import pygame import random import numpy as np import time import collections import alg from models.dumpster import trash from models.Garbagetruck import GarbageTruck import numbering from sklearn.datasets import load_digits import garbageDumpSorting as gds from models.garbageDump import Dump import sys #heuristics for finding the closest dumpster def closest(GT, D): point = np.column_stack((np.abs(GT[0]-D[:,0])+np.abs(GT[1]-D[:,1]),D)) sorted_list = sorted(point, key=lambda x:x[0]) return sorted_list[0][1:] def display(grid, GT, a, lena, dump): #find closest dumpster and the path ZZ = closest(list(GT.coor), a) b = alg.aStar(grid, tuple(GT.coor), tuple(ZZ)) # go through the route to the closest dumpster for i in b: GT.turn(i) GT.move() # "Speed" of the Garbage Truck clock.tick(20) grid=drawGrid(grid, 20, lena, dump) screen.blit(GT.picture, ((WIDTH) * GT.coor[0], (HEIGHT) *GT.coor[1])) pygame.display.flip() return ZZ #creating dumpsters def createDumpstersAndDump(size,number): points=[] for x in range (0,size): for y in range (0,size): points.append([x,y]) wol=random.sample(points,number) return (wol) def drawGrid(grid, size, a, dump): for row in range(size): for column in range(size): #colouring dumpsters img=grassImg if grid[row][column] == 1: #plastic img = garbageY elif grid[row][column] == 2: #paper img = garbageG elif grid[row][column] == 3: #glass img = garbageR elif grid[row][column] == 4: #cardboard img = garbageBL elif grid[row][column] == 5: #metal img = garbageBLK elif row == dump.coor[:,0] and column == dump.coor[:,1]: grid[row][column] = 0 img = recycImg screen.blit(img, ((WIDTH) * row, (HEIGHT) * column)) if a != 0: texts = [" In garbage truck: ", "- Plastic: %s "%(GT.plastic), "- Paper: %s "%(GT.paper), "- Glass: %s "%(, "- Cardboard: %s "%(GT.cardboard), "- Metal: %s "%(GT.metal)] else: texts = ["In garbage dump: ", "- Plastic: %s "%(dump.plastic), "- Paper: %s "%(dump.paper), "- Glass: %s "%(, "- Cardboard: %s "%(dump.cardboard), "- Metal: %s "%(dump.metal)] y=350 for i in range(0,7): if i == 6: tex = font.render(" Dumpsters left: %s "%a, True, green, blue) y+=100 else: tex = font.render(texts[i], True, green, blue) textRec = tex.get_rect() = (800, y) y+=30 screen.blit(tex, textRec) return grid # 700:20=35 WIDTH = 35 HEIGHT = 35 # Creation of a two dimensional grid grid = [] for row in range(20): grid.append([]) for column in range(20): grid[row].append(10) # number of dumpsters size=20 #randomizing coordinates, initializing the Garbage Dump a = createDumpstersAndDump(20,size+1) dump = Dump() dump.coor = np.reshape(a[-1], (1, 2)) a = np.reshape(a[:-1], (size, 2)) #Klaudia Przybylska subproject part gds.createSets() # gds.processTrainData() # gds.processTestData() clf = gds.trainAndTest() #Patryk Krawiec subproject part digitsy=np.load("Ytest.npy") digitsx=np.load("Xtest.npy") images_and_labels=list(zip(digitsx,digitsy)) num,xnum,ynum=numbering.num(20,images_and_labels) paying_customers=num[3:] paying_customers = list(map(int, paying_customers)) #initiating the coordinates for the garbage truck GT = GarbageTruck() coor = GT.start() #Initializing dumpsters dumpsters = [] for i in range(0,size): s = trash() s.giveID(i) s.throwAway() s.colour() s.xy = a[i] s.numberx=xnum[i] s.numbery=ynum[i] dumpsters.append(s) #colouring trashcans buff = 0 for x in a: grid[x[0]][x[1]] = dumpsters[buff].color buff += 1 # Initializing, sizing the window & title pygame.init() winsize=700 WINDOW_SIZE = [winsize, winsize] screen = pygame.display.set_mode(WINDOW_SIZE) WINDOW_SIZE1 = [900, 700] screen2 = pygame.display.set_mode(WINDOW_SIZE1) green = (0, 255, 0) blue = (0, 0, 0) font = pygame.font.SysFont('calibri', 20) pygame.display.set_caption("Intelligent Garbage Truck") background = pygame.Surface(screen2.get_size()) # Create empty pygame surface background.fill((0,0,0)) # Fill the background white color (red,green,blue) background = background.convert() # Loop until user clicks close done = False # Managing refreshing speed clock = pygame.time.Clock() #resources grassImg = pygame.image.load('./images/grass.png') garbageY = pygame.image.load('./images/garbageyellow.png') garbageR = pygame.image.load('./images/garbagered.png') garbageBL = pygame.image.load('./images/garbageblue.png') garbageBLK = pygame.image.load('./images/garbageblack.png') garbageG = pygame.image.load('./images/garbagegreen.png') recycImg = pygame.image.load('./images/recycling.png') all = a while not done: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.display.quit(), sys.exit() # Draw the grid grid=drawGrid(grid, 20, len(a), dump) #move and display ZZ = display(grid, GT, a, len(a), dump) for x in all: if(x[0] == GT.coor[0] and x[1] == GT.coor[1]): #recognize which dumpster are we visiting Xz=np.where(all==x)[0] x =[item for item, count in collections.Counter(Xz).items() if count > 1] predicted=numbering.pred(dumpsters[x[0]].numberx,dumpsters[x[0]].numbery) #recognizing whether a house is our client and trying to collect trash if(predicted not in paying_customers): print("House number is: ",predicted," but it is not our customer") else: print("House number is: ",predicted) GT.collectingTrash(dumpsters, x[0]) # remove visited dumpster a = a[~((a[:,0] ==ZZ[0]) & (a[:,1] ==ZZ[1]))] #print("Dumpsters left: ",len(a)) # visit Garbage Dump at the end if len(a) == 0: print("Going to the Garbage Dump") display(grid, GT, dump.coor, len(a), dump) print("Checking garbage inside the truck: ") gds.sortDump(GT.plastic, GT.paper, GT.metal, GT.cardboard,, clf, GT, dump) print("Garbage sorted: ") print("Paper: " + str(dump.paper)) print("Cardboard: " + str(dump.cardboard)) print("Metal: " + str(dump.metal)) print("Plastic: " + str(dump.plastic)) print("Glass: " + str( done = True drawGrid(grid, 20, len(a), dump) screen.blit(GT.picture, ((WIDTH) * GT.coor[0], (HEIGHT) *GT.coor[1])) pygame.display.flip() time.sleep(6) pygame.quit()