pipeline { agent { dockerfile true } stages { stage('Checkout') { steps { git 'https://git.wmi.amu.edu.pl/s452097/s452097-mlworkshops' } } stage('Copy artifacts') { steps { copyArtifacts filter: 'wikiniews_results.tsv', fingerprintArtifacts: true, projectName: 'ASR-eval', selector: lastSuccessful(), target: './' } } stage('Count words') { steps { sh('chmod +x ./count.sh') sh label: 'count', script: './count.sh' } } stage('Run metrics counter'){ steps{ sh('chmod +x ./metrics.sh') sh label: 'count', script: './metrics.sh' } } stage('Archive WER and SRR results') { steps { copyArtifacts filter: 'wer.txt, srr.txt', fingerprintArtifacts: true, projectName: 's452097-metrics', selector: lastSuccessful(), target: 'previousResults' sh('chmod +x ./addResults.sh') sh label: 'Add results to file', script: './addResults.sh' } } stage('Archive artifacts') { steps { archiveArtifacts 'countLines.txt' archiveArtifacts 'wer.txt' archiveArtifacts 'srr.txt' archiveArtifacts 'wikiniews_results.tsv' } } stage('Plots creator') { steps { build 's452097-plots' } } }