242 lines
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242 lines
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import functools
import uuid
from matplotlib import cbook, docstring
import matplotlib.artist as martist
from matplotlib.axes._axes import Axes
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec, SubplotSpec
import matplotlib._layoutbox as layoutbox
class SubplotBase(object):
Base class for subplots, which are :class:`Axes` instances with
additional methods to facilitate generating and manipulating a set
of :class:`Axes` within a figure.
def __init__(self, fig, *args, **kwargs):
*fig* is a :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance.
*args* is the tuple (*numRows*, *numCols*, *plotNum*), where
the array of subplots in the figure has dimensions *numRows*,
*numCols*, and where *plotNum* is the number of the subplot
being created. *plotNum* starts at 1 in the upper left
corner and increases to the right.
If *numRows* <= *numCols* <= *plotNum* < 10, *args* can be the
decimal integer *numRows* * 100 + *numCols* * 10 + *plotNum*.
self.figure = fig
if len(args) == 1:
if isinstance(args[0], SubplotSpec):
self._subplotspec = args[0]
s = str(int(args[0]))
rows, cols, num = map(int, s)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('Single argument to subplot must be '
'a 3-digit integer')
self._subplotspec = GridSpec(rows, cols,
figure=self.figure)[num - 1]
# num - 1 for converting from MATLAB to python indexing
elif len(args) == 3:
rows, cols, num = args
rows = int(rows)
cols = int(cols)
if isinstance(num, tuple) and len(num) == 2:
num = [int(n) for n in num]
self._subplotspec = GridSpec(
rows, cols,
figure=self.figure)[(num[0] - 1):num[1]]
if num < 1 or num > rows*cols:
raise ValueError(
f"num must be 1 <= num <= {rows*cols}, not {num}")
self._subplotspec = GridSpec(
rows, cols, figure=self.figure)[int(num) - 1]
# num - 1 for converting from MATLAB to python indexing
raise ValueError(f'Illegal argument(s) to subplot: {args}')
# _axes_class is set in the subplot_class_factory
self._axes_class.__init__(self, fig, self.figbox, **kwargs)
# add a layout box to this, for both the full axis, and the poss
# of the axis. We need both because the axes may become smaller
# due to parasitic axes and hence no longer fill the subplotspec.
if self._subplotspec._layoutbox is None:
self._layoutbox = None
self._poslayoutbox = None
name = self._subplotspec._layoutbox.name + '.ax'
name = name + layoutbox.seq_id()
self._layoutbox = layoutbox.LayoutBox(
self._poslayoutbox = layoutbox.LayoutBox(
pos=True, subplot=True, artist=self)
def __reduce__(self):
# get the first axes class which does not inherit from a subplotbase
axes_class = next(
c for c in type(self).__mro__
if issubclass(c, Axes) and not issubclass(c, SubplotBase))
return (_picklable_subplot_class_constructor,
def get_geometry(self):
"""get the subplot geometry, e.g., 2,2,3"""
rows, cols, num1, num2 = self.get_subplotspec().get_geometry()
return rows, cols, num1 + 1 # for compatibility
# COVERAGE NOTE: Never used internally or from examples
def change_geometry(self, numrows, numcols, num):
"""change subplot geometry, e.g., from 1,1,1 to 2,2,3"""
self._subplotspec = GridSpec(numrows, numcols,
figure=self.figure)[num - 1]
def get_subplotspec(self):
"""get the SubplotSpec instance associated with the subplot"""
return self._subplotspec
def set_subplotspec(self, subplotspec):
"""set the SubplotSpec instance associated with the subplot"""
self._subplotspec = subplotspec
def get_gridspec(self):
"""get the GridSpec instance associated with the subplot"""
return self._subplotspec.get_gridspec()
def update_params(self):
"""update the subplot position from fig.subplotpars"""
self.figbox, self.rowNum, self.colNum, self.numRows, self.numCols = \
def is_first_col(self):
return self.colNum == 0
def is_first_row(self):
return self.rowNum == 0
def is_last_row(self):
return self.rowNum == self.numRows - 1
def is_last_col(self):
return self.colNum == self.numCols - 1
# COVERAGE NOTE: Never used internally.
def label_outer(self):
"""Only show "outer" labels and tick labels.
x-labels are only kept for subplots on the last row; y-labels only for
subplots on the first column.
lastrow = self.is_last_row()
firstcol = self.is_first_col()
if not lastrow:
for label in self.get_xticklabels(which="both"):
if not firstcol:
for label in self.get_yticklabels(which="both"):
def _make_twin_axes(self, *args, **kwargs):
Make a twinx axes of self. This is used for twinx and twiny.
if 'sharex' in kwargs and 'sharey' in kwargs:
# The following line is added in v2.2 to avoid breaking Seaborn,
# which currently uses this internal API.
if kwargs["sharex"] is not self and kwargs["sharey"] is not self:
raise ValueError("Twinned Axes may share only one axis")
# The dance here with label is to force add_subplot() to create a new
# Axes (by passing in a label never seen before). Note that this does
# not affect plot reactivation by subplot() as twin axes can never be
# reactivated by subplot().
sentinel = str(uuid.uuid4())
real_label = kwargs.pop("label", sentinel)
twin = self.figure.add_subplot(
self.get_subplotspec(), *args, label=sentinel, **kwargs)
if real_label is not sentinel:
if self._layoutbox is not None and twin._layoutbox is not None:
# make the layout boxes be explicitly the same
self._twinned_axes.join(self, twin)
return twin
# this here to support cartopy which was using a private part of the
# API to register their Axes subclasses.
# In 3.1 this should be changed to a dict subclass that warns on use
# In 3.3 to a dict subclass that raises a useful exception on use
# In 3.4 should be removed
# The slow timeline is to give cartopy enough time to get several
# release out before we break them.
_subplot_classes = {}
def subplot_class_factory(axes_class=None):
This makes a new class that inherits from `.SubplotBase` and the
given axes_class (which is assumed to be a subclass of `.axes.Axes`).
This is perhaps a little bit roundabout to make a new class on
the fly like this, but it means that a new Subplot class does
not have to be created for every type of Axes.
if axes_class is None:
axes_class = Axes
# Avoid creating two different instances of GeoAxesSubplot...
# Only a temporary backcompat fix. This should be removed in
# 3.4
return next(cls for cls in SubplotBase.__subclasses__()
if cls.__bases__ == (SubplotBase, axes_class))
except StopIteration:
return type("%sSubplot" % axes_class.__name__,
(SubplotBase, axes_class),
{'_axes_class': axes_class})
# This is provided for backward compatibility
Subplot = subplot_class_factory()
def _picklable_subplot_class_constructor(axes_class):
This stub class exists to return the appropriate subplot class when called
with an axes class. This is purely to allow pickling of Axes and Subplots.
subplot_class = subplot_class_factory(axes_class)
return subplot_class.__new__(subplot_class)