from apimock import * gramar_slots = { # 'act': ((slot0, 'required'), # (slot1, 'optional') # ) 'pullrequest': (('action', 'optional'), ('repo', 'required') ), 'brefing': (('action', 'optional'), ('repo', 'required') ), 'notifications': (('liczba', 'optional'), ('repo', 'required') ), 'tests': (('test', 'optional'), ('repo', 'required') ), 'time': (('time_when', 'required'), ('timeunit', 'required'), ('liczba','optional') ), 'issues': (('time_when','optional'), ('liczba','optional'), ('timeunit','optional'), ('repozytoria', 'required') ), 'number': (('liczba', 'required') ), 'help': (('functions', 'optional'), ('help', 'optional') ), 'repo': (('repozytoria', 'required') ), 'hello': (), 'bye': (), } def taktyka_dialogu(state, frame): if frame['act'] == 'null': print("Nie rozumiem :/") return 'null' if state['current_context'] in ['hello', 'pomoc', 'bye']: return short_thread(state) else: return long_thread(state) def short_thread(state): if state['current_context'] == 'pomoc': print(state['current_context']) return state['current_context'] #TODO? else: print(state['current_context']) return state['current_context'] def validate_repo(repo): if repo not in listRepositories(): print('repo not in listRepositories') if repo not in listPublicRepositories(): print('repo not in listPublicRepositories') #validate_date #if zakres dat #if test/notification/issues/pullRequest non empty def long_thread(state): act = state['current_context'] print(act) # slots = [] for topic in state['topics']: if act == topic['act']: slots = topic['slots'] required = gramar_slots[act] req_args, opt_args = agregate(required, slots) facts = state['facts']# osobno validuj repo z req i z facts req_args = add_facts(req_args, facts) opt_args = add_facts(opt_args, facts) required_empty = check_req(req_args) if required_empty: return "QESTION", required_empty[0] #slot do uzupełnienia return "ANSWER", req_args, opt_args #wyświetl użytkownikowi def check_req(req_args): req = [] for item in req_args: if item[1] == None: req.append(item) return req def add_facts(args, facts): for key, value in facts.items(): for idx, item in enumerate(args): if key == item[0] and value != None and item[1] == None: args[idx] = value if key == 'repo': validate_repo(value) return args def agregate(grammar, slots): req_args, opt_args = [], [] for item in grammar: value = None for slot in slots: if slot[0] == item[0]: value = None if slot[1] == '' else slot[1] if item[1] == 'required': req_args.append([item[0], value]) elif item[1] == 'optional': opt_args.append([item[0], value]) return req_args, opt_args #powiedz, że może dopytać o 'optional' #gramar_slots musi mieć 100% gramatyk albo będzie pomijał sloty