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2021-06-06 22:13:05 +02:00
# Sebastian Raschka 2014-2020
# mlxtend Machine Learning Library Extensions
# Bootstrap functions
# Author: Sebastian Raschka <>
# License: BSD 3 clause
import numpy as np
from .bootstrap_outofbag import BootstrapOutOfBag
from sklearn.base import clone
from itertools import product
def _check_arrays(X, y=None):
if isinstance(X, list):
raise ValueError('X must be a numpy array')
if not len(X.shape) == 2:
raise ValueError('X must be a 2D array. Try X[:, numpy.newaxis]')
if y is None:
if not len(y.shape) == 1:
raise ValueError('y must be a 1D array.')
if not len(y) == X.shape[0]:
raise ValueError('X and y must contain the'
'same number of samples')
def no_information_rate(targets, predictions, loss_fn):
combinations = np.array(list(product(targets, predictions)))
return loss_fn(combinations[:, 0], combinations[:, 1])
def accuracy(targets, predictions):
return np.mean(np.array(targets) == np.array(predictions))
def mse(targets, predictions):
return np.mean((np.array(targets) - np.array(predictions))**2)
def bootstrap_point632_score(estimator, X, y, n_splits=200,
method='.632', scoring_func=None,
Implementation of the .632 [1] and .632+ [2] bootstrap
for supervised learning
- [1] Efron, Bradley. 1983. "Estimating the Error Rate
of a Prediction Rule: Improvement on Cross-Validation."
Journal of the American Statistical Association
78 (382): 316. doi:10.2307/2288636.
- [2] Efron, Bradley, and Robert Tibshirani. 1997.
"Improvements on Cross-Validation: The .632+ Bootstrap Method."
Journal of the American Statistical Association
92 (438): 548. doi:10.2307/2965703.
estimator : object
An estimator for classification or regression that
follows the scikit-learn API and implements "fit" and "predict"
X : array-like
The data to fit. Can be, for example a list, or an array at least 2d.
y : array-like, optional, default: None
The target variable to try to predict in the case of
supervised learning.
n_splits : int (default=200)
Number of bootstrap iterations.
Must be larger than 1.
method : str (default='.632')
The bootstrap method, which can be either
- 1) '.632' bootstrap (default)
- 2) '.632+' bootstrap
- 3) 'oob' (regular out-of-bag, no weighting)
for comparison studies.
scoring_func : callable,
Score function (or loss function) with signature
``scoring_func(y, y_pred, **kwargs)``.
If none, uses classification accuracy if the
estimator is a classifier and mean squared error
if the estimator is a regressor.
predict_proba : bool
Whether to use the `predict_proba` function for the
`estimator` argument. This is to be used in conjunction
with `scoring_func` which takes in probability values
instead of actual predictions.
For example, if the scoring_func is
:meth:`sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score`, then use
Note that this requires `estimator` to have
`predict_proba` method implemented.
random_seed : int (default=None)
If int, random_seed is the seed used by
the random number generator.
clone_estimator : bool (default=True)
Clones the estimator if true, otherwise fits
the original.
scores : array of float, shape=(len(list(n_splits)),)
Array of scores of the estimator for each bootstrap
>>> from sklearn import datasets, linear_model
>>> from mlxtend.evaluate import bootstrap_point632_score
>>> iris = datasets.load_iris()
>>> X =
>>> y =
>>> lr = linear_model.LogisticRegression()
>>> scores = bootstrap_point632_score(lr, X, y)
>>> acc = np.mean(scores)
>>> print('Accuracy:', acc)
>>> lower = np.percentile(scores, 2.5)
>>> upper = np.percentile(scores, 97.5)
>>> print('95%% Confidence interval: [%.2f, %.2f]' % (lower, upper))
95% Confidence interval: [0.90, 0.98]
For more usage examples, please see
if not isinstance(n_splits, int) or n_splits < 1:
raise ValueError('Number of splits must be'
' greater than 1. Got %s.' % n_splits)
allowed_methods = ('.632', '.632+', 'oob')
if not isinstance(method, str) or method not in allowed_methods:
raise ValueError('The `method` must '
'be in %s. Got %s.' % (allowed_methods, method))
_check_arrays(X, y)
if clone_estimator:
cloned_est = clone(estimator)
cloned_est = estimator
if scoring_func is None:
if cloned_est._estimator_type == 'classifier':
scoring_func = accuracy
elif cloned_est._estimator_type == 'regressor':
scoring_func = mse
raise AttributeError('Estimator type undefined.'
'Please provide a scoring_func argument.')
# determine which prediction function to use
# either label, or probability prediction
if not predict_proba:
predict_func = cloned_est.predict
if not getattr(cloned_est, 'predict_proba', None):
raise RuntimeError(f'The estimator {cloned_est} does not '
f'support predicting probabilities via '
f'`predict_proba` function.')
predict_func = cloned_est.predict_proba
oob = BootstrapOutOfBag(n_splits=n_splits, random_seed=random_seed)
scores = np.empty(dtype=np.float, shape=(n_splits,))
cnt = 0
for train, test in oob.split(X):[train], y[train])
# get the prediction probability
# for binary class uses the last column
predicted_test_val = predict_func(X[test])
predicted_train_val = predict_func(X[train])
if predict_proba:
len_uniq = np.unique(y)
if len(len_uniq) == 2:
predicted_train_val = predicted_train_val[:, 1]
predicted_test_val = predicted_test_val[:, 1]
test_acc = scoring_func(y[test], predicted_test_val)
if method == 'oob':
acc = test_acc
test_err = 1 - test_acc
train_err = 1 - scoring_func(y[train], predicted_train_val)
if method == '.632+':
gamma = 1 - (no_information_rate(
R = (test_err - train_err) / (gamma - train_err)
weight = 0.632 / (1 - 0.368*R)
weight = 0.632
acc = 1 - (weight*test_err + (1. - weight)*train_err)
scores[cnt] = acc
cnt += 1
return scores