Table: correct message when no results, HowTo: make user and challengeName dynamic and refactor

This commit is contained in:
mattyl006 2022-12-02 11:30:02 +01:00
parent bd176e2329
commit ed6aa86f85
13 changed files with 478 additions and 387 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
import {API} from '../utils/globals';
import KeyCloakService from '../services/KeyCloakService';
const getUser = (setDataState, setLoadingState) => {
.then(response => response.text())
fetch(`${API}/user-info`, {
headers: {'Authorization': `Bearer ${KeyCloakService.getToken()}`}
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {

View File

@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
import React from 'react';
import {FlexColumn, FlexRow, Grid, Svg} from '../../utils/containers';
import {Body, H2, H3, Medium} from '../../utils/fonts';
import CircleNumber from '../generic/CircleNumber';
import CodeShell from '../generic/CodeShell';
import cubeIcon from '../../assets/cube_ico.svg';
import theme from '../../utils/theme';
import {IS_MOBILE} from '../../utils/globals';
import Media from 'react-media';
const HowTo = () => {
return (
<FlexColumn margin={IS_MOBILE() ? null : '64px 0 0 0'} padding={IS_MOBILE() ? '12px 20px' : null}
gap={IS_MOBILE() ? '24px' : '48px'} alignmentX={IS_MOBILE() ? 'flex-start' : 'center'}
maxWidth={IS_MOBILE() ? '668px' : 'none'}>
<FlexColumn as='article' maxWidth='680px' gap={IS_MOBILE() ? '16px' : '24px'} alignmentX='flex-start'>
<H2 as='h2' margin={IS_MOBILE() ? '0 0 4px 0' : '0 0 8px 0'}>
Get challenge repo
<Grid width='100%' gridTemplateColumns='auto 1fr' gridGap={IS_MOBILE() ? '8px' : '16px'}>
<CircleNumber number='1'/>
<Body as='p' margin='auto 0'>
You need to create empty repo with name:
<Medium as='span'>
<CodeShell codeBlockIndex={1}
commands={['git clone']}/>
<Grid width='100%' gridTemplateColumns='auto 1fr' gridGap={IS_MOBILE() ? '8px' : '16px'}>
<CircleNumber number='2'/>
<Body as='p' margin='auto 0'>
Pull gonito challenge repo
<CodeShell codeBlockIndex={2} commands={['cd challenging-america-geo-prediction',
'git pull git://']}/>
<Body as='p'>
Make sure has access to your repo (e.g. by making it public).
<FlexColumn as='article' gap={IS_MOBILE() ? '16px' : '24px'} maxWidth='680px' alignmentX='flex-start'>
<H2 as='h2' margin={IS_MOBILE() ? '0 0 4px 0' : '0 0 8px 0'}>
Work on your solution
<Body as='p'>
You need to generate your solution for the test set as <Medium as='span'>test-A/out.tsv</Medium>. It
is also
recommended to
generate the output for the dev set <Medium as='span'>(dev-0/out.tsv)</Medium>.
<Body as='p'>
You can evaluate results for the dev set locally by <Medium as='span'>geval</Medium>.
<FlexColumn as='article' gap='24px' alignmentX='flex-start' width='100%'>
<H3 as='h3'>
Install geval
<CodeShell codeBlockIndex={3}
commands={['wget', 'chmod u+x geval', './geval --help']}/>
<FlexColumn as='article' gap={IS_MOBILE() ? '16px' : '24px'} maxWidth='680px' alignmentX='flex-start'>
<H2 as='h2' margin={IS_MOBILE() ? '0 0 4px 0' : '0 0 8px 0'}>
Push your solution
Commit and push <Medium>out.tsv</Medium> files to your repo. It is also recommended to push your
source codes along
with <Medium>out.tsv</Medium> files.
<CodeShell codeBlockIndex={3}
commands={['cd challenging-america-geo-prediction',
'git checkout -b my-brilliant-branch # switch to some other branch',
'git add # add your source codes',
/* eslint-disable */
`git add gonito.yaml # it's a good practice to add metadata file, see below`]}/>
<CodeShell codeBlockIndex={4}
commands={['git add dev-0/out.tsv test-A/out.tsv # add your output files',
/* eslint-disable */
`git commit -m 'my brilliant solution'`,
'git push origin my-brilliant-branch']}/>
<FlexColumn as='article'>
<FlexColumn alignmentX='flex-start' maxWidth='680px' gap={IS_MOBILE() ? '16px' : '24px'}>
<H2 as='h2' margin='0 0 8px 0'>
Submit solution to Gonito
<FlexColumn as='article' gap='24px' alignmentX='flex-start' width='100%'>
<H3 as='h3'>
Manual submission
In case other methods fail, you can submit your solution manually go to the <Medium>submit
<FlexColumn as='article' gap={IS_MOBILE() ? '16px' : '24px'} alignmentX='flex-start' width='100%'>
<H3 as='h3'>
Integration with external repos
If you use an external repo (e.g. at your own of Gitolite or at GitLab/GitHub), you can
configure a webhook.
<Media query='(max-width: 1224px)'>
<FlexColumn as='article' gap={IS_MOBILE() ? '16px' : '24px'} alignmentX='flex-start'
maxWidth='680px' width='100%'>
<H3 as='h3' margin='24px 0 0 0'>
Submission metadata
Gonito can take the metadata (description, tags, parameters) of a submission from a
sources (in order of precedence):
<Grid width='100%' gridTemplateColumns='auto 1fr' gridGap={IS_MOBILE() ? '8px' : '16px'}>
<CircleNumber number='1'/>
<Body as='p' margin='auto 0'>
The YAML files specified in the param-files field of the gonito.yaml file
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
only applicable for parameters
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
<Medium as='span'>gonito.yaml</Medium> will be always skipped even if matches a mask
given in the
param-files field,
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
parameters blacklisted in the unwanted-params field of the gonito.yaml file will be
<Grid width='100%' gridTemplateColumns='auto 1fr' gridGap={IS_MOBILE() ? '8px' : '16px'}>
<CircleNumber number='2'/>
<Body as='p' margin='auto 0'>
<Medium as='span'>Gonito.yaml</Medium> file committed to the repository,
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
description given in the description field,
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
tags given in tags field,
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
parameters given in params field,
<Grid width='100%' gridTemplateColumns='auto 1fr' gridGap={IS_MOBILE() ? '8px' : '16px'}>
<CircleNumber number='3'/>
<Body as='p' margin='auto 0'>
Names of output files (only for parameters)
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
e.g. if the output file
is <Medium as='span'>out-epochs=10</Medium>, <Medium
as='span'>learning-rate=0.01</Medium>, then parameters
<Medium as='span'>epochs=10</Medium> and <Medium
as='span'>learning-rare=0.01</Medium> will be extracted;
<Grid width='100%' gridTemplateColumns='auto 1fr' gridGap={IS_MOBILE() ? '8px' : '16px'}>
<CircleNumber number='4'/>
<Body as='p' margin='auto 0'>
Submission form (when submitting manually)
<Grid width='100%' gridTemplateColumns='auto 1fr' gridGap={IS_MOBILE() ? '8px' : '16px'}>
<CircleNumber number='5'/>
<Body as='p' margin='auto 0'>
Git commit message
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
description taken from the first paragraph
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
tags taken from a line starting with <Medium as='span'>tags:</Medium>
<CodeShell codeBlockIndex={5} disablePrompt
commands={['description: This my brilliant solution',
'tags:', '\t- neutral-network', '\t- left-to-right',
'params:', '\tepochs: 10', '\tlearning-rate: 0.01',
'unwanted-params:', '\t- model-file', '\t- vocab-file',
'param-files:', '\t- “*.yaml”*', '\t- config/*.yaml*/',
'links:', '\t- title: "Some external link"',
'\t\s\surl: ""', '\t- title: "Yet another link"',
'\t- url: "']}/>
<Media query='(min-width: 1225px)'>
<FlexColumn as='article' gap={IS_MOBILE() ? '16px' : '24px'} width='100%'>
<FlexColumn alignmentX='flex-start' maxWidth='680px' gap='32px' margin='24px 0'>
<H3 as='h3'>
Submission metadata
Gonito can take the metadata (description, tags, parameters) of a submission from a
sources (in order of precedence):
<FlexRow gap='24px'>
<FlexColumn alignmentX='flex-start' maxWidth='422px' gap='20px'>
<Grid width='100%' gridTemplateColumns='auto 1fr'
gridGap={IS_MOBILE() ? '8px' : '16px'}>
<CircleNumber number='1'/>
<Body as='p' margin='auto 0'>
The YAML files specified in the param-files field of the gonito.yaml file
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
only applicable for parameters
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
<Medium as='span'>gonito.yaml</Medium> will be always skipped even if matches a
mask given
param-files field,
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
parameters blacklisted in the unwanted-params field of the gonito.yaml file will
<Grid width='100%' gridTemplateColumns='auto 1fr'
gridGap={IS_MOBILE() ? '8px' : '16px'}>
<CircleNumber number='2'/>
<Body as='p' margin='auto 0'>
<Medium as='span'>Gonito.yaml</Medium> file committed to the repository,
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
description given in the description field,
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
tags given in tags field,
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
parameters given in params field,
<Grid width='100%' gridTemplateColumns='auto 1fr'
gridGap={IS_MOBILE() ? '8px' : '16px'}>
<CircleNumber number='3'/>
<Body as='p' margin='auto 0'>
Names of output files (only for parameters)
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
e.g. if the output file
is <Medium as='span'>out-epochs=10</Medium>, <Medium
as='span'>learning-rate=0.01</Medium>, then
<Medium as='span'>epochs=10</Medium> and <Medium
as='span'>learning-rare=0.01</Medium> will be
<Grid width='100%' gridTemplateColumns='auto 1fr'
gridGap={IS_MOBILE() ? '8px' : '16px'}>
<CircleNumber number='4'/>
<Body as='p' margin='auto 0'>
Submission form (when submitting manually)
<Grid width='100%' gridTemplateColumns='auto 1fr'
gridGap={IS_MOBILE() ? '8px' : '16px'}>
<CircleNumber number='5'/>
<Body as='p' margin='auto 0'>
Git commit message
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
description taken from the first paragraph
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
tags taken from a line starting with <Medium as='span'>tags:</Medium>
<CodeShell codeBlockIndex={5} disablePrompt maxWidth='446px'
commands={['description: This my brilliant solution',
'tags:', '\t- neutral-network', '\t- left-to-right',
'params:', '\tepochs: 10', '\tlearning-rate: 0.01',
'unwanted-params:', '\t- model-file', '\t- vocab-file',
'param-files:', '\t- “*.yaml”*', '\t- config/*.yaml*/',
'links:', '\t- title: "Some external link"',
'\t\s\surl: ""', '\t- title: "Yet another link"',
'\t- url: "']}/>
export default HowTo;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
import React from 'react';
import {FlexColumn} from '../../../utils/containers';
import {IS_MOBILE} from '../../../utils/globals';
import Media from 'react-media';
import GetChallengeRepo from './sections/GetChallengeRepo';
import WorkOnYourSolution from './sections/WorkOnYourSolution';
import PushYourSolution from './sections/PushYourSolution';
import SubmissionMetadataSmallDesktop from './sections/SubmissionMetadataSmallDesktop';
import SubmissionMetadataLargeDesktop from './sections/SubmissionMetadataLargeDesktop';
import SubmitSolutionToGonito from './sections/SubmitSolutionToGonito';
const HowTo = (props) => {
return (
<FlexColumn margin={IS_MOBILE() ? null : '64px 0 0 0'} padding={IS_MOBILE() ? '12px 20px' : null}
gap={IS_MOBILE() ? '24px' : '48px'} alignmentX={IS_MOBILE() ? 'flex-start' : 'center'}
maxWidth={IS_MOBILE() ? '668px' : 'none'}>
<FlexColumn maxWidth='680px' alignmentX='flex-start' gap='48px'>
<GetChallengeRepo user={props.user} challengeName={props.challengeName}/>
<PushYourSolution challengeName={props.challengeName}/>
<FlexColumn as='article'>
<Media query='(max-width: 1224px)'>
<Media query='(min-width: 1225px)'>
export default HowTo;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
export {default} from './HowTo';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
import React from 'react';
import {IS_MOBILE} from '../../../../utils/globals';
import {Body, H2, Medium} from '../../../../utils/fonts';
import {FlexColumn, Grid} from '../../../../utils/containers';
import CircleNumber from '../../../generic/CircleNumber';
import CodeShell from '../../../generic/CodeShell';
const GetChallengeRepo = (props) => {
return (
<FlexColumn as='article' width='100%' gap={IS_MOBILE() ? '16px' : '24px'} alignmentX='flex-start'>
<H2 as='h2' margin={IS_MOBILE() ? '0 0 4px 0' : '0 0 8px 0'}>
Get challenge repo
<Grid width='100%' gridTemplateColumns='auto 1fr' gridGap={IS_MOBILE() ? '8px' : '16px'}>
<CircleNumber number='1'/>
<Body as='p' margin='auto 0'>
You need to create empty repo with name:
<Medium as='span'>
<CodeShell codeBlockIndex={1}
commands={[`git clone${props.user}/${props.challengeName}.git`]}/>
<Grid width='100%' gridTemplateColumns='auto 1fr' gridGap={IS_MOBILE() ? '8px' : '16px'}>
<CircleNumber number='2'/>
<Body as='p' margin='auto 0'>
Pull gonito challenge repo
<CodeShell codeBlockIndex={2} commands={[`cd ${props.challengeName}`,
`git pull git://${props.challengeName}.git`]}/>
<Body as='p'>
Make sure has access to your repo (e.g. by making it public).
export default GetChallengeRepo;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
import React from 'react';
import {IS_MOBILE} from '../../../../utils/globals';
import {Body, H2, Medium} from '../../../../utils/fonts';
import CodeShell from '../../../generic/CodeShell';
import {FlexColumn} from '../../../../utils/containers';
const PushYourSolution = (props) => {
return (
<FlexColumn as='article' gap={IS_MOBILE() ? '16px' : '24px'} width='100%' alignmentX='flex-start'>
<H2 as='h2' margin={IS_MOBILE() ? '0 0 4px 0' : '0 0 8px 0'}>
Push your solution
Commit and push <Medium>out.tsv</Medium> files to your repo. It is also recommended to push your
source codes along
with <Medium>out.tsv</Medium> files.
<CodeShell codeBlockIndex={3}
commands={[`cd ${props.challengeName}`,
'git checkout -b my-brilliant-branch # switch to some other branch',
'git add # add your source codes',
/* eslint-disable */
`git add gonito.yaml # it's a good practice to add metadata file, see below`]}/>
<CodeShell codeBlockIndex={4}
commands={['git add dev-0/out.tsv test-A/out.tsv # add your output files',
/* eslint-disable */
`git commit -m 'my brilliant solution'`,
'git push origin my-brilliant-branch']}/>
export default PushYourSolution;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
import React from 'react';
import {FlexColumn, FlexRow, Grid, Svg} from '../../../../utils/containers';
import {IS_MOBILE} from '../../../../utils/globals';
import {Body, H3, Medium} from '../../../../utils/fonts';
import CircleNumber from '../../../generic/CircleNumber';
import cubeIcon from '../../../../assets/cube_ico.svg';
import theme from '../../../../utils/theme';
import CodeShell from '../../../generic/CodeShell';
const SubmissionMetadataLargeDesktop = () => {
return (
<FlexColumn as='article' gap={IS_MOBILE() ? '16px' : '24px'} width='100%'>
<FlexColumn alignmentX='flex-start' maxWidth='680px' gap='32px' margin='24px 0'>
<H3 as='h2'>
Submission metadata
<Body as='p'>
Gonito can take the metadata (description, tags, parameters) of a submission from a
sources (in order of precedence):
<FlexRow gap='24px'>
<FlexColumn alignmentX='flex-start' maxWidth='422px' gap='20px'>
<Grid width='100%' gridTemplateColumns='auto 1fr'
gridGap={IS_MOBILE() ? '8px' : '16px'}>
<CircleNumber number='1'/>
<Body as='p' margin='auto 0'>
The YAML files specified in the param-files field of the gonito.yaml file
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
only applicable for parameters
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
<Medium as='span'>gonito.yaml</Medium> will be always skipped even if matches a
mask given
param-files field,
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
parameters blacklisted in the unwanted-params field of the gonito.yaml file will
<Grid width='100%' gridTemplateColumns='auto 1fr'
gridGap={IS_MOBILE() ? '8px' : '16px'}>
<CircleNumber number='2'/>
<Body as='p' margin='auto 0'>
<Medium as='span'>Gonito.yaml</Medium> file committed to the repository,
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
description given in the description field,
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
tags given in tags field,
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
parameters given in params field,
<Grid width='100%' gridTemplateColumns='auto 1fr'
gridGap={IS_MOBILE() ? '8px' : '16px'}>
<CircleNumber number='3'/>
<Body as='p' margin='auto 0'>
Names of output files (only for parameters)
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
e.g. if the output file
is <Medium as='span'>out-epochs=10</Medium>, <Medium
as='span'>learning-rate=0.01</Medium>, then
<Medium as='span'>epochs=10</Medium> and <Medium
as='span'>learning-rare=0.01</Medium> will be
<Grid width='100%' gridTemplateColumns='auto 1fr'
gridGap={IS_MOBILE() ? '8px' : '16px'}>
<CircleNumber number='4'/>
<Body as='p' margin='auto 0'>
Submission form (when submitting manually)
<Grid width='100%' gridTemplateColumns='auto 1fr'
gridGap={IS_MOBILE() ? '8px' : '16px'}>
<CircleNumber number='5'/>
<Body as='p' margin='auto 0'>
Git commit message
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
description taken from the first paragraph
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
tags taken from a line starting with <Medium as='span'>tags:</Medium>
<CodeShell codeBlockIndex={5} disablePrompt maxWidth='446px'
commands={['description: This my brilliant solution',
'tags:', '\t- neutral-network', '\t- left-to-right',
'params:', '\tepochs: 10', '\tlearning-rate: 0.01',
'unwanted-params:', '\t- model-file', '\t- vocab-file',
'param-files:', '\t- “*.yaml”*', '\t- config/*.yaml*/',
'links:', '\t- title: "Some external link"',
'\t\\s\\surl: ""', '\t- title: "Yet another link"',
'\t- url: "']}/>
export default SubmissionMetadataLargeDesktop;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
import React from 'react';
import {FlexColumn, FlexRow, Grid, Svg} from '../../../../utils/containers';
import {IS_MOBILE} from '../../../../utils/globals';
import {Body, H3, Medium} from '../../../../utils/fonts';
import CircleNumber from '../../../generic/CircleNumber';
import cubeIcon from '../../../../assets/cube_ico.svg';
import theme from '../../../../utils/theme';
import CodeShell from '../../../generic/CodeShell';
const SubmissionMetadataSmallDesktop = () => {
return (
<FlexColumn as='article' gap={IS_MOBILE() ? '16px' : '24px'} alignmentX='flex-start'
maxWidth='680px' width='100%'>
<H3 as='h2' margin='24px 0 0 0'>
Submission metadata
<Body as='p'>
Gonito can take the metadata (description, tags, parameters) of a submission from a
sources (in order of precedence):
<Grid width='100%' gridTemplateColumns='auto 1fr' gridGap={IS_MOBILE() ? '8px' : '16px'}>
<CircleNumber number='1'/>
<Body as='p' margin='auto 0'>
The YAML files specified in the param-files field of the gonito.yaml file
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
only applicable for parameters
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
<Medium as='span'>gonito.yaml</Medium> will be always skipped even if matches a mask
given in the
param-files field,
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
parameters blacklisted in the unwanted-params field of the gonito.yaml file will be
<Grid width='100%' gridTemplateColumns='auto 1fr' gridGap={IS_MOBILE() ? '8px' : '16px'}>
<CircleNumber number='2'/>
<Body as='p' margin='auto 0'>
<Medium as='span'>Gonito.yaml</Medium> file committed to the repository,
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
description given in the description field,
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
tags given in tags field,
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
parameters given in params field,
<Grid width='100%' gridTemplateColumns='auto 1fr' gridGap={IS_MOBILE() ? '8px' : '16px'}>
<CircleNumber number='3'/>
<Body as='p' margin='auto 0'>
Names of output files (only for parameters)
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
e.g. if the output file
is <Medium as='span'>out-epochs=10</Medium>, <Medium
as='span'>learning-rate=0.01</Medium>, then parameters
<Medium as='span'>epochs=10</Medium> and <Medium
as='span'>learning-rare=0.01</Medium> will be extracted;
<Grid width='100%' gridTemplateColumns='auto 1fr' gridGap={IS_MOBILE() ? '8px' : '16px'}>
<CircleNumber number='4'/>
<Body as='p' margin='auto 0'>
Submission form (when submitting manually)
<Grid width='100%' gridTemplateColumns='auto 1fr' gridGap={IS_MOBILE() ? '8px' : '16px'}>
<CircleNumber number='5'/>
<Body as='p' margin='auto 0'>
Git commit message
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
description taken from the first paragraph
<FlexRow gap='16px' alignmentX='flex-start' margin='0 0 0 44px'>
<Svg src={cubeIcon} width='24px' height='22px' size='cover'
<Body as='p' width='90%'>
tags taken from a line starting with <Medium as='span'>tags:</Medium>
<CodeShell codeBlockIndex={5} disablePrompt
commands={['description: This my brilliant solution',
'tags:', '\t- neutral-network', '\t- left-to-right',
'params:', '\tepochs: 10', '\tlearning-rate: 0.01',
'unwanted-params:', '\t- model-file', '\t- vocab-file',
'param-files:', '\t- “*.yaml”*', '\t- config/*.yaml*/',
'links:', '\\t- title: "Some external link"',
'\\t\\s\\surl: ""', '\t- title: "Yet another link"',
'\\t- url: "']}/>
export default SubmissionMetadataSmallDesktop;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
import React from 'react';
import {IS_MOBILE} from '../../../../utils/globals';
import {Body, H2, H3, Medium} from '../../../../utils/fonts';
import {FlexColumn} from '../../../../utils/containers';
const SubmitSolutionToGonito = () => {
return (
<FlexColumn alignmentX='flex-start' maxWidth='680px' gap={IS_MOBILE() ? '16px' : '24px'}>
<H2 as='h2' margin='0 0 8px 0'>
Submit solution to Gonito
<FlexColumn as='article' gap='24px' alignmentX='flex-start' width='100%'>
<H3 as='h3'>
Manual submission
In case other methods fail, you can submit your solution manually go to the <Medium>submit
<FlexColumn as='article' gap={IS_MOBILE() ? '16px' : '24px'} alignmentX='flex-start' width='100%'>
<H3 as='h3'>
Integration with external repos
If you use an external repo (e.g. at your own of Gitolite or at GitLab/GitHub), you can
configure a webhook.
export default SubmitSolutionToGonito;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
import React from 'react';
import {IS_MOBILE} from '../../../../utils/globals';
import {Body, H2, H3, Medium} from '../../../../utils/fonts';
import {FlexColumn} from '../../../../utils/containers';
import CodeShell from '../../../generic/CodeShell';
const WorkOnYourSolution = () => {
return (
<FlexColumn as='article' gap={IS_MOBILE() ? '16px' : '24px'} width='100%' alignmentX='flex-start'>
<H2 as='h2' margin={IS_MOBILE() ? '0 0 4px 0' : '0 0 8px 0'}>
Work on your solution
<Body as='p'>
You need to generate your solution for the test set as <Medium as='span'>test-A/out.tsv</Medium>. It
is also
recommended to
generate the output for the dev set <Medium as='span'>(dev-0/out.tsv)</Medium>.
<Body as='p'>
You can evaluate results for the dev set locally by <Medium as='span'>geval</Medium>.
<FlexColumn as='article' gap='24px' alignmentX='flex-start' width='100%'>
<H3 as='h3'>
Install geval
<CodeShell codeBlockIndex={3}
commands={['wget', 'chmod u+x geval', './geval --help']}/>
export default WorkOnYourSolution;

View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import {CALC_PAGES, EVALUATIONS_FORMAT, RENDER_WHEN} from '../../../utils/global
import Search from '../../generic/Search';
import Pager from '../../generic/Pager';
import Loading from '../../generic/Loading';
import getUser from '../../../api/getUser';
const Leaderboard = (props) => {
const [entriesFromApi, setEntriesFromApi] = React.useState([]);
@ -22,7 +21,6 @@ const Leaderboard = (props) => {
const [entriesSorted, setEntriesSorted] = React.useState(false);
const [whenSorted, setWhenSorted] = React.useState(false);
const [scoreSorted, setScoreSorted] = React.useState(false);
const [user, setUser] = React.useState('');
React.useEffect(() => {
@ -30,7 +28,6 @@ const Leaderboard = (props) => {
const challengeDataRequest = (challengeName) => {
getChallengeLeaderboard(setEntriesFromApi, challengeName);
getChallengeLeaderboard(setEntries, challengeName, setLoading);
@ -159,7 +156,7 @@ const Leaderboard = (props) => {
<Search searchQueryHandler={searchQueryHandler}/>
<Table challengeName={props.challengeName} headerElements={getLeaderboardHeader()}
gridTemplateColumns={entries[0] ? '1fr 3fr ' + '2fr '.repeat(entries[0].evaluations.length) + '1fr 2fr' : ''}
{name: 'id', format: null, order: 1, align: 'left'},

View File

@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ const Table = (props) => {
} else {
return (
<Medium margin='72px 0'>
Query not found
No results ;c

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import theme from '../utils/theme';
import MobileChallengeMenu from '../components/specific_challenge/MobileChallengeMenu';
import Leaderboard from '../components/specific_challenge/Leaderboard/Leaderboard';
import Readme from '../components/specific_challenge/Readme';
import HowTo from '../components/specific_challenge/HowTo';
import HowTo from '../components/specific_challenge/HowTo/HowTo';
import MyEntries from '../components/specific_challenge/MyEntries/MyEntries';
import Submit from '../components/specific_challenge/Submit';
import Media from 'react-media';
@ -15,26 +15,29 @@ import {RENDER_ICO} from '../utils/globals';
import textIco from '../assets/text_ico.svg';
import getChallengeInfo from '../api/getChallengeInfo';
import Loading from '../components/generic/Loading';
import getUser from '../api/getUser';
const Challenge = (props) => {
const challengeName = useParams().challengeId;
const [challenge, setChallenge] = React.useState([]);
const [section, setSection] = React.useState(0);
const [loading, setLoading] = React.useState(true);
const [user, setUser] = React.useState('');
React.useEffect(() => {
getChallengeInfo(setChallenge, setLoading, challengeName);
}, [challengeName]);
const sectionRender = () => {
switch (section) {
case 0:
return <Leaderboard challengeName={challengeName} mainMetric={challenge.mainMetric}/>;
return <Leaderboard challengeName={challengeName} mainMetric={challenge.mainMetric} user={user}/>;
case 1:
return <Readme challengeName={challengeName} metric={challenge.mainMetric}
description={challenge.description} deadline={challenge.deadline}/>;
case 2:
return <HowTo challengeName={challengeName}/>;
return <HowTo challengeName={challengeName} user={user}/>;
case 3:
return <MyEntries challengeName={challengeName}/>;
case 4: