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adding a test documentation
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Dominik Hofman 2020-04-07 17:49:26 +00:00
parent 64c76de955
commit f7ed9cf158

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@ -1 +1,12 @@
Documentation file for tractor AI project.
# intelligent tractor environment implementation report
The environment is a resizable two dimensional grid that has sprites for a farmhouse, crops and empty fields
The tractor (in white) and crop (in red) on the field:
The simulation can increase in speed or even be halted with the arrow keys, the current speed is displayed at the bottom left of the window The current environment spawns crops in random generated locations and the tractor tracks the location of crops and it will haul the target back to the house.
A short video of how the project works:[video](https://uam-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/domhof1_st_amu_edu_pl/Ec1ThqI2DSZNob2-6IrfPvYBe9_G2xfK8Ffn04dSklsWIQ?e=OrTqmy)