1335 lines
46 KiB
1335 lines
46 KiB
import doctest
import collections
# TODO - finish doc tests
# TODO - unit tests needed for get/set and Box named tuple
__version__ = '0.1.4'
# Constants for rectangle attributes:
TOP = 'top'
BOTTOM = 'bottom'
LEFT = 'left'
RIGHT = 'right'
TOPLEFT = 'topleft'
TOPRIGHT = 'topright'
BOTTOMLEFT = 'bottomleft'
BOTTOMRIGHT = 'bottomright'
MIDTOP = 'midtop'
MIDRIGHT = 'midright'
MIDLEFT = 'midleft'
MIDBOTTOM = 'midbottom'
CENTER = 'center'
CENTERX = 'centerx'
CENTERY = 'centery'
WIDTH = 'width'
HEIGHT = 'height'
SIZE = 'size'
BOX = 'box'
AREA = 'area'
Box = collections.namedtuple('Box', 'left top width height')
Point = collections.namedtuple('Point', 'x y')
Size = collections.namedtuple('Size', 'width height')
class PyRectException(Exception):
This class exists for PyRect exceptions. If the PyRect module raises any
non-PyRectException exceptions, this indicates there's a bug in PyRect.
def _checkForIntOrFloat(arg):
"""Raises an exception if arg is not an int or float. Always returns None."""
if not isinstance(arg, (int, float)):
raise PyRectException('argument must be int or float, not %s' % (arg.__class__.__name__))
def _checkForInt(arg):
"""Raises an exception if arg is not an int. Always returns None."""
if not isinstance(arg, int):
raise PyRectException('argument must be int or float, not %s' % (arg.__class__.__name__))
def _checkForTwoIntOrFloatTuple(arg):
if not isinstance(arg[0], (int, float)) or \
not isinstance(arg[1], (int, float)):
raise PyRectException('argument must be a two-item tuple containing int or float values')
raise PyRectException('argument must be a two-item tuple containing int or float values')
def _checkForFourIntOrFloatTuple(arg):
if not isinstance(arg[0], (int, float)) or \
not isinstance(arg[1], (int, float)) or \
not isinstance(arg[2], (int, float)) or \
not isinstance(arg[3], (int, float)):
raise PyRectException('argument must be a four-item tuple containing int or float values')
raise PyRectException('argument must be a four-item tuple containing int or float values')
def _collides(rectOrPoint1, rectOrPoint2):
"""Returns True if rectOrPoint1 and rectOrPoint2 collide with each other."""
def _getRectsAndPoints(rectsOrPoints):
points = []
rects = []
for rectOrPoint in rectsOrPoints:
except PyRectException:
raise PyRectException('argument is not a point or a rect tuple')
return (rects, points)
def collideAnyBetween(rectsOrPoints):
"""Returns True if any of the (x, y) or (left, top, width, height) tuples
in rectsOrPoints collides with any other point or box tuple in rectsOrPoints.
>>> p1 = (50, 50)
>>> p2 = (100, 100)
>>> p3 = (50, 200)
>>> r1 = (-50, -50, 20, 20)
>>> r2 = (25, 25, 50, 50)
>>> collideAnyBetween([p1, p2, p3, r1, r2]) # p1 and r2 collide
>>> collideAnyBetween([p1, p2, p3, r1])
# TODO - needs to be complete
# split up
rects, points = _getRectsAndPoints(rectsOrPoints)
# compare points with each other
if len(points) > 1:
for point in points:
if point != points[0]:
return False
# TODO finish
def collideAllBetween(rectsOrPoints):
"""Returns True if any of the (x, y) or (left, top, width, height) tuples
in rectsOrPoints collides with any other point or box tuple in rectsOrPoints.
>>> p1 = (50, 50)
>>> p2 = (100, 100)
>>> p3 = (50, 200)
>>> r1 = (-50, -50, 20, 20)
>>> r2 = (25, 25, 50, 50)
>>> collideAllBetween([p1, p2, p3, r1, r2])
>>> collideAllBetween([p1, p2, p3, r1])
>>> collideAllBetween([p1, r2]) # Everything in the list collides with each other.
# Check for valid arguments
for rectOrPoint in rectsOrPoints:
if len(rectOrPoint) == 2:
elif len(rectOrPoint) == 4:
raise PyRectException()
raise PyRectException('Arguments in rectsOrPoints must be 2- or 4-integer/float tuples.')
raise NotImplementedError # return a list of all rects or points that collide with any other in the argument
class Rect(object):
def __init__(self, left=0, top=0, width=0, height=0, enableFloat=False, readOnly=False, onChange=None, onRead=None):
self._enableFloat = bool(enableFloat)
self._readOnly = bool(readOnly)
if onChange is not None and not callable(onChange):
raise PyRectException('onChange argument must be None or callable (function, method, etc.)')
self.onChange = onChange
if onRead is not None and not callable(onRead):
raise PyRectException('onRead argument must be None or callable (function, method, etc.)')
self.onRead = onRead
if enableFloat:
self._width = float(width)
self._height = float(height)
self._left = float(left)
self._top = float(top)
self._width = int(width)
self._height = int(height)
self._left = int(left)
self._top = int(top)
def __repr__(self):
"""Return a string of the constructor function call to create this Rect object."""
return '%s(left=%s, top=%s, width=%s, height=%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._left, self._top, self._width, self._height)
def __str__(self):
"""Return a string representation of this Rect object."""
return '(x=%s, y=%s, w=%s, h=%s)' % (self._left, self._top, self._width, self._height)
def callOnChange(self, oldLeft, oldTop, oldWidth, oldHeight):
# Note: callOnChange() should be called *after* the attribute has been changed.
# Note: This isn't thread safe; the attributes can change between the calling of this function and the code in the function running.
if self.onChange is not None:
self.onChange(Box(oldLeft, oldTop, oldWidth, oldHeight), Box(self._left, self._top, self._width, self._height))
def enableFloat(self):
A Boolean attribute that determines if this rectangle uses floating point
numbers for its position and size. False, by default.
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, 10, 20)
>>> r.enableFloat
>>> r.enableFloat = True
>>> r.top = 3.14
>>> r
Rect(left=0.0, top=3.14, width=10.0, height=20.0)
return self._enableFloat
def enableFloat(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, bool):
raise PyRectException('enableFloat must be set to a bool value')
self._enableFloat = value
if self._enableFloat:
self._left = float(self._left)
self._top = float(self._top)
self._width = float(self._width)
self._height = float(self._height)
self._left = int(self._left)
self._top = int(self._top)
self._width = int(self._width)
self._height = int(self._height)
def left(self):
The x coordinate for the left edge of the rectangle. `x` is an alias for `left`.
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, 10, 20)
>>> r.left
>>> r.left = 50
>>> r
Rect(left=50, top=0, width=10, height=20)
if self.onRead is not None:
return self._left
def left(self, newLeft):
if self._readOnly:
raise PyRectException('Rect object is read-only')
if newLeft != self._left: # Only run this code if the size/position has changed.
originalLeft = self._left
if self._enableFloat:
self._left = newLeft
self._left = int(newLeft)
self.callOnChange(originalLeft, self._top, self._width, self._height)
x = left # x is an alias for left
def top(self):
The y coordinate for the top edge of the rectangle. `y` is an alias for `top`.
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, 10, 20)
>>> r.top
>>> r.top = 50
>>> r
Rect(left=0, top=50, width=10, height=20)
if self.onRead is not None:
return self._top
def top(self, newTop):
if self._readOnly:
raise PyRectException('Rect object is read-only')
if newTop != self._top: # Only run this code if the size/position has changed.
originalTop = self._top
if self._enableFloat:
self._top = newTop
self._top = int(newTop)
self.callOnChange(self._left, originalTop, self._width, self._height)
y = top # y is an alias for top
def right(self):
The x coordinate for the right edge of the rectangle.
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, 10, 20)
>>> r.right
>>> r.right = 50
>>> r
Rect(left=40, top=0, width=10, height=20)
if self.onRead is not None:
return self._left + self._width
def right(self, newRight):
if self._readOnly:
raise PyRectException('Rect object is read-only')
if newRight != self._left + self._width: # Only run this code if the size/position has changed.
originalLeft = self._left
if self._enableFloat:
self._left = newRight - self._width
self._left = int(newRight) - self._width
self.callOnChange(originalLeft, self._top, self._width, self._height)
def bottom(self):
"""The y coordinate for the bottom edge of the rectangle.
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, 10, 20)
>>> r.bottom
>>> r.bottom = 30
>>> r
Rect(left=0, top=10, width=10, height=20)
if self.onRead is not None:
return self._top + self._height
def bottom(self, newBottom):
if self._readOnly:
raise PyRectException('Rect object is read-only')
if newBottom != self._top + self._height: # Only run this code if the size/position has changed.
originalTop = self._top
if self._enableFloat:
self._top = newBottom - self._height
self._top = int(newBottom) - self._height
self.callOnChange(self._left, originalTop, self._width, self._height)
def topleft(self):
The x and y coordinates for the top right corner of the rectangle, as a tuple.
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, 10, 20)
>>> r.topleft
(0, 0)
>>> r.topleft = (30, 30)
>>> r
Rect(left=30, top=30, width=10, height=20)
if self.onRead is not None:
return Point(x=self._left, y=self._top)
def topleft(self, value):
if self._readOnly:
raise PyRectException('Rect object is read-only')
newLeft, newTop = value
if (newLeft != self._left) or (newTop != self._top): # Only run this code if the size/position has changed.
originalLeft = self._left
originalTop = self._top
if self._enableFloat:
self._left = newLeft
self._top = newTop
self._left = int(newLeft)
self._top = int(newTop)
self.callOnChange(originalLeft, originalTop, self._width, self._height)
def bottomleft(self):
The x and y coordinates for the bottom right corner of the rectangle, as a tuple.
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, 10, 20)
>>> r.bottomleft
(0, 20)
>>> r.bottomleft = (30, 30)
>>> r
Rect(left=30, top=10, width=10, height=20)
if self.onRead is not None:
return Point(x=self._left, y=self._top + self._height)
def bottomleft(self, value):
if self._readOnly:
raise PyRectException('Rect object is read-only')
newLeft, newBottom = value
if (newLeft != self._left) or (newBottom != self._top + self._height): # Only run this code if the size/position has changed.
originalLeft = self._left
originalTop = self._top
if self._enableFloat:
self._left = newLeft
self._top = newBottom - self._height
self._left = int(newLeft)
self._top = int(newBottom) - self._height
self.callOnChange(originalLeft, originalTop, self._width, self._height)
def topright(self):
The x and y coordinates for the top right corner of the rectangle, as a tuple.
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, 10, 20)
>>> r.topright
(10, 0)
>>> r.topright = (30, 30)
>>> r
Rect(left=20, top=30, width=10, height=20)
if self.onRead is not None:
return Point(x=self._left + self._width, y=self._top)
def topright(self, value):
if self._readOnly:
raise PyRectException('Rect object is read-only')
newRight, newTop = value
if (newRight != self._left + self._width) or (newTop != self._top): # Only run this code if the size/position has changed.
originalLeft = self._left
originalTop = self._top
if self._enableFloat:
self._left = newRight - self._width
self._top = newTop
self._left = int(newRight) - self._width
self._top = int(newTop)
self.callOnChange(originalLeft, originalTop, self._width, self._height)
def bottomright(self):
The x and y coordinates for the bottom right corner of the rectangle, as a tuple.
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, 10, 20)
>>> r.bottomright
(10, 20)
>>> r.bottomright = (30, 30)
>>> r
Rect(left=20, top=10, width=10, height=20)
if self.onRead is not None:
return Point(x=self._left + self._width, y=self._top + self._height)
def bottomright(self, value):
if self._readOnly:
raise PyRectException('Rect object is read-only')
newRight, newBottom = value
if (newBottom != self._top + self._height) or (newRight != self._left + self._width): # Only run this code if the size/position has changed.
originalLeft = self._left
originalTop = self._top
if self._enableFloat:
self._left = newRight - self._width
self._top = newBottom - self._height
self._left = int(newRight) - self._width
self._top = int(newBottom) - self._height
self.callOnChange(originalLeft, originalTop, self._width, self._height)
def midtop(self):
The x and y coordinates for the midpoint of the top edge of the rectangle, as a tuple.
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, 10, 20)
>>> r.midtop
(5, 0)
>>> r.midtop = (40, 50)
>>> r
Rect(left=35, top=50, width=10, height=20)
if self.onRead is not None:
if self._enableFloat:
return Point(x=self._left + (self._width / 2.0), y=self._top)
return Point(x=self._left + (self._width // 2), y=self._top)
def midtop(self, value):
if self._readOnly:
raise PyRectException('Rect object is read-only')
newMidTop, newTop = value
originalLeft = self._left
originalTop = self._top
if self._enableFloat:
if (newMidTop != self._left + self._width / 2.0) or (newTop != self._top): # Only run this code if the size/position has changed.
self._left = newMidTop - (self._width / 2.0)
self._top = newTop
self.callOnChange(originalLeft, originalTop, self._width, self._height)
if (newMidTop != self._left + self._width // 2) or (newTop != self._top): # Only run this code if the size/position has changed.
self._left = int(newMidTop) - (self._width // 2)
self._top = int(newTop)
self.callOnChange(originalLeft, originalTop, self._width, self._height)
def midbottom(self):
The x and y coordinates for the midpoint of the bottom edge of the rectangle, as a tuple.
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, 10, 20)
>>> r.midbottom
(5, 20)
>>> r.midbottom = (40, 50)
>>> r
Rect(left=35, top=30, width=10, height=20)
if self.onRead is not None:
if self._enableFloat:
return Point(x=self._left + (self._width / 2.0), y=self._top + self._height)
return Point(x=self._left + (self._width // 2), y=self._top + self._height)
def midbottom(self, value):
if self._readOnly:
raise PyRectException('Rect object is read-only')
newMidBottom, newBottom = value
originalLeft = self._left
originalTop = self._top
if self._enableFloat:
if (newMidBottom != self._left + self._width / 2.0) or (newBottom != self._top + self._height): # Only run this code if the size/position has changed.
self._left = newMidBottom - (self._width / 2.0)
self._top = newBottom - self._height
self.callOnChange(originalLeft, originalTop, self._width, self._height)
if (newMidBottom != self._left + self._width // 2) or (newBottom != self._top + self._height): # Only run this code if the size/position has changed.
self._left = int(newMidBottom) - (self._width // 2)
self._top = int(newBottom) - self._height
self.callOnChange(originalLeft, originalTop, self._width, self._height)
def midleft(self):
The x and y coordinates for the midpoint of the left edge of the rectangle, as a tuple.
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, 10, 20)
>>> r.midleft
(0, 10)
>>> r.midleft = (40, 50)
>>> r
Rect(left=40, top=40, width=10, height=20)
if self.onRead is not None:
if self._enableFloat:
return Point(x=self._left, y=self._top + (self._height / 2.0))
return Point(x=self._left, y=self._top + (self._height // 2))
def midleft(self, value):
if self._readOnly:
raise PyRectException('Rect object is read-only')
newLeft, newMidLeft = value
originalLeft = self._left
originalTop = self._top
if self._enableFloat:
if (newLeft != self._left) or (newMidLeft != self._top + (self._height / 2.0)): # Only run this code if the size/position has changed.
self._left = newLeft
self._top = newMidLeft - (self._height / 2.0)
self.callOnChange(originalLeft, originalTop, self._width, self._height)
if (newLeft != self._left) or (newMidLeft != self._top + (self._height // 2)): # Only run this code if the size/position has changed.
self._left = int(newLeft)
self._top = int(newMidLeft) - (self._height // 2)
self.callOnChange(originalLeft, originalTop, self._width, self._height)
def midright(self):
The x and y coordinates for the midpoint of the right edge of the rectangle, as a tuple.
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, 10, 20)
>>> r.midright
(10, 10)
>>> r.midright = (40, 50)
>>> r
Rect(left=30, top=40, width=10, height=20)
if self.onRead is not None:
if self._enableFloat:
return Point(x=self._left + self._width, y=self._top + (self._height / 2.0))
return Point(x=self._left + self._width, y=self._top + (self._height // 2))
def midright(self, value):
if self._readOnly:
raise PyRectException('Rect object is read-only')
newRight, newMidRight = value
originalLeft = self._left
originalTop = self._top
if self._enableFloat:
if (newRight != self._left + self._width) or (newMidRight != self._top + self._height / 2.0): # Only run this code if the size/position has changed.
self._left = newRight - self._width
self._top = newMidRight - (self._height / 2.0)
self.callOnChange(originalLeft, originalTop, self._width, self._height)
if (newRight != self._left + self._width) or (newMidRight != self._top + self._height // 2): # Only run this code if the size/position has changed.
self._left = int(newRight) - self._width
self._top = int(newMidRight) - (self._height // 2)
self.callOnChange(originalLeft, originalTop, self._width, self._height)
def center(self):
The x and y coordinates for the center of the rectangle, as a tuple.
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, 10, 20)
>>> r.center
(5, 10)
>>> r.center = (40, 50)
>>> r
Rect(left=35, top=40, width=10, height=20)
if self.onRead is not None:
if self._enableFloat:
return Point(x=self._left + (self._width / 2.0), y=self._top + (self._height / 2.0))
return Point(x=self._left + (self._width // 2), y=self._top + (self._height // 2))
def center(self, value):
if self._readOnly:
raise PyRectException('Rect object is read-only')
newCenterx, newCentery = value
originalLeft = self._left
originalTop = self._top
if self._enableFloat:
if (newCenterx != self._left + self._width / 2.0) or (newCentery != self._top + self._height / 2.0): # Only run this code if the size/position has changed.
self._left = newCenterx - (self._width / 2.0)
self._top = newCentery - (self._height / 2.0)
self.callOnChange(originalLeft, originalTop, self._width, self._height)
if (newCenterx != self._left + self._width // 2) or (newCentery != self._top + self._height // 2): # Only run this code if the size/position has changed.
self._left = int(newCenterx) - (self._width // 2)
self._top = int(newCentery) - (self._height // 2)
self.callOnChange(originalLeft, originalTop, self._width, self._height)
def centerx(self):
The x coordinate for the center of the rectangle, as a tuple.
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, 10, 20)
>>> r.centerx
>>> r.centerx = 50
>>> r
Rect(left=45, top=0, width=10, height=20)
if self.onRead is not None:
if self._enableFloat:
return self._left + (self._width / 2.0)
return self._left + (self._width // 2)
def centerx(self, newCenterx):
if self._readOnly:
raise PyRectException('Rect object is read-only')
originalLeft = self._left
if self._enableFloat:
if (newCenterx != self._left + self._width / 2.0): # Only run this code if the size/position has changed.
self._left = newCenterx - (self._width / 2.0)
self.callOnChange(originalLeft, self._top, self._width, self._height)
if (newCenterx != self._left + self._width // 2): # Only run this code if the size/position has changed.
self._left = int(newCenterx) - (self._width // 2)
self.callOnChange(originalLeft, self._top, self._width, self._height)
def centery(self):
The y coordinate for the center of the rectangle, as a tuple.
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, 10, 20)
>>> r.centery
>>> r.centery = 50
>>> r
Rect(left=0, top=40, width=10, height=20)
if self.onRead is not None:
if self._enableFloat:
return self._top + (self._height / 2.0)
return self._top + (self._height // 2)
def centery(self, newCentery):
if self._readOnly:
raise PyRectException('Rect object is read-only')
originalTop = self._top
if self._enableFloat:
if (newCentery != self._top + self._height / 2.0): # Only run this code if the size/position has changed.
self._top = newCentery - (self._height / 2.0)
self.callOnChange(self._left, originalTop, self._width, self._height)
if (newCentery != self._top + self._height // 2): # Only run this code if the size/position has changed.
self._top = int(newCentery) - (self._height // 2)
self.callOnChange(self._left, originalTop, self._width, self._height)
# SIZE PROPERTY (i.e. (width, height))
def size(self):
The width and height of the rectangle, as a tuple.
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, 10, 20)
>>> r.size
(10, 20)
>>> r.size = (40, 50)
>>> r
Rect(left=0, top=0, width=40, height=50)
if self.onRead is not None:
return Size(width=self._width, height=self._height)
def size(self, value):
if self._readOnly:
raise PyRectException('Rect object is read-only')
newWidth, newHeight = value
if newWidth != self._width or newHeight != self._height:
originalWidth = self._width
originalHeight = self._height
if self._enableFloat:
self._width = newWidth
self._height = newHeight
self._width = int(newWidth)
self._height = int(newHeight)
self.callOnChange(self._left, self._top, originalWidth, originalHeight)
def width(self):
The width of the rectangle. `w` is an alias for `width`.
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, 10, 20)
>>> r.width
>>> r.width = 50
>>> r
Rect(left=0, top=0, width=50, height=20)
if self.onRead is not None:
return self._width
def width(self, newWidth):
if self._readOnly:
raise PyRectException('Rect object is read-only')
if (newWidth != self._width): # Only run this code if the size/position has changed.
originalWidth = self._width
if self._enableFloat:
self._width = newWidth
self._width = int(newWidth)
self.callOnChange(self._left, self._top, originalWidth, self._height)
w = width
def height(self):
The height of the rectangle. `h` is an alias for `height`
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, 10, 20)
>>> r.height
>>> r.height = 50
>>> r
Rect(left=0, top=0, width=10, height=50)
if self.onRead is not None:
return self._height
def height(self, newHeight):
if self._readOnly:
raise PyRectException('Rect object is read-only')
if (newHeight != self._height): # Only run this code if the size/position has changed.
originalHeight = self._height
if self._enableFloat:
self._height = newHeight
self._height = int(newHeight)
self.callOnChange(self._left, self._top, self._width, originalHeight)
h = height
def area(self):
"""The area of the `Rect`, which is simply the width times the height.
This is a read-only attribute.
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, 10, 20)
>>> r.area
if self.onRead is not None:
return self._width * self._height
def box(self):
"""A tuple of four integers: (left, top, width, height).
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, 10, 20)
>>> r.box
(0, 0, 10, 20)
>>> r.box = (5, 15, 100, 200)
>>> r.box
(5, 15, 100, 200)"""
if self.onRead is not None:
return Box(left=self._left, top=self._top, width=self._width, height=self._height)
def box(self, value):
if self._readOnly:
raise PyRectException('Rect object is read-only')
newLeft, newTop, newWidth, newHeight = value
if (newLeft != self._left) or (newTop != self._top) or (newWidth != self._width) or (newHeight != self._height):
originalLeft = self._left
originalTop = self._top
originalWidth = self._width
originalHeight = self._height
if self._enableFloat:
self._left = float(newLeft)
self._top = float(newTop)
self._width = float(newWidth)
self._height = float(newHeight)
self._left = int(newLeft)
self._top = int(newTop)
self._width = int(newWidth)
self._height = int(newHeight)
self.callOnChange(originalLeft, originalTop, originalWidth, originalHeight)
def get(self, rectAttrName):
# Access via the properties so that it triggers onRead().
if rectAttrName == TOP:
return self.top
elif rectAttrName == BOTTOM:
return self.bottom
elif rectAttrName == LEFT:
return self.left
elif rectAttrName == RIGHT:
return self.right
elif rectAttrName == TOPLEFT:
return self.topleft
elif rectAttrName == TOPRIGHT:
return self.topright
elif rectAttrName == BOTTOMLEFT:
return self.bottomleft
elif rectAttrName == BOTTOMRIGHT:
return self.bottomright
elif rectAttrName == MIDTOP:
return self.midtop
elif rectAttrName == MIDBOTTOM:
return self.midbottom
elif rectAttrName == MIDLEFT:
return self.midleft
elif rectAttrName == MIDRIGHT:
return self.midright
elif rectAttrName == CENTER:
return self.center
elif rectAttrName == CENTERX:
return self.centerx
elif rectAttrName == CENTERY:
return self.centery
elif rectAttrName == WIDTH:
return self.width
elif rectAttrName == HEIGHT:
return self.height
elif rectAttrName == SIZE:
return self.size
elif rectAttrName == AREA:
return self.area
elif rectAttrName == BOX:
return self.box
raise PyRectException("'%s' is not a valid attribute name" % (rectAttrName))
def set(self, rectAttrName, value):
# Set via the properties so that it triggers onChange().
if rectAttrName == TOP:
self.top = value
elif rectAttrName == BOTTOM:
self.bottom = value
elif rectAttrName == LEFT:
self.left = value
elif rectAttrName == RIGHT:
self.right = value
elif rectAttrName == TOPLEFT:
self.topleft = value
elif rectAttrName == TOPRIGHT:
self.topright = value
elif rectAttrName == BOTTOMLEFT:
self.bottomleft = value
elif rectAttrName == BOTTOMRIGHT:
self.bottomright = value
elif rectAttrName == MIDTOP:
self.midtop = value
elif rectAttrName == MIDBOTTOM:
self.midbottom = value
elif rectAttrName == MIDLEFT:
self.midleft = value
elif rectAttrName == MIDRIGHT:
self.midright = value
elif rectAttrName == CENTER:
self.center = value
elif rectAttrName == CENTERX:
self.centerx = value
elif rectAttrName == CENTERY:
self.centery = value
elif rectAttrName == WIDTH:
self.width = value
elif rectAttrName == HEIGHT:
self.height = value
elif rectAttrName == SIZE:
self.size = value
elif rectAttrName == AREA:
raise PyRectException('area is a read-only attribute')
elif rectAttrName == BOX:
self.box = value
raise PyRectException("'%s' is not a valid attribute name" % (rectAttrName))
def move(self, xOffset, yOffset):
"""Moves this Rect object by the given offsets. The xOffset and yOffset
arguments can be any integer value, positive or negative.
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, 100, 100)
>>> r.move(10, 20)
>>> r
Rect(left=10, top=20, width=100, height=100)
if self._readOnly:
raise PyRectException('Rect object is read-only')
if self._enableFloat:
self._left += xOffset
self._top += yOffset
self._left += int(xOffset)
self._top += int(yOffset)
def copy(self):
"""Return a copied `Rect` object with the same position and size as this
`Rect` object.
>>> r1 = Rect(0, 0, 100, 150)
>>> r2 = r1.copy()
>>> r1 == r2
>>> r2
Rect(left=0, top=0, width=100, height=150)
return Rect(self._left, self._top, self._width, self._height, self._enableFloat, self._readOnly)
def inflate(self, widthChange=0, heightChange=0):
"""Increases the size of this Rect object by the given offsets. The
rectangle's center doesn't move. Negative values will shrink the
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, 100, 150)
>>> r.inflate(20, 40)
>>> r
Rect(left=-10, top=-20, width=120, height=190)
if self._readOnly:
raise PyRectException('Rect object is read-only')
originalCenter = self.center
self.width += widthChange
self.height += heightChange
self.center = originalCenter
def clamp(self, otherRect):
"""Centers this Rect object at the center of otherRect.
>>> r1 =Rect(0, 0, 100, 100)
>>> r2 = Rect(-20, -90, 50, 50)
>>> r2.clamp(r1)
>>> r2
Rect(left=25, top=25, width=50, height=50)
>>> r1.center == r2.center
if self._readOnly:
raise PyRectException('Rect object is read-only')
self.center = otherRect.center
def intersection(self, otherRect):
"""Returns a new Rect object of the overlapping area between this
Rect object and otherRect.
`clip()` is an alias for `intersection()`.
clip = intersection
def union(self, otherRect):
"""Adjusts the width and height to also cover the area of `otherRect`.
>>> r1 = Rect(0, 0, 100, 100)
>>> r2 = Rect(-10, -10, 100, 100)
>>> r1.union(r2)
>>> r1
Rect(left=-10, top=-10, width=110, height=110)
# TODO - Change otherRect so that it could be a point as well.
unionLeft = min(self._left, otherRect._left)
unionTop = min(self._top, otherRect._top)
unionRight = max(self.right, otherRect.right)
unionBottom = max(self.bottom, otherRect.bottom)
self._left = unionLeft
self._top = unionTop
self._width = unionRight - unionLeft
self._height = unionBottom - unionTop
def unionAll(self, otherRects):
"""Adjusts the width and height to also cover all the `Rect` objects in
the `otherRects` sequence.
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, 100, 100)
>>> r1 = Rect(0, 0, 150, 100)
>>> r2 = Rect(-10, -10, 100, 100)
>>> r.unionAll([r1, r2])
>>> r
Rect(left=-10, top=-10, width=160, height=110)
# TODO - Change otherRect so that it could be a point as well.
otherRects = list(otherRects)
unionLeft = min([r._left for r in otherRects])
unionTop = min([r._top for r in otherRects])
unionRight = max([r.right for r in otherRects])
unionBottom = max([r.bottom for r in otherRects])
self._left = unionLeft
self._top = unionTop
self._width = unionRight - unionLeft
self._height = unionBottom - unionTop
def fit(self, other):
pass # TODO - needs to be complete
def normalize(self):
"""Rect objects with a negative width or height cover a region where the
right/bottom edge is to the left/above of the left/top edge, respectively.
The `normalize()` method sets the `width` and `height` to positive if they
were negative.
The Rect stays in the same place, though with the `top` and `left`
attributes representing the true top and left side.
>>> r = Rect(0, 0, -10, -20)
>>> r.normalize()
>>> r
Rect(left=-10, top=-20, width=10, height=20)
if self._readOnly:
raise PyRectException('Rect object is read-only')
if self._width < 0:
self._width = -self._width
self._left -= self._width
if self._height < 0:
self._height = -self._height
self._top -= self._height
# Note: No need to intify here, since the four attributes should already be ints and no multiplication was done.
def __contains__(self, value): # for either points or other Rect objects. For Rects, the *entire* Rect must be in this Rect.
if isinstance(value, Rect):
return value.topleft in self and value.topright in self and value.bottomleft in self and value.bottomright in self
# Check if value is an (x, y) sequence or a (left, top, width, height) sequence.
raise PyRectException('in <Rect> requires an (x, y) tuple, a (left, top, width, height) tuple, or a Rect object as left operand, not %s' % (value.__class__.__name__))
if len(value) == 2:
# Assume that value is an (x, y) sequence.
x, y = value
return self._left < x < self._left + self._width and self._top < y < self._top + self._height
elif len(value) == 4:
# Assume that value is an (x, y) sequence.
left, top, width, height = value
return (left, top) in self and (left + width, top) in self and (left, top + height) in self and (left + width, top + height) in self
raise PyRectException('in <Rect> requires an (x, y) tuple, a (left, top, width, height) tuple, or a Rect object as left operand, not %s' % (value.__class__.__name__))
def collide(self, value):
"""Returns `True` if value collides with this `Rect` object, where value can
be an (x, y) tuple, a (left, top, width, height) box tuple, or another `Rect`
object. If value represents a rectangular area, any part of that area
can collide with this `Rect` object to make `collide()` return `True`.
Otherwise, returns `False`."""
# Note: This code is similar to __contains__(), with some minor changes
# because __contains__() requires the rectangular are to be COMPELTELY
# within the Rect object.
if isinstance(value, Rect):
return value.topleft in self or value.topright in self or value.bottomleft in self or value.bottomright in self
# Check if value is an (x, y) sequence or a (left, top, width, height) sequence.
raise PyRectException('in <Rect> requires an (x, y) tuple, a (left, top, width, height) tuple, or a Rect object as left operand, not %s' % (value.__class__.__name__))
if len(value) == 2:
# Assume that value is an (x, y) sequence.
x, y = value
return self._left < x < self._left + self._width and self._top < y < self._top + self._height
elif len(value) == 4:
# Assume that value is an (x, y) sequence.
left, top, width, height = value
return (left, top) in self or (left + width, top) in self or (left, top + height) in self or (left + width, top + height) in self
raise PyRectException('in <Rect> requires an (x, y) tuple, a (left, top, width, height) tuple, or a Rect object as left operand, not %s' % (value.__class__.__name__))
def collideAny(self, rectsOrPoints):
"""Returns True if any of the (x, y) or (left, top, width, height)
tuples in rectsOrPoints is inside this Rect object.
>> r = Rect(0, 0, 100, 100)
>> p1 = (150, 80)
>> p2 = (100, 100) # This point collides.
>> r.collideAny([p1, p2])
>> r1 = Rect(50, 50, 10, 20) # This Rect collides.
>> r.collideAny([r1])
>> r.collideAny([p1, p2, r1])
# TODO - needs to be complete
pass # returns True or False
raise NotImplementedError
def collideAll(self, rectsOrPoints):
"""Returns True if all of the (x, y) or (left, top, width, height)
tuples in rectsOrPoints is inside this Rect object.
pass # return a list of all rects or points that collide with any other in the argument
raise NotImplementedError
# TODO - Add overloaded operators for + - * / and others once we can determine actual use cases for them.
"""NOTE: All of the comparison magic methods compare the box tuple of Rect
objects. This is the behavior of the pygame Rect objects. Originally,
I thought about having the <, <=, >, and >= operators compare the area
of Rect objects. But at the same time, I wanted to have == and != compare
not just area, but all four left, top, width, and height attributes.
But that's weird to have different comparison operators comparing different
features of a rectangular area. So I just defaulted to what Pygame does
and compares the box tuple. This means that the == and != operators are
the only really useful comparison operators, so I decided to ditch the
other operators altogether and just have Rect only support == and !=.
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Rect):
return other.box == self.box
raise PyRectException('Rect objects can only be compared with other Rect objects')
def __ne__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Rect):
return other.box != self.box
raise PyRectException('Rect objects can only be compared with other Rect objects')
if __name__ == '__main__':