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2019-12-07 19:49:42 +01:00
* jQuery-Seat-Charts v1.1.5
* https://github.com/mateuszmarkowski/jQuery-Seat-Charts
* Copyright 2013, 2016 Mateusz Markowski
* Released under the MIT license
2019-12-20 01:11:51 +01:00
$(document).ready(function() {
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(function ($) {
//'use strict';
$.fn.seatCharts = function (setup) {
//if there's seatCharts object associated with the current element, return it
if (this.data('seatCharts')) {
return this.data('seatCharts');
var fn = this,
seats = {},
seatIds = [],
settings = {
animate: false, //requires jQuery UI
naming: {
top: false,
left: false,
getId: function (character, row, column) {
return row + '_' + column;
getLabel: function (character, row, column) {
return column;
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legend: {
node: null,
items: []
click: function () {
if (this.status() == 'available') {
return 'selected';
} else if (this.status() == 'selected') {
return 'available';
} else {
return this.style();
focus: function () {
if (this.status() == 'available') {
return 'focused';
} else {
return this.style();
blur: function () {
return this.status();
seats: {}
2019-12-07 19:49:42 +01:00
2019-12-20 01:11:51 +01:00
//seat will be basically a seat object which we'll when generating the map
seat = (function (seatCharts, seatChartsSettings) {
return function (setup) {
var fn = this;
fn.settings = $.extend({
status: 'available', //available, unavailable, selected
style: 'available',
//make sure there's an empty hash if user doesn't pass anything
data: seatChartsSettings.seats[setup.character] || {}
//anything goes here?
}, setup);
fn.settings.$node = $('<div></div>');
id: fn.settings.id,
role: 'checkbox',
'aria-checked': false,
focusable: true,
tabIndex: -1 //manual focus
.addClass(['seatCharts-seat', 'seatCharts-cell', 'available'].concat(
//let's merge custom user defined classes with standard JSC ones
typeof seatChartsSettings.seats[fn.settings.character] == "undefined" ?
[] : seatChartsSettings.seats[fn.settings.character].classes
2019-12-07 19:49:42 +01:00
).join(' '));
2019-12-20 01:11:51 +01:00
//basically a wrapper function
fn.data = function () {
return fn.settings.data;
fn.char = function () {
return fn.settings.character;
fn.node = function () {
return fn.settings.$node;
* Can either set or return status depending on arguments.
* If there's no argument, it will return the current style.
* If you pass an argument, it will update seat's style
fn.style = function () {
return arguments.length == 1 ?
(function (newStyle) {
var oldStyle = fn.settings.style;
//if nothing changes, do nothing
if (newStyle == oldStyle) {
return oldStyle;
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//focused is a special style which is not associated with status
fn.settings.status = newStyle != 'focused' ? newStyle : fn.settings.status;
.attr('aria-checked', newStyle == 'selected');
//if user wants to animate status changes, let him do this
seatChartsSettings.animate ?
fn.settings.$node.switchClass(oldStyle, newStyle, 200) :
return fn.settings.style = newStyle;
})(arguments[0]) : fn.settings.style;
//either set or retrieve
fn.status = function () {
return fn.settings.status = arguments.length == 1 ?
fn.style(arguments[0]) : fn.settings.status;
//using immediate function to convienietly get shortcut variables
(function (seatSettings, character, seat) {
//attach event handlers
$.each(['click', 'focus', 'blur'], function (index, callback) {
//we want to be able to call the functions for each seat object
fn[callback] = function () {
if (callback == 'focus') {
//if there's already a focused element, we have to remove focus from it first
if (seatCharts.attr('aria-activedescendant') !== undefined) {
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seatCharts.attr('aria-activedescendant', seat.settings.id);
* User can pass his own callback function, so we have to first check if it exists
* and if not, use our default callback.
* Each callback function is executed in the current seat context.
return fn.style(typeof seatSettings[character][callback] === 'function' ?
seatSettings[character][callback].apply(seat) : seatChartsSettings[callback].apply(seat));
//the below will become seatSettings, character, seat thanks to the immediate function
})(seatChartsSettings.seats, fn.settings.character, fn);
//the first three mouse events are simple
.on('click', fn.click)
.on('mouseenter', fn.focus)
.on('mouseleave', fn.blur)
//keydown requires quite a lot of logic, because we have to know where to move the focus
.on('keydown', (function (seat, $seat) {
return function (e) {
var $newSeat;
//everything depends on the pressed key
switch (e.which) {
//spacebar will just trigger the same event mouse click does
case 32:
case 40:
case 38:
* This is a recursive, immediate function which searches for the first "focusable" row.
* We're using immediate function because we want a convenient access to some DOM elements
* We're using recursion because sometimes we may hit an empty space rather than a seat.
$newSeat = (function findAvailable($rows, $seats, $currentRow) {
var $newRow;
//let's determine which row should we move to
if (!$rows.index($currentRow) && e.which == 38) {
//if this is the first row and user has pressed up arrow, move to the last row
$newRow = $rows.last();
} else if ($rows.index($currentRow) == $rows.length - 1 && e.which == 40) {
//if this is the last row and user has pressed down arrow, move to the first row
$newRow = $rows.first();
} else {
//using eq to get an element at the desired index position
$newRow = $rows.eq(
//if up arrow, then decrement the index, if down increment it
$rows.index($currentRow) + (e.which == 38 ? (-1) : (+1))
//now that we know the row, let's get the seat using the current column position
$newSeat = $newRow.find('.seatCharts-seat,.seatCharts-space').eq($seats.index($seat));
//if the seat we found is a space, keep looking further
return $newSeat.hasClass('seatCharts-space') ?
findAvailable($rows, $seats, $newRow) : $newSeat;
//get a reference to the parent container and then select all rows but the header
//get a reference to the parent row and then find all seat cells (both seats & spaces)
//get a reference to the current row
//we couldn't determine the new seat, so we better give up
if (!$newSeat.length) {
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2019-12-20 01:11:51 +01:00
//remove focus from the old seat and put it on the new one
//update our "aria" reference with the new seat id
seatCharts.attr('aria-activedescendant', $newSeat.attr('id'));
case 37:
case 39:
* The logic here is slightly different from the one for up/down arrows.
* User will be able to browse the whole map using just left/right arrow, because
* it will move to the next row when we reach the right/left-most seat.
$newSeat = (function ($seats) {
if (!$seats.index($seat) && e.which == 37) {
//user has pressed left arrow and we're currently on the left-most seat
return $seats.last();
} else if ($seats.index($seat) == $seats.length - 1 && e.which == 39) {
//user has pressed right arrow and we're currently on the right-most seat
return $seats.first();
} else {
//simply move one seat left or right depending on the key
return $seats.eq($seats.index($seat) + (e.which == 37 ? (-1) : (+1)));
if (!$newSeat.length) {
//handle focus
//update our "aria" reference with the new seat id
seatCharts.attr('aria-activedescendant', $newSeat.attr('id'));
})(fn, fn.node()));
2019-12-07 19:49:42 +01:00
//.appendTo(seatCharts.find('.' + row));
2019-12-20 01:11:51 +01:00
})(fn, settings);
//true -> deep copy!
$.extend(true, settings, setup);
//Generate default row ids unless user passed his own
settings.naming.rows = settings.naming.rows || (function (length) {
var rows = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= length; i++) {
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return rows;
//Generate default column ids unless user passed his own
settings.naming.columns = settings.naming.columns || (function (length) {
var columns = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= length; i++) {
return columns;
if (settings.naming.top) {
var $headerRow = $('<div></div>')
.addClass('seatCharts-row seatCharts-header');
if (settings.naming.left) {
$.each(settings.naming.columns, function (index, value) {
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2019-12-20 01:11:51 +01:00
//do this for each map row
$.each(settings.map, function (row, characters) {
var $row = $('<div></div>').addClass('seatCharts-row');
if (settings.naming.left) {
.addClass('seatCharts-cell seatCharts-space')
* Do this for each seat (letter)
* Now users will be able to pass custom ID and label which overwrite the one that seat would be assigned by getId and
* getLabel
* New format is like this:
* a[ID,label]a[ID]aaaaa
* So you can overwrite the ID or label (or both) even for just one seat.
* Basically ID should be first, so if you want to overwrite just label write it as follows:
* a[,LABEL]
* Allowed characters in IDs areL 0-9, a-z, A-Z, _
* Allowed characters in labels are: 0-9, a-z, A-Z, _, ' ' (space)
$.each(characters.match(/[a-z_]{1}(\[[0-9a-z_]{0,}(,[0-9a-z_ ]+)?\])?/gi), function (column, characterParams) {
var matches = characterParams.match(/([a-z_]{1})(\[([0-9a-z_ ,]+)\])?/i),
//no matter if user specifies [] params, the character should be in the second element
character = matches[1],
//check if user has passed some additional params to override id or label
params = typeof matches[3] !== 'undefined' ? matches[3].split(',') : [],
//id param should be first
overrideId = params.length ? params[0] : null,
//label param should be second
overrideLabel = params.length === 2 ? params[1] : null;
$row.append(character != '_' ?
//if the character is not an underscore (empty space)
(function (naming) {
//so users don't have to specify empty objects
settings.seats[character] = character in settings.seats ? settings.seats[character] : {};
var id = overrideId ? overrideId : naming.getId(character, naming.rows[row], naming.columns[column]);
seats[id] = new seat({
id: id,
label: overrideLabel ?
overrideLabel : naming.getLabel(character, naming.rows[row], naming.columns[column]),
row: row,
column: column,
character: character
return seats[id].node();
})(settings.naming) :
//this is just an empty space (_)
$('<div></div>').addClass('seatCharts-cell seatCharts-space')
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2019-12-20 01:11:51 +01:00
//if there're any legend items to be rendered
settings.legend.items.length ? (function (legend) {
//either use user-defined container or create our own and insert it right after the seat chart div
var $container = (legend.node || $('<div></div>').insertAfter(fn))
var $ul = $('<ul></ul>')
$.each(legend.items, function (index, item) {
2019-12-07 19:49:42 +01:00
//merge user defined classes with our standard ones
2019-12-20 01:11:51 +01:00
.addClass(['seatCharts-seat', 'seatCharts-cell', item[1]].concat(
typeof settings.seats[item[0]] == "undefined" ? [] : settings.seats[item[0]].classes).join(' ')
return $container;
})(settings.legend) : null;
tabIndex: 0
2019-12-07 19:49:42 +01:00
2019-12-20 01:11:51 +01:00
//when container's focused, move focus to the first seat
fn.focus(function () {
if (fn.attr('aria-activedescendant')) {
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//public methods of seatCharts
fn.data('seatCharts', {
seats: seats,
seatIds: seatIds,
//set for one, set for many, get for one
status: function () {
var fn = this;
return arguments.length == 1 ? fn.seats[arguments[0]].status() : (function (seatsIds, newStatus) {
return typeof seatsIds == 'string' ? fn.seats[seatsIds].status(newStatus) : (function () {
$.each(seatsIds, function (index, seatId) {
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})(arguments[0], arguments[1]);
each: function (callback) {
var fn = this;
for (var seatId in fn.seats) {
if (false === callback.call(fn.seats[seatId], seatId)) {
return seatId;//return last checked
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return true;
node: function () {
var fn = this;
//basically create a CSS query to get all seats by their DOM ids
return $('#' + fn.seatIds.join(',#'));
find: function (query) {//D, a.available, unavailable
var fn = this;
var seatSet = fn.set();
//is RegExp
return query instanceof RegExp ?
(function () {
fn.each(function (id) {
if (id.match(query)) {
seatSet.push(id, this);
return seatSet;
})() :
(query.length == 1 ?
(function (character) {
//user searches just for a particual character
fn.each(function () {
if (this.char() == character) {
seatSet.push(this.settings.id, this);
return seatSet;
})(query) :
(function () {
//user runs a more sophisticated query, so let's see if there's a dot
return query.indexOf('.') > -1 ?
(function () {
//there's a dot which separates character and the status
var parts = query.split('.');
fn.each(function (seatId) {
if (this.char() == parts[0] && this.status() == parts[1]) {
seatSet.push(this.settings.id, this);
return seatSet;
})() :
(function () {
fn.each(function () {
if (this.status() == query) {
seatSet.push(this.settings.id, this);
return seatSet;
set: function set() {//inherits some methods
var fn = this;
return {
seats: [],
seatIds: [],
length: 0,
status: function () {
var args = arguments,
that = this;
//if there's just one seat in the set and user didn't pass any params, return current status
return this.length == 1 && args.length == 0 ? this.seats[0].status() : (function () {
//otherwise call status function for each of the seats in the set
$.each(that.seats, function () {
this.status.apply(this, args);
node: function () {
return fn.node.call(this);
each: function () {
return fn.each.call(this, arguments[0]);
get: function () {
return fn.get.call(this, arguments[0]);
find: function () {
return fn.find.call(this, arguments[0]);
set: function () {
return set.call(fn);
push: function (id, seat) {
//get one object or a set of objects
get: function (seatsIds) {
var fn = this;
return typeof seatsIds == 'string' ?
fn.seats[seatsIds] : (function () {
var seatSet = fn.set();
$.each(seatsIds, function (index, seatId) {
if (typeof fn.seats[seatId] === 'object') {
seatSet.push(seatId, fn.seats[seatId]);
return seatSet;
return fn.data('seatCharts');