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Works transparently to tunnel modules that use node's default [`http.request()` method](http://nodejs.org/docs/v0.10.24/api/all.html#all_http_request_options_callback) as well as the popular [`request` module](https://npmjs.org/package/request). # Installation You can install this package by just executing the following: npm install global-tunnel-ng # Usage To make all HTTP and HTTPS connections go through an outbound HTTP proxy: ```js var globalTunnel = require('global-tunnel-ng'); globalTunnel.initialize({ host: '', port: 8080, proxyAuth: 'userId:password', // optional authentication sockets: 50 // optional pool size for each http and https }); ``` This will use the `CONNECT` method for HTTPS requests and absolute-URIs for HTTP requests, which is how many network proxies are configured. Optionally, to tear-down the global agent and restore node's default global agents: ```js globalTunnel.end(); ``` Any active connections will be allowed to run to completion, but new connections will use the default global agents. # Advanced Usage ## Options The complete list of options to `globalTunnel.initialize`: - **host** - the hostname or IP of the HTTP proxy to use - **port** - the TCP port to use on that proxy - **connect** _(optional)_ controls what protocols use the `CONNECT` method. It has three possible values (strings): - **neither** - don't use `CONNECT`; just use absolute URIs - **https** - _(the default)_ only use `CONNECT` for HTTPS requests - **both** - use `CONNECT` for both HTTP and HTTPS requests - **protocol** - the protocol that the proxy speaks, either `http:` or `https:`. - **proxyAuth** - _(optional)_ to authenticate `userId:password` - **sockets** - _(optional)_ maximum number of TCP sockets to use in each pool. There are two pools: one for HTTP and one for HTTPS. Uses node's default (5) if falsy. ## Variations Here's a few interesting variations on the basic config. ### Absolute URI Proxies Another common proxy configuration is one that expects clients to use an [absolute URI for the Request-URI](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-5.1.2) for all HTTP and HTTPS requests. This is common for networks that use a proxy for security scanning and access control. What does this mean? It means that instead of ... ```http GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: example.com ``` ... your proxy expects ... ```http GET https://example.com/ HTTP/1.1 ``` You'll need to specify `connect: 'neither'` if this is the case. If the proxy speaks HTTP (i.e. the connection from node --> proxy is not encrypted): ```js globalTunnel.initialize({ connect: 'neither', host: '', port: 3128 }); ``` or, if the proxy speaks HTTPS to your app instead: ```js globalTunnel.initialize({ connect: 'neither', protocol: 'https:', host: '', port: 3129 }); ``` ### Always-CONNECT Proxies If the proxy expects you to use the `CONNECT` method for both HTTP and HTTPS requests, you'll need the `connect: 'both'` option. What does this mean? It means that instead of ... ```http GET https://example.com/ HTTP/1.1 ``` ... your proxy expects ... ```http CONNECT example.com:443 HTTP/1.1 ``` Be sure to set the `protocol:` option based on what protocol the proxy speaks. ```js globalTunnel.initialize({ connect: 'both', host: '', port: 3130 }); ``` ### HTTPS configuration _EXPERIMENTAL_ If tunnelling both protocols, you can use different HTTPS client configurations for the two phases of the connection. ```js globalTunnel.initialize({ connect: 'both', protocol: 'https:' host: '', port: 3130, proxyHttpsOptions: { // use this config for app -> proxy }, originHttpsOptions: { // use this config for proxy -> origin } }); ``` ## Auto-Config If `globalTunnel.initialize` doesnt receive a configuration as its first parameter the `http_proxys` and `http_proxy` environment variables will be used. If these are missing the npm configurations `https-proxy`, `http-proxy`, `proxy` will be used instead. If no environment variables or npm configurations are found nothing will be done. ## Retrieving proxy URL, parsed config and proxy status As the module does some extra job determining the proxy (including parsing the environment variables) and does some normalization (like defaulting the protocol to `http:`) it may be useful to retrieve the proxy URL used by the module. The property `globalTunnel.proxyUrl` is the URL-formatted (including the optional basic auth if provided) proxy config currently in use. It is `null` if the proxy is not currently enabled. Similarly, the `globalTunnel.proxyConfig` contains the entire parsed and normalized config. The property `globalTunnel.isProxying` contains the information about whether the global proxy is on or off. # Compatibility Any module that doesn't specify [an explicit `agent:` option to `http.request`](http://nodejs.org/docs/v0.10.24/api/all.html#all_http_request_options_callback) will also work with global-tunnel. The unit tests for this module verify that the popular [`request` module](https://npmjs.org/package/request) works with global-tunnel active. For untested modules, it's recommended that you load and initialize global-tunnel first. This way, any copies of `http.globalAgent` will point to the right thing. # Contributing If you'd like to contribute to or modify global-tunnel, here's a quick guide to get you started. ## Development Dependencies - [node.js](http://nodejs.org) >= 0.10 ## Set-Up Download via GitHub and install npm dependencies: ```sh git clone git@github.com:np-maintain/global-tunnel.git cd global-tunnel npm install ``` ## Testing Testing is with the [mocha](https://github.com/visionmedia/mocha) framework. Tests are located in the `test/` directory. To run the tests: ```sh npm test ``` # Support As this is a hard fork, you may still contact the given contacts below. Email [GoInstant Support](mailto:support@goinstant.com) or stop by [#goinstant on freenode](irc://irc.freenode.net#goinstant). For responsible disclosures, email [GoInstant Security](mailto:security@goinstant.com). To [file a bug](https://github.com/np-maintain/global-tunnel/issues) or [propose a patch](https://github.com/np-maintain/global-tunnel/pulls), please use github directly. # Legal © 2014 GoInstant Inc., a salesforce.com company Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license.