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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR // CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, // EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR // PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY // OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Copyright (c) 2008-2019 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2004-2008 AGEIA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2001-2004 NovodeX AG. All rights reserved. #ifndef PX_PHYSICS_NX_CONSTRAINT #define PX_PHYSICS_NX_CONSTRAINT /** \addtogroup physics @{ */ #include "PxPhysXConfig.h" #include "PxConstraintDesc.h" #include "common/PxBase.h" #if !PX_DOXYGEN namespace physx { #endif class PxRigidActor; class PxScene; class PxConstraintConnector; /** \brief a table of function pointers for a constraint @see PxConstraint */ /** \brief constraint flags \note eBROKEN is a read only flag */ struct PxConstraintFlag { enum Enum { eBROKEN = 1<<0, //!< whether the constraint is broken ePROJECT_TO_ACTOR0 = 1<<1, //!< whether actor1 should get projected to actor0 for this constraint (note: projection of a static/kinematic actor to a dynamic actor will be ignored) ePROJECT_TO_ACTOR1 = 1<<2, //!< whether actor0 should get projected to actor1 for this constraint (note: projection of a static/kinematic actor to a dynamic actor will be ignored) ePROJECTION = ePROJECT_TO_ACTOR0 | ePROJECT_TO_ACTOR1, //!< whether the actors should get projected for this constraint (the direction will be chosen by PhysX) eCOLLISION_ENABLED = 1<<3, //!< whether contacts should be generated between the objects this constraint constrains eVISUALIZATION = 1<<4, //!< whether this constraint should be visualized, if constraint visualization is turned on eDRIVE_LIMITS_ARE_FORCES = 1<<5, //!< limits for drive strength are forces rather than impulses eIMPROVED_SLERP = 1<<7, //!< perform preprocessing for improved accuracy on D6 Slerp Drive (this flag will be removed in a future release when preprocessing is no longer required) eDISABLE_PREPROCESSING = 1<<8, //!< suppress constraint preprocessing, intended for use with rowResponseThreshold. May result in worse solver accuracy for ill-conditioned constraints. eENABLE_EXTENDED_LIMITS = 1<<9, //!< enables extended limit ranges for angular limits (e.g. limit values > PxPi or < -PxPi) eGPU_COMPATIBLE = 1<<10 //!< the constraint type is supported by gpu dynamic }; }; /** \brief constraint flags @see PxConstraintFlag */ typedef PxFlags<PxConstraintFlag::Enum, PxU16> PxConstraintFlags; PX_FLAGS_OPERATORS(PxConstraintFlag::Enum, PxU16) struct PxConstraintShaderTable { enum { eMAX_SOLVERPRPEP_DATASIZE=400 }; PxConstraintSolverPrep solverPrep; //!< solver constraint generation function PxConstraintProject project; //!< constraint projection function PxConstraintVisualize visualize; //!< constraint visualization function PxConstraintFlag::Enum flag; //!< gpu constraint }; /** \brief A plugin class for implementing constraints @see PxPhysics.createConstraint */ class PxConstraint : public PxBase { public: /** \brief Releases a PxConstraint instance. \note This call does not wake up the connected rigid bodies. @see PxPhysics.createConstraint, PxBase.release() */ virtual void release() = 0; /** \brief Retrieves the scene which this constraint belongs to. \return Owner Scene. NULL if not part of a scene. @see PxScene */ virtual PxScene* getScene() const = 0; /** \brief Retrieves the actors for this constraint. \param[out] actor0 a reference to the pointer for the first actor \param[out] actor1 a reference to the pointer for the second actor @see PxActor */ virtual void getActors(PxRigidActor*& actor0, PxRigidActor*& actor1) const = 0; /** \brief Sets the actors for this constraint. \param[in] actor0 a reference to the pointer for the first actor \param[in] actor1 a reference to the pointer for the second actor @see PxActor */ virtual void setActors(PxRigidActor* actor0, PxRigidActor* actor1) = 0; /** \brief Notify the scene that the constraint shader data has been updated by the application */ virtual void markDirty() = 0; /** \brief Set the flags for this constraint \param[in] flags the new constraint flags default: PxConstraintFlag::eDRIVE_LIMITS_ARE_FORCES @see PxConstraintFlags */ virtual void setFlags(PxConstraintFlags flags) = 0; /** \brief Retrieve the flags for this constraint \return the constraint flags @see PxConstraintFlags */ virtual PxConstraintFlags getFlags() const = 0; /** \brief Set a flag for this constraint \param[in] flag the constraint flag \param[in] value the new value of the flag @see PxConstraintFlags */ virtual void setFlag(PxConstraintFlag::Enum flag, bool value) = 0; /** \brief Retrieve the constraint force most recently applied to maintain this constraint. \param[out] linear the constraint force \param[out] angular the constraint torque */ virtual void getForce(PxVec3& linear, PxVec3& angular) const = 0; /** \brief whether the constraint is valid. A constraint is valid if it has at least one dynamic rigid body or articulation link. A constraint that is not valid may not be inserted into a scene, and therefore a static actor to which an invalid constraint is attached may not be inserted into a scene. Invalid constraints arise only when an actor to which the constraint is attached has been deleted. */ virtual bool isValid() const = 0; /** \brief Set the break force and torque thresholds for this constraint. If either the force or torque measured at the constraint exceed these thresholds the constraint will break. \param[in] linear the linear break threshold \param[in] angular the angular break threshold */ virtual void setBreakForce(PxReal linear, PxReal angular) = 0; /** \brief Retrieve the constraint break force and torque thresholds \param[out] linear the linear break threshold \param[out] angular the angular break threshold */ virtual void getBreakForce(PxReal& linear, PxReal& angular) const = 0; /** \brief Set the minimum response threshold for a constraint row When using mass modification for a joint or infinite inertia for a jointed body, very stiff solver constraints can be generated which can destabilize simulation. Setting this value to a small positive value (e.g. 1e-8) will cause constraint rows to be ignored if very large changes in impulses will generate only small changes in velocity. When setting this value, also set PxConstraintFlag::eDISABLE_PREPROCESSING. The solver accuracy for this joint may be reduced. \param[in] threshold the minimum response threshold @see PxConstraintFlag::eDISABLE_PREPROCESSING */ virtual void setMinResponseThreshold(PxReal threshold) = 0; /** \brief Retrieve the constraint break force and torque thresholds \return the minimum response threshold for a constraint row */ virtual PxReal getMinResponseThreshold() const = 0; /** \brief Fetch external owner of the constraint. Provides a reference to the external owner of a constraint and a unique owner type ID. \param[out] typeID Unique type identifier of the external object. \return Reference to the external object which owns the constraint. @see PxConstraintConnector.getExternalReference() */ virtual void* getExternalReference(PxU32& typeID) = 0; /** \brief Set the constraint functions for this constraint \param[in] connector the constraint connector object by which the SDK communicates with the constraint. \param[in] shaders the shader table for the constraint @see PxConstraintConnector PxConstraintSolverPrep PxConstraintProject PxConstraintVisualize */ virtual void setConstraintFunctions(PxConstraintConnector& connector, const PxConstraintShaderTable& shaders) = 0; virtual const char* getConcreteTypeName() const { return "PxConstraint"; } protected: PX_INLINE PxConstraint(PxType concreteType, PxBaseFlags baseFlags) : PxBase(concreteType, baseFlags) {} PX_INLINE PxConstraint(PxBaseFlags baseFlags) : PxBase(baseFlags) {} virtual ~PxConstraint() {} virtual bool isKindOf(const char* name) const { return !::strcmp("PxConstraint", name) || PxBase::isKindOf(name); } }; #if !PX_DOXYGEN } // namespace physx #endif /** @} */ #endif