147 lines
6.2 KiB
147 lines
6.2 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env node
"use strict";
var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const path = require("path");
const ora_1 = require("ora");
const argParser = require("yargs");
const rebuild_1 = require("./rebuild");
const electron_locator_1 = require("./electron-locator");
const yargs = argParser
.usage('Usage: electron-rebuild --version [version] --module-dir [path]')
.alias('h', 'help')
.describe('v', 'The version of Electron to build against')
.alias('v', 'version')
.describe('f', 'Force rebuilding modules, even if we would skip it otherwise')
.alias('f', 'force')
.describe('a', "Override the target architecture to something other than your system's")
.alias('a', 'arch')
.describe('m', 'The path to the node_modules directory to rebuild')
.alias('m', 'module-dir')
.describe('w', 'A specific module to build, or comma separated list of modules')
.alias('w', 'which-module')
.describe('o', 'Only build specified module, or comma separated list of modules. All others are ignored.')
.alias('o', 'only')
.describe('e', 'The path to prebuilt electron module')
.alias('e', 'electron-prebuilt-dir')
.describe('d', 'Custom header tarball URL')
.alias('d', 'dist-url')
.describe('t', 'The types of dependencies to rebuild. Comma seperated list of "prod", "dev" and "optional". Default is "prod,optional"')
.alias('t', 'types')
.describe('p', 'Rebuild in parallel, this is enabled by default on macOS and Linux')
.alias('p', 'parallel')
.describe('s', 'Rebuild modules sequentially, this is enabled by default on Windows')
.alias('s', 'sequential')
.describe('b', 'Build debug version of modules')
.alias('b', 'debug')
.epilog('Copyright 2016');
const argv = yargs.argv;
if (argv.h) {
if (process.argv.length === 3 && process.argv[2] === '--version') {
try {
/* tslint:disable */ console.log('Electron Rebuild Version:', require(path.resolve(__dirname, '../../package.json')).version); /* tslint:enable */
catch (err) {
/* tslint:disable */ console.log('Electron Rebuild Version:', require(path.resolve(__dirname, '../package.json')).version); /* tslint:enable */
const handler = (err) => {
console.error('\nAn unhandled error occurred inside electron-rebuild'.red);
process.on('uncaughtException', handler);
process.on('unhandledRejection', handler);
(() => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const electronModulePath = argv.e ? path.resolve(process.cwd(), argv.e) : electron_locator_1.locateElectronModule();
let electronModuleVersion = argv.v;
if (!electronModuleVersion) {
try {
if (!electronModulePath)
throw new Error('Prebuilt electron module not found');
const pkgJson = require(path.join(electronModulePath, 'package.json'));
electronModuleVersion = pkgJson.version;
catch (e) {
throw new Error(`Unable to find electron's version number, either install it or specify an explicit version`);
let rootDirectory = argv.m;
if (!rootDirectory) {
// NB: We assume here that we're going to rebuild the immediate parent's
// node modules, which might not always be the case but it's at least a
// good guess
rootDirectory = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../..');
if (!(yield fs.pathExists(rootDirectory)) || !(yield fs.pathExists(path.resolve(rootDirectory, 'package.json')))) {
// Then we try the CWD
rootDirectory = process.cwd();
if (!(yield fs.pathExists(rootDirectory)) || !(yield fs.pathExists(path.resolve(rootDirectory, 'package.json')))) {
throw new Error('Unable to find parent node_modules directory, specify it via --module-dir, E.g. "--module-dir ." for the current directory');
else {
rootDirectory = path.resolve(process.cwd(), rootDirectory);
let modulesDone = 0;
let moduleTotal = 0;
const rebuildSpinner = ora_1.default('Searching dependency tree').start();
let lastModuleName;
const redraw = (moduleName) => {
if (moduleName)
lastModuleName = moduleName;
if (argv.p) {
rebuildSpinner.text = `Building modules: ${modulesDone}/${moduleTotal}`;
else {
rebuildSpinner.text = `Building module: ${lastModuleName}, Completed: ${modulesDone}`;
const rebuilder = rebuild_1.rebuild({
buildPath: rootDirectory,
electronVersion: electronModuleVersion,
arch: argv.a || process.arch,
extraModules: argv.w ? argv.w.split(',') : [],
onlyModules: argv.o ? argv.o.split(',') : null,
force: argv.f,
headerURL: argv.d,
types: argv.t ? argv.t.split(',') : ['prod', 'optional'],
mode: argv.p ? 'parallel' : (argv.s ? 'sequential' : undefined),
debug: argv.b
const lifecycle = rebuilder.lifecycle;
lifecycle.on('module-found', (moduleName) => {
moduleTotal += 1;
lifecycle.on('module-done', () => {
modulesDone += 1;
try {
yield rebuilder;
catch (err) {
rebuildSpinner.text = 'Rebuild Failed';
throw err;
rebuildSpinner.text = 'Rebuild Complete';
//# sourceMappingURL=cli.js.map