Kamila 8536299721
Some checks failed
s444517-evaluation/pipeline/head There was a failure building this commit
correction to Jenkinsfile
2022-05-03 13:09:21 +02:00

38 lines
1.0 KiB

pipeline {
agent {
dockerfile true
parameters {
defaultValue: '200',
description: 'number of epochs',
name: 'EPOCH'
stages {
stage('Stage 1') {
steps {
echo 'Hello world!'
stage('Copy from different Pipeline') {
steps {
copyArtifacts fingerprintArtifacts: true, projectName: 's444517-create-dataset', selector: lastSuccessful()
copyArtifacts fingerprintArtifacts: true, projectName: 's444517-training/master', selector: lastSuccessful()
copyArtifacts fingerprintArtifacts: true, projectName: 's444517-evaluation/master', selector: lastSuccessful(), optional: true
stage('Get data save artifacts') {
steps {
sh 'python3 ./nn_train_eval.py'
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'my_model/saved_model.pb, metrics.txt'