import pygame import random from models.dumpster import trash class GarbageTruck(): def __init__(self): self.coor = [0,0] self.capacity = 5 self.plastic = 0 self.paper = 0 self.mixed = 0 = 0 = 0 self.trash=trash() self.dir = 'R' self.picture=pygame.image.load('./images/truckR.png') def start(self): self.coor = [random.randint(0,19),random.randint(0,19)] return self.coor def amIFull(self): #check id garbage truck full if ( self.plastic==self.capacity and self.paper==self.capacity and and self.mixed==self.capacity and return True #otherwise see if a category is full elif self.plastic!=self.capacity: return False elif self.paper!=self.capacity: return False elif!=self.capacity: return False elif self.mixed!=self.capacity: return False elif!=self.capacity: return False def move(self): if(self.dir=="R"): self.coor[0]+=1 elif(self.dir=="L"): self.coor[0]-=1 elif(self.dir=="U"): self.coor[1]-=1 elif(self.dir=="D"): self.coor[1]+=1 def turn(self,goal): if(goal[0]-self.coor[0]==1): self.dir='R' self.picture = pygame.image.load('./images/truckR.png') elif(goal[0]-self.coor[0]==-1): self.dir='L' self.picture = pygame.image.load('./images/truckL.png') elif(goal[1]-self.coor[1]==-1): self.dir='U' self.picture = pygame.image.load('./images/truckU.png') elif(goal[1]-self.coor[1]==1): self.dir='D' self.picture = pygame.image.load('./images/truckD.png') return dir ''' #old move def move(self, coor, moving, size): if(moving == 0 and coor[0] > 0): coor[0] = coor[0] - 1 return(coor) elif(moving == 1 and coor[1] > 0): coor[1] = coor[1] - 1 return(coor) elif(moving == 2 and coor[0] < size - 1): coor[0] = coor[0] + 1 return(coor) elif(moving == 3 and coor[1] < size - 1): coor[1] = coor[1] + 1 return(coor) else: return(coor)''' def collectingTrash(self, trash, id): #1st if recognizes the dumpster kind if trash[id].color==1: #2nd if check if there is space in the garbage truck and if there is still trash if self.plastic 0: self.plastic+=1 return True elif trash[id].color==2: if self.paper 0: self.paper+=1 return True elif trash[id].color==3: if 0: return True elif trash[id].color==4: if 0: return True elif trash[id].color==5: if self.mixed 0: self.mixed+=1 return True else: return False