Adam Wojdyla c9d19f350c lab3
2023-03-29 04:08:59 +02:00

178 lines
4.8 KiB

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import Counter
from collections import OrderedDict
import regex as re
from math import log
import argparse
import os
FILE_PATH = "Lab1/out-merged.txt" if args.filepath is None else args.filepath
IMAGES_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "images")
file_content = None
with open(FILE_PATH, 'r') as file:
file_content = file.read()
# file_content = file_content[:10000000]
def get_characters(t):
yield from t
def freq_list(g, top=None):
c = Counter(g)
if top is None:
items = c.items()
items = c.most_common(top)
return OrderedDict(sorted(items, key=lambda t: -t[1]))
def get_words(t):
for m in re.finditer(r'[\p{L}0-9\*]+', t):
yield m.group(0)
def rang_freq_with_labels(name, g, top=None):
freq = freq_list(g, top)
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 3))
plt.ylabel('liczba wystąpień')
plt.bar(freq.keys(), freq.values())
fname = f'/{name}.png'
plt.savefig(IMAGES_PATH + fname)
return fname
def log_rang_log_freq(name, g):
freq = freq_list(g)
plt.plot([log(x) for x in range(1, len(freq.values())+1)], [log(y) for y in freq.values()])
fname = f'/{name}.png'
plt.savefig(IMAGES_PATH + fname)
return fname
def ngrams(iter, size):
ngram = []
for item in iter:
if len(ngram) == size:
yield tuple(ngram)
ngram = ngram[1:]
def get_ngrams(t, size):
for word in get_words(t):
for m in ngrams(word, size):
yield m
def get_w_freq_by_w_len(freq, word_len):
for word, count in freq.items():
if len(word) == word_len:
yield (count, word)
def get_average_freq_by_w_len(freq, word_lenghts):
results = dict()
for l in word_lenghts:
word_freq = list(get_w_freq_by_w_len(freq, l))
if len(word_freq) == 0:
average = sum([w[0] for w in word_freq]) / len(word_freq)
results[l] = average
return results
def get_low_high_freq_by_w_len(freq, word_lenghts, average_freq):
Returns top 5 most frequent and non frequent words for each word length + average frequency.
results = []
for l in word_lenghts:
word_freq = list(get_w_freq_by_w_len(freq, l))
word_freq = list(filter(lambda t: re.findall("\d",str(t[1])) == [] and t[0] > 30, word_freq))
word_stats = {
'word_len': l,
'average_freq': average_freq[l],
'low_freq': word_freq[:5],
'high_freq': word_freq[-5:]
return results
def get_pronouns_stats(freqs):
pronouns = ["i", "you", "he", "she", "it"]
pronoun_words_freq = [f for f in freqs.items() if f[0] in pronouns]
x = [f[0] for f in pronoun_words_freq]
y = [f[1] for f in pronoun_words_freq]
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 3))
plt.ylabel('liczba wystąpień')
plt.bar(x, y)
plt.savefig(IMAGES_PATH + "/pt-pronouns.png")
return pronoun_words_freq
def get_years_stats(freqs):
years_word_freq = [f for f in freqs.items() if re.findall(r"\b1{1}[0-9]{3}\b", f[0])]
x = [f[0] for f in years_word_freq]
y = [f[1] for f in years_word_freq]
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 3))
plt.ylabel('liczba wystąpień')
plt.bar(x, y)
plt.savefig(IMAGES_PATH + "/pt-years.png")
return years_word_freq
def get_longest_words(top):
all_words = list(get_words(file_content))
deduplicated_word_listr = [*set(all_words)]
return deduplicated_word_listr[:top]
print("Generating statistics...")
# 10 longest words
print("Calculating 10 longest words...")
# 10 most frequent words in the text
print("Calculating 10 most frequent words in the text...")
rang_freq_with_labels('most-freq-words-10', get_words(file_content), top=10)
# Zipf's law
print("Calculating Zipf's law...")
log_rang_log_freq('zipf-law-words', get_words(file_content))
# Zipf's law for 3-grams
print("Calculating Zipf's law for 3-grams...")
log_rang_log_freq('zipf-law-3grams', get_ngrams(file_content, 3))
# Words breaking the Zipf's law
print("Calculating words breaking the Zipf's law...")
freq = freq_list(get_words(file_content))
lenghts = [*set(len(f[0]) for f in freq.items())]
average_freq = get_average_freq_by_w_len(freq, lenghts)
get_low_high_freq_by_w_len(freq, lenghts, average_freq)
# Frequency of pronouns
print("Calculating frequency of pronouns...")
# Number of years in words
print("Calculating number of years in words...")