahah anh ahah anh ahah anh ahah look cross look away gun blow away watch change like wing feel alive have watch change feel alive feel alive feel alive have watch change like wing anh ahah anh ahah anh ahah anh ahah anh ahah have change have change have change have change
-1 | summer air burn lung glance till come undone let stop rise sun bright light shine right leave open book halfway couldhavebeen take end end end summer change good admit stick trap memory tragic tale not way matter world suck summer air summer care quick crash willing bend bend bend struggle change good admit stick trap memory tragic tale not way matter world morning come soon suppose choice tear know think not not end
+1 | cheer stalin song friend devote magnify magnify falcon fly mighty power enemy win magnify falcon good friend glorify stalin marshal nationwide world man expensive dearer happy happiness sun brighter chorus let live love health strength national bow russia magnify falcon fly mighty power enemy win magnify falcon good friend glorify stalin marshal nationwide
-1 | second soak sadness weekend war be drownin déjà vu have see not wanna not wanna live like broken record have hear line thousand time have see close confide think have lose touch s sparkle eye awful mess have s leave second soak sadness weekend war be drownin déjà vu have see not wanna not wanna live like broken record have hear line thousand time have see s air tonight s air tonight s air tonight s air tonight s air tonight second soak sadness weekend war be drownin déjà vu have see not wanna not wanna live like broken record have hear line thousand time have see be sorry love feel love painfully hurt right touch know sting know cut wish agree fuck love
-1 | gospel fall one lock away permanent slumber assemble philosophy piece broken memory oh beat heart beat heart oh beat heart beat heart gnash tooth criminal tongue conspire odd not see good love let love let cause word knife leave scar fear fall apart truth tell fear fear fall apart oh beat heart beat heart oh beat heart beat heart gospel vagabond neerdowell insufferable bastard confess apostasy lead away imperfect impostor oh beat heart beat heart oh beat heart beat heart not try sleep end world bury alive cause will not fight love let love let cause word knife leave scar fear fall apart truth tell fear fear fall apart oh fear fall apart oh fear fear fall apart oh beat heart beat heart fear fall apart oh beat heart beat heart fear fall apart oh beat heart beat heart fear fall apart oh beat heart beat heart fear fall apart
-1 | claw chain heart vain jump ask kiss fall spell love deny not walk away want not live lie run life want come like wrecking ball hit hard love want break wall wreck yeah wreck high sky come slowly turn let burn ashe ground not walk away want not live lie run life want come like wrecking ball hit hard love want break wall wreck come like wrecking ball hit hard love want break wall wreck yeah wreck mean start war want let instead force guess have let win let win mean start war want let let guess have let win let win not walk away want come like wrecking ball hit hard love want break wall wreck come like wrecking ball hit hard love want break wall wreck yeah wreck yeah wreck
+1 | pioneer dream fly heroespilots ocean blue height wing aircraft pioneer mechty2p brave hero vodopyanov want drive plane rapid expanse ocean gromov poletim2p probom cloud fog bravely probom cyclone pole overseas country plane privedom2p redo 1st couplet instead repeat original leave faraway country return native shore love affectionate stalin smile friendly 1970
-1 | love wrong reason s pain leave know s kill be kill year torment torturous love stain tear mistrust not hold longer hell be cause heart weak break mistake have forgave fuck not stay would say s love not believe not love wrong reason be s pain leave know s kill be kill remember beginning heartbeat living smitten texas burn bright flame young love care say til soul grow cold heart turn dead go wrong break blind fucking dumb perfect til turn give debauchery chance escape goodbye kiss cause know deep know love wrong reason be s pain leave know s kill be kill love wrong reason be s pain leave know s kill be kill
+1 | poet ere tu poet poet say stretch star thousand night colorful rain tell commander peek future profile estrenócon voices rifle warrior forever eternal time sing commander vain search guitar pain garden beautiful fear puedp leave commander guitar change luck deny song sun die unloved tell commander 1970
-1 | stand line feel try push away grab thing know not head floor feel recklessness absolute desperation value sentimental piece life think hold hand try better not realize have sink fail everyday help aggravate sickening feel inside will not away fall pick fall drink cup fall like not try better not realize have sink try better not realize have sink feel feel real know want save spot save spot save spot try better not realize have sink try better not realize have sink
+1 | song chapaev ural lead whip rain boil desperate battle fight chapay partisan division commander free people work enemy come inch tower gun look chapaev accustomed retreat battle chapaev ahead chapay fly like wind steppe ascend steep berezhok s stubborn fight tell night dream protect blossom like garden reclaim edge rich strong life good oh live chapaev happy desire time cloud black night sneak desert barely audible knock horseshoe oh sleep soldier oh chapaev sleep death send kolchak cover blood float chapay river enemy bullet pierce hand noise river swamp shake oh river wide wave groan anguish run ahead wind hum chapaev chapaev die live like banner ahead
-1 | soul unnamed devastating depth head heart shame patience like fury freight train ill faith untamed faith untamed room think digression fight progression thought die go right door hard tradition whore keep foot nail frozen floor weigh mind leave deaf dumb blind faith day strength rip single page faith will find peace will end tradition downfall hard let hold will find peace will better believe break boundary routine uninspired heart lack fire thought die hand wade quicksand
-1 | nũ noxs ponc roduaxse noxs uedacã atrobrogi ðerã loucint nemisi niũla noxtos crouosamali roudi loucint tanisa belia nũ tegisa ne seiou bisionti magisa ansra nũ loscenti noxs nũ uer ni ateðði baregon nouion duaxsati dunon eðði aidulegos trebã ansrã nũ eðði onnas drucocritus gabiti rac senoxs auagomos aue aue inte noxtin
+1 | aurora evening bell chime wave strike granite aurora eternal parking rest leningrad store neva open eye cruiser lit flag youth aurora port recall seafarer today flight glory have pass sea return home cruiser throw anchor pass sea ocean fight battle tsushima carry sea fog sailor glory slice autumn night fire palace discover land end end unfade light illuminate evening bell chime squadron go camping aurora eternal parking honor give sailor
-1 | remember remember magical feel touch strong memory today feel good body close day go time fly away be dream today be sad heart will place deep heart special place matter say heart will inside heart long live little beat heart beat little piece heart long strong know let heart heart heart heart heart heart heart strong fill passion wither away turn be dream today sad dead go heart will place heart special place forever matter happen place heart heart eternity little beat heart beat little piece heart long strong know let heart heart heart heart heart heart night dream find right way open arm night dream know meet write star heart little beat heart beat little piece heart long strong know let heart heart heart heart
+1 | ballad unknown soldier come summer evening converse wasteland die battle son fatherland red army hero chorus find nameless take hand light dust crimson dawn rise woven sun wind home soil gently gently carry boy experienced people weep memory eternal deep chorus warrior mile sooner pass forget mother land soldier lie heart country near proud wall kremlin chorus 1970
-1 | turn walk away get tangle chain trail dead shut cage steal key state mind reveal love real time wound heal get leave steal mouth shut lip seal crutch disease have lock machine sit rot break deal spill blood checkered floor get crawl set trap ill bait bed nail not escape state mind reveal love real time wound heal get leave steal mouth shut lip seal crutch disease have lock machine sit rot break deal dark not mental scar leave dig nail grind tooth be clutch eternity yeah know hard mental scar leave dig nail grind tooth be clutch eternity mouth shut lip seal crutch disease have lock machine sit rot break deal mouth shut lip seal crutch disease have lock machine sit rot break deal
+1 | far home far home family heart white snow cheremuh recall fighter grove river recall soldier squeeze tune sad mood walk half world see country want sing accordion birthmark edge sing soldier harmony play cheerful mood love native land forget soldier love remember occasionally glance affection squeeze configure sad mood sadness place person home wait bride loyal soldier 2 time heart song reassure soldier squeeze set hilarious way 1949
+1 | green cap year home serve border hasten native village footpath forest green cap green epaulette merge birch leave wheat ear field meet smile nod countryman green cap green epaulette girl current say eagle rescue see current collective farm green cap green epaulette spot girl handkerchief soldier leave far abroad sad girl get little sleep green cap green shoulder strap sergeant 1950
-1 | snap die click end day story mangled scene not happen way wanna talk be beg walk shoe anytime watch clock till unwind wanna cry make consider lose mind way blind world leave guilt consume die thing will not prayer cause be not leave not bribe money not shower shame killer broken home cover manic fame wanna know be fucking time story break ask rest assured ill good friend find hate have bear tale untrue die thing will not prayer cause be not leave be wait wait day slowly pass promise ill find hesitating pull trigger storys leave know wanna fry like soul will not survive die thing will not prayer cause be not leave die unknown crush fish lens kill glare expose ugliness hold true
-1 | look forward future know be scare death say will not clue struggle find answer easy way find strength inside carry great fear amount fucking hate fact feel sense security importantly hate fact not confide feel like good stay stay need find way dissolve uncertainty ill refuse afraid not know true need pick need find way worry head send early grave refuse let fear define
-1 | fireworks red green say small boxing ring blacken wall inside board s horror head blanket go throne castle sun s horror head blanket go throne castle sun comfort room challenge die remember laugh till cry comfort room challenge die remember laugh till cry
-1 | midnite know wrong keep night long everytime feel little bit free hear blue midnite blue commence call midnite not leave be try good happy home everytime feel little bit free hear blue midnite blue commence call not help feel little bit ashamed everytime hear call blame bad thing have admit fun oh yeah midnite not run mind be go to settle everytime feel little bit free hear blue midnite blue blues midnite blue hear blue midnite blue commence call
-1 | wish dead cry selfaffliction fade stone throw creator masochist cater not need bother not need ill slip farther hold will not let till bleed wish dead care care voice protest feed shit digest wish reason flaw open season give try good turn deserve dying not need bother not need ill slip farther hold will not let till bleed wish would die instead live zombie hide face shell forget memory diary leave cryptic entry not need bother not need not need ill slip farther hold will not let till bleed not need bother not need yeah not need ill slip farther hold hold ill live deceit
+1 | buchenwald alarm people world stand minute hear hear buzz side distribute buchenwald sound bell chime revive strengthen copper hum righteous blood come life ashe victim rise rise rise rise rise hundred thousand burn alive build construction rank number series international column speak speak hear thunder storm hurricane whirlwind atomic hug moans ocean pacific ocean groan groan pacific ocean people world stand minute hear hear buzz side distribute buchenwald sound bell chime ring float float earth buzz excitedly eth people world vigilantly triple care world care world care care care world
-1 | come wit come wit microphone explode shatter mold drop hit like delao fuck commode sure shot sure body drop drop not copy yo not coopt terror rain drenchin quenchin thirst power don fiveside fistagon rotten sore face mother earth get big trigger cold ya purse rally round family pocket shell rally round family pocket shell rally round family pocket shell rally round family pocket shell weapon food clothe shoe need feed war cannibal animal walk corner rubble library line mind cemetery not know keep contract alive movin not got to burn book remove -PRON- arm warehouse fill quick cell rally round family pocket shell rally round family pocket shell rally round family pocket shell rally round family pocket shell rally round family pocket shell bull parade uh come wit come wit bull parade bull parade bull parade bull parade bull parade
-1 | help true face soul see soul rotten poison help fucking excuse beg reason regret regret time choose choose time choose choose fucking end world oh oh oh would lay waste life away end world oh oh oh would lay waste life away hear knee change pray be close thing god will know knee open eye ill regret stand ill regret stand not feel pain anymore not carry way be hide false eye end world oh oh oh would lay waste life away end world oh oh oh would lay waste life away fucking hell fuck
+1 | song hometown street familiar childhood home tree garden home find bosom friend chorus city native native town thought city native song toil struggle run early school heart milan meet dream love come chorus youth love road end thee comrade strict girl sing cheerful chorus
-1 | hey hey devil little sister listen twist transistor hold leg turn turn wind come not lonely life understand not music music music music music music music music reach inside forever preach fuck scream whisper hang twist transistor hey hey finally world be not fair eat let tear fall breast dress vibration come mess lonely life understand not music music music music music music music music reach inside forever preach fuck scream whisper hang twist transistor music music music music music music music music hey hey will not hurt bit will not hurt bit will not hurt say say anesthetize bitch anesthetize bitch anesthetize let not fit not fit music reach inside forever preach fuck scream whisper hang twist transistor
-1 | have apply pressure crystalise have get faith bring paradise ill forgive forget be paralysed pace satisfied thing get closer sun have thing small dose not think be push away have keep close not slow take step direction sound resound echo lessen affection be foolish push aside burn home will not leave alive glacier melt sea wish tide have knee get close glacier melt sea thing get closer sun wish tide have thing small dose have knee not think be push away get close have keep close slow slow slow slow slow
+1 | apo kamnpous kai lagadia греческий apo kampoys kai lagkadia katebainei h agrotia mypswmena ta drepania hairetaei ergatia фонетически apo kabus ke lagadja katebeni agrotja mypsomena ta drepanja heretaj ergatja
-1 | instant paper compromise audience survive underneath bloody cape audience escape feel torture page audience come age fucking donkey right disease bleeding year please eye not protect compromise eye swear allegiance light wicked paper aspirate audience fear hate s underneath audience defeat free worry peace audience disgrace someone knock knee say not release eye protect compromise eye swore allegiance lie fly selfprotection prove compostsmelle pile pass future hollow hollow hollow slide deep hollow something shit hollow bit hollow smell like shit hollow
-1 | raw nasty nasty triplexrate nasty nasty justice wastepit nasty nasty deeper dirt nasty nasty make body hurt deep deeper raw nasty
+1 | russian partisan французский russian fan cold hunger town field great lenin rise supporter aa resume shore bastion white mountain plain advance supporter bi peace conquest thousand seventeen neig storm save soviets bis crush white army chase ataman finish campaign bank ocean bis
+1 | young seafarer enemy attack homeland battle alarm sound dear hand covet seagull float air sailor hiking svitsovaya snowstorm wash clean enemy wash clean enemy chorus young sailor martial sailor young sailor martial sailor red star water water sea ocean fatherland menacing conduct battle young sailor martial sailor homeland remember severe bout heart friendship great motherland strong hour come sweet home enter victory enter victory pripev1943
+1 | little trumpeter немецкий comrade kind good little trumpet funny rotgardistenblut sit happily stormy night freedom song happy come enemy bullet cheerful game blissful smile little trumpeter fall   take hoe spade morning dig grave lower quiet sleep little trumpeter good sleep little trumpeter funny rotgardistenblut 1925
-1 | lord want heart lord want heart lord want heart lord want heart oh heart oh lord heart oh lord oh heart oh lord heart oh lord lord want heart lord want heart oh heart oh lord heart oh lord oh heart oh lord heart oh lord oh heart oh lord heart oh lord oh heart oh lord heart oh lord
-1 | wheel round beat go faster favourite tune sovietoblaster drink vodka beer dancing queen kiev ukraine drive boy insane crazy professor bag food 18year old daughter look good fat businessman unique hairstyle contract killer smile s proud gun show mobilephone s get picture son s mormon preacher black suit tie train leave station kiev goodbye let introduce sit train take berlin ukraine wheel round beat go faster favourite tune sovietoblaster drink vodka beer dancing queen kiev ukraine drive boy insane ukraine love be like spy mission palace wheel air conditioner hot hell not care day night spare small compartment like telephone cell story tell hurry have get plenty time tell lifestory ill tell round drink guitar s party dining car live come old soviet record bag dozen vinyls heavy brick bring death djs trick forget 10 have get lps 100 time funky black eyed pea crazy balalaika nineteen sixtyfive have dream hear life s wodka leave shall friend let forget trouble dance
+1 | beat enemy battle song tell friend nam victory mining hit harder enemy friend brother commander guard order faithfully hesitation perform forget disguise dig forget manifest combat skill ready flinch swear enemy breath come beat bayonet grenade butt better estimate advice win marshal timoshenko call eagle remember people commissar word scientist like combat ready battle country song victory battle enemy land soviet stalin home 1940
+1 | work class earth early morning calm walk slowly dear factory begin way hour home land work class chorus hand worker movement planet hand worker sing song hand worker create wealth world native land inspire work honor working store true check affair labor dynasty heart reliable steel test earth home work class chorus proud live circle large family nearby keep way companion thy sun day date earth home work class chorus hand worker movement planet hand worker sing song hand worker create wealth world native land inspire work 1961
-1 | finders keepers losers weeper welcome end eras ice melt life time serve sentence dress watch die feel good taste good dynasty decapitate ghost tonight not know know be take crown be dress naked s finder keeper loser weeper oh yeah crown close taste s finder keeper loser weeper oh yeah sycophant velvet sofa lavish mansion vintage wine royal snatch chain mace eye feel good taste good hero remember know legend die not know know be take crown be dress naked s finder keeper loser weeper oh yeah crown close taste s finder keeper loser weeper oh yeah mortal king rule castle welcome world fun liar settle socket flip switch watch run oh yeah finder keepers losers weeper be take take crown be dress naked s finder keeper loser weeper oh yeah crown close taste s finder keeper loser weeper oh yeah finder keepers losers weeper finder keepers loser weeper
-1 | end near armageddon soon certainly hope sure use vacation bullshit ring circus sideshow freak hopeless fucking hole la way fix flush away fucking time fucking day learn swim arizona bay fret figure fret latte fret lawsuit fret hairpiece fret prozac fret pilot fret contract fret car bullshit ring circus sideshow freak hopeless fucking hole la way fix flush away fucking time fucking day learn swim arizona bay comet fall sky follow meteor shower tidal wave follow fault line sit follow million dumbfounded dipshit end near armageddon soon certainly hope sure use vacation stupid shit silly shit stupid shit great big festering neon distraction have suggestion occupy learn swim learn swim learn swim mom go to fix soon mom comin round way ought learn swim fuck l ron hubbard fuck clone fuck guntote hip gangster wannabes learn swim fuck retro fuck tattoos fuck junkie fuck short memory learn swim fuck smiley gladhand hide agenda fuck dysfunctional insecure actress learn swim cause be pray rain be pray tidal wave wanna ground way wanna watch mom flush away wanna right wanna watch right watch flush away time bring not pessimist try read line not imagine not welcome change friend wanna come burn suck flush
+1 | march people guard burn village польский march people guard burn village starve city hunger blood year tear time revenge hunger blood year tear time revenge zarepetuj weapon measure heart enemy rumble step million step partisan song rumble step million step partisan song fall field hen tree murmur tact oh lovely straight polandfree die oh lovely straight polandfree die forward gwardio march world burn shake enemy kill enemy hand folk masse shake enemy kill enemy hand folk masse 1943
+1 | баллада об xi интербригаде немецкий ballad eleventh brigade spain stand cause bad go step step fascist shout like city madrid come world red star hat manzanare cool franco excessively hot blood          day brigade elf          fame flag later freedom flag          brigada international          honor guadalajara march refrig rainstorm tremble brave heart torija tower garibaldi stand andré dombrowsky soon bring endurance mussolini glory          day quinto dust heaven schnutz fall quinto expand german plan design protection sound whistle church tower come holy grail find nave krupp arsenal          day soon second year later seven year stand battle war germany meet german goal p s r e m o s remain swastika sink father rhine          day brigade elf          freedom flag later freedom flag          greet ernst thalmann later brigada international          later remain honorable title 1938
+1 | porch porch thine night stand long time leave moment goodbye dawn past pretty window gardens field flower meadow blue eye family sunny day warm ray blossom hot light love need roadway lead happiness age forget love way have fall love 1952
-1 | look go to easy hurt feeling be go chance something wrong feel minute slim shady feeling have get like something happen not know mean think mean trouble big trouble banana be take chance doctor order be beginning feel like rap god rap god people nod nod think arm long slapbox slapbox say rap like robot rapbot rap like computer gene get laptop pocket penll halfcock get fat knot rap profit living killing bill clinton office monica lewinsky feel nutsack be mc honest rude indecent hell syllable skillaholic kill -PRON- slicketygippetyhippityhiphop not wanna piss match rappityrap pack mack ac backpack rap yapyap yackettyyack exact time attempt lyrical acrobat stunt be practice ill able break motherfuckin table couple faggot crack half realize ironic sign aftermath fact blow drop fbomb feel wrath attack rapper have rough time period here maxipad actually disastrously bad wack be masterfully construct masterpiece yeah cause be beginning feel like rap god rap god people nod nod think arm long slapbox slapbox let maintain shit be not hard hard everybody want key secret rap immortality like get truthful blueprint simply rage youthful exuberance everybody love root nuisance hit earth like asteroid shoot moon pew mcs take school music cause use vehicle bust rhyme lead new school student be product rakim lakim shabazz 2pac n wa cube hey doc ren yella eazy thank get slim inspire day grow blow position meet rundmc induct motherfuckin rock n roll hall fame ill walk church burst ball flame hall fame induct alcohol fame wall shame fag think game till walk flock flame plank tell fuck think little gay looking boy gay barely straight face look boy witness massacre like watch church gathering place look boy oy vey boy gay s look boy thumb pat way label everyday look boy hey look boy look boy hell yeah dre look boy imma work ask shit outta face look boy basically boy go to capable keep pace look boy cause be beginning feel like rap god rap god people nod nod way be race track nascar nascar dale earnhardt trailer park white trash god kneel general zod planet krypton asgard asgard thor ill odin rodent be omnipotent let be reload immediately bomb be totin wake be walking dead be talking head zombie float get mom deep throate be raman noodle common poodle be doberman pinch arm pay homage pupil honesty brutal honestly futile not utilize good wanna sure chicken scratch scribble doodle rhyme maybe try help people tough time get to punchline case cause unsigne rapper hungry look like lunchtime know time king underground rap like be pharoahe monch grind crunch rhyme combine appeal skin color big come try censor like line say be mather lp try would seven kid columbine -PRON- line add ak47 revolver away be not big be morphin immortal coming portal stick time warp 2004 not know fuck rhyme pointless rapunzel fucking cornrow write normal fuck normal buy new raygun future come shoot ya like fabolous ray j mad cause fab say look like fag maywhether pad singin man play piano man oh man 247 special cable channel ray j go straight radio station day hey fab imma kill lyric come supersonic speed jj fad uh sama lamaa duma lamaa assume be human get to be superhuman innovative be rubber ricochet will glue be devastate demonstrate motherfuckin audience feeling like levitating fade know hater forever wait day fall will celebrate cause know way -PRON- motivated elevate music elevator music oh s mainstream s jealous confuse hiphop pop cause find hella way fuse rock shock rap doc throw lose -PRON- lose not know song like not know word use let know occur be rip verse diverse curtain be inadvertently hurtin verse get to murder prove half nice song sacrifice virgin school flunky pill junky look accolade skill brung hungry bully cause mind be million league ill speak tongue tongue cheek fuck be drunk satan fucking wheel be asleep seat bump heavy d boy chunky funky head s feel tugging struggle angel fight devil here want ask eliminate woman hate consideration bitter hatred little patient sympathetic situation understand discrimination fuck life hand lemon lemonade not batter woman fuck suppose bake cake not mistake satan fatal mistake think need overseas vacation trip broad fall face not retard king think king god
+1 | katyusha chinese text song russian people know
-1 | jane s freak freak like people will freak cause perfect late night bloodshot eye clock tick half past barely breathe alive plan lay unmarked road blaze trail place go yeah chance not leave tonight lets chance let kill time find start weak fight tired run yeah swallow perfect life be go fight chance not leave tonight lets chance let kill leave tonight come new york live tonight come blueprint fade grey like yesterday map detail great escape road beckon uncover mystery fall like dead autumn leave let jetstream carry chance not leave tonight lets chance
+1 | leninist truth 1980
+1 | go go army dust club clubbing time simply goodbye come spend beloved boyfriend eh come outside village longremembere commandment hand wave afar come outskirt longremembered commandment hand wave afar meantime roaddoro pet littlebit sweet heart neperech eh go go army guy bra oh brave go protect glorious motherland go go army guy bra oh brave go protect glorious motherland send devchygirls solda soldier heart faithful allegiance hold eh tress brown eyebrow th oh black eye hazel remember tress brown eyebrow th oh black eye hazel remember bloom potassium viburnum devchy devchina river rechenka meet eh ask ask tell good horo keep love eh ask ask tell good horo keep love ask ask tell good horo eh keep love
+1 | star lullaby listen son be mama sing song star daring rushed flight meet bear time yura son chorus byebye young star summer pave father grandfather soviet child way andromeda unknown world magnetic storm break guy bear yuri astronaut chorus star summer fly byebye 1964
+1 | song moscow defender proszalnaya formidable battle arise defender russian land goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye fire burn distance harsh battle protect capital home goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye good luck battle come visit know goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye extinguish star leave far away know ill goodbye goodbye joyful meeting evening war 1944
-1 | feel thorn tear blood shed fall war forsake forget faithful man call stand perish lie crimson rise hold hand force apart hope bog like condemn man sky fall hand turn old weak be give thee futile sacrifice go sere nemeton grey stone wall cold silent fall mother go deaf mistress shattered hope forever broken dream sky fall hand turn old weak be give thee futile sacrifice go sere epo epo hast thou forsake unsung thy hand commend spirit people sky fall hand turn old weak be give thee futile sacrifice go sere fall
+1 | fly home country fly home country sun nezakatnym fly sweep vast expanse union height proudly stroke wing country big dream blossom true story pass land foot end end learn skyhigh fly wide world gold wonderful place dear heart admire beauty deeply inhale force fly river sinker gardenscitie age rapid erect hand heart selflessly love building field future earth happy
+1 | song sinosoviet friendship rock russia china century stand stormy ocean shenyang edge siberian region singe constant patrol chorus plow virgin soil siberia bank irtysh privolnaya people sing friendship world sing friendship sing world people sing friendship world color color russian soul earth space gloomy separate way right warm forever fatheramour people friendship majestic chorus communism bear last peace fight great friendship country bring happiness work people chorus 1951
-1 | would sweet sixteen would little runaway child give heart engagement ring take give oh sweet sixteen build moon rock chair guess rock far oh oh oh oh someone build candy castle sweet sixteen someone build candy brain fill would sweet sixteen oh would little runaway child memory burn memory grow old people cold like sweet sixteen clear baby oh oh oh oh someone build candy castle sweet sixteen someone build candy house house oh oh someone build candy castle sweet sixteen someone build candy brain house would sweet sixteen oh would runaway girl yeah sad lonely blue yea gettin think feel yeah morning morning wipe away tear sweet sixteen oh runaway child oh sweet sixteen little runaway girl give heart engagement ring leave give sweet sixteen build moon rock chair guess rock far yea ummhmm oh oh oh someone build candy castle sweet sixteen someone build candy house house oh someone build candy castle sweet sixteen someone build candy house house would sweet sixteen would little runaway girl would oh sweet sixteen would little runaway girl little runaway girl little sweet sixteen oh sweet sixteen oh sweet sixteen ohohoh
+1 | rank soviet country rank soviet union mountain sea glorious battle call son daughter chorus defend edge darling country go fight peoplehero give oath fight end afraid formidable shaft iron lead chorus rear work friend rest sleep great family work combat pripev1942
-1 | oh blame hand lift drink mouth drink blame body like way feel touch have get finger snare vein think time pull not care flesh will tear not flesh be worry hold match sight path flame give lose have kneel year try find blacken matchstick today be afraid failure past flower future snow not close perfect let let doubt like river lead save hear promise bury problem sleep soundly hold heart finger go gone gone admit bid wind blow flame bury coal sea trick come bring flood wear necklace heart would drag mud guess not sure see reach grab say darle earth want be sure true hell sharp pain time ghost presence compress chest like vine unshakeable absence like inside crawl mouth go west s fine cast heart plaster imagine body fashion stone chip brick mortar find layer skin hide bone bone like chain old rust rain go snap weight shift move like fire forest hand red skin lip would flirt distance princess taste spit kiss oh mistress know today bury flame failure past liar future whore ill lie bone earth haunt head oh blame hand oh blame hand mouth open swallow head command drink bury flame dirt watch smoke pull ghost grave fear will lay wait till face face say be move be move feel come life fire tear valley dust grass fire wire bind blue light pull past wire tired have know start thing not tired
+1 | leave march немецкий unroll march lad overboard stop bickering gezauder speaker word speech comrade mauser break law time adam gaul story limp wolln knacker shame ride leave leave leave blue jacket hey attack afraid ozeanstuerme harbor boat rusty panzertuerme leave roar british loewen zahnlosfletschende sphinx force municipality leave leave left dark heavy mountain lie fallow land sun plight misery district stomp step million time threaten rent gang ring steely surf russia defy entente left leave leave seeadleraug miss altest hide strongly world run throat proletarian hand kuehn rush battle sky elated flag hey go right left leave leave
-1 | lead believe know sure wind knock thing cure bring foot word relate hit play record come end ill listen truth be take step take time think have get express pen ink have get leave mean world word let man breath escape eye close hit play record come end ill sing truth be take step take time think have get express pen ink have get leave mean world word let come bad obsession choose life have find m direction truth be take step take time think have get express pen ink have get leave mean world word let record come end ill start
+1 | combatant peace 1949
-1 | change vision sound ear ground lose mind control be go to fucking superstar change vision sound ear ground lose mind control change vision sound ear ground lose mind control be go to fucking superstar ask baby ask ask baby not come come come come leave place one flat age leave place go turn thing change vision sound ear ground lose mind control change vision sound ear ground lose mind control be go to fucking superstar ask baby ask ask baby not come come come come leave place one flat age leave place go turn thing day come alright come alright drown not breathe air save point right right right change vision sound ear ground lose mind control change vision sound ear ground lose mind control
-1 | shadow fall eye drain face disguise not hide baby let true colour not mind camera let black heart tonight not hide baby deep go not mind camera let black heart baby have perfect start tell time wrong go different place s expression leave face cause time run fast sink sand have talk heart say away earth go different place s expression leave face cause time run fast sink sand sink sand sink sand
-1 | destroy cleanse wipe away filth set fire waste burn dirt burn flood drown earth flood drown earth deserve rehash poison breathe air tear father create construct building building conceal history like shameful scar world live million year come matter time choke indifference struggle breathe water fill lung try hard scream rise throat reckless careless reign ocean rise flood drown earth flood drown earth deserve deserve deserve deserve deserve world live million year come matter time choke indifference struggle breathe water fill lung try hard scream rise throat wake save sea reclaim work create wake save pick piece ask forgiveness
-1 | threedimensional professional projection spectral light connected room selection airtight isolate decisive victory stimulate nonsimulated pattern flight originate be carnivore tour duty band brother metal jacket establish cruelty black magic conjurer attack monitor destruction assumption thing promise ya impact crash cold shard glass ritualistic annihilator murder cast future past feel seventh seal break half ceremony real obsolete highstrung beat strong minded individual deliver defeat blood river street flow retreat deep omen opponent speech limited repeat open door corridor stretch left s hunger eye truth chest man want revenge confess rage sin lock inside cage evil reign cause people like win sweet will not like end shine brightly light open door corridor stretch left anger eye truth chest man want revenge confess rage sin lock inside cage evil reign people like win sweet will not like end shine brightly light lock inside cage lock inside cage lock inside cage lock inside cage turn music bit yo yo dark secret demon conscience be lone ranger look pocahontas teenage zombie fly beat be die learn be try bad news bear duke hazzard youth group truth coupe recoup quickly face hurt kid stick death love far crazy face star appreciate chance truth hurt ill kill ice pick neck talk like care ripple nightmare moonshine distillery road villiany military star depart artillery artillery artillery artillery artillery artillery artillery artillery artillery artillery artillery artillery artillery artillery artillery ta ra ta ta ta ta lock inside cage lock inside cage lock inside cage lock inside cage
-1 | child reject disregard ache cry come heart not disown flesh blood not disappear eye shut tell love loss like bullet path tear cavity chest light fuse blow castle crumble slowly watch fall watch fall watch fall crown slip head unworthy watch fall gain control family cross war lose day begin race run keep start song sing heart s read like polygraph single bone let castle crumble slowly watch fall watch fall watch fall crown slip head unworthy watch fall gain control love know know know know live numb would know pain would know would know happen happen end seam be fame fortune be have serve time swear come watch fall castle crumble slowly watch fall watch fall watch fall crown slip head unworthy right be be be be
+1 | order armor country entrust soldier guard row steel peace maintain sacred order armor pull fume elbe reminder dark day time shooting exercise order armor bored girl bore soldier need longing far far away love strengthen order armor peace strong eternal friend joy fear enemy provide reliable order armor 1960
-1 | gold gold katzengold gold gold katzengold gold gold katzengold gold gold katzengold gold gold katzengold katzengold gold gold katzengold gold gold katzengold katzengold gold gold katzengold gold gold katzengold katzengold gold gold katzengold gold gold katzengold
-1 | feelin kinda coope coope be tryin fresh air aye get roof roof know rain aye be not get to flash takin picture be not get to draw extra attention paparazzi wanna shoot ya shoot ya niggas die hear bag add weight tryin throw bag safe giggin tourin chorin raisin baby baby milo want bathe ape niggas cryin get to bruh bruh rear view mirror not ridin round round open strip need tint window tint need tint need window tint not flyin 110 bad bitch whip need tint window tint need tint need window tint good good need tint window tint need tint need window tint have get way lose roll window real quick need tint window tint need tint need window tint probably think nigga trollin showin camera fuck be do fishbowlin thou passenger bitch be kendrick lamar respect afar image god everybody attendance be perform everybody offend shit get like buy nigga horse drive nigga g5 fly nigga need tint look snake poser need tint cause bomb head nondisclosure need tint live peace mind niggas takin piece peace fine fuck fixit ticket pull bitch ridin round round open strip need tint window tint need tint need window tint not flyin 110 bad bitch whip need tint window tint need tint need window tint good good need tint window tint need tint need window tint have get way lose roll window real quick need tint window tint need tint need window tint know like presidential stretch s limo pull let go not need know ghost ride phantom niggas comin wanna hold like ransom money runnin bag add weight tryin throw bag safe giggin tourin chorin raisin baby baby milo want bathe ape niggas cryin get to bruh bruh rear view mirror ridin round round open strip need tint window tint need tint need window tint not flyin 110 bad bitch whip need tint window tint need tint need window tint good good need tint window tint need tint need window tint have get way lose roll window real quick need tint window tint need tint need window tint think be bout black act tonight get move get to get goon payroll will not come will not come think be bout black act tonight get move get to get goon payroll will not come will not come
+1 | song red ranger comrade dawn sun rise earth map life hero pathfinder red chorus let wind wind wind wind whirls road red ranger island feat shore courage cape hero way unveil veil year guide guerrilla trail legend backpack hikingll bring chorus sidereal time race rocket pathfinder march world maybe soon distant planet pathfinder red chorus 1962
+1 | march song 11th army oh evil astrakhan sand trackless boundary end caspian cool berezhki blade grass way tree lot mile lot grief perish bro expensive blood pour heart chest forget man die way glory thunder terek glory fight glory speak victory volga red white defend razozhmot enemy iron ring red armys mighty hand count illustrious fighter mother volga soviet river option dead road alive
-1 | fish not drown life bubble jungle not frown short chuckle snake ground leave town life bubble jungle see believe adhere power strike believe kneel appease power struggle leave arm right power struggle leave arm right power struggle wear crown life bubble jungle chase clown short chuckle snake ground wait find life bubble jungle see believe adhere power strike believe kneel appease power struggle leave arm right power struggle leave arm right power struggle leave arm power struggle leave arm power struggle remind remind remind remind remind remind remind remind remind remind remind remind life bubble jungle see believe adhere power strike believe kneel appease power struggle leave arm right power struggle leave arm right power struggle leave arm power struggle leave arm right power struggle
-1 | nice know nice know exactly go nice know nice know exactly go sorry bitter word be mood pretend bother good friend be tosser think loser yes loser think god reach reach reach reach nice know nice know exactly go pick fight big s learn school not matter clever think year leave kind scar nice know nice know exactly go nice know nice know exactly go carry reward expect s not afford oh be joker dream bad loser yes loser think god reach reach reach reach
+1 | river kama river kama leave peace near town tagil love marusyu chorus thou forget combat thou remember dale distant land oh maroussia maroussia soul thou remember dale distant land year drive portrait drive portrait maybe maybe chorus send song ural edge embrace beauty power attorney chorus 1943
-1 | think would remember lock burden previous life sleep foot bed reason worry night not sure word try hold weight
-1 | walk lonely road know not know go home walk walk street boulevard break dream city sleep be walk walk walk walk walk shadow walk shallow heart thing s beat wish find till walk ahah ahah ahah ahah ahah ahah ahah be walk line divide mind borderline edge walk read line s fuck everything alright check vital sign know be alive walk walk walk walk walk shadow walk shallow heart thing s beat wish find till walk ahah ahah ahah ahah ahah ahah walk walk walk street boulevard break dream city sleep be walk shadow walk shallow heart thing s beat wish find till walk
+1 | sakhalin sakhalin island normal weather surf vest prosolil live near sunrise mail transfer mainland fly farth harbor union throw stone steep berezhko far la perouse strait sakhalin low clouds live hill early morning sun fisherman send yakimanka chorus land argue wave wind live laconic man island seiner return russia putin chorus sakhalin island normal weather surf vest prosolil live near sunrise
+1 | red army fire finns yes mine burrow concrete pass pass cry side fight yes formation tymoshenko drive work accurse bunker work accurse bunker tymoshenko order clear yes come tank tank leisurely edge forest edge forest lie gun root gun wall terrible smash flight yes plane sypyat bomb concrete pillbox bunker pillboxe company company company swoop side bunker yes bunker tymoshenko drive good work good work thank say 1940
+1 | guerrilla beard intelligence ambush haircut shave inevitable disappointment partisan beard beard eh beard grow call brush speak broom chorus guy be young beard care let grow waist s progonim fritz time shave haircut shave dress milka kiss enemy shoot accurately rank tolley grandfather dedkov beard overall combat bearded arrow hello young honor old man chorus grief sorrow detachment s chortushkalad young beard onegreat sadden trouble medal guerrilla close beard chorus
+1 | river beep buzz river beep hoot river light light court raft drive country honorable work 2 time team compete kuibyshev volgograd blooms native land volga meekness run water blade deep turbine mighty omnipotent 2 time mountain walk year perform bloom native land river light dawn soviet land flower neat tidy decorate hand 2 time soviet motherland shine dawn communism bloom native land
+1 | ararat different country see ararat turn angry gaze heart old wise giant ararat yerevan interesting city kind people kind work happy life ask oh fun laughter time positively chorus gian ah ahjan ararat jan scent spring garden kind girl smile face song conversation extremely interesting s ah old day toss garden old age back trouble thousand year fly hello chorus smile woolen hat snow armenian antiquity begin turn pink sunshine want old young new life want live young grieve win success rad want fun ararat chorus 1956
+1 | partizan zhelezniak steppe near kherson tall grass steppe near kherson mound lie beneath mound overgrow weed sailor zhelezniak guerrilla lie beneath mound overgrow weed sailor zhelezniak guerrilla go odessa go kherson ambush squad leave outpost makhno right remain grenade leave outpost makhno right remain grenade guy say refer order sailorpartisan zhelezniak kherson break bayonet grenade trifle kherson break bayonet grenade trifle boy say strike bayonet grenade trifle bayonet grenade break guy zhelezniak stay desert bayonet grenade break guy zhelezniak stay desert funny sing ukraine beautiful bloom youth sunflower high sky far steppe hovering aircraft steppe near kherson tall grass steppe near kherson mound lie beneath mound overgrow weed sailor zhelezniak guerrilla lie beneath mound overgrow weed sailor zhelezniak guerrilla 1938
-1 | young brazen unholy come paint sky break saint ancient story live challenge lie trap cold outside be not shelter want force hand want break lie feed fucking liar smash temple crawl rubble cry fall be kind stand be kind stand be wolf hillside live throw away sleep 8 ball live fight day be trap cold outside be not shelter want force hand want break lie feed fucking liar smash temple crawl rubble cry fall want break lie feed fucking liar smash temple crawl rubble cry fall be kind stand be kind stand be be kind stand be kind stand be kind stand kind stand lower low low take low take low take lower
+1 | katyusha repeat second distich bloom apple tree pear tree mist river katyusha step high bank steep walk singe song rocksteppe eagle love letter keep oh song maiden head bright sun soldier faraway border katyusha bring greeting let remember ordinary girl let hear sing let protect native love katyusha strong bloom apple tree pear tree mist river katyusha step high bank steep 1970
-1 | fuck crazy think ill change ill change way be monster s ill stay condemn predetermine damnation eternity damnation eternity not want cry not want care not dare pray s thing bury inside away light not dare pray have far go long not head bottle holy fuck bother be go to well have wait long declare not fuck die today holy shit have lose mind reality start unwind not pray not want cry not want care not dare pray s thing bury inside away light not dare pray not want cry not want care not dare pray s thing bury inside away light not dare pray
+1 | mavra korakia мавра коракя греческий black crow claws fall work class wild cry blood thirsty dimitrov courtroom tanev popov backwater antifascist leader slaughter thousand cantonese proletarian archigous x 2 giant giant dimitrov granite rock stand correct judge beat hard expose trample forth death hangman show dimitrov proletarian world road lytromo x 2 hero munich mes pop work class try battle hard hold flag high international lenin stalin show people fight defeat class enemy revolution sacrifice show people fight defeat class enemy
-1 | feel like be insane look like neverending hole not feel meaningless day day time slip away drop have lose see need sticky hole suck feel lifeless drive be control thread connect hand foot fly away fear fly find be routine stand change place search new way thought round circle contact feel piece piece life return fly away fear fly away fear fly find fly away fear fly find fly away fear fly find fly away fear fly find fly away fear
-1 | ahah oohah oooah christmas give heart day give away year save tear ill special christmas give heart day give away give away year save tear ill special special bitten twice shy distance catch eye tell baby recognize year not surprise merry christmas wrap send note say love mean know fool have kiss know would fool christmas give heart day give away give away year save tear ill special special christmas give heart day give away year save tear ill special special ooh oohahbaby crowded room friend tired eye be hide soul ice god think rely guess shoulder cry face lover fire heart man cover tear apart ooooooh have find real love will fool christmas give heart day give away give away year save tear ill special special christmas give heart day give away ooh give away year save tear ill special special face lover fire heart give heart man cover tear apart maybe year ill ill special
-1 | den ganzen tag rennst du der kohle hinterher den ganzen tag arbeitest du von früh bis spät nur damit du mal nen eigenen mercedes hast und ein eigne großes haus mit großem garten nur du gehst dabei vor die hunde nur du gehst dabei zugrunde steh ich vor dem spiegel schau ich alltagssorgen rein und dann denk ich ich wär gern noch mal ein kind ich wär gern noch mal ein kind früher warst du der der du wirklich warst mit deinen fragen deinen popeln deiner liebe deiner angst heute heißt es macht man nicht dazu bist du viel zu alt du bist jetzt erwachsen nur du gehst dabei vor die hunde nur du gehst dabei zugrunde steh ich vor dem spiegel schau ich alltagssorgen rein und dann denk ich ich wär gern noch mal ein kind ich wär gern noch mal ein kind
+1 | komsomolskaya far young red army near lake khasan support glory amur partisan support glory amur partisan eh sun eclipse mow japanese dear friend machine gun ah machine gun ah machine gun ah machine gun dear friend machine gun enemy height come night meet machine gun comrade fighting meet machine gun comrade fighting eh dear friend iron guard frontier country wonderful glory serve oh serve eh serve oh serve glory serve dear friend iron guard frontier country wonderful success serve country wonderful success serve eh japanese rat chew native land beat hit destroy defeat oh defeat oh defeat oh defeat destroy defeat young red army komsomolet patriot protect land protect people protect land protect people sun eclipse mow japanese dear friend machine gun ah machine gun ah machine gun ah machine gun dear friend machine gun loss peresvistom ah machine gun ah machine gun ah machine gun dear friend machine gun 1938
+1 | song overcoat fragment poem vasily terkin ah cloth treasury       military overcoat    campfire forest prozhzhennaya       cancel overcoat    famous punched       combat enemy fire    yes hand sew       expensive    fall throw       wound brother    wear overcoat       carry medical battalion    kill dead body       row    shinelkoyu shabby       ukroyut sleep soldier    sleep soldier short life       road house    sleep procedure       wife 1971
+1 | zori moscow chorus zori moscow kremlin clock jingle singe good morning land sea moscow ray capital zaalel cloud moscow day hour sleep meet dawn sky turn blue sheet transparent dew meet friend meet dawn native moscow send greeting chorus accord rigor road planet march happiness friend remember sunrise city life beacon life overall dream city life city song see expanse sea chorus way silence field fly pass breeze friend moscow open way way age far breathe wind young way way friend embrace
-1 | sing not erase stupid thing well struggle find well way fight try hide scar ill home tonight breath softly goodbye lonely road try walk ill home tonight breath softly goodbye not like move forever end not try fight beauty queen lose crown fight try hide scar ill home tonight breath softly goodbye lonely road try walk ill home tonight breath softly goodbye goodbye eager betray pick piece pick piece run away pick piece pick piece fight try hide scar ill home tonight breath softly goodbye lonely road try walk ill home tonight breath softly goodbye
-1 | total nightmare total nightmare wanna hear need drown know time hurt fuck build wall blood god save god save god hate god hate total nightmare total nightmare heal break pill role s trust fake will find sooner good know place infiltrated mind lacerated soul take year create control leave idea steal god save god save god hate god hate total nightmare total nightmare liar rape kill love hate fear better time liar rape kill better slow cause love hate fear s leave total nightmare total nightmare total nightmare total nightmare
-1 | fuck american dream know have watch life have feel calloused hand look break eye bleed heart time suffer survive bury alive fuck place burn have love go home have play final song tear free sell soul meaningless slow death corporate mess happiness leave end defeat lifetime obedience kick tooth fuck place burn have love go home have play final song tear free sell promise well tomorrow fuck american dream tell choice fuck american dream promise opportunity lifetime fuck american dream deceive fuck american dream
-1 | gift god small creation prize possession limitation eye not fact want fact have want oh not treat like stranger effect time eye not voice angel hear voice angel hear voice angel hear voice angel hear eye not not run away not run away not run away not run away not run away not run away
-1 | voveso mori mon vandas veidos ventos cambon mon verno et con papon lomnen luxtodos imon siraxta suouelo imon oro suouelo tauson tunda voveso mori mon vandas
+1 | secret parade немецкий go world whisper worker hear voice minister war worker stop whisper coal steel producer whisper chemical war production whisper continent mobilization soviet union worker farmer gun gun hand smash fascist raeuberherde set heart fire plant red banner labor ramp factory rise rubble old society world socialist republic worker listen draw field shout nation race war ruler world work class attack soviet union shock heart revolution war go country war chav
-1 | send vision middle night send vision not fight find find feel send angel not fight send angel not fight feel fear send vision know send vision be find find feel like feel like feel send angel know send angel broken heart find find
+1 | sing song soldier hard favorite write write worry steppe fire burn inhospitable easy sing song alena alena dear friend away reach year wretched thing sadness separation easy sing song know alain forget familiar gate wait soon see cute easy sing song 1940
+1 | song 1st armor division red banner steel barrier stand faithful obstacle let fascist bastard city lenin leningrad let proudly inflexibly glory pour neva glory krasnoznamennaya yes tank battle chorus fierce hour easy vow firmly relentlessly swear fedor dudko kolobanov battle wonder banner homeland give oh s friend yes valorous deed flee enemy recoil persecute tiger far away kolobanov borisov dudko chorus air clean homeland raise comrade high proud tanker banner courage honor oh germans skedaddle let turn escape alive let proudly inflexibly glory wear neva glory krasnoznamennaya yes tank battle chorus fierce hour easy vow firmly relentlessly swear fedor dudko kolobanov 1941
-1 | jaime faire des croquette au chien
-1 | room coldness surround be fill fear room ref darkness surround tell soul dark tell soul wellfe hatred screaming surround kill die soul desire room ref darkness surround tell soul dark tell soul wellfe hatred master fire teach art room ref darkness surround tell soul dark tell soul wellfe hatred
-1 | know hurtin see build wall love fall learn walk spirit crawl write sing hide s comin s lose be not right wrong someway place not know be go someway not know be go ill reign na na na reign na na na sayin war bring closer love true time gettin cold someway place not know be go someway not know be go ill ill reign na na na someway place not know be go someway not know be go ill reign na na na reign na na na reign na na na reign na na na reign na na na
+1 | volga river volga river river dawn singing horn oh honk miracle world beautiful miracle building wide high concrete difference delta turbine noise noise capital village sun light wood steppe luggage concrete combos yawn luggage luggage concrete let rip begin sing people case go oh stakhanovite work soul flight wave foam run oh flee talk friend uh lead zhiguli stalingrad shock brigade send send voice hear distance oh far away meet lada lada concede work feel free receive surrender surrender luggage concrete combos yawn luggage luggage concrete let rip begin sing people case go oh stakhanovite work soul flight golden people oh people rule give give beach leave right beach compete glory fun labor shock fire fire rise wave uh wave burn motherland bright dawn communism day day matter dispute thing move forward proudly stand dam river 1951
-1 | building high one have know darker heart hide place prince king freak mean hand tonight be go city forget tonight be go city forget erase mean let inside mind free be strong emotion bring heart not tear apart masquerade game play light tower climb star lead away pain decay tonight be go city forget tonight be go city forget erase mean let inside mind free tonight be go city forget tonight be go city forget tonight be go city forget tonight be go city forget erase mean let inside mind free tonight be go city forget forget forget forget
+1 | sea song let shake sway swaying sky underfoot deck walk shake taste salt taste pitching real sailor chorus let rock rock wave sea far native lighthouse let shakes shake know sure storm sailor come ship hike familiar wharf pride ladder beach ground ground little bit rock tomorrow tomorrow sea chorus life life simple today sea breeze hurricane tomorrow believe change life life life chorus
-1 | weigh weigh way have live mask long know know side hide haunted man hand stone break save stand weigh way need hand feel like not breathe drown way be sick come down not tell s wrong be weigh weigh ill fight fatigue ill fight have ill hand ill carry have weigh far long hand stone break save stand stand weigh way need hand feel like not breathe drown way be sick come down not tell s wrong be weigh weigh will not weigh s rest weigh ill fucking stand instead weigh way need hand feel like not breathe drown way be sick come down not tell s wrong weigh way need hand feel like not breathe drown way be sick come down not tell s wrong be weigh weigh
+1 | марш 26 июля испанский leave go ideal knowing succeed sake peace prosperity fight freedom later cuban cuba award heroism soldier go release patria wipe fire devastate infernal plague undesirable ruler greedy tyrant cuba lose evil blood spill cuba proceed forget s unite remember dead people cuba plunge pain hurt decide trequa find solution set example compassion garemos arrie cididos cause life long live revolution
+1 | come love come love dear harsh day bring separation enemy mad go war cruel enemy happiness raise hand come beloved home enemy trample peaceful meadow sow death land boldly battle razi enemy cruel rebuff blood predatory flock boldly battle razi enemy house live protect countrys vastness plant native gardens forest rye air desert wide sea save house live forget merry meeting change day happy century stand country river flow century earth blossom vast nivam beauty future meeting boils fierce battle death play blizzard heart friend way share loyal friend come love home 1941
+1 | volga wide volga broad arrow far hooter call ship city gorky clear zorka working settlement girlfriend live smart shirt beloved come explain good friend yesterday say love come appoint time rendezvous forget book disclose bent girlfriend gold box morning shift siren rustle gently move window oh summer nighttime tug gudochki worry guy want leave girl beautiful sormovo find morning entrance mother plant lover girl meet say lot book read book love volga broad arrow far hooter call ship city gorky clear zorka working settlement girlfriend zhivet1955
+1 | unity song allow sow discord song friendship raise ensign want live happily learn grow friend wonder storm flame unity peace chorus come friend forward friend single strong bear different country want war come friend family strong combine young struggle happiness lead send curse set fire war child people brother slend rank marching give oath fight war fascism get wall let earth know strength unity peace chorus remember grave relative postwar tribe blood peace extract obey time remember comrade enemy finish unity crush sacred friendship grow force unity peace pripev1947
+1 | song volga like cloud sad long country pass century tear katilasya volga vast river chain deception blue road country stepan yemelyan volga drive canoe chorus beautiful folk like sea deep fatherland free wide deep strong song ring volga yes melody song wrong longing song sing joy singe tear gray cloud land spring blossom volga river mighty free life flow chorus song sing volga lay sun warm soviet rang volga river gryanem song loudly boldly strength live fly sun reach heart chorus happiness young strength impossible crush happy soviet star work live let enemy like hungry wolf leave trace border volga beauty drink water volga 1938
-1 | stage cause decease aids aids stage cause decease aids stage cause decease aids aids weapon long time drug drug drug stage cause decease aids
-1 | play power play power play power
-1 | slip inside dark wondering ask look eye look eye death sweet life undo give not hard win look eye look eye not resist love feel pain pleasure real sweet agony sweet sweet agony kiss lip taste goodbye poison milk like lullaby look eye look eye death sweet life undo give not hard win look eye look eye not resist love feel pain pleasure real sweet agony sweet agony sweet agony sweet agony kiss lip taste goodbye sweet sweet agony sweet sweet agony sweet sweet agony sweet sweet agony
-1 | invent god follow blindly responsibility control life hide drug crawl bottle people drag like feel like bullet tear chunk shoulder know transducer intercept stand rooftop stare sound helicopter approach far away traffic star transducer transducer wanna get identity man copy man copy strand not drive insane jump big unknown feel like be drown not drive insane darkness end life be fall light flash light death
+1 | eaglet eaglet little eagle takeoff sun look steppe height forever silent merry lad live eaglet little eagle bauble plumage outshine white light want think death believe sixteen year old boy eaglet little eagle detonate grenade hill enemy shallow call orlonkom unit enemy call eagle eaglet little eagle faithful friend survive fly village darling tell son shoot eaglet little eagle wing friend feather grass steppe fire rush aid komsomoleaglet life come eaglet little eagle train win fight solve authority eagle eaglets million proud strana1936
-1 | dream have die be forever be weak be frighten bring change thing say believe thing find turn march stand breath will not stop not wait sun rise moment like be will better will not hear lie feel sudden haze time move get direction swear straight road lie open leave tear stand breath will not stop not wait sun rise moment like be will better will not hear lie not wait sun rise moment like be will better will not hear lie erase darkness mind remain night stand breath will not stop not wait sun rise moment like be will better will not hear lie
+1 | city soldier city volga native baptize fire sword world spread world go wing fame cry moan river storm roar fire city flinch fall horde wall redhot chorus enemy break accurse bezhat shelf hero city city soldier pride volgograd victory people return go fight labor city immortal rose great russian river remember anxious day soldier heart granite favorite city deed holy homeland preserve forever chorus enemy break accurse bezhat shelf hero city city soldier pride volgograd
+1 | question remain open lecture question ask question toxic answer find lecturer mutter breath question remain open like clever technique possibility hide welcome chorus propoom question remain open victory buy neighbor run moskvich envy personally spend night car shake day go overlooking kill go year garage question remain open life stint familiar guest take buy tv lot picture summer crimea rest movie theater like come suit fashionably tailor mother poslat question remain open imagine restaurant day ago family give warm welcome hide admiration leave cozy dining room admire narpitom true nechayev say question remain open here explain concert find unresponsive audience suddenly rush wardrobe boom end minute artist appreciate love art burn galoshe dearer question remain open
-1 | 3 oclock morning rain begin fall know be need not be need like wanna love baby baby need tonight outside window lonely cold inside heart s fire burn control burn like wanna love baby baby need tonight love come like wolf howl moon not not soon be call like wanna love baby baby need tonight
-1 | face burn inside brain lose way taste stale flow vein cost hate cause will understand want stay ccccalle not hear be listen anymore subject fall not save not anymore race slow pain find way pace speak mundane sound gain will happy have extinguish flame ccccalle not hear be listen anymore subject fall not save not anymore want ill play game ill play want have extinguish flame ccccalling not hear be listen anymore subject fall not save not anymore ccccalle not hear be listen anymore ffffalle not save not anymore
+1 | бомбардировщики comin wing prayer comin wing prayer s motor go carry comin wing prayer fight yes hit target tonight sing limp air look s field crew aboard trust lord comin wing prayer был озабочен очень воздушный наш народ к нам не вернулся ночью с бомбежки самолет радисты скребли в эфире волну найдя едва и вот без пяти четыре услышали слова мы летим ковыляя во мгле мы ползем на последнем крыле бак пробит хвост горит и машина летит на честном слове и на одном крыле ну дела ночь была их объекты разбомбили мы до тла мы ушли ковыляя во мгле мы к родной подлетаем земле вся команда цела и машина пришла на честном слове и на одном крыле1943
-1 | feel future past not know reflect dream capture time happen not know feel way dream time place vivid come mind think have see face see room place vivid come mind hope expectation look explanation find destination not dream true dream true dream true dream true think have hear voice think have say word make feel lose mind inside dream new reality make feel lose mind hope expectation look explanation come realization not dream black white dream cause be alive dream black white save dream black white dream cause be alive dream black white save dream true dream true dream true dream true light dread come night scare fall asleep dream dream contemplate compare let loose demon deep inside head dread think stir dream reoccurre get away drift save dream black white dream cause be alive dream black white save dream black white dream cause be alive dream black white save lose dream mirror lose paradox lose time spin lose nightmare retrace lose hell revisit lose time place lose parallel existence lose nightmare retrace dream black white dream cause be alive dream black white save dream black white dream cause be alive dream black white save ohh oo oo ohh ohh oo oo ohh ohh oo oo ohh dream black white dream cause be alive dream black white save dream black white dream cause be alive dream black white save dream true dream true dream true dream true
-1 | want not doubt fight inch hill battle look catch cloud livin life dream chillin god chill chill demeanour kill drama not debate be blow kiss bitch drink gin case hater talk shit till lock jaw shoot shit legend game fuck -PRON- see -PRON- come see -PRON- know not fuck yo unfuckwithable not shine illuminate yeah know unfuckwithable feelin like be feelin let feel hear yo let unfuckwithable yeah kill bitchin listen not deny fire rebuttal muddle cause iq high lie say give fuck regardless 1 haten 100 adore see -PRON- come see -PRON- know not fuck yo unfuckwithable not shine illuminate yeah know unfuckwithable feelin like be feelin let feel hear yo let unfuckwithable unfuckwithable unfuckwithable unfuckwithable unfuckwithable unfuckwithable
-1 | cheap holiday people misery not wanna holiday sun wanna new belsen wanna history cause get reasonable economy get reason get reason get reason be wait get reason get reason wait berlin wall sensurround sound twoinch wall wait communist not ask sunshine get world war be look wall look get reason get reason get reason be wait get reason get reason wait berlin wall stare night stare day reason get reason real reason be wait berlin wall be go to berlin wall not understand thing go to berlin wall be go to berlin wall be go to berlin wall claustrophobia s paranoia s closet go get to reason real reason wait berlin wall get to wall not understand thing rate bmovie cheap dialogue cheap essential scenery get to wall wanna berlin wall come berlin wall not understand bit be go to wall be go to berlin wall be go to berlin wall come come berlin wall not understand thing not wait
+1 | unter den linden frau von linda unter den linden year ago evening colonel von shnutser background fitting background smuczer sit table lush raise glass solemn hour company fun drink go russia ahead nice hike nevel gomel kharkov kiev donbass dnipropetrovsk kursk bryansk smolensk lugansk vladikavkaz caucasus time rush melt like smoke frau linda read letter friend write different tone leave long time nevel gomel kharkov kiev dnepropetrovsk donbass kursk bryansk smolensk lugansk vladikavkaz caucasus time rush vsez pair unexpected ending heaven berlin frau linde recently high explosive gift fall frau von linda unter den linden ash know people pay nazi berlin nevel gomel kharkov kiev dnepropetrovsk donbass kursk bryansk smolensk lugansk vladikavkaz caucasus 1944
+1 | year pass s live wait quiet youth true heart like light light friendship chorus year pass year bird fly look joy meeting bitterness separation have experience comrade friend love lover walk tree grow chorus easy way set habit child go wind wind grow old 1960
+1 | valley hill valley hill division forward order fight primorye white army refuge pour banner bunt past wound go dashing squadron amur partisan year fade fame fade partisan detachment occupy city remain like fairy tale alluring light assault night spassky volochaevskaya day defeat chieftain disperse governor pacific campaign end
+1 | finish robbery today far late try tragic hour star heaven hope watch chorus declare overseas pirate protest buzzing storm ground finish finish robbery heart anxiety mother worry people road defend freedom chorus stand firmly planet knock foot life reply intersection road chorus 1960
+1 | el cantor английский away would stay hurt way refrain el cantor hell live evermore shall hold banner high wind would smile urge know el cantor hell live evermore shall sing song clear melody memory faith love
+1 | cantata stalin edge edge mountain top mountain eagle flight stalin wise dear beloved beautiful song compose people song fly faster bird world oppressor angrily shake post border anyones boundary afraid whip bullet song sound fire barricade sing song rickshaw coolie sing song chinese soldier song pick ensign united rank march light flare flame threaten nation stand fight sing song pride praise greatness stalin year life sing prekrastno happy joy great victory edge edge mountain top plane talk stalin wise dear beloved beautiful song nation poyut1938
+1 | way world beautiful road sorry lay life good wind anxiety song cruise close chest purple patch locomotive smoke horn steamer softwood river spill meadow rush past grateful light melancholy chorus oh dear dear know advance pull warm spring sun wind wandering happiness wander home swing screech dance car song wind rise fly illuminated slope month rough detail cloud sunrise fault open steppe mountain golden wheat crash path fly platform crash imminent divide space smoky breast chorus twist mountain river usual pattern sky new breathing thick kuban steppe black sea high caucasus crimea steep chorus oh dear dear know advance pull warm spring sun wind wandering happiness wander home 1980
-1 | not stop scream word breath escape chest cave not matter have not shut breathe breathe begin shake hand doubt sever line spit mouth time pull have time time time long wait knock door be stare face doubt not forget be cut watch building fall hey hey be live today forget thing not change unwind hey hey stand way time stop break chain bind come truth consequence need promise believe thing wrong today letdown letdown be hey hey be live today forget thing not change unwind hey hey stand way time stop break chain bind count clock till overhaul build bomb inside wall count clock till hand build build catch avalanche reset rebuild wreck city
-1 | wake morning bad hangover penis miss happen time detachable detachable penis come handy lot time leave home trouble rent not need party drunk morning not life remember look apartment not find call party not see ask check medicine cabinet cause reason leave time tell pop let know call people party help start desperate not like penis long feel like man hate have sit time leak hour search house call think start depressed go kia eat breakfast walk 2nd avenue st marks place people sell xxx junk street see penis lie blanket break toaster oven guy sell buy want 22 buck talk 17 take home wash happy complete people tell permanently attach dunno pain ass like have detachable penis detachable penis detachable penis detachable penis detachable penis detachable penis detachable penis
+1 | combat infantry song youthful fun campaign red infantry sobesh leg gryanem stalin song infantry song heroic soviet bayonet fire battle tremble drop glory russian combat banner motherland highly hold marines bold power labor beat enemy accustomed ado tired know red man see military bearing suvorov smile say marshal timoshenko teach courage terrible battle take stalinist people commissar shall strong mountain ravine fall enemy grenade bayonet thunderstorm sure shot quarter enemy battle mortal combat go smash nazis people stalin motherland 1941
-1 | early morning makeup wardrobe useless clothe winter coat go jackal pack feed motorway sweep council try bribe rich stay town place trap brain ysidro melbourne pressure start build bullet fly random expect everybody feel guilty pay be surprise not happen bloody day place trap brain come ninety temperature rise lose stain wash hand world rise world die get precious head bury sand place trap brain
+1 | blossomed day цветущий день чешский eat bread water drink eye watch joy live life live life perceive kterrý day begin darkness sun end look little beauty smoke factory horde child sand thousand thing life blossom develop develop thousand thing life blossom develop bring come people forget grief man leave laugh day look window look house beauty open day rich sec cable thousand thing life blossom develop develop thousand thing life blossom develop vnás1951
+1 | wait wait come wait wait induce sadness yellow rain wait snow sweep wait heat wait wait forget yesterday wait faraway place letter come wait tired wait wait come wish good know heart time forget let son mother believe fact let friend tired wait sit fire drink bitter wine mention soul wait time rush drink wait come death spite wait let lucky understand wait fire expectation save survive know know wait like
-1 | dedicate song hacker djs activist riot girl modern liar love machine inspire steal dream price victory high want want algorithm algorithm find new religion datum hell road freedom tweak technology computer destroy humanity computer control man help humanity
+1 | farewell pigeon begin year adult time nastaot today pigeon bid farewell farewell flight suppose fly fly find obstacle suddenly cloud blue eye vyporhnuv directly hand childhood year away let fly fly road dawn clear memory childhood thine quietly spin feather pigeon come tomorrow hurry throw open sky drive yesterday pigeon satellite tomorrow let flight suppose fly fly find barrier 1961
-1 | state perfection immerse filth equilibrium obtain pure devotion thing unwell sweet zen ill condition sustain new beliefsystem salvation find vomit blood depravation lie corruption war pain god balance harmony find sickly vile unflinching eye joyous gleam intense need watch thing die new beliefsystem salvation find vomit blood depravation lie corruption war pain god decay disgrace disgust state zen grime contempt degeneration sticky foul pungent sediment creation flourish bloodred soil
+1 | international orchestra arise curse brand world hungry slave boil mind outrage mortal combat ready lead    world violence destroy    ground    build new world         chorus           decisive battle      internationale      rise human race ii deliverance god king hero achieve liberation hand    overthrow oppression skillful hand    regain possession    swell forge hammer boldly    iron hot chorus iii blood sucking vampire prison tax reduction power good thing world right sound    build life inomu    slogan combat    power people labor    parasite chorus iv contemptible wealth coal steel king throne parasite build back    factory chamber    create labor    time demand return    fact take grabezhom chorus   v sake king intoxicate fume war war tyrant people world bastia son army    tyrant    battle heroically fall    murderer send    vent combat gun chorus vi worker world great army labor land right parasite    great thunder clap    pack dog executioner    sun begin    fire shine light      chorus           decisive battle      internationale      rise human race 1936
-1 | disappear fear sister take disappear clear good drearily bloodlette bedwette cosmonaut son thing will realize need have get touch not let know have drop line hook raw bleeding bait uncaught swim lake seven lake shimmer moon anger haste shimmer like penny reach subway grating shimmer like coin keep safe away listen touch not let know have leave be sure s know have work group fault find fix cement galosh save friend fish will air breathe drink entire ocean find know will touch not let know have leave be sure s know have
-1 | shot shot let bullet penetrate embrace tell story golden god precision voice pierce wall have build eye reach deep chance not come big dark star spend day dead surface not reflect storm underneath chance bring calm s expose dark aching emotional expose dark impossible tame away light sun away find throw eye chaos infiltrate sneak awake trash burn try find beautiful place lay fragile bone away light sun away find away light sun away find s expose dark aching emotional expose dark impossible tame away light sun away find away light sun away find away light sun away find
-1 | wake rise fall face great divide run not hide run not hide meet devil god not tell apart think find end start have hear not tired violence inside let gravity hold come wash away thank fuck not forever catalyst let burn bridge lead gone come mistake matter time wave break stand ground earth shake twist knife cause finally awake come wash away thank fuck not forever catalyst let burn bridge lead gone come have hear not tired violence inside let wait not tired violence inside know gravity hold stand ground earth shake twist knife cause finally awake
+1 | young capable courageous brave young skille brave bold star school build rocket prepare footage new space run chorus change space watch come veteran follow suit leave astronaut couple good planet 2p dream dare vastness universe lead gagarin spaceship pioneer mars venus fly time come soon pripev1962
-1 | enter winter naked freezing breath neath lid limb tuck away coffin abode onwards body avail tragic sight slave creed spur tear death midst dream affinity saving strength faint whisper come erotic communion splendour fever mirror ghost night time consolation cross line draw murder art sleep inside day wake relief shivering longing insanity peak love death lose day spring sight let beast inside shackle hide scream late lose hate grow skin pace trail sin gaze cover virgin snow rigid feature shallow deed blame deafen shriek pierce night step oblivion move dim light hide reverie worth wait body avail tragic sight slave creed spur tear
+1 | kolkhoz request dear comrade stalin send request dear comrade stalin come visit   come relax kolkhoz look   help sow harvesting threshing bread district feed   corn high standard bin totally overseas farmer long overtaken   wait visit father friend come time   come relax kolkhoz sit tea evening hour   heartily glad grower seat good reward kolkhoz arrival   dear comrade stalin send request dear comrade stalin come visit
-1 | carry world stand burn incomparable irresistible incomparable unmistakable catch fall would spear heart incomparable irresistible incomparable unmistakable hurricane earthquake not shake stand ground snowstorm freeze black hole not stand ground incomparable irresistible incomparable incomparable unmistakable hurricane earthquake not shake stand ground snowstorm freeze black hole not stand ground
+1 | russian care russia russian protect peace quiet sky sun bread table dear little window forget village care russia strong harm hour danger keep know fear strong steel shirt sorry care russia life swear enemy wrong friend let open blue shine brightly star unquenchable hot ray care russia live care forever truth power proud destiny care russia russian 1960
-1 | yeah yeah grass green tear leave freedom heart not line sun rise be dark cloud free rain life not fall apart yeah miss word day get hard leave miss yesterday miss yeah live life fill melody story dear friend rich life free promise try smile not pretend miss word day get hard leave miss yesterday miss yesterday yesterday yesterday yesterday yesterday yesterday surface crack get large yesterday move yesterday end close yesterday move yesterday yesterday yesterday yesterday yesterday miss word day get hard leave miss yesterday miss yesterday yesterday yesterday yesterday yesterday yesterday yesterday yesterday yesterday yesterday oh
-1 | contaminated sacred bear breed pure hatred cause haunt street phantom fear safe welcome welcome taste poison air swear hide plain sight lose black white ill chase dying light want victim hang head shame fuck will not play game will not play game have see word prophet propagate failed state read line fail state love empathy fellow man enemy love unity erase soul distort reality taste poison air swear hide plain sight lose black white ill chase dying light sow seed blind contempt let bleed heart content hide plain sight lose black white ill chase dying light love empathy fellow man enemy love empathy love unity fellow man enemy
-1 | go day run night oh would time odd turn turn turn feel alive feel alive feel alive turn turn turn leave walk away draw line sand would cross look careless kiss fallen lover eye lead have turn turn dust fracture mind countless lie turn turn turn end end end turn turn turn leave walk away draw line sand would cross look careless kiss fallen lover eye lead have go be go leave have go be go walk edge careless kiss fallen lover careless kiss fallen lover careless kiss fallen lover careless kiss fallen lover leave walk away draw line sand would cross look careless kiss fallen lover eye lead
-1 | s infestation mind imagination hope choke smoke cause be smokin -PRON- basement rap hip hop attempt voice stop rap prove write cause not not rush not mean lose dream right get crazy mind clean gangster not cry be mr mistyeyed be save save save heavydirtysoul save save save heavydirtysoul uh save heavydirtysoul uh save heavydirtysoul nah not understand thing say not know better would guess dead mindless zombie walk limp hunch say stuff like live have get time figure time twist time shout time think start sing know be talk gangster not cry be mr mistyeyed be save save save heavydirtysoul save save save heavydirtysoul uh save heavydirtysoul uh save heavydirtysoul death inspire like dog inspire rabbit death inspire like dog inspire rabbit save save save heavydirtysoul save save save heavydirtysoul uh save heavydirtysoul uh save heavydirtysoul save save save save heavydirtysoul save save save save heavydirtysoul
+1 | varshavyanka hostile whirlwind waft dark force viciously oppress fatal fight enter enemy wait fate obscure podymem proudly boldly banner struggle worker cause banner great struggle people well world holy freedom bloody battle sacred right march march forward work people mrot today hunger worker brother longer remain silent young companion eye form scaffold scare battle great perish besledno fall honor idea name song victory sacred zillion people bloody battle sacred right march march forward work people hate tyrant crown people chainsufferer honor blooddrenche folk throne blood enemy steep death mercilessly adversary parasite toil mass vengeance death kingsplutocrat close victory solemn hour bloody battle sacred right march march forward work people
+1 | moscow great city moscow great city capital capital buzz engine mighty bird light kremlin tower like sun visible moscow glory heart country moscow noise build morning morning beautiful triple today yesterday sing ashug sings jambul gray north south mother afternoon dawn night blue moscow shine world ruby star soon rise red moscow moscow great stalin great tie moscow great city capital capital buzz engine mighty bird light kremlin tower like sun visible moscow glory heart country
+1 | wave blue wave blue shine dawn high rise sky naval flag dawn distant sea see dash sailor 2 time remember fight hiking stand vision terrible year beautiful sea dear land world aside end end hear chant year peace beautiful sea dear land world 2 time 1948
-1 | tree branch ram inside tree branch ram inside tree branch ram inside split open heart palm spoiled plantain crawl tarantula
+1 | soviet falcon fly song higher mountain seas island enemy abroad hear song simple word soviet falcon ready hour motherland stalin terrible battle fly enemys sky accurse nest destroy ground homeland tip wing soviet falcon fly like hurricane assume victory motherland death enemy soviet falcon ready hour motherland stalin terrible battle 1938
+1 | peace hour night cloud earth enemy want collect world response intimidate chorus want peace song ponesom friend world let heart people sound courage forward peace visit warfire burn globe hard granite people soul blood huckster threaten war arise distant friend tight circle friendly operation chorus force count stand honor brotherhood labor soviet flag earth lighthouse red star chorus 1947
-1 | take walk garden life think would expect like mirror reflect move life river reflection second glimpse father movement beckon moment memory remain wound reopen blood brother blood brother blood brother blood brother look world dismay think learn take look wartorn affray street baby burn blood brother blood brother blood brother blood brother time feel be afraid world time be ashamed float emotion feel reflect good bad know answer life tell life maybe thing know precious sweep away fate hand blood brother blood brother blood brother blood brother think have chance chance right make old mistake make untippe balance easy live life edge prayer book dead blood brother blood brother blood brother blood brother blood brother blood brother blood brother blood brother take walk garden life
-1 | want know love way laugh wanna hold high steal pain away photograph know serve wanna hold high steal pain cause be break be lonesome not feel right go away have go away not feel anymore bad breathe wanna hold high steal pain away s leave learn leave fight wanna hold high steal pain cause be break be open not feel like strong cause be break be lonesome not feel right go away cause be break be open not feel like strong cause be break be lonesome not feel right go away cause be break be lonesome not feel right go have go away not feel anymore
-1 | dead hand understand try help try speak waste effort make weak want breakdown unbound want anybody right will use try progress would not turn try run undo damage want breakdown unbound want anybody right not try break cut rape want anybody right want breakdown unbound want anybody right not try break cut rape want anybody right
+1 | song great lenin sun shine clear blue sky great lenin sing song battle country lenin defend way certain fortunately happiness life spare berecht soviet homeland order strong courageous grow lenin covenant holy perform 1950
-1 | hate face right not stand sight leave think friend have ruin tale away happen change heart not stand not bear near not believe word not believe word not believe word not believe word
+1 | song school friendship winter summer separate age friend know comrade fourth grade simply embroil unable chorus school friendship true frank direct honest day hour grow friendship grow friendship difficult matter easy overcome dynamo joyful hurt two summon collection friend hard talk chorus pass exam tenth grade maybe different wait road sky north heat south diverge song pripev1954
-1 | tell story go suffer well recover find lover lay bedroom let hover fact bruise know everybody wear broadcast pain hurt react cancer child father heart attack moment force heart grow retract shrink heart shrink tell tell know tell child cruel world anybody tell tell purpose anybody necessity like cope tragedy pain anybody hit heart burst break grow strong way know be sure be ready find hard way strong be be sure ready walk fire be sure handle think heart keep shrink day heart long well burst break cause not heart get strong tell story bruise let humanity capable handle lose kid seven cancer answer faith god carry attack son stab stomach arm show scar 82 year old tell daughter wife life son tell bad fear bet look lot like tell think not fall asleep night tell struggle tell scare tell terrify life tell difficult think death tell lose tell leave tell leave tell lose tell be not come tell god tell love tell think fear bet world come point suffer wonder wonder search wonder ill find wonder world come point suffer wonder wonder search wonder ill find wonder wonder ill find wonder wonder ill find wonder ill find wonder ill find
-1 | warrior north notorious brave would lose fight war fear grave ruler northern court brother lord king loyal sword feel ste age king decendant heir throne fill soul fear transcendent line firstborn king heart grow dark deception foul conspiracy dark day inception fall vile deceit rob arm rob pride spare life fear odens wrath hold vengeful knife heart cold leave home banish land life shame life grief rise winter come winter pass waste year age man youth go shed tear winter come winter pass tenty year go like dream fade away oblivion warrior north notorious brave old strong not fear grave south army rise ride cross gold shade call time crisis defend king weak old flame warfare rage higher feel destinys embrace age man old empire valhallas gates march line reach valhallas mighty gate march march fight reach valhalla mighty march life reach valhallas mighty royal gate
+1 | song telman mountain plain garonne neva paris berlin soviet moscow wind rustle forward zagremit way cry go adverb language chorus voice sound separately merge telman way telman freedom prolitariev leader let alive new friend ready torture death prison ernst guilty blame guilty simple word bullet strike recapture dimitrova necessary fight thalmann chorus terrible darkness nazi night extend son hamburg worker surrender enemy severely million repeat recapture dimitrova necessary fight thalmann chorus 1935
-1 | know lie think get world hand think stop have know place have know value believe hear lifeless voice voice contain distorted view sick world call life infested mind take space heart soul hear voice hear word feel not feel mask wear everyday not smell bury heart sand fall not know choice destiny beginning end welcome war heart dead beginning end welcome war hear speak eye have lose hear voice hear word blind eye stare know lie hold hand away stare blind eye save life eye end
-1 | meine ganze generation jeder hier kennt die frage schon dauerschleifen diese zeilen gehen oder bleiben ein viel zu tiefer sumpf viele bekannte freundeskreis schrumpft sind unsere besten jahre jetzt schon um komm schon für diese eine nacht als wenn nur die uns glücklich macht verdräng verlier ignorier komm schon für diese eine nacht als wenn nur die uns glücklich macht verdräng verlier ignorier alle um mich herum ziehen weiter um ich krieg hier langsam angst allein zu sein ich kann euch gut verstehn habt nur angst vorm die zukunft sehen bleibt wenn immer nur die guten gehen komm schon für diese eine nacht als wenn nur die uns glücklich macht verdräng verlier ignorier komm schon für diese eine nacht als wenn nur die uns glücklich macht verdräng verlier ignorier wir werden tresen randaliern wir unseren absturz zelebrieren wir nehmen das alle gern kauf wir wachen der ostsee auf komm schon für diese eine nacht als wenn nur die uns glücklich macht verdräng verlier ignorier komm schon für diese eine nacht als wenn nur die uns glücklich macht verdräng verlier ignorier komm schon für diese eine nacht als wenn nur die uns glücklich macht verdräng verlier ignorier komm schon für diese eine nacht als wenn nur die uns glücklich macht verdräng verlier ignorier
-1 | store passion crease corner mouth angle light open window wash aged face feel guilty say feel guilty sin lord kill man woman lie skin skin not happy not happy oh life purpose purpose love pray child forgive bid river flood wash hand thousand time blood blood oh great mercy beg forgiveness mess know tear world apart not change way feel love sweep like storm rip hinge door love pour like flood not stop drown say lover come hold be terribly afraid shout star scar fade away say darle beg heaven disappear not answer hear think past say vow lie wonder trust second time second time hold day onward well bad rich poor sickness health love cherish till death till death
+1 | work moscow brighten sky moscow window pour pour blue go shop work moscow chorus love one city world stride song work moscow glory moscow strength moscow dawn world stand sun shine city embrace have roll sleeve elbow bold build tired know ring rattle work moscow chorus friend moscow edge find right work feat high esteem moscow worker moscow chorus 1948
+1 | road road road ready backpack wander route map rise light light shoe shod familiar place alarm give total fun chorus road road road road hoisting sharp turn road road test severely road lead tomorrow yes road lead tomorrow recall yesterday path wander black circle fire fatigue like ember remain let friend quiet song longsing music inaudible pour ground sunrise chorus river talkative thread vast forest plan memory beautiful ballad line chain flit day fear happy autumn joyful song home campaign bring chorus lalalalalala road road test severely road lead tomorrow yes road tomorrow vedot3r 1977
-1 | poison drink bleeding sink choke link killing stink mother ho bleed sink poison drink burn sweet clementine trample shrink bleed sink hallelujah wink get brink mother ho hallelujah wink murder shrink burn sweet revenge take make baby sweet revenge take make baby kill stink bleeding sink poison drink get brink mother ho bleed sink trample shrink burn sweet clementine poison drink bleeding sink choke link killing stink mother ho poison drink bleeding sink burn sweet revenge take make baby sweet revenge take make baby see laugh say away see laugh say say away away sweet revenge take make baby sweet revenge make taking make bake take faking ho sweet clementine ho shoulda coulda woulda woulda shoulda coulda woulda woulda
+1 | hej slnko vychody nadishel sveta novi hour zasvitli krasne raano shoe chlovek zbednil pratse las zdvihol bedara zhinchil paano povzhnisol pratse vnieshenost bo nozhvichsa slaava song vroskvitli nove zaraadi kde flax holaapusht praed tim staal hey hey sunko vihodi ah chlovek strohol outpost leninovu beneath dunia mem hey beneath dunia mem hey tsela dunya mem hey hey svet sa wake chlovek wave dikhan outpost leninovu chueh mier las hey yasni mier las hey pevnyi mier las kracha smelo hurd vpre compel cherveno bond goal svet hey hey sunko vihodi shteste pratsuyuzi country sa bori
-1 | walk long way device shure realize dream day come confidence break vision dead see come learn come pain expect have learn lesson fellow man maybe well fucking way try realize fucking dream eye wide open break well time wonder think day come regret hope destiny punish selfish act s leave s change cold sound voice kill not forget disappointment bitch chance come pain
-1 | son god hangmans pawn control life fairytale shallow lie burn hell spiteful preacher know desperation breathe follow home look life chance world intelligent design send shiver spine cell mutate divide sadistic intention light dark up down ill find peace bury ground light fuse blow heaven hell bring home burn hell spiteful preacher know desperation breathe follow home look life chance world division tear apart try fill hole inside heart division tear apart try fill hole inside heart sun god sun sky speak be sure would s meet eye sun god sun sky speak be sure would s meet eye s s sun god sun sky speak be sure would s meet eye s s let decency come inside human heart decent mind slip time time let decency come inside human heart decent mind slip time time
-1 | quote whitman o o life question recurring endless train faithless city filld foolish good amid o o life answer life exist identity powerful play go contribute verse powerful play go contribute verse verse
+1 | song astronaut videm heaven earth time neprevichno new hear heaven song earth homeland hear word chorus earth native russian earth native moscow pride planet russia heart russia moscow let tuchneyut field gold let gardens foliage green happy people earth earth forever alive chorus 1962
-1 | love convenient love convenient not want let security close heart hold risk break unbearable let thought surface great reward step outside comfort break wall have build solely selfsustaine life surely hollow love convenient understand agreeable not want let security close heart hold risk break unbearable let thought surface great reward coexistence break wall have build solely selfsustaine life surely hollow love convenient time action time stay inspire time prove not talk afraid risk
+1 | onward comrade португальский chorus forward comrade onward board voice forward comrade onward comrade sun shine stand night clandestine daylight happiness new sun rise voice grow new song freedom new sun rise voice grow new song freedom forward comrade onward board voice forward comrade onward comrade sun shine cerrem fist mate j topple wall liberate delay companion dungeon supreme battle liberate delay companion dungeon supreme battle forward comrade onward board voice forward comrade onward comrade sun shine new dawn join ns mate corner home flag rubra corner home flag rubra forward comrade onward board voice forward comrade onward comrade sun shine 1967
+1 | vladivostok light vladivostok light like star astern high bay light blink light favorite goodbye night burn neugosimo help sea sailor cherish flame widely scattered vladivostok away shore vladivostok light warm heart sailor vladivostok light warm heart sailor
-1 | cloud march singe song like cloud singe song would sing not know oh know bird word fly singe song know oh know know sad give damn weather give damn know sad give damn weather give damn give damn know mad hell come leave know mad world end kiss leave leave cloud singe song marching like cloud play song would play not know oh know word hollow bird fly singe song know oh know know sad give damn weather give damn know sad give damn weather give damn give damn know mad hell come leave know mad world end kiss leave leave know sad give damn weather give damn know sad give damn weather give damn know sad give damn weather give damn know sad give damn weather give damn give damn
-1 | angel come come angel belong belong angel wing fly fly angel doubt need doubt angel feel love love feel love angel carry home paradise angel lie yearning heart angel die burn heart angel not feel liable pain not feel liable cause angel free high world eternity angel clip wing catch love calm pain angel wrong bleed death immediately angel come heal glaring pain voluntarily love
+1 | return steppe run way blue distance give lovely mother await threshold quiet sadness female sadness look sigh remember sheet birch rustle go camp overcoat cloudy morning misty distance mum build simple village icon lip prayer think prostration honey cry lonely silence look road longing expect dorozhenka wind sweet home home mother fence crane familiar familiar childhood carve shutter door home run porch greet old hug shoulder hand wrinkle poglazhu cry look war section parent council love son keep like cry ashamed tear tear like rain spring run
+1 | waltz softly ring poplar whirl wind similar exam evening chorus 2p little bit worried wait music waltz school hall la la la la flit freckle braid ribbon whirl waltz girlfriend song chorus la la la la month amused sadness like clown waltz run plate chorus lalalala 1975
-1 | not art project science progress not pretend heartfelt word child dress surgeon disturb sight scar carry scalpel trace scarring rest line house heart home lay sleep like ceiling fan winter gently turn wind reach finger window hold like hold press like rose finger like stone pocket mean weigh underwater mean underwater mean underwater scar fade away disappear dear raise fist like lightning rod god strike strike let hear speak like legacy thunderstorm watch swear doorway feel heal hate like harpist hand bang string love touch hear dissonance drain violently air dissolve like song sing smile god kill smile god kill smile oh god kill smile god kill smile god kill smile god kill smile smile smile reach hand soft frail good love swear exist thrive have bury body blood old lie like be fine look well not trust surgeon heart s drunk sip poison cup not trust scientist say life like wineglass spill drink like secret dress say dear confess think know love like real think need
-1 | bite tongue blacken sun curse moon sky fire nothing worth damn calculate anticipate beware ruthless heart man feel pain word vain believe end innocence not look away hear believe end innocence cut splice fierce device degenerate son light synthetic god man crush beneath dragon beast breathing hate blood blood hand feel pain word vain believe end innocence not look away oh hear believe end innocence world die precious sand time run fall obsolete methodically phase feel pain feel pain word vain believe end innocence not look away hear believe end innocence
+1 | teacher bright morning hour friendly class come time meet guy affectionate look teacher lesson begin 2 time spare work help ready hour smart grow caring friend open space science open way 2 time school learn home friend good book fall work useful article great motherland serve 2 time day day hold year elapse umchimsya like flock eaglet mind think teacher 2 time
+1 | linden blossom overflow stream gold sun shine blue linden blossom young favorite street moscow chorus walk breathe delicate flower green bright foliage moscow lime nicer present bloom moscow leave capital hear noisy garden remember dream moscow slender linden aroma chorus 1950
+1 | collective farm song moscow collective farm free edge greeting bring hello dear capital hello heart soviet land open door charuesh beauty kolkhoz visitor welcome beloved son go victory friendly moscow forever oka volgariver kremlin star visible friendship forever indestructible youth eternally alive hello dear beloved city hello red moscow
-1 | hey hey hey mr hangman rope daughter not careful fear slippery slope lay head night day get perfectly right will not know will not know will not know hear ya 2 3 4 1 pray little kay love god good day not blame mother s try bad mistake wish tell right love look like will not will not know will not know will not know will not know believe believe think ill let will not fire have get think be sink float burn bush cover life be scare will not burn bright will not know will not know will not know go feel feel let outside play william tell time draw bead ill stand need cause good talk smack heart attack apple eye smile face s plate silver plate heaven s husband wife day will completely forgiveness supply not use telephone tell be dead go will not know go go go will not know will not know yeah will not know
+1 | seize frosty pattern window pour moonlight path window silence dear sad moonlight silver blue lie spit like frost gray hair joke moon come spring familiar melody general nikolai remember remember melody plate buy oh yeah right recently buy record want listen novelty bring gramophone pour waltz winter dream zaezaezaezaezaezaezae shurov seize plate quality needle stick yes place jam technician need apartment wait s fifth expire approach term award coveted orderok promise technique neighbor enter wife apartment oh pump feast brass band zaezaezaezaezaezaezae come come technician be sorry technology order communication technology technician say enter technical reason jam go dismiss kovrova work sensible take account carpet statement table send farm be expert bee delight zeal accompany orchestra kovrova hum engine take away volunteer zaezaezaezaezaezaezae come way farm little bit yes yes junction get head buffet sing song intention purpose want hint song oh zaezaezaezaezaezaezae oh stick verse
+1 | dedication drum silent drum silent fanfare silent interfere cherish sincere word great leader important teacher song dedicated simple gently simply lenin dedicate song dream thing shall strong storm heart plot garden bloom beautiful human heart ignite sun light star shine eye sky laugh easily sing teacher seychas1960
-1 | know hard enemy know hard enemy earth will fuck will fuck raise flag jesus sell will fuck will fuck raise flag jesus sell know hard enemy know hard enemy earth drug drug drug drug drug baby drug like drug alright know hard enemy know hard enemy earth enemy earth enemy earth
-1 | wish find well sound one hear wish well voice sing well word wish find chord order new wish not rhyme time sing tell old fear shrink be insecure care people think name blurryface care think name blurryface care think wish turn time good old day momma sing sleep stress wish turn time good old day momma sing sleep stress stress certain smell young come be able identify come would candle find try sell sell would probably sell would brother cause nose clothe homegrown stone throw creek roam remind matter student loan treehouse home name blurryface care think name blurryface care think wish turn time good old day momma sing sleep stress wish turn time good old day momma sing sleep stress play pretend different name build rocket ship would fly far away dream outer space laugh face say wake need money yeah play pretend different name build rocket ship would fly far away dream outer space laugh face say wake need money yeah wish turn time good old day momma sing sleep stress wish turn time good old day momma sing sleep stress play pretend play pretend money play pretend wake need money play pretend play pretend money play pretend wake need money play pretend different name build rocket ship would fly far away dream outer space laugh face say wake need money yeah
-1 | try perfect worth not believe make real think would easy believe mean thing say believe soul would word know be try let know be better place thought tempting not know get bad crazy save thing believe soul would word know be try let know be better try perfect not worth wrong hard believe get easy guess know believe soul would word know be try let know be better
+1 | healthy healthy live richly leave house house walk nicely holiday see beautiful holiday farm wide field flower share happiness let river bright water let swim river dance geese amicably field corn ear lard pantry time vodilo hot stove hiss crackling need cup come welcome people anger harmonious work team happy satisfy excited wish little bit left year child nascent fortunately come ask judge healthy live richly leave house house leave house house house house healthy live richly leave house house
-1 | retreat word war symphony room take galentine cold suit will not find perch foot serve rest send hell belong cold heart brew cold song fate play song pure romance stomp foot clap hand let kill tonight kill tonight ordinary type let kill tonight kill tonight ordinary type let kill tonight foot serve rest send hell belong cold heart brew cold song fate play song pure romance stomp foot clap hand let kill tonight kill tonight ordinary type let kill tonight kill tonight ordinary type let kill tonight kill tonight ordinary type let kill tonight kill tonight ordinary type let kill tonight whoa
+1 | song flashlight native moscow moscow river enemy plane come flashlight night duty light chorus permanent watch night dawn old friend flashlight burn burn burn remember time dusk foggy night remember hour narrow beam flashlight pocket night extinguish chorus capital native subdue shine loft let today happen girl hand chorus permanent watch night dawn old friend flashlight burn burn burn 1942
-1 | look new sight new sight void cruel intention not take hour time devotion time essence let hold close let hold close let hold close let hold close let hold close let hold close time place find alive knowing not scream hold attention betray fall false image portray open heart open heart cause end day ardent love keep safe end day ardent love keep safe fall away away
-1 | write story would forget will not mend heart s shatter shre lord know try lord know fail mistrustful feeling slowly prevail fade fade kiss kiss lovely have grow cold fight fight love die dream far away take life give hell yesterday finally bid farewell heart love effort good high result low low disavow til clearly show bad hand deal blind trust give till lose be not rise thorn love grow reborn walk away walk away dear turn will not stand tomorrow tomorrow dream far away take life give hell yesterday finally bid farewell dream far away take life give hell yesterday finally bid farewell love tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow
+1 | song hero green steppe roar budyonny power soviets song sing fight perish fall asleep underground syroyu bevel bullet october hero chorus oh wonder oh wonder sickle hammer fight attack budennovsk armie blood shed field bone fall grow weed scatter ashe wind hurricane power budyonny column tractor team plow land chorus weaken martial affair ear tall wheat green steppe hero fight tractor column harvest morning chorus army cohesive mnogomillionnnoy continue way revolutionary hey happily cause steppe buzz defense formidable collective farm sowing chorus oh wonder oh wonder sickle hammer fight attack budennovsk armie blood shed field 1930
+1 | интернационал китайский internationale hungry slave world suffer fill blood boil fight truth old world beaten slave want master world final struggle unite tomorrow internationale achieve final struggle unite tomorrow internationale achieve savior depend god emperor create human happiness depend entirely want regain fruit labor idea break cage fire burn incense red build progress successful final struggle unite tomorrow internationale achieve final struggle unite tomorrow internationale achieve create world work people worker tolerate parasite hate snake wild beast eat flesh blood destroy net bright red sun shine world final struggle unite tomorrow internationale achieve final struggle unite tomorrow internationale achieve русская транскрипция гуо дзи гэ чинлай дзи хань дзяо пхо де ну ли чинлай чуэнь ши дзе шоу кху де жэнь мань чиан де жэ сюэ дзи дзин фэйтхен яо вэй джень ли ар доуджен дзиу ши дзье да гэ луо хуа лиу шуи ну ли мень чинлай чинлай бу яо шуо уомэнь и ву суо йоу уомэнь яо дзуо тхиэнь ся дэ джу жэнь припев дже ши дзуи хоудэ доуджэн тхуань дзе чин лай дао мин тхиэнь ин тхе на сиун най ар дзиу и дин яо ши сиэнь повтор цхунлай дзиу мэй йоу шенмэ а дзиу ши джу йе бу кхао шэнь сиэнь хуан ди яо чхуан дзао жэнь лэй де син фу чуэнь кхао уомэнь дзы дзи уомэнь яо дуо хуи лао дун гуо ши жан сы сян чхун пхо лао лун кхуай ба на лу хуо шао сян тхун хун чхэн жэ да тхе цхай нэн чхэн гун припев ши шуи шэй чхуан дзао лэ жэнь лэй ши дзе ши уомэнь лао дун чунь джун и чие лао дун дже суо йоу на нэн жун дэ дзи шэн чхун дзуи кхэ хэнь на се душ э мэн шоу чши дзинь лэ уомэнь дэ сюэ жоу и дань ба тха мэнь сяо мйе ю дзин сянь хун дэ тхай ян джао биэнь чуань чиу припев
+1 | zhenya stand forest village live long ago live long ago girl eugene boy wear high grass mow high grass mow power fun howl blizzard steel shadow fall wing clearing shadow fall wing clearing eugene go guerrilla secret ambush respect unit respect unit want present award hang photo school smile sadness pain smile sadness pain sixteen stand forest village live long ago live long ago girl name zhenka1963
-1 | false affection take good deep inside absent mind denial hypocrisy way destination mission intuition close feel change suddenly know let s lose s win feel right intention pure be reach destination mission intuition close feel change dare believe wing time oh bright sun save fear dark thought carry time oblivion destination mission intuition close feel change dare believe destination mission intuition close feel change dare believe cause know
-1 | be good crowd have get skill not speak thing have see chase grave be good crowd have get skill not speak thing have see chase grave lead hand tie fed sand fly stumble dune complain moon back wheel s granite shove rivet rivet build family bulletproof roof feel weight steel weight steel flat blade feel kneel foot kneel foot choice have be good crowd have get skill not speak thing have see chase grave back wheel s granite shove rivet rivet build family bulletproof roof
-1 | crime let happen mind ill let happen mind forget s lose mind thing want time throw away sign wanna stay time lose be afraid be alive surely fake believe cloud hang not wanna forget forget forget forget forget forget forget forget forget forget forget forget forget forget s place follow taste come be hold breath breathe question answer count fade away let stay catch way forget crime let happen mind love easy mind forget memorie page inside spiral notebook fade away let stay catch way live forever forget believe cloud hang not wanna live forever
+1 | city lenin rifle heart misfire fire check able battle grove river piece russian land germans raven croak earner german corpse scatter fight klyukanovtsy hot august nasevshim demoniac enemy chorus city lenin country fate entrust have experienced hunger cold thirst pain heat blizzard famous city break enemy swear alive let fascist swear louder thunder storm stand radio operator mortal danger stare eye chorus revenge cry debris pipe children corpse smoke city revenge fighter kostruba lieutenant brother ready vile enemy blood trail terribly tear decisive hour bayonet grenade rip victory radiant sun shine chorus 1941
+1 | friend song wind young edge goodbye school day promise fun way meet lot meet new friend chorus sad sad sing song se song sing song life good friend slishom heart say ahead open space wing wind track happiness fame exploit forever youth way minute parting come true desire find want find chorus forest merry light light path untrodden pass secret mountain open city build new road spend chorus sad sad sing song se song sing song life good friend slishom heart say ahead open space wing wind putevoy1948
+1 | kinky guy man curly handsome dash leave sight reducible brown eye wicked wait minute wait minute young lad tea soul shoot walk denok good oh dear lyubas family eh ill sing dark night clear eye kindly look heart accord maiden long maiden love past look proud love sing play tell want spring early army go serve farewell dear young fighter care home come home dance proud love farewell dear young fighter care home ill home dance proud love 1930
-1 | faster fall stop stalling run circle thing look say not good try time maybe try hard close far cause be deep be try head instead go cause be deep be try head instead go instead go like time be lose mind be bend backwards relate thing complain drive insane think time take break maybe try hard close far cause be deep be try head instead go cause be deep be try head instead go instead go instead go not sit wonder take long die hate fake not hide embrace believe easy something tell be deep be try head instead go cause be deep be try head instead go instead go instead go instead go instead go instead go
-1 | sprinkle trapping word outline blur showplace history folk will parrot dish tale lure high meaning cheat create enemy stereotype receive absolution frothy poor excuse foray disengage deep encumbrance behold gold thousandfold bereave decline truth ensign forever bereave march legion whilst crucial weapon pillum feather hold hand pen blood talltale rule forum alter battlefield spectral guise evoke bare fear pester conscript father smile demise die cherish root perseverance
-1 | contemplate lose hesitate hide face disgrace decision picture frame hold day okay be afraid tomorrow far away fight pain feel like forever crash rain fall wash pain shield soul turn page face day let know wait pay mistake feel sun hold okay be afraid tomorrow far away fight pain feel like forever crash not let time heal not let day try start okay be afraid tomorrow far away fight pain feel like forever forever feel like forever crash
-1 | beam fire sweep head thrust pain increasingly engage sensory receptor succumb agony crimson liquid frantically spill ruby fluid life unleash ripple ascend surface eye red pen draw random myriad pain begotten wake bastard spawn mutinous self regurgitation micro nemesis salivate red prospect ruin doom malfunction mean ascent bloodlette stringent voice beckon soul futile resist tension deathinduced mechanic propel growth implement device extinction terminate clockwork gleeful bane definitive scourge mockery endart instrument lethality attain heed command heed bleed say bleed fall clarity undo scornful god haggle soul mind eye flicker vascillate let taunt whisper accompany deletion sneer grin voice reaper chant softly song depletion
-1 | metal rain collapse crawl way harness wallowing test past truth time shallow develop attitude time decay lapse fortify thyself cut inbreed forever way end game fail bleed eye caricature pain distant distant melting rain cold war fly forth wing destruction orgy missile test mortifying flash huddle round radioactive console control life young level toxic waste disgrace tolerant s build future race race s win fall high meet maker face distort forget time forever leave place atom fuse shorten mans progression decipher s relative legal bureaucrat motion tender finger s poverty s man cave action leave gape hole dripping carnivore nature regret law thing brutalize enemy need way end game world peace visionary repress weak repress weak repress weak repress weak repress repress s hint gleam halo old jade weakness corruption run harmonious take extreme doorway extinction please repression base love length time elemental power inbreed brilliant fortune buy
-1 | have fall far deep s fear lose sleep ill feel peace life s turn time late change mind be trap box paranoia close blind eye have have deconstruct bleed sickened life dry be kill world outside wall fortify crumble self pride be take word have say repeat head destroy lie salvation close blind eye have have deconstruct bleed sickened life dry dry dry bleed sickened life dry close blind eye have have deconstruct bleed sickened life close blind eye have have deconstruct bleed sickened life dry
-1 | hero leave die push young one hang bright mind dry downpour drown not find truth nation roof fire hopelessness ignite fury misfortune strike supreme isolation reign wolf door walk common ground heart help shut tired poor lift lamp break door new colossus fall blind eye teem shore multiply naked birth new day amazing grace sick hungry new fate wolf door walk common ground heart help shut tired poor lift lamp break door obligation help
+1 | pioneer oath praise praise people wonderful valiant work mother father ring pioneer song expanse field forest new building rise homeland garden spring bloom leninist strong persistent leninist communism people chorus accept great oath homeland pioneer soviet country young leninist young leninist banner party sacredly true love love darle school life labor school worthy replacement komsomol oathkeeper believe believe time come world overcome war forever friendship homeland spring labor chorus accept great oath homeland pioneer soviet country young leninist young leninist banner party sacredly true
-1 | way get to ignite fire inside embrace life tragedy tide war break dream tear hold hold barely alive fade hold hold fall arise fight world let dawn love survive broken crawl life fate fall deface life inside drain heart atrophy away remedy tear hold hold barely alive fade hold hold fall arise fight world let dawn love survive broken crawl life hold tear hold hold barely alive fade hold hold fall arise fight world let dawn love survive broken crawl life hold rise hold rise hold rise hold
+1 | bear odessa wide estuarie green chestnut bobs barge anchorage blue beautiful odessa boy goloshtanny childish habit year consider sailor bitter resentment boy pester boy type tell mother chorus odessa teddy bear mean afraid grief trouble sailor teddy bear sailor cry lose good spirit wide estuary droop chestnut beauty odessa enemy fire hot gun watch tirelessly young boy bushlatike sea night yesterday rush screaming gunfire boy scared afraid chorus wide estuary burn chestnut mournful whisper quiet halfmast flag deep silence chimney drum odessa leave battalion want lie cover body native pave stone want cry time commissioner embrace hand chorus wide estuary bloom chestnut hear rustling banner deploy come gait chase beauty odessa guard battalion drop rose ground sign return bear suddenly tear utter chorus odessa teddy bear mean afraid grief trouble sailor teddy bear sailor cry time cry right matter 1942
-1 | endless knot holy grove threshold place enter like newborn child embrace eternal like consume fire knowledge grow cleft patchworke flood create touch wash away vile embrace ancient tree gently whisper intimate longedfor word greet wheel revolve untouchable sovereignty invulnerable sacred grove drown endless knot draw fire heart place ill bear ill renew naked spirit bare spirit
-1 | corporate cunt pencil pusher prostitute mind cash way live suffer trade give time trash work job badly hate bill pay shit buy not need selfdeceptive way right cradle straight grave want tell behave right cradle straight end want force pretend open letter greed toll back wall build fall tell dream fail like escape prepare walk long trail away mental rape intimidate lie be pay price come goodbye not look eye right cradle straight grave want tell behave right cradle straight end want force pretend open letter greed toll back wall build fall choose live like be fight way open letter open letter greed toll open letter build fall open letter greed toll back wall build fall build fall
-1 | be feed be feed constant flow get lose rhythm cadence disdain melody satisfaction thing thing time risk lay foundation destiny destiny risk lay foundation destiny crumble know try stand instead question instead question chase man want bury deep inside door be mean hold key hold key hold key hold key meet dream innocent adamant adolescent not turn not turn regret will not tear tear would fail would fail fail regret will not tear tear would fail would fail fail
+1 | rifle eh rifle friend faithful go step dimensional guard peace labor chorus enemy rush battle steppe meadow enemy foreign land want inch peaceful labor guard soviet edge invincible chorus rifle evil attack edge year banner communard glorious path victory chorus happy life shine nasheyu light ground give life wise stalin leader favorite native chorus eh rifle friend faithful go step dimensional guard peace safety 1934
-1 | prodigy invader die invader die invader die invader die invader die invader die invader die invader die invader die prodigy invader die
-1 | ghost town alive echo failure flee light shine face parade street humility go walk mound skull bone living deny movement decomposition hollow eye place know death alive truth turn lie death alive set flame ensnarer pierce ornate shield brand claim wear mark death tear loss agony character define strip tragedy life leave find s leave dying begin place know death alive truth turn lie death alive flee hide pale dead face happen desire want need happen integrity imagination curse happen one leave ghost town body drag endless street return have see pitiful humiliation hide place know death alive truth turn lie death alive
-1 | superstition take ride mime overtake sign right bomb fall overhead sight talk detach tell go hear rot go spiral ground one go to save ceremony kill religion provide masked comfort delusional fright true believer head bathe sunlight walk detach tell go hear rot go spiral ground one go to save god save one go to save expect bomb fall expect bomb fall expect bomb fall expect bomb fall superstition take ride mime overtake sign right bomb fall head sight talk detach detach detach detach detached go spiral ground one go to save save save save one go to save expect bomb fall
+1 | far song country gait machine thundering steel precise machine necessary build bristle season stubborn hostility stand guard say country labor sight accurate enemy close range far east fight krasnozemonnaya boldly battle shelf come north south donetsk mine transbaikal village rifle faithful friend shock komsomol far east strong support union increase invincible blood blood conquer enemy forget steel formidable force breathe death earth lugansk metalworker voroshilov lead shelf slope field far east strong support meet rage war keep keep iron hand labor country forget victory damage steppe fire lead snowstorm forget victory budyonny dash blow evil enemy army ready shock clock charter blood blood conquered enemy 1929
-1 | be think sleep good thought bad kind sad have notice thing repair wake ill despair cause know have get know have get goodbye baby goodbye goodbye baby goodbye sweetheart goodbye sweetest goodbye know be go to look bad s easy way walk away not want hear not want feel not want not want experience cause know have get know have get goodbye baby goodbye goodbye baby goodbye sweetheart goodbye sweetest goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye sweetest
-1 | transmission world war round decade weapon sound ground be not shelter look shade lick shot brutal charade poll close like casket truth devour silent play shadow power spectacle monopolize camera eye choice disguise cast mass burn toil vulture thirst blood oil spectacle monopolize hold rein steal eye fistagon bullet bomb stuff bank staff party rank gore son drug lord fuck cut cord light guerrilla radio turn shit light guerrilla radio turn shit light guerrilla radio turn shit light guerrilla radio contact hijack frequency blockin beltway d c way past day bombin mcs sound mumia guan free get -PRON- yo check federal file pen devil know trial vile pig try silence style -PRON- box radio dial light guerrilla radio turn shit light guerrilla radio turn shit light guerrilla radio turn shit light guerrilla radio turn shit start start well place well time hell not stop hell not stop hell not stop hell not stop hell not stop hell not stop
-1 | jesus christ s pretty face kind would find save not away will miracle believe miss good happenin bed night hard die arrive will not know jesus christ be day dead cause problem go to weekend jesus christ be scared die be little bit scared come gold chariot float ceiling divide pull apart cause bright slight hold dark ship go sight land gate thomas ask hand know will come night like thief know song have time hone lie technique breathe eve save know think be trust eve wrong love be scare ill scared swear ill try think work sign ill know will not try file know come people like get wood nail tear hatin factory yeah get wood nail tear hatin factory yeah get wood nail sleep inside machine sorry
-1 | till grave level jam dragon hole dig rhythm echo solitary siren push leave desperate ravenous be weak powerless feed monkey dig search china white dracula approach desperate ravenous weak powerless little angel away come day devil ear today ill hear word promise find little solace peace mind long not feel desperate ravenous be weak powerless desperate ravenous weak powerless
-1 | dark night light day be be different belong hate not strong be misfit will not fit care be stranger find hard hear realize disappear be invisible like neptune tear storm breath blow away earth shake word world collide stay s stranger inside deep inside longer shell seeker search reason way rebellion be different different change world storm breath blow away earth shake word world collide stay
+1 | pioneer railway child road cheerful young grow song wheel rail sing like iron string sing song locomotive pipe buzz fun road furnace burn north south winter summer train track expensive glorious welcome country buzzer driver main iron commissar stalin child road happen enemy rise war rinemsya fight protect border beautiful soviet country zagudyat locomotive alarm song struggle labor roll safely way clothe steel train road glorious welcome country buzzer machinist major iron commissar stalin 1937
+1 | yiyongjun jinxingqu chinese anthem chinese come want slavery great wall courage defend china hour anxious save homeland let circle thunder rumble battle cry million heart contempt death forward forward forward battle 1935
-1 | soak colour hold wall soak colour hold wall hold colour wall away hold colour wall twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife soak hold colour wall away hold colour wall open eye twist knife open eye soak twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife look eye see lay beneath not try save circle complete reach touch soak hold colour wall away hold colour wall open eye twist knife open eye soak twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye look eye see lay beneath not try save circle complete twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife fade gently soak start reach touch soak hold colour wall away hold colour wall open eye twist knife open eye soak twist knife open eye twist knife open eye hold colour wall twist knife open eye twist knife open eye away twist knife open eye twist knife open eye hold colour wall twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife open eye twist knife
-1 | ghost midway beast alley live dead living nightmare scrape earth live dirt stare like have see ghost low low dead grovel foot handcuff lie head wither street dead grovel foot handcuff lie head wither street fight attention beg generosity look turn cheek walk like be invisible invisible want see equal fight battle build home sorry disturb wish live like beautiful day dark look world s consequence pass judgment walk picture perfect be not obsession not sum life impression learn lesson act like know know get nothing get nothing lose act like know know get nothing get nothing lose blame listen blame listen blame listen blame listen
+1 | blue nochenka night blue dark water mochenki dawn wait hurtle night hateful ask leg home cute shore chorus wei snape storm ahead true estimate courage chest storm lull let crack joke storm answer dali unloved tie ice country darle fire chorus dear motherland guest red currant vyrastai gusto red currant berry like blood motherland eternal love 1933
+1 | artek pioneer great motherland care party surround hot thank native stalin counselor country 2p air blue coast noise surf remember silhouette mountain hill fire artek artek remember hour molotov great man live palace sing artek artek leisure fun song go friendly family live artek time come song way hold friendship memory repeat 1st verse 1940
-1 | station tv sell page tear magazine cash drive media machine product damage pursuit endless identity leave selfless witness anymore end friend not forgive will not forget sing song war wage sing song eye open not mouth move not speak blitzkrieg image break hope choke pill witness anymore end friend not forgive will not forget sing song war wage sing song witness anymore end friend not forgive will not forget end friend not forgive will not forget sing song war wage sing song war wage sing song war wage sing song sing song
+1 | travel berlin travel berlin way straight line pass car go home go past warsaw go past eagle russian glory path pass      hey meet      victory congratulation      white hand      tight hug distant distance friend go see well land beautiful sun conceal better girl friend spring night home country brown eye go war bloom luxuriant golden edge kiss hot dear      hey meet      victory congratulation      white hand      strong obnimay1945
-1 | deceased awake sleep search blood mortal meat maggot crawl eye feel pain mournful cry pull vein tear heart consume blood feast flesh tear apart intestine scatter alimentary canal rip shatter piece body eat painful death time stand mind burst torture feel soul tear apart demon crawl system hell rise god pain rip skin burn bone internal organ tear drain smell flesh burn ashe cry death hell pain revolve soul satans ground room eternal torture reveal endurance endless pain disintegrate mortal body burn feel hellish torture hellish torment brutal butcher demonic creature revolve torment
-1 | tear come strong not ready time end swear would tear world apart save think day would forget pain sky burn flower die flower die not hold time would let not tell time love close eye face hold heart angel guardian sing song will live forever like storm rage woman day leave burn burn inside soul not hold time would let not tell time love close eye face not hold time would let not tell time love close eye face close eye face
-1 | rokrokrok rokrokrok rokrokrok rokweiler rokrokrok rokrokrok rokrokrok rokweiler alleyway come bite heel run dress night like stunning alleyway come bite heel run dress night like stunning rokweiler rokrokrok rokrokrok rokrokrok rokweiler rokrokrok rokrokrok rokrokrok rokweiler
+1 | star balkan brown eye dear land ahead country bulgaria river danube mile cover campaign land water soviet homeland forget star balkan remember reason yaroslavl ryazan yes smolensk place remember brown eye quiet voice laughter bulgaria good country russia good 1944
-1 | certainty emptiness trustful new pain thought path constant forever time calm peace time look inside relic picture past black white deceive uncover glance grief forever give heart blood forever eternity time calm peace time look inside relic picture past black d white deceive uncover glance grief forever end haze remain forever give heart blood forever eternity certainty fate fatal emptiness hope future shapeless fate show fight eternal time calm peace time look inside relic picture past black white deceive uncover glance grief forever
-1 | push patience lie be sick tired deny refuse hurt hurt break break hurt hurt burn cause real true not away matter not away will not let slip away mean cause real true let break have build take stop hurt hurt break break hurt hurt burn will not let cause real true not away matter not away will not let slip away mean cause real true thing different point view listen let trust like different world apart will not let rightfully trust hurt hurt break break hurt hurt burn will not let cause real true not away matter not away will not let slip away mean cause real true real true
+1 | lenin dream volga shore fire burn century chain lenin look distance lenin dream fire darkness light life bridge pave floor space russian land volley aurora motherland lenin go country way large illuminate sun blue sky party lead party call great nation communism ahead floor space russian land volley aurora motherland lenin 1960
-1 | thing need hear not wrong way hey not wanna thing harder not wanna complicate keep awake yeah stand crossroad not cause s leave worth save yeah need close door have s leave worth save hear maybe indestructible know let know well girl right choice not need look yeah stand crossroad not cause s leave worth save yeah need close door have s leave worth save cause break shake take love drunk shine need sober fall stand crossroad not cause s leave worth save stand crossroad not cause s leave worth save yeah need close door have s leave worth save
-1 | have get to die get to die get to die government die country s shit have get to die get to die get to die government die country s shit s gulf war vet die slow cold death government say not know source sickness not believe government lie have not know will secret test government build virus subject test group gulf battle field troop have get to die get to die get to die government die country s shit have get to die get to die get to die government die country s shit world war veteran slaughter general eisenhower life stab radiation agent orange test soil guinea pig western corporation pledge allegiance flag get will end dead have get to die get to die get to die government die country s shit have get to die get to die get to die government die country s shit not need tell not need tell fuck not need tell not need tell think think think think think think think think have get to die get to die get to die government die country s shit have get to die get to die get to die government die country s shit
+1 | song katusha sea land way frontline walk russian katyusha go step battle 2 time germans general staff order oh go forward oh katyusha speak broom example sweep 2 time plaque katyusha swirl oh stop hey hitler tiger katyusha incite 2 time goody oh prepare remain zoo chemistry 2 time beauty katyusha oh go exactly like german fish jam katyusha 2 time death oh hear germans terrible squall oh world climb example hide basement 2 time 1 944
+1 | international немецкий wake wretched earth prisoner starvation right like ember crater herd penetrate breakthrough power clean sweep make oppressor army slave wake contribute long flow abound people hear signal fight international unite human race save höhre being god emperor tribune redeem misery word poor man right word rich mans duty immature servant shame tolerate longer people hear town country work people strong partein loafer push aside world blood longer raven nächtgen vulture feed drive sun ohn cease people hear
-1 | be get edgy time s step kinda scary shape be wall shake close fast bit slow be paranoid people starting guy not shake shoulder big mistake sit bed be lie wide awake s demon head think be roll think kinda weak say know get to away tell be not right head loose shoe tight avoid friend bug life like riddle be stump reason not know preoccupation will be follow look shadow creeping ground sit bed be lie wide awake s demon head think be roll think kinda weak say know get to away get to away get to away whoaoahoah whoaoahoah whoaoahoah whoaoahoah sit bed be lie wide awake s demon head think be roll think kinda weak say know get to away get to away get to away get to away
+1 | song red regiment great motherland class brother help step army pass banishe sinister night chorus belarus native ukraine golden happiness young fence steel bayonet field forest lake martial fly ship freedom rise vast recover territory people evil force swing scrap bayonet brave mouth artillery tank cavalry pave way forward chorus brother trouble leave great nation inseparable banner lenin stalin banner friendship hike pripev1939
+1 | пусть всегда будет солнце эстонский large päiksesõõr arch heaven boy draw ready write line let sun let memorable sky let memorable mom let constant joy good loyal friend believe nation yearn peace year thirtyfive firmly reiterate let sun let memorable sky let memorable mom let constant joy hostile force sõjaõud son death bring remain sunny flame remain õnnetee try let sun let memorable sky let memorable mom let constant joy 1963
-1 | friend english hear stand reproach consider not think have badly consider honor be finish finish trait charm know know live mean consider failure papa papapap papa papa papapa have have papa papapap papa papa papapa papa papapap papa papa papapa shall shall shall shall friend heathen like know keep safe harm mean be finish finish have have mean be finish finish have have mean be finish finish have have mean papa papapap papa papa papapa papa papapap papa papa papapa papa papapap papa papa papapa papa papapap papa papa papapa mean be finish finish have have mean papa papapap papa papa papapa papa papapap papa papa papapa papa papapap papa papa papapa papa papapap papa papa papapa
-1 | ask son grow old buy house gold father turn stone care ask son grow old buy house gold father turn stone care queen ill map ill cure disease let leave town turn future upsidedown pretend live happily ask son grow old buy house gold father turn stone care queen ill map ill cure disease know dream dead life turn plan head plan bum ask son grow old buy house gold father turn stone care queen ill map ill cure disease
+1 | komsomol father change cart rifle hammer chisel stormy year komsomol voucher call youth exploit labor chorus road road komsomolskaya voucher call song threshold accompany friend hike youth show courage skill overawe youth heavy time chagall komsomol edge kuznetsk dnieper metrostroy chorus light volga new kakhovka siberia awaken wonderful spring call komsomol voucher young troop march virgin soil chorus road commune stop sevencard path light star district committees komsomol voucher wait school bench chorus song threshold accompany friend hike 1959
+1 | song stalin vastness wonderful motherland vastness homeland wonderful harden battle labor joyful song great friend leader chorus stalin glory battle stalin youth flight song fight win people stalin come solar edge light entire soviet land stalin abundant harvest spread collective farm field chorus give glitter wing courage give exceedingly great song love abundance glory soviet strana1938
+1 | song military friend allow introduce old friend wish like oh season warrior go way award win return fold girl look look prigogine rise time uniform fellow friend oh girl hide like oh girl tell like half world see campaign fight decorate medal sixteen oh praise motherland fight end battle rust soldier heart girl look look prigogine rise time uniform fellow friend oh girl hide like oh girl tell like overcoat military buddy let learn week wear jacket oh better civilian attire peaceful setting agree turn girl look look prigogine rise time uniform fellow friend oh girl hide like oh girl tell like sing friend sing song friend nicer double oh stknut wineglass wedding exuberant wine friend need live good wife girl look look prigogine rise time uniform fellow friend oh girl hide like oh girl tell like 1949
-1 | breal lose innocence birth excuse trivial thing pain life induce bitch wild young stupid incredible shitty circumstance produce criminal lead original high strung motivate principle think invincible corner bangin slangin high bitual deadly ritual fill head nothing spiritual bullet fill body like hand physical get touch hot hand bitter fool divide tempt snake bite ridicule frustration hate fill adrenaline play doctor here bullet medicine carry day like weapon close memory hot lead rippin hole son fill heater bout chase killer rock -PRON- quitter snake pit ground land hate be standin strong hate song pump day long hate be standin strong snake pit ground land hate be standin strong stand breal come lifetime serve face change liscense turn gangstas blinded vision blur learn stay alive real curb come way refuse notice turn try provoke ask talk trash walk fast block fast allow not try crowd nigga smack look s willin ghost town home like macaulay nigga not nigga not think fire start spittin grill piece ya scorch touch be c4 blow porch spit venom quicker punch porsche venom deadly ill fuckin life divorce ya ask alamoney bitch phoney ill sing blue like paulpau coloney ask moley middle shit ill know shit force drop hit ball makin die laughter cause know sonofabitche mind soul blind cold true sign show fuckin mind blow son fill heater bout chase killer rock -PRON- quitter snake pit ground land hate be standin strong hate song pump day long hate standin strong snake pit ground land hate be standin strong stand
-1 | will not suffer break tired waste surrender start stop end begin new day come finally free run away run away ill attack run away run away chase run away run away ill attack ill attack ill whoaaaa have keep forever sever end faster kill think starting sink be lose control finally run away run away ill attack run away run away chase run away run away ill attack ill attack ill whoaaaa promise look like lie honesty like hide knife promise promise promise promise finally free run away run away ill attack run away run away chase run away run away ill attack ill attack ill attack attack run away run away ill attack attack run away run away ill attack attack run away ill attack run away ill attack ill attack ill whoaaaa promise promise promise
-1 | look year lucky day little tear mistake fight blackend day lonely night grow closer old regret far perfect walk way heart right star feel heart look forward year different care different fear tomorrow bring ill walk mistake will not twice tould tell let far perfect walk way heart right star feel heartbeat heart bleed wanna thank strong wanna thank guide home wanna thank bright hold will not leave far perfect walk way heart right star
-1 | word speak painful untrue say love lie life want keeping like turn deeper love twist point end pain quickly end life love thing love child love toy love fist love scar love break love love love love love love love would tempt steal gift pain pain life feel sorry regret hurting unhappy would life leave love would kill would kill love thing love child love toy love fist love scar love break love love love love love love love head trip love thing love child love toy love fist love scar love break love love love love love love love love love love love
-1 | look eye be jade mean share thing rip heart worth time meansso hard neck feel stiff wake orange choke neck worth time meansso share cause need right let inside write cause would stop will not open allwhatever want want yeah share cause need right let inside write cause would stop will not open will not open tear tear tear tear look eye be jade mean share thing rip heart worth time meansso share cause need right let inside write cause would stop will not open share cause need right let inside write cause would stop will not open will not open tear
-1 | be feel like home be feel like be feel like young be feel like fun far away love long stay love word love love fly moon be feel like free be feel like clean far away love long stay love word love love
-1 | yeah have have go far long have time be come home let pain have grow know cause thing not matter be come home reach sky have say goodbye heart will not question die prayer yeah cause thing not matter be come home letter warm help storm have time be come home reach sky have say goodbye heart will not question die prayer yeah cause thing not matter be come home have true have wait long come hold be make far long have prove love time strong star night lend light bring closer heaven bring closer have time be come home reach sky have say goodbye heart will not question die prayer yeah cause thing not matter be come home have time be come home
+1 | need victory bird sing tree grow shoulder shoulder grow ground light spin planet country smoke mean need victory pay price pay price          chorus          wait fatal fire          powerless          doubt away separate night          tenth commando battalion          tenth commando battalion soon fighting die sound order postman go crazy look
+1 | beat plane sky throw think general march moscow caucasus lake baikal space piece chorus hit sky airplane croy soldier bayonet scribble machine gun fight bolsheviks shall cope bedoyu enemy scatter smoke inch land chorus army steel song simple dear comrade stalin come post pripev1935
-1 | hold death hand evening not heart beat not throat scream way live hold death hand evening close eye be dream promise will not leave not let die be fucking scream cause have get life leave live get promise heart carry ocean deep have search understand reason selfish feeling hold death hand evening lung fail heart fade mind take far away be dream selfish reason keep bottle roll pour heart stop leave hold death hand evening close eye be dream promise will not leave not let die be fucking scream cause have get life leave live get promise heart carry ocean deep have search understand reason selfish feeling hold death hand evening one keep go owe give strength hey death fuck one keep go owe give strength hey death fuck lung fail heart fade mind take far away be dream lung fail heart fade mind take
+1 | planet celina chorus ans friendship morning morning start dawn hello hello vast country student planet virgin chorus redo akorolov sun fly airplane knock rail train stretch hand work glimpse window city chorus road book thorough luggage pitch student science move climb bold work experience chorus song sing student sound country pick new case virgin chorus orchestral loss chorus 1962
+1 | lenin day day year dawn new generation forget lenin chorus lenin alive lenin mountain hope joy lenin spring happy day lenin longtime hour severe haze dawn soviet power say ground build people happy chorus party glorify motherland chore way large case lenin pripev70
-1 | not hand clean be holy harm fracture not hand clean not be holy kind life kind life kind life kind life not hand clean be holy harm fracture kind life kind life kind life kind life warn thousand time like cry cloud ask question know answer not hand clean kind life kind life kind life kind life good life kind life kind life good life kind life kind life good life quiet life good life quiet life
+1 | feature open path hill leave mark wind eagle give flight blanket silence complain cold complain sleep poor man feel way blind correle correle correlation correle correle correlate correle go kill correle correle correlate head crown raven golden claw crucify fury mighty son rebellion follow give life want kill 1967 1967
-1 | close ground follow tear eye glare lie s liar cold world s traitor fuckin almighty god deny ship sink know free humanity would prefer die see fuckin target get close minute away hope time hand bind fear eye glare lie masse try block time fail time break rule need help defeat storm miss shore cruel spirit sink wither world miss shore miss shore end tell will not abandon hope hoist sail friend quit let cross storm eye eye capture flag eye eye world want eye eye
-1 | curious witching hour call bad think ashamed need define right wrong regard s go slip away till afternoon easy remedy not counter moon belief confused feel relief watch breathe hypnotizing like inner peace fixate deep breath wait angel effect
+1 | marine goat cabin sailor fun public sit leisure table bone remove thunder hammer maritime celebrate goat chorus zabem goat goat bratochki zabem course tap tap point home come sea ryskov submarine fascist katerniki stand table play game game chance fascist submarinergoat chorus go straight transport helsinki sing song submarine run goat familiar path horn leg water leave baltic chorus goat marines meet reluctance hear reach scriven germans fizii stay division smell typical goat chorus goat lascivious goat bodlivye german russian gather garden zabem goat angrily let play bone bone gather fascist chorus 1945
+1 | lep500 gray wire frost lep500 simple line conduct guy deaf taiga wild night village mowing runaround birch pine bitter grin man look misty dawn taiga pull people clean sun dawn rise support chilly hand turn switch room think cabin yellow eye tungsten smell taiga bride guy desperate song meet blue wire finger girl draw taiga blue horizon lep500 simple line let lepii envy 1960
+1 | song moscow edge go party native capital hear voice living moscow sun burn ray pour wonder city madrid spain moscow sings songs moscow inspire learn work live visit moscow able pozybyt power people live stalin joy clear call ahead forward martial deed matter enemy dream war new bloody path accord capital city country pass edge go party native capital hear voice living 1938
-1 | mean angry know like fake stupid know like think stand way wrong think ill like like think guide way wrong think ill like like think guide way wrong think ill like cold ruthless know like weak senseless know like think stand way wrong think ill like like think guide way wrong think ill like like think guide way wrong think ill like cause not livin be will not turn like want think stand way wrong think ill like like think guide way wrong think ill like like think guide way wrong think ill like mean angry know like
-1 | away broad horizon far soft stifle air murmuring chasms nostalgia narrow minded people ask tell look say leave
-1 | gentleness sense fear come closer close influence evil rise come closer closer penetrate slow heart captivate soul blood hold interlace come closer closer infinite timeless come closer closer penetrate slow heart
+1 | lenin day youth country boil ocean lenin battle mighty force worker peasant chorus lenin wise lenin glory banner lenin wise lenin fight smoke war club give envelop time go rattle fight party heart battle defend great deal native ilyich chorus eternally alive eternally lenin ilyich immortal nation life glory come generation heart million life forever chorus chorus
-1 | be sorry care be catch want know ya disappear win everyone lose like step forward step matter mad not change mind like try turn way street not want kill be start maybe mean love try hard believe s way story life win everyone lose like step forward step matter mad not change mind like try turn way street not want kill be start maybe mean s time turn build instead tear think maybe late like step forward step matter mad not change mind like try turn way street not want kill finally baby mean like step forward step matter mad be baby be sorry maybe mean
-1 | not ask kid tiananmen square fashion reason disguise hypnotize television buy be sit car wait s scare away dream country leave mezmerize simple minded propaganda leave blind be sit car wait girl be sit car wait girl be sit car wait girl be sit car wait girl
+1 | yard yard girl noisy friend imperceptibly boy imperceptibly chorus look present look eye avert friend sign childhood good boyfriend reason quiet good boyfriend be afraid guy night day steep fist water fire suddenly replace evening stand gate miss bakery bag go stand quiet take offense morning tap heel forget watch window know like nuzhna1962
+1 | stalin gift girl vietnam hut bamboo stand distant vietnam s girl embroider gift stalin banner run fast finger want smile stalin like little banner vietnamese work patience patience work vain receive birthday gift stalin receive birthday gift stalin morning mist appeal angry tomtom weapon people vietnam rise grower heart banner revolt raise stubbornly gift stalin girl vietnam precious gift give people struggle defend peace freedom 1952
-1 | numb numb hope hope hope hope hope hope hope hope hope hope numb numb hope cause be numb cause be numb
-1 | reason try simple honesty move care think lose poetic way have lose way would point confusion fail love process aware accept not know accept limitation knowledge open door great understanding perspective untold accept not know accept limitation accept ill know accept limitation sort thought write reveal weakness surrendering remedy song help great pain unwound disorder life thing harsh reality accept not know accept limitation accept ill know accept limitation
+1 | polyushko course japanese polyushko field polyushko wide field field character oh yes red army heroe girl look look way sweep long road oh yeah merry road girl look ready enemy horse fleetfoote ah yes tank fleet sky cloud formidable monitor pilot quickly swim submarine oh yes vigilantly watch voroshilov let farm friendly hard work sentinel today oh yes watch today polyushko field polyushko green field field character oh yes red army heroe 1934
-1 | loving hurt loving hurt thing know get hard know hard thing make feel alive love photograph memory eye close heart break time forever freeze inside pocket rip jean hold close eye meet will not wait come home loving heal loving mend soul thing know swear easy remember piece thing die love photograph memory eye close heart break time forever freeze inside pocket rip jean hold close eye meet will not hurt s okay baby word bleed inside page hold will not let wait come home wait come home wait come home wait come home oh fit inside necklace get sixteen heartbeat deep soul hurt s okay baby word bleed inside page hold will not let be away remember kiss lamppost sixth street hear whisper phone wait come home
+1 | fight немецкий 1 fight fight struggle bear fight fight ready karl liebknecht swear rosa luxembourg shake hand 2 fьrchten thunder gun fьrchten noskepolizei karl liebknecht lose rosa luxembourg fall mцrderhand 3 man man strong oak experience gewiя gewiя storm maybe s tomorrow corpse freiheitskдmpfern 4 fight fight struggle bear fight fight ready karl liebknecht swear rosa luxembourg submit hand1976
-1 | speak soon home dream sleep keep run head like will not dead say not understand control steal love unfair boy s point feel ghost hear voice time fade away ill bury today today breathe cold cold room watch ghost ascend wall dissolve time choose let time choose let let fear world have know know heart come kiss mouth set free have wound mend friend dear fear have change mind boy late boy late love late oh god late late late
-1 | paper day headline feel sick yeah life leave world world hate short short compassion short humanity ask vain shake shock chance not wanna die not wanna kill not wanna kill not wanna die human let start prove not wanna die not wanna kill not wanna kill not wanna die human let start prove plea peace world peace oppressor world leader nation corporate profit taker everyday citizen greed envy fear hate competition stop now time pick set difference aside look not wanna die not wanna kill not wanna kill not wanna die human time prove not wanna die not wanna kill not wanna kill not wanna die human let start prove not everybody tired fighting hey hey not everybody tired killing hey hey not everybody tired die hey hey not everybody tired hatred hey hey violencehey hey fightinghey killingheydyinghey aaaaaaah excerpt martin luther king jrs dream speech face difficulty today tomorrow dream able speed day god child black man white man jews gentiles protestants catholics able join hand sing free free thank god almighty free not wanna die not wanna kill not wanna kill not wanna die human time prove not wanna die not wanna kill not wanna kill not wanna die human let start prove human time prove human
+1 | marsh sea cadet marsh sea cadet wear vest sea emblem storm isyak morehotov russia noise head willing blue expanse forever swear sea sea sea sea ground begin path sea sea sea sea ground begin path steel brigade mysterious country beacon yesterday homeland soldier today sailor time enter white sea dream melt know know know know learn friend know know know know learn friend bunk room spacious clean romance breathe vain electrician sailor mechanic crew ocean sweep friendship mehaniki grandfathers ottsy captain grow mehaniki grandfathers ottsy captain grow guy idle lot good girl golden tress wave lie shoulder let wind rush gear threaten guard way go sea happiness happiness wait native shore go sea happiness happiness wait native shore let wind rush gear threaten guard way go sea happiness happiness wait native shore go sea happiness happiness wait native shore 1960
+1 | letter hurt dear war write mean ill tell evening warm affectionate response like wind sooner later love dear change meet friend letter write dear write answer evening sure answer come wound late early pogruschu cry pass try hint change oath war coward evening answer coward answer wound late early contempt coward pass 1943
+1 | song glorious battle xth army pipe combat roar tar tymoshenko rush combat fire sword flashing dare play fly arrow dundich horseback wormwood open boundless sea far away edge field battle rumble wild eh wide field cavalry battle unfold fly like bird lovely village voroshilov rider commander red tsaritsyn firmly fight answer blow blow wormwood open boundless sea far away edge field battle rumble wild eh wide field cavalry battle unfold oh smash cadet cavalry soviets flee mamontov cossack general drive ulagai dash cavalry cavalry budyonny mighty barrage guest fleeting wind migratory fly native home mother long native son old woman whisper word win hey lad lad guest fleeting wind migratory fly village quiet don pipe combat roar tar krasnov come side number fight enemy enemy freestyle battle destroy enemy oh fight tsarina defend volga shore pipe combat roar tar tymoshenko rush combat fire sword flashing dare play fly arrow dundich horseback lava grozny fly fighter tenth army red fighter oh sword battle enemys head tenth army fighter people native stalin forward forward 1940
+1 | song motherland german wide motherland lot forest field river country know man breathe freely moscow suburb southern mountain northern seas man walk host motherland life freely widely similarly volga flow young road old people honor wide motherland lot forest field river country know man breathe freely eye field search remember city word proud comrade expensive fine word word house black color word familiar find relative wide motherland lot forest field river country know man breathe freely table superfluous award merit gold letter write stalin nationwide law word greatness glory year erase man right academic leisure work wide motherland lot forest field river country know man breathe freely country spring wind blow day joyful life world know better laugh love sternly frown eyebrow enemy want break bride love motherland cherish affectionate mother wide motherland lot forest field river country know man breathe freely
-1 | instinct right step aside let thing s fool come happen close little eye plunder dream away teddy bear guess fuck guess fuck time monkey monkey fool tell know role change range bring time sleep feel run deep make nightmare pretty dream guess fuck guess fuck time wish care want leave have like want tell think tell stop tell think fact fuck fuck fact fuck fuck fact fuck fuck control s control s control s control s control s control s
+1 | pathway stand look smoke locomotive flame light show wind path bend birch wide far ahead space run run path road field green flower bloom river glitter noise threshold flash grove swimming gardens noisy seething flow sing horn flow far ring steel zmeyatsya road bear carry steel track field poplar emerald village hour drive farther farther south downhill race car cheerful bird speed beauty run run path road eye draw look expanse sea foothill mountain ray sunset hurry visible wave ring singing call space infinity road end sparkling way here blizzard snow north russia garden water sunny south forest wonder blue thick voice incessant blizzard run run path road south north edge bear carry wheelleg country tent thick branch top mountain expanse field end steel road window fatherland 1940
+1 | open field willow open field willow club night fog ah lie bury ground bury red guerrilla accompany hero long journey glorious deed combat sword file conic voronoi lead partizan brave rebellious travel thousand road oh yes revenge black murderous bullet sberog grass steppe fall bullet combat oh soviet native country give heroic life open field field willow club night fog ah lie bury ground bury red partisan 1935
+1 | red flag forward people rescue red flag red flag forward people rescue red flag triumph red flag triumph red flag triumph red flag triumph long live communism freedom forward people guinta time work work forward people guinte time work eat work eat work eat work eat long live communism freedom o proletarian glorious array unfurl red flag sun worker rescue red flag triumph red flag triumph red flag triumph red flag triumph long live communism freedom
-1 | sound come mcs better look shoulder yeah know oh nough come try dog bear pill roughneck scout music crowd jump crowd hype explode erupt blend ragga metal punk hiphop unity sound killer groove nonstop ah place strong survive strength power gon alive sound come mcs better look shoulder yeah know oh skindre ah area bring rocker know superior yeah know get shark pit alive get alive get shark pit alive get alive obody get shark pit alive come follow seven get shark pit alive get alive get shark pit alive get alive get shark pit alive get alive come try flex ragga punk power watch head twist ste like scorpion buzz like e force fist agon drop plenty want get know think hard star come sound come mcs better look shoulder yeah know oh skindre ah area bring rocker know superior yeah know get shark pit alive get alive get shark pit alive get alive get shark pit alive come follow seven get shark pit alive get shark pit alive get alive get shark pit alive get alive get shark pit alive get alive get shark pit alive get alive
+1 | варшавянка немецкий hostile storm rage air threaten cloud obscure light like expect pain death enemy call accountable freedom luminous flame high spark hauptern flag victory people liberation ensure battle bloody holy fight defeat enemy worker people barricade barricade erstürme world worker people death destruction oppressor suffer people deserve act return murderous weapon harvest seed fertilize worker blood earth blood war mankind salvation solemnly approach holy victory misery hunger destroy enemy call admonish distress freedom happiness mankind erstreiten fight youth frighten death dead great idea die million holy rise brother comrade weapon close reihn
-1 | know know not tell let past cause have get go fast memory s wrong apologize try broken heart think like thousand time go wrong go wrong try hard know fall piece know be able want know try breathe try sleep try feel breathe sleep feel not tell let hurt late dream heart be sorry try broken heart not closure inside story go wrong go wrong try hard know fall piece know be able want know try breathe try sleep try feel breathe sleep feel memory remain think ability restrain not rid pain want know think know try hard know fall piece know be able want know try breathe try breathe try sleep try sleep try feel breathe breathe sleep sleep feel
-1 | want levitate not love press ampturn treble not forget get dizzy sittin sacred trickster tech sound wish music tree noise nomad levitate ground uh huh uh huh uh huh uh huh uh huh uh huh uh huh uh huh s like girl band not understand s quaint hear feel faint dear get dizzy sittin sacred trickster tech sound wish music tree noise nomad levitate scootin
+1 | gori dawn day get shoulderapart distance good sun friend brother donate chorus burn burn cheerful dawn sing song fresh breeze faster faster circle earth flower joy detyam2p song world bright loud happiness heart door friend wide open chorus orchestral losing streak vocalise chorus 1980
+1 | regimental color s sun rise gold dawn glow morning regimental banner wind like flame wind chorus honor regiment banner lead victory call glorify contact soldier homeland forward spare blood life swear serve motherland proud glory banner fatherland apple eye cherish chorus people proud victory enemy defeat release forget capital glory brave banner chorus stand guard peace enemy stand stalin soldier commanders leninist banner fall chorus 1948
+1 | wait ill wait evening reject river come ill read poem friend cheerful yes zateylevyh guy love immediately verse row wait night tired come welcome nightingale send nightingale river sleepy song fascinate s poem music perelozhil1949
-1 | uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss baby dog hunt be end loader travoltin try slam size drive stick kung fu grip let banana split watch right thigh cop feel copperfield style abracadabra bra ya think pull wanna bang jot todo list like fire cause get something go thumpin like need uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss get something go thumpin like need uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss baby edible strange pant tick tockin levi tight not classify s be fill opening season pass mount ass bob hope night stand chance let feng shui fuck dig like superball bring sunny get something go thumpin like need uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss get something go thumpin like need uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss baby uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss baby uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss baby uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss baby uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss baby uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss baby uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss baby uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss baby uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss baby uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss get something go thumpin like need uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss get something go thumpin like need uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss baby uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss baby uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss baby uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss baby uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss baby uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss baby uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss baby uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss baby uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss baby uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss
-1 | forget rule know end story s happen world s happen life time feel safe safe drossiness safe discomfort enemy lie soul way heart year weak unpredictable come way change thing inside year weak see smile glow touch go hold hand feel breath smile take gift life know await soul way heart year weak step unknown direction sure sure day grow feel right not anymore feel anymore voice push want fail fall lose win sure sure
-1 | crow wipe blood end claws say vulture let gather like storm war war crow night turn skin coal dark corpse clutter gold label thief wolf whore angel angel angel angel cast cover black be not bloody mess world say virgin torn little girl boy go sweet wreck soul have forgive blood run dress stream hand stitch flesh would leave section carpet near bed sleep sleep clothe lay floor finger cross hope distance not grow grow hurt hallow memory would feel threaten thing world conjure kill oh let kill bunch fool lover s smile shadow past war sew like city sick storm sick wait god flood home bunch fool lover lover tempt taste flesh boy thief whore suit fine armor laugh vulture laugh vulture pathetic little child embarrassed
-1 | be victim til let be target sight mercy ask be ask afraid afraid have not care will not hand have long let away late stop cause refuse die not weaken have show have take s grant ill leave hypocrisy everybody afraid afraid have not care will not hand have long let away late stop cause refuse die be problem til spite ill hell consequence try not want enemy not fuck life afraid afraid have not care will not hand have long let away late stop cause refuse die have not care will not hand have long let away late stop cause refuse refuse die refuse die
+1 | lyrical song blue green stream zazherchala singe water life flow povesennim law love escape leave love let window nightingale sing love booze sadness nice sadness booze lyubvi1941
-1 | time know fuck get bottle jack hand tryna kid let hit ground have drink drink have drug clearly not remember have come far have show would fall fade away break keep foot ground sole intention keep head cloud not day real world not survive night notorious shit not change world be infamous damn not help love shit notorious shit not change world be infamous damn not help love shit not help love shit be need scene remember platinum album sell stadium leave let tell truth rude irrelevant music dead bullet head let wake insane be insane go insane be insane leave leave
-1 | soap box song stick head burden lie grave past carry weight anthem disenchanted ring loud wave grain heavy hearted hymn hear slum fade country road hope burn lung day pass week pass sleep sky day pass week pass day turn night sleep sound sun sleep long sleep day pass week pass memory come flood pray mother god save soul soap box song head mile lose heat rain carry weight message misdirected ring true day heavy hearted hymn sing field stop country road listen sing swing low swing low chariot swing low swing low pray soul rest sun rest long rest swing low swing low redemption lie old farm house room board strong hand need offer roof head day dollar
-1 | system complete control pressure build wrap hand throat constant battle silent war mind soul yeah yeah yeah life shot get yeah yeah yeah flame alive hope hopeless light darkness hope hopeless light light dark light dark chain set break soul day day know choice freeze fade flame light way yeah yeah yeah life shot get yeah yeah yeah flame alive hope hopeless light darkness hope hopeless have get life shot get ill get vice grip like ice run spine world get sight rise rise rise rise rise rise rise rise die rise rise rise yeah yeah yeah life shot get yeah yeah yeah flame alive hope hopeless light darkness hope hopeless light dark stand faithless broken hope hopeless light light dark
+1 | vote vzivayte world flag fact comrade heart million good song live world strong free happy soviet people ardent voice today stalin deliver air land sea away threat war stand relentless patrol republic son world strong free happy soviet people ardent voice today peaceful life take new new victory banner bolsheviks follow stakhanov hero field machine world strong free happy soviet people ardent voice today good people serve 1937
+1 | cry dead body fall fighter cry dead body fall fighter die weapon hand gravestone poem tear fel ashe necessary hymn tear dead good honor tread fear dead body carry banner enemy banner idea fight end honor good holy feast shade decent fighter 1865
+1 | river river quickly river river quickly ah crow fly sit field field pure crow want circle sky crow oh fly side country fly near oh zadorte feather falcon oh eye circle sky crow oh fly side country production oh land cloud oh flock falcon circle sky crow oh fly side country 1938
-1 | river belief river belief friend look inside heart look inside soul promise return lamb open seventh seal silence cover sky river belief river belief friend look inside heart look inside soul be reach let hope day rest peace river belief
+1 | caucasion drinking work win happiness glass tinkle glass toast raise brother tbilisi baku yerevan land yield golden grape citrus yellow sea white cotton arrive crown new great victory labor ancient marsh colchis blooming rise garden go sea auger bowel earth black gold oil country bring gift platinum stand platinum gorge stream rage pride armenian sevan cascade glorious work win happiness glass tinkle glass toast raise brother tbilisi baku yerevan 1950
-1 | know mean want set free life have try hard right search night try set free not turn walk door know find be live be take life hand get strong get man takin life nono live mystery be go let good takin life oahyea know mean want set free not turn walk door know find be live be take life hand get strong get man takin life nonono live mystery not let life good be takin life whoayeyea
-1 | reminisce year tribulation remember song die blood seep away battlefield song survive return die day song live sing child children child remember helvetio aivi aivi forever forever
+1 | night spring night spring subside outskirt dawn break oh meadow haze stack braid bride camomile color spit zableschut dewsilver dew fall beginning evening evening millad touch accordion river mountain song tell fight defend motherland labor city green gardens laska bride one land night spring subside outskirt dawn break 1949
+1 | cossack go war open blue quiet don marching song sound cossack go major war bride accompany be happy dear covet way true home know cossack say tell farewell goodbye meet bride steppe come sad dawn don wave flash farewell pouch embroider bold brave fierce battle fight russian land remember don bride victory
+1 | baksan snow sweep path formidable peak song compose sing climber fight force begin fight family mountain afraid storm blizzard order debt charge exploration lair enemy remember comrade white snow slim forest baksan enemy bunker remember grenade note rocky ridge come day stake smoke crack branch steam pot strong tea come tired exploration drink lot silence blue frozen hand wipe sweat machine deeply sigh time head lean remember friend howl blizzard night remember cry face enemy remember response roar machine remember come squad day night twisting squall menacing snow close firmly pass single step give enemy day come decisive blow fight people time fight death caucasus time fly like smoke memory trace scatter forget terrible day forever memory joke teach camp fight mountain instead ice ax automatic insurance prizhmesh butt remember friend white snow slim forest baksan bunker enemy bone basse grave uzhboy remember friend remember dorogoy1943
-1 | hinterm graua schleier foit de weid foit staad und hoit di f miad ziag woidrand zruck und mach dann schrit schritt be reng hinterm graua schleier foit de weid foit staad und hoid di fest be reng oa geist für jedn dropfa unendlich vui nei d feichte eadn nei mei seei und de beag dauchan ei d woikn und mach schritt schritt be reng miad ziag woidrand zruck und mach dann schrit schritt be reng
-1 | turn turn special place fear share turn turn special place fear share not care fear share not care bring bring not bring bring bring bring bring bring bring bring bring bring bring bring bring bring bring bring bring bring turn turn special place fear share turn turn special place fear share not care fear share not care fear share not care fear share not care
+1 | che guevara итальянский time pass day autumn advanced october sky dark exam session day lose laziness youth trash come news take like punch freeze dejection know ugly snout che ghevara dead october day ground boliviana betray lose ernesto che guevara offuscaron book darken room die hope year fairy myth sing dispute eran past day discuss beautiful illusion card guevara dead think thought world remain 2 time spend season continue eat illusion truth hour year discovery year regret force comrade alert go forward flag intonandole chimera october day ground boliviana stroke die ernesto che guevara world cry know guevara die return change finiron day emotion rialzaron head eternal enemy ribelioni guevara dead understand hero lose run 2 time negl year finish cozzando deception del daily live companion day o party sell survivor precisely hour listen voice begin sing october day ground boliviana stroke die ernesto che guevara world cry know guevara die maybe return reactionary tremble finite revolution dozen different word prison someday know expect che return 2 time
+1 | sharpen piece навострим косы словенский sharpen piece sharpened piece ear mature reap time come let steel sing song echo sanded piece ripe ear fight freedom life village village wait captivity suffer choice grunt bank long sit interest taxis drink blood blister leech breed vain farmer sweat suffering oh hear sell oj farmer sense miss plug rest pile serf sanded piece hajd country freedom happiness enjoy worker farmer farmer pinche gentleman work effortlessly enjoy flower brother birth oj farmer hour planet time come give east harvest ripe gun hand
-1 | prayer little not forget son include tuck warm free sin till sandman come sleep eye open grip pillow tight exit light enter night hand land something wrong shut light heavy thought tonight not snow white dream war dream liar dream dragon fire thing bite sleep eye open grip pillow tight exit light enter night hand land yeahheah lie sleep lie sleep pray lord soul pray lord soul die wake die wake pray lord soul pray lord soul hush little baby not word mind noise hear beast bed closet head exit light enter night grain sand exit light enter night hand land boooooo yeah yeah yo oh land hand land hand land land land
+1 | cherish stone cold wave uplift avalanche wide black sea sevastopol sailor leave go wave dispute terrible salty raging shaft boat wave wave break misty distance ground go far ship friend sailor pick hero seethe wave storm clutch stone bruise hand say quietly die leave dear rock piece granite claim distance crimean land forget stone let swear privilege wear come favorite bay oath forget covet stone night day sailor heart burn fire holy store rock granite wash blood russian storm storm pass stone begin place decent familiar gull flap wing heart beat calmly ascend cliff black sea sailor bring glory motherland new peace go ship sun homeland zemli1947
-1 | believe be sick tired give hear talk have single mind overwhelmingly sided refuse humanity award morality hope dead forever scream deafening believe one stay awake world sleep believe one achieve world dream believe open gate come rush far powerful hold s well way tell s believe one stay awake world sleep believe one achieve world dream believe live deliberately not sit watch world die fight ill pay price s believe one stay awake world sleep believe one achieve world dream believe
-1 | d expect fault will happy cause right not mean be wrong day number know not let thing s leave misunderstanding spend night wish go dad right be cause thing time time will burden not believe get good not believe trust word say stretch way far not believe get good not believe trust word say finally make sense take s leave innocence oh not believe get good not act age hard think lately life move way fast would drag would let hold mess have hide bar frequent blame avoid time cost look learn lose be cause thing time time will burden not believe get good not believe trust word say stretch way far not believe get good not believe trust word say finally make sense take s leave innocence oh not believe get good not believe get good want want ohoh ohoh finally come term not stop time yeyeah want want ohoh ohoh finally come term not stop time yeyeah not believe get good not believe trust word say stretch way far not believe get good not believe trust word say finally make sense take s leave innocence oh not believe get good not believe get good
-1 | load gun bring friend fun lose pretend s overbore selfassure oh know dirty word hello hello hello hello hello hello hello low hello hello low low hello hello hello light dangerous entertain feel stupid contagious entertain mulatto albino mosquito libido yay hey yay be bad best gift feel blessed little group end hello hello hello hello hello hello hello low hello hello low low hello hello hello light dangerous entertain feel stupid contagious entertain mulatto albino mosquito libido yay hey yay forget taste oh yeah guess make smile find hard hard find oh mind hello hello hello hello hello hello hello low hello hello low low hello hello hello light dangerous entertain feel stupid contagious entertain mulatto albino mosquito libido denial denial denial denial denial denial denial denial denial
+1 | song stalin ancient kremlin glitter gold stir branch poplar borovitskie high gates stalin leave kremlin moscow great dear flourish blue sky capital stalin pass wide street straight walk bustle factory workshop say people construction site good honest work labor master thank go kremlin city great dumoyu cover moscow lenin native oath country favorite work 1949
-1 | be wake blind trap mindfall regret feeling pass mind feel like existence end be lose time feel like be fade s leave fate be lose be trap inside past stare lose far away lose far away feel harmed leave abuse life fate feel like be bury black hole dust choke s tomorrow dead question fall end be lose time feel like be fade s leave fate be lose be trap inside past stare lose far away lose far away feel harmed leave abuse life fate lose time feel like be fade s leave fate be lose be trap inside past stare lose lose far away lose lose far away mind cry lose lose lose far away lose lose far away feel harmed leave abuse life fate
-1 | word ill way regardless time explain be reason use be hungry be thirsty hope will join father helper father mistake be product way maybe like attention stay tonight will not ask question not polite suggestion stay tonight stay tonight would liar say feel ready past poison admit need bury year debris break circle cycle stop live vicariously start live
+1 | boy draw frost pattern window glass boy like sit warmth boy boy rush snowcapped mountain boy boy envy evening waltzes school perky sound time shy boy look girl boy boy sudden heart pound chest boy come alarm sound beloved land boy freeze harsh soldier rank boy boy rush battle boy boy overshadow country swim ocean fly high sky respectable people boyish spark eye boy boy let proletyut year boy boy boy
+1 | letter che presence comandante alive lozana daily life giant work hold high firm clear conscience comandante che guevara example life commander commander commander che guevara want aurora deep clear giant presence follow gun ready fascist shadow cruel imperialism remain clear pain absence aurora presence commander che guevara commander agree post light memory forward 1969
-1 | spirit spirit let hear spirit spirit let hear let have s voice head say be better dead sing little fucking louder happy song ill alright want give have get not cut sing little fucking louder happy song will fine cause feeling great big void inside open wish help head like carousel be go round circle go round circle spirit spirit let hear spirit spirit let hear possess fuck head depressed sing little fucking louder happy song maybe forget cause feeling great big void inside open wish help head like carousel be go round circle go round circle not wake would dream cause nightmare head bad wish help head like carousel be go round circle be go round circle world coalesce giant mess hate unrest let sing little goddamn louder happy song pretend okay let sing let sing little fucking louder little fucking louder not feel well spirit spirit let hear s spirit spirit spirit let hear yeah s spirit
-1 | photograph will dollar crowd not past chance family honest plea remain rain rain away come day world wait sun want notion heart wrap find way safe get close sad cause allow rain rain away come day world wait sun rain rain away come day world wait sun lie lie lie lie rain rain away come day world wait sun rain rain away come day world wait sun world wait sun world wait sun
-1 | mind not eye not wrist not time head not wear face hand air not breathe know go head nose not snort throat not suck lap not reach not grab face hand air not breathe know say head know say head know go head go head go head head face face say head know say head know say head know say head know go head
+1 | woodhero find beautiful forest find forest light forest green shield russia hero land time enemy fire russian forest break kill fire storm burn fresh wind strong hand logger dawn song nightingale matter go hear green echo home find beautiful forest find forest light russian forest russian soul bogatyr land 1949
+1 | mahnom look spotlight fumble cautiously hill night dark month tunic month unbutton belt left sleeve projectile tobacco pouch embroider fragrant homegrown tobacco soldier excess property necessary mahnom look soldier keep pocket fade overcoat letter mother handful native land win regret heart ense cherish wish today fight fire smoke award let change fate mahnom look learn walk hunch fire housing casual leave grieve s native guard corps gram trailer drink long cloud ground closely rest turn share goodbye mahnom look share goodbye mahnom look 1967
-1 | have live shadow everyday go to learn mistake innocence ignorance lose will find innocence year spend remember day past pain afraid place unknown fear faith air scare let happen world know happen world know happen world know have give chance everyday step change innocence ignorance lose will find innocence year spend remember day past pain afraid place unknown fear faith air scare let happen world know happen world know remember step thought away hold forget feel remember day past pain afraid place unknown fear faith air scare let happen world know happen world know live shadow everyday go to learn mistake happen world know
+1 | internationale английскийcountry arise ye worker slumber arise ye prisoner want reason revolt thunder end age not away superstition servile masse arise arise change henceforth old tradition spurn dust win prize refrain bis comrade come rally fight let face internationale unite human race delude reaction tyrant war soldier strike action will break rank fight cannibal try sacrifice pride soon shall hear bullet fly shoot general saviour high deliver faith prince peer right hand chain shiver chain hatred greed fear eer thief booty happy lot forge duty strike iron hot
-1 | identity murder malicious intent be recreate rise destruction start reborn be erase past think second not bother question look straight eye excrete lie time come fast be reborn have see light be reborn be reborn have see light be reborn stand way doom impact come think stop would best think want piece come think second not bother question look straight eye excrete lie time come fast be reborn have see light be reborn be reborn have see light be reborn have throw help mind not effect not try be reborn have see light be reborn be reborn have see light be reborn reborn be reborn reborn be reborn have see light have see light have see light have see light
+1 | victory parade remember friend wall go straight battle promise return promise return faithful land rest square ring square ring wind high sound marsha go victory tread soldier tread soldier chorus eternal wall near kremlin victory parade hymn land victory parade greatness fall fire victory parade ashe fall banner victory parade path victory march cool fatal work soldier measure inverse path measure inverse path soar sky salute let leave silence let leave silence let forget planet want forget victory parade spring victory parade spring chorus hear ring step step today soldier year ago wind earth wind ground carry sound march come child grandchild chorus greatness fall fire victory parade ashe fall banner victory parade 1985
-1 | love disappear rule cruel will not cry tear wake unsatisfied get bed say goodbye not leave die cross love whoa not leave die cross love get knee pray lord not leave baby realize not love sacrifice not leave die cross love pay cost love lose go unredeemed care cross bear destiny heart pure love strong forgive have wrong not leave die cross love whoa not leave die cross love get knee pray lord ohwhoa not leave baby realize not love sacrifice not leave die cross love whoa love disappear rule cruel will not cry tear know cruel thou art mercy baby heart not leave die cross love whoa not leave die cross love get knee pray lord ohwhoa not leave baby realize not love sacrifice not leave die cross love not leave die cross love not leave die cross love
+1 | play bugler bugler play alarm time pioneer time summer lightning hurry road military game chorus ready search new campaign cause cheerful courageous summer lightning summer lightning call bummer game good coward unit treasure sport summer lightning play guy chorus achieve victory target road difficult agility teach summer lightning heart temper chorus repeat 1st couplet pripev1973
+1 | marsh caspian oil song courage float open sea labor baku ahead labor baku forward rush sea beat furiously wave path oil difficult seabed seabed s chorus baku string tower rise palace wide ruskin great love edge fill heart baku covered road slaven path proydonny previous baku obediently lie lie obediently baku caspian defeat offensive come sea friendly wait beautiful city beautiful city wait horizon chorus 1959
-1 | hear footstep creak floor shadow away outside door will not let -PRON- life damage gear grind run broke machine steal peace mind know go lie lay silence burn hold tongue separate sullen dumb hiding darkness boil surface stumble fall looking view long outside desperate plan sense low life looking view long outside desperate plan sense low life thing hate reflect distortion lace spite take lie lay hiding darkness boil surface crawl skin discomfort make break run stumble fall looking view long outside desperate plan sense low life looking view long outside desperate plan sense low life tell whatever mind tell whatever mind tell whatever mind tell whatever looking view long outside desperate plan sense low life looking view long outside desperate plan sense low life tell whatever mind
-1 | bury secret skin come away innocence leave sin air feel like cage love camouflage resemble rage love let run away know heart dark care not destroy not deliver unto fate be hate not deserve ooh smile take long ago change hope know press letter lip cherish part savor kiss not face life light light rip apart refuse fight save breath hear think clear not hate love suppose wish not friend hurt end claim saint ooh banish long ago take death hope let oh oh break stone spit pity soul need help sell save will not listen shame run away angel lie control ooh love punish long ago care not let know care not let know
-1 | hello not like know somebody oh harder take year realize fake will not lie would forfeit rest time patch thing stole good thing not end end badly have be outta luck workin workin know grow tired game consistently play take blame true unhappy drink night not think thing try peace mind day will wake realize s pass good thing not end end badly have be outta luck workin workin good thing not end end badly get lot nerve be catch workin workin s rush matter not care know care s rush matter not care know be not scared good thing not end end badly have be outta luck workin workin good thing lose good thing good thing not end end badly get lot nerve be catch workin workin good thing not end end badly
+1 | drinkingsea festive meeting friendly conversation sailor converge table drink today victory drink nalem take high heaven walk wave mountain raise glass friend victory glory sailor sing chorus let pour sings circular win fleet soviet maritime service land water friend sailor go sea friend death fun here friend death dead friend war sea work man evening fight morning fleet campaign flight pour seiner cruiser chorus forget well beautiful look recall combat let drink girl sea underwater depth win dear family expensive love motherland drink friend chorus
+1 | red flag итальянский forward people range red flag red flag forward people rescue red flag triumph    red flag triumph    red flag triumph    red flag triumph    long live socialism freedom exploit immense group raise pure red flag o proiletari rescue red flag triumph    red flag triumph    red flag triumph    red flag triumph    fruto job work field sea shop suffering hope ready time rescue red flag triumph    red flag triumph    red flag triumph    red flag triumph    socialism true freedom enemy border border red flag socialist rescue red flag triumph    red flag triumph    red flag triumph    red flag triumph    socialism peace freedom falange bold conscious proud unfurl red flag sun worker range red flag triumph    red flag triumph    red flag triumph    red flag triumph    long live communism freedom прототипом музыки послужили две ломбардские народные песни по другой версии венецианская любовная песня первоначально fellow forward rescue часто communism вместо socialism если в первом припеве поется communism то последний припев long live lenin peace freedom 1908
-1 | angel die ascension bury deep world time shall grave inside dirt instead feeling heart learn break beautiful last forever longing s lose shall fade void leave feel angel die love earth restrain end sadness wait claim fall mourn love seek savior darkness find fate beautiful face bring salvation soul embrace shattering wound strength admit desperation save apathy drain sympathy speak word need not promise die angel die love worth tear bring ill bleed til drain color perfect intent invade place dream eternal fear will tear away lead decay thought waste haunt mind heart not lose angel save apathy drain sympathy speak word need not promise die save apathy drain sympathy speak word need not promise die
+1 | chorus link love sun friend nice spring like blizzard storm afraid rain knock tent decorate window snow morning go charge chorus link chorus come come guy walk boldly forward walk boldly forward bright wide road homeland fortunately go water warm ray kayak away jib sail warm clear summer salute frown gray autumn angry care lets angry song carry system chorus link chorus winter blizzard hide field wood carpet overcome blizzard ski let spring knock guest look window instantly start rush chorus link chorus
+1 | holiday car window kilometer fly predawn distance gaze soldier fathers house far dawn far polish soldier holiday kitelok clean little light feather soldier reply mother expect ago serve soldier lie waxed boot smile soldier right mother girlfriend hope outside window train kilometer fly driver hurry go leave soldier 1960
+1 | song native country travel train long time stretch field see mountain lake flash land chorus moscow sky kremlins star north south meet comrade friend moscow close brave honest work meet friend tall cedar tree snow snow second week rage snowstorm noise outside window taiga chorus let today daleko live moscow sand karakum tundra surly breathe easily chorus orchestral loss chorus 1953
-1 | grow crooked not straight price get to pay favor pack bag buy ticket train buy ticket train cause fuck fuck cause fuck fuck people crush like biscuit crumb lay bituman try good not happen not happen fuck fuck fuck fuck blind spot blind spot obvious kickstart dead horse cross walk away not care future hold cause be right be today finger touch black swan black swan fuck fuck be baby dust be baby dust black swans black swans spare part break be baby dust be baby dust fuck fuck fuck fuck black swans black swans spare part break
-1 | have ignore time try shut find way be stand right s tell not forever shadow not forever lock away lock door reality forever live world design lose sign morality blind collapse mind not forever shadow not forever lock away not ill bite leave hollow not ill scratch crawl away thing make happy sit inside lonely room break not forever shadow not forever lock away not ill bite leave hollow not ill scratch crawl away not not not not yeah
-1 | have get strict
-1 | have plant seed grow wonder beautiful tree grow branch outstretche different old break easy right one grow fill gap equal love trust big trial tongue tie try time unsaid line life moment begin consume love devoted let live love live love brother spill spill see year ago plant seed find foundation need strive perfect balence love compassion vision world die dead future start note play note sing start live purpose write mean day live future
-1 | fiction mistake vision creation wake daylight night world beneath tonight come long tear apart break day believe come way fiction mistake vision creation come real life refuse cause fear right risk lose wake bring night fiction mistake vision creation uncertain haze tell know face wake fiction
-1 | have get till break dawn carry have get till sun come speed stop have get gun war machine like knife cut thing clean s end war know wage walk walk proud elbow stop drive drive fast stop road pave get gun war machine like knife cut thing clean s beat machine song walk walk proud elbow stop drive drive fast stop road pave
-1 | see day look undermined act like not happen make sense find happen will know storm come cloud appear let rain come join circus people change bruise ache be try find fix s break reason keep escape protect burn like cyst know help not fucking want feeling get strong day be selfish not need be sick chase let guard let run ship aground set alight late drop drawbridge let vampire cause shit happen want late drop drawbridge let vampire hope know nobodys fault let guard let run ship aground set alight
-1 | dear oh dear sorry state bring battle see sign have find step be counting day like run s ghost water prey drought time s hide face firing squad 1986 relapse late apocalypse colony collapse rope tie noose truly believe touch turn gold warn not tell be counting day like run s ghost water prey drought time s hide face firing squad say ocean fire not true truth hurt start anew 1986 relapse late apocalypse colony collapse say ocean fire not true truth hurt start anew time s hide face firing squad say ocean fire not true truth hurt start anew 1986 relapse late apocalypse colony collapse
-1 | martyr seek adoration promise god salvation kick ladder beneath foot hang hero have get watch have get swallow fear cover track disappear find word speak unspeakable thing strike air chest king martyr seek adoration promise god salvation kick ladder beneath foot hang hero catch devil deep blue sea run hide stand believe maybe orwell right think spell end begin martyr seek adoration promise god salvation kick ladder beneath foot hang hero find foot eclipse sun swear will not forget swear will not forget find foot eclipse sun swear will not forget swear will not forget tell rat gutter watch watch try stamp will fan flame snake fuck hold fork tongue have get spit nail be go to straight fuck find foot eclipse sun swear will not forget find foot eclipse sun think spell end begin
-1 | let toast come raise glass high doubt let toast come raise glass high karmas bitch right
+1 | song steelworkers devush love hero yes sorry want notice guy openhearth furnace hot fire boil fragment splatter metal hot character battle compare steelmaker chorus necessary necessary forget steel work main tractor tanker wire city train steel steel bridge feather poet steel master ural wonder musician say song steelworkers hear little let famous work steelworker hot radiance beam song gift owner iron furnace chorus 70
-1 | see look like stuck gloom light work build break board lose footing find put find comfort song distract fact actually disappear excuse offer hope forgiveness hold water worth be sorry end swear be try
+1 | dream young soldier breeze go valley whisper wild grass quietly listen song nightingale dream young soldier oh wind rest know mchis girlfriend spring recall greeting soldier oh beautiful night nightingale night garden oh eye radiant clear find well rustle breeze fly away bid farewell forest herb love burn dream young soldier 1952
+1 | good city world have city light evening river dream dawn friend wander wide avenue see good city world chorus song float heart sing word moscow come moscow walk arbat plunge tverskaya noise green alley look dance girl hand big blue square chorus remember word come good city world chorus song float heart sing word moscow
-1 | believe hallelujah be save dozen step twentyeight day miracle ill bear lord shepherd find way fuck faith one go to save fuck faith s hope speak tongue blacker sun death not touch crooked young s hope speak tongue blacker sun death not touch crooked young crooked young not sleep not eat speak tongue not die dead inside death not touch crooked young believe faceless will not save cloud will not hear fuckin prayer s hope speak tongue blacker sun death not touch crooked young hallelujah be save miracle thank jesus hallelujah be save fuck faith fuck faith
-1 | hold need feel relief like want suppose ill let find reason ill hold be ashamed defeat be reason believe be try be afraid gift not belong be be ashamed lie be live right wrong not face wake look inside mirror be ashamed thing suppose ill let till be afraid defeat be reason believe be try defy be afraid gift not belong be be ashamed lie be live right wrong hold need feel complete like matter need be afraid gift not belong be be ashamed lie be live right wrong be ashamed ashamed be ashamed ashamed
+1 | letter moscow sit minute sleep letter write friend today letter moscow distant capital see let night let weather get angry let dream come sleep patrol border sleep peacefully sleep moscow come battle night halt steppe wide il taiga dream go go fatigue comrade remember native moscow 1939
-1 | niemieckich spotkało się z szerokim rozgłosem w samych polish gain significant popularity lady gentleman proudly present picturesque score pass fantasy
-1 | rick james look ya look ya look ya look ya look ya look ya look ya look ya look ya look ya look ya look ya look ya look ya look ya look ya look ya look ya look ya look ya rick james james brown look ya look ya lady gentleman look ya look ya look ya look ya lady gentleman kanye west find yeah find something wrong puttin shit way long be gifted findin not like think time toast let toast douchebag let toast asshole let toast scumbag know let toast jerkoff will work baby get plan run away fast find picture email send bitch picture dick not know female be good shit good girl addict hoodrat blame know s be good find yeah find yeah find something wrong puttin shit way long be gifted findin not like think time toast let toast douchebag let toast asshole let toast scumbag know let toast jerkoff will work baby get plan run away fast kanye west rick james run away baby run away run away baby run away look ya man be bout crazy run away plan run away fast run away baby run away run away baby run away look ya man be bout crazy not run away look ya baby get plan run away fast pusha t 247 365 pussy stay mind right alright admit pick leave live ichabod crane motherfucke split wear knockoff haha knock neimans shop let talk mai tais waitress hoe like vulture wanna fly freddy loafer not blame -PRON- be not see versace sofa bag blouse bracelet come price tag baby face leave not accept basic plenty hoe ballanigga matrix invisibly set rolex faceless be young rich tasteless p kanye west romantic intimacy know damage cause look eye kill guess advantage cause blame not know imma manage day leave find yeah find something wrong puttin shit way long be gifted findin not like think time toast let toast douchebag let toast asshole let toast scumbag know let toast jerkoff will work baby get plan run away fast cue piano find yeah find something wrong puttin shit way long be gifted findin not like think time toast find yeah find something wrong puttin shit way long be gifted findin not like find yeah find something wrong puttin shit way long be gifted findin not like think time toast find yeah find yeah find something wrong puttin shit way long be gifted findin not like think time toast find yeah find something wrong puttin shit way long be gifted findin not like think time toast
+1 | touch wind field walk road dust sweep daring dare cavalry come chorus touch touch zatronesh quarter water drown fire burn entertain guest uninvited vostro sword lead german beat beat pan necessary split chorus steppe wrap kiss mother tomorrow long journey chorus fight enemy tire ka songwriter forward begin sing pull steppe native sing chorus touch touch zatronesh quarter water drown fire burn 1939
-1 | vanish light end compromise fury rage dream manage get line learn survive fine way friend place home picture jump crash picture jump crash slide away learn way fire ready race man land set direction easy route money s doubt picture jump crash picture jump crash slide away learn way fire ready race man land set direction sad pay mind picture jump crash picture jump crash slide away learn way fire ready race man land set direction
+1 | song shchor detachment go shore walk afar go red flag commander regiment tie head blood sleeve trail blood spread wet grass boy lead fight red flag wound come child farm laborer stand new world schor go banner red army commander hunger cold life go spill blood cordon reject ferocious enemy temper youth road honor silence shore silent voice sun slope dew fall dash cavalry rush hear sound hoof red banner schorsa wind shumit1934
-1 | not tranquil place leave trustful grip hand new chance not false friend believe spend time wait affection friendly word courage stand hand courage life demand courage stand hand courage life demand disappointment stand resignate thing charm ugly face favourite thing alive place like will not careless protect dream courage stand hand courage life demand courage stand hand courage life demand courage stand hand courage life demand courage stand hand courage life demand
+1 | song sonorous heaven homeland sun shine wood bird vote talk chorus song call call call like river boil pour song share motherland sing sing open space voiced song bird land sea border guard patrol stand border chorus young person joy border capital village village son motherland 1936
+1 | blue taiga tomorrow road hard path morning good little sit fire wave raid waltz touch shore blue blue taiga taiga near river tent caution quiet waltz sailing field lesna spin little blue blue taiga meeting infrequent trail taiga hard luck thankful tent easy way blue blue taiga tomorrow road hard path morning good little sit fire wave raid waltz touch shore blue blue taiga
-1 | strand spooky town stoplight sway phone line floor crackle cold take heart think take soul moon run far carnage fiery sun drive strangle vein show mercy would open eye cry baby ill bleed dry sky blink storm bubble sea come closer come closer shimmy shake bone leave strand love think baby sleep feel good be old thousand year chase take toll come closer come closer come closer come closer
-1 | notice color eye see reflection knife green envy life bloodshot contempt extend hand breathe have get underneath clench fist bleed know not think want anymore not care god save sit hand cupped head bow wonder see light not care world kiss tell have get story speak silence fill hole naive think feel thing excavation chest produce bow head pull eye hand wrist turn twist blade deeper not want try will die knee wait til perfect come come
+1 | ballad banner morning bright splint terrible long ratna rifle regiment defeat unequal battle guy kill fight know wither root regimental color cloud sad hushed battle native land stand soldier kill pause grieve spite burn bandaged chest crimson silk feed east ancestral home raving ground big sigh slowly time paul birch forest gully consider regiment surround enemy go menacing tired commander chief staff walk long time easy waist rosah base shaft prophetic staff wait hour revenge enemy blood sleep field banner warm rain spin haze gasp storm man bullet flatten bullet take frantic vain blood undetectable red red
-1 | face lonely place million mile away have get photograph have get say would meet someday will not forget will not let fade away ill run decide stay place force universe responsible reject connect seal kiss will not defy ill right way hard find word word miss miss day miss miss face lonely place million mile away have get photograph have get say would meet someday will not forget will not let fade away ill run decide stay away miss miss day miss miss friend think crazy live far away baby not listen not listen miss miss day miss miss miss miss day miss miss okay
-1 | lady pack thing place home sever tie tonight ride tonight ride tonight ride have tremble way time assemble little fire desire tundra skin little favor savor time waver shake voice slyly feign chagrin tonight ride tonight ride oh lover uncover know warm beneath sheet ice street listen lover recover have time waste meddle affair have lock tightly dream clean pure rest sure rob pretty little eye sleep disguise be bedside bucket lie clear ear listen lady pack thing place home know glorious past have open window break glass beseech thee shed thy beauty child leave womb learn cold teach peril present bring peril surelysoonwillbe river flood time oh precious distance oh precious pain have give etch stone river bank oh precious distance oh precious pain have give have give rise say king river let bring flood bring hard freeze say wind water build bridge build strong angry let stall king decree oh contemplate current boy command coward cease boy breathe love say wait love say wait s shout come yes come come live life uncomfortably darle come come rise say boy lover darle have bring love bring far leave say girl lover have give love bridge build wrong curb anger fist come shell come shell come come shell come shell come
+1 | perky ditty day live happy edge solar pour song russian thank homeland pour song strength climb sky delegate world come congress bother people hero surprise captivate russian miracle world wallflower bloom aster send cuba praise fidel castro glorify country valya valya firebird sweep earth country proud glorify deed vastness volga glorious thy youth leak valya yaroslavna gull wing obrela1964
+1 | song 27th division red army steppe volga vast expanse mountain ural taiga siberia steel breast enemy sweep red banner twentyseventh jet song irtysh deep singe jungle forest far away steel breast enemy sweep red banner twentyseventh yenisey enemy bully general vistula horse give drink steel breast enemy sweep red banner twentyseventh rebellious see march ice gulf kronstadt fort steel breast enemy sweep red banner twentyseventh angry like native caspian wave cradle twentyseventh steel breast enemy sweep red banner twentyseventh battle subside silent thunder gun breathe easily freestyle breast steel breast enemy sweep red banner twentyseventh protect free labor stand guard twentyseventh steel breast enemy sweeping stand guard twentyseventh fighting break flame unfurl scarlet banner steel breast enemy sweep go attack twentyseventh
-1 | big bad cypress hill know time whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop legalize cypress hill advertise legalize yeah yeah yeah cypress hill advertise advertise advertise bugaboo life bo bo bo bo cypress glad mcee puffin weed weed diddely fuck like smoke blunt like people ask pull stunt like cuz believe get lot people not understand nada mic burn turn slaughter wanna think chill fuck go to allah pop collar niggas latin thung family love barilla beginner push pack invent lend tech game work till day walk fame not recall fame eventually dru hall fame know deal know heal know real know skill bugaboo life bo bo bo bo cypress glad mcee puffin weed weed diddely mental be not pad pencil chrome microphone utincel attack track like get lose s right test shut proove cypress get funky be real deaf test confess soul assassin good check homeboy get spot crack crackin lp thuggedout latin turn heat hot ya mo thank get freak hip hop hot ride be show not hide self title idol spanish sub town barrio bugaboo life bo bo bo bo cypress glad mcee puffin weed weed diddely bo bo bo bo
-1 | night wake cold sweat keep be not kind home come pick damn boy bar damn way drink cold sweat sleepless night hand start shake damn pier sit damn vengeance s bring father bury dead not let heros death have leave leave debt not fight country mother addict dare be not kind home come pick damn man humor want thing damn look parlor trick be play fool dare be not kind home
-1 | jen la suno jen la luno jen du malsamaj astroj jen vikingo jen urbano jen la plej malsamaj homoj jen vi kaj mi akvo kaj oleo jen vi kaj mi akvo kaj oleo jen mandrilo jen ŝakalo jen du malsamaj bestoj jen kastelo jen igluo jen la plej malsamaj domoj jen vi kaj mi akvo kaj oleo jen vi kaj mi akvo kaj oleo jen pomsuko jen veneno jen malsamaj trinkaĵoj jen vi kaj mi akvo kaj oleo
+1 | friendly guy funny guy guy matter brother brother stand mountain chorus earth spare leg time oboydosh fun friendly folk find 2p fall work people step run tighten song everybody sing chorus skill science help come come come come sing song chorus orchestral loss fun friendly folk find 1938
-1 | night blood fire night blood fire yeah think would love better warning go not know go wrong not know have want love night blood fire night blood fire special memory bleed burn dream think thing real meaning not know have want love love eternal lust infernal bleeding burn need yearning ma chéri remain mystery face flame answer blame woman know would night blood fire night blood fire night blood night fire
+1 | night dark night dark moon visible sky like tired soldier doze war far river young fighter singe song sound quietly far river young fighter singe song sound quietly wind wicked dry snow turn ring pretty face girl remember honey remember glorious victory send greeting know window old mother remember sigh sad worry return home son home snow fly veil night dark fight soon soon battle look country remember fatherland remember fatherland native land fight fight remember fatherland remember fatherland native land fight fight 1943
-1 | sword spear wall shield stand strong choose battle field form line shield shield march destiny march not look odens son attack unleash hell repent warfare grant lament let weapon slash tear place fear hold line unity victory win shield form mighty wall united shall fall fear pierce heart sword arrow victory reward blood spill not come waste life like pawn savage game spirit spear shield link strong chain march not look odens son attack battle call shield shield fall unleash hell repent warfare grant lament let weapon slash tear place fear charge force break rank remorse crush flank pulverize human wall shall destroy
+1 | song lapwing road lapwe road lapwing shout wave eccentric oh tell ah tell go shout wing worry let enter green garden guy wing friend touch lapwing sky blue meadow grass rustle choose path dear dear dear beloved land bloom call leave long journey steppe latitude ford river entire country country want proyti1947
-1 | meeting place find inside haze come come search work tell real run heal forget forget lie certain kind regret wide bird flower wind blow field wide bird flower wind blow wind blow field end come late let talk hair guess s fate grow fast high tree field bark close eye recognize step meadow single noise lovely cave close eye recognize step meadow single noise lovely cave
+1 | joe hill dream see joe hill night alive say joe year dead die say die say salt lake city joe say stand bed frame murder charge say joe be not dead say joe be not dead copper boss kill joe shoot joe say take gun kill man say joe not die say joe not die stand big life smile eye say joe kill go organize go organize joe hill be not dead say joe hill die work man defend right joe hill joe hill dream see joe hill night alive say joe year dead die say die say перевод пришел ко мне джо хилл во сне как будто наяву тебя ж давно на свете нет как видишь я живу в тюрьме солтлейк я говорю в его взглянув глаза тебя казнили поутру меня казнить нельзя ты пал от рук я возразил магнатов палачей никто той пули не отлил для праведных речей и улыбаясь как тогда когда его я знал сказал мне джо моих идей свинец не оборвал они живут и я живу в разбуженных сердцах все кто за правду в бой идут я вечно в их рядах пришел ко мне джо хилл во сне как будто наяву уж десять лет как тебя нет неправда я живу
-1 | lion want free lion look inside outside window watch sleep cause lion bear thing sleep night s war inside head find lion hide right beneath bed hide tear shed cause lion dead here story hide leave not need little thing remind little dream hear word watch world walk away forget tomorrow tomorrow today bear lion lion stay lion want free lion look inside outside window watch sleep cause lion bear thing remember army little kid live life like little bit hard fight bear middle would die will not watch givin be sorry daughter father look eye swear change tomorrow tomorrow forgive stay hide beneath cover hide pain word lose meaning walk away promise will love watch fade ill thing liar give hand clock thing change tear piece s thing would save cause lion lion stay lion want free lion look inside outside window watch sleep cause lion bear thing hey mean let want wanna know not hide attic pretty home pretty home pretty home hey mean let want wanna know not hide attic pretty home pretty home pretty home hey lion want free lion look inside outside window watch sleep cause lion bear thing
+1 | near garden nearbackyard garden luman passage nettle evil nettle evil covet window beat pathtrack young guy young guy beat pathtrack dark room sit languish lyuba window lyuba window s year pass track go cute war cute war track go soldier fight year return hike green garden green garden familiar window nettle stozhka ozhgis soldier ozhgis soldier nettle stozhka oh soldier osterogsya nettle ozhogsya painfully dense painfully thick laugh depressed firmly lyubushka kiss scarlet lip scarlet lip firmly lyubushka kiss 1945
-1 | tell free tell free word think deed tell free gallow stand bullet lance brave lung fold hand hold tongue tell free fear fall tell free fear fall tell free tell free word think deed tell free gallow stand bullet lance brave lung fold hand hold tongue let flame lick foot breathe fire know be free flame rise devour breathe fire know be free
+1 | winter waltz white snow shove moscow bright light illuminate expanse ice rink clear sky blue sky golden light silver glitter cut ice skate chorus skating ring snowball moscow wind come friend weather good good frost heart beat hot like song soul fly distance snow shove moscow bright light illuminate expanse ice rink like bird youth rush silver sonorous ice wind young happily sing chorus 1949
-1 | nexus fruition whirl cognition ulterior failing word pageant leave bewilder lurch sight clandestine ascendancy pervade anima awestruck principle adytum find home long rapture crave pristine light vastness engulf soul unfurl truth orbit sovereignty sow deep darkness grain die perish bestow new life vis major painting rapturous view herald vivid thema heed like call rain like bear pain like embrace life decay death heed like call rain like caress mother like life wither perennial pneuma forget arise decidual forest proclaim glory primal rapturous supremacy vanquish vile burgeon bear essence life crave rapture long pristine light
-1 | respect give today be tired look way respect appetite not sustain mission kiss day away long river start rise dear yeah thank lucky star alive respect generation castaway nation tidal wave passenger prey not escape past holiday long river start rise dear pack bag tide get high not afraid view corner s captain crew jump mast aboard ghost ship cannibal rat aboard ghost ship cannibal rat s go to sound alarm bridge collapse point bomb reach critical mass aboard ghost ship cannibal rat aboard ghost ship cannibal rat catastrophic event not change today face tomorrow pay not worry cause safe have get ticket piss day away long river start rise dear yeah thank lucky star alive not afraid view corner s captain crew jump mast aboard ghost ship cannibal rat aboard ghost ship cannibal rat s go to sound alarm bridge collapse point bomb reach critical mass aboard ghost ship cannibal rat aboard ghost ship cannibal rat not afraid view corner s captain crew jump mast aboard ghost ship cannibal rat aboard ghost ship cannibal rat s go to sound alarm bridge collapse point bomb reach critical mass aboard ghost ship cannibal rat aboard ghost ship cannibal rat sail coast disappear fast sail coast sink past aboard ghost ship cannibal rat aboard ghost ship cannibal rat sail coast disappear fast sail coast come aboard ghost ship cannibal rat aboard ghost ship cannibal rat
+1 | enemy motherland ahead time tough busy time native motherland rise raise soviet tribe exploit labor combat chorus firm step rank strict stalin people insolent enemy destroy enemy motherland ahead faithfully dignity courage homeland serve combat comrade cause honor freedom chorus fight easy pack savage dangerous madness force gather fist repulse gather pripev1941
+1 | song young fighter peace fire war burn let away end earth raise banner peace people heart light courage chorus friend world million day strong stand peace fight peace happiness people honest young fight peaceful labor people name remember star khalkhin gol fighter peace closely close rank chorus world peace song fly free proud work people field green bloomed city chorus 1951
+1 | song young michurinist vernal wind apple blossom bird skvoreshnyami singing fun sun sky squint morning michurinist busy time chorus work friend work walk spring plant gardens golden fruit present native country apple tree elegant please eye grape vine stretch storm break cold kill grandchildren michurin call people chorus let chita vologda omsk oryol city village pretty street dense garden young michurinist chorus 1949
+1 | party helmsman   glory fighter stand truth banner high freedom bear party create cherish goal lead long hard year tsarist live people bondage lenin true dawn communism begin shine darkness chorus sun motherland scientific firm year year lenin wholeheartedly case true call exploit soviet people communist party country party unite people fraternal union single work party hope strength party helmsman duma folk life embody storm strong rock terrible battle enemy break party grow chorus afraid fight battle brightly light beacon powerful movement let enemy try million today unity grow wisdom party path illumine lead communism pripev1952
+1 | eye польский roar forest real dream like remind view familiar      vistula yellow sand      village straw roof      fluid flow oka      wide vistula      deep vistula roar hey rustle forest art thou cast dolo dolo hey dolo wanderer art thou cast      forest      go river      beautiful      beautiful      bank vistula bloody vistula shore tired hurt grief grip heart wisło wisło german captivity      beautiful vistula river shore      oki beautiful shore      ułańska charge      vistula gdansk      come
-1 | find hard change hell comfy have settle want numb inside leave matter fuck come funny thing want s glimpse heaven day friend music love feel start day death wish witchhunt exit powerless fragile break sit circle stay unspoken powerless walk staircase silent hall nameless face powerless everybody want heaven want die fear death longer have die thousand time explore universe not know s emptiness inside head dare dwell throw flame watch burn set world ablaze watch burn scale tell wanna talk feel take blade wrist have skip meal go to try new today feel hold close not let watch burn hold close not let watch burn hold close not let watch burn hospital soul hold close not let watch burn hold close not let watch burn hold close not let watch burn hospital soul hold close not let watch burn hold close not let watch burn hold close not let watch burn hospital soul hold close not let watch burn hold close not let watch burn hold close not let watch burn hospital soul hold close not let watch burn hold close not let watch burn hold close not let watch burn hospital soul
-1 | pick come pull ill go til heart lose woah lose oh will lose cuz light holdin shine longer bright well outside goodnight baby be fight ill alright love harsh winter break blue warm summer hold hand hard rain dance tongue air spin land ill go til heart lose woah lose oh will lose cuz light holdin shine longer bright well outside goodnight baby be fight ill alright light holdin shine longer bright well outside goodnight baby be fight ill alright oh alright ill alright ill alright
-1 | freedom word today freedom word take word away seldom hear sentence thing suppose carry not write -PRON- will go love song today love song take song away seldom sing lyric sing life away carry not write -PRON- will go talk like ride walk damn easy bored not anybody s good good not silly world not silly world peace finger peace face shirt know count day finger tape -PRON- shove -PRON- ass carry not try cause peace go talk like ride walk damn easy bored not anybody s good bad not silly world not silly world fight instinct extreme fight instinct extreme fight life fight life fight life fight life fight life fight life fight life fight fight life fight life fight life fight life fight life fight life
+1 | cossacks berlin accord berlin pavement horse go drink water walk shake mane coney don singe horse hey guy time drink cossack horse else river chorus cossack cossack berlin cossack lead horse step see girl flag scythe forage cap corner stand straighten vine turquoise eye burn hold cossack cry chorus stay happy catch angry look boy march shout gallop dashing cavalry pass maiden blossomed gentle look accord ordinance give cossack chorus accord berlin pavement horse ride love maiden sing follow far blue dawn far sweet home countrywoman berlin cossack meet pripev1945
-1 | rise dark iconoclast forge cult fear legion unsurpasse shout word vicious tongue fire bear illusion deceit fiendish soul liar chaos unseen rip midnight sky infernal machine arise flesh steel collide strong stand fight strong stand fight rage ride flame strike spear hate heart evil reign hold line charge armored steed gather deadly ground come watch war god bleed chaos unseen rip midnight sky infernal machine arise flesh steel collide strong stand fight strong stand fight victory death time tell synthetic resurrection heart hell slowly fall watch daylight die spit curse hallowed earth final battle cry chaos unseen rip midnight sky infernal machine arise flesh steel collide strong stand fight strong stand fight
-1 | ayy ayy ayy big fish small pond deep swim see owe eastside lit ogs corner talk bout profit streetlight come come ghoul diamond go yes sir run pocket way paper try stay docket bust right lil taedoe black piece stone s rock tell find tell find hobby say swayyvo trippin plan like religion bear manger like jesus mention grow option buddist christian wanna praise grannys decision go judge til death be go judge believe og like believe pastor og shoot behalf pastor steal collection og tell wait blessing blessing blessing yeah yeah yeah s thing coulda say not not confide destiny write ya ya ya try time would different ay ay ay thank spread love live ay ay ay ay ay have tell boy taedoe mane ya controller ill game have tell got to son look will not feel have tell gangsta will not matter ground hadve tell stupid slow listen would have speak tell mama go miss sister go ask be not go talk say forever forsake man lie have tell deep trap shit trap ass finna die get drop jaw hurt heart not surprised have tell niggas not love hate look eye want get want use got to smart look past sky have tell niggas switch singing remind mary j blige have tell point right come humbly take time tell be sorry let silence feel heat thank tell ask think cause know have tell ay not ride homie ay not know go ay stay focused flow ay 40 ounce dirt like bet wish have go church
+1 | traffic light burn go day college traffic light light future stand threshold promchatsya year runner forget institute diverge edge soon meet friend drive somewhereway road know country student name time wave arm farewell dear city remember comrade distant traffic light light farewell beloved leningrad traffic light light farewell beloved leningrad
+1 | moscow waltz meet street noise rang boulevards foliage enter arch railway station whisper hello moscow chorus sing boulevard avenue garden sing moscow smile moscow moscow sing country young dear moscow bluish haze give leave native town dream joyful meeting moscow chorus miss verse packed dialogue carry away star abate urban hum course evening remember comrade chorus 1945
+1 | forest march beep bird rise habitual path pass m birch tree sberezhom forest beloved homeland chorus write book forest green fact forest reliable friend girl boy happy like flash light song step wood copse cedar beauty taiga pines poliske chorus smile sun fun day happy hold native land detachment nashiz seedling chorus good forest wizard like poet artist nature give people wonder helper chorus 1976
+1 | march battle group немецкий build stormy time еin bluehende peaceful country bring behalf people weapon steady hand base earn trust feel force carry fight collective comrade move mountain move help build protective wall hell enemy cry stand field fear tiger shark know lecherous predator lurk threat peace state create protect alien commandment worker farmer govern crush exploit power work regard duty honor kindle flame knowledge worthwhile brave storm worth fire stand worthwhile carry gun step fighter gehn1973
-1 | today stem marrow bone dedication fine owe drive force cause constantly better redefine meaning contentment odd know prevail prevail accept negativity turn fuel flame burn inside burn insideout consider thank help mold future self word destroy commitment belong belong
-1 | choose find hope thought afterlife find right die understand feeling helplessness teach wait wait death wait death wait suffering end wait death wait death wait suffering end forget kingdom offer golden street represent day complete simplicity curse strength humble powerless rise powerless rise kingdom bear upsidedown kingdom break crown wait death wait death blessing excess burden broken system wait death broken system suffering end simplicity curse strength humble powerless rise powerless rise kingdom bear upsidedown kingdom break crown break crown helplessness system well upsidedown
+1 | defense peace newly rich kindle fire world prepare mortal blow million people army world strong chorus arise people wired world rank close country country let peace powerful weapon rattle war new war way obstacle war raise son tranches green field world tend earth chorus soviet people country army world war strong listen citizen patriot sacred duty fight call chorus 2 time 1948
-1 | reduce live everyday carry weight conscience know lift victorious war have get strength inside turn speak experience rest stick past lose future be stand ground live right be finally free anchor move forward
-1 | have fight long shit home have kill right wrong side be draw own god leave ill die unknown not try find not worry wind wanted man wanted man will wanted man run will die wanted man hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo road disappear drown memory tear shadow near trust truth speak enemy fear lord forgive smoke clear not try find not worry wind wanted man wanted man will wanted man run will die wanted man wanted man will wanted man run will die wanted man hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo not try find not worry wind wanted man wanted man will wanted man yeah run will die wanted man wanted man hoo hoo wanted man hoo hoo yeah run hoo hoo will die wanted man hoo hoo want man hoo hoo wanted man hoo hoo yeah run hoo hoo will die wanted man have fight long shit home have kill right wrong
-1 | not want moment end everything wait forever smile cause true mistake ill stumble fall mean word want know will not let word heart soul ill hold moment know cause bleed heart will not let thought read unspoken forever piece memory fall ground know not will not let cause true street walk come end want know will not let word heart soul ill hold moment know cause bleed heart will not let eye fall sky not know look find eye fall sky know find find find find find not want moment end everything want know will not let word heart soul ill hold moment know cause bleed heart will not let want know will not let word heart soul ill hold moment know cause bleed heart will not let
+1 | march cheerful child easy heart fun song bored like song village village song like big city build song help live friend call lead live song step lose sing laugh like child hard struggle work bear world build song help live like friend call lead live song step lose 1938
+1 | pioneer capital let shine face friend forever pioneer capital ageless artek chorus run path sea sun pour edge joy sorrow artek forget welcome newcomer artek country kind cheerful reliable person artek artek artek have family forever need meet live great country artek friendship sweep year chorus povzrosleem year destiny pioneer fire life illuminate 1985
+1 | moscow light night fall roof house silence dawn whisp dream keeper lights light light window highrise tower see light moscow river remember dark night war brief disturb peace light stand eye close howl siren grow leave 45th storm west light moscow love friend like talk light expanse moscow light light light night fall roof house silence dawn whisp dream keeper lights light light 1955
+1 | song player movie center attack youth enter field light thousand eye entire city football soul suffer chorus player offensive like storm formidable attack defense like wall teach war young strong friendship hot friend necessary work head win soviet friendship funny head combat chorus harden athlete work golden ray warm overseas distant gate visit ball pripev1946
-1 | time roll wave thousand mile away hold close rain like yesterday lose hope faraway place hand remain black white print face ill give life save ocean turn red fall fall tide take fall fall tide take cut like lamb slaught good man leave dead fall fall tide take fall fall tide take love serve death be drift dark wound wish fall faithful arm give life save ocean turn red fall fall tide take fall fall tide take cut like lamb slaught good man leave dead fall fall tide take fall fall tide take beneath sky hate sea pain heaven wait meet give life save ocean turn red fall fall tide take fall fall tide take cut like lamb slaught good man leave dead fall fall tide take fall fall tide take give life save ocean turn red fall fall tide take fall fall tide take cut like lamb slaught good man leave dead fall fall tide take fall fall tide take
+1 | song metro believe know dig trench comrade stalin carry plan shovel gnaw firm land formation light smile rainbow bloom argue nature believe success roar winch run invigorate laughter water neck grab year dream new city victory monument tunnel shout detachment pavement darkness build ground build ground describe century feather tell child fighting subway work hammer shake underworld sing song kazakh mason foreman stalin reveal happy destiny cold marble great deed sun smile concrete brick lazar kaganovich clap shoulder slash layer kirk shout fire abrek build ground believe ground 1936
+1 | little drummer go roar cannon fire look death face troop move forward spartacus brave fighter troop move forward spartacus brave fighter young drummer offensively walk fundrum fire bolshevik chest fundrum fire bolshevik chest night camp s fun song sing bullet strike enemy finish singe end bullet strike enemy finish singe end time smile young drummer crude fall ground stop young drummer drum silent stop young drummer drum silent race fighting end glorious campaign kill young drummer song go die kill young drummer song die 1975
-1 | feel shiver heathaze wait time strange tongue airwave voice distant land see win join be love strange unfold day storm begin break cover let whirlwind blow ice melting snow freeze sky tiny light shutter doorway ripple moment stop breathe wake stir beneath foot order try stand ground battlefront shift believe hold rein have get sense history let whirlwind blow ice melting snow freeze sky tiny light water seethe bubble control come hand dive television blare room poison water glisten goliath stagger round punchdrunk daze not understand hit see win join be love strange unfold day storm begin break cover let whirlwind blow ice melting snow freeze sky tiny light water seethe control watch ocean rise government start fall freeze sky light
-1 | chasm grow cavity serpentine tooth hunger pang strike sweet feast innocent blood innocent bloodshed vampire feed war mankind vampire feed war mankind grow fat throne empire tyrant rule threat great fire have open eye see world worth tear rain sky will blow bit prove god wield power blood rain sky gape wound hemorrhage blood feast eat alive consume feed hunger hunger end let fucking vampire feed war mankind vampire feed war mankind grow fat throne empire tyrant rule threat great fire have open eye see world worth tear rain sky will blow bit prove god wield power blood rain sky battle lead believe synthesis propaganda terror deceit cattle slaughter meat gasoline pump machine valve cleanse world disease ammunition cause life cease annihilate stand way obliterate will rain holocaust sky vampire feed war mankind vampire feed war mankind grow fat throne empire tyrant rule threat great fire have open eye see world worth tear rain sky will blow bit prove god wield power blood rain sky annihilate stand way obliterate will rain holocaust sky
+1 | song cossack rasshumelsya feather blue grass blue grassturquoise oh heroic true story forget alive long ago die storm people gather atamanov finish cossack recline fear cossack hike machine gun knock help partisan battle blond wheat stubble golden hair hat repute brave fight ground dug pit blade vastness steppe grave strew grass cool river sleep darle sleep comrade friend fight rasshumelsya feather blue grass blue grassturquoise oh heroic true story forget alive long ago die storm 1938
-1 | yo check lyric format build skill technique computer adat lyrical form cloud brainstorm hype think think flow acrobat sink track pump track dance mission club like spore react past vision hurry reflect dancefloor blow have mad people show pack crowd jampack venue needle collapse atmosphere continue sprinkle winnin like movin like hittin like melody phat yo be energy source cosmic boss prodigy kickin astrology intellect devour diesel power blow mind drastically fantastically blow mind drastically fantastically blow mind drastically fantastically blow mind drastically fanta winston rewind diesel power blow mind drastically fantasically automatically check well work change route technique strategy ability leave cord mike hang like spring leave track fast lyrical tactic vocal gymnastic es pep sweep smack back crew crack check slow pick choose quick not stick medical range strange angle tangle twist inside affection channel repeat complete not compete check texture mind adventure exploit point track devour intellect proceed diesel power blow mind drastically fantastically blow mind drastically fantastically blow mind drastically fantastically blow mind drastically fanta attack whack pack fax not want high quality action stand damage manic quick reverse potent verse amplifier blow world high world sire cut like barbwire record play pull day fast forward swing exit load brain write mode select mix man perfect fix head lightly bite copy xerox cop handblock not knock have lift shift persist intelligent kingpin keeping astrology roll prodigy diesel power blow mind drastically fantastically blow mind drastically fantastically blow mind drastically fantastically blow mind drastically fanta model 7068073421 robot sonic blow mind drastically fantastically blow mind drastically fantastically blow mind drastically fantastically blow mind drastically fantastically
+1 | bandiera rossa итальянский немецкий финский и русский avanti popolo o alla riscossa bandiera rossa bandiera rossa avanti popolo o alla riscossa bandiera rossa trionfera    bandiera rossa la trionfera    bandiera rossa la trionfera    bandiera rossa la trionfera    evviva il comunismo e la liberta worker stand comrade red flag werht win decisively stand worker comrade red flag erkamft power    red flag erkamft power    red flag erkamft power    red flag erkamft power    vorwart communist freedom bay tyokansa nouskohon kay taiston tiella kun punalippu jo liehuu siella tyokansa nouskohon kay taiston tiella vie punalippu jo kunniaan    vie punalippu jo kunniaan    vie punalippu jo kunniaan    vie punalippu jo kunniaan    terve sa vapaus yes rauha maan знамена красные в едином марше вперед к победе идем отважно и не отступим мы нам враг не страшен и дело наше мы защитим    красное знамя в битве победит    красное знамя нас с собой веди    красное знамя лозунг наш один    борись за коммунизм и не сойди с пути 1908
+1 | good luck remember bustling railway station spring train lead ural girlfriend springtime spend song simple chorus goodbye goodbye good luck happy way far distance forget hurry engine song sing sound wheel leningrad baku near moscow song chorus time pass gradually realize song simply live impossible live sing goodbye spring chorus marry fifth year leap bound son grow flight come mother sing son chorus
-1 | find way rid clean pain fever s haunt go away look window recognise people pass be far home know hear goodbye shall speak day darkness be bide time sure task rise
-1 | want share mouthful want thing lung be go to bed like cat bed bean bag turn inside lick like crisp packet kind pull like animal hole wanna lever pull shower shower be go to paw paw like cat paw woolen jumper minpin borrower handsome trivia devour lou lou let cover girl sing handclap clap let wallpaper paper room wanna button press bath surround yes be go to roll like cat roll see dust patio be go to kiss like sun browns devour devour think stomach want freckle want freckle want freckle want freckle want freckle want freckle want freckle want freckle freckle
-1 | crowded street clear away hollow hero separate run cold hand wise man wonder strong man die end right defenseless satisfy inside s right let try find family not cry land makebelieve dead dry cold feel alive lie hand time end right defenseless satisfy inside s right let try end right defenseless satisfy inside s right let try right right right right right right right right right
-1 | erase face house walk station dark desert be feel lonely connect record know anger gift big secret actually stop exist be surprise indifferent feel surveillance scandal look germanys history speak people live nazi eastern socialist germany spying life state thing friend family long run imagine right lose trust people love conversation half lie half truth everybodys live exception ignore music game right research topic say past twist surveillance state wrong joke private constantly blackmail charge history show type society corrupt lie people suffer end everybody lose
-1 | spray paint camera jam frequency kill come alive hood bandana enemy not define way rule call conscience clean sin absolve find god hey sound factory burn sleep sound come come give stand watch fall away hold let instead s right build high wall not shed light true criminal business suffering law fail people turn flame find love love find life life thorn stick wonder come come give stand watch fall away hold hold let fall let fall come come give come come come light roadblock sleep sound alarm go come
+1 | cossack kazachenki cossack cossack yes ah yes kazachenki hold morning village village hold morning village village girl go cossack fun cossack cossack ask hut come visit red soldier come visit long time see year wait finally wait cossack cossack famously respond go battle today horse tired fight draft sharp girl dear sister cossack cossack say goodbye gate native belaru battle rush native belarus race squad flutter wind red flag cossack cossack yes ah yes kazachenki hold morning village village hold morning village village girl go cossack fun 1939
-1 | surrender strive good man create longer trample poor ignore stomach starve renew heart hopeless strength helpless not stand foot not stand foot got to change get to change mean look hurting bandage wound martyr would die would die get to mend wound desperate get power change circumstance get power get power change let rise storm rise storm set sail sea set sail sea sea pass water sink walk fire set ablaze sink set ablaze instead sink grace furnace mercy choose despised lowly choose despised lowly despise lowly catalyst reach hurting embrace have abandon catalyst embrace have abandon
-1 | matter word common silent die world have speak agree have fall deaf ear stand conviction walk stand stand know bear conviction have find grave dead fade away yeah solitude well life worthy reaction lose stand join follow misery conviction have find grave dead fade away conviction have find grave dead fade away fade away stand conviction will walk voice noise hear crowd feed noise grow silent stand know bear fade anodyne sea drown have go yeah conviction have find grave grave dead fade away yeah conviction conviction have find grave dead fade away stand conviction will walk yeah fade anodyne sea drown have go fade fade fade anodyne sea fade fade fade fade away
-1 | time listen voice scream loud look distance try chance ya find share common discomfort feel be walk fine line tell real be way go vacant hope hey not live day darkness keep light conceal grim hold faith dig grave mouse endure wheel real have bury alive walk field fire take step find solid ground follow dream reach high not survive fall change time feel little certain ya know jump sign tell real memory fade go wash view away hey not live day darkness keep light conceal grim hold faith dig grave mouse endure wheel real be chain like slave trap dark slam lock death call have bury alive burn throw fucking hand s feel like take wrong route watch fall apart knock wrong gate pay toll price deal will find ill gladly soul sick sober quick psycho lunatic crush hand fate shame find late trap inside inferno await evil thought hide ill help release mind ill peel away skin release dark life strike light life die bury alive life s feel like strike light let soul life s feel like die bury alive let soul life die bury alive
-1 | constant change constant change human heart bear leg slide forth truly rest accompany death slide forth strong remnant history begin crumble time slide forth constant change remain constant change s growth decay yea let unvarying scene find picture breathe life level ground exist capture flash steady light slide forth forth constant change uncertainty await constant change s growth decay decay constant change stay foundation life stay erase time constant change remain constant change s growth decay yeaah constant change change constant change
-1 | like closing door be slowly shut like fall leaf wait ground not bother stop try good not lifetime love die love say goodbye say goodbye goodbye goodbye say goodbye goodbye goodbye broken piece shatter have lie day leave be chanceless fight try good not break lifetime love die love say goodbye say goodbye goodbye goodbye say goodbye goodbye goodbye yeah say goodbye goodbye lifetime lifetime love die love say goodbye say goodbye goodbye goodbye say goodbye goodbye goodbye yeah say goodbye yeah goodbye
-1 | mornin head mine breathin devil dust time bill not fall not need help will not needin get load chain heart pride s tearin apart wonder dream dreamt thing want time lose pull night wait come home would would cuss fuss be not not love cuz not tell year not kill make strong baby know nothins change little old wonder dream dreamt thing want time lose pull pull day come home little tired hear coughin night year retire doctor alright not need help surely will needin plenty get load chain heart pride s tearin apart wonder dream dreamt thing want time lose pull time lose pull pull
+1 | komsomol time win father want life live magnitogorsk divnogorsk ustilim hour day year life ask new question ask life issue able answer korchagin alive alive sailor komsomol time win korchagin alive alive sailor komsomol time win suppose wear budennovki old tribe temper steel labor impulse feat battle solve problem chief ask life issue able answer korchagin alive alive sailor komsomol time win korchagin alive alive sailor komsomol time win chelyuskintsev open astronaut star trail brave heart breast komsomol member ahead ask life issue able answer korchagin alive alive sailor komsomol time win korchagin alive alive sailor komsomol time win
+1 | kamf yiddish mir vern gehast un getribn mir vern geplogt un farfolgt un alt derfar vayl mir libn dos oreme shmaktnde folk mir vern dershosn gehangen man roybt undz dos lebn un rekht derfar vayl eme farlangen un frayhayt far oreme knekht shmidt undz ayzerne keytn vi blutike khayes undz rayst ir kent undzer kerper teytn keyn mol undzer heylikn gayst ir kent undz dermordn tiranen naye kemfer vet brengen di tsayt un mir kemfn mir kemfn biz vanen di gantse velt vet vern bafrayt word word translation hate grab afflict persecute love impoverished agony people shoot hang take life right want truth freedom poor slave zakuyte iron shackle tear bloodthirsty beast kill body holy spirit kill tyrant new fighter bring time fight fighting free mir1889
-1 | desperate win need face end desperate win need face end sleep wait light dream run white night wake unfamiliar room talk wall not listen sleep pray night dream burn light come fear eye s surprise leave s surprise leave desperate win need face end desperate win desperate win need need face end face end desperate win wait end downpour cloud drown desperate win wait end downpour cloud drown daybreak headache afternoon stare nightfall sleep time repair daybreak headache afternoon stare nightfall sleep time take share desperate win need desperate win desperate win need need face end face end
+1 | komsomol day fighting difficult hour hike favorite country grow labor matter everyday life worker like granite strengthen strength labor matter everyday life worker komsomol chorus friend young young young young up life steep up tough way work guide suddenly golden hand komsomol duty machine inflight science komsomolsk debt komsomol chorus retreat way unknown motto stand place win victory matter honor komsomol win victory komsomol pripev1958
-1 | iv hospital bed accident therapeutic chain event scent dead skin linoleum floor scent quarantine wing hospital pleasant conventional sure hell be not normal deal deal anesthetic set be wonder apathy urgency think phone pleasant conventional sure hell be not normal deal deal sit sit sit relax sit sit sit relapse not kid fight fight kid sit relax sit relapse not kid fight fight kid sit sit regular decorated emergency regular decorate emergency scent dead skin linoleum floor scent quarantine wing hospital pleasant conventional sure hell be not normal deal deal anesthetic set be wonder apathy urgency think phone pleasant conventional sure hell be not normal deal deal not kid fight fight kid sit relax sit relapse not kid fight fight kid sit sit sit sit relax relapse sit sit bababadaa kid fight regular decorate emergency bruise contusion remind wake have earn place atop icus hall fame camera catch cause commotion gurney regular decorate emergency bruise contusion remind wake have earn place atop icus hall fame camera catch cause commotion gurney not kid fight fight kid sit relax sit relapse not kid fight fight kid sit sit sit sit relax relapse sit sit bababadaa not kid fight iv hospital bed accident therapeutic chain event
-1 | fucking day deal pressure outdo not ask help not admit be weak be go word be go not anymore day wage war would die let win not let win expect help not help hypocrite ill agree longer prophet claim be stick try find stand stand
+1 | communicative miner ready sail boat stand post miner board girlfriend kate keep secret conversation allow turn change zero offer ride minefield doubt maiden terrible love mine explode way say resentfully fear ridiculous mine specialist absolutely terrible somebody blow yes death happen escape spirit girl droop look blue sea be blow well picking know personally mine reminer say come fellow midshipman confirm midshipman cool stop dispute day talkative miner 1947
-1 | oh lordy trouble hard oh lordy trouble hard not know trouble god not know trouble begin oh lordy trouble hard oh lordy trouble hard not know trouble god not know trouble begin oh lordy trouble hard oh lordy trouble hard not know trouble god not know trouble begin go hill day soul get happy stay day go hill day soul get happy stay day oh lordy trouble hard oh lordy trouble hard not know trouble god not know trouble begin oh lordy trouble hard oh lordy trouble hard not know trouble god not know trouble begin go room not stay long look bed brother dead go room not stay long look bed brother dead oh lordy trouble hard oh lordy trouble hard not know trouble god not know trouble begin oh lordy trouble hard oh lordy trouble hard not know trouble god not know trouble begin oh lordy trouble hard oh lordy trouble hard not know trouble god not know trouble begin oh lordy trouble hard oh lordy trouble hard not know trouble god not know trouble begin oh lordy trouble hard oh lordy trouble hard not know trouble god not know trouble begin
+1 | song soldier quartercentury ago die fight otbolelo otmayali wound courage fidelity distant keeping stand holy fire survive soldier die time bury friend death stand stop heart palm eye stream affect fire say cry soldier soldier old wound hurt bad weather yesterday sunny sun morning cry soldier holy fire sun shine river volga fly cloud painful watch gold field sad turn white feather plume soldier youth soldier grave son think old soldier heart burn wound hurt 1967
+1 | soar bonfire soar bonfire blue night pioneer child worker near era light year outcry pioneer ready young bold friendly crowd ready work fight example struggle work outcry pioneer ready joyous step song fun advocate komsomol near era light year outcry pioneer ready gryanem amicably song bold pioneer seven world example struggle work outcry pioneer ready raise scarlet banner child worker feel free follow near era light year outcry pioneer ready
-1 | home not like stranger raise kid good beat kid good tie spread wide wife life push camera deeper use abuse muse machine strip soul fill hole fire feed belt bleed strip soul kill go go sleep grave way clay underneath floor building wall overall get bore get faulty wiring brick brick bone machine strip soul fill hole fire feed want belt bleed western home strip soul kill rubble want western home rubble machine strip soul fill hole machine strip soul fill hole machine strip soul fill hole strip soul fill hole strip soul fill hole strip soul fill hole
-1 | have tell have try past lately insecurity get good be longer control feel like feel like good outweigh bad bad s leave sleepless night spend time argue reflection apparent reason answer be lose have spend past year try overcome misery sort thing time be run pray god not world not hear listen promise deserve
+1 | cheerful wind robert song come song propyl cheerful wind cheerful wind merry wind jurassic sea search hear song sing wind wild mountain deep secret sea bird talk blue expanse brave great people          fight victory          let sing          hilarious laugh          want achieve          seek find come song propyl cheerful wind cheerful wind merry wind sea mountain search hear song sing wind forest thicket animal tangle trail night noise muscle steel joy fighting win come song propyl cheerful wind cheerful wind merry wind sea mountain search hear song sing wind glory courage scientist heroe soldier heart fire want catch overtake father come song propyl funny wind funny wind merry wind sea mountain search hear song sing song sound spring song earth tube play lip singe foot fun 1936
+1 | edge kuban edge kuban leave young cossack goodbye dear sad dear part briefly komsomol dispatch short hike hear call vastness dnieper hear volga construction site call harvest work people big thing drought evil prevent crop steppe cossack say go dear hear wait forgive oh blue steppe open kuban region way direct boy girl ride vdvoem1951
-1 | try hide hand stain scum wish wash away take take away break break break not believe yesterday feel come not stand watch save fall grace come will not sympathy bad say life monochrome wish regain control take take away fake fake fake not believe yesterday feel come not stand watch save fall grace come will not sympathy find feel fill cut find feel fill cut hate not believe yesterday feel come not stand watch save fall grace come will not sympathy save fall grace come will not sympathy hate
-1 | scorched earth leave barren land ash fatherland lay waste void fucking monument leaden dawn ominous morn pila loom horizon talon wolverine exanimate legion form gate avaricum believe invulnerable call wall straight eye godsdawn bane arise avaricum burn dead sky avaricum drown blood demise siege tower emerge protrude ground stand threaten sky mock valiantness face face eyelevele enemy serrie roman rank embattle hold cut trap inside carnage hand creak winch extoll doom slaughter befell avaricum dead suffuse oppidum leave pillage sack rape avaricum brave avaricum grave
-1 | sundown sleep bad mess old theme murmur halfdreams whisper seductively stage scene fear fiction vision catch delusion prophesy not have want fear reality bright light young night beat classic party scene crowd interesting love life history touch chemistry roaring undercurrent simple sensory young body warm skin perfect symmetry moment harmless energy like medicine selfdiscovery secret secret temporary fleeting feeling warmth flash line get blurry longing body want body want integrity keep hand thought get far ahead get tired consequence scared know want leave pause second guess swaying stumble swagger movement feel not matter hesitate carry kind energy sweat block find aperture compel animal part fan flame taste fruit taste bitter fruit try learn wire body work try feel like medicine find healing bed end want feel want know work want know worth worry ghost fear haunt memory damage be sure fear want know will not follow night instinct take hold push maybe have get scared church step vision fiction true have tale little unclear s haunt time funny thing move future glorify past amplify pain frame glass touch half sacred have fabrication halfdream chemical adolescent love try grasp meaning purpose sense spiritual release feeling hit feeling hit moment spark harp play sweeping melody fog fantasy moment s honesty instinctive pure depart like come rapid bear fleeting ecstasy natural harmony fear note play try sing not ashamed free feeling not ashamed feel find body make sense have feel
-1 | flask drink sober tea relay camera monitor buzz surround buzz surround buzz surround close eyed sky wide open unlimited girl unlimited sigh indefinitely far away magnifie deepen ready sing sixth sense peacefully place breath listening keep hurt ear know eye close perish thought like contraband train martial art advertise reinforce softened part advertise little glazed lane world ready sing sixth sense peacefully place breath flicker roam listen ear know eye close ready sing sixth sense peacefully place breath flicker roam listen ear know eye close bolt key lock boat rock be free roam dummy screen magazine close eyed sky wide open unlimited girl unlimited sigh think lie waste time simple job strip light flask drink sober tea till daylight send home flicker roam daydream admire quietly open world hear time starry sky turn midnight little glazed lane world daydream admire quietly open world hear time starry sky turn midnight
+1 | sailor farewell land sea long journey call funny wind open song sing chorus sea wolf sailor child problem sailor sea obedient ship fly fly bird wave 2p ocean float dare heart open new distant island island pioneer chorus year pass captain necessary enemy gun gryanem chorus
-1 | know beg thought run mind know beg reason devour pain away stay hand reach empower eternity ease mind know have bring meaning life run thought run mind dead love path take reason devour pain away stay hand reach empower eternity ease mind know have bring meaning life run small ray light find run need shield eye run away soulless heartless fiend hound run away let memory blind devour pain away stay hand reach empower eternity ease mind know have bring meaning life
-1 | let taste let feel need know inside need speak let carry wish let interfere rise submission be beneath soil discard clothe let loose hair intertwine forever word ill depart lip dwell meaning cause rise submission be beneath soil come dark vibrant flower wither endless winter soul outside park day change have know change rise submission be beneath soil feed warmth lure inside depend life blood rise submission be beneath soil feed warmth lure inside silently whisper set free htaed otni yaw eht dael win resolc peel rof gnol gnivael dna yawa gnidaf tuohtiw od nac tahw -PRON- gniwohs thgil laerehte raeppasid dna edaf sruoloc ecnart gnihtoos
-1 | lowrider lowrider lowrider lowrider aww comin fo real cypress hill ohh baby get junk yo trunk go gangsta crazy real life hustler playin game street get lowrider scrapin dippin lowrider pop collar holla throw yo dub air tear roof mother lady let yo hair playa thang feel alright lowrider smoke tree crack brew gettin freaky tonight people bumpin head wonder want instead makin bounce year rock steady cut niggaz confetti want blaze mic spliff yes gift amaze think not come friend guess slay niggaz savin good nut lowrider better cover eye cause know spit start flowin drop rhyme grow like tree smokin ear drum feel like lung brain chokin let soak seep creep be keepin motherfucker deep end lowrider wanna trip get luggage stuff send cause be not rugged aww comin fo real cypress hill ohh baby get junk yo trunk go gangsta crazy real life hustler playin game street lowrider get lowrider scrapin dippin pop yo collar holla throw dub air lowrider tear roof mother lady let yo hair playa thang feel alright lowrider smoke tree crack brew gettin freaky tonight cause cypress hill come ride inside bouncin dippin chop real tough lean pimp yo hat tilt yo seat not baby boy break bread sack lowrider vato fine hoodrat ranfla roll deep street like mafia pleito come haunt ya flossin vatos go to want ya right home past makin feria spittin rap ya conoce be calle cypress ave y pudo les madre lowrider ya tu sabe not play shit pendejos gettin hit quick whassup ese hood claim throw like be not thang lowrider hand air pinky rings soul assassin runnin vato sure check barrio be respect lowrider aww comin fo real cypress hill ohh baby get junk yo trunk go gangsta crazy real life hustler playin game street lowrider get lowrider scrapin dippin pop yo collar holla throw dub air lowrider tear roof mother lady let yo hair playa thang feel alright lowrider smoke tree crack brew gettin freaky tonight lowrider lowrider lowrider lowrider lowrider lowrider lowrider lowrider
-1 | think day be leave drag broken soul street work school home man life make feel man life fill hole deserve face raise fist scream think like bitch not worry darle mommy trip feel sanity start slip dream sun not feel pain fade away sun live help entangle web complete misery cry stifle fear kid stick end soon fault say avoid dream sun not feel pain fade away sun live help let sister mother die let mother die let
+1 | song bryansk guerrilla dark grove deaf partizan young hide ambush detachment autumn rain wait enemy trample fascist bastard sister wife wait window mother table cover family go hut burn wind howl ruin fly country wind home believe tear wound night avenge executioner child father guerrilla dark grove deaf moon shine sky clear dawn die away nazi convoy hit skid explode mine dark grove deaf partizan young hide ambush detachment autumn rain wait enemy trample fascist bastard
-1 | not start thing have hear forget face father disgrace get wear tie church heaven work hate tell shit earthly thing mean eternal king whoaoh tell love hate whoaoh mind drive crazy bet go to song offensive little abrasive take wake sign money steeple steep flock sick weak hate tell shit earthly thing mean eternal king whoaoh tell love hate whoaoh mind drive crazy whoaoh tell love hate whoaoh mind drive crazy hate love hate love hate whoaoh tell love hate whoaoh mind drive crazy whoaoh tell love hate whoaoh mind drive crazy
-1 | eventide rise ritual thrill kill vengefully engine roar forth steer dead leave force drive fear shift gear veer foolishly equip swift fail bid breathe taillight crypt reflect way redemption let necronometer beckon destine bless lend sin condemn bear burden curse consequence avert torment attempt vain evade debt certain pay question meet counterclocke surge reverse backmaske word black mass hear clutch engage trail blaze western gate ville valo heaven run devil ride heaven run devil ride heaven run devil ride hell burn angel turn pillow cool diabolical idle hand bind damned sam go georgia speed forge divine salt mine vault flame lose name seek fault rest beneath wrong spawn tired screech essence halt engulf scent exhaustion false witness sensed end bring bend knee abandon belief mephistophelian plea wicked unleashed send heed reap grim infernally decreed reposession vest fall call retrieve meed fueled intention deprive intervention thunder calm come rattle descension numb panic havoc reek oil barrel mortal coil ville valo heaven run devil ride heaven run devil ride heaven run devil ride hell burn angel turn pillow cool diabolical ville valo tonight belong tonight belong tonight belong tonight belong
-1 | drip drip drop bit bit dulcet sound glacial melt accompany beluga singe hand have deal emperor arctic fox listen intently be beginning glimpse call real life say mean misfortune be beginning glimpse call real life yes lose myopia yes lose myopia surround ostrich mouth sand tooth grind grain face not contort perplex unable breathe skin vertebrate backbone be begin glimpse call real life say mean misfortune be beginning glimpse call real life say mean misfortune emperor watch number plummet hear scream live denial science happy defile silence yeah live denial science happy defile silence be beginning glimpse call real life say mean misfortune deprive polar bear grasp straw safeguard dividend depend disbelief perplex unable breathe skin vertebrate backbone be begin glimpse call real life say mean misfortune be beginning glimpse call real life say mean misfortune emperor watch number plummet hear scream live denial science happy defile silence yeah live denial science happy defile silence
+1 | song chekist steel blast furnace bear juicy grape calm child asleep people sleep people modest eloquent know name good security officer martial wear order chorus intelligence people enemy pass border pass tight rein song cease know sad loss calm child asleep people sleep nowadays cloudless clean let overshadow enemy sharpeye kgb lookout chorus intelligence people enemy pass border pass tight rein 1938
-1 | appeal law fellow man fool coward care law wounded man shall assailant live kill die forgive rule honor break paradigm example set invoke siren song sign death warrant work thirty piece silver tongue man angel buy beloved betrayer result s better leave unspoken violence begin mend break have talk have ear word mean dwell darkness shall light day word break bone execute mandate mouth dirt remove registry st peter greet eye turn lock gate result s better leave unspoken violence begin mend break have talk have ear omerta cheaply venal stupidly verbose slip tongue slit throat foot marker mouth forever free speech live dead man tell tale laugh finger point omerta sing
-1 | eye colour fade look like new transition starting shake ground turn head new day call feel like head lean snapshot bear be look hand rough catch wire ill lift lead action catch cellphone ray bleed sofa stare wayside s come know know footstep hallway girl not get time got to far away get to far away darkness bedroom maybe s rest maybe late come club not hear breathing not right killer hallway live set time get to far away get to far away
-1 | feel like backwards baby say ahead get hope oh feel like backwards darle know think sound silly hear inside head day realize be hold hope maybe feeling not feel like backwards baby say ahead get hope oh feel like backwards darle seed indecision not oh cause decide long ago s way draw apart real feel feel like backwards darle say ahead get hope oh feel like backwards darle feel like backwards baby say ahead get hope oh feel like backwards darle feel like backwards baby say ahead get hope oh feel like backwards darle
+1 | polar sea rage rage polar sea heave aboard ship broad expanse far land weather boil storm friend forget eye morning dream opening map mention way spring accompany give smile song spring helm sing north sea cloud end end friend forget eye morning dream opening map mention way davyte sing open wind rage happiness large sea favorite girlfriend let heart beat pause friend forget eye morning dream opening map mark path avotrskoe poem polar song rage polar sea heave aboard ship wide expanse land weather boil storm friend forget eye morning dream opening map mention way spring accompany remember smile be dark night helm future meeting sing cloud end end friend forget open eye morning map mention way surge wave high land see icebreaker far far away accord polar water speed friend forget open eye morning map mention way davyte sing open wind rage happiness big sea favorite girlfriend let heart beat pause friend forget open eye morning map mark path 1940
-1 | place smile perfect event grace skin hand leave learn miss sentimental boy nom de plume let save wrong sleep tonight long burn bright trade mistake sheep count away sleep ill stay awake till trade mistake fade away fill room body desert organ not fly wing not sleep box let save wrong sleep tonight long burn bright trade mistake sheep count away sleep ill stay awake till trade mistake fade away not let trade wrong ill pull cause anchor save oar feel sink let save wrong anchor sink sleep tonight long burn bright trade mistake sheep count away sleep ill stay awake till trade mistake fade away
+1 | war war grow gain strength unanimous chorus hear world midnight secret conversation dealer efire come true dark dealer deadly cargo part angola seoul scotland saigon hundred seal stock bomb death thousand ton okay send luggage projectile today unload dockworker long wait work people hungry take work anytime hear angry response labor union today free hand deadly cargo loader load need hold carry shell war moneybag decision labor union security send good rake heat work hand let otchalat salazar franco hide light day night worry shadow world ready war war world honest work voice howling siren sound alarm decide raymond dien road surface screech wheel road polkstankov stop locomotive heavy load tank solid wall live people raymond dien gun find feed powerful united efforts dispel anxiety earth death scatter dust volley korablya1950 board
-1 | fight hill early day constant chill deep inside shouting gun run endless grey fight right yes s hill man kill know stiffen wound test pride man alive rage glow go insane pain surely know bell toll time march bell toll look sky die time blacken roar massive roar fill crumble sky shatter goal fill soul ruthless cry stranger eye mystery hear silence loud crack dawn go blind eye bell toll time march bell toll
+1 | song new man clay new man blood come blood erase century fear hunger arm rifle light look idea lean bullet love cry hide million ear receptive cry war victory clapper herald glory heart man guerrilla know arm rifle light eye clay early morning 1967
+1 | novorossiysk chime sound bell melodious battle listen remember hero soviet land brave fighter fierce battle motherland give life death eternal glory gain immortality hymn sing people unfade crown glory glow brightly unquenchable fire flame heart bring oath serve motherland faithful end feat valiant heroesfighter forever heart
+1 | интернационал вьетнам o slave revolt world body area suffer poverty o simmer enthusiasm heart fill container phen decision life death blend old regime shatter clean region slave stand tomorrow people life old interest hand right struggle game unite tomorrow linternationale future society struggle game unite tomorrow linternationle future society
+1 | song marshal tito serbian marshal tito marshal tito heroic son hell shall stop raise forehead walk boldly clutch fist pristine goth slavdom ancient common say slander lie feel fist finger color kitty partisan create awareness need sun sky high raise fist
-1 | ill come home cause know know not care hardly wait leave place matter hard try satisfied home think be better disappear home think be better home home house home home house home time come home be stone turn tv scream hardly wait till case matter hard try satisfied home think be better disappear home think be better home home house home home house home home house home home house home be better matter hard try satisfied home think be better disappear home think be better home home house home home house home home house home home house home
+1 | sea song ship go happen swimming dyubyh roam sea shtormoval port overseas visit harbor overall clear homesick overall long home banana eat drank coffee martinique smoke tobacco istanbul evil cairo chew brother date melancholy opinion bitter far homeland bitter beauty strange little window foreign land wander day leave soul tithe sheshe nastia nastya sweet nastya finish swim distant kiss granite quay native crimea vladivostok tear oh nakuru ah kuril island distant distant island
-1 | hide eye dim light watch new time different kind future final set sun close fall grace new dawn leave place ill clear bloodshot mind want life demand well way stand time hide meeting halfway suck life needle eye new day win surrender outdo leave open cooling horizon future future fear combine manifest refine know try understand new way new dawn new dawn way way
+1 | thaelmann column немецкий spains sky spread star schьtzengrдben morning grьяt afar soon come new struggle refrain home far ready kдmpfen victorious close freedom fascist depart send thick hail ball stand equal comrade rьckwдrt close refrain rьhrt drum fдllt bayonet vorwдrt march victory reward freedom flag chain brecht battle thдlmannbataillon refrain home far ready kдmpfen die closed freedom 1936
-1 | like spread disease ya ya debt guilt guilt decree master seek help infirmity twice son hell reach hand reach hand plague disease reach hand reach hand plague disease religion try blame accept problem sacred mandate accept conformity select revelation choose believe blind guide replace divine eye familiarity great deception disguise authority seal subversion whitewashed tomb hide truth unknowingly worship icon ordinary life reach hand find forgiveness plague disease horror belief custom camouflage commonality reach hand reach hand reach hand reach hand believe hope believe look outside sanctuary oppression bring world pain yeah blind guide replace divine eye eye whitewash tomb whitewash tomb hide truth reach hand find forgiveness plague disease plague disease reach hand find forgiveness reach hand plague disease reach hand reach hand
+1 | battle near lake hassan night black tomnoy night order give fight break thrust near lake hassan star sky shine blood burn fire beat japanese pobom samurai expect mercy wait stern sud bullet shell death invader escape enemy hide zaozerne smoke violate border allow pozdov night early morning go attack assault near lake hassan day battle last say plane loud language infantry height point bayonet run away disgracefully cordon break enemy altitude zaozerne proudly wind red flag sun come fog hill gold like japanese hassan enemy beat protect earth voroshilovtsyfighter day night stand guard brave patriot stalin beloved lead victory inch native land enemy away 1938
-1 | pour home light come pour rain watch hope come go east pick friend start ride ride night ride day come stay pour home watch light man fall comb watch light screen watch light come go west weapon hand ride come stay watch sunny day s love darkness sidearm hey elan go north look friend start ride ride night ride day look sunny day go south pick friend hope will not die ride night ride heaven hell come feel
-1 | take cheap shot clean miss burnin defense shakin hip move quick kiss breathe neck wrap wrist try break loose tight grip knock unconscious bite lip lost cause fast fight be not take prisoner s play nice load bullet blood round yeah s sweet shooter know kickback heart hit ground say think tough baby hand load bullet blood round yeah s sweet shooter know kickback heart hit ground say think tough baby hand yeah break give feel pretty good trouble be get beat bruise be bleed barely breathe load bullet blood round yeah s sweet shooter know kickback heart hit ground say think tough baby hand load bullet blood round yeah s sweet shooter know kickback heart hit ground say think tough baby hand yeah get deep chest straight bulletproof vest kiss like grenade like blade bayonet get deep chest straight bulletproof vest kiss like grenade like blade bayonet get deep chest straight bulletproof vest kiss like grenade like blade bayonet load bullet blood round yeah s sweet shooter know kickback heart hit ground say think tough baby hand load bullet blood round yeah s sweet shooter know kickback heart hit ground say think tough baby hand yeah
-1 | stick heart stick heart stick heart sacrifice heart want crave pain cause need claw away skin lose mind til find cut bite thing enlight away be hole away fear love stick heart stick heart stick heart feel insane need feel pain hold crash wall like hammer smash floor thinking pull crack sink pull like god be try see life die drag kill fight love stick heart feel tear feel share love feel bring life not feel stick heart feel share love feel hold love cause love hold love cause love love
+1 | ship return home astern gray veil lose fog lighthouse fire give light native land sailor soul fall swim forget expensive land day night intoxicate spring naughty nightingale sing wave menace roar mast muffled creak chudyatsya star relative away ocean storm ship return home
-1 | wanna know silent swallow word talk deaf ear not difference find s right wrong place belong cut cord handand let discover inspiration lead follow follow force find deep deep stand ground agree find s right wrong place belong fuck false friend let conversation ask tell save gallow ill save here deal save gallow ill save save gallow
+1 | по долинам и по взгорьям венгерский countryside valley ridge burst forward army crush struggle apart ferocious white red flag swing swinge wind battles crimson dawn heroic brigade head partisan amurskaya glory away year dim occupy city thousand partisan verve run cossack ataman loose end pacific ocean battle come end
-1 | s war go mind medium maven mount surgical strike trapper keeper collage online magazine rack cover girl cutout throw popup ad infect victim silicone shrapnel worldwide passenger pigeon deploy paratrooper rain pornography lover shelter postproduction debutante pursue nascar chariot construct ransom letter biblical passage bleed mascara holy water supply s war go mind industry insider slave test tube baby corporate crackhead flash logo blast ghetto embroidered necktie stop snitchin conscious rapper whistleblower stitch acupuncture needle marionette string war go mind professional wrestler vice president want believe desert sky bluescreen superimpose explosion shout pay attention man barbed curtain crater beneath drape flag hood protection meteor day size corpse s war go mind insurgent
-1 | be sweat breathing stare think sink deeper like be swimming sun burn hot hunter fisherman be try remember make dizzy like have familiar like be slip dream dream way whisper sun set cool be thinker fisherman be try remember make dizzy be sweat breathing stare think sink deeper like be swimming like have familiar like be slip dream dream way whisper drag take home like have familiar like be slip dream dream way whisper drag take home
+1 | battle motherland fly horse yes shlyakhov rocky stirrup stand foremost poeskadronno cavalry soldier pull rein fly battle chorus fight motherland battle stalin combat honor road horse feed bute hoof meet stalinist enemy country yes fight year country go end stalin gold division horse checker fire strong fighter chorus defeat battle yes enemy past year focus blade hurtle cavalry infighting campaign tank rush warhorse chorus order wonder yes hand country remember fighter ready fight comrade voroshilov ready fight stalin father chorus fight motherland battle stalin combat honor road horse feed bute hoof meet stalinist enemy 1939
+1 | loyalty courage honor song sing chorus fail anybody sun break cloud 3r believe chorus 2p loyalty courage honor heart leave lurch necessary word dee argue obstacle fair courageous 3r proud chorus experience dream happy time s help out3p friendship pripev1970
-1 | tear dark like night have feel cold like break away smile face spend lifetime hope be hope come cover mask be alive eye be die deep try replace change life suffocate lose lie have realize fuckin truth s world think well hide cause will not change face spend lifetime hope be hope come cover mask be cover mask will not forget change give chance rearrange not single day today sunrise horizon begin descry new life hope hope die regret till death hope die hide mask utter satisfaction be feeling lose face
-1 | world have create burden life rest world mean hold pass away void completion comfort fade long wind cease hold pass away hold pass away long wind cease hold undying devotion dead thought undefined like love hold pass away hold pass away
-1 | be go to tell tell spouse reason be scare kid look world crap suppose bring kid world feel like know meet right guy feel safe kid change way thing wedding day walk aisle see wait know not guy feel safe change way thing will step kid
-1 | night timeless fire draw near flee year throe watch mirror fall apart wreck be burn angel burn fall ruin look be enemy watch decay decaying fall high spirit flee ruin long find way leave s leave ruin crumble flame die shivery wind jet black sky reflect hatred eye angel burn fall ruin look ashe scatter grave angel whisper fire longer be alive settle be trip kingdom come
-1 | stage set curtain song queue expectaion spotlight act applausebow repeat step not right hand bleed blister break drip ceiling not want have fall apart not pick piece cry dark cup ear seashells hear solitude bring face voice reaaon go not hear right ear ring head hold hand stop spinning stop start home long replace world window pane finally go far come home world wait tonight will not time tell waxwing melt moment spare fall asleep color sunrise count year circle eye dream shade blue gray speak tongue metaphor story bleed ink subtle allegory needle hay
-1 | march 1945 unwante breath mother blessing bear father burden wear bright shine sunrise tile floor open door blood street lie mattress stare aimlessly numb dark decay bathroom floor rundown apartment scrape finger tile feel unwanted bastard father unwanted hazel eye mother s pray god save save need not answer rosary unanswered plea away let safe let see forget face get drunk fist old devil look eye jack gamble debt old devil look eye warn raise hand say god not hear save care newborn boy cry early morning light sleepless night
-1 | s struggle come conquer divide machine hum night day unaware afraid protest drum turn nose roll eye kneejerk reaction ingrain judge arm chair cause hate love loss light dark world burn concern catch tickertape parade learn stand walk away cold heart not worth love hate learn let learn walk away shadow be seduce light flame time be stay gunpowder residue bright light turpentine true color shine strip exterior cause hate love loss right wrong fall learn stand walk away cold heart not worth love hate learn let learn walk away shadow be seduce light flame time be stay foot quicksand day surrender stray game plan hope hand stand water overflow wall break know be go s light glow chase have lose lead astray time be stay
-1 | time lie awake hit feeling not miss roommate keep awake sigh scream feeling not miss stop think hate love hate love time lie awake hit feeling not miss stop think hate love hate love stop think know stop think know hate love hate love hate hate hate love hate love
+1 | lenin немецкий touch sleep world word lightning come rail river drive country touch sleep world word bread lenin word army famine touch sleep world word machine tractor house rig mine electricity hammer factory stand indelible script write heart
-1 | lie water vision break head catch tide cruel ocean dream distance silence kill hardly touch ground touch ground touch ground deep river wave head hold spirit descend reach end deep river wave head hold spirit descend reach end deep river wave head hold spirit descend reach end descend reach end
-1 | be happy cause today have find friend head be ugly s okay cause have break mirror sunday morning day care be scared light candle daze cause have find god yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah be lonely s okay shave head be sad maybe be blame have hear be sure be excited not wait meet not care be horny s okay good yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like be go to crack miss be go to crack love be go to crack kill be go to crack like be go to crack miss be go to crack love be go to crack kill be go to crack be happy cause today have find friend head be ugly s okay cause have break mirror sunday morning day care be scared light candle daze cause have find god yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like be go to crack miss be go to crack love be go to crack kill be go to crack like be go to crack miss be go to crack love be go to crack kill be go to crack
-1 | good dirty son bitch sneak peek pussy good dirty son bitch outta way love hate whore lie beg like dog whip wrong oh bastard ooh bastard follow round lose pull chain s boss not afraid need shit private nurse will not hurt bit pull skin stick pin closer oh bastard dirty bastard think ill let touch twist inside blind eye pull gut swear will not shout twist inside blind eye pull gut swear will not shout swear will not shout will not shout trip oh bastard dirty bastard think ill let touch have sneak peek pussy will not cock fucking second bitch ah little thing ill class hot inobedient bitch oh bastard oh bastard oh bastard good dirty son bitch outta way think know man not
-1 | live chemical life be mission try go insane day ill away option go smile break fall want simple life not erase mind simple design fuck time leave right right cause know want will wait away be live be fall grace s way s way be run away be make worse fourletter word want know isolate go fall apart seam ill know mean try pull apart aim straight heart mind simple design fuck time leave right right cause know want will wait away be live be fall grace s way s way be run away bad not know let find have leave not know mind cause know want will wait away be live be fall grace s way s way be run away s way s way be run away s way s way be run away
+1 | song recruit fast train sadness find song humbug joke conversation travel youth chorus oh golden field dali expanse native song cruise let guy army serve say girl see brave lad strong skillful mandate chorus dear girl answer reliable army native chorus 1954
+1 | white army black baron white army black baron prepare royal throne taiga british seas white army black baron chorus let red compress imperiously calloused hand bayonet uncontrollably battle death red army march forward revolutionary military council call battle taiga british seas red army strong chorus fan flame world church prison raze ground taiga british seas red army strong chorus let red compress imperiously calloused hand bayonet uncontrollably battle death 1918
-1 | bear run bear dream crazy boy see get to way way be knee make love get to way way come try tie clown way way have not be go to pack bag fly way way not turn loose turn loose turn loose get to way way not turn loose turn loose turn loose get to way wanna fly be be knee make love get to way get to way come try tie clown way be say way not turn loose turn loose turn loose get to way way not turn loose turn loose turn loose get to way wanna fly oh yeah not turn loose turn loose turn loose get to way way not turn loose turn loose turn loose get to way get to way not turn loose turn loose turn loose get to way wanna fly turn loose turn loose turn loose turn loose turn loose turn loose turn loose
-1 | bear keep force conform tear holy crown vengeful thunderstorm loathe bloody righteous way fill despise fuel flame violent rage world demise asgard home be different blood overthrow throne deceiver deceiver god rage hate burn deep inside thing keep alive dark ambition heart aching break free true nature soul giant live kneel shall kneel death set free shall kneel fall shall fall vengeance sweet shall fall asgard home be different blood overthrow throne deceiver god asgard home be different blood have come overthrow throne deceiver deceiver god
-1 | yeah insane motherfucker brain be hearing voice complain time want kill will not california marlon brandos eye not california marlon brandos eye not california marlon brandos eye fathers son cause s phantom mystery leave time want die late rid not california marlon brandos eye not california marlon brandos eye not california marlon brandos eye head head head yeah try lie long s sense freak antic choice not matter shit shit give not california marlon brandos eye not california marlon brandos eye not california marlon brandos eye head head head yeah wanna feel pain take vain care feel lame inside anybody get pride wanna life maybe ill reverse ride fuck fuck better suck cause bleed better away stay fuck away feel safe save feel safe safe save look brand new eye look brand new eye look brand new eye motherfucker look brand new eye look brand new eye look brand new eye look brand new
-1 | end road take turn page forever get chance second fade moonlight wish thing wanna remember remember moment remember moment remember moment tonight be think time burn rest life not look heart hand cause nothing stop make memory cause nothing stop make memory line begin wonder come know would different chapter get chance moonlight want hold go to remember remember moment remember moment remember moment tonight be think time burn rest life not look heart hand cause nothing stop make memory cause nothing stop make memory get ill admit ill partly night remember get ill admit ill partly let world tonight be think time burn rest life not look heart hand cause nothing stop make memory cause nothing stop make memory cause nothing stop night remember cause nothing stop let world
+1 | peakless cap forecastle honor hold high esteem thing cherish satellite fleet cap faithful jacket need attack guy heart gort fire dearjacket cap post tell chorus cap girlfriend fighting decisive hour decisive day love don wear hero little askew chorus october storm time tightly button jacket cap go aurora sailor burevoy petrograd peakless cap pull eyebrow beat miss white warrior markin walk sweet martynov sailorpartisan zhelezniak chorus attack know leningrad satellite sacred vengeance cap faithful jacket good reason see jacket ribbon inscription baltic fleet run damned savage fascist freak chorus sea finnish granite fatherland die struggle cap store leave memory mind cap death triumphantly ribbon shine incomparable word baltic fleet 1941
-1 | bring bring drive straight roadblox let let have get drive straight roadblox let let tyre hot drive straight roadblox let let have get drive straight roadblox let let tyre hot silence noisemake tyrant hijack pirate bring drive straight roadblox let let have get drive straight roadblox let let tyre hot drive straight roadblox let let have get drive straight roadblox let let tyre hot silence noisemake tyrant hijack pirate bring silence noisemake tyrant hijack pirate bring drive straight roadblox let let have get drive straight roadblox let let tyre hot drive straight roadblox let let have get drive straight roadblox let let tyre hot
-1 | s s blame s deal dash hope read lip feel know ill bet think good reason live world s place belong weaken poison feed fucking lie not believe not care trust real word hurt -PRON- motherfucker feel feel hear deaf dumb feel stamp face not understand dig one grave fat lot care waste poor life waste time feel know ill bet think good reason live world trust trust trust read lip fuck oh godno hand life
-1 | fraught greed imperial need satisfy hunger blood greedy claw eagle fly leave chaos widow hunt accept bear halfmoon foot bow laurel wreath haec terra mea est urge want spur horse devastating be not pauper accrouche bare indigence need cost unnumbered life riche seek willing pay price human life false fallacious killing omnivorous deplete value human life know come fortune day would come steel accept bear halfmoon foot tort pay wage death feel blood hand hope ball efface life feel blood hand hope gold have win bestow delight stand ruin leave watch wife remigrate crooked back
+1 | twentysecond june exactly 4 chasa twentysecond day june exactly oclock kiev bomb tell outbreak war war begin dawn kill people sleep parent child sleep kiev begin bomb enemy large avalanche power hold land native ukraine begin kill people land native fatherland rise ukrainian people battle go allall man burn house factory tore shell mine tank thunder armor red hawk circle sky race westward boom beginning winter cold enemy near moscow gun fire mine tear germans goad piece run battle capital germans rush flee abandon tank abandon mine thousand soldier remember han fritz soon come hour nacheshem lousy head remember 1941
-1 | shore sea land like time time dawning day night world endless circle bear footprint fastsurehand guide step tread endless path travel eternity labyrinth life know step bring trust endless path travel eternity labyrinth life know step bring world align bond btween soul flesh draw heart heart wisdom fate endless knot bear footprint fastsurehand guide step
-1 | shine smile try save time lonely place need friendly face option low lift
-1 | learning process have quick thing come respond fit easy distract have live life abroad be starve acceptance work applause would envision giver reflect have leave desire heart not deliver feel inspire direction feel complete embrace affection end woe mainly harbor love tonight let stay inside far loud want quiet die wake ill blame past mistake be pure be clean be go go be afraid certain be sure be tired person person need set free harbor love
-1 | life dream fantastic pose greed feed jewelry sea diamond appear like break glass say not believe genius come storm fabled foreign tongue trip eye flood lung northern downpour send love hey moon forget fall hey moon not sugarcane easy mornin weathervane lonely ink run page chasin day look boat foot wind knee miss skin east click heel wish playful lip yarn fragile capricorn unravel word like moth old scarf know world break bone melt headache home hey moon forget fall hey moon not sugarcane easy mornin weather vane lonely sugarcane easy mornin weather vane lonely sugarcane easy mornin weather vane lonely sugarcane hey moon hey moon easy mornin weathervane hey moon hey moon lonely sugarcane hey moon hey moon easy hey moon mornin weathervane hey moon hey moon hey moon lonely continue background sugarcane hey moon hey moon easy hey moon mornin weathervane hey moon hey moon hey moon lonely hey moon forget fall hey moon not lung draw one yawn hey moon forget fall hey moon not lung draw one yawn
-1 | know go to play wind hear shit have dupe cover ass old song fart fart walkman know go to play wind hear shit have dupe cover ass old song fart fart walkman know go to play wind hear shit have dupe cover ass old song fart fart walkman fuckin break farting walkman fart walkman fart walkman fart walkman
+1 | voroshilov letter klim voroshilov letter write comrade voroshilov people commissar red army current year red army brother come comrade voroshilov right will glad service come big brother people commissar voroshilov trust die let enemy soviet land 2p hear nazis conceive war want plunder soviet country comrade voroshilov battle begin let appoint good brother squad comrade voroshilov war die dear brother write soon people commissar voroshilov quickly grow stand instead brother rifle post 2p stand instead brother rifle post 1938
+1 | zoe astronaut encounter dream fly remember leave exploration zoe zoe brave nonblizzard wind accursed bullet whistle enemy way zoya rear zoe zoe brave crack branch oh intelligence intelligence star sky froze nazis seize zoe zoe brave beat single word executioner tell zoe zoe zoe brave native threshold road rain snow storm athletic zoe zoe zoe brave memory hero build city want like zoe zoe zoe brave 1960
+1 | bugler sleep bugler sleep end fighting battle wait future century pole continent sleep bugler sleep bugler sleep faith brotherhood strengthen betrayal terrible thing bugler great battle fight scarlet light illumine rise unclimbed krasnodon bugler exploit friendship love young starry time come trumpet trumpeter trumpet hope turn away bubble copper tube throat immortal melody struggle trumpet bugler great collection sound loyal subject afraid 1972
-1 | world not world hate understand kind love end rope kind hate kind hope world not world hate understand world will not have get world throat kind hope ill inch doubt moon sun go ill reflect shine life define wake today feel age time mind body thought fit well man mike owen kinsella want well man wreck ball warmth beat chest head bury depth gentleness oh god alive keep warm cold world
+1 | motherland cloud loom world enemy store new war sharpen evil fang collect shelf free country chorus fight comrade trumpeter play campaign motherland council walk boldly people stalin battle enemy plane tank row voroshilov lead fighter chorus let firmly remember nazis inclined prostrate fight enemy shore let border chorus stand people russian republic motherland free live friend live happily darle edge 1939
-1 | want chase need kiss make weak be lose leave leave be go to break not feel lip need desperately wish would tell ill want need desperately be catch chase door shut feel love love turn run way be tear apart tear apart oh come need love oh come need love need love walk lonely street face be beg beg ill find man ahold like be knee beg be catch chase door shut feel love love turn run way be tear apart tear apart oh come need love oh come need love come need love need love need love need love oh come need love tear apart come need love need love need love need love oh come need love tear apart tear apart tear apart tear apart
-1 | come come ill friend leave sit home open wrist bleed notable year apart s easy maybe vain maybe see find time time know time furth sun close root tree shade suffering will hate forevermore will love shell understand life work way dark dna intact leave stain brain would want enigma deplete be beg priority be learn need time try worth foremost not forget love
+1 | song song yes comrade song start song right friendsang head gray chorus get awaken dawn hurry pace spring forgive today poet compose song song mighty wing song eye trumpeter sound storm rumble country chorus song way ocean song forest route gray sing captain today peer sing pripev1974
+1 | pioneer palace grow sing play happy time live song friendly discover pioneer joyful house chorus tram ulcerative quiet river boulevard ring stalin love hear song kremlin palace learn different job nice fly airplane disclose cloud parachute chorus nice far edge grass enemy follow weave cheerful colorful cotton print train combine drive chorus grow sing play happy time live song friendly discover pioneer joyful house chorus tram re quiet river boulevard ring stalin love hear song kremlin dvortse1936
-1 | leave head home bury backyard dog have think leave time be leave try hard rock feel like wet sponge want run not thing take man be road be proud thing not let living bring will know hurt nod be son ill stand watch drown be spell not want have hold long spine deep heart big know family sad song want run not thing take man be road be proud thing not let living bring will know hurt nod be son ill stand watch drown
-1 | talk love talk trust know hard believe talk hate talk distrust tell time discuss tell mother father tell brother think sister know know undone undo know lie time blood stain sheet soft ground heart meet tie tangle have lie wait sun know know undo know know undo come come come come come come come come know undo know undo know undo
+1 | song international brigade немецкий bear far country take ha heart lose home     home madrid spain br stand barikade br farmer prole vorw rts international brigade     high banner solidarity t spain freedom hot t glory heart schl gt internationally hunt hell foreign legion     throw fascist general sea tr umte madrid parade come late vorw rts international brigade     high banner solidarity t gun bomb grenade vermin burn free land bandit pirate     br spain rt country fascist rabble mercy mercy dog t verr vorw rts international brigade     high banner solidarity t                   noi nati una patria lontana non abbiam portato nessun odio nel cuore ma la patria non labbiam perduta la nostra patria oggi innanzi madrid il fratelli spagnoli son sulla barricata nostri fratelli son contadini proletari e avanti brigata internazionale alto la bandiera della solidariet la libert della spagna oggi il nostro onore e il nostro cuore batte internazionale al diavolo legionari stranieri buttiamo mare il generale fascista sognava gi di marciare madrid ma noi ceravam gi arrivato troppo tardi avanti brigata internazionale alto la bandiera della solidariet con fucili bomb e grenade il sar parassita eliminato liberiamo la terra dai banditi e dai pirati la terra appartiene ai fratelli spagnoli nessuna piet la canaglia fascista nessuna piet il cane traditore avanti brigata internazionale alto la bandiera della solidariet
-1 | s bleed ballroom floor attention s ridiculously odd sure go here set fashion magazine line wall wall line bullet hole composure posture oh pull trigger pull trigger wrong composure posture oh pull trigger pull trigger wrong envy malice attention envy malice baby break shotgun wed shotgun wedding shotgun wedding not choose role shell play sincere cry cry break believe tear tooth right blood foot boy boy hide estrogen wear aubergine dream break composure posture oh pull trigger pull trigger wrong come scream photo op come come scream scream scream photo op boy boy baby boy boy boy boy baby boy boy envy malice attention envy malice baby break shotgun wed shotgun wedding shotgun wedding boy boy hide estrogen boy boy boy boy hide estrogen wear aubergine dream
-1 | ride bike handlebar handlebar handlebars ride bike handlebar handlebar handlebars look look hand air like good alive be famous rapper path crookedy dosido scratch record apart remote control tie knot cherry stem tell leif ericson know word de colores be proud american friend see platypus friend comic book guess long take want cause look rhythm metronome metronome metronome face telephone telephone telephone look look call good alive small world be curl book read money open thrift store livin magazine design engine sixtyfour mile gallon gasoline new antibiotic computer survive aquatic condition know run business wanna buy product mover shaker producer friend understand future string control system resistance cause lead nation microphone microphone microphone split atom molecule molecule molecule look look drivin will not stop feel good alive reach global tower secure cause noble power pure hand million vaccination let -PRON- die exasperation -PRON- heal laceration -PRON- kill assassination anybody prison not like -PRON- permission command guide missile satellite satellite satellite hit target telescope telescope telescope end planet holocaust holocaust holocaust holocaust holocaust holocaust ride bike handlebar handlebar handlebars ride bike handlebar handlebar handlebar
-1 | homeless way have lose lust inflamed passion thing desire forget wander aimlessly love collect dust have lead wilderness radiant lover leave cold distant memory warmth home cause heat bliss swear love truth dignity oath hope retention breaking disavow recognize humanity mistake gd have mistake mistake not oh fall acorn lose kiss fire seed spring tower mighty oak have lead wilderness radiant lover leave cold distant memory warmth home cause heat bliss swear love have mistake have tell lie grow honest oh fall acorn lose kiss fire seed spring tower mighty oak throw kilter think would little eye wide possibility know would witness depravity
+1 | песня сальвадорских партизан gain peace defeat injustice people prepare insurrection gain peace gain peace deny criminal dictatorship exploit people gain peace gain peace bolivar sandino flourish country farabundo martí gain peace gain peace cuddle fight brother trench love peace gain peace
-1 | family man s family man wife lament break commandment push rock selling cock rub rub rub see ass fly driveby fly night hell fright take cash hell stuff stash leave door settle old score s family man wife lament break commandment push rock selling cock rub rub rub know spell cell not tell hell think cash friend smash cross path will laugh drive away yes good day die try buy high hell lend spend life depend moneymade friend friend til end know wrong right best sight s family man wife lament break commandment push rock selling cock rub rub rub yeah know girl love drop goo think judge know think not leather strap clap trap dolly bird sit lap fingertip trip like road map lead old chap family man family man family man family man family man family man s family man wife lament break commandment push rock selling cock rub rub rub see ass fly driveby fly night hell fright take cash hell stuff stash leave door settle old score family man family man family man family man s family man
+1 | brother sun freedomнемецкий brother sun freedom brother light light dark bygone future light train million endless swell nachtigem longing desire sky night uberschwillt brother hand brother die ridicule eternal slavery end heilig slot 1918
-1 | let ocean have get to know kid be not easy grieving yeah get to believe not lean cause fall not fall need yeah need not leave not count cause drown not drown hold heart let ocean let ocean think not read message send think turn blind eye think be like break heart story bring tear grief feel fucking helpless not relief not lean cause fall not fall need yeah need not leave not count cause drown not drown hold heart let ocean hope eye hope word far reason stay earth stay not lean cause fall not fall need yeah need not leave not count cause drown not drown hold heart let ocean let ocean let ocean
+1 | friendship child planet great word know peace peace peace ready repeat friend peace peace peace hope planet say word peace peace peace appreciate love give people peace peace peace appreciate love give people peace peace peace friendship child planet circle song wind blue planet blue planet blue planet blue planet loud zasmeomsya s funny laugh let s hand joy joy joy joy friendship child planet call young like spring sunshine land land land land 1980
+1 | international румынский arise ye oppress life country condemn hunger boilheart rebellion nceapă west ancient world end black background arise damned people today world fight let great controversy rob rob join international build let great controversy rob rob join international build arise s salvation king god upstart union workers union people rid strip thief world luxury lust bathe unite proletarian knock iron hot let great controversy rob rob join international build let great controversy rob rob join international build peasant worker party great worker earth hardworke lazy greedy vulture raven prey nlour hover wind skyalway shine sun holy brotherhood let great controversy rob rob join international build let great controversy rob rob join international build
+1 | internacional чешский outlaw country eat hungry zhnet ted duni right esophagus dark explosion heat йиж взхуру псанцы тэто зэмне йиж взхуру вшихни еж хлад зхнет тэдь дуни право в йицну тэмне а выбух захржми напослед past come zpatky slave objective world chvi zaklad return let од минулости спеймэ зпатки отроцы взхуру к цилум свым тэдь хви сэ света заклад вратки мы ничим нэйсме будьме вшим припев battle flare lets march internationale tomorrow human race послэдни битва взплала дэйме сэ на поход интэрнационала йэ зитржка лидски род worker peasant brother tez big party work people earth belong idler делницы тэж ролницы братржи йсме велкоу страноу делницкоу вшем лидем земне йэном патржи а захалечи ать йиж йдоу graze ordeal supu flock crow circle scatter day burst pla eternal sun shine дост напасла сэ наши муки вран супу хейна кроужици розптыли дэн пржишти йих зхлуки вечне пла слунце заржици припев чешский вариант без крючков и палочек над буквами ш ч ж рж и длинными гласными а э и о у их на этом сайте невозможно прочитать но если послушать большой файл и почитать транскрипцию русскими буквами то ничего о
+1 | song old brother old brother column year wind stir banner well suppose young day fly quickly be league like big brother sea boil break storm sky storm darkness storm meet frown twentyyear sailor suppose young day fly quickly sea watch ill like big brother way ahead guy wonderful thing pilot sky young wing cloud wing touch suppose young day fly quickly be brave pilot like big brother ill grow healthy bold awake heat blizzard parachute open skillfully beat miss target suppose young day fly quickly be brave soldier like big brother
-1 | outside wall army await hall feel safe countless attack repel will not turn quell supply run low starvation await reinforcement day late broken weak prospect bleak not win hope time lament end rope life spend hold month hope relief fortress tomb salvation grief hold month wait relief fortune destiny supply run low starvation await reinforcement show daylight start fade s leave lose run time leave choose expect shall die open gate attack ride fate turning stand king glory ride weapon shield die lose fear world shall know bravery lose fear charge death victory
+1 | friend gloomy forest stand wall worth think wait whirlwind chest vzrevot time 2 friend come come come time deep mine metal ring stone gold flow s prisoner hammer stone hit 2 friend come come come time dry blood chest golden iron rusty groan stand deep bowel earth sing 2 friend come come come time live unequal battle spare courage goal go let know blood trail break 2 friend come come come 1970 time
+1 | song luhansk locksmith river luhanka fighter series go early morning voroshilov detachment cloud sky fly willow bow wind silently mother look wake usheedshim son chorus listen battle song night look darkness smoke care home country lugansk mechanic klim forget dubovyazka grove nizam flee germans helmet luhansk guerrilla mighty column shrapnel whistle ring voroshilov budyonny lead army don chorus arkhangelsk crimea ural altai battle glory klima sweep end end fight break harsh enemy treacherous attack new victory marshal lead 1937
+1 | future army look want endlessly red infantry cavalry wide system battalion regiment cart swarm swarm race gunner chorus music brass win song red army impact country labor republic army ready fight fight song pour banner sailor oh march sailor shelf pour song poetry song way tank rumble chorus funny guy fellow friend pioneer octobrist future army fight necessary dadmac repulse enemy red army troop protection republic pripev1936
-1 | blind madness blind madness blind madness blind madness rot life give rot life give vision reach high altitude fire red read lie fire be see see aim cut divide inside hold lie believe believe near try fight not recollect evil deed sure wear clothe be wash blood know tomorrow deafen lie look frozen sky frozen sky
+1 | rudy banner red flag czech witness tyrant durre nehtové lie old shabby world hčem new life lease nemzeti rear bed en dale dale en vznésme pev banner hope rot vlae nese pomsta lame lead hnev liberty sap bloody ore salary e pracovníků bed e pracovníků bed krev prolevana union oplivame slzami však pžide day surcharge kdi soudit en dale dale en vznésme pev banner hope rot vlae nese pomsta lame lead hnev liberty sap bloody ore salary e pracovníků bed e pracovníků bed nuž spéjme bratri hand ruce chic stud sell strong ak major river enz gravel prudce musim chile dostihnutʹ en dale dale en vznésme pev banner hope rot vlae nese pomsta lame lead hnev liberty sap bloody ore salary e pracovníků bed e pracovníků bed
-1 | like want have get inside place free rip hope right not think special place cycle delirium away betray be useless away pray everyday away turn miracle man bow thing hold sacred sparkle example want leave existence haunt not think unreal place end gun away betray be useless away pray everyday away feel know overdo feel burn oblivion away betray be useless away pray everyday away time away fill space away time away fill space away time betray be useless away fill space pray everyday away
-1 | lonely road cross cold state line mile away love purpose hard find recall word speak not help wish would love oh yeah dear god thing ask hold be be far away need person true leave find wish would stay cause be lonely be tire be miss oh s barren road s city sleep shop close not help think time have picture memory help oh yeah dear god thing ask hold be be far away need person true leave find wish would stay cause be lonely be tire be miss oh search find way long waste away find tell stay give selfish way miss hold hope begin fade lonely road cross cold state line mile away love purpose hard find dear god thing ask hold be be far away need person true leave find wish would stay cause be lonely be tire be miss oh solo
-1 | black dynasty have define true tragedy world bleed find peace enemy betrayer traitor erida pray hate kill rape not way head be good dead spread mind plague listen not believe hate ambition infection bleed volition decision malice watch break want progress new kind justice mind poise strike deadly better believe be bring hell
-1 | welcome world pain day conversion mortification drag away home blood red night slave brutal system forevermore forevermore orphan adopt beast war end childhood dream come meet smilling face peace leave sleep forever arm hold hand wipe tear constrain force kill cruelty haunt life combat fear bleed inner combat life future forget wish embrace rifle hand forevermore orphan adopt beast war end childhood dream come life combat forevermore meet smilling face peace leave sleep forever arm hold hand wipe tear away arm hold peace leave sleep 300000 child soldier worldwide force fight armed conflict
-1 | long way take long time find safety like give hope end picture head surpass expectation world perfect world fuckin flawless search end not need place place belong grey dark cloud shine bright ocean deep spirit question answer deep breath close eye reach hand try stop time feel perfection longer warm pleasant sunbeam face sand toe breeze hair moment away not away place not wake place belong
-1 | hear cry loud way town cause have search prowl sit feel sorry not lonely dry whining eye be roam moment sleaze backyard not uptight have think ditch time search world cause know ill find come hear not knock door be loser user not need accuser try slag know right like sure wise find selfdoubt mean not force right time search world cause know ill find come woo time search world cause know ill find come come come come
-1 | outside flesh be not perfect imperfect reflection xxx machine world get belive deceive hand place heart not feel fatal error love steel hand place heart not feel fatal error love steel motion erection hole infection exterminate xxx place mind rest will melt sun god remind be cold machinery hand place heart not feel fatal error love steel hand place heart not feel fatal error love steel hand place heart not feel fatal error love steel hand place heart not feel fatal error love steel steel
+1 | ballad unknown sailor live simple sailor friendly wind wave grayhaire gulf kronstadt call native land s beach cute step unknown deepwater sailor foggy day care sailor region ocean strait river dust cloud walk smoke darkness unknown deepwater sailor impassable taiga way steppe float cloud smoke steep wave earth like wing raise red flag unknown deepwater sailor homeland soldier sailor pass battle world fall away coast immortal eternal hero battle unknown deepwater moryak1939
+1 | locomotive child speak fight central rada leave locomotive go barricade chorus locomotive forward fly commune stop way hand rifle child father file cartridge shell grief single place chorus depth workshop forge plane chop hard hand work hard love chorus engine bring bear need let create let beat enemy chorus locomotive forward fly commune stop way hand rifle
-1 | reflection mirror smile lie know lay head sleep night fill moment chance miss learn mistake not let world bring s hope willing not let world bring anymore feel like lose s guide s leave prove look inside cherish life live lose wait answer search strength number not let world bring s hope willing not let world bring anymore end day choose move force lose look inside cause power hope anymore not let world bring not let world bring s hope willing not let world bring not let world bring anymore not let world bring not let world bring not let world bring be not let world bring not let world bring anymore
+1 | song knüppelchen дубинушка немецкий song hear working circle oh sound inside pleasure pain forget remain weis work true heart hey knüppelchen green hey want help help grandfather mouth inherit bisa uf today song brave stick like attack need bedräut sure mean hey knüppelchen green hey want help help farmer kick bucket like farmer die leave son legacy support patient thy lot acquire farmer think stick die hey knüppelchen green hey want help help come day farmer wake good stretch bind limb kill enemy miserable stick ground prostrate
+1 | krasnoflotskaya anchor raise scarlet pennant splash flagpole sailor strong fellow path go away go kronstadt chain like flail rattle stand white dress wave handkerchief fivesixth world detour accord different country constellation gloss ocean precious onesixth compare party 1938
+1 | eternal    right guajira eternal come bring message people people say people che guevara lie die chorus presence strong clear effulgent star alert fighter commander che guevara man like die history time die man heterno chorus people comandante say follow voice steel rifle continent chorus people comandante say remain steadfast position legendary heart season guerilla chorus man light example live forever heart village
+1 | banner labor lift military campaign work people bear multiplied voice people war chorus banner labor lift righteousness strength harder strong unity close international working class happiness work hand feel free man grandchild solar century chorus freedom earth hug mother work luda forge friendship chorus 1958
+1 | spin spin blue ball spin spin blue ball spinning spin head spin spinning want fall cavalier lady want steal street house young lady love street house young lady love spin spin blue ball spinning spin head spin spinning want fall cavalier lady want steal 1934
-1 | be fairly local have have see street walk be fairly local good people oh oh oh oh oh oh oh be evil core not be emotional want save ill kill truly truly not chance tomorrow ill beat repeat yesterday dance yo song radio clique pick people vote proud emotional yo bulletproof black like funeral world burn cold proud emotional be fairly local have have see street walk be fairly local good people oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh be evil core not fight know be emotional want save try know truly truly chance tomorrow ill switch beat avoid yesterdays dance yo song radio clique pick people vote proud emotional yo bulletproof black like funeral world burn cold proud emotional be fairly local have have see street walk be fairly local good people oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh be fairly local have have see street walk be fairly local good people oh oh oh oh oh oh oh yeah be fairly local good people oh oh oh oh oh oh oh good people oh oh oh oh oh oh oh good people oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
-1 | hold care love mean
-1 | know stand silent tree s silent tree will not speak happen silent tree stand cowardly feel breath feel death want know want want hello hello hello hello know stand silent tree s silent tree will not speak happen silent tree stand cowardly feel breath feel death want know want want hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello yeah hello hello hello hello
-1 | scream wall broken fighting inner demon have know dream nightmare disconnected life anguish mirror fade black feel like be sink deep illusion one stare unseen s truth lie not child faceless god misery destiny child faceless god faceless shadow be desensitize not feel pain insane nightmare realize unseen s truth lie not child faceless god misery destiny child faceless god dream nightmare wretched promenade watch freak parade celebrate suffering affliction laugh tragedy worship sin let share selfish addiction spit shrine drink poison wine leave life ruin tattere tear completely interface god face image darkness be reborn not child faceless god misery destiny child faceless god
+1 | war meeting leave part dream live b dear war dear war guess old deadline yes fault beautiful pair dear war dear war stretch hand call nonreturnable grandchild school dear war dear war gate thud worry glohnu silence would old b young dear war dear war 1983
+1 | build new home польский build new house new house future well day warszawo work multiply share work common goal warszawo basement roof let grow happily build dream dream warszawo let climb wall hand willing build concrete new home complaint gderań want look grow circle muranow mirow mokotów zeran joint work hand come zakasz sleeve hand trowel stand warsaw day breathless build new home
-1 | neverende night wear dark come warn want tell word know live darkness sleep hear heart beat come warn want tell word fight distance life connect time play string bind encounter silence word elude fading night wish fathom hard tell head hang low silence room head hang low take bite heart come warn want tell word
-1 | virgin world primeval newborn bullcalf emerge wonderous celestial crane witness drove honour mantle face earth blessing unleash earth unseathe embodiment life tarvos embodiment life tarvos genesis time earthly heathland roam esus quest condigh sacrifice divine yearning hush prodigy crane wake slumber taur warn gainst imminence huntergod ravenous draw struggle innominate day utimately sword esus pierce bull heart crane lament blood lave creation weep eclipse sun gloom descend world crane catch drop blood leave far away blessing deprave world snow fall time earth crane return pour blood ground tarvos death soil scarify divine bull reborn newborn sun nature rejoiced spring come earth overcome brumal reigh esus come fall bull eternal cycle begin tarvos slay tarvos reborn
+1 | true romance pave way ford thicket afraid storm buzz know trouble sure help hand number people present 2 time let girlfriend look sadly restless ground profession tell time bring way word professor 2 time taiga snow shower card lie line look city shoulder feat epic 2 time springtime garden immediately lay height mountain foot white someday new way go romance taiga 2 time 1960
+1 | goodbye girl turnsounding spring young flow ready devotee countrys daughter far east chorus goodbye girl train soon girl hear farewell whistle write girl girl meet far east complete new road kilometer route homeland accompany east glorious daughter goodbye girl goodbye girl hear farewell whistle train fast girl whisk girl soviet far east edge area past field twoweek way far glory valor song raduyte far east chorus
+1 | song gudovtsev k f ivan hood steel melt coal mine work honestly famous work assess country merit glory reward folk chorus honestly work steel grow native country stalin leader teacher mother record people pick wise law life warm hot love gudovtsy glorious soviet machine chorus valorous work create hero turner set record morning changer block evening high labor standard surpass pripev1939
+1 | soviet youth march live golden sun live proud homeland love home proud motherland way open young bright edge motherland friend chorus peace oath nation peace let green shoot peace hover banner freedom youth blooms youth call youth go forward youth dare country youth steel harden storm fire youth harden steel construction site world busy bright edge motherland friend chorus young people love leader carry heart stalin lead future right way stalin lead future communism build nation bright edge motherland friend chorus 1951
+1 | ulyanovsk evening caressing ulyanovsk evening caress sky star light guide ulyanovsk ilyich hold smell volga smell lime tree steamboat yell away friend good fortune live ilyich home year long ago distant day river early hour light high see wonder remember storm pass storm lenin celebrate conceive come true asterisk fall volga good wander river special heart happy countryman smell volga smell lime tree steamboat yell away friend good fortune live ilyich home ulyanovsk evening caress sky star light guide ulyanovsk ilyich hold homeland know ulyanovsk want work backyard like 1950
-1 | trudge mud try home not alright second write think know be strong s look south be look be deny truth cause be alive trudge mud try home not alright second show find hole laugh smile beg roll eye cry deny truth like truth lie be go look be go look be go look be go look white like glitter wax butterfly write think know be strong s look south be look be deny truth cause be alive be go look be go look be go look be go look be go look be go look be go look be go look
+1 | dawn dawn clatter hammer hear loud clatter stand song baltic fleet sailor work hot undertaken chorus weatherstorm pressure beat spring campaign prepare ship fun come guy minute precious hand ignite work beat archenemy chorus inspection watchful eye trace work machine ship go fire immune check mast keel chorus dawn clatter hammer hear loud clatter stand song baltic fleet sailor work hot undertaken 1943
+1 | weltjugendlie german english russian child different nation dream world live terrible year go fight happiness different land country sea ocean young hand rank friend chorus sing song friendship youth youth youth song stifle kill kill kill young second song entire ball earth song stifle kill kill kill remember roar metal friend martial name righteous blood scarlet friendship forever cement honest soul happiness people bright tomorrow hand friend chorus young heart repeat word oath raise banner sacred right dark force dig grave world honest stand fire war chorus sing song friendship youth youth youth song stifle kill kill kill young second song entire ball earth song stifle kill kill kill
-1 | dismantle piece piece s left decease season bring relief let live die peace let live die peace let live die peace let live die peace let live die peace consume return earth pass leave hold like thaw snow undertow cut chord cast cast promise break life worth die universe survive death open door promise break life worth die universe survive decay law dismantle piece piece s left decease season bring relief let live die peace change change hold degree stream flow degree resist stream notice current rush past fight swim rest will wear skin bone skin bone mind mind mind will wear skin bone skin bone mind mind mind heart skip beat hide deep fast asleep sea ocean meet finally complete promise break life worth die universe survive death open door promise break life worth die universe survive decay law swan song declaration endlessness swear look return black veil lift know know god dismantle piece piece s left decease season bring relief let live die peace not hang not try hang not salvation memento mori mindful death
+1 | song french docker sing song peace know french docker roar like thunder hey watch slaughter legion labor covenant war people veto battle soviets homeland today french asleep dock world docker stand guard miss military cargo war bring death dock supporter peace french docker bravely battle lead win rabid banker tread walk song forward mouth seine shipyard marseille field shop window apartment fight song rang closed rank fighter peace look vigilantly supporter world fate decide people win rabid banker tread walk song forward sing song peace know french docker roar like thunder hey watch slaughter legion labor covenant war people veto battle soviets homeland 1952
-1 | wake rise silence crisis turn white recall slaughter turn sideways turn eye body eye hurt soul eye dark eye tragic crisis go rise fall go rise life falter go rise fall go rise life falter way endure beauty crisis deep thought innermost lust cry water eye dark eye elliptic graveyard tragedy see torture smile go rise fall go rise life falter go rise fall go rise life falter eye elliptic shape disgrace behave like nervous jesus shape disgrace behave like nervous jesus wake rise silence corrupt sexual desire great bad yearning gazing eye admire acting bring disaster will cry forever will cry like salty rain go rise fall go rise life falter go rise fall go rise life falter go rise fall go rise life falter
-1 | lady gentleman understand come tonight bear witness sound drum bass regret announce case instead come tonight bring sonic recreation end world lady gentleman prepare hold colour okay fuck lie drum n bass go to
+1 | dahl great dahl great boundless expanse outskirt life tell land bow low time bow dear edge place father holiday armor total memory overall song land total memory overall song land rock arm curse fate mole live way continue live land dear edge place father holiday armor general happiness sorrow common land general happiness sorrow common land hour grieve sigh life look small grain fall love ripe ear dear edge place father holiday armor sun total heart general land sun total heart general land
-1 | dominant gene live die forever cause forever lie right not ignore story change ending bore try tell simply obey not listen throw away talk not wanna hear bullshit want begin end begin end call dead generation tell not survive leave maelstrom plenty alive know come let shit face thirty thirtyone remember thirty thirtyone hate peculiar way feel mercurial ahead know not know wanna live sided world prepare world hurt grand facade not want angel want god call dead generation tell not survive leave maelstrom plenty alive know come let shit face thirty thirtyone remember thirty thirtyone hate hate yeah oh fucking machine fuel past memorys memory fact bury hatchet let shit get grudge hold see lot people die end want walk road not want want begin end begin end call dead generation tell not survive leave maelstrom plenty alive know come let shit face thirty thirtyone remember thirty thirtyone hate
-1 | like shadow shadow phantom film strip faint glimmer past trap mother old slide sit apartment sift picture child sense hope frame shame fear fate humming street keep awake say let life twist wear tear late rent make sense bench piano feeling near order be press chord play swell break will life sound like bring fever dream sweat ecstasy kiss hammer hit follow key fall bring order chaos calm paint shift mural wall press neck clutch hip softly sing firework god art sex strange feel right s play s humming come window outside admit certain melody not harmonize like citys get song not play see note fly play wrong bathroom get blurry get warm distorted like light push orange pillbox pour palm fall floor smile hit sound little like instrument like voice choir hum drumbeat life artform fire street move silence phantom baton sweep tap tempo foot one fit good chorus notice s song one hear end torture chord fail find way sing sing wrong thing start collapse start ring feedback start lapsing crash note not clash feel like match feel like match s melody be try find harmony work fit s melody be try find harmony work fit s melody be try find harmony work fit
-1 | wait world stop hate not find good reason not find hope believe drop dead bullet head word like gun hand not change state nation need motivation eye see conviction lie contradiction tell would time late wait world stop hate not find good reason not find hope believe ignorance understanding one jump line step believe s leave stop bleeding far hard fakeness tell would time late wait world stop hate not find good reason not find hope believe not forever time will not thing well feel not help know worthless tell war not win not real cause not know feel wait world stop hate not find good reason not find hope believe wait world stop hate not find good reason world believe
-1 | kiss hard summertime sadness want know baby good get red dress tonight dancin dark pale moonlight hair real big beauty queen style high heel be feelin alive oh god feel air telephone wire sizzlin like snare honey be fire feel nothing scare anymore kiss hard summertime sadness want know baby good get summertime summertime sadness sususummertime summertime sadness get summertime summertime sadness be feelin electric tonight cruisin coast go 99 get bad baby heavenly know ill die happy tonight oh god feel air telephone wire sizzlin like snare honey be fire feel nothing scare anymore kiss hard summertime sadness want know baby good get summertime summertime sadness sususummertime summertime sadness get summertime summertime sadness think ill miss forever like star miss sun morning sky later better go be go to drive get summertime summertime sadness sususummertime summertime sadness get summertime summertime sadness kiss hard summertime sadness want know baby good get summertime summertime sadness sususummertime summertime sadness get summertime summertime sadness
-1 | time write letter get darker be get bad bad reason writing try exorcise demon not work try rid worry purge wonder future hurt write poem be increasingly aware have paint thing gray be increasingly alarm pain be increasingly alive cloud sky be increasingly afraid go to rain lately have hate overplay pain point finger fact guilty pick scab like break ill spill like leak basement drunk night choir slur word deadbeat sweet old refrain selfinflicte pain lie real shame hear pick rubble finding limb sing hymn worry wonder shortness day replacement purpose thing sweep away worry wonder slightness frame replacement feel casual lay bad wildlife wear clothe pray worry wonder meal day death unimpede slow pace bring petty old worry wonder away
+1 | enemy motherland forward time tough busy time motherland ago soviet tribe exploit labor combat chorus firm step rank strict firm step people enemy destroy forever enemy home ahead free land holy peace happiness people sweet mother young wife father child chorus faithfully dignity courage homeland serve combat comrade cause honor freedom chorus firm step rank strict stalin people insolent enemy destroy enemy home ahead fight easy savage pack dangerous madness force gather fist repulse gather firm step rank strict stalin people insolent enemy destroy enemy home 1941
+1 | internazionala basque arise ye brand world hungry slave boil mind outrage mortal combat ready lead world violence razroev ground construct new world chorus      decisive battle    internationale    rise human race deliverance god king hero achieve liberation hand overthrow oppression skillful hand regain possession swell forge hammer boldly iron hot      decisive battle    internationale    rise human race worker world great army labor land right parasite great clap thunder pack dog executioner sun begin fire shine light      decisive battle    internationale    rise human race
+1 | song dushanbe city hear song nightingale mountain window morning red rose vine open solar fate brother moscow young dushanbe city like beacon light far proud red flag see east heart tajikistan hear hot country life struggle loyal friend young dushanbe time time wander friendship love air thine heat dushanbinka spring icicle be love confess city young dushanbe
+1 | marsh naturalist interesting guy hard hat bag walk dawn dusk road native fatherland like open book home read book dream wonder friend chorus pathfinder path open road clear young naturalist happy kid sunny country good night tent straight forest pass know subtlety bird habit understand funny language welcome ring bird noise foliage babble brook walk ground learn wonder friend chorus try guy want dream circle member schoolnaturalist c tomorrow scientist subordinate nature man flourish land learn good people wonder friend chorus 2p 1953
-1 | state original plan replace state original plan replace century houston let s soak ruin originally place come inside think come come inside think come hide come inside think come come inside think come hide let come let come streamline let come let come time let come let come streamline ready ready ready come inside think come come inside think come hide come inside think come come inside think come hide let come let come streamline let come let come time let come let come streamline let come streamline let come time let come streamline let come time let come streamline let come time let come streamline let come let come streamline let come let come time let come let come streamline let come let come streamline let come let come time let come let come streamline let come let come streamline let come let come time let come let come streamline
-1 | hear day long long time ancient history state mind smell memory felttippe electric child take plastic pill play weatherman scream religion kill save man paint filigree acid queen claim society fever dream live tree salty sea trip blue sky shut door busy get high dream theory lose inside eye s history book lose mind keep look beneath radar screen s light like gasoline throught million kick look stick have know hat tail thrill red lip famous hand sidelong glance tiny dancer land kiss time slip hard edge tight lip time ask care karen miss communication karen karen
-1 | life fake mean dream lose fantasy time misguide time hope smite life mean victimize deceive black veil insanity crush like fire beat disease black veil insanity mislead heart free mean tell selfseeke hypocrisy time misguide time hope smite life mean fuck victimize deceive black veil insanity crush like fire beat disease black veil insanity mislead black veil come come come come black veil insanity come set free set free set free set free set free set free set free set free set free victimize deceive black veil insanity crush like fire beat disease black veil insanity mislead
+1 | winter morning sunrise tall building frosted glass look winter little late meet dawn dark body contrary dawn long time ago signal beginning work suddenly window light second cover floor bright century world s life dawn shone announce dawn conventional golden start house new yard time wisely arrange good contact include morning light sunlight dark body contrary dawn long time ago signal beginning work suddenly window shone
+1 | victory stop smash fascism forever damn word disappear earth forever chorus great timing fall hero lead party stalin decisive battle song sing think year high goal ready fight chorus bloody hand child frightened night animal science extinguish locus chorus 1941
-1 | madness creep pressure build foresee alienation lurk spawning lunacy slowly escape wreckage make not look stand way fight crawl die day die day die day misery mislead create thing excessive thought bind distort reality slowly escape carnage make not look stand way fight crawl die day die day die day hello come will not listen not care not care slowly escape wreckage make not look stand way fight crawl die day stand way fight crawl die day
-1 | dark not know hurt leave slow be sorry let let come leave body feel cold leave not watch fall come want not not hide disappointment not run want person want not watch fall not watch fall watch fall watch fall watch fall
-1 | say lose cause find god big lip lie small hand simple boy mess world oh time find man man face bind innersexual blond hair blue eye leather jacket crowd westerner get good oh time find man man oh time find man man wish wish wish wish wish wish wish wish wish wish wish wish wish wish wish wish
-1 | raise glass high share joy grieving toast mountain valley future day go invite good humor levity pray drink deeply cup empty taste like free cause long glass own focused chalice contain give worth needy rest sea look beautiful thing gain glass speak content boast filling mutter quiet thank look forward spilling sure time thing steady hand violent shaking gladness heart hope eye drink fill celebration wine pour glass glass ill lift high ill lift high hearty toast life
+1 | leningrad song leningrad abandon war black smoky field fancy garden moonlight seaside whistle ship chorus evening quietly splash neva wave leningrad dear brother motherland say goodbye whisper mother heart forever white night tremble foundry bridge lace chorus know know thunder cannonade german shell break youth enter fray afraid death blockade shall pass like song evening garden leningrad unbreakable love pripev1943
-1 | walk like woman suffer will not bother tell come let savor moment leave break time come like bloodstained hurricane leave let time carry like holy man push redemption not want mention reason know stricken not let heart cold s hope know cripple have abyss run not know power want know ill heal inside not holocaust happen see laugh time will know face haunt soul bleed time hole wall inner defense leave breathless reason know stricken not let heart cold s hope know cripple have abyss run abyss run walk like woman suffer will not bother tell come let savor moment leave break time come like bloodstained hurricane leave let time carry like holy man push redemption not want mention reason know stricken not let heart cold s hope know cripple have abyss run abyss run not let yes stricken not let
-1 | darkness warm cold winter arm feel warm skin smell breath dawn come love death darkness be hold hold darkness world paint blue deep dark color love hold be hold be cover silence watch star turn light warm hand enjoy night wish time spend forever time s leave darkness be hold hold hold darkness world paint blue deep dark color love darkness dream hold hold hold dark dream cover blue praise dream love hold be hold be cover silence
+1 | summer lightning second repeat distich courageous father courage child learn song campaign march like soldier teach summer lightning peaceful country happily live dream come true love manage protect teach summer lightning vigilantly look protect border enemy break homeland serve faithfully teach summer lightning orchestral loss homeland serve faithfully teach summer lightning 1970
-1 | century pass war blood thing change fighting land personal gain well life justify pain end knock end knock have lose life lose life turn hatred surround know be not right be not right follow wrong step lead pride life heart destine break run not escape tie fate end knock end knock yeah have lose life lose life turn hatred surround know be not right be not right follow wrong step lead pride peace mind hard find dwell drastic sign way numb mind close eye tonight pray well life will fly helplessly away have lose life lose life turn hatred surround know be not right be not right follow wrong step lead pride solo
-1 | know permanence like s ruthlessness deserve s bias misery serve cancer watch sun sink sea perfect peace not wait fade away world not bare day fight break bliss feel reaper watch life ready sever carry disease symbol man bring knee deserve s bias misery serve cancer find little light hold close not lose sight matter find little light hold close not lose sight matter burden carry wait wing fade away world not bare day fight break bliss watch sun sink sea perfect peace not wait cancer cancer burden carry wait wing
+1 | defender country sky sun smile disperse gray mist day soldier begin young dawn chorus sacred sacred banner gleam glory reflection glory battle proud high rank conscript soldier close close sky clear black mackerel black wing evil shadow good day country beautiful good afternoon good afternoon good day country beautiful good afternoon good afternoon leave exercise service ratna go new day offensive song sonorous call chorus service courage friendship strong good soldier serve warm letter chorus entrust weapon calm strong step powerful confident step country lawyer chorus 2 times 1 980
+1 | track pioneer light happy fivepointe star country spread train youth star learn comrade station singe chorus platform singe sing car good song funny song comrade sing white black sea far east sight battery carry carry courier adult child sing song pioneer group path chorus green red light light path car wheel go go rest go go sunbathe chorus 1937
+1 | eaglet eaglet eaglet soar sun look steppe height forever silent merry lad live eaglet eaglet sparkle plumage outshine white light want think death believe shestanadtsat boyhood year eaglet eaglet detonate hand grenade hill enemy shallow call eaglet unit enemy call eagle eaglet eaglet faithful companion survive fly village darling tell son shoot eaglet eaglet comrade wing feather grass steppe fire rush aid komsomol eaglet life country eaglet eaglet train win fight solve authority eagle eaglets million country proud
-1 | save prayer think lose today s morning one blame be afraid bleed will not star hypocrite melody time goodbye world dead walk earth scream lung wait laughter not wait forever here disaster decide have lose war man fall have erase numb feel downfall start right hold breath swim swallow life tear time believe care maybe care cause ill die goodbye world dead walk earth scream lung wait laughter not wait forever here disaster realize provoke winter come twice save prayer think lose today s morning one blame scream lung wait laughter not wait forever here disaster scream lung wait laughter not wait forever here disaster
-1 | voice call light come doubt clear day dawn wound heal season wait road turn fire burn sickness constant pace end need strong time need deep peace search freedom be depend pain s end rain fall dream live life be dream death be awaiting home desert hold breath wait moment remain movement depart hope effect absent friend sever faith body leave beg deliver everlasting sleep soothe trance colour fade disappear ethereal light show motionless scene control ahead fade away leave long sleep closer lead way death wretched dream have leave wake hour lie wait suck inside go flood question unfurl test be s turn plunge deep void depart shell left drain pace road unknown search new home desert eye barren land inside
-1 | ask listen ask word heart have let target base expression lie will not lie search safety find will not mind have see optimistic come surprise feel good forever not excuse allow useless like rest turn hatred proud life worth live
+1 | cuba love cuba love island crimson dawn song fly planet ring cuba love hear hammer step go barbudo sky fiery banner hear hammer step courage know goal cuba legend fidel say enthusiastically courage know goal homeland death fearless oath sun freedom cuba burn homeland death cuba love island crimson dawn song fly planet ring cuba love 1959
-1 | love god bite tongue swallow moment like silence golden golden golden golden speak want hear want desperate pathetic be beg spare pleasure company diamond leave bone be burn bridge ill watch choke heart break be bleed word say hell heavens sake be burn bridge ill watch choke heart break be bleed word say hell heavens sake hell heaven sake want hear save breath want desperate pathetic think see think time know truth yeah be burn bridge ill watch choke heart break be bleed word say hell heavens sake be burn bridge ill watch choke heart break be bleed word say hell heavens sake diamond leave bone leave bone shepherd sheep combined effort meet flesh bone feed shark throw wolf be burn bridge ill watch choke heart break be bleed word say hell heavens sake be burn bridge ill watch choke heart break be bleed word say hell heavens sake hell heavens sake hell heavens sake hell heavens sake
-1 | lonely day lonely day life lonely day ban day not stand lonely day life lonely day life lonely day not exist day ill miss lonely day lonely day life want die want die hand walk away lonely day life lonely day life lonely day life lonely day day be glad survive
+1 | fight miner donet native dawn radiant boil song erupt blade eh steelworker machinist tractor ride ride miner gay miner donet please dawn smile song rang pine secular eh whirlwind pass horseman donbass horseshoe clatter runner dash gay runner dash oh vine creep grass dewy raise lightning storm sword eh cut steelworker machinist cut tractor chop chop miners gay miner chop oh pine tree fighter guard donet handsome man native river eh whirlwind pass horseman donbass horseshoe clatter runner dash gay runner dash border break shot enemy zabushuyut pine shine blade eh attack mine factory machinist stand armored car gay armored car 1939
+1 | marsh iz k f submarine t9 suddenly sea trail wind baltic gray watchful eye periscope look boat sign reach goal otshumit thunderstorm sing know love life watch death eye absorb bitter ashe mourn loss sear heart test grow strong lead exploit russian anger powerful terrible war come enemy learn rage formidable revenge answer neva breathe mists stone finnish island odessa estuarie glory russian sailor prezeraet deatheverywhere ahead proud motto life choose end 1943
-1 | darkness take hold city fall city fall city fall will s leave tear wall tear wall tear wall stand toetotoe second thought ready fight s have get blood s shed sand time right right not trust anymore anoter city fall face horror turn away turn away carry carry shield be devil deep blue sea stand brother steel hand tremble man home smoke mirror man machine piece cold fear tonight fear will not second chance cold fear will not second chance
+1 | troop collect zarnitsa necessary lay fog river swirl thunder drum wind troop collect summer lightning military game tree gloomily severely silent guard stand go steep road en route check guy chorus hiking squad unit soldier friend rank fail battle currently know today test prverki let commander battle care accord order execute order chorus 2p
-1 | not ask wonder drive reason pick phone get issue not subscribe be scare talk prescribe day try aware have lose touch understand be fade away would play dead play catch care not have conversation look floor concentration focus hard single word nail dig deep stomach hurt selfish be try good breathe hope not notice laugh
+1 | интернационал португальский foot o famine victim bondage force dome strength reason stone stone street foot brother worker world transform hand hand united final fight land master international united final fight land master international filthy weather rich world poor asset being break right duty duty right greece rome poverty sum wealth battlefield brother turn brother sweat work flower fruit hand united final fight land master international united final fight land master international united final fight land master international united final fight land master international
+1 | socialists march марш социалистов немецкий socialist close series drum call wehn banner necessary rid work freedom auferstehn earth luck sun splendor spirit light knowledge power people give goal seek work heilger war work heilger war people victory people victory countless defendant million schacht field town country indulge meager wage create true fleissg hand sigh misery spell hear alarm join torment sorrow collect ref tool barbarian flint spear fight lead victory freedom crowd spirit sword right banner peace prevail bloom prosperity joy hope light glow work home work life ref1974
+1 | komsomolskaya friendship konarmeysky blade hammer sickle road milestone komsomol chorus dear friend ycl necessary call exploit komsomolskaya druzhba2p forever true komsomolskaya oath live like pavel korchagin chorus komsomolsk people firing heart afraid heights komsomol banner chorus vocalise conquest taiga astronaut flight step komsomolsk tomorrow pripev1978
-1 | everybodys get camera not think be world camera will not let verdict not love soul digital will not let yeah yeah yeah ill pay yeah yeah yeah tomorrow tomorrow come today stereo want take far long not think be world not think ill long not think ill long not think ill long not think ill long not think ill long yeah yeah yeah ill pay tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow come today tomorrow come today da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da not think be world da da da da da da da da not think be world not world not world not world not world not world not world not world not world not world not think be world
+1 | waltz waltz   waltz outdate say laugh century see retardation senility shy timid sag waltz forget waltz twist charleston fill globe waltz push aside wrongfully accuse hide carry shake vague wave laughs waltz mode century dance old vienna strauss sit maybe mug knock beat grumble grumble waltz fight overcoat dust waltz singe manchu hills waltz evoke fall sleep forget waltz campfire forest today hangars echo worry morning pine waltz let year pass grow old waltz sings harmony sing twilight night waltz cowboy evening dress come waltz raise flask pour pour sing sing shy timid sag waltz forget waltz
-1 | life suck try suicide mind fuck realize time move arrive hear hear mind try cry s lie die not wanna come high be good seat time breed comin come directly not need defend soul place not not fuck deadly moon wave open sea quick coast sea fuck not believe wanna admit be good mere fact have get ovary womans world speak pussy sour givin credit cause not like pussy power venom venom have hear have hear night fright have parasite past life not wanna come high soul ascend sky god be feelin alive tryna spite someone get to pay be not talkin big amount kind physical pain kind traumatic shit niggas wanna dead body probably be not rollin automatic clip move scatty erratic shit niggas pussy lickin batty shit oh mad come prick well pattern quick assume will comin blood make make venom venom venom venom venom night time daylight roll tree save life invade mind deep oh not guess be chill day life will not day life not day life ogs dealin inner demon will not leave word listen soul speak follow follow follow actually not follow bother be mess honestly fuck policy wanna kick demolish use fuckin abolish not wanna hear apology head not tell anymore psychotic death dig deep find nothing leave mystery rage nothing rage not figure be go insane be not doubt show mercy think twice wanna blaze nothing be not nice round game not wanna dark flash true stickup hand air money bag cash cash venom venom venom venom venom
+1 | tschapajews death гибель чапаева немецкий steppe wind howl run freezing rain sneak enemy dark chapayev stop sleep flock seize weapon threaten danger ural ural mightier fluя sound warnungsschuя shoot cartridge life jump water gebraus pursue ball swam country chapayev arrive schuя hand ural ural mächtger fluя sound abschiedsgruя flieя brother bleed fluя tell chapayev gemuяt die muя die go speak voice gun ural ural mightier fluя bring freiheitsgruя 1938
+1 | song mi kalinin fly privetnoye fly far edge bow kalinin capital tell large small woman elderly today farmer peasant tell letter kalinin love mentor friend friend day night corner earth lenin righteousness drive walk joy sorrow hand people kalinych supposedly consider kalinych plead sit ponder dawn simple operating st petersburg peasant tver good find word straight road lenin turn straight road lenin turn kalinin come 1940
-1 | currency heartache sorrow air breathe stale mold shadow slave dig deeper everyday emptiness grow old headlamp light tunnel wander shimmer dance wall lose inside cave chance escape grow slim til s chance ink travel page hand vein choke story have tell word leave wanna let know be fall knee right be cover mess color wash right have search remedy need need right traffic black market trade misery like diamond gold angst exchange applause petty praise finally take toll s world ground life lead wash dirt clothe not wanna live wanna let know be fall knee right be cover mess color wash right have search remedy need need right right black stain mark like letter not fade crack pressure black stain stay gold s world ground life lead lose deep hole see way wanna let know be fall knee right black stain be cover mess not fade color wash right black stain have search remedy voice wash stain away woah oh ohh ohhh oh oh wash stain away woah oh ohh ohhh oh oh
-1 | satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction
-1 | time doc be die be feel compromised feel compromised dehumanized dehumanized lose final fight disease feel end need shot enter vein brompton cocktail blend cause not feel face will not struggle world cold world wrong be run away fight long long price pay get to strong lie be tired induce euphoria induce euphoria help help wanna meet maker peace want feel alive smile face mix strong friend cause not feel face will not struggle world cold world wrong be run away fight long long price pay get to strong life tonight cause right die wanna leave arrive alive believe sin forgive believe choice save life not question sin forget believe ill find peace afterlife not question leave way cause not feel face will not struggle world cold world wrong be run away fight long long price pay get to strong life tonight cause right die wanna leave arrive alive alive
-1 | want normal life like newborn child lover hater instigator oversight not try compromise ill learn love hate integrate will okay scream burn vein sooner later go to hate ahead throw life away drive leave ahead throw life away like infantile know sit try play like tv oversight like parasite pathetic know will not forget will okay scream burn vein sooner later go to hate ahead throw life away drive leave ahead throw life away sooner later go to hate ahead throw life away drive leave ahead throw life away oooooo throw life away oooooo throw life away
-1 | dear hope lose find solace bottle be mother son brother wake sunrise ache chest brother sleep blue pacific brother wake bottle ache chest brother sleep iron blue pacific find comfort find solace have get use find closure find peace scar memory have get letter have get good luck rabbit foot throat die have protect dear hope lose find solace bottle be mother son brother wake sunrise ache chest brother sleep blue pacific brother wake bottle ache chest brother sleep iron blue pacific
+1 | dugout music klistov word asurkov beat close stove fire log resin tear sing dugout squeeze smile eye whisper bush snowy field near moscow want hear long voice alive far far away snow snow reach easy death step sing harmonica blizzard spite lose happiness dig cold heat unquenchable love 1942
-1 | attention attention real slim shady stand repeat real slim shady stand go to problem -PRON- act like have see white person jaw floor like pam like tommy burst door start whoopin ass bad divorce throwin furniture ahh return ah wait way kid not think dr dre say idiot dr dre dead s lock basement ha ha feminist woman love eminem chicka chicka chicka slim shady be sick look walk grab youknowwhat flip youknowwho yeah s cute yeah probably get couple screw head loose bad s go parent bedroom uhhuhhuhh wanna tv let loose not cool tom green hump dead moose bum lip bum lip be lucky little kiss s message deliver little kid expect know womans clitoris course go to know intercourse time hit fourth grade get discovery channel not be not mammal cannibal cut people open like cantaloupe hump dead animal antelope s reason man man not elope eugh feel like feel get antidote woman wave pantyhose sing chorus go be slim shady yes be real shady slim shadys imitate will not real slim shady stand stand stand cause slim shady yes be real shady slim shadys imitate will not real slim shady stand stand stand smith not got to cuss rap sell record fuck fuck think damn grammy half o critic not stomach let stand slim win not weird guy lie sit britney spears yo shit christina aguilera better switch chair sit carson daly fred durst hear -PRON- argue give head little bitch blast mtv yeah s cute think s married kim hehe download audio mp3 world give eminem vd ahh be sick little girl boy group annoy send destroy s million like cus like not fuck like dress like walk talk act like good thing cause be slim shady yes be real shady slim shadys imitate will not real slim shady stand stand stand cause be slim shady yes be real shady slim shadys imitate will not real slim shady stand stand stand be like head trip listen cause be give thing joke friend inside livin room difference get ball -PRON- not got to false sugarcoat mic spit like admit rip shit better ninety percent rapper wonder kid eat album like valium funny cause rate be go be thirty ill person nursin home flirting pinchin nurse ass be jackin jergens be jerkin bag viagra not workin single person s slim shady lurkin workin burger king spittin onion ring parking lot circle screamin not fuck window system real shady stand finger hand proud outta mind outta control time loud cause be slim shady yes be real shady slim shadys imitate will not real slim shady stand stand stand cause be slim shady yes be real shady slim shadys imitate will not real slim shady stand stand stand cause be slim shady yes be real shady slim shadys imitate will not real slim shady stand stand stand be slim shady yes be real shady slim shadys imitate will not real slim shady stand stand stand haha guess s slim shady fuck let stand
-1 | pull curtain different face inner working gear turn different pace time change question answer not want hear fight conceal truth matter time time year waste persuade smile feel wrong inside inside honesty deception hide long choose silent stick story fight conceal truth matter time time year waste persuade smile feel wrong inside inside let continue routine artificial beat heart s long cease let continue routine artificial beat heart s long cease fight conceal truth matter time time year waste persuade smile feel wrong inside inside inside fight conceal truth matter time
-1 | have waste time lonesome eye have split half oh wanna perfect match pull tonight break tooth lie face fire fear make wild make wild face fire fear make wild make wild have have fun eye close be run hate inside heart wash thought ill be dead go s leave be be be have waste time oh beg eye mind help get away fortunate son face fire fear make wild make wild face fire fear make wild make wild face fire fear make wild make wild wild
+1 | tomorrow war tomorrow war enemy attack dark force come man entire soviet people free homeland arise chorus ground sky sea melody powerful stark tomorrow war hike tomorrow ready march tomorrow war rise country kronstadt vladivostovka stir country able enemy pay badly option stir country large strong split enemy severely chorus fly plane scribble machine gun zagrohochut iron tank battleship infantry rush dashing cart option zagrohochut powerful tank chorus want war protect defense fasten wonder ground enemy defeat enemy little blood mighty blow chorus world force country crush stalin native iron hand victory lead voroshilov option stalin native voroshilov marshal option stalin native tymoshenko hero victory lead voroshilov chorus rise people go camping drum drum strong musician forward zapevaly forward song gryante win chorus ground sky sea melody powerful stark tomorrow war hike tomorrow ready march option chorus k f ground sky sea melody powerful stark falter battle homeland cruelly repay enemy option wartime tomorrow war sing yesterday today war come time battle sing renew force chorus ground sky sea melody powerful stark rise people go hike brazen smash enemy war stir country kronstadt vladivostok rock country large strong split enemy severely chorus fly plane scribble machine gun thunder powerful tank infantry win campaign rush dash cart chorus fascist horde defend prepare fight reason ground enemy defeat enemy ruthless mighty blow chorus rise people go camping drum drum strong musician forward zapevaly forward song gryante win chorus world force country crush stalin native tymoshenko hero fight voroshilov chorus english version tomorrow bring war english version steiger 1 tomorrow bring war foe attack suddenly strike surprise defense land free soviet land people man rise chorus land sky ocean peal song stern ringing tomorrow bring war tomorrow march today let ready fight 2 tomorrow bring war land kronstadt vladovostock ready summon fight people rise shall ruthlessly rout invader 3 plane squadron soar machine gun fire mighty tank rumble rattle fleet warship speed infantry march battle 4 have hatred war land defend strengthen defensive resource little blood shed enemy soil destroy hostile force 5 rise ye people arise assemble march beat drum martial commotion musician ahead chorus leader ahead sing song triumphant emotion 6 oppress world find socialist land great fortress strength affliction comrade stalin iron clench hand voroshilov shall lead victry1938
-1 | glow blaze wind time light search fathom fire arcane consume flame spark imbue souls pervade breath life flicker depth eternity asleep extinct cease gleam sear sempiternal ember profane fail cease refine forfeit faint sempiternal ember essence form existance forever inflame passion heart heart burn bright clandestine gleam lair power mighty one high king conceal give birth glimmer incessantly foster flame glowing blaze wind time light search fathom spark imbue souls
-1 | like wait look like time dilute maybe throw away leave fill space feel safe feel warm sound life outside die sound life outside be not get hide not see come inch away right time wait flash grey feel drift be ground feel safe feel warm sound life outside die sound life outside be not get hide sound life outside die sound life outside be not get hide
+1 | song duty courage easy live love worry someone misfortune battle take conscience chorus blue insomnia star road dust snow white lifelong post huge country easy subject truth oath walk year debt song courage chorus easy friend experience win kindness spare thee heart chorus easy step immediately understand believe coming year service current recall chorus 1970
-1 | love passion feel danger feel obsession not play game one love cause hear voice say love ill kill loneliness feel loneliness room loneliness feel loneliness room bring bring bring bring loneliness feel loneliness room loneliness feel loneliness room bring bring bring bring loneliness feel loneliness room bring bring bring bring bring bring bring bring look mirror soul love hate sacrifice turn revenge believe face will love ill kill ill love forever loneliness feel loneliness room loneliness feel loneliness room bring bring bring bring loneliness feel loneliness room bring bring bring bring bring bring bring bring
+1 | shark far east shark hunt busy villain dare shark attack whale neighbor aah aah attack whale neighbor devour half whale ill probably feed day doem aah aah doem think shark toothy gasp preinflate belly boldly rush forward aah aah boldly rush forward devour alive herre whale shark climbs shark throat small sip aah aah small sip whale shark choke lopnuv seam drown aah aah lopnuv seam drown 1938
-1 | have say not listen word cry maybe not possible way possible way care be sorry end way maybe maybe need change be sorry wish stop tear fall probably would bad maybe not not mean not care be sorry end way maybe maybe need change be sorry minute away say goodbye time be second away breakin apart be sorry be sorry end way maybe maybe maybe need change be sorry be sorry
+1 | long ago home light candle ogarochek thunder nedalniy fight pour friend glass vodka pour friend glass vodka accord waste time talk waste time friendly simply talk long ago home christmas tree stand year beauty walk kid year beauty walk kid girl star burn girl month smear soot star burn zorka early kohl guy war germany germany far germany germany far leti soldier dream yes remember fly dream soldier affectionate girl yes remember lit candle ogarochek thunder nedalniy fight pour friend glass vodka 1945
+1 | song heart snow sweep knock window fall spring storm rage pronounce lenin lighten heart eye chorus song heart light pour friend convocation like joyful cry smile motherland spring sun thank vladimir ilyich bugle sing roar ear field ring sky sensitive star hear voice fly storm year chorus stand world new dawn fortunately glory country record break skip heart warm fiery dream boost chorus
+1 | walk ural chapaev hero walk ural chapaev hero struggle hawk fight shelf forward comrade dare retreat chapayevite safely accustomed die blade flash burst hurray cast trench run cadet walk ural chapaev hero struggle hawk fight shelf 1919
+1 | oath orlonka light sea sunny rock time grayhaire surf orlonka heart beat boy legend begin chorus eaglet eaglet faithful companion know survive today courage new unprecedented del2p light dream peace reet gull dawn dawn cheerful exuberant wave chorus light song violent wind flare brighter splash happily ring orlyatskoy flame fire chorus vocalise melody solo chorus new unprecedented thing 1970
-1 | time mistake ago sight get find find find guess not care guess like fall hard take step s long go s realize blame cause know trouble walk shame fly place would till oh know trouble walk shame fly place would be lie cold hard ground oh oh trouble trouble trouble oh oh trouble trouble trouble apology shell cry pretend not know s reason drown drown drown hear move whisper street new notch belt ill long go meet realize joke yeah know trouble walk shame fly place would till oh know trouble walk shame fly place would be lie cold hard ground oh oh trouble trouble trouble oh oh trouble trouble trouble sad fear come creep love yeah know trouble walk shame fly place would till oh know trouble walk shame fly place would be lie cold hard ground oh oh trouble trouble trouble oh oh trouble trouble trouble know trouble walk trouble trouble trouble know trouble walk trouble trouble trouble
+1 | ay che road be man bear far pampa dream dear american homeland land house age be like wind pass wind freedom ay che road fatherland death destiny ay che road fatherland death destiny morning die hey dear brother want america rifle hand want statue honor verse want cry throw wind flower fatherland death song ay che road fatherland death destiny ay che road fatherland death destiny
+1 | end end end end sea sea take rifle people work ready mount ready flour ready fight death end end sea sea take rifle people work ready mount ready flour ready fight death land freedom well life know know land freedom well life ready fight death follow speech character opera land freedom well life 1938
-1 | god know bear burn uh god witness hell christ sight sore eye look child despise god know bear burn uh god know bear burn bullet neck not feel like love message rejection send flag holy book ill hell misunderstood son daughter wish forget desperate picture god regret perfect mistake almighty fuck up thing sure not fucking love not fucking love hate weigh like broken cross hate divide line step outcast reject outcast reject father father have let fucking tyrant hollow crown father father have let fucking tyrant hollow crown son daughter wish forget desperate picture god regret perfect mistake almighty fuck up thing sure not fucking love not fucking love not fucking love
-1 | moment not remain life will not stay time come layer rust bone turn dust fall away season build change time paint peel sense lose feel cloth start fray night day time mold form s cold warm love not stay dead soon decay time go live live moment not remain life will not stay time come layer rust bone turn dust fall away season build change time paint peel sense lose feel cloth start fray night day time mold form s cold warm love not stay dead soon decay time go live live
+1 | dneprovskyy waltz waltz waltz waltz wave dniprova play waltz waltz waltz sky like bird fly sound heart excite prylytiv spring waltz waltz waltz love waltz waltz waltz quiet breath sound heart excite soft music spring remember bright nezabutniy time adolescence magic return waltz solar bezvyshshya cherry world dawn lover year waltz waltz waltz tape distant roads waltz waltz waltz dream like stork sound heart excite prylytiv spring waltz waltz waltz bilyh konvaliy belt waltz waltz waltz mother nizhna sound heart excite soft music spring remember bright nezabutniy time adolescence magic return waltz solar bezvyshshya cherry world dawn lover year yunist yunist
-1 | hello darkness old friend have come talk vision softly creep leave seed sleep vision plant brain remain sound silence restless dream walk narrow street cobblestone neath halo street lamp turn collar cold damp eye stab flash neon light split night touch sound silence naked light see thousand people maybe people talk speak people hear listen people write song voice share dare disturb sound silence fool say know silence like cancer grow hear word teach arm reach word like silent raindrop fall echo well silence people bow pray neon god sign flash warning word form sign say word prophet write subway wall tenement hall whisper sound silence
+1 | selection kombaynorochka milkmaid tractor driver driver accountant poultry breeder agronomist team leader play squeeze cheerfully come guy right eye rastsveli girl like daisy meadow sing song like ptashechki garden combine pass village proud farm guy hijack look girl zavolnuemsya work glory posorevnuemsya exit couple grisha shoe regret tell book workday dance zarobeyu singe like nightingale lot folk song workday oh proud case seven quintal hectare beet pass oh maroussia worry be bad guy station right soon ill hero dear accountant know count pass window forget fivefive beautiful fall love vain workday award stakhanovite farm hot farm admire drive moskvich notice race date late moskvich kilometer run prokrichali cock shout dawn wait come seroglazenky angry tanya come late incubator tsyplyatok farm navozhu breed oh bob cornflower blue vasilochek tractor light heart young girl brigadir commander answer flatly better tractor mts happen leon il dream stand look bypass wheel tell secret pro zalotochku day dress recognize eh girl girl argue ahead overtake ordena burn like sun komsomolochki cute devchonochka bayanista accordion knowingly forget bad guy shock work give donate prize accordion postpone conversation delay task carry 1957
-1 | tune radio prague external service czech radio xxx xxx xxx radio prague external service czech radio
-1 | believe god god longer believe s crystal view window year come live burn sting pleasure live sword steel gun tear wall storm barricade run place frightened crawl desire lurk good evil dance grave hammer fall land wasteland land wasteland touch distance innocent pure shame spirit willing flesh grave tease torment pleasure pain land wasteland land wasteland heaven hell know not choice feeling dead cause be shouting loud hear voice walk tightwire not look strung high faithful wind blow land howl hell fall land wasteland land wasteland land wasteland land wasteland
+1 | vasya cornflower bob lose heart head hang clear eye muddy frown cheerless jest joke fight darle s wrong sudden vasya vasilechek oh dear oh vasyavasilek eh chorus face soldier sorrow let place burn reason lose heart let place burn lose heart cheer beat enemy question joke fun letter road dumushki darker letter week mail work brother affection heart ask oh dear oh vasyavasilek eh bob large afflicted like heart news want write forget understand love oh dear oh vasyavasilek eh shoulder shoulder press friendship remain heart hot girl today hurt grieve tomorrow denechek hold head vasya vasilechek oh dear oh vasyavasilek eh 1954
-1 | tonight victorious champagne pour friend glorious tonight victorious ohohohoh victorious ohohohoh double bubble disco queen head guillotine skin cool steve mcqueen let killer king hurt stop love be killing spree white eye like break christmas light touch black poisonous like punchdrunk kiss know need feel drink water drink wine oh got to turn crazy livin like washed celebrity shoot firework like fourth july feel alright feel alright be like scarf trick sleeve taste like magic wave swallow quick deep throw bait catch shark bleed water red word murder be touch black poisonous like punchdrunk kiss know need feel drink water drink wine oh got to turn crazy livin like washed celebrity shoot firework like fourth july tonight victorious champagne pour friend glorious tonight victorious tonight victorious champagne pour friend glorious tonight victorious oh got to turn crazy livin like washed celebrity shoot firework like fourth july feel alright feel alright tonight victorious champagne pour friend glorious tonight victorious
-1 | rush thirty get old day drawing picture innocent time add colour inside line want lead not want live dream day want lead not want live dream day sure change perspective be certain change today be certain change way thing fall place want lead not want live dream day want lead not want live dream day want lead not want live dream day want lead not want live dream day not want live dream day not want live dream day
-1 | find real self lose life save find real self lose life save literature art man care originality original man s think good job tell truth original not notice social life good impression people stop think sort impression principle run life find real self lose life save submit death submit fiber find eternal life monumental rise surface breathe reality have drown uncertainty find real self lose life save
+1 | noise wave insidious remember far baltic destroyer shore ring anvil sea rage sun rise month vzashlo go sky midnight midday light chorus noise wave insidious clear day night storm meet polar coast native land quietly powerful hill gun barrel stare polar distance sea perpetual engine hum mountain end world open way harbor city walk bend chorus wonder far baltic destroyer shore ring anvil sea rage forever sailing ship cover fatherland beach native night sea storm high splash wave chorus 1951
-1 | not not oh yeah come be go to away oh yeah come oh yeah come oh yeah come oh yeah come like way oh yeah come like way groove oh yeah come oh yeah get structure betta believe ya yeah s comin ya way ma music flowin get structure betta believe ya yeah s comin ya way ya music rollin not not oh yeah come oh yeah come oh yeah come oh yeah come oh yeah come oh yeah come oh yeah come oh yeah get structure betta believe ya yeah s comin ya way ma music flowin get structure betta believe ya yeah s comin ya way ya music rollin not not oh yeah come oh yeah come oh yeah come oh yeah come oh yeah come oh yeah come oh yeah come oh yeah get structure betta believe ya yeah s comin ya way ma music flowin get structure betta believe ya yeah s comin ya way ya music rollin oh ya feel good baby yeah turn ya world upside oh look thought yeah look forever desire not wanna ok not know stand ya want not not get structure betta believe ya yeah s comin ya way ma music flowin get structure betta believe ya yeah s comin ya way ya music rollin
-1 | fist time have trap would fight way would look be lie dark place be lose touch not face feel like be dream come feel way victim present deceit package lie try unravel demise drive life pull trigger oppression be ready fight be rise remind dark absence light see depth soul sight escape broken soul try haunt day die day die broken soul be cheatin sun cheatin sun cheatin sun cheatin sun cheatin sun moon cheatin sun cheatin sun cheatin sun moon soul broken soul
-1 | know someday will sleep darle likely dream pain hope will hear streetlight hum softly breathe know seam stitch tightly darle scar remain scrape darling let wash rain run river oh let water complain swear distance slowly wear hand catch light right way heart beat heart beat
+1 | hope shine unknown star cut house city takeoff airfield light fog rain cold dawn unknown path wait intricate plot chorus hope compass earth good luck reward courage song pretty house sing believe distance lose sight melt storm cloud absurd insult need learn wait calm stubborn life joy doling telegram chorus forget dopel cute tired eye moscow blizzard blue city life separate sky unknown star shine like monument hope chorus hope compass earth good luck reward courage song pretty house sing 1974
+1 | man love love planet glad sun shine garden noisy hasten wind rivulet melting snow counter immediately understand man love ready dawn love talk ready buy bouquet stranger present commit dream hold forever square street capital man love ready work kid route right deal shoulder want fly rocket change course old river stride planet man love hasten wind rivulet melting snow counter immediately understand man love
+1 | march defender moscow attack steel series hard capital abroad appoint leader chorus falter battle capital road moscow indestructible wall defense steel smash destroy enemy marching platoon equal buzzing earth underfoot native plant red kremlin star chorus happy hand build city native split stone repay terrible price chorus crush heroic virtue mighty fire resistance enemy find grave foggy battle near moscow chorus falter battle capital road moscow indestructible wall defense steel smash destroy enemy 1942
-1 | feeling hard believe chaos heart devil love relate solace inside tear away set fire s way reason cause get gain feel complacent contain be lost lonely weaving deceit easy cause loathing have start evil disease hatred breathe be knee tear apart away set fire s way reason cause get gain feel complacent contain be lost lonely run hide reason end life run hide reason alive reason cause get gain feel complacent contain be lost lonely reason cause get gain feel complacent contain be lost lonely
+1 | fly aircraft fly aircraft sunset field wane singe soldier camp falcon die battle fearlessly fight enemy happiness soviet land chest pierce bullet wing burn wound falcon say perish battle price pay death rush enemy nest hot burning wing death falconry earth shake break rogue evil dispel smoke ash movement heart breath fly aircraft sunset field wane singe soldier camp falcon die battle 1947
+1 | internacional ûgoslavskij everybody ground basement slave kill hunger injustice mind holy roar village town let tyranny force countless slave let world old trace misery tomorrow end determine heavy combat international human race mighty gift executioner emperor god patience world create step hell fiend strangle think suffocate darkness stir fire time say forge strong hammer determine heavy combat international human race tože everybody ground basement slave kill hunger injustice mind holy roar village town let tyranny force countless slave let world old trace misery tomorrow end determine heavy combat international human race mighty gift executioner emperor god effort create world step hell fiend strangle think suffocate darkness stir fire time say forge strong hammer determine heavy combat international human race 1924
-1 | girl love loving go forever go to miss love go forever love loving go forever go to miss love go forever girl be spanish town be not trouble come promise let love stick hard tell love exist know real girl love loving go forever forever
-1 | want high high want high high want high high want high high s funk elastic blunt twist slammifie buddhafie funk diskus oh miss get bear witness catch ho ho merry christmas yes smoke shit straight roach clip roach fold blunt approach forward motion sway like ocean herb powerful potion s commotion yo be joke people learnin bout smoke oven high roast quayle tell bill clinton inhale exhale phunk thai feel effect want high high want high high want high high want high high
-1 | army inspiration come revenge raise flag discontent know stand know word not change world impact life word write find hope hope sing anthem know world need direction hope hollow word know mean know heart hollow know word shallow word
-1 | step fall away happen matter not tell stay old picture feel hollow anybody know s good page turn shame decision bring knee need blame feel hollow feel hollow time s good believe change time broken dream reflection not face hold breath wish well place time pass wait time not change thing feel hollow feel hollow feel hollow feel hollow feel hollow feel hollow feel hollow feel hollow time s good believe change
+1 | tent city live edge mosquito light fate want love tent sister brigantine long taiga route stake inflict chorus 2p forward sailing fleet tent city float backpack city ridge concrete dam river water splash canvas board brigantine taiga midges flicker hurry chorus come chance neuyuta canvas rare shine light night guitar sing light night kerosene deck brigantine chorus deaf edge obzhivut tent museum street call behalf friend happen uydom pripev1966
-1 | know feeling real thing essence truth perfect moment golden moment know feel know feeling real thing not refuse embrace like pattern skin get to reach pull feel like close swallow dose pinnacle happiness fill soul not think wanna let touch root experience basic ingredient unseen glitter life feel dirt grief anger strife cherish certainly kill bit time cradle inspiration leave writhe floor unreal feel nourishment life bent shape hold twist fate grit tooth sound step away look clench fist close eye look deep inside hypnotize whisper shout s yes ecstasy pray let slip away like sacred song sing like flesh warm thorn stick like dream know day come life life try hold little longer longer strong strong jewel victory chasm misery bite core know flavor split second divinity drink sky heaven arm know reason right grow life life lip wonder kiss inside feeling remain come smoke clear feel way know feeling real thing essence truth perfect moment golden moment know feel know feeling real thing not refuse embrace unreal feel flood sell soul feel blood pump vein not explain element s clench fist close eye look deep inside hypnotize yes ecstasy pray let slip away yes ecstasy pray let slip away let slip away let slip away like echo childhood laughter like time love urge guidance silence like heartbeat realize die try like way cry happy ending end end end end end know feeling real thing know feeling real thing know feeling real thing know feeling real thing know feeling real thing
+1 | communist go smoke fire death battle waylaid way comrade fall country lead victory brimstone dalyu wound cropland dawn engage sad misty good friend communist land harsh face face meet taiga pass city grow new rise dam river life go dear fearless path difficult flinty good friend communist dream world enormous stubbornness cosmos conquer million today ordinary people brave force happiness motherland ill brave heart clean forefront life kommunist1959
+1 | marsh young builder young labor song hot planet closer light raise shoulder feel free future road easy power happy happiness forever system character work love work youth country dear comrade song close power happy happiness forever work work young master world wonderful song tomorrow yesterday fun joy sure power happy happiness forever 1954
+1 | испанский popular объединённый народ unit people united defeat people united defeat standing singe succeed advance unit flag thou shalt march song flag blossom light red dawn announce life come standing fight people triumph well life come conquer happiness clamor thousand fighting voice rise song freedom decisively fatherland win people rise fight giant voice cry forward people united defeat people united defeat country forge unity north south mobilize salar burning mineral southern forest unite struggle work iran homeland cover pass announce future stand singe people triumph million impose truth steel burn battalion hand bring justice reason woman fire courage worker вариант перевода звучит наш гимн народ непобедим его ряды бесстрашны и тверды сплошной стеной идут знамена в бой а завтра ты увидишь их зарницы над всей страной багряною зарей грядущий гимн восходит над землей единство народа в сраженьях не разбито мы снова готовы к своей последней битве people united defeat people united defeat наш клич лети победа впереди товарищ верь другого нет пути и ты идешь со мной в одном строю и ты поешь и красные полотнища горят как утра алая заря они зовут и в завтра нас ведут единство народа в сраженьях не разбито мы снова готовы к своей последней битве people united defeat people united defeat 1973
-1 | float mist creep cavern brain receive warning life code walk will leave wait spirit free tell heart need drown sea unwind snare distrust wrist face grip look eye be clear time face beneath waterline gaze deep love death time span second oblivious regret push belief liquid cellophane gasping air mercy eye shade night pierce sound soar high higher leave wake memory scar forget need standing disappear obscure resting day wait new disease biding time look inside insanity burn downward spiral end drive sin salvation find sinner dee devil guide day tell pour inside snuff final light deliverance throw deliverance laugh
+1 | komsomolskaya chinese homeland mountain valley silver clothe winter forest sad settler virgin land song young fly away chorus oh winter frosty night clear star soon favorite steppe edge sweep road long hello virgin land hello space wide spring youth meet noise blizzard frosts zatreschat friend virgin easy break farm field grow boundless little sad live will come early spring young hostess directly new home blue dawn fat virgin tractor lead chorus oh winter frosty night clear star soon favorite steppe edge sweep road long hello virgin land hello space wide spring youth meet 1970
+1 | azerbaijani song moscow moscow word dream moscow burn golden sunset silver ray rise moon chorus azerbaijan ah ah azerbaijan mark word moscow republic pattern color carpet oh moscow surround life life blood blood moscow love chorus tank mad squadron hundred petrol gain strength water spare strength moscow baku son chorus ah good city moscow 1947
-1 | river river wanna wanna river river river river wanna
-1 | brother beg not let life destroy spend time hide inside cut hurt knife watch fall throw heart wall enjoy pain sister not hold time will not long be open eye not leave not hold hard time face would hear cry would change way like trip past know fade fast be not hold time will not long be open eye not leave not hold kill not love need fight fight till end not hold time will not long be open eye not leave not hold not hold time will not long be open eye not leave not hold not hold not hold
+1 | olympic march light olympic flame vain burn cruise proudly maybe maybe maybe record chorus olympiad olympic games bonfire banner head athlete award glorify favorite sport high dream reach hand want difficult moment maybe maybe maybe surely chorus honest sport equal fight opponent beautiful memorable maybe maybe maybe know joy victory chorus orchestral loss athlete award glorify favorite sport 1979
+1 | marsh friendshipfreundschaft cccr gdr road path people link oder volga hand friend kamarad chorus froyntshaft friendship friendship froyntshaft unity thought feeling unbreakable fraternal bond forever froyntshaft friendship friendship froyntshaft east germany soviet union 1960
+1 | dubinushka lot song have hear home joy mountain sing song memory hit song work farm chorus oh dubinushka uhnem oh go green podernem podernem yes uhnem grandfather father father son song inherit soon work stand cudgel sure mean hear song sing gang lift beam rafter suddenly beam slip fall silent cooperative healthy boy crush pull boat forest il iron forge il siberia ore mining flour chest pain sing song club remember volga river sink sand break leg strain chest easy pull sing native club hour time wake people razognet powerful bar king priest lord find club strong interesting noncanonical version song oh vintovochkami uhnem misery poor people bent century bar evil torment endure desperation singe sad song club oh dubinushka uhnem oh green go go podernem podernem uhnem yes wait day people intelligent prostivshisya servile skill curse lord declare campaign club rifle chorus oh vintovochkami uhnem oh charge palnet palnet palnet luck yes buhnem charge steel bar whine bar overseas pray oh land bank englishman frenchman alliance send troop tank englishman cunning people sage spit enemy trick tank stick snow dash enemy bullet forehead helmet tag rifle bourgeois moshny gun terrible terrible freestyle stand breast combat death beautiful slavish share expect mercy il fall battle ile enemy destroy root dali light godin friend total power uhnem podernem
+1 | kakhovka kakhovka kakhovka rifle hot bullet fly irkutsk warsaw eagle kakhovka stage long journey thunder attack bullet rang exactly scribble machine gun girl run overcoat kakhovka burn chorus hot sun blind night lot peaceful people armored train stand siding remember comrade fight hug storm smile smoke blue eye remember youth fighting let drink business country native kakhovka girl live chorus hot sun blind night lot peaceful people armored train stand siding 1936
+1 | song driver lot happy song native today bring reason edge edge country fly locomotive want friend happiness steam engine quickly possible like wind rush cheerful expanse farm field go lie amur noise border taiga splash shaft granite rock grumbles surf native enemy goodbye dear capital stoker sing fun like wind rush cheerful expanse field nevi sad leave makeup accident place achieve new victory commissar kaganovich lead sveza nod child wife brave sailor soldier fact cherish happy work affection love pass 1938
-1 | s devil s run kill remember s get 50 cal better run s liar shed tell love not hatred build inside s let better run better hide cause s go to come find ride better stop better think s time run cause s brink turning not turn find hide not sound s come not win cause get night will not believe eye firewall will not tonight better run feel firewall will not fight better hide firewall empress night better watch firewall light shine bright hunt hello be sorry time better run better hide cause s go to come find ride better stop better think s time run cause s brink turning not turn find hide not sound s come not win cause get night will not believe eye firewall will not tonight better run feel firewall will not fight better hide firewall empress night better watch firewall light shine bright hunt
-1 | light bright spark have miss long have miss long cup fill spill have thing well love new cup fill new spill have thing well new have break let new let new have die inside time try lie feel alive alive lie feel alive alive have die light bright spark have miss long have miss long distraction keep see need understanding speechless tonight stare sky feel endless compassion forgiveness love feel look share feel unexplainably alive need understand have grow tonight look sky know alive tonight look sky know alive sing feel feeling sing feel feeling be alive
-1 | yea come wake wake wake heart come alive steal car drive drive night midnight air screeching speed streetlamp glare come alive come alive s place try ride loveland loveland s place try ride loveland loveland turn turn turn smile come alive wreck car survive bumpertobumper fume start choke cough secret innermost joke come alive come alive s place try ride loveland loveland s place try ride loveland loveland s place try ride loveland loveland s place try ride loveland loveland listen wake wake wake heart come alive turn turn turn smile come alive wake wake wake heart come alive turn turn turn smile come alive
-1 | fall inside nightmare halt brink discovery move darkness leak inside cover drag entangle undone old memory be need wish know tragedy history wall pace familiar childrens laughter dissonant time eye dead watch pool water wear mask ghost smear skin rotten earth insect endless night preserve calm movement bleed animal field fire absolution death fairytale mere vision afraid clear insight smoke rise nearby dust cover coat blend spell pale cover sweat word leave sole provider death distort faith human harvest burn black page turn twist perception come true capture dream connect stare right spiritual decay seek frozen time mourn departure watch call closure bleak matter be leave end search come morning call closure bleak matter be leave end search come morning return
-1 | see suffering know know eye lie heart morality corrupt profit conduct bear factory cold steel machinery drive greed breed disease infect deadness breed disease accept carelessness mass production mass destruction face relentless change
-1 | compare mean say promise stand end s begin eternity begin understand heart define mean life ask feel
+1 | far east east leave tomorrow plane leave morning flow amur river native volga dnieper chorus fly friend dear high journey taiga prolih baikal deep amur wide soviet far east edge mighty joyful work komsomolsk bold young edge warm stalin care stalin illuminate star chorus edge mighty dear strike formidable fighting time right chorus east leave aircraft tank progress stop fight tanker driver strange land smash enemy chorus fly friend dear high journey taiga prolih baikal deep amur wide soviet far east 1937
+1 | let boy call boy sweet goodbye path far let boy call city taganrog batko guerrilla grow fire rifle revolver spirited horse dear mother sister sad eye bullet mark sharp sword protect cherish edge inviolable end end glorious marshal voroshilov father let cossack grieve dance circle don freestyle enemy away boy sweet goodbye path far let boy call city taganrog1938
-1 | get to hold fire lay burden carry higher lay burden oh believe oh oh oh oh wake feelin lonely s miss not know regret break kiss devil come knockin not strength resist wanna lie voice tell be not say get to hold fire lay burden carry higher lay burden hold fire lay burden carry higher lay burden oh believe oh oh oh oh wake feelin lonely s miss not know remember break kiss devil come knockin ill strength resist not care regret ill pay hold fire lay burden carry higher lay burden hold fire lay burden carry higher lay burden hold fire lay burden carry higher lay burden hold fire lay burden carry higher lay burden oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
+1 | caspian sea gray gray caspian sea volga shore fight white pack enemy lead battle comrade kirov smoke billow ground hey soldier commander white volga surrender kirov take day night volga coast formidable army worker break enemy battle calm red falcon river enemy mother volga wide road kolchak gray caspian sea volga shore fight white pack surround vragov1935
+1 | song leningrad red dawn young fast neva ring sing incessantly spring tide husband battle bright city fire barricade stone dear heart battle leningrad chorus dawn pinkish purple color native neva happy leningrad s nice live win glory world grammy town warm favorite kirov smile alive ship lift swim blue smoke pass people smile avenue pripev1950
+1 | singing worker итальянский brother companion come dense array free flag shine sun penis nellinsulto shake mortgage agreement great cause redemption let betray work redemption deed son live work pugnando die live work pugnando die live work pugnando die rice field han weaken difficulty like herd brute exploit mr mr pugnammo steal bread han promise morrow diman expect work redemption deed son live work pugnando die live work pugnando die live work pugnando die malign capital machine crush wake arm damn fecondar work tool hand redeem hatred nation straight triumph work redemption deed son live work pugnando die live work pugnando die live work pugnando die divide rogue narrow beam siam powerful backbone nation han han arm cor sweat unmake rifar delivery rise long pain work redemption deed son live work pugnando die live work pugnando die live work pugnando die cursed gavazza drunkenness party day man drag bread love curse moan brother destruction peace favelli pious oppressor work redemption deed son live work pugnando die live work pugnando die live work pugnando die wicked boundary cancelliam hemispheres enemy foreign far war realm war death realm death right strong friend strength day work redemption deed son live work pugnando die live work pugnando die live work pugnando die fatigue sister spouse trouble slave trader tyrant give blood beauty cowardly prone yoke shine laughter divide army victory run work redemption deed son live work pugnando die live work pugnando die live work pugnando die equality fraud irony brotherhood warfare madness holy freedom brother companion poor servant seize sloth arrogant compromise cowardice work redemption deed son live work pugnando die live work pugnando die live work pugnando die 1886
-1 | not imagine terrifying live life box scared shitless product world s feed hate live life look follow whore fire christ life lukewarm evil foul life dismiss hate fact let push place acceptance place repentance save breathe homophobic shithead day pay debt ill fight undo word have say time lift hand cast stone ill find shove throat be act civil know feel
+1 | oh horse steel marsh tractor oh horse horse steel fighting friend tractor fun honk native camping chorus wonderful horse field dispense uberom sow plow pace firm enemy walk republic strength keep pace young people sing wheat field pace keep pace high rye chorus   oh horse horse steel fighting friend tractor fun honk native camping pripev1938
-1 | import sys glob os file globglob recursivetrue f file ospathisfilef ossystemfmv f ftxt
-1 | s place man man black heart dead end street regret run man defeat s leave thought open road mother pray vagrant anthem field sing hymn cowardice forever follow s leave world turn s place sullen walk chapel stair regret run hard pull white oak door face fear bring son have horrible man kill father kill brother leave mother god hand clasp hand count sin kneel pew sermon begin judgment cast day set free forgive son bless redeem have find absolution son s leave sullen walk steeple look city carve old brass bell ring hear hell look western sky wish change life be not wicked man let fleet slip unwanted
+1 | fourth oh like bird fly high bad weather darkness fourth falcon sky fourth bring fly forget terrible night wound moan branch foliage fourth dubochek grove fourth die storm sound song sad song forever forever belarusians fourth fall war 1975
+1 | torpedo boat pour salt water splash jump eye water water green white foam strip wind blow away foam fly like wind highspeed sharpnose torpedo cutter blue sky noisy water noon golden sun midnight bright star quickly wing bird meet bend enemy oh guy torpedo boat let shadow sky sea terrible roar let storm rage go storm red navy split sky say thunder fear timid sailor soviet ship enemy argue way fight rage wave song heavily victory rush death enemy bay aptly hit shot nazi ship 1938
-1 | seh pon dem program seh pon dem program
-1 | life have fight fear drag bury world sound thunder hear feel sick call hell home leave love know be go will not turn break be hold line til free marching sound know true know ill til hold battleground hammer sound hold battleground til final round be young fearless fist stone learn stand foot land have see reflection be instead know true know defend til hold battleground hammer sound hold battleground til final round free will not move turn free rise marching sound marching sound hold battleground hammer sound hold battleground til final round
-1 | look get right stop think be wrap thing win antidote get strong like drug get high mean be sorry way mean cold mean cold mean be sorry way mean cold mean cold be sorry lie maybe different light stand cause antidote get strong like drug get high mean be sorry way mean cold mean cold mean be sorry way mean cold mean cold mean cold want screw lock inside deep want thing know guess s hope mean cold mean be sorry way be sorry way mean cold mean cold mean be sorry way be sorry way mean cold mean cold
+1 | komsomol komsomol young communist league tell grandchild life manage create able save memory day fade life live vain komsomol pride chorus youth friendship road pass s memory belief young communist league komsomol young communist league battle drive korchagin space gagarin conduct bratsk samotlor magnitogorsk komsomol conscience honor russia rank today komsomolskaya se song chorus want peace grandchild grow century tomorrow come suppose multiply father business country blow timeless chorus
-1 | bite chunk shark be swim heart thump bleed friend come sniff triangle favorite shape point line meet toe toe let love late til morning come let tessellate flower lovely wild green stone lover heart gun go one one quick bird red grin search grave camera spin chunk sink seal blubber rich mourn will nosh yes will nosh love away fair haunt triangle favorite shape point line meet toe toe let love late til morning come let tessellate
-1 | hell year be mentally prepared dance couple medical scare be fre astaire metal wear quickly tap shoe step quietly way cat be bearlike head trap dear light john be write letter dark moon tonight lovely jane go away pain stay be send package address trade name claim identity theft be concerned home amenity leave mess dust pile like junk mail eat away depression crush scale find opposite spectrum emaciate strict diet bed crumb choose wallow ill swim fat yourefuse swallow ribs not attack admission guilt be live past kiss ass sip milk bone curdle see stone circle stand middle tell riddle robe s purple murder weapon icicle reason be stand puddle eye fight feeling like war drug be chemist test tube addiction bear coffee mug baby grow car dead driveway wait tow truck know know drive away not think wrong not know tough year life be not fair guess babylife be not them break life be not worth get to work nobody life perfect yeah have deal bad hand place stack deck cat scan bad check slash debt wrist not help cancerous halfway people baby bury take flame papiermache sanctuary smoke clearstry stare light not stay dark s life like series unfortunate event message important death s rush have get shortness breath s rush run yourunne rush crush lust lovetrust s trouble busted bubble unjust s way cookie crumble suck suck look nothing crutch clutch shift switch not adjust combust rip picture be consider saint guess be not hell year say be not be not care life be not fair hell trip mind unfit have flip be not shit hell life be not like way write be not right hell attempt be not mean promise unkept guess darlin be callin guess darlin be callin
+1 | ballad pioneer banner war little lad go day night go day night east frighten blizzard frost pioneer banner carry chorus banner detachment pride banner peace song live pioneer fire golden flame war take away boy cry fall hunger famine fall rise bullet go drown time soviet banner save banner detachment pride banner peace song live pioneer fire golden flame war victory donos lad let pass winter year pale color red flag banner color forever like father expensive banner new discovery flight banner peace song live funny smoke pioneer fire protect flag pioneer ready 72
+1 | right live peace право жить в мире испанский right live ho chi minh poet hit vietnam mankind erase gun groove rice field right live peace indochina place wide sea flower burst genocide napalm moon blast melt clamor right live peace uncle ho song fire pure love palomo palomar olive grove universal song chain succeed right live peace 1973
+1 | felt boot boot boot file old wear boot oh boot hem boot boot file old hem boot necessary nice little nice little boot hem boot boot file old oh kolya kolyanikolay stay home walk end oh girl wear ring boot boot oh unfile old wear small present well boot hem boot boot file old judge people oh god judge love barefoot cold sweet boot boot file old boot boot eh file old 1943
-1 | let talk old day let talk friend let talk summer wish not end forget tell pretty look dress time see clean mess head not mind time not mind let walkin boardwalk dip foot sea let find lose hour find drink let talk sun set need sound voice need calm comfort drown noise not mind time cause be have meanin tell year day would like marry maybe kid away cause be not like smile leg eye beg steal borrow safe life not mind time cause be
-1 | music mirror reveal depth heart write dark song forgiveness soul lose hope destruction come fall hope destruction come fall fall music mirror reveal depth heart write dark song forgiveness soul lose hope destruction come yeah yeah yeah fall good have give life deserve forgiveness forgiveness soul lose hope destruction hope destruction hope destruction hope destruction hope hope hope hope
-1 | holy father darkness hallow thy thy kingdom come rise thy reign bloom silvern night hail king antumnos holy father darkness thy gate antumno open wide thy bosom arise glory child otherworld nameless primordial come senistero genesis rose eer bloom noble stem hath spring tribe night bear holy father darkness bright sun night thine power glory forevermore holy father darkness bless thy thy kingdom come rise thy reign thy bosom arise glory child otherworld nameless primordial come senistero genesis ear let hear
+1 | dugout beat close stove fire log resin tear sing dugout squeeze smile eye whisper bush snowy field near moscow want hear long voice alive far far away snow snow reach easy death step sing harmonica blizzard spite lose happiness dig cold heat unquenchable lyubvi1942
+1 | sea soul foam roller feed seagull white distance sailor song lead ground ground chorus sea sedoe gull gray sea soul soul sea young cabin boy aurora storm winter palace earth sea day night singe chorus pier quiet suddenly hear old young nahimovet famously sing ring string chorus whitened wave old sailor look glorious youth remember sing sweet song chorus 1960
-1 | tear apart crush inside lift walk away love laugh walk away leave love laugh kill head light shove walk away love laugh walk away leave love laugh be lose lack inside lift love tear apart close crush inside love tear apart love be douse madness not lose sadness not lose sadness not lose sadness tear apart crush inside love lift crush inside close be douse madness not lose sadness rip apart tear apart tear apart not know rip apart tear apart tear apart not know not know not know not know love love love love tear apart
-1 | happen have play victim long game think true fiction be follow try sense mess be be sure begin be fall be fall be head say completely misread be better dead fake hypocrisys beginning concern look cause not believe fame guess hear have meet maker not know goodbye leave hell would time serve be fall be fall be head say completely misread be better dead fake hypocrisys beginning come long suffer be awake nightmare s disgrace lose human race plan blow face say easy piece say easy piece be head say completely misread be better dead fake hypocrisys beginning head better dead head better deadall right
+1 | light comrade когда рассвет товарищ французский advance air stubborn fist pocket smile thinking gavroche dig wind hope rise day day day comrade hear question arise comrade old cruiser harbor yell barrel good advance great difficulty stride come war wood hope sun love shoulder friend close rank day comrade hear question arise comrade old cruiser harbor yell barrel good return fall big night night long dark remember evening petrograd elder look dark hey guy day comrade hear question arise comrade old cruiser harbor yell barrel revolution
+1 | firefighter sun shine like ray helmet copper ah glitter helmet go dear tower firefighter clever ardent drummer business ready extinguish fire want extinguish oh need purple handkerchief need red beret refresh hand send hello today radiant stifle heat air bliss know fire light fire heart
-1 | walk moon see pyramid strike famine fortune ill experience world inhabit ill experience world inhabit swam dolphin sing mountain inventor archaeologist fret fret have discovery fret fret have discovery fret fret fret fret fret fret weight shoulder dive iris brain erupt biochemical mayhem feel like man heart heart fret fret have discovery fret fret have discovery fret fret fret fret fret fret weight shoulder weight shoulder weight shoulder weight shoulder weight shoulder weight shoulder weight shoulder weight shoulder
-1 | open eye hear lose mind have wait hour let salt flow feel coil unwind smile count calm watch breathing slow wind tease inside head oh yeah gravity eyelid gravity eyelid come oh yeah gravity eyelid gravity eyelid come touch oil skin slip hand past waist find have wait hour let salt flow feel coil unwind edge swim brown eye sleep render blind 1st voice oh yeah gravity eyelid gravity eyelid come 2nd voice come love young gold arm wake 3rd voice here wish glow dark 1st voice oh yeah gravity eyelid gravity eyelid come 2nd voice come love young gold arm wake 3rd voice here wish glow dark
+1 | vorwaert bolschevik немецкий power chav fist write law red flag blow house city soviet s forward forward bolsheviks hunger filth blood soviet republic death white lice breed man house fighter red star crush louse old gentleman s forward forward bolsheviks fight win dare revolution smash reaction intervention s forward forward bolsheviks
-1 | be far away home travel world town town feel stage feel like be come home tribute faithful true tribute kindre soul here song song come home belong song song flesh bone sing face crowd motivation gold word thousand lip apocalypse tribute faithful true tribute kindre soul here song song come home belong song song flesh bone sing wohoo straight heart wohoo here promise long breathe will not let promise heart soul bow let song song come home belong song song flesh bone sing wohoo straight heart wohoo here
-1 | not meaning life be lead try forget forget time leave goodbye summer mile mile away ask stay contemplate change ease pain step rain turn away close end drift stage rapture bear loss thought death inside tear apart core soul summer mile mile away ask stay contemplate change ease pain step rain turn away time dark fade slowly sustain watch time need summer mile mile away ask stay contemplate change ease pain step rain turn away
+1 | march cheerful friend come come funny girlfriend country like mother call love need care hand master warm female eye chorus come girl beauty let sing country let song sound glorify hero name way discover bow bring earth grow flower child happy avtne grow flower child ear fat field chorus garden forest factory field avti city factory field home sweet home let new day overtake day yesterday cheerful joyful work chorus rusty country single people merge nation flower country woman man series free talk pripev1968
+1 | comrade stalin thanksgiving hero fertile arable land father peasant country native accept father thank accept father bow earth warm kindness bring closeknit family teach love heart dear homeland vedosch great feat teach win fight labor military glory leader owe hero fertile arable land father peasant country native accept father thank accept father bow earth 1949
+1 | memory che guevara chile santiago remove pedestal send smelter monument ernesto che guevara che guevara try torment metal stake rampant canid silent silent live hot whitehot torture clear heart outline sculpture melt melt give ernesto son radiance rise obscurity red status leave melting point find furnace freedom patience instead moan stream ray square bare horror ashe round black wind terror twist forest resurrect invisible hand ernesto son radiance rise obscurity red status leave che guevara try torment metal stake rampant canid silent silent live hot whitehot torture clear heart outline sculpture melt melt give ernesto son radiance rise obscurity red status leave ill stay ground throat struggle love allende neruda ray sunshine blood 1981
-1 | alright alright alright alright alright alright hell feeling hell feeling alright alright hell feeling hell feeling people wake underwear liquor leave shelf probably introduce shoulda see wear cane party hat king hologram s thing get hand memory tend pop drunk premed rubber glove fivethousand people designer drug not think ill not think ill champagne cocaine gasoline thing roam city shopping cart pack camel smoke alarm night heat raise hell turn say pass drain pipe oh yeah not threaten good time hell feeling hell feeling alright alright hell feeling hell feeling footprint not look human like wish find clothe bedsheet morning rise wanna wake not tell dream end neighbor pool upside perfect view bar bar speed sound fancy foot dance town lose mind wedding gown not think ill not think ill champagne cocaine gasoline thing roam city shopping cart pack camel smoke alarm night heat raise hell turn say pass drain pipe oh yeah not threaten good time be scholar gentleman usually not fall try stand lose bet guy chiffon skirt high heel work have tell time time be think drunk fall sun come think have alright alright hell feeling hell feeling alright alright hell feeling hell feeling champagne cocaine gasoline thing roam city shopping cart pack camel smoke alarm night heat raise hell turn say pass drain pipe oh yeah not threaten good time
-1 | believe come light chase shadow night starless sky wonder believe find way darkness light day question wonder close eye lose memory like candle wind kiss goodbye spread wing fly far away someday understand hope will understand someday silent picture speak like ghost machine haunt reflection frame chase hopeful child inside d wrong s blame pass time away life laughter die will know find way go wrong hero go trading future song give away thinking forge ahead regret apology bitter tear reward life lead world lie bring knee take road twist turn word wisdom lesson learn lose fear free soul mystery life will truly know will truly know will know find way go wrong hero go trading future song give away give away close eye lose memory like candle wind kiss goodbye spread wing fly far away hope will understand day pass time away life laughter die color fade fade away oh daylight fade away oh will know find way go wrong hero go trading future song give away go wrong hero go trade future song give away
-1 | imi gdonio riios rijiaspe toutias mountain tremble antumnos door open wide ancient step forth bring justice grim tyrant witheredskinne old man divine logo word alike arrow quiver follow ear tether divine tongue ancient wise antumnos burn strength beacon light freedom drown day strife daughter bear pain reign life dawn glory shine seseroneos ferocious giant o tauriscus wroth bull long trample land raddle aged man vanquish oppressor reclaim land west salvation victory land bloom celto child grow ogmio return antumnos attend gobanno feast
-1 | look rearview mirror be leave know right know time time escape weathered town place have get to memory ill know memory stay escape weathered town place memory stay stay stay not know not know will understand worth waste life memory ill memory will stay memory ill memory will stay hold past day leave want way well day come let let let thing one move have get to memory ill know memory stay ill escape weathered town place memory will stay will stay will stay will stay
-1 | hope end story everytime sleep circle way well life free heart carefree mind join time distance like fuckin shadow invisible scar cause deep inside play fire heart finally catch tell time change beauty entice risk mistake sign clear cloud know maybe right maybe rain maybe forget forget sadness aberration delusion round 3 be doubtful shadow past dark make life look hope end story night dream love live twice morning wake memory thing happen crowd maybe forget time work guess not stop strong impossible learn lesson long heart will not listen circle hold strap wait day break moment catch love wait day not dream
-1 | breathe breathe pressure come play game ill test ya psychosomatic addict insane breathe pressure come play game ill test ya psychosomatic addict insane come play game inhale inhale victim come play game exhale exhale exhale breathe pressure come play game ill test ya psychosomatic addict insane breathe pressure come play game ill test ya psychosomatic addict insane come play game inhale inhale victim come play game exhale exhale exhale come breathe breathe breathe pressure come play game ill test ya psychosomatic addict insane breathe pressure come play game ill test ya psychosomatic addict insane come play game inhale inhale victim come play game exhale exhale exhale breathe breathe pressure come play game ill test ya psychosomatic addict insane breathe pressure come play game ill test ya psychosomatic addict insane come play game inhale inhale victim come play game exhale exhale exhale
+1 | song tanker tanker special item accustomed retreat brave people stubborn people way forward victory chorus know enemy answer blow forget world force beat combat way find windfall break hrazdan river push taiga soviet tank enemy chorus heaven plane battleship sea ground heavy fire battery mighty soviet tank squad enemy overturn dust turn pripev1939
-1 | be painfully aware be start feel cold knowing catch fear dream demon company come look inside hope like run hide scare bind idle hand claw drown emptiness soul leave bleed throw shadow thought know something go echo head echo head catch fear dream demon company come look inside hope like deny run hide scare scared bind idle hand claw claw yeah drown emptiness soul leave bleed soul leave bleed come look inside hope like deny run hide scare scared bind idle hand claw claw yeah drown emptiness soul leave bleed soul leave bleed soul leave bleed soul leave bleed soul leave bleed bleed bleed leave bleed bleed
+1 | song ballistic missile arm ballistic express achievement technical progress welldeserved fame sweep like wave rightly proud homeland strong chorus achieve missile fact suitable oh bestselling oh complicate general reliable protector oh raketochkarocket ballistic round circle entire planet fly random great force understand world send chorus achieve missile fact suitable oh bestselling oh complicate general reliable protector homeland husband homeland grow scientist respect entire soviet people know task solve work luck wish country chorus let technology famous like rocket oh bestselling oh complicate general reliable protector 1959
+1 | internationale французский и англ arise ye starveling slumber arise ye criminal want reason revolt thunder away superstition servile masse arise arise change forthwith old condition spurn dust win prize chorus comrade come rally fight let face international soviets unite human race saviour high deliver trust prince peer right hand chain shiver chain hatred greed fear ere thief booty happy lot forge duty strike iron hot chorus trick law regulation taxis strip bone rich enjoy wealth nation poor naught sell long vile bondage languish equal one right duty vanguishd claim right duty chorus king mine ship railway resplendent vulgar pride ply task exploit labor have ere decried great spoil hold coffer spend themselfe seize someday spite scoffer feel get chorus king defile powder want war land let soldier strike peace louder lie arm join hand hand vile monster determine hero despite will know soon kind vemin bullet hit lost fight chorus peasant artisan enroll son toil let claim theearth henceforth brother drive indolent soil flesh long feed raven have long vulture prey fare spirit craven dawn bring bright day chorus comrade come rally fight let face internationale unite human race
+1 | song dnieper coastal vine high steep love grow oh dnieper dnieper wide powerful crane fly oh dnieper dnieper wide powerful crane fly see fight dnieper fatherriver go attack mountain die dnieper live century kohl fight like hero die dnieper live century kohl fight like hero enemy attack leave dnieper mortal combat thunder like storm oh dnieper dnieper techosh away wave like tear oh dnieper dnieper techosh away wave like tear drinking water rapid vorog zahlebnotsya water glorious time come go forward ill glorious time come go forward ill ukraine beat fascist rabblemother guerrilla dnieper come soon meet son tear dry wind come soon meet son tear dry wind blood fascist dog let river flow enemy territory soviet spring dnepr enemy sweep away army people spring dnepr enemy sweep away army people 1941 verse author prinadlezhit1946
+1 | tight hold steering wheel driver wind wear cab dust leave turn careful chauffeur mile reliable friend fellow motor chorus afraid heat sleet sharp slope favorite cry tight hold steering wheel driver let hand smell rain gasoline let silver gray whiskey glad meet young son come intersection love wife chorus road wind brimstone tape flood rain visor let truck storm break want driver lucky chorus
+1 | podruzhenka guitar lets sing podruzhenka guitar far house listen take war owner old fate destiny time away calm long fight fight long time dear sit siege spend night desert home know know patience know patient old woman war disturb gun fall silent snowstorm sweep come se let sing podruzhenka guitar far house listen take war owner old fate
+1 | pioneer link favorite song level friendship pioneer song fasten link good merry link matter time 2p link read book link pond quarrel minute classroom classroom remember thing twos three fight bridge 2p link unanimous world study link garden slender birch school row unit pioneer blend squad 2p
+1 | song stormy petrel gray plain sea breeze cloud gather cloud sea proudly flutter petrel like black lightning wing touch wave arrow soar cloud cry cloud hear joy bold cry bird cry thirst storm force anger flame passion certainty victory hear cloud cry seagull groan storm moan rush sea ready hide terror storm loon groan loon unavailable battle enjoyment life thunder frighten silly penguin shyly hide body fat rock proud petrel reet boldly freely gray foam sea darkness descend cloud sea sing rush wave height meet thunder thunder rumble froth anger moan wave wind dispute cover wave flock wind hug strong throw flourish wild rage cliff crash dust splash emerald mass petrel scream fly black lightning arrow pierce cloud wave foam tear wing wear like demon proud black demon storm laugh cry laugh cloud cry joy thunder anger sensitive demon long hear weariness confident hide sun cloud hide wind howl thunder rumble blue flame burn flock cloud abyss sea sea catch arrow lightning depth extinguish similarly fiery serpent twist sea fade reflection lightning storm soon break storm bold petrel proudly fly lightning sea roaring anger shout prophet victory let storm 1936
-1 | familiar feel conduit allow drain mind trench bury watch wither away misery find solace sleep subconscious sanctuary long set free hold key hold key lifetime spend try place blame set free set free set free
+1 | pioneer sport banner hover stadium joyful song arch ring foot step slender column sport parade chorus funny provocative brave stubborn skillful dare ready exploit labor pioneer leninist young overtook wind wing race ribbon rvom similarly target kinema grenade deftly quickly jump sail chorus sport help force multiply komsomol change grow soon right glory motherland proudly boldly forward ponesom chorus
-1 | hard effort surrounding line not confess be man proclaim foot foot sink mire beneath mire mire beneath not help notice endless battle air sweep tide complacency knowledge accountability blind plank eye guide lonely vessel surely sink be surely sink be surely sink be surely sink mean die raise new life stop track shake stop stop stop
-1 | turn circle slow pull closing easy feed weak thing harder mean hollow mountain tunnel drill hollow mountain crown cold blue sky color turn grey not matter bleed impression tie not lose mind hollow mountain tunnel drill hollow mountain crown cold hollow mountain tunnel drill hollow mountain crown cold blue sky silence loud silence not tell silence loud silence not tell uṗ face life withered ugly know hollow mountain tunnel drill hollow mountain crown cold blue sky silence loud silence not tell silence loud silence not tell uṗ
-1 | cry sleep feeling thing s know taste like rotten candy apple burn like lie s hear dream shatter floor try fail lie dust time spend apart hope look inside find heart cold wrap soul black bury grave pain dream shatter floor try fail lie dust hell understand end world grow love shell inside tell lie conviction fall void matter break outside come cold
+1 | suomi beauty pine slope curly border miserly outlook suomi beauty necklace clear lake lomyat tank wide glade plane circle cloud lowrise sun fall light bayonet accustomed fraternize victory carry battle road trodden grandfathers krasnozvozdnuyu glory lie knot year confuse people finland disclose trustingly halve wide goal jester hack holy fool heart confuse robbed home come return come help finish pay interest shame suomi beauty necklace clear lake finnish version mdnniktst jyrkdnteilld kihartuvat rajan ndktspiiri kapea ota meiddt vastaan suomikaunotar kirkkaiden jdrvien koristama panssarit jyrddvdt metsddn leveitd aukkoja lentokoneet lentdvdt pilvien ylld syksyn apea aurinko sytyttdd tulen pistimiin olemme olleet veljid voittojen kanssa ja taas kerran kannamme taistelun kautta isoisien kulkemia teitd pitkin punatdhtistd mainettamme paljon valheita ndind vuosina kasattu jotta olisi hdmdtty suoman kansa avaahan nyt meille luottavaisena levedn portin kumpikin puolisko eivdt pellet eivdtkd heikkopdiset kyndilijdt pysty endd hdmmentdmddn syddntdnne monesti teiltd riistetty kotimaanne tulimme palauttamaan sen teille tulemme auttamaan tekemddn selvdd maksamaan roimasti hdpedstd ota meiddt vastaan suomikaunotar kirkkaiden jdrvien koristama 1940
-1 | january 1979 see terrible crash not help laugh ear press past like glass wall house photograph forehead longer sweet holy kiss worthy fiery lip float peaceful sea rescue sink ship servant low place fall servant servant low place fall servant servant low place fall servant servant low place fall servant watch like car highway wreck detached vulgar curiosity look top hat passersby 7th floor balcony height miss creature small sight carry covert conversation misguided insect crown grasshopper king dance celebration year crown head have grow overfed unconcerned comfortably numb keep busy indulging pleasure wealthy afraid have sign possible sorrow turn heel run oh ill learn life cup sugar have borrow time begin forget return matter timei say be go blind servant matter timei say be go blind servant matter timei say be go blind servant matter miserable time hear cure useless eye servant
-1 | la wanna wanna want yesterday have hide room hide room hurt way matter time matter time know want hold tonight tonight la wanna wanna want way have hide mind hide mind hurt way matter time be mattter time time ah stop stop wanna feel wanna feel stop wanna feel wanna feel tonight tonight know want hold tonight la wanna wanna want yesterday have hide room hide room hurt way mind mind know want hold tonight tonight
-1 | know feel hide thought repress deep inside guess love lie truth not decide heart reside want cure epidemic sick wish say word admit entire life deal wrong hand cast aside man have feel free kill hear choose love hope give give history have feel free free think be wrong think be wrong feel well stop live denial stop love lie think blood thick water think be wrong feel better stop live denial stop love lie think blood thick water think be wrong feel well know disappoint have get prove want cure epidemic sick wish say word admit entire life deal wrong hand have realize have decision stop live denial stop love lie think blood thick water think be wrong feel well stop live denial stop love lie be stand firm not not be move be live free not stop not stop be stand firm not not be move be live free not stop not stop
+1 | holiday leningrad nevsky wide small walking holiday song leningrad song sound loud singing leningrad good native leningrad romanian indians pole frenchman oh chorus vastness space design fence passionate festive attire native town heart wear love leningrad light breeze whip banners immense palace square morning good evening celebration victory leningrad go go go squad thee banner victoriously burn dear leningrad chorus sea gate power cradle valiantly glory port earth go ship welcome guest leningrad good native leningrad romanian indians pole frenchman oh chorus orc loss native town heart wear love leningrad 1967
-1 | hey man check get good kush man aw man have get send heaven right man light holmes ok check man be original dr greenthumb rest liar be prescription high get type weed desire ahead fire maybe inspire kind flavor savor favor long share neighbor like sour d s east coast swing west coast know kush queen -PRON- smoke be picky throw not green sticky stress bush be push kush harvest k bag like nike swoosh be world case wonder smoke go weed hunter better like cali ask patient cause tell kush keep high kush keep high smoke high well feel not quit smoke high well feel not quit kottonmouth king snoop dogg dre cheech chong dea nut high time cover take hit bong eightfoot zong weed strong knockout king kong hit good time mind go eye red mouth go dry want ill supply red meth say let get stone say high say high touch god kiss sky s tall order think get need get food be ready feed follow lead get gift bring everyday life reefer king kush keep high kush keep high smoke high well feel not quit smoke high well feel not quit get cream crop crop mean cream time bag assemble team like yankees win grand champ herb get like type medicine serve lawyer teacher actor street cleaner matter come reefer stay high 24 like keifer tell -PRON- not hit hard creepa woody harrelson bruce willis smoke s yeah willie nelson fuck think drive ganja bus dionne warwick s get catch airport joint ask s not wanna enter weed cannabis cup be greenthumb reign supreme son strain better have see kush keep high not concentrate dave chapelle halle barry not tell krsone s blunt get smoke not wake kush keep high kush keep high smoke high well feel not quit smoke high well feel not quit
+1 | konarmeyskaya accord military road struggle anxiety battle eighteenth year fee shortlive kuban volga horse raise campaign heat dust go budyonny trot big thing mound hook river bank great fame pass ondon zamosc smolder white bone bone rustle breeze remember dog chieftain remember polish gentry konarmeyskie blade region calm new war heavy machine gun rain road friend commissar favorite lead horse fight
-1 | heart bury someplace brain body win race dream picture picture figure will not oh yeah oh yeah pick fruit give sweet taste walk tightrope unwilling straight pick pull mind be clown oh yeah oh yeah accidentally talk past accidentally talk past accidentally talk past accidentally talk magic redefine miss link blow mind dream think religious taste contagious rip spit make know oh yeah oh yeah accidentally walk away fast accidentally walk away fast accidentally walk away fast accidentally take magic redefine miss link blow mind accidentally talk past accidentally talk past accidentally talk past accidentally take oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah magic redefine miss link blow mind oh yeah oh yeah tragedy know s place oh yeah oh yeah magic redefine miss link blow mind oh yeah oh yeah tragedy thing know s place oh yeah oh yeah
+1 | friend meet friend meet sing singe friendship begin strong hand shake shake strong hand chorus song ahead dream call song sing sing ahead dream call friend city middle field field heart expensive ground ground chorus let life spoil light straight path path straight line light friend complain way dear chorus suddenly friend matter matter friendship year year chorus 1950
-1 | oil remove shre tear radiation vapor air fear unclear man motion go home stick face spread dirt populace yellow journal yellow journal set pace feel rage manifestation sort insidious point simple solution confusion sport gun kill cop crazy world weary thought receive lock lock rot assimilate hot annihilate tear face rot assimilate hot annihilate hit mace safe deviation tonic mess prolong existence innocence speak not weak wheelchair future speak bubonic plague truth aids community avoid decay trench pestilence bible scream announce faith muttering death bring suffocate newborn thing degradation age venereal sensation protect design moral plan infallible propaganda completely black step hot assimilate xxx rot annihilate hot assimilate tear rot annihilate search soul agony innerthinke brain clank change grow pain safe bloodshot muttering death bring suffocate newborn thing degradation age venereal sensation protect design moral plan infallible propaganda completely black step agony profusely stain inner thinking brain xxx accusation clank change experiment groan pain prefer blame terror animal scream cage future answer insane rot assimilate faith hot annihilate assimilate rot assimilate hot annihilate bear assimilate reach airway reach airway reach airway reach airway reach airway reach airway death death death death death death death death death death death death death
-1 | eugh mindsweeper focus mindsweeper focus read mind go go volatile territory plain adversity ravine neurosis vein god valley death remember remember dance like knight come cavalry come cavalry oh glad face sorry winner air cold mind bitter away boy be mood be mood blood gush vein feel surge feel surge sweep jet stream axon synapsis mutato nomine de te fabula narratur mutato nomine de te fabula narratur
-1 | struggle foot yearn free fight weak come grieve goddamn life disease not fucking win turn tide stand sing fight matter body roam place home apart find dark shed tear fight fear lonely heart apart find dark shed tear fight fear lonely heart listen drown grave not stand stay afloat struggle breathe word try believe lose home find way home turn tide lose blind fight matter body roam place away home apart find dark shed tear fight fear lonely heart apart find dark shed tear fight fear lonely heart lose lose anymore turn tide calm storm ready war lose lose anymore apart find dark shed tear fight fear lonely heart apart find dark shed tear fight fear lonely heart message receive april 12 316 hello listen be try touch man have fucking fucking lately like not know s happen be tired time try sleep lie quiet not speak cause pass fucking mind rage uh hello not know call think think time leave quit be sick fucking day day think sleep not sure drink drink drink be tired man think not want hear be mess be sorry man not know turn hear know speak think speak hear have say hello hello not call message delete
-1 | milk worth sure apple eye rotten core inside prisoner thing not bad have know end near greedy little bastard deserve say leave misery hate have intoxicated eye longer live life have learn ill burn world need peace mind fear s think have win fight have lose mind greedy little bastard deserve say leave misery hate have hold live pull break hold better end hold greedy little bastard deserve say leave misery hate have heaven help heaven help
-1 | late night arrive glimpse know eye time true ghost haunted garage hit curb fast nearly lose nerve cause eye observe girl s somebody ghost haunted garage haunt garage engine scream red hot like torture anguish cry know sound reach cry ghost cry ghost cry ghost haunted garage haunt garage haunt haunt haunted garage
+1 | muscovite today goodbye life delay moment slow entrance native blink child goodbye counterclaim headwind uneasy song new track begin like work character call muscovite world absurd live labor labor today car easy meet city yes yes green eye intersection counterclaim headwind overweene song new track begin like fun character call muscovite desert shade grass pass fact explore people deem moscow influential envoy counterclaim headwind uneasy song new track begin like character reliable call muscovite trail difficult difficult zavyuzhit bad weather remember great man guy friend distant factory street youth away away remember sing dream find vocation find right call muscovite counterclaim headwind uneasy song new track begin like work character call muscovite
-1 | dancefloor shake beach walk way street star maybe star maybe new madonna way hear worth meet place earth insane star maybe star maybe star maybe new madonna maybe star maybe new madonna new madonna new madonna way like new madonna way like new madonna way like new madonna
+1 | like old oak like old oak forest krynica horse hoof beat mane rustle ride rode villages village quiet don don steppe sing bushes crimson nightingale nightingale yes rustle leave slend poplar rise sun young sun greet song song field oh wide steppe breadbasket collective farm edge darle happy good live go kazachenki ride red star cavalry budyonny go serve come combat marshal defend homeland land travushki spaciousness foreign vorogov life horse hoof beat forest krynica posedlali cavalry steed ride rode villages village ondon quiet native steppe 1938
+1 | solar give open song stalin time great deed stalin glorify native people world fly banner lenin path struggle feat call chorus solar give open fire burn victory country joy life stalin wise leader teacher road work fire flame battle heart hero stalin temper light beam mighty genius light road communism chorus build happiness unyielde road contain leader raise high red banner communism stalin pripev1949
+1 | song papanin pole fog silence polar darkness swim ocean white ice canoe hey floe centurie come new century world take soviet people turn black ghost snow brave man live ice afraid compression blizzard bring soviet country storm sky mist conceal day impose floe evil shadow eugene fedorov cloud sneeze day coordinate report edge stern native krenkel fly north pole home hear cheerful voice air ernst make miracle ice floe peter petrovich go survey ice grass ice find ernst news radio bring shirshov ice finish mow weep bitterly bearsbastaki fang hang tear walruse see icebreaker steel board ask mitrich home moscow anxiety grip country floe storm shatter piece entire quartet death terrible storm papanin okay say large easy case give hero homeland soon news place entire country papanin drift moon entire homeland meet expensive good son scarlet flag ice floe glorify wisdom strength power bolsheviks leader creator friend song pride praise stalin sound illuminate path peace century wide motherland field forest river country know employ loosely chelovek1938
+1 | winter vacation green spruce large pearl window embellish fine carving forest snowcovere stand forest stand zavyuzhenny russian fairy tale enter wear skier sweater chorus winter vacation winter vacation fun wonderful happy time hello fir fluffy shaggy branch hello grass white slippery trail slope yes ramp fly guy winter storm catch like sugar snow mountain chorus battle dawn evening fortress snow throw let agree offend kohl accidentally treat snow sun street call morning pripev1955
+1 | song sea dream blue wave distance town near moscow naughty boy grow dream long cruise sea song teach wear naval cap build pier stream bring brigantine hand build pier stream bring brigantine hand life lot different way dream boy ashore year year pass string guy meet blue wave conquer sea recall seafarer vain brigantine blow brook near moscow native town brigantine blow brook near moscow hometown
+1 | hello urals comrade stalin mine factory ural famous master win dear dear comrade stalin ural accept hello hi ural steelworker know name hero labor great wonder proud collective farm field majestically worth bread gold know entire soviet empire fact live prosperously proud stalin name power strength ural region bow mother stalin worry accept
-1 | come night young seek be ready sting long long long long feed come come need come way come need way long want want need need want want need need come deserve come thought vein come way come feeling long want want need need want want need need want need
+1 | brest trumpeter br glowing banner funny bird ring wind hum bastion glory soldier wind hum bastion glory soldier terrible explosion metnuvshy threshold childish brave hot anxiety anxiety anxiety anxiety signal boy trumpeter anxiety anxiety anxiety signal boy trumpeter mist dawn hour boy raise fighter abruptly loudly authoritatively flutter immortal signal abruptly loudly authoritatively flutter immortal signal fortress yard call reinforcement pierce shrapnel lobster anxiety anxiety anxiety anxiety signal boy trumpeter anxiety anxiety anxiety signal boy trumpeter boy opalonny battle pass war soldier wall bastion smile welcome child wall bastion smile welcome child hear threshold explosion fly lobster anxiety anxiety anxiety anxiety signal boy trumpeter anxiety anxiety anxiety signal kidblower p 3
-1 | television disgrace home race break break live pace life unnecessary television disgrace home race break break live pace live pace live pace
+1 | quieresescribir испанский это республиканская версия moor bring franco madrid want enter moor bring franco madrid want enter militiaman moor pass away militiaman moor pass away want write know whereabouts want write know whereabouts mixed brigade line fire mixed brigade line fire thousand time shoot thousand time thousand time shoot thousand time hardheade corp engineer hardheade corp engineer ebro sink italian flag ebro sink italian flag bridge repubicana bridge repubicana 1936
-1 | crooked little town lose find fall leave fall leave fall leave ground hitch ride coast leave ghost searchin something not find home not job spare dime hit ill fine swear god thisll time crooked little town lose find fall leave fall leave fall leave ground run away drown street beat ya fall leave fall leave fall leave ground get dark pigeon park voice head soon feed vulture circle round dead crooked little town lose find fall leave fall leave fall leave ground run away drown street beat ya fall leave fall leave fall leave ground think would catch starin sidewalk hidin track mark leave good friend leave crooked little town lose find fall leave fall leave fall leave ground crooked little town lose find fall leave fall leave fall leave ground run away drown street beat ya fall leave fall leave fall leave ground run away drown fall leave fall leave fall leave ground run away drown fall leave fall leave fall leave ground
-1 | music fuck dead thank cunt stab fucking chest fake righteous undeserving band fuck sin selfdestruction stumble home home bottle roll bill be ready live day not care long girl drink drug not wrong be have fucking blast rock roll live life dream rock roll fucking fine like cigarette hurt like whiskey burn guess be go to learn like cigarette hurt like whiskey burn guess be go to learn go to stop heart stop beat go to stop breath come be go to hit floor not find way foot anymore pass glass let destroy fucking place life 300 mile hour pussy not fucking pace rock roll live life dream rock roll fucking fine like cigarette hurt like whiskey burn guess be go to learn like cigarette hurt like whiskey burn guess be go to learn have spend year tear apart soul ill kickstart good old day rock roll drink regret second thought hit nail head fucking throat rock roll live life dream rock roll fucking fine music fuck dead thank cunt stab fucking chest fake righteous undeserving band fuck
-1 | go flame go tear pain burn hurt day barely know stand far look feel heart reach thing think possible life true dream be afraid dark moment give mind be reach come closer dream fade give look feel heart reach thing think possible life true dream see feel near feel near see give give look look feel heart look look feel hope look reach thing think possible life true dream
-1 | tryin crazy ese not know be loco flamboyant temper toss ham fryin pan like spam feel come slam damn feel like son sam not wreck shit hectic chair get go like general electric eeen light blink be think drink oh makin mind slow s not fuck wit da big fouro bro get ta maintain cause nigga like go insane insane membrane insane brain insane membrane insane brain insane membrane crazy insane get brain insane membrane insane brain shit undercover time blubba blabba watch belly fat fat boy diet not try ill jack ass like looter riot shit fat like sumo slammin ass leavin face grass know not dulo lightly punk jealous cause not outwrite kick style wicke wild happy face nigga see smile rip mainframe ill explain nigga like go insane insane membrane insane brain insane membrane insane brain insane membrane crazy insane get brain insane membrane insane brain insane brain brain be loco insane brain brain be loco insane brain brain insane be loco insane brain like louie armstrong play trumpet ill hit dat bong break ya soon get prop cop come try snatch crop pig wanna blow house head underground town mad come raid pad be deuce cad yes be pirate pilot ship wit ultraviolet dream hide red light beam believe unseen look not eye strain nigga like go insane insane membrane insane brain insane membrane insane brain insane membrane crazy insane get brain insane membrane insane brain insane brain be loco insane brain be loco insane brain be loco insane brain be loco think be go crazy
-1 | say know s right s wrong matter say say know lose win matter dead go see end thing life know shift point view have warn way ticket light know s matter light s leave lie will leave realize matter know leave lie see end thing life know shift point view have warn way ticket s leave lie leave realize matter know leave lie see end thing life know shift point view have warn way ticket
-1 | be not ghost man foot walk be not dead singe song sing let -PRON- know take look let -PRON- know take cause not be not bad man mother son be not see red see let -PRON- know take look let -PRON- know take cause not play wrong hand hand play right be take throne ready let -PRON- know take look let -PRON- know take cause not walk away walk away be go sink be home sink
+1 | la comintern spanish plant rank close battle tread walk walk check sight charge gun proletarian fight cause proletarian fight cause fire leninism illuminate path storm capital world raise class face battle slogan world soviet union slogan world soviet union comrade prison dungeon cold column afraid white fascist terror country cover insurrection fire country cover insurrection fire comintern steel series banner soviet red flag red front squad combat deviate path deviate path
-1 | tell want hear hold year hope truth find common praise pass phase move forward today limit sky reach tonight tonight get test limit tell be alive choice draw line tonight tonight get test limit tell be alive be go chance free chance soar sky foot fix ground desperation s weigh strength heaven send selfconfidence day be walk crowd not hold head waste time burn bright like star ignite limit sky reach tonight tonight get test limit tell be alive choice draw line tonight tonight get test limit tell be alive be go leader follow s father s tell word boldly speak send long hard road shrug shoulder mean will not waste time mediocrity tonight be alive
-1 | demand deserve respect gain trust show earn not mask pride humility force prove loyalty have hypocrite year draw sword draw tear demand deserve respect gain trust show earn build strength anger fight selfish battle answer transparency start show not let fear guide go die will not live mean mean find lie lie hide speak world not forget not forget thing hold refuse forgive hurt take step fine line not choose good deed recognize heart intent pride take step fine line not choose good deed recognize heart intent pride day hope stop hold learn let forgive forgive
+1 | marsh missile people world people happiness rocket bear hour harsh military campaign serve homeland chorus rocket missile rocket missile space available corner vast planet raider rebuff blue distance give star lift rocket come lunar expanse great soviet land chorus people missile basis soviet border shall spread black manhole immediately rocket lightning chorus overseas raider attack guard native soviet sky missile night day chorus
+1 | time path way rainy night evening night pilot let face land table let talk favorite song sing chorus time roadway road far far far threshold nice push silver wing let fate throw away let heart allow strictly follow sure fun fun fun dear snub nose hung drink drink time brave u2 tomorrow headache chorus guy brave brave brave jinx curly girlfriend departure kiss passionately time spit left shoulder chorus 1946
-1 | see cold mirror clear era lick shine forehead check sign corridor light way club maze struggle dub daze see lover men room sink sad talk madman think see lover not know miss not know run go dream want party breathe be die leave time grind know sever line flower go long time pass test task ask toylike people boylike toylike people boylike invisible trip flip physical way lip got hoi polloi like lose lethal now time get to leave good people dream nicer bird treetop cheap chip inside laptop variation nice girl mind free automatic crystal remote control come soul kinda fade background like well smokell bring round like man slide inside dear cheap beer fill crocodile tear -PRON- run go dream toylike people boylike toylike people boylike find reason find reason dream dream dream
-1 | memorial honor long go burial heaven go wrong time long ago like yesterday miss -PRON- not let heart hate bleed love father goodbye self alive fade away feel drift away away drift away memorial honor long go burial heaven go wrong place s leave god grace break faith heart hate bleed love father goodbye self alive fade away feel drift away away drift away heart ache s know hope fade ill let heart ache s know hope fade ill let memorial burial memorial burial fade away feel drift away away drift away
-1 | think understand world overcome man like friend see end give life give find place rest head hard find hear s peace let burn skin let burn leave life set free take piece inside hurt finally fade promise will feel afraid let burn skin let burn hope worth highway yeah know will find way be tell everybody one walk yeah hope will find way be tonight hope worth s leave yeah know will find way be tell everybody one walk yeah know will find way be tonight
-1 | step step heart heart leave right left fall step step heart heart leave right left fall like toy soldier bite bit torn apart win battle wage toy soldier be suppose soldier blow composure hold weight world shoulder be not suppose crew be not suppose know mean go toe toe benzino not matter would drag battle handle absolutely be suppose set example need leader crew look guide -PRON- shit pop be suppose -PRON- ja shit try squash late stop s certain line not cross cross hear hailie song lose crazy shit way jayz nas shit battle win feel like lose spend energy honestly be exhausted be catch feel be cause be not be hiphop get object kill wanna destroy help build not intention intention good go career mentionin respect runnin mouth talkin know plus dre tell stay not beef fall watch grit tooth s tv talkin man literally save life like fuck understand business shit not business knowin shit pop minute cause step step heart heart leave right left fall like toy soldier bite bit torn apart win battle wage toy soldier time rhyme not worry people dyin elevated cause someone kid shit get escalate be not word different ball game callin name be not rappin actually try stop 50 ja beef happenin dre sit kick chat ask start not go to ja start yappin magazine stab fuck 50 smash -PRON- mash -PRON- let attention pull direction receptionist source answer phone desk erection think ill resurrection try blow dust mic new record s fuck game cause way come publication famous owner get grudge nothing fuck mutherfucker fuck be busy piss not stop think inherit 50 beef murder inc s inherit fine be not like mind soldier s line s willing die soon order extort strictly support maybe shout -PRON- rap chorus love -PRON- let -PRON- know important runyon avenue soldier corner loyalty worth award be not tryna people hurt murder be not worth not think perfecter way word love -PRON- verdict ill walk away let not twist plea be coppin be willin big man -PRON- quit poppin jaws knockin cause frankly be sick talkin be go to let else coffin rest conscience cause step step heart heart leave right left fall like toy soldier bite bit torn apart win battle wage toy soldier
-1 | guten tag ich bin lee hoi chuen mein sohn macht filme den usa und ich werd morgen tot sein und vergessen sicher auch ein hold war ich wirklich nie es lastet alle auf den kindern wir gehen sterben unserem haus verdient hab ich das sicher nicht und entscheiden kann das auch wer bleiben aber niemal ich leb doch mehr wie deine mutter leb bloß nicht wie ich leb doch mehr wie deine mutter leb bloß nicht wie ich ach hallo ich bin heiner rust mein sohn wurd gestern abgeholt sie müssen beschützen meisten vor sich selbst kann ihm nicht helfen bin morgen tot leb doch mehr wie deine mutter leb bloß nicht wie ich leb doch mehr wie deine mutter leb bloß nicht wie ich leb doch mehr wie deine mutter leb bloß nicht wie ich leb doch mehr wie deine mutter leb bloß nicht wie ich ja leb doch ja leb doch ja leb doch
+1 | camillo torre испанский fell camille bear cross wood light kill rifle camilo torre die live bullet voice god shout revolution review cassock general guerrilla sacristan nail bullet cross call bandit jesus come rifle find people thousand thousand camilo ready fight camilo torre die live
+1 | grace soon time come old year go place new new year bring happiness joyful fortyseventh chorus 2 time wine glass brim pour glorious gracesong accord custom sing pour dear friend bloom song drink away away family chorus 2 time wine pour glass raise toast friend delight fear enemy bloom native land chorus 2 time 1946
-1 | come crash cornerstone go sleepless hopeless end sight ink run dry fill blood scribe rest come easy guiltless vampire lament pray sun doom despair tragedy tool trade cut bone rob grave unearth stone lie waste defile tome rip page strip vein lie waste fray edge flat line anvil crack hammer relentlessly come new pariah bear cut bone rob grave unearth stone lie waste defile tome rip page strip vein lie waste chastisement lay sleep tuck bloody kiss gift nightmare bitter sweet type negative shut catch phrase death come entertain climb wall til nail bleed rip hair tear seam break glass head hand bell toll endlessly end sight
+1 | forward comrade португальский new dawn join nгіs mate corner home flag rubra corner home flag rubra forward comrade onward board г voice forward comrade onward comrade sun brilharгў nгіs 1967
+1 | want healthy temper want healthy try forget doctor cold water pour want healthy useful sun air water disease help disease useful sun air water temper want healthy try forget doctor cold water pour want healthy
-1 | anol shalom anol sheh lie konnud de ne um shaddai flavum nom de leesh ham de nam um das la um de flavne de ze zu bu de sooo ru un vaa pesh lie un vii bee un da la pech ni sa aaahh un dii lie na day un ma la pech nay mee di nu ku fast tempo 4 time la la da pa da le na da na ve va da pa da le na la dumda anol shalom anol sheh ley konnud de ne um flavum flavum mai shondollee flavu live lof flesh lie nof ne nom de lis ham de num um dass la um de flavne flay shom de nomm malun des dwondi dwwoondi alas sharum du koos shaley koottum
-1 | regenerate regenerate life regenerate regenerate have return reclaim miss stable ground wait face world s sink think world star not arm world s sink stop live live hell bring proper course band stand bring place know band regroup hear voice inside use truth guide time restore faith regenerate change search cure cause world drown quick guard heart forget share scar world s drown stop live live hell bring proper course band stand bring place know band regroup hear voice inside use truth guide time restore faith regenerate change condemn confide condemn confide busy pick condemn confide regenerate change life condemn confide regenerate regenerate life bring proper course band stand bring place know band regroup hear voice inside use truth guide time restore faith regenerate change regenerate regenerate life regenerate regenerate have return reclaim
-1 | dark know pretend dark begin send skeleton sing bone come march need bury deep secret ready ready be finish make sense plead ignorance defense spin infinity wheel spin neverende neverende old story be like be play pretender surrender be like be play pretender ill surrender time be tell be soul sale oh page print permanent temporary temporary old story be like be play pretender surrender be like be play pretender surrender oh be voice inside head refuse hear be face face mirror stare be s leave be s right be enemy be hand will bring knee yeah yeah yeah dark know pretend be like be play pretender surrender be like be play pretender ill surrender be like dark be play know pretender pretend surrender be like dark be play know pretender pretend surrender yeah yeah
+1 | holiday kremlin star light blue boulevard color light accord noisy cheerful elegant moscow pass celebratory evening wing song hear dance whirl street capital great happy country today sea wave chorus spring heart today friend smile happily dear beloved country congratulate holiday step forward ahead year soviet tribe eagle forest desert city grow land prettier virgin young heart burn courage work complete feat hero soviet space fly open road spacious chorus enviable share go lot road complete husband strengthen work fight motherland spring blossom star step confidently sun freedom world light homeland great lenin chorus spring heart today friend smile happily dear beloved country congratulate holiday 1961
-1 | lay bed eye view body longer belong scare past 3 not live past 60 break trend will end like old folk roland 3939 scare army brat man die time miss summer grill smell home cooked meal sleep like log healing fast lose learn lose youth lose spirit not hear anymore guess s life body part stay place keep heart easy temper ste fix quick dip old neighbor swim pool be wear ill ache like forever think shoddy drape refuse cold damn body not warmth be watch hairline recede be drinking fatigue be fight heredity love time get away slow fast go be look s come s build blood have sure not want heal be perfect look feel think lay wait think 3 breath wonder know think let guess s life
-1 | sorrow hard feel fill river mill take baby sand flood flood land s water deep deep not tell deep tell say say be crawl be crawl be crawl desert find way reason mean pay dream past will not consider will not say okay s river be float away desert kneel water flow ground desert let misery take control deep deep deepest s go to drown s go to drown misery
+1 | baikal beauty noise listopad rings pine string breathe transparent coolness baikal depth soldier fisherman dream familys eye glimpse thick lash baikal turquoise siberia rich nature love generous clean remain heart soldier baikal beauty 1960
-1 | run cold light wonder run away fear come home rip not tonight wander black sky clutch control leave lose feel not phase run hide like child feel guilty ill tonight creature have dream come change future vision bury underground return future break old skin choke release be state judge scratch itch best leave chase memory not wait tonight creature have dream come change future vision bury underground return future nightmare have have arrive change future sign creation door
-1 | be look wood tonight be look look flashlight be search high ocean pace race gain wolf gain wolf conjure child slip wet stretch reach jump drag water watch march life watch pale sky eagle eye sun seed sickle scythe ridicule will not allow quench abuse let love flower rip cage chest let chaos fool rest show know know twig snap catch canoe old teal sea dissolve yesterday destiny go foreign shore mark fall car run ill shield life feel will fly sunset abegge set fall set fall set fall set fall set fall set fall set fall set fall set fall
+1 | kolkhoz musicians yang zither player equal area work come canelo immediately take work come zither hour take willem great violinist dance play string little bow touch begin dance string little bow touch start dance gustasa accordion echo canela violin tone fun way pour buzz bass fun way pour buzzing bass girl pass match guy mind listen day night s guy mind listen day night deftly game musician labor go way guy farm glad go way guy farm glad
-1 | measure dimension antumnos tell gauge veil manifest size maw infer value stone glowing wick quench sown fire die come remain eternitys past repeat time eternal knot unbroken come motion picture moment steal away pen page time audience curtain rise question mark question mark go question mark shall dawn question mark change
-1 | darken day restless night pass like end year leave bear pain bury deep inside soul s leave memory picture unworried day one save legacy perish fade await divert withered body shell die ember god carry world need await divert withered body shell bright eye realize apathy heart beat strong beat strong god carry world need leave bear pain god ease pain await divert withered body shell bright eye realize apathy heart beat strong beat strong live fight emptiness fullfill day hope die ember live fight emptiness fullfill day promise promise hold hand
+1 | dream call girlfriend call country strong persistent burn daring eye spring creek song construction project ring girlish voice chorus afraid heat storm know hard work dream call girlfriend happiness come friend happiness like new house resistant construction work warm heart skillful hand virgin rich ear grow thank tell country chorus distant edge fatherland send glorious deed wide scope firmly know closer communism distant construction site field chorus 1959
+1 | komsomol word komsomol word conscience honor word work force young surrender tired rise steep second breath word find chorus member komsomol usual proverb right word case odd wind drop word ycl test battle labor let friend word comrade give komsomol word simple heart hard metal chorus live worthy glorious father feel free harsh truth face banner difficult road ahead word evaluate thing deviate path chorus
-1 | not know not know rogue fear lie heart run faster run night time not believe believe s turn believe s turn ill let win late turn change darkness light trade blood trade blood salt water watch sink sea prey hunter rogue horror tear apart reach reach dark s find vengeance tonight vengeance tonight vengeance tonight vengeance tonight ill let win late turn change darkness light trade blood trade blood salt water watch sink sea
-1 | dear mother hear whine week leave home sudden fear leave tremble cause be feeling pay attention crack street broken home slum nice want wasteland like home welcome paradise gunshot ring station urchin snap leave dead make wonder be strange reason feel like home be go to pay attention crack street broken home slum nice want wasteland like home welcome paradise dear mother hear laugh month leave home make wonder be strange reason feel like home be go to pay attention crack street broken home slum nice want wasteland like home welcome paradise whoa paradise
-1 |
-1 | bear world intelligence slave money have accept thoughtlessness imperfection want populate earth like cancer grin bear not stop kill welcome world ego shine like silver go earth breath welcome world ego shine like silver go earth breath dusty ruin witness past eye look veil ashe future look radioactive landscape mutate being crawl way go escape welcome world ego shine like silver go earth breath welcome world ego shine like silver go earth breath welcome world ego shine like silver go earth breath welcome world ego shine like silver go earth breath welcome world ego shine like silver go earth breath welcome world ego shine like silver go earth breath
+1 | worker vienna немецкий bauvolk come world s man seed field reaper come mowing future fact   fly flame red flag ahead way draw future faithful k fighter worker vienna fly flame red flag ahead way draw future faithful k fighter worker vienna lord factory gentleman world finally government run fall army create future shackle engende detention blow fly like l ge schm orbit basis besiegelnd spirit rise dungeon iron break power r sten battle   fly
-1 | maybe life find pull away time not deal unfair feel feel like heaven far away feel yeah feel like world grow cold have go away leave flower grave care black rose hail marys not bring s take reach sky trade feel feel like heaven far away sting yeah sting world cold have go away go away go away yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ooh yeah oohooh go away ill save soul woah yeah reach sky oh let trade feel feel like heaven far away feel yeah feel like world grow cold have go away go away go away yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ooh yeah oohooh go away yeah ooh yeah oohooh go away
-1 | wait long suppress power inside tear away wrong massive hide time rip chain neck let past purge free weigh open floodgate surge new find power new find power new find power new find power cleanse past learn mistake conquer new ground unite twice strong time rip chain neck let past purge free weigh open floodgate surge new find power new find power new find power new find power venture gain hope keep sane rise prove ill survive help shut strength come new find power new find power new find power new find power new find power new find power new find power new find power power power
+1 | high high sky beloved homeland lie beneath edge blooming meadow rustle corn ear raise country embrace cast glance wheat field village town river vymeryat depth count pasture herd sing sky motherland road come sun light song love touch fatherland courage love country let banner battle 1938
-1 | get start early get time hesitate star right hell dog bite break nose break leg think damn know bring blind s run tomorrow be look hole discover destroy soul get time die s point life judge point finger look bring wine behave like swine maybe booze bring running shoe tambourine load beer not wanna want brown stone s run tomorrow be look hole discover destroy soul get time die get point life oooh aaah oooh aaah oooh aaah oooh aaah have tell have tell twice change life play blue drink booze s hell break loose s run tomorrow be look hole discover destroy soul get time die get point life judge point finger look
+1 | molotov song praise let live world long year enemy death happiness people vyacheslav tireless country elect country favorite gather yes roof drink health lift cup drink dreg drunk pour remember year fight shake honestly hand expensive thank work work care let live world year enemy death happiness people vyacheslav country choose genius stalin combat ally 1940
-1 | sound boy sound boy young play song yeah combination style lady gentleman fasten seat belt combination style sound boy sound boy combination style oh fasten seat belt oh sound boy young play song yeah oh sound boy combination style sound boy young play song yeah oh sound boy combination style sound boy sound boy young play song yeah young play song yeah combination style lady gentleman fasten seat belt combination style sound boy oh sound boy combination style oh combination style sound boy young play song yeah combination style
+1 | father hero war end return son stay boy order father kill near city berlin mother say softly fighter thin operation son hero father hero let life difficult new vertex thoughtfully look order father kill near city berlin mother fighter thin operation son hero father hero dream clear man call cosmos call uncontrollably take away baikonur order father kill near city berlin know mother fighter thin operation son hero father hero vast country follow flight son tenderly pride shone order father kill near city berlin truth mother say fighter thin operation son hero father hero 1963
-1 | grannus healing touch cernunnos beckon deo sucellos strike taranis pierce roar dandelion float like snow witness eternal law nimiety single single number forget single sucellus hand infinitesimal evanescent infinitesimal evanescent distant echo re exalt unseen ancient mountain serenely bode vast deride pompous futile burn ashe wash away sempiternal sanctify water fire come single single number forget single sucellus hand teach soul descend silent land erebus sunless realm dis breath govern limb different world tale true death point midst perpetual life ephemeral fade futile wash away wound heal question answer creation cleanse brand new day evanescent minor small insignificant little star shine come come
+1 | christmas tree song morning novelty day wonder lookka near market night coniferous forest shine frost needle crowd snuot mean tree tomorrow tomorrow new year 2p chorus dress better case let admire friend hello barb good hello green yol pts ka life go cheerful march veysya snow veil tomorrow year old country friend smart room tree gather stalin meet new year 2p chorus grieve sigh find word oh tree year pour song bezumolku strong strong shine tree holiday youth 2p pripev1938
-1 | moment pain add body train heart hold release forget past instead count cost not mean memory matter have face overcome rid fuel strong properly way good life take away pain matter have face matter have face life overcome try forget burden bear face trial openly s leave hide new path strength come alive overcome matter have face matter have face life overcome
-1 | pump brake redflag red light holdin stop sign ill sloppy second ahead minute takin little get go would eat glass stick hot needle eye ahead tap ass draw yeah like s candy girl be not tryina connect paint picture be not freak suck have see like want cotton candy sugar high break bone come trick trick pony s hop ride ride ride bout bring blood spill have s stop will not sit bring s real have s stop will not sit
+1 | lenin help river heat shallow cold go ice mausoleum winter summer flow little rustle wave bear special volga ice forge chorus hand shoulder ilyich comrade struggle help lenin help quietly find difficult come advice dead sleep wakeless lenin sleep record fail hear moan sigh silence chorus favorite song leave book letter write heart era hear fighter spectator good monument lenin marble heart chorus
-1 | maze reflection enter terminal connection maze reflection enter terminal connection maze reflection enter terminal connection maze reflection enter terminal connection maze reflection enter terminal connection maze reflection enter terminal connection maze reflection enter terminal connection maze reflection enter terminal connection maze reflection enter terminal connection maze reflection enter terminal connection maze reflection enter terminal connection maze reflection enter terminal connection maze reflection enter terminal connection
+1 | lenin hear mountain valley river hear blade grass way lenin forever s tough fight ahead go difficult war lead victory lenin cry lenin people quiet number vladimir ilyich innumerable people power love hot lenin cool fighting ilyich soul hear mountain valley river hear blade grass way lenin forever s tough fight ahead
-1 | time eye clear fall grace walk away away medicate heart medicate heart wrong stay cold come build perfect place picture whitest sheet let write street sit icicle tremble hand not wear kid glove darkness complete not word oh stumble s way walk tell maybe end will lose fear whitest sheet let write street street street street street street street street try try walk
-1 | charlie scene da kurlzz deuce jdog j3 t undead undead undead undead deuce better way tomorrow rise let fight today know not fuck think cause gon rock place undead better way tomorrow rise let fight today know not fuck think cause gon rock place johnny 3 tear look motherfuckin write wall j3 t 30 deep s brawl fuck hater cause hate breathe duck little punk little fuckin disease get hu tat arm boulevard brass knuckle car cause drunk drive cadillacs far motherfucker better know get thing punk ass hate motherfucker not know better watch industry fuck faggotass punk not know take motherfucke drunk be ridin baby little late johnnys takin head faggot hate cause be like god motherfucker s price pay yeah be god motherfucker judgement day deuce undead better way tomorrow rise let fight today know not fuck think cause gon rock place undead better way tomorrow rise let fight today know not fuck think cause gon rock place da kurlzz charlie scene charlie scene be get nuisance fag bad mouth music fuckin stupid foolish think coward not not try pursue take chance pay bill nearly die music wanna run pullin gun shit temptin run mouth charlie scene da kurlzz bitch ignorant get to believe need slit wrist pissed jump bridge not sarcasm verse spit think get lucky not work shit bitch have work kid have play million show family friend kind person diss band deserve big would hate person verse come kid lip shit bad get verse quit sign charlie scene girlfriend tit deuce undead better way tomorrow ridse let fight today know not fuck think cause gon rock place undead better way tomorrow rise let fight today know not fuck think cause gon rock place da kurlzz jdog jdog white boys tattoos point right break da kurlzz jdog roudy like classroom runnin mouth razor blade come jdog bbut press know stress loki dms johnny left get phantom rest rep west da kurlzz jdog grow drive bys la gang sign fuck know gangsta uhuh fuck know danger jdog be not do know talk shit mad cause song fucking hit deuce undead better way tomorrow rise let fight today know not fuck think cause gon rock place undead better way tomorrow rise let fight today know not fuck think cause gon rock place da kurlzz j3 t undead motherfucke time ride ride undead duck drive undead motherfucker time ride ride undead will not punk die die charlie scene da kurlzz deuce jdog j3 t undead
+1 | native moscow istra field glorious moscow unequal hot boil mortal combat burn farm burn garden enemy rush sacred kremlin wall mingle blood earth fire mix cry groan courage dear crepe moscow wise stalin country suddenly column tank bolt enemy beat rokossovskii instruction leader fatherland ahead eagle pile fascist bullet go cloud thunder dawn beautiful moscow shine 1944
-1 | know fuck bout bout motherfucker yeah bout yo know fuck introduction be not necessary stick tight kind middle finger adversary grind 247 365 party like s tomorrow live like bear die get lot leave not stop will not stop s breath choice matter yo game need simple fact matter like plus know thing cause see country city motherfuckin town keep world wide like live wire empire dtd mlb nyc friend fam till end yeah bout stage dive high five bout rockin show party bullshit bout bout bout motherfucker yeah bout friend fam till end yeah bout stage dive high five bout rockin show party bullshit bout bout bout motherfucker yeah bout rockin show party bullshit bout bout bout motherfucker yeah bout braahhh friend fam till end yeah bout stage dive high five bout rockin show party bullshit bout bout bout motherfucker yeah bout friend fam till end yeah bout stage dive high five bout rockin show party bullshit bout bout bout motherfucker yeah bout
-1 | house rose letter stair tape message care collage broken word story tear remember life cause wish hard wake realize okay end have know time keep pass be freeze scar leave deep feel not real have lose power feel tonight victim crime all go not regain not shelter pain inside victim crime day will find place like ask question thing ill know s leave find cause need little need little time score not real have lose power feel tonight victim crime all go not regain not shelter pain inside victim crime yeah woah last forever good thing true would trade save season throw line stand tall be search sign not need salvation promise unkind speculation save time cause need reason reason stay not bother stick day not real have lose power feel tonight have victim crime go not regain not shelter pain inside ooh have victim crime victim crime live crime be miss be miss be miss be miss
-1 | storm come choice accept nature lose voice shall scream plead build roof head mourn day waste try change set fighting tear tear eye ill admit have label enemy hate claim friend care unnecessary struggle know mean repent change tear tear eye ill admit instead fight open eye find need awaken awaken tear tear eye ill admit awaken
+1 | song friend remember morning grayhaire autumn day sky cloud storm wound battle deliver true friend fight chorus song sing loyalty heart friendship forever song cherish word life treasure friend sand ridge spur builder cloud sand water leave friend give sip chorus probably different life live probably friendship life earth appreciate word friend know pripev1956
-1 | desperate deranged talk sleep eye twitch retain sentimental look torn burn burn cinder body soul dream breakdown amid mixture avoid addictive plea respond disillusion encrust cruelty describe nail enclose eat oh easily exist lot reason support fatality abstinence possess hardly think heart beat positive heart beat provide s progress ignorance insist right coffin take food offer not drank wine wish feverish burst terror breakdown amid mixture avoid addictive plea insist happen chill bloodless fatigue recharge bitterness fanatic beckon mistake look impassione absorb clarity consciousness drift away discard memory package shelf life bad display breakdown amid mixture avoid addictive plea insist happen chill bloodless fatigue pound nail tight eye scream sight grain like curtain unbearably alive misty eye
-1 | know not know dear know not know go to follow tonight way way home go to find night way way home stranger danger pain pain pain pain pain break rhythm break rhythm break rhythm pain pain break rhythm break rhythm break rhythm pain pain break rhythm break rhythm break rhythm pain pain break rhythm break rhythm break rhythm pain pain break rhythm break rhythm break rhythm pain pain break rhythm break rhythm break rhythm pain pain break rhythm break rhythm break rhythm pain pain break rhythm break rhythm break rhythm pain pain break rhythm break rhythm break rhythm pain pain break rhythm break rhythm break rhythm pain pain break rhythm break rhythm break rhythm pain pain break rhythm break rhythm break rhythm pain pain break rhythm break rhythm break rhythm pain pain break rhythm break rhythm break rhythm pain pain break rhythm break rhythm break rhythm pain pain break rhythm break rhythm break rhythm pain know not know thought long go go need tonight dark want turn light dark pain love pain pain love pain pain love pain pain love pain pain break rhythm break rhythm break rhythm pain pain break rhythm break rhythm break rhythm pain pain break rhythm break rhythm break rhythm pain pain break rhythm break rhythm break rhythm pain pain break rhythm break rhythm break rhythm pain pain break rhythm break rhythm break rhythm pain pain break rhythm break rhythm break rhythm pain pain break rhythm break rhythm break rhythm pain
+1 | farewell waltz repeat row solo graduation june night find short year part tenth delay let dance morning chorus farewell waltz little sad easy spin waltz farewell provozhalny little sad farewell waltz long prom dress wind flip calendar year school friendship strong time come today year old chorus century road fascinate major event school favorite school loyal trusty friend chorus 1950
-1 | rain today inside wind dismay blow away feel change weather blame place not tell not tell good leave change be wait wait face exceed picture frame year work week regret blame rest life sleep dream break break form fix go grow hopeless invent tool mend year year year negligence ability forget not tell not tell good leave change be wait wait face exceed picture frame year work week regret blame rest life sleep dream believe believe degree irony irony fiveletter metaphor not believe oh period time period time consistent increment compile increment compile news change life not believe oh not tell not tell good leave change be wait wait face exceed picture frame year work week regret blame rest life sleep dream
-1 | know ill know s say say loud say ṗremonition world come sun hand middle life say be alright say not speak hear not feel thing have feel say long time look way like know thing not
-1 | mother sing lullaby child future boy go wild nerve feel kind energy walk wood try tree cry erotic makeup run get wire loose inside head get book read get secret garden shed get scar urge bleed get people underneath bed get place dream dead swim black eye minute inside van beautiful be feel take get wire loose inside head get book read get secret garden shed get scar urge bleed get people underneath bed get place dream dead swim black eye get wire loose inside head get book read get secret garden shed get scar urge bleed get people underneath bed get place dream dead swim black eye
-1 | forgive know cross bedroom wall grace fall image burn mind thigh die godman pain cum beg serve knee forgiveness sin prefer punishment suffer eternally internally ah lust shell burn hell soul medium mass manual stimulation salvation corpus christi need corpus christi corpus christi corpus christi need corpus christi corpus christi body christ need body christ body christ
-1 | street city everyone get place s room blame guilt shame hang like dark cloud chase pour rain hard find care easy find look hard find care easy find look scene s chill air s people like see care hard find care easy find look hard find have come undone hard find care swear time will not turn cause have get blame will know end street easy find look hard find care easy find look hard find have come undone hard find care
-1 | drown wash cry write note lying note die break promise tear watch angel love watch love wipe reel die rip wide open word knife watch angel love watch love
-1 | not remember moment try forget lose better say be closer edge thousand million time flame be take closer edge be say be sorry day maybe meet be say be sorry day maybe meet imagine time truth run free birth song death dream closer edge end story pay pride fate fall short glory lose be say be sorry day maybe meet be say be sorry day maybe meet forget regret live life forget regret live life be say be sorry day maybe meet be say be sorry day maybe meet closer edge closer edge closer edge closer edge closer edge
+1 | hello fellow labor build day column marsh din whistle bell hello comrade work 2 time hand daring feat await bread metal happiness work produce work poet architect song sung machine hello work day hello comrade work 2 time able mountain river change route force multiply hello comrade work
-1 | want care want care new day want care long regress day take obsession world day innocence equating beauty tomorrow fall today go tomorrow fall today go new day want new day care want want care have grow tired chase convinced need year have spend slave tomorrow fall today go longer adore thing satisfy have see world change come vicious circle bring life die vicious circle bring life die die vicious circle bring life die vicious circle bring life die have see world change come
-1 | scratch card glory waist low pleasure black eye nose bleed not look white abode remember white abode thrill find sorry winner air cold mind bitter get loose false intention life pretentious scratch card glory waist low pleasure black eye nose bleed not look white abode remember white abode thrill find sorry winner air cold mind bitter get lose false intention life pretentious scratch card glory waist low pleasure black eye nose bleed not look white abode remember sweat ache sorry winner air cold mind bitter get lose false intention life pretentious whatwhatwhat rawwwr try insert coin try insert coin zane lowe bbc session version scratch card glory waist low pleasure black eye nose bleed not look white abode remember white abode thrill find sorry winner air cold mind bitter get loose false intention life pretentious scratch card glory waist low pleasure black eye nose bleed not look white abode remember white abode thrill find sorry winner air cold mind bitter get loose false intention life pretentious scratch card glory waist low pleasure black eye nose bleed not look white abode remember sweati ache sorry winner air cold mind bitter get loose false intention life pretentious try insert coin try insert coin
-1 | life leak away groan groan year fade sigh grow weary grow weary want blot memory forget like corpse grave throw scrap door plot ruin ill honest caving have break wall free neck deep sink sand longer run trust remain everlaste hand hold day trust remain everlaste hand hold day embarrass wicked stand leave shake head drift hell drift hell hell drift hell gag loudmouthed liar heckle follower slam door oily mock face silence venom gossip world cave world cave world cave world cave
-1 | stainless steel provider stainless steel provider stainless steel provider stainless steel provider stainless steel provider stainless steel provider stainless steel provider obvious like drive point home thousand vagabond insect make meal stainless steel kick away watchword throw caution wind remember like scream dream scream dream scream dream scream dream scream dream stainless steel stainless steel provider stainless steel provider time be know parasitic nation good ill mantra monkey car bomb beneath beneath beneath beneath beneath beneath quick locate detonate public enemy stainless steel believe real mean s sound s sound bleed efficiency way feel stainless steel stainless steel provider tire let catch fire metal motor mantra make waste time day will sit time bomb forever breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe quick locate detonate public enemy stainless steel believe real mean s sound s sound bleed efficiency way feel stainless steel mean stainless steel provider stainless steel provider stainless steel provider stainless steel provider
-1 | seven break mic maze reflection enter terminal connection maze reflection enter terminal connection seven break mic maze reflection enter terminal connection maze reflection enter terminal connection
+1 | scythe road dust fall slope broad trot valiant squadron road girl beauty wonder scythe sea eye smile smile easy wave say smile captain oglyanitet dust fog girl beauty wonder scythe sea eye see hero horse smile look captain reveal suddenly merry laugh lieutenant say glad girl beauty wonder scythe sea eye see eagle horse smile skip laugh say go quiet riding proud riding know know faithful beauty girl miracle braid sea eye see cossack horseback smile road dust fall slope leave broad trot valiant squadron distance remain girl beauty wonder scythe sea eye smile smile simple wave rukoy1944
+1 | think second think second time come understand hiss like bullet temple moment moment moment moment compress year available immediately press century understand available immediately instant reason bell mark available immediately hand shame reproach immortality available immediately tiny weave rain flow water heavens ordinary time half life wait come instant come breath sip water heat summer general remember debt available immediately think second time come understand hiss like bullet temple moment moment moment 1973
+1 | woman seagull far reach road burn foam star route send greeting seagull earth woman chaika glimpse sea border people live sun seagull envy star bird woman chaika seagull unearthly choose path peace comfort world take sign woman chaika gull ground pipe fame singe boy look heavens give woman chaika daughter hug capital city wait seagull proud birthplace brave woman chaika 1963
+1 | eaglet eaglet little eagle takeoff sun look steppe height forever silent merry lad live eaglet little eagle bauble plumage outshine white light want think death believe sixteen year old boy eaglet little eagle detonate grenade hill enemy shallow call orlonkom unit enemy call eagle eaglet little eagle faithful friend survive fly village darling tell son shoot eaglet little eagle wing friend feather grass steppe fire rush aid komsomoleaglet life come eaglet little eagle train win fight solve authority eagle eaglets million proud strana1936
+1 | испанский horse ranch have light memory burn god bill man pray open plain lion bush like look man plant earth like stone like stick bank people die bear question ask che
-1 | hey hey live day night sacrifice fucking compromise hey hey heart resist whilst hunter hunt persist tragedy buy sell pain worth weight gold know water red fading life support hang thread message etch broken ship hey hey live day night sacrifice fucking compromise hey hey heart resist whilst hunter hunt persist hear cry call mother lose s bleed s bleed innocence heaven send malevolence relent graveyard sit shore will not swim anymore tide rush wave fear selling soul devil near tide rush wave fear selling soul devil near devil near go survive planet respect right specie survive need need message etch broken ship till corruption quit voice speak ready admit defeat hear cry call mother lose s bleed hear cry call mother lose s bleed tragedy buy sell pain worth weight gold
-1 | candle know girl playin jelly roll time ride time midnight eye wanna pinkin day dreamin crazy way finger love sixsexsix luck satellite wish makin witch coffee truck time rock road tell story jelly rollin dirty boot hideho pinkin black dreamin crack satan get tongue undone get dirty boot yeah dirty boot get dirty boot baby dirty boot ha
+1 | stalin friend comrade немецкий vast beautiful land free labor glad elated freedom bright song emerge great friend people singe refrain stalin lead happiness peace unwaveringly sun flight long life grant     stalin friend comrade faithful wise homeland freedom ground beloved soviet country get rich harvest prosperity give fleissge hand refrain beautiful clear lenz morning youth lit maytime stalin smile live worry group child pleasure joy refrain desert conquer plight world strength beautiful song sound man create open ground refrain 1938
-1 | take walk world ease troubled mind leave body lie sand time watch world float dark moon feel s yeah watch world float dark moon know not mind happen long will friend end crazy superman be alive hold hand ill superhuman kryptonite call strong call weak secret take grant time let stumble bump head would dead pick solid ground crazy superman be alive hold hand ill superhuman kryptonite oh nonononono crazy superman be alive hold hand ill superhuman kryptonite yea crazy superman be alive hold hand ill superhuman kryptonite oh whoawhoa oh whoawhoa oh whoawhoa
+1 | guy earth guy earth fun company come lodge hand chorus guy guy good land fire save peace friendship sweet smile warmth meeting guy earth chorus song bring great thunder come guy chorus voraciously chorus guy earth world bring oath merry world live come guy friend forever chorus guy guy good land fire save peace friendship sweet smile warmth meeting english translation guy earth gather merry company future lend hand chorus      guy guy strength      save earth fire      peace friendship      smile sweetheart      good meeting guy earth choir set song great thunder let guy strike choir chorus guy earth bring oath peace merry live world let guy forever friend chorus      guy guy strength      save earth fire      peace friendship      smile sweetheart      good meeting
+1 | year old sky river blue look look look dizzy run boat stern lose trail nice dream year year shoulder hand farther farther bear wave river heart love barrier world road ahead year year see persistent people long long ago dream rest dream long way bright star trail close moon year year orchestral loss dream long way bright star trail close moon year year 1963
+1 | morse code sings morse code wall gay treble snow hundred vert travel fourth day blizzard rock dixon song well question tent dot shaggy star main beam heart extinguish tell north song well question leaf green poplar summer good envelope mail bring cold weather need letter warm song well question domchat winter deer sledge airplane taxi believe want eye song well rasprosy 1960
+1 | united song немецкий man man need eat make geschwдtz tired create food refrain   drum leave drum leave place comrade row worker unite worker 2 man man need clothe shoe make geschwдtz warm drum   refrain 3 man man like boot face drum want sehn slave inform master   refrain 4 proletarian proletarian drum befrein liberation working work worker   refrain русский перевод и так как все мы люди то должны мы извините чтото есть хотят накормить нас пустой болтовней к чертям спасибо за честь марш левой два три марш левой два три встань в ряды товарищ к нам ты войдёшь в наш единый рабочий фронт потому что рабочий ты сам и так как все мы люди то нужны нам башмаки без заплат и нам не поможет треск речей под барабанный раскат марш левой два три марш левой два три встань в ряды товарищ к нам ты войдёшь в наш единый рабочий фронт потому что рабочий ты сам и так как все мы люди не дадим бить нас в лицо сапогом никто на других не поднимет плеть и сам не будет рабом марш левой два три марш левой два три встань в ряды товарищ к нам ты войдёшь в наш единый рабочий фронт потому что рабочий ты сам и так как ты рабочий то не жди что нам поможет другой себе мы свободу добудем в бою своей рабочей рукой
-1 | come s feel like s win believe go to end naught philosophy thing wrong believe go to end way atrocity believe love like believe pain die somebody pray cut force underground s leave hurt right walk away s feel like s have believe s go to bend naught philosophy thing wrong have get to oddity believe love like believe pain die somebody pray cut force underground s leave hurt right want suffer suffer cut force underground s leave hurt right cut cut cut suffer
-1 | bleed inside stop hide seek time face fact think reach flatline human error bloodbath sense finish harass like perfect murder act remorse empathy miss disease miss disease disease game rule system failure selfdestructive throat cut consciousness be suffocate game rule get chance win mania listenfuck trip time crack addict wish peace mind hope change bit breath
-1 | die live day lose sight matter try love love worth live know let die live day life cling tight afraid fade sentiment die live day
+1 | international remix arise curse brand world hungry slave boil mind outrage mortal combat ready lead    world violence destroy    ground    build new world         chorus           decisive battle      internationale      rise human race ii deliverance god king hero achieve liberation hand    overthrow oppression skillful hand    regain possession    swell forge hammer boldly    iron hot chorus iii blood sucking vampire prison tax reduction power good thing world right sound    build life inomu    slogan combat    power people labor    parasite chorus iv contemptible wealth coal steel king throne parasite build back    factory chamber    create labor    time demand return    fact take grabezhom chorus   v sake king intoxicate fume war war tyrant people world bastia son army    tyrant    battle heroically fall    murderer send    vent combat gun chorus vi worker world great army labor land right parasite    great thunder clap    pack dog executioner    sun begin    fire shine light      chorus           decisive battle      internationale      rise human race
+1 | sing heart moscow like early morning noise morning street meet start day quiet wind sing tram rail echo boom new avenue greet chorus sing heart moscow link like song protect good word year light wonderful herocity moscow grim day defend honor fatherland let enemy heart homeland stand moscow know country know strong force unbroken chorus quiet spruce stand decoration easy akin place stone hold dear area come day achievement victory chorus
-1 | pain actual knife pretend picture perfect cut sleep close eye second meet fragile soul scream hide be lonely echo call understand thought understand life be right stay breathe life be right stay breathe raindrop beg hit not rain day time play hideandseek break piece right time struggle fill shell burn effort end mean understand thought understand life be right stay breathe life be right stay breathe thought burn hole heart thought feel thought burn hole heart thought feel understand thought understand life be right stay awhile breathe life be right stay awhile breathe
+1 | eaglet learn fly eaglet learn fly salute surf eye blue sky eaglet scare eaglet learn fly eaglet learn fly right sun flame scarlet stone fall rock start life eaglet learn fly chorus simply argue height difficult irreconcilable life vain call fight sooner blow retreat fight fight eaglet learn fly nest bird whisper little time break hardly worth risk eaglet learn fly eaglet learn fly away indistinguishable year mountain peak easy eaglet learn fly   chorus eaglet learn fly alarm buzzing horn tomorrow angry storm eaglet learn fly eaglet learn fly able meet mountain pick strong wing dawn die win eaglet learn fly eaglet learn fly 1965
+1 | hymn światowej federacji młodzieży demokratycznej polish child different nation dream world live terrible year go fight happiness different land country sea ocean young hand rank friend chorus sing song friendship youth song stifle kill young second song entire ball earth song stifle kill remember roar metal friend martial names crimson blood righteous friendship forever cement honest soul happiness people bright tomorrow hand friend young heart repeat oath word raise banner sacred right dark force dig grave world honest stand fire war pripev1947
-1 | liquid throat hopeless delight fall love death life abort have night call pray barren waste land crop sow die skin mirror eye hollow ignorance health run lip tuck safe world sleep year care liar benefit road wind high moth close fire stick route confusion change wait seek truth flee sorrow push spirit away weakness psyche whisper heart evil lure despair resent good savior cry restless die selection cull damned draw lifeline friend die room seek birth follower o brother killer target wish come beckon end pride mother bring flaw mother son love father father son overhear talk smoke lose hope language parting clear true overhear talk
-1 | shame shame think kind lose day yesterday leave stay need little love ease pain need little love ease pain easy remember come cause feel like have have saviour not feel like have fake want fade fade passion overrate need little love ease pain need little love ease pain easy remember come cause feel like have have saviour not feel like have fake want oh
+1 | kubanhike write cossack black eye letter freeze girlish tear eh black eye letter freeze girlish tear write cossack write directly regiment beat nazis battle sacred duty eh write directly regiment beat nazis battle sacred duty wonder bring good horse take heart vain eh good horse take heart vain ill tell girlfriend beat enemy help grandfather blade eh grandfathers sword hatred cossack faithful skate cossack remember help war eh remember help war cossack tired think ill come victory kuban eh tired think ill come victory kuban 1942
-1 | know take break know sleep think not mean world fall place take time know tomorrow late close eye walk set free ask find way ill return soon not know rest peace be come tonight today day change thing probably believe tell live moment like close eye walk set free ask find way ill return soon not know rest peace be come tonight
+1 | approach moscow go native capital happy tear sleep dream dream rumble wagon wheel chorus moscow moscow capital hope happiness moscow moscow heart cute zdravstuy dear hello love hello moscow lot lot road travel see country window matter station final chorus constant care seek strive pedestrian train plane distant dream chorus 1954
+1 | welcome song want song hear moscow one land far moscow greeting dear friend heart greeting young old friend open way moon conquer space distant steppe virgin dec fire greeting dear friend heart greeting young distant friend let fly song sister free fast sleepless guild master golf wizard greeting dear friend hero gray greeting young distant friend oneday baby want look cry sleep envy way parental affection rich grow guy favorite eaglet native kid 1959
+1 | road track chorus 2x miss chance worry send kiss threshold wide bright lie wayroad sing forget song forever nyuhnul road dust gay man movement world harden freeze let road ring wind curl curl hair chorus chill run goal wheel friction warmly welcome city smiling farm fun horn loudmouthe pathway clear away appreciate word hello able goodbye chorus spread wide shoulder leisya heart beauty joyful meeting new place sun shine affectionate sky turquoise melt heart know heart shine turquoise eye 1938
-1 | bell toll s hurricane rage inside second wave right not leave fire burn s leave atone breathe new life send wave crash right wear perfect disguise right eye get come undone facade stone be deep beneath need let life take toll not pleasing line hell pay filthy hand wash away time will not subjective need thing brand new perspective be come undone facade stone be deep beneath need let life take toll not pleasing would like think would cave vicious battle win would like think ill come strong life swinge hard be swinge harder bell toll inheritance father moon sun roam world spending facade stone be deep beneath need let life take toll not pleasing
+1 | song pioneer oath hello sunny day longawaite transparent pure invitingly thunder drum fervently bugler play chorus reason like tie flag sun like flame burn joy anxiously word pioneer oath silence repeat detachment joy airborne try happiness measure yesterday octobrist pioneer chorus forget guy blueeye spring day country love holy people faithful chorus
+1 | russian russian nightingale sky russian star warm amber love russia spark pure snow poplar blizzard raznotsvete dawn chorus melt haze forest honey smell mildew world good beautiful russia love young control year russia russia cloud darkness loom storm strong safely live sky silence young age steppe grass silence chorus russia pour fresh cool sun light light golden haystack forever sweet russian grove listopad russia mother road chorus heart odna1984
-1 | ah ah secret close sweaty velcro like latex fur feather stick 62 vette share cigarette black light trance dance trance warm cold night sight meat triangle tangle wow girlfriend girlfriend look like girlfriend girlfriend s girl uncrowded couple hey not care people walk hand hand king highway today girlfriend girlfriend look like girlfriend girlfriend s girl girlfriend girlfriend look like girlfriend girlfriend s girl
+1 | song gunner broad road kolkhoz moscow large area pass lavigne formidable ready battle chorus gunner aim precisely scout zorok gunner dare enemy motherland touch open devastating fire chorus protect freedom peace grenade shrapnel ready gun mortar beat miss target chorus enemy want break combat time heroically fight homeland room chorus quick grip precise work proud artillery cavalry infantry help chorus walk field golden young man sing song voice gunner sound like firework 1937
-1 | arise lullaby endure tale tempt embrace tainted night beckon curse glance bring carry shadow guide inside warp labyrinth sin swear love leave speechless release yearning soil walk clothe light drift moon thrust ray fall inside lament heritage bid farewell pale faceyou go far moment witness beauty fealt death wake dawn mist morning linger leave invisible eye red reflection smile midst moor
-1 | road firefly circle deep wood lose soul hide hill man return try find peace mind oh sleep child oh sleep child oh sleep child oh sleep child oh fog shadow move not afraid hold hand dark eyelid close bury alive shifting sand oh sleep child oh sleep child oh sleep child oh sleep child oh speak world crumble open door moon fall life memory dream forget oh sleep child oh sleep child oh sleep child oh sleep child oh
-1 | give kind present give discern need instead build build world platter instead sit matter build build world platter instead sit matter lift world fall keep go thank keep go thank keep go thank keep go thank keep go thank keep go thank keep go thank keep go thank keep go thank keep go thank keep go thank
-1 | fearless find time will not need truth break room breathe love go be bring mountain tear piece piece everything go s hate room breathe envy lose be bring mountain tear piece piece everything go break be bring mountain tear piece piece
+1 | communism proud spring dawn rise ocean bread dawn light expanse flow river proud bear sky proud soviet man people land sing work land love karasoty reveal distant planet true high place chorus birthplace great time proud communism spring glory forever bright wise immortal forever young country praise work wand blooming garden krupneyut city knee able praise life future sail sun globe proudly flutter leninist banner wonderful country pripev1962
-1 | today awakening different be dazzle hide truth wake sharp scream shake late fight maybe dream shine fucking bright tear roll squint eye cold fire burn little hope walk street today be observer seeing watch zombie scare ashamed glance face glossy eye try evade assessment die lose way ready pay walk hold block path read mind lose goal lose dream lose self not know search feel consequence stiffen way life cage prison lie focus fade thing safety fall dust use money remember decision watch -PRON- pay price blind narrowminde final question dream dream blind motherfucker
-1 | night grow longer get answer time wake draw closer lest night closure closer closer remember night star night end world asleep hollow memory lie wake careless motion moment play sound know blaze night closer closer remember night star night end world asleep hollow memory lie wake careless motion moment play sound know blaze night
-1 | word mean chance be willing cause maybe be wrong life change be singe insecurity impact have fidget sway forth bite nail bleed lie have believe would tell be scared would think apologize have cause wake close eye let beat rock sleep ill tell morning man time feel like child selfconscious weak ill pen paper try explain thing invade thought wake hour story king prince lose way god would feel safe deep know worth need truly love tip toe crowd room hope attendance able dress wound cry utter single word gather close circle round cause maybe have hear ill tell story love have find truth embed long birth ill ask word worth
-1 | hey not sizzler night hear change dollar bet dress real expensive cold not stand salty stuff let ya baby speak roommate own see short short mr lucky hit street s lookin cheap s go to steal cop car cheap ass blow bite eat be go to score bp vest pimp intellect burn rest cut scar life story bar big load chest not know get thing mind one second woman kind introduce fox goldie lock mama bear black cat cross path valentino psychopath claw light star tonight drown bath record machine s 4 beauty queen throw s tonight undress seventeen wait minute s lucky guy s get devil eye ring finger glass queen big surprise mr lucky hit deck liquor effect lend ear shot beer ill pay thirdparty check hey s matter man go to burn catch catch throw bone hell leave not blink s lucky man disco discomystic
-1 | work hard money hard honey work hard money better treat right work hard money hard honey work hard money better treat right onetta corner stand wonder rain hurt people hour hand s wait bell s look real pretty s wait clientele work hard money hard honey work hard money better treat right work hard money hard honey work hard money better treat right twentyeight year come go s see lot tear one come need sacrifice work daytoday little money tip pay worth hear care work hard money hard honey work hard money better treat right know s see bad time know good time shell sell dollar bill work hard work hard money hard honey work hard money better treat right work hard money hard honey work hard money better treat right work hard money hard honey work hard money better treat right work hard money hard honey work hard money better treat right work hard money hard honey work hard money better treat right
-1 | not tread water stay ill bother be pick side pull string be living lie shed skin be open wide let be wrong right believe not care want want shut smart little bitch not need lie not care want want force fit confine inside not pull deep wonder be pick side pull string be living lie shed skin be open wide let be wrong right believe not care want want shut smart little bitch not need lie not care want want force fit confine inside not care want want not care want want dead eye
-1 | away love remove paint word adorn wall echo untrue feel cold aha aha aha promise abound rarely find begin maybe be afraid let way guess aha aha aha excuse be little cell amuse private hell excuse be little cell amuse private hell lately be pretend unconcerned stand corner throw turn ill aha aha aha flower cross remain mark end scene damn blood spill turn grass green life short aha aha aha excuse be little cell amuse private hell excuse be little cell amuse private hell amuse private hell
+1 | convict sun go steppe away gild feather convict resonant circuit vzmetayut dust chorus dingbong dingbong ring chain dingbong dingbong way siberian distant dingbong dingbong hear comrade lead prison shaved head step forward hard sullen frown heart thought lay long shadow nag cart drive lazily bend knee guard friend zatyanemte song forget dash trouble adversity write race lead drag sing burst broad expanse volga gift past day sing availability steppe wild sing day pale bole chain road sweep yes sweep
+1 | palace pioneer dream ask sun wind find country pioneer generously palace garden spring chorus tundra blue estuary stand good giant dear close palace pioneering dreams palace pioneer dream come new morning meeting sunrise keep sun walk accord coveted route pioneer snowy latitude chorus soviet child know sunny cheery home chukotka gull let fly song friendship happiness sing pripev1975
+1 | personally clean fun potato platoon spoon bowls povaroshki prepare advance well time eat pear compote personally soundtrack th kitchen s guy sincere appreciate doubt charge good morning pay order arm wave well time time sleep sleep personally soundtrack offer minute spot friend nice dress shine barrack clean restore order sweep podgresti well time sweet time personally 1955
-1 | split atom split split split split split split split split split split split split split split split split atom atom atom atom atom atom atom atom atom atom atom atom atom atom atom atom split atom split atom
+1 | red flag английский people flag deep red shroud oft martyr dead ere limb grow stiff cold heart blood dye fold chorus raise scarlet standard high shade live die coward flinch traitor sneer red flag fly look round frenchman love blaze sturdy german chant praise moscow vault hymn sing chicago swell surging throng wave infant ahead dark night witness deed vow change colour recall triumph past give hope peace banner bright symbol plain human right human gain head uncover swear bear onward till fall come dungeon dark gallow grim song shall part hymn
+1 | fly plane rostov vast expanse don glide cloud sail childhood rodina road sweet city rostov rostov word heart year fly plane rostov rostov rush train remember heart forever good face friend spacious avenue river lake rumble area work come rostov fly plane rostov rostov rush train fate order time leave city light brighteye familiar rostov station return fly plane rostov rostov rush train 1960
-1 | hear warcry adrenaline burst riverbank welcome skirmish not feel leg morphine morphine doubt tragedy be not head thank fuck alive s air lung blood vein garrison alive s air lung blood vein garrison wanna lie soak sun alight outrun end say end child good use face smile hear warcry epinephrine plow barrier welcome skirmish not feel leg opium opium hope doubt tragedy be not head thank fuck alive s air lung blood vein garrison alive s air lung blood vein garrison wanna lie soak sun alight outrun end say end child good use face smile let toast fact get far adrenaline burst riverbank welcome skirmish epinephrine plow barrier welcome skirmish adrenaline burst riverbank welcome skirmish head thank fuck alive s air lung blood vein garrison alive s air lung blood vein garrison yeah alive
+1 | ay carmela viva la quinta brigada испанский viva la quince brigada viva la quince brigada rumba rumba rumbas viva la quince brigada rumba rumba rumba cover glory ay carmela ay carmela cover glory ay carmela ay carmela fight moor rumba rumba rumbas fight moor rumba rumba rumba mercenary fascist ay carmela ay carmela mercenary fascist ay carmela ay carmela desire rumba rumba rumbas desire rumba rumba rumba end fascism ay carmela ay carmela end fascism ay carmela ay carmela front jarama rumba rumba rumbas front jarama rumba rumba rumba airplane tank gun ay carmela airplane tank gun ay carmela leave spain rumba rumba rumbas leave spain rumba rumba rumba fight front ay carmela ay carmela fight front ay carmela ay carmela
-1 | worth weight gold cause eyelid be hey stranger want ya catch like cold god get gun shoot think would duck lead revolution bedroom set zipper free say war clothe peace oh kiss hey hey hurricane drop anchor storm hey fire flask warm cause know know not look like oh know know not sound like will dance will dance oh would confes would confess room be bless not come speak heart ease believe half time wolf sheep gnaw wool eye lead revolution bedroom set zipper free say war clothe peace oh kiss hey hey hurricane drop anchor storm hey fire flask warm cause know know not look like oh know know not sound like will dance will dance will dance will dance fix conflict ill fix conflict cause ill hey hey hurricane drop anchor storm hey fire flask warm cause know know know know not look like oh know know know know not sound like will dance will dance
-1 | appear not rely common sense let act age turn page intolerance mean live like byproduct ignorance control control get to scare not know ill end house divide stand fail accept cause hatred stem uncertainty speak cast shadow one search sun think well word wisdom spread disease will not well walk shoe trample foot control control get to scare not know ill end house divide stand tear build system failure cause world shaky unstable have get fucking hateful knuckle white aggression knuckle white need new direction control control get to scare not know ill end house divide stand control control get to scare not know ill end house divide stand control ill house divide stand
-1 | escape day go change feeling live remain stick hole search hold safe life live day far away have escape lead way escape place everyday escape place know escape
+1 | moscow region highway straight moscow run plain reserved color drown borodino field priceless wash blood proud victory dawn moscow moscow expensive land forever crumble maple flock dove fly mozhaev drive dawn machine drive unprecedented harvest breathe happily novyu hug tree friend moscow moscow expensive land forever hot labor palm boundless field forest siroki play harmony funny girl voice continuously hot love repeat emotion moscow moscow expensive land forever 1955
-1 | not stop need help fuck be truth lie not deny cause way think mixed pill drink bring way float till close god know hide be not go to safe tear face leak leave trace trace think true love begin go second like loaded gun know straight heaven let know body levitate let know body levitate lelevitatetate body levitate lelevitate know not stop feeling high ceiling have get money s fuckin dealin feel heat like barrel gun forget time see sun have get disease diggin deeper like mind leave heart keep beat ill paint wall red drip nose go know hit bottle shoe follow fall asleep be not tomorrow go far save need get baby babys beautiful love true die hope die know straight heaven let know body levitate let know body levitate lelevitatetate body levitate lelevitate know sack straight flask not help stop s happen wrong track yeah be shit creek be paddlin black room be travelin good idea be lackin be fuck be babblin wonder fix damage goddamn damage cover bandage ddamdamage wonder fix damage goddamn damage cover bandage goddamn damage know straight heaven let know body levitate let know body levitate lelevitatetate body levitate lelevitate know know
+1 | komsomolskaya tradition budonnovtsy collect horse present space day good tradition family komsomol think country leg topple tired freeze magnitogorsk komsomolsk erect good tradition family komsomol think country shell blaze sky dead fall go live ahead good tradition family komsomol think country time ardent deed oblivion life honest righteous praise time good tradition family komsomol think country
-1 | struggle find rest piece take away begin understand hollow machine like chest gear turn feel assemble thought fade away struggle find rest struggle find rest remove deception call love call love gear turn feel assemble thought fade away remove deception call love call love struggle find rest piece take away begin understand begin understand
+1 | mountain meadow испанский mountain meadow division progress assault enemy position red flags forest gait south worker arm partisan love glory bout forward comrade sea legend war volcano balachaie day soviet soldier bandit go intervention march long live revolution
-1 | feel let feel angry rip step refusing let start riot riot let start riot let start riot riot let start riot feel filthy dirty fuck feel walked painful pissed refusing let start riot riot let start riot let start riot riot let start riot feel let feel angry let start riot riot let start riot let start riot riot let start riot let start riot riot let start riot riot let start riot riot let start riot let start riot riot let start riot
+1 | irkutsk komsomol member past year come remember boy kill irkutsk s seventeen year civil war burn lead mol ground fire harder stone metal fire bear komsomol road boundary saucy running shed burn burning heart fire let era closed overturn darkness komsomol member irkutsk komsomol member irkutsk komsomol member irkutsk grow old land heal wound plant build country near lake hassan try war summer memorable green fascist border rip race echelon foront irkutsk komsomol harder flint steel country guy moscow probomsya victory haze lead komsomol member irkutsk komsomol member irkutsk komsomol member irkutsk rear second wind joy peaceful labor river rise gidrostroi taiga city love hot labor stubborn gain new reputation main rail bam irkutsk city komsomol earth glee kohl love blossom party task away case let era closed overturn darkness komsomol member irkutsk komsomol member irkutsk komsomol member irkutsk grow old
-1 | carrion moment be lose die inside eye away tear apart inside dead eye speak volume lip refuse time final time strength return return breath have steal mean reset reset heart have break reflection build sorrow walk dark road chest carve regret moment be lose die inside eye away tear apart inside inside inside have run blind fall crack leave run run blind fall fall crack world dead shine eye shine eye shine eye mark return world dead moment be lose die inside eye away tear apart inside love leave heart leave promise return promise return promise return promise return promise return
-1 | eye lock eye fix s confident s aware not care connection silence grasp s lose control s aware stare intimidate strobe light flash bodys jolting crack eye spill know know know curtain go curtain go close feel like hunt right good s aware stare have date beginning have date beginning curtain go curtain go remain curtain fall remain curtain go remain curtain fall remain curtain go
-1 | little boy stare eye night button collect price time little girl glare sheet denial bullet connect price crime say not bed presence not pay penance new gun little boy see eye delight lever erect note rhyme little girl bleed sheet night lover connect price dime say not bed presence not pay penance new gun new gun say not bed presence not pay penance say not bed presence not pay penance new gun new gun background old god move old god move old god move
-1 | sense shame throw overboard moral compass set past bored guess conscience coward turn blind eye till criminal walk away not walk anymore guess conscience look like fool have wash face friend right ship control fight like hell way guess judgement come enemy have wash face friend have wish would chance
-1 | stay lane boy lane boy want think thing highway highway alive tomorrow think thing highway way would tempo change time change cause mind change think good not raise hood know thing pain darkness not music not know fight regardless song be hearing heartless not trust perfect person not trust song s flawless honest s song record feel common be constant confrontation want poppin industry single radio currency creativitys free be playing show stay lane boy lane boy want think thing highway highway alive tomorrow alive tomorrow be sorry question ask scare bit like hazmat gas mask ask zack s brother like rap fast let backtrack live die list problem s list exist want think forget sanity forget salary forget vanity morality love go to feel heat cavalry song be hearing heartless not trust perfect person not trust song s flawless stay lane boy lane boy want think thing highway highway alive tomorrow stay lane boy lane boy want think thing highway highway alive tomorrow alive tomorrow alive tomorrow alive tomorrow alive tomorrow stay lane boy lane boy want think thing highway highway alive tomorrow stay lane boy lane boy want think thing highway highway alive tomorrow
-1 | garage house luxury sedan monthly installment s go to bang boy tell promise king old hit brake hit glass time shake hand fate mistake past flash face man intensive care awake declare have dead 20 year will not let 20 boy tell buy dream sell hit brake hit glass time shake hand fate mistake past flash face burn evidence existence clear ashe ground burn evidence thing pull spirit burn evidence existence clear ashe ground burn evidence thing pull spirit feel like have cheat follow believe not shake hand fate not shake hand fate feel like have cheat follow believe not shake hand fate s time waste burn evidence existence clear ashe ground burn evidence thing pull spirit burn evidence existence clear ashe ground burn evidence thing pull spirit burn evidence burn evidence burn evidence not shake hand fate burn evidence burn evidence burn evidence s time waste
-1 | grow obsession think bad be badder cause come consideration reaction new genius flat dimensional way will not wrong will find belong search strong will want s not deserve tenth care share stamp foot cause life unfair share care stamp foot cause life unfair way will not wrong will find belong search strong will watch small detail stop alligator get alligator get alligator get alligator get alligator get
+1 | song kochubei village click cry vania kochubei boys turn black owl rodney steppes equip horse battle fall hard year home kuban shkuro come rise like forest thick spike blade kochubey lead fight formidable shelf happiness people go battle dolyushku free freestyle kuban military time long tortuous path poludonnye wind burn chest dawn rise fall overturn sea boy enemy army green cornfield amid native steppe rampant head cup kochubey dad happiness people go battle dolyushku free freestyle kuban fight kochubei spend storm visible steppes peace cart herd horse sheep consider grape kavun collective farm hear dad kochubei ordinary people kuban native happy life happiness people go battle dolyushku free freestyle kuban 1938
-1 | hard time ahead people planet ventura stare network space time eye open blind wander weird lurid landscape planet suddenly change eye open blind
-1 | say son see world say carry gun will pay say sound pretty good black leather boot spitshine bright cut hair look alright march sing friend learn fight hero war yeah s ill come home will damn proud ill carry flag grave cause flag love flag trust kick door yell command child cry get man take away bag face family friend take clothe piss hand tell stop join beat gun baton hero war yeah s ill come home will damn proud ill carry flag grave cause flag love flag trust walk bullet haze ask stop beg stay press lift gun fire away shell jump smoke sand blood soak collapse flag hand flag white snow hero war medal scar damn proud bring home flag gather dust flag love flag trust say son see world say
-1 | watch blow mind illprepare remedy let slow time take die close eye enemy defy selfmade millionaire will not idea little plebeian suffocate smile force fed lie close mind reality deny feel like be lose have lose be sure clearly lose be feeling feel be sure bleed sincerely tonight watch blow mind illprepare remedy let slow time take die close eye enemy defy feel like be lose have lose be sure clearly lose be feeling feel be sure bleed sincerely tonight simple mistake simple mistake fearlessly deny involvement demise open hand feel like be lose have lose be sure clearly lose be feeling feel be sure bleed sincerely feel like be lose have lose be sure clearly lose be feeling feel be sure bleed sincerely tonight
-1 | fear shame free life heal broken heart live life endlessly see try heal break heart stay stay away forever live one love time turn page book burn place time mind far away plan future hold foolish lie grow old invincible truth cold final song request perfect chapter lay rest try find place mind stay stay awake forever live one love time turn page book burn place time mind far away sleep tight be afraid one love lay away place cause soon be ill way live eternally live one love time turn page book burn place time mind light leave remain hard stay far away love ready pain strong urge rise ill let pain go hand untie far away far need know far away far need need know
+1 | s friend peaceful charco long night tell hour like bullet whistle rumble like bomb friend fact roar flame battle live heart relative friend expensive people homeland story girl add particular fact scary friend fight enemy cherish song sing letter read laugh death minute happen girl vzgrustnetsya pull home song interrupt heart clogged friend roof house pleasant joyful visit stranger turn fact friend 1944
+1 | officer hero yore leave take mortal combat ground grass threaten prowess settle heart live eternal fire settle chest look fighter world remember face stand battalion rank old friend know twentyfive hard way pass rise arm take berlin family russia memory hero eye young soldier picture fade look look like supreme court guy rise boy lie deceive way turn 1971
+1 | farewell rocky mountain farewell rocky mountain feat homeland call go open sea severe long march wave moan cry splash board melt distant mist fisherman rodimaya land ship stubbornly shake steep sea wave raise throw boiling abyss converse true soon battle fire know friend live sea sea dead easy gait sailor be go meet enemy victory heroic rocky shore wave groaning crying splash board happily meet hero fisherman darling zemlya1942
-1 | bow hail king not care people think bow face mud be large life not fuck throne crown fit fine not care cry rug red golden bed regret hold king kingdom go be bow hail king not fuck live god dine hell be world fail tower wall sing song soul hold king kingdom go be walk s light speak s quiet darkness inside silence cry long king kingdom go be try hold hold king kingdom go be be be
+1 | sunrise sunrise green dubrova meet brother relative blood krajina light generate yes equal happiness endow brother live wild grown open second pan poverty sorrow meet brother blood native file hand labor remark go abroad come happiness share part forest swam river separate forever second replied straighten get sun dark valley open prison bring freedom ready fire water go brother dawn general nice broad stalinist road 1939
+1 | golden star girl probably deserve look vain award gold star unrewarded maybe sad upset heart girl happy awkward meet blame eye lower word language wander lonely evening steppe grass sing heart odnoyu be sad sweet vzaydi vzaydi sunbathe gold star 1950
-1 | street not pave gold not believe tell deception hide corruption hide air breathe land free know come free fourth drive paradise vapid soul check market price lifetime slave live suburban grave god god death colour not run like colour face eye roll chemical despair true life not fair repeat line fine repeat line fine colour not run like colour face eye roll chemical despair true life not fair land free know come free be struggle find poetry beat line ignorance bliss guess ill fucking pig street not pave gold not believe tell deception hide corruption hide air breathe
-1 | sit stir grieve grieve chair old man mother bad think sink eye withering frame needle quiet longing poison fill fill vein quiet pain come mother rosary be not bring father home blood rush cigarette burn be not god come save quiet cloud roll mother rosary wrap bed post blood rush cigarette burn dock night head hurt sit stir grieve grieve longer sit ocean lose time think blood run cold wind bite coat pull tight chest mother pray death know quiet pain come mother rosary be not bring father home blood rush cigarette burn be not god come save quiet cloud roll mother rosary wrap bed post blood rush cigarette burn dock night head hurt coward coward fault family lose look hand light cigarette lip breathe start fade body numb wake morning house
+1 | lonely accordion stop dawn door squeak break fire hear street lonely wander accordion field gate return like look darkness find way blow night coolness color fly thick apple tree admit need tell young accordion maybe joy far know wait wander night let girl sleep
-1 | yeah bump grind good mind twist shout let hang will not fool child revolution will not fool child revolution terraplane fall rain drive rolls royce cos good voice will not fool child revolution will not fool child revolution will not fool child revolution will not fool child revolution will not fool child revolution will not fool child revolution will not fool child revolution will not fool child revolution will not fool child revolution will not fool child revolution will not fool child revolution
-1 | special effect wash away special effect wash away special effect wash away special effect wash away special effect wash away special effect wash away special effect wash away special effect wash away
-1 | time know call saviour know destiny be go to rise face morning sun feel call want believe love labour love labour time know be wanted man oh momma know give grace lose be go to cleanse face morning rain feel touch heal believe love labour love labour feel want know believe yeah love labour love labour ooh ooh want know cause call yeah need yeah cause need want reach want know believe love labour love labour love labour love labour labour love labour love labour
-1 | shadow bedroom light get throw lamp night stand mother midnight closet corner far shelf keepsake hide box letter regret picture kid faint recollection mother sigh countryside drive landscape see window seat flower basket afternoon school old sister find parent kitchen table father lift lid box hush fall like funeral prayer reverence ancestral heavy air not understand mean say aloud sit table thing would keep recall faintly card tiny clothe smell paint upstairs bedroom not know s box hold parent tiptoe slowly speak code say aloud tell perfect sister go not understand hurt shed come leave soon guess inside head stillbirth mean know mother weep watch father hold say thing come not stay see brightness like light eye close tight tumble away place remain night time shadow absence mom sadness hang like pentecostal flame drift sister whisper child lose vision vagueness fade image vision flame lit burn twice brightly rest leave light tumble away shadow fall certain angle bedroom night stand mother light leave s box closet thing keep landscape leave flower grave marble etch mother cry way home say loud way home think mean say sister go grandpa get hospice sick not fall sleep wheel stretcher bed night see light day die bed grandmas eye grandkids say goodbye say not cry hold say not recognize light shadow combine
-1 | defender fighting hard hear have talk change masse forget close give word sound willing believe justify willing loud have spend change world voice take away action inspire give word sound willing believe drain spend determined intent have earn right hear have deceive elegant speech concern mere distraction defender drain spend determined intent have earn right hear follow grave man s willing die give word sound willing believe willing die defender
-1 | come tonight come tonight leave town s fear tonight dry tear feel inside feel run away try find place hide love tonight long be tonight come tonight come tonight leave town run away try find place hide love tonight long be tonight place dream kiss have feel love like run away feel right long be tonight
+1 | little gray like silver poplar stand take hit cost sevastopol cost stalingrad blind frosty night sweep blizzard clear bright eye end spot enemy black hard year hope breed sverhmoguchey nature create win military science enemys blood stain snow hand powerful people brazen take enemy approach vandal ancient capital father find general legendary fighter nurture upbringe thought night day oh lightning test prepare battle fatherland severe walk fearlessly die fair word great truth high lift power leader soviet peoplefriend kind world fame create motherland opinion simple question stingy wise word russian military map turn gray golova1945
+1 | go life house open friend sing bird call trouble uberezhom flower gardens laughter child grief ground fence ignite war chorus friend go life hope love believe peace peace grow meet wind breathe novyu shoulder feeling friend life go life great way meet wind breathe novyu shoulder feel friend friend life easy nice radiance eye shake hand say important fact world need defend chorus heart spring spring year round good country joy people people work happiness abundance chorus 1954
+1 | worker dawn glimmer clear good day jacket dirty greasy work earlier morning step loud wake light title work man plvut ship star proudly tower bridge create god build building send riverbed light title work man love home decide live world human happiness equally planet share test break forever light title work man
+1 | volzhskie tune brown eye brown eye karinochka platter fire funny dare dear eye twinkle hitch like dawn error night find star shine evening stand look let offend lyutomu beast forest fire ill c field carry away battlefield kari eye field plow light light notice detail eye gray pasha pasha deeper lazy dear let hang chest order glory labor 1958
+1 | hot snow blizzard swirl furiously accord stalingrad ground steam sweaty greatcoat soldier ash tank snow swamp shell hit armor snowflake melted flight branch leave fire fall battle man hot snow bloody snow mortal kombat wind molten metal zhog melt world snow hot terrible happen tank man meet fight melee turn ashe snow grab hand people hot snow bloody snow fall white snow storm flower begin spring great year pass be heart war funeral blizzard land lie mother house turn gray home cherry bloom eye forever hot snow bloody snow 1974
-1 | early sign disintegration forth new machine bless burn formation wish dip kerosene s go to light fuse s go hold high flame refuse have begin not hold be lesson live loss love search s fault plea hope understanding effect adoration come clean have curse free dedication wish dip kerosene s go to light fuse s go to refuse have begin not hold be lesson live loss love search s fault plea hope understanding
-1 | papon tauile dera ougra louchint nemisi trioxtion samoni sindiu
-1 | forgive forget world joint order build sand conspiracy murder cold blooded murder assassinate fight wrongful system master affliction speak word truthfulness death hinder way walk time act shall hear tune revolution feel would seize power infamous deed desperation street stop righteous rage know sense come thunder insidious ruler forgive forget doubt forgive forget know storm rage
+1 | wind freedom wind freedom freedom wind banner great struggle stand people stand people discard shackle slave chorus free people soviet power send greeting africa slavery africa africa slavery sun hide dark force cloud eclipse righteous blood blood hero banner burn chorus affirm life planet brother race tribe people responsible bear happy pripev1961
+1 | venceremos russian santiago hot desert vast seashore happily simple people break shackle burden captivity darken sky country struggle free share people work chorus venceremo cry freedom land invitingly fly venceremo venceremo mean win 2 time stand near worker farmer stand truth chilean people hard path believe victory come afraid power evil executioner falter fight fatal let thunder red flag wave melody song battle chorus venceremo cry freedom land invitingly fly venceremo venceremo mean win
-1 | will find perfect word goodbye hard remember good time s heartache deserve deserve single moment sadness remember s love heart burst like fucking supernova sure hell love heart spark famous smile lose point life not let smile hold forever s final dedication
+1 | lithuanian castle outlying street high red house large window iron bar surround high wall silence hear live soul paced hour strong lock gate hear sound song sad autumn day window see prisoner thin pale like shadow silent hero strong wall similarly animal cruelly lock coffin cold damp unknown hero martyr nation proud banner freedom call forward murmur fall glory fall struggle heart free people thing shall die 1907
-1 | run hard clearly angry stick past scream forgive have treat badly wonder be wait be shake s question think go crazy help understand wish mean wish mean somebody wish meet wish mean somebody somebody look clouded eye know lie sky star sight mind have thousand time turn feel crazy help understand wish mean wish mean somebody wish meet wish mean somebody know wait forever yes wait wait know wait forever yes wait wish mean wish mean somebody wish meet wish mean somebody be mean wish mean somebody somebody somebody
-1 | trust thing tell true dress good proud believe will not turn believe lead find yeah like be reel awe sure know give give wish rid ennui regret afraid believe believe ill gently lead find yeah like be reel awe sure know give give lead find yeah like be reel awe sure know give give not believe broken promise render conscious ill tell deny lead find yeah like be reel awe sure know give give lead find yeah like be reel awe sure know give give
+1 | festive hour festive hour glory faithful heart glory work people illegible s hot furnace tame fire chorus glory raise gold bread glory light enviable fate cherish goal distinguishe away life business land happiness life business happiness native land festive hour glory forest create city s flight reach unreachable height border service bring peace chorus festive hour let hear language song country let sighing accordion let play zurna song soul chorus life affair native land sake happiness
+1 | marsh border guard green cap envelop glory soldier border native doze soviet outpost vigilantly monitor foreign party chorus day night boundary strong castle day night gun hand faithful light heat blizzard sweep forest day night service soldier bear infantry sailor pilot tank crew soviet army big family border soldier kgb proud seven son chorus intruder dare soviet land start soldier border able enemy strike reflect green cap envelop glory soldier border native doze soviet outpost vigilantly monitor foreign party chorus
-1 | be look glass not know time pass oh god feel like forever tell forever feel like home sit inside head cause be look glass not know time pass know feel like forever tell forever feel like home sit inside head feel question forget not expect easy answer like soul initialize fold like paper doll little note not expect bit hope outside look describe remember stare cause be look glass not know time pass know feel like forever tell forever feel like home sit inside head real question epidemic mannequin contaminate think come heart right start listen noise null void instead voice tell different scene remember different have see be look glass not know time pass know feel like forever tell forever feel like home sit inside head cause be look glass not know time pass know feel like forever tell forever feel like home sit inside head star star shine star star lie yeahyeah star star shine star star lie yeahyeah be look glass not know time pass oh god feel like forever tell forever feel like home sit inside head cause be look glass not know time pass know feel like forever tell forever feel like home sit inside head star star shine yeahyeah star star lie yeahyeah star star shine yeahyeah star star lie yeahyeahyeah star star lie
-1 | come save walk windowsill ill sleep rain not remember bird map drag mile america briefcase hand stove creep spine not trash take day pageant mad rabbit bushel bad habit ask anymore yeah arm branch christmas tree preach devil belfry check learn clothe thieve train station rope hang branch end dog call bambi chew parliament try save calendar business try save calendar business take day pageant mad rabbit bushel bad habit ask anymore poor son humble chimney sweep fall cheap crowd stay asleep cursive type know live toy know paul cat buy trumpet salvation army be not sunshine song reinvent love reinvent love reinvent love take day pageant mad rabbit bushel bad habit ask anymore yeah reinvent love reinvent love reinvent love
+1 | city leningrad winter white hat tree building long night short goodbye like summer ready dawn wander extensive bridge street snow light chorus let blizzard sweep neva let breathe frost summer garden eye look heat light leningrad leningrad nevsky prospekt aurora smolny voice hear story involuntarily wonderful town bright young precious humanity vain bear dawn happiness
+1 | beginning revolution light light dawn smolny age volley aurora fade distance outstretche hand lenin chorus alarm beat beat alarm international october eye flame fighter beginning revolution end revolution world bring dawn universe truth light word new song new generation song revolution alive chorus live inflight attack fight death black power darkness fire fight banner earth sun raise chorus
-1 | adore be twist allegory want complicate not let be chase roller coaster have get closer endless romantic story control think would come tonight crown hang heavy kiss far young die far young die far young die fixation psychosis devote neurosis endless romantic story control think would come tonight crown hang heavy kiss far young die think would come tonight crown hang heavy kiss far young die far young die far young die think would come tonight crown hang heavy kiss far young die far young die
-1 | one one hero giant man think faithful would like tell story way mean burden s heart find faithful begin work complete ill know answer ill wonder ill know answer ill wonder give grace deserve second chance earn save ill know answer ill wonder ill know answer ill wonder ill ill wonder ill know answer ill wonder let start would call weak die think strong
-1 | attraction discomfort arise word speak tension release beautys metamorphosis beast heart lust body flesh skin lust body sin heart lust body flesh skin lust body sin deny fester passionately inside slaughter necromancer resurrect bride intention penetrate lover lie taste lip moment allow soul die heart lust body flesh lust body skin lust body sin lust body heart lust body flesh lust body skin lust body sin lust body
-1 | want bring heart want have fail time stand begin steal belong able bring not ashamed call break remain not deserve lay life refuse
+1 | place crimea place crimea pioneer strematsya crowd left mountain forest dome sky ceaseless surf chorus raise flag fog ayudag funny artek crimean dawn blue sea forget morning swim quietly morning swim call yesterday able black sea water boil hot bronze body chorus cloud cloud evening slightly hear roar ship mist sadness volleyball ball ride joy land chorus soon end summer dress swimmer time race arrow peel nose come pant time home pripev1935
+1 | field pit field pit orphan look sky year row owner house wait spring bird talk yes steal war forest mountain war field rye field battle earth fire burn scrap wounded land plow day tank shell yes sagebrush rise swans near smell gunpowder plot forget smell bread warm rain blue sky yes far sunset home war return russian soldier 1968
-1 | world uncertainty night sky tell patient ground start shake wonder long s place would s voice deep inside say progress make progress world promise whoa let lead build bridge sleep frame door way pass road wander one pass pave bare hand pave bare hand black cloud hover guilt feel naked way wrap arm white snow cover angel watch pray ask favor catch fall rush blood straight head whoa wonder build bridge sleep frame door way pass road wander one pass pave bare hand pave bare hand hey mean hurt mean wrong stand wait man say lie track rot like runaway train brace crash love forget like runaway train bear gap build bridge brace crash build hypocrisy build bridge brace crash brace crash build bridge brace crash build hypocrisy build bridge brace crash underneath shadow live
-1 | 120873 get get want blame history flame meningitis survive dry socket schizophrenic crisis time begin way suffer typical apocalyptical hang abysmal release jesus not need not wanna icon make hand fucking shake god not care god not care remember surrender time continue burn city america killing not feel discriminate life kill field s leave nothing real throw away disposable past fall apart like cigarette ash fatal vital one world burn city god not care god not care america killing not feel discriminate life kill field s leave nothing real throw away disposable past fall apart like cigarette ash fatal vital one world burn city burn city burn city burn city feed hungry feed shit feed bone politic wanna revolutionize specific believe eye start war backyard destroy house card minute ill change mind bullet ill change life remember surrender time continue burn city america killing not feel discriminate life kill field s leave nothing real throw away disposable past fall apart like cigarette ash fatal vital one world burn city burn city burn city america god not care god not care
-1 | accept subtle invitation beautiful green eye press ear ruby red lip come whisper button dress release garment drop floor fussy eunoch fumble cover expose shoulder not reach lookit want kill understated petrify appeal well devil ache satisfaction dash elevator press arrow wait 13th floor balcony hollow hotel spy lobby s pandemonium gun trainedcop corner cop visorsline shield swear catch eye beast wrong wouldbe adversory turn counter dart fly forehead gun rattledthe line shield part distortion spice like ball congealed air roll massive speed scatter body squeeze gap close elevator door turn watch illuminate number descend 1234so slow grow angrier second 8910 come whisper hell wake be sorry radio bedside spit everworsening news satan white house react reboot sound violent fart pretentious dinner party let pass want wake not save lovely save come
-1 | fuck be want sanity wear thin irate hate determine fate cave fuck power trip fuck attitude fuck bloated ego fuck history tragedy misery fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck bitch moan bleed piss second away go ahead push fakery butchery compare hate fuck apathy fuck empathy fuck nihilism fuck bitter pill -PRON- fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck change faze stay change faze stay consulate touch let consider let sit hear sound time hang summer eclipse not exist not watch hate world slip xxx change faze stay change faze stay xxx not xxx swallow fuck power trip fuck attitude fuck bloated ego fuck history tragedy misery motherfucker fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
+1 | tie removal banner ready attention equal detachment accept new companion nice guy study hard faithful companion honor achieve high red tie wear deserved chorus spark flame lenin guy convey young brother native flag pioneer tie hand hold salute guy new squad combat promise brave oleg mishka future glorious hero feat lie ahead zoya red tie burn chest chorus true fearless comrade duty blood freedom fighter paint banner silk good banner present well way komsomol ticket red tie reach chorus young brother native flag pioneer tie
-1 | road not light near road not flashlight explosion road get near cover distance storm wonder flashlight nightmare sudden explosion not know ask give wish sun morning run story maker ache have get golden ear cut spear road get near cover distance storm wonder flashlight nightmare sudden explosion s room have get secret not know ask give wish
+1 | farewell cavalry accord ural mountain valley steppe fly horse easy flock fly song gilded sword ahead combat troop chapay kolchak wolf prowl steppe pour blood villagetown chapay catch chapay syschetsya thunderbolt hit enemy faster race horse grozny saber louder chime fly glory victory sweep wind scarlet silk banner 1944
+1 | dream young astronaut catch signal distant planet planet zoom boy entrust missile girl confide chorus way bold dear brave friend fly red tie star tie sun salute 2p instead missile school desk cheerful voice call solve problem astronaut tomorrow fly heavens heaven chorus sky night meteor flash guy dream rocket captainsboy girl sing moon moon chorus 1963
-1 | perfect way perfect end today burn light burn eye love sugar kane acomin rain oh kiss like frog turn flame love time need 8 9 stay night body shine know s sugar soul cross twisted lane s sugar kane be love be dove d light smilin sugar life lover day crack night night light come know s sugar cone cross twisted lane s sugar kane hey angel come play fly away stroll beach time love sugar kane crack dream love sugar kane love sugar kane love sugar kane love sugar kane love sugar kane love sugar
+1 | merry march necessary guy life beautiful live important guy life life build water flow stone laurel calm lower life fly rainbow sky like ring bell sky look blue eye dream white cloud dawn fly sail work let tired fatigue frown evening sun sky take cigarette break girl cute sing sweetly love mountain able compete power give inspiration necessary guy life
+1 | lullaby motherland hug sun believe freedom love await joy song laughter little happy man kremlin wall know love land joy happiness stalin great happiness rise moon sky blood produce country battle persistent hard struggle happiness people earn sleep little sleep daughter win cold night enemy joy bayushki bye bye grow smart brave big homeland firmly love heart red army thank red banner hold high sleep little sleep daughter win cold night enemy joy bayushki bye bayu1937
-1 | good news have hear say not leave know distance tear apart thing say not mean thing not turn want let know road divide split respect choice familiar pain set not let drag thing like today thing like help shapemake today hardship have face have lose hope want know everyday go accept live life
-1 | future drop bass harlem shake know bitch love cake internet friend antidote human race extinct hello robot hello robot
+1 | youth song peace young people find happiness lift banner friendship work people know stalin win friendship storm sweep believe celebration happiness peace ask ask achieve chorus brave young true faith young courageous song song fly broad strong language understand world world world mighty great sound appeal hour strong wide blacksmith miner student sailor heart dream world love dream friend engage peaceful work need translator need understand heart pripev1951
+1 | international итальянский fellow forward big party tiller red flower bloom chest ago faith и bear heart workshop earth field sea populace allopra china ideal hope come fight ideal finally sarа international future humankind come fight ideal goal sarа international future humankind large banner sun blaze glorious vogliam break chain freedom justice want servant mr brother lavor family lottiam ideal lottiam lottiam earth equal property field deed idle car ally enemy tiller desire renew life alluom darа peace love lottiam ideal forward forward victory и и coming pass civil right history era open largo high battle run ideal rogue fight germinal lottiam ideal
+1 | twentysecond june exactly oclock twentysecond day june exactly hour kiev bomb tell outbreak war end peace time goodbye be leave promise loyal forever sense joke come friend train wire tremble composition tier train rush boom be car platform sad pomashesh hand year pass meet smile heart prizhmesh kiss tebya1941
-1 | day meteorite fall sky wake die world way day day ill wait way ill wait way body turn dust building rust land give sea life float space scatter trace think ill wait ill wait ill wait building come crash fire ill wait ill wait head hold high ill shape twist sky know soon reunite embrace surely alive c un été rouge cest un été rouge cest un été rouge cest un été rouge ill wait c un été rouge cest un été rouge ill wait c un été rouge c un ill wait ill wait ill wait ill wait ill wait ill wait building come crash fire ill wait ill wait stroll blacken ground s lose find ill wait ill wait
-1 | way want deceive sell trust faith help believe help suffer dissent dreamt leave not pretend want have saint not believe anybody dead go live show long need hand intertwine feel home suffer dissent dreamt leave not pretend want have saint not believe anybody dead go live end begin not stop dream have awake break need stay wrong stay go
-1 | scratch card glory waist low pleasure black eye nose bleed not look white abode remember white abode thrill find sorry winner air cold mind bitter get loose false intention life pretentious scratch card glory waist low pleasure black eye nose bleed not look white abode remember white abode thrill find sorry winner air cold mind bitter get lose false intention life pretentious scratch card glory waist low pleasure black eye nose bleed not look white abode remember sweat ache sorry winner air cold mind bitter get lose false intention life pretentious whatwhatwhat rawwwr try insert coin try insert coin zane lowe bbc session version scratch card glory waist low pleasure black eye nose bleed not look white abode remember white abode thrill find sorry winner air cold mind bitter get loose false intention life pretentious scratch card glory waist low pleasure black eye nose bleed not look white abode remember white abode thrill find sorry winner air cold mind bitter get loose false intention life pretentious scratch card glory waist low pleasure black eye nose bleed not look white abode remember sweati ache sorry winner air cold mind bitter get loose false intention life pretentious try insert coin try insert coin
-1 | let car drift eye uncomfortable pose profile posture long drive endless cycling numb near sleep part lean harder need road curve swerve traffic crack ground gesture require drive like night fight head town let wheel center line inside place time loop history eye periphery prone passenger seat mystery way sleep want leave go want breathe air sprawl ancient space earth say scared know mean want glow place watch not work ride night highway hide inside songwriter dream like scene song bear run maybe run one leave certain night would fight not stick would head town hit highway drive certain night would think fine shake baby cry turn end hear shattering glass door loud baby not sleep not find look mother call hardware set interview answer ad boss daughter remember dinner father say not stick neck trouble day would wake decide not would door night would skip town would follow pretty soon start fall daughter fall drive roll window let desert enter heavy primitive drift til rumble strip sound time move slow know mean say want freeze place highway not reach want glow time irrelevant want glow space infinite want glow not feel hour pass identify flower road roll window shut radio think would end late night drive ride hide look brand new life think would find home think would alive imagine love know think history system road s not pull feel time highway landscape aglow sure try find know go home
+1 | jarama valley battalion lincoln russian turbulent water jarama prove work firmament raise red flag win suffering death let enemy grin pretty artillery hostility battalion lincoln succumb fascist armor turbulent water jarama prove work firmament raise red flag win suffering death leave position outpost impregnable victory wall stand death ado turbulent water jarama prove work firmament raise red flag win suffering death remember peasant bravely go enemy distant spanish jarama fighter voluntary brigade
-1 | want hypnotize body way feel comfortable let sink groove fix eye spot not matter fix eye spot begin relax feel mind body begin wind wind wind relax thought let drift mind like beautiful cloud clear blue sky mind away mind away relax deep deep deep relax let stress tension let worry doubt relax imagine staircase stand wide safe stair perfect relaxation peace contentment happiness deserve count step number step seven deep deep deeper relaxed s let relax have steal heart true shape thing come life brute fool ah tear apart shape thing come girl kill like adam chain want revenge like adam chain want revenge adam chain have break heart ah yeah go to tear world apart lie believe true ah tear apart know shape thing come girl oh murder like adam chain want revenge like adam chain want revenge like adam chain want revenge want revenge mind madman colour explosion eclipse emotion tear world apart tear apart tear world apart girl
-1 | fight inside want want die instead find balance find hatred consume failure ignore strength push sea learn swim strand desert lung breathe lung breathe lose expect readily content view life reject basis help survive replace precept instruction rule illusion illusion contain selfishness unveil little power lung breathe lose tear away flesh take time understand miracle answer tear away flesh anchor take time understand ability change like strand desert lung breathe lung breathe lose everthe
+1 | elbe river away home elberiver dawn burn wide song fly water bayan faraway russia sighs sing song young soldier sing vast expanse field beloved capital moscow word song clear heart care familiar tune away dear fatherland desirable heart soul song come free edge peace friendship people serve let vigilantly guard stand watch precisely target shooter strike enemy nowadays labor insidious bloom disturb elberiver dawn burn wide song fly water bayan sigh distant russia sing song young soldier
-1 | endless summer day spend light shade eon old new watchin sun deep blue far distance sound wave come tell street tell radio endless like sea neverending flow deep blue deep blue endless summer day spend salty haze wildest youth watchin sun deep blue far distance sound wave come tell street tell radio endless like sea neverending flow deep blue deep blue swimming deep swimming deep deep blue tell street tell radio endless like sea neverending flow endless endless tell street tell radio tell radio deep blue
+1 | strength right strength fact right soviet hero glory world conquer people homeland power sleep mother child threaten war responsible terrible hour hour danger party strength lead battle rally terrible hour hour danger think great stalin 1951
+1 | lie der waffenbrüderschaft military cooperation song german russian be kampf der vaeter gegen die faschistenbrut schutz unser waffenbruederschaft soldaten soldaten kommunisten kampfgenossen heimat chorus soldier soldier elbe vistula danube soldier soldier mighty volga brave son let grow strong grow strong friendship battle battle friendship vow military military oath true appreciate work people sun ground allow enemy fan fire war enemy come war strike nuclear missile strike chorus let grow strong let grow strong friendship fight friendship fight vow military vow military vow military true true true 1985
+1 | street moscow moscow illuminate light light river friend dream river day road wide friendship friend live earth moscow prague cairo baku orel chorus vastness fun friend sing kind word bear soul heart beat moscow sings moon moscow lantern lover oh moon moon ah bridge bench balcony shine soul prime young fire burn blood impossible live world fire love chorus good walk friend close night bridge star shine belgrade moscow easy understand walk hand hand important life girlfriend continent chorus 1956
-1 | sail land final journey bow stand west night plough heart calculate pray compass swing strong lead astray mystery time cloud hide sun know know ghost navigator lose sail sunset will count cost skeleton accuse emerge sea siren rock beckon heart set free carry forward wave leave run navigator son chase rainbow day know know place have dream come shall nothing real feel steer crash rock siren lash hand helm blood surge strain fail sunrise come darkness leave eternity follow way mystery time cloud hide sun know know ghost navigator lose sail sunset will count cost skeleton accuse emerge sea siren rock beckon heart set free carry forward wave leave run navigator son chase rainbow day know know place have dream come shall nothing real feel
-1 | be supervisor taxi number taxi number taxi number taxi number dance come come dance dance come time dance come come dance dance dance dance be supervisor taxi number taxi number taxi number taxi number
-1 | horn jericho horn jericho horn jericho eaaaaw eaaaaw eaaaaw feel bass come baby feel bass come baby want favor find favor dance baby dance horn jericho horn jericho horn jericho
-1 | hey ho lets hey ho lets hey ho lets hey ho lets formin straight line go tight wind kid losin mind blitzkrieg bop pilin seat generate steam heat pulsatin beat blitzkrieg bop hey ho lets shoot -PRON- want not know rev ready formin straight line go tight wind kid losin mind blitzkrieg bop pilin seat generate steam heat pulsatin beat blitzkrieg bop hey ho lets shoot -PRON- want not know rev ready formin straight line go tight wind kid losin mind blitzkrieg bop pilin seat generate steam heat pulsatin beat blitzkrieg bop hey ho lets hey ho lets hey ho lets hey ho lets
+1 | youth hurtle train vot blue smoke ring east volunteer hello bright sky long time goodbye dnieper don goodbye volga chorus flow song window fun loud celina virgin distant storonka enthusiasm fire youth rich sum country guy vain call country fight flash virgin furrow chorus hurtle train vot blue smoke ring east volunteer hello bright sky long time goodbye dnieper don goodbye volga pripev1956
-1 | like socrate graze slope summit ignorance like hippocrate affirm method science appliance emancipate dogma slant bias season change ah season change velocity evolve mean got dissolve unchecked tradition atrocity untouched guise culture commit mind heartbeat heartbeat heartbeat season change ah season change have get sinking feeling have get sinking feeling have get sinking feeling have get sinking feeling like sophocle wield paintbrush tight grip magnify glass priority hold torch mean got hold high illuminate dark archaic vile season change ah season change have get sinking feeling have get sinking feeling have get sinking feeling have get sinking feeling have get sinking feeling have get sinking feeling have get sinking feeling have get sinking feeling have get sinking feeling have get sinking feeling have get sinking feeling have get sinking feeling swear allegiance swear allegiance let microscope matter callous shell harness heat sun burn fuck existence
-1 | new blood join earth quickly s subdue constant pained disgrace young boy learn rule time child draw whip boy wrong deprive thought young man struggle s know vow unto day will away have feel have know shine have show will not have feel have know shine have show free dub thee unforgiven dedicate life run try bitter man life s battle constantly fight win tired man longer care old man prepare die regretfully old man have feel have know shine have show will not have feel have know shine have show free dub thee unforgiven have feel have know shine have show will not have feel have know shine have show free dub thee unforgiven free dub thee unforgiven label ill label dub thee unforgiven free dub thee unforgiven label ill label dub thee unforgiven free dub thee unforgiven
-1 | lie speak venom crawl inside faith break fire fill eye love lie hopeless hate high pain choose devil come alive daylight fall save leave world tonight s leave sun rise die breath prayer alive rain close catch line faith forfeit hollow fill eye hate lie hopeless heart soul divide pain worthless shadow come alive daylight fall save leave world tonight s leave sun rise die breath prayer alive save leave world tonight s leave sun rise die breath prayer alive
+1 | feat alive krasnodona star like candle dawn extinguishe light breeze umyt dew rise meet dawn ready work mining town like dream oleg mishka large sun rise earth sergey tyulenin lyuboyu shevtsova dear glory boevoy2p feat alive separation sever stretch hand remember immortal friend light light sun native motherland come day journey illumine step zillion krasnodontsev holy cause party faithful 2p 1949
-1 | live awareness seclusion existence fuel separation war win embrace alienation suffer abandon home have outlier not belong present state existence act refuge weak shield eye blind mankind refusal secede inhabit world filth condemn will not live life human hatred second nature root isolation outcast not look cloud beneath find submerge apathy hard care grow sick sound heartbeat world breathe unison lung shield reject world outcast
-1 | wenn schiffe brennen und untergehen dann klingt es wie materialschaden be besten fall gibt es verletzte aber meistens gibt es tote es wird billig es gibt tote wenn kanzler sagt ab den krieg dann klingt es wie verteidigung be besten fall gibt es verletzte aber meistens gibt es tote es wird billig es gibt tote wenn du mir sagst machs mir billig dann klingt es wie ein schnäppchen be besten fall gibt es verletzte aber meistens gibt es tote es wird billig es gibt tote es wird billig es gibt tote
-1 | year wait ship set sail day waste chase love sit ashore watch hopeless wave crash thought run high hill heart reach sea delusion endless journey leave ocean ocean salvation stand reflection else dream yeah gate heart weld shut splendor aspiration close year wait ship set sail day waste chase love salvation salvation stand reflection else dream salvation stand reflection else dream day wait ship set sail year wait ship set sail day day wait ship set sail year wait ship set sail set sail salvation stand reflection else dream salvation stand reflection else dream
+1 | moscowvolga canal moonlight evening leave way blue handsome steamer beautiful moscow sky voiced song re rise easy komsomol member sing sing elderly breeze melody echo stir surface river want moscow sea love tell proplyvom little wave pour lunar road hurry b cross shore pass water rustle leave inseparable like volga moscow lower moon volga freestyle vidna1938
-1 | look lie surface ritual read sign signify life leave lie great great set free release embrace cleanse ritual read sign signify life leave lie great great set free release embrace cleanse look lie surface humble soul reveal purpose outstretche arm welcome sacrifice body outstretche arm welcome sacrifice body look lie surface humble soul reveal purpose
-1 | sunshine be not thing s go to ruin night s dizzy dreamer bleed little blue boy lick finger like have decide oh baby honestly hard breathing shake bring gun preacher try stop hold heart beating not forget oh ill burn throat ill fire will catch s good pickin piece color light anymore hole pray heartless give penny selfish learn taste kill not mind be reachin necklace talkin mom little girl texas not forget oh ill burn throat ill fire will catch s good pickin piece color light anymore hole know not afford medicine feed need baby not forget not forget collide invisible lip like shadow wall throw oh not throw away not forget ill burn throat ill fire will catch s good pick piece not want not forget ill burn throat ill fire will catch s good pick piece color light anymore hole know not afford medicine feed need baby not forget not forget would better learn live s good pick piece s good s good s good pick piece
+1 | era give birth heart ask shadow walk reнrme cry voice temple break room watering time shadow say reнrse cry tear silent desperate listen land cry comment give birth corazуn mбs die pain rush future fall forest world street leave house sillуn mother live sun die burn sky necessary live man world home
-1 | leave overcoat cane hat doorman moment will place underdress be wreck evening love minute ruin banquet mildly inspiring leave overcoat cane hat doorman moment will place underdress be wreck evening love minute ruin banquet mildly inspiring black slack accentuate offwhite pinstripe whoaoh go accord plan be new cancer look well not stand breath read lip confident not hear be new cancer look well not stand trip lady room vain bet not fashionista tonight tonight whisper campaign bet cheap bet look like shh talk mirror oh choke tear tell be diva oh smoke cigarette box table happen lace nitroglycerin be new cancer look well not stand cause breath read lip confident not hear be new cancer look well not stand not hear be new cancer have look well not stand not hear be new cancer have look well not stand know know not feel like night size have surreptitious course will distract spike punch know know not feel like night size have surreptitious course will distract spike punch know know not feel like night size have surreptitious course will distract spike punch
-1 | death machine flame throw gas mask instigator hit computing help extermination not act like not know like not high speed datum sorter slave labor collateral murder humiliate dehumanize hit generation collapse barbaric way look different day worldwide watch close eye trace run round closed eye complacent watched time death die glaze eye script human screen inject sedation plastic face lala land fill waste oppression recession misplace priority kill ipad government law love innocent kid gun park fuck police lie dark injustice close hue charisma come digital coma change
-1 | thing go car windo cause pussy stank
+1 | road train evening distant train boy box harmonica remember friend suddenly start place outside window remember remember place guy pensive chorus happen life world big wide choose road remember remember place roar smoke curse grove save life girl print dress remember bullet chest burn godochkov pass chorus train evening door creak ask quietly listen man girl man tenderly look window marry long time chorus
-1 | be think s deal fact conceal be think s harm bit rhetoric charm not comprehend beginning end not stomach go to sky common sake fly cirrus cloud 20000 foot clock crowd height leak lie unveil damage sky cause not stomach be try get sleep tonight get sleep tonight get sleep get sleep get sleep get sleep get sleep tonight get sleep get sleep get sleep sleep tonight get sleep tonight sun sea power longer cower oil lust chernobyl stain danger game not comprehend beginning end not stomach be try get sleep tonight get sleep tonight get sleep get sleep get sleep get sleep get sleep tonight get sleep get sleep get sleep sleep tonight get sleep tonight embark great voyage sun 90 million mile wait wait wait yeah be try get sleep tonight get sleep tonight get sleep get sleep get sleep get sleep get sleep tonight get sleep get sleep get sleep sleep tonight get sleep tonight embark great voyage sun 90 million mile like ocean will not pacific anymore longer coexistence specie flawed get sleep tonight get sleep tonight get sleep get sleep get sleep get sleep get sleep tonight get sleep get sleep get sleep sleep tonight get sleep tonight
+1 | lucky copse way station drawing machine wheel know know shower little seafarer service service ground water faithful hand trouble lucky lead way red banner fleet grow smoke kuril letter go month know sure come chorus sea life accustomed let boatswain let warrant difficult service assume perfectly know coast chorus 2 time pacific furious baltic nice black sea arctic red fleet 1970
+1 | ballad russian boy forget russian boy lad home plant father old hat rags pidzhachishek leave boy seventeenth year breast look gun follow wind roar meet boy seventeenth year look revolution eye harsh ready response rise stubborn hand ready exploit ready flour joy fly light hunger cold gravestone onthejob sake tomorrow day year year dawn rise earth rise russia forget past love boy indulge warm heart suddenly fortyone hit fire boy belt soldier belt look motherland eye harsh ready response rise brave hand ready battle year separation ready joy win light hunger cold gravestone onthejob sake tomorrow day young rocket lift desire give fatherland foreign polygon sleepless planet death threaten destroy earth ground ash nuclear storm incandescent boy youth live call history eye stern ready strong hand raise response land great bail home planet flower green love shimmer light sake life sake tomorrow day 1963
+1 | native land well edge world know yes edge steppe path pathway forest aside dear green tree like sea like sea rustle golden wave stand field birch patrol far far visible evening river play accordion flood pipe word steppe path pathway forest aside dear difficult year pass stobo remember affair sky blue bloom blue river kind mountain increasingly dawn dusk vast expanse soviet thundering wave labor color stretch edge edge sea distant sea steppe path pathway forest aside dear 1952
+1 | rocket duty near serve maybe far away mighty rocket nestle deep earth town look map list hour sleep guard sleep sleep guard garrison chorus rocket missile rocket duty severely missile rocket look tall ready respond punch ready respond punch missile rocket guard guard love strict order duty twentyfour hour night drive safely alarm second rapid report study succeed night descendant gunner combat readiness need need need chorus near serve maybe far away mighty rocket nestle deep earth store steel gunner charge smashing thunder day night guard world stand wa stand watch battle chorus ready respond punch ready respond punch missile rocket guard
-1 | friend troubled turn life struggle matter hard try hide war heart fire eye not follow trust have try path light bright light sing humanitys song fall carry word ring loud
-1 | tonight tonight tonight tonight passion tonight heart tonight forever tonight bleed tonight live dream inside world not hold forever bleed tonight passion tonight heart tonight forever tonight
-1 | legend smash man move have try book stranger failure death steady heartbeat scratch surface want joy beauty reject time world hurt heart false hope think learn live learn die know legend hope dream bad nightmare bad nightmare come true tonight deep sleep fall man drive instinct powerful life horror hope hope devastation think learn live learn die know legend overfed unconcerne come tooth claw oh hate form emotion obvious friend fatal habit ok s hope step friend
+1 | song roman iz k f accurse trail oh zatsvol feather desert lake blind brilliance blue mountain lie steppes space lay blue mountain blue mountain lie steppes space lay blue mountain life work line ah flower feather desert oh grow region cheerfully walk pitch let song sing oh grow region cheerfully walk sang song 1935
-1 | hear warcry adrenaline burst riverbank welcome skirmish not feel leg morphine morphine doubt tragedy be not head thank fuck alive s air lung blood vein garrison alive s air lung blood vein garrison wanna lie soak sun alight outrun end say end child good use face smile hear warcry epinephrine plow barrier welcome skirmish not feel leg opium opium hope doubt tragedy be not head thank fuck alive s air lung blood vein garrison alive s air lung blood vein garrison wanna lie soak sun alight outrun end say end child good use face smile let toast fact get far adrenaline burst riverbank welcome skirmish epinephrine plow barrier welcome skirmish adrenaline burst riverbank welcome skirmish head thank fuck alive s air lung blood vein garrison alive s air lung blood vein garrison yeah alive
+1 | victory win win brave way win win grandchild greatgrandchildren shall sanctify 2 time remove gun violent thunder day night hard work remember chorus win win strong way win win grandchild greatgrandchildren shall sanctify soldier impenetrable smoke road jetty silently follow eye favorite love invent strong love invent strong chorus win win faithful way win win grandchild greatgrandchildren shall sanctify let people dawn ugasnit catch cloudy shadow today sing rejoice ashamed cry day ashamed cry day chorus win win homeland way win win grandchild greatgrandchildren shall sanctify chorus
-1 | want body legion army spread canvas bury come warning message body blessing body see body pink porcelain ivory thread canvas awne carry come warning message body blessing body
+1 | marsh female team come come funny girlfriend country like mother call love need care hand master warm female eye chorus come girl beauty let sing country let song sound glorify hero name way discover bow bring earth grow flower child happy avtne grow flower child ear fat field chorus garden forest factory field avti city factory field home sweet home let new day overtake day yesterday cheerful joyful work chorus rusty country single people merge nation flower country woman man series free talk pripev1937
-1 | time stand today day day salvation live synthetic force feed existence disposition strive thruth disposition strive integrity time stand soilborn child soilborn wash blood blind life grant everlasting thirst mantain vitality disposition strive find rebirth today day salvation life begin today day
-1 | hear thunder s rain kind thunder break wall window pane hear thunder s rain kind thunder thunthunthun thuthuthunder thuthuthis type ththinside thththunder th thththunder ththinside thththunder th hear thunder s rain kind thunder break wall window pane hear thunder s rain kind thunder hear thunder s rain type thunder break wall window pane hear thunder s rain type thunder break wall window pane inside thth thth thth thththunder ththinside thth hear thunder s rain type thunder break wall window pane hear thunder s rain type thunder break wall window pane hear thunder s rain kind thunder break wall window pane hear thunder s rain kind thunder hear thunder s rain type thunder break wall window pane hear thunder s rain type thunder break wall window pane inside
+1 | caucasion drinking raise glass wine brother sit table accord custom toast say toastmaster mountain blue expanse new town caress eye green avenue pass trace antiquity find palace garden branch fruit pearl flower bed fountain way yerevan pour wine glass glass drink yerevan like magnet pull fellow armenians fun sing table god forbid god forbid drink time shore caspian sea pride motherland dear baku city fame bold dream plant flower close fishing surround like forest city labor wonder shine dark night golden anthill light pour wine glass glass drink baku country debt fun sing table god forbid god forbid drink time like mountain gray cloud tbilisi bury garden land grape grow turbine fly waterfall academician miner horticulturist feel free case forward sing blue wind come golden age pour wine glass glass tbilisi drink grove lemon fall golden rain fun sing table god forbid god forbid drink time
-1 | want want witness downfall will sell back turn pay price lesson learn cast vote watch shed skin snake price money table not think twice cast vote watch shed skin paralysed blind s go stand cause eye not fuck matter faceless figure silhouette will line pocket leave foot deep debt cast vote watch shed skin blood pray weak count paint future bleak stand whilst bleed dry paralysed blind s go stand cause eye not fuck matter s go stand cause eye not fuck right wrong thick thief far leech leech right wrong thick thief far leech leech stand whilst bleed dry want want witness downfall paralysed want want witness downfall
-1 | lose sense tempting fate blind ambition not chaos create oh go far fast die eye scream pain hope dream drown flame lie shine bright soul world light night slave desire lust profit consume soul think stop oh late turn have lose control oh go far fast die eye scream pain hope dream drown flame lie shine bright soul world light night push boundary reinvent new reality change evolution ignore past realize destructive destiny die eye scream pain hope dream drown flame lie shine bright soul world light night
-1 | whoohoohoo bury softly womb sand rain sit hold rare flower tomb bloom hole not know save heart decorate like grave oh not understand think suppose look be man will not let hole feel small hole lose soul would like fly wing deny hole have stone place have eat sun tongue burn taste guilty kick tooth speak feeling beneath hole feel small hole lose soul would like fly wing deny bury softly womb oh want inside oh want inside sand rain sit hold rare flower oh want inside tomb bloom oh want inside hole feel small hole lose soul hole feel small hole lose soul would like fly wing deny
+1 | sendoff mother accompany relative pass boy vanek yes soldier red army bayonet tea bolsheviks cost willynilly al hunt vanya vanya perish mother suffer turn gray avon field house thing thing go lubocute right earth roll oppression sight better marry light arina young wife live lazy mother bow bow kin threshold whine god sake scatterbrain remain moscow rasei go old way nedolya b take earth sit gentleman ground malyuta evil howl bondage fierce be go dance feast pokidayuchi motherold woman red army like fight death lead aristocratic rabble priest fist entire conversation belly fat bayonet bloodsucker die hell sweeter paradise take battle bloody drunk paradise miroedsky russia native free edge edge soviet 1918
+1 | merry link walk street merry link know go friend march step song way sing chorus song sing song hear fun life song need 2p street wider book street tall spacious new home belong school enter light class song fun friend meet chorus friend world terrible personal response stumble road fall get smile sing chorus bypass road friendly meet happy find country strong live let amicably motherland sing pripev1937
-1 | wait line till time tick clock stop everyone say different thing different thing everyone say different thing different thing believe not anybody agree believe motionless wheel real waste time wait line believe living lie everyday steal time everyone take everyone take believe feel not anybody agree believe motionless wheel real waste time wait line believe ill shout ill scream would see ill hide away day believe motionless wheel real waste time wait line believe everyone say different thing different thing different thing different thing different thing everyone take
+1 | recently home lit candle ogarochek thunder nedalniy fight pour friend glass vodka accord frontline pour friend cup accord frontline friendly simply talk waste time friendly simply pogovorrim recently home blossom native spruce fairy talenebyli distant land fairy talenebyli distant land new needle honey new needle lump spruce honey crumble tree christmas tree stand year beauty walk kid year beauty walk kid girl star burn girl month smear soot star burn lit candle ogarochek thunder nedalniy fight pour friend glass vodka accord frontline 1945
+1 | commander korea korean paektu merciless sword boldly raise red banner guard commander fearlessness dare endow storm storm disperse trace chorus dare raise hand horde enemy dare touch outstanding kim jong il polkovodet korea celebrate bright mind endow wise resolute courageous commander like flash lightning split sky blow enemy mercy chorus helm mighty power stand unbeaten commander nice whistle sword death overtake enemy forever chorus 2001
+1 | song soviet flag soviet flag raise october blossom like dawn noise territory border sea great flag win flag soviet flag get hour danger banner motherland flag motherland bless enemy break dust preserve battle great flag win flag soviet flag develop wall kremlin like pennant warship heart enemy strike fear create courage friend great flag winning flag soviet flag sea plyvosh care slaughter feel road path let overshadow great flag win flag soviet flag 1944
+1 | guy today dawn pass wide field memory remember raindrop beat cheek sink year universe familiar man promise ill mom prairie grass smell bitterness young wind green wake rumble midnight storm echo past war wake rumble midnight storm echo past war promise long spring wait select grain cropland live land good guy be severity gorblyus live differently call voice sound song prairie grass smell bitterness young wind green wake rumble midnight storm echo past war wake rumble midnight storm echo past war
-1 | end s hope plague past doom repeat afraid thought dance revolution circle mind like snare bind be try feel cold stale searching warmth inside promise waste wrap sense presence carcass have feel night spend watch sleep furth thing have start shell vacant scare death watch leave like live debris fortunately know be worth pure form good think time would different come bear beat heart good intention try hardest not feel fucking thing
-1 | limestone path sugar cane chapel radially symmetric victory flower small white toad sick fever crawl heat fence cure sun salt smoke soul evaporate palm sunday ash peace come waterfall rapid ghost wait dream canopy fan limestone path sugar cane chapel radially symmetric victory flower small white toad sick fever crawl heat peace come peace come limestone path sugar cane chapel radially symmetric victory flower small white toad sick fever crawl heat cure sun salt smoke soul evaporate palm sunday ash peace come waterfall rapid ghost wait dream canopy fan peace come peace come limestone path sugar cane chapel radially symmetric victory flower small white toad sick fever crawl heat cure sun salt smoke soul evaporate palm sunday ash peace come waterfall rapid ghost wait dream canopy fan limestone path sugar cane chapel radially symmetric victory flower small white
+1 | youth festival train run run rail distance song flock fly sky ride friend festival voice chorus sing way thankfully come let song jingle fun sing way thankfully come let song jingle fun know language discourage let sing today world begin sing song heart understand word chorus smile iris distance outside window flash gold field song fly festival spin faster ball earth pripev1957
-1 | dark night star invisible thing feel cold fear shivering hand control gaze fear end await consequence long walk path fact not fear fog friend know know way cruel end etch thought fantasy able envision bad dream hero help hand brave guardian wake wish wake leave place secretly hope reality not run away end past catch case not responsible look world drab reek look dull sea dead inside look toxic sky sun longer friend s excuse walk path chance fucking blind make sad make scared hero close save s close close reach hand open eye change mind long s right hero
-1 | heart feel bad soul feel bad heart feel bad soul feel bad heart feel bad soul feel bad open door open door open door open door open door open door open door ah open door open door open door ah heart feel bad feel bad soul feel bad feel bad heart feel bad feel bad soul feel bad feel bad open door open door open door open door open door open door open door ah open door open door open door ah open door open door open door ah open door open door open door ah heart feel bad soul feel bad
+1 | moscow love flash moscow evening light like star swing river good friend meet love song street walk 2 time chorus moscow moscow love heart moscow moscow endless joy joy infinite youth meet sing good edge expensive wide area light dear heart cheerful muscovite 2 time distant land maybe street right compare ordynka feel good morning silence night street city 2 time
-1 | remember time hustle time struggle time everyday shuffle people tryin muffle thought dream people think true blame co chronicle life realise be responsible obstacle self blame work hard receive wealth fame worthless game willing play s shark water willing pay price soul away silly motherfucker commit stay cold world want would better fuck learn art not walk life blinder cos will go crazy til mind go be not easy get people tryin believe gainin ground be not easy time decieve be not easy get people tryin believe gainin ground be not easy time decieve day musical mainstay cypress worldwide like way not fadeer compare original pyschobaiter get rhyme check later not fuck cypress hill raider hear not need advice game kick hardcore play game best tour world get big respect s year 2000s puttin smackdown be not clownin last blast scene singin dream recruitin team niggas know mean damn defy live die be not easy get people tryin believe gainin ground be not easy time decieve be not easy get people tryin believe gainin ground be not easy time decieve time hate time wait time go drunk fade say not people hatin creatin evil insecurtie showin exposin trippin showin emotion not spend life envy deadly heed spit venom believe guard let rage pissed like pitbull cage bark deal fury attack ransack kill hurry kill observe instant bring pain like rampark prison keep right brother chullo bump gate be not easy get people tryin believe gainin ground be not easy time decieve be not easy get people tryin believe gainin ground be not easy be not easy yo be not easy
-1 | clutch wheel hand be learn drive heart race rise survive s realness hand pull away s realness voice ask stay door keep close close be heart break break sound not let drive let drive watch wind eye be move away clutch wheel hand be run away not will stay
-1 | love like needle methadone potent real leave want lipstick track mark bleed wet like montague capulet child star refuse shine oh child star refuse shine string lam wound like unstable chemical combine explode notice heart fire world fuse not close trouble worth well contaminate quarantine leave shipment refuse address unknown damage good soon forget choking dust get leave star refuse shine tap vein light match burn like star crash s chance let notice heart fire world fuse not close trouble worth be better s run yeah s hide s sun not try notice hand grenade pin pull not let chase sun shadow slow well know well know know
-1 | pain love pain not pain like rough cause would feel pain sick feel numb ill hand ill world understand life fill hurt happiness not work trust hand light understand pain pain love pain pain not pain pain like rough cause would feel pain pain pain love pain pain not pain pain like rough cause would feel pain anger agony well misery trust have get plan light understand pain pain love pain pain not pain pain like rough cause would feel pain pain pain love pain pain not pain pain like rough cause would feel pain feel pain know know know know know wound know know know know be save know know know know be know know know know will thank later pain love pain not pain like rough cause would feel pain pain pain love pain pain not pain pain like rough cause would feel pain pain pain love pain pain not pain pain like rough cause would feel pain feel pain feel pain
-1 | attic build strange machine see think work day blind world outside stay inside hardly know get well time see mirror someone watch hide attic find rope floor build trap start machine be see
-1 | morning snowstorm stand silence feel reborn street certain sort stillness quiet surround sound shovel concrete remember pile snow plow big kid push snow end driveway person neighborhood morning snowstorm turn ignition start car morning snowstorm scrape windshield edge credit card remember drive work hear voice come radio listen expert good tip time entertain dinner guest think day tie kitchen sit watch makeup thought day basement play house feel ashamed would stay head place long afraid change s excuse stay morning snowstorm climb snowbank stare neighborhood morning snowstorm think finally understand mean say s calm storm see grandpa workbench building grandmas bookshelf watch woman walk trash street father highway hear salt truck neighbor work see mother see history loop moment see dress eye open wide makeup thought day basement play house feel ashamed would ignore hand extend afraid change s excuse stay excuse
+1 | komsomol march iz k f pedagogical poem see lot grief life friend happy steel live family cheerfully boldly new day fortunately meet song foot step forward future great hike red banner call chorus colonist fatherland force master life live work 2p honor people let fly year forget work step unite thought deed barrier fear work grow forward lenin bear pripev1955
-1 | action time live time die time live time die time live time die time live revolution action go to go to go to revolution action go to go to go to revolution action welcome step not wait longer let happen investigation generation sublime information collapse century be target whitehouse like bullet gun waste life scratch leave bad taste mouth dope fly fly not far will not fake blank promise word hell ride get revolution action go to revolution action go to revolution action go to go to revolution action revolution action revolution action get ready shoot pain knife tooth leave cold blood be comin ya be comin ya carl crack like flamin arrow burn regime terror gun point head realise instead go to go to go to revolution action go to go to revolution action go to go to go to revolution action people power press medium hour tell s wrong lion throat stand wanna know surround gang life blow break center heart go hold cigarette like try understand person near take truth hand revolution action revolution action go to action be not selfdestruction be not selfdestruction revolution action
+1 | evening waltz sky darken bright window flash row wear good outfit porch light jet friendly familiar waltz evening hold club factory hall happy beautiful today flower light dance mchishsya barely breathe know today good sound waltz like wind fall silent circle calm hand lie shoulder realize whirlwind song light evening waltz life tomorrow promise new meeting waltz sound let lot evening soon hand part smile secretly waltz evening evening waltz club factory 1948
-1 | bone leave hold bone leave leave care will kick clue know feel weak will rip right bone leave bone blood run cold blood run cold bone leave hold hold bone leave bone blood run cold blood run cold bone leave hold hold bone blood run cold bone bone blood run cold bone bone blood run cold bone bone blood run cold bone bone leave home bone leave leave care know place will find have refuse voice dark friend know will leave beat bruise bone leave bone blood run cold blood run cold bone leave hold hold bone leave bone blood run cold blood run cold bone leave hold hold bone leave bone blood run cold blood run cold bone leave hold hold bone leave bone blood run cold blood run cold bone leave hold hold bone blood run cold bone bone blood run cold bone bone blood run cold bone bone blood run cold bone
+1 | conversation city doskazhet leningrad parapet silently wander dry leave poke path complete especially hot shower singe good heart right require award rest probably doskazhet leningrad city baltic smelling stand bank neva hospitable house unbutton enemy fight winter blockade city like soldier russian grateful doskazhet leningrad song end touch silence let cute town sad ageold dream let grass sway garden grave soldier unique song hear eternal voice leningrad 1972
+1 | favorite bucharest solar bloom garden buchar park blue river meet sailing die away sparkling festive waltz hand hand go pour song chorus forever meet buchar light happiness voluntary region year beautiful city youth happiness light build friend chorus year fly string flower blossom green spring go night sky blue shine eye happy brightly light love s strong chorus shine star happiness come true dream inseparable friend eternal love spring happier find country outfit singe youth 1953
-1 | shadow burn wall life reduce ashe home raze ground shine like thousand sun betray proud leader execute atrocious enemy home live silent sense guilt rise thousand book vindication simple explanation coloured declaration silent sense guilt rise victor story lie betray proud leader home live silent sense guilt rise modest truth teach child victor story lie brand generation hear bell toll hear hear call
-1 | hear silence dark fix broken feel feel heart feel heart help hopeless be beg knee save bastard soul wait be sorry brother sorry lover forgive father love mother hear silence dark fix broken feel heart feel heart feel heart feel heart be scare close hate long feeling feel high low ill sink not drown demon know swim be scare close hate long feeling feel high low ill sink not drown demon know swim be scare close hate long feeling feel high low ill sink not drown demon know swim feel heart hear silence dark fix broken feel feel heart
+1 | steel company испанский steel company steel company singe fight hear fight freedom steel company singe fight steel company steel forging triumph militant steel save world lead accurate shout world die child save child save steel company singe fight mettle insurance brave gesture steel company singe fight steel company steel forging triumph
-1 | haunted night halcyon day not sleep scraping voice nature way strike grief ghost sickness willingly guide heresy beneath surface stark emptiness would pity conviction think leader would cling pleasant hope twist fascination would ruin obstacle despair be praise death lose love heart holocaust scene memory decrepit body wear transparent skin inside smoke failure weep solace submit faith shadow be choke flourish master delusion strong be drape pale wither flesh sacrifice leave woe beneath mire
+1 | respond heroes sings head title army red wear vanya solntsev hello vanya hello chorus far far away appear beardless knight son regiment son regiment respond respond 2p sings viktorov year erase feat flame inverse beat red tie heart fighter soldier chorus proud crave hard case battle flag pass safely chorus orchestral losing streak vocalise pripev1976
+1 | train go faster goodbye moscow way big hello familiar hand unknown companion chorus sing friend path far far east let fly ocean friend song train go faster faster longer save warmth hand know true heart thousand kilometer chorus native land field taiga hurtle victory wind expanse motherland big 1947
-1 | ebb flow sea cold blood come boil feel fill lung weight pull soil current take breath escape induce coma sleep close eye be paralyze finally peace sunny day feel like get water let perfect way spend time swim farther let drown drown lie float body bloat skin turnin gray build castle dirty rascal finally get way wave roll clean sin clear be have fun sun wishin sunny day feel like get water let perfect way spend time swim farther let drown drown thousand league live breathe ocean floor submerse join curse float evermore sunny day feel like get water let perfect way spend time swim farther let drown drown drown drown
+1 | road like know love meet far edge b fly like wind way road far far high meeting certain dawn rise road lead distance earth bloom sparkle river heart await necessary love forever run flash mile intersection wait wait necessary love forever evident friend anxiety know road come road way find love follow verse fulfil wind rain fog purpose light strive relentlessly road run courage work kind word people pomyanut1954
+1 | song library name lenin wise book live peacefully fill huge building wide open door lead great treasure knowledge hero novel legend story quiet talk book opening great man idea endure century chorus wonder people book friend man year careful store lenin library evening take variety book morning read lenin work room student academician gray reading noise rustle whisper quietly page remember great wise covenant learn learn learn chorus 1957
-1 | give truth alive be closer wrong be right be convince inside something wrong convinced inside yeah s salvage lie be try intention disguise be deprive conscience something get deprive conscience belong yeah be beat belong beat have fail be weak friend belong beat have fail deception parasite word advice heed like be convince inside something wrong convinced inside yeah be beat belong beat have fail be weak friend belong beat have fail be beat belong beat have fail be weak friend belong beat have fail be beat be beat be beat be beat
-1 | sit watch want tv s tv s tv s tv s touch static right right tv s tv s tv s tv s hide take star come s beauty scar stupid thing want not want anymore want want not want anymore want want not want anymore want want not want anymore slow zoom rewind picture philharmonic philharmonic tv s tv s hide take star come s beauty scar stupid thing philharmonic want not want anymore philharmonic want not want anymore philharmonic want not want anymore philharmonic want not want anymore philharmonic s philharmonic s hide take star come ohon ohon s beauty scar stupid thing hide take star come ohon ohon s beauty scar stupid thing philharmonic
-1 | love love verb love word fearless breath gentle impulsion shake make light fearless breath teardrop fire fearless breath night night day black flower blossom fearless breath black flower blossom fearless breath teardrop fire fearless water eye faithful mirror fearless breath teardrop fire confession fearless breath faithful mirror fearless breath teardrop fire fearless breath stumble dark stumble dark
-1 | stop stall boy better pen paper charm way talk better walk better shit good hook gun start talk sensationalist oh s slightly clever certain extent talk better walk better mouth shut good hook gun panic meet press time chance time chance panic meet press time chance time wet dream webzine hip scene shrug shoulder not approve single word write wet dream webzine hip scene shrug shoulder not approve single word write be burn be black lung boy know feel good fire tongue talk better walk better shit good hook gun start talk sensationalist oh s slightly clever certain extent quiet let sing like dove decide purpose lack thereof record weather today slightly sarcastic good chance indifference b disinterest critic time chance time wet dream webzine hip scene shrug shoulder not approve single word write wet dream webzine hip scene shrug shoulder not approve single word write record weather today slightly sarcastic good chance indifference b disinterest critic wet dream webzine hip scene shrug shoulder not approve single word write wet dream webzine hip scene shrug shoulder not approve single word write record weather today slightly sarcastic good chance indifference b disinterest critic
+1 | different way sun shine green unprecedented joy village fun life rye bloom accord sun shine ground know pobylo stalin kremlin boy girl village listen speech stalin kremlin hold water expanse dnieper stalin bright mind sky star present blue thought stalin light head painting sailing wind power provide power stalin poweris dam flood fighting wave stand stalin wall 1949
-1 | noise low not wanna blow shake head toe left hand quicken heartbeat beat straight ground not recover night like victim lie bed completely motionless hand move dark zipper hear boy brace tight sheet barely whisper mess arrival guest stare drip wet clearly depressed would head straight stair longer cool boy stitch unprepared life lie fail relationship stair keep hand low not wanna blow station s wet head toe eye act stomach turn think throw art grow body bed beckon forward start grow fever focus reason believe not hard sell die young save tickle taste reason breathe choke die young save hit light not fair despite learn friend not feel prepared s breathe quiet smooth s gasp air time say fake smile press hip keep hand pin side s hold tell exactly feel like lamb slaughter s move way fast want hold tell have effect whisper love s probably look s stair station life free lie meaningful relationship act keep hand pin side art grow wait end achin gut subside fever focus reason believe not hard sell die young save tickle taste reason breathe choke die young save stair station act art grow fever focus reason believe not hard sell die young save tickle taste reason breathe choke die young save
-1 | come surely friend know love look have would not answer bet busy talk fucking slut fucking skank hot fuck gay block facebook go die go die block facebook go die go die block facebook
-1 | ill fade away break break away face like be lose dream go fade darkness surround s hope energy care not misery be hope new life ill fade away time tell be face know not erase feel try hate cause s way have time payback try hate will not away cause s way have time payback look push break away
-1 | get time get mind line life time think time sleep time sink way blue dear get time get mind line life time think time sleep time sink way blue dear watch time time descend let spill quietly hand oh time hand thing sky free time time pass get time drift yes drift remember child remember child remember child start blue mind start blue mind not afraid find not afraid find not stop heart cause drift yes drift slowly slowly drift slowly slowly drift yes slowly slowly drift
+1 | muscovite light moscow kremlin star ray wave wave hurry day night muscovite step resilient hasty sonorous voice clear eye friendly happy straight talk chorus thing go thing go thing get great work lazy try try denochki hot case excellent people capital work try denochki hot wonder call muscovite shop school institute lay brick steep route muscovite catch day worker lord day bright afternoon celebration repeat song proud word pripev1951
-1 | world fire save strange desire foolish people dream would meet somebody like dream would lose somebody like not wanna fall love not wanna fall love wicked game play feel way wicked thing dream wicked thing feel way wicked thing dream not wanna fall love not wanna fall love world fire save strange desire foolish people dream would need somebody like dream would lose somebody like not wanna fall love not wanna fall love love
-1 | want highyeah everybody want high yeah hit bong hit bong hit bong hit bong pick pack fire come hit bong blunt second not wrong new method inhale exhale get ounce mail like blunt big fat cone doublebarrel bong gettin stone be skill s water inside not spill smell like shit carpet go smooth clean hit skunky phunky smelly green shit sing song puff night long hit bong hit bong -PRON- hit bong ahit hit bong ahit hit bong ahit hit bong ahit let smoke bowl hit bong finger hole plug unplug not strain love mary jane complain hit mary flame light cherry s good pack fresh bowl clean screen not stir smoke bubble water makin pure get ta hit hold like chong bowl reload fourfooter bring hit bong hit bong ahit hit bong ahit hit bong ahit hit bong ahit hit bong ahit hit bong ahit hit bong ahit