# Environmental Task ### Report ##### To complete the Environmental Task we have decided to use pygame package as, at least for us, this is the most intuitive program from the ones available. ##### Our team (Martyna Drumińska, Weronika Skowrońska, Przemysław Andrzejewski, and Tao-Sen Chang) has chosen the Waiter Project, and therefore our grid is adjusted to such kind of task. ##### Using numpy arrays we have created a 16 by 16 grid of white squares on the black background, each representing one possible interaction field. We then marked some of them as the “tables” and the “kitchen” - using, respectively, green and red color. We have decided our agent to be blue. ![Image of Yaktocat]( https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DawsonChang/test/master/grid.jpg) As for now, the user can move the agent with his arrows.