from __future__ import print_function import os, sys, time, datetime, json, random import numpy as np from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers.core import Dense, Activation from keras.optimizers import SGD , Adam, RMSprop from keras.layers.advanced_activations import PReLU import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pickle visited_mark = 0.8 # Cells visited by the rat will be painted by gray 0.8 rat_mark = 0.5 # The current rat cell will be painteg by gray 0.5 LEFT = 0 UP = 1 RIGHT = 2 DOWN = 3 # Actions dictionary actions_dict = { LEFT: 'left', UP: 'up', RIGHT: 'right', DOWN: 'down', } num_actions = len(actions_dict) # Exploration factor epsilon = 0.1 file_name_num = 1 win_targets = [(4, 4),(4, 9),(4, 14),(9, 4)] class Qmaze(object): def __init__(self, maze, rat=(12,12)): global win_targets self._maze = np.array(maze) nrows, ncols = self._maze.shape = (nrows-1, ncols-1) # target cell where the "cheese" is = win_targets[0] self.free_cells = [(r,c) for r in range(nrows) for c in range(ncols) if self._maze[r,c] == 1.0] self.free_cells.remove(win_targets[-1]) if self._maze[] == 0.0: raise Exception("Invalid maze: target cell cannot be blocked!") if not rat in self.free_cells: raise Exception("Invalid Rat Location: must sit on a free cell") self.reset(rat) def reset(self, rat): global win_targets self.rat = rat self.maze = np.copy(self._maze) nrows, ncols = self.maze.shape row, col = rat self.maze[row, col] = rat_mark self.state = (row, col, 'start') self.min_reward = -0.5 * self.maze.size self.total_reward = 0 self.visited = list() self.curr_win_targets = win_targets[:] def update_state(self, action): nrows, ncols = self.maze.shape nrow, ncol, nmode = rat_row, rat_col, mode = self.state if self.maze[rat_row, rat_col] > 0.0: self.visited.append((rat_row, rat_col)) # mark visited cell valid_actions = self.valid_actions() if not valid_actions: nmode = 'blocked' elif action in valid_actions: nmode = 'valid' if action == LEFT: ncol -= 1 elif action == UP: nrow -= 1 if action == RIGHT: ncol += 1 elif action == DOWN: nrow += 1 else: # invalid action, no change in rat position mode = 'invalid' # new state self.state = (nrow, ncol, nmode) def get_reward(self): win_target_x, win_target_y = rat_row, rat_col, mode = self.state nrows, ncols = self.maze.shape if rat_row == win_target_x and rat_col == win_target_y: return 1.0 if mode == 'blocked': # move to the block in the grid return -1.0 if (rat_row, rat_col) in self.visited: return -0.5 # default -0.25 -> -0.5 if mode == 'invalid': return -0.75 # default -0.75 move to the boundary if mode == 'valid': # default -0.04 -> -0.1 return -0.04 if (rat_row, rat_col) in self.curr_win_targets: return 1.0 def act(self, action): self.update_state(action) reward = self.get_reward() self.total_reward += reward status = self.game_status() envstate = self.observe() return envstate, reward, status def observe(self): canvas = self.draw_env() envstate = canvas.reshape((1, -1)) return envstate def draw_env(self): canvas = np.copy(self.maze) nrows, ncols = self.maze.shape # clear all visual marks for r in range(nrows): for c in range(ncols): if canvas[r,c] > 0.0: canvas[r,c] = 1.0 # draw the rat row, col, valid = self.state canvas[row, col] = rat_mark return canvas def game_status(self): if self.total_reward < self.min_reward: return 'lose' rat_row, rat_col, mode = self.state nrows, ncols = self.maze.shape curPos = (rat_row, rat_col) if curPos in self.curr_win_targets: self.curr_win_targets.remove(curPos) if len(self.curr_win_targets) == 0: return 'win' else: = self.curr_win_targets[0] return 'not_over' def valid_actions(self, cell=None): if cell is None: row, col, mode = self.state else: row, col = cell actions = [0, 1, 2, 3] nrows, ncols = self.maze.shape if row == 0: actions.remove(1) elif row == nrows-1: actions.remove(3) if col == 0: actions.remove(0) elif col == ncols-1: actions.remove(2) if row>0 and self.maze[row-1,col] == 0.0: actions.remove(1) if row0 and self.maze[row,col-1] == 0.0: actions.remove(0) if col self.max_memory: del self.memory[0] def predict(self, envstate): return self.model.predict(envstate)[0] def get_data(self, data_size=10): env_size = self.memory[0][0].shape[1] # envstate 1d size (1st element of episode) mem_size = len(self.memory) data_size = min(mem_size, data_size) inputs = np.zeros((data_size, env_size)) targets = np.zeros((data_size, self.num_actions)) for i, j in enumerate(np.random.choice(range(mem_size), data_size, replace=False)): envstate, action, reward, envstate_next, game_over = self.memory[j] inputs[i] = envstate # There should be no target values for actions not taken. targets[i] = self.predict(envstate) # Q_sa = derived policy = max quality env/action = max_a' Q(s', a') Q_sa = np.max(self.predict(envstate_next)) if game_over: targets[i, action] = reward else: # reward + gamma * max_a' Q(s', a') targets[i, action] = reward + * Q_sa return inputs, targets def qtrain(model, maze, **opt): global epsilon n_epoch = opt.get('n_epoch', 15000) max_memory = opt.get('max_memory', 1000) data_size = opt.get('data_size', 50) weights_file = opt.get('weights_file', "") name = opt.get('name', 'model') start_time = # If you want to continue training from a previous model, # just supply the h5 file name to weights_file option if weights_file: print("loading weights from file: %s" % (weights_file,)) model.load_weights(weights_file) # Construct environment/game from numpy array: maze (see above) qmaze = Qmaze(maze) # Initialize experience replay object experience = Experience(model, max_memory=max_memory) win_history = [] # history of win/lose game n_free_cells = len(qmaze.free_cells) hsize = qmaze.maze.size//2 # history window size win_rate = 0.0 imctr = 1 pre_episodes = 2**31 - 1 for epoch in range(n_epoch): loss = 0.0 #rat_cell = random.choice(qmaze.free_cells) #rat_cell = (0, 0) rat_cell = (12, 12) qmaze.reset(rat_cell) game_over = False # get initial envstate (1d flattened canvas) envstate = qmaze.observe() n_episodes = 0 while not game_over: valid_actions = qmaze.valid_actions() if not valid_actions: break prev_envstate = envstate # Get next action if np.random.rand() < epsilon: action = random.choice(valid_actions) else: action = np.argmax(experience.predict(prev_envstate)) # Apply action, get reward and new envstate envstate, reward, game_status = qmaze.act(action) if game_status == 'win': print("win") win_history.append(1) game_over = True # save_pic(qmaze) if n_episodes <= pre_episodes: # output_route(qmaze) print(qmaze.visited) with open('', 'wb') as filehandle: pickle.dump(qmaze.visited, filehandle) pre_episodes = n_episodes elif game_status == 'lose': print("lose") win_history.append(0) game_over = True # save_pic(qmaze) else: game_over = False # Store episode (experience) episode = [prev_envstate, action, reward, envstate, game_over] experience.remember(episode) n_episodes += 1 # Train neural network model inputs, targets = experience.get_data(data_size=data_size) h = inputs, targets, epochs=8, batch_size=16, verbose=0, ) loss = model.evaluate(inputs, targets, verbose=0) if len(win_history) > hsize: win_rate = sum(win_history[-hsize:]) / hsize dt = - start_time t = format_time(dt.total_seconds()) template = "Epoch: {:03d}/{:d} | Loss: {:.4f} | Episodes: {:d} | Win count: {:d} | Win rate: {:.3f} | time: {}" print(template.format(epoch, n_epoch-1, loss, n_episodes, sum(win_history), win_rate, t)) # we simply check if training has exhausted all free cells and if in all # cases the agent won if win_rate > 0.9 : epsilon = 0.05 train_max = 192 # print(sum(win_history[-192*1.5:])) # print(192) if sum(win_history[-192:]) >= 192: print("Reached 100%% win rate at epoch: %d" % (epoch,)) break # Save trained model weights and architecture, this will be used by the visualization code h5file = name + ".h5" json_file = name + ".json" model.save_weights(h5file, overwrite=True) with open(json_file, "w") as outfile: json.dump(model.to_json(), outfile) end_time = dt = - start_time seconds = dt.total_seconds() t = format_time(seconds) print('files: %s, %s' % (h5file, json_file)) print("n_epoch: %d, max_mem: %d, data: %d, time: %s" % (epoch, max_memory, data_size, t)) return seconds # This is a small utility for printing readable time strings: def format_time(seconds): if seconds < 400: s = float(seconds) return "%.1f seconds" % (s,) elif seconds < 4000: m = seconds / 60.0 return "%.2f minutes" % (m,) else: h = seconds / 3600.0 return "%.2f hours" % (h,) def build_model(maze, lr=0.001): model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(maze.size, input_shape=(maze.size,))) model.add(PReLU()) model.add(Dense(maze.size)) model.add(PReLU()) model.add(Dense(num_actions)) model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse') return model class Table: def __init__(self, coordinate_i, coordinate_j): self.coordinate_i = coordinate_i self.coordinate_j = coordinate_j change_value(coordinate_i, coordinate_j, 2, 0.) def get_destination_coor(self): return [self.coordinate_i, self.coordinate_j-1] class Kitchen: def __init__(self, coordinate_i, coordinate_j): self.coordinate_i = coordinate_i self.coordinate_j = coordinate_j change_value(coordinate_i, coordinate_j, 3, 0.) if __name__== "__main__": def change_value(i, j, width, n): for r in range (i, i+width): for c in range (j, j+width): grid[r][c] = n grid = [[1 for x in range(16)] for y in range(16)] table1 = Table(2, 2) table2 = Table (2,7) table3 = Table(2, 12) table4 = Table(7, 2) table5 = Table(7, 7) table6 = Table(7, 12) table7 = Table(12, 2) table8 = Table(12, 7) kitchen = Kitchen(13, 13) maze = np.array(grid) # print(maze) # maze = np.array([ # [ 1., 0., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], # [ 1., 1., 1., 0., 0., 1., 0., 1.], # [ 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 0., 1.], # [ 1., 1., 1., 1., 0., 0., 1., 1.], # [ 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1., 1.], # [ 1., 0., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], # [ 1., 1., 1., 0., 1., 1., 1., 1.] # ]) # print(maze) # qmaze = Qmaze(maze) # show(qmaze) model = build_model(maze) qtrain(model, maze, epochs=1000, max_memory=8*maze.size, data_size=32)