2023-05-10 00:37:23 +02:00

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{"cells":[{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":1,"metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/"},"executionInfo":{"elapsed":126645,"status":"ok","timestamp":1682171591183,"user":{"displayName":"Martyna Drumińska","userId":"13361003509289187965"},"user_tz":-120},"id":"pFXwuw2YtOWN","outputId":"71c63f1a-c3a7-47dc-8ebb-d56bdc03dcae"},"outputs":[{"name":"stdout","output_type":"stream","text":["Mounted at /content/drive\n"]}],"source":["from google.colab import drive\n","drive.mount('/content/drive')"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":2,"metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/"},"executionInfo":{"elapsed":28,"status":"ok","timestamp":1682171591185,"user":{"displayName":"Martyna Drumińska","userId":"13361003509289187965"},"user_tz":-120},"id":"ezUTMea6Dd-S","outputId":"b81ccefc-af44-44d7-84ab-202b60362396"},"outputs":[{"name":"stdout","output_type":"stream","text":["/content/drive/MyDrive\n"]}],"source":["cd drive/MyDrive"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":3,"metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/"},"executionInfo":{"elapsed":16,"status":"ok","timestamp":1682171591186,"user":{"displayName":"Martyna Drumińska","userId":"13361003509289187965"},"user_tz":-120},"id":"B8pDlU1gDjgx","outputId":"60915b30-0d7d-4467-c8a0-baa62a1f982b"},"outputs":[{"name":"stdout","output_type":"stream","text":["/content/drive/MyDrive/challenging-america-word-gap-prediction\n"]}],"source":["cd challenging-america-word-gap-prediction/"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":4,"metadata":{"executionInfo":{"elapsed":507,"status":"ok","timestamp":1682171591683,"user":{"displayName":"Martyna Drumińska","userId":"13361003509289187965"},"user_tz":-120},"id":"ZXkygn2uDmRL"},"outputs":[],"source":["import pandas as pd"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":5,"metadata":{"executionInfo":{"elapsed":11651,"status":"ok","timestamp":1682171603327,"user":{"displayName":"Martyna Drumińska","userId":"13361003509289187965"},"user_tz":-120},"id":"ynVR7uWXDqyV"},"outputs":[],"source":["cleaned = pd.read_csv(\"cleaned.csv\", sep=\",\", on_bad_lines='skip', encoding=\"utf-8\")"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":6,"metadata":{"executionInfo":{"elapsed":26,"status":"ok","timestamp":1682171603329,"user":{"displayName":"Martyna Drumińska","userId":"13361003509289187965"},"user_tz":-120},"id":"0Fe6NoQ_HMCp"},"outputs":[],"source":["import numpy as np\n","cleaned.fillna('', inplace=True)"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":7,"metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/","height":423},"executionInfo":{"elapsed":24,"status":"ok","timestamp":1682171603330,"user":{"displayName":"Martyna Drumińska","userId":"13361003509289187965"},"user_tz":-120},"id":"ia6-CxAvDwOi","outputId":"f2a51ecb-bedc-4df1-b532-49e0936628ff"},"outputs":[{"data":{"text/html":["\n"," \u003cdiv id=\"df-82c3cc50-4beb-45d3-acfc-ce9ad7215e74\"\u003e\n"," \u003cdiv 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\u003ctd\u003e\u003c/td\u003e\n"," \u003c/tr\u003e\n"," \u003ctr\u003e\n"," \u003cth\u003e3\u003c/th\u003e\n"," \u003ctd\u003ewhenever any prize property shall condemn app...\u003c/td\u003e\n"," \u003c/tr\u003e\n"," \u003ctr\u003e\n"," \u003cth\u003e4\u003c/th\u003e\n"," \u003ctd\u003esa lkofvaluable unimpbovd relnjsiatf on the no...\u003c/td\u003e\n"," \u003c/tr\u003e\n"," \u003ctr\u003e\n"," \u003cth\u003e...\u003c/th\u003e\n"," \u003ctd\u003e...\u003c/td\u003e\n"," \u003c/tr\u003e\n"," \u003ctr\u003e\n"," \u003cth\u003e428512\u003c/th\u003e\n"," \u003ctd\u003e\u003c/td\u003e\n"," \u003c/tr\u003e\n"," \u003ctr\u003e\n"," \u003cth\u003e428513\u003c/th\u003e\n"," \u003ctd\u003e\u003c/td\u003e\n"," \u003c/tr\u003e\n"," \u003ctr\u003e\n"," \u003cth\u003e428514\u003c/th\u003e\n"," \u003ctd\u003e\u003c/td\u003e\n"," \u003c/tr\u003e\n"," \u003ctr\u003e\n"," \u003cth\u003e428515\u003c/th\u003e\n"," \u003ctd\u003e\u003c/td\u003e\n"," \u003c/tr\u003e\n"," \u003ctr\u003e\n"," \u003cth\u003e428516\u003c/th\u003e\n"," \u003ctd\u003e\u003c/td\u003e\n"," \u003c/tr\u003e\n"," \u003c/tbody\u003e\n","\u003c/table\u003e\n","\u003cp\u003e428517 rows × 1 columns\u003c/p\u003e\n","\u003c/div\u003e\n"," \u003cbutton class=\"colab-df-convert\" onclick=\"convertToInteractive('df-82c3cc50-4beb-45d3-acfc-ce9ad7215e74')\"\n"," title=\"Convert this dataframe to an interactive table.\"\n"," style=\"display:none;\"\u003e\n"," \n"," \u003csvg xmlns=\"\" height=\"24px\"viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\"\n"," width=\"24px\"\u003e\n"," \u003cpath d=\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\" fill=\"none\"/\u003e\n"," \u003cpath d=\"M18.56 5.44l.94 2.06.94-2.06 2.06-.94-2.06-.94-.94-2.06-.94 2.06-2.06.94zm-11 1L8.5 8.5l.94-2.06 2.06-.94-2.06-.94L8.5 2.5l-.94 2.06-2.06.94zm10 10l.94 2.06.94-2.06 2.06-.94-2.06-.94-.94-2.06-.94 2.06-2.06.94z\"/\u003e\u003cpath d=\"M17.41 7.96l-1.37-1.37c-.4-.4-.92-.59-1.43-.59-.52 0-1.04.2-1.43.59L10.3 9.45l-7.72 7.72c-.78.78-.78 2.05 0 2.83L4 21.41c. 0 1.02-.2 1.41-.59l7.78-7.78 2.81-2.81c.8-.78.8-2.07 0-2.86zM5.41 20L4 18.59l7.72-7.72 1.47 1.35L5.41 20z\"/\u003e\n"," \u003c/svg\u003e\n"," \u003c/button\u003e\n"," \n"," \u003cstyle\u003e\n"," .colab-df-container {\n"," display:flex;\n"," flex-wrap:wrap;\n"," gap: 12px;\n"," }\n","\n"," .colab-df-convert {\n"," background-color: #E8F0FE;\n"," border: none;\n"," border-radius: 50%;\n"," cursor: pointer;\n"," display: none;\n"," fill: #1967D2;\n"," height: 32px;\n"," padding: 0 0 0 0;\n"," width: 32px;\n"," }\n","\n"," .colab-df-convert:hover {\n"," background-color: #E2EBFA;\n"," box-shadow: 0px 1px 2px rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.3), 0px 1px 3px 1px rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.15);\n"," fill: #174EA6;\n"," }\n","\n"," [theme=dark] .colab-df-convert {\n"," background-color: #3B4455;\n"," fill: #D2E3FC;\n"," }\n","\n"," [theme=dark] .colab-df-convert:hover {\n"," background-color: #434B5C;\n"," box-shadow: 0px 1px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);\n"," filter: drop-shadow(0px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3));\n"," fill: #FFFFFF;\n"," }\n"," 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'block' : 'none';\n","\n"," async function convertToInteractive(key) {\n"," const element = document.querySelector('#df-82c3cc50-4beb-45d3-acfc-ce9ad7215e74');\n"," const dataTable =\n"," await google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('convertToInteractive',\n"," [key], {});\n"," if (!dataTable) return;\n","\n"," const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +\n"," '\u003ca target=\"_blank\" href=\u003edata table notebook\u003c/a\u003e'\n"," + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';\n"," element.innerHTML = '';\n"," dataTable['output_type'] = 'display_data';\n"," await google.colab.output.renderOutput(dataTable, element);\n"," const docLink = document.createElement('div');\n"," docLink.innerHTML = docLinkHtml;\n"," element.appendChild(docLink);\n"," }\n"," \u003c/script\u003e\n"," \u003c/div\u003e\n"," \u003c/div\u003e\n"," "],"text/plain":[" col1\n","0 came fiom the last place tothis place and this...\n","1 mb boot political obeednattempt to imagine a p...\n","2 \n","3 whenever any prize property shall condemn app...\n","4 sa lkofvaluable unimpbovd relnjsiatf on the no...\n","... ...\n","428512 \n","428513 \n","428514 \n","428515 \n","428516 \n","\n","[428517 rows x 1 columns]"]},"execution_count":7,"metadata":{},"output_type":"execute_result"}],"source":["cleaned"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"id":"jmmyFTZeED4E"},"outputs":[],"source":["import collections\n","queue = collections.deque(maxlen=3)"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":18,"metadata":{"executionInfo":{"elapsed":3769,"status":"ok","timestamp":1682172191624,"user":{"displayName":"Martyna Drumińska","userId":"13361003509289187965"},"user_tz":-120},"id":"FBwzYFxyRie8"},"outputs":[],"source":["cleaned = list(cleaned['col1'])"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":8,"metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/"},"executionInfo":{"elapsed":809,"status":"ok","timestamp":1682171604131,"user":{"displayName":"Martyna Drumińska","userId":"13361003509289187965"},"user_tz":-120},"id":"w-xqsBl4Ee25","outputId":"db44ab2e-8364-4ec5-f5e9-e525bf752ced"},"outputs":[{"name":"stderr","output_type":"stream","text":["[nltk_data] Downloading package punkt to /root/nltk_data...\n","[nltk_data] Unzipping tokenizers/\n"]},{"data":{"text/plain":["True"]},"execution_count":8,"metadata":{},"output_type":"execute_result"}],"source":["import nltk\n","'punkt')"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":10,"metadata":{"executionInfo":{"elapsed":1984,"status":"ok","timestamp":1682171802671,"user":{"displayName":"Martyna Drumińska","userId":"13361003509289187965"},"user_tz":-120},"id":"z4n4_Pc3P7_Q"},"outputs":[],"source":["from nltk import bigrams\n","from nltk import trigrams\n","from nltk.util import ngrams\n"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":11,"metadata":{"colab":{"background_save":true},"executionInfo":{"elapsed":1022,"status":"ok","timestamp":1682171942844,"user":{"displayName":"Martyna Drumińska","userId":"13361003509289187965"},"user_tz":-120},"id":"2SL1hj3JQKmz"},"outputs":[{"ename":"TypeError","evalue":"ignored","output_type":"error","traceback":["\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m","\u001b[0;31mTypeError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)","\u001b[0;32m\u003cipython-input-21-6fb4602f36a3\u003e\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u003ccell line: 1\u003e\u001b[0;34m()\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----\u003e 1\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mterms_bigrams\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0mlist\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mbigrams\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mentry\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mfor\u001b[0m \u001b[0mentry\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32min\u001b[0m \u001b[0ml\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m","\u001b[0;32m\u003cipython-input-21-6fb4602f36a3\u003e\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u003clistcomp\u003e\u001b[0;34m(.0)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----\u003e 1\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mterms_bigrams\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0mlist\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mbigrams\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mentry\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mfor\u001b[0m \u001b[0mentry\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32min\u001b[0m \u001b[0ml\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m","\u001b[0;31mTypeError\u001b[0m: 'list' object is not callable"]}],"source":["terms_bigrams = [list(bigrams(entry)) for entry in cleaned]"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":13,"metadata":{"executionInfo":{"elapsed":2,"status":"ok","timestamp":1682171979843,"user":{"displayName":"Martyna Drumińska","userId":"13361003509289187965"},"user_tz":-120},"id":"IBU2MGPnQ1D_"},"outputs":[],"source":["import itertools"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"id":"roOzM3ufRLvn"},"outputs":[],"source":["l = []\n","for line in cleaned:\n"," text = line\n"," tokens = word_tokenize(text)\n"," l.append(tokens)"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":17,"metadata":{"colab":{"background_save":true,"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/","output_embedded_package_id":"19ekrFeOfRtZCfIr28wtUP-rQ7S7yWS0K"},"executionInfo":{"elapsed":14346,"status":"ok","timestamp":1682172140360,"user":{"displayName":"Martyna Drumińska","userId":"13361003509289187965"},"user_tz":-120},"id":"bWgl_yHwRVcz","outputId":"89a46a90-1f41-4072-920c-b56e394ceb93"},"outputs":[],"source":["l"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":14,"metadata":{"executionInfo":{"elapsed":2,"status":"ok","timestamp":1682171984761,"user":{"displayName":"Martyna Drumińska","userId":"13361003509289187965"},"user_tz":-120},"id":"_F2fdQNCQuCE"},"outputs":[],"source":["bigrams= list(itertools.chain(*terms_bigrams))"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":15,"metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/"},"executionInfo":{"elapsed":3,"status":"ok","timestamp":1682171986872,"user":{"displayName":"Martyna Drumińska","userId":"13361003509289187965"},"user_tz":-120},"id":"FBZGXjyiQ0BU","outputId":"ecb3cc5d-3dec-4a78-d05c-0a36d9818ab3"},"outputs":[{"data":{"text/plain":["[('c', 'o'), ('o', 'l'), ('l', '1')]"]},"execution_count":15,"metadata":{},"output_type":"execute_result"}],"source":["bigrams"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":9,"metadata":{"executionInfo":{"elapsed":15,"status":"ok","timestamp":1682171604136,"user":{"displayName":"Martyna Drumińska","userId":"13361003509289187965"},"user_tz":-120},"id":"-Ly2h9W9EGL9"},"outputs":[],"source":["from nltk import word_tokenize"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"id":"Q1tAFbGHEJ5z"},"outputs":[],"source":["cleaned = list(cleaned['col1'])"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/"},"executionInfo":{"elapsed":296,"status":"ok","timestamp":1682169150763,"user":{"displayName":"Martyna Drumińska","userId":"13361003509289187965"},"user_tz":-120},"id":"Y2ho8UG3EYZi","outputId":"e6e2d7d7-9c08-4918-aceb-689820ff1c60"},"outputs":[{"data":{"text/plain":["['came fiom the last place tothis place and this place is where wenwere this is the first road i evernwas on where you can ride elsewherenfrom anywhere and be nowherenhe says while this train stops everynwhere it never stops anywhere unnless its somewhere well i saysnim glad to hear that but accordning to your figures i left myselfnwhere was which is five miles nearner to myself than i was when wenwere where we are nownwe have now reached slidellnthat a fine place the people down there remind me of bananasnthey come and go in bunches ndell used to be noted for her toughnpeople now she is noted for bentough steaks well i certainly gotnone there when the waiter broughtnit in it was so small i thought itnwas a crack in the plate i skidnwaiter what else have you got +henbrought me in two codfish and onensmelt i said waiter have you gotnpigs feet he said no rheumatismnmakes me walk that way i saldnhow is the pumpkin pieliesaidnit all squash the best i could getnin that hotel was a soup sandwichnafter the table battle the waiter andni signed an armistice i then wentnover to the hotel clerk and asked forna room he said with or without anbed i said with a bed he saidni dont think i have a bed longnenough for you i said well illnaddtwo feettoitwhenigetinitnhe gave me a lovely room on thentop floor it was one of those roomsnthat stands on each side if younhappen to get up in the middle ofnthe night you want to be sure andnget up in the middle of the roomnthat night i dreamt i was eatingnflannel cakes when i woke up halfnof the blanket was gone i mustnhave got up on the wrong side of thenbed for next morning i had an awfulnheadache i told the manager aboutnit he said you have rheumaticnpains i said no i think it is onnof those attic room pains i nad tongetupat aminthemorningsonthey could use the sheet to set thenbreakfast table',\n"," 'mb boot political obeednattempt to imagine a piatt makingnsuch an address as that of elihu bootnto the now york legislature and younfcavo a measure of tho good fortunqnwhich baa at last come to tho empirqnstate of being represented in tho unitned states senate by a statesman atntho very outset mr boot declared forntho parcels post thereby giving noticento tho country that tho express compannies no longer own a senatorial scat acncredited to new york that seat willnfor ho next six years bo occupied by ansmaa who hag convictions of his ownnwho isigovemed by reasoned politicaln ideas who had grown so accustomed tonthink nationally that it is with somonmental eflort that he can bringhimselfninto a proper perspective with thosenminor senatorial duties such as tho fillning of offices which bulk hugelynupon the horizons of tho flatts andntheir lit tho albany politicians wenare told tried to read between tho linesnfor evidence that they had among themna new organization leader somo one tonguide and direct their political machinnations and to settlo where tho goodnthings should go wo think they lisntened in vain what they heard werentimely reflections opon tho immediatenproblems of stato and national governnments mixed with excellent advice tonthe electorate on the duty of improvingnthe quality of tho stato legislaturesnit must have been something of a novnelty though possibly not wholly refreshlin gnto political thirst']"]},"execution_count":34,"metadata":{},"output_type":"execute_result"}],"source":["cleaned[:2]"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/"},"id":"rfxca0XHD_hC","outputId":"8145e711-6fbf-43da-d582-8037691d67c8"},"outputs":[{"name":"stdout","output_type":"stream","text":["queue: deque(['', 'came'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'came'}\n","unigram: {'came': 1}\n","item: ('', 'came')\n","bigram: {('', 'came'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['', 'came', 'fiom'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'fiom', 'came'}\n","unigram: {'came': 1, 'fiom': 1}\n","item: ('', 'came')\n","bigram: {('', 'came'): 2}\n","queue: deque(['came', 'fiom', 'the'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'fiom', 'the', 'came'}\n","unigram: {'came': 1, 'fiom': 1, 'the': 1}\n","item: ('came', 'fiom')\n","bigram: {('', 'came'): 2, ('came', 'fiom'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['fiom', 'the', 'last'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'fiom', 'the', 'last', 'came'}\n","unigram: {'came': 1, 'fiom': 1, 'the': 1, 'last': 1}\n","item: ('fiom', 'the')\n","bigram: {('', 'came'): 2, ('came', 'fiom'): 1, ('fiom', 'the'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['the', 'last', 'place'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'fiom', 'place', 'came', 'last', 'the'}\n","unigram: {'came': 1, 'fiom': 1, 'the': 1, 'last': 1, 'place': 1}\n","item: ('the', 'last')\n","bigram: {('', 'came'): 2, ('came', 'fiom'): 1, ('fiom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'last'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['last', 'place', 'tothis'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'fiom', 'tothis', 'place', 'came', 'last', 'the'}\n","unigram: {'came': 1, 'fiom': 1, 'the': 1, 'last': 1, 'place': 1, 'tothis': 1}\n","item: ('last', 'place')\n","bigram: {('', 'came'): 2, ('came', 'fiom'): 1, ('fiom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'place'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['place', 'tothis', 'place'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'fiom', 'tothis', 'place', 'came', 'last', 'the'}\n","unigram: {'came': 1, 'fiom': 1, 'the': 1, 'last': 1, 'place': 2, 'tothis': 1}\n","item: ('place', 'tothis')\n","bigram: {('', 'came'): 2, ('came', 'fiom'): 1, ('fiom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'tothis'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['tothis', 'place', 'and'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'fiom', 'tothis', 'place', 'came', 'last', 'the', 'and'}\n","unigram: {'came': 1, 'fiom': 1, 'the': 1, 'last': 1, 'place': 2, 'tothis': 1, 'and': 1}\n","item: ('tothis', 'place')\n","bigram: {('', 'came'): 2, ('came', 'fiom'): 1, ('fiom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'tothis'): 1, ('tothis', 'place'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['place', 'and', 'this'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'fiom', 'tothis', 'place', 'came', 'last', 'the', 'this', 'and'}\n","unigram: {'came': 1, 'fiom': 1, 'the': 1, 'last': 1, 'place': 2, 'tothis': 1, 'and': 1, 'this': 1}\n","item: ('place', 'and')\n","bigram: {('', 'came'): 2, ('came', 'fiom'): 1, ('fiom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'tothis'): 1, ('tothis', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'and'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['and', 'this', 'place'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'fiom', 'tothis', 'place', 'came', 'last', 'the', 'this', 'and'}\n","unigram: {'came': 1, 'fiom': 1, 'the': 1, 'last': 1, 'place': 3, 'tothis': 1, 'and': 1, 'this': 1}\n","item: ('and', 'this')\n","bigram: {('', 'came'): 2, ('came', 'fiom'): 1, ('fiom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'tothis'): 1, ('tothis', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'this'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['this', 'place', 'is'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'fiom', 'tothis', 'place', 'came', 'is', 'last', 'the', 'this', 'and'}\n","unigram: {'came': 1, 'fiom': 1, 'the': 1, 'last': 1, 'place': 3, 'tothis': 1, 'and': 1, 'this': 1, 'is': 1}\n","item: ('this', 'place')\n","bigram: {('', 'came'): 2, ('came', 'fiom'): 1, ('fiom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'tothis'): 1, ('tothis', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'place'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['place', 'is', 'where'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'fiom', 'tothis', 'place', 'came', 'is', 'last', 'the', 'where', 'this', 'and'}\n","unigram: {'came': 1, 'fiom': 1, 'the': 1, 'last': 1, 'place': 3, 'tothis': 1, 'and': 1, 'this': 1, 'is': 1, 'where': 1}\n","item: ('place', 'is')\n","bigram: {('', 'came'): 2, ('came', 'fiom'): 1, ('fiom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'tothis'): 1, ('tothis', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'is'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['is', 'where', 'wenwere'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'fiom', 'tothis', 'place', 'came', 'is', 'last', 'wenwere', 'the', 'where', 'this', 'and'}\n","unigram: {'came': 1, 'fiom': 1, 'the': 1, 'last': 1, 'place': 3, 'tothis': 1, 'and': 1, 'this': 1, 'is': 1, 'where': 1, 'wenwere': 1}\n","item: ('is', 'where')\n","bigram: {('', 'came'): 2, ('came', 'fiom'): 1, ('fiom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'tothis'): 1, ('tothis', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'where'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['where', 'wenwere', 'this'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'fiom', 'tothis', 'place', 'came', 'is', 'last', 'wenwere', 'the', 'where', 'this', 'and'}\n","unigram: {'came': 1, 'fiom': 1, 'the': 1, 'last': 1, 'place': 3, 'tothis': 1, 'and': 1, 'this': 2, 'is': 1, 'where': 1, 'wenwere': 1}\n","item: ('where', 'wenwere')\n","bigram: {('', 'came'): 2, ('came', 'fiom'): 1, ('fiom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'tothis'): 1, ('tothis', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'wenwere'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['wenwere', 'this', 'is'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'fiom', 'tothis', 'place', 'came', 'is', 'last', 'wenwere', 'the', 'where', 'this', 'and'}\n","unigram: {'came': 1, 'fiom': 1, 'the': 1, 'last': 1, 'place': 3, 'tothis': 1, 'and': 1, 'this': 2, 'is': 2, 'where': 1, 'wenwere': 1}\n","item: ('wenwere', 'this')\n","bigram: 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maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'fiom', 'tothis', 'place', 'came', 'is', 'last', 'wenwere', 'the', 'where', 'first', 'this', 'and'}\n","unigram: {'came': 1, 'fiom': 1, 'the': 2, 'last': 1, 'place': 3, 'tothis': 1, 'and': 1, 'this': 2, 'is': 2, 'where': 1, 'wenwere': 1, 'first': 1}\n","item: ('is', 'the')\n","bigram: {('', 'came'): 2, ('came', 'fiom'): 1, ('fiom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'tothis'): 1, ('tothis', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'wenwere'): 1, ('wenwere', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'the'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['the', 'first', 'road'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'fiom', 'tothis', 'road', 'place', 'came', 'is', 'last', 'wenwere', 'the', 'where', 'first', 'this', 'and'}\n","unigram: {'came': 1, 'fiom': 1, 'the': 2, 'last': 1, 'place': 3, 'tothis': 1, 'and': 1, 'this': 2, 'is': 2, 'where': 1, 'wenwere': 1, 'first': 1, 'road': 1}\n","item: ('the', 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'you': 1, 'can': 1}\n","item: ('where', 'you')\n","bigram: {('', 'came'): 2, ('came', 'fiom'): 1, ('fiom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'tothis'): 1, ('tothis', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'wenwere'): 1, ('wenwere', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'first'): 1, ('first', 'road'): 1, ('road', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'evernwas'): 1, ('evernwas', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'you'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['you', 'can', 'ride'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'tothis', 'road', 'ride', 'you', 'evernwas', 'this', 'fiom', 'place', 'i', 'and', 'came', 'is', 'last', 'wenwere', 'can', 'where', 'the', 'first', 'on'}\n","unigram: {'came': 1, 'fiom': 1, 'the': 2, 'last': 1, 'place': 3, 'tothis': 1, 'and': 1, 'this': 2, 'is': 2, 'where': 2, 'wenwere': 1, 'first': 1, 'road': 1, 'i': 1, 'evernwas': 1, 'on': 1, 'you': 1, 'can': 1, 'ride': 1}\n","item: 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'i'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'ride', 'saldnhow', 'there', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'next', 'this', 'small', 'anbed', 'certainly', 'room', 'get', 'rheumatismnmakes', 'thentop', 'her', 'mustnhave', 'floor', 'bed', 'last', 'could', 'saidni', 'each', 'anywhere', 'reached', 'forna', 'sandwichnafter', 'signed', 'somewhere', 'train', 'wentnover', 'used', 'that', 'blanket', 'the', 'me', 'armistice', 'myself', 'then', 'an', 'roomsnthat', 'dreamt', 'road', 'crack', 'for', 'figures', 'one', 'eatingnflannel', 'it', 'dont', 'evernwas', 'table', 'nowherenhe', 'thenbed', 'stands', 'which', 'those', 'said', 'morning', 'skidnwaiter', 'well', 'be', 'fine', 'have', 'hear', 'are', 'battle', 'soup', 'can', 'plate', 'longnenough', 'miles', 'when', 'bentough', 'clerk', 'got', 'so', 'she', 'think', '+henbrought', 'we', 'side', 'up', 'tothis', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'without', 'accordning', 'gave', 'you', 'nearner', 'pieliesaidnit', 'lovely', 'in', 'hotel', 'broughtnit', 'fiom', 'onensmelt', 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'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 1, ('measure', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'tho'): 2, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, 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'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1}\n"]},{"name":"stderr","output_type":"stream","text":["IOPub data rate exceeded.\n","The notebook server will temporarily stop sending output\n","to the client in order to avoid crashing it.\n","To change this limit, set the config variable\n","`--NotebookApp.iopub_data_rate_limit`.\n","\n","Current values:\n","NotebookApp.iopub_data_rate_limit=1000000.0 (bytes/sec)\n","NotebookApp.rate_limit_window=3.0 (secs)\n","\n"]},{"name":"stdout","output_type":"stream","text":["\n","bigram: {('', 'came'): 2, ('came', 'fiom'): 1, ('fiom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'tothis'): 1, ('tothis', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'wenwere'): 1, ('wenwere', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'first'): 1, ('first', 'road'): 1, ('road', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'evernwas'): 1, ('evernwas', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'ride'): 1, ('ride', 'elsewherenfrom'): 1, ('elsewherenfrom', 'anywhere'): 1, ('anywhere', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'nowherenhe'): 1, ('nowherenhe', 'says'): 1, ('says', 'while'): 1, ('while', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'train'): 1, ('train', 'stops'): 1, ('stops', 'everynwhere'): 1, ('everynwhere', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'never'): 1, ('never', 'stops'): 1, ('stops', 'anywhere'): 1, ('anywhere', 'unnless'): 1, ('unnless', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'somewhere'): 1, ('somewhere', 'well'): 1, ('well', 'i'): 2, ('i', 'saysnim'): 1, ('saysnim', 'glad'): 1, ('glad', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'hear'): 1, ('hear', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'accordning'): 1, 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('used', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'noted'): 1, ('noted', 'for'): 2, ('for', 'her'): 1, ('her', 'toughnpeople'): 1, ('toughnpeople', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'she'): 1, ('she', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'noted'): 1, ('for', 'bentough'): 1, ('bentough', 'steaks'): 1, ('steaks', 'well'): 1, ('i', 'certainly'): 1, ('certainly', 'gotnone'): 1, ('gotnone', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'waiter'): 2, ('waiter', 'broughtnit'): 1, ('broughtnit', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'was'): 2, ('was', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'small'): 1, ('small', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'thought'): 1, ('thought', 'itnwas'): 1, ('itnwas', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'crack'): 1, ('crack', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'plate'): 1, ('plate', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'skidnwaiter'): 1, ('skidnwaiter', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'else'): 1, ('else', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'you'): 2, ('you', 'got'): 1, ('got', '+henbrought'): 1, ('+henbrought', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'codfish'): 1, ('codfish', 'and'): 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'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, 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'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, 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'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['say', 'that', 'jesse'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'being', 'from', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'get', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'bulk', 'relnjsiatf', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'nin', 'branch', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'recording', 'scat', 'propeity', 'conducted', 'day', 'longer', 'crack', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'represented', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'soup', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'between', '\u003c', 'execute', 'mr', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'junen', 'case', 'werentimely', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'never', 'gotnone', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'tongetupat', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'entry', 'unnless', 'on', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'governnments', 'st', 'nad', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'wenwere', 'getnin', 'woke', 'all', 'front', 'lllier', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'feet', 'asale', 'cotnof', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', '®nrecords', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'say', 'large', 'bupreme', 'small', 'they', 'directly', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'priae', 'read', 'district', 'orn', 'sinh', 'make', 'cause', 'tbe', 'six', 'empirqnstate', 'pains', 'sandwichnafter', 'navy', 'at', 'signed', 'jesse', 'wentnover', 'used', 'ojnof', 'togethor', 'been', 'claimed', 'immediatenproblems', 'aptors', 'senatorial', 'andntheir', 'not', 'tasked', 'one', 'may', 'deteriorate', 'supreme', 'table', 'reflections', 'pealed', 'shown', '|artit', 'purchasernbearing', 'boot', 'sold', 'said', 'senate', 'inviunsuch', 'whatnshall', 'themna', 'gnto', 'l', 'catalogues', 'tried', 'urt', 'prevent', 'can', 'notes', 'secretary', 'longnenough', 'decree', 'ownnwho', 'sujk', 'bentough', 'nno', 'clerk', 'outset', 'so', 'deiree', 'sitl', 'up', 'perspective', 'oclock', 'tothis', 'broughtnit', 'onensmelt', 'apiw', 'ot', 'remind', 'andecree', 'five', 'adjudication', 'cakes', 'ves', 'ail', 'lkofvaluable', 'was', 'good', 'as', '|nized', 'though', 'of', 'distribution', 'while', 'express', 'thncause', 'own', 'duties', 'sure', 'esieeis', 'by', 'awfulnheadache', 'to', 'electorate', 'bananasnthey', 'lot', 'nownwe', 'risk', 'middle', 'any', 'centnper', 'folio', 'your', 'ho', 'place', 'terms', 'author', 'occupied', 'manager', 'atnthe', 'way', 'pubi', 'court', 'left', 'north', 'business', 'flatts', 'eflort', 'he', 'marshal', 'accustomed', 'vain', 'stage', 'per', 'first', 'national', 'frolume', 'making', 'soldjnterms', 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'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 1, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 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1, ('for', 'bentough'): 1, ('bentough', 'steaks'): 1, ('steaks', 'well'): 1, ('i', 'certainly'): 1, ('certainly', 'gotnone'): 1, ('gotnone', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'waiter'): 2, ('waiter', 'broughtnit'): 1, ('broughtnit', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'was'): 2, ('was', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'small'): 1, ('small', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'thought'): 1, ('thought', 'itnwas'): 1, ('itnwas', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'crack'): 1, ('crack', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'plate'): 1, ('plate', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'skidnwaiter'): 1, ('skidnwaiter', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'else'): 1, ('else', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'you'): 2, ('you', 'got'): 1, ('got', '+henbrought'): 1, ('+henbrought', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'codfish'): 1, ('codfish', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'onensmelt'): 1, ('onensmelt', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'said'): 4, ('said', 'waiter'): 1, ('waiter', 'have'): 1, ('you', 'gotnpigs'): 1, ('gotnpigs', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'said'): 3, ('said', 'no'): 2, ('no', 'rheumatismnmakes'): 1, ('rheumatismnmakes', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'walk'): 1, ('walk', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'saldnhow'): 1, ('saldnhow', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'pumpkin'): 1, ('pumpkin', 'pieliesaidnit'): 1, ('pieliesaidnit', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'squash'): 1, ('squash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'best'): 1, ('best', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'getnin'): 1, ('getnin', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'hotel'): 1, ('hotel', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'soup'): 1, ('soup', 'sandwichnafter'): 1, ('sandwichnafter', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'battle'): 1, ('battle', 'the'): 1, ('waiter', 'andni'): 1, ('andni', 'signed'): 1, ('signed', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'armistice'): 1, ('armistice', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'wentnover'): 1, ('wentnover', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'hotel'): 1, ('hotel', 'clerk'): 1, ('clerk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'asked'): 1, ('asked', 'forna'): 1, ('forna', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'with'): 2, ('with', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anbed'): 1, ('anbed', 'i'): 1, ('with', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'bed'): 2, ('bed', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'saidni'): 1, ('saidni', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'a'): 2, ('bed', 'longnenough'): 1, ('longnenough', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'i'): 1, ('said', 'well'): 1, ('well', 'illnaddtwo'): 1, ('illnaddtwo', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe'): 1, ('feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'gave'): 1, ('gave', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'lovely'): 1, ('lovely', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thentop'): 1, ('thentop', 'floor'): 1, ('floor', 'it'): 1, ('was', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'roomsnthat'): 1, ('roomsnthat', 'stands'): 1, ('stands', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'younhappen'): 1, ('younhappen', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'get'): 1, ('get', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'in'): 2, ('the', 'middle'): 2, ('middle', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'want'): 1, ('want', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'sure'): 1, ('sure', 'andnget'): 1, ('andnget', 'up'): 1, ('middle', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 14, ('the', 'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 1, ('measure', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 1, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 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'night'): 1, ('night', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'want'): 1, ('want', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'sure'): 1, ('sure', 'andnget'): 1, ('andnget', 'up'): 1, ('middle', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 14, ('the', 'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 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'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, 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'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['and', 'ruahnand', 'willie'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'being', 'from', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'get', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'bulk', 'relnjsiatf', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'nin', 'branch', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'recording', 'scat', 'propeity', 'conducted', 'day', 'longer', 'crack', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'represented', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'soup', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'between', '\u003c', 'execute', 'mr', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'junen', 'case', 'werentimely', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'never', 'gotnone', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'tongetupat', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'entry', 'unnless', 'on', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'governnments', 'st', 'nad', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'wenwere', 'getnin', 'woke', 'all', 'front', 'lllier', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'feet', 'asale', 'cotnof', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', '®nrecords', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'say', 'large', 'bupreme', 'small', 'they', 'directly', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'priae', 'read', 'district', 'orn', 'sinh', 'make', 'cause', 'tbe', 'six', 'empirqnstate', 'pains', 'sandwichnafter', 'navy', 'at', 'signed', 'jesse', 'wentnover', 'used', 'ojnof', 'togethor', 'been', 'claimed', 'immediatenproblems', 'aptors', 'senatorial', 'andntheir', 'not', 'tasked', 'one', 'may', 'deteriorate', 'supreme', 'table', 'reflections', 'pealed', 'shown', '|artit', 'purchasernbearing', 'boot', 'sold', 'said', 'senate', 'inviunsuch', 'whatnshall', 'themna', 'gnto', 'l', 'catalogues', 'tried', 'urt', 'prevent', 'can', 'notes', 'secretary', 'longnenough', 'decree', 'ownnwho', 'sujk', 'bentough', 'nno', 'clerk', 'outset', 'so', 'deiree', 'sitl', 'up', 'perspective', 'oclock', 'tothis', 'broughtnit', 'onensmelt', 'apiw', 'ruahnand', 'ot', 'remind', 'andecree', 'five', 'adjudication', 'cakes', 'ves', 'ail', 'lkofvaluable', 'was', 'good', 'as', '|nized', 'though', 'of', 'distribution', 'while', 'express', 'thncause', 'own', 'duties', 'sure', 'esieeis', 'by', 'awfulnheadache', 'to', 'electorate', 'bananasnthey', 'lot', 'nownwe', 'risk', 'middle', 'any', 'centnper', 'folio', 'your', 'ho', 'place', 'terms', 'author', 'occupied', 'manager', 'atnthe', 'way', 'pubi', 'court', 'left', 'north', 'business', 'flatts', 'eflort', 'he', 'marshal', 'accustomed', 'vain', 'stage', 'per', 'first', 'national', 'frolume', 'making', 'soldjnterms', '|amount', 'ex¬npenses', 'courts', 'something', 'next', 'this', 'other', 'auctioneers', 'room', 'isigovemed', 'abou', 'her', 'very', 'complied', 'heard', 'cash', 'linesnfor', 'bed', 'residue', 'seq', 'twelve', 'saidni', 'forna', 'offices', 'shall', 'lie', 'somewhere', 'defaulting', 'train', 'country', 'declared', 'new', 'that', 'd', 'circulate', 'armistice', 'hag', 'fur', 'then', 'ou', 'dreamt', 'road', 'for', 'unitened', 'thnfoundiy', 'figures', 'cost', 'such', 'gross', 'it', 'nowherenhe', 'sulidivlded', 'ainum', 'dis|m', 'those', 'determine', 'skidnwaiter', 'appeals', 'etist', 'question', 'attic', 'goodnthings', 'years', 'younfcavo', 'be', 'fine', 'trust', 'secured', 'order', 'hear', 'godnthought', 'ofnoperate', 'advice', 'when', 'gone', 'value', 'thentale', 'got', 'fefnsale', 'think', 'full', 'wo', '+henbrought', 'side', 'noticento', 'somonmental', 'ceitihcate', 'extended', 'crdlecting', 'gave', 'told', 'agent', 'mb', 'pieliesaidnit', 'lovely', 'two', 'in', 'open', 'had', 'thirty', 'thought', 'younhappen', 'pv', 'friday', 'nationally', 'measure', 'northwestnby', 'semiannually', 'a', 'g', 'where', 'slidellnthat', 'ndell', 'if', 'night', 'tull', 'steaks', 'iigree', 'thenbreakfast', 'compannies', 'says', 'byna', 'convictions', 'toughnpeople', 'perishing', 'lisntened', 'return', 'emailnespecially', 'forntho', 'rvfsfon', 'into', 'required', 'reasoned', 'pay', 'squash', 'th', 'land', 'tfie', 'purchaser', 'their', 'ofnground', 'its', 'andnget', 'machinnations', 'nnder', 'albany', 'bo', 'baa', 'lots', 'i', 'about', '\u003e', 'deiwiiling', 'down', 'illnaddtwo', 'ofnthe', 'lit', 'condemn', 'people', 'mixed', 'equalnpay', 'thereby', 'c', 'appeared', 'asked', 'roomnthat', 'gotnpigs', 'possibly', 'bideof', 'willie', 'fillning', 'myselfnwhere', 'ofnwhich', 'codfish', 'dollars', 'judge', 'saenshall', 'states', 'vessels', 'ride', 'three', 'there', 'evidence', 'novnelty', 'proceerls', 'anbed', 'thosenminor', 'months', 'rheumatismnmakes', 'tonthink', 'parcels', 'dis', 'last', 'could', 'p', 'duty', 'each', 'anywhere', 'reached', 'fortunqnwhich', 'days', 'obeednattempt', 'political', 'tho', 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'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, 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('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['ruahnand', 'willie', 'should'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'being', 'from', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'get', 'makingnsuch', 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'puze', 'entry', 'unnless', 'on', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'governnments', 'st', 'nad', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'wenwere', 'getnin', 'woke', 'all', 'front', 'lllier', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'feet', 'asale', 'cotnof', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', '®nrecords', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'say', 'large', 'bupreme', 'small', 'they', 'directly', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'priae', 'read', 'district', 'orn', 'sinh', 'make', 'cause', 'tbe', 'six', 'empirqnstate', 'pains', 'sandwichnafter', 'navy', 'at', 'signed', 'jesse', 'wentnover', 'used', 'ojnof', 'togethor', 'been', 'claimed', 'immediatenproblems', 'aptors', 'senatorial', 'andntheir', 'not', 'tasked', 'one', 'may', 'deteriorate', 'supreme', 'table', 'reflections', 'pealed', 'shown', '|artit', 'purchasernbearing', 'boot', 'sold', 'said', 'senate', 'inviunsuch', 'whatnshall', 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1, ('room', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'with'): 2, ('with', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anbed'): 1, ('anbed', 'i'): 1, ('with', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'bed'): 2, ('bed', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'saidni'): 1, ('saidni', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'a'): 2, ('bed', 'longnenough'): 1, ('longnenough', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'i'): 1, ('said', 'well'): 1, ('well', 'illnaddtwo'): 1, ('illnaddtwo', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe'): 1, ('feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'gave'): 1, ('gave', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'lovely'): 1, ('lovely', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thentop'): 1, ('thentop', 'floor'): 1, ('floor', 'it'): 1, ('was', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'roomsnthat'): 1, ('roomsnthat', 'stands'): 1, ('stands', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'younhappen'): 1, ('younhappen', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'get'): 1, ('get', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'in'): 2, ('the', 'middle'): 2, ('middle', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'want'): 1, ('want', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'sure'): 1, ('sure', 'andnget'): 1, ('andnget', 'up'): 1, ('middle', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 14, ('the', 'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 1, ('measure', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 1, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 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'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 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'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, 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1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, 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'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, 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1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['go', 'to', 'sabbathnschool'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'being', 'from', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'get', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'bulk', 'relnjsiatf', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'nin', 'branch', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'recording', 'scat', 'propeity', 'conducted', 'day', 'longer', 'crack', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'represented', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'soup', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'between', '\u003c', 'execute', 'mr', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'junen', 'case', 'werentimely', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'never', 'gotnone', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'tongetupat', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'entry', 'unnless', 'on', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'governnments', 'st', 'nad', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'wenwere', 'getnin', 'woke', 'all', 'front', 'lllier', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'feet', 'asale', 'cotnof', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', '®nrecords', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'say', 'large', 'bupreme', 'small', 'they', 'directly', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'priae', 'read', 'district', 'orn', 'sinh', 'make', 'cause', 'tbe', 'six', 'empirqnstate', 'pains', 'sandwichnafter', 'navy', 'at', 'signed', 'jesse', 'wentnover', 'used', 'ojnof', 'togethor', 'been', 'claimed', 'immediatenproblems', 'aptors', 'senatorial', 'andntheir', 'not', 'tasked', 'one', 'may', 'deteriorate', 'supreme', 'table', 'reflections', 'pealed', 'shown', '|artit', 'purchasernbearing', 'boot', 'sold', 'said', 'senate', 'inviunsuch', 'whatnshall', 'themna', 'gnto', 'l', 'catalogues', 'tried', 'urt', 'prevent', 'can', 'notes', 'secretary', 'longnenough', 'decree', 'ownnwho', 'sujk', 'bentough', 'nno', 'clerk', 'outset', 'so', 'deiree', 'sitl', 'up', 'perspective', 'oclock', 'tothis', 'broughtnit', 'sabbathnschool', 'onensmelt', 'apiw', 'ruahnand', 'ot', 'remind', 'andecree', 'five', 'adjudication', 'cakes', 'ves', 'ail', 'lkofvaluable', 'was', 'good', 'as', '|nized', 'though', 'of', 'distribution', 'while', 'express', 'thncause', 'own', 'duties', 'sure', 'esieeis', 'by', 'awfulnheadache', 'to', 'electorate', 'bananasnthey', 'lot', 'nownwe', 'risk', 'middle', 'any', 'centnper', 'folio', 'your', 'ho', 'place', 'terms', 'author', 'occupied', 'manager', 'atnthe', 'way', 'pubi', 'court', 'left', 'north', 'business', 'flatts', 'eflort', 'he', 'marshal', 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'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 1, ('measure', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, 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('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, 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1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 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'sabbathnschool')\n","bigram: {('', 'came'): 2, ('came', 'fiom'): 1, ('fiom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'tothis'): 1, ('tothis', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'wenwere'): 1, ('wenwere', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'first'): 1, ('first', 'road'): 1, ('road', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'evernwas'): 1, ('evernwas', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'ride'): 1, ('ride', 'elsewherenfrom'): 1, ('elsewherenfrom', 'anywhere'): 1, ('anywhere', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'nowherenhe'): 1, ('nowherenhe', 'says'): 1, ('says', 'while'): 1, ('while', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'train'): 1, ('train', 'stops'): 1, ('stops', 'everynwhere'): 1, ('everynwhere', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'never'): 1, ('never', 'stops'): 1, ('stops', 'anywhere'): 1, ('anywhere', 'unnless'): 1, ('unnless', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'somewhere'): 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('me', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'bananasnthey'): 1, ('bananasnthey', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'go'): 1, ('go', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'bunches'): 1, ('bunches', 'ndell'): 1, ('ndell', 'used'): 1, ('used', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'noted'): 1, ('noted', 'for'): 2, ('for', 'her'): 1, ('her', 'toughnpeople'): 1, ('toughnpeople', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'she'): 1, ('she', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'noted'): 1, ('for', 'bentough'): 1, ('bentough', 'steaks'): 1, ('steaks', 'well'): 1, ('i', 'certainly'): 1, ('certainly', 'gotnone'): 1, ('gotnone', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'waiter'): 2, ('waiter', 'broughtnit'): 1, ('broughtnit', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'was'): 2, ('was', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'small'): 1, ('small', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'thought'): 1, ('thought', 'itnwas'): 1, ('itnwas', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'crack'): 1, ('crack', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'plate'): 1, ('plate', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'skidnwaiter'): 1, ('skidnwaiter', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'else'): 1, ('else', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'you'): 2, ('you', 'got'): 1, ('got', '+henbrought'): 1, ('+henbrought', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'codfish'): 1, ('codfish', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'onensmelt'): 1, ('onensmelt', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'said'): 4, ('said', 'waiter'): 1, ('waiter', 'have'): 1, ('you', 'gotnpigs'): 1, ('gotnpigs', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'said'): 3, ('said', 'no'): 2, ('no', 'rheumatismnmakes'): 1, ('rheumatismnmakes', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'walk'): 1, ('walk', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'saldnhow'): 1, ('saldnhow', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'pumpkin'): 1, ('pumpkin', 'pieliesaidnit'): 1, ('pieliesaidnit', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'squash'): 1, ('squash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'best'): 1, ('best', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'getnin'): 1, ('getnin', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'hotel'): 1, ('hotel', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'soup'): 1, ('soup', 'sandwichnafter'): 1, ('sandwichnafter', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'battle'): 1, ('battle', 'the'): 1, ('waiter', 'andni'): 1, ('andni', 'signed'): 1, ('signed', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'armistice'): 1, ('armistice', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'wentnover'): 1, ('wentnover', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'hotel'): 1, ('hotel', 'clerk'): 1, ('clerk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'asked'): 1, ('asked', 'forna'): 1, ('forna', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'with'): 2, ('with', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anbed'): 1, ('anbed', 'i'): 1, ('with', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'bed'): 2, ('bed', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'saidni'): 1, ('saidni', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'a'): 2, ('bed', 'longnenough'): 1, ('longnenough', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'i'): 1, ('said', 'well'): 1, ('well', 'illnaddtwo'): 1, ('illnaddtwo', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe'): 1, ('feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'gave'): 1, ('gave', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'lovely'): 1, ('lovely', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thentop'): 1, ('thentop', 'floor'): 1, ('floor', 'it'): 1, ('was', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'roomsnthat'): 1, ('roomsnthat', 'stands'): 1, ('stands', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'younhappen'): 1, ('younhappen', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'get'): 1, ('get', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'in'): 2, ('the', 'middle'): 2, ('middle', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'want'): 1, ('want', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'sure'): 1, ('sure', 'andnget'): 1, ('andnget', 'up'): 1, ('middle', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 14, ('the', 'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 1, ('measure', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, 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'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, 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('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, 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'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, 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('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['but', 'george', 'and'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'being', 'from', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'get', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'bulk', 'relnjsiatf', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'nin', 'branch', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'recording', 'scat', 'propeity', 'conducted', 'day', 'longer', 'crack', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'represented', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'soup', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'between', '\u003c', 'execute', 'mr', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'junen', 'case', 'werentimely', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'never', 'gotnone', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'tongetupat', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'entry', 'unnless', 'on', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'governnments', 'st', 'nad', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'wenwere', 'getnin', 'woke', 'all', 'front', 'lllier', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'feet', 'asale', 'cotnof', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', '®nrecords', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'say', 'large', 'bupreme', 'small', 'they', 'directly', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'priae', 'read', 'district', 'orn', 'sinh', 'make', 'cause', 'tbe', 'six', 'empirqnstate', 'pains', 'sandwichnafter', 'navy', 'at', 'signed', 'jesse', 'wentnover', 'used', 'ojnof', 'togethor', 'been', 'claimed', 'immediatenproblems', 'aptors', 'senatorial', 'andntheir', 'not', 'tasked', 'one', 'may', 'deteriorate', 'supreme', 'table', 'reflections', 'pealed', 'shown', '|artit', 'purchasernbearing', 'boot', 'sold', 'said', 'senate', 'inviunsuch', 'whatnshall', 'themna', 'gnto', 'l', 'catalogues', 'tried', 'urt', 'prevent', 'can', 'notes', 'secretary', 'longnenough', 'decree', 'ownnwho', 'sujk', 'bentough', 'nno', 'clerk', 'outset', 'so', 'deiree', 'sitl', 'up', 'perspective', 'oclock', 'tothis', 'broughtnit', 'sabbathnschool', 'onensmelt', 'apiw', 'ruahnand', 'ot', 'remind', 'andecree', 'five', 'adjudication', 'cakes', 'ves', 'ail', 'lkofvaluable', 'was', 'good', 'as', '|nized', 'though', 'of', 'distribution', 'while', 'express', 'thncause', 'own', 'duties', 'sure', 'esieeis', 'by', 'awfulnheadache', 'to', 'electorate', 'bananasnthey', 'lot', 'nownwe', 'risk', 'middle', 'any', 'centnper', 'folio', 'your', 'ho', 'place', 'terms', 'author', 'occupied', 'manager', 'atnthe', 'way', 'pubi', 'court', 'left', 'george', 'north', 'business', 'flatts', 'eflort', 'he', 'marshal', 'accustomed', 'vain', 'stage', 'per', 'first', 'national', 'frolume', 'making', 'soldjnterms', '|amount', 'ex¬npenses', 'courts', 'something', 'next', 'this', 'other', 'auctioneers', 'room', 'isigovemed', 'abou', 'her', 'very', 'complied', 'heard', 'cash', 'linesnfor', 'bed', 'residue', 'seq', 'twelve', 'saidni', 'forna', 'offices', 'shall', 'lie', 'somewhere', 'defaulting', 'train', 'country', 'declared', 'new', 'that', 'd', 'circulate', 'armistice', 'hag', 'fur', 'then', 'ou', 'dreamt', 'road', 'for', 'unitened', 'thnfoundiy', 'figures', 'cost', 'such', 'gross', 'it', 'nowherenhe', 'sulidivlded', 'ainum', 'dis|m', 'those', 'determine', 'skidnwaiter', 'appeals', 'etist', 'question', 'attic', 'goodnthings', 'years', 'younfcavo', 'be', 'fine', 'trust', 'secured', 'order', 'hear', 'godnthought', 'ofnoperate', 'advice', 'when', 'gone', 'value', 'thentale', 'got', 'fefnsale', 'think', 'full', 'wo', '+henbrought', 'side', 'noticento', 'somonmental', 'ceitihcate', 'extended', 'crdlecting', 'gave', 'told', 'agent', 'mb', 'pieliesaidnit', 'lovely', 'two', 'in', 'open', 'had', 'thirty', 'thought', 'younhappen', 'pv', 'friday', 'nationally', 'measure', 'northwestnby', 'semiannually', 'a', 'g', 'where', 'slidellnthat', 'ndell', 'if', 'night', 'tull', 'steaks', 'iigree', 'thenbreakfast', 'compannies', 'says', 'byna', 'convictions', 'toughnpeople', 'perishing', 'lisntened', 'return', 'emailnespecially', 'forntho', 'rvfsfon', 'into', 'required', 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('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, 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1, ('feet', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'said'): 3, ('said', 'no'): 2, ('no', 'rheumatismnmakes'): 1, ('rheumatismnmakes', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'walk'): 1, ('walk', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'saldnhow'): 1, ('saldnhow', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'pumpkin'): 1, ('pumpkin', 'pieliesaidnit'): 1, ('pieliesaidnit', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'squash'): 1, ('squash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'best'): 1, ('best', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'getnin'): 1, ('getnin', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'hotel'): 1, ('hotel', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'soup'): 1, ('soup', 'sandwichnafter'): 1, ('sandwichnafter', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'battle'): 1, ('battle', 'the'): 1, ('waiter', 'andni'): 1, ('andni', 'signed'): 1, ('signed', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'armistice'): 1, ('armistice', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'wentnover'): 1, ('wentnover', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'hotel'): 1, ('hotel', 'clerk'): 1, ('clerk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'asked'): 1, ('asked', 'forna'): 1, ('forna', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'with'): 2, ('with', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anbed'): 1, ('anbed', 'i'): 1, ('with', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'bed'): 2, ('bed', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'saidni'): 1, ('saidni', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'a'): 2, ('bed', 'longnenough'): 1, ('longnenough', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'i'): 1, ('said', 'well'): 1, ('well', 'illnaddtwo'): 1, ('illnaddtwo', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe'): 1, ('feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'gave'): 1, ('gave', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'lovely'): 1, ('lovely', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thentop'): 1, ('thentop', 'floor'): 1, ('floor', 'it'): 1, ('was', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'roomsnthat'): 1, ('roomsnthat', 'stands'): 1, ('stands', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'younhappen'): 1, ('younhappen', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'get'): 1, ('get', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'in'): 2, ('the', 'middle'): 2, ('middle', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'want'): 1, ('want', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'sure'): 1, ('sure', 'andnget'): 1, ('andnget', 'up'): 1, ('middle', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 14, ('the', 'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 1, ('measure', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 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'james')\n","bigram: {('', 'came'): 2, ('came', 'fiom'): 1, ('fiom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'tothis'): 1, ('tothis', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'wenwere'): 1, ('wenwere', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'first'): 1, ('first', 'road'): 1, ('road', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'evernwas'): 1, ('evernwas', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'ride'): 1, ('ride', 'elsewherenfrom'): 1, ('elsewherenfrom', 'anywhere'): 1, ('anywhere', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'nowherenhe'): 1, ('nowherenhe', 'says'): 1, ('says', 'while'): 1, ('while', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'train'): 1, ('train', 'stops'): 1, ('stops', 'everynwhere'): 1, ('everynwhere', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'never'): 1, ('never', 'stops'): 1, ('stops', 'anywhere'): 1, ('anywhere', 'unnless'): 1, ('unnless', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'somewhere'): 1, 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'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 1, ('measure', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 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1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 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1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, 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1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 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'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 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'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'soup', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'between', '\u003c', 'execute', 'mr', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'junen', 'case', 'werentimely', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'never', 'gotnone', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'tongetupat', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'entry', 'unnless', 'on', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'governnments', 'st', 'nad', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'wenwere', 'getnin', 'woke', 'all', 'front', 'lllier', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'feet', 'asale', 'cotnof', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', '®nrecords', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'say', 'large', 'bupreme', 'small', 'they', 'directly', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'priae', 'read', 'district', 'orn', 'sinh', 'make', 'cause', 'tbe', 'six', 'empirqnstate', 'pains', 'sandwichnafter', 'navy', 'at', 'signed', 'jesse', 'wentnover', 'used', 'ojnof', 'togethor', 'been', 'claimed', 'immediatenproblems', 'aptors', 'senatorial', 'andntheir', 'not', 'tasked', 'one', 'may', 'deteriorate', 'supreme', 'table', 'reflections', 'pealed', 'shown', '|artit', 'purchasernbearing', 'boot', 'sold', 'said', 'senate', 'inviunsuch', 'whatnshall', 'themna', 'gnto', 'l', 'catalogues', 'tried', 'urt', 'prevent', 'can', 'notes', 'secretary', 'longnenough', 'decree', 'ownnwho', 'sujk', 'bentough', 'nno', 'clerk', 'outset', 'so', 'deiree', 'sitl', 'up', 'perspective', 'oclock', 'tothis', 'broughtnit', 'sabbathnschool', 'onensmelt', 'apiw', 'ruahnand', 'ot', 'remind', 'andecree', 'five', 'adjudication', 'cakes', 'ves', 'ail', 'lkofvaluable', 'was', 'good', 'as', '|nized', 'though', 'of', 'distribution', 'while', 'express', 'thncause', 'own', 'duties', 'sure', 'esieeis', 'by', 'awfulnheadache', 'to', 'electorate', 'bananasnthey', 'lot', 'nownwe', 'risk', 'middle', 'any', 'centnper', 'folio', 'your', 'ho', 'place', 'terms', 'author', 'occupied', 'manager', 'atnthe', 'way', 'pubi', 'court', 'left', 'george', 'north', 'business', 'flatts', 'eflort', 'he', 'marshal', 'accustomed', 'vain', 'stage', 'per', 'first', 'national', 'frolume', 'making', 'soldjnterms', '|amount', 'ex¬npenses', 'andnmarj', 'courts', 'something', 'next', 'this', 'other', 'auctioneers', 'room', 'isigovemed', 'abou', 'her', 'very', 'complied', 'heard', 'cash', 'linesnfor', 'bed', 'residue', 'seq', 'twelve', 'saidni', 'forna', 'offices', 'shall', 'lie', 'somewhere', 'defaulting', 'train', 'country', 'declared', 'new', 'that', 'd', 'circulate', 'armistice', 'hag', 'fur', 'then', 'ou', 'dreamt', 'road', 'for', 'unitened', 'thnfoundiy', 'figures', 'cost', 'such', 'gross', 'it', 'nowherenhe', 'sulidivlded', 'ainum', 'dis|m', 'those', 'determine', 'skidnwaiter', 'appeals', 'etist', 'question', 'attic', 'goodnthings', 'years', 'younfcavo', 'be', 'fine', 'trust', 'secured', 'order', 'hear', 'godnthought', 'ofnoperate', 'advice', 'when', 'gone', 'value', 'thentale', 'got', 'fefnsale', 'think', 'full', 'wo', '+henbrought', 'side', 'noticento', 'somonmental', 'ceitihcate', 'extended', 'crdlecting', 'gave', 'told', 'agent', 'mb', 'pieliesaidnit', 'lovely', 'two', 'in', 'open', 'had', 'thirty', 'thought', 'younhappen', 'pv', 'friday', 'nationally', 'measure', 'northwestnby', 'semiannually', 'a', 'g', 'where', 'slidellnthat', 'ndell', 'if', 'night', 'tull', 'steaks', 'iigree', 'thenbreakfast', 'compannies', 'says', 'byna', 'convictions', 'toughnpeople', 'perishing', 'lisntened', 'return', 'emailnespecially', 'forntho', 'rvfsfon', 'into', 'required', 'reasoned', 'pay', 'squash', 'th', 'land', 'tfie', 'purchaser', 'their', 'ofnground', 'its', 'andnget', 'machinnations', 'nnder', 'albany', 'bo', 'baa', 'lots', 'i', 'about', '\u003e', 'deiwiiling', 'down', 'illnaddtwo', 'ofnthe', 'lit', 'condemn', 'people', 'mixed', 'equalnpay', 'thereby', 'c', 'appeared', 'asked', 'roomnthat', 'gotnpigs', 'possibly', 'bideof', 'willie', 'fillning', 'myselfnwhere', 'ofnwhich', 'codfish', 'dollars', 'judge', 'saenshall', 'states', 'vessels', 'ride', 'three', 'there', 'evidence', 'novnelty', 'proceerls', 'anbed', 'thosenminor', 'months', 'rheumatismnmakes', 'tonthink', 'parcels', 'dis', 'last', 'could', 'p', 'duty', 'each', 'anywhere', 'reached', 'fortunqnwhich', 'days', 'obeednattempt', 'political', 'tho', 'mintnskill', 'conveyancing', 'ol', 'the', 'thonsan', 'me', 'stnnear', 'myself', 'aboutnit', 'an', 'roomsnthat', 'aofnprejuiretl', 'politicians', 'ftiras', 'set', 'dont', 'f', 'evernwas', 'thenbed', 'stands', 'virtue', 'controversy', 'morning', 'necessary', 'well', 'quality', 'ofnjune', 'his', 'stiil', 'legislature', 'james', 'battle', 'inshall', 'grown', 'bootnto', 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'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 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'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, 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'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['andnmarj', 'are', 'too'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'being', 'from', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'get', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'bulk', 'relnjsiatf', 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1, ('room', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'with'): 2, ('with', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anbed'): 1, ('anbed', 'i'): 1, ('with', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'bed'): 2, ('bed', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'saidni'): 1, ('saidni', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'a'): 2, ('bed', 'longnenough'): 1, ('longnenough', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'i'): 1, ('said', 'well'): 1, ('well', 'illnaddtwo'): 1, ('illnaddtwo', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe'): 1, ('feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'gave'): 1, ('gave', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'lovely'): 1, ('lovely', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thentop'): 1, ('thentop', 'floor'): 1, ('floor', 'it'): 1, ('was', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'roomsnthat'): 1, ('roomsnthat', 'stands'): 1, ('stands', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'younhappen'): 1, ('younhappen', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'get'): 1, ('get', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'in'): 2, ('the', 'middle'): 2, ('middle', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'want'): 1, ('want', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'sure'): 1, ('sure', 'andnget'): 1, ('andnget', 'up'): 1, ('middle', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 14, ('the', 'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 1, ('measure', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 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1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, 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'thentop'): 1, ('thentop', 'floor'): 1, ('floor', 'it'): 1, ('was', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'roomsnthat'): 1, ('roomsnthat', 'stands'): 1, ('stands', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'younhappen'): 1, ('younhappen', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'get'): 1, ('get', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'in'): 2, ('the', 'middle'): 2, ('middle', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'want'): 1, ('want', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'sure'): 1, ('sure', 'andnget'): 1, ('andnget', 'up'): 1, ('middle', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 14, ('the', 'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, 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'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 1, ('measure', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 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1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, 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3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, 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'their', 'ofnground', 'its', 'andnget', 'machinnations', 'nnder', 'albany', 'bo', 'baa', 'lots', 'i', 'about', '\u003e', 'deiwiiling', 'down', 'illnaddtwo', 'ofnthe', 'lit', 'condemn', 'people', 'mixed', 'equalnpay', 'thereby', 'c', 'appeared', 'asked', 'roomnthat', 'gotnpigs', 'possibly', 'bideof', 'willie', 'fillning', 'myselfnwhere', 'ofnwhich', 'codfish', 'dollars', 'judge', 'saenshall', 'states', 'vessels', 'ride', 'three', 'there', 'evidence', 'novnelty', 'proceerls', 'anbed', 'thosenminor', 'months', 'rheumatismnmakes', 'tonthink', 'parcels', 'dis', 'last', 'could', 'p', 'duty', 'each', 'anywhere', 'reached', 'fortunqnwhich', 'days', 'obeednattempt', 'political', 'tho', 'mintnskill', 'conveyancing', 'ol', 'the', 'thonsan', 'me', 'stnnear', 'myself', 'aboutnit', 'an', 'roomsnthat', 'aofnprejuiretl', 'politicians', 'ftiras', 'set', 'dont', 'f', 'evernwas', 'thenbed', 'stands', 'virtue', 'controversy', 'morning', 'necessary', 'well', 'quality', 'ofnjune', 'his', 'stiil', 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'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 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'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['old', 'our', 'hair'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'being', 'from', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'get', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'relnjsiatf', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'nin', 'branch', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'recording', 'scat', 'propeity', 'conducted', 'day', 'longer', 'crack', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'represented', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'soup', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'between', '\u003c', 'execute', 'mr', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'junen', 'case', 'werentimely', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'never', 'gotnone', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'tongetupat', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'entry', 'unnless', 'on', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'governnments', 'st', 'nad', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'wenwere', 'getnin', 'woke', 'all', 'front', 'lllier', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'feet', 'asale', 'cotnof', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', '®nrecords', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'say', 'large', 'bupreme', 'small', 'they', 'directly', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'priae', 'read', 'district', 'orn', 'sinh', 'make', 'cause', 'tbe', 'six', 'empirqnstate', 'pains', 'sandwichnafter', 'navy', 'at', 'signed', 'jesse', 'hair', 'wentnover', 'used', 'ojnof', 'togethor', 'been', 'claimed', 'immediatenproblems', 'aptors', 'senatorial', 'andntheir', 'not', 'tasked', 'one', 'may', 'deteriorate', 'supreme', 'table', 'reflections', 'pealed', 'shown', '|artit', 'purchasernbearing', 'boot', 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('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 1, ('measure', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 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'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe'): 1, ('feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'gave'): 1, ('gave', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'lovely'): 1, ('lovely', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thentop'): 1, ('thentop', 'floor'): 1, ('floor', 'it'): 1, ('was', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'roomsnthat'): 1, ('roomsnthat', 'stands'): 1, ('stands', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'younhappen'): 1, ('younhappen', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'get'): 1, ('get', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'in'): 2, ('the', 'middle'): 2, ('middle', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'want'): 1, ('want', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'sure'): 1, ('sure', 'andnget'): 1, ('andnget', 'up'): 1, ('middle', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 14, ('the', 'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 1, ('measure', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 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'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, 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('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, 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'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, 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1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, 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'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, 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'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['may', 'bencomp', 'silvered'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'being', 'from', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'get', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'relnjsiatf', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'nin', 'branch', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'recording', 'scat', 'propeity', 'conducted', 'day', 'longer', 'crack', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'represented', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'soup', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'between', '\u003c', 'execute', 'mr', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'junen', 'case', 'werentimely', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'never', 'gotnone', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'tongetupat', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'entry', 'unnless', 'on', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'governnments', 'st', 'nad', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'wenwere', 'getnin', 'woke', 'all', 'front', 'lllier', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'feet', 'asale', 'cotnof', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', '®nrecords', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'say', 'large', 'bupreme', 'small', 'they', 'directly', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'priae', 'read', 'district', 'orn', 'sinh', 'make', 'cause', 'tbe', 'six', 'empirqnstate', 'pains', 'sandwichnafter', 'navy', 'at', 'signed', 'jesse', 'hair', 'wentnover', 'used', 'ojnof', 'togethor', 'been', 'claimed', 'silvered', 'immediatenproblems', 'aptors', 'senatorial', 'andntheir', 'not', 'tasked', 'one', 'may', 'deteriorate', 'supreme', 'table', 'reflections', 'pealed', 'shown', '|artit', 'purchasernbearing', 'boot', 'sold', 'said', 'senate', 'inviunsuch', 'whatnshall', 'themna', 'gnto', 'l', 'catalogues', 'tried', 'urt', 'prevent', 'can', 'notes', 'secretary', 'longnenough', 'decree', 'ownnwho', 'sujk', 'bentough', 'nno', 'clerk', 'outset', 'so', 'deiree', 'sitl', 'up', 'perspective', 'oclock', 'tothis', 'broughtnit', 'sabbathnschool', 'onensmelt', 'apiw', 'ruahnand', 'ot', 'remind', 'andecree', 'five', 'adjudication', 'cakes', 'ves', 'ail', 'lkofvaluable', 'was', 'good', 'as', '|nized', 'though', 'of', 'distribution', 'while', 'express', 'thncause', 'own', 'duties', 'sure', 'esieeis', 'by', 'awfulnheadache', 'to', 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'york'): 1, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, 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'i'): 1, ('i', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'wentnover'): 1, ('wentnover', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'hotel'): 1, ('hotel', 'clerk'): 1, ('clerk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'asked'): 1, ('asked', 'forna'): 1, ('forna', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'with'): 2, ('with', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anbed'): 1, ('anbed', 'i'): 1, ('with', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'bed'): 2, ('bed', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'saidni'): 1, ('saidni', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'a'): 2, ('bed', 'longnenough'): 1, ('longnenough', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'i'): 1, ('said', 'well'): 1, ('well', 'illnaddtwo'): 1, ('illnaddtwo', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe'): 1, ('feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'gave'): 1, ('gave', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'lovely'): 1, ('lovely', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thentop'): 1, ('thentop', 'floor'): 1, ('floor', 'it'): 1, ('was', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'roomsnthat'): 1, 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'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 1, ('measure', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, 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'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 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1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, 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'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, 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'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['yet', 'we', 'are'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'being', 'from', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'get', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'relnjsiatf', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'nin', 'branch', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'recording', 'scat', 'propeity', 'conducted', 'day', 'longer', 'crack', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'represented', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'soup', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'between', '\u003c', 'execute', 'mr', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'junen', 'case', 'werentimely', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'never', 'gotnone', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'tongetupat', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'entry', 'unnless', 'on', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'governnments', 'st', 'nad', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'wenwere', 'getnin', 'woke', 'all', 'front', 'lllier', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'feet', 'asale', 'cotnof', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', '®nrecords', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'say', 'large', 'bupreme', 'small', 'they', 'directly', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'priae', 'read', 'district', 'orn', 'sinh', 'make', 'cause', 'tbe', 'six', 'empirqnstate', 'pains', 'sandwichnafter', 'navy', 'at', 'signed', 'jesse', 'hair', 'wentnover', 'used', 'ojnof', 'togethor', 'been', 'claimed', 'silvered', 'immediatenproblems', 'aptors', 'senatorial', 'andntheir', 'not', 'tasked', 'one', 'may', 'deteriorate', 'supreme', 'table', 'reflections', 'pealed', 'shown', '|artit', 'purchasernbearing', 'boot', 'sold', 'said', 'senate', 'inviunsuch', 'whatnshall', 'themna', 'gnto', 'l', 'catalogues', 'tried', 'urt', 'prevent', 'can', 'notes', 'secretary', 'longnenough', 'decree', 'ownnwho', 'sujk', 'bentough', 'nno', 'clerk', 'outset', 'so', 'deiree', 'sitl', 'up', 'perspective', 'oclock', 'tothis', 'broughtnit', 'sabbathnschool', 'onensmelt', 'apiw', 'ruahnand', 'ot', 'remind', 'andecree', 'five', 'adjudication', 'cakes', 'ves', 'ail', 'lkofvaluable', 'was', 'good', 'as', '|nized', 'though', 'of', 'distribution', 'while', 'express', 'thncause', 'own', 'duties', 'sure', 'esieeis', 'by', 'awfulnheadache', 'to', 'electorate', 'bananasnthey', 'lot', 'nownwe', 'risk', 'middle', 'any', 'centnper', 'folio', 'your', 'ho', 'place', 'terms', 'author', 'occupied', 'manager', 'atnthe', 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1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 1, ('measure', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, 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1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, 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'said'): 4, ('said', 'waiter'): 1, ('waiter', 'have'): 1, ('you', 'gotnpigs'): 1, ('gotnpigs', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'said'): 3, ('said', 'no'): 2, ('no', 'rheumatismnmakes'): 1, ('rheumatismnmakes', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'walk'): 1, ('walk', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'saldnhow'): 1, ('saldnhow', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'pumpkin'): 1, ('pumpkin', 'pieliesaidnit'): 1, ('pieliesaidnit', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'squash'): 1, ('squash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'best'): 1, ('best', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'getnin'): 1, ('getnin', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'hotel'): 1, ('hotel', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'soup'): 1, ('soup', 'sandwichnafter'): 1, ('sandwichnafter', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'battle'): 1, ('battle', 'the'): 1, ('waiter', 'andni'): 1, ('andni', 'signed'): 1, ('signed', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'armistice'): 1, ('armistice', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'wentnover'): 1, ('wentnover', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'hotel'): 1, ('hotel', 'clerk'): 1, ('clerk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'asked'): 1, ('asked', 'forna'): 1, ('forna', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'with'): 2, ('with', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anbed'): 1, ('anbed', 'i'): 1, ('with', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'bed'): 2, ('bed', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'saidni'): 1, ('saidni', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'a'): 2, ('bed', 'longnenough'): 1, ('longnenough', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'i'): 1, ('said', 'well'): 1, ('well', 'illnaddtwo'): 1, ('illnaddtwo', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe'): 1, ('feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'gave'): 1, ('gave', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'lovely'): 1, ('lovely', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thentop'): 1, ('thentop', 'floor'): 1, ('floor', 'it'): 1, ('was', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'roomsnthat'): 1, ('roomsnthat', 'stands'): 1, ('stands', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'younhappen'): 1, ('younhappen', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'get'): 1, ('get', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'in'): 2, ('the', 'middle'): 2, ('middle', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'want'): 1, ('want', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'sure'): 1, ('sure', 'andnget'): 1, ('andnget', 'up'): 1, ('middle', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 14, ('the', 'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 1, ('measure', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, 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('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, 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1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 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('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['but', 'childrennus', 'students'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'being', 'from', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'get', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'relnjsiatf', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'nin', 'branch', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'recording', 'scat', 'propeity', 'conducted', 'day', 'longer', 'crack', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'represented', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'soup', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'between', '\u003c', 'execute', 'mr', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'junen', 'case', 'werentimely', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'never', 'gotnone', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'tongetupat', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'entry', 'unnless', 'on', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'governnments', 'st', 'nad', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'wenwere', 'getnin', 'woke', 'all', 'front', 'lllier', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'feet', 'asale', 'cotnof', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', '®nrecords', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'say', 'large', 'bupreme', 'small', 'they', 'directly', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'priae', 'read', 'district', 'orn', 'sinh', 'make', 'cause', 'tbe', 'six', 'empirqnstate', 'pains', 'sandwichnafter', 'navy', 'at', 'signed', 'jesse', 'hair', 'wentnover', 'used', 'ojnof', 'togethor', 'been', 'claimed', 'silvered', 'immediatenproblems', 'aptors', 'senatorial', 'andntheir', 'not', 'tasked', 'one', 'may', 'deteriorate', 'supreme', 'table', 'reflections', 'pealed', 'shown', '|artit', 'purchasernbearing', 'boot', 'sold', 'said', 'students', 'senate', 'inviunsuch', 'whatnshall', 'themna', 'gnto', 'l', 'catalogues', 'tried', 'urt', 'prevent', 'can', 'notes', 'secretary', 'longnenough', 'decree', 'ownnwho', 'sujk', 'bentough', 'nno', 'clerk', 'outset', 'so', 'deiree', 'sitl', 'up', 'perspective', 'oclock', 'tothis', 'broughtnit', 'sabbathnschool', 'onensmelt', 'apiw', 'ruahnand', 'ot', 'remind', 'andecree', 'five', 'adjudication', 'cakes', 'ves', 'ail', 'lkofvaluable', 'was', 'good', 'as', '|nized', 'though', 'of', 'distribution', 'while', 'express', 'thncause', 'own', 'duties', 'sure', 'esieeis', 'by', 'awfulnheadache', 'to', 'electorate', 'bananasnthey', 'lot', 'nownwe', 'risk', 'middle', 'any', 'centnper', 'folio', 'your', 'ho', 'place', 'terms', 'author', 'occupied', 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('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 1, ('measure', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, 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1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, 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'of'): 2, ('of', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'roomsnthat'): 1, ('roomsnthat', 'stands'): 1, ('stands', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'younhappen'): 1, ('younhappen', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'get'): 1, ('get', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'in'): 2, ('the', 'middle'): 2, ('middle', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'want'): 1, ('want', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'sure'): 1, ('sure', 'andnget'): 1, ('andnget', 'up'): 1, ('middle', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 14, ('the', 'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 1, ('measure', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, 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('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 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'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 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1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, 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'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, 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'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['of', 'god', 'word'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'being', 'from', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'get', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'relnjsiatf', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'nin', 'branch', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'recording', 'scat', 'propeity', 'conducted', 'day', 'longer', 'crack', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'represented', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'soup', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'between', '\u003c', 'execute', 'mr', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'junen', 'case', 'werentimely', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'never', 'gotnone', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'tongetupat', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'entry', 'unnless', 'on', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'governnments', 'st', 'nad', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'wenwere', 'getnin', 'woke', 'all', 'front', 'lllier', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'feet', 'asale', 'cotnof', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', '®nrecords', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'say', 'large', 'bupreme', 'small', 'they', 'directly', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'priae', 'read', 'district', 'orn', 'sinh', 'make', 'cause', 'tbe', 'six', 'empirqnstate', 'pains', 'sandwichnafter', 'navy', 'at', 'signed', 'jesse', 'hair', 'wentnover', 'used', 'ojnof', 'togethor', 'been', 'claimed', 'silvered', 'immediatenproblems', 'aptors', 'senatorial', 'andntheir', 'not', 'tasked', 'one', 'may', 'deteriorate', 'supreme', 'table', 'reflections', 'pealed', 'shown', '|artit', 'purchasernbearing', 'boot', 'sold', 'said', 'students', 'senate', 'inviunsuch', 'whatnshall', 'themna', 'gnto', 'l', 'catalogues', 'tried', 'urt', 'prevent', 'can', 'notes', 'secretary', 'longnenough', 'decree', 'ownnwho', 'sujk', 'bentough', 'nno', 'clerk', 'outset', 'so', 'deiree', 'sitl', 'up', 'perspective', 'oclock', 'tothis', 'broughtnit', 'sabbathnschool', 'onensmelt', 'apiw', 'ruahnand', 'ot', 'remind', 'andecree', 'five', 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1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 1, ('measure', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 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'pumpkin'): 1, ('pumpkin', 'pieliesaidnit'): 1, ('pieliesaidnit', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'squash'): 1, ('squash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'best'): 1, ('best', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'getnin'): 1, ('getnin', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'hotel'): 1, ('hotel', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'soup'): 1, ('soup', 'sandwichnafter'): 1, ('sandwichnafter', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'battle'): 1, ('battle', 'the'): 1, ('waiter', 'andni'): 1, ('andni', 'signed'): 1, ('signed', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'armistice'): 1, ('armistice', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'wentnover'): 1, ('wentnover', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'hotel'): 1, ('hotel', 'clerk'): 1, ('clerk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'asked'): 1, ('asked', 'forna'): 1, ('forna', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'with'): 2, ('with', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anbed'): 1, ('anbed', 'i'): 1, ('with', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'bed'): 2, ('bed', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'saidni'): 1, ('saidni', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'a'): 2, ('bed', 'longnenough'): 1, ('longnenough', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'i'): 1, ('said', 'well'): 1, ('well', 'illnaddtwo'): 1, ('illnaddtwo', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe'): 1, ('feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'gave'): 1, ('gave', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'lovely'): 1, ('lovely', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thentop'): 1, ('thentop', 'floor'): 1, ('floor', 'it'): 1, ('was', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'roomsnthat'): 1, ('roomsnthat', 'stands'): 1, ('stands', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'younhappen'): 1, ('younhappen', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'get'): 1, ('get', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'in'): 2, ('the', 'middle'): 2, ('middle', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'want'): 1, ('want', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'sure'): 1, ('sure', 'andnget'): 1, ('andnget', 'up'): 1, ('middle', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 14, ('the', 'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 1, ('measure', 'of'): 1, 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1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, 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'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 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2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['children', 'innchristian', 'life'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'being', 'from', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'get', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'relnjsiatf', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'nin', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'recording', 'scat', 'propeity', 'conducted', 'day', 'longer', 'crack', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'represented', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'soup', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'between', '\u003c', 'execute', 'mr', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'junen', 'case', 'werentimely', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'never', 'gotnone', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'tongetupat', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'entry', 'unnless', 'on', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'governnments', 'st', 'nad', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'wenwere', 'getnin', 'woke', 'all', 'front', 'lllier', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'feet', 'asale', 'cotnof', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', '®nrecords', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'say', 'large', 'bupreme', 'small', 'they', 'directly', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'priae', 'read', 'district', 'orn', 'sinh', 'make', 'cause', 'tbe', 'six', 'empirqnstate', 'pains', 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'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 1, ('measure', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 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'some': 1, 'too': 3, 'large': 1, 'emailnespecially': 1, 'were': 1, 'our': 2, 'childrenncjod': 1, 'say': 1, 'jesse': 1, 'ruahnand': 1, 'willie': 1, 'sabbathnschool': 1, 'george': 1, 'james': 1, 'andnmarj': 1, 'old': 1, 'hair': 1, 'bencomp': 1, 'silvered': 1, 'yet': 1, 'childrennus': 1, 'students': 1, 'word': 1, 'children': 1, 'innchristian': 1, 'life': 1}\n","item: ('innchristian', 'life')\n","bigram: {('', 'came'): 2, ('came', 'fiom'): 1, ('fiom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'tothis'): 1, ('tothis', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'wenwere'): 1, ('wenwere', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'first'): 1, ('first', 'road'): 1, ('road', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'evernwas'): 1, ('evernwas', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'ride'): 1, ('ride', 'elsewherenfrom'): 1, ('elsewherenfrom', 'anywhere'): 1, 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'pumpkin'): 1, ('pumpkin', 'pieliesaidnit'): 1, ('pieliesaidnit', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'squash'): 1, ('squash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'best'): 1, ('best', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'getnin'): 1, ('getnin', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'hotel'): 1, ('hotel', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'soup'): 1, ('soup', 'sandwichnafter'): 1, ('sandwichnafter', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'battle'): 1, ('battle', 'the'): 1, ('waiter', 'andni'): 1, ('andni', 'signed'): 1, ('signed', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'armistice'): 1, ('armistice', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'wentnover'): 1, ('wentnover', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'hotel'): 1, ('hotel', 'clerk'): 1, ('clerk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'asked'): 1, ('asked', 'forna'): 1, ('forna', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'with'): 2, ('with', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anbed'): 1, ('anbed', 'i'): 1, ('with', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'bed'): 2, ('bed', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'saidni'): 1, ('saidni', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'a'): 2, ('bed', 'longnenough'): 1, ('longnenough', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'i'): 1, ('said', 'well'): 1, ('well', 'illnaddtwo'): 1, ('illnaddtwo', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe'): 1, ('feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'gave'): 1, ('gave', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'lovely'): 1, ('lovely', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thentop'): 1, ('thentop', 'floor'): 1, ('floor', 'it'): 1, ('was', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'roomsnthat'): 1, ('roomsnthat', 'stands'): 1, ('stands', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'younhappen'): 1, ('younhappen', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'get'): 1, ('get', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'in'): 2, ('the', 'middle'): 2, ('middle', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'want'): 1, ('want', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'sure'): 1, ('sure', 'andnget'): 1, ('andnget', 'up'): 1, ('middle', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 14, ('the', 'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 1, ('measure', 'of'): 1, 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1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 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'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, 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'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 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1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, 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'|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, 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'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['and', 'service', 'old'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'being', 'from', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'get', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'relnjsiatf', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'nin', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'recording', 'scat', 'propeity', 'conducted', 'day', 'longer', 'crack', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'represented', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'soup', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'between', '\u003c', 'execute', 'mr', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'junen', 'case', 'werentimely', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'never', 'gotnone', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'tongetupat', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'entry', 'unnless', 'on', 'service', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'governnments', 'st', 'nad', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'wenwere', 'getnin', 'woke', 'all', 'front', 'lllier', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'feet', 'asale', 'cotnof', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', '®nrecords', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'eoadeinhnthe', 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'to'): 1, ('be', 'sure'): 1, ('sure', 'andnget'): 1, ('andnget', 'up'): 1, ('middle', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 14, ('the', 'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 1, ('measure', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 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'complied': 1, 'ave': 1, 'thentale': 1, 'nold': 1, 'risk': 1, 'cotnof': 1, 'defaulting': 1, 'deposit': 1, 'f': 1, 'orn': 1, 'sulidivlded': 1, 'required': 1, 'god': 2, 'includes': 1, 'would': 2, 'notngrieve': 1, 'out': 1, 'godnthought': 1, 'some': 1, 'too': 3, 'large': 1, 'emailnespecially': 1, 'were': 1, 'our': 2, 'childrenncjod': 1, 'say': 1, 'jesse': 1, 'ruahnand': 1, 'willie': 1, 'sabbathnschool': 1, 'george': 1, 'james': 1, 'andnmarj': 1, 'old': 2, 'hair': 1, 'bencomp': 1, 'silvered': 1, 'yet': 1, 'childrennus': 1, 'students': 1, 'word': 1, 'children': 1, 'innchristian': 1, 'life': 1, 'service': 1, 'andnyoung': 1}\n","item: ('service', 'old')\n","bigram: {('', 'came'): 2, ('came', 'fiom'): 1, ('fiom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'tothis'): 1, ('tothis', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'place'): 1, ('place', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'wenwere'): 1, ('wenwere', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'is'): 1, ('is', 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1, ('feet', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'said'): 3, ('said', 'no'): 2, ('no', 'rheumatismnmakes'): 1, ('rheumatismnmakes', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'walk'): 1, ('walk', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'saldnhow'): 1, ('saldnhow', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'pumpkin'): 1, ('pumpkin', 'pieliesaidnit'): 1, ('pieliesaidnit', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'squash'): 1, ('squash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'best'): 1, ('best', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'getnin'): 1, ('getnin', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'hotel'): 1, ('hotel', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'soup'): 1, ('soup', 'sandwichnafter'): 1, ('sandwichnafter', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'battle'): 1, ('battle', 'the'): 1, ('waiter', 'andni'): 1, ('andni', 'signed'): 1, ('signed', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'armistice'): 1, ('armistice', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'wentnover'): 1, ('wentnover', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'hotel'): 1, ('hotel', 'clerk'): 1, ('clerk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'asked'): 1, ('asked', 'forna'): 1, 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'in'): 2, ('the', 'middle'): 2, ('middle', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'want'): 1, ('want', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'sure'): 1, ('sure', 'andnget'): 1, ('andnget', 'up'): 1, ('middle', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 14, ('the', 'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 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'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 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'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['andnyoung', 'we', 'are'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'being', 'from', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'get', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'relnjsiatf', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'nin', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'recording', 'scat', 'propeity', 'conducted', 'day', 'longer', 'crack', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'represented', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'soup', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'between', '\u003c', 'execute', 'mr', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'junen', 'case', 'werentimely', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'never', 'gotnone', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'tongetupat', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 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'a'): 1, ('a', 'lovely'): 1, ('lovely', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thentop'): 1, ('thentop', 'floor'): 1, ('floor', 'it'): 1, ('was', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'roomsnthat'): 1, ('roomsnthat', 'stands'): 1, ('stands', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'younhappen'): 1, ('younhappen', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'get'): 1, ('get', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'in'): 2, ('the', 'middle'): 2, ('middle', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'want'): 1, ('want', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'sure'): 1, ('sure', 'andnget'): 1, ('andnget', 'up'): 1, ('middle', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 14, ('the', 'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 1, ('measure', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, 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'well'): 1, ('well', 'illnaddtwo'): 1, ('illnaddtwo', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe'): 1, ('feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'gave'): 1, ('gave', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'lovely'): 1, ('lovely', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thentop'): 1, ('thentop', 'floor'): 1, ('floor', 'it'): 1, ('was', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'roomsnthat'): 1, ('roomsnthat', 'stands'): 1, ('stands', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'younhappen'): 1, ('younhappen', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'get'): 1, ('get', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'in'): 2, ('the', 'middle'): 2, ('middle', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'want'): 1, ('want', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'sure'): 1, ('sure', 'andnget'): 1, ('andnget', 'up'): 1, ('middle', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 14, ('the', 'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, 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1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, 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'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, 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('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 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('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 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'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['are', 'all', 'children'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'being', 'from', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'get', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'relnjsiatf', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'nin', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'recording', 'scat', 'propeity', 'conducted', 'day', 'longer', 'crack', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'represented', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'soup', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'between', '\u003c', 'execute', 'mr', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'junen', 'case', 'werentimely', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'never', 'gotnone', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'tongetupat', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'entry', 'unnless', 'on', 'service', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'governnments', 'st', 'nad', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'wenwere', 'getnin', 'woke', 'all', 'front', 'lllier', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'feet', 'asale', 'cotnof', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', '®nrecords', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'say', 'large', 'bupreme', 'small', 'they', 'directly', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'priae', 'read', 'district', 'orn', 'sinh', 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'awfulnheadache', 'to', 'electorate', 'bananasnthey', 'lot', 'nownwe', 'risk', 'middle', 'any', 'centnper', 'folio', 'your', 'ho', 'place', 'terms', 'author', 'occupied', 'manager', 'atnthe', 'way', 'pubi', 'court', 'left', 'george', 'north', 'business', 'flatts', 'eflort', 'he', 'marshal', 'accustomed', 'vain', 'stage', 'per', 'first', 'national', 'frolume', 'making', 'soldjnterms', '|amount', 'ex¬npenses', 'andnmarj', 'courts', 'something', 'next', 'this', 'other', 'auctioneers', 'room', 'isigovemed', 'abou', 'her', 'very', 'complied', 'heard', 'cash', 'linesnfor', 'bed', 'residue', 'seq', 'twelve', 'saidni', 'forna', 'offices', 'shall', 'lie', 'innchristian', 'somewhere', 'defaulting', 'train', 'country', 'declared', 'new', 'that', 'd', 'circulate', 'armistice', 'hag', 'fur', 'then', 'ou', 'dreamt', 'road', 'for', 'unitened', 'thnfoundiy', 'figures', 'cost', 'such', 'gross', 'it', 'nowherenhe', 'sulidivlded', 'ainum', 'dis|m', 'those', 'determine', 'skidnwaiter', 'appeals', 'etist', 'question', 'attic', 'goodnthings', 'years', 'younfcavo', 'be', 'fine', 'trust', 'secured', 'order', 'hear', 'godnthought', 'ofnoperate', 'advice', 'when', 'gone', 'value', 'thentale', 'got', 'fefnsale', 'think', 'full', 'wo', '+henbrought', 'side', 'noticento', 'somonmental', 'ceitihcate', 'extended', 'crdlecting', 'gave', 'told', 'agent', 'mb', 'pieliesaidnit', 'lovely', 'two', 'in', 'open', 'had', 'thirty', 'thought', 'younhappen', 'pv', 'friday', 'nationally', 'measure', 'northwestnby', 'semiannually', 'a', 'g', 'where', 'slidellnthat', 'ndell', 'if', 'night', 'tull', 'word', 'steaks', 'iigree', 'thenbreakfast', 'compannies', 'bencomp', 'says', 'byna', 'convictions', 'toughnpeople', 'perishing', 'lisntened', 'return', 'andnyoung', 'emailnespecially', 'forntho', 'rvfsfon', 'into', 'required', 'reasoned', 'pay', 'squash', 'th', 'land', 'tfie', 'purchaser', 'their', 'ofnground', 'its', 'andnget', 'machinnations', 'nnder', 'albany', 'bo', 'baa', 'lots', 'i', 'about', '\u003e', 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'|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, 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'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['all', 'children', 'of'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'being', 'from', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'get', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'relnjsiatf', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'nin', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'recording', 'scat', 'propeity', 'conducted', 'day', 'longer', 'crack', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'always', 'casesablythe', 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('forna', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'with'): 2, ('with', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anbed'): 1, ('anbed', 'i'): 1, ('with', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'bed'): 2, ('bed', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'saidni'): 1, ('saidni', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'a'): 2, ('bed', 'longnenough'): 1, ('longnenough', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'i'): 1, ('said', 'well'): 1, ('well', 'illnaddtwo'): 1, ('illnaddtwo', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe'): 1, ('feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'gave'): 1, ('gave', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'lovely'): 1, ('lovely', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thentop'): 1, ('thentop', 'floor'): 1, ('floor', 'it'): 1, ('was', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'roomsnthat'): 1, ('roomsnthat', 'stands'): 1, ('stands', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'younhappen'): 1, ('younhappen', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'get'): 1, ('get', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'in'): 2, ('the', 'middle'): 2, ('middle', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'want'): 1, ('want', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'sure'): 1, ('sure', 'andnget'): 1, ('andnget', 'up'): 1, ('middle', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 14, ('the', 'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 1, ('measure', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 3, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 1, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 1, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, 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'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 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'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 1}\n","queue: "]},{"name":"stderr","output_type":"stream","text":["IOPub data rate exceeded.\n","The notebook server will temporarily stop sending output\n","to the client in order to avoid crashing it.\n","To change this limit, set the config variable\n","`--NotebookApp.iopub_data_rate_limit`.\n","\n","Current values:\n","NotebookApp.iopub_data_rate_limit=1000000.0 (bytes/sec)\n","NotebookApp.rate_limit_window=3.0 (secs)\n","\n"]},{"name":"stdout","output_type":"stream","text":["deque(['wherenglobes', 'large', 'and'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'lawsnwhich', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'instruct', 'being', 'till', 'andnfor', 'from', 'partcularanand', 'massachusetts', 'shepherd', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'andnwould', 'patriotic', 'complaints', 'england', 'get', 'centres', 'likeneneral', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'alike', 'ridiculousnduring', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'mortngage', 'relnjsiatf', 'andninefficiency', 'tjie', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'county', 'nin', 'month', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'edward', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'anprominent', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'amat', 'recording', 'library', 'scat', 'propeity', 'childrennall', 'tn', 'conducted', 'day', 'whichnhave', 'longer', 'crack', 'familynin', 'obtain', 'school', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'slave', 'houses', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'whethernthey', 'represented', 'select', 'church', 'everything', 'neg¬nligent', 'rate', 'naud', 'light', 'opinions', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'cent', 'hatred', 'attorney', 'soup', 'flashes', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'probnabilities', 'thy', 'between', 'redemption', '\u003c', 'execute', 'andninterest', 'titleclaim', 'more', 'streetsnadd', 'mr', 'thu', 'everynwhere', 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'too', 'anresponsibility', 'augustnin', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'thousand', 'anfact', 'wenwere', 'costs', 'human', 'getnin', 'teaches', 'party', 'woke', 'all', 'notenand', 'centresnof', 'public', 'particular', 'irreligious', 'sunperior', 'front', 'lllier', 'sincere', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'slow', 'feet', 'essex', 'asale', 'round', 'cotnof', 'concerning', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', 'training', '®nrecords', 'largensenseour', 'through', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'desire', 'mesne', 'seal', 'chil¬ndren', 'temperance', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'ornunder', 'confusion', 'hodtoncomplaint', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'atidnneed', 'brother', 'say', 'maps', 'sheepnwithout', 'large', 'bupreme', 'iaand', 'small', 'they', 'ideal', 'neigh¬nbor', 'inndiana', 'ilican', 'directly', 'colder', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'need', 'priae', 'read', 'against', 'helpnthem', 'complaint', 'barred', 'district', 'orn', 'spirit', 'mortgage', 'sinh', 'make', 'andnsmall', 'cause', 'tbe', 'social', 'six', 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'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 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1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 4, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 1, ('small', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, 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1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'balance'): 1, ('balance', 'remaining'): 1, ('remaining', 'due'): 1, ('due', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'denfendants'): 1, ('denfendants', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'persons'): 1, ('persons', 'claiming'): 1, ('claiming', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'through'): 1, ('through', 'ornunder'): 1, ('ornunder', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'may'): 1, ('be', 'barred'): 1, ('barred', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'foreclosed'): 1, ('foreclosed', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'aiinright'): 1, ('aiinright', 'titleclaim'): 1, ('titleclaim', 'lien'): 1, ('lien', 'equityof'): 1, ('equityof', 'redemption'): 1, ('redemption', 'andninterest'): 1, ('andninterest', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tn'): 1, ('tn', 'stid'): 1, ('stid', 'moitgaged'): 1, ('moitgaged', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'andnfor'): 1, ('andnfor', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'upther'): 1, ('upther', 'relief'): 1, ('relief', 'reference'): 1, ('reference', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, ('tonappear', 'ant'): 1, ('ant', 'answer'): 1, ('answer', 'the'): 1, ('complaint', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'abovenrequired'): 1, ('abovenrequired', 'the'): 1, ('said', 'plaintiffwillapplyto'): 1, ('plaintiffwillapplyto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'courtnfor'): 1, ('courtnfor', 'iherelitf'): 1, ('iherelitf', 'demanded'): 1, ('demanded', 'inthe'): 1, ('inthe', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'complaintngiven'): 1, ('complaintngiven', 'under'): 1, ('under', 'myhand'): 1, ('myhand', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'seal'): 1, ('seal', 'ofthe'): 1, ('ofthe', 'ssid'): 1, ('ssid', 'sunperior'): 1, ('sunperior', 'court'): 1, ('the', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'california'): 1, ('california', 'iaand'): 1, ('iaand', 'fornthe'): 1, ('fornthe', 'county'): 1, ('county', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'los'): 1, ('los', 'angeles'): 1, ('angeles', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'day'): 1, ('of', 'augustnin'): 1, ('augustnin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'year'): 1, ('year', 'of'): 1, ('our', 'lord'): 1, ('lord', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'thousand'): 1, ('thousand', 'eight'): 1, ('eight', 'bunndrcd'): 1, ('bunndrcd', 'and'): 1, ('eightythree', ''): 1, ('', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'useless'): 1, ('useless', 'exhortation'): 1, ('exhortation', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'intelnligent'): 1, ('intelnligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'aiiless'): 1, ('aiiless', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'parnty'): 1, ('parnty', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'resolved'): 1, ('resolved', 'to'): 1, ('secure', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'ends'): 1, ('ends', 'whichnintelligent'): 1, ('whichnintelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'desire'): 1, 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'principle'): 1, ('principle', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'politics'): 1, ('politics', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'rensponsible'): 1, ('rensponsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'repu'): 1, ('repu', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'ilican'): 1, ('ilican', 'disastersnthe'): 1, ('disastersnthe', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'torpidity'): 1, ('torpidity', 'of'): 1, ('business', 'thenprolonged'): 1, ('thenprolonged', 'confusion'): 1, ('confusion', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'southernnstates'): 1, ('southernnstates', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suspicion'): 1, ('suspicion', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'corruption'): 1, ('corruption', 'andninefficiency'): 1, ('andninefficiency', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'thenhostility'): 1, ('thenhostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'stringent'): 1, ('stringent', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'legisnlation'): 1, ('legisnlation', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'reasons'): 1, ('reasons', 'whichnhave'): 1, ('whichnhave', 'fostered'): 1, 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'purpose'): 1, ('purpose', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'newnamendments'): 1, ('newnamendments', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'constitution'): 1, ('constitution', 'thenspirit'): 1, ('thenspirit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'oppression'): 1, ('oppression', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'negro'): 1, ('negro', 'thendesire'): 1, ('thendesire', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'repudiation'): 1, ('repudiation', 'are'): 1, ('all', 'includednin'): 1, ('includednin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'democratic'): 2, ('democratic', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'statesnwhere'): 1, ('statesnwhere', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'old'): 2, ('old', 'spirit'): 1, ('spirit', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'caste'): 1, ('caste', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'bynignorance'): 1, ('bynignorance', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'kind'): 1, ('kind', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'strongest'): 1, ('strongest', 'iunthose'): 1, ('iunthose', 'parts'): 1, ('parts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'thenmost'): 1, ('thenmost', 'backward'): 1, 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1, ('massachusetts', 'iowanand'): 1, ('iowanand', 'rural'): 1, ('rural', 'new'): 1, ('york', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'republicannevery'): 1, ('republicannevery', 'patriotic'): 1, ('patriotic', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'enlightened'): 1, ('enlightened', 'amernican'): 1, ('amernican', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'prefer'): 1, ('prefer', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'thecountry'): 1, ('thecountry', 'guardned'): 1, ('guardned', 'by'): 1, ('the', 'spirit'): 1, ('great', 'northwestnand'): 1, ('northwestnand', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'england'): 1, ('england', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'yorknrather'): 1, ('yorknrather', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'tluitof'): 1, ('tluitof', 'the'): 1, ('old', 'bourbonnand'): 1, ('bourbonnand', 'slave'): 1, ('states', ''): 1, ('', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'led'): 1, ('led', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'accept'): 1, ('accept', 'everything'): 1, ('everything', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'readnwith'): 1, ('readnwith', 'a'): 1, ('of', 'distrust'): 1, ('distrust', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'i'): 2, ('i', 'takennothing'): 1, ('takennothing', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'granted'): 1, ('granted', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'comenfrom'): 1, ('comenfrom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'pen'): 1, ('pen', 'of'): 1, ('one', 'whose'): 1, ('whose', 'prominencengives'): 1, ('prominencengives', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'opinions'): 1, ('opinions', 'weight'): 1, ('weight', 'whethernthey'): 1, ('whethernthey', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'right'): 1, ('right', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'my'): 1, ('my', 'neighbours'): 1, ('neighbours', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'different'): 1, ('different', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'advancementnis'): 1, ('advancementnis', 'slow'): 1, ('slow', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'frequently'): 1, ('frequently', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'theynget'): 1, ('theynget', 'hold'): 1, ('hold', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'exploded'): 1, ('exploded', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'afternthe'): 1, ('afternthe', 'explosion'): 1, ('explosion', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'probnabilities'): 1, ('probnabilities', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'thing'): 1, ('thing', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'accepted'): 1, ('accepted', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'anfact'): 1, ('anfact', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'alike'): 1, ('alike', 'innevery'): 1, ('innevery', 'township'): 1, ('township', 'in'): 1, ('land', 'outside'): 1, ('outside', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'centres'): 1, ('centres', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'wherenthe'): 1, ('wherenthe', 'light'): 1, ('light', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'flashes'): 1, ('flashes', 'fromnmind'): 1, ('fromnmind', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'mind'): 1, ('mind', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'human'): 1, ('human', 'conflict'): 1, ('conflict', 'tonreach'): 1, ('tonreach', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'highest'): 1, ('highest', 'round'): 1, ('round', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'laddernit'): 1, ('laddernit', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'astonishing'): 1, ('astonishing', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'live'): 1, ('live', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dienin'): 1, ('dienin', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'age'): 1, ('age', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'know'): 1, ('know', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'earth'): 2, ('earth', 'isnround'): 1, ('isnround', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'houses'): 1, ('houses', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'almost'): 1, ('almost', 'everynfarm'): 1, ('everynfarm', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'kinds'): 1, ('kinds', 'within'): 1, ('within', 'reachnand'): 1, ('reachnand', 'yetseparatelythat'): 1, ('yetseparatelythat', 'the'): 1, ('earth', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'montion'): 1, ('montion', 'aday'): 1, ('aday', 'ortwo'): 1, ('ortwo', 'agoitalked'): 1, ('agoitalked', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'anprominent'): 1, ('anprominent', 'attorney'): 1, ('attorney', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'andnwould'): 1, ('andnwould', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'believe'): 1, ('believe', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'actually'): 1, ('actually', 'arguednthat'): 1, ('arguednthat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'farther'): 1, ('farther', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'go'): 1, ('go', 'south'): 1, ('south', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'hotternit'): 1, ('hotternit', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'exactly'): 1, ('exactly', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'further'): 1, ('further', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'younwent'): 1, ('younwent', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'colder'): 1, ('colder', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'ridiculousnduring'): 1, ('ridiculousnduring', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'busy'): 1, ('busy', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'benbad'): 1, ('benbad', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'paused'): 1, ('paused', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'applicationnof'): 1, ('applicationnof', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'practicalnly'): 1, ('practicalnly', 'understand'): 1, ('understand', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'relationship'): 1, ('relationship', 'existingnbetween'): 1, ('existingnbetween', 'the'): 1, ('north', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'south'): 1, ('south', 'polesnthe'): 1, ('polesnthe', 'equator'): 1, ('equator', 'aud'): 1, ('aud', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suu'): 1, ('suu', 'nwe'): 1, ('nwe', 'came'): 1, ('came', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'house'): 1, ('house', 'and'): 1, ('was', 'connducted'): 1, ('connducted', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'fitted'): 1, ('fitted', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'atnone'): 1, ('atnone', 'end'): 1, ('end', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'library'): 1, ('library', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'thenother'): 1, ('thenother', 'for'): 1, ('a', 'workshop'): 1, ('workshop', 'with'): 1, ('a', 'slidingncurtain'): 1, ('slidingncurtain', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'dividing'): 1, ('dividing', 'partition'): 1, ('partition', 'thenroom'): 1, ('thenroom', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'filled'): 1, ('filled', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'array'): 1, ('array', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'curnious'): 1, ('curnious', 'things'): 1, ('things', 'maps'): 1, ('maps', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'wherenglobes'): 1, ('wherenglobes', 'large'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['large', 'and', 'small'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'lawsnwhich', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'instruct', 'being', 'till', 'andnfor', 'from', 'partcularanand', 'massachusetts', 'shepherd', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'andnwould', 'patriotic', 'complaints', 'england', 'get', 'centres', 'likeneneral', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'alike', 'ridiculousnduring', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'mortngage', 'relnjsiatf', 'andninefficiency', 'tjie', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'county', 'nin', 'month', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'edward', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'anprominent', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'amat', 'recording', 'library', 'scat', 'propeity', 'childrennall', 'tn', 'conducted', 'day', 'whichnhave', 'longer', 'crack', 'familynin', 'obtain', 'school', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'slave', 'houses', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'whethernthey', 'represented', 'select', 'church', 'everything', 'neg¬nligent', 'rate', 'naud', 'light', 'opinions', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'cent', 'hatred', 'attorney', 'soup', 'flashes', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'probnabilities', 'thy', 'between', 'redemption', '\u003c', 'execute', 'andninterest', 'titleclaim', 'more', 'streetsnadd', 'mr', 'thu', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'paidnfrom', 'junen', 'case', 'rural', 'werentimely', 'exhortation', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'certain', 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'party', 'woke', 'all', 'notenand', 'centresnof', 'public', 'particular', 'irreligious', 'sunperior', 'front', 'lllier', 'sincere', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'slow', 'feet', 'essex', 'asale', 'round', 'cotnof', 'concerning', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', 'training', '®nrecords', 'largensenseour', 'through', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'desire', 'mesne', 'seal', 'chil¬ndren', 'temperance', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'ornunder', 'confusion', 'hodtoncomplaint', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'atidnneed', 'brother', 'say', 'maps', 'sheepnwithout', 'large', 'bupreme', 'iaand', 'small', 'they', 'ideal', 'neigh¬nbor', 'inndiana', 'ilican', 'directly', 'colder', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'need', 'priae', 'read', 'against', 'helpnthem', 'complaint', 'barred', 'district', 'orn', 'spirit', 'mortgage', 'sinh', 'make', 'andnsmall', 'cause', 'tbe', 'social', 'six', 'parents', 'assigned', 'industry', 'empirqnstate', 'pains', 'sandwichnafter', 'navy', 'intelligence', 'at', 'signed', 'innevery', 'jesse', 'hair', 'stringent', 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'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 1, ('small', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, ('costs', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'suit'): 2, ('suit', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'conveyed'): 1, ('conveyed', 'bynsaid'): 1, ('bynsaid', 'mortgage'): 1, ('mortgage', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'be'): 2, ('be', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'apnplied'): 1, ('apnplied', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thu'): 1, ('thu', 'payment'): 1, ('payment', 'of'): 1, ('said', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'notenand'): 1, ('notenand', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'aforesaid'): 1, ('aforesaid', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'costs'): 1, ('suit', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'inncase'): 1, ('inncase', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'ars'): 1, ('ars', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'sufficient'): 1, ('sufficient', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'pay'): 2, ('pay', 'thengraphthen'): 1, ('thengraphthen', 'to'): 1, ('obtain', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'against'): 1, ('against', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'vientor'): 1, ('vientor', 'beaudry'): 1, ('beaudry', 'whois'): 1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'balance'): 1, ('balance', 'remaining'): 1, ('remaining', 'due'): 1, ('due', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'denfendants'): 1, ('denfendants', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'persons'): 1, ('persons', 'claiming'): 1, ('claiming', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'through'): 1, ('through', 'ornunder'): 1, ('ornunder', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'may'): 1, ('be', 'barred'): 1, ('barred', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'foreclosed'): 1, ('foreclosed', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'aiinright'): 1, ('aiinright', 'titleclaim'): 1, ('titleclaim', 'lien'): 1, ('lien', 'equityof'): 1, ('equityof', 'redemption'): 1, ('redemption', 'andninterest'): 1, ('andninterest', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tn'): 1, ('tn', 'stid'): 1, ('stid', 'moitgaged'): 1, ('moitgaged', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'andnfor'): 1, ('andnfor', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'upther'): 1, ('upther', 'relief'): 1, ('relief', 'reference'): 1, ('reference', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, ('tonappear', 'ant'): 1, ('ant', 'answer'): 1, ('answer', 'the'): 1, ('complaint', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'abovenrequired'): 1, ('abovenrequired', 'the'): 1, ('said', 'plaintiffwillapplyto'): 1, ('plaintiffwillapplyto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'courtnfor'): 1, ('courtnfor', 'iherelitf'): 1, ('iherelitf', 'demanded'): 1, ('demanded', 'inthe'): 1, ('inthe', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'complaintngiven'): 1, ('complaintngiven', 'under'): 1, ('under', 'myhand'): 1, ('myhand', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'seal'): 1, ('seal', 'ofthe'): 1, ('ofthe', 'ssid'): 1, ('ssid', 'sunperior'): 1, ('sunperior', 'court'): 1, ('the', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'california'): 1, ('california', 'iaand'): 1, ('iaand', 'fornthe'): 1, ('fornthe', 'county'): 1, ('county', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'los'): 1, ('los', 'angeles'): 1, ('angeles', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'day'): 1, ('of', 'augustnin'): 1, ('augustnin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'year'): 1, ('year', 'of'): 1, ('our', 'lord'): 1, ('lord', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'thousand'): 1, ('thousand', 'eight'): 1, ('eight', 'bunndrcd'): 1, ('bunndrcd', 'and'): 1, ('eightythree', ''): 1, ('', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'useless'): 1, ('useless', 'exhortation'): 1, ('exhortation', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'intelnligent'): 1, ('intelnligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'aiiless'): 1, ('aiiless', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'parnty'): 1, ('parnty', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'resolved'): 1, ('resolved', 'to'): 1, ('secure', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'ends'): 1, ('ends', 'whichnintelligent'): 1, ('whichnintelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'means'): 1, ('means', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'suchnagents'): 1, ('suchnagents', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'intelligent'): 1, ('intelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'respectnthe'): 1, ('respectnthe', 'republicans'): 1, ('republicans', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'essex'): 1, ('essex', 'district'): 1, ('district', 'ofnmassachusetts'): 1, ('ofnmassachusetts', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'select'): 1, ('select', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'likeneneral'): 1, ('likeneneral', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'representativendefeat'): 1, ('representativendefeat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'republican'): 1, ('republican', 'candidates'): 1, ('candidates', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'inndiana'): 1, ('inndiana', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ohio'): 1, ('ohio', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'notnrepublicans'): 1, ('notnrepublicans', 'wlo'): 1, ('wlo', 'insist'): 1, ('insist', 'ujon'): 1, ('ujon', 'honestynand'): 1, ('honestynand', 'principle'): 1, ('principle', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'politics'): 1, ('politics', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'rensponsible'): 1, ('rensponsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'repu'): 1, ('repu', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'ilican'): 1, ('ilican', 'disastersnthe'): 1, ('disastersnthe', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'torpidity'): 1, ('torpidity', 'of'): 1, ('business', 'thenprolonged'): 1, ('thenprolonged', 'confusion'): 1, ('confusion', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'southernnstates'): 1, ('southernnstates', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suspicion'): 1, ('suspicion', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'corruption'): 1, ('corruption', 'andninefficiency'): 1, ('andninefficiency', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'thenhostility'): 1, ('thenhostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'stringent'): 1, ('stringent', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'legisnlation'): 1, ('legisnlation', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'reasons'): 1, ('reasons', 'whichnhave'): 1, ('whichnhave', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'changenwhich'): 1, ('changenwhich', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'elections'): 1, ('elections', 'therenis'): 1, ('therenis', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'one'): 1, ('of', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'complaints'): 1, ('complaints', 'howevernexcept'): 1, ('howevernexcept', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'lawsnwhich'): 1, ('lawsnwhich', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'removed'): 1, ('removed', 'by'): 1, ('a', 'demoncratic'): 1, ('demoncratic', 'restoration'): 1, ('restoration', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'sincere'): 1, ('sincere', 'jealnousy'): 1, ('jealnousy', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'tjie'): 1, ('tjie', 'hatred'): 1, ('hatred', 'thatnsurvives'): 1, ('thatnsurvives', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'war'): 1, ('war', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'hostility'): 1, ('hostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thenprinciples'): 1, ('thenprinciples', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'purpose'): 1, ('purpose', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'newnamendments'): 1, ('newnamendments', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'constitution'): 1, ('constitution', 'thenspirit'): 1, ('thenspirit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'oppression'): 1, ('oppression', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'negro'): 1, ('negro', 'thendesire'): 1, ('thendesire', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'repudiation'): 1, ('repudiation', 'are'): 1, ('all', 'includednin'): 1, ('includednin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'democratic'): 2, ('democratic', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'statesnwhere'): 1, ('statesnwhere', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'old'): 2, ('old', 'spirit'): 1, ('spirit', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'caste'): 1, ('caste', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'bynignorance'): 1, ('bynignorance', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'kind'): 1, ('kind', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'strongest'): 1, ('strongest', 'iunthose'): 1, ('iunthose', 'parts'): 1, ('parts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'thenmost'): 1, ('thenmost', 'backward'): 1, ('backward', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'genneral'): 1, ('genneral', 'development'): 1, ('development', 'the'): 1, ('democratic', 'pari'): 1, ('pari', 'ynis'): 1, ('ynis', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'more'): 1, ('more', 'powerfulntnan'): 1, ('powerfulntnan', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'opponent'): 1, ('opponent', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'great'): 2, ('great', 'centresnof'): 1, ('centresnof', 'intelligence'): 1, ('intelligence', 'industry'): 1, ('industry', 'enterprisenand'): 1, ('enterprisenand', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'advancing'): 1, ('advancing', 'social'): 1, ('social', 'condition'): 1, ('condition', 'thenrepublican'): 1, ('thenrepublican', 'party'): 1, ('is', 'dominant'): 1, ('dominant', 'kenntucky'): 1, ('kenntucky', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'maryland'): 1, ('maryland', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'distinctivelyndemocratic'): 1, ('distinctivelyndemocratic', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'massachusetts'): 1, ('massachusetts', 'iowanand'): 1, ('iowanand', 'rural'): 1, ('rural', 'new'): 1, ('york', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'republicannevery'): 1, ('republicannevery', 'patriotic'): 1, ('patriotic', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'enlightened'): 1, ('enlightened', 'amernican'): 1, ('amernican', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'prefer'): 1, ('prefer', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'thecountry'): 1, ('thecountry', 'guardned'): 1, ('guardned', 'by'): 1, ('the', 'spirit'): 1, ('great', 'northwestnand'): 1, ('northwestnand', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'england'): 1, ('england', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'yorknrather'): 1, ('yorknrather', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'tluitof'): 1, ('tluitof', 'the'): 1, ('old', 'bourbonnand'): 1, ('bourbonnand', 'slave'): 1, ('states', ''): 1, ('', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'led'): 1, ('led', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'accept'): 1, ('accept', 'everything'): 1, ('everything', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'readnwith'): 1, ('readnwith', 'a'): 1, ('of', 'distrust'): 1, ('distrust', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'i'): 2, ('i', 'takennothing'): 1, ('takennothing', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'granted'): 1, ('granted', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'comenfrom'): 1, ('comenfrom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'pen'): 1, ('pen', 'of'): 1, ('one', 'whose'): 1, ('whose', 'prominencengives'): 1, ('prominencengives', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'opinions'): 1, ('opinions', 'weight'): 1, ('weight', 'whethernthey'): 1, ('whethernthey', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'right'): 1, ('right', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'my'): 1, ('my', 'neighbours'): 1, ('neighbours', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'different'): 1, ('different', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'advancementnis'): 1, ('advancementnis', 'slow'): 1, ('slow', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'frequently'): 1, ('frequently', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'theynget'): 1, ('theynget', 'hold'): 1, ('hold', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'exploded'): 1, ('exploded', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'afternthe'): 1, ('afternthe', 'explosion'): 1, ('explosion', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'probnabilities'): 1, ('probnabilities', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'thing'): 1, ('thing', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'accepted'): 1, ('accepted', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'anfact'): 1, ('anfact', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'alike'): 1, ('alike', 'innevery'): 1, ('innevery', 'township'): 1, ('township', 'in'): 1, ('land', 'outside'): 1, ('outside', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'centres'): 1, ('centres', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'wherenthe'): 1, ('wherenthe', 'light'): 1, ('light', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'flashes'): 1, ('flashes', 'fromnmind'): 1, ('fromnmind', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'mind'): 1, ('mind', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'human'): 1, ('human', 'conflict'): 1, ('conflict', 'tonreach'): 1, ('tonreach', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'highest'): 1, ('highest', 'round'): 1, ('round', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'laddernit'): 1, ('laddernit', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'astonishing'): 1, ('astonishing', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'live'): 1, ('live', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dienin'): 1, ('dienin', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'age'): 1, ('age', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'know'): 1, ('know', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'earth'): 2, ('earth', 'isnround'): 1, ('isnround', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'houses'): 1, ('houses', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'almost'): 1, ('almost', 'everynfarm'): 1, ('everynfarm', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'kinds'): 1, ('kinds', 'within'): 1, ('within', 'reachnand'): 1, ('reachnand', 'yetseparatelythat'): 1, ('yetseparatelythat', 'the'): 1, ('earth', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'montion'): 1, ('montion', 'aday'): 1, ('aday', 'ortwo'): 1, ('ortwo', 'agoitalked'): 1, ('agoitalked', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'anprominent'): 1, ('anprominent', 'attorney'): 1, ('attorney', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'andnwould'): 1, ('andnwould', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'believe'): 1, ('believe', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'actually'): 1, ('actually', 'arguednthat'): 1, ('arguednthat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'farther'): 1, ('farther', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'go'): 1, ('go', 'south'): 1, ('south', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'hotternit'): 1, ('hotternit', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'exactly'): 1, ('exactly', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'further'): 1, ('further', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'younwent'): 1, ('younwent', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'colder'): 1, ('colder', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'ridiculousnduring'): 1, ('ridiculousnduring', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'busy'): 1, ('busy', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'benbad'): 1, ('benbad', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'paused'): 1, ('paused', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'applicationnof'): 1, ('applicationnof', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'practicalnly'): 1, ('practicalnly', 'understand'): 1, ('understand', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'relationship'): 1, ('relationship', 'existingnbetween'): 1, ('existingnbetween', 'the'): 1, ('north', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'south'): 1, ('south', 'polesnthe'): 1, ('polesnthe', 'equator'): 1, ('equator', 'aud'): 1, ('aud', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suu'): 1, ('suu', 'nwe'): 1, ('nwe', 'came'): 1, ('came', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'house'): 1, ('house', 'and'): 1, ('was', 'connducted'): 1, ('connducted', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'fitted'): 1, ('fitted', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'atnone'): 1, ('atnone', 'end'): 1, ('end', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'library'): 1, ('library', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'thenother'): 1, ('thenother', 'for'): 1, ('a', 'workshop'): 1, ('workshop', 'with'): 1, ('a', 'slidingncurtain'): 1, ('slidingncurtain', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'dividing'): 1, ('dividing', 'partition'): 1, ('partition', 'thenroom'): 1, ('thenroom', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'filled'): 1, ('filled', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'array'): 1, ('array', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'curnious'): 1, ('curnious', 'things'): 1, ('things', 'maps'): 1, ('maps', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'wherenglobes'): 1, ('wherenglobes', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'and'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['and', 'small', 'the'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'lawsnwhich', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'instruct', 'being', 'till', 'andnfor', 'from', 'partcularanand', 'massachusetts', 'shepherd', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'andnwould', 'patriotic', 'complaints', 'england', 'get', 'centres', 'likeneneral', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'alike', 'ridiculousnduring', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'mortngage', 'relnjsiatf', 'andninefficiency', 'tjie', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'county', 'nin', 'month', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'edward', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'anprominent', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'amat', 'recording', 'library', 'scat', 'propeity', 'childrennall', 'tn', 'conducted', 'day', 'whichnhave', 'longer', 'crack', 'familynin', 'obtain', 'school', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'slave', 'houses', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'whethernthey', 'represented', 'select', 'church', 'everything', 'neg¬nligent', 'rate', 'naud', 'light', 'opinions', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'cent', 'hatred', 'attorney', 'soup', 'flashes', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'probnabilities', 'thy', 'between', 'redemption', '\u003c', 'execute', 'andninterest', 'titleclaim', 'more', 'streetsnadd', 'mr', 'thu', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'paidnfrom', 'junen', 'case', 'rural', 'werentimely', 'exhortation', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'certain', 'vientor', 'kenntucky', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'quarter', 'ofnthis', 'whichnintelligent', 'thatnsurvives', 'thenmost', 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1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 4, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, ('costs', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'suit'): 2, ('suit', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'conveyed'): 1, ('conveyed', 'bynsaid'): 1, ('bynsaid', 'mortgage'): 1, ('mortgage', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'be'): 2, ('be', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'apnplied'): 1, ('apnplied', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thu'): 1, ('thu', 'payment'): 1, ('payment', 'of'): 1, ('said', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'notenand'): 1, ('notenand', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'aforesaid'): 1, ('aforesaid', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'costs'): 1, ('suit', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'inncase'): 1, ('inncase', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'ars'): 1, ('ars', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'sufficient'): 1, ('sufficient', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'pay'): 2, ('pay', 'thengraphthen'): 1, ('thengraphthen', 'to'): 1, ('obtain', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'against'): 1, ('against', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'vientor'): 1, ('vientor', 'beaudry'): 1, ('beaudry', 'whois'): 1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'balance'): 1, ('balance', 'remaining'): 1, ('remaining', 'due'): 1, ('due', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'denfendants'): 1, ('denfendants', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'persons'): 1, ('persons', 'claiming'): 1, ('claiming', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'through'): 1, ('through', 'ornunder'): 1, ('ornunder', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'may'): 1, ('be', 'barred'): 1, ('barred', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'foreclosed'): 1, ('foreclosed', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'aiinright'): 1, ('aiinright', 'titleclaim'): 1, ('titleclaim', 'lien'): 1, ('lien', 'equityof'): 1, ('equityof', 'redemption'): 1, ('redemption', 'andninterest'): 1, ('andninterest', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tn'): 1, ('tn', 'stid'): 1, ('stid', 'moitgaged'): 1, ('moitgaged', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'andnfor'): 1, ('andnfor', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'upther'): 1, ('upther', 'relief'): 1, ('relief', 'reference'): 1, ('reference', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, ('tonappear', 'ant'): 1, ('ant', 'answer'): 1, ('answer', 'the'): 1, ('complaint', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'abovenrequired'): 1, ('abovenrequired', 'the'): 1, ('said', 'plaintiffwillapplyto'): 1, ('plaintiffwillapplyto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'courtnfor'): 1, ('courtnfor', 'iherelitf'): 1, ('iherelitf', 'demanded'): 1, ('demanded', 'inthe'): 1, ('inthe', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'complaintngiven'): 1, ('complaintngiven', 'under'): 1, ('under', 'myhand'): 1, ('myhand', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'seal'): 1, ('seal', 'ofthe'): 1, ('ofthe', 'ssid'): 1, ('ssid', 'sunperior'): 1, ('sunperior', 'court'): 1, ('the', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'california'): 1, ('california', 'iaand'): 1, ('iaand', 'fornthe'): 1, ('fornthe', 'county'): 1, ('county', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'los'): 1, ('los', 'angeles'): 1, ('angeles', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'day'): 1, ('of', 'augustnin'): 1, ('augustnin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'year'): 1, ('year', 'of'): 1, ('our', 'lord'): 1, ('lord', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'thousand'): 1, ('thousand', 'eight'): 1, ('eight', 'bunndrcd'): 1, ('bunndrcd', 'and'): 1, ('eightythree', ''): 1, ('', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'useless'): 1, ('useless', 'exhortation'): 1, ('exhortation', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'intelnligent'): 1, ('intelnligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'aiiless'): 1, ('aiiless', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'parnty'): 1, ('parnty', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'resolved'): 1, ('resolved', 'to'): 1, ('secure', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'ends'): 1, ('ends', 'whichnintelligent'): 1, ('whichnintelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'means'): 1, ('means', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'suchnagents'): 1, ('suchnagents', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'intelligent'): 1, ('intelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'respectnthe'): 1, ('respectnthe', 'republicans'): 1, ('republicans', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'essex'): 1, ('essex', 'district'): 1, ('district', 'ofnmassachusetts'): 1, ('ofnmassachusetts', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'select'): 1, ('select', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'likeneneral'): 1, ('likeneneral', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'representativendefeat'): 1, ('representativendefeat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'republican'): 1, ('republican', 'candidates'): 1, ('candidates', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'inndiana'): 1, ('inndiana', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ohio'): 1, ('ohio', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'notnrepublicans'): 1, ('notnrepublicans', 'wlo'): 1, ('wlo', 'insist'): 1, ('insist', 'ujon'): 1, ('ujon', 'honestynand'): 1, ('honestynand', 'principle'): 1, ('principle', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'politics'): 1, ('politics', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'rensponsible'): 1, ('rensponsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'repu'): 1, ('repu', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'ilican'): 1, ('ilican', 'disastersnthe'): 1, ('disastersnthe', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'torpidity'): 1, ('torpidity', 'of'): 1, ('business', 'thenprolonged'): 1, ('thenprolonged', 'confusion'): 1, ('confusion', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'southernnstates'): 1, ('southernnstates', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suspicion'): 1, ('suspicion', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'corruption'): 1, ('corruption', 'andninefficiency'): 1, ('andninefficiency', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'thenhostility'): 1, ('thenhostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'stringent'): 1, ('stringent', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'legisnlation'): 1, ('legisnlation', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'reasons'): 1, ('reasons', 'whichnhave'): 1, ('whichnhave', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'changenwhich'): 1, ('changenwhich', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'elections'): 1, ('elections', 'therenis'): 1, ('therenis', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'one'): 1, ('of', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'complaints'): 1, ('complaints', 'howevernexcept'): 1, ('howevernexcept', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'lawsnwhich'): 1, ('lawsnwhich', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'removed'): 1, ('removed', 'by'): 1, ('a', 'demoncratic'): 1, ('demoncratic', 'restoration'): 1, ('restoration', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'sincere'): 1, ('sincere', 'jealnousy'): 1, ('jealnousy', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'tjie'): 1, ('tjie', 'hatred'): 1, ('hatred', 'thatnsurvives'): 1, ('thatnsurvives', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'war'): 1, ('war', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'hostility'): 1, ('hostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thenprinciples'): 1, ('thenprinciples', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'purpose'): 1, ('purpose', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'newnamendments'): 1, ('newnamendments', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'constitution'): 1, ('constitution', 'thenspirit'): 1, ('thenspirit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'oppression'): 1, ('oppression', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'negro'): 1, ('negro', 'thendesire'): 1, ('thendesire', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'repudiation'): 1, ('repudiation', 'are'): 1, ('all', 'includednin'): 1, ('includednin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'democratic'): 2, ('democratic', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'statesnwhere'): 1, ('statesnwhere', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'old'): 2, ('old', 'spirit'): 1, ('spirit', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'caste'): 1, ('caste', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'bynignorance'): 1, ('bynignorance', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'kind'): 1, ('kind', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'strongest'): 1, ('strongest', 'iunthose'): 1, ('iunthose', 'parts'): 1, ('parts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'thenmost'): 1, ('thenmost', 'backward'): 1, ('backward', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'genneral'): 1, ('genneral', 'development'): 1, ('development', 'the'): 1, ('democratic', 'pari'): 1, ('pari', 'ynis'): 1, ('ynis', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'more'): 1, ('more', 'powerfulntnan'): 1, ('powerfulntnan', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'opponent'): 1, ('opponent', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'great'): 2, ('great', 'centresnof'): 1, ('centresnof', 'intelligence'): 1, ('intelligence', 'industry'): 1, ('industry', 'enterprisenand'): 1, ('enterprisenand', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'advancing'): 1, ('advancing', 'social'): 1, ('social', 'condition'): 1, ('condition', 'thenrepublican'): 1, ('thenrepublican', 'party'): 1, ('is', 'dominant'): 1, ('dominant', 'kenntucky'): 1, ('kenntucky', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'maryland'): 1, ('maryland', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'distinctivelyndemocratic'): 1, ('distinctivelyndemocratic', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'massachusetts'): 1, ('massachusetts', 'iowanand'): 1, ('iowanand', 'rural'): 1, ('rural', 'new'): 1, ('york', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'republicannevery'): 1, ('republicannevery', 'patriotic'): 1, ('patriotic', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'enlightened'): 1, ('enlightened', 'amernican'): 1, ('amernican', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'prefer'): 1, ('prefer', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'thecountry'): 1, ('thecountry', 'guardned'): 1, ('guardned', 'by'): 1, ('the', 'spirit'): 1, ('great', 'northwestnand'): 1, ('northwestnand', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'england'): 1, ('england', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'yorknrather'): 1, ('yorknrather', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'tluitof'): 1, ('tluitof', 'the'): 1, ('old', 'bourbonnand'): 1, ('bourbonnand', 'slave'): 1, ('states', ''): 1, ('', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'led'): 1, ('led', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'accept'): 1, ('accept', 'everything'): 1, ('everything', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'readnwith'): 1, ('readnwith', 'a'): 1, ('of', 'distrust'): 1, ('distrust', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'i'): 2, ('i', 'takennothing'): 1, ('takennothing', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'granted'): 1, ('granted', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'comenfrom'): 1, ('comenfrom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'pen'): 1, ('pen', 'of'): 1, ('one', 'whose'): 1, ('whose', 'prominencengives'): 1, ('prominencengives', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'opinions'): 1, ('opinions', 'weight'): 1, ('weight', 'whethernthey'): 1, ('whethernthey', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'right'): 1, ('right', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'my'): 1, ('my', 'neighbours'): 1, ('neighbours', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'different'): 1, ('different', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'advancementnis'): 1, ('advancementnis', 'slow'): 1, ('slow', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'frequently'): 1, ('frequently', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'theynget'): 1, ('theynget', 'hold'): 1, ('hold', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'exploded'): 1, ('exploded', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'afternthe'): 1, ('afternthe', 'explosion'): 1, ('explosion', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'probnabilities'): 1, ('probnabilities', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'thing'): 1, ('thing', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'accepted'): 1, ('accepted', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'anfact'): 1, ('anfact', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'alike'): 1, ('alike', 'innevery'): 1, ('innevery', 'township'): 1, ('township', 'in'): 1, ('land', 'outside'): 1, ('outside', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'centres'): 1, ('centres', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'wherenthe'): 1, ('wherenthe', 'light'): 1, ('light', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'flashes'): 1, ('flashes', 'fromnmind'): 1, ('fromnmind', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'mind'): 1, ('mind', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'human'): 1, ('human', 'conflict'): 1, ('conflict', 'tonreach'): 1, ('tonreach', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'highest'): 1, ('highest', 'round'): 1, ('round', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'laddernit'): 1, ('laddernit', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'astonishing'): 1, ('astonishing', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'live'): 1, ('live', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dienin'): 1, ('dienin', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'age'): 1, ('age', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'know'): 1, ('know', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'earth'): 2, ('earth', 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1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 2, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 4, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, ('costs', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'suit'): 2, ('suit', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'conveyed'): 1, ('conveyed', 'bynsaid'): 1, ('bynsaid', 'mortgage'): 1, ('mortgage', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'be'): 2, ('be', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'apnplied'): 1, ('apnplied', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thu'): 1, ('thu', 'payment'): 1, ('payment', 'of'): 1, ('said', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'notenand'): 1, ('notenand', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'aforesaid'): 1, ('aforesaid', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'costs'): 1, ('suit', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'inncase'): 1, ('inncase', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'ars'): 1, ('ars', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'sufficient'): 1, ('sufficient', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'pay'): 2, ('pay', 'thengraphthen'): 1, ('thengraphthen', 'to'): 1, ('obtain', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'against'): 1, ('against', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'vientor'): 1, ('vientor', 'beaudry'): 1, ('beaudry', 'whois'): 1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'balance'): 1, ('balance', 'remaining'): 1, ('remaining', 'due'): 1, ('due', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'denfendants'): 1, ('denfendants', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'persons'): 1, ('persons', 'claiming'): 1, ('claiming', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'through'): 1, ('through', 'ornunder'): 1, ('ornunder', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'may'): 1, ('be', 'barred'): 1, ('barred', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'foreclosed'): 1, ('foreclosed', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'aiinright'): 1, ('aiinright', 'titleclaim'): 1, ('titleclaim', 'lien'): 1, ('lien', 'equityof'): 1, ('equityof', 'redemption'): 1, ('redemption', 'andninterest'): 1, ('andninterest', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tn'): 1, ('tn', 'stid'): 1, ('stid', 'moitgaged'): 1, ('moitgaged', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'andnfor'): 1, ('andnfor', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'upther'): 1, ('upther', 'relief'): 1, ('relief', 'reference'): 1, ('reference', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, ('tonappear', 'ant'): 1, ('ant', 'answer'): 1, ('answer', 'the'): 1, ('complaint', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'abovenrequired'): 1, ('abovenrequired', 'the'): 1, ('said', 'plaintiffwillapplyto'): 1, ('plaintiffwillapplyto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'courtnfor'): 1, ('courtnfor', 'iherelitf'): 1, ('iherelitf', 'demanded'): 1, ('demanded', 'inthe'): 1, ('inthe', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'complaintngiven'): 1, ('complaintngiven', 'under'): 1, ('under', 'myhand'): 1, ('myhand', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'seal'): 1, ('seal', 'ofthe'): 1, ('ofthe', 'ssid'): 1, ('ssid', 'sunperior'): 1, ('sunperior', 'court'): 1, ('the', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'california'): 1, ('california', 'iaand'): 1, ('iaand', 'fornthe'): 1, ('fornthe', 'county'): 1, ('county', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'los'): 1, ('los', 'angeles'): 1, ('angeles', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'day'): 1, ('of', 'augustnin'): 1, ('augustnin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'year'): 1, ('year', 'of'): 1, ('our', 'lord'): 1, ('lord', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'thousand'): 1, ('thousand', 'eight'): 1, ('eight', 'bunndrcd'): 1, ('bunndrcd', 'and'): 1, ('eightythree', ''): 1, ('', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'useless'): 1, ('useless', 'exhortation'): 1, ('exhortation', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'intelnligent'): 1, ('intelnligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'aiiless'): 1, ('aiiless', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'parnty'): 1, ('parnty', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'resolved'): 1, ('resolved', 'to'): 1, ('secure', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'ends'): 1, ('ends', 'whichnintelligent'): 1, ('whichnintelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'means'): 1, ('means', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'suchnagents'): 1, ('suchnagents', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'intelligent'): 1, ('intelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'respectnthe'): 1, ('respectnthe', 'republicans'): 1, ('republicans', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'essex'): 1, ('essex', 'district'): 1, ('district', 'ofnmassachusetts'): 1, ('ofnmassachusetts', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'select'): 1, ('select', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'likeneneral'): 1, ('likeneneral', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'representativendefeat'): 1, ('representativendefeat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'republican'): 1, ('republican', 'candidates'): 1, ('candidates', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'inndiana'): 1, ('inndiana', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ohio'): 1, ('ohio', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'notnrepublicans'): 1, ('notnrepublicans', 'wlo'): 1, ('wlo', 'insist'): 1, ('insist', 'ujon'): 1, ('ujon', 'honestynand'): 1, ('honestynand', 'principle'): 1, ('principle', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'politics'): 1, ('politics', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'rensponsible'): 1, ('rensponsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'repu'): 1, ('repu', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'ilican'): 1, ('ilican', 'disastersnthe'): 1, ('disastersnthe', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'torpidity'): 1, ('torpidity', 'of'): 1, ('business', 'thenprolonged'): 1, ('thenprolonged', 'confusion'): 1, ('confusion', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'southernnstates'): 1, ('southernnstates', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suspicion'): 1, ('suspicion', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'corruption'): 1, ('corruption', 'andninefficiency'): 1, ('andninefficiency', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'thenhostility'): 1, ('thenhostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'stringent'): 1, ('stringent', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'legisnlation'): 1, ('legisnlation', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'reasons'): 1, ('reasons', 'whichnhave'): 1, ('whichnhave', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'changenwhich'): 1, ('changenwhich', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'elections'): 1, ('elections', 'therenis'): 1, ('therenis', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'one'): 1, ('of', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'complaints'): 1, ('complaints', 'howevernexcept'): 1, ('howevernexcept', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'lawsnwhich'): 1, ('lawsnwhich', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'removed'): 1, ('removed', 'by'): 1, ('a', 'demoncratic'): 1, ('demoncratic', 'restoration'): 1, ('restoration', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'sincere'): 1, ('sincere', 'jealnousy'): 1, ('jealnousy', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'tjie'): 1, ('tjie', 'hatred'): 1, ('hatred', 'thatnsurvives'): 1, ('thatnsurvives', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'war'): 1, ('war', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'hostility'): 1, ('hostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thenprinciples'): 1, ('thenprinciples', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'purpose'): 1, ('purpose', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'newnamendments'): 1, ('newnamendments', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'constitution'): 1, ('constitution', 'thenspirit'): 1, ('thenspirit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'oppression'): 1, ('oppression', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'negro'): 1, ('negro', 'thendesire'): 1, ('thendesire', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'repudiation'): 1, ('repudiation', 'are'): 1, ('all', 'includednin'): 1, ('includednin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'democratic'): 2, ('democratic', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'statesnwhere'): 1, ('statesnwhere', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'old'): 2, ('old', 'spirit'): 1, ('spirit', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'caste'): 1, ('caste', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'bynignorance'): 1, ('bynignorance', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'kind'): 1, ('kind', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'strongest'): 1, ('strongest', 'iunthose'): 1, ('iunthose', 'parts'): 1, ('parts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'thenmost'): 1, ('thenmost', 'backward'): 1, ('backward', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'genneral'): 1, ('genneral', 'development'): 1, ('development', 'the'): 1, ('democratic', 'pari'): 1, ('pari', 'ynis'): 1, ('ynis', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'more'): 1, ('more', 'powerfulntnan'): 1, ('powerfulntnan', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'opponent'): 1, ('opponent', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'great'): 2, ('great', 'centresnof'): 1, ('centresnof', 'intelligence'): 1, ('intelligence', 'industry'): 1, ('industry', 'enterprisenand'): 1, ('enterprisenand', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'advancing'): 1, ('advancing', 'social'): 1, ('social', 'condition'): 1, ('condition', 'thenrepublican'): 1, ('thenrepublican', 'party'): 1, ('is', 'dominant'): 1, ('dominant', 'kenntucky'): 1, ('kenntucky', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'maryland'): 1, ('maryland', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'distinctivelyndemocratic'): 1, ('distinctivelyndemocratic', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'massachusetts'): 1, ('massachusetts', 'iowanand'): 1, ('iowanand', 'rural'): 1, ('rural', 'new'): 1, ('york', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'republicannevery'): 1, ('republicannevery', 'patriotic'): 1, ('patriotic', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'enlightened'): 1, ('enlightened', 'amernican'): 1, ('amernican', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'prefer'): 1, ('prefer', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'thecountry'): 1, ('thecountry', 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('illnaddtwo', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe'): 1, ('feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'gave'): 1, ('gave', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'lovely'): 1, ('lovely', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thentop'): 1, ('thentop', 'floor'): 1, ('floor', 'it'): 1, ('was', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'of'): 3, ('of', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'roomsnthat'): 1, ('roomsnthat', 'stands'): 1, ('stands', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'younhappen'): 1, ('younhappen', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'get'): 1, ('get', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'in'): 2, ('the', 'middle'): 2, ('middle', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'want'): 1, ('want', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'sure'): 1, ('sure', 'andnget'): 1, ('andnget', 'up'): 1, ('middle', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 26, ('the', 'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 5, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 2, ('measure', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 2, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 4, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, ('costs', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'suit'): 2, ('suit', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'conveyed'): 1, ('conveyed', 'bynsaid'): 1, ('bynsaid', 'mortgage'): 1, ('mortgage', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'be'): 2, ('be', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'apnplied'): 1, ('apnplied', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thu'): 1, ('thu', 'payment'): 1, ('payment', 'of'): 1, ('said', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'notenand'): 1, ('notenand', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'aforesaid'): 1, ('aforesaid', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'costs'): 1, ('suit', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'inncase'): 1, ('inncase', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'ars'): 1, ('ars', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'sufficient'): 1, ('sufficient', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'pay'): 2, ('pay', 'thengraphthen'): 1, ('thengraphthen', 'to'): 1, ('obtain', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'against'): 1, ('against', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'vientor'): 1, ('vientor', 'beaudry'): 1, ('beaudry', 'whois'): 1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'balance'): 1, ('balance', 'remaining'): 1, ('remaining', 'due'): 1, ('due', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'denfendants'): 1, ('denfendants', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'persons'): 1, ('persons', 'claiming'): 1, ('claiming', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'through'): 1, ('through', 'ornunder'): 1, ('ornunder', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'may'): 1, ('be', 'barred'): 1, ('barred', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'foreclosed'): 1, ('foreclosed', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'aiinright'): 1, ('aiinright', 'titleclaim'): 1, ('titleclaim', 'lien'): 1, ('lien', 'equityof'): 1, ('equityof', 'redemption'): 1, ('redemption', 'andninterest'): 1, ('andninterest', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tn'): 1, ('tn', 'stid'): 1, ('stid', 'moitgaged'): 1, ('moitgaged', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'andnfor'): 1, ('andnfor', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'upther'): 1, ('upther', 'relief'): 1, ('relief', 'reference'): 1, ('reference', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, ('tonappear', 'ant'): 1, ('ant', 'answer'): 1, ('answer', 'the'): 1, ('complaint', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'abovenrequired'): 1, ('abovenrequired', 'the'): 1, ('said', 'plaintiffwillapplyto'): 1, ('plaintiffwillapplyto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'courtnfor'): 1, ('courtnfor', 'iherelitf'): 1, ('iherelitf', 'demanded'): 1, ('demanded', 'inthe'): 1, ('inthe', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'complaintngiven'): 1, ('complaintngiven', 'under'): 1, ('under', 'myhand'): 1, ('myhand', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'seal'): 1, ('seal', 'ofthe'): 1, ('ofthe', 'ssid'): 1, ('ssid', 'sunperior'): 1, ('sunperior', 'court'): 1, ('the', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'california'): 1, ('california', 'iaand'): 1, ('iaand', 'fornthe'): 1, ('fornthe', 'county'): 1, ('county', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'los'): 1, ('los', 'angeles'): 1, ('angeles', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'day'): 1, ('of', 'augustnin'): 1, ('augustnin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'year'): 1, ('year', 'of'): 1, ('our', 'lord'): 1, ('lord', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'thousand'): 1, ('thousand', 'eight'): 1, ('eight', 'bunndrcd'): 1, ('bunndrcd', 'and'): 1, ('eightythree', ''): 1, ('', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'useless'): 1, ('useless', 'exhortation'): 1, ('exhortation', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'intelnligent'): 1, ('intelnligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'aiiless'): 1, ('aiiless', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'parnty'): 1, ('parnty', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'resolved'): 1, ('resolved', 'to'): 1, ('secure', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'ends'): 1, ('ends', 'whichnintelligent'): 1, ('whichnintelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'means'): 1, ('means', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'suchnagents'): 1, ('suchnagents', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'intelligent'): 1, ('intelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'respectnthe'): 1, ('respectnthe', 'republicans'): 1, ('republicans', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'essex'): 1, ('essex', 'district'): 1, ('district', 'ofnmassachusetts'): 1, ('ofnmassachusetts', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'select'): 1, ('select', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'likeneneral'): 1, ('likeneneral', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'representativendefeat'): 1, ('representativendefeat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'republican'): 1, ('republican', 'candidates'): 1, ('candidates', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'inndiana'): 1, ('inndiana', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ohio'): 1, ('ohio', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'notnrepublicans'): 1, ('notnrepublicans', 'wlo'): 1, ('wlo', 'insist'): 1, ('insist', 'ujon'): 1, ('ujon', 'honestynand'): 1, ('honestynand', 'principle'): 1, ('principle', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'politics'): 1, ('politics', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'rensponsible'): 1, ('rensponsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'repu'): 1, ('repu', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'ilican'): 1, ('ilican', 'disastersnthe'): 1, ('disastersnthe', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'torpidity'): 1, ('torpidity', 'of'): 1, ('business', 'thenprolonged'): 1, ('thenprolonged', 'confusion'): 1, ('confusion', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'southernnstates'): 1, ('southernnstates', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suspicion'): 1, ('suspicion', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'corruption'): 1, ('corruption', 'andninefficiency'): 1, ('andninefficiency', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'thenhostility'): 1, ('thenhostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'stringent'): 1, ('stringent', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'legisnlation'): 1, ('legisnlation', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'reasons'): 1, ('reasons', 'whichnhave'): 1, ('whichnhave', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'changenwhich'): 1, ('changenwhich', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'elections'): 1, ('elections', 'therenis'): 1, ('therenis', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'one'): 1, ('of', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'complaints'): 1, ('complaints', 'howevernexcept'): 1, ('howevernexcept', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'lawsnwhich'): 1, ('lawsnwhich', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'removed'): 1, ('removed', 'by'): 1, ('a', 'demoncratic'): 1, ('demoncratic', 'restoration'): 1, ('restoration', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'sincere'): 1, ('sincere', 'jealnousy'): 1, ('jealnousy', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'tjie'): 1, ('tjie', 'hatred'): 1, ('hatred', 'thatnsurvives'): 1, ('thatnsurvives', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'war'): 1, ('war', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'hostility'): 1, ('hostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thenprinciples'): 1, ('thenprinciples', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'purpose'): 1, ('purpose', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'newnamendments'): 1, ('newnamendments', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'constitution'): 1, ('constitution', 'thenspirit'): 1, ('thenspirit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'oppression'): 1, ('oppression', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'negro'): 1, ('negro', 'thendesire'): 1, ('thendesire', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'repudiation'): 1, ('repudiation', 'are'): 1, ('all', 'includednin'): 1, ('includednin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'democratic'): 2, 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'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'instruct', 'being', 'till', 'andnfor', 'from', 'partcularanand', 'massachusetts', 'shepherd', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'andnwould', 'patriotic', 'complaints', 'england', 'get', 'centres', 'likeneneral', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'alike', 'ridiculousnduring', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'mortngage', 'relnjsiatf', 'andninefficiency', 'tjie', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'county', 'nin', 'month', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'edward', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'anprominent', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'amat', 'recording', 'library', 'scat', 'propeity', 'childrennall', 'tn', 'conducted', 'day', 'whichnhave', 'longer', 'crack', 'familynin', 'obtain', 'school', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'slave', 'houses', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'whethernthey', 'represented', 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'compounded', 'tongetupat', 'spiritualnwaifs', 'representativendefeat', 'november', 'right', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'distinctivelyndemocratic', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'courtnfor', 'has', 'entry', 'both', 'unnless', 'on', 'restoration', 'service', 'equator', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'includednin', 'benbad', 'governnments', 'st', 'due', 'nad', 'lit¬ntle', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'anresponsibility', 'augustnin', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'thousand', 'anfact', 'wenwere', 'costs', 'human', 'getnin', 'teaches', 'party', 'woke', 'all', 'notenand', 'centresnof', 'public', 'particular', 'irreligious', 'sunperior', 'front', 'lllier', 'sincere', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'slow', 'feet', 'essex', 'asale', 'round', 'cotnof', 'concerning', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', 'training', '®nrecords', 'largensenseour', 'through', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'desire', 'mesne', 'seal', 'chil¬ndren', 'temperance', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'ornunder', 'confusion', 'hodtoncomplaint', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'atidnneed', 'brother', 'say', 'maps', 'sheepnwithout', 'large', 'bupreme', 'iaand', 'small', 'they', 'ideal', 'neigh¬nbor', 'inndiana', 'ilican', 'directly', 'colder', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'need', 'priae', 'read', 'against', 'helpnthem', 'complaint', 'barred', 'district', 'orn', 'spirit', 'mortgage', 'sinh', 'make', 'andnsmall', 'cause', 'tbe', 'social', 'six', 'parents', 'assigned', 'industry', 'empirqnstate', 'pains', 'sandwichnafter', 'navy', 'intelligence', 'at', 'signed', 'innevery', 'jesse', 'hair', 'stringent', 'wentnover', 'parts', 'used', 'ojnof', 'togethor', 'busy', 'been', 'claimed', 'silvered', 'ate', 'immediatenproblems', 'aptors', 'andnthe', 'senatorial', 'andntheir', 'not', 'tasked', 'applicationnof', 'one', 'development', 'may', 'deteriorate', 'supreme', 'table', 'reflections', 'pealed', 'shown', '|artit', 'purchasernbearing', 'foreclosure', 'premises', 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'of', 'thenithday', 'jealnousy', 'distribution', 'while', 'express', 'thncause', 'hotternit', 'chfl¬ndren', 'own', 'nte', 'principle', 'suchnagents', 'duties', 'whose', 'payment', 'suu', 'understand', 'sure', 'esieeis', 'neighbors', 'by', 'awfulnheadache', 'to', 'electorate', 'intelligent', 'bananasnthey', 'prominencengives', 'deceasednto', 'lot', 'example', 'kinds', 'nownwe', 'havenno', 'enterprisenand', 'dominant', 'risk', 'middle', 'any', 'centnper', 'elections', 'folio', 'your', 'ho', 'place', 'relationship', 'terms', 'author', 'occupied', 'constitution', 'manager', 'atnthe', 'way', 'tonreach', 'hostility', 'pubi', 'court', 'left', 'george', 'north', 'business', 'flatts', 'eflort', 'paynment', 'complaintngiven', 'he', 'changenwhich', 'conveyed', 'also', 'ortwo', 'marshal', 'brought', 'accustomed', 'practicalnly', 'vain', 'stage', 'caste', 'per', 'first', 'earthnrepresented', 'national', 'frolume', 'making', 'soldjnterms', '|amount', 'ex¬npenses', 'andnmarj', 'chhndren', 'arenin', 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'plainntiff', 'skidnwaiter', 'sum', 'appeals', 'etist', 'question', 'attic', 'goodnthings', 'years', 'theynget', 'younfcavo', 'be', 'fine', 'trust', 'secured', 'order', 'because', 'hear', 'sufficient', 'godnthought', 'township', 'wherenthe', 'orninfluence', 'conflict', 'secure', 'ofnoperate', 'nwe', 'advancementnis', 'advice', 'cannhelp', 'when', 'gone', 'ujon', 'value', 'thentale', 'got', 'astonishing', 'fefnsale', 'think', 'full', 'wo', '+henbrought', 'side', 'noticento', 'accept', 'somonmental', 'ceitihcate', 'thenprolonged', 'equityof', 'extended', 'crdlecting', 'gave', 'told', 'suit', 'agent', 'anshepherd', 'mb', 'pieliesaidnit', 'lovely', 'two', 'in', 'open', 'live', 'earth', 'had', 'thirty', 'thought', 'younhappen', 'pv', 'friday', 'nationally', 'maryland', 'measure', 'northwestnby', 'purpose', 'semiannually', 'a', 'g', 'where', 'slidellnthat', 'ndell', 'if', 'night', 'tull', 'bynsaid', 'yetseparatelythat', 'word', 'howevernexcept', 'arguednthat', 'steaks', 'iigree', 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'itnwas'): 1, ('itnwas', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'crack'): 1, ('crack', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'the'): 11, ('the', 'plate'): 1, ('plate', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'skidnwaiter'): 1, ('skidnwaiter', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'else'): 1, ('else', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'you'): 2, ('you', 'got'): 1, ('got', '+henbrought'): 1, ('+henbrought', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'codfish'): 1, ('codfish', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'onensmelt'): 1, ('onensmelt', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'said'): 4, ('said', 'waiter'): 1, ('waiter', 'have'): 1, ('you', 'gotnpigs'): 1, ('gotnpigs', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'said'): 3, ('said', 'no'): 2, ('no', 'rheumatismnmakes'): 1, ('rheumatismnmakes', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'walk'): 1, ('walk', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'saldnhow'): 1, ('saldnhow', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'pumpkin'): 1, ('pumpkin', 'pieliesaidnit'): 1, ('pieliesaidnit', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'squash'): 1, ('squash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'best'): 1, ('best', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'getnin'): 1, ('getnin', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'hotel'): 1, ('hotel', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'soup'): 1, ('soup', 'sandwichnafter'): 1, ('sandwichnafter', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'battle'): 1, ('battle', 'the'): 1, ('waiter', 'andni'): 1, ('andni', 'signed'): 1, ('signed', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'armistice'): 1, ('armistice', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'wentnover'): 1, ('wentnover', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'hotel'): 1, ('hotel', 'clerk'): 1, ('clerk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'asked'): 1, ('asked', 'forna'): 1, ('forna', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'with'): 2, ('with', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anbed'): 1, ('anbed', 'i'): 1, ('with', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'bed'): 2, ('bed', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'saidni'): 1, ('saidni', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'a'): 2, ('bed', 'longnenough'): 1, ('longnenough', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'i'): 1, ('said', 'well'): 1, ('well', 'illnaddtwo'): 1, ('illnaddtwo', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe'): 1, ('feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'gave'): 1, ('gave', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'lovely'): 1, ('lovely', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thentop'): 1, ('thentop', 'floor'): 1, ('floor', 'it'): 1, ('was', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'of'): 3, ('of', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'roomsnthat'): 1, ('roomsnthat', 'stands'): 1, ('stands', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'younhappen'): 1, ('younhappen', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'get'): 1, ('get', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'in'): 2, ('the', 'middle'): 2, ('middle', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'want'): 1, ('want', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'sure'): 1, ('sure', 'andnget'): 1, ('andnget', 'up'): 1, ('middle', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 26, ('the', 'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 5, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 2, ('measure', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 2, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 4, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, ('costs', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'suit'): 2, ('suit', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'conveyed'): 1, ('conveyed', 'bynsaid'): 1, ('bynsaid', 'mortgage'): 1, ('mortgage', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'be'): 2, ('be', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'apnplied'): 1, ('apnplied', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thu'): 1, ('thu', 'payment'): 1, ('payment', 'of'): 1, ('said', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'notenand'): 1, ('notenand', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'aforesaid'): 1, ('aforesaid', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'costs'): 1, ('suit', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'inncase'): 1, ('inncase', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'ars'): 1, ('ars', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'sufficient'): 1, ('sufficient', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'pay'): 2, ('pay', 'thengraphthen'): 1, ('thengraphthen', 'to'): 1, ('obtain', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'against'): 1, ('against', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'vientor'): 1, ('vientor', 'beaudry'): 1, ('beaudry', 'whois'): 1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'balance'): 1, ('balance', 'remaining'): 1, ('remaining', 'due'): 1, ('due', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'denfendants'): 1, ('denfendants', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'persons'): 1, ('persons', 'claiming'): 1, ('claiming', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'through'): 1, ('through', 'ornunder'): 1, ('ornunder', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'may'): 1, ('be', 'barred'): 1, ('barred', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'foreclosed'): 1, ('foreclosed', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'aiinright'): 1, ('aiinright', 'titleclaim'): 1, ('titleclaim', 'lien'): 1, ('lien', 'equityof'): 1, ('equityof', 'redemption'): 1, ('redemption', 'andninterest'): 1, ('andninterest', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tn'): 1, ('tn', 'stid'): 1, ('stid', 'moitgaged'): 1, ('moitgaged', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'andnfor'): 1, ('andnfor', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'upther'): 1, ('upther', 'relief'): 1, ('relief', 'reference'): 1, ('reference', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, ('tonappear', 'ant'): 1, ('ant', 'answer'): 1, ('answer', 'the'): 1, ('complaint', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'abovenrequired'): 1, ('abovenrequired', 'the'): 1, ('said', 'plaintiffwillapplyto'): 1, ('plaintiffwillapplyto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'courtnfor'): 1, ('courtnfor', 'iherelitf'): 1, ('iherelitf', 'demanded'): 1, ('demanded', 'inthe'): 1, ('inthe', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'complaintngiven'): 1, ('complaintngiven', 'under'): 1, ('under', 'myhand'): 1, ('myhand', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'seal'): 1, ('seal', 'ofthe'): 1, ('ofthe', 'ssid'): 1, ('ssid', 'sunperior'): 1, ('sunperior', 'court'): 1, ('the', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'california'): 1, ('california', 'iaand'): 1, ('iaand', 'fornthe'): 1, ('fornthe', 'county'): 1, ('county', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'los'): 1, ('los', 'angeles'): 1, ('angeles', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'day'): 1, ('of', 'augustnin'): 1, ('augustnin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'year'): 1, ('year', 'of'): 1, ('our', 'lord'): 1, ('lord', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'thousand'): 1, ('thousand', 'eight'): 1, ('eight', 'bunndrcd'): 1, ('bunndrcd', 'and'): 1, ('eightythree', ''): 1, ('', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'useless'): 1, ('useless', 'exhortation'): 1, ('exhortation', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'intelnligent'): 1, ('intelnligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'aiiless'): 1, ('aiiless', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'parnty'): 1, ('parnty', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'resolved'): 1, ('resolved', 'to'): 1, ('secure', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'ends'): 1, ('ends', 'whichnintelligent'): 1, ('whichnintelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'means'): 1, ('means', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'suchnagents'): 1, ('suchnagents', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'intelligent'): 1, ('intelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'respectnthe'): 1, ('respectnthe', 'republicans'): 1, ('republicans', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'essex'): 1, ('essex', 'district'): 1, ('district', 'ofnmassachusetts'): 1, ('ofnmassachusetts', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'select'): 1, 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1, ('the', 'southernnstates'): 1, ('southernnstates', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suspicion'): 1, ('suspicion', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'corruption'): 1, ('corruption', 'andninefficiency'): 1, ('andninefficiency', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'thenhostility'): 1, ('thenhostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'stringent'): 1, ('stringent', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'legisnlation'): 1, ('legisnlation', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'reasons'): 1, ('reasons', 'whichnhave'): 1, ('whichnhave', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'changenwhich'): 1, ('changenwhich', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'elections'): 1, ('elections', 'therenis'): 1, ('therenis', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'one'): 1, ('of', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'complaints'): 1, ('complaints', 'howevernexcept'): 1, ('howevernexcept', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'lawsnwhich'): 1, 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'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'instruct', 'being', 'till', 'andnfor', 'from', 'partcularanand', 'massachusetts', 'shepherd', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'andnwould', 'patriotic', 'complaints', 'england', 'get', 'centres', 'likeneneral', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'alike', 'ridiculousnduring', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'mortngage', 'relnjsiatf', 'andninefficiency', 'tjie', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'county', 'nin', 'month', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'edward', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'anprominent', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'amat', 'recording', 'library', 'scat', 'propeity', 'childrennall', 'tn', 'conducted', 'day', 'whichnhave', 'longer', 'crack', 'familynin', 'obtain', 'school', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'slave', 'houses', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'whethernthey', 'represented', 'select', 'church', 'everything', 'neg¬nligent', 'rate', 'naud', 'light', 'opinions', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'cent', 'hatred', 'attorney', 'soup', 'flashes', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'probnabilities', 'thy', 'between', 'redemption', '\u003c', 'execute', 'andninterest', 'titleclaim', 'more', 'streetsnadd', 'mr', 'thu', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'paidnfrom', 'junen', 'case', 'dozeus', 'rural', 'werentimely', 'exhortation', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'certain', 'vientor', 'kenntucky', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'quarter', 'ofnthis', 'whichnintelligent', 'thatnsurvives', 'thenmost', 'eight', 'politics', 'ofthe', 'never', 'thenspirit', 'abovenrequired', 'newnamendments', 'outside', 'los', 'gotnone', 'myhand', 'see', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'my', 'action', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'compounded', 'tongetupat', 'spiritualnwaifs', 'representativendefeat', 'november', 'right', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'distinctivelyndemocratic', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'courtnfor', 'has', 'entry', 'both', 'unnless', 'on', 'restoration', 'service', 'equator', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'includednin', 'benbad', 'governnments', 'st', 'due', 'nad', 'lit¬ntle', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'anresponsibility', 'augustnin', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'thousand', 'anfact', 'wenwere', 'costs', 'human', 'getnin', 'teaches', 'party', 'woke', 'all', 'notenand', 'centresnof', 'public', 'particular', 'irreligious', 'sunperior', 'front', 'lllier', 'sincere', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'slow', 'feet', 'essex', 'asale', 'round', 'cotnof', 'concerning', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', 'training', '®nrecords', 'largensenseour', 'through', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'desire', 'mesne', 'seal', 'chil¬ndren', 'temperance', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'ornunder', 'confusion', 'hodtoncomplaint', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'atidnneed', 'brother', 'say', 'maps', 'sheepnwithout', 'large', 'bupreme', 'iaand', 'small', 'they', 'ideal', 'neigh¬nbor', 'inndiana', 'ilican', 'directly', 'colder', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'need', 'priae', 'read', 'against', 'helpnthem', 'complaint', 'barred', 'district', 'orn', 'spirit', 'mortgage', 'sinh', 'make', 'andnsmall', 'cause', 'tbe', 'social', 'six', 'parents', 'assigned', 'industry', 'empirqnstate', 'pains', 'sandwichnafter', 'navy', 'intelligence', 'at', 'signed', 'innevery', 'jesse', 'hair', 'stringent', 'wentnover', 'parts', 'used', 'ojnof', 'togethor', 'busy', 'been', 'claimed', 'silvered', 'ate', 'immediatenproblems', 'aptors', 'andnthe', 'senatorial', 'andntheir', 'not', 'tasked', 'applicationnof', 'one', 'development', 'may', 'deteriorate', 'supreme', 'table', 'reflections', 'pealed', 'shown', '|artit', 'purchasernbearing', 'foreclosure', 'premises', 'northwestnand', 'boot', 'sold', 'said', 'family', 'within', 'thenrepublican', 'honestynand', 'repudiation', 'students', 'senate', 'inviunsuch', 'whatnshall', 'thecountry', 'themna', 'gnto', 'l', 'catalogues', 'amernican', 'eightythree', 'tried', 'urt', 'southernnstates', 'thenother', 'ofnmassachusetts', 'prevent', 'democratic', 'can', 'notes', 'secretary', 'promissory', 'longnenough', 'decree', 'under', 'ownnwho', 'sujk', 'bentough', 'nno', 'clerk', 'keeper', 'stid', 'outset', 'so', 'every', 'them', 'deiree', 'enlightened', 'sitl', 'up', 'slidingncurtain', 'ynis', 'perspective', 'oclock', 'tothis', 'comenfrom', 'rensponsible', 'montion', 'broughtnit', 'sabbathnschool', 'exactly', 'onensmelt', 'apiw', 'ruahnand', 'ot', 'therenis', 'weight', 'remind', 'andecree', 'notnrepublicans', 'connducted', 'upther', 'innocent', 'removed', 'goodnsamaritan', 'five', 'adjudication', 'cakes', 'ves', 'ail', 'lkofvaluable', 'aiinright', 'pari', 'dienin', 'was', 'good', 'as', '|nized', 'end', 'though', 'of', 'thenithday', 'jealnousy', 'distribution', 'while', 'express', 'thncause', 'hotternit', 'chfl¬ndren', 'own', 'nte', 'principle', 'suchnagents', 'duties', 'whose', 'payment', 'suu', 'understand', 'sure', 'esieeis', 'neighbors', 'by', 'awfulnheadache', 'to', 'electorate', 'intelligent', 'bananasnthey', 'prominencengives', 'deceasednto', 'lot', 'example', 'kinds', 'nownwe', 'havenno', 'enterprisenand', 'dominant', 'risk', 'middle', 'any', 'centnper', 'elections', 'folio', 'your', 'ho', 'place', 'relationship', 'terms', 'author', 'occupied', 'constitution', 'manager', 'atnthe', 'way', 'tonreach', 'hostility', 'pubi', 'court', 'left', 'george', 'north', 'business', 'flatts', 'eflort', 'paynment', 'complaintngiven', 'he', 'changenwhich', 'conveyed', 'also', 'ortwo', 'marshal', 'brought', 'accustomed', 'practicalnly', 'vain', 'stage', 'caste', 'per', 'first', 'earthnrepresented', 'national', 'frolume', 'making', 'soldjnterms', '|amount', 'ex¬npenses', 'andnmarj', 'chhndren', 'arenin', 'fornthe', 'iowanand', 'array', 'courts', 'something', 'next', 'this', 'other', 'auctioneers', 'reference', 'man', 'statesnwhere', 'yandntor', 'room', 'isigovemed', 'abou', 'arenalso', 'actually', 'her', 'different', 'very', 'complied', 'relief', 'heard', 'cash', 'linesnfor', 'neighbours', 'bed', 'residue', 'oppression', 'seq', 'twelve', 'saidni', 'apnplied', 'balance', 'tire', 'forna', 'offices', 'shall', 'lie', 'innchristian', 'existingnbetween', 'somewhere', 'defaulting', 'civilization', 'thenroom', 'train', 'country', 'declared', 'new', 'knowledge', 'that', 'let', 'helpless', 'd', 'books', 'intelnligent', 'california', 'dividing', 'circulate', 'herenall', 'armistice', 'hag', 'fur', 'then', 'parnty', 'atnone', 'answer', 'genneral', 'ou', 'assign', 'dreamt', 'road', 'lambs', 'for', 'unitened', 'thnfoundiy', 'war', 'figures', 'cost', 'such', 'gross', 'it', 'denfendants', 'august', 'kind', 'nowherenhe', 'sulidivlded', 'wherenglobes', 'ainum', 'dis|m', 'those', 'menuwu', 'determine', 'plainntiff', 'skidnwaiter', 'sum', 'appeals', 'etist', 'question', 'attic', 'goodnthings', 'years', 'theynget', 'younfcavo', 'be', 'fine', 'trust', 'secured', 'order', 'because', 'hear', 'sufficient', 'godnthought', 'township', 'wherenthe', 'orninfluence', 'conflict', 'secure', 'ofnoperate', 'nwe', 'advancementnis', 'advice', 'cannhelp', 'when', 'gone', 'ujon', 'value', 'thentale', 'got', 'astonishing', 'fefnsale', 'think', 'full', 'wo', '+henbrought', 'side', 'noticento', 'accept', 'somonmental', 'ceitihcate', 'thenprolonged', 'equityof', 'extended', 'crdlecting', 'gave', 'told', 'suit', 'agent', 'anshepherd', 'mb', 'pieliesaidnit', 'lovely', 'two', 'in', 'open', 'live', 'earth', 'had', 'thirty', 'thought', 'younhappen', 'pv', 'friday', 'nationally', 'maryland', 'measure', 'northwestnby', 'purpose', 'semiannually', 'a', 'g', 'where', 'slidellnthat', 'ndell', 'if', 'night', 'tull', 'bynsaid', 'yetseparatelythat', 'word', 'howevernexcept', 'arguednthat', 'steaks', 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'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 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('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, ('costs', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'suit'): 2, ('suit', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'conveyed'): 1, ('conveyed', 'bynsaid'): 1, ('bynsaid', 'mortgage'): 1, ('mortgage', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'be'): 2, ('be', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'apnplied'): 1, ('apnplied', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thu'): 1, ('thu', 'payment'): 1, ('payment', 'of'): 1, ('said', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'notenand'): 1, ('notenand', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'aforesaid'): 1, ('aforesaid', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'costs'): 1, ('suit', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'inncase'): 1, ('inncase', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'ars'): 1, ('ars', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'sufficient'): 1, ('sufficient', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'pay'): 2, ('pay', 'thengraphthen'): 1, ('thengraphthen', 'to'): 1, ('obtain', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'against'): 1, ('against', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'vientor'): 1, ('vientor', 'beaudry'): 1, ('beaudry', 'whois'): 1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'balance'): 1, ('balance', 'remaining'): 1, ('remaining', 'due'): 1, ('due', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'denfendants'): 1, ('denfendants', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'persons'): 1, ('persons', 'claiming'): 1, ('claiming', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'through'): 1, ('through', 'ornunder'): 1, ('ornunder', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'may'): 1, ('be', 'barred'): 1, ('barred', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'foreclosed'): 1, ('foreclosed', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'aiinright'): 1, ('aiinright', 'titleclaim'): 1, ('titleclaim', 'lien'): 1, ('lien', 'equityof'): 1, ('equityof', 'redemption'): 1, ('redemption', 'andninterest'): 1, ('andninterest', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tn'): 1, ('tn', 'stid'): 1, ('stid', 'moitgaged'): 1, ('moitgaged', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'andnfor'): 1, ('andnfor', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'upther'): 1, ('upther', 'relief'): 1, ('relief', 'reference'): 1, ('reference', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, ('tonappear', 'ant'): 1, ('ant', 'answer'): 1, ('answer', 'the'): 1, ('complaint', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'abovenrequired'): 1, ('abovenrequired', 'the'): 1, ('said', 'plaintiffwillapplyto'): 1, ('plaintiffwillapplyto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'courtnfor'): 1, ('courtnfor', 'iherelitf'): 1, ('iherelitf', 'demanded'): 1, ('demanded', 'inthe'): 1, ('inthe', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'complaintngiven'): 1, ('complaintngiven', 'under'): 1, ('under', 'myhand'): 1, ('myhand', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'seal'): 1, ('seal', 'ofthe'): 1, ('ofthe', 'ssid'): 1, ('ssid', 'sunperior'): 1, ('sunperior', 'court'): 1, ('the', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'california'): 1, ('california', 'iaand'): 1, ('iaand', 'fornthe'): 1, ('fornthe', 'county'): 1, ('county', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'los'): 1, ('los', 'angeles'): 1, ('angeles', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'day'): 1, ('of', 'augustnin'): 1, ('augustnin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'year'): 1, ('year', 'of'): 1, ('our', 'lord'): 1, ('lord', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'thousand'): 1, 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'township'): 1, ('township', 'in'): 1, ('land', 'outside'): 1, ('outside', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'centres'): 1, ('centres', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'wherenthe'): 1, ('wherenthe', 'light'): 1, ('light', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'flashes'): 1, ('flashes', 'fromnmind'): 1, ('fromnmind', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'mind'): 1, ('mind', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'human'): 1, ('human', 'conflict'): 1, ('conflict', 'tonreach'): 1, ('tonreach', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'highest'): 1, ('highest', 'round'): 1, ('round', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'laddernit'): 1, ('laddernit', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'astonishing'): 1, ('astonishing', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'live'): 1, ('live', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dienin'): 1, ('dienin', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'age'): 1, ('age', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'know'): 1, ('know', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'earth'): 2, ('earth', 'isnround'): 1, ('isnround', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'houses'): 1, ('houses', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'almost'): 1, ('almost', 'everynfarm'): 1, ('everynfarm', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'kinds'): 1, ('kinds', 'within'): 1, ('within', 'reachnand'): 1, ('reachnand', 'yetseparatelythat'): 1, ('yetseparatelythat', 'the'): 1, ('earth', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'montion'): 1, ('montion', 'aday'): 1, ('aday', 'ortwo'): 1, ('ortwo', 'agoitalked'): 1, ('agoitalked', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'anprominent'): 1, ('anprominent', 'attorney'): 1, ('attorney', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'andnwould'): 1, ('andnwould', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'believe'): 1, ('believe', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'actually'): 1, ('actually', 'arguednthat'): 1, ('arguednthat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'farther'): 1, ('farther', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'go'): 1, ('go', 'south'): 1, ('south', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'hotternit'): 1, ('hotternit', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'exactly'): 1, ('exactly', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'further'): 1, ('further', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'younwent'): 1, 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('connducted', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'fitted'): 1, ('fitted', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'atnone'): 1, ('atnone', 'end'): 1, ('end', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'library'): 1, ('library', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'thenother'): 1, ('thenother', 'for'): 1, ('a', 'workshop'): 1, ('workshop', 'with'): 1, ('a', 'slidingncurtain'): 1, ('slidingncurtain', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'dividing'): 1, ('dividing', 'partition'): 1, ('partition', 'thenroom'): 1, ('thenroom', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'filled'): 1, ('filled', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'array'): 1, ('array', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'curnious'): 1, ('curnious', 'things'): 1, ('things', 'maps'): 1, ('maps', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'wherenglobes'): 1, ('wherenglobes', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'earthnrepresented'): 1, ('earthnrepresented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'dozeus'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['dozeus', 'of', 'wonderfulnshapes'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'lawsnwhich', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'instruct', 'being', 'till', 'andnfor', 'from', 'partcularanand', 'massachusetts', 'shepherd', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'andnwould', 'patriotic', 'complaints', 'england', 'get', 'centres', 'likeneneral', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'alike', 'ridiculousnduring', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'mortngage', 'relnjsiatf', 'andninefficiency', 'tjie', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'county', 'nin', 'month', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'edward', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'anprominent', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'amat', 'recording', 'library', 'scat', 'propeity', 'childrennall', 'tn', 'conducted', 'day', 'whichnhave', 'longer', 'crack', 'familynin', 'obtain', 'school', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'slave', 'houses', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'whethernthey', 'represented', 'select', 'church', 'everything', 'neg¬nligent', 'rate', 'naud', 'light', 'opinions', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'cent', 'hatred', 'attorney', 'soup', 'flashes', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'probnabilities', 'thy', 'between', 'redemption', '\u003c', 'execute', 'andninterest', 'titleclaim', 'more', 'streetsnadd', 'mr', 'thu', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'paidnfrom', 'junen', 'case', 'dozeus', 'rural', 'werentimely', 'exhortation', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'certain', 'vientor', 'kenntucky', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'quarter', 'ofnthis', 'whichnintelligent', 'thatnsurvives', 'thenmost', 'eight', 'politics', 'ofthe', 'never', 'thenspirit', 'abovenrequired', 'newnamendments', 'outside', 'los', 'gotnone', 'myhand', 'see', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'my', 'action', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'compounded', 'tongetupat', 'spiritualnwaifs', 'representativendefeat', 'november', 'right', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'distinctivelyndemocratic', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'courtnfor', 'has', 'entry', 'both', 'unnless', 'on', 'restoration', 'service', 'equator', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'includednin', 'benbad', 'governnments', 'st', 'due', 'nad', 'lit¬ntle', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'anresponsibility', 'augustnin', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'thousand', 'anfact', 'wenwere', 'costs', 'human', 'getnin', 'teaches', 'party', 'woke', 'all', 'notenand', 'centresnof', 'public', 'particular', 'irreligious', 'sunperior', 'front', 'lllier', 'sincere', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'slow', 'feet', 'essex', 'asale', 'round', 'cotnof', 'concerning', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', 'training', '®nrecords', 'largensenseour', 'through', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'desire', 'mesne', 'seal', 'chil¬ndren', 'temperance', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'ornunder', 'confusion', 'hodtoncomplaint', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'atidnneed', 'brother', 'say', 'maps', 'sheepnwithout', 'large', 'bupreme', 'iaand', 'small', 'they', 'ideal', 'neigh¬nbor', 'inndiana', 'ilican', 'directly', 'colder', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'need', 'priae', 'read', 'against', 'helpnthem', 'complaint', 'barred', 'district', 'orn', 'spirit', 'mortgage', 'sinh', 'make', 'andnsmall', 'cause', 'tbe', 'social', 'six', 'parents', 'assigned', 'industry', 'empirqnstate', 'pains', 'sandwichnafter', 'navy', 'intelligence', 'at', 'signed', 'innevery', 'jesse', 'hair', 'stringent', 'wentnover', 'parts', 'used', 'ojnof', 'togethor', 'busy', 'been', 'claimed', 'silvered', 'ate', 'immediatenproblems', 'aptors', 'andnthe', 'senatorial', 'andntheir', 'not', 'tasked', 'applicationnof', 'one', 'development', 'may', 'deteriorate', 'supreme', 'table', 'reflections', 'pealed', 'shown', '|artit', 'purchasernbearing', 'foreclosure', 'premises', 'northwestnand', 'boot', 'sold', 'said', 'family', 'within', 'thenrepublican', 'honestynand', 'repudiation', 'students', 'senate', 'inviunsuch', 'whatnshall', 'thecountry', 'themna', 'gnto', 'l', 'catalogues', 'amernican', 'eightythree', 'tried', 'urt', 'southernnstates', 'thenother', 'ofnmassachusetts', 'prevent', 'democratic', 'can', 'notes', 'secretary', 'promissory', 'longnenough', 'wonderfulnshapes', 'decree', 'under', 'ownnwho', 'sujk', 'bentough', 'nno', 'clerk', 'keeper', 'stid', 'outset', 'so', 'every', 'them', 'deiree', 'enlightened', 'sitl', 'up', 'slidingncurtain', 'ynis', 'perspective', 'oclock', 'tothis', 'comenfrom', 'rensponsible', 'montion', 'broughtnit', 'sabbathnschool', 'exactly', 'onensmelt', 'apiw', 'ruahnand', 'ot', 'therenis', 'weight', 'remind', 'andecree', 'notnrepublicans', 'connducted', 'upther', 'innocent', 'removed', 'goodnsamaritan', 'five', 'adjudication', 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'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 5, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 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1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, 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4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, ('costs', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'suit'): 2, ('suit', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'conveyed'): 1, ('conveyed', 'bynsaid'): 1, ('bynsaid', 'mortgage'): 1, ('mortgage', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'be'): 2, ('be', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'apnplied'): 1, ('apnplied', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thu'): 1, ('thu', 'payment'): 1, ('payment', 'of'): 1, ('said', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'notenand'): 1, ('notenand', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'aforesaid'): 1, ('aforesaid', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'costs'): 1, ('suit', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'inncase'): 1, ('inncase', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'ars'): 1, ('ars', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'sufficient'): 1, ('sufficient', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'pay'): 2, ('pay', 'thengraphthen'): 1, ('thengraphthen', 'to'): 1, ('obtain', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'against'): 1, ('against', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'vientor'): 1, ('vientor', 'beaudry'): 1, ('beaudry', 'whois'): 1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'balance'): 1, ('balance', 'remaining'): 1, ('remaining', 'due'): 1, ('due', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'denfendants'): 1, ('denfendants', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'persons'): 1, 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'lord'): 1, ('lord', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'thousand'): 1, ('thousand', 'eight'): 1, ('eight', 'bunndrcd'): 1, ('bunndrcd', 'and'): 1, ('eightythree', ''): 1, ('', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'useless'): 1, ('useless', 'exhortation'): 1, ('exhortation', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'intelnligent'): 1, ('intelnligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'aiiless'): 1, ('aiiless', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'parnty'): 1, ('parnty', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'resolved'): 1, ('resolved', 'to'): 1, ('secure', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'ends'): 1, ('ends', 'whichnintelligent'): 1, ('whichnintelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'means'): 1, ('means', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'suchnagents'): 1, ('suchnagents', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'intelligent'): 1, ('intelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'respectnthe'): 1, ('respectnthe', 'republicans'): 1, ('republicans', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'essex'): 1, ('essex', 'district'): 1, ('district', 'ofnmassachusetts'): 1, ('ofnmassachusetts', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'select'): 1, ('select', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'likeneneral'): 1, ('likeneneral', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'representativendefeat'): 1, ('representativendefeat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'republican'): 1, ('republican', 'candidates'): 1, ('candidates', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'inndiana'): 1, ('inndiana', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ohio'): 1, ('ohio', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'notnrepublicans'): 1, ('notnrepublicans', 'wlo'): 1, ('wlo', 'insist'): 1, ('insist', 'ujon'): 1, ('ujon', 'honestynand'): 1, ('honestynand', 'principle'): 1, ('principle', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'politics'): 1, ('politics', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'rensponsible'): 1, ('rensponsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'repu'): 1, ('repu', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'ilican'): 1, ('ilican', 'disastersnthe'): 1, ('disastersnthe', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'torpidity'): 1, ('torpidity', 'of'): 1, 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1, ('all', 'includednin'): 1, ('includednin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'democratic'): 2, ('democratic', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'statesnwhere'): 1, ('statesnwhere', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'old'): 2, ('old', 'spirit'): 1, ('spirit', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'caste'): 1, ('caste', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'bynignorance'): 1, ('bynignorance', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'kind'): 1, ('kind', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'strongest'): 1, ('strongest', 'iunthose'): 1, ('iunthose', 'parts'): 1, ('parts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'thenmost'): 1, ('thenmost', 'backward'): 1, ('backward', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'genneral'): 1, ('genneral', 'development'): 1, ('development', 'the'): 1, ('democratic', 'pari'): 1, ('pari', 'ynis'): 1, ('ynis', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'more'): 1, ('more', 'powerfulntnan'): 1, 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'thecountry'): 1, ('thecountry', 'guardned'): 1, ('guardned', 'by'): 1, ('the', 'spirit'): 1, ('great', 'northwestnand'): 1, ('northwestnand', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'england'): 1, ('england', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'yorknrather'): 1, ('yorknrather', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'tluitof'): 1, ('tluitof', 'the'): 1, ('old', 'bourbonnand'): 1, ('bourbonnand', 'slave'): 1, ('states', ''): 1, ('', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'led'): 1, ('led', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'accept'): 1, ('accept', 'everything'): 1, ('everything', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'readnwith'): 1, ('readnwith', 'a'): 1, ('of', 'distrust'): 1, ('distrust', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'i'): 2, ('i', 'takennothing'): 1, ('takennothing', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'granted'): 1, ('granted', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'comenfrom'): 1, ('comenfrom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'pen'): 1, ('pen', 'of'): 1, ('one', 'whose'): 1, ('whose', 'prominencengives'): 1, ('prominencengives', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'opinions'): 1, ('opinions', 'weight'): 1, ('weight', 'whethernthey'): 1, ('whethernthey', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'right'): 1, ('right', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'my'): 1, ('my', 'neighbours'): 1, ('neighbours', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'different'): 1, ('different', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'advancementnis'): 1, ('advancementnis', 'slow'): 1, ('slow', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'frequently'): 1, ('frequently', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'theynget'): 1, ('theynget', 'hold'): 1, ('hold', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'exploded'): 1, ('exploded', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'afternthe'): 1, ('afternthe', 'explosion'): 1, ('explosion', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'probnabilities'): 1, ('probnabilities', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'thing'): 1, ('thing', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'accepted'): 1, ('accepted', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'anfact'): 1, ('anfact', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'alike'): 1, ('alike', 'innevery'): 1, ('innevery', 'township'): 1, ('township', 'in'): 1, ('land', 'outside'): 1, ('outside', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'centres'): 1, ('centres', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'wherenthe'): 1, ('wherenthe', 'light'): 1, ('light', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'flashes'): 1, ('flashes', 'fromnmind'): 1, ('fromnmind', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'mind'): 1, ('mind', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'human'): 1, ('human', 'conflict'): 1, ('conflict', 'tonreach'): 1, ('tonreach', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'highest'): 1, ('highest', 'round'): 1, ('round', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'laddernit'): 1, ('laddernit', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'astonishing'): 1, ('astonishing', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'live'): 1, ('live', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dienin'): 1, ('dienin', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'age'): 1, ('age', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'know'): 1, ('know', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'earth'): 2, ('earth', 'isnround'): 1, ('isnround', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'houses'): 1, ('houses', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'almost'): 1, ('almost', 'everynfarm'): 1, ('everynfarm', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'kinds'): 1, ('kinds', 'within'): 1, ('within', 'reachnand'): 1, ('reachnand', 'yetseparatelythat'): 1, ('yetseparatelythat', 'the'): 1, ('earth', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'montion'): 1, ('montion', 'aday'): 1, ('aday', 'ortwo'): 1, ('ortwo', 'agoitalked'): 1, ('agoitalked', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'anprominent'): 1, ('anprominent', 'attorney'): 1, ('attorney', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'andnwould'): 1, ('andnwould', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'believe'): 1, ('believe', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'actually'): 1, ('actually', 'arguednthat'): 1, ('arguednthat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'farther'): 1, ('farther', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'go'): 1, ('go', 'south'): 1, ('south', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'hotternit'): 1, ('hotternit', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'exactly'): 1, ('exactly', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'further'): 1, ('further', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'younwent'): 1, ('younwent', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'colder'): 1, ('colder', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'ridiculousnduring'): 1, ('ridiculousnduring', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'busy'): 1, ('busy', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'benbad'): 1, ('benbad', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'paused'): 1, ('paused', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'applicationnof'): 1, ('applicationnof', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'practicalnly'): 1, ('practicalnly', 'understand'): 1, ('understand', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'relationship'): 1, ('relationship', 'existingnbetween'): 1, ('existingnbetween', 'the'): 1, ('north', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'south'): 1, ('south', 'polesnthe'): 1, ('polesnthe', 'equator'): 1, ('equator', 'aud'): 1, ('aud', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suu'): 1, ('suu', 'nwe'): 1, ('nwe', 'came'): 1, ('came', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'house'): 1, ('house', 'and'): 1, ('was', 'connducted'): 1, ('connducted', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'fitted'): 1, ('fitted', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'atnone'): 1, ('atnone', 'end'): 1, ('end', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'library'): 1, ('library', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'thenother'): 1, ('thenother', 'for'): 1, ('a', 'workshop'): 1, ('workshop', 'with'): 1, ('a', 'slidingncurtain'): 1, ('slidingncurtain', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'dividing'): 1, ('dividing', 'partition'): 1, ('partition', 'thenroom'): 1, ('thenroom', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'filled'): 1, ('filled', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'array'): 1, ('array', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'curnious'): 1, ('curnious', 'things'): 1, ('things', 'maps'): 1, ('maps', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'wherenglobes'): 1, ('wherenglobes', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'earthnrepresented'): 1, ('earthnrepresented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'dozeus'): 1, ('dozeus', 'of'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['wonderfulnshapes', '', 'the'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'lawsnwhich', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'instruct', 'being', 'till', 'andnfor', 'from', 'partcularanand', 'massachusetts', 'shepherd', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'andnwould', 'patriotic', 'complaints', 'england', 'get', 'centres', 'likeneneral', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'alike', 'ridiculousnduring', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'mortngage', 'relnjsiatf', 'andninefficiency', 'tjie', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'county', 'nin', 'month', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'edward', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'anprominent', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'amat', 'recording', 'library', 'scat', 'propeity', 'childrennall', 'tn', 'conducted', 'day', 'whichnhave', 'longer', 'crack', 'familynin', 'obtain', 'school', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'slave', 'houses', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'whethernthey', 'represented', 'select', 'church', 'everything', 'neg¬nligent', 'rate', 'naud', 'light', 'opinions', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'cent', 'hatred', 'attorney', 'soup', 'flashes', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'probnabilities', 'thy', 'between', 'redemption', '\u003c', 'execute', 'andninterest', 'titleclaim', 'more', 'streetsnadd', 'mr', 'thu', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'paidnfrom', 'junen', 'case', 'dozeus', 'rural', 'werentimely', 'exhortation', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'certain', 'vientor', 'kenntucky', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'quarter', 'ofnthis', 'whichnintelligent', 'thatnsurvives', 'thenmost', 'eight', 'politics', 'ofthe', 'never', 'thenspirit', 'abovenrequired', 'newnamendments', 'outside', 'los', 'gotnone', 'myhand', 'see', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'my', 'action', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'compounded', 'tongetupat', 'spiritualnwaifs', 'representativendefeat', 'november', 'right', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'distinctivelyndemocratic', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'courtnfor', 'has', 'entry', 'both', 'unnless', 'on', 'restoration', 'service', 'equator', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'includednin', 'benbad', 'governnments', 'st', 'due', 'nad', 'lit¬ntle', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'anresponsibility', 'augustnin', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'thousand', 'anfact', 'wenwere', 'costs', 'human', 'getnin', 'teaches', 'party', 'woke', 'all', 'notenand', 'centresnof', 'public', 'particular', 'irreligious', 'sunperior', 'front', 'lllier', 'sincere', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'slow', 'feet', 'essex', 'asale', 'round', 'cotnof', 'concerning', 'nold', 'prize', 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'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, 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1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, ('costs', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'suit'): 2, ('suit', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'conveyed'): 1, ('conveyed', 'bynsaid'): 1, ('bynsaid', 'mortgage'): 1, ('mortgage', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'be'): 2, ('be', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'apnplied'): 1, ('apnplied', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thu'): 1, 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'persons'): 1, ('persons', 'claiming'): 1, ('claiming', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'through'): 1, ('through', 'ornunder'): 1, ('ornunder', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'may'): 1, ('be', 'barred'): 1, ('barred', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'foreclosed'): 1, ('foreclosed', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'aiinright'): 1, ('aiinright', 'titleclaim'): 1, ('titleclaim', 'lien'): 1, ('lien', 'equityof'): 1, ('equityof', 'redemption'): 1, ('redemption', 'andninterest'): 1, ('andninterest', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tn'): 1, ('tn', 'stid'): 1, ('stid', 'moitgaged'): 1, ('moitgaged', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'andnfor'): 1, ('andnfor', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'upther'): 1, ('upther', 'relief'): 1, ('relief', 'reference'): 1, ('reference', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, ('tonappear', 'ant'): 1, ('ant', 'answer'): 1, ('answer', 'the'): 1, ('complaint', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'abovenrequired'): 1, ('abovenrequired', 'the'): 1, ('said', 'plaintiffwillapplyto'): 1, ('plaintiffwillapplyto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'courtnfor'): 1, ('courtnfor', 'iherelitf'): 1, ('iherelitf', 'demanded'): 1, ('demanded', 'inthe'): 1, ('inthe', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'complaintngiven'): 1, ('complaintngiven', 'under'): 1, ('under', 'myhand'): 1, ('myhand', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'seal'): 1, ('seal', 'ofthe'): 1, ('ofthe', 'ssid'): 1, ('ssid', 'sunperior'): 1, ('sunperior', 'court'): 1, ('the', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'california'): 1, ('california', 'iaand'): 1, ('iaand', 'fornthe'): 1, ('fornthe', 'county'): 1, ('county', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'los'): 1, ('los', 'angeles'): 1, ('angeles', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'day'): 1, ('of', 'augustnin'): 1, ('augustnin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'year'): 1, ('year', 'of'): 1, 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('district', 'ofnmassachusetts'): 1, ('ofnmassachusetts', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'select'): 1, ('select', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'likeneneral'): 1, ('likeneneral', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'representativendefeat'): 1, ('representativendefeat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'republican'): 1, ('republican', 'candidates'): 1, ('candidates', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'inndiana'): 1, ('inndiana', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ohio'): 1, ('ohio', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'notnrepublicans'): 1, ('notnrepublicans', 'wlo'): 1, ('wlo', 'insist'): 1, ('insist', 'ujon'): 1, ('ujon', 'honestynand'): 1, ('honestynand', 'principle'): 1, ('principle', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'politics'): 1, ('politics', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'rensponsible'): 1, ('rensponsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'repu'): 1, ('repu', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'ilican'): 1, ('ilican', 'disastersnthe'): 1, ('disastersnthe', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'torpidity'): 1, ('torpidity', 'of'): 1, ('business', 'thenprolonged'): 1, ('thenprolonged', 'confusion'): 1, ('confusion', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'southernnstates'): 1, ('southernnstates', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suspicion'): 1, ('suspicion', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'corruption'): 1, ('corruption', 'andninefficiency'): 1, ('andninefficiency', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'thenhostility'): 1, ('thenhostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'stringent'): 1, ('stringent', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'legisnlation'): 1, ('legisnlation', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'reasons'): 1, ('reasons', 'whichnhave'): 1, ('whichnhave', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'changenwhich'): 1, ('changenwhich', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'elections'): 1, ('elections', 'therenis'): 1, ('therenis', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'one'): 1, ('of', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'complaints'): 1, ('complaints', 'howevernexcept'): 1, ('howevernexcept', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'lawsnwhich'): 1, ('lawsnwhich', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'removed'): 1, ('removed', 'by'): 1, ('a', 'demoncratic'): 1, ('demoncratic', 'restoration'): 1, ('restoration', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'sincere'): 1, ('sincere', 'jealnousy'): 1, ('jealnousy', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'tjie'): 1, ('tjie', 'hatred'): 1, ('hatred', 'thatnsurvives'): 1, ('thatnsurvives', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'war'): 1, ('war', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'hostility'): 1, ('hostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thenprinciples'): 1, ('thenprinciples', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'purpose'): 1, ('purpose', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'newnamendments'): 1, ('newnamendments', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'constitution'): 1, ('constitution', 'thenspirit'): 1, ('thenspirit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'oppression'): 1, ('oppression', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'negro'): 1, ('negro', 'thendesire'): 1, ('thendesire', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'repudiation'): 1, ('repudiation', 'are'): 1, ('all', 'includednin'): 1, ('includednin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'democratic'): 2, ('democratic', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'statesnwhere'): 1, ('statesnwhere', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'old'): 2, ('old', 'spirit'): 1, ('spirit', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'caste'): 1, ('caste', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'bynignorance'): 1, ('bynignorance', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'kind'): 1, ('kind', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'strongest'): 1, ('strongest', 'iunthose'): 1, ('iunthose', 'parts'): 1, ('parts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'thenmost'): 1, ('thenmost', 'backward'): 1, ('backward', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'genneral'): 1, ('genneral', 'development'): 1, ('development', 'the'): 1, ('democratic', 'pari'): 1, ('pari', 'ynis'): 1, ('ynis', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'more'): 1, ('more', 'powerfulntnan'): 1, ('powerfulntnan', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'opponent'): 1, ('opponent', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'great'): 2, ('great', 'centresnof'): 1, ('centresnof', 'intelligence'): 1, ('intelligence', 'industry'): 1, ('industry', 'enterprisenand'): 1, ('enterprisenand', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'advancing'): 1, ('advancing', 'social'): 1, ('social', 'condition'): 1, ('condition', 'thenrepublican'): 1, ('thenrepublican', 'party'): 1, ('is', 'dominant'): 1, ('dominant', 'kenntucky'): 1, ('kenntucky', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'maryland'): 1, ('maryland', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'distinctivelyndemocratic'): 1, ('distinctivelyndemocratic', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'massachusetts'): 1, ('massachusetts', 'iowanand'): 1, ('iowanand', 'rural'): 1, ('rural', 'new'): 1, ('york', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'republicannevery'): 1, ('republicannevery', 'patriotic'): 1, ('patriotic', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'enlightened'): 1, ('enlightened', 'amernican'): 1, ('amernican', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'prefer'): 1, ('prefer', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'thecountry'): 1, ('thecountry', 'guardned'): 1, ('guardned', 'by'): 1, ('the', 'spirit'): 1, ('great', 'northwestnand'): 1, ('northwestnand', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'england'): 1, ('england', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'yorknrather'): 1, ('yorknrather', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'tluitof'): 1, ('tluitof', 'the'): 1, ('old', 'bourbonnand'): 1, ('bourbonnand', 'slave'): 1, ('states', ''): 1, ('', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'led'): 1, ('led', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'accept'): 1, ('accept', 'everything'): 1, ('everything', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'readnwith'): 1, ('readnwith', 'a'): 1, ('of', 'distrust'): 1, ('distrust', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'i'): 2, ('i', 'takennothing'): 1, ('takennothing', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'granted'): 1, ('granted', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'comenfrom'): 1, ('comenfrom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'pen'): 1, ('pen', 'of'): 1, ('one', 'whose'): 1, ('whose', 'prominencengives'): 1, ('prominencengives', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'opinions'): 1, ('opinions', 'weight'): 1, ('weight', 'whethernthey'): 1, ('whethernthey', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'right'): 1, ('right', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'my'): 1, ('my', 'neighbours'): 1, ('neighbours', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'different'): 1, ('different', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'advancementnis'): 1, ('advancementnis', 'slow'): 1, ('slow', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'frequently'): 1, ('frequently', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'theynget'): 1, ('theynget', 'hold'): 1, ('hold', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'exploded'): 1, ('exploded', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'afternthe'): 1, ('afternthe', 'explosion'): 1, ('explosion', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'probnabilities'): 1, ('probnabilities', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'thing'): 1, ('thing', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'accepted'): 1, ('accepted', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'anfact'): 1, ('anfact', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'alike'): 1, ('alike', 'innevery'): 1, ('innevery', 'township'): 1, ('township', 'in'): 1, ('land', 'outside'): 1, ('outside', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'centres'): 1, ('centres', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'wherenthe'): 1, ('wherenthe', 'light'): 1, ('light', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'flashes'): 1, ('flashes', 'fromnmind'): 1, ('fromnmind', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'mind'): 1, ('mind', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'human'): 1, ('human', 'conflict'): 1, ('conflict', 'tonreach'): 1, ('tonreach', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'highest'): 1, ('highest', 'round'): 1, ('round', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'laddernit'): 1, ('laddernit', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'astonishing'): 1, ('astonishing', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'live'): 1, ('live', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dienin'): 1, ('dienin', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'age'): 1, ('age', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'know'): 1, ('know', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'earth'): 2, ('earth', 'isnround'): 1, ('isnround', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'houses'): 1, ('houses', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'almost'): 1, ('almost', 'everynfarm'): 1, ('everynfarm', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'kinds'): 1, ('kinds', 'within'): 1, ('within', 'reachnand'): 1, ('reachnand', 'yetseparatelythat'): 1, ('yetseparatelythat', 'the'): 1, ('earth', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'montion'): 1, ('montion', 'aday'): 1, ('aday', 'ortwo'): 1, ('ortwo', 'agoitalked'): 1, ('agoitalked', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'anprominent'): 1, ('anprominent', 'attorney'): 1, ('attorney', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'andnwould'): 1, ('andnwould', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'believe'): 1, ('believe', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'actually'): 1, ('actually', 'arguednthat'): 1, ('arguednthat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'farther'): 1, ('farther', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'go'): 1, ('go', 'south'): 1, ('south', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'hotternit'): 1, ('hotternit', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'exactly'): 1, ('exactly', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'further'): 1, ('further', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'younwent'): 1, ('younwent', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'colder'): 1, ('colder', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'ridiculousnduring'): 1, ('ridiculousnduring', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'busy'): 1, ('busy', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'benbad'): 1, ('benbad', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'paused'): 1, ('paused', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'applicationnof'): 1, ('applicationnof', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'practicalnly'): 1, ('practicalnly', 'understand'): 1, ('understand', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'relationship'): 1, ('relationship', 'existingnbetween'): 1, ('existingnbetween', 'the'): 1, ('north', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'south'): 1, ('south', 'polesnthe'): 1, ('polesnthe', 'equator'): 1, ('equator', 'aud'): 1, ('aud', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suu'): 1, ('suu', 'nwe'): 1, ('nwe', 'came'): 1, ('came', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'house'): 1, ('house', 'and'): 1, ('was', 'connducted'): 1, ('connducted', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'fitted'): 1, ('fitted', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'atnone'): 1, ('atnone', 'end'): 1, ('end', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'library'): 1, ('library', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'thenother'): 1, ('thenother', 'for'): 1, ('a', 'workshop'): 1, ('workshop', 'with'): 1, ('a', 'slidingncurtain'): 1, ('slidingncurtain', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'dividing'): 1, ('dividing', 'partition'): 1, ('partition', 'thenroom'): 1, ('thenroom', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'filled'): 1, ('filled', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'array'): 1, ('array', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'curnious'): 1, ('curnious', 'things'): 1, ('things', 'maps'): 1, ('maps', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'wherenglobes'): 1, ('wherenglobes', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'earthnrepresented'): 1, ('earthnrepresented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'dozeus'): 1, ('dozeus', 'of'): 1, ('wonderfulnshapes', ''): 1}\n","queue: deque(['', 'the', 'wool'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'lawsnwhich', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'instruct', 'being', 'till', 'andnfor', 'from', 'partcularanand', 'massachusetts', 'shepherd', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'andnwould', 'patriotic', 'complaints', 'england', 'get', 'centres', 'likeneneral', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'alike', 'ridiculousnduring', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'mortngage', 'relnjsiatf', 'andninefficiency', 'tjie', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'county', 'nin', 'month', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'edward', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'anprominent', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'amat', 'recording', 'library', 'scat', 'propeity', 'childrennall', 'tn', 'conducted', 'day', 'whichnhave', 'longer', 'crack', 'familynin', 'obtain', 'school', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'slave', 'houses', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'whethernthey', 'represented', 'select', 'church', 'everything', 'neg¬nligent', 'rate', 'naud', 'light', 'opinions', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'cent', 'hatred', 'attorney', 'soup', 'flashes', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'probnabilities', 'thy', 'between', 'redemption', '\u003c', 'execute', 'andninterest', 'titleclaim', 'more', 'streetsnadd', 'mr', 'thu', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'paidnfrom', 'junen', 'case', 'dozeus', 'rural', 'werentimely', 'exhortation', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'certain', 'vientor', 'kenntucky', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'quarter', 'ofnthis', 'whichnintelligent', 'thatnsurvives', 'thenmost', 'eight', 'politics', 'ofthe', 'never', 'thenspirit', 'abovenrequired', 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('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, 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('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 4, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, 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('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, ('costs', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'suit'): 2, ('suit', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'conveyed'): 1, ('conveyed', 'bynsaid'): 1, ('bynsaid', 'mortgage'): 1, ('mortgage', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'be'): 2, ('be', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'apnplied'): 1, ('apnplied', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thu'): 1, ('thu', 'payment'): 1, ('payment', 'of'): 1, ('said', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'notenand'): 1, ('notenand', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'aforesaid'): 1, ('aforesaid', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'costs'): 1, ('suit', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'inncase'): 1, ('inncase', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'ars'): 1, ('ars', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'sufficient'): 1, ('sufficient', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'pay'): 2, ('pay', 'thengraphthen'): 1, ('thengraphthen', 'to'): 1, ('obtain', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'against'): 1, ('against', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'vientor'): 1, ('vientor', 'beaudry'): 1, ('beaudry', 'whois'): 1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'balance'): 1, ('balance', 'remaining'): 1, ('remaining', 'due'): 1, ('due', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'denfendants'): 1, ('denfendants', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'persons'): 1, ('persons', 'claiming'): 1, ('claiming', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'through'): 1, ('through', 'ornunder'): 1, ('ornunder', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'may'): 1, ('be', 'barred'): 1, ('barred', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'foreclosed'): 1, ('foreclosed', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'aiinright'): 1, ('aiinright', 'titleclaim'): 1, ('titleclaim', 'lien'): 1, ('lien', 'equityof'): 1, ('equityof', 'redemption'): 1, ('redemption', 'andninterest'): 1, ('andninterest', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tn'): 1, ('tn', 'stid'): 1, ('stid', 'moitgaged'): 1, ('moitgaged', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'andnfor'): 1, ('andnfor', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'upther'): 1, ('upther', 'relief'): 1, ('relief', 'reference'): 1, ('reference', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, ('tonappear', 'ant'): 1, ('ant', 'answer'): 1, ('answer', 'the'): 1, ('complaint', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'abovenrequired'): 1, ('abovenrequired', 'the'): 1, ('said', 'plaintiffwillapplyto'): 1, ('plaintiffwillapplyto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'courtnfor'): 1, ('courtnfor', 'iherelitf'): 1, ('iherelitf', 'demanded'): 1, ('demanded', 'inthe'): 1, ('inthe', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'complaintngiven'): 1, ('complaintngiven', 'under'): 1, ('under', 'myhand'): 1, ('myhand', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'seal'): 1, ('seal', 'ofthe'): 1, ('ofthe', 'ssid'): 1, ('ssid', 'sunperior'): 1, ('sunperior', 'court'): 1, ('the', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'california'): 1, ('california', 'iaand'): 1, ('iaand', 'fornthe'): 1, ('fornthe', 'county'): 1, ('county', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'los'): 1, ('los', 'angeles'): 1, ('angeles', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'day'): 1, ('of', 'augustnin'): 1, ('augustnin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'year'): 1, ('year', 'of'): 1, ('our', 'lord'): 1, ('lord', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'thousand'): 1, ('thousand', 'eight'): 1, ('eight', 'bunndrcd'): 1, ('bunndrcd', 'and'): 1, ('eightythree', ''): 1, ('', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'useless'): 1, ('useless', 'exhortation'): 1, ('exhortation', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'intelnligent'): 1, ('intelnligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'aiiless'): 1, ('aiiless', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'parnty'): 1, ('parnty', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'resolved'): 1, ('resolved', 'to'): 1, ('secure', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'ends'): 1, ('ends', 'whichnintelligent'): 1, ('whichnintelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'means'): 1, ('means', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'suchnagents'): 1, ('suchnagents', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'intelligent'): 1, ('intelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'respectnthe'): 1, ('respectnthe', 'republicans'): 1, ('republicans', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'essex'): 1, ('essex', 'district'): 1, ('district', 'ofnmassachusetts'): 1, ('ofnmassachusetts', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'select'): 1, ('select', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'likeneneral'): 1, ('likeneneral', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'representativendefeat'): 1, ('representativendefeat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'republican'): 1, ('republican', 'candidates'): 1, ('candidates', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'inndiana'): 1, ('inndiana', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ohio'): 1, ('ohio', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'notnrepublicans'): 1, ('notnrepublicans', 'wlo'): 1, ('wlo', 'insist'): 1, ('insist', 'ujon'): 1, ('ujon', 'honestynand'): 1, ('honestynand', 'principle'): 1, ('principle', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'politics'): 1, ('politics', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'rensponsible'): 1, ('rensponsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'repu'): 1, ('repu', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'ilican'): 1, ('ilican', 'disastersnthe'): 1, ('disastersnthe', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'torpidity'): 1, ('torpidity', 'of'): 1, ('business', 'thenprolonged'): 1, ('thenprolonged', 'confusion'): 1, ('confusion', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'southernnstates'): 1, ('southernnstates', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suspicion'): 1, ('suspicion', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'corruption'): 1, ('corruption', 'andninefficiency'): 1, ('andninefficiency', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'thenhostility'): 1, ('thenhostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'stringent'): 1, ('stringent', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'legisnlation'): 1, ('legisnlation', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'reasons'): 1, ('reasons', 'whichnhave'): 1, ('whichnhave', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'changenwhich'): 1, ('changenwhich', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'elections'): 1, ('elections', 'therenis'): 1, ('therenis', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'one'): 1, ('of', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'complaints'): 1, ('complaints', 'howevernexcept'): 1, ('howevernexcept', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'lawsnwhich'): 1, ('lawsnwhich', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'removed'): 1, ('removed', 'by'): 1, ('a', 'demoncratic'): 1, ('demoncratic', 'restoration'): 1, ('restoration', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'sincere'): 1, ('sincere', 'jealnousy'): 1, ('jealnousy', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'tjie'): 1, ('tjie', 'hatred'): 1, ('hatred', 'thatnsurvives'): 1, ('thatnsurvives', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'war'): 1, ('war', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'hostility'): 1, ('hostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thenprinciples'): 1, ('thenprinciples', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'purpose'): 1, ('purpose', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'newnamendments'): 1, ('newnamendments', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'constitution'): 1, ('constitution', 'thenspirit'): 1, ('thenspirit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'oppression'): 1, ('oppression', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'negro'): 1, ('negro', 'thendesire'): 1, ('thendesire', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'repudiation'): 1, ('repudiation', 'are'): 1, ('all', 'includednin'): 1, ('includednin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'democratic'): 2, ('democratic', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'statesnwhere'): 1, ('statesnwhere', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'old'): 2, ('old', 'spirit'): 1, ('spirit', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'caste'): 1, ('caste', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'bynignorance'): 1, ('bynignorance', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'kind'): 1, ('kind', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'strongest'): 1, ('strongest', 'iunthose'): 1, ('iunthose', 'parts'): 1, ('parts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'thenmost'): 1, ('thenmost', 'backward'): 1, ('backward', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'genneral'): 1, ('genneral', 'development'): 1, ('development', 'the'): 1, ('democratic', 'pari'): 1, ('pari', 'ynis'): 1, ('ynis', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'more'): 1, ('more', 'powerfulntnan'): 1, ('powerfulntnan', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'opponent'): 1, ('opponent', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'great'): 2, ('great', 'centresnof'): 1, ('centresnof', 'intelligence'): 1, ('intelligence', 'industry'): 1, ('industry', 'enterprisenand'): 1, ('enterprisenand', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'advancing'): 1, ('advancing', 'social'): 1, ('social', 'condition'): 1, ('condition', 'thenrepublican'): 1, ('thenrepublican', 'party'): 1, ('is', 'dominant'): 1, ('dominant', 'kenntucky'): 1, ('kenntucky', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'maryland'): 1, ('maryland', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'distinctivelyndemocratic'): 1, ('distinctivelyndemocratic', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'massachusetts'): 1, ('massachusetts', 'iowanand'): 1, ('iowanand', 'rural'): 1, ('rural', 'new'): 1, ('york', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'republicannevery'): 1, ('republicannevery', 'patriotic'): 1, ('patriotic', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'enlightened'): 1, ('enlightened', 'amernican'): 1, ('amernican', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'prefer'): 1, ('prefer', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'thecountry'): 1, ('thecountry', 'guardned'): 1, ('guardned', 'by'): 1, ('the', 'spirit'): 1, ('great', 'northwestnand'): 1, ('northwestnand', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'england'): 1, ('england', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'yorknrather'): 1, ('yorknrather', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'tluitof'): 1, ('tluitof', 'the'): 1, ('old', 'bourbonnand'): 1, ('bourbonnand', 'slave'): 1, ('states', ''): 1, ('', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'led'): 1, ('led', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'accept'): 1, ('accept', 'everything'): 1, ('everything', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'readnwith'): 1, ('readnwith', 'a'): 1, ('of', 'distrust'): 1, ('distrust', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'i'): 2, ('i', 'takennothing'): 1, ('takennothing', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'granted'): 1, ('granted', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'comenfrom'): 1, ('comenfrom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'pen'): 1, ('pen', 'of'): 1, ('one', 'whose'): 1, ('whose', 'prominencengives'): 1, ('prominencengives', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'opinions'): 1, ('opinions', 'weight'): 1, ('weight', 'whethernthey'): 1, ('whethernthey', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'right'): 1, ('right', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'my'): 1, ('my', 'neighbours'): 1, ('neighbours', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'different'): 1, ('different', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'advancementnis'): 1, ('advancementnis', 'slow'): 1, ('slow', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'frequently'): 1, ('frequently', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'theynget'): 1, ('theynget', 'hold'): 1, ('hold', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'exploded'): 1, ('exploded', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'afternthe'): 1, ('afternthe', 'explosion'): 1, ('explosion', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'probnabilities'): 1, ('probnabilities', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'thing'): 1, ('thing', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'accepted'): 1, ('accepted', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'anfact'): 1, ('anfact', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'alike'): 1, ('alike', 'innevery'): 1, ('innevery', 'township'): 1, ('township', 'in'): 1, ('land', 'outside'): 1, ('outside', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'centres'): 1, ('centres', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'wherenthe'): 1, ('wherenthe', 'light'): 1, ('light', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'flashes'): 1, ('flashes', 'fromnmind'): 1, ('fromnmind', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'mind'): 1, ('mind', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'human'): 1, ('human', 'conflict'): 1, ('conflict', 'tonreach'): 1, ('tonreach', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'highest'): 1, ('highest', 'round'): 1, ('round', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'laddernit'): 1, ('laddernit', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'astonishing'): 1, ('astonishing', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'live'): 1, ('live', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dienin'): 1, ('dienin', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'age'): 1, ('age', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'know'): 1, ('know', 'the'): 1, ('the', 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'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 5, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 2, ('measure', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 2, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 4, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, ('costs', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'suit'): 2, ('suit', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'conveyed'): 1, ('conveyed', 'bynsaid'): 1, ('bynsaid', 'mortgage'): 1, ('mortgage', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'be'): 2, ('be', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'apnplied'): 1, ('apnplied', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thu'): 1, ('thu', 'payment'): 1, ('payment', 'of'): 1, ('said', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'notenand'): 1, ('notenand', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'aforesaid'): 1, ('aforesaid', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'costs'): 1, ('suit', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'inncase'): 1, ('inncase', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'ars'): 1, ('ars', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'sufficient'): 1, ('sufficient', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'pay'): 2, ('pay', 'thengraphthen'): 1, ('thengraphthen', 'to'): 1, ('obtain', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'against'): 1, ('against', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'vientor'): 1, ('vientor', 'beaudry'): 1, ('beaudry', 'whois'): 1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'balance'): 1, ('balance', 'remaining'): 1, ('remaining', 'due'): 1, ('due', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'denfendants'): 1, ('denfendants', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'persons'): 1, ('persons', 'claiming'): 1, ('claiming', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'through'): 1, ('through', 'ornunder'): 1, ('ornunder', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'may'): 1, ('be', 'barred'): 1, ('barred', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'foreclosed'): 1, ('foreclosed', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'aiinright'): 1, ('aiinright', 'titleclaim'): 1, ('titleclaim', 'lien'): 1, ('lien', 'equityof'): 1, ('equityof', 'redemption'): 1, ('redemption', 'andninterest'): 1, ('andninterest', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tn'): 1, ('tn', 'stid'): 1, ('stid', 'moitgaged'): 1, ('moitgaged', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'andnfor'): 1, ('andnfor', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'upther'): 1, ('upther', 'relief'): 1, ('relief', 'reference'): 1, ('reference', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, ('tonappear', 'ant'): 1, ('ant', 'answer'): 1, ('answer', 'the'): 1, ('complaint', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'abovenrequired'): 1, ('abovenrequired', 'the'): 1, ('said', 'plaintiffwillapplyto'): 1, ('plaintiffwillapplyto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'courtnfor'): 1, ('courtnfor', 'iherelitf'): 1, ('iherelitf', 'demanded'): 1, ('demanded', 'inthe'): 1, ('inthe', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'complaintngiven'): 1, ('complaintngiven', 'under'): 1, ('under', 'myhand'): 1, ('myhand', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'seal'): 1, ('seal', 'ofthe'): 1, ('ofthe', 'ssid'): 1, ('ssid', 'sunperior'): 1, ('sunperior', 'court'): 1, ('the', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'california'): 1, ('california', 'iaand'): 1, ('iaand', 'fornthe'): 1, ('fornthe', 'county'): 1, ('county', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'los'): 1, ('los', 'angeles'): 1, ('angeles', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'day'): 1, ('of', 'augustnin'): 1, ('augustnin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'year'): 1, ('year', 'of'): 1, ('our', 'lord'): 1, ('lord', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'thousand'): 1, ('thousand', 'eight'): 1, ('eight', 'bunndrcd'): 1, ('bunndrcd', 'and'): 1, ('eightythree', ''): 1, ('', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'useless'): 1, ('useless', 'exhortation'): 1, ('exhortation', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'intelnligent'): 1, ('intelnligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'aiiless'): 1, ('aiiless', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'parnty'): 1, ('parnty', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'resolved'): 1, ('resolved', 'to'): 1, ('secure', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'ends'): 1, ('ends', 'whichnintelligent'): 1, ('whichnintelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'means'): 1, ('means', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'suchnagents'): 1, ('suchnagents', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'intelligent'): 1, ('intelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'respectnthe'): 1, ('respectnthe', 'republicans'): 1, ('republicans', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'essex'): 1, ('essex', 'district'): 1, ('district', 'ofnmassachusetts'): 1, ('ofnmassachusetts', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'select'): 1, ('select', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'likeneneral'): 1, ('likeneneral', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'representativendefeat'): 1, ('representativendefeat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'republican'): 1, ('republican', 'candidates'): 1, ('candidates', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'inndiana'): 1, ('inndiana', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ohio'): 1, ('ohio', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'notnrepublicans'): 1, ('notnrepublicans', 'wlo'): 1, ('wlo', 'insist'): 1, ('insist', 'ujon'): 1, ('ujon', 'honestynand'): 1, ('honestynand', 'principle'): 1, ('principle', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'politics'): 1, ('politics', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'rensponsible'): 1, ('rensponsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'repu'): 1, ('repu', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'ilican'): 1, ('ilican', 'disastersnthe'): 1, ('disastersnthe', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'torpidity'): 1, ('torpidity', 'of'): 1, ('business', 'thenprolonged'): 1, ('thenprolonged', 'confusion'): 1, ('confusion', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'southernnstates'): 1, ('southernnstates', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suspicion'): 1, ('suspicion', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'corruption'): 1, ('corruption', 'andninefficiency'): 1, ('andninefficiency', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'thenhostility'): 1, ('thenhostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'stringent'): 1, ('stringent', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'legisnlation'): 1, ('legisnlation', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'reasons'): 1, ('reasons', 'whichnhave'): 1, ('whichnhave', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'changenwhich'): 1, ('changenwhich', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'elections'): 1, ('elections', 'therenis'): 1, ('therenis', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'one'): 1, ('of', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'complaints'): 1, ('complaints', 'howevernexcept'): 1, ('howevernexcept', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'lawsnwhich'): 1, ('lawsnwhich', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'removed'): 1, ('removed', 'by'): 1, ('a', 'demoncratic'): 1, ('demoncratic', 'restoration'): 1, ('restoration', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'sincere'): 1, ('sincere', 'jealnousy'): 1, ('jealnousy', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'tjie'): 1, ('tjie', 'hatred'): 1, ('hatred', 'thatnsurvives'): 1, ('thatnsurvives', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'war'): 1, ('war', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'hostility'): 1, ('hostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thenprinciples'): 1, ('thenprinciples', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'purpose'): 1, ('purpose', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'newnamendments'): 1, ('newnamendments', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'constitution'): 1, ('constitution', 'thenspirit'): 1, ('thenspirit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'oppression'): 1, ('oppression', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'negro'): 1, ('negro', 'thendesire'): 1, ('thendesire', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'repudiation'): 1, ('repudiation', 'are'): 1, ('all', 'includednin'): 1, ('includednin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'democratic'): 2, ('democratic', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'statesnwhere'): 1, ('statesnwhere', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'old'): 2, ('old', 'spirit'): 1, ('spirit', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'caste'): 1, ('caste', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'bynignorance'): 1, ('bynignorance', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'kind'): 1, ('kind', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'strongest'): 1, ('strongest', 'iunthose'): 1, ('iunthose', 'parts'): 1, ('parts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'thenmost'): 1, ('thenmost', 'backward'): 1, ('backward', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'genneral'): 1, ('genneral', 'development'): 1, ('development', 'the'): 1, ('democratic', 'pari'): 1, ('pari', 'ynis'): 1, ('ynis', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'more'): 1, ('more', 'powerfulntnan'): 1, ('powerfulntnan', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'opponent'): 1, ('opponent', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'great'): 2, ('great', 'centresnof'): 1, ('centresnof', 'intelligence'): 1, ('intelligence', 'industry'): 1, ('industry', 'enterprisenand'): 1, ('enterprisenand', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'advancing'): 1, ('advancing', 'social'): 1, ('social', 'condition'): 1, ('condition', 'thenrepublican'): 1, ('thenrepublican', 'party'): 1, ('is', 'dominant'): 1, ('dominant', 'kenntucky'): 1, ('kenntucky', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'maryland'): 1, ('maryland', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'distinctivelyndemocratic'): 1, ('distinctivelyndemocratic', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'massachusetts'): 1, ('massachusetts', 'iowanand'): 1, ('iowanand', 'rural'): 1, ('rural', 'new'): 1, ('york', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'republicannevery'): 1, ('republicannevery', 'patriotic'): 1, ('patriotic', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'enlightened'): 1, ('enlightened', 'amernican'): 1, ('amernican', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'prefer'): 1, ('prefer', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'thecountry'): 1, ('thecountry', 'guardned'): 1, ('guardned', 'by'): 1, ('the', 'spirit'): 1, ('great', 'northwestnand'): 1, ('northwestnand', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'england'): 1, ('england', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'yorknrather'): 1, ('yorknrather', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'tluitof'): 1, ('tluitof', 'the'): 1, ('old', 'bourbonnand'): 1, ('bourbonnand', 'slave'): 1, ('states', ''): 1, ('', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'led'): 1, ('led', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'accept'): 1, ('accept', 'everything'): 1, ('everything', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'readnwith'): 1, ('readnwith', 'a'): 1, ('of', 'distrust'): 1, ('distrust', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'i'): 2, ('i', 'takennothing'): 1, ('takennothing', 'for'): 1, ('for', 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1, ('wentnover', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'hotel'): 1, ('hotel', 'clerk'): 1, ('clerk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'asked'): 1, ('asked', 'forna'): 1, ('forna', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'with'): 2, ('with', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anbed'): 1, ('anbed', 'i'): 1, ('with', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'bed'): 2, ('bed', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'saidni'): 1, ('saidni', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'a'): 2, ('bed', 'longnenough'): 1, ('longnenough', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'i'): 1, ('said', 'well'): 1, ('well', 'illnaddtwo'): 1, ('illnaddtwo', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe'): 1, ('feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'gave'): 1, ('gave', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'lovely'): 1, ('lovely', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thentop'): 1, ('thentop', 'floor'): 1, ('floor', 'it'): 1, ('was', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'of'): 3, ('of', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'roomsnthat'): 1, ('roomsnthat', 'stands'): 1, ('stands', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'younhappen'): 1, ('younhappen', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'get'): 1, ('get', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'in'): 2, ('the', 'middle'): 2, ('middle', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'want'): 1, ('want', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'sure'): 1, ('sure', 'andnget'): 1, ('andnget', 'up'): 1, ('middle', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 26, ('the', 'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 5, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 2, ('measure', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 2, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 4, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, ('costs', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'suit'): 2, ('suit', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'conveyed'): 1, ('conveyed', 'bynsaid'): 1, ('bynsaid', 'mortgage'): 1, ('mortgage', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'be'): 2, ('be', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'apnplied'): 1, ('apnplied', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thu'): 1, ('thu', 'payment'): 1, ('payment', 'of'): 1, ('said', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'notenand'): 1, ('notenand', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'aforesaid'): 1, ('aforesaid', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'costs'): 1, ('suit', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'inncase'): 1, ('inncase', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'ars'): 1, ('ars', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'sufficient'): 1, ('sufficient', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'pay'): 2, ('pay', 'thengraphthen'): 1, ('thengraphthen', 'to'): 1, ('obtain', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'against'): 1, ('against', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'vientor'): 1, ('vientor', 'beaudry'): 1, ('beaudry', 'whois'): 1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'balance'): 1, ('balance', 'remaining'): 1, ('remaining', 'due'): 1, ('due', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'denfendants'): 1, ('denfendants', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'persons'): 1, ('persons', 'claiming'): 1, ('claiming', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'through'): 1, ('through', 'ornunder'): 1, ('ornunder', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'may'): 1, ('be', 'barred'): 1, ('barred', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'foreclosed'): 1, ('foreclosed', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'aiinright'): 1, ('aiinright', 'titleclaim'): 1, ('titleclaim', 'lien'): 1, ('lien', 'equityof'): 1, ('equityof', 'redemption'): 1, ('redemption', 'andninterest'): 1, ('andninterest', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tn'): 1, ('tn', 'stid'): 1, ('stid', 'moitgaged'): 1, ('moitgaged', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'andnfor'): 1, ('andnfor', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'upther'): 1, ('upther', 'relief'): 1, ('relief', 'reference'): 1, ('reference', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, ('tonappear', 'ant'): 1, ('ant', 'answer'): 1, ('answer', 'the'): 1, ('complaint', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'abovenrequired'): 1, ('abovenrequired', 'the'): 1, ('said', 'plaintiffwillapplyto'): 1, ('plaintiffwillapplyto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'courtnfor'): 1, ('courtnfor', 'iherelitf'): 1, ('iherelitf', 'demanded'): 1, ('demanded', 'inthe'): 1, ('inthe', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'complaintngiven'): 1, ('complaintngiven', 'under'): 1, ('under', 'myhand'): 1, ('myhand', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'seal'): 1, ('seal', 'ofthe'): 1, ('ofthe', 'ssid'): 1, ('ssid', 'sunperior'): 1, ('sunperior', 'court'): 1, ('the', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'california'): 1, ('california', 'iaand'): 1, ('iaand', 'fornthe'): 1, ('fornthe', 'county'): 1, ('county', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'los'): 1, ('los', 'angeles'): 1, ('angeles', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'day'): 1, ('of', 'augustnin'): 1, ('augustnin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'year'): 1, ('year', 'of'): 1, ('our', 'lord'): 1, ('lord', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'thousand'): 1, ('thousand', 'eight'): 1, ('eight', 'bunndrcd'): 1, ('bunndrcd', 'and'): 1, ('eightythree', ''): 1, ('', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'useless'): 1, ('useless', 'exhortation'): 1, ('exhortation', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'intelnligent'): 1, ('intelnligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'aiiless'): 1, ('aiiless', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'parnty'): 1, ('parnty', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'resolved'): 1, ('resolved', 'to'): 1, ('secure', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'ends'): 1, ('ends', 'whichnintelligent'): 1, ('whichnintelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'means'): 1, ('means', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'suchnagents'): 1, ('suchnagents', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'intelligent'): 1, ('intelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'respectnthe'): 1, ('respectnthe', 'republicans'): 1, ('republicans', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'essex'): 1, ('essex', 'district'): 1, ('district', 'ofnmassachusetts'): 1, ('ofnmassachusetts', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'select'): 1, ('select', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'likeneneral'): 1, ('likeneneral', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'representativendefeat'): 1, ('representativendefeat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'republican'): 1, ('republican', 'candidates'): 1, ('candidates', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'inndiana'): 1, ('inndiana', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ohio'): 1, ('ohio', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'notnrepublicans'): 1, ('notnrepublicans', 'wlo'): 1, ('wlo', 'insist'): 1, ('insist', 'ujon'): 1, ('ujon', 'honestynand'): 1, ('honestynand', 'principle'): 1, ('principle', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'politics'): 1, ('politics', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'rensponsible'): 1, ('rensponsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'repu'): 1, ('repu', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'ilican'): 1, ('ilican', 'disastersnthe'): 1, ('disastersnthe', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'torpidity'): 1, ('torpidity', 'of'): 1, ('business', 'thenprolonged'): 1, ('thenprolonged', 'confusion'): 1, ('confusion', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'southernnstates'): 1, ('southernnstates', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suspicion'): 1, ('suspicion', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'corruption'): 1, ('corruption', 'andninefficiency'): 1, ('andninefficiency', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'thenhostility'): 1, ('thenhostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'stringent'): 1, ('stringent', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'legisnlation'): 1, ('legisnlation', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'reasons'): 1, ('reasons', 'whichnhave'): 1, ('whichnhave', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'changenwhich'): 1, ('changenwhich', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'elections'): 1, ('elections', 'therenis'): 1, ('therenis', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'one'): 1, ('of', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'complaints'): 1, ('complaints', 'howevernexcept'): 1, ('howevernexcept', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'lawsnwhich'): 1, ('lawsnwhich', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'removed'): 1, ('removed', 'by'): 1, ('a', 'demoncratic'): 1, ('demoncratic', 'restoration'): 1, ('restoration', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'sincere'): 1, ('sincere', 'jealnousy'): 1, ('jealnousy', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'tjie'): 1, ('tjie', 'hatred'): 1, ('hatred', 'thatnsurvives'): 1, ('thatnsurvives', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'war'): 1, ('war', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'hostility'): 1, ('hostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thenprinciples'): 1, ('thenprinciples', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'purpose'): 1, ('purpose', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'newnamendments'): 1, ('newnamendments', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'constitution'): 1, ('constitution', 'thenspirit'): 1, ('thenspirit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'oppression'): 1, ('oppression', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'negro'): 1, ('negro', 'thendesire'): 1, ('thendesire', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'repudiation'): 1, ('repudiation', 'are'): 1, ('all', 'includednin'): 1, ('includednin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'democratic'): 2, ('democratic', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'statesnwhere'): 1, ('statesnwhere', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'old'): 2, ('old', 'spirit'): 1, ('spirit', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'caste'): 1, ('caste', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'bynignorance'): 1, ('bynignorance', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'kind'): 1, ('kind', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'strongest'): 1, ('strongest', 'iunthose'): 1, ('iunthose', 'parts'): 1, ('parts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'country'): 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('partition', 'thenroom'): 1, ('thenroom', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'filled'): 1, ('filled', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'array'): 1, ('array', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'curnious'): 1, ('curnious', 'things'): 1, ('things', 'maps'): 1, ('maps', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'wherenglobes'): 1, ('wherenglobes', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'earthnrepresented'): 1, ('earthnrepresented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'dozeus'): 1, ('dozeus', 'of'): 1, ('wonderfulnshapes', ''): 1, ('the', 'wool'): 1, ('wool', 'circulars'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['circulars', 'alluded', 'to'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'lawsnwhich', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'instruct', 'being', 'till', 'andnfor', 'from', 'partcularanand', 'massachusetts', 'shepherd', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'andnwould', 'patriotic', 'complaints', 'england', 'get', 'centres', 'likeneneral', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'alike', 'ridiculousnduring', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'mortngage', 'relnjsiatf', 'andninefficiency', 'tjie', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'county', 'nin', 'month', 'alluded', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'edward', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'anprominent', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'amat', 'recording', 'library', 'scat', 'propeity', 'childrennall', 'tn', 'conducted', 'day', 'whichnhave', 'longer', 'crack', 'familynin', 'obtain', 'school', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'slave', 'houses', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'whethernthey', 'represented', 'select', 'church', 'everything', 'neg¬nligent', 'rate', 'naud', 'light', 'opinions', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'cent', 'hatred', 'attorney', 'soup', 'flashes', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'probnabilities', 'thy', 'between', 'redemption', '\u003c', 'execute', 'andninterest', 'titleclaim', 'more', 'streetsnadd', 'mr', 'thu', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'paidnfrom', 'junen', 'case', 'dozeus', 'rural', 'werentimely', 'exhortation', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'certain', 'vientor', 'kenntucky', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'quarter', 'ofnthis', 'whichnintelligent', 'thatnsurvives', 'thenmost', 'eight', 'politics', 'ofthe', 'never', 'thenspirit', 'abovenrequired', 'newnamendments', 'outside', 'los', 'gotnone', 'myhand', 'see', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'my', 'action', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'compounded', 'tongetupat', 'spiritualnwaifs', 'representativendefeat', 'november', 'right', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'distinctivelyndemocratic', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'courtnfor', 'has', 'entry', 'both', 'unnless', 'on', 'restoration', 'service', 'equator', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'includednin', 'benbad', 'governnments', 'st', 'due', 'nad', 'lit¬ntle', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'anresponsibility', 'augustnin', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'thousand', 'anfact', 'wenwere', 'costs', 'human', 'getnin', 'teaches', 'party', 'woke', 'all', 'notenand', 'centresnof', 'public', 'particular', 'irreligious', 'sunperior', 'front', 'lllier', 'sincere', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'slow', 'feet', 'essex', 'asale', 'round', 'cotnof', 'concerning', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', 'training', '®nrecords', 'largensenseour', 'through', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'desire', 'mesne', 'seal', 'chil¬ndren', 'temperance', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'ornunder', 'confusion', 'hodtoncomplaint', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'atidnneed', 'brother', 'say', 'maps', 'sheepnwithout', 'large', 'bupreme', 'iaand', 'small', 'they', 'ideal', 'neigh¬nbor', 'inndiana', 'ilican', 'directly', 'colder', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'need', 'priae', 'read', 'against', 'helpnthem', 'complaint', 'barred', 'district', 'orn', 'spirit', 'mortgage', 'sinh', 'make', 'andnsmall', 'cause', 'tbe', 'social', 'six', 'parents', 'assigned', 'industry', 'empirqnstate', 'pains', 'sandwichnafter', 'navy', 'intelligence', 'at', 'signed', 'innevery', 'jesse', 'hair', 'stringent', 'wentnover', 'parts', 'used', 'ojnof', 'togethor', 'busy', 'been', 'claimed', 'silvered', 'ate', 'immediatenproblems', 'aptors', 'andnthe', 'senatorial', 'andntheir', 'not', 'tasked', 'applicationnof', 'one', 'development', 'may', 'deteriorate', 'supreme', 'table', 'reflections', 'pealed', 'shown', '|artit', 'purchasernbearing', 'foreclosure', 'premises', 'northwestnand', 'boot', 'sold', 'said', 'family', 'within', 'thenrepublican', 'honestynand', 'repudiation', 'students', 'senate', 'inviunsuch', 'whatnshall', 'thecountry', 'themna', 'gnto', 'l', 'catalogues', 'amernican', 'eightythree', 'tried', 'urt', 'southernnstates', 'thenother', 'ofnmassachusetts', 'prevent', 'democratic', 'can', 'notes', 'secretary', 'promissory', 'longnenough', 'wonderfulnshapes', 'decree', 'under', 'ownnwho', 'sujk', 'bentough', 'nno', 'clerk', 'keeper', 'stid', 'outset', 'so', 'every', 'them', 'deiree', 'enlightened', 'sitl', 'up', 'slidingncurtain', 'ynis', 'perspective', 'oclock', 'tothis', 'comenfrom', 'rensponsible', 'montion', 'broughtnit', 'sabbathnschool', 'exactly', 'onensmelt', 'apiw', 'ruahnand', 'ot', 'therenis', 'weight', 'remind', 'andecree', 'notnrepublicans', 'connducted', 'upther', 'innocent', 'removed', 'goodnsamaritan', 'five', 'adjudication', 'cakes', 'ves', 'ail', 'lkofvaluable', 'aiinright', 'pari', 'dienin', 'was', 'good', 'as', '|nized', 'end', 'though', 'of', 'thenithday', 'jealnousy', 'distribution', 'while', 'express', 'thncause', 'hotternit', 'chfl¬ndren', 'own', 'nte', 'principle', 'suchnagents', 'duties', 'whose', 'payment', 'suu', 'understand', 'sure', 'esieeis', 'neighbors', 'by', 'awfulnheadache', 'to', 'electorate', 'intelligent', 'bananasnthey', 'prominencengives', 'deceasednto', 'lot', 'example', 'kinds', 'nownwe', 'havenno', 'enterprisenand', 'dominant', 'risk', 'middle', 'any', 'centnper', 'elections', 'folio', 'your', 'ho', 'place', 'relationship', 'terms', 'author', 'occupied', 'constitution', 'manager', 'atnthe', 'way', 'tonreach', 'hostility', 'pubi', 'court', 'left', 'george', 'north', 'business', 'flatts', 'eflort', 'paynment', 'complaintngiven', 'he', 'changenwhich', 'conveyed', 'also', 'ortwo', 'marshal', 'brought', 'accustomed', 'practicalnly', 'vain', 'stage', 'caste', 'per', 'first', 'earthnrepresented', 'national', 'frolume', 'making', 'soldjnterms', '|amount', 'ex¬npenses', 'andnmarj', 'chhndren', 'arenin', 'fornthe', 'iowanand', 'array', 'courts', 'circulars', 'something', 'next', 'this', 'other', 'auctioneers', 'reference', 'man', 'statesnwhere', 'yandntor', 'room', 'isigovemed', 'abou', 'arenalso', 'actually', 'her', 'different', 'very', 'complied', 'relief', 'heard', 'cash', 'linesnfor', 'neighbours', 'bed', 'residue', 'oppression', 'seq', 'twelve', 'saidni', 'apnplied', 'balance', 'tire', 'forna', 'offices', 'shall', 'lie', 'innchristian', 'existingnbetween', 'somewhere', 'defaulting', 'civilization', 'thenroom', 'train', 'country', 'declared', 'new', 'knowledge', 'that', 'let', 'helpless', 'd', 'books', 'intelnligent', 'california', 'dividing', 'circulate', 'herenall', 'armistice', 'hag', 'fur', 'then', 'parnty', 'atnone', 'answer', 'genneral', 'ou', 'assign', 'dreamt', 'road', 'lambs', 'for', 'unitened', 'thnfoundiy', 'war', 'figures', 'cost', 'wool', 'such', 'gross', 'it', 'denfendants', 'august', 'kind', 'nowherenhe', 'sulidivlded', 'wherenglobes', 'ainum', 'dis|m', 'those', 'menuwu', 'determine', 'plainntiff', 'skidnwaiter', 'sum', 'appeals', 'etist', 'question', 'attic', 'goodnthings', 'years', 'theynget', 'younfcavo', 'be', 'fine', 'trust', 'secured', 'order', 'because', 'hear', 'sufficient', 'godnthought', 'township', 'wherenthe', 'orninfluence', 'conflict', 'secure', 'ofnoperate', 'nwe', 'advancementnis', 'advice', 'cannhelp', 'when', 'gone', 'ujon', 'value', 'thentale', 'got', 'astonishing', 'fefnsale', 'think', 'full', 'wo', '+henbrought', 'side', 'noticento', 'accept', 'somonmental', 'ceitihcate', 'thenprolonged', 'equityof', 'extended', 'crdlecting', 'gave', 'told', 'suit', 'agent', 'anshepherd', 'mb', 'pieliesaidnit', 'lovely', 'two', 'in', 'open', 'live', 'earth', 'had', 'thirty', 'thought', 'younhappen', 'pv', 'friday', 'nationally', 'maryland', 'measure', 'northwestnby', 'purpose', 'semiannually', 'a', 'g', 'where', 'slidellnthat', 'ndell', 'if', 'night', 'tull', 'bynsaid', 'yetseparatelythat', 'word', 'howevernexcept', 'arguednthat', 'steaks', 'iigree', 'thenbreakfast', 'compannies', 'repu', 'believe', 'bencomp', 'great', 'says', 'byna', 'convictions', 'toughnpeople', 'perishing', 'lisntened', 'return', 'andnyoung', 'theynare', 'worse', 'emailnespecially', 'thaddeus', 'remaining', 'year', 'forntho', 'rvfsfon', 'into', 'responsible', 'required', 'isnround', 'younwent', 'reasoned', 'guardned', 'claiming', 'homes', 'pay', 'squash', 'house', 'th', 'land', 'thenhostility', 'tfie', 'purchaser', 'their', 'ofnground', 'negro', 'accepted', 'responsibility', 'its', 'andnget', 'machinnations', 'nnder', 'lien', 'advancing', 'albany', 'bo', 'baa', 'lots', 'highest', 'south', 'i', 'about', '\u003e', 'deiwiiling', 'down', 'illnaddtwo', 'ofnthe', 'lit', 'condemn', 'beaudry', 'yorknrather', 'people', 'mixed', 'iherelitf', 'equalnpay', 'wlo', 'thereby', 'c', 'fostered', 'appeared', 'condition', 'asked', 'childrennus', 'granted', 'thendesire', 'roomnthat', 'gotnpigs', 'possibly', 'bideof', 'willie', 'notified', 'fillning', 'myselfnwhere', 'ofnwhich', 'codfish', 'dollars', 'judge', 'strongest', 'whois', 'mind', 'saenshall', 'states', 'vessels', 'ride', 'three', 'there', 'pen', 'means', 'evidence', 'novnelty', 'afternthe', 'proceerls', 'us', 'nexecuted', 'donenour', 'anbed', 'thosenminor', 'withoutnreligious', 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1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 2, ('measure', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 2, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 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1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 4, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, ('costs', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'suit'): 2, ('suit', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'conveyed'): 1, ('conveyed', 'bynsaid'): 1, ('bynsaid', 'mortgage'): 1, ('mortgage', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'be'): 2, ('be', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'apnplied'): 1, ('apnplied', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thu'): 1, ('thu', 'payment'): 1, ('payment', 'of'): 1, ('said', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'notenand'): 1, ('notenand', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'aforesaid'): 1, ('aforesaid', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'costs'): 1, ('suit', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'inncase'): 1, ('inncase', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'ars'): 1, ('ars', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'sufficient'): 1, ('sufficient', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'pay'): 2, ('pay', 'thengraphthen'): 1, ('thengraphthen', 'to'): 1, ('obtain', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'against'): 1, ('against', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'vientor'): 1, ('vientor', 'beaudry'): 1, ('beaudry', 'whois'): 1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'balance'): 1, ('balance', 'remaining'): 1, ('remaining', 'due'): 1, ('due', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'denfendants'): 1, ('denfendants', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'persons'): 1, ('persons', 'claiming'): 1, ('claiming', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'through'): 1, ('through', 'ornunder'): 1, ('ornunder', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'may'): 1, ('be', 'barred'): 1, ('barred', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'foreclosed'): 1, ('foreclosed', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'aiinright'): 1, ('aiinright', 'titleclaim'): 1, ('titleclaim', 'lien'): 1, ('lien', 'equityof'): 1, ('equityof', 'redemption'): 1, ('redemption', 'andninterest'): 1, ('andninterest', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tn'): 1, ('tn', 'stid'): 1, ('stid', 'moitgaged'): 1, ('moitgaged', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'andnfor'): 1, ('andnfor', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'upther'): 1, ('upther', 'relief'): 1, ('relief', 'reference'): 1, ('reference', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, ('tonappear', 'ant'): 1, ('ant', 'answer'): 1, ('answer', 'the'): 1, ('complaint', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'abovenrequired'): 1, ('abovenrequired', 'the'): 1, ('said', 'plaintiffwillapplyto'): 1, ('plaintiffwillapplyto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'courtnfor'): 1, ('courtnfor', 'iherelitf'): 1, ('iherelitf', 'demanded'): 1, ('demanded', 'inthe'): 1, ('inthe', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'complaintngiven'): 1, ('complaintngiven', 'under'): 1, ('under', 'myhand'): 1, ('myhand', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'seal'): 1, ('seal', 'ofthe'): 1, ('ofthe', 'ssid'): 1, ('ssid', 'sunperior'): 1, ('sunperior', 'court'): 1, ('the', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'california'): 1, ('california', 'iaand'): 1, ('iaand', 'fornthe'): 1, ('fornthe', 'county'): 1, ('county', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'los'): 1, ('los', 'angeles'): 1, ('angeles', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'day'): 1, ('of', 'augustnin'): 1, ('augustnin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'year'): 1, ('year', 'of'): 1, ('our', 'lord'): 1, ('lord', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'thousand'): 1, ('thousand', 'eight'): 1, ('eight', 'bunndrcd'): 1, ('bunndrcd', 'and'): 1, ('eightythree', ''): 1, ('', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'useless'): 1, ('useless', 'exhortation'): 1, ('exhortation', 'to'): 1, ('to', 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'of'): 1, ('of', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'flashes'): 1, ('flashes', 'fromnmind'): 1, ('fromnmind', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'mind'): 1, ('mind', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'human'): 1, ('human', 'conflict'): 1, ('conflict', 'tonreach'): 1, ('tonreach', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'highest'): 1, ('highest', 'round'): 1, ('round', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'laddernit'): 1, ('laddernit', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'astonishing'): 1, ('astonishing', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'live'): 1, ('live', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dienin'): 1, ('dienin', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'age'): 1, ('age', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'know'): 1, ('know', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'earth'): 2, ('earth', 'isnround'): 1, ('isnround', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'houses'): 1, ('houses', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'almost'): 1, ('almost', 'everynfarm'): 1, ('everynfarm', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'kinds'): 1, ('kinds', 'within'): 1, ('within', 'reachnand'): 1, ('reachnand', 'yetseparatelythat'): 1, ('yetseparatelythat', 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('and', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'thenother'): 1, ('thenother', 'for'): 1, ('a', 'workshop'): 1, ('workshop', 'with'): 1, ('a', 'slidingncurtain'): 1, ('slidingncurtain', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'dividing'): 1, ('dividing', 'partition'): 1, ('partition', 'thenroom'): 1, ('thenroom', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'filled'): 1, ('filled', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'array'): 1, ('array', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'curnious'): 1, ('curnious', 'things'): 1, ('things', 'maps'): 1, ('maps', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'wherenglobes'): 1, ('wherenglobes', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'earthnrepresented'): 1, ('earthnrepresented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'dozeus'): 1, ('dozeus', 'of'): 1, ('wonderfulnshapes', ''): 1, ('the', 'wool'): 1, ('wool', 'circulars'): 1, ('circulars', 'alluded'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['alluded', 'to', 'arenthose'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'lawsnwhich', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'instruct', 'being', 'till', 'andnfor', 'from', 'partcularanand', 'massachusetts', 'shepherd', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'andnwould', 'patriotic', 'complaints', 'england', 'get', 'centres', 'likeneneral', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'alike', 'ridiculousnduring', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'mortngage', 'relnjsiatf', 'andninefficiency', 'tjie', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'county', 'nin', 'month', 'alluded', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'edward', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'anprominent', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'amat', 'recording', 'library', 'scat', 'propeity', 'childrennall', 'tn', 'conducted', 'day', 'whichnhave', 'longer', 'crack', 'familynin', 'obtain', 'school', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'slave', 'houses', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'whethernthey', 'represented', 'select', 'church', 'everything', 'neg¬nligent', 'rate', 'naud', 'light', 'opinions', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'cent', 'hatred', 'attorney', 'soup', 'flashes', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'probnabilities', 'thy', 'between', 'redemption', '\u003c', 'execute', 'andninterest', 'titleclaim', 'more', 'streetsnadd', 'mr', 'thu', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'paidnfrom', 'junen', 'case', 'dozeus', 'rural', 'werentimely', 'exhortation', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'certain', 'vientor', 'kenntucky', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'quarter', 'ofnthis', 'whichnintelligent', 'thatnsurvives', 'thenmost', 'eight', 'politics', 'ofthe', 'never', 'thenspirit', 'abovenrequired', 'newnamendments', 'outside', 'los', 'gotnone', 'myhand', 'see', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'my', 'action', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'compounded', 'tongetupat', 'spiritualnwaifs', 'representativendefeat', 'november', 'right', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'distinctivelyndemocratic', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'courtnfor', 'has', 'entry', 'both', 'unnless', 'on', 'restoration', 'service', 'equator', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'includednin', 'benbad', 'governnments', 'st', 'due', 'nad', 'lit¬ntle', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'anresponsibility', 'augustnin', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'thousand', 'anfact', 'wenwere', 'costs', 'human', 'getnin', 'teaches', 'party', 'woke', 'all', 'notenand', 'centresnof', 'public', 'particular', 'irreligious', 'sunperior', 'front', 'lllier', 'sincere', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'slow', 'feet', 'essex', 'asale', 'round', 'cotnof', 'concerning', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', 'training', '®nrecords', 'largensenseour', 'through', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'desire', 'mesne', 'seal', 'chil¬ndren', 'temperance', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'ornunder', 'confusion', 'hodtoncomplaint', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'atidnneed', 'brother', 'say', 'maps', 'sheepnwithout', 'large', 'bupreme', 'iaand', 'small', 'they', 'ideal', 'neigh¬nbor', 'inndiana', 'ilican', 'directly', 'colder', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'need', 'priae', 'read', 'against', 'helpnthem', 'complaint', 'barred', 'district', 'orn', 'spirit', 'mortgage', 'sinh', 'make', 'andnsmall', 'cause', 'tbe', 'social', 'six', 'parents', 'assigned', 'industry', 'empirqnstate', 'pains', 'sandwichnafter', 'navy', 'intelligence', 'at', 'signed', 'innevery', 'jesse', 'hair', 'stringent', 'wentnover', 'parts', 'used', 'ojnof', 'togethor', 'busy', 'been', 'claimed', 'silvered', 'ate', 'immediatenproblems', 'aptors', 'andnthe', 'senatorial', 'andntheir', 'not', 'tasked', 'applicationnof', 'one', 'development', 'may', 'deteriorate', 'supreme', 'table', 'reflections', 'pealed', 'shown', '|artit', 'purchasernbearing', 'foreclosure', 'premises', 'northwestnand', 'boot', 'sold', 'said', 'family', 'within', 'thenrepublican', 'honestynand', 'repudiation', 'students', 'senate', 'inviunsuch', 'whatnshall', 'thecountry', 'themna', 'gnto', 'l', 'catalogues', 'amernican', 'eightythree', 'tried', 'urt', 'southernnstates', 'thenother', 'ofnmassachusetts', 'prevent', 'democratic', 'can', 'notes', 'secretary', 'promissory', 'longnenough', 'wonderfulnshapes', 'decree', 'under', 'ownnwho', 'sujk', 'bentough', 'nno', 'clerk', 'keeper', 'stid', 'outset', 'so', 'every', 'them', 'deiree', 'enlightened', 'sitl', 'up', 'slidingncurtain', 'ynis', 'perspective', 'oclock', 'tothis', 'comenfrom', 'rensponsible', 'montion', 'broughtnit', 'sabbathnschool', 'exactly', 'onensmelt', 'apiw', 'ruahnand', 'ot', 'therenis', 'weight', 'remind', 'andecree', 'notnrepublicans', 'connducted', 'upther', 'innocent', 'removed', 'goodnsamaritan', 'five', 'adjudication', 'cakes', 'ves', 'ail', 'lkofvaluable', 'aiinright', 'pari', 'dienin', 'was', 'good', 'as', '|nized', 'end', 'though', 'of', 'thenithday', 'jealnousy', 'distribution', 'while', 'express', 'thncause', 'hotternit', 'chfl¬ndren', 'own', 'nte', 'principle', 'suchnagents', 'duties', 'whose', 'payment', 'suu', 'understand', 'sure', 'esieeis', 'neighbors', 'by', 'awfulnheadache', 'to', 'electorate', 'intelligent', 'bananasnthey', 'prominencengives', 'deceasednto', 'lot', 'example', 'kinds', 'nownwe', 'havenno', 'enterprisenand', 'dominant', 'risk', 'middle', 'any', 'centnper', 'elections', 'folio', 'your', 'ho', 'place', 'relationship', 'terms', 'author', 'occupied', 'constitution', 'manager', 'atnthe', 'way', 'tonreach', 'hostility', 'pubi', 'court', 'left', 'george', 'north', 'business', 'flatts', 'eflort', 'paynment', 'complaintngiven', 'he', 'changenwhich', 'conveyed', 'also', 'ortwo', 'marshal', 'brought', 'accustomed', 'practicalnly', 'vain', 'stage', 'caste', 'per', 'first', 'earthnrepresented', 'national', 'frolume', 'making', 'soldjnterms', '|amount', 'ex¬npenses', 'andnmarj', 'chhndren', 'arenin', 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'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 5, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 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('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, ('costs', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'suit'): 2, ('suit', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'conveyed'): 1, ('conveyed', 'bynsaid'): 1, ('bynsaid', 'mortgage'): 1, ('mortgage', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'be'): 2, ('be', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'apnplied'): 1, ('apnplied', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thu'): 1, ('thu', 'payment'): 1, ('payment', 'of'): 1, ('said', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'notenand'): 1, ('notenand', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'aforesaid'): 1, ('aforesaid', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'costs'): 1, ('suit', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'inncase'): 1, ('inncase', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'ars'): 1, ('ars', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'sufficient'): 1, ('sufficient', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'pay'): 2, ('pay', 'thengraphthen'): 1, ('thengraphthen', 'to'): 1, ('obtain', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'against'): 1, ('against', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'vientor'): 1, ('vientor', 'beaudry'): 1, ('beaudry', 'whois'): 1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'balance'): 1, ('balance', 'remaining'): 1, ('remaining', 'due'): 1, ('due', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'denfendants'): 1, ('denfendants', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'persons'): 1, 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1, ('all', 'includednin'): 1, ('includednin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'democratic'): 2, ('democratic', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'statesnwhere'): 1, ('statesnwhere', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'old'): 2, ('old', 'spirit'): 1, ('spirit', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'caste'): 1, ('caste', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'bynignorance'): 1, ('bynignorance', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'kind'): 1, ('kind', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'strongest'): 1, ('strongest', 'iunthose'): 1, ('iunthose', 'parts'): 1, ('parts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'thenmost'): 1, ('thenmost', 'backward'): 1, ('backward', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'genneral'): 1, ('genneral', 'development'): 1, ('development', 'the'): 1, ('democratic', 'pari'): 1, ('pari', 'ynis'): 1, ('ynis', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'more'): 1, ('more', 'powerfulntnan'): 1, 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'thecountry'): 1, ('thecountry', 'guardned'): 1, ('guardned', 'by'): 1, ('the', 'spirit'): 1, ('great', 'northwestnand'): 1, ('northwestnand', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'england'): 1, ('england', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'yorknrather'): 1, ('yorknrather', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'tluitof'): 1, ('tluitof', 'the'): 1, ('old', 'bourbonnand'): 1, ('bourbonnand', 'slave'): 1, ('states', ''): 1, ('', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'led'): 1, ('led', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'accept'): 1, ('accept', 'everything'): 1, ('everything', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'readnwith'): 1, ('readnwith', 'a'): 1, ('of', 'distrust'): 1, ('distrust', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'i'): 2, ('i', 'takennothing'): 1, ('takennothing', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'granted'): 1, ('granted', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'comenfrom'): 1, ('comenfrom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'pen'): 1, ('pen', 'of'): 1, ('one', 'whose'): 1, ('whose', 'prominencengives'): 1, ('prominencengives', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'opinions'): 1, ('opinions', 'weight'): 1, ('weight', 'whethernthey'): 1, ('whethernthey', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'right'): 1, ('right', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'my'): 1, ('my', 'neighbours'): 1, ('neighbours', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'different'): 1, ('different', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'advancementnis'): 1, ('advancementnis', 'slow'): 1, ('slow', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'frequently'): 1, ('frequently', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'theynget'): 1, ('theynget', 'hold'): 1, ('hold', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'exploded'): 1, ('exploded', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'afternthe'): 1, ('afternthe', 'explosion'): 1, ('explosion', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'probnabilities'): 1, ('probnabilities', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'thing'): 1, ('thing', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'accepted'): 1, ('accepted', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'anfact'): 1, ('anfact', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'alike'): 1, ('alike', 'innevery'): 1, ('innevery', 'township'): 1, ('township', 'in'): 1, ('land', 'outside'): 1, ('outside', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'centres'): 1, ('centres', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'wherenthe'): 1, ('wherenthe', 'light'): 1, ('light', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'flashes'): 1, ('flashes', 'fromnmind'): 1, ('fromnmind', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'mind'): 1, ('mind', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'human'): 1, ('human', 'conflict'): 1, ('conflict', 'tonreach'): 1, ('tonreach', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'highest'): 1, ('highest', 'round'): 1, ('round', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'laddernit'): 1, ('laddernit', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'astonishing'): 1, ('astonishing', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'live'): 1, ('live', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dienin'): 1, ('dienin', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'age'): 1, ('age', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'know'): 1, ('know', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'earth'): 2, ('earth', 'isnround'): 1, ('isnround', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'houses'): 1, ('houses', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'almost'): 1, ('almost', 'everynfarm'): 1, ('everynfarm', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'kinds'): 1, ('kinds', 'within'): 1, ('within', 'reachnand'): 1, ('reachnand', 'yetseparatelythat'): 1, ('yetseparatelythat', 'the'): 1, ('earth', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'montion'): 1, ('montion', 'aday'): 1, ('aday', 'ortwo'): 1, ('ortwo', 'agoitalked'): 1, ('agoitalked', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'anprominent'): 1, ('anprominent', 'attorney'): 1, ('attorney', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'andnwould'): 1, ('andnwould', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'believe'): 1, ('believe', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'actually'): 1, ('actually', 'arguednthat'): 1, ('arguednthat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'farther'): 1, ('farther', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'go'): 1, ('go', 'south'): 1, ('south', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'hotternit'): 1, ('hotternit', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'exactly'): 1, ('exactly', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'further'): 1, ('further', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'younwent'): 1, ('younwent', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'colder'): 1, ('colder', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'ridiculousnduring'): 1, ('ridiculousnduring', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'busy'): 1, ('busy', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'benbad'): 1, ('benbad', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'paused'): 1, ('paused', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'applicationnof'): 1, ('applicationnof', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'practicalnly'): 1, ('practicalnly', 'understand'): 1, ('understand', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'relationship'): 1, ('relationship', 'existingnbetween'): 1, ('existingnbetween', 'the'): 1, ('north', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'south'): 1, ('south', 'polesnthe'): 1, ('polesnthe', 'equator'): 1, ('equator', 'aud'): 1, ('aud', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suu'): 1, ('suu', 'nwe'): 1, ('nwe', 'came'): 1, ('came', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'house'): 1, ('house', 'and'): 1, ('was', 'connducted'): 1, ('connducted', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'fitted'): 1, ('fitted', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'atnone'): 1, ('atnone', 'end'): 1, ('end', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'library'): 1, ('library', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'thenother'): 1, ('thenother', 'for'): 1, ('a', 'workshop'): 1, ('workshop', 'with'): 1, ('a', 'slidingncurtain'): 1, ('slidingncurtain', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'dividing'): 1, ('dividing', 'partition'): 1, ('partition', 'thenroom'): 1, ('thenroom', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'filled'): 1, ('filled', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'array'): 1, ('array', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'curnious'): 1, ('curnious', 'things'): 1, ('things', 'maps'): 1, ('maps', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'wherenglobes'): 1, ('wherenglobes', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'earthnrepresented'): 1, ('earthnrepresented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'dozeus'): 1, ('dozeus', 'of'): 1, ('wonderfulnshapes', ''): 1, ('the', 'wool'): 1, ('wool', 'circulars'): 1, ('circulars', 'alluded'): 1, ('alluded', 'to'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['to', 'arenthose', 'which'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'lawsnwhich', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'instruct', 'being', 'till', 'andnfor', 'from', 'partcularanand', 'massachusetts', 'shepherd', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'andnwould', 'patriotic', 'complaints', 'england', 'get', 'centres', 'likeneneral', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'alike', 'ridiculousnduring', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'mortngage', 'relnjsiatf', 'andninefficiency', 'tjie', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'county', 'nin', 'month', 'alluded', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'edward', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'anprominent', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'amat', 'recording', 'library', 'scat', 'propeity', 'childrennall', 'tn', 'conducted', 'day', 'whichnhave', 'longer', 'crack', 'familynin', 'obtain', 'school', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'slave', 'houses', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'whethernthey', 'represented', 'select', 'church', 'everything', 'neg¬nligent', 'rate', 'naud', 'light', 'opinions', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'cent', 'hatred', 'attorney', 'soup', 'flashes', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'probnabilities', 'thy', 'between', 'redemption', '\u003c', 'execute', 'andninterest', 'titleclaim', 'more', 'streetsnadd', 'mr', 'thu', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'paidnfrom', 'junen', 'case', 'dozeus', 'rural', 'werentimely', 'exhortation', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'certain', 'vientor', 'kenntucky', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'quarter', 'ofnthis', 'whichnintelligent', 'thatnsurvives', 'thenmost', 'eight', 'politics', 'ofthe', 'never', 'thenspirit', 'abovenrequired', 'newnamendments', 'outside', 'los', 'gotnone', 'myhand', 'see', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'my', 'action', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'compounded', 'tongetupat', 'spiritualnwaifs', 'representativendefeat', 'november', 'right', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'distinctivelyndemocratic', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'courtnfor', 'has', 'entry', 'both', 'unnless', 'on', 'restoration', 'service', 'equator', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'includednin', 'benbad', 'governnments', 'st', 'due', 'nad', 'lit¬ntle', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'anresponsibility', 'augustnin', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'thousand', 'anfact', 'wenwere', 'costs', 'human', 'getnin', 'teaches', 'party', 'woke', 'all', 'notenand', 'centresnof', 'public', 'particular', 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('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, 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'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, 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1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'balance'): 1, ('balance', 'remaining'): 1, ('remaining', 'due'): 1, ('due', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'denfendants'): 1, ('denfendants', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'persons'): 1, ('persons', 'claiming'): 1, ('claiming', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'through'): 1, ('through', 'ornunder'): 1, ('ornunder', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'may'): 1, ('be', 'barred'): 1, ('barred', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'foreclosed'): 1, ('foreclosed', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'aiinright'): 1, ('aiinright', 'titleclaim'): 1, ('titleclaim', 'lien'): 1, ('lien', 'equityof'): 1, ('equityof', 'redemption'): 1, ('redemption', 'andninterest'): 1, ('andninterest', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tn'): 1, ('tn', 'stid'): 1, ('stid', 'moitgaged'): 1, ('moitgaged', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'andnfor'): 1, ('andnfor', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'upther'): 1, ('upther', 'relief'): 1, ('relief', 'reference'): 1, ('reference', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, ('tonappear', 'ant'): 1, ('ant', 'answer'): 1, ('answer', 'the'): 1, ('complaint', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'abovenrequired'): 1, ('abovenrequired', 'the'): 1, ('said', 'plaintiffwillapplyto'): 1, ('plaintiffwillapplyto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'courtnfor'): 1, ('courtnfor', 'iherelitf'): 1, ('iherelitf', 'demanded'): 1, ('demanded', 'inthe'): 1, ('inthe', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'complaintngiven'): 1, ('complaintngiven', 'under'): 1, ('under', 'myhand'): 1, ('myhand', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'seal'): 1, ('seal', 'ofthe'): 1, ('ofthe', 'ssid'): 1, ('ssid', 'sunperior'): 1, ('sunperior', 'court'): 1, ('the', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'california'): 1, ('california', 'iaand'): 1, ('iaand', 'fornthe'): 1, ('fornthe', 'county'): 1, ('county', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'los'): 1, ('los', 'angeles'): 1, ('angeles', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'day'): 1, ('of', 'augustnin'): 1, ('augustnin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'year'): 1, ('year', 'of'): 1, ('our', 'lord'): 1, ('lord', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'thousand'): 1, ('thousand', 'eight'): 1, ('eight', 'bunndrcd'): 1, ('bunndrcd', 'and'): 1, ('eightythree', ''): 1, ('', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'useless'): 1, ('useless', 'exhortation'): 1, ('exhortation', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'intelnligent'): 1, ('intelnligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'aiiless'): 1, ('aiiless', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'parnty'): 1, ('parnty', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'resolved'): 1, ('resolved', 'to'): 1, ('secure', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'ends'): 1, ('ends', 'whichnintelligent'): 1, ('whichnintelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'desire'): 1, 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'principle'): 1, ('principle', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'politics'): 1, ('politics', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'rensponsible'): 1, ('rensponsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'repu'): 1, ('repu', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'ilican'): 1, ('ilican', 'disastersnthe'): 1, ('disastersnthe', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'torpidity'): 1, ('torpidity', 'of'): 1, ('business', 'thenprolonged'): 1, ('thenprolonged', 'confusion'): 1, ('confusion', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'southernnstates'): 1, ('southernnstates', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suspicion'): 1, ('suspicion', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'corruption'): 1, ('corruption', 'andninefficiency'): 1, ('andninefficiency', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'thenhostility'): 1, ('thenhostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'stringent'): 1, ('stringent', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'legisnlation'): 1, ('legisnlation', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'reasons'): 1, ('reasons', 'whichnhave'): 1, ('whichnhave', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'changenwhich'): 1, ('changenwhich', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'elections'): 1, ('elections', 'therenis'): 1, ('therenis', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'one'): 1, ('of', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'complaints'): 1, ('complaints', 'howevernexcept'): 1, ('howevernexcept', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'lawsnwhich'): 1, ('lawsnwhich', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'removed'): 1, ('removed', 'by'): 1, ('a', 'demoncratic'): 1, ('demoncratic', 'restoration'): 1, ('restoration', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'sincere'): 1, ('sincere', 'jealnousy'): 1, ('jealnousy', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'tjie'): 1, ('tjie', 'hatred'): 1, ('hatred', 'thatnsurvives'): 1, ('thatnsurvives', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'war'): 1, ('war', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'hostility'): 1, ('hostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thenprinciples'): 1, ('thenprinciples', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'purpose'): 1, ('purpose', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'newnamendments'): 1, ('newnamendments', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'constitution'): 1, ('constitution', 'thenspirit'): 1, ('thenspirit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'oppression'): 1, ('oppression', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'negro'): 1, ('negro', 'thendesire'): 1, ('thendesire', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'repudiation'): 1, ('repudiation', 'are'): 1, ('all', 'includednin'): 1, ('includednin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'democratic'): 2, ('democratic', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'statesnwhere'): 1, ('statesnwhere', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'old'): 2, ('old', 'spirit'): 1, ('spirit', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'caste'): 1, ('caste', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'bynignorance'): 1, ('bynignorance', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'kind'): 1, ('kind', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'strongest'): 1, ('strongest', 'iunthose'): 1, ('iunthose', 'parts'): 1, ('parts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'thenmost'): 1, ('thenmost', 'backward'): 1, ('backward', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'genneral'): 1, ('genneral', 'development'): 1, ('development', 'the'): 1, ('democratic', 'pari'): 1, ('pari', 'ynis'): 1, ('ynis', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'more'): 1, ('more', 'powerfulntnan'): 1, ('powerfulntnan', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'opponent'): 1, ('opponent', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'great'): 2, ('great', 'centresnof'): 1, ('centresnof', 'intelligence'): 1, ('intelligence', 'industry'): 1, ('industry', 'enterprisenand'): 1, ('enterprisenand', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'advancing'): 1, ('advancing', 'social'): 1, ('social', 'condition'): 1, ('condition', 'thenrepublican'): 1, ('thenrepublican', 'party'): 1, ('is', 'dominant'): 1, ('dominant', 'kenntucky'): 1, ('kenntucky', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'maryland'): 1, ('maryland', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'distinctivelyndemocratic'): 1, ('distinctivelyndemocratic', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'massachusetts'): 1, ('massachusetts', 'iowanand'): 1, ('iowanand', 'rural'): 1, ('rural', 'new'): 1, ('york', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'republicannevery'): 1, ('republicannevery', 'patriotic'): 1, ('patriotic', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'enlightened'): 1, ('enlightened', 'amernican'): 1, ('amernican', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'prefer'): 1, ('prefer', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'thecountry'): 1, ('thecountry', 'guardned'): 1, ('guardned', 'by'): 1, ('the', 'spirit'): 1, ('great', 'northwestnand'): 1, ('northwestnand', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'england'): 1, ('england', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'yorknrather'): 1, ('yorknrather', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'tluitof'): 1, ('tluitof', 'the'): 1, ('old', 'bourbonnand'): 1, ('bourbonnand', 'slave'): 1, ('states', ''): 1, ('', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'led'): 1, ('led', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'accept'): 1, ('accept', 'everything'): 1, ('everything', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'readnwith'): 1, ('readnwith', 'a'): 1, ('of', 'distrust'): 1, ('distrust', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'i'): 2, ('i', 'takennothing'): 1, ('takennothing', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'granted'): 1, ('granted', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'comenfrom'): 1, ('comenfrom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'pen'): 1, ('pen', 'of'): 1, ('one', 'whose'): 1, ('whose', 'prominencengives'): 1, ('prominencengives', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'opinions'): 1, ('opinions', 'weight'): 1, ('weight', 'whethernthey'): 1, ('whethernthey', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'right'): 1, ('right', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'my'): 1, ('my', 'neighbours'): 1, ('neighbours', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'different'): 1, ('different', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'advancementnis'): 1, ('advancementnis', 'slow'): 1, ('slow', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'frequently'): 1, ('frequently', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'theynget'): 1, ('theynget', 'hold'): 1, ('hold', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'exploded'): 1, ('exploded', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'afternthe'): 1, ('afternthe', 'explosion'): 1, ('explosion', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'probnabilities'): 1, ('probnabilities', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'thing'): 1, ('thing', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'accepted'): 1, ('accepted', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'anfact'): 1, ('anfact', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'alike'): 1, ('alike', 'innevery'): 1, ('innevery', 'township'): 1, ('township', 'in'): 1, ('land', 'outside'): 1, ('outside', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'centres'): 1, ('centres', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'wherenthe'): 1, ('wherenthe', 'light'): 1, ('light', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'flashes'): 1, ('flashes', 'fromnmind'): 1, ('fromnmind', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'mind'): 1, ('mind', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'human'): 1, ('human', 'conflict'): 1, ('conflict', 'tonreach'): 1, ('tonreach', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'highest'): 1, ('highest', 'round'): 1, ('round', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'laddernit'): 1, ('laddernit', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'astonishing'): 1, ('astonishing', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'live'): 1, ('live', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dienin'): 1, ('dienin', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'age'): 1, ('age', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'know'): 1, ('know', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'earth'): 2, ('earth', 'isnround'): 1, ('isnround', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'houses'): 1, ('houses', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'almost'): 1, ('almost', 'everynfarm'): 1, ('everynfarm', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'kinds'): 1, ('kinds', 'within'): 1, ('within', 'reachnand'): 1, ('reachnand', 'yetseparatelythat'): 1, ('yetseparatelythat', 'the'): 1, ('earth', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'montion'): 1, ('montion', 'aday'): 1, ('aday', 'ortwo'): 1, ('ortwo', 'agoitalked'): 1, ('agoitalked', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'anprominent'): 1, ('anprominent', 'attorney'): 1, ('attorney', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'andnwould'): 1, ('andnwould', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'believe'): 1, ('believe', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'actually'): 1, ('actually', 'arguednthat'): 1, ('arguednthat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'farther'): 1, ('farther', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'go'): 1, ('go', 'south'): 1, ('south', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'hotternit'): 1, ('hotternit', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'exactly'): 1, ('exactly', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'further'): 1, ('further', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'younwent'): 1, ('younwent', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'colder'): 1, ('colder', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'ridiculousnduring'): 1, ('ridiculousnduring', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'busy'): 1, ('busy', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'benbad'): 1, ('benbad', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'paused'): 1, ('paused', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'applicationnof'): 1, ('applicationnof', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'practicalnly'): 1, ('practicalnly', 'understand'): 1, ('understand', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'relationship'): 1, ('relationship', 'existingnbetween'): 1, ('existingnbetween', 'the'): 1, ('north', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'south'): 1, ('south', 'polesnthe'): 1, ('polesnthe', 'equator'): 1, ('equator', 'aud'): 1, ('aud', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suu'): 1, ('suu', 'nwe'): 1, ('nwe', 'came'): 1, ('came', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'house'): 1, ('house', 'and'): 1, ('was', 'connducted'): 1, ('connducted', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'fitted'): 1, ('fitted', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'atnone'): 1, ('atnone', 'end'): 1, ('end', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'library'): 1, ('library', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'thenother'): 1, ('thenother', 'for'): 1, ('a', 'workshop'): 1, ('workshop', 'with'): 1, ('a', 'slidingncurtain'): 1, ('slidingncurtain', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'dividing'): 1, ('dividing', 'partition'): 1, ('partition', 'thenroom'): 1, ('thenroom', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'filled'): 1, ('filled', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'array'): 1, ('array', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'curnious'): 1, ('curnious', 'things'): 1, ('things', 'maps'): 1, ('maps', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'wherenglobes'): 1, ('wherenglobes', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'earthnrepresented'): 1, ('earthnrepresented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'dozeus'): 1, ('dozeus', 'of'): 1, ('wonderfulnshapes', ''): 1, ('the', 'wool'): 1, ('wool', 'circulars'): 1, ('circulars', 'alluded'): 1, ('alluded', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'arenthose'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['arenthose', 'which', 'give'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'lawsnwhich', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'instruct', 'being', 'till', 'andnfor', 'from', 'partcularanand', 'massachusetts', 'shepherd', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'andnwould', 'patriotic', 'complaints', 'england', 'get', 'centres', 'likeneneral', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'alike', 'ridiculousnduring', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'mortngage', 'relnjsiatf', 'andninefficiency', 'tjie', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'county', 'nin', 'month', 'alluded', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'edward', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'anprominent', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'amat', 'recording', 'library', 'scat', 'propeity', 'childrennall', 'tn', 'conducted', 'day', 'whichnhave', 'longer', 'crack', 'familynin', 'obtain', 'school', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'slave', 'houses', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'whethernthey', 'represented', 'select', 'church', 'everything', 'neg¬nligent', 'rate', 'naud', 'light', 'opinions', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'cent', 'hatred', 'attorney', 'soup', 'flashes', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'probnabilities', 'thy', 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1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 2, ('measure', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 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'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 4, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, ('costs', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'suit'): 2, ('suit', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'conveyed'): 1, ('conveyed', 'bynsaid'): 1, ('bynsaid', 'mortgage'): 1, ('mortgage', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'be'): 2, ('be', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'apnplied'): 1, ('apnplied', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thu'): 1, ('thu', 'payment'): 1, ('payment', 'of'): 1, ('said', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'notenand'): 1, ('notenand', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'aforesaid'): 1, ('aforesaid', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'costs'): 1, ('suit', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'inncase'): 1, ('inncase', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'ars'): 1, ('ars', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'sufficient'): 1, ('sufficient', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'pay'): 2, ('pay', 'thengraphthen'): 1, ('thengraphthen', 'to'): 1, ('obtain', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'against'): 1, ('against', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'vientor'): 1, ('vientor', 'beaudry'): 1, ('beaudry', 'whois'): 1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'balance'): 1, ('balance', 'remaining'): 1, ('remaining', 'due'): 1, ('due', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'denfendants'): 1, ('denfendants', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'persons'): 1, ('persons', 'claiming'): 1, ('claiming', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'through'): 1, ('through', 'ornunder'): 1, ('ornunder', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'may'): 1, ('be', 'barred'): 1, ('barred', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'foreclosed'): 1, ('foreclosed', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'aiinright'): 1, ('aiinright', 'titleclaim'): 1, ('titleclaim', 'lien'): 1, ('lien', 'equityof'): 1, ('equityof', 'redemption'): 1, ('redemption', 'andninterest'): 1, ('andninterest', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tn'): 1, ('tn', 'stid'): 1, ('stid', 'moitgaged'): 1, ('moitgaged', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'andnfor'): 1, ('andnfor', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'upther'): 1, ('upther', 'relief'): 1, ('relief', 'reference'): 1, ('reference', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, ('tonappear', 'ant'): 1, ('ant', 'answer'): 1, ('answer', 'the'): 1, ('complaint', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'abovenrequired'): 1, ('abovenrequired', 'the'): 1, ('said', 'plaintiffwillapplyto'): 1, ('plaintiffwillapplyto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'courtnfor'): 1, ('courtnfor', 'iherelitf'): 1, ('iherelitf', 'demanded'): 1, ('demanded', 'inthe'): 1, ('inthe', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'complaintngiven'): 1, ('complaintngiven', 'under'): 1, ('under', 'myhand'): 1, ('myhand', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'seal'): 1, ('seal', 'ofthe'): 1, ('ofthe', 'ssid'): 1, ('ssid', 'sunperior'): 1, ('sunperior', 'court'): 1, ('the', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'california'): 1, ('california', 'iaand'): 1, ('iaand', 'fornthe'): 1, ('fornthe', 'county'): 1, ('county', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'los'): 1, ('los', 'angeles'): 1, ('angeles', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'day'): 1, ('of', 'augustnin'): 1, ('augustnin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'year'): 1, ('year', 'of'): 1, ('our', 'lord'): 1, ('lord', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'thousand'): 1, ('thousand', 'eight'): 1, ('eight', 'bunndrcd'): 1, ('bunndrcd', 'and'): 1, ('eightythree', ''): 1, ('', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'useless'): 1, ('useless', 'exhortation'): 1, ('exhortation', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'intelnligent'): 1, ('intelnligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'aiiless'): 1, ('aiiless', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'parnty'): 1, ('parnty', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'resolved'): 1, ('resolved', 'to'): 1, ('secure', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'ends'): 1, ('ends', 'whichnintelligent'): 1, ('whichnintelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'means'): 1, ('means', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'suchnagents'): 1, ('suchnagents', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'intelligent'): 1, ('intelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'respectnthe'): 1, ('respectnthe', 'republicans'): 1, ('republicans', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'essex'): 1, ('essex', 'district'): 1, ('district', 'ofnmassachusetts'): 1, ('ofnmassachusetts', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'select'): 1, ('select', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'likeneneral'): 1, ('likeneneral', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'representativendefeat'): 1, ('representativendefeat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'republican'): 1, ('republican', 'candidates'): 1, ('candidates', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'inndiana'): 1, ('inndiana', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ohio'): 1, ('ohio', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'notnrepublicans'): 1, ('notnrepublicans', 'wlo'): 1, ('wlo', 'insist'): 1, ('insist', 'ujon'): 1, ('ujon', 'honestynand'): 1, ('honestynand', 'principle'): 1, ('principle', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'politics'): 1, ('politics', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'rensponsible'): 1, ('rensponsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'repu'): 1, ('repu', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'ilican'): 1, ('ilican', 'disastersnthe'): 1, ('disastersnthe', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'torpidity'): 1, ('torpidity', 'of'): 1, ('business', 'thenprolonged'): 1, ('thenprolonged', 'confusion'): 1, ('confusion', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'southernnstates'): 1, ('southernnstates', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suspicion'): 1, ('suspicion', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'corruption'): 1, ('corruption', 'andninefficiency'): 1, ('andninefficiency', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'thenhostility'): 1, ('thenhostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'stringent'): 1, ('stringent', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'legisnlation'): 1, ('legisnlation', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'reasons'): 1, ('reasons', 'whichnhave'): 1, ('whichnhave', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'changenwhich'): 1, ('changenwhich', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'elections'): 1, ('elections', 'therenis'): 1, ('therenis', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'one'): 1, ('of', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'complaints'): 1, ('complaints', 'howevernexcept'): 1, ('howevernexcept', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'lawsnwhich'): 1, ('lawsnwhich', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'removed'): 1, ('removed', 'by'): 1, ('a', 'demoncratic'): 1, ('demoncratic', 'restoration'): 1, ('restoration', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'sincere'): 1, ('sincere', 'jealnousy'): 1, ('jealnousy', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'tjie'): 1, ('tjie', 'hatred'): 1, ('hatred', 'thatnsurvives'): 1, ('thatnsurvives', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'war'): 1, ('war', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'hostility'): 1, ('hostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thenprinciples'): 1, ('thenprinciples', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'purpose'): 1, ('purpose', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'newnamendments'): 1, ('newnamendments', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'constitution'): 1, ('constitution', 'thenspirit'): 1, ('thenspirit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'oppression'): 1, ('oppression', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'negro'): 1, ('negro', 'thendesire'): 1, ('thendesire', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'repudiation'): 1, ('repudiation', 'are'): 1, ('all', 'includednin'): 1, ('includednin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'democratic'): 2, ('democratic', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'statesnwhere'): 1, ('statesnwhere', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'old'): 2, ('old', 'spirit'): 1, ('spirit', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'caste'): 1, ('caste', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'bynignorance'): 1, ('bynignorance', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'kind'): 1, ('kind', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'strongest'): 1, ('strongest', 'iunthose'): 1, ('iunthose', 'parts'): 1, ('parts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'thenmost'): 1, ('thenmost', 'backward'): 1, ('backward', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'genneral'): 1, ('genneral', 'development'): 1, ('development', 'the'): 1, ('democratic', 'pari'): 1, ('pari', 'ynis'): 1, ('ynis', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'more'): 1, ('more', 'powerfulntnan'): 1, ('powerfulntnan', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'opponent'): 1, ('opponent', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'great'): 2, ('great', 'centresnof'): 1, ('centresnof', 'intelligence'): 1, ('intelligence', 'industry'): 1, ('industry', 'enterprisenand'): 1, ('enterprisenand', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'advancing'): 1, ('advancing', 'social'): 1, ('social', 'condition'): 1, ('condition', 'thenrepublican'): 1, ('thenrepublican', 'party'): 1, ('is', 'dominant'): 1, ('dominant', 'kenntucky'): 1, ('kenntucky', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'maryland'): 1, ('maryland', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'distinctivelyndemocratic'): 1, ('distinctivelyndemocratic', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'massachusetts'): 1, ('massachusetts', 'iowanand'): 1, ('iowanand', 'rural'): 1, ('rural', 'new'): 1, ('york', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'republicannevery'): 1, ('republicannevery', 'patriotic'): 1, ('patriotic', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'enlightened'): 1, ('enlightened', 'amernican'): 1, ('amernican', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'prefer'): 1, ('prefer', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'thecountry'): 1, ('thecountry', 'guardned'): 1, ('guardned', 'by'): 1, ('the', 'spirit'): 1, ('great', 'northwestnand'): 1, ('northwestnand', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'england'): 1, ('england', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'yorknrather'): 1, ('yorknrather', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'tluitof'): 1, ('tluitof', 'the'): 1, ('old', 'bourbonnand'): 1, ('bourbonnand', 'slave'): 1, ('states', ''): 1, ('', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'led'): 1, ('led', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'accept'): 1, ('accept', 'everything'): 1, ('everything', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'readnwith'): 1, ('readnwith', 'a'): 1, ('of', 'distrust'): 1, ('distrust', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'i'): 2, ('i', 'takennothing'): 1, ('takennothing', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'granted'): 1, ('granted', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'comenfrom'): 1, ('comenfrom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'pen'): 1, ('pen', 'of'): 1, ('one', 'whose'): 1, ('whose', 'prominencengives'): 1, ('prominencengives', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'opinions'): 1, ('opinions', 'weight'): 1, ('weight', 'whethernthey'): 1, ('whethernthey', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'right'): 1, ('right', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'my'): 1, ('my', 'neighbours'): 1, ('neighbours', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'different'): 1, ('different', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'advancementnis'): 1, ('advancementnis', 'slow'): 1, ('slow', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'frequently'): 1, ('frequently', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'theynget'): 1, ('theynget', 'hold'): 1, ('hold', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'exploded'): 1, ('exploded', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'afternthe'): 1, ('afternthe', 'explosion'): 1, ('explosion', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'probnabilities'): 1, ('probnabilities', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'thing'): 1, ('thing', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'accepted'): 1, ('accepted', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'anfact'): 1, ('anfact', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'alike'): 1, ('alike', 'innevery'): 1, ('innevery', 'township'): 1, ('township', 'in'): 1, ('land', 'outside'): 1, ('outside', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'centres'): 1, ('centres', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'wherenthe'): 1, ('wherenthe', 'light'): 1, ('light', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'flashes'): 1, ('flashes', 'fromnmind'): 1, ('fromnmind', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'mind'): 1, ('mind', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'human'): 1, ('human', 'conflict'): 1, ('conflict', 'tonreach'): 1, ('tonreach', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'highest'): 1, ('highest', 'round'): 1, ('round', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'laddernit'): 1, ('laddernit', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'astonishing'): 1, ('astonishing', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'live'): 1, ('live', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dienin'): 1, ('dienin', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'age'): 1, ('age', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'know'): 1, ('know', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'earth'): 2, ('earth', 'isnround'): 1, ('isnround', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'houses'): 1, ('houses', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'almost'): 1, ('almost', 'everynfarm'): 1, ('everynfarm', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'kinds'): 1, ('kinds', 'within'): 1, ('within', 'reachnand'): 1, ('reachnand', 'yetseparatelythat'): 1, ('yetseparatelythat', 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'pumpkin'): 1, ('pumpkin', 'pieliesaidnit'): 1, ('pieliesaidnit', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'squash'): 1, ('squash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'best'): 1, ('best', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'getnin'): 1, ('getnin', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'hotel'): 1, ('hotel', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'soup'): 1, ('soup', 'sandwichnafter'): 1, ('sandwichnafter', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'battle'): 1, ('battle', 'the'): 1, ('waiter', 'andni'): 1, ('andni', 'signed'): 1, ('signed', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'armistice'): 1, ('armistice', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'wentnover'): 1, ('wentnover', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'hotel'): 1, ('hotel', 'clerk'): 1, ('clerk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'asked'): 1, ('asked', 'forna'): 1, ('forna', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'with'): 2, ('with', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anbed'): 1, ('anbed', 'i'): 1, ('with', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'bed'): 2, ('bed', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'saidni'): 1, ('saidni', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 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'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 5, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 2, ('measure', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 2, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 4, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, ('costs', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'suit'): 2, ('suit', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'conveyed'): 1, ('conveyed', 'bynsaid'): 1, ('bynsaid', 'mortgage'): 1, ('mortgage', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'be'): 2, ('be', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'apnplied'): 1, ('apnplied', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thu'): 1, ('thu', 'payment'): 1, ('payment', 'of'): 1, ('said', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'notenand'): 1, ('notenand', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'aforesaid'): 1, ('aforesaid', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'costs'): 1, ('suit', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'inncase'): 1, ('inncase', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'ars'): 1, ('ars', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'sufficient'): 1, ('sufficient', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'pay'): 2, ('pay', 'thengraphthen'): 1, ('thengraphthen', 'to'): 1, ('obtain', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'against'): 1, ('against', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'vientor'): 1, ('vientor', 'beaudry'): 1, ('beaudry', 'whois'): 1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'balance'): 1, ('balance', 'remaining'): 1, ('remaining', 'due'): 1, ('due', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'denfendants'): 1, ('denfendants', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'persons'): 1, ('persons', 'claiming'): 1, ('claiming', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'through'): 1, ('through', 'ornunder'): 1, ('ornunder', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'may'): 1, ('be', 'barred'): 1, ('barred', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'foreclosed'): 1, ('foreclosed', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'aiinright'): 1, ('aiinright', 'titleclaim'): 1, ('titleclaim', 'lien'): 1, ('lien', 'equityof'): 1, ('equityof', 'redemption'): 1, ('redemption', 'andninterest'): 1, ('andninterest', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tn'): 1, ('tn', 'stid'): 1, ('stid', 'moitgaged'): 1, ('moitgaged', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'andnfor'): 1, ('andnfor', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'upther'): 1, ('upther', 'relief'): 1, ('relief', 'reference'): 1, ('reference', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, ('tonappear', 'ant'): 1, ('ant', 'answer'): 1, ('answer', 'the'): 1, ('complaint', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'abovenrequired'): 1, ('abovenrequired', 'the'): 1, ('said', 'plaintiffwillapplyto'): 1, ('plaintiffwillapplyto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'courtnfor'): 1, ('courtnfor', 'iherelitf'): 1, ('iherelitf', 'demanded'): 1, ('demanded', 'inthe'): 1, ('inthe', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'complaintngiven'): 1, ('complaintngiven', 'under'): 1, ('under', 'myhand'): 1, ('myhand', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'seal'): 1, ('seal', 'ofthe'): 1, ('ofthe', 'ssid'): 1, ('ssid', 'sunperior'): 1, ('sunperior', 'court'): 1, ('the', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'california'): 1, ('california', 'iaand'): 1, ('iaand', 'fornthe'): 1, ('fornthe', 'county'): 1, ('county', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'los'): 1, ('los', 'angeles'): 1, ('angeles', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'day'): 1, ('of', 'augustnin'): 1, ('augustnin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'year'): 1, ('year', 'of'): 1, ('our', 'lord'): 1, ('lord', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'thousand'): 1, ('thousand', 'eight'): 1, ('eight', 'bunndrcd'): 1, ('bunndrcd', 'and'): 1, ('eightythree', ''): 1, ('', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'useless'): 1, ('useless', 'exhortation'): 1, ('exhortation', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'intelnligent'): 1, ('intelnligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'aiiless'): 1, ('aiiless', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'parnty'): 1, ('parnty', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'resolved'): 1, ('resolved', 'to'): 1, ('secure', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'ends'): 1, ('ends', 'whichnintelligent'): 1, ('whichnintelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'means'): 1, ('means', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'suchnagents'): 1, ('suchnagents', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'intelligent'): 1, ('intelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'respectnthe'): 1, ('respectnthe', 'republicans'): 1, ('republicans', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'essex'): 1, ('essex', 'district'): 1, ('district', 'ofnmassachusetts'): 1, ('ofnmassachusetts', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'select'): 1, ('select', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'likeneneral'): 1, ('likeneneral', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'representativendefeat'): 1, ('representativendefeat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'republican'): 1, ('republican', 'candidates'): 1, ('candidates', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'inndiana'): 1, ('inndiana', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ohio'): 1, ('ohio', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'notnrepublicans'): 1, ('notnrepublicans', 'wlo'): 1, ('wlo', 'insist'): 1, ('insist', 'ujon'): 1, ('ujon', 'honestynand'): 1, ('honestynand', 'principle'): 1, ('principle', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'politics'): 1, ('politics', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'rensponsible'): 1, ('rensponsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'repu'): 1, ('repu', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'ilican'): 1, ('ilican', 'disastersnthe'): 1, ('disastersnthe', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'torpidity'): 1, ('torpidity', 'of'): 1, ('business', 'thenprolonged'): 1, ('thenprolonged', 'confusion'): 1, ('confusion', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'southernnstates'): 1, ('southernnstates', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suspicion'): 1, ('suspicion', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'corruption'): 1, ('corruption', 'andninefficiency'): 1, ('andninefficiency', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'thenhostility'): 1, ('thenhostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'stringent'): 1, ('stringent', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'legisnlation'): 1, ('legisnlation', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'reasons'): 1, ('reasons', 'whichnhave'): 1, ('whichnhave', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'changenwhich'): 1, ('changenwhich', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'elections'): 1, ('elections', 'therenis'): 1, ('therenis', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'one'): 1, ('of', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'complaints'): 1, ('complaints', 'howevernexcept'): 1, ('howevernexcept', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'lawsnwhich'): 1, ('lawsnwhich', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'removed'): 1, ('removed', 'by'): 1, ('a', 'demoncratic'): 1, ('demoncratic', 'restoration'): 1, ('restoration', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'sincere'): 1, ('sincere', 'jealnousy'): 1, ('jealnousy', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'tjie'): 1, ('tjie', 'hatred'): 1, ('hatred', 'thatnsurvives'): 1, ('thatnsurvives', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'war'): 1, ('war', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'hostility'): 1, ('hostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thenprinciples'): 1, ('thenprinciples', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'purpose'): 1, ('purpose', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'newnamendments'): 1, ('newnamendments', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'constitution'): 1, ('constitution', 'thenspirit'): 1, ('thenspirit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'oppression'): 1, ('oppression', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'negro'): 1, ('negro', 'thendesire'): 1, ('thendesire', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'repudiation'): 1, ('repudiation', 'are'): 1, ('all', 'includednin'): 1, ('includednin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'democratic'): 2, ('democratic', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'statesnwhere'): 1, ('statesnwhere', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'old'): 2, ('old', 'spirit'): 1, ('spirit', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'caste'): 1, ('caste', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'bynignorance'): 1, ('bynignorance', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'kind'): 1, ('kind', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'strongest'): 1, ('strongest', 'iunthose'): 1, ('iunthose', 'parts'): 1, ('parts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'thenmost'): 1, ('thenmost', 'backward'): 1, ('backward', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'genneral'): 1, ('genneral', 'development'): 1, ('development', 'the'): 1, ('democratic', 'pari'): 1, ('pari', 'ynis'): 1, ('ynis', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'was'): 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1, ('prefer', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'thecountry'): 1, ('thecountry', 'guardned'): 1, ('guardned', 'by'): 1, ('the', 'spirit'): 1, ('great', 'northwestnand'): 1, ('northwestnand', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'england'): 1, ('england', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'yorknrather'): 1, ('yorknrather', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'tluitof'): 1, ('tluitof', 'the'): 1, ('old', 'bourbonnand'): 1, ('bourbonnand', 'slave'): 1, ('states', ''): 1, ('', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'led'): 1, ('led', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'accept'): 1, ('accept', 'everything'): 1, ('everything', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'readnwith'): 1, ('readnwith', 'a'): 1, ('of', 'distrust'): 1, ('distrust', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'i'): 2, ('i', 'takennothing'): 1, ('takennothing', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'granted'): 1, ('granted', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'comenfrom'): 1, ('comenfrom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'pen'): 1, ('pen', 'of'): 1, ('one', 'whose'): 1, ('whose', 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'anprominent', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'amat', 'recording', 'library', 'scat', 'propeity', 'childrennall', 'tn', 'conducted', 'day', 'whichnhave', 'longer', 'crack', 'familynin', 'obtain', 'school', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'slave', 'houses', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'whethernthey', 'represented', 'select', 'church', 'everything', 'neg¬nligent', 'rate', 'naud', 'light', 'opinions', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'cent', 'hatred', 'attorney', 'soup', 'flashes', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'probnabilities', 'thy', 'between', 'redemption', '\u003c', 'execute', 'andninterest', 'titleclaim', 'more', 'streetsnadd', 'mr', 'thu', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'paidnfrom', 'junen', 'case', 'dozeus', 'rural', 'werentimely', 'exhortation', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 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'costs', 'human', 'getnin', 'teaches', 'party', 'woke', 'all', 'notenand', 'centresnof', 'public', 'particular', 'irreligious', 'sunperior', 'front', 'lllier', 'sincere', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'slow', 'feet', 'essex', 'asale', 'round', 'cotnof', 'concerning', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', 'training', '®nrecords', 'largensenseour', 'through', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'desire', 'mesne', 'seal', 'chil¬ndren', 'temperance', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'ornunder', 'confusion', 'hodtoncomplaint', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'atidnneed', 'brother', 'say', 'maps', 'sheepnwithout', 'large', 'bupreme', 'iaand', 'small', 'they', 'ideal', 'neigh¬nbor', 'inndiana', 'ilican', 'directly', 'colder', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'need', 'priae', 'read', 'against', 'helpnthem', 'complaint', 'barred', 'district', 'orn', 'spirit', 'mortgage', 'sinh', 'make', 'andnsmall', 'cause', 'tbe', 'social', 'six', 'parents', 'assigned', 'industry', 'empirqnstate', 'pains', 'sandwichnafter', 'navy', 'intelligence', 'at', 'signed', 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'codfish'): 1, ('codfish', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'onensmelt'): 1, ('onensmelt', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'said'): 4, ('said', 'waiter'): 1, ('waiter', 'have'): 1, ('you', 'gotnpigs'): 1, ('gotnpigs', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'said'): 3, ('said', 'no'): 2, ('no', 'rheumatismnmakes'): 1, ('rheumatismnmakes', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'walk'): 1, ('walk', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'saldnhow'): 1, ('saldnhow', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'pumpkin'): 1, ('pumpkin', 'pieliesaidnit'): 1, ('pieliesaidnit', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'squash'): 1, ('squash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'best'): 1, ('best', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'getnin'): 1, ('getnin', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'hotel'): 1, ('hotel', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'soup'): 1, ('soup', 'sandwichnafter'): 1, ('sandwichnafter', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'battle'): 1, ('battle', 'the'): 1, ('waiter', 'andni'): 1, ('andni', 'signed'): 1, ('signed', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'armistice'): 1, ('armistice', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'wentnover'): 1, ('wentnover', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'hotel'): 1, ('hotel', 'clerk'): 1, ('clerk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'asked'): 1, ('asked', 'forna'): 1, ('forna', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'with'): 2, ('with', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anbed'): 1, ('anbed', 'i'): 1, ('with', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'bed'): 2, ('bed', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'saidni'): 1, ('saidni', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'a'): 2, ('bed', 'longnenough'): 1, ('longnenough', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'i'): 1, ('said', 'well'): 1, ('well', 'illnaddtwo'): 1, ('illnaddtwo', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe'): 1, ('feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'gave'): 1, ('gave', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'lovely'): 1, ('lovely', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thentop'): 1, ('thentop', 'floor'): 1, ('floor', 'it'): 1, ('was', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'of'): 3, ('of', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'roomsnthat'): 1, ('roomsnthat', 'stands'): 1, ('stands', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'younhappen'): 1, ('younhappen', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'get'): 1, ('get', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'in'): 2, ('the', 'middle'): 2, ('middle', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'want'): 1, ('want', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'sure'): 1, ('sure', 'andnget'): 1, ('andnget', 'up'): 1, ('middle', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 26, ('the', 'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 5, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 2, ('measure', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 2, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 4, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, ('costs', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'suit'): 2, ('suit', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'conveyed'): 1, ('conveyed', 'bynsaid'): 1, ('bynsaid', 'mortgage'): 1, ('mortgage', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'be'): 2, ('be', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'apnplied'): 1, ('apnplied', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thu'): 1, ('thu', 'payment'): 1, ('payment', 'of'): 1, ('said', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'notenand'): 1, ('notenand', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'aforesaid'): 1, ('aforesaid', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'costs'): 1, ('suit', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'inncase'): 1, ('inncase', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'ars'): 1, ('ars', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'sufficient'): 1, ('sufficient', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'pay'): 2, ('pay', 'thengraphthen'): 1, ('thengraphthen', 'to'): 1, ('obtain', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'against'): 1, ('against', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'vientor'): 1, ('vientor', 'beaudry'): 1, ('beaudry', 'whois'): 1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'balance'): 1, ('balance', 'remaining'): 1, ('remaining', 'due'): 1, ('due', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'denfendants'): 1, ('denfendants', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'persons'): 1, ('persons', 'claiming'): 1, ('claiming', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'through'): 1, ('through', 'ornunder'): 1, ('ornunder', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'may'): 1, ('be', 'barred'): 1, ('barred', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'foreclosed'): 1, ('foreclosed', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'aiinright'): 1, ('aiinright', 'titleclaim'): 1, ('titleclaim', 'lien'): 1, ('lien', 'equityof'): 1, ('equityof', 'redemption'): 1, ('redemption', 'andninterest'): 1, ('andninterest', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tn'): 1, ('tn', 'stid'): 1, ('stid', 'moitgaged'): 1, ('moitgaged', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'andnfor'): 1, ('andnfor', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'upther'): 1, ('upther', 'relief'): 1, ('relief', 'reference'): 1, ('reference', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, ('tonappear', 'ant'): 1, ('ant', 'answer'): 1, ('answer', 'the'): 1, ('complaint', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'abovenrequired'): 1, ('abovenrequired', 'the'): 1, ('said', 'plaintiffwillapplyto'): 1, ('plaintiffwillapplyto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'courtnfor'): 1, ('courtnfor', 'iherelitf'): 1, ('iherelitf', 'demanded'): 1, ('demanded', 'inthe'): 1, ('inthe', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'complaintngiven'): 1, ('complaintngiven', 'under'): 1, ('under', 'myhand'): 1, ('myhand', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'seal'): 1, ('seal', 'ofthe'): 1, ('ofthe', 'ssid'): 1, ('ssid', 'sunperior'): 1, ('sunperior', 'court'): 1, ('the', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'california'): 1, ('california', 'iaand'): 1, ('iaand', 'fornthe'): 1, ('fornthe', 'county'): 1, ('county', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'los'): 1, ('los', 'angeles'): 1, ('angeles', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'day'): 1, ('of', 'augustnin'): 1, ('augustnin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'year'): 1, ('year', 'of'): 1, ('our', 'lord'): 1, ('lord', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'thousand'): 1, ('thousand', 'eight'): 1, ('eight', 'bunndrcd'): 1, ('bunndrcd', 'and'): 1, ('eightythree', ''): 1, ('', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'useless'): 1, ('useless', 'exhortation'): 1, ('exhortation', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'intelnligent'): 1, ('intelnligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'aiiless'): 1, ('aiiless', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'parnty'): 1, ('parnty', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'resolved'): 1, ('resolved', 'to'): 1, ('secure', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'ends'): 1, ('ends', 'whichnintelligent'): 1, ('whichnintelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'means'): 1, ('means', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'suchnagents'): 1, ('suchnagents', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'intelligent'): 1, ('intelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'respectnthe'): 1, ('respectnthe', 'republicans'): 1, ('republicans', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'essex'): 1, ('essex', 'district'): 1, ('district', 'ofnmassachusetts'): 1, ('ofnmassachusetts', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'select'): 1, ('select', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'likeneneral'): 1, ('likeneneral', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'representativendefeat'): 1, ('representativendefeat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'republican'): 1, ('republican', 'candidates'): 1, ('candidates', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'inndiana'): 1, ('inndiana', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ohio'): 1, ('ohio', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'notnrepublicans'): 1, ('notnrepublicans', 'wlo'): 1, ('wlo', 'insist'): 1, ('insist', 'ujon'): 1, ('ujon', 'honestynand'): 1, ('honestynand', 'principle'): 1, ('principle', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'politics'): 1, ('politics', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'rensponsible'): 1, ('rensponsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'repu'): 1, ('repu', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'ilican'): 1, ('ilican', 'disastersnthe'): 1, ('disastersnthe', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'torpidity'): 1, ('torpidity', 'of'): 1, ('business', 'thenprolonged'): 1, ('thenprolonged', 'confusion'): 1, ('confusion', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'southernnstates'): 1, ('southernnstates', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suspicion'): 1, ('suspicion', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'corruption'): 1, ('corruption', 'andninefficiency'): 1, ('andninefficiency', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'thenhostility'): 1, ('thenhostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'stringent'): 1, ('stringent', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'legisnlation'): 1, ('legisnlation', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'reasons'): 1, ('reasons', 'whichnhave'): 1, ('whichnhave', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'changenwhich'): 1, ('changenwhich', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'elections'): 1, ('elections', 'therenis'): 1, ('therenis', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'one'): 1, ('of', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'complaints'): 1, ('complaints', 'howevernexcept'): 1, ('howevernexcept', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'lawsnwhich'): 1, ('lawsnwhich', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'removed'): 1, ('removed', 'by'): 1, ('a', 'demoncratic'): 1, ('demoncratic', 'restoration'): 1, ('restoration', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'sincere'): 1, ('sincere', 'jealnousy'): 1, ('jealnousy', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'tjie'): 1, ('tjie', 'hatred'): 1, ('hatred', 'thatnsurvives'): 1, ('thatnsurvives', 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'a'): 1, ('a', 'dividing'): 1, ('dividing', 'partition'): 1, ('partition', 'thenroom'): 1, ('thenroom', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'filled'): 1, ('filled', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'array'): 1, ('array', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'curnious'): 1, ('curnious', 'things'): 1, ('things', 'maps'): 1, ('maps', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'wherenglobes'): 1, ('wherenglobes', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'earthnrepresented'): 1, ('earthnrepresented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'dozeus'): 1, ('dozeus', 'of'): 1, ('wonderfulnshapes', ''): 1, ('the', 'wool'): 1, ('wool', 'circulars'): 1, ('circulars', 'alluded'): 1, ('alluded', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'arenthose'): 1, ('arenthose', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'give'): 1, ('give', 'the'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['the', 'quotations', 'sidenby'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'lawsnwhich', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'instruct', 'being', 'till', 'andnfor', 'from', 'partcularanand', 'massachusetts', 'shepherd', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'andnwould', 'patriotic', 'complaints', 'england', 'get', 'centres', 'likeneneral', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'alike', 'ridiculousnduring', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'mortngage', 'relnjsiatf', 'andninefficiency', 'tjie', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'county', 'nin', 'month', 'alluded', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'edward', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'anprominent', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'amat', 'recording', 'library', 'scat', 'propeity', 'childrennall', 'tn', 'conducted', 'day', 'whichnhave', 'longer', 'crack', 'familynin', 'obtain', 'school', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'slave', 'houses', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'whethernthey', 'represented', 'select', 'church', 'everything', 'neg¬nligent', 'rate', 'naud', 'light', 'opinions', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'cent', 'hatred', 'attorney', 'soup', 'flashes', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'probnabilities', 'thy', 'between', 'redemption', '\u003c', 'execute', 'andninterest', 'titleclaim', 'more', 'streetsnadd', 'mr', 'thu', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'paidnfrom', 'junen', 'case', 'dozeus', 'rural', 'werentimely', 'exhortation', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'certain', 'vientor', 'kenntucky', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'quarter', 'ofnthis', 'whichnintelligent', 'thatnsurvives', 'thenmost', 'eight', 'politics', 'ofthe', 'never', 'thenspirit', 'abovenrequired', 'newnamendments', 'outside', 'los', 'gotnone', 'myhand', 'see', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'my', 'action', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'compounded', 'tongetupat', 'spiritualnwaifs', 'representativendefeat', 'november', 'right', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'distinctivelyndemocratic', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'courtnfor', 'has', 'entry', 'both', 'unnless', 'on', 'restoration', 'service', 'equator', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'includednin', 'benbad', 'governnments', 'st', 'due', 'nad', 'lit¬ntle', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'anresponsibility', 'augustnin', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'thousand', 'anfact', 'wenwere', 'costs', 'human', 'getnin', 'teaches', 'party', 'woke', 'all', 'notenand', 'centresnof', 'public', 'particular', 'irreligious', 'sunperior', 'front', 'lllier', 'sincere', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'slow', 'feet', 'essex', 'asale', 'round', 'cotnof', 'concerning', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', 'training', '®nrecords', 'largensenseour', 'through', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'desire', 'mesne', 'seal', 'chil¬ndren', 'temperance', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'ornunder', 'confusion', 'hodtoncomplaint', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'atidnneed', 'brother', 'say', 'maps', 'sheepnwithout', 'large', 'bupreme', 'iaand', 'small', 'they', 'ideal', 'neigh¬nbor', 'inndiana', 'ilican', 'directly', 'colder', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'need', 'priae', 'read', 'against', 'helpnthem', 'complaint', 'barred', 'district', 'orn', 'spirit', 'mortgage', 'sinh', 'make', 'andnsmall', 'cause', 'tbe', 'social', 'six', 'parents', 'assigned', 'industry', 'empirqnstate', 'pains', 'sandwichnafter', 'navy', 'intelligence', 'at', 'signed', 'innevery', 'jesse', 'hair', 'stringent', 'wentnover', 'parts', 'used', 'ojnof', 'togethor', 'busy', 'been', 'claimed', 'silvered', 'ate', 'immediatenproblems', 'aptors', 'andnthe', 'senatorial', 'andntheir', 'not', 'tasked', 'applicationnof', 'one', 'development', 'may', 'deteriorate', 'supreme', 'table', 'reflections', 'pealed', 'shown', '|artit', 'purchasernbearing', 'foreclosure', 'premises', 'northwestnand', 'boot', 'sold', 'said', 'family', 'within', 'thenrepublican', 'honestynand', 'repudiation', 'students', 'senate', 'inviunsuch', 'whatnshall', 'thecountry', 'themna', 'gnto', 'l', 'catalogues', 'amernican', 'eightythree', 'tried', 'urt', 'southernnstates', 'thenother', 'ofnmassachusetts', 'prevent', 'democratic', 'can', 'notes', 'secretary', 'promissory', 'longnenough', 'wonderfulnshapes', 'decree', 'under', 'ownnwho', 'sujk', 'bentough', 'nno', 'clerk', 'keeper', 'stid', 'outset', 'so', 'every', 'them', 'deiree', 'enlightened', 'sitl', 'up', 'slidingncurtain', 'ynis', 'perspective', 'oclock', 'tothis', 'comenfrom', 'rensponsible', 'montion', 'broughtnit', 'sabbathnschool', 'exactly', 'onensmelt', 'apiw', 'ruahnand', 'ot', 'therenis', 'weight', 'remind', 'andecree', 'notnrepublicans', 'connducted', 'upther', 'innocent', 'removed', 'goodnsamaritan', 'five', 'adjudication', 'cakes', 'ves', 'ail', 'lkofvaluable', 'aiinright', 'pari', 'dienin', 'was', 'good', 'as', '|nized', 'end', 'though', 'of', 'thenithday', 'jealnousy', 'distribution', 'while', 'express', 'thncause', 'hotternit', 'chfl¬ndren', 'own', 'nte', 'principle', 'suchnagents', 'duties', 'whose', 'payment', 'suu', 'understand', 'sure', 'esieeis', 'neighbors', 'by', 'awfulnheadache', 'to', 'electorate', 'intelligent', 'bananasnthey', 'prominencengives', 'deceasednto', 'lot', 'example', 'kinds', 'nownwe', 'havenno', 'enterprisenand', 'dominant', 'risk', 'middle', 'any', 'centnper', 'elections', 'folio', 'your', 'ho', 'place', 'relationship', 'terms', 'author', 'occupied', 'constitution', 'manager', 'atnthe', 'way', 'tonreach', 'hostility', 'pubi', 'court', 'left', 'george', 'north', 'business', 'flatts', 'eflort', 'paynment', 'complaintngiven', 'he', 'changenwhich', 'conveyed', 'also', 'ortwo', 'marshal', 'brought', 'accustomed', 'practicalnly', 'vain', 'stage', 'caste', 'per', 'first', 'earthnrepresented', 'national', 'frolume', 'making', 'soldjnterms', '|amount', 'ex¬npenses', 'andnmarj', 'chhndren', 'arenin', 'fornthe', 'iowanand', 'array', 'courts', 'circulars', 'something', 'next', 'this', 'other', 'auctioneers', 'reference', 'man', 'statesnwhere', 'yandntor', 'room', 'isigovemed', 'abou', 'arenalso', 'actually', 'her', 'different', 'very', 'complied', 'relief', 'heard', 'cash', 'linesnfor', 'neighbours', 'bed', 'residue', 'oppression', 'seq', 'twelve', 'saidni', 'apnplied', 'balance', 'tire', 'forna', 'offices', 'shall', 'lie', 'innchristian', 'existingnbetween', 'somewhere', 'defaulting', 'civilization', 'thenroom', 'train', 'country', 'declared', 'new', 'knowledge', 'that', 'let', 'helpless', 'd', 'books', 'intelnligent', 'california', 'dividing', 'circulate', 'herenall', 'armistice', 'hag', 'fur', 'then', 'parnty', 'atnone', 'answer', 'genneral', 'ou', 'assign', 'dreamt', 'road', 'lambs', 'for', 'unitened', 'thnfoundiy', 'war', 'figures', 'cost', 'wool', 'such', 'gross', 'it', 'denfendants', 'august', 'kind', 'nowherenhe', 'sulidivlded', 'wherenglobes', 'ainum', 'dis|m', 'those', 'menuwu', 'determine', 'plainntiff', 'skidnwaiter', 'sum', 'appeals', 'etist', 'question', 'attic', 'goodnthings', 'years', 'theynget', 'younfcavo', 'be', 'fine', 'trust', 'secured', 'order', 'because', 'hear', 'sufficient', 'godnthought', 'township', 'wherenthe', 'orninfluence', 'conflict', 'secure', 'ofnoperate', 'nwe', 'advancementnis', 'advice', 'cannhelp', 'when', 'gone', 'ujon', 'value', 'thentale', 'got', 'astonishing', 'fefnsale', 'think', 'full', 'wo', '+henbrought', 'give', 'side', 'noticento', 'accept', 'somonmental', 'ceitihcate', 'thenprolonged', 'equityof', 'extended', 'crdlecting', 'gave', 'told', 'suit', 'agent', 'anshepherd', 'mb', 'pieliesaidnit', 'lovely', 'two', 'in', 'open', 'live', 'earth', 'had', 'thirty', 'thought', 'younhappen', 'pv', 'friday', 'nationally', 'maryland', 'measure', 'northwestnby', 'purpose', 'semiannually', 'a', 'g', 'where', 'slidellnthat', 'ndell', 'if', 'night', 'tull', 'bynsaid', 'yetseparatelythat', 'word', 'howevernexcept', 'arguednthat', 'steaks', 'iigree', 'thenbreakfast', 'compannies', 'repu', 'believe', 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'longnenough'): 1, ('longnenough', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'i'): 1, ('said', 'well'): 1, ('well', 'illnaddtwo'): 1, ('illnaddtwo', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe'): 1, ('feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'gave'): 1, ('gave', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'lovely'): 1, ('lovely', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thentop'): 1, ('thentop', 'floor'): 1, ('floor', 'it'): 1, ('was', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'of'): 3, ('of', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'roomsnthat'): 1, ('roomsnthat', 'stands'): 1, ('stands', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'younhappen'): 1, ('younhappen', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'get'): 1, ('get', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'in'): 2, ('the', 'middle'): 2, ('middle', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'want'): 1, ('want', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'sure'): 1, ('sure', 'andnget'): 1, ('andnget', 'up'): 1, ('middle', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 26, ('the', 'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 5, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 2, ('measure', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, 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'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 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1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 4, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, 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'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, 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'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, ('costs', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'suit'): 2, ('suit', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'conveyed'): 1, ('conveyed', 'bynsaid'): 1, ('bynsaid', 'mortgage'): 1, ('mortgage', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'be'): 2, ('be', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'apnplied'): 1, ('apnplied', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thu'): 1, ('thu', 'payment'): 1, ('payment', 'of'): 1, ('said', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'notenand'): 1, ('notenand', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'aforesaid'): 1, ('aforesaid', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'costs'): 1, ('suit', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'inncase'): 1, ('inncase', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'ars'): 1, ('ars', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'sufficient'): 1, ('sufficient', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'pay'): 2, ('pay', 'thengraphthen'): 1, ('thengraphthen', 'to'): 1, ('obtain', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'against'): 1, ('against', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'vientor'): 1, ('vientor', 'beaudry'): 1, ('beaudry', 'whois'): 1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'balance'): 1, ('balance', 'remaining'): 1, ('remaining', 'due'): 1, ('due', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'denfendants'): 1, ('denfendants', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'persons'): 1, ('persons', 'claiming'): 1, ('claiming', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'through'): 1, ('through', 'ornunder'): 1, ('ornunder', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'may'): 1, ('be', 'barred'): 1, ('barred', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'foreclosed'): 1, ('foreclosed', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'aiinright'): 1, ('aiinright', 'titleclaim'): 1, ('titleclaim', 'lien'): 1, ('lien', 'equityof'): 1, ('equityof', 'redemption'): 1, ('redemption', 'andninterest'): 1, ('andninterest', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tn'): 1, ('tn', 'stid'): 1, ('stid', 'moitgaged'): 1, ('moitgaged', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'andnfor'): 1, ('andnfor', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'upther'): 1, ('upther', 'relief'): 1, ('relief', 'reference'): 1, ('reference', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, 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'township'): 1, ('township', 'in'): 1, ('land', 'outside'): 1, ('outside', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'centres'): 1, ('centres', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'wherenthe'): 1, ('wherenthe', 'light'): 1, ('light', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'flashes'): 1, ('flashes', 'fromnmind'): 1, ('fromnmind', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'mind'): 1, ('mind', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'human'): 1, ('human', 'conflict'): 1, ('conflict', 'tonreach'): 1, ('tonreach', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'highest'): 1, ('highest', 'round'): 1, ('round', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'laddernit'): 1, ('laddernit', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'astonishing'): 1, ('astonishing', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'live'): 1, ('live', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dienin'): 1, ('dienin', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'age'): 1, ('age', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'know'): 1, ('know', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'earth'): 2, ('earth', 'isnround'): 1, ('isnround', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'houses'): 1, ('houses', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'almost'): 1, ('almost', 'everynfarm'): 1, ('everynfarm', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'kinds'): 1, ('kinds', 'within'): 1, ('within', 'reachnand'): 1, ('reachnand', 'yetseparatelythat'): 1, ('yetseparatelythat', 'the'): 1, ('earth', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'montion'): 1, ('montion', 'aday'): 1, ('aday', 'ortwo'): 1, ('ortwo', 'agoitalked'): 1, ('agoitalked', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'anprominent'): 1, ('anprominent', 'attorney'): 1, ('attorney', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'andnwould'): 1, ('andnwould', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'believe'): 1, ('believe', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'actually'): 1, ('actually', 'arguednthat'): 1, ('arguednthat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'farther'): 1, ('farther', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'go'): 1, ('go', 'south'): 1, ('south', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'hotternit'): 1, ('hotternit', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'exactly'): 1, ('exactly', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'further'): 1, ('further', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'younwent'): 1, 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'wool'): 1, ('wool', 'circulars'): 1, ('circulars', 'alluded'): 1, ('alluded', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'arenthose'): 1, ('arenthose', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'give'): 1, ('give', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'quotations'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['quotations', 'sidenby', 'side'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'lawsnwhich', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'instruct', 'being', 'till', 'andnfor', 'from', 'partcularanand', 'massachusetts', 'shepherd', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'andnwould', 'patriotic', 'complaints', 'england', 'get', 'centres', 'likeneneral', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'alike', 'ridiculousnduring', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'mortngage', 'relnjsiatf', 'andninefficiency', 'tjie', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'county', 'nin', 'month', 'alluded', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'edward', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'anprominent', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'amat', 'recording', 'library', 'scat', 'propeity', 'childrennall', 'tn', 'conducted', 'day', 'whichnhave', 'longer', 'crack', 'familynin', 'obtain', 'school', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'slave', 'houses', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'whethernthey', 'represented', 'select', 'church', 'everything', 'neg¬nligent', 'rate', 'naud', 'light', 'opinions', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'cent', 'hatred', 'attorney', 'soup', 'flashes', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'probnabilities', 'thy', 'between', 'redemption', '\u003c', 'execute', 'andninterest', 'titleclaim', 'more', 'streetsnadd', 'mr', 'thu', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'paidnfrom', 'junen', 'case', 'dozeus', 'rural', 'werentimely', 'exhortation', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'certain', 'vientor', 'kenntucky', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'quarter', 'ofnthis', 'whichnintelligent', 'thatnsurvives', 'thenmost', 'eight', 'politics', 'ofthe', 'never', 'thenspirit', 'abovenrequired', 'newnamendments', 'outside', 'los', 'gotnone', 'myhand', 'see', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'my', 'action', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'compounded', 'tongetupat', 'spiritualnwaifs', 'representativendefeat', 'november', 'right', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'distinctivelyndemocratic', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'courtnfor', 'has', 'entry', 'both', 'unnless', 'on', 'restoration', 'service', 'equator', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'includednin', 'benbad', 'governnments', 'st', 'due', 'nad', 'lit¬ntle', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'anresponsibility', 'augustnin', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'thousand', 'anfact', 'wenwere', 'costs', 'human', 'getnin', 'teaches', 'party', 'woke', 'all', 'notenand', 'centresnof', 'public', 'particular', 'irreligious', 'sunperior', 'front', 'lllier', 'sincere', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'slow', 'feet', 'essex', 'asale', 'round', 'cotnof', 'concerning', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', 'training', '®nrecords', 'largensenseour', 'through', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'desire', 'mesne', 'seal', 'chil¬ndren', 'temperance', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'ornunder', 'confusion', 'hodtoncomplaint', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'atidnneed', 'brother', 'say', 'maps', 'sheepnwithout', 'large', 'bupreme', 'iaand', 'small', 'they', 'ideal', 'neigh¬nbor', 'inndiana', 'ilican', 'directly', 'colder', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'need', 'priae', 'read', 'against', 'helpnthem', 'complaint', 'barred', 'district', 'orn', 'spirit', 'mortgage', 'sinh', 'make', 'andnsmall', 'cause', 'tbe', 'social', 'six', 'parents', 'assigned', 'industry', 'empirqnstate', 'pains', 'sandwichnafter', 'navy', 'intelligence', 'at', 'signed', 'innevery', 'jesse', 'hair', 'stringent', 'wentnover', 'parts', 'used', 'ojnof', 'togethor', 'busy', 'been', 'claimed', 'silvered', 'ate', 'immediatenproblems', 'aptors', 'andnthe', 'senatorial', 'andntheir', 'not', 'tasked', 'applicationnof', 'one', 'development', 'may', 'deteriorate', 'supreme', 'table', 'reflections', 'pealed', 'shown', '|artit', 'purchasernbearing', 'foreclosure', 'premises', 'northwestnand', 'boot', 'sold', 'said', 'family', 'within', 'thenrepublican', 'honestynand', 'repudiation', 'students', 'senate', 'inviunsuch', 'whatnshall', 'thecountry', 'themna', 'gnto', 'l', 'catalogues', 'amernican', 'eightythree', 'tried', 'urt', 'southernnstates', 'thenother', 'ofnmassachusetts', 'prevent', 'democratic', 'can', 'notes', 'secretary', 'promissory', 'longnenough', 'wonderfulnshapes', 'decree', 'under', 'ownnwho', 'sujk', 'bentough', 'nno', 'clerk', 'keeper', 'stid', 'outset', 'so', 'every', 'them', 'deiree', 'enlightened', 'sitl', 'up', 'slidingncurtain', 'ynis', 'perspective', 'oclock', 'tothis', 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'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, 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1, ('moitgaged', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'andnfor'): 1, ('andnfor', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'upther'): 1, ('upther', 'relief'): 1, ('relief', 'reference'): 1, ('reference', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, ('tonappear', 'ant'): 1, ('ant', 'answer'): 1, ('answer', 'the'): 1, ('complaint', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'abovenrequired'): 1, ('abovenrequired', 'the'): 1, ('said', 'plaintiffwillapplyto'): 1, ('plaintiffwillapplyto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'courtnfor'): 1, ('courtnfor', 'iherelitf'): 1, ('iherelitf', 'demanded'): 1, ('demanded', 'inthe'): 1, ('inthe', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'complaintngiven'): 1, ('complaintngiven', 'under'): 1, ('under', 'myhand'): 1, ('myhand', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'seal'): 1, ('seal', 'ofthe'): 1, ('ofthe', 'ssid'): 1, ('ssid', 'sunperior'): 1, ('sunperior', 'court'): 1, ('the', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'california'): 1, ('california', 'iaand'): 1, ('iaand', 'fornthe'): 1, ('fornthe', 'county'): 1, ('county', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'los'): 1, ('los', 'angeles'): 1, ('angeles', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'day'): 1, ('of', 'augustnin'): 1, ('augustnin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'year'): 1, ('year', 'of'): 1, ('our', 'lord'): 1, ('lord', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'thousand'): 1, ('thousand', 'eight'): 1, ('eight', 'bunndrcd'): 1, ('bunndrcd', 'and'): 1, ('eightythree', ''): 1, ('', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'useless'): 1, ('useless', 'exhortation'): 1, ('exhortation', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'intelnligent'): 1, ('intelnligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'aiiless'): 1, ('aiiless', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'parnty'): 1, ('parnty', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'resolved'): 1, ('resolved', 'to'): 1, ('secure', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'ends'): 1, ('ends', 'whichnintelligent'): 1, ('whichnintelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'means'): 1, ('means', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'suchnagents'): 1, ('suchnagents', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'intelligent'): 1, ('intelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'respectnthe'): 1, ('respectnthe', 'republicans'): 1, ('republicans', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'essex'): 1, ('essex', 'district'): 1, ('district', 'ofnmassachusetts'): 1, ('ofnmassachusetts', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'select'): 1, ('select', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'likeneneral'): 1, ('likeneneral', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'representativendefeat'): 1, ('representativendefeat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'republican'): 1, ('republican', 'candidates'): 1, ('candidates', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'inndiana'): 1, ('inndiana', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ohio'): 1, ('ohio', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'notnrepublicans'): 1, ('notnrepublicans', 'wlo'): 1, ('wlo', 'insist'): 1, ('insist', 'ujon'): 1, ('ujon', 'honestynand'): 1, ('honestynand', 'principle'): 1, ('principle', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'politics'): 1, ('politics', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'rensponsible'): 1, ('rensponsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'repu'): 1, ('repu', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'ilican'): 1, ('ilican', 'disastersnthe'): 1, ('disastersnthe', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'torpidity'): 1, ('torpidity', 'of'): 1, ('business', 'thenprolonged'): 1, ('thenprolonged', 'confusion'): 1, ('confusion', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'southernnstates'): 1, ('southernnstates', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suspicion'): 1, ('suspicion', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'corruption'): 1, ('corruption', 'andninefficiency'): 1, ('andninefficiency', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'thenhostility'): 1, ('thenhostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'stringent'): 1, ('stringent', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'legisnlation'): 1, ('legisnlation', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'reasons'): 1, ('reasons', 'whichnhave'): 1, ('whichnhave', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'changenwhich'): 1, ('changenwhich', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'elections'): 1, ('elections', 'therenis'): 1, ('therenis', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'one'): 1, ('of', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'complaints'): 1, ('complaints', 'howevernexcept'): 1, ('howevernexcept', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'lawsnwhich'): 1, ('lawsnwhich', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'removed'): 1, ('removed', 'by'): 1, ('a', 'demoncratic'): 1, ('demoncratic', 'restoration'): 1, ('restoration', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'sincere'): 1, ('sincere', 'jealnousy'): 1, ('jealnousy', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'tjie'): 1, ('tjie', 'hatred'): 1, ('hatred', 'thatnsurvives'): 1, ('thatnsurvives', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'war'): 1, ('war', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'hostility'): 1, ('hostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thenprinciples'): 1, ('thenprinciples', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'purpose'): 1, ('purpose', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'newnamendments'): 1, ('newnamendments', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'constitution'): 1, ('constitution', 'thenspirit'): 1, ('thenspirit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'oppression'): 1, ('oppression', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'negro'): 1, ('negro', 'thendesire'): 1, ('thendesire', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'repudiation'): 1, ('repudiation', 'are'): 1, ('all', 'includednin'): 1, ('includednin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'democratic'): 2, ('democratic', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'statesnwhere'): 1, ('statesnwhere', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'old'): 2, ('old', 'spirit'): 1, ('spirit', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'caste'): 1, ('caste', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'bynignorance'): 1, ('bynignorance', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'kind'): 1, ('kind', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'strongest'): 1, ('strongest', 'iunthose'): 1, ('iunthose', 'parts'): 1, ('parts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'thenmost'): 1, ('thenmost', 'backward'): 1, ('backward', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'genneral'): 1, ('genneral', 'development'): 1, ('development', 'the'): 1, ('democratic', 'pari'): 1, ('pari', 'ynis'): 1, ('ynis', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'more'): 1, ('more', 'powerfulntnan'): 1, ('powerfulntnan', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'opponent'): 1, ('opponent', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'great'): 2, ('great', 'centresnof'): 1, ('centresnof', 'intelligence'): 1, ('intelligence', 'industry'): 1, ('industry', 'enterprisenand'): 1, ('enterprisenand', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'advancing'): 1, ('advancing', 'social'): 1, ('social', 'condition'): 1, ('condition', 'thenrepublican'): 1, ('thenrepublican', 'party'): 1, ('is', 'dominant'): 1, ('dominant', 'kenntucky'): 1, ('kenntucky', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'maryland'): 1, ('maryland', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'distinctivelyndemocratic'): 1, ('distinctivelyndemocratic', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'massachusetts'): 1, ('massachusetts', 'iowanand'): 1, ('iowanand', 'rural'): 1, ('rural', 'new'): 1, ('york', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'republicannevery'): 1, ('republicannevery', 'patriotic'): 1, ('patriotic', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'enlightened'): 1, ('enlightened', 'amernican'): 1, ('amernican', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'prefer'): 1, ('prefer', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'thecountry'): 1, ('thecountry', 'guardned'): 1, ('guardned', 'by'): 1, ('the', 'spirit'): 1, ('great', 'northwestnand'): 1, ('northwestnand', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'england'): 1, ('england', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'yorknrather'): 1, ('yorknrather', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'tluitof'): 1, ('tluitof', 'the'): 1, ('old', 'bourbonnand'): 1, ('bourbonnand', 'slave'): 1, ('states', ''): 1, ('', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'led'): 1, ('led', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'accept'): 1, ('accept', 'everything'): 1, ('everything', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'readnwith'): 1, ('readnwith', 'a'): 1, ('of', 'distrust'): 1, ('distrust', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'i'): 2, ('i', 'takennothing'): 1, ('takennothing', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'granted'): 1, ('granted', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'comenfrom'): 1, ('comenfrom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'pen'): 1, ('pen', 'of'): 1, ('one', 'whose'): 1, ('whose', 'prominencengives'): 1, ('prominencengives', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'opinions'): 1, ('opinions', 'weight'): 1, ('weight', 'whethernthey'): 1, ('whethernthey', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'right'): 1, ('right', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'my'): 1, ('my', 'neighbours'): 1, ('neighbours', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'different'): 1, ('different', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'advancementnis'): 1, ('advancementnis', 'slow'): 1, ('slow', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'frequently'): 1, ('frequently', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'theynget'): 1, ('theynget', 'hold'): 1, ('hold', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'exploded'): 1, ('exploded', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'afternthe'): 1, ('afternthe', 'explosion'): 1, ('explosion', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'probnabilities'): 1, ('probnabilities', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'thing'): 1, ('thing', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'accepted'): 1, ('accepted', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'anfact'): 1, ('anfact', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'alike'): 1, ('alike', 'innevery'): 1, ('innevery', 'township'): 1, ('township', 'in'): 1, ('land', 'outside'): 1, ('outside', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'centres'): 1, ('centres', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'wherenthe'): 1, ('wherenthe', 'light'): 1, ('light', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'flashes'): 1, ('flashes', 'fromnmind'): 1, ('fromnmind', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'mind'): 1, ('mind', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'human'): 1, ('human', 'conflict'): 1, ('conflict', 'tonreach'): 1, ('tonreach', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'highest'): 1, ('highest', 'round'): 1, ('round', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'laddernit'): 1, ('laddernit', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'astonishing'): 1, ('astonishing', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'live'): 1, ('live', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dienin'): 1, ('dienin', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'age'): 1, ('age', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'know'): 1, ('know', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'earth'): 2, ('earth', 'isnround'): 1, ('isnround', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'houses'): 1, ('houses', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'almost'): 1, ('almost', 'everynfarm'): 1, ('everynfarm', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'kinds'): 1, ('kinds', 'within'): 1, ('within', 'reachnand'): 1, ('reachnand', 'yetseparatelythat'): 1, ('yetseparatelythat', 'the'): 1, ('earth', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'montion'): 1, ('montion', 'aday'): 1, ('aday', 'ortwo'): 1, ('ortwo', 'agoitalked'): 1, ('agoitalked', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'anprominent'): 1, ('anprominent', 'attorney'): 1, ('attorney', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'andnwould'): 1, ('andnwould', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'believe'): 1, ('believe', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'actually'): 1, ('actually', 'arguednthat'): 1, ('arguednthat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'farther'): 1, ('farther', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'go'): 1, ('go', 'south'): 1, ('south', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'hotternit'): 1, ('hotternit', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'exactly'): 1, ('exactly', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'further'): 1, ('further', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'younwent'): 1, ('younwent', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'colder'): 1, ('colder', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'ridiculousnduring'): 1, ('ridiculousnduring', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'busy'): 1, ('busy', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'benbad'): 1, ('benbad', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'paused'): 1, ('paused', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'applicationnof'): 1, ('applicationnof', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'practicalnly'): 1, ('practicalnly', 'understand'): 1, ('understand', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'relationship'): 1, ('relationship', 'existingnbetween'): 1, ('existingnbetween', 'the'): 1, ('north', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'south'): 1, ('south', 'polesnthe'): 1, ('polesnthe', 'equator'): 1, ('equator', 'aud'): 1, ('aud', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suu'): 1, ('suu', 'nwe'): 1, ('nwe', 'came'): 1, ('came', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'house'): 1, ('house', 'and'): 1, ('was', 'connducted'): 1, ('connducted', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'fitted'): 1, ('fitted', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'atnone'): 1, ('atnone', 'end'): 1, ('end', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'library'): 1, ('library', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'thenother'): 1, ('thenother', 'for'): 1, ('a', 'workshop'): 1, ('workshop', 'with'): 1, ('a', 'slidingncurtain'): 1, ('slidingncurtain', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'dividing'): 1, ('dividing', 'partition'): 1, ('partition', 'thenroom'): 1, ('thenroom', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'filled'): 1, ('filled', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'array'): 1, ('array', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'curnious'): 1, ('curnious', 'things'): 1, ('things', 'maps'): 1, ('maps', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'wherenglobes'): 1, ('wherenglobes', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'earthnrepresented'): 1, ('earthnrepresented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'dozeus'): 1, ('dozeus', 'of'): 1, ('wonderfulnshapes', ''): 1, ('the', 'wool'): 1, ('wool', 'circulars'): 1, ('circulars', 'alluded'): 1, ('alluded', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'arenthose'): 1, ('arenthose', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'give'): 1, ('give', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'quotations'): 1, ('quotations', 'sidenby'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['sidenby', 'side', 'of'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'lawsnwhich', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'instruct', 'being', 'till', 'andnfor', 'from', 'partcularanand', 'massachusetts', 'shepherd', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'andnwould', 'patriotic', 'complaints', 'england', 'get', 'centres', 'likeneneral', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'alike', 'ridiculousnduring', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'mortngage', 'relnjsiatf', 'andninefficiency', 'tjie', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'county', 'nin', 'month', 'alluded', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'edward', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'anprominent', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'amat', 'recording', 'library', 'scat', 'propeity', 'childrennall', 'tn', 'conducted', 'day', 'whichnhave', 'longer', 'crack', 'familynin', 'obtain', 'school', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'slave', 'houses', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'whethernthey', 'represented', 'select', 'church', 'everything', 'neg¬nligent', 'rate', 'naud', 'light', 'opinions', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'cent', 'hatred', 'attorney', 'soup', 'flashes', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'probnabilities', 'thy', 'between', 'redemption', '\u003c', 'execute', 'andninterest', 'titleclaim', 'more', 'streetsnadd', 'mr', 'thu', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'paidnfrom', 'junen', 'case', 'dozeus', 'rural', 'werentimely', 'exhortation', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'certain', 'vientor', 'kenntucky', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'quarter', 'ofnthis', 'whichnintelligent', 'thatnsurvives', 'thenmost', 'eight', 'politics', 'ofthe', 'never', 'thenspirit', 'abovenrequired', 'newnamendments', 'outside', 'los', 'gotnone', 'myhand', 'see', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'my', 'action', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'compounded', 'tongetupat', 'spiritualnwaifs', 'representativendefeat', 'november', 'right', 'et', 'time', 'with', 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'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 4, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, ('costs', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'suit'): 2, ('suit', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'conveyed'): 1, ('conveyed', 'bynsaid'): 1, ('bynsaid', 'mortgage'): 1, ('mortgage', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'be'): 2, ('be', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'apnplied'): 1, ('apnplied', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thu'): 1, ('thu', 'payment'): 1, ('payment', 'of'): 1, ('said', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'notenand'): 1, ('notenand', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'aforesaid'): 1, ('aforesaid', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'costs'): 1, ('suit', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'inncase'): 1, ('inncase', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'ars'): 1, ('ars', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'sufficient'): 1, ('sufficient', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'pay'): 2, ('pay', 'thengraphthen'): 1, ('thengraphthen', 'to'): 1, ('obtain', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'against'): 1, ('against', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'vientor'): 1, ('vientor', 'beaudry'): 1, ('beaudry', 'whois'): 1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'balance'): 1, ('balance', 'remaining'): 1, ('remaining', 'due'): 1, ('due', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'denfendants'): 1, ('denfendants', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'persons'): 1, ('persons', 'claiming'): 1, ('claiming', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'through'): 1, ('through', 'ornunder'): 1, ('ornunder', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'may'): 1, ('be', 'barred'): 1, ('barred', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'foreclosed'): 1, ('foreclosed', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'aiinright'): 1, ('aiinright', 'titleclaim'): 1, ('titleclaim', 'lien'): 1, ('lien', 'equityof'): 1, ('equityof', 'redemption'): 1, ('redemption', 'andninterest'): 1, ('andninterest', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tn'): 1, ('tn', 'stid'): 1, ('stid', 'moitgaged'): 1, ('moitgaged', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'andnfor'): 1, ('andnfor', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'upther'): 1, ('upther', 'relief'): 1, ('relief', 'reference'): 1, ('reference', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, ('tonappear', 'ant'): 1, ('ant', 'answer'): 1, ('answer', 'the'): 1, ('complaint', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'abovenrequired'): 1, ('abovenrequired', 'the'): 1, ('said', 'plaintiffwillapplyto'): 1, ('plaintiffwillapplyto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'courtnfor'): 1, ('courtnfor', 'iherelitf'): 1, ('iherelitf', 'demanded'): 1, ('demanded', 'inthe'): 1, ('inthe', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'complaintngiven'): 1, ('complaintngiven', 'under'): 1, ('under', 'myhand'): 1, ('myhand', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'seal'): 1, ('seal', 'ofthe'): 1, ('ofthe', 'ssid'): 1, ('ssid', 'sunperior'): 1, ('sunperior', 'court'): 1, ('the', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'california'): 1, ('california', 'iaand'): 1, ('iaand', 'fornthe'): 1, ('fornthe', 'county'): 1, ('county', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'los'): 1, ('los', 'angeles'): 1, ('angeles', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'day'): 1, ('of', 'augustnin'): 1, ('augustnin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'year'): 1, ('year', 'of'): 1, ('our', 'lord'): 1, ('lord', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'thousand'): 1, ('thousand', 'eight'): 1, ('eight', 'bunndrcd'): 1, ('bunndrcd', 'and'): 1, ('eightythree', ''): 1, ('', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'useless'): 1, ('useless', 'exhortation'): 1, ('exhortation', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'intelnligent'): 1, ('intelnligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'aiiless'): 1, ('aiiless', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'parnty'): 1, ('parnty', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'resolved'): 1, ('resolved', 'to'): 1, ('secure', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'ends'): 1, ('ends', 'whichnintelligent'): 1, ('whichnintelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'means'): 1, ('means', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'suchnagents'): 1, ('suchnagents', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'intelligent'): 1, ('intelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'respectnthe'): 1, ('respectnthe', 'republicans'): 1, ('republicans', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'essex'): 1, ('essex', 'district'): 1, ('district', 'ofnmassachusetts'): 1, ('ofnmassachusetts', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'select'): 1, ('select', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'likeneneral'): 1, ('likeneneral', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'representativendefeat'): 1, ('representativendefeat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'republican'): 1, ('republican', 'candidates'): 1, ('candidates', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'inndiana'): 1, ('inndiana', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ohio'): 1, ('ohio', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'notnrepublicans'): 1, ('notnrepublicans', 'wlo'): 1, ('wlo', 'insist'): 1, ('insist', 'ujon'): 1, ('ujon', 'honestynand'): 1, ('honestynand', 'principle'): 1, ('principle', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'politics'): 1, ('politics', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'rensponsible'): 1, ('rensponsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'repu'): 1, ('repu', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'ilican'): 1, ('ilican', 'disastersnthe'): 1, ('disastersnthe', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'torpidity'): 1, ('torpidity', 'of'): 1, ('business', 'thenprolonged'): 1, ('thenprolonged', 'confusion'): 1, ('confusion', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'southernnstates'): 1, ('southernnstates', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suspicion'): 1, ('suspicion', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'corruption'): 1, ('corruption', 'andninefficiency'): 1, ('andninefficiency', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'thenhostility'): 1, ('thenhostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'stringent'): 1, ('stringent', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'legisnlation'): 1, ('legisnlation', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'reasons'): 1, ('reasons', 'whichnhave'): 1, ('whichnhave', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'changenwhich'): 1, ('changenwhich', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'elections'): 1, ('elections', 'therenis'): 1, ('therenis', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'one'): 1, ('of', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'complaints'): 1, ('complaints', 'howevernexcept'): 1, ('howevernexcept', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'lawsnwhich'): 1, ('lawsnwhich', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'removed'): 1, ('removed', 'by'): 1, ('a', 'demoncratic'): 1, ('demoncratic', 'restoration'): 1, ('restoration', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'sincere'): 1, ('sincere', 'jealnousy'): 1, ('jealnousy', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'tjie'): 1, ('tjie', 'hatred'): 1, ('hatred', 'thatnsurvives'): 1, ('thatnsurvives', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'war'): 1, ('war', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'hostility'): 1, ('hostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thenprinciples'): 1, ('thenprinciples', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'purpose'): 1, ('purpose', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'newnamendments'): 1, ('newnamendments', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'constitution'): 1, ('constitution', 'thenspirit'): 1, ('thenspirit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'oppression'): 1, ('oppression', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'negro'): 1, ('negro', 'thendesire'): 1, ('thendesire', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'repudiation'): 1, ('repudiation', 'are'): 1, ('all', 'includednin'): 1, ('includednin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'democratic'): 2, ('democratic', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'statesnwhere'): 1, ('statesnwhere', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'old'): 2, ('old', 'spirit'): 1, ('spirit', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'caste'): 1, ('caste', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'bynignorance'): 1, ('bynignorance', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'kind'): 1, ('kind', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'strongest'): 1, ('strongest', 'iunthose'): 1, ('iunthose', 'parts'): 1, ('parts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'thenmost'): 1, ('thenmost', 'backward'): 1, ('backward', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'genneral'): 1, ('genneral', 'development'): 1, ('development', 'the'): 1, ('democratic', 'pari'): 1, ('pari', 'ynis'): 1, ('ynis', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'more'): 1, ('more', 'powerfulntnan'): 1, ('powerfulntnan', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'opponent'): 1, ('opponent', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'great'): 2, ('great', 'centresnof'): 1, ('centresnof', 'intelligence'): 1, ('intelligence', 'industry'): 1, ('industry', 'enterprisenand'): 1, ('enterprisenand', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'advancing'): 1, ('advancing', 'social'): 1, ('social', 'condition'): 1, ('condition', 'thenrepublican'): 1, ('thenrepublican', 'party'): 1, ('is', 'dominant'): 1, ('dominant', 'kenntucky'): 1, ('kenntucky', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'maryland'): 1, ('maryland', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'distinctivelyndemocratic'): 1, ('distinctivelyndemocratic', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'massachusetts'): 1, ('massachusetts', 'iowanand'): 1, ('iowanand', 'rural'): 1, ('rural', 'new'): 1, ('york', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'republicannevery'): 1, ('republicannevery', 'patriotic'): 1, ('patriotic', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'enlightened'): 1, ('enlightened', 'amernican'): 1, ('amernican', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'prefer'): 1, ('prefer', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'thecountry'): 1, ('thecountry', 'guardned'): 1, ('guardned', 'by'): 1, ('the', 'spirit'): 1, ('great', 'northwestnand'): 1, ('northwestnand', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'england'): 1, ('england', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'yorknrather'): 1, ('yorknrather', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'tluitof'): 1, ('tluitof', 'the'): 1, ('old', 'bourbonnand'): 1, ('bourbonnand', 'slave'): 1, ('states', ''): 1, ('', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'led'): 1, ('led', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'accept'): 1, ('accept', 'everything'): 1, ('everything', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'readnwith'): 1, ('readnwith', 'a'): 1, ('of', 'distrust'): 1, ('distrust', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'i'): 2, ('i', 'takennothing'): 1, ('takennothing', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'granted'): 1, ('granted', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'comenfrom'): 1, ('comenfrom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'pen'): 1, ('pen', 'of'): 1, ('one', 'whose'): 1, ('whose', 'prominencengives'): 1, ('prominencengives', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'opinions'): 1, ('opinions', 'weight'): 1, ('weight', 'whethernthey'): 1, ('whethernthey', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'right'): 1, ('right', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'my'): 1, ('my', 'neighbours'): 1, ('neighbours', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'different'): 1, ('different', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'advancementnis'): 1, ('advancementnis', 'slow'): 1, ('slow', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'frequently'): 1, ('frequently', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'theynget'): 1, ('theynget', 'hold'): 1, ('hold', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'exploded'): 1, ('exploded', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'afternthe'): 1, ('afternthe', 'explosion'): 1, ('explosion', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'probnabilities'): 1, ('probnabilities', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'thing'): 1, ('thing', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'accepted'): 1, ('accepted', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'anfact'): 1, ('anfact', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'alike'): 1, ('alike', 'innevery'): 1, ('innevery', 'township'): 1, ('township', 'in'): 1, ('land', 'outside'): 1, ('outside', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'centres'): 1, ('centres', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'wherenthe'): 1, ('wherenthe', 'light'): 1, ('light', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'flashes'): 1, ('flashes', 'fromnmind'): 1, ('fromnmind', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'mind'): 1, ('mind', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'human'): 1, ('human', 'conflict'): 1, ('conflict', 'tonreach'): 1, ('tonreach', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'highest'): 1, ('highest', 'round'): 1, ('round', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'laddernit'): 1, ('laddernit', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'astonishing'): 1, ('astonishing', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'live'): 1, ('live', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dienin'): 1, ('dienin', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'age'): 1, ('age', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'know'): 1, ('know', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'earth'): 2, ('earth', 'isnround'): 1, ('isnround', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'houses'): 1, ('houses', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'almost'): 1, ('almost', 'everynfarm'): 1, ('everynfarm', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'kinds'): 1, ('kinds', 'within'): 1, ('within', 'reachnand'): 1, ('reachnand', 'yetseparatelythat'): 1, ('yetseparatelythat', 'the'): 1, ('earth', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'montion'): 1, ('montion', 'aday'): 1, ('aday', 'ortwo'): 1, ('ortwo', 'agoitalked'): 1, ('agoitalked', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'anprominent'): 1, ('anprominent', 'attorney'): 1, ('attorney', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'andnwould'): 1, ('andnwould', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'believe'): 1, ('believe', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'actually'): 1, ('actually', 'arguednthat'): 1, ('arguednthat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'farther'): 1, ('farther', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'go'): 1, ('go', 'south'): 1, ('south', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'hotternit'): 1, ('hotternit', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'exactly'): 1, ('exactly', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'further'): 1, ('further', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'younwent'): 1, 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1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 2, ('measure', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 2, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, 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('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 4, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, ('costs', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'suit'): 2, ('suit', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'conveyed'): 1, ('conveyed', 'bynsaid'): 1, ('bynsaid', 'mortgage'): 1, ('mortgage', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'be'): 2, ('be', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'apnplied'): 1, ('apnplied', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thu'): 1, ('thu', 'payment'): 1, ('payment', 'of'): 1, ('said', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'notenand'): 1, ('notenand', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'aforesaid'): 1, ('aforesaid', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'costs'): 1, ('suit', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'inncase'): 1, ('inncase', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'ars'): 1, ('ars', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'sufficient'): 1, ('sufficient', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'pay'): 2, ('pay', 'thengraphthen'): 1, ('thengraphthen', 'to'): 1, ('obtain', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'against'): 1, ('against', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'vientor'): 1, ('vientor', 'beaudry'): 1, ('beaudry', 'whois'): 1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'balance'): 1, ('balance', 'remaining'): 1, ('remaining', 'due'): 1, ('due', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'denfendants'): 1, ('denfendants', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'persons'): 1, ('persons', 'claiming'): 1, ('claiming', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'through'): 1, ('through', 'ornunder'): 1, ('ornunder', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'may'): 1, ('be', 'barred'): 1, ('barred', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'foreclosed'): 1, ('foreclosed', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'aiinright'): 1, ('aiinright', 'titleclaim'): 1, ('titleclaim', 'lien'): 1, ('lien', 'equityof'): 1, ('equityof', 'redemption'): 1, ('redemption', 'andninterest'): 1, ('andninterest', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tn'): 1, ('tn', 'stid'): 1, ('stid', 'moitgaged'): 1, ('moitgaged', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'andnfor'): 1, ('andnfor', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'upther'): 1, ('upther', 'relief'): 1, ('relief', 'reference'): 1, ('reference', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, ('tonappear', 'ant'): 1, ('ant', 'answer'): 1, ('answer', 'the'): 1, ('complaint', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'abovenrequired'): 1, ('abovenrequired', 'the'): 1, ('said', 'plaintiffwillapplyto'): 1, ('plaintiffwillapplyto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'courtnfor'): 1, ('courtnfor', 'iherelitf'): 1, ('iherelitf', 'demanded'): 1, ('demanded', 'inthe'): 1, ('inthe', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'complaintngiven'): 1, ('complaintngiven', 'under'): 1, ('under', 'myhand'): 1, ('myhand', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'seal'): 1, ('seal', 'ofthe'): 1, ('ofthe', 'ssid'): 1, ('ssid', 'sunperior'): 1, ('sunperior', 'court'): 1, ('the', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'california'): 1, ('california', 'iaand'): 1, ('iaand', 'fornthe'): 1, ('fornthe', 'county'): 1, ('county', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'los'): 1, ('los', 'angeles'): 1, ('angeles', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'day'): 1, ('of', 'augustnin'): 1, ('augustnin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'year'): 1, ('year', 'of'): 1, ('our', 'lord'): 1, ('lord', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'thousand'): 1, ('thousand', 'eight'): 1, ('eight', 'bunndrcd'): 1, ('bunndrcd', 'and'): 1, ('eightythree', ''): 1, ('', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'useless'): 1, ('useless', 'exhortation'): 1, ('exhortation', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'intelnligent'): 1, ('intelnligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'aiiless'): 1, ('aiiless', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'parnty'): 1, ('parnty', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'resolved'): 1, ('resolved', 'to'): 1, ('secure', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'ends'): 1, ('ends', 'whichnintelligent'): 1, ('whichnintelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'means'): 1, ('means', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'suchnagents'): 1, ('suchnagents', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'intelligent'): 1, ('intelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'respectnthe'): 1, ('respectnthe', 'republicans'): 1, ('republicans', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'essex'): 1, ('essex', 'district'): 1, ('district', 'ofnmassachusetts'): 1, ('ofnmassachusetts', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'select'): 1, ('select', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'likeneneral'): 1, ('likeneneral', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'representativendefeat'): 1, ('representativendefeat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'republican'): 1, ('republican', 'candidates'): 1, ('candidates', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'inndiana'): 1, ('inndiana', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ohio'): 1, ('ohio', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'notnrepublicans'): 1, ('notnrepublicans', 'wlo'): 1, ('wlo', 'insist'): 1, ('insist', 'ujon'): 1, ('ujon', 'honestynand'): 1, ('honestynand', 'principle'): 1, ('principle', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'politics'): 1, ('politics', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'rensponsible'): 1, ('rensponsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'repu'): 1, ('repu', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'ilican'): 1, ('ilican', 'disastersnthe'): 1, ('disastersnthe', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'torpidity'): 1, ('torpidity', 'of'): 1, ('business', 'thenprolonged'): 1, ('thenprolonged', 'confusion'): 1, ('confusion', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'southernnstates'): 1, ('southernnstates', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suspicion'): 1, ('suspicion', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'corruption'): 1, ('corruption', 'andninefficiency'): 1, ('andninefficiency', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'thenhostility'): 1, ('thenhostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'stringent'): 1, ('stringent', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'legisnlation'): 1, ('legisnlation', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'reasons'): 1, ('reasons', 'whichnhave'): 1, ('whichnhave', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'changenwhich'): 1, ('changenwhich', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'elections'): 1, ('elections', 'therenis'): 1, ('therenis', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'one'): 1, ('of', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'complaints'): 1, ('complaints', 'howevernexcept'): 1, ('howevernexcept', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'lawsnwhich'): 1, ('lawsnwhich', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'removed'): 1, ('removed', 'by'): 1, ('a', 'demoncratic'): 1, ('demoncratic', 'restoration'): 1, ('restoration', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'sincere'): 1, ('sincere', 'jealnousy'): 1, ('jealnousy', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'tjie'): 1, ('tjie', 'hatred'): 1, ('hatred', 'thatnsurvives'): 1, ('thatnsurvives', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'war'): 1, ('war', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'hostility'): 1, ('hostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thenprinciples'): 1, ('thenprinciples', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'purpose'): 1, ('purpose', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'newnamendments'): 1, ('newnamendments', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'constitution'): 1, ('constitution', 'thenspirit'): 1, ('thenspirit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'oppression'): 1, ('oppression', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'negro'): 1, ('negro', 'thendesire'): 1, ('thendesire', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'repudiation'): 1, ('repudiation', 'are'): 1, ('all', 'includednin'): 1, ('includednin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'democratic'): 2, ('democratic', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'statesnwhere'): 1, ('statesnwhere', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'old'): 2, ('old', 'spirit'): 1, ('spirit', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'caste'): 1, ('caste', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'bynignorance'): 1, ('bynignorance', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'kind'): 1, ('kind', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'strongest'): 1, ('strongest', 'iunthose'): 1, ('iunthose', 'parts'): 1, ('parts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'thenmost'): 1, ('thenmost', 'backward'): 1, ('backward', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'genneral'): 1, ('genneral', 'development'): 1, ('development', 'the'): 1, ('democratic', 'pari'): 1, ('pari', 'ynis'): 1, ('ynis', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'more'): 1, ('more', 'powerfulntnan'): 1, ('powerfulntnan', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'opponent'): 1, ('opponent', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'great'): 2, ('great', 'centresnof'): 1, ('centresnof', 'intelligence'): 1, ('intelligence', 'industry'): 1, ('industry', 'enterprisenand'): 1, ('enterprisenand', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'advancing'): 1, ('advancing', 'social'): 1, ('social', 'condition'): 1, ('condition', 'thenrepublican'): 1, ('thenrepublican', 'party'): 1, ('is', 'dominant'): 1, ('dominant', 'kenntucky'): 1, ('kenntucky', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'maryland'): 1, ('maryland', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'distinctivelyndemocratic'): 1, ('distinctivelyndemocratic', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'massachusetts'): 1, ('massachusetts', 'iowanand'): 1, ('iowanand', 'rural'): 1, ('rural', 'new'): 1, ('york', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'republicannevery'): 1, ('republicannevery', 'patriotic'): 1, ('patriotic', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'enlightened'): 1, ('enlightened', 'amernican'): 1, ('amernican', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'prefer'): 1, ('prefer', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'thecountry'): 1, ('thecountry', 'guardned'): 1, ('guardned', 'by'): 1, ('the', 'spirit'): 1, ('great', 'northwestnand'): 1, ('northwestnand', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'england'): 1, ('england', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'yorknrather'): 1, ('yorknrather', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'tluitof'): 1, ('tluitof', 'the'): 1, ('old', 'bourbonnand'): 1, ('bourbonnand', 'slave'): 1, ('states', ''): 1, ('', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'led'): 1, ('led', 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('saidni', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'a'): 2, ('bed', 'longnenough'): 1, ('longnenough', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'i'): 1, ('said', 'well'): 1, ('well', 'illnaddtwo'): 1, ('illnaddtwo', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe'): 1, ('feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'gave'): 1, ('gave', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'lovely'): 1, ('lovely', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thentop'): 1, ('thentop', 'floor'): 1, ('floor', 'it'): 1, ('was', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'of'): 3, ('of', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'roomsnthat'): 1, ('roomsnthat', 'stands'): 1, ('stands', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'younhappen'): 1, ('younhappen', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'get'): 1, ('get', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'in'): 2, ('the', 'middle'): 2, ('middle', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'want'): 1, ('want', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'sure'): 1, ('sure', 'andnget'): 1, ('andnget', 'up'): 1, ('middle', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 26, ('the', 'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, ('mustnhave', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'the'): 5, ('the', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'thenbed'): 1, ('thenbed', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'morning'): 1, ('morning', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'awfulnheadache'): 1, ('awfulnheadache', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'manager'): 1, ('manager', 'aboutnit'): 1, ('aboutnit', 'he'): 1, ('said', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'rheumaticnpains'): 1, ('rheumaticnpains', 'i'): 1, ('no', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'is'): 5, ('is', 'onnof'): 1, ('onnof', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'attic'): 1, ('attic', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'pains'): 1, ('pains', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'nad'): 1, ('nad', 'tongetupat'): 1, ('tongetupat', 'aminthemorningsonthey'): 1, ('aminthemorningsonthey', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'use'): 1, ('use', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sheet'): 1, ('sheet', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'set'): 1, ('set', 'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 2, ('measure', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 2, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, ('ansmaa', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 4, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, ('costs', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'suit'): 2, ('suit', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'conveyed'): 1, ('conveyed', 'bynsaid'): 1, ('bynsaid', 'mortgage'): 1, ('mortgage', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'be'): 2, ('be', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'apnplied'): 1, ('apnplied', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thu'): 1, ('thu', 'payment'): 1, ('payment', 'of'): 1, ('said', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'notenand'): 1, ('notenand', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'aforesaid'): 1, ('aforesaid', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'costs'): 1, ('suit', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'inncase'): 1, ('inncase', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'ars'): 1, ('ars', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'sufficient'): 1, ('sufficient', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'pay'): 2, ('pay', 'thengraphthen'): 1, ('thengraphthen', 'to'): 1, ('obtain', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'against'): 1, ('against', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'vientor'): 1, ('vientor', 'beaudry'): 1, ('beaudry', 'whois'): 1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'balance'): 1, ('balance', 'remaining'): 1, ('remaining', 'due'): 1, ('due', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'denfendants'): 1, ('denfendants', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'persons'): 1, ('persons', 'claiming'): 1, ('claiming', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'through'): 1, ('through', 'ornunder'): 1, ('ornunder', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'may'): 1, ('be', 'barred'): 1, ('barred', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'foreclosed'): 1, ('foreclosed', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'aiinright'): 1, ('aiinright', 'titleclaim'): 1, ('titleclaim', 'lien'): 1, ('lien', 'equityof'): 1, ('equityof', 'redemption'): 1, ('redemption', 'andninterest'): 1, ('andninterest', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tn'): 1, ('tn', 'stid'): 1, ('stid', 'moitgaged'): 1, ('moitgaged', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'andnfor'): 1, ('andnfor', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'upther'): 1, ('upther', 'relief'): 1, ('relief', 'reference'): 1, ('reference', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, ('tonappear', 'ant'): 1, ('ant', 'answer'): 1, ('answer', 'the'): 1, ('complaint', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'abovenrequired'): 1, ('abovenrequired', 'the'): 1, ('said', 'plaintiffwillapplyto'): 1, ('plaintiffwillapplyto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'courtnfor'): 1, ('courtnfor', 'iherelitf'): 1, ('iherelitf', 'demanded'): 1, ('demanded', 'inthe'): 1, ('inthe', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'complaintngiven'): 1, ('complaintngiven', 'under'): 1, ('under', 'myhand'): 1, ('myhand', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'seal'): 1, ('seal', 'ofthe'): 1, ('ofthe', 'ssid'): 1, ('ssid', 'sunperior'): 1, ('sunperior', 'court'): 1, ('the', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'california'): 1, ('california', 'iaand'): 1, ('iaand', 'fornthe'): 1, ('fornthe', 'county'): 1, ('county', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'los'): 1, ('los', 'angeles'): 1, ('angeles', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'day'): 1, ('of', 'augustnin'): 1, ('augustnin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'year'): 1, ('year', 'of'): 1, ('our', 'lord'): 1, ('lord', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'thousand'): 1, ('thousand', 'eight'): 1, ('eight', 'bunndrcd'): 1, ('bunndrcd', 'and'): 1, ('eightythree', ''): 1, ('', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'useless'): 1, ('useless', 'exhortation'): 1, ('exhortation', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'intelnligent'): 1, ('intelnligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'aiiless'): 1, ('aiiless', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'parnty'): 1, ('parnty', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'resolved'): 1, ('resolved', 'to'): 1, ('secure', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'ends'): 1, ('ends', 'whichnintelligent'): 1, ('whichnintelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'means'): 1, ('means', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'suchnagents'): 1, ('suchnagents', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'intelligent'): 1, ('intelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'respectnthe'): 1, ('respectnthe', 'republicans'): 1, ('republicans', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'essex'): 1, ('essex', 'district'): 1, ('district', 'ofnmassachusetts'): 1, ('ofnmassachusetts', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'select'): 1, ('select', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'likeneneral'): 1, ('likeneneral', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'representativendefeat'): 1, ('representativendefeat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'republican'): 1, ('republican', 'candidates'): 1, ('candidates', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'inndiana'): 1, ('inndiana', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ohio'): 1, ('ohio', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'notnrepublicans'): 1, ('notnrepublicans', 'wlo'): 1, ('wlo', 'insist'): 1, ('insist', 'ujon'): 1, ('ujon', 'honestynand'): 1, ('honestynand', 'principle'): 1, ('principle', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'politics'): 1, ('politics', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'rensponsible'): 1, ('rensponsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'repu'): 1, ('repu', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'ilican'): 1, ('ilican', 'disastersnthe'): 1, ('disastersnthe', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'torpidity'): 1, ('torpidity', 'of'): 1, ('business', 'thenprolonged'): 1, ('thenprolonged', 'confusion'): 1, ('confusion', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'southernnstates'): 1, ('southernnstates', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suspicion'): 1, ('suspicion', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'corruption'): 1, ('corruption', 'andninefficiency'): 1, ('andninefficiency', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'thenhostility'): 1, ('thenhostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'stringent'): 1, ('stringent', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'legisnlation'): 1, ('legisnlation', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'reasons'): 1, ('reasons', 'whichnhave'): 1, ('whichnhave', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'changenwhich'): 1, ('changenwhich', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'elections'): 1, ('elections', 'therenis'): 1, ('therenis', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'one'): 1, ('of', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'complaints'): 1, ('complaints', 'howevernexcept'): 1, ('howevernexcept', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'lawsnwhich'): 1, ('lawsnwhich', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'removed'): 1, ('removed', 'by'): 1, ('a', 'demoncratic'): 1, ('demoncratic', 'restoration'): 1, ('restoration', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'sincere'): 1, ('sincere', 'jealnousy'): 1, ('jealnousy', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'tjie'): 1, ('tjie', 'hatred'): 1, ('hatred', 'thatnsurvives'): 1, ('thatnsurvives', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'war'): 1, ('war', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'hostility'): 1, ('hostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thenprinciples'): 1, ('thenprinciples', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'purpose'): 1, ('purpose', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'newnamendments'): 1, ('newnamendments', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'constitution'): 1, ('constitution', 'thenspirit'): 1, ('thenspirit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'oppression'): 1, ('oppression', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'negro'): 1, ('negro', 'thendesire'): 1, 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('earthnrepresented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'dozeus'): 1, ('dozeus', 'of'): 1, ('wonderfulnshapes', ''): 1, ('the', 'wool'): 1, ('wool', 'circulars'): 1, ('circulars', 'alluded'): 1, ('alluded', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'arenthose'): 1, ('arenthose', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'give'): 1, ('give', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'quotations'): 1, ('quotations', 'sidenby'): 1, ('sidenby', 'side'): 1, ('of', 'ohio'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['ohio', 'medium', 'in'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'lawsnwhich', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'instruct', 'being', 'till', 'andnfor', 'from', 'partcularanand', 'massachusetts', 'shepherd', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'andnwould', 'patriotic', 'complaints', 'england', 'get', 'centres', 'likeneneral', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'alike', 'ridiculousnduring', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'mortngage', 'relnjsiatf', 'andninefficiency', 'tjie', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'county', 'nin', 'month', 'alluded', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'edward', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'anprominent', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'amat', 'recording', 'library', 'scat', 'propeity', 'childrennall', 'tn', 'conducted', 'day', 'whichnhave', 'longer', 'crack', 'familynin', 'obtain', 'school', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'slave', 'houses', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'whethernthey', 'represented', 'select', 'church', 'everything', 'neg¬nligent', 'rate', 'naud', 'light', 'opinions', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'cent', 'hatred', 'attorney', 'soup', 'flashes', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'probnabilities', 'thy', 'between', 'redemption', '\u003c', 'execute', 'andninterest', 'titleclaim', 'more', 'streetsnadd', 'mr', 'thu', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'paidnfrom', 'junen', 'case', 'dozeus', 'rural', 'werentimely', 'exhortation', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'certain', 'vientor', 'kenntucky', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'quarter', 'ofnthis', 'whichnintelligent', 'thatnsurvives', 'thenmost', 'eight', 'politics', 'ofthe', 'never', 'thenspirit', 'abovenrequired', 'newnamendments', 'outside', 'los', 'gotnone', 'myhand', 'see', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'my', 'action', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'compounded', 'tongetupat', 'spiritualnwaifs', 'representativendefeat', 'november', 'right', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'distinctivelyndemocratic', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'courtnfor', 'has', 'entry', 'both', 'unnless', 'on', 'restoration', 'service', 'equator', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'includednin', 'benbad', 'governnments', 'st', 'due', 'nad', 'lit¬ntle', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'anresponsibility', 'augustnin', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'thousand', 'anfact', 'wenwere', 'costs', 'human', 'getnin', 'teaches', 'party', 'woke', 'all', 'notenand', 'centresnof', 'public', 'particular', 'irreligious', 'sunperior', 'front', 'lllier', 'sincere', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'slow', 'feet', 'essex', 'asale', 'round', 'cotnof', 'concerning', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', 'training', '®nrecords', 'largensenseour', 'through', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'desire', 'mesne', 'seal', 'chil¬ndren', 'temperance', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'ornunder', 'confusion', 'hodtoncomplaint', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'atidnneed', 'brother', 'say', 'maps', 'sheepnwithout', 'large', 'bupreme', 'iaand', 'small', 'they', 'ideal', 'neigh¬nbor', 'inndiana', 'ilican', 'directly', 'colder', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'need', 'priae', 'read', 'against', 'helpnthem', 'complaint', 'barred', 'district', 'orn', 'spirit', 'mortgage', 'sinh', 'make', 'andnsmall', 'cause', 'tbe', 'social', 'six', 'parents', 'assigned', 'industry', 'empirqnstate', 'pains', 'sandwichnafter', 'navy', 'intelligence', 'at', 'signed', 'innevery', 'jesse', 'hair', 'stringent', 'wentnover', 'parts', 'used', 'ojnof', 'togethor', 'busy', 'been', 'claimed', 'silvered', 'ate', 'immediatenproblems', 'aptors', 'andnthe', 'senatorial', 'andntheir', 'not', 'tasked', 'applicationnof', 'one', 'development', 'may', 'deteriorate', 'supreme', 'table', 'reflections', 'pealed', 'shown', '|artit', 'purchasernbearing', 'foreclosure', 'premises', 'northwestnand', 'boot', 'sold', 'said', 'family', 'within', 'thenrepublican', 'honestynand', 'repudiation', 'students', 'senate', 'inviunsuch', 'whatnshall', 'thecountry', 'themna', 'gnto', 'l', 'catalogues', 'amernican', 'eightythree', 'tried', 'urt', 'southernnstates', 'thenother', 'ofnmassachusetts', 'prevent', 'democratic', 'can', 'notes', 'secretary', 'promissory', 'longnenough', 'wonderfulnshapes', 'decree', 'under', 'ownnwho', 'sujk', 'bentough', 'nno', 'clerk', 'keeper', 'stid', 'outset', 'so', 'every', 'them', 'deiree', 'enlightened', 'sitl', 'up', 'slidingncurtain', 'ynis', 'perspective', 'oclock', 'tothis', 'comenfrom', 'rensponsible', 'montion', 'broughtnit', 'sabbathnschool', 'exactly', 'onensmelt', 'apiw', 'ruahnand', 'ot', 'therenis', 'weight', 'remind', 'andecree', 'notnrepublicans', 'connducted', 'upther', 'innocent', 'removed', 'goodnsamaritan', 'five', 'adjudication', 'cakes', 'ves', 'ail', 'lkofvaluable', 'aiinright', 'pari', 'dienin', 'was', 'good', 'as', '|nized', 'end', 'though', 'of', 'thenithday', 'jealnousy', 'distribution', 'while', 'express', 'thncause', 'hotternit', 'chfl¬ndren', 'own', 'nte', 'principle', 'suchnagents', 'duties', 'whose', 'payment', 'suu', 'understand', 'sure', 'esieeis', 'neighbors', 'by', 'awfulnheadache', 'to', 'electorate', 'intelligent', 'bananasnthey', 'prominencengives', 'deceasednto', 'lot', 'example', 'kinds', 'nownwe', 'havenno', 'enterprisenand', 'dominant', 'risk', 'middle', 'any', 'centnper', 'elections', 'folio', 'your', 'ho', 'place', 'relationship', 'terms', 'author', 'occupied', 'constitution', 'manager', 'atnthe', 'way', 'tonreach', 'hostility', 'pubi', 'court', 'left', 'george', 'north', 'business', 'flatts', 'eflort', 'paynment', 'complaintngiven', 'medium', 'he', 'changenwhich', 'conveyed', 'also', 'ortwo', 'marshal', 'brought', 'accustomed', 'practicalnly', 'vain', 'stage', 'caste', 'per', 'first', 'earthnrepresented', 'national', 'frolume', 'making', 'soldjnterms', '|amount', 'ex¬npenses', 'andnmarj', 'chhndren', 'arenin', 'fornthe', 'iowanand', 'array', 'courts', 'circulars', 'something', 'next', 'this', 'other', 'auctioneers', 'reference', 'man', 'statesnwhere', 'yandntor', 'room', 'isigovemed', 'abou', 'arenalso', 'actually', 'her', 'different', 'very', 'complied', 'relief', 'heard', 'cash', 'linesnfor', 'neighbours', 'bed', 'residue', 'oppression', 'seq', 'twelve', 'saidni', 'apnplied', 'balance', 'tire', 'forna', 'offices', 'shall', 'lie', 'innchristian', 'existingnbetween', 'somewhere', 'defaulting', 'civilization', 'thenroom', 'train', 'country', 'declared', 'new', 'knowledge', 'that', 'let', 'helpless', 'd', 'books', 'intelnligent', 'california', 'dividing', 'circulate', 'herenall', 'armistice', 'hag', 'fur', 'then', 'parnty', 'atnone', 'answer', 'genneral', 'ou', 'assign', 'dreamt', 'road', 'lambs', 'for', 'unitened', 'thnfoundiy', 'war', 'figures', 'cost', 'wool', 'such', 'gross', 'it', 'denfendants', 'august', 'kind', 'nowherenhe', 'sulidivlded', 'wherenglobes', 'ainum', 'dis|m', 'those', 'menuwu', 'determine', 'plainntiff', 'skidnwaiter', 'sum', 'appeals', 'etist', 'question', 'attic', 'goodnthings', 'years', 'theynget', 'younfcavo', 'be', 'fine', 'trust', 'secured', 'order', 'because', 'hear', 'sufficient', 'godnthought', 'township', 'wherenthe', 'orninfluence', 'conflict', 'secure', 'ofnoperate', 'nwe', 'advancementnis', 'advice', 'cannhelp', 'when', 'gone', 'ujon', 'value', 'thentale', 'got', 'astonishing', 'fefnsale', 'think', 'full', 'wo', '+henbrought', 'give', 'side', 'noticento', 'accept', 'somonmental', 'ceitihcate', 'thenprolonged', 'equityof', 'extended', 'crdlecting', 'gave', 'told', 'suit', 'agent', 'anshepherd', 'mb', 'pieliesaidnit', 'lovely', 'two', 'in', 'open', 'live', 'earth', 'had', 'thirty', 'thought', 'younhappen', 'pv', 'friday', 'nationally', 'maryland', 'measure', 'northwestnby', 'purpose', 'semiannually', 'a', 'g', 'where', 'slidellnthat', 'ndell', 'if', 'night', 'tull', 'bynsaid', 'yetseparatelythat', 'word', 'howevernexcept', 'arguednthat', 'steaks', 'iigree', 'thenbreakfast', 'compannies', 'repu', 'believe', 'bencomp', 'great', 'says', 'byna', 'convictions', 'toughnpeople', 'perishing', 'lisntened', 'return', 'andnyoung', 'theynare', 'worse', 'emailnespecially', 'thaddeus', 'remaining', 'year', 'forntho', 'rvfsfon', 'into', 'responsible', 'required', 'isnround', 'younwent', 'reasoned', 'guardned', 'claiming', 'homes', 'pay', 'squash', 'house', 'arenthose', 'th', 'land', 'thenhostility', 'tfie', 'purchaser', 'their', 'ofnground', 'negro', 'accepted', 'responsibility', 'its', 'andnget', 'machinnations', 'nnder', 'lien', 'advancing', 'albany', 'bo', 'baa', 'lots', 'highest', 'south', 'i', 'about', '\u003e', 'deiwiiling', 'down', 'illnaddtwo', 'ofnthe', 'lit', 'condemn', 'beaudry', 'yorknrather', 'people', 'mixed', 'iherelitf', 'equalnpay', 'wlo', 'thereby', 'c', 'fostered', 'appeared', 'condition', 'asked', 'childrennus', 'granted', 'thendesire', 'roomnthat', 'gotnpigs', 'possibly', 'bideof', 'willie', 'notified', 'fillning', 'myselfnwhere', 'ofnwhich', 'codfish', 'dollars', 'judge', 'strongest', 'whois', 'mind', 'saenshall', 'states', 'vessels', 'ride', 'three', 'there', 'pen', 'means', 'evidence', 'novnelty', 'afternthe', 'proceerls', 'us', 'nexecuted', 'donenour', 'anbed', 'thosenminor', 'withoutnreligious', 'frequently', 'months', 'everynfarm', 'paused', 'lt', 'rheumatismnmakes', 'neednand', 'obligated', 'filled', 'tonthink', 'lord', 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'thentop'): 1, ('thentop', 'floor'): 1, ('floor', 'it'): 1, ('was', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'of'): 3, ('of', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'roomsnthat'): 1, ('roomsnthat', 'stands'): 1, ('stands', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'side'): 1, ('side', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'younhappen'): 1, ('younhappen', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'get'): 1, ('get', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'in'): 2, ('the', 'middle'): 2, ('middle', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'want'): 1, ('want', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'sure'): 1, ('sure', 'andnget'): 1, ('andnget', 'up'): 1, ('middle', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 26, ('the', 'roomnthat'): 1, ('roomnthat', 'night'): 1, ('night', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'dreamt'): 1, ('dreamt', 'i'): 1, ('was', 'eatingnflannel'): 1, ('eatingnflannel', 'cakes'): 1, ('cakes', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'woke'): 1, ('woke', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'halfnof'): 1, ('halfnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'blanket'): 1, ('blanket', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'gone'): 1, ('gone', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'mustnhave'): 1, 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'thenbreakfast'): 1, ('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 2, ('measure', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'senate'): 1, ('senate', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'statesman'): 1, ('statesman', 'atntho'): 1, ('atntho', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'outset'): 1, ('outset', 'mr'): 1, ('mr', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'declared'): 1, ('declared', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'parcels'): 1, ('parcels', 'post'): 1, ('post', 'thereby'): 1, ('thereby', 'giving'): 1, ('giving', 'noticento'): 1, ('noticento', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'express'): 1, ('express', 'compannies'): 1, ('compannies', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'longer'): 1, ('longer', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'scat'): 1, ('scat', 'acncredited'): 1, ('acncredited', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'york'): 2, ('york', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'seat'): 1, ('seat', 'willnfor'): 1, ('willnfor', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'next'): 1, ('next', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'bo'): 1, ('bo', 'occupied'): 1, ('occupied', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'ansmaa'): 1, 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1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 4, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 2, 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('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, ('costs', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'suit'): 2, ('suit', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'conveyed'): 1, ('conveyed', 'bynsaid'): 1, ('bynsaid', 'mortgage'): 1, ('mortgage', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'be'): 2, ('be', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'apnplied'): 1, ('apnplied', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thu'): 1, ('thu', 'payment'): 1, ('payment', 'of'): 1, ('said', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'notenand'): 1, ('notenand', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'aforesaid'): 1, ('aforesaid', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'costs'): 1, ('suit', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'inncase'): 1, ('inncase', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'ars'): 1, ('ars', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'sufficient'): 1, ('sufficient', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'pay'): 2, ('pay', 'thengraphthen'): 1, ('thengraphthen', 'to'): 1, ('obtain', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'against'): 1, ('against', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'vientor'): 1, ('vientor', 'beaudry'): 1, ('beaudry', 'whois'): 1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'balance'): 1, ('balance', 'remaining'): 1, ('remaining', 'due'): 1, ('due', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'denfendants'): 1, ('denfendants', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'persons'): 1, ('persons', 'claiming'): 1, ('claiming', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'through'): 1, ('through', 'ornunder'): 1, ('ornunder', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'may'): 1, ('be', 'barred'): 1, ('barred', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'foreclosed'): 1, ('foreclosed', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'aiinright'): 1, ('aiinright', 'titleclaim'): 1, ('titleclaim', 'lien'): 1, ('lien', 'equityof'): 1, ('equityof', 'redemption'): 1, ('redemption', 'andninterest'): 1, ('andninterest', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tn'): 1, ('tn', 'stid'): 1, ('stid', 'moitgaged'): 1, ('moitgaged', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'andnfor'): 1, ('andnfor', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'upther'): 1, ('upther', 'relief'): 1, ('relief', 'reference'): 1, ('reference', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, ('tonappear', 'ant'): 1, ('ant', 'answer'): 1, ('answer', 'the'): 1, ('complaint', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'abovenrequired'): 1, ('abovenrequired', 'the'): 1, ('said', 'plaintiffwillapplyto'): 1, ('plaintiffwillapplyto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'courtnfor'): 1, ('courtnfor', 'iherelitf'): 1, ('iherelitf', 'demanded'): 1, ('demanded', 'inthe'): 1, ('inthe', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'complaintngiven'): 1, ('complaintngiven', 'under'): 1, ('under', 'myhand'): 1, ('myhand', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'seal'): 1, ('seal', 'ofthe'): 1, ('ofthe', 'ssid'): 1, ('ssid', 'sunperior'): 1, ('sunperior', 'court'): 1, ('the', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'california'): 1, ('california', 'iaand'): 1, ('iaand', 'fornthe'): 1, ('fornthe', 'county'): 1, ('county', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'los'): 1, ('los', 'angeles'): 1, ('angeles', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'day'): 1, ('of', 'augustnin'): 1, ('augustnin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'year'): 1, ('year', 'of'): 1, ('our', 'lord'): 1, ('lord', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'thousand'): 1, ('thousand', 'eight'): 1, ('eight', 'bunndrcd'): 1, ('bunndrcd', 'and'): 1, ('eightythree', ''): 1, ('', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'useless'): 1, ('useless', 'exhortation'): 1, ('exhortation', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'intelnligent'): 1, ('intelnligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'aiiless'): 1, ('aiiless', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'parnty'): 1, ('parnty', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'resolved'): 1, ('resolved', 'to'): 1, ('secure', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'ends'): 1, ('ends', 'whichnintelligent'): 1, ('whichnintelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'means'): 1, ('means', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'suchnagents'): 1, ('suchnagents', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'intelligent'): 1, ('intelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'respectnthe'): 1, ('respectnthe', 'republicans'): 1, ('republicans', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'essex'): 1, ('essex', 'district'): 1, ('district', 'ofnmassachusetts'): 1, ('ofnmassachusetts', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'select'): 1, ('select', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'likeneneral'): 1, ('likeneneral', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'representativendefeat'): 1, ('representativendefeat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'republican'): 1, ('republican', 'candidates'): 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'for'): 1, ('a', 'workshop'): 1, ('workshop', 'with'): 1, ('a', 'slidingncurtain'): 1, ('slidingncurtain', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'dividing'): 1, ('dividing', 'partition'): 1, ('partition', 'thenroom'): 1, ('thenroom', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'filled'): 1, ('filled', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'array'): 1, ('array', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'curnious'): 1, ('curnious', 'things'): 1, ('things', 'maps'): 1, ('maps', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'wherenglobes'): 1, ('wherenglobes', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'earthnrepresented'): 1, ('earthnrepresented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'dozeus'): 1, ('dozeus', 'of'): 1, ('wonderfulnshapes', ''): 1, ('the', 'wool'): 1, ('wool', 'circulars'): 1, ('circulars', 'alluded'): 1, ('alluded', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'arenthose'): 1, ('arenthose', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'give'): 1, ('give', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'quotations'): 1, ('quotations', 'sidenby'): 1, ('sidenby', 'side'): 1, ('of', 'ohio'): 1, ('ohio', 'medium'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['medium', 'in', 'the'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'lawsnwhich', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'instruct', 'being', 'till', 'andnfor', 'from', 'partcularanand', 'massachusetts', 'shepherd', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'andnwould', 'patriotic', 'complaints', 'england', 'get', 'centres', 'likeneneral', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'alike', 'ridiculousnduring', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'mortngage', 'relnjsiatf', 'andninefficiency', 'tjie', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'county', 'nin', 'month', 'alluded', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'edward', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'anprominent', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'amat', 'recording', 'library', 'scat', 'propeity', 'childrennall', 'tn', 'conducted', 'day', 'whichnhave', 'longer', 'crack', 'familynin', 'obtain', 'school', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'slave', 'houses', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'whethernthey', 'represented', 'select', 'church', 'everything', 'neg¬nligent', 'rate', 'naud', 'light', 'opinions', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'cent', 'hatred', 'attorney', 'soup', 'flashes', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'probnabilities', 'thy', 'between', 'redemption', '\u003c', 'execute', 'andninterest', 'titleclaim', 'more', 'streetsnadd', 'mr', 'thu', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'paidnfrom', 'junen', 'case', 'dozeus', 'rural', 'werentimely', 'exhortation', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'certain', 'vientor', 'kenntucky', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'quarter', 'ofnthis', 'whichnintelligent', 'thatnsurvives', 'thenmost', 'eight', 'politics', 'ofthe', 'never', 'thenspirit', 'abovenrequired', 'newnamendments', 'outside', 'los', 'gotnone', 'myhand', 'see', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'my', 'action', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'compounded', 'tongetupat', 'spiritualnwaifs', 'representativendefeat', 'november', 'right', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'distinctivelyndemocratic', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'courtnfor', 'has', 'entry', 'both', 'unnless', 'on', 'restoration', 'service', 'equator', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'includednin', 'benbad', 'governnments', 'st', 'due', 'nad', 'lit¬ntle', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'anresponsibility', 'augustnin', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'thousand', 'anfact', 'wenwere', 'costs', 'human', 'getnin', 'teaches', 'party', 'woke', 'all', 'notenand', 'centresnof', 'public', 'particular', 'irreligious', 'sunperior', 'front', 'lllier', 'sincere', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'slow', 'feet', 'essex', 'asale', 'round', 'cotnof', 'concerning', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', 'training', '®nrecords', 'largensenseour', 'through', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'desire', 'mesne', 'seal', 'chil¬ndren', 'temperance', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'ornunder', 'confusion', 'hodtoncomplaint', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'atidnneed', 'brother', 'say', 'maps', 'sheepnwithout', 'large', 'bupreme', 'iaand', 'small', 'they', 'ideal', 'neigh¬nbor', 'inndiana', 'ilican', 'directly', 'colder', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'need', 'priae', 'read', 'against', 'helpnthem', 'complaint', 'barred', 'district', 'orn', 'spirit', 'mortgage', 'sinh', 'make', 'andnsmall', 'cause', 'tbe', 'social', 'six', 'parents', 'assigned', 'industry', 'empirqnstate', 'pains', 'sandwichnafter', 'navy', 'intelligence', 'at', 'signed', 'innevery', 'jesse', 'hair', 'stringent', 'wentnover', 'parts', 'used', 'ojnof', 'togethor', 'busy', 'been', 'claimed', 'silvered', 'ate', 'immediatenproblems', 'aptors', 'andnthe', 'senatorial', 'andntheir', 'not', 'tasked', 'applicationnof', 'one', 'development', 'may', 'deteriorate', 'supreme', 'table', 'reflections', 'pealed', 'shown', '|artit', 'purchasernbearing', 'foreclosure', 'premises', 'northwestnand', 'boot', 'sold', 'said', 'family', 'within', 'thenrepublican', 'honestynand', 'repudiation', 'students', 'senate', 'inviunsuch', 'whatnshall', 'thecountry', 'themna', 'gnto', 'l', 'catalogues', 'amernican', 'eightythree', 'tried', 'urt', 'southernnstates', 'thenother', 'ofnmassachusetts', 'prevent', 'democratic', 'can', 'notes', 'secretary', 'promissory', 'longnenough', 'wonderfulnshapes', 'decree', 'under', 'ownnwho', 'sujk', 'bentough', 'nno', 'clerk', 'keeper', 'stid', 'outset', 'so', 'every', 'them', 'deiree', 'enlightened', 'sitl', 'up', 'slidingncurtain', 'ynis', 'perspective', 'oclock', 'tothis', 'comenfrom', 'rensponsible', 'montion', 'broughtnit', 'sabbathnschool', 'exactly', 'onensmelt', 'apiw', 'ruahnand', 'ot', 'therenis', 'weight', 'remind', 'andecree', 'notnrepublicans', 'connducted', 'upther', 'innocent', 'removed', 'goodnsamaritan', 'five', 'adjudication', 'cakes', 'ves', 'ail', 'lkofvaluable', 'aiinright', 'pari', 'dienin', 'was', 'good', 'as', '|nized', 'end', 'though', 'of', 'thenithday', 'jealnousy', 'distribution', 'while', 'express', 'thncause', 'hotternit', 'chfl¬ndren', 'own', 'nte', 'principle', 'suchnagents', 'duties', 'whose', 'payment', 'suu', 'understand', 'sure', 'esieeis', 'neighbors', 'by', 'awfulnheadache', 'to', 'electorate', 'intelligent', 'bananasnthey', 'prominencengives', 'deceasednto', 'lot', 'example', 'kinds', 'nownwe', 'havenno', 'enterprisenand', 'dominant', 'risk', 'middle', 'any', 'centnper', 'elections', 'folio', 'your', 'ho', 'place', 'relationship', 'terms', 'author', 'occupied', 'constitution', 'manager', 'atnthe', 'way', 'tonreach', 'hostility', 'pubi', 'court', 'left', 'george', 'north', 'business', 'flatts', 'eflort', 'paynment', 'complaintngiven', 'medium', 'he', 'changenwhich', 'conveyed', 'also', 'ortwo', 'marshal', 'brought', 'accustomed', 'practicalnly', 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'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, 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('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, ('costs', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'suit'): 2, ('suit', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'conveyed'): 1, ('conveyed', 'bynsaid'): 1, ('bynsaid', 'mortgage'): 1, ('mortgage', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'be'): 2, ('be', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'apnplied'): 1, ('apnplied', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thu'): 1, ('thu', 'payment'): 1, ('payment', 'of'): 1, ('said', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'notenand'): 1, ('notenand', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'aforesaid'): 1, ('aforesaid', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'costs'): 1, ('suit', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'inncase'): 1, ('inncase', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'ars'): 1, ('ars', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'sufficient'): 1, ('sufficient', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'pay'): 2, ('pay', 'thengraphthen'): 1, ('thengraphthen', 'to'): 1, ('obtain', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'against'): 1, ('against', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'vientor'): 1, ('vientor', 'beaudry'): 1, ('beaudry', 'whois'): 1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, 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'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, ('tonappear', 'ant'): 1, ('ant', 'answer'): 1, ('answer', 'the'): 1, ('complaint', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'abovenrequired'): 1, ('abovenrequired', 'the'): 1, ('said', 'plaintiffwillapplyto'): 1, ('plaintiffwillapplyto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'courtnfor'): 1, ('courtnfor', 'iherelitf'): 1, ('iherelitf', 'demanded'): 1, ('demanded', 'inthe'): 1, ('inthe', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'complaintngiven'): 1, ('complaintngiven', 'under'): 1, ('under', 'myhand'): 1, ('myhand', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'seal'): 1, ('seal', 'ofthe'): 1, ('ofthe', 'ssid'): 1, ('ssid', 'sunperior'): 1, ('sunperior', 'court'): 1, ('the', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'california'): 1, ('california', 'iaand'): 1, ('iaand', 'fornthe'): 1, ('fornthe', 'county'): 1, ('county', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'los'): 1, ('los', 'angeles'): 1, ('angeles', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'day'): 1, ('of', 'augustnin'): 1, ('augustnin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'year'): 1, ('year', 'of'): 1, ('our', 'lord'): 1, ('lord', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'thousand'): 1, ('thousand', 'eight'): 1, ('eight', 'bunndrcd'): 1, ('bunndrcd', 'and'): 1, ('eightythree', ''): 1, ('', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'useless'): 1, ('useless', 'exhortation'): 1, ('exhortation', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'intelnligent'): 1, ('intelnligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'aiiless'): 1, ('aiiless', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'parnty'): 1, ('parnty', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'resolved'): 1, ('resolved', 'to'): 1, ('secure', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'ends'): 1, ('ends', 'whichnintelligent'): 1, ('whichnintelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'means'): 1, ('means', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'suchnagents'): 1, 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('who', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'rensponsible'): 1, ('rensponsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'repu'): 1, ('repu', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'ilican'): 1, ('ilican', 'disastersnthe'): 1, ('disastersnthe', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'torpidity'): 1, ('torpidity', 'of'): 1, ('business', 'thenprolonged'): 1, ('thenprolonged', 'confusion'): 1, ('confusion', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'southernnstates'): 1, ('southernnstates', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suspicion'): 1, ('suspicion', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'corruption'): 1, ('corruption', 'andninefficiency'): 1, ('andninefficiency', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'thenhostility'): 1, ('thenhostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'stringent'): 1, ('stringent', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'legisnlation'): 1, ('legisnlation', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'reasons'): 1, ('reasons', 'whichnhave'): 1, ('whichnhave', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'changenwhich'): 1, ('changenwhich', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'elections'): 1, ('elections', 'therenis'): 1, ('therenis', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'one'): 1, ('of', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'complaints'): 1, ('complaints', 'howevernexcept'): 1, ('howevernexcept', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'lawsnwhich'): 1, ('lawsnwhich', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'removed'): 1, ('removed', 'by'): 1, ('a', 'demoncratic'): 1, ('demoncratic', 'restoration'): 1, ('restoration', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'sincere'): 1, ('sincere', 'jealnousy'): 1, ('jealnousy', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'tjie'): 1, ('tjie', 'hatred'): 1, ('hatred', 'thatnsurvives'): 1, ('thatnsurvives', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'war'): 1, ('war', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'hostility'): 1, ('hostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thenprinciples'): 1, ('thenprinciples', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'purpose'): 1, ('purpose', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'newnamendments'): 1, ('newnamendments', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'constitution'): 1, ('constitution', 'thenspirit'): 1, ('thenspirit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'oppression'): 1, ('oppression', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'negro'): 1, ('negro', 'thendesire'): 1, ('thendesire', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'repudiation'): 1, ('repudiation', 'are'): 1, ('all', 'includednin'): 1, ('includednin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'democratic'): 2, ('democratic', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'statesnwhere'): 1, ('statesnwhere', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'old'): 2, ('old', 'spirit'): 1, ('spirit', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'caste'): 1, ('caste', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'bynignorance'): 1, ('bynignorance', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'kind'): 1, ('kind', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'strongest'): 1, ('strongest', 'iunthose'): 1, ('iunthose', 'parts'): 1, ('parts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'thenmost'): 1, ('thenmost', 'backward'): 1, ('backward', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'genneral'): 1, ('genneral', 'development'): 1, ('development', 'the'): 1, ('democratic', 'pari'): 1, ('pari', 'ynis'): 1, ('ynis', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'more'): 1, ('more', 'powerfulntnan'): 1, ('powerfulntnan', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'opponent'): 1, ('opponent', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'great'): 2, ('great', 'centresnof'): 1, ('centresnof', 'intelligence'): 1, ('intelligence', 'industry'): 1, ('industry', 'enterprisenand'): 1, ('enterprisenand', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'advancing'): 1, ('advancing', 'social'): 1, ('social', 'condition'): 1, ('condition', 'thenrepublican'): 1, ('thenrepublican', 'party'): 1, ('is', 'dominant'): 1, ('dominant', 'kenntucky'): 1, ('kenntucky', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'maryland'): 1, ('maryland', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'distinctivelyndemocratic'): 1, ('distinctivelyndemocratic', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'massachusetts'): 1, ('massachusetts', 'iowanand'): 1, ('iowanand', 'rural'): 1, ('rural', 'new'): 1, ('york', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'republicannevery'): 1, ('republicannevery', 'patriotic'): 1, ('patriotic', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'enlightened'): 1, ('enlightened', 'amernican'): 1, ('amernican', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'prefer'): 1, ('prefer', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'thecountry'): 1, ('thecountry', 'guardned'): 1, ('guardned', 'by'): 1, ('the', 'spirit'): 1, ('great', 'northwestnand'): 1, ('northwestnand', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'england'): 1, ('england', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'yorknrather'): 1, ('yorknrather', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'tluitof'): 1, ('tluitof', 'the'): 1, ('old', 'bourbonnand'): 1, ('bourbonnand', 'slave'): 1, ('states', ''): 1, ('', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'led'): 1, ('led', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'accept'): 1, ('accept', 'everything'): 1, ('everything', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'readnwith'): 1, ('readnwith', 'a'): 1, ('of', 'distrust'): 1, ('distrust', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'i'): 2, ('i', 'takennothing'): 1, ('takennothing', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'granted'): 1, ('granted', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'comenfrom'): 1, ('comenfrom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'pen'): 1, ('pen', 'of'): 1, ('one', 'whose'): 1, ('whose', 'prominencengives'): 1, ('prominencengives', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'opinions'): 1, ('opinions', 'weight'): 1, ('weight', 'whethernthey'): 1, ('whethernthey', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'right'): 1, ('right', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'my'): 1, ('my', 'neighbours'): 1, ('neighbours', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'different'): 1, ('different', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'advancementnis'): 1, ('advancementnis', 'slow'): 1, ('slow', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'frequently'): 1, ('frequently', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'theynget'): 1, ('theynget', 'hold'): 1, ('hold', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'exploded'): 1, ('exploded', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'afternthe'): 1, ('afternthe', 'explosion'): 1, ('explosion', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'probnabilities'): 1, ('probnabilities', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'thing'): 1, ('thing', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'accepted'): 1, ('accepted', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'anfact'): 1, ('anfact', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'alike'): 1, ('alike', 'innevery'): 1, ('innevery', 'township'): 1, ('township', 'in'): 1, ('land', 'outside'): 1, ('outside', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'centres'): 1, ('centres', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'wherenthe'): 1, ('wherenthe', 'light'): 1, ('light', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'flashes'): 1, ('flashes', 'fromnmind'): 1, ('fromnmind', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'mind'): 1, ('mind', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'human'): 1, ('human', 'conflict'): 1, ('conflict', 'tonreach'): 1, ('tonreach', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'highest'): 1, ('highest', 'round'): 1, ('round', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'laddernit'): 1, ('laddernit', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'astonishing'): 1, ('astonishing', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'live'): 1, ('live', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dienin'): 1, ('dienin', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'age'): 1, ('age', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'know'): 1, ('know', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'earth'): 2, ('earth', 'isnround'): 1, ('isnround', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'houses'): 1, ('houses', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'almost'): 1, ('almost', 'everynfarm'): 1, ('everynfarm', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'kinds'): 1, ('kinds', 'within'): 1, ('within', 'reachnand'): 1, ('reachnand', 'yetseparatelythat'): 1, ('yetseparatelythat', 'the'): 1, ('earth', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'montion'): 1, ('montion', 'aday'): 1, ('aday', 'ortwo'): 1, ('ortwo', 'agoitalked'): 1, ('agoitalked', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'anprominent'): 1, ('anprominent', 'attorney'): 1, ('attorney', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'andnwould'): 1, ('andnwould', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'believe'): 1, ('believe', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'actually'): 1, ('actually', 'arguednthat'): 1, ('arguednthat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'farther'): 1, ('farther', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'go'): 1, ('go', 'south'): 1, ('south', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'hotternit'): 1, ('hotternit', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'exactly'): 1, ('exactly', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'further'): 1, ('further', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'younwent'): 1, ('younwent', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'colder'): 1, ('colder', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'ridiculousnduring'): 1, ('ridiculousnduring', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'busy'): 1, ('busy', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'benbad'): 1, ('benbad', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'paused'): 1, ('paused', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'applicationnof'): 1, ('applicationnof', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'practicalnly'): 1, ('practicalnly', 'understand'): 1, ('understand', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'relationship'): 1, ('relationship', 'existingnbetween'): 1, ('existingnbetween', 'the'): 1, ('north', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'south'): 1, ('south', 'polesnthe'): 1, ('polesnthe', 'equator'): 1, ('equator', 'aud'): 1, ('aud', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suu'): 1, ('suu', 'nwe'): 1, ('nwe', 'came'): 1, ('came', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'house'): 1, ('house', 'and'): 1, ('was', 'connducted'): 1, ('connducted', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'fitted'): 1, ('fitted', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'atnone'): 1, ('atnone', 'end'): 1, ('end', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'library'): 1, ('library', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'thenother'): 1, ('thenother', 'for'): 1, ('a', 'workshop'): 1, ('workshop', 'with'): 1, ('a', 'slidingncurtain'): 1, ('slidingncurtain', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'dividing'): 1, ('dividing', 'partition'): 1, ('partition', 'thenroom'): 1, ('thenroom', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'filled'): 1, ('filled', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'array'): 1, ('array', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'curnious'): 1, ('curnious', 'things'): 1, ('things', 'maps'): 1, ('maps', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'wherenglobes'): 1, ('wherenglobes', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'earthnrepresented'): 1, ('earthnrepresented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'dozeus'): 1, ('dozeus', 'of'): 1, ('wonderfulnshapes', ''): 1, ('the', 'wool'): 1, ('wool', 'circulars'): 1, ('circulars', 'alluded'): 1, ('alluded', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'arenthose'): 1, ('arenthose', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'give'): 1, ('give', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'quotations'): 1, ('quotations', 'sidenby'): 1, ('sidenby', 'side'): 1, ('of', 'ohio'): 1, ('ohio', 'medium'): 1, ('medium', 'in'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['in', 'the', 'unitednstates'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'lawsnwhich', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'instruct', 'being', 'till', 'andnfor', 'from', 'partcularanand', 'massachusetts', 'shepherd', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'andnwould', 'patriotic', 'complaints', 'england', 'get', 'centres', 'likeneneral', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'alike', 'ridiculousnduring', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'mortngage', 'relnjsiatf', 'andninefficiency', 'tjie', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'county', 'nin', 'month', 'alluded', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'edward', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'anprominent', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'amat', 'recording', 'library', 'scat', 'propeity', 'childrennall', 'tn', 'conducted', 'day', 'whichnhave', 'longer', 'crack', 'familynin', 'obtain', 'school', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'slave', 'houses', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'whethernthey', 'represented', 'select', 'church', 'everything', 'neg¬nligent', 'rate', 'naud', 'light', 'opinions', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'cent', 'hatred', 'attorney', 'soup', 'flashes', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'probnabilities', 'thy', 'between', 'redemption', '\u003c', 'execute', 'andninterest', 'titleclaim', 'more', 'streetsnadd', 'mr', 'thu', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'paidnfrom', 'junen', 'case', 'dozeus', 'rural', 'werentimely', 'exhortation', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'certain', 'vientor', 'kenntucky', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'quarter', 'ofnthis', 'whichnintelligent', 'thatnsurvives', 'thenmost', 'eight', 'politics', 'ofthe', 'never', 'thenspirit', 'abovenrequired', 'newnamendments', 'outside', 'los', 'gotnone', 'myhand', 'see', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'my', 'action', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'compounded', 'tongetupat', 'spiritualnwaifs', 'representativendefeat', 'november', 'right', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'distinctivelyndemocratic', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'courtnfor', 'has', 'entry', 'both', 'unnless', 'on', 'restoration', 'service', 'equator', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'includednin', 'benbad', 'governnments', 'st', 'due', 'nad', 'lit¬ntle', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'anresponsibility', 'augustnin', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'thousand', 'anfact', 'wenwere', 'costs', 'human', 'getnin', 'teaches', 'party', 'woke', 'all', 'notenand', 'centresnof', 'public', 'particular', 'irreligious', 'sunperior', 'front', 'lllier', 'sincere', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'slow', 'feet', 'essex', 'asale', 'round', 'cotnof', 'concerning', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', 'training', '®nrecords', 'largensenseour', 'through', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'desire', 'mesne', 'seal', 'chil¬ndren', 'temperance', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'ornunder', 'confusion', 'hodtoncomplaint', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'atidnneed', 'brother', 'say', 'maps', 'sheepnwithout', 'large', 'bupreme', 'iaand', 'small', 'they', 'ideal', 'neigh¬nbor', 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'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, ('costs', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'suit'): 2, ('suit', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'conveyed'): 1, ('conveyed', 'bynsaid'): 1, ('bynsaid', 'mortgage'): 1, ('mortgage', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'be'): 2, ('be', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'apnplied'): 1, ('apnplied', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thu'): 1, ('thu', 'payment'): 1, ('payment', 'of'): 1, ('said', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'notenand'): 1, ('notenand', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'aforesaid'): 1, ('aforesaid', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'costs'): 1, ('suit', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'inncase'): 1, ('inncase', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'ars'): 1, ('ars', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'sufficient'): 1, ('sufficient', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'pay'): 2, ('pay', 'thengraphthen'): 1, ('thengraphthen', 'to'): 1, ('obtain', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'against'): 1, ('against', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'vientor'): 1, ('vientor', 'beaudry'): 1, ('beaudry', 'whois'): 1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'balance'): 1, ('balance', 'remaining'): 1, ('remaining', 'due'): 1, ('due', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'denfendants'): 1, ('denfendants', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'persons'): 1, ('persons', 'claiming'): 1, ('claiming', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'through'): 1, ('through', 'ornunder'): 1, ('ornunder', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'may'): 1, ('be', 'barred'): 1, ('barred', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'foreclosed'): 1, ('foreclosed', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'aiinright'): 1, ('aiinright', 'titleclaim'): 1, ('titleclaim', 'lien'): 1, ('lien', 'equityof'): 1, ('equityof', 'redemption'): 1, ('redemption', 'andninterest'): 1, ('andninterest', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tn'): 1, ('tn', 'stid'): 1, ('stid', 'moitgaged'): 1, ('moitgaged', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'andnfor'): 1, ('andnfor', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'upther'): 1, ('upther', 'relief'): 1, ('relief', 'reference'): 1, ('reference', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, ('tonappear', 'ant'): 1, ('ant', 'answer'): 1, ('answer', 'the'): 1, ('complaint', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'abovenrequired'): 1, ('abovenrequired', 'the'): 1, ('said', 'plaintiffwillapplyto'): 1, ('plaintiffwillapplyto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'courtnfor'): 1, ('courtnfor', 'iherelitf'): 1, ('iherelitf', 'demanded'): 1, ('demanded', 'inthe'): 1, ('inthe', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'complaintngiven'): 1, ('complaintngiven', 'under'): 1, ('under', 'myhand'): 1, ('myhand', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'seal'): 1, ('seal', 'ofthe'): 1, ('ofthe', 'ssid'): 1, ('ssid', 'sunperior'): 1, ('sunperior', 'court'): 1, ('the', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'california'): 1, ('california', 'iaand'): 1, ('iaand', 'fornthe'): 1, ('fornthe', 'county'): 1, ('county', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'los'): 1, ('los', 'angeles'): 1, ('angeles', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'day'): 1, ('of', 'augustnin'): 1, ('augustnin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'year'): 1, ('year', 'of'): 1, ('our', 'lord'): 1, ('lord', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'thousand'): 1, ('thousand', 'eight'): 1, ('eight', 'bunndrcd'): 1, ('bunndrcd', 'and'): 1, ('eightythree', ''): 1, ('', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'useless'): 1, ('useless', 'exhortation'): 1, ('exhortation', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'intelnligent'): 1, ('intelnligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'aiiless'): 1, ('aiiless', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'parnty'): 1, ('parnty', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'resolved'): 1, ('resolved', 'to'): 1, ('secure', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'ends'): 1, ('ends', 'whichnintelligent'): 1, ('whichnintelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'means'): 1, ('means', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'suchnagents'): 1, ('suchnagents', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'intelligent'): 1, ('intelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'respectnthe'): 1, ('respectnthe', 'republicans'): 1, ('republicans', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'essex'): 1, ('essex', 'district'): 1, ('district', 'ofnmassachusetts'): 1, ('ofnmassachusetts', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'select'): 1, ('select', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'likeneneral'): 1, ('likeneneral', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'representativendefeat'): 1, ('representativendefeat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'republican'): 1, ('republican', 'candidates'): 1, ('candidates', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'inndiana'): 1, ('inndiana', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ohio'): 1, ('ohio', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'notnrepublicans'): 1, ('notnrepublicans', 'wlo'): 1, ('wlo', 'insist'): 1, ('insist', 'ujon'): 1, ('ujon', 'honestynand'): 1, ('honestynand', 'principle'): 1, ('principle', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'politics'): 1, ('politics', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'rensponsible'): 1, ('rensponsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'repu'): 1, ('repu', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'ilican'): 1, ('ilican', 'disastersnthe'): 1, ('disastersnthe', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'torpidity'): 1, ('torpidity', 'of'): 1, ('business', 'thenprolonged'): 1, ('thenprolonged', 'confusion'): 1, ('confusion', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'southernnstates'): 1, ('southernnstates', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suspicion'): 1, ('suspicion', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'corruption'): 1, ('corruption', 'andninefficiency'): 1, ('andninefficiency', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'thenhostility'): 1, ('thenhostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'stringent'): 1, ('stringent', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'legisnlation'): 1, ('legisnlation', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'reasons'): 1, ('reasons', 'whichnhave'): 1, ('whichnhave', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'changenwhich'): 1, ('changenwhich', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'elections'): 1, ('elections', 'therenis'): 1, ('therenis', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'one'): 1, ('of', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'complaints'): 1, ('complaints', 'howevernexcept'): 1, ('howevernexcept', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'lawsnwhich'): 1, ('lawsnwhich', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'removed'): 1, ('removed', 'by'): 1, ('a', 'demoncratic'): 1, ('demoncratic', 'restoration'): 1, ('restoration', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'sincere'): 1, ('sincere', 'jealnousy'): 1, ('jealnousy', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'tjie'): 1, ('tjie', 'hatred'): 1, ('hatred', 'thatnsurvives'): 1, ('thatnsurvives', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'war'): 1, ('war', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'hostility'): 1, ('hostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thenprinciples'): 1, ('thenprinciples', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'purpose'): 1, ('purpose', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'newnamendments'): 1, ('newnamendments', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'constitution'): 1, ('constitution', 'thenspirit'): 1, ('thenspirit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'oppression'): 1, ('oppression', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'negro'): 1, ('negro', 'thendesire'): 1, ('thendesire', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'repudiation'): 1, ('repudiation', 'are'): 1, ('all', 'includednin'): 1, ('includednin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'democratic'): 2, ('democratic', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'statesnwhere'): 1, ('statesnwhere', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'old'): 2, ('old', 'spirit'): 1, ('spirit', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'caste'): 1, ('caste', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'bynignorance'): 1, ('bynignorance', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'kind'): 1, ('kind', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'strongest'): 1, ('strongest', 'iunthose'): 1, ('iunthose', 'parts'): 1, ('parts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'thenmost'): 1, ('thenmost', 'backward'): 1, ('backward', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'genneral'): 1, ('genneral', 'development'): 1, ('development', 'the'): 1, ('democratic', 'pari'): 1, ('pari', 'ynis'): 1, ('ynis', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'more'): 1, ('more', 'powerfulntnan'): 1, ('powerfulntnan', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'opponent'): 1, ('opponent', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'great'): 2, ('great', 'centresnof'): 1, ('centresnof', 'intelligence'): 1, ('intelligence', 'industry'): 1, ('industry', 'enterprisenand'): 1, ('enterprisenand', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'advancing'): 1, ('advancing', 'social'): 1, ('social', 'condition'): 1, ('condition', 'thenrepublican'): 1, ('thenrepublican', 'party'): 1, ('is', 'dominant'): 1, ('dominant', 'kenntucky'): 1, ('kenntucky', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'maryland'): 1, ('maryland', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'distinctivelyndemocratic'): 1, ('distinctivelyndemocratic', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'massachusetts'): 1, ('massachusetts', 'iowanand'): 1, ('iowanand', 'rural'): 1, ('rural', 'new'): 1, ('york', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'republicannevery'): 1, ('republicannevery', 'patriotic'): 1, ('patriotic', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'enlightened'): 1, ('enlightened', 'amernican'): 1, ('amernican', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'prefer'): 1, ('prefer', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'thecountry'): 1, ('thecountry', 'guardned'): 1, ('guardned', 'by'): 1, ('the', 'spirit'): 1, ('great', 'northwestnand'): 1, ('northwestnand', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'england'): 1, ('england', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'yorknrather'): 1, ('yorknrather', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'tluitof'): 1, ('tluitof', 'the'): 1, ('old', 'bourbonnand'): 1, ('bourbonnand', 'slave'): 1, ('states', ''): 1, ('', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'led'): 1, ('led', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'accept'): 1, ('accept', 'everything'): 1, ('everything', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'readnwith'): 1, ('readnwith', 'a'): 1, ('of', 'distrust'): 1, ('distrust', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'i'): 2, ('i', 'takennothing'): 1, ('takennothing', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'granted'): 1, ('granted', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'comenfrom'): 1, ('comenfrom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'pen'): 1, ('pen', 'of'): 1, ('one', 'whose'): 1, ('whose', 'prominencengives'): 1, ('prominencengives', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'opinions'): 1, ('opinions', 'weight'): 1, ('weight', 'whethernthey'): 1, ('whethernthey', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'right'): 1, ('right', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'my'): 1, ('my', 'neighbours'): 1, ('neighbours', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'different'): 1, ('different', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'advancementnis'): 1, ('advancementnis', 'slow'): 1, ('slow', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'frequently'): 1, ('frequently', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'theynget'): 1, ('theynget', 'hold'): 1, ('hold', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'exploded'): 1, ('exploded', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'afternthe'): 1, ('afternthe', 'explosion'): 1, ('explosion', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'probnabilities'): 1, ('probnabilities', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'thing'): 1, ('thing', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'accepted'): 1, ('accepted', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'anfact'): 1, ('anfact', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'alike'): 1, ('alike', 'innevery'): 1, ('innevery', 'township'): 1, ('township', 'in'): 1, ('land', 'outside'): 1, ('outside', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'centres'): 1, ('centres', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'wherenthe'): 1, ('wherenthe', 'light'): 1, ('light', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'flashes'): 1, ('flashes', 'fromnmind'): 1, ('fromnmind', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'mind'): 1, ('mind', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'human'): 1, ('human', 'conflict'): 1, ('conflict', 'tonreach'): 1, ('tonreach', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'highest'): 1, ('highest', 'round'): 1, ('round', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'laddernit'): 1, ('laddernit', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'astonishing'): 1, ('astonishing', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'live'): 1, ('live', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dienin'): 1, ('dienin', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'age'): 1, ('age', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'know'): 1, ('know', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'earth'): 2, ('earth', 'isnround'): 1, ('isnround', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'houses'): 1, ('houses', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'almost'): 1, ('almost', 'everynfarm'): 1, ('everynfarm', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'kinds'): 1, ('kinds', 'within'): 1, ('within', 'reachnand'): 1, ('reachnand', 'yetseparatelythat'): 1, ('yetseparatelythat', 'the'): 1, ('earth', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'montion'): 1, ('montion', 'aday'): 1, ('aday', 'ortwo'): 1, ('ortwo', 'agoitalked'): 1, ('agoitalked', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'anprominent'): 1, ('anprominent', 'attorney'): 1, ('attorney', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'andnwould'): 1, ('andnwould', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'believe'): 1, ('believe', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'actually'): 1, ('actually', 'arguednthat'): 1, ('arguednthat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'farther'): 1, ('farther', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'go'): 1, ('go', 'south'): 1, ('south', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'hotternit'): 1, ('hotternit', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'exactly'): 1, ('exactly', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'further'): 1, ('further', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'younwent'): 1, ('younwent', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'colder'): 1, ('colder', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'ridiculousnduring'): 1, ('ridiculousnduring', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'busy'): 1, ('busy', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'benbad'): 1, ('benbad', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'paused'): 1, ('paused', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'applicationnof'): 1, ('applicationnof', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'practicalnly'): 1, ('practicalnly', 'understand'): 1, ('understand', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'relationship'): 1, ('relationship', 'existingnbetween'): 1, ('existingnbetween', 'the'): 1, ('north', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'south'): 1, ('south', 'polesnthe'): 1, ('polesnthe', 'equator'): 1, ('equator', 'aud'): 1, ('aud', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suu'): 1, ('suu', 'nwe'): 1, ('nwe', 'came'): 1, ('came', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'house'): 1, ('house', 'and'): 1, ('was', 'connducted'): 1, ('connducted', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'fitted'): 1, ('fitted', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'atnone'): 1, ('atnone', 'end'): 1, ('end', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'library'): 1, ('library', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'thenother'): 1, ('thenother', 'for'): 1, ('a', 'workshop'): 1, ('workshop', 'with'): 1, ('a', 'slidingncurtain'): 1, ('slidingncurtain', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'dividing'): 1, ('dividing', 'partition'): 1, ('partition', 'thenroom'): 1, ('thenroom', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'filled'): 1, ('filled', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'array'): 1, ('array', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'curnious'): 1, ('curnious', 'things'): 1, ('things', 'maps'): 1, ('maps', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'wherenglobes'): 1, ('wherenglobes', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'earthnrepresented'): 1, ('earthnrepresented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'dozeus'): 1, ('dozeus', 'of'): 1, ('wonderfulnshapes', ''): 1, ('the', 'wool'): 1, ('wool', 'circulars'): 1, ('circulars', 'alluded'): 1, ('alluded', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'arenthose'): 1, ('arenthose', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'give'): 1, ('give', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'quotations'): 1, ('quotations', 'sidenby'): 1, ('sidenby', 'side'): 1, ('of', 'ohio'): 1, ('ohio', 'medium'): 1, ('medium', 'in'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['the', 'unitednstates', 'and'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'lawsnwhich', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'instruct', 'being', 'till', 'andnfor', 'from', 'partcularanand', 'massachusetts', 'shepherd', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'andnwould', 'patriotic', 'complaints', 'england', 'get', 'centres', 'likeneneral', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'alike', 'ridiculousnduring', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'mortngage', 'relnjsiatf', 'andninefficiency', 'tjie', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'county', 'nin', 'month', 'alluded', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'edward', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'anprominent', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'amat', 'recording', 'library', 'scat', 'propeity', 'childrennall', 'tn', 'conducted', 'day', 'whichnhave', 'longer', 'crack', 'familynin', 'obtain', 'school', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'slave', 'houses', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'whethernthey', 'represented', 'select', 'church', 'everything', 'neg¬nligent', 'rate', 'naud', 'light', 'opinions', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'cent', 'hatred', 'attorney', 'soup', 'flashes', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'probnabilities', 'thy', 'between', 'redemption', '\u003c', 'execute', 'andninterest', 'titleclaim', 'more', 'streetsnadd', 'mr', 'thu', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'paidnfrom', 'junen', 'case', 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('table', ''): 1, ('', 'mb'): 1, ('mb', 'boot'): 1, ('boot', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'obeednattempt'): 1, ('obeednattempt', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'imagine'): 1, ('imagine', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'piatt'): 1, ('piatt', 'makingnsuch'): 1, ('makingnsuch', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'address'): 1, ('address', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'elihu'): 1, ('elihu', 'bootnto'): 1, ('bootnto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'york'): 1, ('york', 'legislature'): 1, ('legislature', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'younfcavo'): 1, ('younfcavo', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'measure'): 2, ('measure', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'tho'): 3, ('tho', 'good'): 1, ('good', 'fortunqnwhich'): 1, ('fortunqnwhich', 'baa'): 1, ('baa', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'last'): 1, ('last', 'come'): 1, ('come', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'empirqnstate'): 1, ('empirqnstate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'being'): 1, ('being', 'represented'): 1, ('represented', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'unitned'): 1, ('unitned', 'states'): 1, ('states', 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1, ('who', 'hag'): 1, ('hag', 'convictions'): 1, ('convictions', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'ownnwho'): 1, ('ownnwho', 'isigovemed'): 1, ('isigovemed', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'reasoned'): 1, ('reasoned', 'politicaln'): 1, ('politicaln', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'grown'): 1, ('grown', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'accustomed'): 1, ('accustomed', 'tonthink'): 1, ('tonthink', 'nationally'): 1, ('nationally', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'somonmental'): 1, ('somonmental', 'eflort'): 1, ('eflort', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'bringhimselfninto'): 1, ('bringhimselfninto', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'proper'): 1, ('proper', 'perspective'): 1, ('perspective', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'thosenminor'): 1, ('thosenminor', 'senatorial'): 1, ('senatorial', 'duties'): 1, ('duties', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'fillning'): 1, ('fillning', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'offices'): 1, ('offices', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'bulk'): 1, ('bulk', 'hugelynupon'): 1, ('hugelynupon', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'horizons'): 1, ('horizons', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'flatts'): 1, ('flatts', 'andntheir'): 1, ('andntheir', 'lit'): 1, ('lit', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'albany'): 1, ('albany', 'politicians'): 1, ('politicians', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'told'): 1, ('told', 'tried'): 1, ('tried', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'read'): 1, ('read', 'between'): 1, ('between', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'linesnfor'): 1, ('linesnfor', 'evidence'): 1, ('evidence', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'had'): 1, ('had', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'themna'): 1, ('themna', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'organization'): 1, ('organization', 'leader'): 1, ('leader', 'somo'): 1, ('somo', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'tonguide'): 1, ('tonguide', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'direct'): 1, ('direct', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'political'): 1, ('political', 'machinnations'): 1, ('machinnations', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'settlo'): 1, ('settlo', 'where'): 1, ('where', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'goodnthings'): 1, ('goodnthings', 'should'): 1, ('should', 'go'): 2, ('go', 'wo'): 1, ('wo', 'think'): 1, ('think', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'lisntened'): 1, ('lisntened', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'vain'): 1, ('vain', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'heard'): 1, ('heard', 'werentimely'): 1, ('werentimely', 'reflections'): 1, ('reflections', 'opon'): 1, ('opon', 'tho'): 1, ('tho', 'immediatenproblems'): 1, ('immediatenproblems', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'national'): 1, ('national', 'governnments'): 1, ('governnments', 'mixed'): 1, ('mixed', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'excellent'): 1, ('excellent', 'advice'): 1, ('advice', 'tonthe'): 1, ('tonthe', 'electorate'): 1, ('electorate', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'duty'): 2, ('duty', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'improvingnthe'): 1, ('improvingnthe', 'quality'): 1, ('quality', 'of'): 1, ('tho', 'stato'): 1, ('stato', 'legislaturesnit'): 1, ('legislaturesnit', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'been'): 1, ('been', 'something'): 1, ('something', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'a'): 4, ('a', 'novnelty'): 1, ('novnelty', 'though'): 1, ('though', 'possibly'): 1, ('possibly', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'wholly'): 1, ('wholly', 'refreshlin'): 1, ('refreshlin', 'gnto'): 1, ('gnto', 'political'): 1, ('', ''): 1, ('', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'property'): 1, ('property', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'condemn'): 1, ('condemn', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'district'): 5, ('district', 'courts'): 1, ('courts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'unitened'): 1, ('unitened', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'stage'): 1, ('stage', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'proceedings'): 1, ('proceedings', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'priae'): 1, ('priae', 'causes'): 1, ('causes', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'be'): 3, ('be', 'directly'): 1, ('directly', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thnfoundiy'): 1, ('thnfoundiy', 'the'): 1, ('the', '\u003c'): 2, ('\u003c', 't'): 1, ('t', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'urt'): 1, ('urt', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'perishing'): 1, ('perishing', 'perishable'): 1, ('perishable', 'supreme'): 1, ('supreme', 'court'): 2, ('court', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'made'): 1, ('made', 'withitinor'): 1, ('withitinor', 'liable'): 1, ('liable', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'deteriorate'): 1, ('deteriorate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'depreciate'): 1, ('depreciate', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'when'): 1, ('when', 'thirty'): 1, ('thirty', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'rendering'): 1, ('rendering', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'apnever'): 1, ('apnever', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'etist'): 1, ('etist', 'ot'): 1, ('ot', 'keeping'): 1, ('keeping', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'l'): 1, ('l', '\u003e'): 3, ('\u003e', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'dis'): 1, ('dis', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'pealed'): 1, ('pealed', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'unhss'): 1, ('unhss', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'court'): 3, ('court', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'previouslynproportionate'): 1, ('previouslynproportionate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'value'): 1, ('value', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'the'): 1, ('duty', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'extended'): 1, ('extended', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'time'): 1, ('time', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'thnof'): 1, ('thnof', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'asale'): 1, ('asale', 'thereof'): 1, ('thereof', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'when'): 1, ('when', '|artit'): 1, ('|artit', 'ular'): 1, ('ular', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'supreme'): 1, ('court', 'kl|never'): 1, ('kl|never', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'return'): 1, ('return', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'liliel'): 1, ('liliel', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'l'): 1, ('\u003e', 'e'): 2, ('e', 'open'): 1, ('open', 'fur'): 1, ('fur', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'entry'): 1, ('entry', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sinh'): 1, ('sinh', 'uppealstnparties'): 1, ('uppealstnparties', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'have'): 1, ('have', 'appeared'): 1, ('appeared', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'appeals'): 1, ('appeals', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'l'): 1, ('e', 'claimed'): 1, ('claimed', 'whenever'): 1, ('whenever', 'thncause'): 1, ('thncause', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'iigree'): 1, ('iigree', 'thercfn'): 1, ('thercfn', 'the'): 1, ('court', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'author'): 1, ('author', '|amount'): 1, ('|amount', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'controversy'): 1, ('controversy', 'esieeis'): 1, ('esieeis', 'two'): 1, ('two', 'thonsan'): 1, ('thonsan', '\u003c'): 1, ('\u003c', '|nized'): 1, ('|nized', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'make'): 4, ('make', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'dollars'): 1, ('dollars', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'casesablythe'): 1, ('casesablythe', 'ceitihcate'): 1, ('ceitihcate', 'ofnoperate'): 1, ('ofnoperate', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'prevent'): 1, ('prevent', 'tfie'): 1, ('tfie', 'making'): 1, ('making', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'judge'): 1, ('judge', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'the'): 4, ('the', 'adjudication'): 1, ('adjudication', 'inviunsuch'): 1, ('inviunsuch', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'secretary'): 1, ('secretary', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'navy'): 1, ('navy', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'ves'): 1, ('ves', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'question'): 1, ('question', 'uf'): 1, ('uf', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'importancenemploy'): 1, ('importancenemploy', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'auctioneer'): 1, ('auctioneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'auctioneers'): 1, ('auctioneers', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'known'): 1, ('known', 'withstanding'): 1, ('withstanding', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'apiw'): 1, ('apiw', 'al'): 1, ('al', 'the'): 1, ('district', 'mintnskill'): 1, ('mintnskill', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'branch'): 1, ('branch', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'business'): 2, ('business', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'w'): 1, ('w', 'hich'): 1, ('hich', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'make'): 1, ('make', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'execute'): 1, ('execute', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'necessary'): 1, ('necessary', 'order'): 1, ('order', 'fefnsale'): 1, ('fefnsale', 'lertains'): 1, ('lertains', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'wile'): 1, ('wile', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'custody'): 1, ('custody', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dis|m'): 1, ('dis|m', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'sitl'): 1, ('sitl', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'puze'): 1, ('puze', 'propeity'): 1, ('propeity', 'inshall'): 1, ('inshall', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'conducted'): 1, ('conducted', 'nnder'): 1, ('nnder', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'sujk'): 1, ('sujk', 'rvfsfon'): 1, ('rvfsfon', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'ail'): 1, ('ail', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'case'): 1, ('case', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'appeal'): 1, ('appeal', 'from'): 1, ('from', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'tteeree'): 1, ('tteeree', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'eoadeinhnthe'): 1, ('eoadeinhnthe', 'nutrshal'): 1, ('nutrshal', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'crdlecting'): 1, ('crdlecting', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'deiwiiling'): 1, ('deiwiiling', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'natum'): 1, ('natum', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'stiil'): 1, ('stiil', 'prei'): 1, ('prei', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deiree'): 1, ('deiree', 'ojnof'): 1, ('ojnof', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'gross'): 1, ('gross', 'proceerls'): 1, ('proceerls', 'shall'): 1, ('be', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'anction'): 1, ('anction', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'distribution'): 1, ('distribution', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'ftiras'): 1, ('ftiras', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'determine'): 1, ('determine', 'what'): 1, ('what', 'shareneer'): 1, ('shareneer', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'agent'): 1, ('agent', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'fore'): 1, ('fore', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'sale'): 1, ('sale', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'marshal'): 1, ('marshal', 'j'): 1, ('j', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'prize'): 1, ('prize', 'shall'): 1, ('shall', 'g'): 1, ('g', 'to'): 1, ('\u003c', 'aptors'): 1, ('aptors', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'whatnshall'): 1, ('whatnshall', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'tull'): 1, ('tull', 'catalogues'): 1, ('catalogues', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'schedules'): 1, ('schedules', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'vessels'): 1, ('vessels', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'entitled'): 1, ('entitled', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'particulate'): 1, ('particulate', 'therein'): 1, ('therein', 'aofnprejuiretl'): 1, ('aofnprejuiretl', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'circulate'): 1, ('circulate', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'pv'): 1, ('pv', 'of'): 1, ('wuh', ''): 1, ('', 'sa'): 1, ('sa', 'lkofvaluable'): 1, ('lkofvaluable', 'unimpbovd'): 1, ('unimpbovd', 'relnjsiatf'): 1, ('relnjsiatf', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'north'): 2, ('north', 'bideof'): 1, ('bideof', 'stnnear'): 1, ('stnnear', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'st'): 1, ('st', 'r'): 1, ('r', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'northwestnby'): 1, ('northwestnby', 'virtue'): 1, ('virtue', 'ol'): 1, ('ol', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deed'): 1, ('deed', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'trust'): 2, ('trust', 'recorded'): 1, ('recorded', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'lllier'): 1, ('lllier', 'nno'): 1, ('nno', 'folio'): 1, ('folio', 'et'): 1, ('et', 'seq'): 1, ('seq', 'one'): 1, ('the', 'land'): 2, ('land', '®nrecords'): 1, ('®nrecords', 'of'): 1, ('district', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'columbia'): 1, ('columbia', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'andecree'): 1, ('andecree', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'bupreme'): 1, ('bupreme', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'of'): 2, ('district', 'ofncolumbia'): 1, ('ofncolumbia', 'tasked'): 1, ('tasked', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'equity'): 1, ('equity', 'cause'): 1, ('cause', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'junen'): 1, ('junen', 'th'): 1, ('th', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'friday'): 1, ('friday', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'ofnjune'): 1, ('ofnjune', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'oclock'): 1, ('oclock', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'n'): 1, ('n', '\u003e'): 1, ('\u003e', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'front'): 1, ('front', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'thenpitmles'): 1, ('thenpitmles', 'seb'): 1, ('seb', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'pubi'): 1, ('pubi', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'auction'): 1, ('auction', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'nin'): 1, ('nin', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'city'): 1, ('city', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'washington'): 1, ('washington', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'uniinnpioved'): 1, ('uniinnpioved', 'containing'): 1, ('containing', 'abou'): 1, ('abou', 'square'): 1, ('square', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ofnground'): 1, ('ofnground', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'be'): 5, ('be', 'subdivided'): 1, ('subdivided', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'tnree'): 1, ('tnree', 'lots'): 1, ('lots', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'ofnwhich'): 1, ('ofnwhich', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'have'): 1, ('a', 'frolume'): 1, ('frolume', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'feet'): 1, ('feet', 'ou'): 1, ('ou', 'instreet'): 1, ('instreet', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'soldjnterms'): 1, ('soldjnterms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'sale'): 3, ('sale', 'onetblrd'): 1, ('onetblrd', 'togethor'): 1, ('togethor', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'ex¬npenses'): 1, ('ex¬npenses', 'of'): 1, ('sale', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'residue'): 1, ('residue', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'three'): 1, ('three', 'equalnpay'): 1, ('equalnpay', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'ents'): 1, ('ents', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'six'): 1, ('six', 'twelve'): 1, ('twelve', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'eighteen'): 1, ('eighteen', 'months'): 1, ('months', 're¬nspectively'): 1, ('re¬nspectively', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'notes'): 1, ('notes', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'purchasernbearing'): 1, ('purchasernbearing', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'from'): 1, ('the', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'of'): 2, ('sale', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'centnper'): 1, ('centnper', 'ainum'): 1, ('ainum', 'p'): 1, ('p', 'table'): 1, ('table', 'semiannually'): 1, ('semiannually', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'secured'): 1, ('secured', 'byna'): 1, ('byna', 'deed'): 1, ('trust', 'on'): 1, ('the', 'property'): 2, ('property', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'takennor'): 1, ('takennor', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'purchaser'): 2, ('purchaser', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'pay'): 1, ('pay', 'cash'): 1, ('cash', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'nls'): 1, ('nls', 'op¬ntion'): 1, ('op¬ntion', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'conveyancing'): 1, ('conveyancing', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'recording'): 1, ('recording', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'cost'): 1, ('cost', 'of'): 1, ('purchaser', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'terms'): 1, ('terms', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'saenshall'): 1, ('saenshall', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'lie'): 1, ('lie', 'complied'): 1, ('complied', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'ave'): 1, ('ave', 'days'): 1, ('days', 'after'): 1, ('after', 'thentale'): 1, ('thentale', 'the'): 1, ('property', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'nold'): 1, ('nold', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'risk'): 1, ('risk', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cotnof'): 1, ('cotnof', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'defaulting'): 1, ('defaulting', 'purchaser'): 1, ('purchaser', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'deposit'): 1, ('deposit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'orn'): 1, ('orn', 'c'): 1, ('c', 'n'): 1, ('n', 'each'): 1, ('each', 'sulidivlded'): 1, ('sulidivlded', 'lot'): 1, ('lot', 'will'): 1, ('be', 'required'): 1, ('required', 'at'): 1, ('the', ''): 1, ('', 'god'): 1, ('god', 'includes'): 1, ('includes', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'notngrieve'): 1, ('notngrieve', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'left'): 1, ('left', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'godnthought'): 1, ('godnthought', 'some'): 1, ('some', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'emailnespecially'): 1, ('emailnespecially', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'childrenncjod'): 1, ('childrenncjod', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'say'): 1, ('say', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'jesse'): 1, ('jesse', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ruahnand'): 1, ('ruahnand', 'willie'): 1, ('willie', 'should'): 1, ('go', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'george'): 1, ('george', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'james'): 1, ('james', 'andnmarj'): 1, ('andnmarj', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'too'): 1, ('too', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'hair'): 1, ('hair', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'bencomp'): 1, ('bencomp', 'silvered'): 1, ('silvered', 'yet'): 1, ('yet', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'childrennus'): 1, ('childrennus', 'students'): 1, ('students', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'god'): 3, ('god', 'word'): 1, ('word', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'innchristian'): 1, ('innchristian', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'andnyoung'): 1, ('andnyoung', 'we'): 1, ('are', 'all'): 2, ('all', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'of'): 2, ('god', 'atidnneed'): 1, ('atidnneed', 'to'): 1, ('be', 'taught'): 1, ('taught', 'of'): 1, ('god', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'herenall'): 1, ('herenall', 'thy'): 1, ('thy', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'both'): 1, ('both', 'old'): 1, ('old', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'youngngreat'): 1, ('youngngreat', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'small'): 2, ('small', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'ideal'): 1, ('ideal', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'scriptural'): 1, ('scriptural', 'way'): 1, ('way', 'is'): 1, ('the', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'familynin'): 1, ('familynin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'worship'): 1, ('worship', 'andnthe'): 1, ('andnthe', 'whole'): 1, ('whole', 'family'): 1, ('family', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'sabbathnschool'): 1, ('sabbathnschool', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'our'): 2, ('our', 'neigh¬nbor'): 2, ('neigh¬nbor', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'are'): 4, ('are', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'chhndren'): 1, ('chhndren', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'particular'): 1, ('particular', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'have'): 4, ('have', 'anresponsibility'): 1, ('anresponsibility', 'concerning'): 1, ('concerning', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'wenare'): 1, ('wenare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'brother'): 2, ('brother', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'then'): 1, ('then', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'arenalso'): 1, ('arenalso', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'keeper'): 1, ('keeper', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'our'): 2, ('brother', 'chil¬ndren'): 1, ('chil¬ndren', 'there'): 1, ('there', 'arehelot'): 1, ('arehelot', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'spiritualnwaifs'): 1, ('spiritualnwaifs', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'withoutnreligious'): 1, ('withoutnreligious', 'home'): 1, ('home', 'training'): 1, ('training', 'example'): 1, ('example', 'orninfluence'): 1, ('orninfluence', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'parable'): 1, ('parable', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'goodnsamaritan'): 1, ('goodnsamaritan', 'teaches'): 1, ('teaches', 'us'): 1, ('us', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'our'): 1, ('neigh¬nbor', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'any'): 1, ('any', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'need'): 1, ('need', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'cannhelp'): 1, ('cannhelp', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'children'): 1, ('the', 'streetsnadd'): 1, ('streetsnadd', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'homes'): 1, ('homes', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'irreligious'): 1, ('irreligious', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'neg¬nligent'): 1, ('neg¬nligent', 'parents'): 1, ('parents', 'are'): 1, ('our', 'children'): 1, ('children', 'accord¬ning'): 1, ('accord¬ning', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'teachings'): 1, ('teachings', 'f'): 1, ('f', 'christ'): 1, ('christ', 'theynare'): 1, ('theynare', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'neednand'): 1, ('neednand', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'lt'): 1, ('lt', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'power'): 1, ('power', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'helpnthem'): 1, ('helpnthem', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'worse'): 1, ('worse', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'sheepnwithout'): 1, ('sheepnwithout', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'shepherd'): 1, ('shepherd', 'they'): 1, ('are', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'lit¬ntle'): 1, ('lit¬ntle', 'innocent'): 1, ('innocent', 'helpless'): 1, ('helpless', 'lambs'): 1, ('lambs', 'without'): 1, ('without', 'anshepherd'): 1, ('anshepherd', 'dont'): 1, ('dont', 'let'): 2, ('let', 'us'): 2, ('us', 'think'): 2, ('think', 'we'): 2, ('we', 'havenno'): 1, ('havenno', 'responsibility'): 1, ('responsibility', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'we'): 1, ('have', 'no'): 1, ('no', 'chfl¬ndren'): 1, ('chfl¬ndren', 'dont'): 1, ('have', 'donenour'): 1, ('donenour', 'full'): 1, ('full', 'duty'): 1, ('duty', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'own'): 1, ('own', 'children'): 2, ('children', 'arenin'): 1, ('arenin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'church'): 1, ('church', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'sabbath'): 1, ('sabbath', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'arenhere'): 1, ('arenhere', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'thy'): 1, ('children', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'tire'): 1, ('tire', 'largensenseour'): 1, ('largensenseour', 'own'): 1, ('children', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'andnsmall'): 1, ('andnsmall', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'our'): 1, ('our', 'neighbor'): 1, ('neighbor', 'childrennall'): 1, ('childrennall', 'that'): 1, ('we', 'ate'): 1, ('ate', 'responsible'): 1, ('responsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'allnthat'): 1, ('allnthat', 'we'): 1, ('we', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'influence'): 1, ('influence', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'instruct'): 1, ('instruct', 'innspiritual'): 1, ('things', ''): 1, ('', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'said'): 6, ('said', 'action'): 1, ('action', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'brought'): 1, ('brought', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'obtain'): 2, ('obtain', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'decree'): 1, ('decree', 'ofnthis'): 1, ('ofnthis', 'court'): 1, ('court', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'foreclosure'): 1, ('foreclosure', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'certain'): 1, ('certain', 'mortngage'): 1, ('mortngage', 'described'): 1, ('described', 'in'): 1, ('said', 'complaint'): 2, ('complaint', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'cxcnued'): 1, ('cxcnued', 'by'): 1, ('said', 'edward'): 1, ('edward', 'naud'): 1, ('naud', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'deceasednto'): 1, ('deceasednto', 'thaddeus'): 1, ('thaddeus', 'amat'): 1, ('amat', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'assigned'): 1, ('assigned', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'plainntiff'): 1, ('plainntiff', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'mesne'): 1, ('mesne', 'assign'): 1, ('assign', 'menuwu'): 1, ('menuwu', 'complaint'): 1, ('complaint', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'thenithday'): 1, ('thenithday', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'august'): 1, ('august', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'secure'): 2, ('secure', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'paynment'): 1, ('paynment', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'nte'): 1, ('nte', 'fur'): 1, ('the', 'sum'): 1, ('sum', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'nexecuted'): 1, ('nexecuted', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'day'): 1, ('day', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'thereon'): 1, ('thereon', 'atnthe'): 1, ('atnthe', 'rate'): 1, ('rate', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'one'): 2, ('one', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'cent'): 1, ('cent', 'per'): 1, ('per', 'month'): 1, ('month', 'till'): 1, ('till', 'paidnfrom'): 1, ('paidnfrom', 'november'): 1, ('november', 'compounded'): 1, ('compounded', 'quarter'): 1, ('quarter', 'yandntor'): 1, ('yandntor', 'costs'): 1, ('costs', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'suit'): 2, ('suit', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'conveyed'): 1, ('conveyed', 'bynsaid'): 1, ('bynsaid', 'mortgage'): 1, ('mortgage', 'may'): 1, ('may', 'be'): 2, ('be', 'sold'): 1, ('sold', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'apnplied'): 1, ('apnplied', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thu'): 1, ('thu', 'payment'): 1, ('payment', 'of'): 1, ('said', 'promissory'): 1, ('promissory', 'notenand'): 1, ('notenand', 'interest'): 1, ('interest', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'aforesaid'): 1, ('aforesaid', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'costs'): 1, ('suit', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'inncase'): 1, ('inncase', 'such'): 1, ('such', 'proceeds'): 1, ('proceeds', 'ars'): 1, ('ars', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'sufficient'): 1, ('sufficient', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'pay'): 2, ('pay', 'thengraphthen'): 1, ('thengraphthen', 'to'): 1, ('obtain', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'execution'): 1, ('execution', 'against'): 1, ('against', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'vientor'): 1, ('vientor', 'beaudry'): 1, ('beaudry', 'whois'): 1, ('whois', 'obligated'): 1, ('obligated', 'to'): 1, ('pay', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'same'): 1, ('same', 'forntho'): 1, ('forntho', 'balance'): 1, ('balance', 'remaining'): 1, ('remaining', 'due'): 1, ('due', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'also'): 1, ('also', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'denfendants'): 1, ('denfendants', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'persons'): 1, ('persons', 'claiming'): 1, ('claiming', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'through'): 1, ('through', 'ornunder'): 1, ('ornunder', 'them'): 1, ('them', 'may'): 1, ('be', 'barred'): 1, ('barred', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'foreclosed'): 1, ('foreclosed', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'aiinright'): 1, ('aiinright', 'titleclaim'): 1, ('titleclaim', 'lien'): 1, ('lien', 'equityof'): 1, ('equityof', 'redemption'): 1, ('redemption', 'andninterest'): 1, ('andninterest', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tn'): 1, ('tn', 'stid'): 1, ('stid', 'moitgaged'): 1, ('moitgaged', 'premises'): 1, ('premises', 'andnfor'): 1, ('andnfor', 'other'): 1, ('other', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'upther'): 1, ('upther', 'relief'): 1, ('relief', 'reference'): 1, ('reference', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'hodtoncomplaint'): 1, ('hodtoncomplaint', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'partcularanand'): 1, ('partcularanand', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'hereby'): 1, ('hereby', 'notified'): 1, ('notified', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'if'): 1, ('if', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'fail'): 1, ('fail', 'tonappear'): 1, ('tonappear', 'ant'): 1, ('ant', 'answer'): 1, ('answer', 'the'): 1, ('complaint', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'abovenrequired'): 1, ('abovenrequired', 'the'): 1, ('said', 'plaintiffwillapplyto'): 1, ('plaintiffwillapplyto', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'courtnfor'): 1, ('courtnfor', 'iherelitf'): 1, ('iherelitf', 'demanded'): 1, ('demanded', 'inthe'): 1, ('inthe', 'said'): 1, ('said', 'complaintngiven'): 1, ('complaintngiven', 'under'): 1, ('under', 'myhand'): 1, ('myhand', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'tbe'): 1, ('tbe', 'seal'): 1, ('seal', 'ofthe'): 1, ('ofthe', 'ssid'): 1, ('ssid', 'sunperior'): 1, ('sunperior', 'court'): 1, ('the', 'state'): 1, ('state', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'california'): 1, ('california', 'iaand'): 1, ('iaand', 'fornthe'): 1, ('fornthe', 'county'): 1, ('county', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'los'): 1, ('los', 'angeles'): 1, ('angeles', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'd'): 1, ('d', 'day'): 1, ('of', 'augustnin'): 1, ('augustnin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'year'): 1, ('year', 'of'): 1, ('our', 'lord'): 1, ('lord', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'thousand'): 1, ('thousand', 'eight'): 1, ('eight', 'bunndrcd'): 1, ('bunndrcd', 'and'): 1, ('eightythree', ''): 1, ('', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'is'): 2, ('is', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'useless'): 1, ('useless', 'exhortation'): 1, ('exhortation', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'intelnligent'): 1, ('intelnligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'aiiless'): 1, ('aiiless', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'parnty'): 1, ('parnty', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'resolved'): 1, ('resolved', 'to'): 1, ('secure', 'those'): 1, ('those', 'ends'): 1, ('ends', 'whichnintelligent'): 1, ('whichnintelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'means'): 1, ('means', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'suchnagents'): 1, ('suchnagents', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'intelligent'): 1, ('intelligent', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'can'): 1, ('can', 'respectnthe'): 1, ('respectnthe', 'republicans'): 1, ('republicans', 'iu'): 1, ('iu', 'the'): 3, ('the', 'essex'): 1, ('essex', 'district'): 1, ('district', 'ofnmassachusetts'): 1, ('ofnmassachusetts', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'select'): 1, ('select', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'likeneneral'): 1, ('likeneneral', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'representativendefeat'): 1, ('representativendefeat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'republican'): 1, ('republican', 'candidates'): 1, ('candidates', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'inndiana'): 1, ('inndiana', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'ohio'): 1, ('ohio', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'they'): 1, ('they', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'notnrepublicans'): 1, ('notnrepublicans', 'wlo'): 1, ('wlo', 'insist'): 1, ('insist', 'ujon'): 1, ('ujon', 'honestynand'): 1, ('honestynand', 'principle'): 1, ('principle', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'politics'): 1, ('politics', 'who'): 1, ('who', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'rensponsible'): 1, ('rensponsible', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'repu'): 1, ('repu', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'ilican'): 1, ('ilican', 'disastersnthe'): 1, ('disastersnthe', 'general'): 1, ('general', 'torpidity'): 1, ('torpidity', 'of'): 1, ('business', 'thenprolonged'): 1, ('thenprolonged', 'confusion'): 1, ('confusion', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'southernnstates'): 1, ('southernnstates', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suspicion'): 1, ('suspicion', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'corruption'): 1, ('corruption', 'andninefficiency'): 1, ('andninefficiency', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'public'): 1, ('public', 'service'): 1, ('service', 'thenhostility'): 1, ('thenhostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'stringent'): 1, ('stringent', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'legisnlation'): 1, ('legisnlation', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'among'): 1, ('among', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'reasons'): 1, ('reasons', 'whichnhave'): 1, ('whichnhave', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'desire'): 1, ('desire', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'changenwhich'): 1, ('changenwhich', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'shown'): 1, ('shown', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'elections'): 1, ('elections', 'therenis'): 1, ('therenis', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'one'): 1, ('of', 'these'): 1, ('these', 'complaints'): 1, ('complaints', 'howevernexcept'): 1, ('howevernexcept', 'that'): 1, ('the', 'temperance'): 1, ('temperance', 'lawsnwhich'): 1, ('lawsnwhich', 'would'): 1, ('would', 'be'): 1, ('be', 'removed'): 1, ('removed', 'by'): 1, ('a', 'demoncratic'): 1, ('demoncratic', 'restoration'): 1, ('restoration', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'sincere'): 1, ('sincere', 'jealnousy'): 1, ('jealnousy', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'with'): 1, ('with', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'tjie'): 1, ('tjie', 'hatred'): 1, ('hatred', 'thatnsurvives'): 1, ('thatnsurvives', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'war'): 1, ('war', 'all'): 1, ('the', 'hostility'): 1, ('hostility', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'thenprinciples'): 1, ('thenprinciples', 'and'): 1, ('the', 'purpose'): 1, ('purpose', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'newnamendments'): 1, ('newnamendments', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'constitution'): 1, ('constitution', 'thenspirit'): 1, ('thenspirit', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'oppression'): 1, ('oppression', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'negro'): 1, ('negro', 'thendesire'): 1, ('thendesire', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'repudiation'): 1, ('repudiation', 'are'): 1, ('all', 'includednin'): 1, ('includednin', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'democratic'): 2, ('democratic', 'party'): 1, ('party', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'statesnwhere'): 1, ('statesnwhere', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'old'): 2, ('old', 'spirit'): 1, ('spirit', 'of'): 2, ('of', 'caste'): 1, ('caste', 'fostered'): 1, ('fostered', 'bynignorance'): 1, ('bynignorance', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'every'): 1, ('every', 'kind'): 1, ('kind', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'strongest'): 1, ('strongest', 'iunthose'): 1, ('iunthose', 'parts'): 1, ('parts', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'country'): 1, ('country', 'which'): 1, ('which', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'thenmost'): 1, ('thenmost', 'backward'): 1, ('backward', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'genneral'): 1, ('genneral', 'development'): 1, ('development', 'the'): 1, ('democratic', 'pari'): 1, ('pari', 'ynis'): 1, ('ynis', 'now'): 1, ('now', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'always'): 1, ('always', 'was'): 1, ('was', 'more'): 1, ('more', 'powerfulntnan'): 1, ('powerfulntnan', 'its'): 1, ('its', 'opponent'): 1, ('opponent', 'iu'): 1, ('the', 'great'): 2, ('great', 'centresnof'): 1, ('centresnof', 'intelligence'): 1, ('intelligence', 'industry'): 1, ('industry', 'enterprisenand'): 1, ('enterprisenand', 'an'): 1, ('an', 'advancing'): 1, ('advancing', 'social'): 1, ('social', 'condition'): 1, ('condition', 'thenrepublican'): 1, ('thenrepublican', 'party'): 1, ('is', 'dominant'): 1, ('dominant', 'kenntucky'): 1, ('kenntucky', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'maryland'): 1, ('maryland', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'distinctivelyndemocratic'): 1, ('distinctivelyndemocratic', 'states'): 1, ('states', 'massachusetts'): 1, ('massachusetts', 'iowanand'): 1, ('iowanand', 'rural'): 1, ('rural', 'new'): 1, ('york', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'republicannevery'): 1, ('republicannevery', 'patriotic'): 1, ('patriotic', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'enlightened'): 1, ('enlightened', 'amernican'): 1, ('amernican', 'must'): 1, ('must', 'prefer'): 1, ('prefer', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'see'): 1, ('see', 'thecountry'): 1, ('thecountry', 'guardned'): 1, ('guardned', 'by'): 1, ('the', 'spirit'): 1, ('great', 'northwestnand'): 1, ('northwestnand', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'england'): 1, ('england', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'new'): 1, ('new', 'yorknrather'): 1, ('yorknrather', 'than'): 1, ('than', 'by'): 1, ('by', 'tluitof'): 1, ('tluitof', 'the'): 1, ('old', 'bourbonnand'): 1, ('bourbonnand', 'slave'): 1, ('states', ''): 1, ('', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'led'): 1, ('led', 'me'): 1, ('me', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'accept'): 1, ('accept', 'everything'): 1, ('everything', 'i'): 1, ('i', 'readnwith'): 1, ('readnwith', 'a'): 1, ('of', 'distrust'): 1, ('distrust', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'i'): 2, ('i', 'takennothing'): 1, ('takennothing', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'granted'): 1, ('granted', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'comenfrom'): 1, ('comenfrom', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'pen'): 1, ('pen', 'of'): 1, ('one', 'whose'): 1, ('whose', 'prominencengives'): 1, ('prominencengives', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'opinions'): 1, ('opinions', 'weight'): 1, ('weight', 'whethernthey'): 1, ('whethernthey', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'right'): 1, ('right', 'or'): 1, ('or', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'my'): 1, ('my', 'neighbours'): 1, ('neighbours', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'different'): 1, ('different', 'their'): 1, ('their', 'advancementnis'): 1, ('advancementnis', 'slow'): 1, ('slow', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'frequently'): 1, ('frequently', 'wrong'): 1, ('wrong', 'theynget'): 1, ('theynget', 'hold'): 1, ('hold', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'exploded'): 1, ('exploded', 'ideas'): 1, ('ideas', 'years'): 1, ('years', 'afternthe'): 1, ('afternthe', 'explosion'): 1, ('explosion', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'because'): 1, ('because', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'probnabilities'): 1, ('probnabilities', 'of'): 1, ('a', 'thing'): 1, ('thing', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'accepted'): 1, ('accepted', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'anfact'): 1, ('anfact', 'but'): 1, ('but', 'neighbors'): 1, ('neighbors', 'are'): 1, ('are', 'about'): 1, ('about', 'alike'): 1, ('alike', 'innevery'): 1, ('innevery', 'township'): 1, ('township', 'in'): 1, ('land', 'outside'): 1, ('outside', 'ofnthe'): 1, ('ofnthe', 'very'): 1, ('very', 'centres'): 1, ('centres', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'civilization'): 1, ('civilization', 'wherenthe'): 1, ('wherenthe', 'light'): 1, ('light', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'flashes'): 1, ('flashes', 'fromnmind'): 1, ('fromnmind', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'mind'): 1, ('mind', 'in'): 1, ('the', 'human'): 1, ('human', 'conflict'): 1, ('conflict', 'tonreach'): 1, ('tonreach', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'highest'): 1, ('highest', 'round'): 1, ('round', 'of'): 1, ('the', 'laddernit'): 1, ('laddernit', 'is'): 1, ('is', 'astonishing'): 1, ('astonishing', 'men'): 1, ('men', 'will'): 1, ('will', 'live'): 1, ('live', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'dienin'): 1, ('dienin', 'this'): 1, ('this', 'age'): 1, ('age', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'know'): 1, ('know', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'earth'): 2, ('earth', 'isnround'): 1, ('isnround', 'school'): 1, ('school', 'houses'): 1, ('houses', 'on'): 1, ('on', 'almost'): 1, ('almost', 'everynfarm'): 1, ('everynfarm', 'books'): 1, ('books', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'kinds'): 1, ('kinds', 'within'): 1, ('within', 'reachnand'): 1, ('reachnand', 'yetseparatelythat'): 1, ('yetseparatelythat', 'the'): 1, ('earth', 'has'): 1, ('has', 'montion'): 1, ('montion', 'aday'): 1, ('aday', 'ortwo'): 1, ('ortwo', 'agoitalked'): 1, ('agoitalked', 'to'): 1, ('to', 'anprominent'): 1, ('anprominent', 'attorney'): 1, ('attorney', 'in'): 1, ('in', 'butler'): 1, ('butler', 'andnwould'): 1, ('andnwould', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'believe'): 1, ('believe', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'ho'): 1, ('ho', 'actually'): 1, ('actually', 'arguednthat'): 1, ('arguednthat', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'farther'): 1, ('farther', 'you'): 1, ('you', 'go'): 1, ('go', 'south'): 1, ('south', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'hotternit'): 1, ('hotternit', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'exactly'): 1, ('exactly', 'as'): 1, ('as', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'further'): 1, ('further', 'north'): 1, ('north', 'younwent'): 1, ('younwent', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'colder'): 1, ('colder', 'it'): 1, ('it', 'got'): 1, ('got', 'it'): 1, ('is', 'ridiculousnduring'): 1, ('ridiculousnduring', 'all'): 1, ('all', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'that'): 1, ('that', 'man'): 1, ('man', 'busy'): 1, ('busy', 'life'): 1, ('life', 'benbad'): 1, ('benbad', 'not'): 1, ('not', 'paused'): 1, ('paused', 'to'): 1, ('make', 'one'): 1, ('one', 'applicationnof'): 1, ('applicationnof', 'his'): 1, ('his', 'knowledge'): 1, ('knowledge', 'so'): 1, ('so', 'he'): 1, ('he', 'could'): 1, ('could', 'practicalnly'): 1, ('practicalnly', 'understand'): 1, ('understand', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'relationship'): 1, ('relationship', 'existingnbetween'): 1, ('existingnbetween', 'the'): 1, ('north', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'south'): 1, ('south', 'polesnthe'): 1, ('polesnthe', 'equator'): 1, ('equator', 'aud'): 1, ('aud', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suu'): 1, ('suu', 'nwe'): 1, ('nwe', 'came'): 1, ('came', 'to'): 1, ('the', 'house'): 1, ('house', 'and'): 1, ('was', 'connducted'): 1, ('connducted', 'into'): 1, ('into', 'a'): 1, ('a', 'large'): 1, ('large', 'room'): 1, ('room', 'fitted'): 1, ('fitted', 'up'): 1, ('up', 'atnone'): 1, ('atnone', 'end'): 1, ('end', 'for'): 1, ('for', 'a'): 2, ('a', 'library'): 1, ('library', 'and'): 1, ('and', 'at'): 1, ('at', 'thenother'): 1, ('thenother', 'for'): 1, ('a', 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('the', 'unitednstates'): 1}\n","queue: deque(['unitednstates', 'and', 'australasian'], maxlen=3)\n","vocab: {'proper', 'lawsnwhich', 'saldnhow', 'thenpitmles', 'after', 'feettoitwhenigetinitnhe', 'bunches', 'uniinnpioved', 'tnree', 'instruct', 'being', 'till', 'andnfor', 'from', 'partcularanand', 'massachusetts', 'shepherd', 'sale', 'stato', 'who', 'certainly', 'andnwould', 'patriotic', 'complaints', 'england', 'get', 'centres', 'likeneneral', 'makingnsuch', 'thentop', 'execution', 'known', 'alike', 'ridiculousnduring', 'floor', 'childrenncjod', 'old', 'bulk', 'mortngage', 'relnjsiatf', 'andninefficiency', 'tjie', 'excellent', 'statesman', 'appeal', 'uppealstnparties', 'county', 'nin', 'month', 'alluded', 'children', 'life', 'branch', 'edward', 'somo', 'ansmaa', 'thercfn', 'w', 'anprominent', 'blanket', 'depreciate', 'nls', 'organization', 'amat', 'recording', 'library', 'scat', 'propeity', 'childrennall', 'tn', 'conducted', 'day', 'whichnhave', 'longer', 'crack', 'familynin', 'obtain', 'school', 'eatingnflannel', 'general', 'slave', 'houses', 'always', 'casesablythe', 'fore', 'entitled', 'containing', 'eighteen', 'piatt', 'which', 'whethernthey', 'represented', 'select', 'church', 'everything', 'neg¬nligent', 'rate', 'naud', 'light', 'opinions', 'auctioneer', 'imagine', 'lertains', 'ofncolumbia', 'seb', 'proceedings', 'r', 'op¬ntion', 'have', 'some', 'are', 'b', 'cent', 'hatred', 'attorney', 'soup', 'flashes', 'plate', 'post', 'j', 'withitinor', 'washington', 'thnof', 'probnabilities', 'thy', 'between', 'redemption', '\u003c', 'execute', 'andninterest', 'titleclaim', 'more', 'streetsnadd', 'mr', 'thu', 'everynwhere', 'come', 'n', 'without', 'paidnfrom', 'junen', 'case', 'dozeus', 'rural', 'werentimely', 'exhortation', 'wile', 'refreshlin', 'therein', 'keeping', 'you', 'nearner', 'certain', 'vientor', 'kenntucky', 'equity', 'fiom', 'wuh', 'god', 'quarter', 'ofnthis', 'whichnintelligent', 'thatnsurvives', 'thenmost', 'eight', 'politics', 'ofthe', 'never', 'thenspirit', 'abovenrequired', 'newnamendments', 'outside', 'los', 'gotnone', 'myhand', 'see', 'aminthemorningsonthey', 'waiter', 'my', 'action', 'noted', 'rendering', 'would', 'settlo', 'compounded', 'tongetupat', 'spiritualnwaifs', 'representativendefeat', 'november', 'right', 'et', 'time', 'with', 'particulate', 'distinctivelyndemocratic', 'schedules', 'elihu', 'puze', 'courtnfor', 'has', 'entry', 'both', 'unnless', 'on', 'restoration', 'service', 'equator', 'york', 'now', 'want', 'should', 'columbia', 'acncredited', 't', 'e', 're¬nspectively', 'than', 'includednin', 'benbad', 'governnments', 'st', 'due', 'nad', 'lit¬ntle', 'includes', 'instreet', 'ular', 'too', 'anresponsibility', 'augustnin', 'and', 'legislaturesnit', 'direct', 'halfnof', 'thousand', 'anfact', 'wenwere', 'costs', 'human', 'getnin', 'teaches', 'party', 'woke', 'all', 'notenand', 'centresnof', 'public', 'particular', 'irreligious', 'sunperior', 'front', 'lllier', 'sincere', 'property', 'prei', 'sa', 'slow', 'feet', 'essex', 'asale', 'round', 'cotnof', 'concerning', 'nold', 'prize', 'opon', 'training', '®nrecords', 'largensenseour', 'through', 'mustnhave', 'interest', 'desire', 'mesne', 'seal', 'chil¬ndren', 'temperance', 'uf', 'withstanding', 'ornunder', 'confusion', 'hodtoncomplaint', 'eoadeinhnthe', 'atidnneed', 'brother', 'say', 'maps', 'sheepnwithout', 'large', 'bupreme', 'iaand', 'small', 'they', 'ideal', 'neigh¬nbor', 'inndiana', 'ilican', 'directly', 'colder', 'perishable', 'thereof', 'need', 'priae', 'read', 'against', 'helpnthem', 'complaint', 'barred', 'district', 'orn', 'spirit', 'mortgage', 'sinh', 'make', 'andnsmall', 'cause', 'tbe', 'social', 'six', 'parents', 'assigned', 'industry', 'empirqnstate', 'pains', 'sandwichnafter', 'navy', 'intelligence', 'at', 'signed', 'innevery', 'jesse', 'hair', 'stringent', 'wentnover', 'parts', 'used', 'ojnof', 'togethor', 'busy', 'been', 'claimed', 'silvered', 'ate', 'immediatenproblems', 'aptors', 'andnthe', 'senatorial', 'andntheir', 'not', 'tasked', 'applicationnof', 'one', 'development', 'may', 'deteriorate', 'supreme', 'table', 'reflections', 'pealed', 'shown', '|artit', 'purchasernbearing', 'foreclosure', 'premises', 'northwestnand', 'boot', 'sold', 'said', 'family', 'within', 'thenrepublican', 'honestynand', 'repudiation', 'students', 'senate', 'inviunsuch', 'whatnshall', 'thecountry', 'themna', 'gnto', 'l', 'catalogues', 'amernican', 'eightythree', 'tried', 'urt', 'southernnstates', 'thenother', 'ofnmassachusetts', 'prevent', 'democratic', 'can', 'notes', 'secretary', 'promissory', 'longnenough', 'wonderfulnshapes', 'decree', 'under', 'ownnwho', 'sujk', 'bentough', 'nno', 'clerk', 'keeper', 'stid', 'outset', 'so', 'every', 'them', 'deiree', 'enlightened', 'sitl', 'up', 'slidingncurtain', 'ynis', 'perspective', 'oclock', 'tothis', 'comenfrom', 'unitednstates', 'rensponsible', 'montion', 'broughtnit', 'sabbathnschool', 'exactly', 'onensmelt', 'apiw', 'ruahnand', 'ot', 'therenis', 'weight', 'remind', 'andecree', 'notnrepublicans', 'connducted', 'upther', 'innocent', 'removed', 'goodnsamaritan', 'five', 'adjudication', 'cakes', 'ves', 'ail', 'lkofvaluable', 'aiinright', 'pari', 'dienin', 'was', 'good', 'as', '|nized', 'end', 'though', 'of', 'thenithday', 'jealnousy', 'distribution', 'while', 'express', 'thncause', 'hotternit', 'chfl¬ndren', 'own', 'nte', 'principle', 'suchnagents', 'duties', 'whose', 'payment', 'suu', 'understand', 'sure', 'esieeis', 'neighbors', 'by', 'awfulnheadache', 'to', 'electorate', 'intelligent', 'bananasnthey', 'prominencengives', 'deceasednto', 'lot', 'example', 'kinds', 'nownwe', 'havenno', 'enterprisenand', 'dominant', 'risk', 'middle', 'any', 'centnper', 'elections', 'folio', 'your', 'ho', 'place', 'relationship', 'terms', 'author', 'occupied', 'constitution', 'manager', 'atnthe', 'way', 'tonreach', 'hostility', 'pubi', 'court', 'left', 'george', 'north', 'business', 'flatts', 'eflort', 'paynment', 'complaintngiven', 'medium', 'he', 'changenwhich', 'conveyed', 'also', 'ortwo', 'marshal', 'brought', 'accustomed', 'practicalnly', 'vain', 'stage', 'caste', 'per', 'first', 'earthnrepresented', 'national', 'frolume', 'making', 'soldjnterms', '|amount', 'ex¬npenses', 'andnmarj', 'chhndren', 'arenin', 'fornthe', 'iowanand', 'array', 'courts', 'circulars', 'something', 'next', 'this', 'other', 'auctioneers', 'reference', 'man', 'statesnwhere', 'yandntor', 'room', 'isigovemed', 'abou', 'arenalso', 'actually', 'her', 'different', 'very', 'complied', 'relief', 'heard', 'cash', 'linesnfor', 'neighbours', 'bed', 'residue', 'oppression', 'seq', 'twelve', 'saidni', 'apnplied', 'balance', 'tire', 'forna', 'offices', 'shall', 'lie', 'innchristian', 'existingnbetween', 'somewhere', 'defaulting', 'civilization', 'thenroom', 'train', 'country', 'declared', 'new', 'knowledge', 'that', 'let', 'helpless', 'd', 'books', 'intelnligent', 'california', 'dividing', 'circulate', 'herenall', 'armistice', 'hag', 'fur', 'then', 'parnty', 'atnone', 'answer', 'genneral', 'ou', 'assign', 'dreamt', 'road', 'lambs', 'for', 'unitened', 'thnfoundiy', 'war', 'figures', 'cost', 'wool', 'such', 'gross', 'it', 'denfendants', 'august', 'kind', 'nowherenhe', 'sulidivlded', 'wherenglobes', 'ainum', 'dis|m', 'those', 'menuwu', 'determine', 'plainntiff', 'skidnwaiter', 'sum', 'appeals', 'etist', 'question', 'attic', 'goodnthings', 'years', 'theynget', 'younfcavo', 'be', 'fine', 'trust', 'secured', 'order', 'because', 'hear', 'sufficient', 'godnthought', 'township', 'wherenthe', 'orninfluence', 'conflict', 'secure', 'ofnoperate', 'nwe', 'advancementnis', 'advice', 'cannhelp', 'when', 'gone', 'ujon', 'value', 'thentale', 'got', 'astonishing', 'fefnsale', 'think', 'full', 'wo', '+henbrought', 'give', 'side', 'noticento', 'accept', 'somonmental', 'ceitihcate', 'thenprolonged', 'equityof', 'extended', 'crdlecting', 'gave', 'told', 'suit', 'agent', 'anshepherd', 'mb', 'pieliesaidnit', 'lovely', 'two', 'in', 'open', 'live', 'earth', 'had', 'thirty', 'thought', 'younhappen', 'pv', 'friday', 'nationally', 'maryland', 'measure', 'northwestnby', 'purpose', 'semiannually', 'a', 'g', 'where', 'slidellnthat', 'ndell', 'if', 'night', 'tull', 'bynsaid', 'yetseparatelythat', 'word', 'howevernexcept', 'arguednthat', 'steaks', 'iigree', 'thenbreakfast', 'compannies', 'repu', 'believe', 'bencomp', 'great', 'says', 'byna', 'convictions', 'toughnpeople', 'perishing', 'lisntened', 'return', 'andnyoung', 'theynare', 'worse', 'emailnespecially', 'thaddeus', 'remaining', 'year', 'forntho', 'rvfsfon', 'into', 'responsible', 'required', 'isnround', 'younwent', 'reasoned', 'guardned', 'claiming', 'homes', 'pay', 'squash', 'house', 'arenthose', 'th', 'land', 'thenhostility', 'tfie', 'purchaser', 'their', 'ofnground', 'negro', 'accepted', 'responsibility', 'its', 'andnget', 'machinnations', 'nnder', 'lien', 'advancing', 'albany', 'bo', 'baa', 'lots', 'highest', 'south', 'i', 'about', '\u003e', 'deiwiiling', 'down', 'illnaddtwo', 'ofnthe', 'lit', 'condemn', 'beaudry', 'yorknrather', 'people', 'mixed', 'iherelitf', 'equalnpay', 'wlo', 'thereby', 'australasian', 'c', 'fostered', 'appeared', 'condition', 'asked', 'childrennus', 'granted', 'thendesire', 'roomnthat', 'gotnpigs', 'possibly', 'bideof', 'willie', 'notified', 'fillning', 'myselfnwhere', 'ofnwhich', 'codfish', 'dollars', 'judge', 'strongest', 'whois', 'mind', 'saenshall', 'states', 'vessels', 'ride', 'three', 'there', 'pen', 'means', 'evidence', 'novnelty', 'afternthe', 'proceerls', 'us', 'nexecuted', 'donenour', 'anbed', 'thosenminor', 'withoutnreligious', 'frequently', 'months', 'everynfarm', 'paused', 'lt', 'rheumatismnmakes', 'neednand', 'obligated', 'filled', 'tonthink', 'lord', 'iunthose', 'parcels', 'sabbath', 'farther', 'dis', 'last', 'could', 'p', 'duty', 'accord¬ning', 'each', 'anywhere', 'reached', 'fortunqnwhich', 'laddernit', 'curnious', 'days', 'tluitof', 'ends', 'obeednattempt', 'candidates', 'political', 'tho', 'mintnskill', 'conveyancing', 'demoncratic', 'ol', 'teachings', 'suspicion', 'the', 'thonsan', 'me', 'stnnear', 'foreclosed', 'myself', 'inthe', 'aboutnit', 'republicans', 'youngngreat', 'an', 'roomsnthat', 'aofnprejuiretl', 'taught', 'these', 'politicians', 'bunndrcd', 'agoitalked', 'fitted', 'ftiras', 'bourbonnand', 'set', 'republicannevery', 'dont', 'f', 'evernwas', 'thenbed', 'worship', 'described', 'stands', 'virtue', 'tonappear', 'ant', 'controversy', 'influence', 'takennothing', 'morning', 'necessary', 'resolved', 'well', 'quality', 'ofnjune', 'ssid', 'his', 'fromnmind', 'stiil', 'legislature', 'scriptural', 'innspiritual', 'james', 'plaintiffwillapplyto', 'battle', 'inshall', 'distrust', 'grown', 'bootnto', 'bringhimselfninto', 'hich', 'fail', 'square', 'thenprinciples', 'liliel', 'tteeree', 'inncase', 'hold', 'atntho', 'miles', 'horizons', 'deposit', 'polesnthe', 'seat', 'natum', 'liable', 'disastersnthe', 'kl|never', 'parable', 'she', 'onetblrd', 'use', 'unitned', 'demanded', 'we', 'shareneer', 'quotations', 'power', 'made', 'previouslynproportionate', 'partition', 'accordning', 'things', 'angeles', 'allnthat', 'useless', 'butler', 'state', 'must', 'further', 'hotel', 'home', 'workshop', 'importancenemploy', 'almost', 'takennor', 'ars', 'best', 'walk', 'yet', 'custody', 'powerfulntnan', 'unimpbovd', 'leader', 'or', 'thengraphthen', 'rheumaticnpains', 'giving', 'men', 'came', 'is', 'know', 'arenhere', 'city', 'aiiless', 'ideas', 'torpidity', 'exploded', 'ave', 'opponent', 'itnwas', 'arehelot', 'unhss', 'improvingnthe', 'readnwith', 'glad', 'out', 'whenever', 'persons', 'wenare', 'wholly', 'reasons', 'will', 'were', 'corruption', 'no', 'tonguide', 'auction', 'whole', 'proceeds', 'prefer', 'thing', 'causes', 'notngrieve', 'politicaln', 'reachnand', 'onnof', 'neighbor', 'recorded', 'bynignorance', 'thereon', 'respectnthe', 'andni', 'anction', 'iu', 'age', 'go', 'same', 'else', 'sidenby', 'deed', 'aud', 'nutrshal', 'wrong', 'legisnlation', 'thirst', 'apnever', 'al', 'christ', 'aday', 'pumpkin', 'what', 'insist', 'among', 'ohio', 'explosion', 'led', 'moitgaged', 'sheet', 'republican', 'subdivided', 'ents', 'saysnim', 'cxcnued', 'stops', 'hugelynupon', 'our', 'but', 'backward', 'aforesaid', 'elsewherenfrom', 'tonthe', 'willnfor', 'address', 'hereby'}"]},{"name":"stderr","output_type":"stream","text":["IOPub data rate exceeded.\n","The notebook server will temporarily stop sending output\n","to the client in order to avoid crashing it.\n","To change this limit, set the config variable\n","`--NotebookApp.iopub_data_rate_limit`.\n","\n","Current values:\n","NotebookApp.iopub_data_rate_limit=1000000.0 (bytes/sec)\n","NotebookApp.rate_limit_window=3.0 (secs)\n","\n"]}],"source":["for line in cleaned:\n"," queue.append('') #use empty string to mark the beginning of a sentence\n"," text = line\n"," tokens = word_tokenize(text)\n"," for token in tokens:\n"," # add new word to the queue\n"," queue.append(token)\n"," print(\"queue: \", queue) \n"," # discover new word\n"," if token not in vocab:\n"," vocab.add(token)\n"," print('vocab: ', vocab)\n","\n","\n"," # count frequency of 1 word\n"," if token not in unigram:\n"," #print('unigram[token]: ', unigram[token])\n"," unigram[token] = 0\n"," unigram[token] += 1\n"," print('unigram: ',unigram)\n","\n"," # count frequency of 2 words\n"," if len(queue) \u003e= 2:\n"," item = tuple(queue)[:2]\n"," print('item: ',item)\n"," if item not in bigram:\n"," bigram[item] = 0\n"," bigram[item] += 1\n"," print(\"bigram: \", bigram)\n","\n"," # count frequency of 3 words\n"," if len(queue) == 3:\n"," item = tuple(queue)\n"," if item not in trigram:\n"," trigram[item] = 0\n"," trigram[item] += 1\n"," \n","total_words = len(unigram)\n","unigram[''] = total_words"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"id":"wb5QvW1IH9Vm"},"outputs":[],"source":[]}],"metadata":{"colab":{"authorship_tag":"ABX9TyOC6VVNtZRVbQCeZvTpWK+g","name":"","version":""},"kernelspec":{"display_name":"Python 3","name":"python3"},"language_info":{"name":"python"}},"nbformat":4,"nbformat_minor":0}