# Football-Analytics A visualization and predictive analytics which uses [statsbomb](https://github.com/statsbomb/open-data) data to visualizes metrics like shot location, through ball pass, passmap, heatmap of a player, xG of a shoot ## PassMap.ipynb Contains the passes by a player and heatmap for the same ## Through_Ball.ipynb pass collection of which were classification of through ball and which are assists ## predict_Xg.ipynb A WIP module which calculates the probability of a shot being a goal. ## shot_mapping.ipynb Mapping of where a shot had been taken from ## 11tegen11 position map.ipynb Average touch position of 11 starting players ## Dribbles by player and season.ipynb plots number of dribbles by a player in certain part of pitch and above certain threshold time and length(dribble) ## Squad age Profile.ipynb a Scatter plot which visualises players' Age vs minutes played data from [soccerway](https://us.soccerway.com) inspired from [petermckeever's](petermckeever.com/2019/04/creating-squad-age-profiles/) work ## 11tegen11gif.ipynb A interactive gif passmap is created for a frequency of every 5 minutes across both half ## MovingAvg.ipynb A Ipynb which plots moving 5 average and compares a bunch of metric from csv taken from [fbref](http://fbref.com/) inspired from [statsbomb](https://statsbomb.com/) and [Jose Perez](https://twitter.com/jcperez_/status/1203876153632677888) tweet ##PassClusters.ipynb Code which clusters a player's passes into 25(configurable) buckets using K-means ##BDOviz.ipynb Code to visualize the BDO votes recieved by players ## Passmap 11tegen.ipynb A passmap viz code mostly from [McKayJohns](https://github.com/mckayjohns/Viz-Templates/blob/master/Pass%20Networks%20Tutorial.ipynb) for statsbomb data and big thanks to [mplsoccer](https://mplsoccer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html)