import numpy as np from numpy.linalg import inv import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from math import cos, sin, tan, asin, pi import pandas as pd from scipy.signal import butter, filtfilt def get_data(i, data): x = data[0][i] # (41500, 1) y = data[1][i] # (41500, 1) z = data[2][i] # (41500, 1) return x, y, z def Euler_accel(ax, ay, az): g = 9.8 # 9.8 theta = asin(ax / g) phi = asin(-ay / (g * cos(theta))) return phi, theta def sec(theta): return 1/cos(theta) def Ajacob(xhat, rates, dt): ''' :param xhat: State Variables(phi, theta, psi) :param rates: angel speed(p,q,r) :param dt: variable to make discrete form ''' A = np.zeros([3,3]) phi = xhat[0] theta = xhat[1] p,q,r = rates[0], rates[1], rates[2] A[0][0] = q * cos(phi)*tan(theta) - r*sin(phi)*tan(theta) A[0][1] = q * sin(phi)*(sec(theta)**2) + r*cos(phi)*(sec(theta)**2) A[0][2] = 0 A[1][0] = -q * sin(phi) - r * cos(phi) A[1][1] = 0 A[1][2] = 0 A[2][0] = q * cos(phi) * sec(theta) - r * sin(phi) * sec(theta) A[2][1] = q * sin(phi) * sec(theta)*tan(theta) + r*cos(phi)*sec(theta)*tan(theta) A[2][2] = 0 A = np.eye(3) + A*dt return A def fx(xhat, rates, dt): phi = xhat[0] theta = xhat[1] p,q,r = rates[0], rates[1], rates[2] xdot = np.zeros([3,1]) xdot[0] = p + q * sin(phi) * tan(theta) + r * cos(phi)*tan(theta) xdot[1] = q * cos(phi) - r * sin(phi) xdot[2] = q * sin(phi)*sec(theta) + r * cos(phi) * sec(theta) xp = xhat.reshape(-1,1) + xdot*dt # xhat : (3,) --> (3,1) return xp def Euler_EKF(z, rates, dt): global firstRun global Q, H, R global x, P if firstRun: H = np.array([[1,0,0],[0,1,0]]) Q = np.array([[0.0001,0,0],[0,0.0001,0],[0,0,0.1]]) R = 10 * np.eye(2) x = np.array([0, 0, 0]).transpose() P = 10 * np.eye(3) firstRun = False else: A = Ajacob(x, rates, dt) Xp = fx(x, rates, dt) # Xp : State Variable Prediction Pp = A @ P @ A.T + Q # Error Covariance Prediction K = (Pp @ H.T) @ inv(H@Pp@H.T + R) # K : Kalman Gain x = Xp + K@(z.reshape(-1,1) - H@Xp) # Update State Variable Estimation P = Pp - K@H@Pp # Update Error Covariance Estimation phi = x[0] theta = x[1] psi = x[2] return phi, theta, psi def butter_lowpass_filter(data, cutoff, fs, order): nyq = (0.5 * fs) # Nyquist Frequency normal_cutoff = cutoff / nyq # Get the filter coefficients b, a = butter(order, normal_cutoff, btype='low', analog=False) y = filtfilt(b, a, data) return y def normalize_data_vector(data, division): return [i/division for i in list(data)] H, Q, R = None, None, None x, P = None, None firstRun = True division_param = 32768 # Filter requirements. T = 5.0 # Sample Period fs = 30.0 # sample rate, Hz cutoff = 2 # desired cutoff frequency of the filter, Hz, slightly higher than actual 1.2 Hz order = 2 # sin wave can be approx represented as quadratic df = pd.read_csv('raw_data_6d.xls', sep='\t') gyroX = df['%GyroX'].values gyroY = df['GyroY'].values gyroZ = df['GyroZ'].values acceX = df['AcceX'].values acceY = df['AcceY'].values acceZ = df['AcceZ'].values gyroX = normalize_data_vector(gyroX, division_param) gyroY = normalize_data_vector(gyroY, division_param) gyroZ = normalize_data_vector(gyroZ, division_param) acceX = normalize_data_vector(acceX, division_param) acceY = normalize_data_vector(acceY, division_param) acceZ = normalize_data_vector(acceZ, division_param) # gyroX = butter_lowpass_filter(gyroX, cutoff, fs, order) # gyroY = butter_lowpass_filter(gyroY, cutoff, fs, order) # gyroZ = butter_lowpass_filter(gyroZ, cutoff, fs, order) # acceX = butter_lowpass_filter(acceX, cutoff, fs, order) # acceY = butter_lowpass_filter(acceY, cutoff, fs, order) # acceZ = butter_lowpass_filter(acceZ, cutoff, fs, order) gyro_data = [gyroX, gyroY, gyroZ] acce_data = [acceX, acceY, acceZ] Nsamples = len(df) EulerSaved = np.zeros([Nsamples,3]) dt = 0.01 for k in range(Nsamples): p, q, r = get_data(k, gyro_data) ax, ay, az = get_data(k, acce_data) phi_a, theta_a = Euler_accel(ax, ay, az) phi, theta, psi = Euler_EKF(np.array([phi_a, theta_a]).T, [p,q,r], dt) if type(phi) == type(np.array([])): EulerSaved[k] = [phi[0], theta[0], psi[0]] else: EulerSaved[k] = [phi, theta, psi] t = np.arange(0, Nsamples * dt ,dt) PhiSaved = EulerSaved[:,0] * 180/pi ThetaSaved = EulerSaved[:,1] * 180/pi PsiSaved = EulerSaved[:,2] * 180/pi plt.figure() plt.plot(t, PhiSaved) plt.xlabel('Time [Sec]') plt.ylabel('Roll angle [deg]') plt.savefig('12_EulerEKF_roll.png') plt.figure() plt.plot(t, ThetaSaved) plt.xlabel('Time [Sec]') plt.ylabel('Pitch angle [deg]') plt.savefig('12_EulerEKF_pitch.png') ''' plt.subplot(133) plt.plot(t, PsiSaved) plt.xlabel('Time [Sec]') plt.ylabel('Psi angle [deg]') ''' n =int(T * fs) # sin wave sig = np.sin(1.2*2*np.pi*n)# Lets add some noise noise = 1.5*np.cos(9*2*np.pi*n) + 0.5*np.sin(12.0*2*np.pi*n) data = sig + noise print(data)