106 lines
3.2 KiB
106 lines
3.2 KiB
from apimock import *
from monitor_stanu_dialogowego import add_fact
gramar_slots = {
'pullrequest': (('action', 'optional'),
('repo', 'required')
'brefing': (('action', 'optional'),
('repo', 'required')
'notifications': (('liczba', 'optional'),
('repo', 'required')
'tests': (('test', 'optional'),
('repo', 'required')
'time': (('time_when', 'required'),
('timeunit', 'required'),
'issues': (('time_when','optional'),
('repo', 'required')
'number': (('liczba', 'required')
'help': (('functions', 'optional'),
('help', 'optional')
'repo': (('repo', 'required')
'hello': (),
'bye': (),
def taktyka_dialogu(state, frame):
if frame['act'] == 'null':
return 'null'
# if state['current_context'] in ['hello', 'pomoc', 'bye']:
# return short_thread(state)
# else:
return long_thread(state)
# def short_thread(state):
# if state['current_context'] == 'pomoc':
# return state['current_context']
# else:
# return state['current_context']
def validate_repo(repo):
if repo not in listRepositories():
return 'repo not in listRepositories'
if repo not in listPublicRepositories():
return 'repo not in listPublicRepositories'
def long_thread(state):
act = state['current_context']
if act == None:
return 'null'
for topic in state['topics']:
if act == topic['act']:
slots = topic['slots']
required = gramar_slots[act]
req_args, opt_args = agregate(required, slots)
facts = state['facts']
req_args = add_facts(req_args, facts)
opt_args = add_facts(opt_args, facts)
required_empty = check_req(req_args)
if required_empty:
return False, required_empty[0], act, req_args, opt_args #slot do uzupełnienia
return True, act, req_args, opt_args #wyświetl użytkownikowi
def check_req(req_args):
req = []
for item in req_args:
if item[1] == None:
return req
def add_facts(args, facts):
for key, value in facts.items():
for idx, item in enumerate(args):
if key == item[0]:
if value != None and item[1] == None:
args[idx][1] = value
if key == 'repo':
if value == None and item[1] != None:
add_fact(key, item[1])
return args
def agregate(grammar, slots):
req_args, opt_args = [], []
for item in grammar:
value = None
for slot in slots:
if slot[0] == item[0]:
value = None if slot[1] == '' else slot[1]
if item[1] == 'required':
req_args.append([item[0], value])
elif item[1] == 'optional':
opt_args.append([item[0], value])
return req_args, opt_args