import fnmatch import os # sudo pip install Wand from wand.image import Image # sudo pip install from hurry.filesize import size # constants PATH = '/../../../..' PATTERN = '*.jpg' def get_image_file_names(filepath, pattern): matches = [] if os.path.exists(filepath): for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(filepath): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, pattern): matches.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) # full path if matches: print "Found {} files, with a total file size of {}.".format(len(matches), get_total_size(matches)) return matches else: print "No files found." else: print "Sorry that path does not exist. Try again." def get_total_size(list_of_image_names): total_size = 0 for image_name in list_of_image_names: total_size += os.path.getsize(image_name) return size(total_size) def resize_images(list_of_image_names): print "Optimizing ... " for index, image_name in enumerate(list_of_image_names): with open(image_name) as f: image_binary = with Image(blob=image_binary) as img: if img.height >= 600: img.transform(resize='x600') print "Optimization complete." if __name__ == '__main__': all_images = get_image_file_names(PATH, PATTERN) resize_images(all_images) get_image_file_names(PATH, PATTERN)