
221 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2021-07-09 23:35:24 +02:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls;
using UnityEditorInternal;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Timeline;
#if !UNITY_2020_2_OR_NEWER
using L10n = UnityEditor.Timeline.L10n;
namespace UnityEditor.Timeline
class BindingTreeViewDataSource : TreeViewDataSource
struct BindingGroup : IEquatable<BindingGroup>, IComparable<BindingGroup>
public readonly string GroupName;
public readonly string Path;
public readonly Type Type;
public BindingGroup(string path, string groupName, Type type)
Path = path;
GroupName = groupName;
Type = type;
public string groupDisplayName => string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path) ? GroupName : string.Format($"{Path} : {GroupName}");
public bool Equals(BindingGroup other) => GroupName == other.GroupName && Type == other.Type && Path == other.Path;
public int CompareTo(BindingGroup other) => GetHashCode() - other.GetHashCode();
public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is BindingGroup other && Equals(other);
public override int GetHashCode()
return HashUtility.CombineHash(GroupName != null ? GroupName.GetHashCode() : 0, Type != null ? Type.GetHashCode() : 0, Path != null ? Path.GetHashCode() : 0);
static readonly string s_DefaultValue = L10n.Tr("{0} (Default Value)");
public const int RootID = int.MinValue;
public const int GroupID = -1;
private readonly AnimationClip m_Clip;
private readonly CurveDataSource m_CurveDataSource;
public BindingTreeViewDataSource(
TreeViewController treeView, AnimationClip clip, CurveDataSource curveDataSource)
: base(treeView)
m_Clip = clip;
showRootItem = false;
m_CurveDataSource = curveDataSource;
void SetupRootNodeSettings()
showRootItem = false;
SetExpanded(RootID, true);
SetExpanded(GroupID, true);
public override void FetchData()
if (m_Clip == null)
var bindings = AnimationUtility.GetCurveBindings(m_Clip)
// a sorted linear list of nodes
var results = bindings.GroupBy(GetBindingGroup, p => p, CreateTuple)
.OrderBy(t => t.Item1.Path)
// this makes component ordering match the animation window
.ThenBy(t => t.Item1.Type.ToString())
.ThenBy(t => t.Item1.GroupName).ToArray();
m_RootItem = new CurveTreeViewNode(RootID, null, "root", null)
children = new List<TreeViewItem>(1)
if (results.Any())
var groupingNode = new CurveTreeViewNode(GroupID, m_RootItem, m_CurveDataSource.groupingName, bindings)
children = new List<TreeViewItem>()
foreach (var r in results)
var key = r.Item1;
var nodeBindings = r.Item2;
if (nodeBindings.Count == 1)
groupingNode.children.Add(CreateLeafNode(nodeBindings[0], groupingNode, PropertyName(nodeBindings[0], true)));
else if (nodeBindings.Count > 1)
var childBindings = nodeBindings.OrderBy(BindingSort).ToArray();
var parent = new CurveTreeViewNode(key.GetHashCode(), groupingNode, key.groupDisplayName, childBindings) {children = new List<TreeViewItem>()};
foreach (var b in childBindings)
parent.children.Add(CreateLeafNode(b, parent, PropertyName(b, false)));
m_NeedRefreshRows = true;
public void UpdateData()
string GroupName(EditorCurveBinding binding)
var propertyName = m_CurveDataSource.ModifyPropertyDisplayName(binding.path, binding.propertyName);
return CleanUpArrayBinding(AnimationWindowUtility.NicifyPropertyGroupName(binding.type, propertyName), true);
static string CleanUpArrayBinding(string propertyName, bool isGroup)
const string arrayIndicator = "[";
const string arrayDisplay = ".data[";
var arrayIndex = propertyName.LastIndexOf(arrayIndicator, StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (arrayIndex == -1)
return propertyName;
if (isGroup)
propertyName = propertyName.Substring(0, arrayIndex);
return propertyName.Replace(arrayIndicator, arrayDisplay);
string PropertyName(EditorCurveBinding binding, bool prependPathName)
var propertyName = m_CurveDataSource.ModifyPropertyDisplayName(binding.path, binding.propertyName);
propertyName = CleanUpArrayBinding(AnimationWindowUtility.GetPropertyDisplayName(propertyName), false);
if (binding.isPhantom)
propertyName = string.Format(s_DefaultValue, propertyName);
if (prependPathName && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(binding.path))
propertyName = $"{binding.path} : {propertyName}";
return propertyName;
BindingGroup GetBindingGroup(EditorCurveBinding binding)
return new BindingGroup(binding.path ?? string.Empty, GroupName(binding), binding.type);
static CurveTreeViewNode CreateLeafNode(EditorCurveBinding binding, TreeViewItem parent, string displayName)
return new CurveTreeViewNode(binding.GetHashCode(), parent, displayName, new[] { binding }, AnimationWindowUtility.ForceGrouping(binding));
static void FillMissingTransformCurves(List<EditorCurveBinding> bindings)
if (!AnimationWindowUtility.IsActualTransformCurve(bindings[0]) || bindings.Count >= 3)
var binding = bindings[0];
var prefixPropertyName = binding.propertyName.Split('.').First();
binding.isPhantom = true;
if (!bindings.Any(p => p.propertyName.EndsWith(".x")))
binding.propertyName = prefixPropertyName + ".x";
bindings.Insert(0, binding);
if (!bindings.Any(p => p.propertyName.EndsWith(".y")))
binding.propertyName = prefixPropertyName + ".y";
bindings.Insert(1, binding);
if (!bindings.Any(p => p.propertyName.EndsWith(".z")))
binding.propertyName = prefixPropertyName + ".z";
bindings.Insert(2, binding);
// make sure vectors and colors are sorted correctly in their subgroups
static int BindingSort(EditorCurveBinding b)
return AnimationWindowUtility.GetComponentIndex(b.propertyName);
static int NamePrioritySort(ValueTuple<BindingGroup, List<EditorCurveBinding>> group)
if (group.Item1.Type != typeof(Transform))
return 0;
switch (group.Item1.GroupName)
case "Position": return Int32.MinValue;
case "Rotation": return Int32.MinValue + 1;
case "Scale": return Int32.MinValue + 2;
default: return 0;
static ValueTuple<BindingGroup, List<EditorCurveBinding>> CreateTuple(BindingGroup key, IEnumerable<EditorCurveBinding> items)
return new ValueTuple<BindingGroup, List<EditorCurveBinding>>()
Item1 = key,
Item2 = items.ToList()