455 lines
12 KiB
455 lines
12 KiB
npm outdated [pkg]
Does the following:
1. check for a new version of pkg
If no packages are specified, then run for all installed
--parseable creates output like this:
module.exports = outdated
outdated.usage = 'npm outdated [[<@scope>/]<pkg> ...]'
outdated.completion = require('./utils/completion/installed-deep.js')
const os = require('os')
const url = require('url')
const path = require('path')
const readPackageTree = require('read-package-tree')
const asyncMap = require('slide').asyncMap
const color = require('ansicolors')
const styles = require('ansistyles')
const table = require('text-table')
const semver = require('semver')
const npa = require('libnpm/parse-arg')
const pickManifest = require('npm-pick-manifest')
const fetchPackageMetadata = require('./fetch-package-metadata.js')
const mutateIntoLogicalTree = require('./install/mutate-into-logical-tree.js')
const npm = require('./npm.js')
const npmConfig = require('./config/figgy-config.js')
const figgyPudding = require('figgy-pudding')
const packument = require('libnpm/packument')
const long = npm.config.get('long')
const isExtraneous = require('./install/is-extraneous.js')
const computeMetadata = require('./install/deps.js').computeMetadata
const computeVersionSpec = require('./install/deps.js').computeVersionSpec
const moduleName = require('./utils/module-name.js')
const output = require('./utils/output.js')
const ansiTrim = require('./utils/ansi-trim')
const OutdatedConfig = figgyPudding({
also: {},
color: {},
depth: {},
dev: 'development',
development: {},
global: {},
json: {},
only: {},
parseable: {},
prod: 'production',
production: {},
save: {},
'save-dev': {},
'save-optional': {}
function uniq (list) {
// we maintain the array because we need an array, not iterator, return
// value.
var uniqed = []
var seen = new Set()
list.forEach(function (item) {
if (seen.has(item)) return
return uniqed
function andComputeMetadata (next) {
return function (er, tree) {
if (er) return next(er)
next(null, computeMetadata(tree))
function outdated (args, silent, cb) {
if (typeof cb !== 'function') {
cb = silent
silent = false
let opts = OutdatedConfig(npmConfig())
var dir = path.resolve(npm.dir, '..')
// default depth for `outdated` is 0 (cf. `ls`)
if (opts.depth === Infinity) opts = opts.concat({depth: 0})
readPackageTree(dir, andComputeMetadata(function (er, tree) {
if (!tree) return cb(er)
outdated_(args, '', tree, {}, 0, opts, function (er, list) {
list = uniq(list || []).sort(function (aa, bb) {
return aa[0].path.localeCompare(bb[0].path) ||
if (er || silent ||
(list.length === 0 && !opts.json)) {
return cb(er, list)
if (opts.json) {
output(makeJSON(list, opts))
} else if (opts.parseable) {
output(makeParseable(list, opts))
} else {
var outList = list.map(x => makePretty(x, opts))
var outHead = [ 'Package',
if (long) outHead.push('Package Type', 'Homepage')
var outTable = [outHead].concat(outList)
if (opts.color) {
outTable[0] = outTable[0].map(function (heading) {
return styles.underline(heading)
var tableOpts = {
align: ['l', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'l'],
stringLength: function (s) { return ansiTrim(s).length }
output(table(outTable, tableOpts))
process.exitCode = list.length ? 1 : 0
cb(null, list.map(function (item) { return [item[0].parent.path].concat(item.slice(1, 7)) }))
// [[ dir, dep, has, want, latest, type ]]
function makePretty (p, opts) {
var depname = p[1]
var has = p[2]
var want = p[3]
var latest = p[4]
var type = p[6]
var deppath = p[7]
var homepage = p[0].package.homepage || ''
var columns = [ depname,
has || 'MISSING',
deppath || 'global'
if (long) {
columns[5] = type
columns[6] = homepage
if (opts.color) {
columns[0] = color[has === want ? 'yellow' : 'red'](columns[0]) // dep
columns[2] = color.green(columns[2]) // want
columns[3] = color.magenta(columns[3]) // latest
return columns
function makeParseable (list) {
return list.map(function (p) {
var dep = p[0]
var depname = p[1]
var dir = dep.path
var has = p[2]
var want = p[3]
var latest = p[4]
var type = p[6]
var out = [
depname + '@' + want,
(has ? (depname + '@' + has) : 'MISSING'),
depname + '@' + latest
if (long) out.push(type, dep.package.homepage)
return out.join(':')
function makeJSON (list, opts) {
var out = {}
list.forEach(function (p) {
var dep = p[0]
var depname = p[1]
var dir = dep.path
var has = p[2]
var want = p[3]
var latest = p[4]
var type = p[6]
if (!opts.global) {
dir = path.relative(process.cwd(), dir)
out[depname] = { current: has,
wanted: want,
latest: latest,
location: dir
if (long) {
out[depname].type = type
out[depname].homepage = dep.package.homepage
return JSON.stringify(out, null, 2)
function outdated_ (args, path, tree, parentHas, depth, opts, cb) {
if (!tree.package) tree.package = {}
if (path && moduleName(tree)) path += ' > ' + tree.package.name
if (!path && moduleName(tree)) path = tree.package.name
if (depth > opts.depth) {
return cb(null, [])
var types = {}
var pkg = tree.package
if (!tree.children) tree.children = []
var deps = tree.error ? tree.children : tree.children.filter((child) => !isExtraneous(child))
deps.forEach(function (dep) {
types[moduleName(dep)] = 'dependencies'
Object.keys(tree.missingDeps || {}).forEach(function (name) {
package: { name: name },
path: tree.path,
parent: tree,
isMissing: true
types[name] = 'dependencies'
// If we explicitly asked for dev deps OR we didn't ask for production deps
// AND we asked to save dev-deps OR we didn't ask to save anything that's NOT
// dev deps then…
// (All the save checking here is because this gets called from npm-update currently
// and that requires this logic around dev deps.)
// FIXME: Refactor npm update to not be in terms of outdated.
var dev = opts.dev || /^dev(elopment)?$/.test(opts.also)
var prod = opts.production || /^prod(uction)?$/.test(opts.only)
if (
(dev || !prod) &&
opts['save-dev'] || (!opts.save && !opts['save-optional'])
) {
Object.keys(tree.missingDevDeps).forEach(function (name) {
package: { name: name },
path: tree.path,
parent: tree,
isMissing: true
if (!types[name]) {
types[name] = 'devDependencies'
if (opts['save-dev']) {
deps = deps.filter(function (dep) { return pkg.devDependencies[moduleName(dep)] })
deps.forEach(function (dep) {
types[moduleName(dep)] = 'devDependencies'
} else if (opts.save) {
// remove optional dependencies from dependencies during --save.
deps = deps.filter(function (dep) { return !pkg.optionalDependencies[moduleName(dep)] })
} else if (opts['save-optional']) {
deps = deps.filter(function (dep) { return pkg.optionalDependencies[moduleName(dep)] })
deps.forEach(function (dep) {
types[moduleName(dep)] = 'optionalDependencies'
var doUpdate = dev || (
!prod &&
!Object.keys(parentHas).length &&
if (doUpdate) {
Object.keys(pkg.devDependencies || {}).forEach(function (k) {
if (!(k in parentHas)) {
deps[k] = pkg.devDependencies[k]
types[k] = 'devDependencies'
var has = Object.create(parentHas)
tree.children.forEach(function (child) {
if (moduleName(child) && child.package.private) {
deps = deps.filter(function (dep) { return dep !== child })
has[moduleName(child)] = {
version: child.isLink ? 'linked' : child.package.version,
from: child.isLink ? 'file:' + child.path : child.package._from
// now get what we should have, based on the dep.
// if has[dep] !== shouldHave[dep], then cb with the data
// otherwise dive into the folder
asyncMap(deps, function (dep, cb) {
var name = moduleName(dep)
var required
if (tree.package.dependencies && name in tree.package.dependencies) {
required = tree.package.dependencies[name]
} else if (tree.package.optionalDependencies && name in tree.package.optionalDependencies) {
required = tree.package.optionalDependencies[name]
} else if (tree.package.devDependencies && name in tree.package.devDependencies) {
required = tree.package.devDependencies[name]
} else if (has[name]) {
required = computeVersionSpec(tree, dep)
if (!long) return shouldUpdate(args, dep, name, has, required, depth, path, opts, cb)
shouldUpdate(args, dep, name, has, required, depth, path, opts, cb, types[name])
}, cb)
function shouldUpdate (args, tree, dep, has, req, depth, pkgpath, opts, cb, type) {
// look up the most recent version.
// if that's what we already have, or if it's not on the args list,
// then dive into it. Otherwise, cb() with the data.
// { version: , from: }
var curr = has[dep]
function skip (er) {
// show user that no viable version can be found
if (er) return cb(er)
depth + 1,
if (args.length && args.indexOf(dep) === -1) return skip()
if (tree.isLink && req == null) return skip()
if (req == null || req === '') req = '*'
var parsed = npa.resolve(dep, req)
if (parsed.type === 'directory') {
if (tree.isLink) {
return skip()
} else {
return doIt('linked', 'linked')
} else if (parsed.type === 'git') {
return doIt('git', 'git')
} else if (parsed.type === 'file') {
return updateLocalDeps()
} else if (parsed.type === 'remote') {
return doIt('remote', 'remote')
} else {
return packument(parsed, opts.concat({
'prefer-online': true
function doIt (wanted, latest) {
let c = curr && curr.version
if (parsed.type === 'alias') {
c = `npm:${parsed.subSpec.name}@${c}`
if (!long) {
return cb(null, [[tree, dep, c, wanted, latest, req, null, pkgpath]])
cb(null, [[tree, dep, c, wanted, latest, req, type, pkgpath]])
function updateLocalDeps (latestRegistryVersion) {
fetchPackageMetadata('file:' + parsed.fetchSpec, '.', (er, localDependency) => {
if (er) return cb()
var wanted = localDependency.version
var latest = localDependency.version
if (latestRegistryVersion) {
latest = latestRegistryVersion
if (semver.lt(wanted, latestRegistryVersion)) {
wanted = latestRegistryVersion
req = dep + '@' + latest
if (!curr || curr.version !== wanted) {
doIt(wanted, latest)
} else {
function updateDeps (er, d) {
if (er) return cb(er)
if (parsed.type === 'alias') {
req = parsed.subSpec.rawSpec
try {
var l = pickManifest(d, 'latest')
var m = pickManifest(d, req)
} catch (er) {
if (er.code === 'ETARGET' || er.code === 'E403') {
return skip(er)
} else {
return skip()
// check that the url origin hasn't changed (#1727) and that
// there is no newer version available
var dFromUrl = m._from && url.parse(m._from).protocol
var cFromUrl = curr && curr.from && url.parse(curr.from).protocol
if (
!curr ||
(dFromUrl && cFromUrl && m._from !== curr.from) ||
m.version !== curr.version ||
m.version !== l.version
) {
if (parsed.type === 'alias') {
} else {
doIt(m.version, l.version)
} else {