class Base { click(selector, elementName) { try { $(selector).scrollIntoView({ block: 'center' }); $(selector).waitForEnabled(); $(selector).click(); console.log(`${elementName} was clicked`); } catch (err) { console.log(`${elementName} was not clicked. Exception: ${err}`); } } clickNth(selector, position, elementName) { try { $$(selector)[position].scrollIntoView({ block: 'center' }); $$(selector)[position].waitForEnabled(); $$(selector)[position].click(); console.log(`${elementName} with position: ${position} was clicked`); } catch (err) { console.log(`${elementName} with position: ${position} was not clicked. Exception: ${err}`); } } clearInput(selector) { try { const valueLength = $(selector).getValue().length; const backSpaces = new Array(valueLength).fill('Backspace'); $(selector).setValue(backSpaces); console.log(`${selector} has length: ${valueLength} and was cleared`); } catch (e) { console.log(`${selector} was not cleared with exception: ${e}`); } } fillIn(selector, text, elementName) { console.log(`${elementName} is displayed`); try { this.clearInput(selector); $(selector).setValue(text); console.log(`${text} was added to ${elementName}`); } catch (err) { console.log(`An exception occurred when adding a text to the element: ${err}`); } } fillInNth(selectorList, position, text, elementName) { try { $$(selectorList)[position].setValue(text); console.log(`${text} was added to ${elementName}`); } catch (err) { console.log(`An exception occurred when adding a text to the element: ${err}`); } } getAttribute(selector, attribute, elementName) { let attributeValue = null; try { console.log(`${elementName} was displayed`); attributeValue = $(selector).getAttribute(attribute); console.log(`${elementName} had value: ${attributeValue}`); } catch (err) { console.log(`Could not get ${elementName}. Exception: ${err}`); } return attributeValue; } getLinkFromElementsArray(selector, position, elementName) { let href = null; try { href = $$(selector)[position].$('a').getAttribute('href').replace('%20', '_'); console.log(`Link for ${elementName} with position ${position} has value: ${href}`); } catch (err) { console.log(`Could not get link for ${elementName}. Exception: ${err}`); } return href; } isEnabled(selector, elementName) { console.log(`${elementName} is displayed`); const isEnabled = $(selector).isEnabled(); console.log(`${elementName} is enabled: ${isEnabled}`); return isEnabled; } isDisplayed(selector, elementName, customTimeout) { let isDisplayed = false; try { isDisplayed = $(selector).isDisplayed(customTimeout, true); console.log(`${elementName} is displayed: ${isDisplayed}`); } catch (err) { console.log(`${elementName} is displayed: ${isDisplayed}. Exception: ${err}`); } return isDisplayed; } isNthDisplayed(selectorsList, position, elementName, customTimeout) { let isDisplayed = false; try { isDisplayed = $$(selectorsList)[position].isDisplayed(customTimeout, true); console.log(`${elementName} with position ${position} is displayed: ${isDisplayed}`); } catch (err) { console.log(`${elementName} with position ${position} is displayed: ${isDisplayed}. Exception: ${err}`); } return isDisplayed; } waitForDisplayed(selector, elementName) { browser.waitUntil(() => { try { return $(selector).isDisplayed(); } catch (e) { console.log(`${elementName} is not displayed. Exception: ${e}`); return false; } }, 10000, `Expected ${selector} to be displayed after 10s`); } waitForNthElementDisplayed(selectorList, position, elementName) { browser.waitUntil(() => { try { return $$(selectorList)[position].isDisplayed(); } catch (e) { console.log(`${elementName} with position ${position} is not displayed. Exception: ${e}`); return false; } }, 5000, `Expected ${elementName} with position ${position} to be displayed after 5s`, 500); } waitForNotDisplayed(selector, elementName, customTimeout) { browser.waitUntil(() => { try { return !$(selector).isDisplayed(customTimeout, true); } catch (e) { console.log(`${elementName} is still displayed. Exception: ${e}`); return true; } }, 5000, `Expected ${elementName} to be displayed after 5s`, 500); } waitForEnabled(selector, elementName) { browser.waitUntil(() => { try { return !$(selector).isEnabled(); } catch (e) { console.log(`${elementName} is not enabled. Exception: ${e}`); return true; } }, 5000, `Expected ${selector} to be enabled after 5s`, 500); } isChildDisplayedForParent(parentElementSelector, position, childElementSelector, childElementName) { const isDisplayed = $$(parentElementSelector)[position].$(childElementSelector).isDisplayed(); console.log(`${childElementName} is displayed: ${isDisplayed}`); return isDisplayed; } waitForCookiesSet(cookies) { cookies.forEach((cookie) => { browser.waitUntil( () => browser.getCookies([]) !== null, 5000, `Could not find cookie ${}`, 500 ); }); browser.refresh(); } wait(timeout) { setTimeout(() => { console.log(`This is a explicit wait of ${timeout}`); }, timeout); } } module.exports = new Base();