2021-07-09 23:35:24 +02:00

121 lines
4.8 KiB

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Callbacks;
using System.IO;
namespace Autodesk.Fbx
/// <summary>
/// Add UnityFbxSdkNative plugin to build after build is complete.
/// </summary>
public class PostProcessAddToBuild
private const string fbxsdkNativePlugin = "UnityFbxSdkNative";
private const string fbxsdkNativePluginPath = "Packages/com.autodesk.fbx/Editor/Plugins";
private const string fbxsdkNativePluginExtWin = ".dll";
private const string fbxsdkNativePluginExtOSX = ".bundle";
private const string fbxsdkNativePluginExtLinux = ".so";
private const string buildPluginPathWin = "{0}_Data/Plugins";
private const string buildPluginPathOSX = "{0}.app/Contents/Plugins";
private const string buildPluginPathLinux = "{0}_Data/Plugins/x86_64";
public static void OnPostprocessBuild(BuildTarget target, string pathToBuiltProject)
var buildPathWithoutExt = Path.ChangeExtension(pathToBuiltProject, null);
string destPath = null;
string sourcePath = null;
string sourcePathExt = null;
switch (target)
case BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows64:
destPath = string.Format(buildPluginPathWin, buildPathWithoutExt);
sourcePathExt = fbxsdkNativePluginExtWin;
case BuildTarget.StandaloneOSX:
destPath = string.Format(buildPluginPathOSX, buildPathWithoutExt);
// Since the bundle is technically a folder and not a file, need to copy the contents of the bundle
destPath = Path.Combine(destPath, fbxsdkNativePlugin + fbxsdkNativePluginExtOSX);
sourcePathExt = fbxsdkNativePluginExtOSX;
case BuildTarget.StandaloneLinux64:
destPath = string.Format(buildPluginPathLinux, buildPathWithoutExt);
sourcePathExt = fbxsdkNativePluginExtLinux;
throw new System.PlatformNotSupportedException("FBX SDK not supported on Build Target: " + target);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourcePathExt))
sourcePath = Path.Combine(fbxsdkNativePluginPath, fbxsdkNativePlugin + sourcePathExt);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(destPath) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourcePath))
Debug.LogWarningFormat("Failed to copy plugin {0} to build folder", fbxsdkNativePlugin);
if (!Directory.Exists(destPath))
if (target == BuildTarget.StandaloneOSX)
// bundle is technically a folder and gives an error
// when you try to copy it as a file.
DirectoryCopy(sourcePath, destPath, true);
else {
destPath = Path.Combine(destPath, fbxsdkNativePlugin + sourcePathExt);
File.Copy(sourcePath, destPath);
// Taken from:
private static void DirectoryCopy(string sourceDirName, string destDirName, bool copySubDirs)
// Get the subdirectories for the specified directory.
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(sourceDirName);
if (!dir.Exists)
throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(
"Source directory does not exist or could not be found: "
+ sourceDirName);
DirectoryInfo[] dirs = dir.GetDirectories();
// If the destination directory doesn't exist, create it.
if (!Directory.Exists(destDirName))
// Get the files in the directory and copy them to the new location.
FileInfo[] files = dir.GetFiles();
foreach (FileInfo file in files)
string temppath = Path.Combine(destDirName, file.Name);
file.CopyTo(temppath, false);
// If copying subdirectories, copy them and their contents to new location.
if (copySubDirs)
foreach (DirectoryInfo subdir in dirs)
string temppath = Path.Combine(destDirName, subdir.Name);
DirectoryCopy(subdir.FullName, temppath, copySubDirs);