64 lines
2.5 KiB
64 lines
2.5 KiB
format 224
classinstancecanvas 128069 classinstance_ref 128069 //
xyz 33.1 4 2005 life_line_z 2000
classinstancecanvas 128197 classinstance_ref 128325 //
xyz 930.8 4.6 2005 life_line_z 2000
classinstancecanvas 128325 classinstance_ref 128197 //
xyz 338.7 5.2 2005 life_line_z 2000
classinstancecanvas 129093 classinstance_ref 128581 //
xyz 1257.5 8.9 2000 life_line_z 2000
note 129605 "W tym diagramie zawarte s trzy zdarzenia systemowe o numerach: 3, 4 oraz 5. Rozwi za m to w ten sposób poniewa ka de z nich dotyczy zmiany szczegó u, obecnie wybranego(dodanego do sprzeda y) produktu."
xyzwh 81 145.8 2000 159 183
classinstancecanvas 129733 classinstance_ref 130757 //
xyz 615.6 4.4 2000 life_line_z 2000
durationcanvas 128453 classinstance_ref 128325 // :userInputHandler
xyzwh 390 76 2010 11 78
durationcanvas 128709 classinstance_ref 128069 // :Klient
xyzwh 47 75 2010 11 40
durationcanvas 129861 classinstance_ref 129733 // :sprzedazController
xyzwh 671 107 2010 11 63
durationcanvas 131141 classinstance_ref 128197 // :Sprzedaz
xyzwh 959 135 2010 11 53
durationcanvas 131397 classinstance_ref 129093 // :Produkt
xyzwh 1281 154 2010 11 68
msg 128965 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 128709
to durationcanvas_ref 128453
yz 87 2015 msg operation_ref 137268 // "zmianaSzczegolu()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "typSzczegolu: typSzczegolu"
label_xy 103 73
msg 129989 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 128453
to durationcanvas_ref 129861
yz 110 2015 msg operation_ref 137396 // "zmienSzczegol()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "typSzczegolu: typSzczegolu"
label_xy 414 95
msg 131269 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 129861
to durationcanvas_ref 131141
yz 135 2015 msg operation_ref 137524 // "zmienSzczegol()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "typSzczegolu: typSzczegolu"
label_xy 696 121
msg 131525 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 131141
to durationcanvas_ref 131397
yz 168 2015 msg operation_ref 137652 // "ustawNastepnySzczegol()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "typSzczegolu: typSzczegolu"
label_xy 975 154