from asyncio.windows_events import NULL from collections import deque from lib2to3.pgen2.token import CIRCUMFLEX from queue import Queue import sys from unicodedata import name import pygame screen = [] objectArray = [] pathToPrint = [] class Object: def __init__(self, name, xPos, yPos): = name self.xPos = xPos self.yPos = yPos class Field: def __init__(self, xPos, yPos): self.xPos = xPos self.yPos = yPos self.visited = False self.parent = None def printXandY(self): print("X: " + str(self.xPos) + ". Y: " + str(self.yPos)) def draw(square_num, objectArr): #następne dwie linijki do odkomentowania, jak będzie wgrane zdjęcie do tła #background = pygame.image.load("ścieżka do pliku").convert() #tu ścieżka do zdjęcia w tle #screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) grid_color = (0, 0, 0) #kolor czarny grid_size = 500 #rozmiar kraty square = grid_size/square_num #rozmiar pojedyńczego kwadracika a = 50 b = 10 #odległości kraty od krawędzi okna for i in range(square_num): pygame.draw.line(screen, grid_color, (a + i*square, b), (a + i*square, b + grid_size), 2) pygame.draw.line(screen, grid_color, (a, b + i*square), (a + grid_size, b + i*square), 2) pygame.draw.line(screen, grid_color, (a, b + grid_size), (a + grid_size, b + grid_size), 2) pygame.draw.line(screen, grid_color, (a + grid_size, b), (a + grid_size, b + grid_size), 2) ## tutaj rysujemy agenta i inne obiekty juz na gotowej mapie ## RYSUJEMY AGENTA #agent_color = (255, 0, 0) circleX = objectArr[0].xPos * square + square + square/ 2 #dodane jedno +square, by śmieciara nie wychodziła poza kratę circleY = objectArr[0].yPos * square - square / 2 #radius = 10, agent_color, (a + circleX, b + circleY), radius) # truck = pygame.image.load("car.png").convert_alpha() #tu ścieżka do zdjęcia w tle # truck = pygame.transform.scale(truck, (square, square)) # screen.blit(truck, (circleX, circleY)) pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (0, 0, 255), [(10 + circleX, 5 + circleY),(20 + circleX, 5 + circleY),(15 + circleX, 20 + circleY)]) circleX = objectArray[1].xPos * square + square circleY = objectArr[1].yPos * square radius = 8 grid_color = (255, 0, 0), grid_color, (circleX, circleY), radius) def kb_listen(objectArray, gridLength): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT and objectArray[0].xPos > 0: objectArray[0].xPos = objectArray[0].xPos - 1 print(objectArray[0].xPos) if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT and objectArray[0].xPos < gridLength - 1: objectArray[0].xPos = objectArray[0].xPos + 1 print(objectArray[0].xPos) if event.key == pygame.K_UP and objectArray[0].yPos > 1: objectArray[0].yPos = objectArray[0].yPos - 1 print(objectArray[0].yPos) if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN and objectArray[0].yPos < gridLength: objectArray[0].yPos = objectArray[0].yPos + 1 print(objectArray[0].yPos) if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() fieldQueue = [] isGoalAchieved = False def startQueue(agentX, agentY, fieldList, gridNum): currentX = agentX currentY = agentY currentIndex = currentY * gridNum + currentX fieldQueue.append(fieldList[currentIndex]) checkFlag = False while not checkFlag: result = checkGoal(fieldList, gridNum) if result: checkFlag = True # print("NEXT CHECK GOAL") return result def checkGoal(fieldList, gridNum): currentField = fieldQueue.pop(0) currentY = currentField.yPos currentX = currentField.xPos currentIndex = currentY * gridNum + currentX # print("POPPED!!!") # currentField.printXandY() ##print(str(currentField.xPos) + " " + str(objectArray[1].xPos) + " " + str(currentField.yPos) + " " + str(objectArray[1].yPos)) ## SPRAWDZAMY CZY DANE POLE JEST POLEM W KTORYM ZNAJDUJE SIE NASZ CEL if currentField.xPos == objectArray[1].xPos - 1 and currentField.yPos == objectArray[1].yPos - 1: return currentField ## SPRAWDZAMY CZY DANE POLE ZOSTALO JUZ WCZESNIEJ ODWIEDZONE - JEZELI NIE TO USTAWIAMY STATUS if not currentField.visited: currentField.visited = True ## JEZELI DANE POLE NIE ZOSTALO ODWIEDZONE, TO DODAJEMY DO KOLEJKI WSZYSTKIE POLA OBOK I LECIMY DALEJ if currentIndex + 15 <= 224 and fieldList[currentIndex + 15].visited == False: fieldQueue.append(fieldList[currentIndex + 15]) fieldList[currentIndex + 15].parent = fieldList[currentIndex] # print("APPENDED DOWN!!!") # fieldList[currentIndex + 15].printXandY() if currentIndex - 15 > -1 and fieldList[currentIndex - 15].visited == False: fieldQueue.append(fieldList[currentIndex - 15]) fieldList[currentIndex - 15].parent = fieldList[currentIndex] # print("APPENDED UP!!!") # fieldList[currentIndex - 15].printXandY() if (currentIndex + 1) % 15 != 0 and fieldList[currentIndex + 1].visited == False: fieldQueue.append(fieldList[currentIndex + 1]) fieldList[currentIndex + 1].parent = fieldList[currentIndex] # print("APPENDED RIGHT!!!") # fieldList[currentIndex + 1].printXandY() if (currentIndex - 1) % 15 != 14 and not currentIndex - 1 < 0 and fieldList[currentIndex - 1].visited == False: fieldQueue.append(fieldList[currentIndex - 1]) fieldList[currentIndex - 1].parent = fieldList[currentIndex] # print("APPENDED LEFT!!!") # fieldList[currentIndex - 1].printXandY() if __name__ == '__main__': pygame.init() #inicjalizacja modułów, na razie niepotrzebna #Tworzymy nowego playera, czy tam agenta agent = Object("smieciarka", 5, 6) target = Object("cel", 1, 2) objectArray.append(agent) objectArray.append(target) width = 600 height = 530 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) #ustalanie rozmiarów okna ## OBLICZANIE SCIEZKI ## GENEROWANIE WSZYSTKICH POL - FIELDS fields = [] for y in range(15): for x in range(15): newField = Field(x, y) # newField.printXandY() fields.append(newField) result = startQueue(objectArray[0].xPos - 1, objectArray[0].yPos - 1, fields, 15) print("RED DOT X AND Y POSITION ============================") result.printXandY() print("TRUCK X AND Y POSITION ============================") print("X: " + str(objectArray[0].xPos) + " Y: " + str(objectArray[0].yPos)) result_parent = result.parent currentIndex = (objectArray[0].yPos - 1) * 15 + objectArray[0].xPos - 1 pathToTarget = deque() pathToTarget.appendleft(result) while result_parent.parent != None: pathToTarget.appendleft(result_parent) result_parent = result_parent.parent pathToTarget.appendleft(fields[currentIndex]) print("PRINTING PATH TO TARGET ============================") for node in pathToTarget: node.printXandY() while 1: c = (255, 255, 255) #tymczasowy kolor tła - do usunięcia, jak już będzie zdjęcie screen.fill(c) draw(15, objectArray) ## TUTAJ RYSUJEMY SCIEZKE for node in pathToTarget: if node == pathToTarget[-1]: continue green = (0, 255, 0), green, ((node.xPos + 1) * 500 / 15 + 30, (node.yPos + 1) * 500 / 15), 5) kb_listen(objectArray, 15) pygame.display.update() #by krata pojawiła się w okienku - update powierzchni