import pygame, sys import pygame.freetype ###CONSTS # Set to true or add 'showevent' in argv to see IME and KEYDOWN events PRINT_EVENT = False # frames per second, the general speed of the program FPS = 50 # size of window WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT = 640, 480 BGCOLOR = (0, 0, 0) # position of chatlist and chatbox CHATLIST_POS = pygame.Rect(0, 20, WINDOWWIDTH, 400) CHATBOX_POS = pygame.Rect(0, 440, WINDOWWIDTH, 40) CHATLIST_MAXSIZE = 20 TEXTCOLOR = (0,255,0) #Add fontname for each language, otherwise some text can't be correctly displayed. FONTNAMES = ["notosanscjktcregular", "notosansmonocjktcregular" , "notosansregular,", "microsoftjhengheimicrosoftjhengheiuilight", "microsoftyaheimicrosoftyaheiuilight", "msgothicmsuigothicmspgothic", "msmincho", "Arial"] #Version check if (pygame.get_sdl_version() < (2,0,0)): raise Exception("This example requires SDL2.") #Initalize pygame.init() Screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOWWIDTH,WINDOWHEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption("TextInput example") FPSClock = pygame.time.Clock() #Freetype #"The font name can be a comma separated list of font names to search for." FONTNAMES = ",".join(str(x) for x in FONTNAMES) Font = pygame.freetype.SysFont(FONTNAMES, 24) FontSmall = pygame.freetype.SysFont(FONTNAMES, 16) print("Using font: " + #Main loop process def main(): global BGCOLOR, PRINT_EVENT, CHATBOX_POS, CHATLIST_POS, CHATLIST_MAXSIZE global FPSClock , Font, Screen """ Candidate list not showing due to SDL2 problem ;w; """ pygame.key.start_text_input() input_rect = pygame.Rect(80,80,320,40) pygame.key.set_text_input_rect(input_rect) _IMEEditing = False _IMEText = "" _IMETextPos = 0 _IMEEditingText = "" _IMEEditingPos = 0 ChatList = [] while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() return elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if (PRINT_EVENT): print(event) if _IMEEditing: if (len(_IMEEditingText) == 0): _IMEEditing = False continue if event.key == pygame.K_BACKSPACE: if (len(_IMEText) > 0 and _IMETextPos > 0): _IMEText = _IMEText[0:_IMETextPos-1] + _IMEText[_IMETextPos:] _IMETextPos = max(0,_IMETextPos-1) elif event.key == pygame.K_DELETE: _IMEText = _IMEText[0:_IMETextPos] + _IMEText[_IMETextPos+1:] elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: _IMETextPos = max(0,_IMETextPos-1) elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: _IMETextPos = min(len(_IMEText),_IMETextPos+1) elif event.key in [pygame.K_RETURN, pygame.K_KP_ENTER] and len(event.unicode) == 0: #Block if we have no text to append if len(_IMEText) == 0: continue #Append chat list ChatList.append(_IMEText) if (len(ChatList) > CHATLIST_MAXSIZE): ChatList.pop(0) _IMEText = "" _IMETextPos = 0 elif event.type == pygame.TEXTEDITING: if (PRINT_EVENT): print(event) _IMEEditing = True _IMEEditingText = event.text _IMEEditingPos = event.start elif event.type == pygame.TEXTINPUT: if (PRINT_EVENT): print(event) _IMEEditing = False _IMEEditingText = "" _IMEText = _IMEText[0:_IMETextPos] + event.text + _IMEText[_IMETextPos:] _IMETextPos += len(event.text) #Screen updates Screen.fill(BGCOLOR) #Chat List updates chat_height = CHATLIST_POS.height / CHATLIST_MAXSIZE for i in range(len(ChatList)): FontSmall.render_to(Screen, (CHATLIST_POS.x, CHATLIST_POS.y + i*chat_height), ChatList[i], TEXTCOLOR) #Chat box updates start_pos = CHATBOX_POS.copy() ime_textL = ">" + _IMEText[0:_IMETextPos] ime_textM = _IMEEditingText[0:_IMEEditingPos] + "|" + _IMEEditingText[_IMEEditingPos:] ime_textR = _IMEText[_IMETextPos:] rect_textL = Font.render_to(Screen, start_pos, ime_textL, TEXTCOLOR) start_pos.x += rect_textL.width #Editing texts should be underlined rect_textM = Font.render_to(Screen, start_pos, ime_textM, TEXTCOLOR, None, pygame.freetype.STYLE_UNDERLINE) start_pos.x += rect_textM.width rect_textr = Font.render_to(Screen, start_pos, ime_textR, TEXTCOLOR) pygame.display.update() FPSClock.tick(FPS) if __name__ == '__main__': if 'showevent' in sys.argv: PRINT_EVENT = True main()