import pygame as pg import time if pg.get_sdl_version()[0] < 2: raise SystemExit('This example requires pygame 2 and SDL2.') from pygame._sdl2 import ( get_audio_device_name, get_num_audio_devices, AudioDevice, AUDIO_F32, AUDIO_ALLOW_FORMAT_CHANGE ) pg.mixer.pre_init(44100, 32, 2, 512) pg.init() # init_subsystem(INIT_AUDIO) names = [get_audio_device_name(x, 1) for x in range(get_num_audio_devices(1))] print(names) iscapture = 1 sounds = [] sound_chunks = [] def callback(audiodevice, audiomemoryview): """ This is called in the sound thread. Note, that the frequency and such you request may not be what you get. """ # print(type(audiomemoryview), len(audiomemoryview)) # print(audiodevice) sound_chunks.append(bytes(audiomemoryview)) audio = AudioDevice( devicename=names[0], iscapture=1, frequency=44100, audioformat=AUDIO_F32, numchannels=2, chunksize=512, allowed_changes=AUDIO_ALLOW_FORMAT_CHANGE, callback=callback, ) # start recording. audio.pause(0) print('recording with :%s:' % names[0]) time.sleep(5) print('Turning data into a pygame.mixer.Sound') sound = pg.mixer.Sound(buffer=b''.join(sound_chunks)) print('playing back recorded sound') time.sleep(5)