using System.Diagnostics; using UnityEngine; namespace TMPro { public struct TMP_Vertex { public Vector3 position; public Vector2 uv; public Vector2 uv2; public Vector2 uv4; public Color32 color; public static TMP_Vertex zero { get { return k_Zero; } } //public Vector3 normal; //public Vector4 tangent; static readonly TMP_Vertex k_Zero = new TMP_Vertex(); } /// /// /// public struct TMP_Offset { public float left { get { return m_Left; } set { m_Left = value; } } public float right { get { return m_Right; } set { m_Right = value; } } public float top { get { return m_Top; } set { m_Top = value; } } public float bottom { get { return m_Bottom; } set { m_Bottom = value; } } public float horizontal { get { return m_Left; } set { m_Left = value; m_Right = value; } } public float vertical { get { return m_Top; } set { m_Top = value; m_Bottom = value; } } /// /// /// public static TMP_Offset zero { get { return k_ZeroOffset; } } // ============================================= // Private backing fields for public properties. // ============================================= float m_Left; float m_Right; float m_Top; float m_Bottom; static readonly TMP_Offset k_ZeroOffset = new TMP_Offset(0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public TMP_Offset(float left, float right, float top, float bottom) { m_Left = left; m_Right = right; m_Top = top; m_Bottom = bottom; } /// /// /// /// /// public TMP_Offset(float horizontal, float vertical) { m_Left = horizontal; m_Right = horizontal; m_Top = vertical; m_Bottom = vertical; } public static bool operator ==(TMP_Offset lhs, TMP_Offset rhs) { return lhs.m_Left == rhs.m_Left && lhs.m_Right == rhs.m_Right && lhs.m_Top == rhs.m_Top && lhs.m_Bottom == rhs.m_Bottom; } public static bool operator !=(TMP_Offset lhs, TMP_Offset rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } public static TMP_Offset operator *(TMP_Offset a, float b) { return new TMP_Offset(a.m_Left * b, a.m_Right * b, a.m_Top * b, a.m_Bottom * b); } public override int GetHashCode() { return base.GetHashCode(); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { return base.Equals(obj); } public bool Equals(TMP_Offset other) { return base.Equals(other); } } /// /// /// public struct HighlightState { public Color32 color; public TMP_Offset padding; public HighlightState(Color32 color, TMP_Offset padding) { this.color = color; this.padding = padding; } public static bool operator ==(HighlightState lhs, HighlightState rhs) { return lhs.color.Compare(rhs.color) && lhs.padding == rhs.padding; } public static bool operator !=(HighlightState lhs, HighlightState rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } public override int GetHashCode() { return base.GetHashCode(); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { return base.Equals(obj); } public bool Equals(HighlightState other) { return base.Equals(other); } } /// /// Structure containing information about individual text elements (character or sprites). /// [DebuggerDisplay("Unicode '{character}' ({((uint)character).ToString(\"X\")})")] public struct TMP_CharacterInfo { public char character; // Should be changed to an uint to handle UTF32 /// /// Index of the character in the raw string. /// public int index; // Index of the character in the input string. public int stringLength; public TMP_TextElementType elementType; public TMP_TextElement textElement; public TMP_FontAsset fontAsset; public TMP_SpriteAsset spriteAsset; public int spriteIndex; public Material material; public int materialReferenceIndex; public bool isUsingAlternateTypeface; public float pointSize; //public short wordNumber; public int lineNumber; //public short charNumber; public int pageNumber; public int vertexIndex; public TMP_Vertex vertex_BL; public TMP_Vertex vertex_TL; public TMP_Vertex vertex_TR; public TMP_Vertex vertex_BR; public Vector3 topLeft; public Vector3 bottomLeft; public Vector3 topRight; public Vector3 bottomRight; public float origin; public float xAdvance; public float ascender; public float baseLine; public float descender; internal float adjustedAscender; internal float adjustedDescender; public float aspectRatio; public float scale; public Color32 color; public Color32 underlineColor; public int underlineVertexIndex; public Color32 strikethroughColor; public int strikethroughVertexIndex; public Color32 highlightColor; public HighlightState highlightState; public FontStyles style; public bool isVisible; //public bool isIgnoringAlignment; } }